Proposal Quantitative Research

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By :

Ana Nur Khikmawati




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. There will be never be another greatest thank except to

Allah SWT, that give her the best blessing and guidance , so I can finish in the writing
process entitled “The Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Grader of MAN 1 Kudus In the
Academic Year 2018/2019 Taught By Using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP)”. The
skripsi would never be completed without assistance of other. Therefore, I would like to
express my deepest gratitude to:
1. Dr. Slamet Utomo , M.Pd as the dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of
Muria Kudus University.
2. Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department.
3. Drs. Muh Syafei, M.Pd as the Lecturer Academic Writing.
4. All of the lecturers and staff of English Education Department.
5. Suhamto as the Headmaster of MAN 1 Kudus who gives permission to do this
research, especially the English Teacher Mrs. Nasriyah, S.Pd.
6. The Eleventh Grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019.
7. My beloved Parents and brother who always pray and support for me.
8. All of friends in English Education Department.

Kudus, Juni 2019

The researcher



Khikmawati., Ana Nur. 2019. The Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Grader of MAN 1
Kudus in the Academic Year 2018/2019 Taught by Using Walking Dimensions Puppet.
Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training Education Faculty, Muria Kudus

Key words: Speaking Ability, Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) Speaking is an important
thing of the four language skills because it can distinctly show the correctness and the
language errors that language learners makes.Teaching speaking in Indonesia is not easy,
because English is learned as foreign language in Indonesia. Some of the errors are
commonly made by the students are pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and
grammar. This problem also happened in MAN 1 Kudus. The students have few amount
vocabulary, grammatical structure, and difficulty in practicing of English speaking. Hence,
the researcher chooses Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) as the media of teaching
speaking English.
The objective of this research is to find out whether or not there is a significant difference
between the speaking ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year
2018/2019 before and after being taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP).
The population of the study was eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year
2018/2019. The number of population was 387 students divided into ten classes. The
researcher used XI MIPA 3 class consisted of 37 students as the sample of this research. The
researcher used cluster random sampling which is gotten by taking lottery. The research
design used was experimental research design with Pretest and Post-test by using Walking
Dimensions Puppet (WDP) media as a treatment. The research instrument used oral test. At
last, the result of the test was analyzed using t-test formula.
The t-obtained value (t0)= 13,75 in the level significance =0,05 and degree of freedom “N-1,
37-1=36” with the t-table (tt)= 2.024 So, the t-obtained (t0) = 13,75 falls in the critical region.
Because t-obtained fall in critical region, the research hypothesis H1, which states that there is
significant difference between the speaking ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in
the academic year 2018/2019 before and after taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet
(WDP) was confirmed. The mean of the post-test (78) is higher than the mean of pre-test
(68.7). It means that Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) media is an effective media to teach
speaking ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019.
Based on the conclusion of the research, the researcher would like to give suggestion:(1) The
teacher can use Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) as media in teaching speaking, because
the media is effective to tell event happened in the past in real. (2) Further researcher: the
result of study can be used as an additional reference.


ACKNOLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... iii


1.1 Background of the Study ................................................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................. 1
1.3 Objectives of the Research ............................................................................... 1
1.4 Significant of the Research .............................................................................. 2
1.5 Scope of the Research .......................................................................................2
1.6 Definition of Key Term ................................................................................... 2


2.1 Definition of Speaking ................................................................................................. 4

2.1.1 Teaching Speaking in MAN 1 Kudus ........................................................... 5

2.2 Definition of Puppet ..................................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 Kinds ............................................................................................................ 6

2.2.2 The Advantages of Using Puppet ................................................................. 7

2.3 English Fun Club Class (Conversations class) by Using WDP .................................... 7

2.3.1 The Implementation of WDP Media in English Fun Club Class ................. 8

2.4 Review of Previous Research ....................................................................................... 8

2.5 Theoritical Framework ................................................................................................. 9

2.6 Hyphothesis ................................................................................................................ 10


3.1 Design of the Research .................................................................................. 11

3.2 Population and Sample .................................................................................. 12

3.3 Instrument of the Research ............................................................................ 12

3.4 Data Collection .............................................................................................. 15

3.5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 16

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 19



This chapter presents the Background of the Research, Statement of the Problem,
Objective of the Research, Significance of the Research, Scope of the Research, and
Operational Definition.

1.1 Background of the Research

The student of eleventh grade find some problems in their learning speaking skill.
The problem is found when the teacher teaches in the class and tried to ask them by using
English they cannot answer it. The ineffective time also one of problem that they in face.

Man 1 Kudus is one of the Islamic State Senior High School in kudus which used K-
13 revises curriculum. The teaching and learning process in this school is supported by
several extracurricular activities; those are English fun club, sports, scout, red-cross, choir,
and others. English fun club is a language learning program that is to improve the student
achievement in this school, especially in mastering their speaking skill. In speaking, student
should master the element of speaking, such as vocabularies, pronunciation, grammar,
fluency, and comprehension.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the problem as follows:

“Is there any significant difference between the speaking ability of the eleventh grader of
MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019 before and after being taught by using
Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP)?”

1.3 Objective of the Research

The objective of the research can be stated as follow:

“To find out whether or not there is a significant difference between the speaking ability of
the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019 before and after being
taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP).

1.4 Significance of the Research

This research hopefully useful for theoretically and practically significant result as

1. Theoretically, it will give new contribution in English education, especially in English

subject such as suggestion for alternative English teaching media for eleventh grader
in speaking ability.
2. Practically, it is hopefully give benefit for the reader, teacher, and students. The
researcher will elaborate them as follows:
a. The reader
This research will be the one of reference for the other researcher that conducts
the research with similar meaning. This research also gives inspiration for the
reader to improve their speaking.
b. Teachers
The researcher would like to give information to the teacher about teaching
speaking by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP).
c. Students
The result of this research will be very useful for the students who find difficulties
in speaking. By using this media, hopefully they can solve their problem in

1.5 Scope of the Research

This research is about joining conversation class in the English fun club class taught
by using Walking Dimensions Puppet in the process of teaching speaking. The writer wants
to implement of using the Walking Dimensions Puppet to know their ability after use that

The researcher focuses of the speaking ability of the students in English fun club
class. It is about vocabularies, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension in speaking ability
at the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019.

1.6 Operational Definition

Based on the title of the study, there are three forms need to be defined; the speaking
ability, Walking Dimensions Puppet, and the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the
academic year 2018/2019.

1. Walking Dimensions Puppet is the media that combined by some puppet and the
miniature place that separated by some places that called as dimensions.
2. The speaking ability is the ability to retell story; using appropriate word, have
clear pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension of the
students through English Fun Club Class.
3. The eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019 means
students who join English fun club class in academic year 2018/2019 actively.



In this chapter, the researcher discusses about the Speaking, The Teaching Speaking,
Puppet, Kind of Puppet, the Advantages of Using Puppet, English Fun Club by using WDP,
the Implementation of WDP in EFC, Review of Previous Research, Theoretical Framework,
Hypothesis of the Research.

2.1 Speaking

Speaking is one of four skills in learning English. As Bailey and Savage (1994, p vii)
speaking in second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the
four skills. In other word when people studied about language, the most important skill that
they have to master is speaking. Mc Donough and Shaw argue in Nurhayati (2013:3) in many
contexts, speaking is often the skill upon which a person is judged “at face value” in other
words, speaking is the major criterion to judge the English student’s competence are good
and luck.

Speaking is one way to communicate with others about the ideas and though a
message orally. According to Nunan (1991:23) speaking is described as the activity, the
ability to express and self in situation, or the activity to report acts, or situation in precise
words or the ability to convene or to express a sequence of ideas fluently.

According to Brown (2004:172:173) there are five component of speaking English.

They are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

a. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is including the segmental feature-vowel and consonant, stress and
intonation patterns.
b. Grammar
When the students speak English, they have to know the correct grammar and
structure. Students should be able to arrange word by word to be correct sentence.
It’s often become problem for students to create correct sentence.
c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is content and function word of the language that are learned, so based
on that it can used in the performance of any communication acts. Many students
can’t speak English because they have less vocabulary.
d. Fluency
Fluency is the best achieved from speaking that they able to detail to phonology,
grammar, and discourse. According to Hedge (1993:275) the term fluency has two
meanings. The first, which is “the ability to link units of speech together with
facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation,” and the
second one is more holistic sense of a fluency, that of “natural language use”.
e. Comprehension
Comprehension for oral communication certainly requires a subject to respond to
speech as well as to initiate it.

Based on some definition of the speaking above the researcher conclude that the
definition of the speaking is natural way of the human communication to express their
feeling, ideas and their opinion about every situation that people in face in every social

2.1.1 Teaching Speaking in MAN 1 Kudus.

Teaching speaking in MAN 1 Kudus is almost same with other senior high school.
The teachers teach based on syllabus and use student worksheet and also guiding book from
the government. Another reference also needed to support the source. However teacher
should to found an appropriate way to teach and to delivering the material to the students,
such as they can easy to understand and get the point of the material.

In real class students rarely get teaching process with media. Teacher only teach
students based on the books. They only concern to use the book all of the day. This is also
common in Extra class or English Fun Club class. The main point of this class is to increase
the student’s speaking skill. In this class students should speaking English, but the teacher
rarely uses media to teach speaking in the class. So, the researcher tried to use media to teach
them, the researcher focuses on the teaching speaking ability in English fun club class. The
researcher believes that the media can help the students easy for speaking English.

2.2 Puppet

Puppet is a tool or media used by the teacher to make the students interested to learn
English. In (, accessed on August 2017) states
puppet is a doll that is moved by putting your hand inside it or by pulling strings or wires that
are attached to it.

Long time ago, puppets only in fairs or in theaters but now days the people have
become familiar with puppet as puppetry has become quite popular media. Based on
(, accessed on August 2017) states that puppet is a
small figure of a person or animal having cloth body an hollow head, designed to be fitted
over and manipulated by the hand.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that puppet is a small doll or figure
of a person, animal, having a cloth body and usually manipulated by the hand.

2.2.1 Kinds of Puppet.

Many kinds of puppet to provide an excellent storytelling accompaniment that

continues to enjoy popularity among both children and adult today. Kasiani (2007:103) states
that kinds of puppet are: finger puppet, glove/ hand puppet, and stick puppet.

Elizabeth Stover in (

there.html accessed on August 2017) said that there are five kinds of puppet, those are: (1)
marionettes: marionettes are puppet controlled by string attached to part of the figure’s body
and controlled from above by the puppeteer, (2) hand puppet: hand puppet consists of a stock
or other bag- like object into which the puppeteer places her hand to make it move, (3) rod
puppet: rod puppet consist of figure controlled by a puppeteer using rods attached to its body
part, (4) finger puppet: finger puppet consist of a very small, hollowed-out body that fits over
the finger attached to the body are limbs and a head, (5) shadow puppet: shadow puppet
consist of a jointed figure controlled by rods or string at the head and limb that puppeteer
manipulate behind a white screen onto which a bright light shines, causing the audience to
see shadow images.

Walking dimensions puppet is a combination media that the writer found. This media
combined by the puppet and the miniature places that separated by some place that called as

dimensions. The combination of puppet with the other media created the best way to
teach students. Students’ will give best attention when they get new way of teaching.

2.2.2 The Advantages of Using Puppet

Puppet is a media that entertaining and captivating. It provides the students

opportunity for verbal expression; they can motivate and support the students with the
difficulties in communication and interaction.

In (, accessed on August

2017 states that there are some advantages of use puppet in the classroom, as follow: (1)
puppet can stimulate the students imagination, encourage creative play and discovery and are
wonderful interactive way to introduce narrative to even the most reluctant reader. They can
be a powerful way of bringing story time to life; puppet can provide a focus of role play,
encouraging the student imagination and involvement in activities and can play a
fundamental part in the recitation of stories and verse,(2) puppet can help to develop their
social and motor skills, and can meet visual, tactile and emotional needs of the individual

The researcher conclude that puppets can make the students more enjoy and they feel
interested in teaching and learning process, because it will help the student focused more and
attention to the material.

2.3 English Fun Club Class (Conversations Class) by Using Walking Dimensions
Puppet (WDP)
English fun club is one of the extracurricular activities from MAN 1 Kudus that
focused on the students speaking skill. English fun club is other names of conversation class
that make student try to speak English with their friends. The material of the EFC class is
based on the teachers.
According to Scrivener (2005:147), conversation class is the chance which creates
students fluency and confidence. It means that conversations class makes the students more
confident and also fluent in speaking. Conversation class also helps students to speak English
better because when students learn English in the class they have limited time to learn. The
researcher chose conversation class because when the researcher chose applying the media in
the class it cannot be effective. When the researcher chooses doing research in the class it
will disturb learning process. The active classes do not only teach speaking skill but all of

aspect whereas the researcher only focused on speaking skill. So based on that
research the researcher choose English fun club class.
Puppet is media that teacher can use to teach students. Puppet its self is a tool or a
media that used by the teacher to make students more interest to the learning process. Using
puppet can help students easy to understand the material.
Walking dimensions puppet is a combination media that the researcher found. This
media is combined by the puppet and the miniature places that separated by some place that
called as dimensions. The combination of puppet with the other media created the best way to
teach students. Students’ will give best attention when they get new way of teaching.
2.3.1 The Implementation of Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) Media in English
Fun Club Class.

English fun club class is one of extracurricular class which is supported in teaching
and learning process in MAN 1 Kudus. English fun club class is such as conversation class
that language learning program is aimed to build the students communication skill which
includes speaking skill.

From the steps above, the researcher tries to conduct the step that appropriate with the
teaching English speaking; we can use several media or technique. It can be different step of
teaching when we use different technique and media. There are some steps of teaching
speaking by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP)

1. The teacher explains material using Walking Dimensions (WDP) Puppet Media.
2. The teacher asks the students to make a group consist of 5 students for each
3. The teacher asks the students to find the story about narrative.
4. The students practice story about narrative orally using WDP media
5. The teacher observes the students practice.

2.4 Review of Previous Research

The first conducted by Diah Nurhayati, entitled “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING

ADJACENCY PAIRS” the result of this study After conducting the research, hand puppet is
effective to improve students’ speaking skill, especially in performing adjacency pair
dialogue to the seventh graders of SMP 11 Semarang. It can be drawn from the result of
means improvement between the pre-test and the post-test in the experimental group and the

control group. The pre-test’s mean of the experimental group was 61.4 and the mean
of the post-test was 73.4, the difference was 12. Meanwhile, the pre-test’s mean of the control
group was 61.6 and the mean of the post-test was 69.4, the difference was 7.8. Because the
mean improvement of experimental group is higher, so the treatment for the experimental
group especially hand puppet is better than the treatment for the control group.

The second taken from journalhttp:/

accessed on August 2017 entitled “The Implementation of Teaching English in the
Conversation class of Bilingual Program at SMPN 2 Malang” which is done by Agustina and
Murdibdjono (2012). The writer found out that some of the strategies were applied by the
students. They were Paraphrasing, approximation, using native language, using non-linguistic
resource, and searching for help from other people. The writer concludes that some
treatments or methods have a big development in speaking skill by conversation class are
good enough in the speaking skill.

The third conducted by Hayatun Fauza, entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS’

the result of this study that the scores of the post- test were higher than those of the pre- test.
The data were analyzed by using SPSS 17 to find t-test score between the two groups. The
level of significance degree in this research was 5% or α = 0.05. Alternative hypothesis (Ha)
was categorized acceptance if t-value < t-table. It means there is any significant difference in
speaking scores between the students who are taught speaking by using Hand Puppet show
media and those who are not. On the contrary, null hypothesis (H0) was accepted if t-value >
ttable. It indicates there is not any significant difference in speaking scores between the
students who are taught speaking by using Hand Puppet show media and those who are not.

The fourth conducted by Veronica Christamia, entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS'

NADISUCIPTOII IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/2014”the result of this study After
conducting the research at SD NAdisucipto II Yogyakarta, the researcher concluded that
English songs and puppetscould improve students' speaking skills. It could be seen from the
improvement ofstudents’ speaking skillsat each meeting for two cycles. The researcher
created somefun activities using English songs and puppets for the students. During the
teachingand learning process, she often used the English songs to motivate them in
learningspeaking. In addition, she also used the songs with varied activities, so the
studentsdid not get bored.
2.5 Theoretical Framework

In this research the researcher used Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) as a media of
teaching speaking for the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus. The researcher hopes that
students will have motivation in speaking by using Walking Dimensions Puppet media.

According to Brown (1964:1) using variety media can increase the probability that the
students can learn more, retain better what they learn, and improve their performance of the
skill they are expected to develop. Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP) is combination of the
puppet and miniature place that separated by some that called as dimensions. Puppet itself is
entertaining and captivating media that makes students interest to the material.

Based on explanation above the researcher assumed that there is a significant

difference between the speaking ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in academic
year 2018/2019 before and after taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP).

2.6 Hypothesis of the Research

The hypothesis of this research is “There is a significant difference between the

speaking ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019
before and after being taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP)”



In this chapter, the researcher explained method of the research includes its Design of
the Research, Population and Sample, Instrument of the Research, Data Collection, and Data

1.1 Design of the Research

Research design is used in every research in order to make research more objective
and accurate. In order that the research activities can reach the goal effectively and
efficiently, it is needed research planning that are logical, systematic in research design (Ali,

The research design in this study is experimental research. Experimental research is

the study discovers the possibility of cause-effect relation by using one or more treatment
experimental group and compares them with one or more un-treatment control group
(Arikunto, 2002: 13). In this case, the researcher tried to use Walking Dimensions Puppet
(WDP) as media of teaching.

Considering the objective of this research and the nature of the problem, this research
is designed as a quasi-experiment research. There is a sample that get treatments. Before and
after getting the treatment, the sample is measured their speaking ability.

There is one independent variable and one dependent variable, which will be
described as follows:

1. Independent variable is the condition influencing the appearance of an

indication or called treatment variable. This variable called (X) variable. In this
research the independent variable is the using of Walking Dimensions Puppet.
2. Dependent variable is the implementation of an experiment and also called
effect variable. This variable called (Y) variable. In this research dependent
variable is speaking ability of eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the
academic year 2017/2018.

This design of experimental research without a control group has been

described by Ali (1984:136) as follow:

T1 X T2

Figure 3.1 Quasi-experimental designs Using Pre-test and Post-test


T1 : Pre-test

X : Treatment (Teaching Speaking by using Walking Dimensions Puppet)

T2 : Post-test

1.2 Population and Sample

Population refers to the large or total group which a sample derived. In this research
the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in academic year 2017/2018. The eleventh grade
consist of tenth classes; XI MIPA 1 (40 students), XI MIPA 2 (39 students), XI MIPA 3 (37
students), XI MIPA 4 (38 students), XI MIPA 5 (40 students). The total number of the
eleventh grade of MIPA student population is 194.

After determining the population, the researcher uses the sample to represent the
population. Arikunto (1998:117) that a sample is a part of population, which is investigated.
The sampling technique that is used in this research is cluster random sampling which is done
by lottery.

The researcher made lottery to take the sample after the researcher knew the
population of the eleventh grade students. First, the researcher made the class list in piece of
paper. Second, the researcher rolled the paper and put in the glass. Third, the researcher was
shaking until one piece of paper falling down. The last, the researcher put the paper and get
class XI MIPA 3. The researcher chose this technique in order to get the result fast and
accurate. So, the sample of this research involves thirty eight students of XI MIPA 3 MAN 1
Kudus in the academic year 2017/2018.

1.3 Instrument of the Research

An instrument is an important role to help the researcher collect the data in a research
there are many kinds of instrument that can be used in collecting the data such as test,

document, observation sheet, and an interview. Each of them has different function
based of statement of the problem,

In this research, the researcher uses oral test instrument to collect the data. According
to Ali (1984:105) test is number of question exercise or equipment that used to measure the
individual component the knowledge, intelligence, ability, and talent. So in this research, the
oral test is used to measure the student speaking ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1
Kudus in the academic year 2018/2019.

In this case, the researcher uses an oral test to measure the speaking ability of the
eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2018/2018 for doing the research. The
result of the test will be analyzed to know the part of the speaking ability such as
pronunciation, vocabulary, and also the fluency.

To get the score of the speaking ability of the students by oral test, the researcher uses Brown
scoring scale (2004:172)

Table 3.1 Scoring Scale of Speaking Ability

No Skill Indicator Skor

1 Pronunciation 1. Students have a clear pronunciation 5
for their expression.
2. Students have the problem with
their stressing of expression. 4
3. Students have pronunciation
problems necessitate.
4. Students are very hard to understand
because of pronunciation problem
must frequently be asked to repeat.
5. Students have pronunciation
problem as severe as to make
speech, virtual unintelligible.

2 Vocabulary 1. Students use of vocabulary and 5
idioms is virtually that native
2. Students sometimes use 4
inappropriate term or must rephrase
ideas of lexical inadequate.
3. Students frequently use the wrong 3
words in a conversation, somewhat
limited because of inadequate
4. Student misuse of word is very
limited vocabulary so extreme as to
make comprehension quite difficult.
5. Students have limitation vocabulary
so extreme as to make conversation
virtually impossible.
3 Fluency 1. Students have speech as fluent and 5
an effortless as that a native
2. Students have speed of speech 4
seems to be affected by language
3. Students have speed and fluency 3
rather strongly affected by language
4. Students usually hesitant often force 2
into silence by language limitations.
5. Students have speech is so halting
and fragmentally as to make 1
conversation virtually impossible.
4 Comprehension 1. Students appear to understand 5
everything difficult.
2. Students understand nearly
everything at normal speech 4
although occasionally repetition
may be necessary.
3. Students understand most what is 3
said slowly than normal speed with
4. Students have great difficult is said 2
slowly than normal speed with
5. Students cannot said to understand 1
even simple conversational English.

5 Grammar 1. Students make new noticeable 5
errors of grammar word order.
2. Students occasionally make
grammatical or word error which do 4
not, however obscure meaning.
3. Students make frequent errors and
words order, when occasionally 3
obscure meaning.
4. Students have grammar and word
order errors make comprehensions 2

5. Students have errors in grammar 1

and word order so severe as to make
speech virtually unintelligible.
From table above, the students who good speaking get score 25. To makes easy to
calculating the score, the researcher multiples 25 by 4. So, the highest score is 100. Then the
writer categorized the score based on criteria adopted from Jeremy Harmer “The Practice of
English Language Teaching” (cited in Lisnawati 2010) as follows:

Table 3.2 Assessment Criteria of Speaking Ability

Grade 0-100 Note

90-100 Excellent
70-89 Good
50-69 Sufficient
30-49 Poor
< 29 Bad

1.4 Data Collection

Collecting Data means a way to obtain some data by seeing the document related to
the problem. To collect the data, the researcher will do several steps as follows:

1. Asking permission to the Dean of the teacher training and education faculty of Muria
Kudus University.
2. Asking permission to the Head Master of MAN 1 Kudus.
3. Asking permission to the English Teacher of MAN 1 Kudus to do the research and

4. Giving pre-test to the student, before taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet
(WDP) media.
5. Giving some treatments and hold four meetings.
6. Giving post-test to the students, after taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet.

1.5 Data Analysis

This research is experimental. Therefore, it is needed to find out speaking ability of

the XI MIPA 3 of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year 2017/2018. It needs the data before
and after taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP). It uses quantitative data.

Quantitative data is the data acquired from result of the pre-test of the speaking ability
before taught by using WDP and post-test of the speaking ability after taught by using WDP.
To analyze the data, it is used statistical analysis. The researcher calculates the mean and
standard deviation. The researcher applies formula as follows:

1. Calculating the mean pre-test and post-test score.

Formula of calculating mean
∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑥̅ =
𝑥̅ : Mean
𝑓 : Frequency
𝑥 : Middle score of the internal score
𝑁 : Number of sample
2. Calculating the standard deviation (SD)
After calculating the mean of the data, the next step is calculating the
Standard Deviation of the Data. The data are the students score from pre-
test and post-test. According to Ali (1982:172), “Deviation standard is the
measure of deviation that has characteristic standard”. The calculation
formula as follows:
∑ 𝑓𝑥 2 ∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑆𝐷 = 𝑖 √ −[ ]

S : Standard Deviation

𝑖 : Internal Width
𝑓 : Frequency
𝑥 : Coding
𝑁 : Number of sample

3. Testing Hypothesis
To test whether there is any significant difference between the speaking
ability of the eleventh grader of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year
2017/2018 before and after taught by using Walking Dimensions Puppet
(WDP), the hypothesis testing was done by using the following steps:
1. Making assumption and meeting test requirements
Model : random sampling
Level of measurement is interval-ratio
Sampling distribution is normal
2. Stating the null hypothesis
𝐻𝑂 : 𝜇1 = 𝜇2
(𝐻𝑎 ∶ 𝜇1 ≠ 𝜇2 )
𝐻𝑂 : There is no significant difference between the speaking ability
of XI MIPA 3 of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year
2017/2018 before and after being taught by using Walking
Dimensions Puppet (WDP).
𝐻𝑎 : There is a significant difference between the speaking ability
of XI MIPA 3 of MAN 1 Kudus in the academic year
2017/2018 before and after being taught by using Walking
Dimensions Puppet (WDP).
𝜇1 : The speaking ability of the XI MIPA 3 of MAN 1 Kudus in
the academic year 2017/2018 before being taught by using
Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP).
𝜇2 : The speaking ability of the XI MIPA 3 of MAN I Kudus in
the academic year 2017/2018 after being taught by using
Walking Dimensions Puppet (WDP).
3. Selecting the sampling distribution and establishing the critical region.

Sampling distribution = t distribution
α = 0, 05 two-tailed test

df =(𝑁 − 1)

= 37 − 1


t (critical) = ±2.042

4. Computing the test statistic.

Formula to compute the mean of difference:
𝐷 : The mean of differences scores
𝐷 : The difference between the paired scores
𝑁 : The number of sample

Formula to compute the mean of T-test

𝑡0 ̅
(∑ 𝐷)2
√∑ 𝐷 𝑁


𝑡0 : The t-value from correlated means

𝐷 : Mean of differences
𝐷 : The differences between paired score
∑ 𝐷2 : The sum of the squire differences scores
𝑁 : The number of sample
5. Making a decision and interpreting the result of t-test.
a. Accept H0 and reject Ha, if t0 does not fall in critical region.
b. Reject H0 and accept Ha, if t0 fall in critical region.


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