I Lied To You.: Andrew Kirby

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7/30/2019 I lied to you. - polancossamuel08@gmail.

com - Gmail

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69 I lied to you. Inbox ×

Andrew Kirby andrew@andrewkirby.net via mailchimpapp.net 

to me

Did you miss this video I just released?

It explains why I haven't emailed you in a few days - I've been doing an

An experiment where I try a multi-millionaire's morning routine and share how

(or if) it affected my life.

Click here to watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ieUUMK0NS4

SPOILER: it DID change the way I went about my life.

- Andrew

c PS: I lied.
That doesn't explain my absence.

I've been working ferociously on creating the first 2.0 procrastination eliminator
program ever made.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm&ogbl#inbox/FMfcgxwChmSkgsVqlzrpRWvQSCqZkkDr 1/1

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