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CARAON, Ivan Cris P.

March 7, 2019

I – A Animation Reaction Paper


Today, most of us people are now connected in the modern world. That our current

generations is now inclined with the technology around us and appreciating it’s big help

in making the lives of everyone easy. Through the continuous improvement and

innovation of technology, more and more people are getting in touch with it. Also, with the

help of the Internet today. People can now easily connect with everyone across the globe.

Social Media apps we’re created, so people can make their own profile or digital self to

be able to recognize by others.

Teenagers are most likely active on using the social media because they can freely

express their story, thoughts, insights, and feelings anytime they wanted to. In the online

world every individual has their own identity to represent, it can be who they really are or

maybe a different one to meet in the real world. The internet can also affect once self in

building his or her identity. But the biggest down part of the internet is that people tend to

hurt others and easily judge someone using the social media. This is the thing called

cyberbullying. Because of the free words that can be expressed by someone in the social

media it may give negative and positive effect to a persons digital self. If the negative

effect continuously grow to an individuals digital self, he or she may lead to suicidal

thoughts and if the positive effect is the one growing to once digital self, that person can
live in a normal way and can also be happy to improve his or her self to be a better person

to everyone in the online and offline world.

It is also sad to feel that the internet is taking advantage with everyone. Too much

focus on using the net can caused a decline in communicating with family members and

more time spent on social media apps may lead to certain addictions that can give failures

to physical health also in school academics. That is why it is our responsibility to use the

online world wisely and manage our time on using the internet.
CARAON, Ivan Cris P. March 7, 2019

I – A Animation Position Paper


Students nowadays wants to be better in every academics, in order to be

successful in their class and to their chosen majors. Every student have their own ways

to be able to learn new things that can give them advance knowledge and learnings to be

applied in everyday living. The professors are also the one who takes the role in guiding

the students to achieve their goals and give advice to further exceed more in class. The

technology also played an important role in helping the students to research the stuffs

they need on their school projects by using the internet. Still, others students disregard

the importance of learning and just waste their time on the things that are not important.

There are reasons why students don’t excel in their class. This is because of the

laziness in doing their school projects and doing the school tasks in the near deadline

submission. This are the certain causes that may lead to bad results to a students

academics and also loss their confidence to study. Others also prioritize their time in using

their social media accounts and playing video games rather than focusing their self to

finish the school works and prepare for the new class day. Continuing this type of habit

could be a big distractions for students.

In order to be a better student. It starts from them to think what supposed to be the

barriers and find a solution to stop that problem. Responsibility in studying is also a must

for student, so that school works can be comply immediately. Prioritizing the things that

are important and manage the time wisely in order to succeed everything.

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