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GIRLIE: Buzzing the airwaves from Appari to Jolo.

RAZZY: Straight from the leading edge of truth and justice.
JANICA: Delivering news information; fair and balance.
GIRLIE: The daily diary of a filipino dream.
RAZZY: This is, Pirates News Patrol. Good day citizens of Grade 11- John Locke, this is Razzy Serata.
JANICA: Janica Baliguat
GIRLIE: And Girlie Lomugdang your anchors for today.

JANICA: God or Spirit? Supernatural beings and superhuman. For today’s highlights: WHAT IS RELIGION?

GIRLIE: “What is Religion?” is #1 trending on twitter and many netizens expressed their ideas. Live at Central Park
Ginalyn Budiongan. Ginalyn?

GINALYN: Thank you Ms. Girlie. We are live here at Central Park and we will be asking random people about what
can they say about this trending topic lately on twitter. Excuse me Sir?

WARLITO: Yes? (optional ni tanan hah. Naa kay Warlito if sundon niya ni word-for-word)
GINALYN: What can you say about religion sir?
WARLITO: aaaahmmm… well I think Religion is about your beliefs.
GINALYN: Thank you sir. Here is Ms. Stephanie Icoy an expert in the field of studying religions. Ma’am good morning,
so what is Religion?

STEPHANIE: Religion may refer to any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices aimed at communicating or propitiating
with supernatural beings. Humans tend to worshiped and obeyed a god or a spirit.

GINALYN: Thank you Ms. Icoy. Live at Central Park, Ginalyn Budiongan reporting.
GIRLIE: Well now we all knew what religion is about. Thank you Ginalyn.

JANICA: Next is the origin of religion. This is the most requested topic at our channel and here is Hannah Diane.

HANNAH: Thank you Ms. Janica. We’re here at SM North and we will try asking random people about what is the
origin of religion. Excuse me Ma’am?

KESSA: yes? (optional ni tanan hah. Naa kay Kessa if sundon niya ni word-for-word)
HANNAH: Good day ma’am. For you, how did the religion start?
KESSA: well….ahm..ahm… I think it started when a human is worshiping something.
HANNAH: Thank you Ms. How about you ma’am?
ANNIEZA: I think religion originated when a person is starting to believe and praising something.
HANNAH: Thank you ladies. So, religion is originated in response to human’s need to explain their dreams and
experiences as well as the need to understand the different forces of nature, so that humans may have faced pain and
ignorance in their daily struggle for existence in early times.

Live here at SM North, Hannah Diane, back to you Ms. Janica.

JANICA: Thank you Hannah and we are able to answer the trending topics. And for our trivia’s for today…


RAZZY: Did you know that the TOP 3 largest religious groups in the world is Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.


RAZZY: Did you know that the first religion known to man is Judaism and officially founded by Moses.

GIRLIE: This ends our news patrol. Once again, I am Girlie Lomugdang
JANICA: And Janica Baliguat saying, (optional) …

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