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PGDM – Business Analytics

Course: Business Communication

Trim 1, 2019

Submitted By

Anushka Bajpai - B004

Bloomberg Versus MarketWatch
Both Bloomberg and MarketWatch are financial websites that provide market updates, news
and stock quotes, and information on savings and lending rate. While Bloomberg is more of a
business website not only for stock market but business news that’s going on in the world,
MarketWatch is a website for stock market research.
First Impression: Bloomberg has a good organization, layout and easy access to drop downs,
headlines, login and top news. The selection of font size and colour makes the website look
very attractive. The photos are stationed at margins so that the user eyes are drawn to the centre
for top news. It also uses live tickers and displays market fluctuations on its webpage.
On the other hand, MarketWatch has a clutter of information all over the page which is very
distracting. Fonts of different sizes and colours further adds to the confusion. It has a search
engine bar and some multimedia graphics, audio and videos. Current status of major stock
market along with the top headlines are displayed on the page. It has a navigation bar with drop
down menu for more information.
Overall Design, Information Delivery and User Experience: The Bloomberg homepage
contains overall market commentary and other news stories that can be broken down by
geography, industry and other news of interest. It condenses all the news down into a more
targeted offering under different headings, listed on the left side of the page. It has some unique
characteristics under the technology tab (Big Data, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing). Other
exclusive features include tabs for US politics, BusinessWeek, living, style, travel, etc. It also
offers the ability to connect to streaming Bloomberg radio. It has both a free public website
and paid subscription site for professionals.
MarketWatch offers compelling features such as watchlist that allows users to save the news
of their choice. It has various tabs in the drop down like markets, investing, personal finance,
retirement and real estate. Investors who register for a free MarketWatch account have access
to more research and tools.
Website Comparison: The following represents a comparative analysis of the two websites
based on the piece of information that a user would likely to look for:
 Stock Market Information: Both websites have market tab near the header. Both have
live tickers that keep updating as per the stock market. MarketWatch uses a mixture of
colours and fonts while Bloomberg uses a theme which makes it easier on the eye to
 News from International Market: Both have drop down links to locate the international
news. However, Bloomberg has easier access because they have its setup in regions of
 Commentary from Market Experts: Both the webpages have an Opinion tab in the drop-
down section.
Conclusion: Both Bloomberg and MarketWatch are strong financial websites. Bloomberg
provides targeted tech sector information along with coverage on politics, lifestyle, etc. Both
webpages have a lot of good information, but Bloomberg is a more user-friendly option. It fairs
better than MarketWatch when it comes to webpage organization, layout and font selection and
overall attractiveness.

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