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Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ...

Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105



Tomislav Badel, Vjekoslav Jerolimov and Josip Pandurić

University of Zagreb, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

Professional paper
UDC 796:616.31:351.78

Since dental/orofacial injuries were the commonest type of injuries sustained during participation in
sports activities in the 1980s, when it was apparent that one third of dental injuries was due to sporting in-
volvement, with the remainder being due to accidents, especially at home, the role of the dental profession in
relation to dental/orofacial sports injuries became very important. This has inevitably led to the rapid devel-
opment of a new branch of dentistry called sports dentistry. In line with the development of sports dentistry
the causes of dental/orofacial trauma have been examined and a number of studies on the prevalence and
aetiology of sports-related injuries has been conducted. Mouthguards worn during participation in sports ac-
tivities have been shown to provide the most effective protection against dental/orofacial injuries. Moreover,
it has been concluded by a number of scientists that mandatory dental/orofacial and periodontal protection
for all athletes involved in sporting activities would have major effects in preventing unnecessary injuries
and associated life-long discomfort, as well as reducing the high prosthodontic treatment costs involved.
Intraoral mouthguards include: stock, self-adapting, and custom-made. Ideally, the dentist should make a
treatment plan for mouthguard fabrication. Subsequent care and maintenance should also be accomplished
by the dentist alone. In other words, athletes should not wear mouthguards the physical and technological
properties of which cannot offer a quality prevention against injuries to the dental/orofacial system. Only
the custom-made mouthguard has proved to be the most effective means in the prevention against injuries
to the orofacial system. Athletes consider the custom-made mouthguard pleasant to wear either during train-
ing sessions or when competing due to its technological properties and appropriate design. The profession
should make efforts to promote the use of mouthguards by informing athletes of the possibilities of active
prevention against injuries to dental/oral regions in order to reduce their number.

Key words: orofacial trauma, sports dentistry, custom-made mouthguards

Sports-related activity and dental/ reational activities such as mountainbiking, skate-

orofacial trauma boarding and rollerskating also have demonstrated a
significant rate of dental/orofacial trauma (Ranalli,
Not only is the sports-related activity of every 2002; Jerolimov & Carek, 1997).
person necessarily associated with the risk of inju- The rate of dental/orofacial injuries is relatively
ries to parts of his/her locomotor system but also similar regardless of the sport or the level. Recre-
with other parts of his/her body which are not di- ational athletes also sustain injuries because they
rectly involved in it. The first awareness of the fact are not as fit as professionally engaged athletes,
that traumatic injuries to the dental/orofacial region accordingly the risk of dental/orofacial injuries is
posed health problems in the past was associated increased.
with sports involvement in collision and contact The aim of this review was to point to the need
sports such as boxing, American football, and more for protective devices such as mouthguards in order
recently track-and-field events. Apart from the con- to avoid sustaining sports-related dental/orofacial
siderable risk for dentofacial trauma among the in- injuries. It is neither easy to prevent such injuries
dividuals participating in both team and individual nor to make guidelines on prevention. Nevertheless,
sports activities in which athletes’ bodies physically an effort has been made in this review to raise the
interact with each other thus enabling the release of awareness of the athletic community of the need for
uncontrolled strength as well as excertion of unfa- protective mouthguards because they have proven
vourable forces on the opponent, especially those to be an effective means of preventing traumatic in-
individuals involved in the so called “extreme“ rec- juries to the teeth and their supporting structures.

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105

Sports dentistry competition.The rate of dental/orofacial injury de-

Since the risk of dental/orofacial trauma in top pends greatly on the age of the selected sample, the
sports involvement, especially in contact sporting sample’s group geographical location and the im-
activities was in the 1980s assessed as being higher portance of a specific sports activity to the country
than the risk of such injuries sustained during chil- in which the study is being conducted. Not only do
dren’s play or the risk related to non-contact sport- male athletes sustain dental/orofacial injuries but
ing activities, the role of the dental profession be- also female athletes (Kumamoto & Maeda, 2004;
came very important. Consequently, a new branch Sane & Ylipaavalnimei, 1988; Tuli, Hachl, Hohl-
of dentistry, sports dentistry, was born at that time. rieder, Grubweiser, & Gassner, 2002). The inci-
Sports dentistry is closely related to another dental dence of dental/orofacial injuries among basketball
discipline called dental traumatology. According to players varies between 5.2 and 69.4 % (Kumamoto,
the International Academy for Sports Dentistry the Winters, Novickas, & Mesa, 1997; Jerolimov, Seif-
main goals of sports dentistry include prevention ert, & Carek, 2000). The incidence among base-
and treatment of sports related dental/orofacial in- ball players varies between 12.9 and 75.6%, which
juries, information collection, information dissemi- classifies baseball into a high-risk group for dental/
nation and promotion of research on the preventive orofacial trauma (Garon, Merkle, & Wright, 1986;
procedures related to injuries of such a specific aeti- Berg, Berkey, Tang, Altman, & Londeree, 1998;
ology (Škrinjarić, 1995; Ranalli, 2002; Kumamoto Mueller, Marshall, & Kirby, 2001). The results
& Maeda, 2004). of a number of epidemiological studies on foot-
Athletes who are potentially at risk should be ball players reveal that incidence depends consid-
well informed of the available means of appropri- erably on the size of the subject group and varies
ate protection. Also they should be informed of the between 2.8% and 68% (Kujala et al., 1995; Em-
temporary and permanent consequences of injuries shoff, Schoning, Rothler, & Waldhart, 1997; Berg
sustained during sports involvement in order to use et al., 1998; Tuli et al., 2002; Levin, Friedlander,
the available means of protection thus avoiding in- & Geiger, 2003). The incidence decreases in ice-
juries to the dental/orofacial region. Greater em- hockey players, field-hockey players and lacrosse
phasis on recreational sporting activities combined players (between 1.3% and 12.7%) (Lee-Knight,
with the sporting public that is better informed of Harisson, & Price, 1992; Soporowski, Tesini, &
the potential hazards can lead to a continuing rise Weiss, 1994).
in the demand for, and the use of protective de- In a selected sample of top handball players soft
vices. The German Society for Dentistry and Oral tissue lacerations have been determined in 78.8%
Surgery (DGZMK) has made a strong recommen- of the injuries while dental trauma and tooth loss
dation for athletes who participate in American amounted to 13.6%. In addition, the temporoman-
football, baseball, basketball, boxing, and other dibular joint trauma amounted to 6.8% (Jerolimov,
combat sports, ice-hockey, field-hockey, football, Seifert, & Carek, 2000). The majority of reports
gymnastics, inline skating, biking, mountainbik- found higher incidence of dental trauma among cy-
ing, horseback riding, rugby, skateboarding and clists than among participants in most other sports.
water polo to use mouthguards and other protec- The speed at which the cyclist travels and the use of
tors in an attempt to reduce the incidence of dental toe clips has put cyclists at risk for dental/orofacial
trauma (Mischkowski & Zöller, 1999; Kumamoto trauma. The incidence varies between 6% and 30%
& Maeda, 2004). (Tuli et al., 2002; Levin et al., 2003; Emshoff et al.,
1997; Soporowski et al., 1994; Blinkhorn, 2000).
The incidence is high among rugby players. The
Epidemiology of sports-related dental/ reported dentofacial injury rates in rugby vary be-
orofacial trauma tween 13% and 56.5% (Chapman & Nasser, 1996;
Attitudes of respectable dental associations Yamada, Sawaki, Tomida, Tohnai, & Ueda, 1998).
have been confirmed by a number of epidemio- Alpine skiing-related dental/orofacial injury rates
logical studies. Inline skating, hang-gliding, crick- amounted to 31.8% (Tuli et al., 2002), whereas gym-
et and diving have recently been added to the list nastics does not demonstrate a high dental injury
of hazardous sports. The most frequent dental/oral incidence – 5.7% but accidents do occur (Sopo-
injuries are sports-related (from 10 to 50%). These rowski et al., 1994). Water polo players exhibit the
include soft tissue lacerations, loss of one tooth, loss highest reported incidence. The greatest incidence
of several teeth (most frequently loss of maxillary among water polo players amounted to 96.4% out of
incisors) while less frequent trauma include man- which injuries to the soft tissues amounted to 80%
dibular fractures, alveolar fractures and traumatic while dental trauma amounted to 7.6% (Jerolimov
injuries to the temporomandibular joint (Kvittem & Jagger, 1997).
& Roettger, 1998; Knapik et al., 2007). It is interesting to compare the results of dif-
Appropriate mouthguard recommendations can ferent epidemiological studies on methods of pre-
be made relative to the type of sport and level of vention to sports-related dental/orofacial injuries

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105

over the years. It is clear that the methods have guard incorporates constructional elements of the
undergone changes. In fact, they have improved. extraoral and intraoral mouthguards (Chapman,
As a result, the number of dental/orofacial inju- 1986; Škrinjarić, 1995).
ries in American athletes of all age groups prone
to dental trauma has been reduced. The dental/ Intraoral mouthguards
orofacial injury rate for American football play- There are three general types of intraoral
ers has been reduced to only 1% due to the use of mouthguards currently available. They differ in
mouthguards (Champman, 1989; Škrinjarić, 1995; adaptation, manufacture, protection, comfort and
Ranalli, 2002). wearability (Guevara & Ranalli, 1991; Škrinjarić,
1995; Ranalli, 2002). These include stock, self-
The preventive role of the mouthguard adapting and custom-made mouthguards.
The main aim of primary protection is preven- • Stock or ready-made mouthguards are avail-
tion against injuries. It has been widely reported able at sports stores without a prior visit to the
that participation in sports carries a considerable dentist. They are inexpensive and only provide
risk for sustaining injuries. One interesting as- a low level of protection and little retention and
pect of high-risk sporting activities is the protec- comfort. The athlete holds the mouthguard in
tive equipment available to present-day athletes. place by clenching the teeth together. They fall
These include special helmets, vests, padding for out occasionally due to inappropriate individual
the protection of shoulders, arms and legs, facial adaptation. They interfere with breathing and
protectors and a variety of more or less expensive speech and may even stimulate vomiting.
mouthguards. Wearing a mouthguard can reduce • Self-adapting (boil and bite) mouthguards or
both the incidence and severity of dental injuries. “mouthformed” mouthguards are relatively in-
Consequently, intraoral mouthguards protect ath- expensive and can be replaced more frequently
letes against injuries to the lips, the tongue and re- over time. They are also available from sports
duce chances of severe injuries such as mandibu- shops and are softened in hot water and mould-
lar fractures (Ranalli, 2002; Ferrari & Medeiros, ed to fit the teeth of the individual. They vary
2002). considerably in cost and quality. Retention is
Although the first reported mouthguard was better if fitted by a dentist. Too frequently, how-
made in 1892, dental literature does not mention ever, the athlete himself/herself attempts to fit
mouthguards again until 1915, when professional the mouthguard often with unsatisfactory re-
boxers were reported to have used mouthguards sults. Therefore the drawbacks of this type of
during championships. In the 1950s, several dental mouthguard result from unprofessional man-
societies started making mouthguards for football ufacture. Most mouthguards of this type are
teams. Simultaneously, the most rapid development made from ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) mate-
of mouthguard technology occurred in the United rial. They are often bulky and, with use, do not
States of America where extensive studies and ma- retain their shape.
terial testing were undertaken. Early work identi- • Custom-made mouthguards are the most highly
fied the most appropriate types of mouthguards as recommended mouthguards. They are produced
well as the best positions for mouthguards in ath- over a dental cast. In addition, they are of the
letes’ mouths. It also identified that mouthguards highest quality and most retentive of the three
should be worn on the maxillary teeth, as it was types of mouthguards. Also, a good adaptation
evident that the maxillary anterior teeth were the onto the teeth, gingiva and palate is achieved.
most prone to injury except in class III malocclu- Since the production and design require the
sion because in such a case the mouthguard should services of a dentist to take an impression and
be worn on the mandibular teeth (Reed, 1994; Scott to process it in a laboratory, they are the most
& Burke, 1994). expensive.
According to the placement, mouthguards Materials used in the manufacture of mouth-
can be extraoral, intraoral and combined. The ex- guards should satisfy a number of physical, me-
traoral mouthguard is attached to the helmet in the chanical and biological requirements. The essen-
form of a protective net or grating. The intraoral tial properties of materials used in the manufacture
mouthguard is placed on the dental arch. There are of mouthguards include water absorption, densi-
monomaxillary and bimaxillary mouthguards. The ty, thickness as well as temperature transmission,
monomaxillary mouthguard has retention on one energy absorption and drawing strength (tensile
dental arch. The bimaxillary mouthguard, due to strength) of custom-made mouthguards. Such ma-
its construction, has retention on both dental arch- terials should have an optimal consistency in order
es thus ensuring normal breathing. It stabilizes the to cushion the traumatic impact. Currently the most
mandible in order to reduce the risk of fractures as commonly used materials in the manufacture of
well as injuries to the soft and hard tissues of the mouthguards are ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) co-
temporomandibular joints. The combined mouth- polymer, soft acrylic resin, polyvinyl chloride, poly-

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105

vinyl acetate-polyethylene and elastomers (Guevara should extend to within 2mm of the vestibular re-
& Ranalli, 1991; Park, Shaull, Overton, & Donly, flection. The palatal flange should extend about 10
1994; Waked, Lee, & Caputo, 2002). mm above the gingival margin thus enclosing the
Ideally, an individually adapted mouthguard greatest part of the anterior palate surface with a
should satisfy the following demands: it should slight narrowing distally not further than the first
fully cover the dental arches and adjacent mucosal molars (Figure 1).
tissues of the jaw, it should not change the habitual Clinical and laboratory procedures used in the
relationship of the teeth (occlusion), it should not in- manufacture of the intra-oral mouthguard include
terfere with sports activities, it should not interfere the following working stages: a well-taken alginate
with speech and breathing, it should be adaptable impression of the maxillary and mandibular dental
over any dental appliances in the mouth, it should arch, the installation of the maxillary dental arch
be adaptable over any orthodontic appliances, it in the articulator and the centric occlusion regis-
should be applied to adolescents with mixed den- tration, laboratory production, insertion in the pa-
tition. Custom made mouthguards are superior in tient’s mouth, trimming, polishing, adaptation, sub-
quality, comfort, retention and prevention against sequent care and maintenance.
injuries to either stock or self adapted types (Gue- Several procedures in the manufacture of cus-
vara & Ranalli, 1991). tom-made mouthguards are available with respect
Prior to the production of custom-made mouth- to materials and developed techniques used in
guards the dentition should be examined and all the manufacture of a mouthguard. Custom-made
the restorative procedures should be completed. An mouthguards differ in thickness, material, colour
oral prophylaxis should be performed prior to the and configuration. A standard thickness is about
production to insure the best possible adaptation. 4mm. There are also bulkier mouthguards, about
There should not be any decayed teeth or any peri- 5mm in thickness and thinner mouthguards which
odontal diseases in the oral cavity. The intraoral are only 3mm thick. An important characteristic
mouthguard is most commonly produced on the such as energy absorption depends on the mouth-
maxillary dental arch (class I, class II) while in guard’s thickness. Thinner mouthguards provide
athletes with pronounced prognathism it is placed less protection than do the thicker ones but are more
on the mandibular dental arch (class III) (Oikarin- comfortable. Mouthguards can be purchased in a
en, Salonen, & Korhonen, 1993; Mischkowski & variety of colours which makes them look attractive
Zöller, 1999). for the wearers (Dorney, Dreve, & Rickert, 1994;
The shape and surface of the mouthguard which Waked et al., 2002).
encloses the teeth, the gingival and the hard pal- According to their configuration mouthguards
ate can vary depending on the anatomical features can be either single-layered or multi-layered
of the athlete’s jaw, his/her dental arch, the type (most commonly double-layered). The Erkoflex®
of sports activity, as well as the materials used in (Erkodent) mouthguard is constructed of an eth-
the manufacture of the mouthguard. Mouthguards ylene copolymer or other similar materials. The
should not extend distally further than the first mo- sheets suitable for the multi-layered mouthguard
lars because some athletes complain of a vomiting are warmed and compressed against a cast model
reflex. In addition, mouthguards may interfere with under a vacuum in the Erkoform® Erkodent vacu-
breathing. They should reach the mucogingival bor- um device. The Erkoloc® (Erkodent) mouthguard
der labially and extend a few millimetres palatally is made of a dual laminate sheet the outer hard shell
in order to provide the best protection for the la- being styrolbutadine copolymerisate and the soft
bial gingiva and good retention. The labial flange inner layer ethylene copolymer and vinyl acetate.
Erkoloc sheets are transparent and are available in
a number of different thicknesses. Both the manu-
facturer’s technology and satisfactory manufactur-
ing processes should ensure a good mutual bonding
of the layers (Oikarinen & Salonen, 1993; Dorney
et al., 1994).
10 mm
10 mm
The critical regions in terms of energy absorp-
tion and transmitted forces are the incisal edges
and the cusps of the incisors as well as the attached
5 mm 5 mm
(marginal) gingiva. Therefore, an optimal thick-
ness of a moutguard is achieved by the application
of the vacuum forming pressure-lamination tech-
a b
nique in two layers of a thermoplastic sheet (EVA
Figure 1. Relationship of edges and base of custom-made copolymer) and if needed, by placing two layers of
mouthguard in relation to supporting tissues on the maxillary protective air-cells against the critical area (Figures
anterior (a) and posterior (b) teeth. 2, 3). An acrylic resin based on elastomer (SR-Ivo-

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105

(a) (a)

2 mm 2 mm

4 mm 4 mm

(b) (b)

Figure 2. Custom-made mouthguard (two layers). Playsafe® Figure 3. Custom-made mouthguard (two layers and three
(a) on the maxillary teeth (b). power distribution) Playsafe Heavy® (a) on the maxillary
teeth (b).

by the finishing stage of processing the mouthguard

(Žarković, Jerolimov, & Seifert, 2001).

Discussion and conclusion

Since participation in sports activities has
demonstrated that it has a considerable potential
to cause injuries, it is important to conduct studies
on the aetiology, frequency and prevention against
dental/orofacial traumas. Furthermore, the partic-
ipants’ awareness of the use of protective devices
such as mouthguards during sports activities should
be raised. As the number of individuals involved in
Figure 4. Sport mouthguard with thickness of 4 mm made sports activities increases, so do the number of ath-
from SR-Ivocap Elastomer® in the mouth letes with dental/orofacial injuries. Consequently,
the need for dental/orofacial protection should be
pointed out to athletes by members of the dental
cap Elastomer®; Figure 4) which is prepared after profession. Mouthguard programmes can produce
a prior wax moulding in a flask by the Ivocap pro- benefits for both the athletes and the dentists in-
cedure has proven to be effective in protecting the volved. Only a half of the Croatian basketball play-
athlete. After polymerisation which lasts 45 min- ers interviewed, who are professionally involved in
utes, the opening of the flask follows accompanied basketball, wear mouthguards. Also, the results of

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105

a survey, in which a small but very specific popu- Several laboratory methods are available to
lation sample of professionally involved top hand- produce custom-made mouthguards. These include
ball players participated, reveal that only one player the vacuum-forming technique, the pressure-lam-
wore a mouthguard during matches but he was not ination technique, the combined vacuum-pressure
satisfied with it. technique and the light-curing technique (Guevara
In Israel only 27% of either professionally in- & Ranalli, 1991; Ranalli & Guevara, 1992; Oika-
volved athletes or recreational athletes were aware rinen et al., 1993; Oikarinen & Salonen, 1993; Dor-
of the need for appropriate protectors such as ney et al., 1994).
mouthguards but only 3% of the total number ac- Although the Ivocap elastomer has proved to be
tually used mouthguards at the time when the sur- an adequate material used in custom- made mouth-
vey was conducted (Kujala et al., 1995; Newsome guard production, it is not optimal because it re-
et al., 2001; Ranalli, 2002; Kumamoto & Maeda, quires the use of several more complex laboratory
2004). procedures. In other words, a custom-made mouth-
The most important factors affecting the ath- guard moulding material should be replaced by
letes’ refusal to use mouthguards in sports are as some construction material. The vacuum-forming
follows: vomiting reflex, interference with speech method is the procedure of choice if the lamination
and breathing, discomfort, bulkiness, decreased re- technique is used. The essential difference between
tention with stock and self-adapting mouthguards, the seemingly identical custom-made mouthguards
fitting procedures are accomplished in a number of is in number of layers of thermoplastic sheets. They
sittings with custom-made mouthguards, the possi- provide an effective protection against sports re-
bility of distortion of the buccal flange over a period lated dental injuries to the region at highest risk.
of time, hardening of the mouthguard from con- Such a performance of mouthguards (Playsafe®,
tinued exposure to oral fluids, the need to remould Erkodent), with regard to energy absorption and
mouthguards due to constant changes in growing transmitted forces, has been shown to improve ei-
children’s dentition, cost, the non-existence of rules ther with its thickness or the inclusion of air-cells
which would require participants in sports to use which increase the energy absorption without in-
creasing the thickness. However, mouthguards can
mouthguards, the unwillingness to adopt a manda-
be remoulded. This is particularly advantageous in
tory mouthguard rule. Most often professionally
refitting adolescents with mixed teeth because such
involved athletes complain about discomfort, poor
dentitions undergo constant changes. 4mm seems
retention, inappropriate fit and cost (Deyoung et al.,
to represent an ideal thickness that should be used
1994; Dorney et al., 1994; Škrinjarić, 1995). at all points in the mouthguard which are likely to
Since there is a number of currently available be impacted. It also represents a useful compromise
intraoral mouthguards differing in wearability, pro- with the thickness and wearer’s comfort. Thicker
tective capacity and time needed for production, it mouthguards (about 6mm) are recommended for
is important to inform athletes of the best charac- the more extreme sports. The thickness slightly im-
teristics of a mouthguard such as retention, com- proves the mouthguard’s properties but decreases
fort, fit, ease of speech, resistance to tearing, ease of the athlete’s comfort and acceptance (Westerman,
breathing as well as the good protection to the teeth, Stringfellow, & Eccleston, 2002; Craig & Godwin,
gingiva and lips. The chosen mouthguard should be 2002).
recommended by the dental profession. Tooth loss is There is no doubt that using a mouthguard while
a permanent functional problem. In addition, eden- pursuing sports activities is beneficial. Apart from
tulous dental arches are not aesthetically pleasing. directly protecting the teeth, mouthguards also re-
These problems can be resolved by prosthodontic duce the incidence and severity of sports-related
treatment and care but these require financial ex- injuries to dental and periodontal structures (Fer-
penditure. Although custom-made mouthguards are rari & Medeiros, 2002).
the most expensive they are the most highly recom- Despite the fact that all the necessary fitting
mended protectors because the cost-benefit is well procedures are accomplished in a few sittings and
worth the expenditure if one considers the fees and despite being expensive, custom-made mouth-
discomfort associated with a traumatic dental injury guards have a number of advantages over other
and the subsequent time-consuming prosthodontic types. They provide the best comfort during prac-
treatment and care. tice sessions and competitions thus offerng ath-
More attention in terms of protection should be letes the best prevention against orofacial injuries
paid to athletes who are partial denture wearers as (Deyoung, Robinson, & Godwin, 1994). Intraoral
well to those who wear orthodontic appliances and mouthguards are an indispensable part of dental
other athletes with class II malocclusion (Newsome, care dedicated to both levels of sports involvement
Tran, & Cooke, 2001). - the professional and the recreational alike.

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105

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Submitted: March 15, 2005

Accepted: May 16, 2007

Correspondence to:
Tomislav Badel, DMD, Ph.D.
Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental
Medicine, University of Zagreb
Gundulićeva 5, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: ++3851 48 02 125,
Fax: ++3851 48 02 159

Badel, T., Jerolimov, V. and Pandurić, J.: DENTAL/OROFACIAL TRAUMA ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 1:97-105



Sažetak Intraoralni štitnik za zube

Postoje tri vrste intraoralnih štitnika za zube, koji
Sportska aktivnost i dentalna/orofacijalna se razlikuju po stupnju individualne prilagodbe spor-
tašu. Gotovi ili konfekcijski štitnici dostupni su bez
trauma posjeta stomatologu, loše su retencije i nisu udobni
Prva saznanja o zdravstvenom problemu za korištenje. Polugotovi štitnici (“oblikovani u usti-
dentalnih/orofacijalnih trauma bila su povezana s ma”) bolje su individualne prilagodljivosti. Stomato-
aktivnošću bavljenja sportovima u kojima dolazi do log oblikuje ovu vrstu štitnika, najčešće prethodnim
sudara, kontakta (boks, američki nogomet), a ka- zagrijavanjem, i izravno ga aplicira u usta na zubne
snije i s atletskim aktivnostima te skupinama ek- lukove ili na sadreni model. Individualni štitnik naj-
stremnih sportova. Svrha ovog pregleda je ukazati bolja je vrsta štitnika, koji je u potpunosti prilago-
na potrebu korištenja sredstava prevencije sportom đen osobitostima svakog pojedinca za kojega se
uvjetovanih dentalnih/orofacijalnih trauma na način izrađuje. Na sadrenom modelu čeljusti izrađuje se
koji će zadovoljiti sportaša i uspješno sačuvati nji- štitnik po individualnim proporcijama, pa se postiže
hovo orofacijalno zdravlje. besprijekorna retencija i adaptacija na zube, zubno
meso te nepce. Postupak izrade je najsloženiji, jer
Sportska stomatologija su neizbježni višestruki posjeti stomatologu.
Kako su traume zuba i mekih tkiva orofacijal-
nog sustava prepoznate kao važan zdravstveni Individualni štitnik za zube
problem današnjice, od dječje fizičke aktivnosti pa Postupak kliničkog rada i laboratorijske izrade
sve do bavljenja tzv. vrhunskim sportom, 80-ih go- individualnog štitnika za zube čine sljedeće radne
dina XX. stoljeća razvila se sportska stomatologi- faze: anatomski otisak gornje i donje čeljusti u al-
ja. Naglašavanje rizičnosti pojedinih sportova, kao i ginatu, prijenos gornjeg zubnog luka u artikulator i
upoznavanje sportaša s razmjerima, privremenim i centrični okluzijski registrat, laboratorijska izrada te
trajnim posljedicama ozljeđivanja tijekom sportskih predaja pacijentu, ubrušavanje, prilagodba i nakna-
aktivnosti trebalo bi potaknuti intenzivno korištenje dna briga. Postoji više postupaka izrade s obzirom
primjerenih sredstava prevencije orofacijalnih i dru- na upotrijebljeni materijal i razvijene tehnike izra-
gih sportom uvjetovanih ozljeda. de štitnika. Individualni štitnici za zube razlikuju se
prema debljini, materijalu i građi. Autori se posebno
Epidemiologija dentalnih/orofacijalnih osvrću na štitnike načinjene laminacijom u vakum-
traumi uvjetovanih sportom skom aparatu tvrtke Erkodent i štitnike iz akrilnih
Najčešće ozljede zuba i usne šupljine (od 10 do smola na bazi elastomera tvrtke Ivoclar.
50%) povezane su sa sportskom aktivnošću: posje-
kotine mekih tkiva, gubitak jednog ili više zuba (naj- Rasprava i zaključak
češće gornjih sjekutića), a rjeđi su prijelomi donje Troškovi stomatološke opskrbe gubitka ijednog
čeljusti, alveolarne kosti i traume čeljusnog zgloba. zuba uvjetovanog sportskom aktivnošću višestru-
Osim o pojedinim sportovima, učestalost dentalnih/ ko su veći od troška izrade individualnog štitnika
orfacijalnih ozljeda bitno različito ovisi o geografskoj za zube. Budući da postoji više vrsta intraoralnih
pripadnosti sportaša i dobi izabranog uzorka. štitnika, potrebno je sportaše prosvjećivati o pra-
vilnom izboru štitnika koji podržava stomatološka
Preventivna uloga štitnika za zube struka. Neadekvatan i neudoban štitnik najčešće
Primarna prevencija podrazumijeva sprečava- se ne nosi, što su potvrdili i profesionalni sporta-
nje nastanka ozljeda. Kao sredstva prevencije kori- ši. Upotrebom adekvatnih štitnika za zube posti-
ste se kacige, prsluci, maske i štitnici za lice te šti- že se veliko smanjenje učestalosti i težine ozljeda
tnici za zube. Za zaštitu i prevenciju orofacijalnih i, dentalnih i parodontalnih stuktura u sportu. Iako se
osobito, dentalnih trauma koriste se različite vrste i gotovim i polugotovim štitnicima za zube izbjegava
oblici intraoralnih štitnika za zube. Upotreba štitnika posjet stomatologu, samo korištenje individualnog
za zube dovela je do velikog smanjenja učestalo- štitnika pruža najveću udobnost tijekom treninga i
sti i težine ozljeda zuba, dok su znatno smanjene natjecanja te optimalnu profilaksu dentalnih/orofa-
ozljede usana, jezika i donje čeljusti. cijalnih ozljeda.


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