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Parts List Float Arm Installation:

Item Descriotion Ag. 1. To installthe float arm assembly,loosenscrew'h', remov€

the short pieceof rod, and discardit.

1. FuelLevelSender 1 2. lnsertthe float rod until the properlength'R' ftom Table 1 is

2. FloatArm 1 met, then tightenthe screwsecurefy.
3. Gasket 1
4. FittingInstructions 1 3. Allor 25 mm to protrudeout from the "h" point(oppositeof
the float arm) see Fig 2.
Note: Mountinoflanqeo/n 23950/9Aand yveldinoffance:
oln 22502641141are accessoriesand not part of the kit. 4. Carefully cut off any excess rod with a bolt cutler or similar
Please order lhe above aoccssories, froding lo your EquiGment. tool, takingcare not lo damagethe assembly.


Do not deviateftom assemblyor wiring instructions.
Alwaysdisconneclpositivebatterylead beforemakingany
lf in doubt,pleasecontactyour dealeror SiemensVDO
Whenmakingmodificationsto fuel tanks. it is essentialthat
the tank be removedfrom the vehicle, and that it is ernpty,
dean, and dry.After drilling,make sure all chipsand other
breQn matterhave been removed from the tank
Beforedrillingany holesinto tank. placethe sender
assemblyon top of the tank to judge properhole placement
allowingflo3tarm clearanceinsidegl tank.
SiemensVDOrecornmendsthat the fuel sender and the
fuel gauge be wired together and checked for cornpatibility
priorto installingfuel senderinto tank.

FuelSendersOhms Ranges: Tank unit depths below 400 mm

220.W3Empty= 10 Ohms - Full 180Ohms 1. Removetwo screurs"d" and discard.

2- Removetwo screws'e" ftom the plastichousingand
220.@4Empty= 5 Ohms - Full 90 Ohms neservefor later use.
3. Carefullyremovebracket"f fromthe plastichousingand
220.005Empty= 240 Ohms - Full 33 Ohms discardit.
1. Replacebracket'.f'withbracket'g' in the housingand
Referto the SiemensVDO Cataloguefor matchingfuel looselyre-installthe two screws'e" into housing.
gauges. 5. UsingTable 1, checktank depthsize on "H" columnand
corresponding "L" & "R"
The unit can be adjustedto read accuratelyin tanks from 6. Slidehousingup or downuntildimension"L' is reached,
150mm lo 600 mm deep. For senderadjustment,referto then tightenscrewssecurely.
TableI and Fig.1. 7. To installthe floatarm assembly, loosenscrew'h', remove
the short piece of rod, and discardit.
and INSTALLATION 8. Insertthe float rod until the properlength"R" from Table.l
is met, then tightenthe screw securely.
Tank unit depths of 150mm to 600mm 9. Allow 25 mm to protrudeout frcm the "h" point(oppositeof
no disassemblyof the senderbracketis necessary. the floatarm) see Fig 2.

FromTable1, 10. Carefullycut off any excessrod with a boltcutteror similar

tool, takingcare not to damagethe assembly.
L=bodylength"g & f',
R=armlengthfrom "h" pointto float centre.

1, UsingTable1, checktank depth size on "H" column NOTE: Makesurethe floatis installedas shownin Fig .1.lf
andcorresponding "L'& "R" installedbackwards,the fuelgaugewill indicate"full'whenthe
2. Loosenthetwo screws"d" and adjustthe plastic tankis empty,and "empty"whenthe tank is full.
housingup or downuntilthe properdimension"U' is
obtained,then re-tightenscrews securely.

F Al6sio 20 Jub 2fi)(' R6 4 lNtrucrio6 p/n 22o Fitling Inst


Fuel render fnstallatlon Inslde tfie tank Assembly - mountingscrews

i,/ \,
To lmtell the tank unit sender lnto the fuel tank
udng a flange kit:
t. Cut a 59 mm hole in the top of the tank. mounting
2. Refer to Fig. 3 and slide the rubber gasket up to the Hole Pattern
bottomofthe tuel senderfrange.
Next,slide the second llange over fuel sender to 2 . 1 2 5 "( 5 4 m m )
bottomof rubbergasket. circle.
Al[n the pre-threadedholes in mountingflangeand
rubbergasketwith those in fuel sender llange.
Use25 mm screwto looselyattachmountingflange.
Do not tightencompletely.
3. Referto Fig.4 and slip the fuel senderassemblyinto
the 59 mm hole in the tank, tuming until it goes into the CAUT|ON:ilakecertainfloatarmhasa clearfieldof molion
tank before
screws inflange
L Tightenall scrals until flange is fully seated onto the

5. Hookup gaugesensorwire to centerstud terminal. .708(18mm)

6. Hookup groundwire to smallterminal. T

Warranty: Referto the warrantyconditionson the VDO
Fs2 Flg.4

Table | (Dlrnenrtonr In mml

160 80 94 270 135 160 380 'r90 252 490 215 3ao
185 82.5 97 275 137.5 163 385 192.5 256 495 217.5 u
170 85 roo 2AO 11() 166 390 t95 260 500 2fi 3a8
175 a7.5 t03 245 14'2.5 169 395 1S7.5 261 505 252.5 352
180 90 106 26 145 172 400 2@ 268 510 255 356
185 92.5 109 2e5 117.5 175 405 202.5 272 515 257.5 36()
't90 95 r12 30(, r50 174 4to m5 274 520 280 3Aa
195 97.5 115 305 152.5 181 115 207.5 2AA 525 262.5 364
2N l(xl 118 3to 155 184 420 210 2A4 530 265 372
205 1A2.5 121 315 157.5 147 .,25 212.5 2Aa 535 247.5 376
210 105 121 320 r60 190 /+3O 215 29.2 5ao 270 x80
215 107.5 127 325 't62.5 193 435 277.5 296 545 272.5 344
20 t10 130 330 165 t96 440 22o 300 550 275 388
25 t 12.5 t33 335 167.5 199 415 222.5 304 555 277.5 392
2fi 115 136 3{0 170 202 450 22s 308 560 2SO 396
235 117.5 139 345 172.5 205 455 227.s 312 s65 242.5 rl(X,
240 120 142 350 175 20s 460 230 316 570 285 4Orl
215 r22,5 145 355 177.5 211 465 232.5 320 575 2A7.5 l'()8
2fi 125 148 360 t80 211 170 235 324 580 290 412
255 127-5 151 365 182_5 217 475 237.5 324 585 292.5 /118
260 130 r54 370 185 220 /r80 240 332 s90 295 120
265 132.5 157 375 187.5 24A 445 242.5 336 595 297.5 421
Add 25 mm to all values of "R"
F. Alqio 20 Jdy 2m6 Rlv 4 lGtMuoB p/n 220.Filin8 lNa

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