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Evidence: The happiness advantage

By: Mónica Quiñones Guerrero

San Andrés de Tumaco, Julio 30 de 2019

Evidence: The happiness advantage

The story of how I learned to ride a bike

I will never forget the day I learned to ride a bicycle, I remember I was only eight years old.
I didn't have a bicycle, but I had a friend who already knew how to ride and when I didn't
use it, I borrowed it and, since I didn't have wheels, I started pushing with my feet and
when I had a little momentum, I put my feet on the Pedals and I tried to pedal, so start
practicing, until one day you could pedal straight without falling, then practice how to turn
and finally I learned to ride alone on my friend's bike and never forget how to ride a bike
and although in this At the moment I don't have one, every time I have the opportunity, I
take a bike ride

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