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LING20003 881530, 869356


001 Interviewer Okay. Hi, Andika

002 Learner Halo

003 Interviewer I'm Vina. Thank you for your time. I would like to ask you some questions
and I hope that you can answer it elaborately.

004 Learner Yes, I'll try

005 Interviewer So first, it's your first time right in Melbourne?

006 Learner Iya, it is my first time

007 Interviewer Can I ask why you choose to study in Melbourne especially in University of

008 Learner Okay, the reason why I choose the university of Melbourne is because

009 Learner I hear that University of Melbourne is the best university in Australia and

010 Learner top fifty in the world and

011 Learner iya. Absolutely, it is one of the reason. The second one because

012 Learner I love Australia so much

013 Learner So I wanna learn the culture and wanna see the people and also

014 Learner Everything about Australia

LING20003 881530, 869356

015 Learner and, ya. Lucky me finally I am here

016 Interviewer what did you study before in your bachelor?

017 Learner my major was Indonesian education in

018 Learner one of the university in Indonesia

019 Learner but I learnt linguistics and

020 Learner education and everything in my major, I mean in bachelor degree

021 Learner so yeah. Like it is not enough for me and I need more so I continue my study

022 Learner here for my master program

023 Interviewer what like your major?

024 Learner My major here is master of applied linguistics

025 Learner so I learn linguistic again but it's bit different because

026 Learner when I was in university in Indonesia I studied

027 Learner like Indonesian as a second language but here

028 Learner ya. I learn

029 Learner English as second language or something

030 Learner but that's okay at least I have one of the subject which is

031 Learner Second Language Acquisition [ekuweseʃən] so I can get information

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032 Learner about how to teach language as a second language

033 Interviewer okay, pretty cool. And then like do you come here with like a scholarship or

034 Learner Ya, I got scholarship from my government

035 Interviewer what kind of scholarship?

036 Learner the name of scholarship is LPDP scholarship and it's from the government of

037 Learner and ya and it is fully funded and ya it is pretty cool because

038 Learner Indonesia in every single year give

039 Learner approximately 5000 scholarship for Indonesian students

040 Learner but not only for in Australia, I mean

041 Learner hahaha include Indonesia

042 Interviewer So can you tell me like your experience on like you know getting
scholarship because it's like a cool thing

043 Learner Iyes. Hmm

044 Learner I can say that it is not really easy but not really hard hahahaha

045 Learner So it depends on the people because sometimes

046 Learner the interviewer not really have the

LING20003 881530, 869356

047 Learner strict assessment or something but they will see the

048 Learner personality of the people

049 Learner so I learn how to behave

050 Learner during the interview and I learn also

051 Learner about psychology and everything that not only about my

052 Learner knowledge but also my personality

053 Learner so my parents support me

054 Learner always pray for me and yah I think it's not only one factor [fʌktɔr]

055 Learner so many factors [fʌktɔrs] that’s that make me get this scholarship

056 Interviewer Like do you kno- like what kind of like the tests you have to pass?

057 Learner Okay. The process is too long. It is

058 Learner approximately, three months

059 Learner yes, so after I graduate from my university

060 Learner I registered for

061 Learner administration and then I

062 Learner pass the administration section and I have to interview

063 Learner at that time I got three interviewers and

LING20003 881530, 869356

064 Learner Iya. Like ten or twenty minutes interview. It is so short because I don't know
why it is so short

065 Learner but I'm so happy because

066 Learner in the [ðe] end of the interview

067 Learner they say something that they like me so it is kind of the positive things

068 Learner hahaha. That I can predicted oh I think I will pass it.

069 Interviewer Pass it? That's pretty cool

070 Learner And after that I got like training of language

071 Learner about three months of IELTS preparation in ITB

072 Learner and I also got the free test of IELTS

073 Learner Ya. It's pretty cool

074 Learner Ya. Finally, now I'm here study in Unimelb

075 Learner hahaha

076 Interviewer So what will you do like- the things that you wanna do here?

077 Learner Hmm. Actually, it is my first months not really have any idea what should I

078 Learner beside study but I try so hard like

079 Learner to find another activity like club community or something that support me to
LING20003 881530, 869356

080 Learner many friends, experience, or everything

081 Interviewer Cool. You should do that

082 Learner Yes

083 Interviewer I think that's all. Thank you very much for telling me your story

084 Interviewer Okay. And then you said that it's your first time in Melbourne. What do you
think about it?

085 Learner Okay, Melbourne. Ehm

086 Learner My first impression [im'prɛsən] about Melbourne is. the person like the
people like a bit arrogant [ʌɾɔgʌɴ]

087 Learner Actually, [ˈʌkcuəli] they are so kind like they always say hi good day or hi
man or bla bla bla how are you?

088 Learner but like I don't know when we are

089 Learner together in a tram. And they always silent.

090 Learner like

091 Learner perhaps it's bit different with the people from my country. Like. When we
are in the same bus or train or

092 Learner like the public transportation. We always chat together and

093 Learner ask everything. Like we already know each other before but it is quiet
different perhaps it is not
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094 Learner their culture when we talk about everytin during

095 Learner and the... during a travel

096 Learner but, yah. Like

097 Learner overall, they are so kind. When we ask something they will answer easily
and will guide [gaet] us

098 Learner and then the second one

099 Learner about weather. In Indonesia, we have two weather only like dry and rain

100 Learner but here we have four seasons

101 Learner and it is my first time to face the winter season but it's very good because

102 Learner I can dress like

103 Learner people from Europe hahaha or Korea or ya like in the movie. But ya. I like it

104 Learner And... what else

105 Learner and another impression is about food because I can get so many cheap food
like meal and fruit and everything's easily. It's different with my country

106 Learner And.. ya. It is different with what [wʌt] I imajin before because I think that
Australia is quite hard to find halal food or something but actually it is very
easy like I can find it everywhere

107 Interviewer Have you ever visited like other countries?

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108 Learner ya, in Japan [jʌpʌn] it's quite hard. If... even they said it is halal they don't
have certificate halal. When I tried ramen they said it is halal but they don't
have certificate of halal. Perhaps, ya, there is no pork but I don't know how
to... Yas. And Brunei absolutely. When I travel to Brunei Brunei is the
Islamic country so it is quite easy for me

109 Learner okay, talk about Australia. What else? I love the girls here because hahaha.
All of them are so beautiful hahaha and ya like

110 Learner I don't know. Perhaps if they travel to Indonesia they will be.come an artist
because hahaha

111 Learner they are so beautiful. Like Indonesian people sometimes they ask bule bule
to take a picture together but its opposite.

112 Learner hahahaha with Australian they don't care about us. Even perhaps we wan-
hahaha take a picture with them

113 Learner ya I don't know why. Why it's happen. Like we are so proud of them but they
don't even proud of us

114 Learner Do you think so? haha

115 Learner yes. haha. And what else? I can say about University of Melbourne because

116 Learner It is totally different. an experience. In my university. The facility, the

lecturer, and the library and everything is totally different. like I can access
[ʌkses] everything easily like international journal and the

117 Learner free computer access [ʌkses] and also

118 Learner ya. The library is available till ten in the night. Ten pm
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119 Learner and iya we have IT support also. So I have problem actually with my

120 Learner and I just go to the IT support in the library and they will help us

121 Interviewer Okay, then. Thank you. Thank you for that.

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