Fundamentals of Lung Auscultation: Eva Morava, M.D., PH.D

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Eva Morava, M.D., Ph.D. 1. Larach MG, Localio AR, Allen GC, et al. A clinical grading
scale to predict malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. Anesthe-
Tulane University Medical School
siology 1994;80:771-9.
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Stephan Rust, Ph.D. and muscular dystrophies. Anesth Analg 2009;109:1043-8.
Leibniz-Institut für Arterioskleroseforschung 3. Romero A, Joshi GP. Neuromuscular disease and anesthesia.
Münster, Germany Muscle Nerve 2013;48:451-60.
Since publication of their article, the authors report no fur- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1403446
ther potential conflict of interest.

Fundamentals of Lung Auscultation

To the Editor: We wish to complain (râler in ticularly important in the examination of chil-
French slang)1 that Bohadana and colleagues dren.1 First, no noise is pathognomonic of a par-
(Feb. 20 issue)2 have breathed life into the term ticular disease (or anatomical site). For example,
“rhonchus,” which is as redundant as terms such stridor is not diagnostic of laryngeal obstruction.
as “phthisis.” Robertson and Coope3 suggested Obstruction at other sites can mimic the sound.
that lung sounds be divided primarily into con- Second, the “musical” sounds of airway obstruc-
tinuous sounds, which they labeled wheezes, and tion — stridor, wheeze, stertor, and snore —
interrupted (discontinuous) sounds, which they form part of a continuous sound spectrum and
called crackles. Forgacs4 emphasized that wheez- cannot be distinguished from one another by
es are musical and crackles are not. The binary means of any objective criterion. Their frequency
distinction is easy to teach and to use in practice. spectra overlap, and their waveforms lack unique
Bohadana et al. describe the rhonchus as a vari- features. What matters most in children is not
ant of the wheeze, indicate that its frequency is whether a noise can be called snoring, stridor, or
approximately 150 Hz, and liken it to snoring. wheeze but whether the sound is inspiratory or
Earlier distinctions between mucous, sibilant, and expiratory.
sonorous rhonchi5 are ignored; the frequency of Airway obstruction above the chest is worst
wheeze — 100 to almost 5000 Hz — encom- and noise is loudest during inspiration. By con-
passes 150 Hz; since snores are inspiratory and trast, intrathoracic airway obstruction is worst
rhonchi are usually expiratory, this might be mis- and noise is loudest during expiration. The site
leading. It is time to dispense with “rhonchus” as of airway obstruction in children with noisy
well as with “rale” (which means “death rattle”).1 breathing can be pinpointed by answering only
Jamie J. Coleman, M.D. two questions — without having to put a name
Robin E. Ferner, M.D. to any sound. First, is airway obstruction worse
University of Birmingham during inspiration or expiration? Depending on
Birmingham, United Kingdom the answer to the first question, the second
question is either “Does obstruction occur when
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re-
the child is breathing through the mouth or cry-
ing?” or “Is bilateral air trapping present?” The
1. Rey A, ed. Le Petit Robert micro. Paris: Dictionnaires Le
Robert, 2013.
figure in the Supplementary Appendix, available
2. Bohadana A, Izbicki G, Kraman SS. Fundamentals of lung with the full text of this letter at,
auscultation. N Engl J Med 2014;370:744-51. shows an algorithm of the diagnostic process.
3. Robertson AJ, Coope R. Rales, rhonchi, and Laennec. Lancet
1957;273:417-23. Max Klein, M.B., Ch.B.
4. Forgacs P. Crackles and wheezes. Lancet 1967;2:203-5. University of Cape Town
5. Thompson T. Hints on auscultation, with a view to the sim- Rondebosch, South Africa
plification of terms and arrangement. Assoc Med J 1853;1:364-6.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1403766 No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re-
1. Mellis C. Respiratory noises: how useful are they clinically?
To the Editor: The review of lung auscultation Pediatr Clin North Am 2009;56:1-17, ix.
has two easily overlooked lessons that are par- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1403766

2052 n engl j med 370;21 may 22, 2014

The New England Journal of Medicine

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Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

To the Editor: Bohadana et al. do not note a eliminate the use of “rhonchus” from medical
major and common obstacle to the accuracy of wards.
auscultation. In this country, auscultation is of- Klein raises the important point that no lung
ten attempted while the patient is wearing a sound is pathognomonic of a particular disease
shirt, blouse, or sweater. Although this is the — an opinion that we share. This is not a weak-
standard of care in advertisements on television ness of auscultation, however, since few physical
that portray physicians examining patients, it findings or single laboratory tests are absolutely
somehow has evolved into the common practice specific; accurate diagnosis instead depends on
of both younger and older internists and subspe- combinations of abnormal findings. Regarding
cialists. Attenuation of lung sounds has been re- his comment about determining the site of air-
ported when auscultation is performed through way obstruction in children by assessing only
even light clothing,1 and acoustic artifacts due to the relative amplitude of breathing noise during
clothing may impair interpretation of sounds. inspiration and expiration, we agree that this
Placing the stethoscope on bare skin remains the makes sense, although we are not aware of any
preferred technique. published objective test of this finding and cau-
Raymond S. Koff, M.D. tion that lung sounds do not always appear as
would be predicted. Since none of us are pedia-
University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Farmington, CT tricians, we have little personal experience with this question.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re- Koff brings up an important issue that one of
ported. us has previously studied.5 We agree that the
1. Kraman SS. Transmission of lung sounds through light practice of auscultation over clothing has become
clothing. Respiration 2008;75:85-8. commonplace. We also agree that the physical
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1403766 examination is best performed when the patient
is unclothed. We can offer no solution to this
problem but do recognize that the complete-
The Authors Reply: With regard to the com- ness and accuracy of the physical examination
ments by Coleman and Ferner: the term “rhon- is a physician’s professional duty, regardless of
chus” has been retained in the nomenclature of possible inconvenience.
the International Lung Sounds Association.1 In Abraham Bohadana, M.D.
addition, it is very popular among general physi- Gabriel Izbicki, M.D.
cians. The longevity of the term stems from its Shaare Zedek Medical Center
origin. Laennec2 coined the term “râle” to de- Jerusalem, Israel
scribe “all noises produced by the passage of air
during breathing” detected with his newly in- Steve S. Kraman, M.D.
vented stethoscope. Given its similarity with the University of Kentucky School of Medicine
death rattle, in clinical wards Laennec preferred Lexington, KY
its Latin equivalent “rhonchus.” When translat- Since publication of their article, the authors report no fur-
ing Laennec’s writing, Forbes3 used “rale” to de- ther potential conflict of interest.
scribe discontinuous sounds, and he translated 1. Cugell DW. Lung sound nomenclature. Am Rev Respir Dis
“rhonchus” as “wheeze,” with both terms used 1987;136:1016.
Laennec RTH. De l’auscultation mediate. Paris: Brosson et
to describe musical sounds. To illustrate how 2. Chaude, 1819.
“rhonchus” became synonymous with “musical,” 3. Idem. A treatise on the diseases of the chest. John Forbes,
almost two centuries later, a popular dictio- translator. London: Underwood, 1821.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Definition of rhonchus (http://
nary 4 defines it as “a whistling or snoring sound 4.
heard on auscultation of the chest when the air 5. Kraman SS. Transmission of lung sounds through light
channels are partly obstructed.” In our opinion, clothing. Respiration 2008;75:85-8.
a couple more centuries will be necessary to DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1403766

n engl j med 370;21 may 22, 2014 2053

The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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