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Harem Leader


Feats: Beloved taken atleast twice,

Skills: Diplomacy 6+ Ranks, Sense Motive 6+ Ranks

Special: If you lose the beloved feat you can't take levels of this class till you repair the

Each feat in this feat tree allow you to select an additional beloved (up to the total number of
beloved you possess) to apply any of following abilities to. You may only apply these
abilities to a beloved you have had more then a month.


You are aware of direction and distance to your beloved and any conditions affecting them:
unharmed, wounded, disabled, staggered, unconscious, dying, nauseated, panicked,
stunned, poisoned, diseased, confused, or the like. This ability functions as long as you are
on the same plane of existence, if either of you are on different planes this ability stops
functioning until you are on the same plane. 2- Bonus Feat


As a swift action any member may pass a coherent train of thought to his/her beloved (i.e.
“hollows are coming!”). In addition when you are within 100 feet of at least one member as
long as one of you isn't surprised, flanked, or flatfooted, none of you are. However now bluff
checks made against any of your beloved automatically fail and you automatically pass any
sense motive checks against your beloved. 4- Bonus Feat


You gain +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls and skill checks when adjacent to at least one
beloved. This bonuses is added per beloved adjacent to you. You may take half the damage
they would take for them. Finally choose a gender. Whenever you make a diplomacy check
against them to improve their mood it increases one more then usual if they would be
pushed over fanatical they gain the beloved feat for you (you may still choose not to take it
for them).

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