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Name : _________________________

Science Pre-Test : Chapter I

Std. Number : _________________________
Respiratory and Circulatory System
Class : P6 A, B, C
Term I, Semester I Day / Date : _________________________

Section I : Match the statement below with the correct term by writing the letter on the space provided.

(example)______________________________________ (A)

1. Part of the lungs where the exchange of gasses takes place. A. Circulatory system
2. Large elastic blood vessels with thick wall which carries mostly
B. Respiratory system
oxygenated blood.
3. The system made up of the nose, windpipe and lungs that
C. Hemoglobin
allows the exchange of gasses in our body.
4. A type of small blood vessel with thin walls that allow the
D. Artery
exchange of materials between blood and cells.
5. A layer of muscle just below the ribcage which contracts
E. Vein
when we breathe in and relaxes when we breathe out.
6. A muscular organ which pumps blood all over the body. F. Capillary
7. Hard structures formed by the deposition of fat, cholesterol
G. Heart
and other substances in the wall of arteries.
8. A type of large blood vessel with thin walls which carries
H. Alveoli
mostly blood rich in carbon dioxide.

9. A hollow tube that transports blood throughout the body. I. Plague

10. A substance in the blood which transport oxygen to cells all

J. Blood vessel
over the body and gives blood its red colour.
K. Diaphragm

Section II : Answer the following questions correctly.

1. Write down the composition of air in the diagram below.

2. Explain the difference of the air we breathe in and breathe out.

The air we breathe in The air we breathe out

3. Draw and label the respiratory organs in the space below.

4. Complete the steps of breathe in and breathe out as follow.

Our _________________ contracts and flattens.
Our _________________ moves upward and outwards.
Our chest cavity becomes _____________, creating an area of low air pressure
Our lungs _______________, allowing air to rush in through our ___________, down the
___________________and into them.
Air in our lungs enters the blood stream.

5. How is oxygen transported throughout our body when we breathe in?

The oxygen enters _______________________________________________________________
The heart then __________________________________________________________________
Waste from metabolism processed such as _________________________ from all part of the body
enter another series of blood vessels. Blood rich in carbon dioxide then return to the
__________________________. The heart pumps the blood to the _________________________
where _____________________________ is removed.

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