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Name:___________________________________________ Grade:_________ Date:___________________________


I. Adjectives used in one position only
 Look at the notes and write phrases with the adjectives. Some adjectives come before the noun, and in some phrases you need to use; is or are. (10 Points)

1. The song / principal 2. The wife / former 3. The reason/ chief 4. My problem / main 5. The market/ outdoor
___________________________________ __________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________
6. My parents / afraid 7. The children / ill 8. The teacher / fine 9. The girl / ashamed 10. I / content
____________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________________

II. Adjectives Word Order

1. Write the heading in the chart in the correct order

Type Shape Pattern Age Origin Condition Material Purpose Size Opinion Color

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

2. Classify the adjectives below into the word order chart. (30 Points)
Teeny Thick Wool Curved Sports Orange Industrial Transparent Delicious Flowered Powerful Italian Leather Outdated Young
Spotty White Electric Conical Modern Japanese Gorgeous Expensive Famous Bedroom Spherical Skinny Nylon Manual Easy

3. Write two sentences using the 11 types of adjectives. Use a determiner for a singular noun and one for a plural noun. (10 Points)
(5 ptos)SINGULAR:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(5 ptos)PLURAL:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Gorgeous Immense Conical Easy Young Flowered White Colombian Leather Industrial Home
Expensive Skinny Spherical Powerful Outdated Linear Orange Chilean Wool Manual Country
Delicious Teeny Curved Famous Modern Spotty Transparent Italian Nylon Electric Bedroom
Awful Thick Hollow Angry Future Striped Beige Japanese Ceramic Automatic Sports
Weird Medium Square Hungry Old Monochrome Turquoise Mexican Steel Farming Plane
Gorgeous Immense Conical Easy Young Flowered White Colombian Leather Industrial Home
Expensive Skinny Spherical Powerful Outdated Linear Orange Chilean Wool Manual Country
Delicious Teeny Curved Famous Modern Spotty Transparent Italian Nylon Electric Bedroom
Awful Thick Hollow Angry Future Striped Beige Japanese Ceramic Part time Sports
Weird Medium Square Hungry Old Monochrome Turquoise Mexican Steel Farming Plane
Skinny Ceramic Awful Country Automatic Turquoise Immense Square Beige Spotty Bedroom Sports Hollow Steel Old
Farming Mexican Wool Gorgeous Transparent Monochrome Colombian Weird Hungry Future Striped Medium Home Plane Angry

The sisters / eldest

The ranks / upper

The walls/ outer

Plants / indoor

The people / only

My friends / glad

I / well

They /alike

The boy / pleased

The woman / alone

My cousin / elder

The feelings / inner

Activities / outdoor

The cause / chief

The deck / upper

I / asleep

The man / awake

The child / unwell

My pets / alive

The girls / pleased

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