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By Date Client Job No.

Checked By Description Sheet of



Combination of Force Components

Weight = 6000.0 kg
Buoyance = 762.0 kg
Hydrostatic Uplift = 0 kg
Hydrostatic Downpull = 0 kg
Hydrodynamic Uplift = 0 kg
Hydrodynamic Down pull = 0 kg
Hydrodynamic Down push = 0 kg
Derivation of Force Components:

Seal Friction
Seal Area = 0.5 m2
Pressure due to Seal Pre
compression 2500.00
250 kg/m2 = N/m2
Co-efficient of friction = 0.15
Friction Force = 17.63 Kg

Guiding Device Friction

Sliding friction,fc = 0.300 Steel on Steel
Total for fc*F = 600.00 kg (10% of Gate weight)
Guide friction = 180.00 Kg

Combination of Force Components:

I II III Normal Loads(kip)
Force Component Safety of Normal Lowering
Closure Pull Control
Weight 0.95 1.05 1.05 6000.00 6300 6300
Buoyancy -1.05 -0.95 -0.95 0 0 0
Hydrostatic Uplift -1.10 -0.90 -0.90 0 0 0
Hydrostatic Down pull 0.90 1.10 1.10 0 0 0
Hydrodynamic Uplift -1.20 0.00 -0.80 0 0 0
Hydrodynamic Downpull 0.00 1.20 1.20 0 0 0
Hydrodynamic Down push 0.00 1.20 1.20 0 0 0
Seal Friction -1.30 1.00 -0.80 -22.91 18 -14
Guiding Device Friction -1.50 1.00 0.00 -270 180 0
Summation of Forces 5707 6498 6286

Safety of Closure = 5707 Kg

Required Pull force,P(Normal Operation) = 6498 Kg
Required Hoist Rated Capacity 120% of P = 7797 Kg
Provide 10.0 ton Hoist

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