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August 3, 2008 37


Supt Karen Baxter
DOZY burglars who broke
into a motorcycle shop
were forced to dump a
machine they stole – as it
had no petrol!
The owner of the
Ballymoney business, who
lives in the same building,
was woken last weekend to
the sound of breaking glass.
When he went to
investigate, he discovered
that the 12ftx6ft front
window of McKillop’s had
been smashed.
NAMED: Paul ‘Chico’ Hamilton (above) Breeze
and Jim ‘Filter Tip’ McCarthy (below) The culprits used breeze
blocks to gain entry to the
Derrykeighan premises
before making off with a
Hyosung 125cc motorcycle.
During the course of the
burglary, a foot peg and a
wing mirror were broken
off the vehicle.
A short time later, the bike
was recovered from a ditch
close to the scene of the theft.
A number of items were
removed from the shop for
forensic examination.
“This was either highly
unprofessional or a
drunken escapade,” a
police spokesman said.
“We are pursuing an
active line of enquiry at
the moment.”



detective on the trail of
organised crime gangs is
now spearheading a police
probe into the abduction of By STAFF REPORTER
IRA agent Martin McGartland. A 12-YEAR-OLD boy had
Det. Supt Karen Baxter is to fly to be taken home by police
to London shortly to re-interview after he was found drunk
Special Branch spy McGartland in the street.

over his kidnapping by Jim ‘Fil- The youngster was
discovered staggering
ter Tip’ McCarthy and Paul alone through the streets
‘Chico’ Hamilton 17 years ago of Ballymoney last Friday
McGartland – codenamed ‘Agent night.
Carol’ – has claimed neither were A concerned member of
charged with his abduction because the public contacted police
they were both working as highly who picked him up in the
paid security force agents inside the Castlecroft area around

IRA’s so-called ‘Nutting Squad. Officers found the child
Last month, two detectives from
Antrim Road CID flew to England and was drunk and took him
interviewed McGartland at a top securi- home but he had no
ty London police station. alcohol on him and refused
However, the 38-year-old was informed to say where he had been
this week that his complaint has now drinking.
been handed over to the specialist Less than 24 hours later,
Crime Operations Branch based at four 17-year-old girls were
Knocknagoney in east Belfast. found with alcohol in the
Seymour Drive area.
Informed The four girls and the 12-
“I was informed on Tuesday by Antrim
Road CID that the matter was being dis-
cussed that afternoon with Crime Opera-
tions Branch,” McGartland said.
“The following day I was told that Det.
Crime gang boffin to head McGartland case
ble and headed home to use a secret SB two IRA members, Jim ‘Filter Tip’ removing his trainers and emptying his
year-old have been
reported to the local PSNI
Youth Diversion Officer.
“There is underage
drinking in Ballymoney
Supt Karen Baxter of Crime Operations radio to contact his handler McCarthy and Paul ‘Chico’ Hamilton who pockets, he was forced to lie down on the and in many other towns.
Branch was now in charge of my complaint. ‘Felix’ to seek his advice. told him the meeting venue was sofa. It’s almost a cultural thing
“She has appointed a detective inspec- He told his handler: changed. “Every few minutes ‘Chico’ would in this area,” a PSNI
tor at Crime Operations to review all the “Felix, I am in loads of He decided to go with them and remind me: ‘Remember Marty, we have spokesman said.
files on my case before comes to see me. trouble…’’ the three left Connolly House in a got a gun, so don’t try anything.’’ Concerns
“Even though I have already given a In his book, Fifty Dead waiting car driven by McCarthy Desperate to go to the toilet, McGart-
statement to Antrim Road CID, Supt Bax- Men Walking, he details which “sped’’ off faster than land asked his captors to use the bath- “We would have serious
ter said she will be personally coming to how he went to Connolly McGartland had expected to room and it was here he made good his concerns about a 12-year-
London to take a much more detailed House only after ‘Felix’ Broom Park in Twinbrook. escape, jumping 40ft from a window to old being drunk.”
statement from me about my abduction.’’ assured him of his the ground below. But the spokesman added
Kitchen that police could tackle the
The files to be reviewed will be the orig- He was later taken to hospital but was
inal CID investigation into his kidnap- When he went the After spending a few minutes spirited out off an intensive care ward to problem of underage
ping along with top secret Special Branch following day, he inside the flat, McCarthy, Hamil- Palace Barracks where he was debriefed drinking on their own.
intelligence files on his abduction. was met ton and a third unnamed man by Special Branch. “Educating young people
On August 7, 1991, McGartland was at b y came out of the kitchen. McGartland said he believed neither is the key and we also
his mother’s west Belfast home when a “Listen,’’ said Jim, “Provisional ‘Filter Tip’ McCarthy nor ‘Chico’ Hamil- need the help of parents
woman he knew as ‘Carol’, an IRA mes- IRA. You’re under arrest.’’ ton were arrested because they were also who have a lot of
senger in her 20s, called to tell him: Writes McGartland: “I could see British agents. responsibility to bear
“You have to go and see Padraig Wil- them shaking. Then McCarthy “They went across the border after my regarding where young
son at Connolly House…at ten pulled out a hand gun and said abduction and were never arrested for people are and what they
tomorrow morning.’’ ‘Lie face down on the floor questioning, even though the RUC knew are doing.’’
Connolly House was Sinn Fein’s and don’t try anything’ they had abducted me,’’ said McGart- “The licensed premises
headquarters in west Belfast and as I felt the stub of land. are not always to blame.
Padraig Wilson was head of the the automatic “They should not be allowed to get Often older people in the
IRA’s Civil Administration Team, p u s h e d away abducting someone and get on with group are buying the
its internal discipline depart- against my drink.
their lives as if nothing happened.”
ment. head.’’ “Our message is that if
McGartland suspected trou- After you buy drink for
youngsters we will throw
SPY: Martin McGartland the full weight of the law
at you.”

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