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Asignación 1.

Asignación 1.02 consists of three parts: you will watch a video as you complete a video
response chart, you will write an informational paragraph, in English, and you will answer the
academic integrity questions.
View the grading rubric at the end of this document before beginning your work. This is your guide to a
submission that is excelente.
You will complete your work in this document; please save or download to your computer, and
submit when completed.

Part 1 – Watch the video as you organize the ideas you learn.
Video Response Chart
Title of video SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

Where does Cristian live? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

What is the Port of Miami also known as? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

What is the freedom tower, and what is it also known as? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

What are some traditional Cuban foods? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

Much of Miami culture is influenced by? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

What is Domino Park? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

What is Jai-Alai and where did the sports originate? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

Why did the Cuban refugees flee Cuba? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

What are the two festivals celebrated on Calle Ocho? SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

Part 2 – Express Your Ideas

In the video, Un Día en la Vida: Miami, FL, Estados Unidos, you learned about Cristian’s daily
life, and the Cuban culture in Miami.

Write an email (6-8 sentences) in English in which you give advice to a new Cuban refugee
in Miami. Be sure to include:

a topic sentence and conclusion which address the prompt

three or more pieces of advice about adjusting to life in Miami: places to eat, where to
receive medical care, etc.

ways to maintain their Cuban culture in Miami

evidence from the video to support your ideas

correct grammar and punctuation

at least six sentences

Read this rubric before beginning your writing. Don’t forget to do Part 3 on Academic Integrity
after you finish your writing from Part 2. This rubric is your guide to a submission that is

Rúbrica para un trabajo excelente

Intenta otra vez!

Part 1:
Graphic Organizer

2 points
I completed all areas of the video response chart.
1-0 points

I completed some areas of the video response chart.

Part 2:
Support for Ideas

4-2 points

I clearly wrote advice about adjusting to live in Miami. Including:

Health care


Ways to maintain Cuban culture

I clearly used evidence from the video in my response.

1-0 points

I partially wrote evidence about adjusting to live in Miami. Including:

Health care

Ways to maintain Cuban culture

I partially used evidence from the video in my response.


2-1.5 points
I ended my paragraph by clearly restating the topic sentence.
1­0 points
I ended my paragraph by partially restating the topic sentence.

3-2 points

I wrote a well-developed informational paragraph with eight or more sentences, in English.

1­0 points

I wrote a partially developed informational paragraph with seven or fewer

sentences, in English.

Grammar and Punctuation

2 points

I used correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

1­2 points

I partially used correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Part 3:
Academic Integrity
7 points

I correctly answered all of the academic integrity questions.

6­0 points

I correctly answered some or did not answer any of the academic integrity

Write your paragraph in the box below. SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

Part 3 – Academic Integrity

After viewing the translator presentation, include your answers to these questions for your
1.02 assignment. A translator can be online or someone you know who is a native speaker.

Scenario 1:
Javier is doing his Spanish test and he is having some trouble with several questions. He
understands the questions but doesn’t remember what the answers are. His neighbor speaks
Spanish so decides to give her a call. She comes over and tells him what all the words are
that he needs to know in order to answer his questions on his test. Is this an Academic
Integrity infraction? Why? Why not?

Scenario 2:
You are asked to write a short paragraph in Spanish. What is the best way to complete the
assignment while keeping your integrity? How will you find and use the information from the
lesson? What should you be careful about while writing your paragraph and what are some
things you should avoid?

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