A Pilot, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Pregabalin (Lyrica) in The Treatment of Essential Tremor

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pects of the disease, or by the simple measurement of A Pilot, Double-Blind, Placebo-

nigrostriatal dopaminergic terminal integrity. Third, be-
cause there are many “silent” areas/cells in the brain that Controlled Trial of Pregabalin
provide functional resilience (compensatory mecha- (Lyrica) in the Treatment of
nisms) after insult, a fundamental understanding of the
PD process, in terms of cell death, needs to account for Essential Tremor
the loss of silent cells, both within and outside the
dopaminergic system. For these reasons, future ventric- Theresa A. Zesiewicz, MD,1,2,3,4,5*
ular volumetric studies involving more discordant PD- Christopher L. Ward, LMT,1,2,4
twin pairs, larger case– control studies with genetically Robert A. Hauser, MD,1,2,3,4 Jason L. Salemi, MPH,6
unmatched subjects, and/or longitudinal cohort studies of Shaila Siraj, BS,1,2,4 Maria-Carmen Wilson, MD,2 and
Kelly L. Sullivan, MSPH1,2,4
PD subjects (all with correlation to PD-specific func-
tional measurements) may appear warranted. Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center,
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA;
Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by Department of Neurology, University of South Florida,
NIH grants AG21491 (XH), RR00046 (GCRC). We are thank- Tampa, Florida, USA; 3Department of Pharmacology and
ful to the discordant PD-twin pair who participated in the Experimental Therapeutics, University of South Florida,
studies. We also thank Dr. Douglas W. Jones for providing Tampa, Florida, USA; 4National Parkinson Foundation
MRI data on the nine pairs of healthy twins and Drs. Ken Center of Excellence, University of South Florida, Tampa,
Marek and Danna Jennings for performing the SPECT studies. Florida, USA; 5James A. Haley Veterans Administration
Hospital, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA;
REFERENCES Birth Defects Surveillance Program, Department of
Pediatrics, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA
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3. Huber SJ, Miller H, Bohaska L, Christy JA, Bornstein RA. Asym-
controlled, randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy and
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Arch Clin Neuropsychol 1992;7:471-480. agent, in treating essential tremor (ET). Twenty two pa-
4. Tomer R, Sharon-Peretz J, Tsitrinbaum Z. Dopamine asymmetry tients with ET were randomly assigned to receive PGB or
interacts with medication to affect cognition in Parkinson’s dis- placebo. PGB was initiated at 50 mg/day and was escalated
ease. Neuropsychologia 2007;45:357–367. by 75 mg/day every 4 days to a maximum dose of 600
5. Marie RM, Barre L, Rioux P, Allain P, Lechevalier B, Baron JC. mg/day. Patients were evaluated by accelerometry and the
PET imaging of neocortical monoaminergic terminals in Parkin- Fahn–Tolosa–Marin (FTM) rating scale. There was a sig-
son’s disease. J Neural Transm Park Dis Dement Sect 1995;9:55-
nificant reduction in tremor amplitude in the PGB group
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compared with the placebo group, as measured by acceler-
DJ. Correlating rates of cerebral atrophy in Parkinson’s disease ometry, at a mean dose of 286.76 ⴞ 100.05 mg/day. Action
with measures of cognitive decline. J Neural Transm 2001;108: tremor limb scores on the FTM also improved in the PGB
571-580. group compared with the placebo group (P-value for mul-
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schizophrenia and healthy controls regarding genetic and disease- cause of adverse events. PGB provided significant improve-
specific factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005;102:4872-4877. ments in accelerometry and in action tremor limb scores on
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11. Yushkevich PA, Piven J, Hazlett HC, et al. User-guided 3D active *Correspondence to: Dr. Theresa A. Zesiewicz, University of South
contour segmentation of anatomical structures: significantly im- Florida, 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd, MDC Box 55, Tampa, Florida
proved efficiency and reliability. Neuroimage 2006;31:1116-1128. 33612. E-mail: tzesiewi@hsc.usf.edu
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1040-1049. interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/mds.21629

Movement Disorders, Vol. 22, No. 11, 2007


evaluate the potential effect of PGB on ET. © 2007 Move- At baseline, patients were randomly assigned to re-
ment Disorder Society ceive either PGB or placebo according to a computer-
Key words: pregabalin; Lyrica; essential tremor. generated randomization schedule. It was determined
that 11 patients per group would be required to detect a
50% improvement in accelerometry measures at a sig-
Essential tremor (ET) is a tremor disorder that is
nificance level of 0.05 (two-sided) and 80% power. Both
characterized by postural and kinetic tremor that usually
patients and raters were blinded to randomization. PGB
affects the hands, head, or voice. Only one drug, pro-
and placebo were supplied in identical containers that
pranolol (Inderal), is approved by the Food and Drug were marked with code numbers. PGB was initiated at 50
Administration (FDA) to treat ET, and it is estimated that mg/day and the dose was escalated by 75 mg/day every
⬃30% of ET patients will not respond to it.1 Pregabalin 4 days in the active study group to a maximum dose of
(PGB, Lyrica) is an antiepileptic agent that is approved 600 mg/day. Titration was stopped if patients experi-
as adjunctive therapy for adult patients with partial onset enced resolution of tremor or if side-effects prevented an
seizures.2 It is an isomer of ␥-amino-butyric acid increase in dose. Patients were evaluated by accelerom-
(GABA), and there is some evidence that PGB can etry, the FTM rating scale,6 and the Clinical Global
reduce tremor. In a recent case report, 2 ET patients Impression (CGI) scale7 at baseline, and days 7, 14, 21,
experienced marked improvement in upper extremity 28, and 42 (study endpoint). Because PGB is a schedule
action tremor with the use of PGB 200 mg/day as mea- V drug that is approved for the management of posther-
sured by accelerometry and the Fahn–Tolosa–Marin petic neuralgia and for diabetic peripheral neuropathy,
(FTM) rating scale.3 patients also were rated on the 11-point Verbal Numeric
We evaluated the tolerability and efficacy of PGB in Rating Scale.8 The primary outcome measure was the
reducing tremor in ET patients in a double-blind pilot change in tremor amplitude from baseline to endpoint as
study. measured by accelerometry.
The accelerometry device utilized in this study was a
DESIGN/METHODS component of a portable-PC based test system (Catsys
Patients diagnosed with ET and followed at a univer- System) that measures coordination reaction time,
tremor, and postural sway or stability (Danish Product
sity movement disorders center were invited to partici-
Development, Ltd).9 A comprehensive gender-and-age
pate in the study during a 3-month recruitment period.
separated normal material has been published using this
Eligibility criteria included age 18 to 80 years, and a
apparatus and method of analysis.9 Neurological exami-
diagnosis of definite ET as defined by the Tremor Inves-
nations were conducted by a movement disorders spe-
tigator Group that affected the upper extremities,4 stable
cialist (TAZ), and tremor measurements were conducted
antitremor medications for at least 14 days prior to base-
by a blinded rater (KLS). To measure postural tremor,
line, independent ambulation, and the ability to take oral
patients were asked to hold the pen in a writing posture
medication. Exclusion criteria included a Mini-Mental with the arms extended level with the shoulders. The pen
Status Exam5 score less than 24, botulinum toxin treat- was held with the long axis parallel to the ground, and
ment for upper limb tremor in the prior 6 months, deep hand vibrations were recorded and displayed in real-time
brain stimulation for ET or any other brain surgery, against a time axis plot on the computer screen.
isolated physiological or psychogenical tremor, use of Data were analyzed using independent samples t-tests
PGB 30 days prior to study entry, alcohol or drug ad- and growth curve modeling. The mean ⫾ standard de-
diction, the use of benzodiazepines other than in fixed viation is reported. Last observation carried forward
doses for treatment of ET, and any major neurological, (LOCF) was used for analyses for patients who prema-
psychiatric, or medical disorders that were judged by the turely withdrew from the study. Unconditional growth
principle investigator (PI) to disqualify a patient from curve models were used to compare the treatment groups
entering the study, including Parkinson’s disease. on their change in outcomes over time.
Women of child-bearing age were required to have a
negative pregnancy test in the 7 days prior to study entry RESULTS
and were using birth control that was judged adequate by Twenty-two patients (mean age ⫽ 57 ⫾ 14 years)
the PI. Patients who met inclusion and exclusion criteria were randomly assigned to either PGB (n ⫽ 11) or
provided written informed consent to enter the study. placebo (n ⫽ 11). Baseline characteristics are shown in
Institutional review board approval for the study was Table 1. LOCF was used for 7 patients who withdrew
granted through the University of South Florida. prior to endpoint (total study dropout rate ⫽ 32%). Three

Movement Disorders, Vol. 22, No. 11, 2007


TABLE 1. Baseline characteristics

Lyrica (n ⫽ 11) Placebo (n ⫽ 11) P-value
Age (yr) 53.91 ⫾ 13.01 60.4 ⫾ 14.83 0.2907
Gender 5 male, 6 female 6 male, 5 female 0.6698
Duration of tremor (yr) 17.58 ⫾ 19.86 18.33 ⫾ 14.07 0.9413
Adjunct tremor medications Alprazolam (n ⫽ 1) Clonazepam (n ⫽ 1) n/a
Clonazepam (n ⫽ 1) Metoprolol (n ⫽ 1)
Propranolol (n ⫽ 1) Primidone (n ⫽ 2)
Propranolol LA (n ⫽ 1) Propranolol (n ⫽ 1)
Sotalol (n ⫽ 1) Propranolol LA (n ⫽ 1)
Topiramate (n ⫽ 2)

Values shown are mean ⫾ SD.

patients (27%) in the PGB group dropped out of the At the study endpoint, 67% of patients in the PGB
study (1 patient due to dizziness on day 9 while taking group reported improvement in tremor on the CGI (1
100 mg/day, 1 patient due to flu on day 13 while taking patient very much improvement, 2 patients much im-
100 mg/day, and 1 patient had malaise on day 18 while proved, 3 “a little improved”) (Video 1). No patient in
taking 150 mg/day). Four dropouts (36%) in the placebo the PGB group reported an increase in tremor. In the
group were due to fatigue and palpitations in 1 patient placebo group, 20% (n ⫽ 10) of patients thought that
(day 2), and withdrawal of consent for personal reasons their tremor was a “little improved”. There were no
in 3 patients (relocation in 2 patients and family issues in changes in the pain scale in either the PGB or placebo
1 patient). No adverse events were noted in any of the groups. Fifty percent of patients who took PGB re-
remaining patients. quested to remain on the drug at the conclusion of the
There was a greater reduction in tremor amplitude in study for treatment of tremor.
the PGB group compared with the placebo group
(⫺0.99 ⫾ 1.27 m/s2 vs. 0.80 ⫾ 3.02 m/s2, P-value for DISCUSSION
multilevel modeling ⫽ 0.05) at a mean dose of 286.76 ⫾
In this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
100.05 mg/day (Fig. 1). Action tremor limb scores on the
pilot study, PGB significantly improved tremor ampli-
FTM part A were improved in the PGB group compared
tude scores as measured by accelerometry and action
with the placebo group (⫺2.40 ⫾ 2.22 m/s2 vs. ⫺1.38 ⫾
tremor scores on the FTM rating scale compared to
1.06 m/s2, P-value for multilevel modeling ⫽ 0.04).
placebo. Two-thirds of the patients who took PGB felt
However, there were no significant differences in the
that their tremor improved, as measured by the CGI.
FTM total scores between the 2 groups, nor in the FTM
Despite these findings, the FTM total and part A, B,
parts A, B, or C subsections (Table 2).
and C subsection scores did not improve significantly in
the PGB group compared with the placebo group, pos-
sibly because of the small number of patients in the study
(n ⫽ 22) or the large placebo effect. For example, there
was a 45% improvement in the FTM part A in the
placebo group compared with a 55% improvement in the
PGB group. Recent clinical trials of other neurological
diseases, such as restless leg syndrome, have similarly
demonstrated placebo effects as high as 50%.10 Larger
studies may be necessary to evaluate the clinical effect as
assessed by clinical rating scales. In the current study,
accelerometry was a more sensitive measure of the effect
of PGB on tremor amplitude than the tremor rating scale.
There is evidence that the neurotransmitter GABA
may be involved in the pathophysiology of ET,11-13 and
it is logical that PGB and gabapentin, isomers of GABA,
may have antitremor efficacy. There is also evidence that
the efficacy of both PGB and gabapentin as antiepilep-
FIG. 1. Growth curve modeling: tremor amplitude change over time. tics, pain management medications, or anxiolytics, may

Movement Disorders, Vol. 22, No. 11, 2007


TABLE 2. Results
P-value for
Outcome Group Baseline* LOCF* Change* multilevel modeling
Amplitude (m/s2) Lyrica 2.16 ⫾ 1.80 1.23 ⫾ 1.85 ⫺0.99 ⫾ 1.27 0.0504
Placebo 1.47 ⫾ 2.71 2.48 ⫾ 5.92 0.80 ⫾ 3.02
FTM action tremor (limbs) Lyrica 5.73 ⫾ 2.41 3.70 ⫾ 3.43 ⫺2.40 ⫾ 2.22 0.0408
Placebo 4.00 ⫾ 2.24 3.38 ⫾ 2.26 ⫺1.38 ⫾ 1.06
FTM total Lyrica 43.18 ⫾ 22.04 28.67 ⫾ 27.69 ⫺14.89 ⫾ 16.25 0.2204
Placebo 35.91 ⫾ 20.50 32.63 ⫾ 20.59 ⫺7.38 ⫾ 12.65
FTM part A Lyrica 15.45 ⫾ 9.96 7.22 ⫾ 8.01 ⫺8.89 ⫾ 11.29 0.1420
Placebo 11.00 ⫾ 10.09 8.38 ⫾ 7.33 ⫺5.25 ⫾ 10.08
FTM part B Lyrica 17.64 ⫾ 8.61 13.56 ⫾ 13.21 ⫺3.78 ⫾ 9.62 0.5708
Placebo 15.18 ⫾ 9.34 14.88 ⫾ 9.19 ⫺1.63 ⫾ 6.96
FTM part C Lyrica 9.73 ⫾ 9.73 8.11 ⫾ 6.60 ⫺1.56 ⫾ 3.68 0.5994
Placebo 9.73 ⫾ 4.22 9.38 ⫾ 4.81 ⫺0.50 ⫾ 0.93

*Values shown are mean ⫾ SD.

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Movement Disorders, Vol. 22, No. 11, 2007

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