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Power Systems Training Institute

Bangalore - 70
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Sl. No. Question Text Option 1 (A) Option 2 (B) Option 3 (C) Option 4 (D) Answer
As per EC act, the definition of energy audit does not
1 Monitoring Verification Analysis Duration of Audit D
The nodal agency at the centre for implementing the EC
2 CEA SDA BEE Ministry of Power C
act is

Whole India Except Whole India Except Whole India Except

3 The EC Act2001 is applicabe to Whole India C
North Eastern States Jammu & Kashmir Union Teritories

In order to ensure functional autonomy of LDCs, it is very Financial Personnel on direct control of
4 Corporate Structure B
important to have ____ independence deputation Ministry
Membership of Forum of Load Despatchers (FOLD) is SLDC / RLDC /
derived from personnel working in the ____ NLDC
As functionally Central Electricity State Electricity
6 National Load Despatch Center is mandated to work ___ Independent Under the MoP Regulatory Regulatory A
entity Commission Commission
Consolidation of all
Setting up of
7 The Electricity Act,2003 pays great attention to: Urban electrification Rural Electrification private electricity B
nuclear plants
Judgment of the appellate tribunal can be appealed against
8 Sessions Court High Court Supreme Court Consumer court C
Which was the first State in the Country to establish its
9 Andhra Karnataka Orissa Haryana C
Regulatory Commission?
10 Who is to frame the Tariff policy? Central Govt. CERC SERC State Govt. A
after consulting
11 Can a captive generator supply surplus power to the grid? Sometimes Always Never D

As per IEGC, all SEBs, distribution licensees, CTU, STUs

and SLDCs shall ensure that the -------------and-----------
Over flux and over load Under frequency and Load shedding/ Overcurrent and
12 schemes are always functional. RLDC shall inform RPC B
df/dt islanding over voltage
secretariat about instances when the desired load relief is
not obtained through relays in real time operation.

Available transfer capability (ATC), mathematically can be

written as
Planning and
development of Inter- Power Trading and
14 As per provisions of IEGC, CTU can not engage in Power Generation Power Trading D
State Transmission Generation both
As per IEGC, all possible measures are to be taken to
15 maintain 400 kV voltage in the minimum and maximum 390-420 kV 380-410 kV 370-430 kV 380-420 kV. D
range of
As per provisions of IEGC, if any deviation is required
16 from annual outage plan prepared in advance it shall be RPC and RLDC. RPC only RLDC only CTU A
with prior permission from

Which of the following would act as the Central control Regional Load Control Room set up Control Room in National Load
17 room in case of natural & man made emergency/disaster Despatch Centre by CEA for this Ministry of Power Despatch Centre D
where it affects the power system operation. (RLDC) purpose for this purpose (NLDC)

Who can implement the curtailment in Inter State open

18 Seller Buyer RLDC SLDC C
access transaction?
What is the resolution while availability declaration by Not more than
19 Not less than 100MW 1MW 50MW B
All interface meters installed at the point of supplier of
20 Consumer CTU STU B
interconnection with ISTS shall be owned by: electricity
21 Accuracy class of Interface meters: 0.5S 0.2S 1.0S 2.0S B
Automatic Voltage Regulator with digital control shall be
22 500MW 200 MW 100 MW 250 MW C
mandatory in the generating unit of above
Grid Connectivity Standards make it mandatory to have
23 ‘two sets of batteries, each equipped with its own charger’ 220 kV and above 132 kV and above 66 kV and above 400 kV and above B
for sub-stations of
The licensee with
Request for making connection to inter state transmission whose system the
system is to be made to inter-connection is
The entity responsible for periodically reviewing the
performance of the grid is the :
The temporary over voltage in case of load rejection in
26 245 kV 265 kV 283 kV 300 kV C
220 kV shall be:

With reference to CEA's Grid Connectivity Standards, the main and transfer double main and one and half breaker double bus double
27 A
preferable switching scheme for a 132 kV substation is: scheme transfer scheme scheme breaker scheme

The responsibility to frame technical standards has been Rules made by IEGC frame by
28 Electricity Act 2003 Resolution of RPCs B
entrusted to CEA through: Government CERC

For a system with nominal voltage of 132kV, what is the

29 110 kV 125 kV 122 kV 115 kV C
minimum permissible voltage as per grid Standards

The Generating Transformer winding shall have …..

30 Star, Delta Delta,Star Star,Star Delta,Delta B
Connection on LV side and ….. Connection on HV side

Minimum Interrupting requirement in case of a Circuit State Transmission Central

31 Manufacturer Power Ministry C
Breaker in a state transmission is specifed by …… Utility transmission Utility
Which of the following substation layouts sectionalizes the
Single bus with tie Double bus double Main and
32 bus so that the entire substation is not shutdown in the One and half breaker A
breaker, ring bus breaker Transfer
event of a bus fault?
The winding of the transformer which may be used for
33 protection as well as for serving load is called the Primary Secondary Tertiary Auxiliary C
________ winding
What is certainly not available in a switching station ?
34 Transformer Bus Reactor Line Reactor Series Capacitor C
Choose the best option
Which switching arrangement does not require a separate Double Main with
35 Double bus Ring bus One and half breaker B
bus bar protection? transfer

What is the operating DC voltage in the HVDC Bipole

36 ± 220 kV ± 400 kV ± 500 kV ± 765 kV C
presently in operation in India. Choose the best option

Which was the first HVDC Bipole transmission system

37 Talcher-Kolar Rihand-Dadri Chadrapur-Phadke None of the above B
commissioned in India?
Both reactive power
Reactive Power Bypassing the
38 What is the purpose of AC Filters in HVDC System? Harmonic Reduction support and C
requirement surge currents
harmonic reduction
it helps in
heat in feed water is heat in exhaust
the pressure of steam is economizing the
39 What happens in the economizer of a thermal station? absorbed by exhaust gases is absorbed D
increased quantum of water
gases by feed water
used in the station

inversely proportional directly proportional

proportional only to proportional to
40 Power produced in a hydro station is: to flow and directly to flow and inversely D
the head flow and head
proportional to head proportional to head

41 Which generating unit can be used as a peaking station? nuclear combined cycle run of the river wind B

In an electrical island, the generation is 500 MW. There is

experiences no
42 no margin in the system. If the load increases by 50 MW Slows down speeds up trips A
change in speed
then the generator
What is the unused generator capacity which is already on
43 operating spinning regulating capacity B
line and available to take load called?
What is the component which senses the frequency
44 variations on the system and adjusts the MW output of the exciter governor OLTC frequency relay B
turbine generator called ?
The reason that several generators on one bus of same
capacity can operate at different power outputs while
45 speeds load angles frequencies voltages B
remaining interconnected and synchronised is that these
are operating at different ____
What is the primary method of controlling the flow of change AVR set
46 Load shedding generation redispatch AGC B
megawatts in a power system? point
Choose the correct power balance equation for a control Load + Losses = Supply + Losses= Supply + Load = Supply = Load +
47 A
area. Generation + Import Load + Import Losses + Import Losses + Import
What is the initial response when additional power is Machine Speed Terminal voltage
48 Machine speeds up Voltage falls C
drawn from the generator? decreases rises
49 What does an operating frequency of 50.1 Hz indicate? generation = demand demand > generation generation > demand generation > losses C

As the system frequency reduces, the lighting and heating increases decreases
50 reduces remains constant C
load of an electrical island____. proportionally exponentially
Automatic generation Economic load
51 The secondary frequency control is characterised by: Governor action Load damping A
control despatch

The change in unit output due to governor control is droop constant, unit unit terminal voltage, unit capacity, droop
52 frequency, unit capacity D
proportional to ___ and inversely proportional to ___. capacity frequency constant

The base impedance in ohms of a 400 kV system on 100

53 484 1600 400 800 B
MVA base is
If the voltages V1 and V2 of a transmission line are MW flows from V1 to MW flows from V2 to No MW flows in the No MVAr flows in
54 A
200∠30º kV and 220∠15º kV respectively then, _____ V2 V1 line the line
If the power transmitted is to be increased, the surge made equal to load
55 decreased increased zero A
impedance should be, ______ impedance
A long line should be charged from…………..fault Level
56 Low High Either end None of the above B
Both Under
Which protection is used to prevent grid disturbance due Rate of Change of Frequency Relay and
57 Under Frequency Relay None of these C
to big loss of generation? Frequency relay Rate of Change of
Frequency relay
58 The large generators are usually grounded through a _____ Resistor Reactor Conductor C
running as induction
59 The loss of field of a generator results in generator stopping running as motor over speeding B
60 Negative sequence Protection is used for: Line Transformer Generator Busbar C

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