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Technology transforms our lives

Technology today is transforming the way people work and the way companies do
business. Workers and graduates in particular, in all areas of life need to be able to use the
I will start by looking at the idea that technology is transforming the way people work.
These days we have so many potentially labour saving technological devices.
Firstly, the technology is a required in our lives. Many argue technology has blurred the
line between professional and private lives. Wireless Internet, cell phones and BlackBerries have
made it easy to work from home. On the flip side, people also feel compelled to use Internet
access at work for personal reasons. In this way, technology allows workaholics to work and
slackers to slack.
Secondly it is good for the way companies do business. Businesses have been at the
forefront of technology for ages. The business world has revolutionized almost beyond
recognition in the past few decades. Storing important in files on a computer rather than in
drawers, for instance, has made information easily accessible. Using e-mail allows businesses to
communicate and send these files quickly to remote locations outside of an office.
On the other hand, technology changes people in a negative way. For example, many
people feel strangely insecure and cut off when theirs mobiles are out of action or their internet
connection goes down, go to check theirs emails first thing when they wake up, are so proficient
at texting, send messages without looking and do this constantly throughout the day, eat meals at
theirs computers, many families spend hours in separate rooms at computers. Graduates are
required to know new technological information, which is an advantage over people who don’t
know how to work with computers, with new technology in general. But unfortunately,
experience still has more weight than technological skills.
In my opinion technology makes our lives better. For example, when I was at the
kindergarten, my mother should type a lot of reports, applications and other documents on a
typewriter. When she makes a mistake, she had to retype the whole page. Nowadays, typing on
the computer is easier for her to accomplish the tasks.
In conclusion, new technology can clearly enable people to work faster and more
efficiently, and it facilitates flexible and remote working, but it can also mean that they cannot
ever really get away and switch off.

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