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Classroom Management Plan


Tess Mellor

University of San Francisco

Education of Exceptional Children

Dr. Karen Webster

July 6, 2019


A well-thought-out classroom management plan is essential to creating a

successful classroom environment. The classroom management plan is the foundation of

the classroom. Classroom set-up, classroom expectations, parent involvement and the

consistency of the daily schedule are all key components of creating a welcoming, safe,

learning environment for all students.

Classroom Set-Up

The classroom set-up is the building blocks of creating a healthy, safe, learning

environment for all students. The physical layout of the classroom and the content that

creates the curriculum are equally apart of the classroom set-up. Building a sense of

community in the classroom creates a positive learning environment for all students.

Every student should feel comfortable in the classroom and have a choice in their


Flexible seating is a great way to allow students to choose the best learning

environment for them. No two students learn in the same way. Flexible seating and

having the option available to students to choose their best learning environment is

beneficial. The rules of choosing and working in the different seat options should be

discussed and implemented from the first day of school. Posting the rules and

expectations of each seating option in the classroom is a visual reminder for students

about what is expected from them. The first month of school will be the trail period of the

flexible seating options. Students will be placed into groups and the groups will rotate the

seating options. The trial and error period will give the students an opportunity, with the

help of the teacher, to find the best learning space for them. As the students enter the

classroom, they will check out their seats (with the help of the teacher) for the day.

Students, and or the teacher, can change their seating arrangements if they feel they need

a better learning environment.

Classic table and chairs will be available for the students as well as the flexible

seating options. The yoga balls benefit students who have the need to be constantly

moving around. The balls allow movement without disrupting the class as a whole. The

wobble seats will also give the feeling of constant movement while sitting down. Wobble

chairs encourage active sitting and provide light exercise for the legs, back, and core.

Carpet seating will be available at a lower table. Students will have the option to sit on

carpet squares, pillows, or on their knees. The standing desks will allow students to

choose to stand or sit in a tall stool to complete their learning for the day. The main goal

of flexible seating is to create a comfortable learning environment for all students.


The kidney table is reserved for group work, as well as small teacher-lead

instruction on a specific skill. The kidney table will also be utilized during the last thirty

minutes of the day, when students are working on their unfinished work, with the teacher

close by to ensure learning is being achieved.

The books in the library will be color coordinated and separated by reading level.

Language Arts groups will be divided by skill level and named by different colors. The

colors of the groups will align with the skill level of the books with the coordinating

reading level of that group.

The material presented in the classroom should represent all cultures and

interested of the students. Every student should be able to see themselves in the

classroom in the posters posted in the classroom and the books in the classroom library.

The people paint activity is also a great way to celebrate diversity. In the first month of

the school year, every student will create their own skin color paint, create a name for

their color, and store it in the classroom for art projects throughout the year. Connecting

the curriculum to topics interest and personal experiences of the students is key to

creating a welcoming environment for learning. It is also very important to know what is

going on outside of the classroom and being able to address those things inside the

classroom, this could be done during a community circle.


Rules and procedures of a classroom need to be addressed and taught on the first

day of the school year. Brainstorming as a class, with the help of the teacher, a list of how

they want to be treated by their classmates is a great way to create the classroom rules

together. The students will be responsible to write down specific examples of what they

expect from their teacher. Having students write down expectations for the teacher

instead of brainstorming as a class is a good way for the quiet students to get their points

across, and their voices heard. From the two lists, the teacher will create a rulebook of the

classroom. The rulebook will be the foundation of the classroom. Rules should focus on

community building and maintaining positive relationships in the classroom.

Respect is a very important rule that will be implemented in the class. Having a

positive classroom community where students respect each other will also create a

healthy learning environment. Students are expected to treat one another how they would

want to be treated. Students will use kind words when talking to others and the teacher

will do the same. When a student has something to say, they will be expected to raise

their hand and wait to be called on by the teacher to ask their question or add to the

conversation. This rule is a huge aspect of respecting each other’s voices by not


The classroom will represent every learning style, by giving the students choices

in their education. Flexible seating will also be available to ensure every student has a

comfortable learning environment that fits his or her needs. The rules for the seating

options will be presented on the first day of school before the students use the


Seating Rules:

1. Choose a seat that enhances your learning experience.

2. Please be safe, respectful, and have learning bodies in the seats at all times.

3. You can move or a teacher can move you anytime if you are not being respectful or


Classroom Rules:

1. Remember we are a family so please use kind words.

2. RESPECT: Respect Every Single Person Especially your Classmates and Teachers

3. If you have an idea, question, or comment, please raise your hand and wait to be called


4. Choose the best learning space for YOU.

5. Have fun!

Daily Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to keeping a schedule in the classroom. When

students know what is happening throughout the day it can relieve stress and make

transitions run smoothly. The daily schedule will be consistent and visually posted on the

board every morning. The schedule will also be addressed and explained during a

morning meeting. Times will also be posted so students are not surprised by transitions.

A five-minute warning will be given before any transitions for students to finish their

work and prepare for the next activity. A portable doorbell will give the five-minute

warnings, and rings will be associated with different activities.

• 8:00-8:30 Morning Check-In

As students enter the classroom, they will see a morning question on the board. Each

student will have personal journals that are kept in a storage cabinet by the teacher’s

desk. As the students enter the classroom they will find their journals and find their seats

for the day, then they will complete the morning question activity. During this time, the

journal storage cabinet can be utilized to take the role; if a journal is still there, that

student is not in the classroom. The morning questions will be completed in journals and

the turned in periodically for assessments of their writing. Morning questions can be

connected to the previous days learning objectives or just a fun, simple question that

kicks starts my student’s brains.

• 8:30-9:00 Community circle

Community circle will be utilized both as a review of the upcoming activities for the day

and on Fridays, as a way come together as a class family and reflect on how the week

went. If there were any issues or conflicts during the week, the class can brainstorm ways

to improve personally and as a whole, to have a better classroom the following week.

• 9:00-10:00 Language Arts

Language arts will start off with a short story being read at the end community circle. The

project-based curriculum will be utilized and lessons will be based on a theme connecting

all subjects back to a particular theme. Students will be divided into skill level groups to

complete language arts activities.

• 10:00-10:30 Recess

• 10:30-10:40 Recess Cool-Down

Recess Cool-Down will consist of stretches, breathing, and calm activities for students to

cool-down from recess and get ready for more learning.

• 10:40-11:30 Math

The teacher will lead a review of the previous days objective. This consists of reviewing

problems on the board. Homework will be corrected in colored pen and turned in for

assessments at the end of the math lesson. The students will be placed into math groups

to work as a team to complete assignments. Math manipulative boxes will be available

for students when they complete their assigned work.


 11:30-12:00 Student Choice

Before lunch, the students will have a half an hour to choose an activity to complete.

They can choose between SSR, a math manipulative, free choose art, and student choice

projects, such as genius hour will be available. The genius hour will be a student lead

project where students chose a topic of interest and complete a research-based project and

present it to the class.

12:00-12:45 Lunch

• 12:45-12:50 7th inning stretch

7th inning stretch will consist of stretching, breathing, and calm activities to bring

students back in from lunchtime.

• 12:50-1:20 Science/Social Studies

Social Studies (M-W-F) Science (T-TH):

The science and social studies curriculum will be project-based learning where the

students will work in groups to complete activities.

• 1:20-1:45 PE

Physical Education will consist of getting outside of the classroom and participating in

fun activities and group games.

• 1:45-2:30 Music/Foreign Language

The students will complete music and foreign language outside of the classroom with a

designated teacher. These forty-five minutes without students in the classroom will act as

a prep period for the teacher.

• 2:30-3:00 Finish Line Club


Finish line club is a time for students to work on unfinished work one-on-one with the

teacher. This is also a time for struggling students to have extra time to learn a new

concept. This time is also a free choice time for students who have completed their work,

had it assessed by the teacher, and feel confident they understand the material. Free

choice options include silent reading, and math manipulatives, art, and screen time

playing an academic game or playing a card game with a partner.

Policies & Procedures

Entering the classroom:

1. Form a single file line in ABC order at the door.

2. When directed enter the classroom calmly and no pushing.

3. Place backpack/lunches in your cubby.

4. Grab your journal.

5. Find your seat.

6. Read the board for the morning question and quietly complete it.

Transitions between assignments and/or activities:

1. When you hear the chime, finish that line.

2. Finish and freeze, listen for directions.

3. Clean your learning space.

Classroom Guests:

Students are expected to treat every classroom guest with the same respect they

give to their classmates. When a substitute teacher is in the classroom, students will place

their name tags on top of their desks, so the guest teacher can clearly see everyone’s

name. A teacher’s assistant will be assigned prior to the guest teacher arriving. The

teacher assistant will be responsible for assisting the guest teacher in classroom activities.

Grading Homework:

The students will be responsible for correcting their own work. Students clear

their desks of any other work and put their pencils on the floor. Having the students place

their pencils on the floor, allows the teacher to easily glance the room to ensure no

student is filling in their work as the teacher reviews. Having the students correct their

homework in colored pen, other than red, is an easy way for the teacher to assess the

student’s homework. The teacher will use the board to go step by step of the homework

as the students check their work, and fix any wrong answers in colored pen.

Turning in homework:

After the homework is reviewed as a class, the students will be responsible for

turning in their work. Labeled bins will be posted by the teacher’s desk. When a student

turns in their work, they will place it in either the "finished" or "more time" bin. The

students who place their work in the “more time” bin will have one-on-one time with the

teacher during independent work time or finish line club. This also gives the student a

voice in their own education, deciding if they understand a topic or think they need more

time to master the objective.

Flexible Seating Choices:

The rules and procedures of the classroom seating options will be discussed on

the first day of class. The first few weeks of school will be a trial period for students to

try different learning options and find what they work best in. This is also a time for the

teacher to learn the students learning needs, and discuss with the students about how

different students will need different learning environments. One on one discussions with

the teacher to talk about where a student should sit based on a specific need will be done

discreetly and specific rules can be made per student.

Behavior Management System

On the first day of the school year, the procedures, rules, and expectations of the

classroom will be discussed. Students will be expected to follow the rules of the

classroom. The classroom rules and procedures will be posted in the classroom for the

entire school year as a reminder of what is expected.

A clipboard with each students name on it will be on the teacher’s desk for an

easy and quiet way to mark down students participation and make notes of negative

behavior. Class Dojo will be updated to allow parents to see their student’s behavior


Students VS Me: Students VS me is a positive reinforcement for classroom management.

A positive aspect of this is that points are never removed from the student instead the

teacher gains points. This causes the students to change their behavior so they receive

more points. If the students win, they are rewarded for their behavior.

Blurt: Blurt cubes can be utilized throughout the day and be a quiet discrete way to

address a student who is blurting out. The students will all start off with day with a

complete blurt cube. If a student is consistently blurting out, the teacher can discreetly

give them the blurt signal. A non-verbal signal doesn't interrupt the class. The students will

know, when directed by the silent signal, to flip the cube upside down so it no longer shows

the T in Blurt. If the student continues to blurt they would switch the next letter, etc. The

letters cannot be earned back once they are turned. The cubes serve as a visual reminder to

raise your hands and wait to be called on. The students who end the day with the complete

word still showing will receive a blurt dessert. As the students pack up for the day they will

return their blurt cubes to the teacher, an unturned cube can be redeemed for a sweat treat to

end the class. The students who do not receive a blurt dessert card will have to fill out a blurt

alert before exiting the classroom.

25 Chatty Class Classroom Management Strategies for Overly Talkative Students.

(n.d.). Retrieved from class-classroom-


Strike #1: For students who need reminders of the rules and expectations a one on one

reminder will be made. Instead of stopping class to address, the wrong behavior the

student and teacher will have a conversation, this can happen during independent time. A

classroom-wide reminder is also a good way to remind students of what is expected

rather than picking out the student and addressing the problem in front of the class.

Strike #2: If a student does not change their behavior with a quiet reminder they will

receive a think sheet. The student will fill out the sheet with the teacher. The teacher will

make notes on if the behavior improved.

Strike #3: If the behavior does not improve, the student will receive strike #3. The think

sheet will be sent home and require a parent signature. If a student receives 3 strikes, a

parent-teacher conference will be set to discuss the student’s behavior. These meetings

can be done on the class dojo, or in person.

Think Sheet - Classroom Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Flexible seating:

Students will have the choice to choose where they sit for the day based on where

they work best. Prior to this, the students will all have the opportunity to utilize every

seating opportunity in the classroom to find the right learning environment for them. The

idea of flexible seating is that the students are able to move around and find somewhere

that works best for their specific learning style. As students enter the classroom in the

morning, they will check out their seats for the day by placing their nametag clip on the

corresponding seat on the seating chart. If students begin to fight over an area, the

conflict will be addressed by the teacher immediately and the students will play rock-

paper-scissors to clear up who gets to sit where, if the student has a specific learning

disability and has discussed with the teacher prior, they will have priority for that specific

learning seat.

Communicating with Parents

Building positive relationships with students’ parents is key to creating a sense of

community inside the classroom. Before the school year begins a letter introducing the

teacher and outlining the rules and procedures of the classroom, will be sent home to each

family. A classroom webpage will also be posted for parents and the teacher to

communicate. Communicating with parents will create a clear line of communication

between everybody involved in the child’s educational progress.

Back to School Night:

Parents and guardians will be invited into the classroom throughout the school

year. Back to school night will happen within the first month of the school year.

Information about the upcoming school year, the curriculum, classroom objectives, rules,

procedures, and expectations will be addressed. A timed PowerPoint will be shown on

the board as the teacher openly talks with the parents and guardians of the new students.

A time for questions will be allowed at the end of the evening.


Open House:

An open house is a great time for parents, family, and new families, to see the

classroom and the curriculum the students have completed. The classroom will open

early one day every month for parents to come through during drop off to see their

students work, and or talk with the teacher. At the end of the year, the classroom will

open to the public to visually show the students work. Student portfolios will be posted

for parents to see their child’s assessed work to show the growth academically throughout

the school year.

Parent-Teacher Conferences:

Parents will be invited into the classroom twice a year for a parent-teacher

conference. These meetings can take place face to face in the classroom or through a

videoconference off of the class webpage. These meetings will act as an open discussion

addressing specific students abilities, growths, and areas where there is room for

improvement. One meeting will occur before the winter holiday and another before the

school year ends. Translators will be provided if needed, and communication will be

translated in the home language. The meaning of these conferences is bringing the

parents into the classroom to ensure growth from all students.

IEP Meetings:

Working as a team is crucial when ensuring every student is given a successful

academic opportunity. Being a present member of the IEP team of students with specific

disabilities is a very important aspect of being the best teacher possible. It is the teachers

responsibility to chart each students behavior and academic development and bring that

data to the IEP meetings The teacher works together with parents, other teachers, and

even the student, to make a plan of action to ensure a specific child is given the

opportunity to grow and succeed in their education.

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