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Big Question: How does power corrupt a leader?

Gaining power can sometimes manipulate people's sense of right and wrong. Research

shows that power corrupts people and allows them to feel inferior over others. They also believe

that they can in a sense do anything without facing consequences because of all their power. It

causes them to think ahead to what they can do rather than what it takes to achieve it, even if it

hurts others. According to Brian Resnick with the National Journal, “Powerful people also tend

to think more abstractly, favoring the bigger picture over smaller consequences” (Resnick).

Powerful people also change their actions and the way they see things when they gain power.

“Researchers have even found you can make someone feel power just by posing them in a

dominant, expansive body position” (Resnick). Yet despite all this research that shows what

power can do to people, Ralph, in Lord of the Flies does not fall prey to this. He gains power

over the group of boys but does not show any unfavorable signs of corruption. ​In fact contrary to

the research shown above on how powerful people feel inferior to others, Ralph puts himself

with the group of boys and even relates himself to them and tries to help them. He says, “We’ve

got to talk about this fear and decide there’s nothing in it. I’m frightened myself, sometimes;

only that’s nonsense! Like bogies. then , when we've decided, we can start again and be careful

about things like the fire...And be happy” (Golding 82). Maybe as the book goes on Ralph will
be more affected by his power, but as of now unlike most people in his position Ralph does not

show any signs of being corrupted by power.

Works Cited
Golding, William, et al. ​Lord of the Flies: Casebook Edition: Text, Notes & Criticism​. The

Berkley Publishing Group, 1988.

Resnick, Brian. “How Power Corrupts the Mind.” ​The Atlantic​, Atlantic Media Company, 9 July


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