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(Compiled by Shahroze Ahmed, N-66, Nishtar Medical University)



1. How is it that different nerve fibers transmit different modalities of sensation?
Give an example to explain.
2. Write a short note on adaptation in receptors.

1. Compare and contrast the properties of Meissner’s corpuscles with Merkel’s
2. Compare the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system and the anterolateral
system regarding their pathway, types of nerve fibers and the sensations
3. Name the tactile receptors.
4. Why does asterognosis occur due to lesion of dorsal column tract?
5. Enumerate four sensations carried by dorsal column-medial lemniscal system.

1. Trace the complete pathway (from skin to cerebral cortex) of the two types of
pain sensations.
2. What is analgesia system? Briefly explain.
3. Compare the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system and the anterolateral
system regarding their pathway, types of nerve fibers and the sensations
4. What are the various types of pain?
5. Explain the mechanism of referred pain with the help of a diagram.
6. Explain the features (motor and sensory loss) at and below the level of
hemisection of spinal cord.
7. What is Brown-Sequard syndrome?
8. Compare fast and slow pain.

1. What is presbyopia? How can it be corrected?
2. What is the cause of myopia? How is it corrected?
3. What is hyperopia? How is it corrected?

1. Enlist the changes that occur in the photoreceptors and retinal sensitivity
when light adapted person enters into a dark room.
2. What do you understand by protanope and deutranope?
3. How do eyes adapt to bright light and darkness? Give its significance.
4. What is night blindness? How is it treated?
5. Draw rhodopsin visual cycle.

1. What is Argyll Robertson pupil?
2. What is the neuronal pathway of pupillary light reflex?
3. What changes occur in the eyes when they are focused on a near object?
Explain the nervous mechanism involved.

1. Write down the generation and importance of the endocochlear potential in
the cochlea.
2. Elaborate the mechanism by which damage to the cochlea by a loud sound is
3. Give mechanism in middle ear by which inertia of the fluid in the cochlea is
overcome by hearing.
4. How can you differentiate between conductive deafness and perceptive
5. What is attenuation reflex? Give its physiological significance.
6. What is place principle for determining pitch of sound?
7. How ossicular system in middle ear transmits sound waves? What is its


1. Which reflex is activated due to activation of Golgi tendon organ? Give
stimulus, reflex arc, response and significance of this reflex.
2. Give the structure and functions of muscle spindle.
3. What is the nerve supply of the muscle spindle? How is it stimulated?
4. Explain the flexor or withdrawal reflex with the help of a diagram.

1. How the brain controls the brain stem’s reticular and vestibular nuclei when
we wish to stand up against gravity?
2. Enlist eight functions of the body controlled by the brainstem.
3. Name the motor areas of cerebral cortex.

1. Name the three functional divisions of the cerebellum and enlist the functions
of cerebrocerebellum
2. Parkinson’s disease is due to lesion of which part of brain? Name the drug
which can be given to treat this condition
3. What is the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease and the cause of its clinical
4. Enumerate the features of cerebellar disease.
5. What are the functions of spinocerebellum?
6. Enumerate the functions of the cerebellum.
7. What is the speculated cause of difficulty in initiating a movement in
Parkinson’s disease?
8. What are the characteristics of Parkinson’s disease?
9. Suggest possible treatments of Parkinson’s disease.
10. How are intention tremors different from other tremors due to lesion of
nervous system?
11. Why does a person with cerebellar lesion have difficulty in maintaining

1. Name the motor and sensory speech areas in the cerebral cortex. Give their
2. What are the effects produced by the lesion of the sensory and motor speech
3. What are the functions of Broca’s area? What is the effect of lesion in this
4. Write a short note on consolidation of memory.

1. What changes occur in the electroencephalographic record (EEG) of a normal
person at different stages of wakefulness and sleep?

1. Enumerate the effects of parasympathetic stimulation in the body.
2. Enumerate the effects of sympathetic stimulation in the body.
1. What are the functions of CSF?
2. Why lumbar puncture is generally performed below L2 segment of spinal cord?

1. What is the difference between hemiplegia and hemiparesis?
2. Enumerate features of upper and lower motor neuron lesions.
3. How is spasticity different from rigidity?
4. What is consensual light reflex?
5. Elaborate functions of the thalamus.
6. What are the features of thalamic syndrome?
7. What do you understand by dyslexia?
8. What is the difference between insomnia and somnolence?

1. What are the features and causes of atonic bladder?
2. How does the reflex and voluntary control for urinary bladder emptying
(micturition) work?
3. What are the features of uninhibited neurogenic bladder?
4. What is micturition reflex?
5. Enumerate the abnormalities of micturition. Give the causes and
pathophysiology of each abnormality.
6. Draw cystometrogram.
7. Name the endocrine functions of the kidney.
8. Give summary of functions of kidney.

1. Define filtration fraction. Give its normal value and formula to calculate.
2. Define filtration coefficient. Give its normal value.
3. What is the role of Tubuloglomerular/Macula Densa feedback mechanism in
autoregulation of glomerular filtration rate?
4. Draw and label the juxtaglomerular apparatus.
5. Enumerate the determinants of GFR. What is the effect of each determinant
on GFR?
6. Give the effect of sympathetic stimulation on glomerular filtration rate.

1. Define transport maximum. Give the value of transport maximum for glucose.
2. Define renal threshold.
3. How is glucose reabsorbed in the renal tubules?
4. Enumerate four hormones that regulate renal tubular reabsorption. Give their
site of action and effects produced by their action.
5. Define renal clearance. How can it be used to measure glomerular filtration
rate and renal plasma flow?

1. Briefly describe the urine concentration mechanism and changes in osmolarity
in different segments of the renal tubules.
2. Define obligatory urine volume.
3. Give mechanisms that contribute to the development of hyperosmolarity of
renal medullary interstitial fluid.
4. How is their hyperosmolarity of renal medullary interstitium maintained?
5. A man drinks about 1 liter water in 10 minutes. What changes occurs in his
water and electrolyte balance?
6. What is the role of urea in hyperosmotic renal medullary interstitium and
concentration of urine?
7. Explain the counter-current multiplier mechanism for concentration of urine.

1. What is aldosterone escape phenomenon?
2. What is the role of kidney in calcium ion homeostasis?
1. What is metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis?
2. Enumerate the causes of metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis.
3. What are the features of metabolic acidosis? How does the body compensate
in this disorder?
4. How does the body compensate in metabolic alkalosis?
5. Enumerate the systems that regulate the H+ concentration in the body fluids
to prevent acidosis and alkalosis.
6. What are lines of defense against changes in H+ concentration of body fluids?
7. How kidneys regulate extracellular fluid H+ concentration?
8. What are the various buffer systems in the blood?

1. In diseased condition, which plasma protein appears in urine and why?
2. Uremia – changes in body fluids

1. Enumerate the 2nd messenger mechanisms for maintaining intracellular
hormonal functions.
2. How does cyclic AMP mediate hormonal action at cellular level?
3. Which hormones obey the cyclic AMP mechanism?

1. Draw and label two separate diagrams to show the hypothalamic control of
anterior and posterior pituitary gland.
2. Enlist the factors stimulating and inhibiting the growth hormone secretion by
the anterior pituitary gland.
3. Describe the clinical features of Gigantism.
4. Name four hypothalamic hormones that control the secretions of anterior
pituitary gland.
5. Give the actions of growth hormone on protein and lipid metabolism.
6. How will you differentiate between Levi-Lorain Dwarfism and Cretinism?
7. Name the hormones of anterior pituitary.
8. What are somatomedins?

1. Give the pathophysiology of Hyperthyroidism.
2. Enumerate the important diagnostic tests for Hyperthyroidism.
3. What do you understand by Cretinism?
4. What are the causes of Cretinism?
5. List the test which will help in the diagnosis of Hypothyroidism.
6. What is the cause of edema and atherosclerosis in a patient of
7. What is Exophthalmos? Give its cause.
8. How will you differentiate between Levi-Lorain Dwarfism and Cretinism?
9. Give the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones in target cells.
10. Enumerate the specific effects of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) on
thyroid gland.
11. Give the pathophysiology and features of a 43 year old lady who is diagnosed
as a case of toxic goiter.
12. What are the causes of Hyperthyroidism?
13. What is the mechanism of development of large endemic goiters?
14. Enlist the effects of Hypothyroidism.
15. How are thyroid hormones synthesized?

1. Explain the pathophysiology of Hypoadrenalism (Adrenal Insufficiency)/
Addison’s Disease.
2. Give the physiological basis of developing hyperglycemia and hypertension in
Cushing’s syndrome.
3. Give the actions of glucocorticoids/cortisol on protein metabolism.
4. What is aldosterone escape phenomenon?
5. what are the actions of glucocorticoids/cortisol on carbohydrates and lipid
6. Differentiate between Cushing’s syndrome and Cushing’s disease.
7. Enumerate the causes of Cushing’s syndrome.
8. How is cortisol secretion regulated?
9. Enumerate six features of Cushing’s syndrome.

1. Name the hormones that produce gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis.
2. Give physiological actions of insulin.
3. Enlist actions of glucagon.
4. How 24-hour blood glucose is regulated in a normal person?
5. What are the endocrine functions of pancreas?
6. Enlist the factors which increase the secretion of insulin.
7. What is the physiological basis of increased frequency of micturition in
Diabetes Mellitus?
8. Why is a diabetic patient hungry and thirsty all the time?
9. What are the different types of Diabetes Mellitus?

1. Explain the mechanism of development of hypoparathyroidism in a woman
who underwent thyroidectomy?
2. What changes in plasma calcium level do you expect in a patient of
hypoparathyroidism? Give the normal plasma level.
1. What is the site of secretion of testosterone? Give the functions of
testosterone in the intrauterine life.
2. What is capacitation? Give its significance.
3. What could be the factors that cause male sterility?
4. Briefly mention the changes that occur during the process of capacitation of
5. What are functions of sertoli cells?
6. What are stages of spermatogenesis? Name the hormones which control
sperm formation.

1. Describe the sequence of events taking place in the ovary on the 14th day of a
28-days normal female sexual cycle.
2. Compare the actions of estrogen and progesterone on the breast and uterus.
3. What are the functions of progesterone?
4. Give the female hormones and their effects on the female breasts during
adolescence, pregnancy and lactation.
5. Give a summary of actions of estrogen.
6. Explain the phases of endometrial cycle.

1. Why milk is secreted only after parturition and not before it?
2. Which other maternal hormones besides prolactin are needed for milk
secretion and why?
3. What is reason of suppression of the female ovarian cycle in nursing mother
for many months after delivery?
4. Give the mechanism of milk ejection/milk letdown.
5. Give the features of placental hormones.
6. Name the hormone which can be measured in blood to confirm pregnancy.
What is its site of secretion? Give function of this hormone.
7. Explain the mechanism of amenorrhea in a lactating mother.
8. Which hormonal factors cause increase in uterine contractility towards the
end of a normal pregnancy?
9. Give the female hormones and their effects on the female breasts during
adolescence, pregnancy and lactation.
10. When a baby suckles a mother’s breast, how is milk ejected out into the baby’s
11. Why in more than 50% lactating women, the ovarian cycle is inhibited?

1. What is enteric nervous system? Give its functions.
2. Enumerate the eight neurotransmitters secreted by the enteric nervous
3. What are the actions of Cholecystokinin?
4. Compare the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic system on GIT.

1. Name the different stages of swallowing.
2. Give the series of events which take place during the pharyngeal stage of
3. Enumerate the factors that initiate enterogastric reflexes from duodenum.
4. Enumerate the factors that regulate gastric emptying.
5. List motor functions of the stomach.
6. What are hunger contractions?
7. What are the movements of small intestine?
8. Give functions of colon.
9. What is the control of peristalsis in small intestine?
1. What are the sources and functions of saliva?

1. Give pathophysiology, features and treatment of achalasia.
2. What is achalasia of esophagus?
3. Give a brief outline of sequence of events occurring during vomiting reflex.
4. What do you know about chemoreceptor-trigger zone?
5. What is pathophysiology of gastric/peptic ulcer?
6. How does the intestine normally handle the excessive acidity in chyme?

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