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You have recently read an article in an English language magazine aimed at young
adults, which reported a survey finding that television was considered to be the
most important invention of the last 100 years. You decide to write an article
arguing that another invention has had as great an impact. Describe the invention
and the impact it has had on our world, and say why you think it is a more
important invention than television. Write your article in 300-350 words.

The most important invention of the last 100 years: television or the Internet?

Some people consider television to be the most important invention of the last 100
years. However, there is another invention, which has had an even greater impact
on the world: the Internet. Developed in the 1990s, the Internet provides global
communication, something no other invention has achieved. Never before has it
been possible for people to communicate so easily, so rapidly and with so many
others. An email, for example, can be sent from one side of the world and received
on the other in a matter of seconds.

The Internet has transformed the way we conduct almost all aspects of our lives -
social interaction, business, education, politics and leisure. Young people in
particular communicate with friends and exchange information on social
networking websites such as Facebook. The majority of businesses now have their
own websites to inform their customers. On many of these sites it is also possible to
order goods directly from the business. More and more educational courses use
online resources to supplement face-to-face teaching and paper-based material.
Political parties and individual politicians have websites to encourage people to
vote for them, and oppressed minorities in many countries call for political reform
in email and blogs. People spend their leisure time playing games on the Internet or
downloading films to watch and music to listen to.

Until the Internet came along, it was hard to disagree that television was the major
invention of the last hundred years. It provided entertainment, it informed us about
events around the world, and it allowed advertising to reach into our homes. But the
Internet can do all the things television can and many, many more. Above all, it
allows us to interact directly with other people in a way that television never could.
It has already changed the world and its potential to change it still further is
Each year, senior citizens from the local community are invited to look around your
college, to meet and be entertained by students, and to have refreshments. After this
year's visit you were asked to write an article for the college newsletter. Tell
readers about the event and encourage other students to get involved next year.
Use the information in the programme and the quotations from some of the visitors
to write your article. Write your article in 180-220 words.

Senior Citizens’ Visit

In July, a group of local senior citizens came to visit the college.

The afternoon started with a welcome speech from the Principal, followed by a
guided tour. We then provided entertainment - music, drama, and dance. It was
described in feedback as ‘superb’ with the dancing singled out as “very
professional’. We encouraged visitors to join in songs from the 1950s, which they
did enthusiastically. The rock band, though, was too loud for some!
Next came refreshments with cakes baked by students, praised as ‘first class’. It
was a great opportunity to talk, and we all enjoyed sharing our educational
experiences. We were amazed to learn that some were taught in classes of 50

Our visitors left at 4.30, and they all seemed to enjoy the afternoon. One wrote:
‘We appreciated the students looking after us so well, and we’re looking forw ard
to coming back.’ We enjoyed it, too, and can't wait to see them next year. Thanks to
all who helped make it so successful.

Next year we will run a similar event, inviting local children with physical
disabilities. But we need more helpers. If you play an instrument, be part of our
entertainment. Or act as a guide - we need lots more. Come along and be part of a
great day!
You have been invited to write an article for an international student magazine, The
World Today, about healthy eating. The article should explain:
• the principles of healthy eating
• why healthy eating is important
• what the consequences are of not eating healthily.
Write your article in 220-260 words.

Healthy eating - Learn to eat for a healthy life.

‘Healthy eating’ essentially involves following a balanced diet which includes all
the different food groups in appropriate proportions. Although healthy eating is
important for everyone, it is of particular significance for young people. In the early
years of life people’s bones and muscles grow rapidly, and a good diet is necessary
during this period in order to avoid illness.

Deficiencies in important minerals can result in health problems, either

immediately or in later life. Iron deficiency is common in young people, caused by
rapid growth and a fast pace of life, and this can result in anaemia. Consequently,
you should eat a diet rich in iron, including red meat and fresh vegetables such as
broccoli. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in old age, which causes
bones to become very brittle and break easily. Therefore, a diet should be rich in
calcium, from foods such as yoghurt, cheese and milk.

As well as preventing illness, there are other advantages of healthy eating. Healthy
eating provides us with the energy needed for sport or simply going out with
friends. In addition, it keeps your mind sharp and allows you to concentrate better
on work. By eating well you can keep your skin, hair and nails looking good, too.

There are so many benefits of healthy eating and it doesn’t have to be a chore.
Eating well can be something enjoyable. Remember: invest in a balanced diet now
and you will be rewarded with the health benefits throughout your life!
The editor of your college magazine sent you this note. Write your article in 220-
260 words.

Global warming: it’s our planet

Never before has the world faced a threat like global warming: a potential
catastrophe for the Earth, brought about by human activity. And it will have the
biggest impact on young people, with climate set to change dramatically in our
lifetime. What's worrying, though, is that we are the group that does least about it,
leaving the hard choices to others. So what more can we do?

It's in our daily lives that we can make the biggest difference. Turning off one light
might not seem important, but turning it off every day for a year saves a significant
amount of energy. The same goes for TVs and computers. What we have to do is
change our habits - if it’s not being used, turn it off! Try walking to college or
getting the bus, rather than getting a lift from parents. Not only is this better for our
health, but it also saves energy.

Naturally, it is governments who take the big decisions, but here we can play a part,
too. Write to your council encouraging them to invest in cycle paths and recycling.
Email your MP asking for more renewable energy. We need to put pressure on
governments. Only then will they make the changes to our economy and society
that are needed.

Of course, we could just do nothing. But it is our generation who will suffer the
future flooding, storms and high energy prices resulting from indifference now. So
whatever you can do to help, do it. It’s our planet, after all!

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