2019-2020 k-12 Syllabus

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School Year/Semester ____________

Course Name 7 Grade World Studies Course
School Name Peachtree Charter Middle Teacher Mr. Walker
Name Ms. Simmons
School Phone 678-676-7702 Teacher damel_l_walker@dekalbschoolsga.org
Number Email debra_simmons@dekalbschoolsga.org

School www.peachtreems.dekalb.k12.ga.us Teacher http://mrwalker7thgradesocialstudies.weebly.com/

Website Website
Course Description

Curriculum Overview
The following academic concepts will be covered. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.


 Core Concepts
 Sub-Saharan Africa- Chapters 4-6
 Southwest Asia- Chapters 1-3
 South Asia- Chapter 7
 East Asia- Chapters 8-10




Replacement Cost

Online book and/or resources

Online student access code
(school specific)

GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important assessment
of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate students in
the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies, and
resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s
opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent
the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and
parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA.


A 90 – 100 ~P (pass)
Pre-Assessments Prior to Learning (Formative Assessments) - 0%
B 80 – 89 ~F (fail)
Assessments During Learning – 25%
C 71 – 79
Guided, Independent, or Group Practice – 45%
D 70
Summative Assessments or Assessments of Learning– 30%
F Below 70
*English Learners (ELs) must not receive numerical or letter grades for the core content areas in
elementary and middle school during their first year of language development. A grade of CS or
CU must be assigned. This rule may be extended beyond the first year with approval from the EL
Studies Program. English Learners must receive a grade for ESOL courses.
~Elementary schools will utilize P (pass) and F (fail) in Health/Physical Education, Music, World
Languages, Visual Arts and Performing Arts.


Semester progress reports shall be issued four and a half, nine and
thirteen and a half weeks into each semester. The progress of students
shall be evaluated frequently and plans shall be generated to remediate
deficiencies as they are discovered. Plans shall include appropriate
interventions designed to meet the needs of the students. See Board
Policy IH.
Students will not engage in an act of academic dishonesty including, but
not limited to, cheating, providing false information, falsifying school
records, forging signatures, or using an unauthorized computer user ID
or password. See the Code of Student Conduct - Student Rights
and Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook.
Homework assignments should be meaningful and should be an
application or adaptation of a classroom experience. Homework is at all
times an extension of the teaching/learning experience. It should be
considered the possession of the student and should be collected,
evaluated and returned to the students. See Board Policy IHB.
When a student is absent because of a legal reason as defined by
Georgia law or when the absence is apparently beyond the control of the
MAKE-UP WORK student, the student shall be given an opportunity to earn grade(s) for
those days absent. Make-up work must be completed within the
designated time allotted. See Board Policy IHEA.
Success in class is dependent upon student preparedness. Students should bring all necessary
materials to class. Students must be on time to class. Students must show respect and
courtesy to all people in the class at all times. Cheating of any kind will result in a grade of
zero. This includes, but is not limited to, cheat sheets, plagiarism, or talking during a
quiz/test. Consequences for noncompliance with these expectations will result in a verbal
warning, teacher conference, detention, parent contact, and written referral to the assistant
principal. Any extreme, repetitious, or violent behavior will immediately result in a referral
to the assistant principal and a request for a team conference with parent will be initiated.

3 ring binder, White lined loosed notebook paper, tracing paper, No. 2 Pencils, Colored
pencils and markers, Hand-held pencil sharpeners, glue sticks (no liquid glue),Access to
internet study and reading websites.
Tutorial Days: Tuesday and Friday
EXTRA HELP Tutorial Hours: Morning 8:15 - 8:40
Tutorial Location: Room 719
Please contact me via email or phone 2. Send me your contact information when I
PARENTS AS request it 3. Know the goals and expectation for this course 4. Have your child read
PARTNERS independently 5. Read with your student 6. Check homework each night.
Social Studies Syllabus Agreement
Dear Peachtree family,
In an effort to reduce the amount of paper you and your child have to manage, we are sending
home this form for each class acknowledging you have read the syllabus and understand its
conditions. Below, you will find some information about the grading scale and syllabus
adjustments. For more detailed information about our class, please visit our teacher web page for
the entire syllabus.
We will utilize a grading scale of:
- 50% Performance (Classwork, Homework & Quizzes)
- 40% Summative Assessments (Tests & Extended Assignments)
- 10% Final Exam
As the teachers, We reserve the right to adjust the syllabus on an as-needed basis depending on
the students’ best interests. If you have any questions regarding the syllabus, or ANYTHING,
please feel free to reach out to me at any time. We are looking forward to an amazing year with
your child!


 I have read the syllabus online.

Student Signature___________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian email_________________________ Phone #_______________

 I DO NOT have online access at this time and request a physical copy of the syllabus

Additional information to support continued contact:

Information Parent/Guardian
Work/daytime Phone

Cellular Phone
Other contact info

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