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Madeline Good

Bio 101B: Extra Credit Assignment

Review the processes of mitosis and meiosis and compare them using the table below as a
guide. Your assignment should be completed in paragraph format. Word limit: 250 words.
This assignment is worth 10 percentage points added to your Exam 1 grade.
Be sure to include this information:
Comparison of the major features of Mitosis and Meiosis:

Mitosis Meiosis
Purpose of process Cell division that produces Cell division that produces
two daughter cells with the haploid cells or gametes from
same genetic components as diploid cells. The purpose is
the parent autosomal cells. to reduce the normal diploid
This is done for growth and cells to haploid cells.
repair purposes.
Number of cells produced Two daughter cells Four daughter cells
Number of nuclear divisions One cell division Two successive cell divisions
Ploidy of cells produced Diploid daughter cells Haploid because it creates
(haploid or diploid) ? egg and sperm cells and is
halved from the parent cell
Are cells produced Yes, the daughter cells are No the daughter cells are
genetically identical ? genetically identical genetically different
Pairing up of homologous No they do not pair up Yes during Metaphase I in
chromosomes ? If so, when ? order to exchange DNA to
from recombinant
Cross-over (homologous No there is no cross over in Yes the cross-over of cells
recombination) ? mitosis happens during Prophase I
If so, when ?



Mitosis and Meiosis are both processes of cell divisions in which daughter cells are created. While they
both go through a process with phases to create the copied daughter cells there are more differences
rather than similarities. Mitosis is the process for duplicating autosomal cells while meiosis is the
production of gametes. Within this production, mitosis creates two daughter cells and meiosis creates
four. Mitosis has one nuclear division while meiosis has two successive cell divisions. The cells in mitosis
are diploid because they are an exact copy of the autosomal cells. Meiosis is the copy of gamete cells,
since these cells are a duplication of sperm and egg cells which are haploid. The homologous
chromosomes do not pair up in mitosis, but they do in meiosis during metaphase I. There is also no cross
over of homologous recombination during mitosis, but it happens in prophase I within the meiosis
process. Both processes are a necessity to the organism’s continuation and well-being.

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