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Unknown date

Unknown author

Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 339: The Demons are the First to Benefit
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After a period of rushed travel, Link's group made their way over for more than
40 miles.

Here, there was a drastic change in the mountain's geography. There were rocks
everywhere while the trees and vegetation lessened. The view was wide, and
there were fewer places to hide.

This was both a pro and a con.

Here, Skinorse whispered, "The red monkeys disappeared. It appears that we've
left their blockade."

Link let out a breath of relief. He'd been fully focused while traveling down the
mountain path earlier. Every time a red monkey discovered their traces, he
would kill it at once and make sure it would be executed flawlessly. This really
did use up some energy.

He looked at Melinda on Nana's back and asked, "How's the wound on your

"It's alright. It doesn't really hurt anymore." Melinda looked at Link with wide
eyes filled with reverence.

This reassured Link. He glanced at the black cat. It was pretty obedient—
probably because it tasted some benefits at the Crystal Blue Lake. Now, it hid
inside Nana's shirt with only a head peeking out.

Seeing that Link was looking at it, it narrowed its emerald eyes and meowed as
if saying, Jealous? Well, that sucks because this is my personal seat.
Its appearance made the others really want to beat it up. At least, Skinorse had
glanced at it many times already. It seemed that he was about to yank the cat out
from Nana's collar and jump in himself.

Link didn't have time to bother with it. He turned to Skinorse and said, "How
much farther away is Orida?"

Skinorse was very familiar with the North. Hearing the question, he composed
himself and looked down at his watch. Then he looked at the sun, took out a
triangular thing, measured the angle, and came up with a calculation. "I think
there are around 700 more miles. If we continue forward, we'll pass through the
southern corner of the Black Forest after 400 miles."

"We can't go into the Black Forest. How about this? We'll take a detour south,
and after we get to a safer place, I'll summon a Storm Eagle. The spell can help
us fly around 60 miles."

The Storm Eagle consumed a great amount of Mana. Link now had a maximum
of 18,500 Mana Points, but this could only last for five minutes. The Storm
Eagle's top speed was around 1500 feet per second, so they could fly 60 miles in
five minutes. He still had to save some Mana so while this spell looked cool, it
wasn't that useful.

Skinorse had no objections, of course. Crossing through the Hengduan

Mountain Range was honestly too dangerous. One mishap could have them end
up surrounded by high-level demons. It was like flirting with death.

Everyone turned and started going south.

After around half an hour, a gorge appeared up ahead. It was extremely narrow;
the narrowest place wasn't even 15 feet wide. From the distance, it seemed to be
entirely closed up. The walls on either side were very steep; on average, they
were more than 2500 feet high. If one stood in the gorge and looked up, one
could only see a sliver of the sky.

It was very windy in the gorge. Perhaps the wind passed through some unique
rock formation because they kept hearing cries and it was hair-rising.
Melinda curled up on Nana's back in fear and explained softly, "This is the
Wailing Gorge. It's more than 30 miles long and contains many branches and
caves. It's like a maze once you enter it, and it's really easy to get lost."

Skinorse had heard of the Wailing Gorge before. "This gorge has many
legends," he said. "Legend says that there's a horrifying secret hidden here.
Someone had buried countless treasures but put an evil curse on each one.
Anyone who tried to get the treasure died. Apparently, one thousand years ago,
the last emperor of the Goldweed Dynasty retreated into the Wailing Gorge with
his last army and never came back out…Anyway, it's really dangerous."

Link knew a lot of information about the gorge as well, but they were from the
past game. In the game, there were at least ten storyline quests, both big and
small, hidden in each fork inside the gorge. Many parts were still off-limit to
players even later in the game.

This was a mysterious gorge filled with unknown danger.

After thinking, Link asked Melinda, "Is there a way to bypass it?" Unless there
was no other way, he didn't want to pass through the creepy place.

"I don't know." Melinda shook her head. "We've only ever flown past with our

"What if we pass from the walls on the side?" Skinorse suggested.

"That might work…wait, probably not. Look there!" Link pointed to the sky
behind them.

Skinorse and Melinda turned around to see many blurry black dots appear in the
sky. Counting quickly, there was more than 100. Without a doubt, the demons
must have caught up.

"I can feel that these demons are really powerful and there are too many of
them. We're not their match so we can't go on top. We have to enter the gorge!"
Link said.

The gorge was narrow, and the walls on either side effectively blocked the
enemies' vision. It could greatly decrease the aerial threat.
Faced with more than a hundred high-level demons, this was their only choice.

"They sped up. They probably saw us." Skinorse's voice was a bit panicked.

Link decisively used Teleportation. They disappeared at the gorge entrance

under the white light. When they reappeared, they were already inside. The
transmission spell could make the enemy lose them temporarily, winning them
more time.

"Traceless!" Link cast another invisibility spell on them all. Not only would this
spell hide their bodies, but it would also block their voices, auras, and anything
else that could be used to track them."

"We can't beat wings no matter how fast we run," Link said. "Speeding up won't
help. We can only try to hide from their pursuit."

As he spoke, Link cast another spell: Pursuit.

Pursuit Spell

Level-5 Secret Spell

Effect: Borrows mysterious power from time to point out a safe path for the

(Note: It will tell you the right answer.)

There was a small puff, and faint white mist appeared in Link's eyes. The thread
of mist extended forward, pointing out the way forward.

"Follow me." Link followed the white mist and strode forward.

Faced with more than 100 high-level demons, Skinorse was a bit panicked too.
He had fought with many high-level demons in the Black Forest before, and he
knew clearly how terrifying they were.

As for Melinda, she had no idea. At this time, she clung to Nana tightly, and
even her musket was trembling with her. Only Link was as calm as before. He
was the anchor of this temporary team so they would do whatever he said. No
one would object.

Whoosh…rustle… The flapping of wings created the sounds of air moving. A

group of demons flapped their wings and landed at the entrance of the gorge.

There were more than 120 of them. Most were Winged Howlers and above
Level-7. One-third of the group was at Level-8. This was a very powerful force.

It would be unimaginable in the past, but recently, the demons summoned from
the Abyss were less restricted by the laws. The reduction of the power had
lessened. The demons summoned to the World of Firuman were all
strengthening at incredible speeds.

Now, their strength was already at a terrifying extent.

Link was probably the only one who truly knew why. Faced with this, he could
only chuckle bitterly.

Who would be the first to benefit once the Mana density of the world rose? It
was not the humans, not the High Elves, not any of the natives. The first to
benefit were the ones who were already powerful in the foreign world—the

This kind of delay existed in the previous game too. For more than five years,
demons dominated the World of Firuman without any restraint. There wasn't a
single person strong enough to fight them in the entire world.

After five years, the strong of the various races started strengthening as well,
until they could restrict the demons.

"I saw them disappear here." A Winged Howler sprawled on the ground,
carefully investigating the footprints on the ground. His two hooked noses
twitched without stop. A few seconds later, he had another conclusion.
"General, their scent is in the gorge's wind. They're inside."

The general in question was shrouded in black mist and his features difficult to
see. The only feature that could be seen clearly was the two eyes glowing with
misty red light. His wings were different from the Winged Howlers.
They had a layer of membrane on their wings while he had black wings. And
instead of one pair, he had a smaller pair under the large wings.

He landed slowly and shook his body. The wings transformed into a black mist
that melted into his body and a hollow voice sounded. "The human Magician
has a very special status. Try to capture him alive."

"General, capturing a Magician alive is playing with fire," a Winged Howler

said, discontent. Capturing someone alive meant holding back and doing that in
a life-or-death battle was flirting with death. No one would be willing to do so.

Crack. With the crisp sound, the demon suddenly spun and flew into the air. A
ball of black mist slowly dissipated where he had been standing. No one had
seen what the general had done. He was too fast.

"Remember, I'm not discussing with you. I am ordering you! I like giving
people the chance to redeem themselves but one chance. Understood?"

The black shadow bent over slightly, staring at the fallen Winged Howler with
blood-red eyes.

The Winged Howler was at Level-8 but was defenseless before this black
shadow. He was unwilling but didn't dare show it. "Yes," he muttered.

"Good." The black shadow straightened and pointed down at the gorge. "The
wind pointed out a direction, but it won't do so forever. We must hurry."

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Chapter 340: But I’m Right Behind You

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Wailing Gorge

Wuuuu wuuuuu!
A gust of wind blew past, and instantly, it created a sound like that of children
crying. It wasn't just a normal cry either, but more like a heart-rending cry that
was forcefully pushed out. It made people who heard it feel like their heart was
being squeezed, and it would make their hair stand on ends.

In the gorge, it was very dark. Although there were clear skies for a hundred
miles all around, the amount of light inside was minuscule. Perhaps it was due
to the walls blocking the light inside the gorge. In some corners, it was as dark
as night.

After a moment, the wind blew in again from the front, carrying with it the
smell of rotting corpses. Who knew who these corpses belonged to, or even
what creatures they were?

Skinorse rubbed his shoulders, edging closer to Link. However, he still

explained, "The wind in this ghastly place is very strong. I'm starting to feel
cold too."

The Yabba musketeer, Melinda, didn't say anything, but she gripped on tighter
to Nana's clothing. Every now and then, she would look backwards, as though
afraid that there would be a black claw that would grab onto her and drag her

Link was still in a better situation. He was occupied with casting spells, and this
kept his mind from wandering off. Therefore, he looked somewhat calm.

As for Nana, she opened her eyes wide, looking left and right in curiosity. After
all, it was her first time coming to a place like this.

The black cat was naturally not the least bit scared, but it had its own troubles.
"MEEOOW! Let go, you scaredy cat! Stop grabbing my ear!"

Melinda had grabbed onto the cat's ear, squeezing onto it tightly no matter what
the cat did. This caused the cat a lot of frustration on the journey through the

The group of them thus proceeded like this through the strange place. After
walking for about half an hour, they heard a sound of rustling carried by the
They looked up and could make out the figures of two 12-foot-long Winged
Howlers flying overhead.

The group immediately backed up. Although they knew that the Howler had not
discovered them, they still reduced the sound of their breathing nonetheless,
trying to remain as hidden as possible.

Only after the demons had flown off, Skinorse softly said, "These two demons
look very strong, much stronger than me. Could they both be Level-8 demons?"

He had the strength of Level-7, but while facing these demons he could feel
immense pressure from them. This showed that the demons were clearly a full
stage higher than he was.

Link nodded his head. "Indeed, they're both Level-8 monsters. They're probably
about ten times stronger than you."

Skinorse was speechless. Ten times! How could he even fight them?

A full ten minutes passed before he spoke again. "Why do I feel that the demons
have gotten much stronger than before? They weren't this strong a month ago."

Link naturally knew the reason but chose not to say it. He simply said, "Perhaps
the demons that Aymons is summoning are stronger than before?"

Skinorse did not doubt what Link had said. He cursed, "Aymons is mad! All the
Dark Elves are mad! They're going to do themselves in some day."

Not long after the two demons flew off, the group heard footsteps coming from
behind them. At the same time, they also heard voices speaking in the demon's
language. Skinorse and Melinda had no way to understand it, but Link had done
some research into the language spoken in the abyss, and he could vaguely
make out the gist of what he heard.

"This damn gorge! How many passages are there?"

"Where do you think those little rats are hiding?"

"Who knows. They might be huddled up in some hole. I'm just annoyed at the
commander's orders. Capturing a Magician alive? That's just suicide!"
"Hush! Don't let the commander hear you. You know his temper."

"Let him hear me then! What, can't we speak the truth?"

There were eight demons in this group. They took advantage of their superiority
in numbers to walk brazenly through the gorge, not bothering to hide their

The demons were huge, and their speed was also fast. Looking at the situation,
it would only be minutes before they caught up. This was different from the
situation with the demons flying overhead. The gorge was only ten feet wide. If
the two groups engaged in combat, the demons would definitely notice.

Link glanced around and suddenly spotted a human-sized hole. The hole was
pitch dark. Nothing could be seen within. However, Link could make out the
sound of wind from the other end of the hole. That meant that there was an exit
at the other end of the tunnel.

These demons were huge, above nine feet in height. The hole was rather small,
so they would definitely not be able to enter. It would be much safer than
walking normally.

Link pointed at the tunnel. "Let's go in."

"Lord…. can we not? I think it'd be better if we just ran faster," Skinorse said.
Looking at the hole gave him the chills. The tunnel was pitch dark, and there
were even weird noises coming out of it. Furthermore, what made them even
more afraid is that, in order to escape the demons' pursuit, they would have to
grope their way forward in the darkness with no light. Who knew what they
would find inside?

Melinda was about to burst into tears at this point. She didn't say anything but
pouted her small mouth at Link. Her face was pleading. Clearly, she did not
want to go in either.

Hearing the footsteps behind getting closer, Link said determinedly, "Stop dilly-
dallying; quick go in! Skinorse, you're first. Nana, follow him, save him if
anything happens. I'll bring up the rear."
Although they could run quickly, could they hope to outrun the flying demons?
Furthermore, if they ran, they would make even more noise and expose their
own position. Perhaps that would lead to even greater trouble.

Entering the tunnel was definitely the best solution.

As for what they might encounter inside the tunnel...well, they would deal with
it when the time came. It would definitely be easier to deal with than the
pursuing demons.

Link's command was absolute, and Skinorse could not think of any other way
out either. He could only grab his dagger in his right hand and feel his way
forward with his left hand, creeping forward one step at a time in the darkness.

Nana quickly followed. Link went in last.

Just as the group was about 90 feet into the tunnel, behind them in the
passageway they came from came the sound of footsteps running past. The
demons had arrived and walked past the hole.

Link carefully listened to the sounds of the footsteps go by. Just as he let out a
sigh of relief, the demons suddenly turned back and Link heard a sound. "Hey,
there's a hole here."

"I feel that there's something suspicious about it."

"Let me smell it."

There was the sound of something sniffing, and in a few moments, a demon
voice said, "Indeed! There's a scent on the walls. They've definitely gone
through here!"

"This hole is so small; we can't go in! How do we get them?"

"It seems that only someone of the commander's size can fit inside. Should we
inform the commander?"

"Of course! Hee hee! Let the commander go in alone and attempt to catch the
Upon hearing this, Link again let out the breath he was holding back.

The scent on the walls was probably because of Skinorse's sweat. Just this little
bit of trace had given them away. The demons were definitely astute.
Fortunately for them, only the commander demon could chase them inside here,
and Link was confident of dealing with one commander.

Thinking about this, Link said, "Hold up."

Skinorse and Nana stopped and watched as Link took out his wand to draw out
magical symbols in the air. With each stroke of his wand, one line of glowing
light appeared in the air.

His speed was very fast, and in about ten seconds, the air was filled with the
light of radiant magic runes. Link pointed the staff towards the stone wall and
said softly, "Seal!"

The runes flew up onto the stone walls. Clang! The cavern walls shook slightly,
as though a hammer had knocked into it. Immediately, a magic formation
emerged on the walls.

Following that, the tunnel started to change.

As the magic formation glowed with light, a magic door appeared behind Link.
The magic door's surface was rough and looked like a mountain wall. It gave the
impression that it was a dead end in the tunnel.

That was not enough. If it were just the magic door, the magical aura emanated
from the door would easily be detected by the opponent. Then, they could easily
break through the barrier.

Link continued drawing more magical symbols. Ten seconds later, another set
of runes appeared.


Clang! The sound appeared again, and this time, the runes appeared on the
magic door. When this magic formation was completed, the magical aura of the
door immediately disappeared. Now, it looked no different from an ordinary
Skinorse could not spot any defects in the door. If he hadn't just come from the
tunnel, but discovered the door on his own, he would have assumed it was part
of the stone wall and be tricked by it.

The black cat also praised, "Hey, isn't this one of the tricks I taught you? Not
bad, you're already putting it to good use. You're definitely smart, much better
than that blockhead Isendilan."

Link shook his head, saying, "According to the demons, the commander is
really incredible. This may not be able to trick him. I'm merely using it as a
warning system."

If the magic door was broken through, Link would detect it and know that the
demon commander was catching up. He would then be able to make

He said to Skinorse, "Okay, let's continue. Go forward another 300 feet, then I'll
be able to safely give us some light."

Skinorse felt a lot more relieved and continued feeling his way forward in the

The tunnel gradually grew wider. After about 300 feet, what was originally tall
and wide enough for just a single person suddenly expanded out. From the
echoes of their footsteps, they could tell that the tunnel had gotten bigger.

"Lord Link, are you still behind me?" Melinda asked, suddenly feeling

"I am," Link replied. Hearing his calm voice made Melinda feel a lot more

However, it was at this moment when there was a wuuuuu sound coming from
the tunnel. As a strong gust of wind blew past them, it made them lose their
balance for a moment.

The strange wind blew for about three seconds, and then, just as suddenly as it
had begun, it stopped.
The one in the lead, Skinorse, let out a sigh of relief and forced out of laugh.
"That gave me a fright. I was afraid something would happen."

The group of them continued walking forward.

However, after ten seconds, Skinorse suddenly called out, "Hey, Nana, what are
you doing beside me? I brushed your hand just now.

The next moment, Nana's clear voice sounded out. "But I'm right behind you."

At this moment, Skinorse felt like his heart was going to stop.

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Chapter 341: The Night King’s Sadness

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Wailing Gorge, cave.

Nana was behind him, so whose arm did he just touch?

Skinorse felt goosebumps all over him, and cold sweat sprouted all over his
back. He had the sudden urge to get up and just run.

Poof. Link cast an illumination spell and weak light lit up the cave. Under the
dim yellow light, Link saw two pairs of wide eyes and two faces filled with
terror. One was Skinorse, and the other was Melinda, the Yabba woman.

As for Nana, she was how she always was. The black cat was curled inside
Nana's shirt, licking its paws as if the outside world had nothing to do with it.

As for the surroundings, the cave tunnel was already very spacious. It was 50
feet wide and more than 15 feet high. There were pebbles scattered all over the
ground, and to the left, there was a huge ten-foot tall semicircular boulder that
blocked everyone's line of sight. Many stalactites hung down from the ceiling of
the cave. There were two dark tunnels up ahead, one of which had wind
traveling through, creating eerie keening sounds.
"N-nothing? But I clearly felt something. It was soft and kind of warm."
Skinorse was about to cry. He flattened himself against the wall and gripped
daggers with both hands in a defensive position. Only like this could he be
slightly at ease.

Whoosh. Link cast another light spell. He lit up three in total, and three fist-
sized balls of milky white light flew out. One was stuck above Skinorse's head,
one stuck onto the ceiling, and another turned and flew behind the boulder in the
upper left.

The space was instantly illuminated, and everything became clear. No blind
spots were left. Skinorse was a lot more reassured. Gripping his daggers, he
inched towards the boulder. He thought that it was the only possible hiding
place. If that thing he touched really existed, it had to be here.

He was already prepared to fight.

Three feet, six feet, nine feet… After six more feet, he would be behind the
boulder. Here, Skinorse pounced using his experience and rolled forward after
landing. He ended in a half squat behind the boulder, his dagger before him and
ready to go in either direction.

If there was someone hiding behind the boulder, Skinorse would charge like this
to ensure he wouldn't be attacked.

"Where is he? Where? Still no one?" Skinorse felt that he was going to have a
mental breakdown.

The cave was only so big, and this boulder was the only hiding place. If there
was nothing here, then what the f*ck did he touch?!

"Skinorse, m-maybe you imagined it?" Melinda asked timidly. She was curled
up on Nana's back as if she wanted to disappear.

Skinorse lost his confidence. He lowered his head and looked around. If that
guy really existed, there should be footprints on the ground. Skinorse started
suspecting that he'd imagined it because there were no footprints at all.

"Lord, do you sense anything wrong?" Skinorse felt that he was so nervous that
he made a mistake—and a rookie mistake at that.
Link didn't speak after casting the light spell and carefully investigated the
surrounding marks. At this time, he'd already found some abnormal marks.

"You were right. You probably did touch something. Look here," Link said,
pointing at the center of the boulder.

Skinorse looked over. There was a small scrape at the six-foot point. It was a
fresh mark as well. It seemed that the thing had gone deeper into the cave.

"It probably flies, and after you accidentally touched it, it was scared too and
immediately flew away. It's silent when flying or it's very quiet and was covered
by the wind in the cave on the right."

While speaking, Link ended the light spell, only keeping the one on top of
Skinorse's head. "If I guessed correctly," he continued, "there should be some
abnormal things in this cave. The thing we just ran into should be like a
detective sentinel."

In the game, these sentinels were called "Night Whistles." They were a type of
trained bird unique to the Wailing Gorge. If a Night Whistle was discovered
inside a cave, it was a sign that there was definitely a storyline quest inside.

If Link was correct, the one right ahead was called "The Night King's Sadness."

Sealed locations like caves had fewer geographical details, so this place was
practically identical to the game. When the familiar semicircular boulder
appeared, Link immediately confirmed his guess.

After knowing this was a storyline quest, Link felt relieved but also annoyed.

The reason was simple. The final boss in this quest, the Night King, wasn't too
powerful but the way to win was really messed up. If the player had bad luck,
they would feel like smashing their head against a wall.

The quest was called the Night King's Sadness, but it could easily end up being
the player's sadness.

Link had done this storyline quest at least 100 times in the game. He passed
after completely wracking his brain every time just to win a double mount that
the Night King dropped.
When he got it, Link swore that he would never come to this messed up place.
But now, in real life, he was back.

On the other hand, Skinorse heard that there were sentinels and scratched his
head. "Lord, there are two roads up ahead. Which way should we go?"

"The left side, the one without wind," Link said.

"Ah, but the right side has wind. That means there's an exit." Skinorse didn't
understand. He liked adventures, so he knew this type of basic knowledge.

Link had already gone toward the left. "The wind isn't natural. It's a wind
element spell. I can feel that it will end up as a dead end."

Actually, Link couldn't tell at all. In his opinion, this wind was exactly like
natural wind. Link only knew because he'd fallen for the trick before.

This was the first trick of the Night King's Sadness. The pioneer gamers would
see that the left was still while the right continuously had wind. They would
instinctively feel that there was something in the right and go that way.

However, the result was the wind would lead them into the maze-like tunnel and
run into a bunch of wind element creatures. There were usually two endings
after choosing the right side. One, the player would accidentally attract too
many creatures and get killed; two, the player would get completely stumped by
the maze and return to the cemetery to be resurrected. (The game didn't have the

The ones who could exit the maze were either geniuses or were lucky enough to
win the lottery.

The tricks here could be used on rookies but also experienced players. Link was
now completely focused. He was ready to deal with the Night King's traps.

Link's words were very reliable. Since he said the right side was a dead end,
Skinorse walked towards the left without any hesitation.

"Wait, let's leave a mark behind."

With that, Link walked to the right entrance. He pointed his wand forward, and
a light spell appeared, flying deep into the cave. The spell had a unique
characteristic—it had a very, very long range.

Its Mana structure was introverted and very stable. After completion, it would
steadily release light until all the Mana inside was used up. The Magician didn't
need to consume energy during the process to maintain its existence. This
resulted in its super long range. Basically, the light spell could be shot as far as
one could see.

Link controlled the spell along the tunnel. Unsteadily, it flew 650 feet before
sticking onto the wall.

"This spell can last three minutes," he explained. "The entire time, it'll release
large amounts of Mana aura—"

Before he could finish, the black cat stuck out its head and said, "And then the
demon general will charge into there and end up in the maze. Meow, Link,
you're evil. I like it."

Link shrugged in admission.

Deep inside, he was impressed. As expected of a god, the black cat immediately
understood the inner structure of the cave. Of course, even though it looked
extremely cute, it was actually cold inside. It would sacrifice anything for
freedom, which was evident from his actions.

Link was still cautious of it.

Hearing their words, Skinorse was rest assured. Under the guidance of the light
above his head, he took the lead and entered the left cave. He walked forward
while Link stayed behind to erase their marks. He wiped away all the footprints,
spell auras, odors, and everything else.

The path was mostly smooth, and nothing abnormal happened.

The further they went, the more spacious the cave became. After five minutes,
Link suddenly felt something. Then he heard a boom come from behind them.

"What's that?" Skinorse's footsteps faltered.

Link was a bit surprised by this. "My Magic Door was broken in. It seems that
the demon general truly is powerful and we can only fool him for so long. Don't
worry. Let's continue."

After around 300 feet, there was suddenly a glowing Magic Door before them.
A sentence was written in magic runes. Mortal, what is the biggest lie in life?

There were three choices under it: love, power, and wealth. There was a blank
space after it, as well as an explanation below it. If you want to enter, answer
the question.

Seeing this, Link sighed. This was first trick for experienced players. In the
game, countless good men were wrecked by this Magic Door.

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Chapter 342: Mind-boggled to the Point of Desperation

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the tunnel

Skinorse walked in front of the magic door, inspecting the words carved on the
door. "Hmm, this door… Power, Wealth, Love… These are all life's great lies.
However, they aren't really the greatest."

Using his dagger, Skinorse drew some lines on the door. As the sharp edge of
the dagger brushed the surface of the door, it created a sharp scratching sound.
However, it did not even leave a mark on the door. Skinorse turned to Link,
saying, "Lord, this door is really sturdy. How are we supposed to break
through? Don't tell me we really have to answer the question?"

As an adventurer, Skinorse felt that it could not be so simple.

The black cat in Nana's bosom looked at the door. "Meow, this door is really
Saying so, he ducked back into Nana's chest, not bothering to speak further or
explain the method to get past the door. Looking at it made Skinorse's gums

Link looked at the door and sighed to himself. In his previous life, he was
played to death by this very door.

At that time, he was still inexperienced and had come with some friends to
explore this dungeon. Upon reaching this door, the group of them had sat down
discussing the topic of what life's greatest lie was. Their discussion lasted three
days and three nights. Finally, because of some accident, they realized they
were tricked.

Link walked forward and, using his wand, wrote down a line in the blank space
on the door. "You are the greatest lie!"

Life's greatest lie?

How could there be anyone answer to this question?

The most hateful thing about this door was that it used the players' self-doubt to
lead them on. The more the player thought about the answer, the more they
would wrack their brains to come up with more and more answers. However, all
of that was just wasting the player's time.

The answer was simple. The key to opening this door had nothing to do with the
complicated looking question. The only purpose for the question was to con

The moment Link wrote this on the door, an illusory voice sounded out from the
door. "Wrong answer."

This response from the door was also a con.

In most situations, when someone tells you that your answer is wrong, you
would naturally reconsider what the correct answer could be. However, that
would just mislead you deeper and deeper into the con.
Ultimately, this trap made use of the player's self-doubt to keep them from
proceeding. During the game, many teams were toyed with in this manner by
the Night King.

"Lord, the answer is wrong," Skinorse said.

Look, this fellow fell into the trap.

Link replied, "If I were the creator of this magic door, I would not bother
putting a real answer. If I'm not wrong, these are the only four words that this
door knows."

As he said this, Link selected "power."

As expected, the door immediately replied, "Wrong answer."

"Then how do we enter?" Melinda asked.

"Don't rush," Link replied.

Link walked around the magic door until he reached a part of the door not under
the light. There was a normal looking stone sticking out from the stone wall.

Link took a clean cloth and lay it on the stone. This was to ensure that he did not
leave his scent behind. Then, he pressed down hard onto the stone. Suddenly,
the stone was pushed into the wall! Immediately, the magic door started ringing,
and after three seconds, it vanished.

"What…!" Skinorse suddenly felt that the world was truly treacherous. A simple
trap like this could have led him around in circles forever. How would people
dare to adventure like this?

"Alright, don't worry, let's go in!" Link instructed urgently. The magic door
made a lot of noise before it vanished and would surely have alerted the
pursuing demons. They definitely could not afford to dally any longer.

After they entered the passage, Link pressed down hard on another similarly
normal looking rock. Ringgg. After ringing again, the passage they were in lit
up, and two seconds later, the magic door was back in place.
This magic door was a very high-level door with the strength of Level-8. Link
hoped that it could delay the demon commander. It would be the best if the
commander fell into the trap and wasted time solving the riddle. Even if he
didn't but used brute force to break through the door, Link could use it to gauge
the demon commander's true strength.

Once the magic door was reformed, Link warned the rest, "Later on, we've got
to be more careful. There could be Assassins appearing at every trap we
encounter. Also, watch your step, don't step into any holes. Any of them could
be dangerous.

The trickster door was only the beginning. After passing the door, there were all
sorts of other traps that made adventurers nervous or irritated. Without knowing
it, they could find themselves in trouble.

Skinorse swallowed his saliva. Earlier, he had been tricked by the magic door
and was feeling less confident about himself. However, he was the only
Assassin with the highest agility in the group. Therefore, he still went ahead to
scout for traps.

The path behind the magic door was very wide, about ten feet wide and five feet
high. Magic lamps hung on both sides of the passageway. Under the dim light of
these lamps, the passageway could be seen clearly enough. Link stopped his
light magic.

"Watch out, these lamps aren't meant to guide us, it's for Assassins to conceal
themselves. As we walk in this lit place, we would naturally feel more at ease
and let down our guard. Also, because of the flickering light, it would distract us
from focusing on the shadows and help to conceal any Assassins hiding inside.
In this situation, we have no way of knowing when the Assassins may rush out."

"What should we do then?" Melinda asked. She was currently standing under
the glow of the lamps. As she looked around, she could see dark areas but
couldn't see anything in them.

"Well, it's easy. I've got a way," Skinorse replied. He took out an eyepatch and
used it to cover his eyes. With one eye covered, he looked like a pirate.

Link immediately understood what he was doing. "Great idea!"

With one eye covered, they could walk around in the light with no worries.
When they entered the darkness, they could take off the eye patch to see
normally as the eye covered by the eye patch would already be acclimatized to
the darkness.

Hearing the praise, Skinorse was delighted. "Heh heh, I learned this from a
pirate. Whenever they pilfered others, they would often rush from the brightly
lit deck into the darkness below deck and back again. Without this trick, they
would have more difficulties adjusting to the change in vision.

The group continued walking. After about 3 minutes, Skinorse suddenly raised
his dagger and cast out his battle aura, looking very fearsome.

Clang. The moment he cast his battle aura, Skinorse was knocked backwards by
a figure cloaked in the darkness. He staggered a few steps back, trying to
stabilize his footing. His both hands gripping the daggers were also hard at work
fending off the attacks emerging from the darkness.

"Look out below! Levitation!" Link shouted, then immediately cast a spell onto
Skinorse. The moment his spell was completed, Skinorse had stepped onto a
piece of stone slab.

Because of the effect of the Levitation Spell, he did not step down onto the
stone slab but only brushed the surface.

The trap did not trigger.

Immediately, Link followed up by throwing a dimensional ball the size of a

sesame seed. The dimensional ball exploded directly in front of the Assassin,
constricting the dark figure's movements.

The group was finally able to see the figure's features.

Its body was shrouded in a dark green fog, making it look like it was covered in
a dark green cloak. Looking carefully, it didn't seem to have legs and was
levitating in the air. It also didn't have a face, and here its head was supposed to
be was completely covered in the dark green fog. It looked very much like a

Amidst the fog, there were two crystal claws that glowing with red light.
At the moment, the claws were clashing against Skinorse's daggers over and
over again. Each time they clashed, the crystal claws would glow a little
brighter. After many clashes, the crystal was now glowing brightly, and they
even seemed to be emitting a red fog which vaguely sparked with electricity.

Those with some fighting experience could tell that these pair of crystal claws
would soon unleash a terrifying attack.

However, it didn't have the chance.

Link spent 1000 Mana on this Spatial Shackles Spell. The spell was over Level-
8 while this Specter Assassin was only Level-7. It had no way to resist.

Its movements slowed down until they came to a stop.

Skinorse took advantage of the opportunity to regain his bearings. He looked at

the stone slab he had nearly activated, noticing an array of creamy white runes
flashing on the slab. It would have activated a lightning trap.

Normally, he would have easily noticed this trap, but in the midst of being sneak
attacked, his concentration was fully directed at fending off his opponent's
attacks and had no time to look at where he was stepping.

If he had been alone, he would certainly have stepped onto the slab, activating
the lightning trap. Even if he did not die in the trap, he would be paralyzed. In a
place like this, that was essentially the same as dying.

He rejoiced in his heart and rushed over with his daggers aimed towards the
Specter Assassin.

Puff puff puff. His daggers pierced continuously into the fog-covered body.
However, it was as though he was stabbing into the air, and Skinorse could not
feel any resistance from the stabs. His opponent also showed no signs of injury.

"Don't tell me it can't be killed?" Skinorse exclaimed.

"This is a specter, its body is completely spiritual and normal attacks have little
effect. Nana!"
Nana rushed forward, drawing out the dagger that would make even exiled gods
nervous. The dagger slashed across the specter's body. Whoosh. The specter
was ripped into two halves. The dagger had also slashed across one of its crystal
claws which immediately split like a jelly bean, spilling out red light.

After being cut in half, the Specter Assassin dissipated into smoke. Its crystal
claw fell to the floor with a clang.

Link picked the claw up and kept it. It was excellent material.

"Wow, Nana, that was great. What kind of dagger is that?" Skinorse could
immediately tell that the dagger was special. Just watching it cut the crystal
claws alone made him very moved. One had to know that the crystal claws were
extremely hard and he could not even put a scratch on it.

"I made it," Link replied instead.

Skinorse was instantly filled with a sense of jealousy. Link was a Magician
famous throughout the continent. Any dagger he made would definitely not be

However, this dagger was really powerful.

Link instructed, "Let's slow down. Make sure to look carefully where you're
walking. There will be many traps where you least expect them, and, although
you would not normally step on them, you might be led towards it when
fighting with the Assassins."

This was the most dangerous part.

"Understood," Skinorse replied, becoming extremely alert.

The group continued on meeting three more Specter Assassins along the way.
This time, Skinorse was prepared for them, and together with Link and Nana,
easily dealt with them.

They followed the curving passageway for another 450 feet before encountering
a spiral staircase leading downwards.
Seeing the many magical doors that flanked the spiral staircase made the group
nervous. There was one door every ten stairs. Looking down, there were 500
stairs, meaning there would be 50 doors.

At the end of the stairs was a dead end. There was simply no exit.

Meaning to say, if there were an exit, it would be found among one of these
doors. However, who could say which door led to the exit and which led to a
dead end? Worse still, which door would lead them into danger, and how were
they to open these doors? They would need to try every door.

Even Link felt a headache coming after seeing this.

"Life Stealing Ten Thousand Door Array." This was the most painful part of the
mission "The Night King's Sadness."

It was naive to think that the 50 doors was all there was to the Life Stealing Ten
Thousand Door Array!

Here, players would experience what it meant to be mind-boggled to the point

of desperation.

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Chapter 343: Unbelievably Strange

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


"Lord, it's a dead end?" Skinorse gaped at the spiraling steps.

The first Magic Door was in the near distance. He walked up and tried with his
dagger. There was a sharp scraping sound, and a faint scratch appeared on the
smooth Magic Door. It faded slowly and disappeared completely after three
"This door isn't very sturdy. I can destroy them easily, but there are too many."
He estimated that he could force through five doors, ten doors, and even 20
doors but 50 would exhaust him.

Link had a headache too.

The reason was simple. The space in the spiral steps was very unusual and was
finely folded multiple times. Only one of these doors was the true exit, but its
position wasn't set. It could randomly appear as one of the 50.

In the previous game, Link had tried more than 100 times. Every door had once
been the exit, but as a player, they could only gamble their luck.

They had to break through door after door and go in to check until they found
the correct exit. If one was lucky, the first would be the exit. If one was unlucky,
it could end up being door 50. That would be honestly depressing. Some players
were even stuck in this place for an entire week.

Link was quite lucky in the other world. Paired with some tricks, he could
usually find the right exit within five tries. However, that was a game, and this
was reality. Link didn't know if his tricks would work.

Of course, the most important task now was to open the doors.

Forcefully breaking them was possible, but these Magic Doors were all around
the pinnacle of Level-6. It was too consuming and wouldn't work in the long
run. Fortunately, Link was prepared.

He took out the dark red crystal claw blade taken from the Undead Assassin
earlier. After modifying it, it had become a 20-centimeter-long, two-centimeter-
wide crystal stick. Holding this stick, Link walked towards the first Magic Door.
He studied the wall carefully. After around one minute, he found a centimeter-
long crack in the wall.

Found it. It's just like in the game! Link was overjoyed. He took out his wand
and pointed at the crack lightly. "Cleansing spell!"

Faint light loomed over and lightly cleaned the crack of dust and pebbles like a
duster. Finally, it revealed a small hole around two centimeters wide. It was the
exact size of Link's crystal stick.
Link stuck the stick into the hole and started pouring Mana into it. At the same
time, he explained, "This should be the keyhole of the Magic Door. A key made
from the Undead Assassin's claw blade won't be rejected by the Magic Door's
power…Wait, the position is wrong."

He pulled the crystal stick out and continued to add Mana in to investigate.
After around three seconds, Link slowly pushed the stick in again. He went
millimeter by millimeter, and after around three millimeters, a slight crack
sounded in the hole.

"Got it." Skinorse was overjoyed when he heard the sound.

Link activated an enchantment again and modified the crystal stick bit by bit to
the shape of the lock's structure. After around ten seconds, Link gently turned
the stick. Buzz…buzz…buzz… The Magic Door beside the hole hummed
lightly. After around ten seconds, the door transformed into light and

"The door is open!" Melinda laughed and clapped her hands. She looked at Link
with reverence.

"Hmph, you haven't seen anything." The black cat looked at the cheering Yabba
woman with disdain. Then it changed its position and curled up again as if
things had nothing to do with it.

"Skinorse, investigate the path!"

"Okay." The guy brandished his dagger and rushed to the front again. He
walked in and, after a bit, he said, "Come in, it's safe…but it's a bit strange. I
think we've been here before."

The group entered. Link glanced around and sighed. "Let's go. This door is the
entrance to a looped space. It's not the exit. Let's continue forward."

The place they were at was completely identical to the entrance of the Door of
Lies. This door was like a transmitter among the steps. They stepped through
and returned to the entrance.

"Lord, why don't we go back?" Skinorse asked curiously.

Link pointed behind them. "Are you sure you want to go back?"

Skinorse walked to the door behind them and instantly had a fright. When they
came in, there were still steps. Now, it had become a bottomless hole. He
couldn't see anything in the hole while violent wind kept blowing through. It
was really strong too and caught Skinorse by surprise. He lost his balance and
actually floated. It seemed that the wind would suck him in.

Nana hurriedly grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Regaining his balance, Skinorse felt that even his breaths were shaky. His legs
felt like jelly, and he could barely stand.

Link tossed a rock into the hole. One second, two seconds…After more than
one minute, there was a sudden boom, and a lick of fire shot out from the hole.
The flame was light blue and was abnormally hot. Skinorse was a bit closer to it
and his face hurt from the heat, forcing him to activate his Battle Aura to defend

"That scary?" Skinorse gulped. The rock took one minute to land, there was
wild wind, and there was Level-8 explosive fire in the bottom. If they retreated,
they would definitely die.

"This is a one-way looped space. There is no way back."

"What's a one-way looped space?" Skinorse asked as if he wasn't in dire danger.

Before Link could reply, the black cat cut in. "Mortal, take it easy with your
poor brain and let it live a few more years. You won't understand even if I tell

Link shrugged and said, "You saw the general situation. We can only go in one
direction and go past the places we've already been through. As for the specific
theory, are you sure you want to know?"

He understood the theory and could even make something similar. Decoding
this type of space wasn't that hard either, but there was a big problem.
This one-way looped space had dead ends. This meant that once it was decoded
and the space collapsed, there was a high possibility that everyone inside would
be brought to the dead end—the bottomless fire pit they'd just witnessed.

From what they'd seen, this dead end was abnormally horrifying, and there was
little chance they would survive.

Thus, Link decided he would just follow the spatial laws obediently. He could
get out anyhow.

Skinorse didn't believe him. "Tell me. I'll listen."

So Link started saying, "It's like this. The single loop doesn't actually exist. It's
one-way because dead ends exist. It's a Mana transformational equation—"

After that sentence, Skinorse knew that listening to it would be torture. "Lord, I
realized my mistake. I don't want to listen."

"Then let's keep walking."

Skinorse looked at the gradually disappearing Mana equation in the air and
sighed, his heart still unsettled. He continued leading the way.

The group traveled around 900 feet down this familiar path when another
downward spiral staircase appeared. There were fifty doors around the steps; it
was identical to the scene earlier.

"We're back," Link said.

"But didn't we already open the first door? This one is closed." Skinorse felt
mentally and physically exhausted. This place was too strange and was almost
beyond his ability to comprehend.

Melinda found a detail this time. She pointed at the footprints on the ground and
said, "We really did come back. Look, those are our footprints."

Skinorse looked down and let out a long sigh. He'd already given up on
wondering why. Since he couldn't figure it out, he would hand the brain work to
the Magician.
"Lord, what do we do now? Do we continue with the second door?" Skinorse

As he spoke, he felt like an idiot that didn't know anything. The black cat
especially looked at him as if he was an ant. It was okay once or twice, but after
being looked at like that for so long, even Skinorse was starting to doubt

Link shook his head. "No, we'll still try the first door."

"But didn't you say the first door is that one-way looped space thing? If we go
in, wouldn't we come back?" Skinorse didn't understand while Melinda was
staring at Link too.

"The situation has changed." Link shook his head. "This door is completely
new. Let me put it this way. The first door in front of us now is different from
the first door we just opened. You know, doors are connection points in the
space. These points can be ordered randomly…Whatever, just follow me."

Nana was completely uninterested in this. She only looked inside the cave
curiously. Melinda and Skinorse didn't understand even if Link explained. The
black cat didn't need him to explain, so his explanation was meaningless.

As for why they would still open the first door, this was a trick he'd learned
from the experience in the game. It may be a preference of the one-way single
loop's designer. There was a strange pattern to the position of the true exit.

If the first door opened was a one-way single loop door, there was a very high
possibility that the true door after coming back would follow Fibonacci's

If the door was number one, the second time, it could be one, but it could also
be two, three, five, eight, thirteen, and so on. If he tried according to this
method, he would definitely find the exit within six tries.

Link had played the Night King's Sadness more than 100 times in the game, and
this pattern was never wrong.
He found the keyhole in the first door again and stuck the already-created key
in. He twisted, and with a crack, the Magic Door disappeared again. Skinorse
was the first to enter again.

After entering, he sighed sadly. "Lord, we're back again."

"Then continue!" Link didn't feel dejected at all. As long as the second try was
another one-way single loop instead of some strange space, it meant they were

They walked to the entrance of the spiral steps again. This time, Link went to
open the second Magic Door.

They were all familiar now. Link quickly adjusted the key's shape, twisted the
key, and the Magic Door disappeared with a buzz. The group walked in again.

Once they did so, Skinorse sighed again. "Back again."

Link looked carefully and shook his head. "No, it's not the same. Look behind

Everyone turned around and discovered that it wasn't the steps they'd entered
from or the fireless pit behind them. Instead, it was a bright tunnel.

The walls on either side had become extremely smooth, clearly polished with
care. Every 30 feet, there would be a magic light on the wall. It could be seen
that there was a bright hall at the end of the tunnel. The scene in the hall could
be described as resplendent.

"The exit?!" Skinorse was overjoyed and almost ran over instantly.

"Wait, be careful!" Link called out. When Skinorse stood still in confusion,
Link picked up a rock and tossed it towards the exit. The moment the rock
passed through the Magic Door, there was a soft noise, and the rock was sliced
into dozens of pieces. Each piece was less than one millimeter thick.

Skinorse paled immediately. He couldn't see anything in the tunnel, but such a
fatal trap was hidden in it. It was terrifying!
"It's a Spatial Slicer. Look carefully. Do you see anything?" Link asked in

Skinorse calmed down and investigated for a few minutes before finally
nodding. "It's a bit different, but it's too well-hidden."

When they'd found the exit just then, he was ecstatic and wouldn't notice such a
small mark. If Link hadn't called out to him and ran over happily, he wouldn't be
Skinorse now. He would be pieces of Skinorse.

"How do we decode this—"

Before Skinorse could finish, a giant explosion sounded in the tunnel. Then the
exit that they'd found with so much difficulty collapsed and disappeared. It
revealed a broken tunnel—the position of the Door of Lies.

A black shadow shrouded in black mist, and bloody eyes stood in the tunnel,
roaring angrily, "Lies! They're all lies! Damn Magic Door! It's lying to me!"

When he saw Link's group, the anger vanished. He burst into laughter. "Hahaha,
seems like I've come at the right time!"

Everyone blanched and gaped at each other. Skinorse wanted to kill this bastard.
They'd finally found the exit, but it disappeared just like that.

However, reality was cruel, and this demon was very powerful. Even Link
couldn't defeat him, let alone Skinorse!

"A Level-9 demon," Link muttered. "He's a fallen angel and is very powerful.
We're not his match. Retreat."

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Chapter 344: “My Love, Did You Return?”

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the dark figure laid its eyes upon Link, it let out a hollow laugh. "Run!
Run if you can! I love hunting my prey! Kukukuhahaha!"

Skinorse immediately moved in front of Link to block him, facing off against
this fellow shrouded in black mists. His heart was thumping, and he whispered
to Link, "Lord, I feel like the moment we move, we'll be killed."

Link was a Level-7 expert and was definitely one of the strongest among the
human race. Facing off against an otherworldly demon, that however meant
nothing. He could be killed in an instant.

The difference in power was so great that it could not be made up with Battle
Art or tricks.

The demon's hearing was excellent, and it was also in no hurry to attack.
Laughing, it mocked, "At least you're clear on your situation, smart man.
However, that's still not going to save you. DIE!"

Suddenly, the demon commander attacked.

Skinorse watched as the demon commander raised a finger and a streak of black
light appeared in the air, flying towards his forehead.

If it hit, Skinorse's head would definitely explode, and he would die.

Fortunately, Link was as fast as the demon commander. The moment the demon
commander stopped talking, Link noticed the Mana fluctuations coming from
him. In that instant, Link had prepared his defenses.

A dimensional ball was flung over by Link, meeting the streak of black light in
mid-air. Bang! As the two collided, they exploded just hairs away from
Skinorse's body.

Link did not dare to hold anything back. In that instant, he expended 5000 Mana
to cast the Spatial Shackles spell, causing it to reach the peak of Level-8 and
approach the strength of Level-9.

However, a skill flashed by in that exact instant.

This skill looked completely pitch black, as black as ink. On the surface, it
looked somewhat translucent. The moment it collided with the Spatial Shackles,
Link felt the shackles shake violently. Moments later, the Mana within it was
disrupted and burst into chaos, collapsing the spell.

The Spatial Shackles spell which cost 5000 Mana could not even block the
demon's casual attack for one second.

This was the strength of a true Level-9 demon!

Furthermore, this demon was a fallen angel and was one of the strongest. Its
total strength placed it among the top three demons, the Three Great Gold

Lord of the Deep, Nozama, was a mixed blood demon. Half of his blood came
from a fallen angel. It was because of this that Celine's demon form possessed
black wings.

Link already knew that he could not hold anything back nor did he have time
tangle with the demon. The only thing he could do was try his best to escape.

Thus, as he released the spatial skill, he was also multitasking on other things.

The moment the spatial skill was broken by the demon, Link's mind was racing
through multiple courses of action.

His black eyes lit up with threads of cold white light. This would only happen
when a calm person pushed their soul to the limit, causing it to emit soul light.

Rustle. The Demon Slayer Whip appeared, and red colored light flashed. The
whip lashed out and curved back to hit towards the back of the fallen angel's

This was not all!

Multitasking two things was not Link's limit. While simultaneously controlling
these two spells, Link prepared one more skill: Dimensional Jump.

As the Spatial Shackles and the Demon Slayer Whip appeared, a white column
of light enveloped him and his team members.
One second later, the Spatial Shackles was destroyed. Nonetheless, that was
enough to give Skinorse some time to react.

His Battle Aura exploded out, drawing his dagger and holding it in front of

Clang! A sharp sound rang out. The Demon Slayer Whip was destroyed by the
fallen angel. Against a Level-8 attack, this expert merely needed to raise his
hand and flick a finger to destroy Link's attacks.

However, that gap was enough.

The next instant—whoosh, a sound rang out. Link, Skinorse, Nana and the rest
of them disappeared. The fallen angel's attack arrived the moment they
disappeared, but it was nevertheless too late and only hit air.

"That's fast! HA, they're going to be worthy prey!" The fallen angel was excited.
He could already detect Link and the rest, in another passage a few hundred feet
ahead. He rushed forward.


Link had already planned out where to teleport them to. He could not teleport
them out of the cave. The outside was definitely surrounded by demons already.
They could only proceed further into the cave.

As the teleportation ended and the group of them appeared, Skinorse coughed
up a mouthful of blood. Both of his arms were trembling like mad, and he
struggled to maintain a firm grip on his daggers.

Just before the teleportation activated, he had clashed once with the fallen
angel's attack. Just that one attack which had already been diffused by Link's
spell caused his arms to hurt as though seriously injured. The shock of the
impact went all the way to his chest, and his internal organs were rattling.

"Level-9 demons are so powerful! What a bitch!" Skinorse laughed bitterly.

"Stop whining, mortal. It's fortunate enough that you're still alive." The black
cat had at this point stuck out its head. It had a never-before-seen serious
expression on its round face. It turned to look at Link and asked, "Hey, do you
have any idea how to escape?"

It knew that it could no longer sit around without caring. Link had once said that
if he died, it would die too.

Link took a deep breath. His head throbbed, but he could still go on.

"I'm fine. I've got a plan to escape. Just follow my lead."

He inserted the key into the keyhole of the first magic door and turned. The door
disappeared. It was opened! Once again, it led into an empty space.

Link could feel the aura of the fallen angel nearby. After pausing for a second,
he instructed, "Go in, go in!"

They ran in through the magic door and once again found themselves at the
Door of Lies.

At this point, the fallen angel arrived at the spiral staircase. He looked down and
saw the spiral staircase surrounded by numerous magic doors as well as the
footprints on the floor. He immediately appeared outside of the first magic door
and drew out a curved black knife, slashing at the magic door.

Dense energy rushed into the knife, causing the knife to glow with black energy.
Wham! The magic door was blasted open.

Behind the door was a wide space filled with earth puppets. Link and the rest
were nowhere in sight.

"Damn it! It's a dimensional spell!" The commander immediately knew what he
had gotten himself into.

However, he once again felt for his prey's auras and realized that they were back
at the Door of Lies.

He immediately turned back to give chase.

After passing through a passage, he caught sight of Link's party. More
accurately, he caught sight of a group of figures surrounded by a column of
white light. "Don't run!"

The fallen angel dashed over in an attempt to stop them from disappearing.

However, Link had already estimated the time he would take. They vanished
just as the fallen commander reached them and once again appeared at the spiral

The first door that had been destroyed appeared again.

Inserting the crystal key, Link turned it again, and the door opened. This time,
they were lucky. There was no empty space or earth puppets. It was just a one-
way looped space.

This was another special feature of this magical array. Different ways of
opening the door would lead to different portals. Using the key to open the door
would have a much higher likelihood of reaching the true exit as compared to
smashing it down.

Link waited patiently. After about three seconds, when he could feel the fallen
commander approaching, he instructed, "Enter!"

Whoosh. Once again, they reappeared at the Door of Lies.

The fallen angel learned from his previous mistake. Instead of smashing down
the door, he turned back, heading for the Door of Lies. However, the moment he
laid eyes on Link's party, they once again disappeared in a flash of white light.

He felt intense anger rising up from the depths of his heart. He felt like he was
being led around by the nose by Link.

"Stop right there! I dare you to run again!" The fallen angel's voice boomed like
thunder, reverberating throughout the mountain.

Link ignored him.

This time, he arrived at the second magic door, and as usual, inserted the key
into the keyhole and turned. The door opened, and once again, it was an empty
space. However, Link had the feeling that on the third try, the true exit would
once again reveal itself.

After waiting for the fallen angel to rush over to them, he instructed the rest to
enter the door.

The fallen angel immediately turned around and, without any hesitation, dashed
towards the Door of Lies. He knew that any magical spell would consume
Mana, and that was especially so for a big spell like group teleportation. He
didn't believe that Link could use it often.

When Link arrived at the Door of Lies, he looked backwards. As expected, the
tunnel appeared.

He had 4600 Mana points remaining as well as 700 Omni points. That was more
than enough to use Dimensional Jump again. The walls of this tunnel out were
also covered in lines, clear evidence of a Spatial Slicer Trap. Link didn't disrupt
the trap but simply used teleportation instead.

Whoosh. They disappeared, and the next time they reappeared, they were in the
inner region of the tunnel.

"Come on, let's go," Link urged. He looked back and saw the fallen angel
rushing towards the tunnel entrance. When the fallen angel caught sight of Link,
his bloodshot eyes turned even redder.

"Brat, you're not running this time? Have you run out of Mana?" He stared at
Link, walking forward with big strides.

Link watched as the fallen angel approached Spatial Slicer Trap. Then, in order
to distract him from noticing, Link suddenly turned around and taunted the
fallen angel, "Look at your wings. Are you a bird? Or a person? Or maybe a
bird person?"

The fallen angel's eyes became more bloodshot. "Hmph, your self-confidence is

He strode forward, entering the tunnel.

Slice. All of a sudden, the fallen angel's body was sliced by the Spatial Slicer

Link watched as the black mist around the fallen angel's body suddenly contract,
before dissipating. The red color in the fallen angel's bloodshot eyes also

No matter how strong an expert was, as long as he was caught off-guard, even a
normal knife would be able to cut him. There was no need to talk about the
Spatial Slicer Skill, which was famous for cutting through anything.

The fallen angel was distracted by Link's taunts and got himself injured by the
Spatial Slicer Trap. If not for his quick reactions, jumping back the moment he
noticed the trap, as well as his strong demonic life force, he would have been
cut into slices of meat by now.

Even if he didn't die, his injuries would not be light.

He retreated to the entrance of the tunnel with black blood dripping off his
body. His hollow voice sounded out. "Magician, well done, you tricked me. But
don't think you've won! You're still going to die today!"

The fallen angel suddenly knelt onto the ground. Instantly, blue flames emerged
on his body, surrounding him and burning every inch of flesh on his body.

The black cat immediately called out, "He's using Soul Recovery! Let's go!"

Soul Recovery

Angel Bloodline Ability

Effect: Burns a portion of soul energy to heal any injury.

(Note: Cause a permanent decrease in angel's power.)

Link knew the side-effects of this spell used by angels. However, a Level-9
demon, even after it had its power reduced, was still extremely dangerous.
He immediately turned and ran. As the group of them rushed through the tunnel,
emerging into a big hall, the door to the tunnel closed. The fallen angel inside
the tunnel disappeared from view.

Skinorse laughed in delight. "Ha! He's gone. Now he won't be able to find us."

In order to escape through this space, they had expended a lot of energy.
Skinorse did not think that the fallen angel, being the coward he was, would
dare to open each of the 50 doors to find the tunnel again.

Melinda also exclaimed, "God of Light, we managed to escape from that


The black cat's voice shook them out of their excitement. It coolly said, "This
may not necessarily be a good thing. Look ahead. This place belongs to

They were in a big, resplendent looking hall. The hall was very wide and was
about 300 feet long, covered in rich decorations which were almost all made of

In the center of the hall, there were many lifelike gold sculptures with strange
expressions on their faces. Most of these expressions were twisted in fear,
giving people the impression that they were fleeing for their lives before falling
to a magic spell that turned them into gold.

At the very most center of the hall, there was a golden throne. The throne was
made of pure gold, and on it were carved lines and words of epic stories. On the
throne sat a man.

He wore a gold-colored mantle, as well as an eye-catching crown. However, his

body was very thin, and he looked like a bag of bones. Even his skin was a dull

"That is an undead!" Skinorse said under his breath.

The undead had its had lowered. One hand supported its forehead, while the
other was busy holding a piece of gold in the shape of a rose.
Upon hearing the disturbance, the man's body didn't move, but a deep, magnetic
voice called out, "My love, did you return?"

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Chapter 345: Always a Reason to Hate the Pitiful

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The undead on the throne slowly raised his head. It was a very gaunt face with
the cheeks, and eye sockets were deeply sunken in. It was practically bones
wrapped in skin.

His eyes glowed faintly. From within, one could see clear anticipation as if just
as he said, he was waiting for his so-called "love" to return.

But Link's group obviously wasn't his true love.

"This doesn't seem good," Skinorse muttered. "This guy will probably turn us
into statues."

The black cat gave him a look of scorn. Not bothering to pay attention to him, it
turned to Link and said, "This guy is like you. He's a spatial Magician so be

Link smiled thinly. The earlier experiences told him that the situation was
basically identical to the previous game. This Night King was probably similar
to the game as well.

He'd played against this Night King more than 100 times and was extremely
familiar with it.

To be honest, the Night King was very strong. He had reached Level-8, but he
was a Magician. A Magician must, first and foremost, be calm as water and be
unaffected by the outside world. However, the Night King lacked this.
Therefore, in Link's eyes, he was easily defeated.

"Actually, we might not need to fight him."

As he spoke, Link took a dozen steps forward. He walked to the Night King and
bowed politely. Then he pointed at the huge painting of a woman on the right
wall and said, "Your Majesty, we are here to bring you news of your love."

The woman in the painting was around 30 feet tall. The painting was of a
beautiful woman dressed in a palace court dress. She was around 30 years old
and had creamy skin. Her eyes were like the purest of deep sapphires. Her
brows were curved as if she was smiling, but there was no warmth in her eyes.

She also held a wand, and there was a deep red Thorium pendant around her
neck. The markings on the pendant indicated that it was magic gear. This also
meant that the woman was a Magician. It could be seen from the shape of the
wand that she was very skilled. She was at least at Level-6, despite seeming to
only be around 30 years old.

A woman like this couldn't be nameless in history. In reality, Link had played
the Night King's Sadness more than 100 times and knew everything about each
figure that appeared.

The Night King was the king of a wealthy northern kingdom 800 years ago. He
was also a Magician and was extremely skilled in spatial magic. He married an
equally skilled Magician—the woman in the painting. Her name was Vivian.
She'd become a Master Magician at a young age and was loved greatly by the
Night King.

It could be said that the Night King had everything a mortal desired. He had
wealth, power, and love. His life was practically perfect.

The first year of their marriage, they loved each other dearly. The second year,
the Night King sank into a spatial magic mystery. He started studying it day and
night and neglected his wife.

While he studied magic, Vivian and a knight named Lancelot took care of the
kingdom. They often discussed political affairs together.

At first, they were very polite, of course, and usually discussed in the library.
But before long, they felt that the library was too small, and the chairs weren't
comfortable. They started discussing in bed.
One day a year later, the Night King discovered by chance that his wife was
having an affair with his most trusted knight. He caught them red-handed.

Utterly betrayed, the Night King furiously pulverized Lancelot, still lying on his
wife, with spatial magic. As for Vivian, he locked her in a Mage Tower, and she
began living in imprisonment.

However, Vivian was also a Master Magician. Half a year later, she escaped
from the prison and disappeared.

The Night King suddenly regretted his actions. He thought he'd been too harsh
and sent many people to search for his wife but to no avail.

To find his wife and beg for her forgiveness became the Night King's undying
wish. However, the second half of his life became an utter tragedy.

Hearing Link's words, the Night King's silver eyes flashed faintly. The calm
voice suddenly became urgent. "Ah, you brought me news of Vivian? Tell me,
where is she?"

Before this, Link had his hands behind his back. Now, he reached out with his
palm up. There was a pendant in his hand that was identical to the one on
Vivian's neck in the painting.

Link had created this 30 seconds ago. The magical pendant was only Level-4
and was as easy as breathing for a Level-8 Master Magician and enchanter like

Seeing this pendant, the Night King became even more excited. He immediately
stood up from the throne and walked down, step by step. His eyes were trained
on the pendant in Link's hand. "This is definitely Vivian's magical pendant.
How did you get it? Did she tell you to send me a message?"

Link's other hand was behind his back, holding the Burning Wrath of Heavens
wand. "Yes," he said. "She told me to tell you that she's forgiven you but she
doesn't have any feelings for you anymore. She implores you to let her go and
give her freedom!"

These words were a blow to the Night King. He stumbled and could barely
remain standing. "Oh, that is definitely something she would say. My love, are
you really so determined? Has nothing I've done been enough to make you
change your mind?"

The Night King's tone was dejected, helpless, and filled with immense pain. His
emotions were genuine.

Behind him, Skinorse muttered, "I was wondering why he would make
something like the Door of Lies. I can't believe he's a pitiful guy who was
betrayed by his woman."

Melinda started dabbing at her tears. "He's so pitiful."

Nana was still curious. "Why? Why does he have to be with that Vivian? He
seems to be living well by himself."

The black cat pursed his lips. He jumped out from Nana's collar and expertly
took out the dried fish from Nana's bag that Link had prepared. Eating, he said,
"Mortals' love is just overdramatic."

The Night King obviously didn't hear Skinorse and the others talking. After
recovering a bit, his features grew menacing. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Vivian,
you are so cruel! You betrayed me first, but nothing I've done can win your
forgiveness? I should have killed you. If I killed you, you wouldn't have had the
chance to break my heart!"

As he muttered to himself, he suddenly looked up at Link. "And you,

messenger, I've waited for so long just for this heartbreaking message. You've
sinned! I—"

Before he could finish, Link whipped out his wand and pointed at the Night
King. "Restraint!"

Link had predicted that the Night King would flip out. He was naturally selfish.
Vivian's affair with the knight was partly because of being neglected but also
due to the Night King's selfishness. He only cared about his own feelings and
rarely paid attention to Vivian. It could be seen in every detail, and as time went
by, it became unbearable.

Now, Link acted first and gained the important advantage.

Poof. The spatial sphere burst open and restrained the Night King.

"I'm sorry. Spatial Rend!" Link poured in Mana without hesitation.

Boom, boom, boom. Rings of ripples appeared. Within the spatial sphere, the
frequency changed at an unimaginable speed. The chaotic force field was like a
flood, continuously washing over the Night King.

Link's speed of casting spells was honestly too fast. In addition, he was at the
same level as the Night King and had acted first. His actions were close to a
sneak attack and the Night King basically had no chance.

After half a second, the light in the Night King's eyes dimmed. After another
half second, his body collapsed under the Spatial Rend and became fine white

He was dead.

This was a battle between Magicians. Whoever snatched the chance could act at
once and quickly end the battle. Link, especially, was a Master Battle Mage. He
could easily defeat a king like the Night King who fooled around with love
when he was bored.

The battle ended within the half second. It was so fast that the others couldn't
even react.

"Wow, killing people without any warning." Skinorse felt like he'd learned a
lesson. There would always be a reason to hate the pitiful. Hearing the Night
King's words, he deserved this ending.

Melinda had shed tears for the Night King, but after hearing his words, the
sympathy was gone instantly. Her eyes glowed with worship when she saw how
Link killed the opponent like lightning. "Master Link is too awesome."

As for the black cat, he was too busy eating dried fish to talk.

After the Night King's death, the entire space started to change. There were
rings and rings of ripples in the air. Many places even cracked like glass.
Link immediately retreated to the group and said quietly, "This is all a folded
space supported by the Night King. Now that he's dead, it will collapse and
reform. We need to hurry out!"

"But where can we go?" Skinorse saw that the surrounding scenery was all
twisted strangely. Cracks would streak by like black lightning. Everything in the
path of the cracks was destroyed. It was terrifying.

"Ah!" Melinda screamed because a black crack happened to appear right beside
her. It was only ten millimeters away, and the Yabba almost had a mental
breakdown from the destructive aura.

"Follow me!" Link called. Mana surged around him, and a soft buzz sounded.
Rings of half-transparent ripples spread from him. The chaotic space under the
ripples calmed greatly. At least, no black cracks appeared.

The group started sprinting through the room with Link.

Link ran to the top of the throne. He saw the magic book on the left side.
Glancing at it, he saw the title Wonders of Space and immediately picked it up.
There was also a statue of a knight on the right side of the throne made of
neither gold nor metal. Cheering inwardly, he quickly collected it.

Then he ran to the back of the throne. There was a small six-foot-wide space
there with a magic seal on the ground. There was chaos everywhere except here.
Light flowed through the magic seal, showing that it was operating normally.

"This is the magic seal the Night King left for himself to escape. Go in and
stand straight."

After everyone got in, Link also ran in and activated the magic seal.

Buzz. The white light for teleportation lit up. The group was enveloped by the
glow and started fading. They were about to leave.

But just then, a black shadow charged through the door and roared, "Where are
you? Don't think about escaping!"

It was the fallen angel.

As the folded space collapsed, the doors in the spiral steps naturally became
ineffective as well. He took the chance the rush in but…he shouldn't have come
at this time. Really.

Whoosh! A spatial crack struck him like lightning. Caught by surprise, the
fallen angel was struck directly, and his arm fell off cleanly.

"Ah!" he cried out in pain, falling to the ground.

Buzz. Link didn't see his end. The transportation spell was completed, and the
group disappeared from the underground palace. Half a second later, they re-
appeared at the top of the Wailing Gorge.

Ten Winged Howlers were patrolling in the sky beside them. When they saw the
group, they froze before immediately flying over.

"Go!" Link yelled.

"How? There are so many demons!" Skinorse cried in shock.

Link took out the knight statue he'd taken from the Night King's throne. This
was the ride he'd gotten more than 100 times in the game—the Nightingale

For their current situation, this statue was a lifesaving Divine Gear!

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Chapter 346: The Magician Who Stole Away the Princess

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After escaping from the underground palace, Link had 2300 Mana points
remaining. It wasn't a lot, but he drank a Perfect Mana Potion and activated the
robe's Clear Thoughts effect. His Mana immediately became 4300 points and
continued to increase.
At this time, the closest Winged Howlers were about 3000 feet away. Based on
their speed, it would only take them seconds to arrive.

Link immediately channeled Mana into the Nightingale's statue, expending

1500 Mana points in one go.

The statue lit up, revealing numerous runes carved on its surface like an intricate
spider web. Then, the spider web started shining very brightly, until it almost
became blinding. It looked as though the statue was going to fall apart.

Suddenly, it really exploded into pieces!

Link threw the statue towards the ground in front of him. Ka-cha! The statue
immediately started expanding. As it expanded, it turned into many small cubes,
which rapidly floated about and joined together to form a black stallion that was
about nine feet tall.

This was a practical usage of the Spatial Folding skill. It was very mystical.

This horse was completely black, and it caused flames to emerge as it stamped
its feet, distorting the air around its body. Its skin was tough like a sculpture, but
its muscles were flexible, containing explosive strength.

On its broad back were two saddles. The Night King had constructed this horse
with the intent to ride around the world with his wife, Vivian. Unfortunately,
that could only remain a dream now. The horse now belonged to Link.

"Hurry, get on it!"

Although there were only two saddles, this horse was created for traveling and
was thus very broad. It had no problems carrying four people.

As the party climbed onto the horse, Link got into the front saddle. In order to
protect Link, Nana sat directly behind him. Melinda sat in the second saddle
with Skinorse behind her to prevent her from falling.

By now, the Winged Howlers were only 600 feet away. The front-most Howler
had drawn out its sword, blazing with thick black Battle Aura. It was definitely
going to attack.
"Lord!" Skinorse shouted. His muscles were already tensed, and he was ready to
duck aside if necessary.

"Stay calm!" Link pressed down on a rune in front of the saddle, channeling
Mana into it. Whoosh. The Nightingale Horse trotted forward, digging its hills
into the mountain rock.

Simultaneously, a one-directional magic barrier appeared around them,

protecting them from falling off the horse.

"Here we go!" Link increased the Mana input to about ten Mana points per
second. It was not considered a lot, but the effect was very visible.

Whoosh. Suddenly, the Nightingale bolted forward, flying across the mountain

Almost at the same time, the Winged Howler's Battle Aura came slashing over,
cutting towards the Nightingale.

"Constrict!" Link pointed his magic wand, and a dimensional ball flew out,
exploding and blocking the Howler's attack.

The next instant, the Nightingale ran off into the distance.

Its speed was ridiculously fast. On top of the horse, the party could only see a
white mist surrounding their barrier. Outside the mist, the scenery passed by in a
blur, while behind them, only a dust cloud could be seen. From afar, they looked
like an earth dragon rushing across the land.

"How fast are we going?"

Skinorse felt his heart thumping. He realized that the flying demons were
getting further and further from them. What's more, the speed that they were
pulling away was incredible—over 300 feet in one second!

If anyone were to tell him that someone on the ground could travel faster than
someone flying, Skinorse would never have believed them. However, he was
now experiencing that first-hand.
"We're now going at 1300 feet per second," Nana reported. It was a relatively
accurate number.

Melinda was shocked. "This thing is actually faster than our assault airships! It's

Link's expression was serious compared to the rest. He was left with only 1800
Mana points. Adding the Flame Controller Robe's Mana recovery ability, he
estimated that he would only last three more minutes.

Three minutes later, his Mana would run out, and he would need to use Omni
Points to raise his maximum Mana limit in order to sustain Nightingale's

He currently had 700 Omni Points. If he spent them all on increasing his
maximum Mana, he would gain enough Mana to power Nightingale for another
ten minutes. That would be enough to shake off all the demons. However, that
was in an ideal scenario. There was one other major problem.

That was the durability of Nightingale.

Nightingale's size was large. Running at high speeds across the earth's surface,
the damage to its components was many times higher than flying up in the air.

In the game, the durability of Nightingale, the artificial stallion, was always a
point of headaches for players. After every use, it would require repairs. At
most, it could only travel for 100 miles before stopping for repairs. Otherwise, it
would directly explode while running.

That would be an absolute disaster resulting in many deaths.

To make matters worse, the Night King was a king. Naturally, he was rich and
would not consider the cost of materials when constructing the Nightingale.
However, for players, that would mean 2000 gold per repair due to the
expensive materials used. That was simply burning money.

Therefore, most gamers would never opt to use Nightingale to travel in this
manner. The Nightingale was often used for traveling slowly instead. It was
very good for showing off, especially for dates. After bringing a girl out on a
ride on Nightingale, it was almost guaranteed that you would succeed in chasing

Right now, after running for about a minute, Link could feel many small cracks
starting to form on Nightingale's four legs. This was even more inefficient than
within the game. Link predicted that it would only last five minutes before
becoming useless.

Looking back, Link noticed that the Winged Howlers were now little black dots
in the distance. Even though there was already over half a mile between them,
they showed no signs of giving up.

There was no way for Link to engage in a battle of attrition against the demons.

All this time, they had been traveling along the upper region of the Wailing
Gorge. At this point, the road had reached a dead end. Ahead of them lay a
3000-foot-tall cliff.

"Lord, there's no more road up ahead. Can this thing fly?" Skinorse and the
women asked.

Link did not reply. He was busy thinking about their next step. Suddenly, he had
a flash of inspiration. Seconds later, he controlled Nightingale to rush to the side
of the cliff and jump right off!

Nightingale's speed was truly fast. Jumping like this, it was just like a
cannonball, piercing downwards through the wind.

The cliff was 3000 feet high. It would take them just over ten seconds to reach
the ground. At the base of the cliff were many rocks jutting out, which would
turn them all into meat paste if they could not find some way to fly.

"Lord, this thing's protective barrier is sturdy enough, right?" Skinorse was
shivering as he asked this.

He had traveled all over the world, but this was his first time experiencing
something so exciting. After rushing forward at the speed of 1200 feet per
second, he had now jumped off a 2700 feet cliff. This was truly living life on the
"Don't think too much. Let me tell you, this protective barrier is only meant to
block the wind. Going down like this, we would definitely all die, with the
exception of Nana," the black cat interrupted. Of course, the black cat was not
the least bit worried. He knew that Link had some plan.

Link naturally had a plan. After Nightingale had descended 1200 feet
downwards, the cliff behind them blocked them from the line of sight of the
Winged Howlers.

Right at that moment.

"200 Omni Points, raise maximum Mana limit."

Instantly, there was a flowing sensation from within his body. Link's maximum
Mana was raised to 20500 points, and the current Mana he had was 2600 points.
He didn't hesitate to use Dimensional Jump in midair.

Whoosh. Nightingale, along with the party on its back disappeared into thin air.
One breath later, they appeared on a spot half a mile away.

This region was probably out of the Wailing Gorge's area. The trees looked
more lush. The position Link selected to teleport to was right underneath a big

Link brushed his hand over the magical lines on Nightingale, keeping it. Then,
he began to cast Traceless Spells.

"Alright, we're safe now. Let's continue onwards."

Back at the cliff, the Winged Howlers had rushed to the cliff's edge.

"They're gone."

"Did they fall to death?"

"No way. There's not a single mark on the ground. It's definitely the Magician.
They've teleported away!"

"Then how are we supposed to find them?"

There was a forest up ahead without red monkeys guarding them. If Link and
his party ran into the forest and used spells to hide their tracks, then they would
essentially be like a fish that found the ocean. They would be able to hide
anywhere they wanted.

As the demons stood around helplessly, a black figure flew over. It was the
demon commander.

The demon commander was now in a mess. Its black aura was now much
thinner than before, and it was missing one arm. It also flew much slower now,
not much faster than ordinary birds.

He slowly landed on the ground, staggering forward and nearly falling down.
Looking at the forest up ahead, he helplessly sighed. "Go back and report that
there's been a change in the situation. The Magician, Link, has taken a Yabba
person and broke through the barricade. They are approaching Orida Fortress."

However, after he had spoken finish, the Winged Howlers stood there without

"Commander, are you alright?" At this moment, one of the Howlers asked. It
was the one that had been beaten up by him previously.

The fallen angel naturally understood his intention. He laughed coldly, and a
knife appeared in his hand, surrounded by black lightning. "Gori, are you
perhaps thinking that you can defeat me now?"

"Oh, no no, I had no such intentions. I just wanted to know how you were
doing… I'm going to report," Gori replied. Flapping his wings, the Howler flew
off into the skies, heading towards the northwest.

The fallen angel looked at the forest and commanded, "The rest of you, continue
searching. The enemy's teleportation distance is small. He is definitely still
around the area.

"Yes, Commander!" The rest of the Winged Howlers spread out to search.

Finally, there was only him left on the mountain cliff. He could no longer hold it
back, and suddenly, he puked out a mouthful of blood, crumbling onto the floor.
He had escaped from the trap earlier, but amidst the collapse of the dimensional
space earlier, he had been heavily injured.

"This is all because of the Magician that stole away the princess? Haha, he
certainly possesses the threat of a realm lord. He's already a Level-8 Magician. I
need to report this news to my lord."

The Dark Elves had summoned them, but they were only in a collaborative
relationship with the elves. The one they truly obeyed was the Lord of the Deep,

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Chapter 347: Mortal, You Lack Patience

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

South Hengduan Mountain Range, 120 miles outside the Orida Fortress

The group was resting inside an abandoned sentinel's cabin. There was a bonfire
in the middle and Skinorse, and the Yabba were grilling the rabbit they'd
hunted. Nana was responsible for keeping guard while Link was in the corner of
the room, learning magic from the black cat.

"Alright, your brain is a bit better than I'd expected," the black cat said. "Now,
you've successfully grasped this magic seal. Unfortunately, you still can't save

Link thought the black cat was only talking about the world's crack and said,
"Don't worry. I'll mend it somehow."

The cat shrugged. "Perhaps."

Link ignored the cat after that. He started flipping through the notes he'd taken
page by page, checking over them. When he confirmed that there was no
problem, he closed the notes and wrote on the title, "Soul Slalom."
These notes described in detail the process of casting this powerful spell. If a
Magician had enough magic knowledge, anyone who received this book should
be able to cast the spell after studying it for a while.

Link didn't only learn. He was still cautious of the black cat and verified the
spell during the learning process. He was sure that this spell was effective.

The Dark Serpent's godly power was a large scale sucking of souls, while Link's
Soul Slalom spell agglomerated a large amount of Mana. It then created a
powerful soul-natured storm to forcefully scatter this attractive force.

According to Link's calculations, he needed to use up 50000 Mana Points in one

second to achieve this effect. He estimated that 100 Magicians were needed to
create a magic circle for this.

It was easy to introduce, but the theory was actually very deep, and there were
many details in the casting process. It was beyond all the magic Link had ever
learned before.

There were two reasons why Link could grasp it in such a short time. First of
all, the black cat explained it in a way that was easy to understand. Second of
all, Link's great accumulation of knowledge was also helpful. For some reason,
Link felt that his brain worked a bit better now, especially after deducing the
spatial thesis with the Red Dragon Queen.

For example, he could multitask with three tasks earlier. He could do this before
too, but it had never gone this smoothly.

Maybe I made some breakthrough without realizing? That was the only
explanation he could think of.

"Lord, here." Skinorse offered him one of the rabbit's hind legs that had finished

Link accepted it. As he ate, he said, "We've already gone six days, and my Mana
is completely recovered. When we're done eating, I'll use the Storm Eagle, and
we'll fly back."

There were around 120 miles. With his current Mana count, they could pretty
much fly past.
"Okay." After this trip, Skinorse had become completely submissive to Link.

After that, the small room fell quiet. Everyone ate without speaking while the
bonfire in the middle of the room occasionally crackled and popped. Outside,
there was the occasional call of birds.

Even the black cat Elodim was quiet. It curled up beside Nana and battled with a
blue nightfin fish. It didn't even let the bones go, and crunches sounded as it

Everyone had become used to this black cat. It had been obedient while on the
road and didn't do anything abnormal. Link had relaxed his guard around the cat

They were all tense after passing through the Hengduan Mountain Range and
facing all the dangers. Here, they were tired and enjoyed the piece of peace.

At this moment, no one knew what would happen later. Skinorse and Melinda
had completely relaxed. Even Link felt comfortable and relaxed.

Years later, Melinda, already past her middle ages, would always shake her
head and sigh when recalling this part of her life, involuntarily feeling tremors.
When others would ask her, she would refuse to say what happened, only
saying, "It was too scary. I never want to think about it."

After a while, Link finished the rabbit leg. He took out a clean rag to wipe his
hands. Seeing that the others were still eating, he decided to take out the book
Talisman Enchanting to kill time.

But halfway through the motion, he stopped. Something felt wrong.

He looked around, and his gaze fell on the black cat. It wasn't beside Nana
anymore. Instead, it was at the small window ten feet away. It was still chewing
on fish, but it subtly crept towards the window as it chewed.

"Elodim, what are you doing?" Nana also looked over from beside the door. She
didn't think anything was off and walked towards the cat, saying, "Little guy,
come back."
Unexpectedly, Elodim ignored her. It pounced and leapt onto the windowsill.
Nana moved to chase it.

"Nana, don't move!" Link called immediately. For some reason, he smelled an
evil aura. While he called, he trained his eyes on Elodim's eyes. "Are you
preparing to escape?" he asked quietly.

"Meow, isn't it obvious?" A thin smile appeared on the black cat's round face.

"You know that you can't escape with your power…unless you received
strength. The world is cracked, and the demons aren't the only ones
strengthened. You're stronger too!"

"Am I? Am I not? Hehe, Link, you're the smartest mortal I've met, but sadly,
you're still a mortal. The biggest difference between mortals and gods is
patience. I endured for so long just for one mishap from you." With that, the
black cat prepared to escape from the window. Nana felt something was wrong
and sped up to catch it.

Nana's speed was supernatural. If she sped up, pretty much no one could escape
from her, but this time, she failed. The black cat flashed and successfully
escaped from Nana's clutches. Its speed was unimaginable.

It disappeared after the flash, but a bright voice traveled back. "Link, I'm sorry.
The world's crack is getting wider and wider, and the laws restraining me have
become flawed too. Indeed, I've recovered a bit of my strength—just a bit, but
it's enough for me to escape. As for you all…I can only say that Link, you've
caused so much trouble. I don't even have to do anything other than to leave
some tiny marks, hahaha."

The cat's departure seemed to take away some sort of shield. Link suddenly felt
terror in his heart. This was fatal danger!

He quickly understood why he had felt so calm earlier. It wasn't that there truly
was no danger. Instead, the black cat had used some secret spell to block his
perceptions. And now, it went without saying that he was definitely surrounded
by demons.
Link immediately wanted to use the Dimensional Jump, but as soon as he
moved the Mana and tried to construct a Mana structure, it collapsed by itself.
This space was locked.

They had hid here and there while on the road and weren't very fast. If the black
cat revealed their tracks, they must be surrounded by layers of demons now.

At this moment, Isendilan's last words sounded in Link's ears. He'd said,
"Magician, one day, you'll die in the hands of that cat too."

Link didn't think that this day would come so soon.

I'm only a mortal after all. I can't be the match of a god, even an exiled god.
This lesson hurt.

Skinorse was an experienced scout too, and he immediately called, "Lord, let's

"No!" Link took out his notes, Soul Slalom, and handed it to Skinorse. "Take it
back and give it to the Magicians in the Orida Fortress. You must bring it back!"

Link made a decision in that moment. The enemy had surrounded them with
such fine preparations, and someone had to stay here. That was okay, but the
information had to be brought back to the Orida Fortress.

"Lord…" Skinorse knew the meaning behind Link's words.

"Take it!" Link ordered.

Skinorse had no choice but to accept the notes and hide them on him.

Beside them, Melinda felt something, and her face paled drastically. She was
just a regular Yabba woman. It was understandable for her to panic at this time.

As expected, Link then said, "Melinda, your injury isn't completely healed. Do
you see that cellar? Hide into it immediately and don't come out no matter

"I can fight! I'm a soldier!" Melinda pursed her little lips. She was about to cry,
but she gripped her musket tightly.
Link shook his head. "This isn't a fair fight, and there's nothing glorious about
it! Don't waste your life!"

On the side, Nana had already opened the cellar. It was a small thing used for
storing food. A grown human couldn't fit, but it was no problem for the Yabba.

Melinda couldn't do anything but grab her musket and climb into the cellar,
tears rolling down.

After covering the cellar's entrance, Link immediately erased all signs of her
existence. When that was done, Link finally told Skinorse, "Nana and I will
distract the demons. Their main target should be me. Hide here and wait for the
chance to run."

Skinorse wasn't that good at fighting, but he was the best at espionage. If
someone distracted the enemy, he should be able to escape successfully.

The wandering vigilante nodded his head seriously. Gray battle aura appeared
around him. He moved a bit and hid into the shadows of the room. He quickly
disappeared after that.

After that, Link walked to the door of the sentinel's cabin. He took out the
Nightingale Statue. He'd modified this ride already. It made a big commotion
while galloping and was extremely fast. It could definitely attract the demons.
Link believed the demons already knew their situation. As long as he made a
big enough scene, Skinorse would have the chance to escape.

When the Nightmare Ride appeared outside the room, Link saw the first demon.
It wasn't a stranger; it was Misamier, the deputy officer of Nozama, Lord of the

She licked her red lips and smiled seductively. Her long whip danced in the air,
producing crisp cracks. The strong waves coming from her were at the pinnacle
of Level-9.

"Magician, we meet again," she said with a smile.

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Chapter 348: Link, Is This Really It?
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the forest behind the sentinel's cabin

The succubus demon Misamier was the first to emerge, but she was not the last.

From up in the sky came the sound of wings flapping. It was the Winged
Howlers. Judging from the sound, they were about 150 feet high and 300 feet
away. Link also caught sight of the fallen angel.

That fellow had apparently not died, but at least he looked a lot weaker than he
did before. Even if he was missing one arm and looked extremely pitiful, he still
possessed the strength of over Level-8.

Currently, he was holding a rune stone which had silvery lines streaking across
its surface. These lines extended out from the stone like a spider web, reaching
out for about 90 feet before vanishing.

He looked at Link, saying, "The Gredo Rune Stone. Do you recognize this,

Three hundred years ago, a Spatial Magician known as Gredo created this rune
stone. This rune stone was not particularly useful for low-level Magicians, its
only function was to lock down space. Within this space, all spatial magic skills
became useless. It was a very effective counter against Link.

Of course, using the rune stone came at a great cost. It required a Level-8 expert
to continuously input Mana to operate it. Furthermore, it could only be used
continuously for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, the rune stone would begin to crumble.

Being a Spatial Magician himself, Link naturally was familiar with these types
of rune stones, as well as the method to break through them.

"Hah, you overestimate me," Link laughed.

The demons were indeed numerous, but Link still had some moves he hadn't
used. Right now, his Mana was full, reaching an amount of 19000 points. The
Flame Controller Robe's Clear Thoughts activity was activated. Furthermore, he
had 500 more Omni Points.

This was a huge amount of Omni Points, enough for Link to purchase a Level-
10 Legendary spell. More importantly, Link still had the Mana to cast it.

Actually, the spell cards had appeared in Link's vision. Various glowing
Legendary cards revolved around him, waiting for him to make a selection.

At this point, an archaic voice sounded out from the forest behind him. "Link, I
think you're mistaken. We don't just look highly upon you; we also want to kill

As this voice sounded out, a massive, pitch-black snake slithered out. On the
snake's head sat a white-haired old man in a black robe.

It was obvious in one glance that this old man's limbs were missing. This made
his body look very small.

Looking at this man, Link sighed. "Aymons, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Because it's you, I had to come," Aymons sighed. This time, he had to make
sure to thoroughly kill Link.

They had activated numerous demons as well as the magic tool, the Dark
Serpent. There was no Magician in the world with the ability to escape this
ambush. It was not even a possibility.

This formation was truly frightening!

Link sighed again, slowly. He had a helpless expression on his face. "Being a
logical Mage, I know I don't stand a chance to fight. I also don't wish to
pointlessly struggle. Aymons, what say I choose to surrender? I'll join the Dark
Elves. Is that acceptable?"

Aymons's eyebrows twitched. It was a great suggestion. Although the Dark

Elves seemed to be prospering, in truth, they were facing many internal
problems. One of their greatest problems was the demons.
They had summoned too many demons. However, they had no choice if they
wanted to deal with the invading Yabbas from the west and the combined army
of humans and High Elves. Without the support of the demons, the Dark Elves
will undoubtedly perish.

Originally, they had no need to offend the Yabbas. However, the Dark Elves
had another consideration. The Dark Serpent could only stay on earth for a
limited time.

This pressured the Dark Elves to rapidly grow their military strength such that
when they attacked in the future, they would be able to swiftly achieve victory
instead of engaging in a long, drawn-out battle against the humans.

They, therefore, required the technology from the Yabbas – the airships and the
magic cannons.

As of now, the Dark Elves were like a blazing flame. However, after the flames
died out, it was likely that they would be exterminated.

If Link joined the Dark Elves, it would definitely be a great help to the elves'
development. Although Aymons didn't truly believe that Link would surrender,
he was truly moved by the idea.

Even though the possibility was not large, he intended to test Link out.
However, before he could, Misamier spoke, "I'm afraid that's not possible. Our
Lord of the Deep, Nozama, is determined to have your head!"

Misamier had stolen the lead on Aymons. Aymons wasn't pleased, but in front
of a huge enemy, he couldn't show his displeasure with Misamier and could
only swallow it back in.

Clang! Link unexpectedly threw the Burning Wrath of Heavens wand towards
Misamier, where it landed on the floor.

Link spread his arms wide and said, "Well then, Misamier, give me a clean
death. You're the commanding officer of this attacking force, aren't you? Go on,
decide how I die."

Then, Link closed his eyes.

"What…?" All the demons were stunned.

Their mission was suddenly a lot simpler than they expected. Before moving out
this time, everyone including Aymons, Misamier, as well as the fallen angel had
assumed that Link would fight to the death. In fact, they were prepared for
hidden cards that Link might have yet to play.

Therefore, they had mobilized their troops as though they were facing a huge
army, paying attention to every little detail and contingency to ensure their plan
was a success. However, in the end, their opponent actually surrendered without
a fight!

This feeling was similar to that of a vagabond who would see a beautiful queen
and try his best to meet her, only to discover that on their fateful first meeting,
she immediately spreads her legs to invite him in.

However, they had no doubt about Link's surrender. After all, he had already
thrown his wand to his opponent. That was essentially giving up all his

A Magician throwing down his wand was like a Warrior throwing down his
sword. It was unbelievable.

Misamier grasped the wand Link had thrown over and was surprised.

She had suspected that the wand was fake and picked it up to inspect it. The
wand was a fiery red color, slightly translucent, and the workmanship was
exquisite and flawless. The wand was emitting a fiery red light and seemed to
contain boundless energy. Within the light, the occasional spark of lightning
could even be seen.

All of these showed that the wand Link had thrown out was indeed a Legendary
wand of the highest grade.

However, Misamier was ultimately not a Magician and could not be certain
about the wand. She handed the wand to Aymons, saying, "Magician, check if
this is real."

Aymons was a Master Magician and naturally knew without having to check
carefully whether the wand was real. He nodded his head, saying, "The wand is
real. It seems like he's really not planning to resist anymore. Since that is the
case, you should just give him a quick death."

Aymons felt that it was a real pity.

In his opinion, since the opponent had already cast aside all his defenses, then
his surrender earlier must have been true. To lose such a potential Magician for
the Dark Elves was a real pity!

However, Misamier had already declared that Nozama wanted Link's life. It was
not worth it for Aymons to oppose Nozama over just one Magician. If he did,
the demons who were now allied with the elves would immediately turn against

When one was riding a tiger, it was hard to get off. That was the situation
Aymons now found himself in.

Misamier agreed, shrugging her shoulders. She walked over to Link. Then, 90
feet away from Link, she stopped. "Your magic puppet is too powerful. Order it
to self-destruct!"

In the Necropolis in the South, she had witnessed the power of magic puppets
and knew how difficult they were to deal with.

"Nana, self-destruct," Link instructed, staring at Nana without blinking.

"Understood." Nana's voice was as clear as before. She drew The Last
Nightmare with her master hand and slashed herself through the neck, cutting
through half of the white flesh. Crash. Nana's body crumpled to the ground,
unmoving. Her eyes closed and her sword fell to the ground.

She looked like she truly died.

"Ha, kid, it seems you're really prepared to die. Let me give you a quick death!"

Misamier kept her whip and drew a dagger from a sheath on her leg. The dagger
was emanating a thick black aura. Misamier walked cautiously towards Link,
one step at a time.
Link stood on the spot, not moving, eyes closed. The dense Mana on his body
showed no signs of any fluctuations. It seemed as though he was truly prepared
for death.

Inside the sentinel's cabin, Skinorse could not understand what Link was

He had thought that Link was pretending to surrender in order to sow discord
between the elves and the demons in order to create an opportunity for a counter
attack. Then, he had thrown his wand and had Nana self-destruct. Skinorse truly
could not understand what was going on.

"Is the lord truly surrendering? Although the situation is such that I would have
no idea what to do to escape, the lord doesn't seem the type to easily surrender."

Skinorse could not understand. In his heart, Link was the type of person who
would fight to the last man even if there wasn't a chance. Could he have been

Furthermore, if Link really was going to surrender, why would he instruct

Skinorse to make sure to bring the news back?

In the cellar, Melinda could also hear the commotion outside. When she heard
that Link was going to surrender, she started trembling in fear. Later, when she
heard Nana self-destruct, she felt like she was going to faint. This was truly too

The cellar was cold and damp, and the wound on her leg had not healed. She
panicked and truly fainted.

In a bunch of trees, a short distance away, the black cat Elodim was also
watching the situation in secret. He was also confused.

"Link, are you really going to go down like this? And here I thought I would get
to watch a good show…"

He had thought that he would get to watch an earth-shaking battle. In the end, it
turned out like this.

How boring. Truly boring.

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Chapter 349: Abstruse Meaning—The Thunder God’s

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Misamier was good at the whip and also good with the dagger.

As she walked towards Link, her thin waist swayed, and her chest stuck out.
The dagger in her hand glittered brightly just like her smile. "Link, it won't hurt
at all, and I'll only do it once."

Link still closed his eyes and didn't move. His ears focused on the actions
around him while in his vision, he'd already chosen a magic card wrapped in
frost-white lightning.

Abstruse Meaning—The Thunder God's Descent!

Level-10 Lightning Law Spell

Cost: 19500 Mana Points

Description: gathers an immense amount of Mana to activate the abstruse

meaning of lightning. The spell caster will transform into the physical incarnate
of lightning and thunder, using their destructive power as a weapon for ten

(Note: all spells under the lightning and thunder will be destroyed.)

Link chose this spell for two reasons.

Firstly, this spell was a guidance type of Legendary Spell. Rather than being
straightforward, it was a flexible spell. Secondly, it didn't cost the least amount
of Mana amongst the Level-10 offensive spells, but it was still close to top
three. Taking its force into consideration, it was the most cost-effective.
When Misamier was around 90 feet away from him, Link chose the card.
Purchase the spell.

One hundred Omni Points were used up instantly. The card glowed and then
broke into countless tiny lightning snakes. These snakes wriggled in all
directions and finally disappeared in the air.

At the same time, Link felt strength surge deep in his soul. It was subtle but with
a feeling that it could destroy everything. For a moment, Link felt that he was a
god standing amongst the clouds with a sword of lightning in his hand. He
looked down on all organisms. If he saw someone who dared to not submit to
him, he would bring the lightning bolt down like God's punishment.

This was the power of a Legendary Spell. It was the start of something that
transcended the ordinary!

Mortal Spells required a Mana structure and the aid of a wand. Elemental Spells
required time to gather the elements. Legendary Spells didn't need any of this.

It only needed the spell caster's comprehension of the laws and the grasp and
understanding of the world's truth. It was possible to wield horrifying power
with a thought and destroy the skies and earth.

This did not mean that Legendary Spells were easier. In reality, they were
unimaginably obscure. The spell casting process seemed simpler but only
because it had surpassed the restraints of the world's laws.

This breakthrough process was already impossibly difficult. Only a handful of

the billions of organisms in the world throughout history had done so

Link had another special point. In the game, he was a Legendary Magician with
rich experience in the casting of Legendary Spells. Thus, he could perfectly
control the Thunder God's Descent at this moment.

After receiving this spell, Link had 400 Omni Points left. Without hesitation, he
put all of them into pushing his Mana to the max. Now, his upper limit for Mana
became 24500, and he had 23500 Mana Points.

For a human, this was horrifying power.

Now, Misamier was 60 feet away.

For some reason, Aymons started feeling unsettled. "Stop wasting time," he
urged. "End him quickly."

The fallen angel also said, "Hurry. I'm running out of Mana."

Misamier pouted and put on a mock hurt expression. "Fine. Ending a genius
Magician isn't a small thing. I just wanted to make it more formal."

As soon as she finished speaking, Link's eyes fly open. His eyes were no longer
black. Instead, they were white as frost. Around his pupils, threads of gray-
white lightning flashed and cracked constantly.

A moment later, the lightning spread from Link's eyes to his entire body before
going into the surrounding air.

Strangely, the lightning didn't spread very quickly. Everyone could clearly see
the entire process. But even though they saw it clearly, they just couldn't react.
It was as if, at that moment, time itself was twisted by some mysterious force.

"No, it's a Law Spell!" Aymons was the first to call out. He recognized it at
once. In addition to having a rich knowledge of magic, he also grasped the Dark
Serpent. With the help of the Divine Gear, his outlook widened greatly.

"Misamier, retreat!" the fallen angel also yelled.

Misamier wasn't a layman either. In the Abyss, she had Legendary power and
was only at the pinnacle of Level-9 now because of the restraints from
Firuman's laws.

Seeing this situation, her first thought was to rush an attack. However, this idea
was extinguished instantly. Link was honestly too fast, and Misamier
immediately realized that she didn't have a chance. Thus, she went on the

She poured out all her power so crazily that in an instant, she felt her body
starting to weaken and wither. She couldn't worry about this now though. With
the help of her bloodline talent, all the power surged into her wings. She
wrapped the wings around her, forming a dark red circular shield.
Carmine Fortress

Level-9 Bloodline Spell (Master Level)

Description: this spell is an inheritance talent of the succubae. Of all high-level

demon inheritance talents, the Carmine Fortress' defensive ability is within the
top ten. It is what the succubae rely on for survival in the Abyss.

(Note: this spell involves the strength of the laws.)

The moment the shield was created, the lightning bolt arrived.

Frosty white lightning wrapped around Link's entirety. His body, eyes, nose,
lips, and skin all had a similar glow. At this moment, he was practically the
incarnate of lightning.

"Ah!" He couldn't help but open his mouth and roar. Reaching out, power
rushed from his arms. Lightning streaked across the sky and cracked with an
explosive sound that filled the air.

The world lit up with a flash!

Boom! Lightning struck Misamier's Carmine Fortress directly. Bang! With a

crisp bang, Misamier fell backwards. In the air, her body lost balance from the
lightning and the blood-colored shield around her shattered. Her wings were
burnt. Like a broken kite, she crashed onto the ground and went still. A cloud of
black smoke rose up from her body. The air was filled with the acrid smell of

"Go, Dark Serpent!"

Aymons didn't care about Misamier. He reacted by immediately turning the

Dark Serpent Divine Gear from a snake into a long whip. The whip cracked
toward Link's head according to his thoughts.

Link had an eye out for him too. He clenched his left hand, and a thick bolt of
lightning rushed towards the Dark Serpent.

Power crashed unbridled inside Link's body, pouring out without any restraint.
This freedom felt so good Link couldn't help but roar again!
As he roared, lightning spewed from his mouth. He was the incarnate of
lightning and thunder.

Crackle, crackle. A thick bolt of lightning more than three feet wide collided
against the Dark Serpent. The Legendary Spell and Divine Gear clashed directly
once again.

Whoosh! Power exploded, and lightning flew in all directions. The ring of
shockwaves radiated in all directions.

The Winged Howlers in the air were hit by this force and dropped like dead
birds. The surrounding trees were hit by this force and instantly fell in a
radiative shape. The ones on the ground—Nana, Misamier, Skinorse hiding in
the sentinel's cabin, and the room itself—were all tossed into the air.

In that moment, the mountains within a 300-foot-radius were all reduced to


In the endless chaos, a black cat hidden amongst the trees was caught by
surprise. It was hit by a fallen tree, and while it was dazed, another tree fell
down, trapping it to the ground.


A pained cry tore from its lungs. Squashed by the tree, the black cat pushed up
with its limbs, and its tail stood up straight. It managed for two seconds before
collapsing. Then it stopped moving. Blood pooled around its body.

Was it dead? No one cared at the moment.

Aymons laughed maniacally. "Link, even your talent isn't a match for the Dark

The thick electric snake was still in the air. Across from it was the snake-headed
whip shrouded in darkness. The Divine Gear was forcing the lightning back bit
by bit. This was because they were in Firuman. In the World of Firuman, Divine
Gears were restricted. But even so, it was still much more powerful than Link's
Legendary power.
The seconds ticked by. The snake whip was about to defeat Link's Abstruse
Meaning of Thunder.

He didn't seem to care though. He reached out with another hand and roared
again. Another bolt of lightning flew out, hitting the fallen angel sealing the
space with runes 300 feet away.

The fallen angel was only at the pinnacle of Level-8. How could it fight against
Legendary power?

Lightning snaked around him, and he fell to his knees. Then he crashed into the
ground, his entire body turning to crisp. He was burnt by the lightning, and the
spatial lock was removed as well.

"Trying to escape?" Aymons immediately realized what Link was planning and
increased the strength of the Divine Gear.

He didn't believe the other dared to use a Burst Spell to escape during such an
intense fight. Even if he didn't mess up while casting the spell, the chaotic laws
at the moment could confuse him in space.

Crackle, boom!

The Divine Gear and lightning were still battling. The Divine Gear had already
pushed the lightning to three feet away from Link. From the look of things, Link
couldn't hold on for much longer.

With his physical strength as a Magician, he would be dead as soon as his

lightning spell was defeated and the Dark Serpent hit him. There was no
possibility of survival.

"You're dead, Link, you're dead. You have no hope at all!" Aymons voice was
practically crazed. The fighting had erupted suddenly, and they surrounded
Link, but the tides had almost turned.

Now, he really needed to defeat this frightening Magician. He couldn't give the
man a chance to breathe. He was scared the Magician could come up with a
spell to turn the tides; he was scared of this Magician.

He was scared, so he must destroy Link!

"Die! Die!"

At this moment, Link was the only thing in Aymons' eyes. He didn't realize that
a pale hand reached out from the ruins in the near distance. The hand grappled
and pushed aside the pebbles and weeds. Then a girl with a ponytail and big
clear eyes climbed out of the ruins.

It was Nana.

The wound on her neck was completely gone, and her skin was flawless as if
she'd never been hurt. This was the effect of the Red Dragon's Essence of Life.

She stood up. Seeing Aymons, she quietly took out the Breakpoint Dagger.

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Chapter 350: The Cost of Recklessness

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the forest

Boom! Boom! Explosions sounded out one after another as the lightning flashed
and blasted out in all directions. Link's legendary magic spell continuously
clashed with the Divine Gear.

The Dark Serpent was already just a few feet away from Link.

At this moment, 15 seconds had already passed. There were only five seconds
left before Link's legendary spell ended. After that, Link would have no method
to deal with the Dark Serpent.

However, what made Aymons anxious was that he had noticed that Link's
expression hadn't changed from before. After slaying the fallen angel, Link
constantly attacked more enemies with the one hand while blocking the attacks
from the Dark Serpent with another.
Boom! The Winged Howlers that were shot down from the sky simply had no
chance to fly back up. Any demon who was within 450 feet of Link would be
bombarded by the lightning.

The power of the lightning was simply too incredible. Even Level-8 demons
stood no chance against it, and every single one of the Winged Howlers that was
hit was eventually burnt to a pile of ashes.

Very quickly, only ten Winged Howlers were left of the initial 50 that came, and
none of them dared to get close. They maintained their distance far away from
Link, afraid that they too would be struck by the lightning.

Unfortunately for Link, when Misamier escaped, she landed behind a large rock
where she was then carried out of Link's kill zone by another Winged Howler.

"Link, you will pay for this recklessness!" Aymons bellowed.

Facing the Divine Gear and daring to split his attention, Link was truly being
very reckless.

Aymons increased the output of the Divine Gear. Roaaar! In an instant, the Dark
Serpent Whip closed in about one foot and was only about two more feet from
Link. It looked like it was about to break through his defenses and strike his

If it hit, even if it just barely scraped Link's body, he would immediately be

killed, his body disintegrated, and his soul dispersed.

Aymons just needed one more push to succeed.

However, it was at this moment that he noticed a silhouette in the corner of his
eye. The moment this figure appeared, his heart constricted, and a sense of
immense danger welled up within him. He didn't dare to waste time consider
and immediately retracted the Dark Serpent, dodging to the side.

Whoosh. The sudden strike hit nothing but air.

Aymons's reaction was truly fast. Seeing his chance, he immediately activated
the Divine Gear's protection. Whoosh! His body was surrounded by a dark
glowing barrier.
Almost in the same instant that the barrier materialized, Aymons saw the figure
clearly. It was Link's magic puppet, Nana!

Nana held a dagger in her hand and was stabbing into the barrier. What made
Aymons afraid was that the barrier created by the Divine Gear was actually
unable to block the dagger. Inch by inch, the dagger edged towards his forehead.

Aymons could not understand what was happening. Wasn't the Dark Serpent a
Divine Gear? Earlier, when he was blocked by Link's legendary magic spell, he
could believe that it was a restriction on the Divine Gear by the laws of the
world of Firuman. However, right now, what was going on?!

If a normal looking dagger could penetrate the Divine Gear's defenses, wouldn't
that mean that the magic puppet was abnormally strong?

Watching the dagger approach his head, Aymons didn't dare to dally any longer.
He immediately controlled the Dark Serpent to attack Nana.

Boom, boom! The Dark Serpent was blocked! It was Link's lightning!

The lightning branched out, flashing through the air and forming a net of
lightning and destruction. Under attack by the lightning web, the Dark Serpent's
attack speed was sharply reduced.

At this rate, the dagger would hit his forehead first.

Even with the Divine Gear, I'm being pushed back by this Magician? Aymons
couldn't believe it. However, in the face of the imminent danger, he had no
choice to believe it. Without daring to hold anything back, he activated a
teleportation spell powered by the Divine Gear. His body was surrounded by a
white light.

Previously, when Auselia controlled the Divine Gear, she could only use its
extreme speed and barrier abilities. In Aymons's hands, the Divine Gear could
exhibit even greater power in attack and defense. Furthermore, this teleportation
spell could achieve a range of up to 25 miles and could be activated
instantaneously. It was essentially unstoppable.

The next instant, Aymons disappeared.

As he disappeared, a voice remained that said, "Link, don't be happy too
quickly. You will soon experience the true power of the Divine Gear!"

After the voice vanished, Link's legendary magic spell also came to an end. The
lightning flashing across his body also dimmed. Meanwhile, his Flame
Controller's Robe had become torn and tattered, just like an old piece of rag. His
eyes were dark. He had only 4000 Mana points remaining, and he could feel his
head splitting as though someone had used a hammer to bash his head. It hurt so
bad that Link couldn't concentrate to cast any spell. In fact, it took all Link had
just to remain standing.

Link instinctively knew that this was a weakness that came from overexertion.

In his previous life, while playing the game, Link had meticulously trained his
character into a Legendary Magician. Every time he leveled up, not only did he
raise his magic, but he also raised his body's tenacity. This was just like the
characters in the game increasing their hp.

However, right now in reality, his body was just slightly stronger than an
average human. It was about the same standard as a Level-1 Warrior. With this
kind of body, there was no way for him to withstand the might of lightning. If
not for the Mana protecting his body, he would have long been burnt to a pile of

Something flashed in his vision. Link squinted his eyes to look. It was a system

Player has forcefully activated a Legendary Magic Spell and is now in a state of
"Soul Weakness."

This status will be in effect for 720 hours. Under this status, the player's ability
to cast spells is drastically reduced.

Link was speechless. Earlier, when he had purchased the Legendary spell, this
wasn't stated. This unexpected side effect was truly perilous.

He couldn't help but curse in his heart. Thank goodness Aymons is gone. If he
had stayed for just a few more seconds, it would be really troublesome.
Looking around, there were still over ten Winged Howlers around. Because of
Link's earlier display of power, even though he looked extremely weak right
now, none of them dared to approach him, instead choosing to observe from

These demons would definitely pose a problem once they realized that Link was
in a weakened state. Just Nana alone would be insufficient to defend against

Among these demons, six were Level-7, and five were Level-8. This was an
enormous force that Nana would clearly be unable to handle alone.

Link turned to look at the ruined sentinel's cabin. He could feel Melinda's aura
which, although faint, was still there. Skinorse, though, was gone. Nearby, he
could see the tracks where Skinorse had snuck away during the mess.

Skinorse had made use of the chaos to escape with Link's message.

This made Link feel relieved. Right now, what he had to do was to attract the
Winged Howler's attention to distract them from Skinorse, giving Skinorse
enough time to safely escape.

Link took a deep breath, trying to suppress the discomfort he felt. Step by step,
he walked towards the Nightingale.

The stallion had been blown away by the shockwaves from the clash earlier.
Fortunately, it wasn't damaged but only collapsed onto the ground. Link
staggered over, ignoring his splitting headache, sending Mana into the

However, Link's condition was much worse than he had anticipated. Just the
simple act of sending out Mana caused his head to split and his vision to turn
black. He very nearly fainted.

After Link inputted Mana, the Nightingale started moving. It climbed up to a

standing position. Link took the chance to settle himself onto the saddle.

Controlling Nightingale, Link turned to face Misamier. He needed to kill this

powerful demon. Nana stuck close by his side, Breakpoint Dagger grasped
tightly in her hand.
Watching him approach, the Winged Howlers surrounding Misamier
immediately dispersed, flying into the air. They were terrified of Link.

Misamier lay unmoving on the floor. However, she was clearly not dead. Link
could detect her breathing and noticed that she was still grasping tightly onto the
Burning Wrath of Heaven's staff.

Thirty feet away from Misamier, Link stopped Nightingale. Then, biting his lip,
he determinedly used the Magician's Hand spell to snatch the Burning Wrath of
Heavens wand from Misamier's hand.

After obtaining the wand, Link instructed Nana, "Kill her!"

Nana walked forward, preparing to attack. Suddenly, the Winged Howlers

started moving, seemingly prepared to come up to defend Misamier.

Link's heart tightened, however, his face remained calm. Straightening his back,
maintaining a serious expression, he looked coldly at the Wing Howlers,
smirking. "Haven't had enough of my lightning yet?"

Immediately, the Winged Howlers started backing up. Nana took the
opportunity to close in to Misamier, planning to cut off her head.

Ting. Nana's attack was suddenly blocked by Misamier.

Misamier clutched a small dagger in her hand and managed to block Nana's
attack. Somehow, she managed to avoid hitting the sharp edge of the Breakpoint
Dagger. In order to block this attack, she exerted all her remaining strength.
Currently, her body, clad completely in black, was trembling.

However, a Level-9 expert was no weakling. Even as Nana attacked a second

time, her attack was once again blocked by Misamier.

"He's extremely weak now! Don't waste time, attack and kill him!" Misamier
screeched. She had seen through Link's facade.

Link clenched his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

With that said, he poured even more Mana into the Nightingale. Whoosh.
Nightingale burst off, dashing southwards. Nana did not get onto the horse but
dashed alongside the Nightingale, easily managing to keep up.

"When you catch him, immediately kill him. Don't let him run again," Misamier
said weakly.

However, hearing her instructions, the Winged Howlers did not move. They
glanced at each other, hesitating.

This Magician is far too crafty. Earlier, he even managed to trick Misamier. If
he has any more tricks left to play, then what seemed like an escape might
instead be an attempt to split them up.

Based on the opponent's speed, wouldn't they be toyed with to death?

Besides, Nana was accompanying Link. Earlier, she had very nearly slain
Aymons. With someone as terrifying as her around, wouldn't they simply be
courting death if they chased Link?

Misamier was not surprised by this. She once again shouted, "This is the Lord
of the Deep's orders. Whoever kills him will be greatly rewarded by the Lord of
the Deep. Anyone who dares to retreat will be known by the Lord, and they can
just wait for their punishment."

After looking at each other for a bit, the Winged Howlers decided to pursue

Misamier lay on the ground for another half a minute, recovering her strength.
Then, she slowly crawled up, heading in Link's direction.

At first, she struggled to walk. A minute later, she managed to jog slowly. Two
minutes later, she started running faster, exhibiting the strength of a Level-6
expert. Her recovery speed was truly impressive!

Of course, this was just on the surface.

Misamier herself knew that with her injuries, running would not be much of a
problem but to recover her battle strength would require at least five days.
Nonetheless, while she was weak, her opponent was definitely weaker than her.

Link, this time, your life will be mine!

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Chapter 351: I Will Go Save Him!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

All the Winged Howlers and Misamier chased after Link. The ruins of the
sentinel's cabin were suddenly silent. It was silent as death until one hour later
when a hesitant bird started calling.

Crack. The crack of wood sounded abruptly. A wooden board in the ruins
suddenly cracked, and a dirty little hand reached out.

The commotion scared the bird that thought everything was over. It snuck back
in fright.

The little hand reached around on the board and clung onto something. With a
big push, a small hole appeared in the board. What followed immediately after
was the muzzle of the musket.

After a while, a little girl climbed out from the hole. Her hair and face were all
streaked with dirt. Her leg seemed hurt too, and she had to walk.

It was Melinda, the Yabba woman who had hid in the cellar.

The surroundings were all ruined, and all the trees had fallen. Smoke rose from
the dirt, and the demon bodies were like burnt cinder. The air was filled with a
faint acrid odor.

Melinda was completely shocked. What happened here? Where's Master Link?
Where's Skinorse? Where's Nana?

Before she'd passed out, she heard Master Link choose death and order Nana to
commit suicide but other than the dead demons; everyone else was gone.
Melinda walked around the ruins, trying to find some clues but to no avail.
While in a daze, she suddenly heard weak meows.

"Meow." The breath was rapid yet weak and came from under a fallen tree more
than 60 feet away. Frightened, Melinda crouched down and propped up her
musket. She looked side to side cautiously.

"Meow." Here it was again. This time, Melinda heard it clearly. She timidly
walked towards the source.

One minute later, she saw the pitiful black cat trapped by the tree. There was a
sturdy slab of stone under the tree and the tiny crack it created helped the cat
escape from being turned into a meat pie. Even so, it still looked tragic.

The shiny dark blueish fur now looked dirty from the blood and was rumpled.
Its two hind legs had turned into mush, and only a bloody piece of skin was still
connected to the body.

The cat had closed its eyes earlier but cracked them open at the commotion.
After seeing Melinda, joy flashed past its eyes. It meowed quietly, appearing
extremely pitiful.

Crack! Melinda forced the muzzle of the musket to the black cat's head. She
wasn't stupid. They could have escaped safely but were forced into this situation
because of this horrible black cat.

She was going to kill this cute but demonic little thing.

"Melinda, don't shoot yet. I have something to tell you." The black cat's voice
was very weak.

"What do you have to say? Traitor! Demon! Bastard! Master Link treated you
so well!" Melinda yelled though she still didn't pull the trigger.

"As long as you save me, I can give you the power to overlook the entire
world," the cat said softly.

But as soon as it finished, Melinda started laughing. "You're all talk but you
can't even save yourself, and you want to give me power? Go die, liar!"
She really did pull the trigger decisively. With a muffled bang, the bullet shot
out. However, it hit the dirt. The black cat moved its head aside at the last
moment and escaped from the fatal hit.

It wouldn't die if its physical body was ruined but it would still be tragic to
become a wandering soul. Its soul would still be imprisoned, and it wouldn't
even be able to leave this body. It could only watch as the body decayed and

It had already experienced this disgusting thing 300 years ago, and it didn't want
to do it again.

After dodging the bullet, it was entirely freaked out. It immediately realized that
it wasn't easy to fool this Yabba woman. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" it yelled.
"Master Link is in danger now. He's being pursued by demons, and only I can
save him!"

Melinda fell silent. The surrounding ruins and dead demons made her believe
the black cat. After she'd fallen unconscious, Master Link definitely attacked
and escaped after killing a portion of the demons.

This explained why the bodies of Skinorse and the others weren't here. They
were probably fine. Master Link had saved them again!

But even though Master Link was powerful, he was still a mortal, and his
strength was limited. With so many demons here, he must be in danger now.

At this moment, Melinda thought of Link's care for them along the way, how
he'd comforted her when she cried, and his gentleness when he tended to her
wound. Despite the fact that she was a burden, Link had never abandoned her,
even at the most dangerous times. He didn't even show any thought of that.
Now, he was in danger.

Melinda suddenly felt that she wasn't scared anymore!

A resolute decision grew in her. She must go help him—save him—even if it

meant giving up her life.

Half a year ago, she was just a regular Yabba girl. Now, she was a soldier, a
Her expression grew determined. Pointing the musket at the black cat's head,
she glared unblinkingly at it and "threateningly" said, "Little thing, I'll save

The black cat was relieved. "Move away this tree first. It's a bit heavy. Can you
lift it?"

"Of course! Us Yabbas are the best at using our brains!" Melinda found a
wooden stick and brought a large rock over. She rested the stick on the rock and
forced the stick under the tree. She pressed down on the stick, and the tree
budged a little.

The black cat cried out immediately. "Ah! Lighter, lighter! My leg hurts!"

"I hope you die from the pain!" Melinda continued to pry without caring about
the cat at all.

She was a soldier after all and met the basic physical requirements. Her strength
was equal to a Level-0 human Warrior. Using a wooden stick as a lever to move
a 30-centimeter-wide tree was no problem.

Ten minutes later, Melinda moved the half-dead cat out from the tree.

"Thank you for saving me…huh? Ah! My leg…you—you're so cruel!" The cat's
first sentence was in gratitude while the second had become pained howls.

The reason was none other than the fact that Melinda had cut off its broken legs.
Not only that, she even cut off the paws of its two front legs.

"You like running, huh? Let me see you run now!" Melinda spat out. Then she
found a rag and wrapped the cat up.

Cutting off its paws wasn't enough. Its teeth were weapons too and must be
removed. Melinda opened the cat's mouth and pried the sharp teeth out with her

"No, don't do that. I need…tho…eath…thoo," the black cat said with a lisp as it
continued to struggle. It was much weaker now and, wrapped in the rag, it was
no match for Melinda.
Melinda ignored its cries and pried out all four fangs before feeling settled.

"I don't trust you, kitty. From now on, I'll pull out another tooth every time you
dare lie to me, and I find out. When all your teeth are gone, I'll dig out your
eyes. When your eyes are gone, I'll cut off your nose and ears!" Melinda
threatened loudly. She stared at the cat with her big eyes and waved her dagger.

The black cat's mouth was filled with blood. It nodded weakly. "Mortal, I

Now it was really regretful. Link was troublesome, but at least he was logical
and would never use force. This Yabba girl, on the other hand, looked cute but
didn't even hesitate when she did things. She was terrifying.

Now, great. It didn't have its legs, its teeth had been pulled out, and it was
gravely injured. Even if it regained some strength from the world cracking, what
use was it if its body was this broken?

Melinda obviously didn't care about its opinion. She put away her dagger,
hoisted up her magic musket, and stood up. "Alright, where should I go now?"

The black cat closed its eyes to gather its bearings and weakly pointed in a
direction. "That way. They went that way."

Melinda ran in that direction without hesitation.

Link was running low on Mana. With a whoosh, he collected the Nightingale
Statue. The statue started shrinking and folding. He also fell off from the
Nightingale. Nana rushed up and caught him. She also caught the statue
afterwards and handed it to Link.

Link put it away in his spatial bag.

"Master, I'll carry you!" Nana said.

Nodding, Link closed his eyes. Bearing the immense pain in his head, he said
softly, "The pursuers are all Winged Howlers. There is one flaw in the combat
of these high-level demons. They like dive attacks. If they don't hit the target
each time, their bodies will stiffen temporarily due to stopping abruptly at high
speed. This is the best opening for an attack."

"I understand." Nana nodded. She ran very fast at more than 650 feet per
second. That speed was equal to the Winged Howlers at their tails.

On her back, Link could only feel that his entire body was extremely sore and
that his head was about to crack open. It practically felt like he was about to die.
Nana ran smoothly, and without realizing, Link grew drowsy and became half-

In this dazed state, he vaguely felt a strange warm current appear in his body. It
started in his abdomen and flowed through his entire body before finally
returning to his lower abdomen.

After that cycle, Link felt that he was much more comfortable. The intense
migraine had lessened as well.

Another cycle, another cycle, Link thought in anticipation.

The warm current didn't disappoint. It came a second time, and a third, and a
fourth… It seemed ready to go on forever.

Link could clearly feel his body recovering.

What kind of strength is this? Is it the game system helping? But there hadn't
been any messages in my vision. That's strange.

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Chapter 352: A Vague Calling

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Master, there's a strange looking mountain up ahead with smoke coming from
the top," Nana said while running, sounding a little out of breath.
Link was still groggy, but under the influence of the warm feeling coursing
through his body, he was starting to feel much better. Hearing what Nana said,
he forced his eyes open to look at the mountain.

They were currently surrounded by a plain, with grass about half a human's
height. Far away, there was a city while directly in front of them was a forest
with sparse trees. The forest extended up to half the side of the mountain.

Going further up, there were no more trees, only grass, moss, and stones. Even
further up, the grass disappeared. Only the black rocks remained. Beyond that
was the peak of the mountain, and as Nana said, there was a column of smoke
coming from the peak.

It was a truly unique shape, and Link immediately recognized the place. "This is
a live volcano. We have reached the central regions of the Norton Kingdom.
This volcano is called the Azzaro Volcano, and it erupts once every ten years.
At its peak is a lava hole with hot magma inside. That's why it is constantly
emitting smoke."

"Oh." Nana looked very interested. However, they were currently being pursued
by flying demons and climbing the hill would cause them to lose a lot of speed.
She prepared to circle around the mountain.

"Don't circle around it. Just go right up. There are magma holes on the way up;
we'll use it to shake them off!" Link said. He was very familiar with the
complex network of tunnels within the volcano.

In the game, there was an entry level duplicate of the Azzaro mountain. In his
previous life, Link had explored it over 200 times and was so familiar with the
paths that he could close his eyes and walk through it without getting lost. This
was definitely the best place to get rid of their pursuers.

Getting rid of the pursuers was one reason. There was actually something else
that Link desired from this place.

When he first laid eyes on the mountain, he thought of the high temperatures of
the lava inside it. For some reason, he felt that he had to go and take a look at it,
as though there was something summoning him there.
It was a very strange feeling, and as a Magician, Link's emotions were usually
calm and controlled. With the exception of the excitement that comes with
studying new spells, his heart was always as cool and calm as still water.

This feeling that suddenly arose in his heart was very unusual, and despite there
being no explanation for it, Link decided to trust the feeling.

Anyway, there was no harm in taking a look at the lava.

Nana originally wanted to head there anyway, so once Link instructed her to go
up the mountain, she continued on a straight path heading up the mountain.

The Winged Howlers were already less than 1500 feet away. Although the two
parties were traveling at roughly the same speed, Nana was restricted by the
geography of the land and also had to consider Link's safety. Gradually, the
demons were catching up.

At this point, the demons noticed Nana heading towards the mountain peak.
They laughed uproariously. "Come on brothers! We'll go ahead to surround

Climbing up the hill would definitely take more time and cause Nana to slow
down. Furthermore, they had to go up a winding path. Compared to her, the
demons could fly, so the mountain terrain was definitely no problem for them.

They would easily catch up at this rate.

When Nana brought Link to the side of the mountain, the demons had already
caught up to within 600 feet and were quickly gaining on them.

"To the left, about 600 feet away, do you see that grey rock?" Link pointed.

Nana nodded.

"Dash right there."

In two seconds, Nana circled around numerous mountain rocks to reach the
place where Link had pointed out. By this time, the Winged Howlers were
already 300 feet closer.
"Go around to the back of this stone. There is a flat piece of wall… See it? Kick
it down as hard as you can!" Link instructed.

Nana kicked it with her foot. Crash. The wall crumbled to reveal a gaping wide
tunnel mouth. She dashed into the cave.

Link cast a Level-0 Light Spell to light the way, conserving his Mana as much
as possible.

Just this beginner level magic spell made Link's head hurt. If not for the game
system giving him the weakened soul status notification, he would have thought
that his mana was forever ruined.

The moment they entered the cave, the Winged Howlers arrived at the tunnel

There were 11 demons in total gathered outside the 6-foot-tall cave. They
looked at each other.

"Is this Magician a mouse? Why is he always running into caves?" The previous
time in the Wailing Gorge as well as this time, Link had escaped through cave
tunnels that they, being 12 feet tall, had no way to enter.

"The tunnel is actually not that small. We could destroy the entrance and enter.
More importantly, how did they know there was a cave here?" One of the
demons gestured, pondering.

"They must have been here before and are very familiar with the place. In that
case, if we enter, we're definitely in trouble."

"Then what do we do?"

"Let's wait for the commander."

Therefore, the group of demons waited outside the tunnel for charm demon

Misamier's wings were broken by Link. She had to travel here on foot, and her
speed was much slower. The demons waited for over an hour before Misamier
finally arrived.
"What are you doing? Where's the Magician?"

One demon pointed at the tunnel entrance. "They're inside. They clearly know
this place very well. We had no other choice but to wait for your orders."

At this moment, Misamier had recovered her battle strength. She walked
towards the cave entrance to check it out. Looking at the dark tunnel mouth, she
bit her lip. "The Magician is struggling to even cast a spell. He's extremely weak
now, and the only thing we need to beware of is his puppet. No matter how
strong the puppet is, there's only one of it. We'll just follow him in!"

This chance to kill Link was definitely hard to come by. If they missed it, once
Link recovered, they might have to face a Legendary-level Magician!

Upon hearing her orders, the Winged Howlers glanced at each other. Then, one
of them walked up and slashed through the stone wall. Crash. In an instant, the
tunnel entrance expanded to 24 feet tall and 15 feet wide.

"Since it's so broad, I'm relieved!" One Winged Howler said. He was worried
that the space would be too narrow and that his opponents would make use of
their small size to hide and launch sneak attacks. He wouldn't even know how
he died. Seeing that the space was broad, he would be able to make use of his
body size and strength and was less afraid.

"Go, go in," Misamier ordered.

The Winged Howlers lined up in a row and entered the tunnel. After 150 feet,
the demon at the front said, "Commander, there is a fork up ahead."

"Can you smell which way they've gone?" Misamier asked from the middle of
the party.

The sound of people sniffing came from the front. After a while, the demon
replied, "There's the smell of humans on both sides. Furthermore, this tunnel is
open, and there's wind coming through. There's no way to know which way
they've gone."

"Well, we've got 12 people here including myself. That's six a side. We'll split
up and search," Misamier said after some consideration.
Then, she immediately started splitting the demons up.

Among the demons, six were Level-7, and five were Level-8. After splitting
them up, there were four Level-8 and two Level-7 demons on one side, and one
Level-8 and four Level-7 demons on the other as well as herself. The battle
strength of both teams was equal.

"Alright, let's go. If you find anything, call out immediately. We'll rush over."

"Understood, commander!"

The two teams of demons walked into the left and right lava tunnels

After about another 300 feet, the demon in the lead position called out again,
irritated, "Commander, there's another fork in the road. This time, there are
three paths."

Misamier walked forward to take a look. Up ahead was a wide chamber with 4
paths leading into it. One of those paths was the one they were currently on,
while the other three paths led deeper into the mountain. There was a smell of
sulfur coming out of every tunnel, as well as the scent of humans.

Right now, they had only 6 people. If they were to split themselves up into three
teams like before, they would not be able to deal with a sneak attack from the
magic puppet.

"This damn hole!"

Misamier cursed silently. After thinking for a moment, she said to the other
Level-8 demon, "We'll take two demons each and search two routes. You take
that one, I'll take this. Remember to leave down markings along the way and
don't get lost. Call if you find anything."

Misamier had fought against Nana before. She knew that Nana possessed the
strength of a Level-8 Warrior, therefore, with a Level-8 demon in the team, even
if they could not defeat Nana, they could drag for time for her to arrive.

"Okay." The demon had some reservations, but he had no choice.

The two teams proceeded into their respective tunnels.

Outside the tunnel, a small figure appeared. It was the female Yabba Melinda.
She carried a cannon about the size of a human. There was also a bag attached
to her waist with a black cat inside. At the moment, she was struggling to climb
up a large rock.

"Where did they go?" Melinda wiped the sweat off her forehead. After rushing
the entire way here, she was truly exhausted. The wound on her leg was also
hurting and seemed to be opening up, and blood could be seen flowing out of it.

However, she did not care. She was only concerned with one thing, saving Link!
If she could, she wouldn't mind sacrificing her soul to do it.

"It's jusshhtt up ahead. Look, there'sh a tunnel entranshe up ahead. Jushhtt go in

there. But you musshhtt be careful, the demonsh also entered the tunnel," said
the black cat. Due to its teeth being broken, the black cat's speech was airy and
unclear. Its mouth was covered in blood, and the fur on its head was also
crumpled and messy. It looked somewhat pitiful.

Right now, it had only one thought, and that was to find Link. Once it found
Link, it would quickly get far away from this crazy Yabba woman and return to
his side.

Although Link's methods were harsh, he was willing to negotiate with the cat,
unlike the Yabba woman. For no apparent reason, she had started abusing it.
How pitiful!

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Chapter 353: Let’s Die Together!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Gloomy cave.
With a soft poof, a Level-7 Winged Howler suddenly shook and collapsed, eyes
rolling to the back of its skull. He convulsed a few times and then died.

There was a fist-sized hole in the back of his head. Silver liquid flowed from
it—Sacred Silver. Behind it, a small figure hid in the darkness like a wraith.

It was Nana.

"Dammit, I said to be careful when you turn corners. Be careful! These idiots
just don't care," the Level-8 Winged Howler cursed at the front.

When the enemy had performed the sneak attack, he'd clearly felt the signs.
Unfortunately, he was at the very front of the line and couldn't turn around in
time. By the time he did so, Nana had already succeeded and retreated.

"Head, what should we do now?" There was another Level-7 Winged Howler of
the trio. He was shaking in fright.

Only two were left in the group now. If the enemy attacked again, he would be
the one on the ground.

The Level-8 Winged Howler mused for a while. He was scared too. This
messed up place connected in all directions, and the enemy seemed to be really
familiar with the tunnels. They'll get toyed to death before long. "Let's get out of
the cave."

F*ck the mission and f*ck the Magician. He wanted to stay alive.

The two Winged Howlers retreated along the original path.

Thankfully, they'd left marks along the way. Otherwise, they would probably
get lost while retreating. After going down the confusing paths for around 1000
feet, another turn appeared. This was different from before—it was more
spacious, without many places to hide.

"I'll go forward, and you follow. Be careful this time!" the Level-8 Winged
Howler said.

"Got it."
The Level-8 Winged Howler brandished his huge sword and walked forward
guardedly. After making the turn, he looked back and forth before turning to the
Level-7 Winged Howler. "Coast is clear."

The path after the turn was very wide with unobstructed sight. It was very safe.

But just then, there was a tiny sound. The pop was completely unnoticeable. The
next moment, the Level-8 Winged Howler seemed to be hit by something in the
head and was thrown to one side.

His temple suddenly exploded and his pupils, flesh, broken bones, and brains
splattered in all directions. The Level-8 Winged Howler instinctively pushed
off, and he flew sideways. He crashed against the stone wall and then rolled
back down. Then he started convulsing on the ground.

Half of his head was gone, and even a demon couldn't withstand this injury. He
was just struggling for his life now.

At this sight, the Level-7 Winged Howler began shaking. He didn't know who
the attacker was and definitely didn't know how they attacked. All he could do
was be scared.

There was a magic puppet behind them, and now, there was a mysterious killer
before them. He didn't even know where to run. This practically 14-foot-tall
giant curled up against the tunnel's side. He hugged his knees, curled his wings
around him, and just shook in fear.

On the other side of the turn, Melinda hid behind a rock barely three feet tall.
Seeing the demon on the ground, she shook her fist excitedly.

The black cat was reliable for once. After its modifications, the musket was at
least five times more powerful and barely made any sound! Back in the day, her
musket could only scratch these big demons, and they'd recover soon after. This
time, she'd blown out half of the demon's skull with one bullet!

"Master Link, I can help you now!"

"Okay, leave now," the black cat urged. "Go towards the left tunnel!"
Melinda immediately stood up from the rock. Hugging the musket, she limped
down the tunnel. Because of her good mood, she was pretty fast and scurried
past like a little mouse.

The other side.

After finding the chance to kill some Winged Howlers, Nana returned to Link's
side. She picked him up and started forward again.

"That way," Link said, pointing at a tunnel. This was the path to the heart of the
flames in the center of the mountain. It was very dangerous, with all sorts of fire
element beasts and extremely high temperature. But for some reason, Link's
thirst was getting clearer. He wanted to go somewhere hot right now.

Rather than making him uncomfortable, hot air made him indescribably happy.

Nana obviously didn't care because she couldn't feel the heat. Even if she
jumped into lava, it would be like a bath for her.

The further they went, the wider the tunnel and higher the temperature. It was
already above 120 degrees, and a faint red glow even appeared at the end of the

Link actually felt more comfortable. He could clearly feel waves of heat dig into
his skin, seeping into his body and merging with the mysterious warm current.

After that, the warm current grew even larger. Its speed quickened as well. Link
felt his body temperature rise continuously like he was on fire, but he didn't feel
any discomfort at all. Instead, it felt insufficient. It would never be enough.

It's only a spark. It's too weak. I need a blazing fire!

"Nana, hurry forward. Walk against the right of the wall and be careful. There's
a fire-bellied salamander on the left. Do you see it?"

The tunnel was very spacious now. It was more than 100 feet wide and 65 feet
high. The six-foot-long salamander curled in a small lava shaft without moving.
It looked just like a withered tree.
Nana's movements grew lighter.

Fire-bellied salamanders were easy to deal with but would cause a large
commotion. It could alert the demons chasing them.

After traveling more than 150 feet like that, Nana brought Link halfway up the
Azzaro Volcano. It was very wide and spacious here. Everywhere was filled
with a dark red glow. There were patches of lava here and there, while a lava
pond made up the center.

The lava bubbled and gurgled, spitting out plumes of fire and smoke.
Occasionally, a burst of heat would rush out before white-hot lava would spew
out like the prominence on the surface of the sun. The heat here was
unbelievable, distorting the air. Waves of fire were everywhere. Link's Flame
Controller robe and Nana's leather armor couldn't withstand this temperature.
They started to curl and singe. Then a ball of lava spouted, and a drop fell on the
clothing, burning it up.

Nana was alright, obviously. Strangely enough, Link didn't feel any pain in the
fire either. His skin didn't even burn. Lava dropped onto him and rolled down
like water.

"Master, are you okay?" Nana asked.

"I'm okay. Do you see the tall podium?"

Nana nodded. The podium was 150 feet away. There was a rock protruding
from the lava lake, and it glowed red from being baked by the extreme
temperature. The heat was truly unimaginable.

"There aren't any fire element beasts along the way. Put me there, and I'll rest
for a bit." Link was feeling much better than when they'd entered the cave.

"Okay." Nana walked over.

But before she walked 60 feet, a voice rang out behind them. "Link, where are
you going?"
Link turned around. It was Misamier. She was hundreds of feet away with two
Level-8 demons beside her. Seeing Link, she took out her long whip and strode

It was extremely hot here, but it was nothing to demons.

Here, Misamier's strength had recovered a lot. Though she was far from the
pinnacle of Level-9, she was still around the pinnacle of Level-8. With her two
Level-8 helpers, they were enough to deal with Link.

"Ignore her and continue forward. Put me on the podium first."

As he spoke, Link picked up his wand. Bracing the searing pain in his head, he
cast a Level-0 scream spell on the fire sharks swimming in the lava.

After that, he immediately cast a Level-0 lesser invisibility spell on him and

"Ah!" The scream scared the large 15-foot-long shark. It instinctively rose out
of the water and instantly saw the sprinting Misamier.

"Grr!" The fire shark immediately charged at the intruders.

"F*ck, stop him!" Misamier said to her helpers.

As soon as she spoke, a Level-8 Winged Howler standing at the entrance fell
forward and stopped moving. There was a gaping hole on the back of his head.

Misamier's pupils constricted. This is bad. Link actually has reinforcements—

strong reinforcements!

She gritted her teeth. At this point, she had no way back. She had to kill Link!

The other Level-8 Winged Howler was frightened. He'd heard the noise. It had
come from the tunnel behind them. He immediately left the entrance and ran
over to Misamier.

The fire shark pounced at this time. The Winged Howler waved his sword,
meeting the shark.
The shark was only a Level-6 Magical Beast. Misamier knew that her
subordinate could easily kill it, so she just warned, "Watch out for sneak attacks.
I'm going to kill that Magician!"

With that, she strode over to Link.

At this time, Nana had already put Link on the high podium. Link lay on the
ground, and to him, the rock wasn't scalding. Instead, it was warm—very
comfortably warm.

It's comfortable but still not quite enough. I'm still a little cold. Link
instinctively looked at the hottest lava lake. He had the urge to jump in, but this
was psychologically challenging. He was still a bit hesitant.

Nana turned around to stop Misamier.

The succubus sneered. "Little girl, you're not my match anymore!"

Though injured, her power was much stronger than last time at the Necropolis.

Nana didn't speak. Her leather armor was already damaged by the lava. She tore
it off and threw her swords down too. She only had the Breakpoint dagger in her

"Come at me!" Nana blocked the path. Instead of attacking first, she started

Crack! Misamier cast the whip at Nana, whose reaction was simple. She cut
lightly with the Breakpoint dagger.

The attack was simple but also greatly threatening. Misamier was forced to pull
her whip back. She knew how sharp the dagger was and her whip was no match.
However, she had other solutions.

"Heh, you have a dagger, but sadly, you're only a Warrior!"

As she spoke, Misamier suddenly reached out. A dark red ball of light appeared
in her palm. She hurled it at Nana, and it exploded with a boom.

This was her talent spell!

Caught by surprise, Nana was forced back by the ball of light. She lost balance
and fell into the lava.

In that moment, she knew she'd made a mistake. With extremely fast reaction
speed, Nana threw the dagger toward Misamier.

Misamier had just cast her talent spell and reacted a bit slowly. Her left leg was
hit by the dagger. With a crack, the entire calf fell off from her body.

Plop! Nana was thrown 150 feet away by the explosion and fell into the lava.

Plop! Without her left calf, Miamier lost her balance and also fell to the ground.

It was okay though. A calf didn't matter much. She was now less than 100 feet
away from Link. Before Nana swam back, she could end Link even if she had to

Misamier began crawling.

After around 60 feet, her heart suddenly tremored. She rolled forward without
time to look behind. If her body was undamaged, she could definitely dodge it.
However, her calf was gone, so she moved slower.

Poof. Her back shuddered, and she spat out a mouthful of blood. Looking down,
she discovered a clear hole in her chest. Then she looked back. At the entrance,
a small figure was looking at her with a magic musket.

It was too hot here, and Melinda couldn't come in. But it was okay because her
musket had long range. She could stand far away and fire it.

It's that Yabba woman. Dammit! Misamier didn't expect the little thing she'd
overlooked would ruin everything.

She looked back at Link. He was still lying on the podium without moving.

Gritting her teeth, Misamier gathered her remaining strength and leaped
forward. She grabbed Link and then jumped into the lava.

"Let's die together!"

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Chapter 354: Great Fortune

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Splash! Misamier dragged Link with her and fell into the boiling lava.

Watching this, everyone was stunned.

The Level-8 Winged Howler cut off the fire shark's head in one strike. Hearing
the noise, he turned to look only to find that Misamier's body had fallen into the
lava. Not wanting to fight, he immediately ran.

This time, the Magician will definitely die, right? Commander, I'll report this to
the Lord of the Deep. I'm sure he'll remember your service! The Winged Howler
thought to himself.

The space above this cavern was wide, and there was a hole leading into the
sky. This was the hole that lava would emerge from when the volcano erupts.
The demon spread his wings and prepared to fly.

Bang. He heard a soft sound and saw a bullet flying, headed straight towards
him. It was from Melinda.

Rip! The bullet shredded one of his wings just as he flew above the lava. As his
wing broke, he spiraled down from the air and fell into the lava. Splash!

"Aaah! Aaaah!" He screamed. He struggled fiercely as he tried to escape from

the lava, but it was all in vain.

The temperature of the lava was simply too high.

After Nana fell in, she immediately swam as quickly as she could to the edge of
the lava. Even if it was her, she could not last for very long. How could a flesh
and blood demon compare?

In but a moment, the demon's body was on fire. The screaming gradually faded
until it disappeared.
The mountain finally quieted down, and Melinda put down her musket. She
stared stupidly at the spot in which Link had fallen into the lava, mind blanked.

Splash, splash. Nana had swum to the edge of the lava and got out. Her body
was now bright red, and many parts were deformed. If she took any longer, she
would also have melted.

After reaching the shore, she too stared at the lava. She was waiting for her
body to cool down so that she could jump in to look for her master.

At this moment, the one who was calmest was the black cat. Seated inside the
bag around Melinda's waist, it poked out its head and stared at the lava pool.
"Interesting. How interesting."

"Interesting your head!" Melinda immediately shouted when she heard the cat.
She was incensed. If not for this damn cat, Master Link would never have died.
It was all the fault of this cat!

Therefore, the cat which had experienced a few lucky moments of calm was
once again subjected to indescribable torture. Painful sounds of mewing
resounded through the mountain.

At this moment, deep within the lava pool was a very different scenery.

After being pulled into the lava by Misamier, Link found himself slowly drifting

The temperature of the boiling lava was extremely high. This could be seen
from how even Nana could not handle being inside for too long. Strangely, Link
only found it slightly warm, and not the least bit scalding.

Streams of warm currents flowed into his body and joined into the warm current
inside it, making it flow faster and stronger.

Mysteriously, under the influence of the warm current, Link found that even as
he descended deeper into the lava, he was not suffocating even though there was
no air around.

He simply did not need to breathe.

Misamier was also still alive. Demonic power spread out from her body,
protecting her from the insane heat. She hugged Link tightly, planning to drag
him deep into the lava.

Not just that, she opened her mouth wide and bit savagely at Link. Link
instinctively twisted to the side, causing Misamier to bite onto his shoulder.

Misamier was now just like an octopus. Not only did she latch onto Link with
her teeth, but her arms were also wrapped tightly around Link, as were her legs.
She wanted to thoroughly trap him and kill him!

If Misamier was at her full strength, Link's body would definitely be twisted to
death by her. However, right now, she was severely weakened and her strength
diminished. Also, there was a strange force circulating within Link's body
helping him resist Misamier's grip.

The two of them had sunk down over 90 feet into the lava. The temperature was
getting increasingly hot. Link no longer felt cold. Now, he felt hot, extremely

The current within his body was now raging fiercely, and Link could feel an
enormous force that he could not describe. It was as though the power was
trapped inside his body and was trying to force its way out. Link's body had
become the battleground in this struggle, turning into something like a pressure
cooker and causing Link to be in burning pain.

If this thing gets any stronger, I'm going to die! I'll definitely explode to death! I
need to suppress it.

Under constant attack by the intense struggle within his body, Link's mind was
spinning, and he could not think properly. At some point, he detected a cool
presence beside his body, an icy cooling sensation.

It must be Misamier. She's actually still alive!

By now, Link could no longer feel Misamier's twisting grip. However, he could
still feel the cooling presence beside his body. It was precisely because of this
presence that he was still alive and not destroyed by the power within himself.

There's a wound on my shoulder. It can let the power escape!

Link attempted to circulate and direct the path of the current. He actually did not
have much control and could only hope that some of it leaked out from his
shoulder wound.

Somehow, he succeeded. Although the current was circulating rapidly in his

body, he could somehow direct it. A portion of it separated and flowed towards
the wound on his shoulder.

The cool feeling from his shoulder came from where Misamier's sharp teeth
were still clamped onto him. The coldness came from the demonic power of
Misamier and was slowly seeping into Link's body.

Under normal circumstances, this demonic power was more than enough to kill
Link. However, right now, things were different. The power in Link's body was
much stronger, and in fact, it was still growing.

This power was like an incinerator. In front of it, whatever demonic power that
entered Link's body could only be dissolved.

Unexpectedly, not only did this exchange not have any negative effects, but it
also gave Link some benefits. It was like a regulator, as the heat within Link's
body dissolved the cold demonic power, the pressure from the heat also

However, this demonic power was not enough. It was far too little! He needed a
lot more of it to achieve a balance.

As Link struggled, he found that his strength had increased. He easily shook off
Misamier's grip on him. Not only that, he even hugged her tightly and bit down
onto her neck.

Filled with thick demonic power, blood started flowing out of Misamier's neck
and into Link's belly. It was icy cold, and as it entered Link's body, it dissolved
the immense pressure within him.

Link instantly felt much better.

Misamier started struggling. However, it was no use. This time, it was Link who
held onto her tightly, and Link's strength was much greater than hers. He gulped
down her cool blood greedily.
The blistering hot energy was still entering into Link's body, and the warm
current was getting larger. However, under the influence of the demonic energy,
the current was a lot warmer and manageable.

If the power earlier was likened to blistering lava, the power now could be
described as a gentle water flow. As it gently coursed through Link's body, it
helped him recover his internal injuries.

These injuries were the result of forcefully using the Legendary level magic
spell. Link's head had cleared up by now, and he could "see" these injuries. He
saw numerous torn arteries and tendons, as well as fractured bones.

Looking at his wounds, Link suddenly came to a realization. No wonder the

Legendary Magicians were so much rarer than the Warriors. Besides the
requirement of magic, the strength of one's body was definitely another

Warriors' bodies were naturally strong. After reaching the peak of Level-9, it
was easy for them to attain Legendary power. However, Magicians could not.
Their bodies were too weak such that even if they were enlightened on the
mysteries of the Legendary power, their bodies were unable to bear the load of
such a force unless they had a way to raise their bodies' strength.

This point, therefore, demonstrated the superiority of the dragon race.

The gentle current washed over each wound, and with every second that passed,
the wounds gradually recovered. The torn blood vessels slowly reformed like
leaves growing on a plant, sprouting little by little.

Link had no idea how much time had passed, but he detected that within his
embrace, the body he was hugging had crumbled. He had completely sucked
Misamier's demonic power dry.

The hot energy from the lava was still entering his body. Without the demonic
power to balance out the heat, Link's body started to heat up again.

However, there was no longer anything constricting his movements. He moved

his arms and legs and rapidly swam towards the surface of the lava. As he got
higher, the temperature of the lava decreased. Consequently, the heat of the
energy entering his body decreased as well. After swimming up for about a
minute, Link reached a depth where he felt comfortable.

The temperature at this depth was neither too high nor too low. Surrounded by
the lava, he felt warm and comfortable.

At this point, Link was happy to stay in his current position and float there,
letting his body absorb the heat from the lava.

As time passed, the power in his body got thicker and thicker, and Link's mind
felt clearer and clearer. The effect of the injury to his soul was also fading.

He carefully assessed the power within his body.

Based on Link's intuition, the power had a crystal red color and was extremely
hot. It was bursting with energy and furthermore, was unimaginably clear.

How could he describe this?

The power was exactly like the most brilliant ruby that would make everyone
desire it… Hold on… Link recalled seeing power this pure only once before.
That's right, he had seen it once in the Red Dragon Queen Gretel. That was the
impression her dragon power gave Link.

At this point, Link's heart was pounding. Could it be that the power within me is
dragon energy? But how did I come to have it?

He suddenly remembered what happened in the Dragon Temple. At that time,

she had demonstrated a few mysterious magic spells for him. After every
demonstration, his fatigue always disappeared, and he was always full of vigor.

Don't tell me that she was doing Dragonification on me? But if it were
Dragonification, wouldn't I have detected it before? Why would it be hidden
until now?

Link could not understand.

There was one other thing he could not comprehend. Earlier, to reduce the
pressure, he had to absorb demonic power from Misamier to balance the power
inside him. Based on that logic, his power should be mixed with demonic
power. However, not only did the power within him not have the slightest bit of
evil, it was pure beyond comparison. In fact, it was comparable even to the Red
Dragon Queen Gretel.

This is truly mysterious! Could it be the game system? Link guessed wildly
before rejecting the hypothesis. If this was the work of the game system, he
would have received a notification window. However, the notification window
did not appear.

Since he could not figure it out, he would rather not bother with it. He focused
on absorbing the energy.

As the energy continued flowing into his body, Link noticed that his body was
no longer feeling as "thirsty" as it was before.

Before, it was as though he hadn't eaten for half a year. He had greedily
absorbed all the flame energy around him and secreted all the waste from his

Something flashed in his vision, and the notification window popped up. This
fellow finally appeared.

Link looked and saw a row of words.

Player Link has obtained "Flawless Dragon Power."

Flawless Dragon Power (Growth)

Level: 7

Effect: Boosts the life force, strength, speed, etc. of the user, and power
increases as skill level increases.

(Note: Ability gained from multiple coincidences.)


Link asked, What coincidences?

The system displayed another message. Link looked at it and was pleasantly
surprised. This is fortunate. Truly fortune!
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Chapter 355: Not a Personal Problem Between Us

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The game system display recorded the entire process.

When Link fell into the lava lake, there were three types of power within him:
Mana, Light power, and Dragon Power.

Mana went without saying. Every Magician had it.

The Light power…it was the soul blessing from the angel Herrera. After dealing
with fallen Magician Bale, Link possessed the power to absorb sunlight. This
ability was very weak and only made Link's body slightly stronger than the
average Magician. But after all this time, he'd accumulated much Light power.

The Dragon Power came from the Red Dragon Queen.

According to the game system, the Red Dragon Queen actually didn't cast any
spell on Link. She'd put pure Dragon Power into Link. Under its influence, Link
naturally grew much more spirited.

After a few times, Link retained some of her power.

Of the three powers, he had the most Mana, followed by Light power, and
finally, Dragon Power. The Dragon Power had been sealed by the Red Dragon
Queen so it could only help him regain energy.

But this time, Link had cast a Legendary Spell and damaged his body. The
Dragon Power naturally started acting and helped heal his wounds. As the
saying went, failure was the mother of success.

During this process, the Dragon Power started fusing with Link's body. Part of
the power that the Red Dragon Queen had sealed offhandedly was awakened
too. Not only did it heal Link's body, but it also started absorbing from the
surroundings to strengthen itself.
According to rumors, after a dragon was hurt, they could recover speedily no
matter how serious the injury was, as long as they were given enough energy
and weren't killed on the spot.

Reality proved that the rumors were credible.

However, there was another problem after the Dragon Power was awakened. It
wasn't very cohesive with Link's body and instinctively started absorbing
strength without caring if Link's body could withstand it.

Similarly, the Dragon Power clashed with the other powers within Link. It was
practically a three-way war.

At this time, Link introduced the demon power.

Demon power was very dark. After it appeared, it immediately clashed against
the Light power within Link. One light and one dark, they tried to destroy each
other into the purest form of energy.

This energy didn't go anywhere. It was all absorbed by the Dragon Power. After
it strengthened, it swallowed the neutral Mana. After another series of
serendipities, Link came to possess flawless Level-7 Dragon Power with a
pretty good future of growth.

This really is fortune born from misfortune, Link couldn't help but think.

Thinking back on his experiences in the World of Firuman, he'd had some good
luck, but only this achievement was completely out of his expectations. It was
also the most satisfactory.

However, there was another problem. He only had Dragon Power left, so how
could he cast spells in the future?

Getting an idea, Link chose see character information.

His vision flashed faintly, and Link's profile appeared.

Link Morani (Noble)

Level-7 Dragon Mage

Flawless Dragon Power: 6500

Dragon Power Recovery Speed: 5-100 points per seconds (changes according to
energy in the environment)

Current Dragon Power Recovery Speed: 66 points per second

Weapon: Burning Wrath of Heaven

How can I cast spells without Mana? Link discovered that all his power had

The game system replied with a message.

The Flawless Dragon Power can be used as Mana.

Two Mana points = one Dragon Power point.

One Omni Point can raise the upper limit of Dragon Power by one point.

Omni Points will not be able to change the Dragon Power recovery speed.

Reading it all, Link gained a basic understanding of his new power. He looked
back at the Mana cards that he could buy and realized that the Mana cost had
turned into Dragon Power cost.

Seeing this, Link mostly got it. It was like opening a hidden career in the game.
He'd changed his job and even changed his power bar.

The biggest advantage of becoming a Dragon Mage was that he didn't have to
worry about using up Mana anymore. The Dragon Power recovery speed was
honestly too fast. Even at the lowest speed of five points per second, it was 300
points in a minute, and he would be at the max within 20 minutes. Currently
inside the volcano, the recovery speed was at 66 points per second.

Feeling the unprecedented strength, Link was happy but also felt a bit regretful.

Even if one Dragon Power point equaled two Mana points, his Mana upper limit
was only 13,000. He couldn't use either of the two Legendary Spells—Miracle
Aura and Thunder God Descent.
The Dragon Power was the flawless strength of dragons, but the functions still
weren't complete. Link couldn't use it to shapeshift.

The exchange rate of Omni Points had lowered as well. Before, one Omni Point
could exchange for 10 Mana. Now, it was a one to one ratio. He'd lost a lot on
this but thinking of all the benefits of Dragon Power, Link felt better.

Whatever, it's still pretty good. The upper limit is low, so I'll just have to do
more missions, Link comforted himself.

His body was fine now, and the Dragon Power's absorption speed had slowed
down considerably. Link moved his limbs and started swimming upward.

With a splash, Link broke out of the lava's surface and started swimming
towards land. Before he reached it, Nana came over. After seeing him, her big
eyes turned into crescents, and she smiled. "Master, are you alright now?"

"No big problems." Link nodded.

He climbed onto land and heard the black cat's pained cries. Turning his head,
he saw Melinda standing by the entrance. She cried while also hitting an
extremely pathetic-looking black cat.

"All your fault! All your fault! All your fault!" she kept saying. If it wasn't for
the cat's betrayal, Master Link wouldn't have died.

She hadn't discovered Link yet.

Uh, isn't that Elodim? Why is he with Melinda and looks so pitiful? Link found
it very strange. He got up and walked over.

When the black cat saw Link, its yowling grew twice as loud. "Stop…hitting!
Stop…hitting! Link…still…alive. Look, there he is!"

It was really scared of that Yabba girl. She didn't listen to it at all and just
blamed everything on it. No matter what it said, she would keep hitting. Its head
was hit dozens of times while it said those words. Her hits weren't strong, but it
made it feel pathetic.

She was so barbaric!

When it finished speaking, Melinda finally stopped and raised her teary eyes.
She really saw Link walk over with Nana behind him.

Because of the lava, neither of them had clothes on. Melinda yelped in pleasant
surprise, and then her face turned beet red. She hid back behind the corner.

Link walked out of the hot place and into the tunnel. He covered himself and
Nana with a simple cape. After dressing, he called, "Melinda, it's fine now.
Come out."

So Melinda finally came out with a red face. Seeing Link, her happiness quickly
overcame her shyness. "Master Link," she called quietly.

Link nodded. He saw that the girl's leg was bloody and realized that her wound
had opened again. He walked over to clean the wound. After wrapping it again,
he tried to put in some Dragon Power.

Melinda immediately yelped.

"Does it hurt?" Link asked.

"No, it's warm. The wound feels kind of numb and itchy like it's about to heal
soon. It's comfortable," Melinda said, feeling curious.

Hearing that the Dragon Power was effective, Link was relieved. After pouring
Dragon Power into Melinda's wound, he said to Nana, "Carry her."

After Nana picked Melinda up, Link finally asked, "How did you catch the
black cat?"

"It was hit by a big tree, and its back legs were flattened. I saved it and then cut
off its front paws and pulled out its teeth. It can't hurt people anymore."

Link put Elodim in his hands. The cat really looked pathetic. It was covered in
blood and talked with a lisp. Its fur was matted, and its limbs were all missing.
It was even more pathetic than a stray cat.

With its ears flattened, it said weakly, "Link, let's make a deal. I won't have any
bad ideas from now on. Will you forgive me?"
Looking at it, Link thought for five seconds before shaking his head. "No."

"Why not? I saved you this time. If not for me, you'd be dead meat. I helped you
gain dragon power too!" The black cat was stunned.

It knew Link well. His words meant that he would end things once and for all.
He was ten times crueler than the Yabba girl when he wanted to be!

Link smiled thinly. "It's not a personal problem between the two of us…
Without further ado, goodbye Elodim. Nana, dagger!"

As soon as he spoke, the Breakpoint dagger in Nana's hand glowed faintly. She
pierced it into Elodim's head.

Colorful lights flashed. This was a god's soul, and it tried to block the
Breakpoint dagger. However, the dagger was an agglomeration of destructive
singularity. Merely a god's soul was useless. After three seconds, the dagger
pierced into the light.

"Ah!" A horribly painful cry rang out in everyone's mind. Then the colorful
glow scattered into countless light spots. There were so many spots that the
entire spacious tunnel was colored.

The light didn't fade for five whole seconds. By then, the dagger had sunk into
the black cat's skull.

Elodim, a god that wanted nothing more than escape from Firuman, died under
the destructive singularity just like that. Perhaps there were remnants of his soul,
but this was unimportant.

The betrayal was only a small part of why Link killed it.

This black cat posed too big of a danger. The World of Firuman had already
cracked, and it would only get stronger. With a god's wisdom, it would have
endless tricks. A damaged physical body couldn't restrict it for long.

No one could know what a god would do at that time to the cage that had
imprisoned it for thousands of years.
Link didn't dare take the risk, so he decided to get rid of the problem once and
for all.

After that, Link tossed the black cat's corpse into the lava. With a soft pop, the
corpse turned into smoke and disappeared.

Seeing that Melinda was a bit dazed, Link realized that his cruelty had shocked
her, so he explained, "His existence has already caused the losses of countless
lives. More lives will die because of him in the future. His strength is quickly
growing and will soon surpass us. I can only take the chance to kill him now."

Melinda nodded lightly. She saw another side of Link—cruel and decisive. She
was a bit scared but also felt safer. Her feelings were contradictory.

After leaving the cave, Link checked the direction and summoned the
Nightingale. They climbed on and started flying towards the Orida Fortress.

This time, there was still a twinge of pain in his head, but he could bear it. After
flying at a regular high speed for around 100 miles, not only was he not tired,
his headache even disappeared.

A dragon's physique is so weird.

They were within the Norton Kingdom now and were around 250 miles from
the Orida Fortress. It wasn't too far. With the Nightingale's speed, the fortress's
outer walls appeared in Link's vision after three hours.

For 2000 years, the Northern human race had gone through eight dynasties.
Each one had spent countless money and manpower on building and expanding
the walls. At this time, it was undoubtedly the top strategic pass for the Northern

When Link was three miles away, he was stopped by a scout.

"Magician, report your name!"

"Ferde Lord, Baron Link Morani." Link reported his noble title to the common
soldier because it was easier to make a commoner respect a noble while a
Magician would receive reverence and fear. The former was much better.
Once he said his name, the scout instantly became ecstatic, and he saluted to
Link. "Lord, welcome to the Orida Fortress!"

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Chapter 356: Eve of the Final Battle (1/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Outside the defensive line of Orida fortress

Skinorse dragged himself back covered in wounds.

At that time, Link had unleashed a Legendary magical spell, the Thunder God's
Descent. He was facing a Level-9 expert as well as the user of the Dark Serpent.
He simply could not afford to pay attention to his surroundings.

When the shockwaves of their fight hit him, Skinorse did what he could to find
cover. Nonetheless, a rock the size of a small head still smashed into his back.

He did not have the tenacity of a demon's body, so after getting hit, he forcefully
used his Battle Art to keep himself going.

He covered 200 miles in only half an hour!

Normally, even in an uninjured condition, he would not be able to do this.

However, this time, he truly gave it his all.

Link staked his life to prevent the demons from pursuing him. If he didn't finish
the mission, Skinorse felt that he would be letting himself down.

He didn't want future historians to record this section of history sadly, in this
manner. "Link risked his life to stop the demons, but an unknown person wasted
his sacrifice."

He wanted historians to write, "Skinorse successfully completed Link's mission,

delivering the magic note to Orida Fortress, leading to a reversal of the war!"
That would be his glory!

Therefore, when the 150-foot-tall Orida Fortress appeared in his vision,

Skinorse felt all his organs heating up. Every breath he took felt like torture as
his throat was choked with blood. Even the phlegm he spit out was red in color.
His legs too felt like they were made of lead, and his Battle Art was all run out.
He was essentially on his last leg.

His vision grew blurry, and the objects in his vision looked darker than they
actually were.

A Scout outside the fortress barricade noticed him and shouted, "Who are you?
Report your rank!"

Hearing this, Skinorse knew that he had accomplished his mission. He breathed
deeply and spat out a glob of blood that he had been suppressing inside his
throat. Then, his legs gave way, and he collapsed onto the floor.

"Major! It's Major Skinorse!" Someone had recognized him.

"Huff huff, bring me to the fortress… pant … to see Duke Abel. I carry an
important magic note!" Skinorse said, lying on the ground and breathing deeply.
Every breath carried the stench of blood.

After saying this, Skinorse felt extremely faint and almost lost consciousness.

In his stupor, he felt someone carry him up and feed him something that tasted
like medicine. After drinking a few mouthfuls, he felt a cool feeling in his chest.
He could also hear people talking beside him. He was then placed onto a
warhorse, which slowly trotted forward.

Before the magic note was delivered, Skinorse did not dare to let himself lose
consciousness. All the way here, he bit his lip to keep himself awake.
Fortunately, he was a Level-7 expert, so after resting on the horseback for a bit,
his spirit had recovered, and his mind had cleared up significantly.

He found that he was going through a dark tunnel-like passageway about 120
feet long. This was part of Orida Fortress's magic defenses.
After passing through the tunnel, Skinorse was carried off the horse and into a

The relief of the ground had increased, and 300 feet later, there was a second
wall. Because of the high terrain, the wall rose even higher. This also gave
defenders a greater range of vision.

In the second tunnel, a priest appeared chanting incantations. Divine light shone
onto Skinorse's body.

Skinorse felt waves of warmth entering his body and the pain he was feeling
gradually decreased. Following that, he felt an itch in his throat and his chest. It
was a very familiar feeling that came whenever his wounds healed up.

Oddly, this time, his vital organs were the ones that were damaged this time.
These organs weren't typically sensitive, therefore, for them to itch was very
strange for Skinorse. This showed how fast the recovery was.

Skinorse's injuries were not considered too heavy, and his body constitution was
originally strong. With the divine healing from the priest, he felt as though he
was revived, and although he still felt weak, he was essentially fine.

As he sat up in the saddle, he re-stated his mission. "I need to see Duke Abel,

The priest gently replied. "Warrior, we're going to see the duke now."

"I'm fine; I can walk by myself."

After getting out of the stretcher, Skinorse checked the magic note in his
bracelet. Even though he knew that it would not be affected, he couldn't help but
check to make sure it was there. He took it out and stored it safely in his pocket.

The fortress was on an upslope. After the second wall, it was a stone ramp. The
stone ramp was surrounded on both sides by tall walls which were protected by
magic barriers. The walls had soldiers stationed on the top.

Even if enemies could make it through the two walls in front, they would still
have to fight up this tightly defended ramp.
When they did, they would find themselves sandwiched between two walls of
defenders in a kill-zone.

The ramp was very long and lead into a small city stronghold. The city was
made of a few levels. At the fourth level of the city was the center of Orida

This stronghold was almost completely made of anti-magic metals.

Even if enemies made it here, the stronghold gate was at least three-feet-thick
and thoroughly defended. Breaking through the gate was not easy.

At this point, the hall in the stronghold was the center of command. In there was
gathered Duke Abel, Elf Princess Milda, Dwarf Mountain King, as well as the
formation commander of the third Yabba airship contingent.

They all knew that Skinorse had gone to deliver a letter to Link. Seeing that he
had just returned without Link, they suddenly got a bad feeling.

"Major, report," Duke Abel instructed.

Skinorse saluted towards everyone in the room. Although it was not too
appropriate, nobody was in the mood to care. Then, he began to recount his
experiences from when he met Link at the Golden Plains till the Hengduan
Mountain Range. He talked about how they had discovered the Yabba airship,
as well as the final confrontation at the Sentinel Cabin and the magic note Link,
had bade him to bring back.

He spoke simply and finished his recount in under ten sentences. After that, he
retrieved the magic note from Link.

The room was silent as everyone held their tongues. The magic note was
received by an officer and handed over to Elf Princess Milda, who was most
proficient in the use of magic.

Rustle. The hall was so silent that the only thing that could be heard was the
sound of pages flipping.

The handwriting on the magic-encoded note was very familiar to everyone—it

was Link's. The Mana coming from the note exuded an aura of calm. Looking at
the handwriting, Elf Princess Milda could not help but recall a particular black-
haired young man.

The magic note indicated that he had stayed back to face an ambush of 50
demons and Aymons who was in possession of the Divine Gear. Facing a force
like this, even her mother, the Elf Queen, could only escape for her life.

Therefore, most likely, Link was dead.

Although the note did not state the final conclusion of the battle, Elf Princess
Milda, as well as everyone else in the hall, could guess what had happened.

Drip. At some point, a tear dropped onto the book in front of her, smudging a
row of words. Elf Princess Milda hastily dried the page before continuing to
look at it.

No one broke the silence in the hall. They were too afraid to break Elf Princess
Milda's concentration. Everyone knew of the importance of the magic note in
her hands. Not only was it a message, but it also contained notes on a particular
magic formation. It concerned the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
Essentially, she held the fate of the continent in her hands.

Half an hour later, Elf Princess Milda closed the notebook. She nodded her head
and said, "Magician Link has written very clearly. I believe that as long as we
have enough Magicians, we can activate the spell formation contained within
this letter. Using it, we can fight against the Divine Spells of the Dark Serpent.

"However what?" Duke Abel immediately asked.

"In order to activate this magic formation, it needs to be directed by a Master

Magician. Originally, Link would have been the best person for the job, but
he…. Well, I will make a trip back to the Isle of Dawn to recruit at least a
hundred Level-6 Magicians. Besides that, we will also need to begin training
them to use the formation. I don't know if we have enough time."

Regardless of whether or not there was enough time, it was something that
needed to be done.
"Damn!" Duke Abel smacked the table, anguish in his heart. Now that things
had come to this, he didn't know how to feel.

Link had already done all he could, and he had even given up his life for the
cause. In the end, he found a way to fight back against the Divine Gear.
However, compared to this magic formation, Duke Abel would much rather
have Link back.

The magic formation was dead; the Magician was the true treasure.

For a Magician like Link who had the potential to become a Legendary
Magician, Duke Abel actually might consider him more valuable than over a
hundred thousand soldiers.

"Alright. Lord Link has already completed his mission. Moving on, it is up to
those of us who are still alive," the Yabba airship formation commander said,
standing up from his chair. He looked at Elf Princess Milda and said, "Princess,
our airships can speedily fly us to the Isle of Dawn. I would like to ask; would
the Elf Queen lead the magic formation?"

Elf Princess Milda shook her head. "No, my mother cannot join the battle. She
needs to protect our World Tree."

"Alright. Let's head out!" The Yabba commander said anxiously. He was
obviously anxious. The Yabba capital city, Lariel, was currently besieged by the
demons. Only the human army of their alliance could help them break through
the siege. However, they needed a way to defend against the Divine Gear before
they could move out.

Therefore, this magic formation still concerned the fate of the Yabbas.

"Yes, we'll set out now," Elf Princess Milda said.

However, it was at this point that another soldier rushed in. When he came in,
he did not even bother with the formalities and shouted, "The Demon Slayer has

The Demon Slayer was Link's title amongst the soldiers.

Everyone in the hall was stunned. They looked at each other in silence. Then,
Duke Abel stood up. His actions were sharp and quick, and he even knocked
over the chair that he was seated on.

"How is he? Is he injured?"

"He looks to be fine," the soldier reported, beaming.

"Whew…" Everyone in the hall let out a sigh of relief. The serious atmosphere
from earlier was now completely dispersed.

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Chapter 357: Eve of the Final Battle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After Link's message arrived, Duke Abel stood up, losing his cool a bit. This
wasn't that bad. Someone stood up from their seats and ran out of the room.

Everyone stared at each other, speechless. The one who ran out was none other
than the High Elf Princess Milda. She ran so quickly that her body even glowed
faintly and disappeared out the door in a blink.

She'd used an acceleration spell.

Everyone had seen Milda's tears earlier, but that was when everyone thought
Link had died. They'd all felt heavy, so no one had thought much. Now, Link
was alright, and they were all relieved, but Milda's reaction was so dramatic.
They thought more into this.

Apparently, Milda had run into trouble at Ferde before, and Master Link saved
her. After that, Milda stayed in Ferde instead of returning to the Isle of Dawn.
She even had her own house in Ferde.

These weren't secrets. Anyone would know if they asked.

As a Magician, she didn't even control her emotions and cried when they'd
heard the news of Link's death. Now, she was this emotional… Was there
something between them?

Everyone was relaxed at this time.

Riel, the king of the Dwarf Mountain, was very straightforward. He slammed a
fist on the table and laughed, saying, "The princess is in love with the
Magician? Haha, that's great!"

The Yabba airship commander also giggled. "I bet this would be written in epic

Duke Abel and the other deputy officers exchanged glances awkwardly. They
all knew that Link had a woman in the Ferde Territory named Celine or
something. Those two were apparently very in love. The High Elf Princess'
reaction made things awkward.

The duke chuckled. "Aha, that's Master Link's private matters. Let's stop
discussing it and go welcome him."

Everyone rose and walked out of the hall.

Along the way, the more Duke Abel thought about it, the more he found it odd.
When he walked past the first checkpoint, he finally understood. "Princess
Milda's matter is Link's own private thing," he whispered to the officers beside
him. "It's forbidden to discuss. We'll pretend we didn't see anything and don't
know anything. If any of the soldiers gossip, punish them! Understood?"

By the end, Duke Abel's eyes grew harsh, and his lips were pressed thinly. His
expression was very strict.

"Yes, General!" The officers didn't know why their general was like this, but
they obeyed anyway.

Abel actually had very deep thoughts behind this action.

The dwarves and Yabba were foreign races. Outsiders didn't care and had no
qualms about causing some drama. However, Abel knew that Princess Milda's
tears were genuine but rushing out to welcome him after learning that Link was
still alive was a bit purposeful.

She was the princess of the High Elves and her each move was critical. After
living in the fortress together these days, Abel knew that Milda was clear about
her duties. She might not be a mature politician yet, but she was already on the
way to maturity. She was stronger than most people.

How could she lose her cool like this?

Bryant had a messy relationship with a High Elf back then and even died in the
Isle of Dawn… Hmph, do the High Elves want to get all our human geniuses?
What a good plan! Thinking of this, Abel's heart turned cold.

He was known as the iron duke and had a strong personality. The wellbeing of
humanity was always first for him. In his opinion, the High Elves and Dark
Elves were both foreigners. They could work together but must be cautious!

Of course, even though he was unhappy about Milda's actions, he was a political
figure, and they were allies. Abel quickly adjusted his emotions and put a smile

On the other side, Link had just crossed the first wall of the fortress and soldiers
already filled the square. They were all there just to see the infamous Magician
up close.

There were so many people. Thankfully, the soldiers mostly kept order and
there were officers present. No chaos erupted.

While walking, the crowd at the front grew loud. There were gasps and cries.

"The High Elf Princess is here!"

"Oh my god, how can there be such a beautiful woman in this world?"

"She must be the incarnate of the moon!"

The High Elf Princess had been at the Orida Fortress for more than a month, but
when she'd first appeared, she wore a veil. Later, she mostly stayed at the Mage
Tower, so most regular soldiers had no chance to see her true appearance. There
were rumors that she was beautiful but as to just how beautiful, no one knew.

Now, she appeared right in the crowd and didn't hide her face at all.

Her features were the stunning type and were quite offensive. Just a glance
could make someone go blind from the beauty and stop breathing.

Barely any beauties of this extent appeared before the males. In a war fortress
where even a female pig was stared at, it was no surprise a commotion was

Seeing this scene, Link obviously knew what was up. His brows furrowed
slightly, feeling that Milda's actions were improper.

At this time, Milda had arrived before him.

She wore a long ivory dress of the High Elf style decorated with many silver
magic runes. She had a snow bear cape on her back and a snow fox throw on her
shoulder. Her golden hair fell down her shoulders like sunlight. There was a
flame-like silver mark painted on her forehead as well. When she walked over,
the elegant and glamorous aura was overpowering.

Such a fine beauty appeared among all the sweaty and ragged soldiers. In
comparison, Milda was like a goddess.

Link's eyes brightened too, but he quickly looked down and bowed. "Princess—

Before he could finish, Milda walked up and hugged him tightly. "Link!" she
cried happily. "You're still alive. That's great!"

"Woah!" All the surrounding soldiers started to jeer and cheer. This was

Without thinking much, someone yelled, "Master, kiss her!"

"Marry the High Elf Princess!"

"Master, the princess likes you!"

Link was even more shocked. He felt Milda's body tremor as if she was really
excited, but it still felt odd. In his memory, Milda's every move was like a true
princess. She would never do something that could be misunderstood before so
many soldiers.

They weren't that close either.

It felt wrong.

Hugged so tightly, Link couldn't push her away either. He could only mutter,
"Your Highness, it was dangerous indeed, but I'm already back…Can you let go

It was nice to hug a beauty, but Link was passed that. The High Elf Princess'
beauty was unparalleled, even prettier than the Red Dragon Queen. However,
Link had marked her with the "political alliance, no other relationships" tag in
his mind.

There was no other reason save that she was the High Elf Princess. No matter
how innocent and naive she was, after a few years, she would still mature. They
could become allies but as for love…that wasn't an option.

Link's tone was calm and devoid of extra emotions. Milda stiffened and
instantly let go. With red eyes, she whispered, "I thought you died, but you
came back alive. Sorry, I lost my composure."

"It's alright, no need to apologize." Link immediately changed the subject.

"Does that mean Skinorse is back?"

"He's back and also brought back your magic notes. But now it seems that the
notebook can be returned to its owner." Milda had already recomposed herself.
She took out the notebook and handed it to Link.

Link accepted it. Just as he was about to speak, Duke Abel and the others

Duke Abel's smile was a bit forced. He suddenly sped up as he got to Link and
forced Milda to the side. Opening his arms wide, he laughed heartily and gave
Link a warm embrace. Then he patted Link's back and lamented, "Master, it's so
great that you're back."
Link could only reply out of courtesy. He'd already felt the subtle vortex as soon
as he'd arrived. He couldn't help but sigh. This is politics. It's far less interesting
than magic.

He pretended he couldn't tell the subtle jabs. After a bunch of polite small talk,
Link arrived at the iron stronghold at the mountain peak.

Milda had mostly returned to normal now. She explained the situation of the
Magicians at the Orida Fortress.

In the fortress, there were more than 300 Magicians. Two hundred and thirty-
four were humans. The highest level was Level-6, and there were three
Magicians. Seventy-six Magicians were High Elves with the lowest at Level-6.
There were two at Level-7—Milda and Romilson.

After hearing this, Link thought carefully and said, "There are enough Level-6
Magicians. Start training now…How about ten days? After ten days, the magic
seal will be able to be used officially."

These words roused everyone present. "Master, how is your health right now?"
Duke Abel asked.

"No problem at all. We can start now!"

"Great!" Duke Abel had already forgotten the earlier problems. The frustrations
built up in his heart due to the Dark Divine Gear were all wiped clean.

Four hours ago

Whoosh. Aymons appeared in the forest.

Riding the Dark Serpent, he flew northwestward while thinking about the war

When I left, Misamier was gravely injured. She's probably dead now. The
surviving demons probably aren't Link's match. He'll definitely reach the Orida
Fortress alive. That man is too frightening. He actually used a Legendary Spell.
He might be able to think of a way against the godly techniques. No, I can't drag
it on any longer!

Conquering the Yabba capital would take at least one more month. This was too
long, and he couldn't wait.

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Chapter 358: Eve of the Final Battle (3/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Rumble, Rumble!

Half a mile outside the scientific capital of Lariel City, the magic cannons
belonging to the Dark Elves were bombarding Lariel's magic defenses.

Lariel had no city walls. Instead, the city was surrounded by a magic dome
barrier. This barrier was extremely strong and possessed the strength of a Level-
9 expert. It was extraordinary, at least 30 feet thick, with a diameter of over 2.5

Every shot from the magic cannon was equivalent to the power of an expert
Level-6 attack. Yet, although the Dark Elves had continuously bombarded the
city for three days and expended over a thousand cannon shells, the magic
barrier had only thinned slightly.

When Aymons arrived at the scene, the cannons were still going off without

"What's the situation?" Aymons immediately went to the commander's camp to

ask his disciple, Lawndale.

In this sneak attack on the Yabbas, Aymons was the overall commander. The
commander amongst the demons was Misamier, while Lawndale was Aymons's
deputy commander, as well as his greatest assistant.
"The strength of the barrier has decreased by 8.3% from three days ago. At this
rate, we will be able to reduce its strength to under 50% in 20 days. At that time,
with the strength of the alliance between the demons and us Dark Elves, we will
successfully break into and conquer Lariel City," Lawndale reported, being very
precise with the estimates.

"Twenty days? Can the magic crystal keep up with the consumption?" Aymons

The magic cannons were powered by special magic crystals obtained from the
Yabbas. They had obtained this technology from previous Yabba cities that they
conquered, and as for the magic crystals, the only way to obtain them was from
the sky city Pollol. Because that was the only factory that produced these
crystals, the crystals were extremely limited.

If it weren't for the limitation because of the crystals, they would have fired way
more than a thousand shots in the last three days. In fact, they might even have
broken through the barrier by now.

Lawndale replied confidently, "There shouldn't be any problems. Actually, I've

discovered the blueprints for the crystal factory and am constructing one such
crystal factory for our clan. It should be ready to begin production in half a
month. At that time, our rate of attack can increase by one fold!"

Aymons revealed a slight smile. He loved to see his disciple's confident

demeanor. Then, he asked, "How many cannons we have now? What about
airships? I want an exact number."

Lawndale found this queries strange, but he reported the numbers nonetheless.
"We have 500 cannons, of which 200 are being used in battle. Among them, 50
were built by us, although they aren't as effective. We also have five airships,
and each airship contains 50 more cannons. Although we can maneuver them in
the air now, it will take a bit more practice to properly use them in battle."

"The airships can't be deployed yet? Isn't there a team of Yabba pilots?"

Lawndale replied, "Teacher, I was just about to report this to you. The Yabba
puppets that are controlled by the Dark Serpent are completely useless.
Operating the airships is a very delicate process. These puppets' minds are not in
perfect condition, and they can't do it. In fact, they've already ruined one

Hearing this report, Aymons pondered in silence.

Then, Aymons went to the frontlines of battle. The moment he revealed himself,
multiple musket shots were fired in his direction by Yabba musketeers. They
were very fierce and precise, and it was because of them that the Dark Army
had taken such damage.

Of course, this attack was ineffective against Aymons. Around his body
appeared a barrier. Clang clang clang. Upon hitting the barrier, the bullets
simply dropped to the ground.

Aymons inspected the thick magic barrier around Lariel and sighed.

The Yabba's magic barrier was not only incomparably thick, but it was also
extremely well-designed.

It was not simply one thick piece of barrier which would collapse upon
breaking. No, it was made of multiple layers of small barriers, such that even if
a few were destroyed, the other layers would still be unaffected.

With this kind of defense, it would be useless even if Aymons used the Divine
Gear to attack. All he could do was to open an isolated hole that, were his forces
to use to enter, would incite an attack from the Yabbas all around it. Such an
attack was doomed to fail.

Over the course of history, the ancient Yabba people had faced many such
attacks. Their history was only slightly shorter than the even more ancient
Yabba people.

After observing for another ten seconds, Aymons turned around and said to
Lawndale, "Prepare to retreat!"

Lawndale was shocked. "Teacher, but why?"

Aymons responded with an explanation that was not really an explanation.

However, he knew that his disciple would understand. "Link has mastered a
Legendary magic spell. Furthermore, he has returned to Orida Fortress with
news of our attack."

Lawndale immediately shut his mouth.

He knew that this attack on the Yabbas was a covert operation. This was why
they had done all they could to prevent information from leaking out. Once the
alliance got wind of their activities, the Dark Army would have to face an attack
from two sides. Furthermore, Link had unexpectedly mastered a Legendary
spell. That would make him a Legendary-level Magician. How could he have
ascended so quickly?

Aymons continued, "Misamier and I went to subdue him. In the end, Misamier
was killed, and I had no choice but to teleport away. Not only has he mastered a
Legendary spell, but his puppet also possesses enough power to oppose the
Divine Gear. I suspect that Link gained some knowledge on how to fight against
the Divine Gear from the dragons."

Lawndale was shocked, but his mind still ran through his plans quickly. "In that
case, we've got to take down Orida Fortress before our opponents are ready. No
matter what, we need to take down this stronghold."

"Exactly." Aymons was pleased with his disciple. Whatever he entrusted to his
disciple, it would be completed to his satisfaction, with no gaps left behind.

"Teacher, there will certainly be no problems for our army to retreat. But what
about the demons…?" The demons weren't under the control of the Dark Elves,
and since Misamier was dead, they had lost their chain of command.

"Leave that to me. I will contact Nozama, Lord of the Deep."

After leaving the frontlines, Aymons immediately went to the summoning blood

The entrance to the blood pool was deep in the forest. Around it were numerous
high-leveled demons guarding it. It was so heavily guarded that not even a fly
could enter. Even Aymons who was the summoner of the demons could not
simply enter as he wished.
As he approached the forest, he was stopped by a fear demon. "Sir Aymons,
now is not the time for summoning. What business have you?"

Aymons knew that this fear demon was not the only guard in the area. Around
them were hidden at least three-dimensional demons. If he made any suspicious
moves, he would immediately come under attack by these demons. Maintaining
his composure, he said, "I have something important to discuss with your lord.
Please lead the way."

The fear demon was silent for a while. In fact, he seemed to be distracted.
Aymons knew that the demon was using some secret art to communicate with
the demon guarding by the side of the summoning blood pool, and so he waited

After a moment, the fear demon asked, "Where is commander Misamier? Why
isn't she here?"

"I was going to discuss that with your lord. Misamier has met a bad end."

The fear demon was shocked. "What! How could she have died? Who killed

Aymons was beginning to lose his patience. "This is exactly what I am going to
discuss with your lord!"

The fear demon looked distracted again, and finally, after a while, he moved
aside. "Please enter."

Aymons walked forward, entering into a thick fog. In the fog was a mysterious
passage, and as he walked into the passage, Aymons had a sense that time and
space was being distorted.

He knew that this was a teleportation portal. Although it looked short, it was
actually over 250 miles long and lead into a deep valley within the Black Forest.

Just like this, in five minutes, he found himself in a wide-open field. From the
ground wafted up black and red columns of smoke which filled the air with a
thick scent of sulfur and helium. The sky was painted a blood red, and within it
could be seen waves of ripples, as though it were a sea of blood.
In this field, there was a circular blood pond over 90 feet wide. The blood
within the pond bubbled, emitting white gases. As these white gases spread out,
they formed into a miserable looking face.

It was very horrifying.

Maintaining his composure, Aymons manipulated the Dark Serpent, using it to

carry himself forward. After walking forward 30 feet, a black figure soundlessly
appeared by his side.

This black figure was 5'5''l which, by demon standards, was rather small. Its
body was cloaked in an oversized mantle, and it made absolutely no sound as it
moved, as though it were made completely of gas.

Aymons did not dare to take this fellow lightly. He could feel the strength of a
Level-9 expert from this figure. At the same time, he knew that this was Lord
Nozama's strongest Assassin Noyo, also nicknamed "The Guide to the

According to history, this Assassin had appeared only three times in the world
of Firuman. Each time he appeared, he had either directly or indirectly caused
the collapse of various northern human dynasties. His most acclaimed
achievement was the assassination of a certain Elf Queen and his subsequent
retreat, which left him unscathed.

After Noyo appeared, he didn't say anything but merely followed beside
Aymons. After a short distance, he vanished completely into thin air. How he
came and how he went, as well as when he went was something Aymons would
never know.

In front of the summoning blood pool, Aymons stopped and took a deep breath.
Then, he started to chant a contract spell.

As he chanted the spell, the bubbling in the blood pool grew faster, even starting
to rise up. After a minute, a blood-colored figure stood in the middle of the pool.

"Why did you summon me, Aymons?" The voice shook Aymons out of his
trance. The voice was sonorous, deep, and made one feel extremely comfortable
listening to it.
If not for this creepy environment, just based on the voice alone, Aymons would
never have imagined that it belonged to Firuman's most vicious demon lord.

"Lord, Misamier has been killed by Link."

"I already know that. I collected the remains of Misamier's soul. She told me
everything. It's not pleasant news."

Aymons had nothing to reply. He kept his silence for a while. Then, he
continued, "Our sneak attack on the Yabbas has been discovered. I plan to
immediately converge our forces onto Orida fortress. I hope your army can
support me."

The blood figure stared intently at Aymons and asked. "Hmmm? Aren't you
afraid that the Yabbas will go to aid the Orida Fortress?"

"The Yabbas have already been cowed by our army. As long as we leave our
magic cannons at their city to continue the bombardment, they wouldn't know
that we have left, at least not for a short while. Once we reach Orida Fortress,
using the power of the Dark Serpent, I believe we can quickly take down the
fortress," Aymons explained the plan he had long prepared.

Originally, Aymons had planned to gather their strength before heading to Orida
Fortress. This way, once they took Orida Fortress, they could rapidly expand
their warfront and achieve a swift victory. However, now, that was not possible.

Lord Nozama did not respond to agree or disagree. He sank into silence.

Looking at the blood figure, Aymons could not read what the demon lord was
thinking. He could only wait.

After a few minutes, Lord Nozama's voice sounded once again. "Let Noyo
follow you. Send some Assassins with him; he will help you get rid of Link.
This way, they would be unable to deal with the Dark Serpent at least."

Aymons let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you very much!"

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Chapter 359: Too Much Energy, Need a Way to Let It Out
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Orida Fortress

To reinforce the Yabba race getting attacked up north, the entire defensive line
went into action. Soldiers were brought over, and supplies were transported. As
the core of the defensive line, the Orida Fortress was obviously the busiest.
Everyone was up to their necks in work.

Of course, those matters had nothing to do with Link. He only had one task—to
train Magicians and complete the Soul Slalom Magic Seal to combat the Dark

The Orida Fortress contained three Mage Towers. The two subordinate towers
were similar to the Mage Tower of the East Cove Higher Magic Academy. The
main tower was practically equal to the Heaven's Thorn Mage Tower.

There was a 300-square-foot garden between the three Mage Towers surrounded
by a low wall. This was the Magicians' independent area.

Link practiced the magic seal with the Magicians here.

One had to be at least Level-6 to join the magic seal, so most of them were High
Elves. There were only five humans, including Link. The High Elves were
honestly much more advanced in magic than humans.

The magic seal was very tedious. Every Magician had to multitask while
operating it. While casting the spell, they must keep an eye on the Mana of the
other Magicians at the same time and adjust their own Mana output accordingly.

The intensity of the training was like having a Magician continuously cast spells
at the pinnacle of Level-6.

These tasks were practically beyond the limits of the Magicians and were
tedious. However, this directly influenced the result of the battle, and there was
no way to back out. Every Magician gritted their teeth and put in all their effort.
But even the strongest determination had a limit. On average, Magicians were
physically weak as well. During training, Link paid attention to the physical
state of each Magician. Once someone approached their limit, he would
immediately end training for the day and take a break.

Every Magician in the Soul Slalom was precious and indispensable.

The result was that Link could only train them for three hours per day.

After each session, the Magicians were all exhausted. They would hurriedly cast
a healing spell for themselves and sleep like the dead as soon as they returned to
their rooms.

High Elf Princess Milda and Level-7 Magician Romilson were slightly better
but not by much. They went to bed early to save energy. In actuality, they had to
sleep 16 hours every day.

Only Link would be left.

Before this, he would be like Milda and the others, but it was different now.
After receiving the Dragon Power, Link's vitality was extremely high. This
training was just like a warmup for him.

After training for three hours, there was still much of the day left. What should
he do?

Naturally, he started studying magic books.

Link had many books and scrolls at hand. The most valuable were the Wonders
of Space from the Night King and Bryant's Revelations Scroll IV rewarded by
the system.

With Link's current strength, it was difficult to improve in regards to spatial

magic. On the other hand, Bryant's Revelations Scroll gave him many benefits.

After weighing the choices, Link focused his attention on Bryant's Revelations
Scroll. He became obsessed as soon as he started. After training ended each day,
he would return to the Mage Tower and start reading the scroll. He would read
for 15 hours per day, sleep six hours, and be filled with energy the next day.
There wasn't much content in one scroll. Because of his endless energy, Link
could maintain his thought operation at the highest level.

He finished the scroll two days later.

The technique explained in this scroll is so interesting. If I cast spells using this,
the power of the spell increases by at least 50 percent and the speed rises by five
percent too. It's like having a high-quality wand.

Link was very satisfied. There were still some things that he hadn't completely
understood. He didn't have anything else to do and had so much energy, so he
just read through casually, absorbing the wisdom of the Legendary Magician.

This would definitely be torture for the average man, but to Link, it was

While reading, someone knocked on the door. Link could tell who it was by the
aura. He activated the Magician's Hand and opened the door.

Dressed in an officer's leather armor, Princess Annie stood prettily by the door.
She saluted to Link casually and asked with a smile, "Master Magician, are you

Link put away his scroll and replied, "No, no, come in and have a seat."

With that, he used the Magician's Hand to bring fire wine over and poured a cup
for Annie. "It's cold out. Have a cup to warm yourself."

A year passed in a blink. It was now early winter, and the first snow was the day
before yesterday. The wind cut into one's bones while walking outside. Annie's
cheeks were red from the wind.

She walked in, sat down, and took a sip of wine. Letting out a long sigh, she
said, "I heard you're all practicing the magic seal. It's really hard, and many
Magicians are ill from the fatigue. I thought you would have a hard time, but I
guess I was worrying for nothing."

Link chuckled. He pointed at his head and said, "The mysteries of magic are
endless. I received some secret spells from the dragons, and my body is much
better now. You might not even be my match in terms of strength."
Nourished by the Dragon Power, Link's outer appearance didn't change much,
but his strength had risen greatly. His physical strength was probably equal to a
regular Level-5 Warrior now, and he didn't even train.

If he underwent the rigorous Warrior training, he could definitely reach a

Warrior's Level-7.

"Really?" Annie didn't believe him. After returning from the Black Forest, she'd
broken into Level-5, and her strength started improving rapidly. She was now at
the pinnacle and would soon enter Level-6.

She specialized in assassination and power wasn't her strongest suit. But if she
couldn't beat a Magician, that would be embarrassing.

"Want to try?" Link was interested. He pulled a chair before Annie and rolled
up his sleeves. He reached his hand out for a simple match of arm wrestling.

Annie was amused too. "Fine but I might crush your bones," she joked. "But I
won't use my Battle Aura so you can't use spells either!"

If Link cast something like a Titan spell for himself, Annie would definitely


Link grasped Annie's hand. Her hand was small, but her palm was rough. There
were thick calluses from using a dagger yearlong. Link's hand was a typical
Magician's Hand—soft and fine without any calluses or scars.

After holding hands, Link said, "I'm going to apply force. Be careful."

Annie felt the warmth of Link's palm and couldn't control her heart. She blushed
involuntarily and calmed herself down with difficulty. "Come at me," she said

They used their power at the same time, and something cracked. No one won,
but the wooden table under their elbows met its demise. It cracked under the
immense power and almost collapsed.
With the table damaged, the match couldn't go on. Annie gaped at Link's hand.
She didn't expect this. "Link, the dragon spell is so powerful. With your power,
you can go practice martial arts."

Link shrugged instinctively. "I'm a Magician. Why should I learn martial arts? I
don't have time and my energy…Hey, actually that's not a bad idea."

In Firuman, no Magician practiced martial arts. Other than the bias against
physical combat, they also didn't have the energy.

For a Magician, the endless and boundless spells were enough to take up all
their time and effort. They were usually physically weak too. Even if they
trained, it wouldn't be of much use. They'd also be laughed at by other
Magicians so who would do it?

But actually, there was no rule against Magicians training in martial arts.

Back in the day, Link faced the same problems as other Magicians. Now, he had
the physique of a dragon. Practicing martial arts while he had no inspiration for
studying spells could help relax his mind. He might even become accomplished
after training every day.

To Link, martial arts was just for relaxing his mind. Before, he would walk
everywhere but now, his body was too strong. Strolling around was a waste.
Why not practice martial arts?

Thinking of this, Link smiled. "Annie, you reminded me. After receiving the
dragon spell, I'm full of energy, and I shouldn't waste it. Let me think…How
about I learn swordsmanship? Can you find me a teacher?"

Annie laughed. "That's easy. Kanorse, the Dawn Swordsman, is in the fortress
too. I'll call him over."

What human could surpass the Dawn Swordsman in terms of swordsmanship?

Link's interest deepened. He chuckled and said, "Oh, don't. Since I'm asking him
to be my teacher, I should be the one to find him. I owe him a magic sword too.
How about tomorrow? After training tomorrow, can you take me to him?"
If not for her duties, Annie would rather be with Link at all times. Now that she
had a legit reason, she would obviously agree. Smiling, she replied, "Of course.
I'll come find you tomorrow."

The two made the plan and chatted for a while. Annie was now a high-level
commander of the MI3 and was quite busy. She left soon. Link glanced at the
sky and realized it was only two in the afternoon. It was still early, so he started
forging the magic sword.

This would be his gift to his teacher.

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Chapter 360: Too Simple

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link had plenty of materials on hand. Previously, when the Beastman Warlord
commissioned Link to craft his axe, there were many leftover materials. There
was plenty left to craft a magic sword.

Link once crafted a Khorium sword for Kanorse. Kanorse had provided Link
with the design for the sword, so it was very simple. Therefore, right now, based
on a similar design, all Link needed to consider was the magical component of
the sword.

After thinking about it for a while, Link decided to use talismans to inscribe the
sword with magic. He had plenty of experience with using talismans, and based
on his experience with it, he could create profound effects.

He had a few high-grade talismans with him, ones that he had gotten from High
Elf Lord Derrac's Lightning Wand.

He took out one lightning talisman from his dimensional pendant.

When no energy was being inputted into the talisman, it looked like a
transparent crystal, beautiful to look at. It would definitely make a good
necklace for a gift to one's wife, and would absolutely fetch a high price on the

This lightning talisman was originally designed for the wand, and not for a
sword. Therefore, some adjustments would have to be made.

At this stage, Link already had an idea of the things he'd need to change. After
casting an Eagle's Eye spell on himself, Link began to modify the talisman.

Hmm, my eyesight has also improved. Previously, these minute markings

weren't so clear before. Now, I can see everything clearly, Link mused to
himself in surprise.

In the past, he truly envied Felina's eyesight. Right now, his body had improved
to the point that it was comparable to the best.

With plenty of spirit, outstanding eyesight, Link's modifications to the talisman

were completed quickly.

Three hours later, a brand new talisman lay in his hand. Information about this
new talisman appeared in his vision.

Lightning Tempest Talisman.

Level: Epic

Effect: After channeling Mana into the talisman, the talisman will convert the
Mana into lightning energy.

(Note: Priceless gemstone)

The talisman thus formed the core of the sword. The next step was to construct
the carrier, the sword that would support it.

Whether or not the talisman could fully utilize its power would depend on the
grade of the sword. The sword was fundamentally many times easier than the
talisman and was simply no challenge to Link.
Modifying the talisman took Link three hours, whereas constructing the carrier
took only half an hour. Very soon, a shape similar to the Khorium sword was

Link inlaid the talisman into the base of the sword blade, aligning the talisman
with the lines on the sword. The lightning talisman sword was created!

The process was extremely fast, taking only about 3.5 hours.

If I had used traditional methods to create this sword, it would take me at least a
week. Using talismans to do it is a much better way!

Picking up the blade, Link made some adjustments to the body of the sword.
Now, the sword was considered complete.

Since this sword was a gift, it would not be appropriate to simply hand it over
like this. Link created an elegant ebony box for the sword which he then placed
the sword into. Suddenly, Link had a flash of inspiration. He quickly put away
the sword and began studying the Flame and Purification spell.

Very quickly, a day passed by.

The next day, after conducting the regular training for the Magicians, Link
chose not to leave from the training grounds. Annie walked over, accompanied
by Kanorse.

Annie waved her hand helplessly, saying, "Link, I told Kanorse about your
request, and he immediately came over."

Kanorse laughed and said, "I heard that you were preparing a magic sword as a
gift. I was curious and couldn't resist coming to take a look."

Well, fine. He's already here, Link thought. He retrieved the box from within his
dimensional pendant and handed it over to Kanorse.

The box was simple but incredibly elegant. Looking at it, Kanorse's eyes lit up.
He carefully opened the box and laid his eyes upon the sword within.

The exterior of the sword was a silvery white. Along the body of the sword was
carved exquisite flowing runic lines which sparked with electricity. At the base
of the sword was inlaid a brilliant gemstone which emanated a thick aura of
lightning energy. It made the entire sword feel very electrifying.

Kanorse held his breath as he kept the sword aside. Immediately, the electricity
disappeared, causing the sword glow to fade away. Kanorse was puzzled by this
effect. Link explained, "When you're not channeling your energy into the sword,
the sword will automatically stop releasing energy so that it doesn't appear too
eye-catching. Now, try channeling your Battle Aura into the sword."

Kanorse followed Link's instructions. Immediately, the sword lit up with

electricity as small explosions of lightning went off around them. Kanorse did
not control his strength earlier and used too much force, causing the sword to
explode with energy, transforming a nine-foot area around them into a lightning

Link and Annie were surrounded by a defensive barrier that Link had prepared
earlier. He said, "Your power is too strong, but it is also too dispersed. You need
to control the direction of your power on the sword. I can't advise you much
with this; you'll need to figure it out yourself."

However, Kanorse's attention was completely focused on the magic sword in his
hands. Who knew if he had heard Link's advice.

Kanorse was completely engrossed with the sword. At first, the electricity on
the sword still striking randomly around the area. Ten minutes later, he managed
to contain the electricity onto the body of the sword. Yet another ten minutes
later, he was starting to be able to release the electricity as he willed it.

This rate of improvement was stunning, to say the least. It was no wonder that
Kanorse was the human race's strongest champion.

Nonetheless, time was passing by quickly. Annie reminded, "Hey, Link is still
waiting to learn swordsmanship from you."

"Oh? Oh right, I completely forgot! This sword is just too amazing; it's the best
and most beautiful magic sword I've ever used. I was just too engrossed in
trying it out. It handles well too!" Kanorse praised as he admired the magic
sword in his hand. No matter how he looked at it, there were no aesthetic flaws
in this sword, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.
Of course, since he already received the tuition, Kanorse had to teach Link
properly too. He took out a pair of wooden swords that he had prepared
beforehand and tossed one over to Link. Holding the other sword in his hand,
his expression became serious. "Sir Link, I know that you only want to learn
some basic swordsmanship to train your body. Yet, it is the basics that are the
most important to build a good foundation. Not only is a proper mastery of
basics important for learning advanced techniques, but it is also important to
ensure you don't hurt yourself. So, Sir Link, you must learn this properly."

Link understood the seriousness of this. He had never looked lightly upon the
skills of Warriors. For their skills to last so long in this world, it certainly had to
have its own mysteries and strengths.

Kanorse used the wooden sword to demonstrate some basic sword forms. He
knew that Link's eyesight was good, so he moved rapidly. After running through
the forms, he asked, "Sir Link, did you understand?"

Link closed his eyes for a few minutes before opening them. "Let me try," he

Link slowly repeated the motions that Kanorse demonstrated—chopping,

slashing, stabbing, parrying, so on and so forth. Because he wasn't familiar with
the moves, he took a much longer time going through them. What took Kanorse
half a minute took him two full minutes.

Actually, the moves were very simple. Link memorized them all after looking at
them once. However, when he actually did it himself, he found that his body
could not keep up with his thoughts and would constantly make mistakes.

After he was done, Kanorse nodded his head in satisfaction. "Well done, the
overall form is there. However, there are many areas that need to be worked on.
Continue training; I'll correct you as you go along."

Link nodded his head and repeated the sequence.

Kanorse was a strict teacher. He would shout at Link to stop the moment he
noticed a slight mistake to correct the mistake. The basic sword forms
comprised of 20 strokes. He took half a minute to demonstrate them, but now,
he spent almost an entire hour correcting Link's form.
An hour later, Link ran through the sequence of forms once more, going very
slowly this time.

He didn't dare to go through the forms quickly. When he did, he found that he
could not control his movements properly and would make many mistakes.

Kanorse nodded his head, pleased. "This is it. From here, you need to work on
the speed of the movements. Sir Link, even though you are only doing this as a
form of exercise, I hope that you would still take it seriously. Based on your
current physical capabilities, as long as you train constantly and become
familiar with these basic sword moves, they can still become very useful. It is
also better for tempering your body."

Initially, Link had only planned to learn this as a pastime. However, after going
through that session with Kanorse, he was beginning to find swordsmanship
interesting. Hearing what Kanorse said, he nodded, saying, "Don't worry. This is
really interesting; I will continue to train seriously."

Kanorse continued, "Over the next week, I will constantly come to check on you
until the point where you are able to run through the sequence of forms without
making a single mistake. If you have any doubts, feel free to send someone to
look for me. I will immediately come over to help you clarify your doubts."

For such a valuable magic sword, Kanorse was only teaching Link the basics of
swordsmanship. Kanorse felt that this trade was too much in his favor, so much
so that if he didn't take responsibility for Link's training, he would feel guilty.

Of course, Link was not likely to make many mistakes. With his photogenic
memory, it would not even be a problem for him. Nonetheless, he still said
sincerely to Kanorse, "My utmost gratitude."

Following that, Link continued practicing.

Annie and Kanorse stood by the side watching him. After watching for a while,
Kanorse waved his hand and said to Annie, "I have a feeling that if Sir Link
continues to train like this, he could become a very formidable Assassin."

Annie was skeptical. "That can't be. Where would Link find the time? He still
needs to study magic."
"I can't be wrong. Based on Sir Link's intellect and focus, as long as he
continues to train for just an hour every day, he would definitely make
incredible progress with the sword within a year.

"This…" Annie was speechless. She had no doubts about Kanorse's appraisal. It
was just that it was simply too unbelievable. Would a Magician that mastered
swordsmanship still be a Magician?

The two of them stood in silence for a while. After observing Link for a while
more, they left.

Link continued to train.

In the next few days, Kanorse continued to come daily to observe. However,
after three days, he decided to stop coming. It was simply pointless. Link did
not need Kanorse around, every motion he made was simply flawless.

Link had reached the point where he could feel his own progress.

Every day, after practicing with the magic formation, he would study his magic
books, burying himself deep into the books. Then, when he found himself
stumped by a problem, he would practice his swordsmanship in the study room
of the magic tower. As he practiced, his inspiration would come back, and he
would return to his books. Then, soon after, he would return to training the
sword, alternating between the two. Surprisingly, his efficiency increased while
doing this, and he had unexpectedly found the answer to many problems that
were confounding him.

In fact, due to Link training his body, not only was his body getting stronger, the
maximum limit of his Dragon Power was rising as well, increasing 20 points
every day.

His Dragon Power which started off at Level- 7 quickly rose to Level-8 within
half a month.

How interesting. I should've done this earlier instead of just strolling. Link
found it a real pity and decided to step up the intensity of his training.

A week later, Link's Soul Slalom magic formation was starting to show signs of
being effective. The coordination between the individual Magicians was
improving, and right now, they could actually unleash some magic spells.
Unfortunately, there was a high possibility that they would make a mistake and
needed more time to become familiar with it.

Based on this rate of progress, it seemed likely that Link's deadline of mastering
the magic formation within ten days would be met.

On the other hand, Link's swordsmanship practice was becoming more fluent, to
the point where he had almost mastered it. He no longer needed to use a wooden
sword. Now, he used the Storm Lord's sword.

The sword spirit in the Storm Lord's sword ignored him, letting Link swing it
around without making noise. After practicing for a day, Link found it pointless.
Swordsmanship was originally meant for slaying opponents. Where was the fun
in practicing it alone?

Link looked at Nana.

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Chapter 361: Master, You Cheat Every Time!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After another day's magic seal training, Link practiced his sword by himself. He
quickly felt bored.

"Nana, come practice with me."

"No…Nana only knows fatal techniques." Nana blinked her big eyes and
pouted, shaking her head resolutely.

"It's alright. Fatal techniques are fun. Come, you won't hurt me." Link activated
a thin layer of the spatial shield.

As soon as she spoke, Link felt wind before him. He squinted and saw Nana
pounce at him. Link instinctively wanted to use magic to counter her.

My magic instincts are deep-rooted, but this is swordsmanship training. I can't

use magic.

Link used a basic move to block the attack.

Clang! He surprisingly blocked it, but then Nana changed her tactic. She easily
dodged Link's sword and stabbed towards Link's ribs. His heart was there; if
stabbed, he would die undoubtedly.

Faced with these extremely sharp moves, Link couldn't think fast enough. His
sword couldn't keep up. This was totally different from practicing alone.

Cling! Link's rib was prodded. Nana stepped back and said in her chirpy voice,
"Master, you lost."

Link couldn't admit defeat. He waved his Storm Lord sword. "Again!"

Clang! Link blocked the first move again but Nana's second move nicked his
neck. She immediately retreated. "Master, you lost again."

Link finally admitted that he was still far from the top fighters. He couldn't help
but think, What would I do if a martial arts expert was next to me?

If an Assassin was this close to him and their speed was similar to Nana's, Link
wouldn't have the time to cast a spell. He would be killed!

There aren't any Assassins that powerful in Firuman, and even if they exist, it's
hard for them to sneak up to me. But if—if—I make a mistake and something so
extreme happens, I can't do anything except get killed.

In the game, Magicians were powerful but not undefeatable. Their biggest
enemy was the Assassin because they were fast and could silently approach a

In the real world, Link's life was pretty smooth. Most of the time, he was the
one who caused trouble. He was rarely the target of strong Assassins, but that
didn't mean it wouldn't happen in the future.
There were career restrictions in the game, so Magicians had to suffer under
Assassins. This was real life though. As long as you had enough time and
energy, you could learn everything.

With an Assassin nearby, there was no time to cast spells. He'd make time for
himself with swordsmanship.

With that in mind, Link grew serious and competitive. He waved his sword and
said, "Again."

Cling, clang. After two moves, Link was defeated again.


Two moves.


After being defeated 49 successive times, Link finally kind of got the hang of
Nana's rhythm. He got the right feeling.

Nana pounced like lightning. Clang! Link blocked the strike. Nana stabbed at
Link's abdomen. Sliding his sword down, Link blocked it again. Clang!

The two moves used up one-tenth of a second. It was enough for Link to cast a
spell. Basic sword moves were very easy, and Link's mind was relaxed while
fighting with a sword. During this time, he could use a spatial sphere to force
the opponent aside, putting distance between them.

But because this was training, Link pushed down the urge to use spells. He
continued using his sword.

He failed at the third move.

"Again!" Link was in the groove now. He was using basic techniques, but they
were effective. On the other hand, Nana used many advanced techniques but
vaguely seemed like a beginner swordsman.
As a Magician, Link was skilled in finding the pattern. After practicing together
for so long, he could see through to the essence of Nana's techniques. They were
only variations of basic techniques. Compared to spells, the pattern was
extremely simple. As long as he knew the pattern, he could respond with basic

After thinking hard, they started fighting again.

Cling, clang! Link returned to losing after two moves.

Nana giggled. "Master, you got worse."

"I haven't matured yet. Just you wait."

Martial arts couldn't be perfected by thinking. His body had to train as well.
Otherwise, he couldn't perform his thoughts and would forever be one beat
slower than the other. This would kill him in a real fight.

Nana wouldn't get bored. If Link said "again," she would immediately attack.
After around 80 times, Link could consistently block five of Nana's moves.

After that, Link would fail because of his endurance rather than his skills.

"Master, do you want to try again?"

"No, it's enough. Let's stop for today. I need to exercise my body."

Other Warriors would be over with one mistake, but Link had a smart and
powerful magic puppet. He also had spells for protection. He could
continuously learn from his mistakes.

Thus, the experience he gained in this short period had already surpassed most
Warriors in the fortress.

When he practiced again, Link didn't feel as mindless as before. Nana's methods
appeared in his mind, and he started strengthening himself by targeting those.

He alternated between thinking and practicing; he was completely immersed.

A day passed in a blink. This time, Link trained until he was utterly exhausted.
His entire body was sore. This never happened since he received the Dragon

Before sleeping, he didn't want to move at all. He fell asleep as soon as his head
touched the bed. After waking up, Link felt full of energy. Touching his
muscles, he discovered they bulged and were hard.

Dragon Power is so miraculous!

He checked his stats again.

Link Morani (Noble)

Level-8 Dragon Mage

Flawless Dragon Power: 6800

Recovery Speed: 12-105 Points per second

Current Recovery Speed: 20 Points per second

Main Weapon: Burning Wrath of Heaven

Subordinate Weapon: Abstruse Storm—Lord of Thunder—Silent World

He'd actually reached Level-8, and the upper limit of Dragon Power had
increased by 300. This rate was so fast.

It seems that working out my body is a good way to increase my Dragon Power.
Link had an idea of the Dragon Power's nature. In three words—use and disuse.

He arose and washed up. After dragging a group of sleepy and dazed Magicians
and training them until they went back to sleep, Link started practicing his
sword again.

"Nana, come train with me." Link activated a shield.

This time, Nana didn't hesitate. Her sword arrived as soon as Link finished
Clang, clang, clang, clang… Dense clangs of weaponry sounded continuously.
This time, Link performed exceptionally well. His body was stronger than
yesterday, and surprisingly, he could keep up with Nana.

After blocking 26 moves, Link failed because he couldn't keep up anymore.

This defeat was no longer due to Link's skills. Instead, it was because of his
strength. After each block, his sword would be forced aside by Nana and
unavoidable mistakes would appear. Link tried to fix them, but he still failed in
the end.

"Master, you're not as strong as me. You're around Level-7, so it's normal to not
be able to block me," Nana said.

In martial arts, strength was the biggest advantage. No matter how many tricks
you knew, it was no use if you couldn't block the strike.

"I understand." Link seemed to be enlightened.

He was still using basic techniques while fighting with Nana now, but these
moves were entirely different from the ones he used while exercising.

After his careful research, Link's moves were filled with a type of spirit. They
seemed basic, and each move was clear. But for some reason, he could block
Nana's dizzyingly fast moves.

At this point, Link could move as he wished.

My technique is fine, but my strength is lacking. I need to get stronger. Yes,

train diligently! Raise the Dragon Power!

After that, Link stopped reading. He started sword training obsessively and
using up all his Dragon Power. After that, he would wash up and sleep. The next
day, after tiring out the Magicians, he would train again.

This went on for five days. The Magicians could operate the Soul Slalom Magic
Seal with ease. To avoid mistakes, Link continued training them and increased
the duration to five hours per day.
Every Magician improved greatly under the arduous training. Some at the
pinnacle of Level-6 had already entered Level-7.

Of course, Link continued his swordsmanship training.

After another three days, Link's strength finally caught up to his Dragon Power
and was at Level-8.

When he fought with Nana now, they could go back and forth. They could
exchange more than 300 blows without anyone losing.

Link grew more and more comfortable. His body would make the best move
without him even thinking.

As time passed, Link was no longer satisfied with responding to Nana's attacks.
He started attacking actively.

Nana's single moves were all perfect. Link couldn't defeat him with only a
sword, so he started arranging things.

His every move would lead the opponent to make a small mistake until they
failed under the accumulation.

If Kanorse came and saw Link do this, he would definitely be astounded. This
was a master-level technique, but Link found it natural.

Swordsmanship arrangements were simple. He even had time to cast spells.

One move, two moves, three moves… After move ten, Link felt a flaw in
Nana's move as expected. Yes, she really did make a mistake caused by Link.
Each move guided the flaw until move ten where it was big enough for Link to
grasp it.

Link focused a bit and stabbed toward the opening.

Cling! He hit Nana's rib. It was just a tap, but Nana was forced back. She didn't
regain her balance until dozens of steps back.

"Master, Nana lost." She blinked her big eyes, and her eyebrows moved
downward. She looked sad.
Link chuckled. Happy, he said, "Come, let's do it again. I'll help you fix your


The two fought slowly. Before the flaw appeared, Link pointed out, "Look, if I
do this move and you block like this, some small problems will appear
afterwards. If I do this next, I'll expand your mistake. After ten moves, your
flaw will be big enough to be fatal so you should do this from the start…"

Nana's brain was limited to her experience and wasn't too agile. She liked to rely
on speed. This was no problem against regular advanced fighters, but she would
definitely lose to a super-powerful opponent skilled in planning.

Link was too smart. Compared to spatial magic, martial arts was practically like
kindergarten math. It was as easy as pie.

After focusing on training for half a month, excluding the powerful battle
techniques, Link was at an unbelievable level for regular swordsmanship

As for a Warrior's battle techniques, Link didn't have to learn them. What kind
of battle technique was stronger and more flexible than a spell?

In a way, spells were the most powerful battle techniques in the world!

After Link explained patiently, Nana nodded. She understood.

Thus, Link said, "Again."

This time, Link used 50 moves to defeat Nana. His plan had changed, but Nana
didn't catch it. She was tricked again. When she realized something was wrong,
it was already too late.

"Oh, this is interesting. Continue." Link's interest was growing.

After teaching Nana this new trick, they started fighting again. This time, he
defeated Nana with 30 moves. His tactic had changed again, becoming more
and more creative. The signs had disappeared too.
"Master, you cheat every time!" Nana had lost badly.

"Come, I'll teach you." Link chuckled.

Nana started learning seriously but Link changed again in the next fight, and she
lost again. However, she'd lasted for 80 moves this time. She had improved.

Without speaking, Nana learned the new trick and started fighting again.

This time, it was harder for Link. Nana's mind wasn't flexible, but she learned
really quickly. She immediately learned the trick Link had just thought of.

But it was fun this way.

Just as Link was having the time of his life, an officer ran over breathlessly.
"Master, the Dark Army has appeared at the border of the Black Forest. The
duke wishes to talk with you."

Link grew serious. "I'll go immediately."

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Chapter 362: We SHALL be Victorious

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link changed out of his training shirt and into a more comfortable Magician's
robe. As for the Storm Lord's sword… Well, Link had grown fond of it and
decided to keep it by his side.

Five minutes later, Link was ready and followed the officer to the stronghold

When he reached the hall, he found that everyone had gathered, including the
religious leader.
The religious leader was named Yinnos, and he was a 50-year-old man with
gentle looking eyes and brows. He was slightly bigger around the waist, a sign
of prosperity.

In Firuman, the church did not interfere with affairs of politics and war. If not
for the appearance of the Dark Serpent, he would not have come to this war

When he saw Link, he gave Link a slight smile before closing his eyes, sitting
peacefully in his chair.

Duke Abel and his officers were dressed in full military attire. Duke Abel
himself was only a Level-5 Warrior, but with his commander's uniform, he
looked very imposing.

He asked Link, "Sir Link, what is the progress with the magic formation?"

"They've had enough practice. As long as no one interferes, there shouldn't be

any problem with the formation," Link assured him.

"Excellent!" Duke Abel said, punching his fist in excitement. Then, he said,
"The Dawn Swordsman will lead 3,000 Silver-white Shield Warriors to
surround the formation and defend it from enemies."

Kanorse was in the hall. However, despite his individual fighting prowess, he
was born as a commoner and did not hold a major position in the army. He did
not have much say in this command structure. He stood to the side of the hall.

Listening to the Duke's commands, he bowed to Link, looking extremely self-

confident. The Silver-white Shield Warriors were the strongest in the kingdom
and were all over Level-4. The commanders were at least Level-5. With over
3,000 of them, Kanorse had the confidence to defend against any enemies.

Yinnos spoke, "The leaders of the church will operate the Sacred Light Wall to
protect the magic formation as well."

"That will be fine," Link expressed his gratitude.

Following this, the rest of the commanders began discussing their plan of attack.
All of this was about war strategy which Link was not well-versed in. Link
stood silently by the side, observing and paying close attention to the details. He
had to make sure he knew what was going on throughout the battlefield.

There was a magic sandbox in the middle of the hall that displayed a battle
simulation. An area of about 50 miles around Orida Fortress could be seen.

The group of officers huddled around this sandbox to discuss the strategy.

After listening for a while, Link got an idea of the overall deployment of troops.
On the iron-wall defense line, there were the First, Second, and Third Armies of
the Norton Kingdom.

The First Army was the strongest, with 70,000 Warriors gathered in Orida

Within the fortress was also 3,000 Dwarf Warriors, 2,000 Musketeers. The
Yabbas had brought along one team of airships, consisting of three main attack
ships and ten smaller defense ships. They also brought 100 magic cannons with
them and had them set up along the city wall in a standby position.

The last force were the High Elves. Although they were the smallest in number,
every single one of them was Level-6 Magicians or higher. They were also the
main force forming up the Soul Slalom formation, so the army could not do
without them.

As for their opponents, the dark elves, it was reported that they were over
10,000 strong. Furthermore, they were all very strong, and at least ten percent of
them were high-level demons.

What's worse was that they still had yet to discover the location of the demon
army. No one dared to take the demon army lightly.

They had no other information on the Dark Elves, as they had the Black Forest
completely locked down.

At the end of the discussion, Duke Abel sighed and said, "We've no other
choice, we have to build our defenses around this fortress. Although we humans
have the numerical advantage, we do not have enough strong Warriors. If we
bring the fight to the demons and encounter them in the wild, we won't stand a

Everyone was silent.

Link had brought back news that there were many high-leveled demons
amongst the demon army. Many of them were at least Level-7 and Level-8
demons. An army of that strength would make anyone think twice before
fighting against them.

With regards to this, Link also felt helpless. He knew that even with the
advantage of high ground from Orida Fortress, this battle would still be a bloody

In the Black Forest

There was a new patch of clearing in the forest, within which was a Dark Army
Camp. Similarly, they were discussing their attack strategy.

For this battle, the Dark Elves were also deploying all their strongest experts.
All the members of the Silver Moon council were here, including council leader

Romand was the only Level-8 Magician amongst the Dark Elves. However, his
strength was so close to Level-9 that he was almost on the verge of breaking
through. Among the Dark Elves, his fame and power were extremely high.

However, he was only interested in magic and did not care about politics. The
one who was really running things was Aymons.

Naturally, the commander of the Dark Army was Aymons, wielder of the
Divine Gear.

There was also a special person in the clearing. She looked like a human girl,
standing at about 4.5 foot tall. She wore a simple black cotton war gown.
She had long black hair that extended to her waist and looked as silky as water.
Her skin was fair as snow, and her features were very pronounced. Her lips were
red, her teeth were brilliantly white, and her eyes were particularly beautiful.

This gentle looking girl stood in the forest clearing surrounded by Dark Elves
that looked like vampires and vicious looking demons. She looked like a young
lamb that found itself surrounded by wolves.

Strangely, everyone treated her with respect, and this was especially so for the
demons. There were even a few that kneeled before her, licking her feet.

This was because she was the daughter of the Lord of the Abyss, Nozama, sent
by him to command the demon army.

At this time, Aymons was sharing the attack strategy to attack Orida Fortress in
the south. As he was in the middle of his talk, the girl interrupted him, "Sir
Aymons, Link has been at Orida Fortress for at least half a month by now. You
might not think that he has found a way to oppose the Divine Gear, but I

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

"I believe that your worst-case scenario should consider the possibility that Link
has a way to oppose the power of the Divine Gear. We need to come up with a
contingency for the event in which the Divine Gear is no longer effective," the
young girl said. Her voice was sharp, just like the yellowbirds in the south
Girvent Forest.

Lawndale agreed with her. He said in a low voice, "Teacher, perhaps we ought
to prepare for that possibility too."

Aymons pondered over it for a moment before nodding. "Your Highness, do

you have any suggestions?"

"Me? Nope, I'll just be watching from the back later on. Romand, aren't you the
chair of the Silver Moon council? I don't see you saying anything. Aren't you
going to come up with some spell to counter Link?"

Romand coughed lightly and said, "Well, I do have some spells prepared. We
have re-discovered a lost spell known as the Moon of Annihilation. This spell
requires 50 Level-5 Magicians to work together, and it can unleash power
equivalent to a Level-11 Legendary spell. I believe that even if the opponent
wants to render the Divine Gear ineffective, they would have to rely on a magic
spell formation. This spell can destroy the spell formation that the enemy

"That's not bad. At least you haven't been a waste of space," The black-haired
girl smiled as she clapped her hands. Then, she said, "Well, I don't have any
more ideas. Please do continue, I'll just watch on from the side."

Aymons continued the discussion.

After listening for a while, the black-haired girl got bored. She yawned and said
to a black shadow beside her, "Noya, how's your coordination with the Dark Elf

This black shadow was naturally very respectful towards the girl. He saluted
before saying, "Your Highness, it's pathetic. The Dark Elves are too weak, none
of them are higher than Level-7. If we were supposed to infiltrate the fortress to
take Link out, they would not even serve as cannon fodder. They would only
alert the enemy and make my job difficult."

"Wouldn't you have to go on your own then?" The black-haired girl opened her
mouth in shock, seemingly worried.

"Your Highness, don't worry. An assassin is strongest when he is alone. I'm fine
on my own. Once the battle starts, Link won't last more than half an hour,"
Noya said.

"Ha, you're that confident." The black girl nodded her head. "But don't
underestimate him. He just killed Misamier. Here, take this, my father wanted
me to give it to you."

The girl handed a skull-shaped ring to Noya.

Noya looked at it and then immediately fell to the grounds. His voice trembled
as he said, "Your Highness, this is too precious, I… I…"

"What?! Quickly take it. My father wanted me to give this to you. You're only
allowed to succeed, not allowed to fail. If you do, you know what will happen."
Noya received the ring with two hands and said, "If I had this Oath Ring and
still failed, I wouldn't have the face to meet the lord anymore."

If Link saw this ring, he would immediately be shocked. In the game, this was
the description of the ring.

Oath Ring

Level: Legendary

Effect 1: After equipping this ring, the user will exist in a different dimension.
Except for the moment when attacking, the user will not be affected by any
other attacks.

Effect 2: User can create two illusory clones which can switch positions with
the user at any time.

(Note: Any assassin that possesses this will become the greatest nightmare of
the living.)

This ring was almost a Legendary item for Assassins. How could Noya not be

He slowly put on the ring and felt a thin membrane form around his body. His
body turned half illusory and half real, as though he were a floating cloud of

Meanwhile, Aymons and the rest had completed their discussion. They
determined that the time of attack would be late at night on the next day.

Aymons declared loudly, "Everyone, please remember that we are not fighting
alone. On the southern edge of the Norton Kingdom are our allied forces. I just
received news that the Kingdom of Delonga have started their attack on the
Girvent Forest. The news will reach the humans in the Orida Fortress soon. I'm
sure the news will throw them into chaos. So for the upcoming battle, we
SHALL be victorious."

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Chapter 363: Then Don’t Use Me in the Future!
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Returning to the Mage Tower from the commanding hall, Link's spirits were
low. On the way back, he suddenly saw a scout run hurriedly.

The man's expression was anxious, and his footsteps were messy. His clothing
was covered in dust and mud. He ran past Link, snaked through the generals
leaving, and sprinted straight towards the hall.

Only the top officials could enter the hall. Seeing the strange scout run in,
everyone felt that something was wrong. They all stopped and looked over.

Link had a bad feeling too. He halted and waited for Duke Abel to call them to
reconvene. But strangely, that didn't happen.

After the scout entered the citadel, he didn't reappear. The hall was as calm as
before as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the generals found it weird, but they soon departed. They were all
busy; at the critical point before the final battle, there was much to do.

Link didn't leave. Not only that, he even walked over.

His vision was shockingly good now. The scout's clothing was horribly dirty,
but he could still vaguely see the emblem on it. It was a roaring golden lion.

Only soldiers of the Hot Springs City could wear the golden lion. This meant
that the messenger came from the capital city. From the looks of him, the capital
was most likely in trouble.

Link returned to the hall. It was still organized with the officers taking care of
matters orderly. Nothing seemed to have happened.

However, Link didn't see Duke Abel. The duke had still been sitting when Link
left earlier.

He pulled an officer over and asked, "Where's the duke?"

Seeing that it was Link, the officer pointed at the stairs. "He went to the library."

"Oh, write it down that I'm going to visit him now."

It was the army's rule that solo meetings with the general must be recorded. In
the proper process, a message would be sent after the recording, and one could
visit the general after being given permission. Link obviously didn't need that.

He strode upstairs and to the duke's library. He knocked lightly.

"I'm busy!" the duke's voice traveled from the room. He sounded normal, but
Link could hear the anxiety.

I'm afraid something has really happened.

Using the Magician's Hand, Link opened the lock and pushed the door open.

There were two people inside the room. One was the messenger from earlier. He
was now shoveling food into his mouth from the small table in the corner; he
was clearly famished. The duke sat before a long table, gaping at a letter
covered in sweat and blood.

Click. Link closed the door.

"Did something happen to the capital?" he asked. "Let me guess, did Delonga
attack suddenly? Did their army pass through the Girvent Forest, going straight
to the Hot Springs City?"

At least 10,000 soldiers were always positioned at the Hot Springs City. It
wasn't easy to conquer, so Link wasn't too worried.

The duke let out a long sigh and sagged in his seat.

At that time, the scout reached at the wine on the table and was about to drink.
Link used the Magician's Hand to steal the cup and add in a drowsiness spell.
The man was already exhausted. With the spell, he fell asleep without a sound.

Magic flashed on his hand and the wine bottle dissolved into sand. "There's no
use in killing a loyal messenger to hide news," Link said. "Let him sleep. When
he wakes up, he'll forget everything."
The duke looked at the sky with lifeless eyes. "Master Link," he muttered, "the
situation is worse than you think. When the messenger departed, Hot Springs
City's outer walls were already breached. Everyone is holding down the inner
city. Otherwise, His Majesty wouldn't send a letter asking for reinforcements."

He passed the letter to Link, who accepted it with the Magician's Hand.
Scanning it, his pupils constricted. "Dark Magician Andrew and the Syndicate.
This is indeed a crisis."

Duke Abel glanced at Link and sighed. "What should I do? Abandon Orida and
go south to help? No, I can't do that!"

If the Orida Fortress was breached by the Dark Army, it would be a catastrophe
for the entire human world. The Dark Army would rush southward like a flood.
Everyone in their path would die.

Furthermore, sending reinforcements now would be too late. He could only

cover up the news by trying to kill the messenger.

This thin piece of paper held such heavyweight.

Link slowly placed the letter on the table. "The final battle is inescapable, and
no problems should occur. Sorry for butting in."

With that, white light glowed around Link. He disappeared from the library and
returned to the Mage Tower.

In the library, Duke Abel lit a flame and burned the letter. Then he wiped his
face, wiping away all anxiety and frustrations. When he lowered his hand, the
mighty general had returned.

Back in the Mage Tower, Link felt inexplicably anxious.

The world was riddled with pores and darkness was seeping in from every
crack. He'd already done his best, but danger was still looming, even getting
If the Hot Springs City was attacked, what about the East Cove Magic
Academy? What about Ferde? Will Celine be okay? The thoughts poured into
Link's mind, almost driving him crazy.

"Master, what's wrong?" Nana's crisp voice rang out, shocking Link.

Oh no, my mind is a mess. I still have to lead the magic seal! I can't be a mess!

His library was at the top level of the Mage Tower and included a one-way
glass. He could see the Black Forest from here.

Pulling a chair over, Link forced him to sit down and stare quietly at the Black
Forest without moving. Time passed slowly. His chaotic thoughts lessened, and
finally, he let out a long breath.

I was being impatient. There are many Mage Towers in the Ferde Wilderness.
There are many strong fighters, and Celine's gun is powerful too. I left her a lot
of bullets. Andrew is only Level-7. If he dares go, a few bullets will end him…

Thinking like that, Link gradually calmed down.

Just then, a message appeared in his vision. It was a mission.

Activate Mission: Orida Fortress

Mission Description: Guard the Orida Fortress against the Dark Army

Mission Reward One: 300 Omni Points

Mission Reward Two: One Full Replenishment Crystal (Level-10)

Full Replenishment Crystal

Legendary Composite Part

Effect: This item can replenish any drained Legendary weapon

Seeing this, Link got an idea. He glanced at the Storm Lord sword at his waist,
and the sword's stats appeared.

Abstruse Storm—Lord of Thunder—Silent World

Upper Order Legendary

Current State: 1/100 (drained)

The Replenishment Crystal could definitely recharge this sword. However, the
level was too low. It probably couldn't fully charge it but could still help a little.

A pity, such a pity. It would be great if I could use the sword during this
battle… No, the sword spirit probably won't let me use it. Ah, how annoying.

Just as he was feeling sad, the sword spirit's voice rang out in Link's mind.
"Who said I wouldn't let you use me? Haven't you been using me all this time?"

Link shrugged. That counts? Every sword can do that. I was just using you for
the convenience.

Then don't use me in the future!

Link felt a change and quickly said, I'm sorry. I really have been using you.
With that, Link thought back to his words and still felt something was wrong.

"Okay, fine. I forgive you. I just don't have enough energy right now… Your
Dragon Power should be able to recharge me, but it's not very efficient. If you
start charging now, I should recover some strength by tomorrow. By then, I'll at
least be stronger than your Burning Wrath of Heavens wand."

Really? Link was overjoyed.

"Hurry up." The sword spirit scoffed.

Link's happiness only lasted for a bit. He quickly thought of another problem. I
don't know any lightning spells. It won't be effective even if I recharge you.

The sword used wind and lightning strength. Link didn't know either of them.

The sword spirit was quiet as if thinking of something. After ten seconds, it
said, "Look at my hilt. Do you see the dark red rune?"

Yes, Link said.

"Drip your blood onto it."

What does that mean?

"If you want to use me, put your blood in!" The sword spirit wouldn't explain.

Link did as told and sliced his finger on the blade. Blood flowed out, and he put
a drop on the rune. Strangely, the blood was originally bright red, but the
moment it touched the rune, it turned into a translucent drop of water. All
redness was absorbed by the sword.

The next moment, Link felt the sword start to vibrate with crisp clinks. Then a
spider web of cracks appeared on the body of the sword.

"Hurry, your strength! I need your strength!" The sword spirit's voice was

Link added in Dragon Power without hesitation. His upper limit was 6900 and
was in mid-Level-8. He was now the strongest of the Orida Fortress.

However, nothing happened when he poured the power into the Storm Lord
sword. Like mud falling into the sea, it just disappeared. Link's Dragon Power
was drained almost instantly.

More and more cracks appeared on the sword. Finally, there was a crack sound,
and the sword turned into countless shards. But strangely enough, the pieces
didn't fly away. A crystal-red connected each piece. After a moment of stillness,
the pieces grouped back together.

Clink, clank. Crisp sounds came continuously as the sword quickly changed.

"Power, power!" the spirit cried.

Link's Dragon Power recovery rate was now 18 points per second. He poured
the power in as soon as it regenerated.

"Too slow, too slow. I need more, more!" the spirit yelled.

Link's recovery rate was related to the energy in the environment. If he wanted
to recover faster, he needed somewhere with higher energy. What place had the
most energy?
The Azzaro Volcano? It was 400 miles from the fortress, and Link quickly
crossed out that option.

The Elemental Pool? No, his body rejected the elements. Those in the Elemental
Pool stayed far away from him.

As he thought, Link suddenly looked up. The weather was great today, and the
sun was out… Link immediately ran to the rooftop of the Mage Tower. He cast
a spell and released a huge Spatial Sphere.

The sphere was more than 300 feet wide. Inside it, the frequency was only
slightly warped but it acted like a huge lens, focusing all the sunlight directly on

He felt heat on him, and his clothing quickly burned to crisp. It was alright; his
body was fine.

Checking his recovery rate, he discovered it was now 64 points per second
while he used up five per second to maintain the Spatial Sphere. Overall, the
recovery rate was still three times higher than before.

Is it enough? Link asked.

"I guess."

The sword regrouped bit by bit. After two whole hours, Link put in a total of
450,000 Dragon Power points to complete the sword.

The shape was different. The groove in the center was gone, and dark red scales
appeared on the surface, looking like dragon scales. The blade was now a
transparent crystal red. The body was wide, and the blade was arced. The cross-
guard was a Red Dragon with wings unfurled. The hilt was made up of two
entwined dragon tails. It was also covered in fine scales and was smooth to the

Link checked the sword's stats. It was completely different from the Storm Lord
sword; even the name had changed. At closer inspection, his eyes flew wide
open. It was made just for him!

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Chapter 364: The Battle Begins (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In Link's vision, the information for the Storm Lord's Sword had changed to

Dragon King's Wrath, Burning Flame Silences the World

Level: Legendary Beginner Tier

State: Half-sealed

Effect 1: By consuming 1000 Dragon Power, the Dragon King's Wrath can be
activated, increasing the user's strength by ten times, speed by five times, and
stamina by two times.

Effect 2: All magic attacks increase by 700%

Effect 3: Incomparable sharpness. This blade can not only cut through physical
bodies but also magical spells.

Effect 4: All attacks can become AOE attacks with a radius of 600 feet. The
AOE damage is 10% of the attack damage.

(Note: Only the strongest Warriors have the right to wield me!)

Link's heart thumped. He looked at the sword in its half-sealed state. "Are you
still incomplete? How do I make you stronger?"

"You don't have to bother with that. But anyway, you can input any excess
Dragon Power you have into me. This will help me break the seal more
quickly," the sword spirit replied.


Link attached the new Legendary sword at his waist and took out the Burning
Wrath of Heavens wand. This wand was still useful. Under the effects of Mana
Surge, the magic cast by the wand was still slightly stronger than the Dragon
King's Wrath magic sword.

When fighting, he could wield the sword in his right hand and the wand in his
left hand.

Finally, the sky turned dark. Link returned to his room from the Mage Tower

It was still early, and Link was not yet tired. He practiced some basic sword
forms in his living room. After that, as he was preparing to look at some magic
books, there came a knock on the door. Knock knock.

Link pointed at the door, and it opened. Outside the door were two High Elves,
Milda and Romilson.

"Are you awake? Please come in," Link said.

Over the past few days of practice, the two of them were worked to the bone, so
much so that Link could see the dark circles around their eyes. This time,
however, they look more spirited than before.

As they entered the room, Milda grabbed a chair and sat down while Romilson
stood behind her.

"Are we still practicing tomorrow?" Milda asked. She eyed the sword in Link's
hand curiously. However, she knew that every Magician had their own secrets,
so she did not ask.

"Tomorrow? Yea, why not? But we will only do a few simple drills so as not to
tire ourselves out." Link sat himself down too. He had a vague feeling that the
war was going to begin soon. Since the magic formation was already prepared,
he decided to prioritize making sure the Magicians had enough rest.

"That's good," Milda said, relieved. "We were really beat the past few days."

Romilson added on, "Well, we received some benefits too. My Mana has
increased by a lot and has reached mid-Level-7 by now. Furthermore, Her
Highness has reached the peak of Level-7."
"That's great, it's a great improvement," Link praised.

Princess Milda laughed drily. "We have no way to compare with you. I feel that
there is a strong Dragon Power hiding within your body. Is that the Red Dragon
Queen's gift?"

The Red Dragon Queen's power was like a seed that gave Link many benefits.
To call it a gift was not wrong. Link nodded his head, saying, "That's right. Is
there anything you want to talk about?"

"Yes. It's quite serious."

As she said this, Princess Milda took out a letter.

This letter was leaf-shaped and bore the imprint of a tree upon its seal. The seal
was already broken. Princess Milda said, "This letter was written by my mother.
While she is the queen of the High Elves, she is also a representative of the
Emerald Circle. She has informed me about a distressing piece of news."

Link received the letter and took out the paper inside it, briefly scanning through
the contents. As he read it, his heart skipped a beat. He had mixed feelings about
the matter within.

In the letter, the queen wrote that the Emerald Eye of the Emerald Circle had
discovered that Firuman's Mana density was continuously increasing, causing
the natural laws of the world to distort. The Emerald Circle viewed it as a very
serious problem, no less serious than the Mana Disaster 2000 years ago.

The queen instructed Princess Milda to immediately return to the Isle of Dawn
immediately after repelling the Dark Army's attack.

What made Link happy was that he was no longer fighting his battle alone. The
strongest Magician circle in Firuman, the Emerald Circle had discovered the
problem. That was great!

What made Link feel shocked was that the Emerald Circle regarded this
problem on the same level as the Mana Disaster from before. That meant that
there was a high chance, 80 to 90 percent, that this would develop into a huge
The Mana Disaster 2000 years ago started because of one Legendary Elven

This particular Magician had discovered a flaw in the natural laws of Firuman
and decided to test this particular flaw. In the end, he had started the Mana

That year, the density of Mana in the world was reduced by 90 percent. The
whole of Firuman became like a deflated balloon.

That year, the elves were still the lords of the realm. Their might was based on
magic, and they relied on magic to dominate the continent. Humans and
Beastmen used to be slaves to the elves while the Yabbas, dwarves, and other
ancient races were suppressed by the elves.

The result of the Mana Disaster was that the elves rapidly lost all their power.
Thereafter, humans, Beastmen, and the other subjugated tribes escaped the
power of the elves while the Yabbas and dwarves began to set up their own

In the midst of the chaos, the elves split themselves into two factions. One
faction retreated into the Dark Realms, beginning to worship the Spider Queen
Lolth and using the Dark Arts to change their body and adapt to the darkness.
These became the Dark Elves.

The other faction retreated to the Isle of Dawn. This faction continued to teach
the teachings of the ancient elves. In order to differentiate themselves from the
Dark Elves, they called themselves the High Elves.

This was the history of Firuman.

Now, the world was changing again. For some unexpected reason, the Mana
density was on the rise. The other races may not know it yet, but how could the
elves not detect it?

Link returned the letter to Milda and said, "This is indeed bad news. I think I
know the reason for the sudden increase in Mana."

Princess Milda was surprised. "What! You do? Who did it?"
Romilson too was stunned.

Link shook his head. "I won't be able to explain now. Let's wait until the battle
ends. I have a feeling that the Dark Elves are going to be here soon!"

Princess Milda and Romilson exchanged a glance. Seconds later, Princess Milda
nodded her head. "I understand. May we be victorious!"

Link nodded his head. "It's late. Rest early, you two. Focus on recovering your
energy and preparing for the battle."

The High Elves nodded and bade their farewells.

After leaving Link's room and walking down from the Magic Tower roof,
Romilson suddenly asked, "Princess, don't you feel that Link is somehow on
guard against us?"

"On guard? Is he? Are you overthinking it?" Princess Milda asked.

"Perhaps. But after all, he is of the human race. If… Do you think, maybe,
would he become a threat to us elves?" Romilson asked.

Princess Milda blinked. She tried to regain her composure. "Okay, don't talk
nonsense. I think you must be tired. Go and rest!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Romilson slapped his head. "I must be confused."

As he said this, he turned and returned to his room.

Princess Milda watched him leave, making sure that he entered his own room
before entering her own room. After she entered the room and closed the door
behind her, Princess Milda had a serious expression on her face.

She walked to her desk and took out another letter. This letter was also from her
mother, the queen. This letter arrived half a month ago, and its contents were
simple. "In order for our people's rise to power to succeed, the power of the
human race cannot exceed our own race. You must find an opportunity to carry
out Bryant's scheme from 300 years ago."
Looking at the letter, Princess Milda laughed bitterly. Mother, you've never met
him, and you don't know what he's like. If you had seen him before, you'd know
that you were making the wrong decision.

She felt that her mother was worrying too much.

Keeping the letter, Princess Milda let out a sigh. Her heart was burdened with
fatigue, and she immediately fell asleep as she lay on her bed.

The night was quiet.

The next morning, Link ran through a few simple drills before letting the
Magicians rest.

The Magicians were tired after many days of hard training. Now that they had a
chance to rest, many of them had expressions of joy on their face. Yet, none of
them dared to completely relax. Most of them returned to their rooms to catch
up on sleep or just to recuperate their spirits.

Link returned to his study to study his magic books. When he found himself
stuck, he would train with Nana. He also refrained from overtaxing himself,
enabling his mind to remain fresh throughout the day.

As he looked at the darkening sky outside the window, Link's heart was filled
with a heavy feeling.

I guess the Dark Army would be here any minute now, Link thought.

Indeed, at 11 pm, the Magician in charge of sounding the alarms released a huge
Light Spell into the sky. Simultaneously, the alarm bells started ringing.

"Enemy attack!" The vibrations of the enemy attack and shouting came from
over the fortress walls.

The Dark Army had come!

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Chapter 365: The Battle Begins (2)
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


A deep horn sounded in the north side of the Orida Fortress.

Boom, boom, boom. There were rhythmic explosions, and the ground started
shaking. Twenty huge demons over 90 feet tall walked out of the Black Forest.

Not only were they tall, but they were also extremely muscular. Each one was
like a mountain of flesh. Their strength was terrifying too. Blackish red smoke
continuously rose from their bodies. They only had one eye, and a ten-foot-long
red laser beam shot out of it.

"It's the One-Eyed Mountain Demon!" someone yelled.

One-Eyed Mountain Demons were a type of high-level demon. Their name

came from their mountain-like physique. The huge stature gave them terrible
strength, and it was practically a nightmare to see them attack the city walls!

Link was already at the square between the three Mage Towers. At this time, he
couldn't worry about anything else. His only duty was to watch out for Aymons'
use of the Dark Serpent's godly technique.

"Get into position!" Link didn't use an amplification spell; he used his Dragon
Power to roar.

His voice traveled into the ears of each Level-6 Magician. They'd saved their
energy during the day. Now, they flew to their positions as during training.

Link stood in the center of the magic seal and roared, "Start converging Mana!"

This was the preheating step for the magic seal. After that, the Soul Slalom
could be activated at any time.

If Aymons wanted to use the godly technique, he would most likely use it at the
start of the battle. That way, he could damage the opponents' power the most
and reduce his own loss.
That was why they must be fast!

Buzz, buzz, buzz. The 70 or so Magicians all glowed from the Mana within.
Finally, the Mana streamed into the center—Link's body.

Link's body soon radiated with dazzling light. His entire body was glowing, and
nine-foot-long Mana flames appeared around him. Three-foot-long beams of
light shot out from his eyes.

In the surrounding air, countless runes rose up and died away at an

unimaginable speed. The rings of light ripples were like a vortex in the sea,
whooshing outward. A terrifying Mana aura spread out from here.

Boom, boom, boom. Organized footsteps came from outside the Mage Tower
before stopping outside the walls.

It was Kanorse. He led 3000 Silver-White Warriors to surround the Mage

Tower and yelled, "From now on, kill whoever approaches the Mage Tower!"

After a long while, Kanorse personally escorted Pope Innos here. He brought
the Cardinals to the square, and they stood around the Mage Tower. The Holy
Grail was brought out too. It was a small silver cup the size of a palm. It wasn't
eye-catching, yet it held unbelievable sacred power.

The pope knelt onto the ground. He lifted the cup to the sky with both hands and
prayed loudly, "Oh, merciful Lord, please cast down your glorious light and
help your lowly servant fight against the endless evil!"

The 12 Cardinals knelt in a circle around the pope and began praying as well.
While praying, they poured sacred power into the Holy Grail. It began glowing
and grew transparent. Finally, it turned into a shadow formed by light.

Whoosh. With a soft sound, a storm of sacred power rushed into the air. The sky
used to be covered in dark clouds, but now, a burst of golden power pierced the
darkness. The light shone down and mixed with the sacred power.

From afar, it looked like a golden beam that connected the sky and earth. For a
moment, the entire Orida Fortress was enveloped in the sacred glow.

The Warriors roared; the sacred light gave them endless courage.
Boom, boom, boom.

On the city walls, the magic cannons started going off, attacking in various
ways. There were purple balls of light, thick bolts of lightning, huge whirlpool
ice beams, and more. The various attacks all traveled over one mile, sweeping
towards the Dark Army to block them.

On the prairie outside the fortress, the Dark Army was multiplying. They
continuously surged out of the Black Forest; they seemed to be endless.

After the One-Eyed Mountain Demons, there were Fear Demons and Fodor
Flaming Demons. Winged Howlers flew in the air. There were more than 500 of
these high-level demons, and each was above Level-7. Innumerable low-level
demons followed after that. There were at least 50,000.

The Dark Elves poured out too. More than 80,000 ghouls and elite Warriors
rushed out of the forest.

The dark power of the Dark Army gathered, creating a thick black miasma.

The sacred light of the Orida Fortress could scatter practically all darkness, but
it was helpless against this miasma. The light and dark sides were at a stalemate.

Aymons and the Dark Serpent emerged from amongst the Dark Elves. He felt
the Mana waves coming from the top of the Orida Fortress and whispered to
Lawndale, "I'm going to activate the godly technique. Go and tell Romand to
prepare the Moon of Annihilation. Destroy the force trying to stop me from the

"Yes, Tutor!" Lawndale bowed deeply. When he straightened, tears were

streaming down his face. He knew that later would be Aymons' most brilliant
moment but also his last moment.

After the godly technique, Aymons would no longer exist in this world.

Aymons had already charged forward. Reaching the prairie, he resolutely

activated the godly technique of the Dark Serpent—the Swallowing Storm!

Swallowing Storm
Dark Godly Technique

Effect: The Dark Serpent opens its mouth and swallows all souls within a 12-
mile radius.

(Note: After activation, the Dark Serpent's planar repulsion will multiply. The
Divine Gear's power will decrease by 80 percent.)

With the appearance of the godly technique, the world changed!

The sacred light that had been fighting against the dark power, the golden beam
that connected the sky and earth, was suddenly shattered by a mysterious force!

Black clouds covered the battlefield again. Lightning cheered behind the clouds
while the clouds started spinning, creating a huge whirlpool. The terrible soul-
swallowing force appeared.

Under Aymons' control, the Dark Army was safe. However, shadows
immediately appeared above the Warriors of the Orida Fortress. One was their
actual body; the other was the soul being tugged out.

The Warriors all grasped their heads. The weaker ones rolled on the ground,
crying out in pain. The stronger ones gritted their teeth against the horrible pain.

At the top of the Orida Fortress, Link immediately yelled, "Soul Slalom,

All Magicians started pouring Mana into Link. It felt like his body would burst.
He might not be able to take it before, but now, he had a strong body.

"Ah!" While roaring, Link used the anger of a dragon king and streamed the
horrible strength in. After going past the magic sword, it rushed back into the

Buzz, buzz! A deep blue beam of light shot out from the sword. At first, it was a
light beam. After flying 100 feet, it expanded and rotated.

Under Link's guidance, the deep blue whirlpool spun in the opposite direction of
the dark vortex. Every beat was reversed!
The two forces—one from a mortal Magician, one from a Divine Gear—began
battling in the air.

Crack, crack! Lightning appeared violently between the two. There were
explosions and great booms of thunder. It was terrifying.

However, the battle in the sky had intensified to the max. Then the Dark
Serpent's attractive force actually disappeared.

"Ah, a miracle!"

"We're saved!"

"The Magicians saved us!"

The Warriors cheered, joyous after escaping death.

There was another citadel on the Orida Fortress's second wall. Duke Abel stood
there, looking at the deep blue whirlpool extending from the Mage Tower. He
clenched his fists and waved them excitedly.

Then he waved his hand. A soldier beside him raised the flag of a golden lion.
Abel unsheathed his sword. Looking at the officers beside him, he declared,
"Gentlemen, the future of the kingdom and the survival of humanity shall be
decided with this battle!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The generals roared, and the soldiers roared. The dwarves and Yabba roared
angrily too. The godly technique had been repressed, and the Light Army's
power was at its extreme!

So what if it was the Dark Serpent? So what about the godly technique? They
had the wise and powerful Magicians!

The Dark Army had started charging down the prairie too.

Aymons was frightened. The longer the Swallowing Storm lasted, the stronger it
would be repulsed by the world's laws. After one minute, it would be forced out
of Firuman.
Now, it had already been 15 seconds. He didn't have much more time.

"Romand! The Moon of Annihilation!" Aymons yelled urgently.

The moment he spoke, silver light rose from the Black Forest, calming the
entire forest. The light was 30 feet long, like a silver moon. It seemed slow, but
it was actually rising up extremely fast. It flew and crashed against the Mage
Tower at the mountaintop.

This was the Legendary spell, the Moon of Annihilation!

All Magicians of the Silver Moon Mage Council had gathered together and
combined their power to create this terrible attack.

At the top of the mountain, the pope took a deep breath. "Glorious Lord," he
said softly, "May your glory remain for eternity!"

With that, he put all the sacred power he possessed into the Holy Grail.

His slightly fat body immediately caved in, turning into a bag of bones. His
breath disappeared in an instant as well. If not for the 12 cardinals supporting
his body, he would be on the ground already.

Receiving this burst of sacred power, the Holy Grail glowed radiantly again.

The silver moon came up, but on its way, a semicirclular wall of sacred light
suddenly appeared, blocking the silver moon.

The two collided and intertwined. There were bursts of thunder. After five
seconds, the enchantment created with the cost of the pope's life disappeared.
The silver moon didn't succeed either. It advanced 30 more feet and then
exploded with a bang, turning into fireworks.

In the Black Forest, Romand collapsed to the ground. His face was ghastly pale,
and blood appeared around his lips. Behind him, the Magicians of the Silver
Moon Mage Council looked exhausted too. They'd all temporarily lost the
ability to cast spells.

"Dammit!" Aymons saw that the deep blue whirlpool remained in the sky. His
heart trembled, losing confidence. He could only forge on.
Now, he could only hope that the human Magician would break down before
him. That way, his godly technique could still damage the Light Army. Even if
he couldn't kill them all, he could at least halve their combat ability.

The One-Eyed Mountain Demons had reached the city walls. They started
pounding Orida's walls with their bare hands.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The human Warriors where they pounded the walls were
shaken to death.

The demons weren't well off either. The Yabba musketeers and dragon archers
were all aiming at them. Balls of blackness shot down at these One-Eyed
Mountain Demons. One was already killed.

The city wall became extremely chaotic.

In the Black Forest, a black-haired girl watched it all. She sighed and shook her
head. "The Dark Elves are unreliable. Noyo, it's already chaotic enough. Sneak
in and kill that Magician."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Noyo suddenly disappeared and instantly appeared

almost 1000 feet away. It was like teleportation.

"Noyo, you only have 30 seconds though," the lovely voice continued in Noyo's
ears like a low murmur.

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Chapter 366: The Wolf Enters the Tiger’s Den

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zip. A second later, Noya soundlessly teleported to the base of the city wall.

The battle had only gone on for less than a minute, but the center of the
battlefield was filled with gore, blood, broken bones and dead bodies.
As the blood accumulated on the ground, it formed streams of blood. The stench
of blood and gore filled the air thickly, like a fog that would not disperse.

The battlefield was filled with the sounds of killing, screaming, shouting, as all
sorts of lethal attacks were unleashed. Within half a second of Noya's
appearance, two musket shots and five arrows flew towards where he stood.
These weren't aimed at him but just happened to fly past him.

It was a brutal scene.

Noya didn't tarry long. Zip. He quickly jumped to a one-eyed mountain demon's
back and then jumped off again, crossing over 600 feet to arrive at the second
city wall.

Once again, he immediately moved from where he landed, not giving the
surrounding soldiers the chance to notice him. When he reappeared again, he
was only 300 feet from the Magic Tower.

It was in this manner that he penetrated Orida Fortress. In the midst of the
chaos, no one would notice a vaguely visible shadow.

Being separated by a mere 300 feet, Noya could see the low wall that
surrounded the Magic Tower. The wall was only 9 feet tall, and within it could
be seen a splendorous divine light. The divine light was blinding, making it
impossible for him to jump in as quickly as he did before.

He had no idea what he would find within the walls and had no choice but to
proceed cautiously.

Thirty feet out from the wall, the Silver-white Shield Warriors formed a
defensive wall. There were many Warriors, some of whom were Level-7 and
even one that had reached Level-8.

Of course, if it were one-on-one, he would not even spare this character a

glance. He could kill him in an instant. However, here on the battlefield, these
types of Warriors could be very troublesome. They were on the alert and could
discover his traces. Once he was spotted, he would be tangled up fighting with
the Warriors and waste a lot of time.

He was on a strict time limit and had no time to waste.

Noya adjusted his angle of approach, steering clear from the Level-8 Warrior.
He sped towards the low wall of the Magic Tower.

Suddenly, one of the Level-7 Shield Warriors noticed Noya. He shouted out an
alarm, "Assassins, alert!"

Boom! A resounding clang sounded out. All the Shield Warriors had raised their
shields and used them to form a seemingly impenetrable wall.

At this point, Noya had yet to activate the power of the Oath ring. Although the
ring's powers could be constantly active, it had a weakness. In the corporeal
state, Noya's vision would be limited. Things would appear blurry and dark, and
right now, he needed to be able to see what was going on within the walls.

However, he had underestimated these Shield Warriors. They were indeed the
elites of the kingdom. The defensive wall was formed instantaneously.

Time was tight. He had no other choice but to quickly break through.

Adjusting his angle, he increased his speed. An instant later, he stepped onto a
shield, stepping down hard and employing his demonic strength. He
immediately crushed the Level-4 Warrior holding the shield to death, using the
rebound to launch himself upwards and forward, towards the next shield.

Shing, shing! Sharp blades stabbed out from within the shield wall, pursuing
Noya. However, it was to no avail, as the blades could not keep up with the
demon's quick speed.

Watching as Noya was about to jump over the walls, the Level-7 Warrior that
discovered him immediately shouted, "Hold it!"

He dashed towards Noya, flinging his shield towards Noya and cutting off his

"Pitiful strength," Noya laughed coldly. His body vanished, and he reappeared
beside the dashing Warrior. Suddenly, both his legs were wrapped around the
Warriors neck, and he spun his body. No one saw how he did it but all of a
sudden, the Level-7 Warrior's neck was twisted and broken, and his body was
thrown backwards into the rest of the pursuing Warriors.
Crash. The rest of the Warriors were mostly around Level-4. As the heavy
corpse was thrown into their way, it caused them to trip over, crushing a few of
them in the process.

Noya made use of this opposing force to flip himself over the yard wall,
stepping into the sacred area inside the walls.

Hisss. The demonic energy on his body clashed with the divine light, causing
green smoke to rise up, further blocking Noya's vision.

"Damn it, this divine light!" Noya squinted his eyes, peering at the area in front
of him. There were two groups of people. One group was made of priests who
were knelt on the ground, praying. The other group was made of High Elves,
and this group was the one responsible for the deep vortex in the sky.

Noya quickly identified his target. He was standing right in the middle of all the
High Elves, and his body shone with blinding light. His body emanated strong
energy vibrations.

It's him! Noya thought. He immediately activated the Oath ring.

At this instant, he felt three forces from different directions targeting him. One
came from directly behind. This was the Level-8 Warrior. One was beside him,
rapidly approaching. Out of the corner of his eye, he recognized that it was a
magic puppet, precisely Link's puppet Nana. This proved that the human in the
middle of the formation was Link.

The last threat came from the human priest. In the air, the divine light formed a
corporeal blade that flew straight towards him.

Hehe, the reaction is pretty fast, but it's too late. Noya laughed coldly. The Oath
ring's effect was about to be activated. He knew that the opponent's attacks
could no longer hit him. He was safe.

However, just when this thought flashed through his head, a dreadful sound
came from behind him. Then, the whole courtyard lit up in a flash. It was

The speed of the lightning was instantaneous, hitting him just before he turned
fully corporeal.
This attack was completely out of Noya's expectations. He felt his body grow
numb as the energy entered his body. If he didn't immediately deal with it, it
could potentially result in permanent injuries.

Noya's heart clenched up. He immediately stopped the Oath ring's activation,
using his power to defend against the invasion of the lightning.

Noya was a Level-9 Assassin. The lightning was a Level-8 spell. It took him
little effort to disperse the energy of it. However, with this short delay, the
sword formed from divine light had arrived. This spell had him completely
locked down. This was a divine spell that would definitely injure him if he was

Getting injured in a place like this, surrounded by many strong enemies was
almost synonymous with dying.

Without even hesitating, Noya drew out his dagger and stabbed towards the
divine light sword.

Boom. The divine light sword was destroyed by his attack and had no chance to
injure him. However, the trade-off was that his movements were once again

Now, Nana had reached him. In one hand, she held a sword, in the other, she
held a dagger.

The sword arrived first, stabbing towards his heart. Noya laughed coldly. The
speed is nothing to scoff at, but the technique is pathetic. A puppet can only do
so much.

The Dark Elves had talked so much about this magic puppet, elevating its status
to a war god. They even said that the previous user of the Divine Gear was
killed by this magic puppet, and as a result, Noya was extremely wary of this
puppet. However, after exchanging blows with the puppet once, he immediately
felt that the Dark Elves were trash!

Noya turned his body slightly, avoiding the sword edge by a hair. At the same
time, his right hand struck out with the dagger, stabbing towards the magic
puppet's breast.
Clang. Unexpectedly, his dagger clashed with the opponent's dagger and was
blocked. Even more shocking, this powerful dagger which had accompanied
him for hundreds of years was actually split into half by the opponent's dagger.

Damn it! Is this the powerful dagger that Aymons was talking about? Noya had
heard about this dagger from Aymons. However, Aymons had not been clear
about what actually happened. He said that the magic puppet used the dagger to
break through the Divine Gear's defenses. Noya assumed that the puppet had
used a special skill, and only now that he had clashed with the puppet, it wasn't
the puppet's skill that was exceptional. No, it was the dagger in her hand that
was special!

My dagger was constructed from Enchanted Gold and is extremely durable. If

the dagger was just shattered, so be it. But how could the dagger be so cleanly
split into half?!

Noya could not gauge how strong this dagger was. Furthermore, the Level-8
Warrior was approaching from behind. He had wasted eight seconds here and
really could not afford to waste any more time.

He speedily retreated backwards, but suddenly turned his body, narrowly

avoiding the Level-8 Warrior's lightning-quick attacks. Then, he activated the
Oath ring, turning his body into the translucent corporeal form.

Although his main dagger had been destroyed, he still had a secondary dagger in
his left hand. It was more than enough to kill a Magician!

He approached rapidly towards Link who stood at the center of the magic

"Stop right there!" Nana shouted. She chased after Noya, dashing much faster
than he could. In an instant, she was behind him and stabbed a dagger towards
his back.

Immediately, the priest condensed the divine light into a divine shield that
blocked his approach.

Hehe, I'm now invincible, your attacks won't even hurt me… Wait! This dagger
is unnatural!
He was rejoicing earlier, but suddenly felt a cold, sharp pain in his back. How
could this be?! Had he already entered a corporeal state?

What in the devil is this thing?!

In that instant, with so many things running through his mind, the anxious Noya
could barely react in time. He desperately activated the Oath ring's cloning
ability. His body immediately multiplied into three bodies. One was still in the
original spot; another was rushing towards Link while the last one was escaping
towards the wall.

It was at this moment that Noya felt fear blossoming in his heart.

In the corporeal state granted by the Oath ring, Noya's vision was limited, and
he did not notice that at some point, Link had changed from using the wand
which was sustaining the deep blue vortex in the sky and was now holding a
magic sword in his hand.

In all honesty, even if Noya had seen Link change his weapon, he would not pay
much attention anyway. So what if a Magician was holding a sword? Could the
sword hurt him in his corporeal state? Furthermore, even if the opponent's
magic was strong, it still could not injure him in time!

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Chapter 367: The Sacrifice of My Soul was Meaningless

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Under the effect of the Oath Ring, Noyo's body separated into three. One body
easily passed through the Sacred Light Wall and charged at Link.

Link immediately felt a shred of unrest appearing in the Mana surging into him.
The Magicians in the magic seal were disturbed, affecting their spells.

"Steady! Keep steady! Don't worry about me!" Link muttered. He used Dragon
Power to heighten his voice. It wasn't loud but still traveled clearly to each
Magician's ear.
On the other side, seeing the Sacred Light Wall lose effectiveness, an
archbishop's expression suddenly grew solemn. He and the other 11 had been
kneeling in a circle, praying around the pope's body. Now, he stood up and
walked towards the magic seal alone.

The other cardinals didn't move, but they all sighed simultaneously as if
knowing his choice.

The cardinal prayed as he walked.

"Brilliant Lord, I am willing to burn my soul and sacrifice my all in exchange

for your light to protect these mortals. Halo of Sacrifice!"

Halo of Sacrifice

Divine Spell

Effect: The halo's range reaches 150 feet. Within the protection of the halo, all
injuries of the targets are transferred to the spell-caster until the spell-caster
dies. If the soul is used as the cost, the spellcaster's soul will be destroyed after
the spell.

(Note: There must be something in this world that deserves you to sacrifice
everything for!)

When the last word was uttered, the benevolent white-haired archbishop
stopped. He clasped his hands before his chest, head lowered and body hunched
over. Then, golden flames burst from his body. These flames formed a pair of
golden wings on his back. They grew quickly until they enveloped the entire
magic seal like a mother bird protecting its nest.

Rings of golden runes circled the Magicians inside the magic seal.

Noyo had just arrived beside a Magician. He stabbed at the man with his dagger.
The golden runes flowed over, blocking the hit. Not convinced, Noyo stabbed
harder. The dagger sunk in slowly but more and more runes appeared before the
tip. The resistance grew as well.
I can break through it, but I don't have time! Noyo immediately gave up on this
hit and pulled his dagger back. Ignoring these regular Magicians, he ran towards

At the same time, a wound slowly opened on the archbishop's body.

He still stood there, unmoving. His brows didn't even knit. Sacred power surged
towards him, healing the fatal wound for him.

Noyo quickly arrived beside Link. His hand moved, and the dagger shot towards
Link's back like lightning. He was still in a half-dimensional state.

He planned to turn solid the moment the dagger touched Link. At that time, he
would be unstoppable.

That was what he planned, so that was what he did.

But then, there was a cling. His dagger was blocked by the sword in Link's
hand. It happened the moment he turned solid!

Link didn't even move, but the body of his sword blocked the dagger perfectly.
The dagger's tip was less than three millimeters from the back of his head!

That moment, Link activated the Dragon King's Fury magic sword. His strength
multiplied tenfold, and he was five times faster. In two seconds, his physique
was comparable to this demon Assassin and might even be stronger.

Noyo ignored his shock. Demon power seeped from the dagger instinctively,
and he continued attacking.

Golden runes flowed over—the Halo of Sacrifice. This flow of light once again
blocked Noyo's demon power and saved Link's life. The next moment, Link's
sword moved and forced Noyo's dagger aside.

I don't believe a Magician knows swordsmanship! Noyo and Link fought.

Link maintained the Soul Slalom while blocking Noyo's attacks.

Cling, clang, bang. There were various sounds and waves of power rippled.
Shockwaves spread in all directions before being blocked by the Halo of
Sacrifice again.

The Magicians in the magic seal were unharmed but more and more wounds
appeared on the archbishop. There were too many for the sacred power to heal.

He still stood there, praying without moving. His body was covered in
thousands of wounds, but he still didn't move.

In one second, Noyo stabbed Link 18 times. Other than the first move that was
like a sneak attack, the other attacks were no threat to Link. His sword was like
a seamless shield that blocked all strikes.

"This is impossible!" Noyo didn't know how to describe his feeling. He wanted
to go crazy. As an Assassin, he was beaten by a Magician in martial arts. He'd
never experienced anything like this in his 300 years alive!

"How is this possible?!" Kanorse ran over to help. Seeing this, he was shocked

He could tell that Link was using basic moves—each move was a basic
technique. But these were somehow able to block all the Assassin's attacks. He
remembered that Link had just started learning swordsmanship half a month
ago. How could he be at this level so quickly?

By then, Nana had already defeated one of Noyo's avatars. She rushed towards
Link, ready to attack the demon from the back.

After half a second, Noyo realized that he couldn't defeat this damned
Magician's sword with a simple dagger attack. The magic puppet was coming
behind him too. He must use all his power!

Battle Skill: Thousand Apparition Attack!

Noyo's body suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke. Hundreds of

overlapping figures appeared in the smoke. They surrounded Link and each one
stabbed at him. Noyo was too fast, and there were too many apparitions. It was
impossible to distinguish real from fake!
But almost at the same time, there was a soft pop. A Spatial Sphere exploded
beside Link.


There were no flaws in the defense of Noyo's battle skill. However, there was a
momentary opening while attacking. This gave Link the time to multitask and
cast a spell.

Link's Spatial Sphere was at Level-8 by itself. With the magic sword's
strengthening, its power was multiplied by seven. It reached the pinnacle of
Level-8, almost at Level-9. Under this powerful spell's restraint, Noyo slowed

His battle skill was an instantaneous burst of indistinguishable attacks. Now,

Link stretched this "instantaneous burst" to half a second, making it ineffective!

Link must maintain the Soul Slalom. He couldn't investigate which was Noyo
and which were apparitions, but he had half a second to try each one.

The magic sword sliced past the apparitions. Sizzles sounded in the air, and the
apparitions popped like bubbles one by one.

At the 36th one, Link hit a solid object.

Clang! Link found Noyo's true body. There was only half a second left for the
Dragon King's Fury magic sword. He used all his strength and stabbed.

Huh? Noyo broke free from the spatial restraint at the same time and saw Link's
sword. Panicked, he raised his dagger to block it.

Clang! Link's sword had time to build up and power burst from it completely.
Noyo had reacted hurriedly and couldn't block it. He was thrown backwards.
The apparitions surrounding him disappeared.

Whoosh. Nana hurried over, wrapped in wind. She was right behind Noyo and
reached forward with her dagger. With a squelch, Noyo was stabbed through.

"Oh, ah!" Noyo's cry of pain was short. Then he transformed into smoke and
"Where'd he go?" Nana asked in confusion.

"Over there. He's hurt!" Link pointed towards the wall. After seeing Noyo split
into three, he realized what gear the demon used. Now that the stabbed body
disappeared like smoke, it confirmed Link's guess.

The Oath Ring was a sacred ring of Assassins. Now, two of the three bodies
were killed. If the last one was defeated, the Assassin would be truly dead.

Without needing Link to speak further, Nana turned around and chased after the
third body. Kanorse did the same.

At that moment, the archbishop couldn't hold on anymore. He paid his soul to
block two attacks from Noyo, saving Link and another Magician. After that, he
bore all the shockwaves from the battle for the Magicians in the magic seal. His
body was battered now.

The light around him disappeared. With a soft whoosh, he dissolved into a pile
of white sand and scattered on the ground.

Seeing this, Link sighed, his heart feeling heavy. "Thank you," he whispered.

Noyo was heavily injured too. His speed of escape was twice as slow. Nana
quickly caught up with her extreme speed. Noyo was quite skilled in
swordsmanship and could still block Nana even with his injuries. However, he
was caught and couldn't escape promptly.

Kanorse caught up soon after. Two against one, Kanorse beheaded the demon
after a few rounds!

At this time, the godly technique had already lasted for more than a minute. The
deep blue whirlpool remained in the sky. Aymons' dark godly technique was

During his final moments, he stared at the deep blue Soul Slalom and sighed.
"Ah, the sacrifice of my soul was meaningless!"

As soon as he finished, the light on his body disappeared as well. His body
caved in. The Divine Gear that had transformed into a giant snake now returned
to a snake-headed whip.
The whip flickered between real and apparition then vanished with a pop!

The Dark Serpent had existed long enough in Firuman and was already about to
be forced out. The dark godly technique was the straw that broke the camel's

After it disappeared, the dark vortex in the sky scattered. A beam of sacred light
shone through again.

On the square, all Magicians were exhausted. They'd practically squeezed their
bodies dry for Mana. After the godly technique disappeared, all the Magicians
collapsed. Other than Link and Milda, the others fell unconscious.

Milda looked withered as well. Her forehead was covered in sweat, and her
starry eyes were dull. She sat on the ground listlessly and looked blankly at
Link. "Did we succeed?"

Link was in the best state, but he looked exhausted too. He still had 3000
Dragon Power points and was regenerating at 20 points per second. He nodded.
"Yes, we succeeded."

"Good, good." Milda's eyes closed and she fell asleep on the ground.

In the Black Forest, the black-haired girl watched everything and sighed with
knitted brows. "Ah, so boring. Not fun at all!"

However, even though all tactics to reduce loss had failed, the Dark Army still
had a great advantage in the battle. The girl gathered her patience to continue

The Light Army had won in the fight of the godly technique, but on the
battlefield, they were in danger. The fight was burning white-hot. Hundreds of
lives were lost every second.

Not even five seconds after the Soul Slalom disappeared, there was a giant
boom. The outer wall of the Orida Fortress was 300 feet tall, 150 feet thick, and
had been reinforced countless times. Now, a hole was created by the last One-
eyed Mountain Demon.

It was killed immediately after but the wall was breached!

The Dark Army poured through the opening.

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Chapter 368: Millions of People

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Report! Report! The airship is going down!"

A piercing shriek blasted through the air as the final airship in the sky emitted
columns of purple smoke, falling towards the ground. It smashed into the plains
outside Orida Fortress.

Boom! Immediately after, the magic crystal that was powering the airship
exploded, causing a 90-foot-wide cloud of deep purple smoke to rise from the

The ten or so Winged Howlers that were flying away from the wreckage were
instantaneously engulfed by the smoke, perishing.

Looking around, the dead bodies of the Dark Army numbered at least over a
thousand. However, that was but a slight dent in the Dark Army's forces. At the
fortress entrance, the Dark Army was like a flood of black, surging towards the

There were 30,000 people posted on the first wall. At this moment, there were
only 8,000 left. The rest had fallen in battle.



"Block them! Shoot down those winged demons!"

From the second wall, the officers were constantly shouting instructions,
making the battlefield sound very chaotic. Everyone who could fight was
fighting, and the battlefield was just one big mess.
As the overall commander of the Light Army, Duke Abel no longer had any
control over the direction of battle.

Boom! Whoosh! Clang, clang!

Spells were constantly exploding around. The second wall was also armed with
magic cannons as well as a few low-level Battle Magicians. The magic spells
rained down on the battlefield.

Some of them were effective, others merely grazed the demons and ghouls,
unable to inflict any serious injuries. Although the Divine Gear had disappeared,
the ghouls were still very powerful. Their life-force was tremendous, and until
now, there were still 20,000 of them left.

As for the high-level demons, there were also many of them left. Three hundred
demons still lived, from an initial count of 500. Every single one of them was at
least Level-7 in strength. They swept through the battlefields, and no one was
able to stop them.

Boom, boom, boom!

These were the Fordor Flaming Demons assaulting the fortress gates. Gradually,
the anti-magic gates over a meter thick were slowly changing shape.

Screech! A Winged Howler swooped down from the sky onto the fortress walls,
screeching and swinging around a broadsword that blazed with dark demonic
fire. Wherever it went, no one could block him.

Fortunately, because of the fighting with the Yabba airships earlier, there were
not many Winged Howlers left. There were only ten left. If there were any
more, this battle would essentially be hopeless.

"Shoot! Shoot them down!"

Facing the threat of the Winged Howlers, the only means to deal with them
were to use the Dragon Ballistae and the Yabba musketeers to attack from afar.

This was only somewhat effective, but unfortunately, the demons were too
strong. Especially for those demons that were over 9 feet long, their wings were
extremely tough and could act like two giant shields. Even if they were attacked
from afar, they would not receive much damage.

The Winged Howlers rapidly cleared out a space on the fortress walls, enabling
the ghouls and demons below to climb up and find their footing to battle.

The Light Army was rapidly losing the advantage in the battle. Even worse, the
casualty rate among the Light and Dark armies were roughly equal. However, in
this defensive battle, adding up all the Yabbas and dwarves, the total army was
only 80,000 strong.

Meanwhile, the Dark Army had 80,000 elves, over 500 high-level demons as
well as numerous low-level demons which numbered over 90,000. This was
almost twice the size of the Light Army, and furthermore, they were stronger

If the casualty rate kept up this pace, eventually, the Light Army would be
completely wiped out, handing the victory to the Dark Army. Orida Fortress
would soon be overrun!

In a small tower behind the wall, Duke Abel and the Dwarven King of the
Mountains, Riel, were gathered. As for the the Yabba airship formation
commander, he had long since perished. There was no need to talk about the
High Elf Magicians, as each of them had fainted and would not be able to do
much for a while.

Dwarf King Riel surveyed the top of the city wall, his eyes bloodshot. In his
opinion, it was only a matter of time before the second wall was breached too.

"Ahhh! Kill them!"

"Save us!"

As all sorts of sounds of fighting reached the tower, Dwarf King Riel exhaled
slowly. He said, "Duke, I can't sit by any longer. I'm going to fight!"

He was a Level-7 Warrior and was ranked amongst the ten strongest of the
dwarven race. His weapon of choice was two war hammers. Without waiting for
Duke Abel's reply, he dashed out of the tower, shouting in rage, "My Warriors!
Great Hammer Riel is coming!"
As he shouted, he dashed towards a Winged Howler. His war hammer shown
with yellow light as he smashed it towards the demon.

Although the dwarves were a short race, their bodies were thick and strong, and
their life force was immense. Not only that, they had immense strength. Dwarf
King Riel ducked to avoid a Winged Howler's swipe of the wing and
immediately arrived in front of the demon. He swung his hammer towards the
demon's kneecap.

Smash! The demon's leg crumpled, and he fell down to the ground, losing his

Dwarf King Riel dashed onto the demon's body, swinging his war hammers.
The hammers fell onto the demon's head like rain, and under three seconds of
attack, the demon's head was smashed into a paste.

He immediately dashed towards another Winged Howler. This time, he ran into
a Level-8 demon.

His opponent was fast and had long since noticed him approaching. It swiped its
wings, blowing the ten human Warriors surrounding it away. It then drew out a
sword knocking aside a ballista arrow aside. Now, it turned to face Dwarf King
Riel, dashing and swinging down its sword.

"Die, dwarf!"

Even though he had not reached the Dwarf King, the force of the wind from his
attack buffeted Dwarf King Riel, making Riel unable to open his eyes. The thick
demonic energy was suffocating. Against this speed and strength, Dwarf King
Riel had no way to defend or dodge.

Is this it? Dwarf King Riel rubbed his red nose. He didn't even attempt to dodge,
but rushed forward, roaring, "Let's go down together!"

However, he still underestimated the strength of a Level-8 demon. With a mere

wave of his sword, the demon cut off Dwarf King Riel's path. Then, with a
second wave, the sword continued slashing towards Riel.

"Die together? Dream on!" The demon laughed.

The demon's sword was six feet long, ten inches wide, and it blazed with dark
demonic fire. Getting cut by it would undoubtedly result in one turning into a
meat paste.

Looks like this is the end. Dwarf King Riel sighed. In the end, all he could do
was to raise his hammer and block in front of him.

Bam! Suddenly Dwarf King Riel's saw a flash in the corner of his eye.
Immediately after that, a streak of lightning struck into the Winged Howler.

The electricity was terrifying, and it immediately paralyzed the demon.

Reinforcements? Dwarf King Riel's heart suddenly lit up with hope. He turned
to look and saw a human Warrior wearing a Silver-White battle outfit. He held a
one-handed sword in his hand which sparked with electricity and was dashing

"Dawn Swordsman Kanorse!" Dwarf King Riel instantly recognized the figure.

Kanorse also recognized him. He laughed. "Commander, leave this demon to


In the midst of his laughter, Kanorse dashed forward, appearing beside the
Level-8 demon.

Crackle. The electricity flashed, and the demon who had just regained feeling in
his limbs was paralyzed once again. Kanorse slashed out with his sword, cutting
off the demon's legs.

The demon lost its balance and knelt down on the floor, exposing his neck.
Kanorse swung his long sword, decapitating the demon.

He did not stop after slaying the demon but immediately went to seek out
another demon on the fortress wall.

The Dwarf King looked at him, mouth gaping. "The Dawn Swordsman eh.
Truly powerful!"
Kanorse was the first to arrive at the battlefield. After him was Nana, followed
by 2,000 Silver-White Shield Warriors who were responsible for guarding Link
and the magic formation.

These were all elites of the kingdom, and their addition to the battlefield caused
the tides of battle to swing.

Nana did not act on her own. It was as though she received some order, and she
followed closely behind Kanorse, killing the demons that escaped him.

Both of them were top experts. Although they were cooperating for the first
time, after killing about ten demons, their cooperation started to improve. As
they fought their way towards the walls, demons fell to their swords. None
could stand in their way. From afar, they looked like they were splitting the

Once the Dawn Swordsman arrived at the scene, the human soldiers received a
boost in morale. The previously depressing atmosphere started to improve

However, this was just the last burst of strength before death.

Those who understood the flow of battle knew that the addition of Kanorse and
the Silver-White Shield Warriors could only delay the eventual fall of the wall.
They could not reverse the battle.

In the tower behind the fort, Duke Abel was also excited. However, just then, a
calm voice reached his ears. "Duke, at this rate, we are sure to lose."

The duke turned his head and saw Link walking in.

Link took five minutes to walk here from the top of the fort. In this five minutes,
Link recovered 3000 Dragon Power points. The Dragon Power within him was
almost full again, and under the influence of the pure Dragon Power, the fatigue
he felt from operating the magic formation had also disappeared.

Duke Abel did not doubt Link's words for a second. In truth, he had also
realized subconsciously that the fortress would eventually fall.
"Sir, what should we do?"

Link had a plan in mind. "We only have about 15,000 men left. These are all
precious seeds among our Warriors. We must keep our losses to the minimum.
Importantly, Kanorse, Dwarf King Riel, and the outstanding talents must
survive… Right now, let's have everyone begin to retreat into the fortress to the
Magic Tower."

Link decided to use the area of effect of the Dragon King's Wrath magic sword
and his newly found swordsmanship skills. With the terrain advantage, he was
confident in blocking the Dark Army all by himself.

Of course, the reason he dared to do this was because the Dark Army had no
more experts that could single-handedly rock the battlefield. All the high-level
Magicians had retreated, and no one could hinder him. With his boundless
Dragon Power, he essentially had unlimited energy.

He was probably the strongest on the battlefield right now!

"Sir…" Duke Abel could not quite believe his ears.

"Trust me. Right now, the Dark Army is all gathered on the fields, and I have a
magic spell, a very powerful spell that can deal with them. If our soldiers are
mixed in, they will undoubtedly get caught up in the attack."

At this point, Duke Abel did not raise any further disagreements. He said, "I
understand. We will start the retreat now."

Then, he turned to his deputy, "Go, sound the horn, order the retreat."

Half a minute late, Hoorrrnnnn, a sharp horn blasted through the air. This was
the signal for retreating. The soldiers on the wall did not know what was going
on, but this was a military order. They immediately started pulling back from
the city wall.

"Quick! Quick! Retreat into the fortress!" An officer shouted, directing the

In the Black Forest, Lawndale smelled that something was off. "What's going
on? They could clearly defend the fort; why would they retreat now?"
The black-haired girl said doubtfully, "Could they be preparing to release
another powerful spell? But their Magicians must be spent from dealing with the
Dark Serpent, aren't they?"

When the Dark Elves' Silver Moon Council high-level Magicians used the
Legendary magic spell, the 100 of them who participated in the spell were all

Even if the opponents had talented High Elf Magicians, they were dealing with
a Divine Gear. The drain on them would definitely be larger. How could they
possibly have the strength to release another powerful spell now?

She could not understand. Neither could Lawndale.

Lawndale said, "If they want to retreat now, then this is our chance to break
through the fort in one shot!"

"No, something's wrong. We can't attack, we must retreat. They must have some
secret killing move!" The black-haired girl shook her head. She instructed a
Winged Howler beside her, "Go, send my orders, have the soldiers retreat!"

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Chapter 369: The “Stubborn” Demon Princess

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Duke, what's wrong? Why did you retreat?" The dwarf King Riel was covered
in blood. He looked back at the citadel in confusion.

"This is my idea," Link said.

"Master, you…you're here? You still have energy?" Riel didn't count on Link
joining the direct battle. He'd already blocked the dark godly technique for the
army. As a Magician, Link had done enough.
Link nodded. "My power has mostly recovered, but we don't have enough
soldiers. I checked, and there are less than 13,000 now. If this continues, we will
be defeated—"

Before he could finish, a loud screech came from the Black Forest.

The sound was grating. It was the typical cry of a Winged Howler and
reverberated across the entire battlefield. After this, the demons that had been
violently attacking the city walls were momentarily dazed. Then they retreated.

The demons climbing the walls started jumping down. The Fodor Flaming
Demons ramming against the gate were stunned before sprinting back. The low-
level demons on the square retreated like a tidal wave, leaving the confused
Dark Elves behind.

What was happening?

So many Warriors had died, and one wall had finally been breached. All the
walls were about to be broken through. Why did they give up now? Were the
demons stupid?

Other than the Dark Elves, the Light Army was stunned too. No one expected
this change.

Riel tugged at his whiskers in disbelief. "Was the demon commander kicked in
the back of his head by a mountain goat?"

"No, no, he probably guessed we'll use magic," Duke Abel said quietly. He
looked at Link. "Master, what do we do now?"

"We'll continue retreating. The Dark Elves haven't left yet." Link was shocked
at the demon commander's boldness too. No matter what, retreating when things
were going well was too bizarre.

The Light Army was retreating because they couldn't hold the city walls for
much longer. Though they retreated a bit early, it was still understandable. But
what was with the demons?

Black Forest.

Lawndale gaped at the black-haired girl. "Your Highness, why did you do that?
We were about to win!"

To him, the humans were retreating, but they needed time. If they immediately
attacked and caught up before the humans retreated, even the strongest magic
would be useless. Would the Magician kill his own soldiers?

Furthermore, the Orida Fortress' sturdiness was obvious. After so many deaths,
it was about to be breached, but now they gave up… Did all those soldiers die in

After they retreated, the humans would recompose themselves, reconquer the
city wall, and repair the hole. On the other hand, they lost so many high-level
demon Warriors. It was doubtful whether they could attack again.

Ah, this woman is crazy!

"Are you calling me crazy in your mind?" the girl asked with a smile.

Lawndale froze. He shook his head violently. "No, not at all. I just can't
understand your actions. You must know, the Orida Fortress is a very sturdy
iron fortress. The humans clearly couldn't hold on any longer. Retreating into
the fortress is normal, and it's not highly possible for a powerful spell to appear.
The human commander isn't stupid. If they really have a spell like that, why
didn't they use it at the start? Why would they save it until so many people

The black-haired girl nodded. "You're right, but I'm the commander of the
demon army. I like retreating at this time. You can't do anything about it." Near
the end, the girl pursed her red lips and jutted her chin out. She huffed through
her nose arrogantly.

Lawndale was speechless.

His Tutor, Aymons, was already dead. As Aymons' right-hand man, Lawndale
automatically upgraded to the commander of the Dark Elves. Things had been
going well, but then the demons suddenly retreated. Now, he was conflicted as
to if he should have the Dark Elves retreat too.
At this time, a hoarse voice traveled over. It was Romand, the chancellor of the
Silver Moon Mage Council. He walked up and said confidently, "Don't retreat.
Continue attacking. There's no way they'll use a powerful spell. Blocking the
godly technique is enough to use up any mortal Magician's strength!"

There were more than 40,000 Dark Elf Warriors at this time and almost 2,000
ghouls. It was many times the size of the Light Army, who had given up and
was retreating. This was the best chance to snatch victory.

Only an idiot would retreat!

Lawndale had been conflicted but, hearing Romand's words, he immediately

made his decision. "Pass down the order, continue attacking!"

Woo, woo woo. The Dark Elves used bone horns. The sound was eerie and
chilling. It carried the Dark Elf commander's thought to the frontline.

The Dark Elf army was still dazed. Hearing the command, they ignored their
stupid demon allies and turned around to attack.

Countless hooks with cables were shot onto the city wall from crossbows.
Ghouls and Dark Elves continued climbing up. On the wall, they met sparse
resistance. The human and dwarf Warriors had all retreated, leaving behind a
few soldiers with shields who fought as they retreated.

"Stop chasing and open the gate! Fortify the camp!" a Dark Elf general said.

It was none other than Lund, the one who once attacked Gladstone City at night
and was known as the Blood-hand Demon. He was now a Level-7 Warrior and
was the strongest Dark Elf general with the highest military rank.

Hearing his voice, the Dark Elves instantly stopped pursuing. A portion went to
open the city gates while most collected the bodies. They pushed the bodies into
the passageway, creating the simplest and bloodiest barrier.

While the Dark Elves were busy, the Light Army had all retreated. The demons
all returned to the Black Forest.

The Orida Fortress, filled with murderous cries earlier, had become almost
deathly silent.
"See?" Romand sneered. "The humans have no tricks. They just wanted to hide
into the citadel like rats."

Lawndale had still been worried but seeing that there was still no action or
abnormal magic waves, he felt assured. Nodding, he said, "Seems like it's safe

The black-haired girl clapped and laughed. "That'll be the best. Lawndale, we're
allies. I'll be sad if something happens to you all."

A smile bloomed on her delicate face. She didn't look like she'd just retreated
alone without caring about her allies earlier.

What could Lawndale say? He remained silent.

At this time, no one in the Black Forest could see that in the Orida Fortress a
figure stepped through the blood and bodies in the passageway filled with
corpses. He advanced step by step. At the point with the highest pile, the person
stopped, gazing at the Dark Elves hundreds of feet away.

At first, only one or two Dark Elves saw him. After a few seconds, a wand
appeared in the man's left hand. With a soft pop, a ball of light burst out.

Now, all the Dark Elves on the wall saw him.

Some stopped involuntarily and looked quietly at this young black-haired

human. Many were confused, unsure what was happening.

Link wasn't in a hurry. His fatigue wasn't quite gone, and his body hadn't
recovered to his peak. Since that was the case, he could spare the time for a few

He scanned all the Dark Elves. Finally, his eyes focused on General Lund.
Smiling, he said, "Hey, you, yeah, you. Do you still recognize me?"

Lund's brows knitted. He found the human familiar—very familiar, especially

the eyes. He'd definitely seen those eyes before. He studied Link and gradually,
a memory formed.
One and a half years ago, he'd led an army to attack Gladstone. There was also a
black-haired young man, though much thinner, who forced him off the city
walls with a flame spell. At that time, the man had worn an average Magician's
Apprentice's robe. He'd been so thin it looked like he would fall over in the

The man in front of him now was muscular with a rounder face. He wore a fine
short robe that only Master Magicians could wear. But those eyes—cold,
deep…they were the exact same.

Before Lund could fully remember him, a Dark Elf recognized Link and
screamed, "It's him! It's the human Demon Slayer!"

The voice reminded Lund like lightning. Fury rushed out from the bottom of his
heart like lava, and his eyes turned blood-red!

"I knew it!" He gripped his Bloody Sword of Glory and settled in a combat
position. "One year ago, you stopped me from attacking Gladstone. At that time,
you had countless reinforcements, and a demon princess helped you. Now,
you're alone. How can you stop my 40,000 brave Warriors?"

Link chuckled. "Yes, what a coincidence. We've met twice, and both times,
you're attacking the city I'm protecting. But last year, I was an amateur that had
just started learning magic. Now…well, have a taste of it yourself!"

As soon as he finished, the light spell at the end of Link's wand turned into a
crystal red ball of light. With a whoosh, the ball stretched into a long whip. It
was the Demon Slayer Whip!

It flew out hundreds of feet as soon as it appeared. It reached Lund instantly.

Piercing light shot out from the tip, curling at Lund's head.

The attack was too sudden. The hair on the back of Lund's neck shot up. His
head shrunk back and he swung his sword.

Clang! There was a huge vibration. Lund's Bloody Sword of Glory met the hit
but couldn't block it. The sword flew out of his hand.
Link was a Level-8 Dragon Mage. With the reinforcement of the Burning Wrath
of Heavens wand, the Demon Slayer Whip reached Level-9. Lund was still at
Level-7, and the difference was too large. He wasn't Link's match.

The whip forced the Bloody Sword of Glory away but didn't stop. It cracked
against Lund's face. With a pop, Lund's head exploded. His body flew
backwards and plummeted down the wall!

This was the tragedy of not having a powerful fighter there. Misamier, Aymons,
or even the fallen angel that had forced Link to pathetically escape could easily
make Link escape. But now, these powerful fighters were all dead.

Link wasn't as strong as them, but he was still alive, so he'd become the
undisputable top fighter on the battlefield.

Lund was the commander and strongest of the Dark Elves. Even the ghouls
weren't his match, but he'd been killed instantly. All the remaining Dark Elves
exchanged glances awkwardly.

In the faraway Black Forest, Romand's eyes flew open. "Pinnacle of Level-8 that him? How does he still have strength?"

Lawndale was shaken too. "How can one man face the entire army?"

The black-haired girl laughed. "Ah, seems like my worry has come true. I'd like
to see what spell he'll use. Would it be a Legendary spell?"

When she said that, both Romand and Lawndale's faces turned so white they
were almost transparent. Link had used Legendary spells before. Aymons had
proved this and had said before that many wounds had appeared on Link's body
because of it.

Secret spells like this couldn't be used often. Link hadn't done anything in the
earlier battle, so they didn't worry. But now, Link appeared by himself. The
situation was odd.

Romand and Lawndale met each other's eyes. Could the demon princess be

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Chapter 370: Hehe, I’ve Seen Through His Strength

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lund was killed in a single whip!

The Dark Elves on the city wall were stunned into silence.

A few seconds later, someone shouted, "He's only a single person! There's
nothing to be afraid of, kill him!"

"Let's go!"

"We've got 40,000 men!"

The ones shouting were ghouls, and immediately after that, they rushed towards
Link. Initially, there were only three people in the charge, but soon, there were
over 40 ghouls trailing behind.

In reality, the ghouls on the city wall numbered over 2,000. However, it was
because of the threat of Link and his Demon Slayer Whip loomed over them.
After all, this was someone who could go toe to toe with the wielder of the
Divine Gear! Who would dare to easily approach?

The ghouls that rushed forward were hot-blooded and reckless. Typically, a
ghoul's strength was about Level-6. They also dashed forward very quickly.
Before the tracker was invented, the ghouls used to guard the perimeter of the
Black Forest, preventing all scouts from getting into the black forest. They were
quite fearsome.

When 40 ghouls charged at the same time, even a Level-8 Warrior could not
face them head on and win easily. It would be necessary to use the terrain
advantage and engage in hit-and-run tactics to deal with them.

However, Link did not retreat. He just stood calmly there.

Three seconds later, the ghouls had surrounded Link. They came from all
directions. Some climbed the walls to get behind him, others flanked him while
some charged him straight from the front.

This was the way to deal with Magicians. To prevent the Magician from
annihilating all of them at once, it was necessary for them to split up and attack
from multiple sides.

However, they still underestimated Link.

As the ghouls arrived before him, Link pointed his Burning Wrath of Heavens
wand at the floor. A Spatial Sphere the size of a sesame seed landed on the
floor. When the ghouls reached within two feet from him, the Spatial Sphere
suddenly exploded.


With Link as the center, a white misty semi-circle formed around him, 60 feet in
diameter. This enveloped all the ghouls that had rushed forward.

The ghouls were originally rushing forward quickly, but once they were
enveloped by the mist, they slowed down instantly, moving inch by inch
towards Link. From outside, it appeared as though the 40 ghouls were locked in

This Spatial Shackles cost Link 300 Dragon Power points and was equal to a
Level-7 skill. The ghouls were only at Level-6 and had no way of breaking free.

Then, Link drew the Dragon King's Wrath magic sword, strolling forward. As
he walked round, he casually stabbing into the heads of the ghouls he passed.

The Dragon King's Wrath magic sword was incomparably sharp. The ghouls'
skulls could put up no defense against Link. Link did not even need to put in
much strength but merely poked his sword to slice into their skulls.

Fifteen seconds later, every single ghoul had been stabbed by Link. Link walked
to the edge of the Spatial Shackles field. All the ghouls were still suspended in
the air, in a charging position. In fact, they were still moving forward ever so
slightly. However, the one thing that had changed was that their eyes were now
listless, as they were now all dead.
Snap! Link snapped his fingers, canceling the Spatial Shackles spell. Crash,
Crash. The 40 ghouls fell from the air like kites, smashing into the ground.
Their bodies trembled slightly, as though they hadn't completely died, but there
was already no hope for them.

The whole process of casting the Spatial Shackles spell and killing the ghouls
cost Link 300 Dragon Power points. In the 15 seconds that he took to kill the
ghouls, his Dragon Power had already recovered.

Therefore, killing these 40 ghouls was as simple as breathing for him.

This was a terrifying existence.

The Dark Elves glanced at each other, at a loss. As Link took one step forward,
they subconsciously took one step back.

Then, one Dark Elf Commander stood up and shouted, "Warriors, he is a

Magician. His Mana is definitely limited. Let's all charge together! Archers keep
shooting at him, waste his Mana!"

Twang twang twang. Sounds of bowstrings releasing reverberated out as the

arrows filled the air like rain, heading for Link.

Link waved his wand lightly to his side again. "Shackles!"

Whoosh. In the next instant, a space of about two feet around him rippled, and
the arrows struck into the space. All of them immediately stopped in mid-air.
The scene resembled arrows being stuck in a training puppet.

Link walked towards the Dark Elves while waving his sword around. Every
single one of the arrows he sliced through fell to the ground like trash.

It was truly a joke to use normal arrows on a Level-8 Magician like Link.

"Quick, use the anti-magic arrows!"

The Archers immediately changed to using anti-magic arrows. However, these

arrows met a similar fate to the normal arrows. To a Spatial Magician, arrows
that were designed to penetrate normal magic barriers were completely useless
against them.
Huff, huff. The Dark Elf commander panted, trying to calm the fear in his heart.
Three seconds later, he raised his sword and charged Link. "Warriors, charge!"

This commander was a Level-6 Warrior. The Battle Art exploded out from his
body, enveloping the sword and causing it to glow brilliantly as he charged

He knew that he was going to die, but he also knew that when facing a
Magician, the army cannot break down in fear. That would be the worst thing
that could happen.

As long as the Warriors continued charging forward, that might provide them a
chance to reverse the situation!

As the commander of the army, he had to be the first to make the sacrifice!

The ghouls followed behind him, and the Dark Elves also started charging at
Link from all directions.

They couldn't believe that a 40,000 strong army would be unable to kill a single

Link had rested enough. He took a deep breath, focusing his thoughts and
pointed the magic sword in front of him. "Demon Slayer!"

Whoosh. A 300-foot-long crystal red whip appeared, wrapping around Link

over ten times. The body of the whip was covered with zigzag thorns. Each
thorn shone like a bright red crystal. Viewed in the darkness of the night, it
would look like flickering fireflies.

However, this spell which was a beautiful as fireflies also had destructive power
incomparable to fireflies.

Each point of light was an attack point. Although it looked small, its power was

As the ordinary Dark Elf soldiers were hit by the whip, it was as though their
bodies were hit by a siege hammer. They were flung back far away. As they
flew back, they coughed up thick mouths of steaming hot blood. By the time
they landed on the ground, the Dark Elf soldiers were completely dead.

That was not all!

Each time the fireflies hit somebody, there would be a fiery red aura that
exploded out in all directions, covering an area of 600 feet, looking like a fog.

This fiery red fog was also terrifying. Those who were enveloped by it felt that
it was burning hot. At first, it was scalding, causing their skin to blister. It was
still tolerable, but soon after, even their armor and weapons started to heat up
and turn red. It became unbearable.

The fireflies exploded continuously, and every Warrior that tried to approach
Link was knocked back. Meanwhile, the red-hot fog in the air got thicker,
causing the temperature to rise.

Finally, some of the Dark Elf soldiers cried out. "No, I can't breathe!"

"My eyes, I can't see!"

"My clothes are on fire!"

Various voices shouted out in agony, as the fireflies continued exploding. The
red-hot fog in the air continued to become even denser, causing the fortress
walls to seem less like a battlefield and more of a slaughterhouse.

Two minutes later, Link had used up 5000 Mana points. Every 10 Mana points
could form one thorn on the Demon Slayer Whip, possessing the strength of a
Level-2 spell. These fireflies could block the majority of these attacks. Through
the two minutes, he had unleashed over 400 attacks with these fireflies.

As for the stronger ghouls, Link used Spatial Shackles to deal with them. He
was surrounded by a Spatial Shackle from the start. Anyone who broke through
the whip would find themselves shackled. Link would simply stab through their
heads with a sword, killing them.

Therefore, no one was able to get close to Link.

There were 400 firefly explosions, all of which were wide area attacks. The
resulting damage from the area attacks was ten percent of the main firefly
attack. Four hundred of those added together was equal to being attacked by 40

Orida Fortress was huge, however, within 600 feet of Link, there were over
30,000 soldiers caught in his attack. Some of them had detected the danger and
escaped earlier with their lives. Yet, there were many others who were
determined to kill Link at all costs, throwing their lives in the process.

Whatever the case, two minutes later, the city wall was completely silent.

Link cast a Light spell, causing a weak light to shine over the battlefield.
Everywhere that the light shone on, there were piles of steaming corpses. From
far away, there was also the patter of footsteps. They were very disorganized
and were gradually going further away. They belonged to the escaping Dark

Looking at the carnage on the city walls, Link estimated that he had killed over
35,000 Dark Elves. A large portion was killed from the area attacks by the
Dragon King's Wrath magic sword.

After walking one round around the walls, Link sat down on a pile of arrows.
Beside his feet lay many corpses. There were some corpses that belonged to
humans, but the majority were Dark Elves. Streams of dried blood ran along the
floor, and the air was filled with a stench of gore and barbequed meat. It was
strange and grotesque.

Link felt like he was truly a slaughterer.

Having killed so many, it burdens the heart. Link said to the sword spirit.

This is war. However, my previous owner, the Storm Lord rarely attacked
weaker opponents. He said that it felt meaningless. Of course, not many dared to
provoke him. I believe that after this, weaker opponents would not dare to
provoke you anymore, the sword spirit replied.

Link nodded his head. Indeed, he found it completely meaningless. This was a
simple slaughter, and he killed so many that he had become numb.
He felt like all he needed right now was a hot cup of wine and a good rest. He
decided he wouldn't eat barbequed meat for a long time.

In the Black Forest.

Lawndale stared dazedly at the Dark Elves that had returned alive.

Every single one of their clothes was in tatters. Their skin had many burn scars.
Their expressions were completely dejected, their eyes were wide open, and
tears streamed down their face. What's more, they panicked at the slightest
sound. They were evidently frightened to death.

"He's not a human! He's a god, a fire god!"

"We couldn't even approach him! Arrows couldn't hit him!"

"Even the Lady of Darkness isn't his opponent. We were just like chickens to

"He has some kind of body freezing spell."

"Commander Lund was killed in one hit by his whip."

Countless recounts of their terrifying experience made Lawndale speechless.

Romand's expression was completely sullen. Out of 40,000 Dark Elves, only
5,000 had made it back alive. That was completely brutal.

It was his suggestion that the Dark Elves continued the attack. Now, it dawned
on him that his suggestion had sent all those Warriors to their grave.
Simultaneously, he had destroyed the future path of progress for the entire Dark
Elf race.

After this defeat, they no longer had any strong Warriors. If they wanted to
survive within Firuman, they needed to retreat to the Dark Realms and lay low
for a hundred years. Otherwise, they would not be able to recover from this.

His mouth twitched. "It was just in an instant. Furthermore, there was no high-
level spell used. How could he kill so quickly?"
The black-haired girl was still laughing. Out of the slits of her eyes, she looked
at the two dejected Dark Elf commanders. "Oh dear, that was a mistake. Now
that all the Dark Elf soldiers are dead, what should we do?"

Lawndale was dazed and forlorn. He had just buried the future of his Dark Elf
race. It was a huge blow. As he heard the princess, he said listlessly, "Your
Highness, you don't have to say these useless things."

He didn't even have the energy to get angry.

"Oh wells, you guys are too pitiful. I won't make fun of you trash any longer. In
my opinion, Link must have used some powerful magic weapon. You fell into
his trap! I won't say any more, lest I make you cry. I'll teach him a lesson for
you. Hehe, I've already seen through his strength!" The black-haired girl said.

While she spoke, dark purple scales appeared on her skin, covering her whole
body. Her skirt also became stiff, turning into armor made of numerous purple
pieces. Because the girl was small, the armor looked petite as well. However, it
still gave off an imposing and savage aura.

On every corner of the armor, there were also spikes. This was especially so for
the shoulder area, which had plenty of spikes. On top of the spikes were stuck
many skulls. Two sharp horns stuck out from the helmet forehead.

Petite but savage, together, they created a feeling that was hard to describe.

In her hands appeared two curved sabers. The blade edge sparkled, flickering
with deep blue flames. The air around the blade occasionally sparked with

All of these transformations happened in an instant.

Finally, in the small but savage helmet's eye area, two purple flame-like eyes lit

A metallic voice sounded from inside the helmet. "You, you, and you, the three
of you, come with me. We're going to kill."

She was still prudent, and selected three Level-8 high-level demons to assist her.
"Yes, Your Highness!"

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Chapter 371: Really Can’t Beat Her

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Orida Fortress

Within 600 feet of the second ring of walls, all buildings were slightly hot to the
touch. All wood had burned down, and the ground was charred.

The charred blackness stretched to 100 feet before the top citadel before
stopping. If the humans hadn't retreated, they would be in the same state as the
Dark Elves now.

Surrounded by the army, the pressure was great. Link couldn't keep the Dragon
King's Anger effect from accidentally hurting his own soldiers. He sat blankly
on the oven-like wall for a while. Gathering his senses, Link walked towards the
citadel. The Dark Elves weren't a concern anymore, but the demons had
retreated. They were unhurt now, so he had to quickly reorganize the fortress'

After a few steps, Link felt something. He turned around.

It was around one in the morning and the night sky was like ink. The prairie
before the fortress was even darker. He couldn't see anything.

Night vision.

Link wiped his eyes lightly. His vision immediately turned gray-white and the
night scenery became clear.

Five black shadows charged towards the fortress. They were quiet and
extremely fast. The smallest shadow seemed to slow herself down so the others
could keep up.
Her armor was extraordinary and familiar, especially the two blue scimitars in
her hands. Two purple demon eyes (a type of gemstone) were embedded in the

Seeing this, Link gulped. Without thinking, he turned around, poured Dragon
Power into his sword, activated the Dragon King's Fury magic sword, and
started sprinting towards the citadel!

He knew this demon; he'd never forget her in his entire life!

In the game, she appeared in the later part. Instead of being in a storyline quest,
she appeared in the wilderness around the time of Celine Flandre's appearance.

At that time, Celine was plotting against her father. She created missions to test
the players' abilities. They were also the prerequisite missions for the Nozama
storyline quest. One of the missions was called "The Lord's Other Daughter."
The player had to kill a demon named Saroviny.

The game recommended players to form a team for the mission. But at that
time, Link was already well-accomplished in magic. He had a bunch of Epic
Legends and was confident to the max. Regular bosses were nothing to him. He
called on a Warrior and Priest from the guild and set out.

The three found her in a remote riverside mansion. The first time they met, the
black-haired girl was planting flowers in her garden.

Link remembered that when she saw them, she clapped lightly and had a human
slave bring over clean water. After washing her hands carefully, she smiled and
asked, "Only you three?"

At that time, they were all young men. They were high-spirited and the top
players of the game. Without saying anything, they started fighting

One second later, their souls returned to the cemetery together.

The Warrior was the one who took the hits in the guild. He was killed instantly,
and the Priest didn't even have time to heal him. Just as Link was about to cast a
spell, the girl streaked like lightning. There was a flash of a sword, and his
world turned black and white. Half a second later, the Priest was there too.
The three thought the game system had purposely raised the enemy's difficulty.
After checking the records though, they were impressed. It wasn't that her
difficulty was high. They'd fallen into the demon's trap!

While approaching the mansion, they were secretly marked with a death mark.
It was a tiny spell, hidden but easily removed. If they didn't remove it, the
enemy could use the mark to semi-teleport. The damages would increase by
300% and could break through armor.

They obviously died within seconds after falling for this.

After being resurrected, they went to take revenge on full alert. This time, they
lasted for three seconds before all dying. Not giving up, they went back and died
again after three seconds. The enemy had tons of tricks and never repeated the
same one.

Finally, they admitted defeat and went offline.

This was Link's most frustrating and humiliating experience in the game. Even
worse, a passerby player saved one of the recordings and posted it on the
Internet. After that, they became national laughingstocks.

Thinking back, Saroviny's tricks were actually quite simple, but she had an
indescribable ability. No matter how careful you were, she could make you fall
for the trap.

Later in the game, many players went to find Saroviny, but they were all
defeated. Even a team of 1000 couldn't ensure victory. Nine out of ten times,
they would lose. The remaining time, it would be a win with great costs and
Saroviny still wouldn't die. At most, she would be forced to escape into a
storyline quest and turn into another terrifying boss.

Finally, a player accidentally found a bug. They could bring Celine to

Saroviny's side and use Celine's strength to defeat Saroviny.

In reality, Link could tell from Saroviny's appearance and aura that she was only
a step away from the Legendary level. She also had four pinnacle Level-8
demons by her. Only an idiot would stay there. He obviously ran away.
He ran all the way to the citadel when a voice said, "Master, you're back. How
are things?"

It was Kanorse with Nana beside him. They'd come to welcome Link.

"I defeated the Dark Elves, but the demons are unhurt… Hurry into the citadel
and close the door. Big demons are coming, hurry!"

Link rushed towards the citadel, Kanorse and Nana following behind him.

The citadel was a giant metal thing. The portion on the ground was a semicircle
150 feet in diameter and three floors tall. However, this was only the tip of the
iceberg. The biggest part was underground. There were five floors below
ground, each floor being extremely spacious. The tunnels reached in all
directions, practically emptying the entire mountain.

Storing 20,000 soldiers inside was no problem. There were only 13,000 soldiers
left now. They easily fit inside the citadel with the exhausted Magicians.

The strength of the citadel was unparalleled. The door that Link had just passed
through was two feet thick, 30 feet tall, and 15 feet wide. It was entirely built
from sheet metal and fine gold alloy. It weighed more than 200 tons. The inside
was also carved with many magical runes.

These runes were not ordinary either. The Orida Fortress survived more than
2000 years and was fortified every generation. Three hundred years ago, Bryant
personally fortified the citadel, adding a shockingly durable Level-10 defensive
magic seal.

"Hurry, close the door! Close it!" Link cried.

Crack, crack, crack. A few herculean Warriors used hinges to close the door bit
by bit.

Link estimated it would take half a minute to completely close. It was too slow,
so he activated the Dragon King's Fury magic sword again. He walked to the
door and shoved it.

Boom! The heavy door shook. Under the shocked scrutiny of everyone present,
the door closed at twice the speed.
Ten seconds later, it closed with a boom. With another boom, the gate dropped
down. Link quickly found the magic seal's activation rune and poured in Dragon

With a soft buzz, the energy accumulated over the centuries was activated.
Mana flowed through the entire citadel. A beam of golden light extended over
the gate, quickly covering the citadel's inner and outer walls.

This light was special. At a glance, it was like a flawless film, but at closer
inspection, one would realize it was formed by countless beehive-like cells.
They were independent but connected intricately.

Apparently, Bryant was inspired by the Yabba magic shield but added many
innovations. The Yabba saw this, and all shook their heads, impressed.

Link finally took a breather.

No matter how powerful Saroviny was, she couldn't break into the citadel.
Currently, the only way to do so was to wait until the citadel's saved energy was
used up. There was a great amount of energy though. Link calculated that it
could last at least three months.


Outside the citadel

When Link entered the citadel and prepared to close the door, Saroviny just
arrived at the first wall of the fortress. She didn't know Link had retreated. She
continued walking in carefully.

"Be careful. That guy might make a sneak attack." She hid behind the four high-
level demons, not going forward until safety was confirmed.

They were demons and had seen countless bloody scenes. But inside the
fortress, they still gasped involuntarily when seeing the mass of dead Dark

Saroviny sniffed lightly and whispered, "It's the smell of a flame spell. It's only
around Level-3, but the Dark Elves didn't escape. They were packed on the wall
and died in such an organized manner… What a bunch of failures!"
"Your Highness, he's gone. From the footprints, I think he went towards the
citadel," a demon reported.

Saroviny flinched. She listened closely and seemed to think of something.

Running towards the citadel, she cried, "Hurry, hurry, that guy is going to hide!"

The demons sprinted, but when they reached the citadel, they saw the golden
glow envelope it all.

"Your Highness, the citadel is sealed. The enchantment is very strong!"

"Shut up! You think I'm blind? This is a Legendary enchantment left behind by
Bryant. We can't go in," Saroviny said, annoyed. She was in a bad a mood—a
really bad mood!

"What should we do?"

"Surround them!" Saroviny sneered. There were more than 10,000 people inside
the citadel. Eating and drinking was a great cost. Even if the Magicians inside
could create some magic food, those couldn't be eaten too often. Problems
would arise soon. "I'll see how long they can last!"

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Chapter 372: Searching for Reinforcements

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the tower balcony

The core members of the alliance were already here. They looked through the
legendary yellow enchantment, observing the demons surrounding the fortress.
Their faces were all pale.

Link pointed at one figure and said, "Look, see that black haired girl? She's the
daughter of Lord Nozama. Don't be tricked by her petite looks, she's just a hair
away from reaching the Legendary realm. If we were out there, give her enough
time, and she would be able to easily kill everyone here."
Saroviny was an Assassin, at the same time, she knew some very useful high-
level spells. Link suspected that she was had the same gifts of foresight as
Celine. Engaging in guerilla battles with these types of enemies was the worst
possible nightmare.

Everyone's faces were pale.

Among them, the strongest was Link, at mid-Level-8, followed by Kanorse and
Nana who had also reached Level-8. They were already strong beyond compare
in Duke Abel's opinion, but they still could not compare to the demon army
whose commanders were a step away from the Legendary realm.

Legendary Warriors!

Just the thought of it made one tremble in fear. Who would dare confront these

"That's not all," Link continued. He pointed at the demons surrounding

Saroviny. "This, this, and this guy, they all have Level-8 strength. I believe that
out of the 230 high-level demons, thirty percent of them are over Level-8. That's
about 70 demons. Besides that, they have 60,000 low-level demons! It's quite
impossible to fight!"

Although a Level-8 demon was not able to obliterate an entire army like Link
had done, against the human armies, they definitely would not face any
obstructions. If they weren't locked down in fights but free to roam the
battlefield, they could easily kill thousands of people.

Demons like that, they had over 70!

Just these 70 were enough to obliterate all the soldiers in the fortress. There was
no need to talk about the 160 Level-7 demons and the 60,000 demons who were
all around Level-5.

It was only in the late phase of the game that players were able to deal with such
a force of demons. Only when the true Light Army alliance was formed with the
Legendary experts from the various races did they have a chance to fight back
against these demons. Everyone's faces were white as a sheet.

Kanorse said, "They're trying to siege us!"

"Evidently," High Elf Princess Milda sighed. She had long since woken up but
had only gotten an hour of rest. Her spirits were far from recovered, and she
looked fatigued.

Duke Abel was similarly forlorn. He didn't bother looking at the demons outside
the fort but reported some figures, "Within our fortress, there are 12,900 people.
We have 50 tons of stockpiled rations. If we want to maintain our current
fighting strength against the demons, we will consume one ton of food every
day. At most, we will last two months."

Princess Milda offered, "I have some seedlings… Forget it. It's not going to
work. The fortress enchantment has prevented any form of energy from
entering. There wouldn't be enough sunlight and water."

Dwarf King Riel stroked his beard in habit. "In other words, we're still going to
die. Either we die starving, or we die in battle."

Link glanced outside the enchantment. Saroviny could feel his gaze and turned
to stare back at his direction. She smirked and waved her fist at him. It was
extremely adorable, but it made one's heart clench while looking at it.

With no mood to continue looking at the enemy, everyone turned back to return
inside the tower. They had no mood to even discuss a strategy.

Link was in the best condition among them. He focused his mind and went to
one of the great halls.

Although the fortress was said to be able to accommodate over 10,000 people, it
was still rather crowded. The great hall was filled with people, especially
injured soldiers who were lying down in the corner. The air was thick with the
scent of blood, urine, and sweat, and it was extremely pungent.

As he walked in, Link saw a small figure in the corner. Her face was covered in
wounds, and her hair clumped together with dried blood. She was leaning
against a wall and clutched in her hand was a musket covered in blood and dir.
Her head rested on a gunny sack filled with some items, and she was obviously
It was the Yabba woman, Melinda. Initially, when the attack on Orida Fortress
first began, she was grouped with the Yabba people and Link couldn't find her.
He was pleasantly surprised to find her still alive.

There were many cuts on her little face. Because there were few priests, and
most were busy tending to soldiers with heavier wounds, she had not been able
to receive any treatment.

Link's feelings were complicated as he looked at her. She fidgeted, changing her
resting position. As she moved her body, her eyes were shut tightly. A tear
dripped down her face. This tear dropped instantly moved Link's soul, causing
him to shudder involuntarily.

This was just an ordinary Yabba young woman. Her country was invaded, her
parents killed, and after arriving at Orida fortress, her clansmen were essentially
all killed. At the moment, there were only about ten other Yabba people resting
beside her.

After pausing for a while, Link softly said to a soldier beside him, "Help me
fetch some blankets and lay them on the floor in my room. Let these Yabba
people rest in my room."

"Yes, sir," the soldier obeyed.

Link turned to look at the human soldiers around. Essentially, all of them were
injured. Some were lying on beds, their eyes blank. Some were softly crying or
calling out. The priests were running around tending to injuries, and although
they had completely used up all their divine power, it was evidently still not

Link also saw Annie. She was injured but still in good shape, able to run about
to help with work.

When the soldiers saw him arrive, they looked at him with hope. There was one
soldier who was still very young. The signs of youth still marked his face. He
was probably only 18 years old. His injuries were very severe, and he was on
the brink of death. Trembling, he stretched out his hand, struggling as he said,
"Sir, help me… save me!"
Link was helpless. His Dragon Power could assist people in recovery, but it
could not bring the dead back to life. It also could not cure fatal injuries.

Link walked over and knelt on the ground. He grasped the soldier's hand and
said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid. You will enter the kingdom of heaven.
There, there will be no pain or darkness, no fighting…"

Halfway through his words, Link felt the hand he was holding lose all energy.
The soldier had passed on. Even then, his eyes were wide open, hoping to be
saved, hoping to live on.

Link solemnly closed the soldier's eyes, and wordlessly stood up.

No! We cannot simply wait to die! Link knew he had to do something.

These soldiers had gone through a baptism of fire and blood. Given enough
time, they would be able to grow into powerful Warriors of humanity. As long
as they had enough time!

He needed to go and get reinforcements.

Link turned and went up to the hall on the second level. He was going to see
Duke Abel.


"I heard that there is a secret passage under the fortress?" Link asked.

The duke responded blankly, "You mean to have us retreat through the passage?
I don't think that's possible. Ten thousand people will create too much noise and
will immediately be discovered. On the plains…"

"No, I plan to go out alone and bring a few experts with me. Kanorse has to
stay, but King Riel, Princess Milda, as well as Nana can accompany me. The
four of us will go out to search for reinforcements."
Kanorse would have been a great help, but his importance to the army was too
great. If he left, Duke Abel, being the only Level- 5 himself, would not be able
to defend the fortress on his own.

It seemed to him that looking for reinforcements elsewhere was the only way.
Duke Abel pondered for a while. Then, he turned to face the bookshelf. "The
secret passages under the fortress are very complicated, like a maze. I have no
idea where the magic door truly is. Hold on, let me look through the maps."

He went to the bookshelves and flipped around. Finally, he pulled out an ancient
scroll. "Got it!"

He opened the scroll on the table and pointed at the passage. "Originally, the
passage was not complicated. However, since ancient times, this fortress has
been renovated over ten times, and each time, there were some projects that
were never finished, making the place very complicated. Let me see… let me

Ten minutes later, the duke slapped his head and handed the scroll to Link. "It's
very messy, here, take a look."

Link took a look at the scroll. Immediately, he frowned. This wasn't even a map.
It was just scribbles and scrawls on the parchment. Some places were faded, and
other portions of the map had holes bitten out of it by worms.

After looking at it for half a day, Link roughly understood the structure.
"According to the map, Orida Fortress was originally a dwarven mountain
fortress. Later on, they abandoned this fortress, and it was taken over by
humans. On top of the original structure, they built Orida Fortress. Later on,
additions were added until we have today's final fortress. There is a magic door
in there in the basement level five, and it should not be hard to locate. It's not
actually hard to find, but the problem lies in after finding it. This magic door
leads into the dwarven tunnels that crisscross and go everywhere. My God… I
can't even see that part clearly."

The duke's heart rate increased. "So, how is it? Is there a way out?"

Their entire fate now rested on whether Link could find a way out and bring
back reinforcements. If he couldn't, then they were finished. Eventually, the
fortress would run out of supplies, and that would surely result in a miserable
and chaotic end!

Link replied with a firmness that could cut through iron. "I will definitely find a
way out. Even if I can't, I'll just blast my way out."

After that, Link went to find High Elf Princess Milda and Dwarf King Riel.
After explaining his plan, they agreed. This was their only way now.

"Okay, time is precious. Let us go now. We'll leave secretly, Duke, while I'm
not around, say I am researching a new powerful spell."

"I understand," Duke Abel nodded.

Link released a Traceless Spell, and the four of them vanished from sight. They
followed the stairway done into the underground, walking for over ten minutes
through numerous intersecting passageways. Finally, they found where the
magic door was located.

It was a simple spell formation made of a single rune. Link understood how to
use it in one glance. "Stand on it, please," he instructed everyone.

The three others stood on the rune stone, and Link got on as well. After locating
the activation rune, Link channeled his Dragon Power into the stone. A few
seconds later, the four of them felt the world spinning, a feeling which lasted for
five seconds. Then, the feeling vanished, and they were back on solid ground.

Thump. Dwarf King Riel sat heavily on his bottom. He cursed continuously as
he got up. "Damn magic door, it nearly destroyed this old ass of mine."

Nana landed stably, while Link and Princess Milda cast a levitation spell on
themselves to land lightly.

Dwarf King Riel felt that it was really unfair. He rubbed his buttocks as he

"I hate magic," he grumbled.

Link started to look around the surroundings. He found that he was in a large
underground passage surrounded by stone walls. On the stone walls were
embedded crystals. Drip. Drip. Water dripped from the ceiling. Wuuuuuu. The
wind howled as it blew through the cavern.

Dwarf King Riel looked around as well. Then, he patted his chest and said,
"These passageways are built in the style of my race. We are probably in the
heart of the mountain. Without a map, outsiders will very likely lose their way,
but for me, it's no problem. Follow my lead."

Naturally, the dwarf would be most familiar with the dwarven passages. Link
and Princess Milda exchanged a glance and followed closely behind King Riel.

They walked for over half an hour. Half an hour later, the group of them were
still circling around the passages.

"King Riel, why are we still stuck in here?" Princess Milda could not help but
ask suspiciously.

Dwarf King Riel's reply was full of pride. "Don't you worry, there's no hurry.
My people's tunnels are very complicated. I'll need to walk through a few more
tunnels to familiarize myself first."

Link did not say a thing, but he had a feeling that this dwarf was not very

After another half an hour had passed, Riel stopped in front of a stone wall. He
pulled his beard roughly, grunting and sighing, "Why is it like this? This is
wrong! This was definitely the way out. What's going on?"

Princess Milda immediately frowned. "You're lost?"

"Lost? Nonsense! How could I be lost in my own home? I'm just a bit confused,
but I'm sure I will find the way out!"

Princess Milda shrugged helplessly.

Link couldn't say anything either. He had to protect King Riel's face. He said,
"How about this, let us select a tunnel that looks to be going upwards and follow
along that path. What do you think, King Riel?"
Dwarf King Riel's face was downcast as he said, "Hmmm, these passages are
too old, and the style has changed a lot. Sir Link, let's do as you suggest."

In the demon camp

Not half an hour after Link left, Saroviny suddenly stood up with a start. She
said to the demon beside her, "Hey, I feel that something is not right. Do you
think Link would have gone out to look for reinforcements?"

The demons looked at their princess blankly. Reinforcements? That would still
require them to sneak out of the fortress and the demon barricade. Considering
that they've guarded it so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak
through, how could the other party get out?

"Hey you dumbasses, you're useless! The fortress is sure to have some
underground passage. All of you go out, search and check if any rats are
sneaking out from around here."

Saroviny's orders were very clear. The demons nodded at once, replying, "Yes,
Your Highness."

As the demons dispersed, Saroviny sat down and rubbed her chin. Her two
black eyes stared at the distant tower, unblinking. "Hey little rat, oh little rat,
where will you crawl out from?"

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Chapter 373: The Derpy Dwarf

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Look, there's light ahead," dwarf Riel called. He sped forward.

He was so excited after being in this mine hole for two hours. If news of him
getting lost in a dwarf mine hole traveled back to Moria, the dwarven capital
city, he would be so humiliated.
Yes, he must tell Master Link and Milda to keep this a secret.

Link immediately cast a traceless spell and said, "Don't run out when we get to
the exit. We need to see where we are."

"No problem," Riel replied. He gained momentum as he ran and quickly passed
the corner.

Milda couldn't help but shake her head and chuckle. "This guy is so funny. He's
so old but still acts like a kid."

Riel had been serious, but after they became more familiar with each other, he
began relaxing and showing his derpy side.

Link didn't find his personality strange. In the game, he'd met too many funny
dwarves. If you stayed in a dwarf's inn, you'd see many interesting things. For
example, a dwarf once lit his beard with his pipe and poured hard liquor on it.
His entire body had lit on fire.

A dwarf had run under a dragon's stomach to research the dragon's gender.
Another dwarf used a magic gun to hit at a fly on food and ended up smashing
all the food on the table. There were many similarly shocking cases.

Anyway, one had to be prepared for all types of situations when with a dwarf…

Dammit, I jinxed myself!

Just as Link was about to speak, there was a cry from outside the tunnel. It was
a tragic cry and made one's guts clench, involuntarily close one's legs, and cover
one's crotch.

Just as Link and Milda exchanged a glance, not sure what happened, Riel
scampered back. As he ran, he called, "Oh no, ack—there's a demon outside,
and he saw me."

When the guy ran over, Link saw that his head was covered in black mud. There
was also a disgusting smell that made him nauseous.

"What exactly happened?" Milda covered her nose and cast a cleaning spell to
get rid of the "mud" on Riel's head.
As Rield walked deeper inside the tunnel, he said, "The tunnel opens up
skyward. When I went there, a Fodor Flaming Demon was taking a dump. I
think he ate some bad food. That guy was like a spray gun. I wasn't paying
attention, and it got all over me. I even swallowed some…I was so pissed! I
slammed my hammer on his ass. I'm sure he's injured now, but more demons
will run after us later. Let's run…ugh….ack…it's so disgusting!"

"Ugh!" Milda ran with Riel. She just wanted to throw up.

Link's throat felt uncomfortable hearing this too. Pushing down his urge to
vomit, he asked, "Demon feces are poisonous. How are you feeling now?"

"Ah, poisonous? No wonder my stomach hurts now…Ah!" Riel missed a step

and tripped. He fell down and couldn't climb back up. His face was black as if
he was heavily poisoned.

Link hurried over to help him. Milda continued holding her nose. She pulled out
a bottle of Elf Nectar and gave it to Link from afar. "Here, feed it to him."

Pulling out the stop, Link poured the green liquid into Riel's mouth. As expected
of the sacred antidote, Riel started vomiting violently after drinking it.
Mouthfuls of stinking black liquid spewed from his mouth. After throwing up
three mouthfuls, he was finally clean.

Riel was a Level-7 Warrior and was very strong. He wasn't poisoned deeply and
had the antidote promptly, so he recovered after resting for half a minute.

He shook his head and took out a bottle of liquor. Rinsing his mouth, he put the
liquor away and breathed deeply. "Thank you, Your Highness," he said to
Milda. "Those demons are so f*cking disgusting."

"Enough, let's go now!" Milda had had enough. She'd thought this dwarf was
like a kid, but now, she thought he was an insufferable bastard.

Seeing that Milda was upset, Riel shrugged. "I'm the one who drank it, and I'm
not complaining. What are you angry about…alright, I'll stop talking. Let's go. I
saw many demons patrolling outside. They seem to know our plan."

He led them deeper into the mine hole. Link, Milda, and Nana followed.
As they ran, Nana asked curiously, "Riel, what does demon poop taste like?"

"Nana!" Milda yelped. She was going to have a breakdown.

"Nana, stop talking," Link commanded.

"Oh." Nana didn't say anything else.

Riel didn't know what it tasted like. He ran powerfully without speaking.
Dwarves had a weird and funny personality, but they were naturally sensitive to
cave tunnels. He memorized it all after one trip.

The group quickly returned to the cave along the original path. Finally, Riel
stopped before a black tunnel. "We didn't go down this road. I have a feeling
that it's very, very deep and might lead to danger. Are you sure we should go

Milda looked at Link, who nodded without hesitation. "Of course. The demon
general is very strong. If we run into her, we'll die."

"Alright, follow me." Riel didn't dare face someone about to enter the
Legendary level. He widened his eyes, picked up his battle axe, and went into a
defensive posture. He walked towards the deep, dark cave.

On the other hand, the Fodor Flaming Demon's cry traveled far. After a while, a
team of demons hurried over. When they arrived, the Fodor Flaming Demon
was already dead. His stomach had been torn open by a hit form below. His guts
were everywhere, and it was tragic.

It was clearly a sneak attack.

There was a two-foot-wide crack beside him. A demon crouched down and
sniffed strongly. "Uh…it smells like poop…and…sniff…it should be a dwarf's
scent. Those rats are hiding under these rocks!"

"You found the rats?" asked a lovely voice. It was Saroviny.

"Your Highness, a dwarf appeared here and killed Lomen."

Saroviny walked over. Seeing the feces on the rock, she wrinkled her brows.
She took out a handkerchief to cover her nose and started investigating

"A dwarf had indeed tried to come out of here… The footprints on the rock are
very deep. He'd used power and stomped hard… He's quite strong, should be a
Level-7 Warrior. This should be the dwarf's King of Mountains… I can feel that
Link is with him."

Saroviny laughed. She stepped back and said to the Fodor Flaming Demons
beside her, "Make the hole bigger and get rid of all the waste. I don't want to
smell a thing. Then you and you shorter ones go in with me. We're going to
catch the rats!"

"Yes, Your Highness."

The Fodor Flaming Demons immediately started working. They used their
claws, Battle Aura, and feet to attack the rocks. For them, the hard rocks were as
soft as dirt.

After a few minutes, the small crack was many times wider. Finally, it revealed
a tunnel around ten feet tall and six feet wide. The two Saroviny had chosen
were Dimensional Demons. They were only about seven feet tall. The hole was
big enough for them.

"Alright, let's go in."

Booms came from behind them. Link and the others exchanged glances and saw
shock in their eyes.

"They're coming. We gotta hurry!" Riel quickened his steps. Link easily caught
up while Milda was a bit slower. She activated the Cheetah's Agility spell for
herself. However, she still hadn't recovered and looked exhausted.

Link saw it unintentionally and felt a twinge. "Nana," he said, "carry Princess
"No need…alright." Milda had refused instinctively, but she was honestly too
tired. Her vision was blurry. She knew that holding on stubbornly would only
slow down the team, so she nodded and accepted.

Nana picked her up and continued walking.

Link was at the back of the group, wiping their footprints clean.

They advanced. The further they walked, the more spacious the tunnel became.
It became darker as well, and they couldn't see the path clearly. But strangely,
the wind grew stronger.

It wasn't blowing from within the tunnel. Instead, it was being sucked in from
behind them. The further they walked, the stronger the wind became.

Woo, woo. The wind whistled, almost making them lose their balance. It felt
like a hand pushing them forward.

Suddenly, Riel yelped. He missed a step and lost his balance. Woo. A gust of
strong wind came just then and blew him a few feet ahead. That wasn't all. He
continued falling down. It was so dark, and they couldn't see anything.

"Light spell!"

Whoosh! A ball of light appeared, illuminating the tunnel. Link found that there
was an underground cliff up ahead. Riel had been blown off the cliff.

Seeing that Riel was about to disappear from his line of sight, Link hurriedly
cast a spell for him. "Levitation!"

But it didn't work!

Riel kept dropping at an incredible speed. He struggled and yelled, "There's

wind! The wind keeps blowing down! Oh, Glorious Lord, I'm gonna die!"

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Chapter 374: Mysterious Realm

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The wind from the cliff was extremely strong. Under the light from the light
spell that Link had cast, they could see small wind ripples. These all pointed to
the base of the cliff, as though there was a vortex sucking them in from there.

Watching as the dwarf Riel was slowly getting further and further away from
them and that the demons behind them were catching up, Link bit his lip and
said, "Milda, go on, we'll jump too."

He had never come to this place before when he played the game, but he had
seen something similar on the game forums.

On the discussion boards, it was said that beneath Orida Fortress was a dwarf
cavern. If you followed along one specific path inside the cavern and followed it
till the end, you would reach a place called the Wind Vortex.

This vortex was a naturally occurring vortex. By going through it, one could
reach a place known as the Hidden Realm.

As for what was in the Hidden Realm, the writer did not give many details.
From his description, after entering the Hidden Realm, players would appear in
mid-air. As for him, he had died in mid-air, killed by the birds in the Hidden
Realm. The adventurer had been Level-5 at the time. The only thing he knew
was that the birds' levels were all indicated as a question mark. This meant that
they were at least three levels above him.

He attempted to respawn in the Hidden Realm after dying. However, he could

no longer find the Wind Vortex. Therefore, he could only respawn in the

After him, many other adventurers also attempted to find the Wind Vortex, but
none had succeeded. It, therefore, became a legend.

On the discussion boards, the player had included a map. However, the vortex
shown on the map was nowhere as big as this one.

In the game, it was just a small vortex. According to the player, after jumping
down, a levitation spell was activated on his body, and he gradually floated into
the vortex. Over here, not only was the wind insanely strong, the jump was
much bigger too. What's more, there didn't seem to be any levitation spell

The light spell illuminated the surroundings, allowing Link to see the not-too-
distant stone wall. It was almost pitch black inside this pit, and every now and
then, violent wind blasted out from the darkness as if it were reminding them
that below it was empty space.

This truly was another underground space.

Link leaped forward, angling himself towards King Riel. Nana followed closely
behind. In mid-air, Link waved his wand at King Riel and cast, "Spatial

Riel momentarily stopped in mid-air. Link grabbed Nana's hand and instructed
Princess Milda, "Hold on tightly!"

Then, he released a Vector Throw behind him. Whoosh. Energy blasted out
from behind him, causing him to increase speed, reaching Riel's side.

Under the restraints of the Spatial Shackles spell, Riel was stuck in a very funny
position. He had assumed he was going to die, and in the last moments before
his death, he had retrieved his alcohol flask, intending to finish the rest of the
alcohol before dying. The alcohol was still flowing into his mouth when Link
reached him.

Link grabbed the dwarf's thick hand, flinging the alcohol flask aside. Then, he
canceled the Spatial Shackles spell.

Riel looked at Link and was so moved that he started crying. "Waaaah, Link,
Milda, waaaaahh. You guys are truly my best buddies, when I fell off the cliff,
you guys actually jumped off to accompany me in death. Waaaah, to have such
friends like you, it's all worth it. My life has been worth it!"

Link was speechless.

Princess Milda couldn't take it anymore. "Dwarf, there has never been a
Magician that has fallen to his own death before!"
"Hmmm, eh what? You mean, I won't die?" Riel suddenly realized what was
happening. He immediately started clapping. "Hahahaha, I'm not going to die!
That was such a fright! Where's my booze, I'm gonna drink to celebrate!"

His hand was feeling around his belt for his alcohol flask, but it was nowhere to
be found. Link had long since thrown it away.

Link couldn't be bothered to deal with him. After falling for another short
distance, he shouted, "Careful! We're reaching the bottom!"

It was still completely black ahead of them, just like a black hole. The light
from the light spell was useless in lighting up the way. The ripples in the air
dude to the force of the wind were becoming even stronger, and the wind that
blew past their faces was like a sharp knife, cutting deeply into their skin. Link
immediately cast a Level-2 protective barrier on everyone.

Two seconds later, the four of them disappeared into the black hole. Just before
they disappeared, Link heard a clear voice from behind him.

"Don't run!"

He turned back to look and saw a vague black figure sticking her head over the

Shit. It's Saroviny. She's caught up!

Meanwhile, the four of them entered into the black hole, and it seemed like time
had stopped for them.

Link embraced Nana and Princess Milda in one hand, while in the other, he
grabbed on tightly to the dwarf Riel's arm. In that instant, he felt like his mind
blanked out. Besides the feeling of constantly falling downwards, he could not
see or feel anything. Neither could he move his body. At some point, the light
spell also winked out.

This feeling was like a ghost crushing you while you slept at night. It was very

That player's description was nowhere near as frightening as this. Who knows if
this vortex will lead to the same Hidden Realm as in the game.
After falling for an unknown period of time, Link could vaguely make out some
light in front of him. It got brighter and brighter until finally, the four of them
appeared high up in the sky. Beneath them was an endless sea of clouds, while
above them hung the brilliant sun. Birds flew through the clouds like fish
swimming through the sea.

This was exactly as was described in the game.

Link let out a sigh of relief. It seems like he had entered the Hidden Realm.

He immediately cast a levitation spell onto everyone, letting them descend

slowly from the sky.

"What is this place?" Riel asked in surprise.

Princess Milda pondered for a moment, before saying, "I believe we have
reached the world of Aragu!"

"Aragu? As in the disappearing continent?" Link asked. He was shocked. This

was a name that was not unfamiliar to him. He did not know of this place in the
game. Rather, it was during his time in the East Cove Higher Magic Academy,
when he was flipping through the library archives out of boredom that he came
across this name. It was in a book called The Continental Adventure Guide.

In the book, it was said that in the ancient past, Firuman was a lot bigger than it
was now. At that time, there was a strong and knowledgeable race, known as the
Aragu. They occupied Firuman's most beautiful landmass, creating an
incomparably strong magic empire, producing many illustrious, famous magical

However, amongst these magical works, there was one incident that happened.
In the midst of that incident, the magic went out of control, and the resulting
explosion caused the Firuman continent to break apart into many smaller pieces.

After the incident, Firuman was split into many pieces. The current Firuman
continent consisted of the largest piece. The Isle of Dawn was another small
piece of land that broke off. According to legend, there was another large piece
that drifted off towards the east. Because of the treacherous sea waves and wind,
all adventurers that had gone out in search of this continent had lost their lives.
In the end, none had brought back concrete evidence of another land.
No matter what, after that incident, the Aragu people and their empire
disappeared. The only traces they left behind were stories in the history of some
of the tribes in the current Firuman continent.

Link had always treated this as a myth and did not pay it much heed. Princess
Milda, however, was a High Elf. The High Elves were an ancient race, and
Princess Milda would not talk nonsense without having any basis for her words.
Therefore, Link still trusted her words.

Princess Milda surveyed their surroundings, picking up some clues. She pointed
to some of the birds flying through the crowds, saying, "Look there, at those
birds. Their wingspan is over 30 feet long, their beaks are bright red, long, and
sharp like a spear. No such bird exists on Firuman now. However, I've seen
fossils of this kind of birds in the museum on the Isle of Dawn. Based on the
research by historians among my tribe, these red spear birds lived over 100,000
years ago and were extremely ferocious birds of prey…"

"Hold it, you said, birds of prey?" Link immediately interrupted. He

remembered that in the game, the other player had died from being pecked to

Princess Milda also realized Link's concern. They were about half a mile from
the nearest cloud. The red spear birds had yet to notice them, but at the rate they
were descending, they would soon encounter the birds.

The dwarf rubbed his forehead. "I hope these birds don't give us too rough a
welcome. My old bones can't take it anymore."

As Riel was starting to feel a headache coming, they heard a sharp voice coming
from above them.

"Don't run! I'm gonna get you!"

Link looked up and saw Saroviny just above their heads, rapidly catching up to
them. What made matters worse was that Saroviny had a pair of dark purple
wings extending out of her back. Needless to say, these wings were inherited
from her father's fallen angel bloodline.

Fortunately, amidst all this misfortune, Saroviny had come alone.

Yet, even this was enough to give Link a hard time. He did not dare to get
tangled up with her. Making use of the distance between them, he did not
hesitate to use a Dimensional Jump to get further away.

Whoosh. A column of white light appeared, and Link and the others vanished
from their original spot. A moment later, they re-appeared below the cloud.
From there, they could see dense forests covering the land. At the same time,
the red spear birds had noticed them.

Caw, caw! Immediately, the red spear birds chased after them.

Link had no time to play with these birds. He immediately activated another
Dimensional Jump to teleport to the ground.

The forest here was very different from that on Firuman. The trees here were
extremely tall and thick. Every tree was at least 30 feet wide, reaching a height
of 600 feet. Even the grass and vegetation were ridiculously huge.

Beside where they landed was broadleaf grass. The grass was, in fact, bigger
than a banana leaf by about three times. The way it drooped down made it look
like a natural shelter.

"What kind of shitty place is this? Look at this worm, its teeth. It could almost
bite off my entire leg!" Riel whined, using his war hammer to smash a worm the
size of a cat.

"Look up, the demon is being attacked by the red spear birds!" Princess Milda
pointed out.

Link saw it too. As Saroviny chased them through the clouds, the red spear birds
also noticed her and started to pursue her.

Link's eyesight was excellent, and he watched how Saroviny drew out her knife
to slash at the red spear bird. As her blade collided with the bird's beak, it let out
a harsh clang sound, causing sparks to fly out. However, the beak was not
damaged at all. After being dazed for a moment, the red spear bird immediately
resumed its pursuit of Saroviny.

Link had no time to admire the strength of this predator. "This is a good chance,
she won't be able to escape for a while, let's use this chance to get away!"
The four of them ran through the mysterious forest. After a few minutes,
Saroviny was no more than a black speck in the sky. It wasn't because Link's
party was traveling quickly. Rather, Saroviny was chased far away by over ten
red spear birds.

This was truly a frightening place.

Link kept his senses on full alert as he slowed down his pace. As they passed
another giant tree, all of a sudden, ten people appeared out of the vegetation.

Their clothes were all tattered, as though they were simply wearing rags. They
were thin and gaunt and had sharp noses, looking almost like humans, but
possessing sharp ears like those of elves. It was perhaps more accurate to
describe them as elves rather than humans.

After jumping out, one of them pointed a long spear at Link, speaking in a
strange language that consisted of lots of howls.

Link could not understand, but the system helped him translate what the other
party was saying.

Basically, this was what was being said. Dear friends from afar, you came from
a distant place and met with me. This is the grace that the lord has showered
upon me. I must reciprocate this grace. Therefore, I will use all my strength to
destroy you and take all your possessions, enjoy your women and beat up your

"Isn't this simply robbery?" This was Link's first time hearing such eloquence
prior to a robbery.

Link could understand what he said about women, but as for children…?

What children? Don't tell me, it's Riel?

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Chapter 375: Aragu Empire

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mysterious forest

Dwarf Riel held two battle axes and muttered to Link, "These are the poorest
elves I've ever seen. Master Link, do you know what they're talking about?"

They were indeed poor. Not only were they thin as bags of bones, but their
clothes also couldn't cover their bodies. Some only had a piece of hide while
others just wrapped leaves around their waist. The one who jumped out was in
the best state. Other than the fur hide, he also had a metal spear and a damaged
metal ring around his neck.

Link activated the Dragon King's Fury magic sword in preparation. "I can't
really understand. I think it's a dialect, but it seems they're here to rob us. Milda,
can you understand?"

Unexpectedly, Milda nodded. "They're speaking the ancient elven language, a

really ancient one. I'll cast a Consonance Spell."

Consonance Spell

Level-2 Secret Spell

Effect: The receiver of the spell will instantly learn the elven language.

(Note: Spell unique to the elves.)

She lightly tapped Link and Riel with her want. Two thumb-sized balls of light
melted into their bodies. A few seconds later, they could understand the
screaming of the elven robbers.

"Brother, I think they're Magicians!" an elf whispered to the leader.

"The leader seems to be from Aragu. From his clothes, he looks to be a noble,"
another robber said.

The leader lost confidence. He waved his spear and said to Link, "My friend
from a faraway place, I've decided to let you go this time. Leave your wealth
behind and go."
Link was curious about this world; they seemed to all be really powerful. For
example, these robbers were extremely thin, but from their auras, the weakest
was at Level-4. The leader was even at Level-6.

That wasn't too strong, but they were robbers in the lowest class. If there was an
elven kingdom here, the strongest would be impossibly powerful.

The leader was losing patience but didn't dare act brashly. Brandishing his
spear, he urged, "Hey, say something. Are you gonna give or not?"

Link thought for a moment and quietly took out a few dozen coins. He squeezed
them and cast an enchantment, melting all the coins into a fist-sized block of
gold. Then he flicked his finger while activating the Magician's Hand. The gold
slowly floated towards the leader.

"We are just travelers from a faraway place. Coming here was purely
coincidental. We want to know the specific situation inside. Who is the king?
Who does this land belong to? Are there any cities nearby? If you answer, this
gold is yours."

Gold was clearly also the currency in this world. When it appeared, the elves all
stared unblinkingly at it. It seemed that gold was quite valuable.

When the gold flew beside the leader, he reached out to take it. But there was a
soft sound and the gold stopped moving. Link had used Spatial Restraint and
added 1000 Dragon Power points, making the spatial frequency very high.

The leader grasped the gold to tug it back. But no matter how he tried, the gold
wouldn't move. It was like it was stuck there. He activated Battle Aura, and his
body shimmered. He used all his might, and his face turned black and red. He
even yelled loudly, but the gold still wouldn't move. He hung all his weight
from the gold, but it wouldn't even budge.

The trick was marvelous and incomprehensible.

The other elves looked at Link with terror. The leader seemed to sense
something. He shuddered a bit and let go from the cold. "Friend, is that for
real?" he pushed on. "If I answer the questions, this gold will be ours?"
He didn't mention the robbery anymore. Only an idiot would try to rob someone
so powerful.

"Of course. After my questions, this is yours."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you now. We're in the Great Beast Forest as you can see,
everything is huge. But we're at the edge, so it's not that dangerous. Go east
from here for 30 miles, and there's a small town called Spring Leaf Village. The
lord is the Bloody Butcher Balha. The Spring Leaf Village is a small place of
the Aragu Empire… Oh, right, let me tell you, we're in the Aragu Empire right
now. There's no king, just an emperor. The emperor is Calagu XVI. He lives in
the City of Gold."

The robber rambled on. Link's group learned a lot about this world.

"You said that this gentleman looks like an Araguan noble," Milda said. "What
do Araguans look like?"

The leader looked at Milda and was mesmerized. However, he was scared of
Link, so he quickly looked away. Then he said fiercely, "The Araguans are
similar to us from Lagu, but their ears are different. They have round ears like
this gentleman. They enslave us Laguans!"

With that, he turned to Link and said, "Sir, I must remind you that your slave is
too beautiful, like the moon in the sky. You should cover her up, or else people
will come to take the moon. It'll be really, really troublesome then."

Link didn't expect that the elves would become slaves. It was so interesting.

Milda didn't find it odd though. She covered her face with a veil and then put on
a hat. At the same time, she whispered an explanation to Link. "In our historical
records, the ancient Araguans were extremely powerful. They ruled over most
races in the continent. In addition to my face, the dwarves and Yabba were all
slaves. I think that not only did we teleport, we also time traveled. We've
returned to ancient times."

Link had this feeling too, but it was all a guess now. He needed more
information to prove it.

"What year is it?" he continued asking.

"Year?" The leader was confused.

"Epoch. What epoch is it?" Link tried again.

The leader was still confused. He thought for a while, scratching his head, and
said, "You're probably asking about the Aragu calendar, right? It's the year

The Aragu calendar was nothing like the later Holy calendar. As for year 3162,
there was no reference number, and this number had no meaning.

"It seems that we're in a new world," Riel said softly.

"That's possible, or we just came to a new land or realm. Or we traveled through

time. We can't get much information from the robbers, and we're short on time.
Let's go to the Spring Leaf Village."

It would be best if they time traveled. Otherwise, they only had two months.
Within the two months, they must find reinforcements and return to the Orida
Fortress. That was their mission.

The three nodded seriously.

Link canceled the Spatial Restraint on the block of gold. "It's yours."

The gold dropped down, and the leader caught it with two hands. A smile
bloomed on his face. The gold was the size of a fist. It was enough for them to
live off of for half a year.

Link's group turned and left, walking eastward.

Seeing them leave, an elf asked quietly, "Brother, should we tell them there's a
group of Blood-eyed Robbers on that road?"

The leader smacked his head. "Shut up! He didn't ask, so we won't say it. Why
should we look for trouble? Come, let's go to Spring Leaf Village to buy a goat.
We'll feat."

"Yeah!" The elven robbers were immediately in a good mood. All of them
started drooling.

The other side

Plop! Saroviny rushed into the hole of a large tree. As soon as she entered it,
there was a series of tut-tuts. The flock of strange birds arrived and started
pecking at the tree. Thankfully, the tree was strong. Even though wood splinters
flew crazily, it protected Saroviny inside.

The birds went crazy around the tree for a long while, cawing for a whole half
hour before leaving unhappily.

Inside the tree, Saroviny clutched her chest, still unsettled. What place is this?
It's too scary!

The birds actually had Level-8 strength, and there were many of them. At first,
only a dozen attacked her, and she didn't mind. She even killed some, but it was
like hitting a beehive. Hundreds came all of a sudden.

She was frightened and could only escape frantically. After a while, she finally
discovered the tree. She ran with all her might into it and escaped.

Relieved now, she suddenly heard a hiss. Turning around, she saw a black
spotted snake thicker than her waist inside the tree. Its eyes were green and
about the size of her fist. They were like two will-o-wisps.

Seeing Saroviny turn around, the snake hissed again. Then there was a poof, and
green mist sprayed towards Saroviny's face.

She reacted quickly and immediately held her breath. Simultaneously, she
activated her demon power and blocked the mist.

But the snake reacted quickly too. During this, it curled and wrapped around
Saroviny. Then it started squeezing, instantly stealing Saroviny's breath. The
snake was abnormally powerful, and she couldn't struggle free. Both her hands
were entangled and couldn't move.

No, I'm going to die like this! Gritting her teeth, Saroviny screamed. Demon
power spun wildly and exploded!
Boom! With a muffled boom, the snake swelled up and fell down from
Saroviny's body.

Ack, this mist is so poisonous! Saroviny was in bad shape too. To use her
power, she had to take a breath of the poison. Now, she felt dizzy. Everything
doubled in her vision. After struggling, she actually lost consciousness.

When Saroviny woke up again after some time, she found herself in a small
cage. It hung on some long-haired demon. There were many other cages on the
demon, all filled with people. Most were elves, but there were also dwarves.
The snake had now been skinned and was being grilled over a fire. Humans
dressed in leather hide sat around the fire, eating the snake while laughing.

They put me in a cage. How horrible! Saroviny's fury was about to explode, but
then she discovered that her power was sealed by something. She couldn't
control it at all. There was something cold on her neck. Touching it, she realized
it was a metal ring.

The ring had a mysterious power that locked all her demon power.

I'm…a slave now? Saroviny never imagined that she would be in this state.
Even scarier, she'd lost all power.

After a while, the humans had their fill. One walked towards the demon. He
tossed a bundle of hay to the demon, and it started eating quietly.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Saroviny yelled.

The human heard. He walked over and looked at the cat-like black-haired girl.
He reached into the cage and patted the girl's cheeks with a smile. "Pretty girl,
don't be scared. When we get to Spring Leaf Village, I'll sell you to a good
home. You'll have a good life."

Saroviny tried to bite the hand, but there was a crack. She missed. The human
retracted his hand, fast as lightning.

"Kitty, you have to change your attitude. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time in
the future." The human was still smiling but stopped paying attention to
Saroviny. He walked to his bedroll by the fire and fell asleep.
Saroviny stared at him in shock. The reasoning was simple: a slave trader in
such crude leather had Level-9 power!

This world was terrifying!

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Chapter 376: This Place Was Really Shitty

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hiss hiss. From deep in the grass came a soft hiss and suddenly, a figure flew

"That seemed like a person," Riel said, tiptoeing. He shaded his eyes with his
hands as he looked at the direction he saw the figure disappear in.

He was roughly only about four feet tall, and the grass was a bit taller than him
at four and a half feet. Despite all his efforts to make himself taller, he still
could not see past the grass.

"Nana, catch him!" Link ordered.

He had seen it too. After getting his Dragon Power, his eyesight had improved
greatly. He had seen the figure in a grey leather armor and a mask. The figure
looked highly skilled.

That figure appeared in the forest, leaving no traces. After it saw them, it turned
and disappeared. That was very suspicious, and Link had to find out why.

Nana immediately put down Princess Milda before shooting towards the figure.
Half a second later, Nana had crossed a distance of 900 feet and had caught up
to the figure. She stretched out her hand to grab onto him.

That person's reaction was instantaneous. He ducked, rolled on the floor and
jumped up, turning back with dagger in hand. His body flashed and all of a
sudden, he had his dagger stabbing towards Nana's neck.
Clang. Nana withdrew her Breakpoint dagger and countered, slicing through her
opponent's dagger. Then, she punched towards the figure's head.

That person was shocked. Nonetheless, he reacted and blocked Nana's arm,
retaliating with a punch towards her chest.

Nana retreated backwards, dodging his punch, then shot forward once more,
stabbing with her dagger.

Unexpectedly, he dodged again. Although he had lost his dagger and was at a
disadvantage in a fight with weapons, he was still able to fight back. He
crouched low, punching, clawing, and kicking at Nana's lower body. Every
strike was extremely vicious.

Nana had never faced an attack like this before. In the face of this attack, she
could only dodge and retreat. Even though she held her dagger in her hand, she
was unexpectedly on the receiving end of the attacks.

Bamm. Suddenly, a dimensional ball exploded, stopping the enemy in his

tracks. Link had arrived. However, immediately after that, the person's body
shone with white light. Link felt his Spatial Shackles becoming unstable as the
person struggled to escape.

Link was shocked. This person has to be Level-8 at least. This is ridiculous.

Nana had charged back in, landing a punch in the person's belly, knocking him
to the ground. Then, she stepped heavily onto his head, preventing him from

Link, Princess Milda and Riel walked towards the person, expressions of
surprise and shock on their face.

"This fellow wearing tattered leather armor is actually a Level-8 expert?" Riel
asked, eyes wide. He almost couldn't believe what he was seeing.

What kind of shitty place is this? A regular thief was a Level-6 expert. Then, a
random suspicious looking fellow appeared and he was Level-8. Unfathomable!

Princess Milda carefully assessed this person. He was about 30 years of age and
wore a mask that hid all his features. However, his ears were sharp and pointy,
although not quite as sharp as an elf, but just a bit more rounded. She turned
back to look at Link, saying, "This is a Halfling."

Link used his Magician's Hand to remove the person's mask.

His looks were ordinary. He didn't have the same features as other Halflings. On
his forehead, in between his eyes was a tattoo, a blood red eye. From afar, it
looked like a third eye.

Although his head was being stepped on, his expression was twisted with
hatred. He squinted at Link and laughed coldly. "Magician, don't even dream of
leaving the Great Beast Forest!"

He spoke in the same elven language as the thief from earlier. Link and the rest
could naturally understand.

Link frowned as he asked, "Are you together with those bandits?"

"Nonsense! I am from the Blood Eye Mercenaries. I'm a mercenary. You guys
better release me quickly, otherwise, you'll regret ever coming to this world."

Riel laughed coldly. "Hmph, bandits are bandits. Once you open your mouth,
you give away your identity. Sir Link, let me smash his arm with my hammer,
he won't talk so much nonsense after that."

Who would have thought that the bandit actually laughed at this. "Hahaha, Sir?
With such weak magic, you actually call him sir? Hilarious. Little dwarf, if you
are lucky enough not to die, you can visit the Yellow Golden City. This
Magician won't amount to anything there."

Even after he was captured, he was still as arrogant as ever and did not tone
down his taunting. It was as though he knew Link and the others wouldn't dare
to do anything to him.

Evidently, Link and the rest weren't worth anything in his eyes.

Riel was infuriated at his words and was about to attack him.

Link stopped him. From what had happened, he could feel that this world was
not simple. At this moment, he laughed. "Sir is just a title we use as a joke
between ourselves. We're just passing through and we're sorry to have disturbed
you. This is just a misunderstanding. What say you forget about all this?"

"Hmph, it's too late for that now!" He laughed coldly, then stared at Princess
Milda. "Legu woman, there's no use hiding. I could smell out a beauty like you
no matter how you hide. Heehee, my leader will surely savor you."

This caused the three of them to frown.

For a scout to possess Level-8 strength would mean that his leader must be
incredibly strong as well. He would definitely be at least Level-9, right?

Riel grumbled, "We just escaped a wolf, but find ourselves in a tiger's den. How

Princess Milda looked at Link. "What do we do now?"

Link was silent. He was considering his options.

The scout had seen that Link was the leader. He smirked as he said, "Are you
thinking of killing me to keep me silent? My Blood Eye Mercenaries take
vengeance very seriously. If you kill me, they will definitely seek you out and
then use the most horrible methods to torture you for a hundred days!"

In the past, he had always used his mercenary troop name to scare people.
Anyone who heard that would immediately release him and escape for their

However, he had ran into the wrong people this time.

After hearing his words, Link immediately gestured towards Nana. Nana used
force to stamp down on his head, and the scout's head exploded like a
watermelon. The blood splattered all over the ground.

Since they had already provoked the enemy and there was no way to avoid the
trouble, then they might as well do a clean job of killing them. As for this
fellow's threats, this was something to worry about later. They would deal with
whatever came later.

Link threw out a dimensional ball, and softly said, "Rend!"

Zaaap. The scout's body soon turned into a crystal like white powder.

After having done all of this, Link said, "Legends say that in ancient times,
Legendary figures were common. It seems like we've returned such a time. In
here, we cannot rely on such a strength anymore. This means that things are
only going to become more dangerous."

He then said to Princess Milda, "Disguise yourself well, make yourself look as
ugly as possible. Riel, your hammers and armor look too valuable, hide them
and wear plain armor. I've got to hide my wand too. This sword…"

Before he finished what he was saying, the Dragon King's Wrath sword
suddenly turned dull. The dragon-like scales on the sword became ordinary
looking lines. It looked like a regular factory-made sword.

"Seems like I can still use this," Link said.

The reality was right in front of them. Riel and Princess Milda didn't argue
further and immediately got to work.

Riel's armor clanked as he took it off and changed into his most ordinary armor.
As for his weapons, he took out a large iron hammer from his dimensional

"This was the hammer I used when I was training, never thought I'd use it
again," Riel reminisced, moved.

Princess Milda was a woman and still had to care about her modesty. She
walked behind a large leaf to change, speedily taking off her outfit.

As this was happening, Link asked the Dragon King's Wrath sword spirit.

Is this the ancient century?

The sword spirit replied, although a bit hesitant. "It is somewhat similar, but not
quite. Do you feel that? The Mana here is thick and bountiful, at least ten times
more than on Firuman. It is higher than it was even in my time."

Link was now a bit confused. Have you heard of the Aragu Empire?
"I've heard about it before but I can't remember clearly."

There was no point in asking anymore. Link only became more and more

About five minutes later, Princess Milda emerged from behind the grass.

She wore a simple pale green leather armor which looked simple and not very
eye-catching. However, upon closer inspection, you would discover that the
armor was more than it seemed.

Princess Milda also let down her braided hair, changing to a simple ponytail.
Still, it could not hide her beauty, from her light purple eyes and flawless skin,
sharp features and her diva like figure.

She simply could not hide her beauty and brilliance. Even if a female goddess
dressed in simple clothes, she would still be a female goddess. In fact, it gave
her a simple charm.

King Riel shook his head. "No, no, no, Princess Milda, you'll give us away like

Princess Milda replied in frustration, "This is already the outfit I like the least.
There's nothing worse."

She was a princess, well-respected by everyone. Every single one of her outfits
was worth 100 gold. This was her cheapest set of leather armor, but it was still
worth over 50 gold. She simply didn't own any simple common clothing.

Link also didn't have any. He was no longer the poor simple Magician from the
past. He was the Lord of Ferde, a great Magician. His clothes were similarly top

Riel was the King of the mountains. With that kind of status, how could he wear
torn and tattered clothing?

As much as the three of them tried to change into something common, it could
not hide the truth from people with keen eyes.
Link also could not do anything about it. "Let's just go on like this. We'll try to
stay as hidden as possible. We'll decide what to do when we get to Spring Leaf

In order to avoid danger, the four of them moved inconspicuously, carefully

proceeding eastwards.

Fortunately, they didn't meet any unexpected situations on this journey. After
walking for about half a day, they reached a stone wall that was 60 feet high.
This entire wall was made out of anti-magic rock. Both sides of the wall were
guarded by soldiers. The guards wore seemingly normal battle armor, but they
themselves exuded an aura that was exceedingly shocking.

King Riel eyed them, swallowing his saliva. "This is Spring Leaf Village? It has
a 60-foot-tall stone wall and such strong guards guarding the city wall!"

He instinctively felt that the soldier could kill him with one slash.

Link could accurately gauge the opponent's strength. He reported, "Level-8

strength, two of them."

Riel was beginning to miss the demons in Firuman. At least those demons were
a low level and easy to deal with, even though they were numerous beyond
compare. He, the King of the Mountains, could barely deal with mountain

Princess Milda sighed. "We're just nameless pawns now."

Even as she sighed, the four of them caught sight of a huge beast. On the beast's
back hung cages filled with people as it swaggered towards Spring Leaf Village.

Link casually glanced over, then blink and focused his gaze once again on one
of the cages. "Look, over there. That demon has been captured."

As they looked over, they found that, indeed, in one particular cage, there was a
black-haired young woman hugging her legs as she knelt on the wooden cage
floor. Her face was extremely depressed and down-spirited.

Hey, wasn't that the one that had chased them to death? The demon commander
famed for being half a step into the Legendary realm.
"Hmmm…" Riel looked at Link with a serious concerned expression on his
face. "There is too many people on the road up ahead. Let's steal some normal
looking clothes. These clothes make me fearful.

This place was really shitty. Just within half a day, they had been eyed by other
people more than twice. It was the feeling when a weak young woman walked
naked into a pirate den. Just thinking about it was enough to make people too
afraid to fight.

Princess Milda's heart was jumping right out of her chest. "I need to touch up
my disguise. This is too dangerous!"

Even a Level-9 demon was captured.

Link nodded his head. "Yes, let's go steal some clothing."

In the mountain forest

Two halflings appeared, standing around a pile of white powder. One of the
Halflings carefully studied the pile of white powder. After a while, he stood up.
"This was done by a Magician. They have four people, two male and two

"Rohan cannot die in vain. Ollie, report this to the chief. I'm gonna circle around
and see if I can get any leads."

"Okay," said the other, as he turned and ran into the distance.

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Chapter 377: The First Legendary Magician

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Scrape, scrape.
Riel dragged the fourth unconscious passerby into the tall grass beside the road
to the Spring Leaf Village from the Great Beast Forest.

This passerby was a rare fat man. He wasn't too tall either—barely past 5'3'' and
wore a short dirty flaxen robe. Riel removed the clothing and put it on himself.
While doing so, he muttered, "I, the King of the Mountains, have become a
robber. What did I do in my past life to deserve this?"

He finally put the clothes on. The sleeves and pants were still too long. He
looked like a circus clown and had to roll the cuffs.

Link walked over. He tossed some coins beside the unconscious fatty and said,
"Alright, we should be able to go to the town now."

Right now, Link wore an old cowhide armor. He had a plain red craft sword at
his waist. His hair was messy and tied carelessly behind him. Nana wore
patched leather armor. She'd put away her elegant Epic swords and only held
the Breakpoint dagger that Link had modified.

Milda looked the most different. She lowered her hair and mussed it up.
Forcefully bearing the disgust, she rubbed dirt in her hair, face, neck, and every
other patch of bare skin. She wore a short dress and baggy pants that regular
women wore. There were even two ugly patches by her butt.

The dirt covered the luster of her hair and skin. The baggy clothing completely
covered her beautiful figure. Now, she was a slightly attractive village girl.

"Okay, this should be enough. Let's go."

The four walked towards Spring Leaf Village. Though it was a village, it was
similar in size to one of Firuman's average cities. The roads outside the village
were wide and smooth. People passed to and fro. Most were adventurers and
looked like humans. There were occasionally elves and dwarves, but they either
had bronze rings around their necks or were dressed in rags. They looked utterly

Link's group's disguises were successful. No one looked at them strangely along
the road as if they were regular passersby.
At the entrance of the village, the guard looked at Link and then at Milda and
Riel. "Are they your slaves?" he asked.

"Ah…yes, my slaves." Link quickly reacted and nodded, following the guard's

"Why aren't they wearing collar rings?"

Along the way, Link had some idea of the customs here. Now, he nodded and
said, "I just bought them. I was preparing to put the rings on inside the village."

Surprisingly, the guard shook his head. "Slaves can't enter the village without

"Ah, then what should I do?" Link asked. He'd already seen that the guard had
rings hanging from his waist.

As expected, the guard took these rings off. "Three coins for one. If you don't
put them on, it'll be seen as your slave breaking the law! The Spring Leaf
Village has the right to punish all slaves breaking the law!"

It was only two copper rings; it wasn't that big of a deal. Link had the currency
used here, taken from the passersby they'd knocked out. However, he only had
two coins. He couldn't take out coins from the Norton Kingdom either and he'd
only taken a few dozens of those too. He secretly made a few golden nuggets
and gave it to the guard with the coins. "This is all I have. Is it enough?"

The guard wasn't too picky. Golden coins and nuggets were the same and Link
had obviously given more than needed. He weighed the gold and smiled,
handing two rings to Link. "Take them. Recently bought slaves are wild, and
you have to be stricter. Don't be a pushover!"

Stared at by the guard, Link had to put the rings onto Milda and Riel. Strangely,
the rings seemed just like regular copper rings, but once on the neck, they
immediately closed seamlessly. Milda and Riel's expressions turned odd, and
Link knew that something was wrong. But this was the city gate, and the guard
was there. He couldn't say anything and just walked in.

Inside the city, Milda said, "This ring is strange. My power is completely
"Me too, I can't use any Battle Aura!"

Link had checked the rings earlier. He hadn't noticed anything strange and was
surprised to find out it had this effect. Thinking a bit, he said, "After we find an
inn, I'll study this closely."

The streets of the Spring Leaf Village were similarly busy. People walked to
and fro, just like outside the village. Humans were the majority; there were
elves and dwarves, but they were all slaves. Each one wore copper rings; there
was no exception.

There was a variety of roadside stores—daily products, weaponry, armor, magic

equipment, and more. Link looked at a few magic equipment stores and
discovered the craftsmanship was similar to the present. Other than the method
and style of enchantments, there was nothing special.

Especially for material, the rare materials in Firuman were also rare here.

"At least we won't go hungry." Link had many rare materials in his dimensional
storage, as well as many coins. From the prices he'd seen, his stuff was worth at
least 10000 coins. They could live by selling material.

As they walked, a bookstore appeared. Link's eyes brightened. "Let's take a


Books were the best aid in quickly understanding this world.

The group walked in, but at the door, a human worker stopped them. "Sir, slaves
can't enter the bookstore. Have them wait outside."

Link knitted his brows. What was wrong with this world? Did they discriminate
against the slaves of other races so badly?

He was forced to say to Milda and Riel, "Wait here for me. I'll be out soon.
Nana, you wait for me too."

In the bookstore, Link walked around and quickly found The Encyclopedia of
Aragu. After paying, he walked out and said, "Let's go find an inn now."
Milda and Riel were pissed now but couldn't show their anger. This world was
too horrible to them; there was discrimination everywhere. Just then, they saw
an elf get beaten to death by his master. The surrounding people didn't bat an
eyelash as if it were a normal thing.

It was terrifying. They could only stick close to Link.

After walking for a bit longer, Link suddenly heard a strange conversation.

"Hey, did you hear? Magician Rockham is going to accept apprentices again."

"Psh, apprentice my ass. They just work for him and barely learn anything after
three years. It's a complete waste of time."

"That's true. I've never seen anyone stingier than Magician Rockham. He's a
complete slave to money!"

Link was interested. From these words, he received two important pieces of
information. First, Magician Rockham was an important figure and very
famous. Second, he didn't have a great reputation. He was stingy and lacked

In this strange place, any random mercenary was at Level-7 or Level-8. There
were a few at Level-9 too. As a foreigner, he didn't know anything and could
easily get into trouble. It would be much safer with support.

Thinking of this, Link walked towards the speakers. "Hello sirs," he said. "I am
a Magician from out of town. I'm not quite familiar with here… Did you say
that Magician Rockham is looking for apprentices?"

The two exchanged glances, and one laughed. "Foreigner, I'll advise you against
this. Rockham isn't easy to deal with."

"If you can learn anything from him, then you're this!" The other man gave him
thumbs up.

Link smiled and continued asking, "Can you tell me his address?"
One man pointed towards the village center. Chuckling, he said, "You don't
have to look around. See, the tall tower in the village center is Rockham's
factory of blood, sweat, and tears."

Link looked over. There indeed was a tall tower in a completely different style
from the Norton Kingdom. It was a round white tower, like a lamppost from
Earth. The tube was very simple.

When he looked back, the two were already walking away, chuckling. They
looked at Link as if he was an idiot.

Milda walked up and whispered, "Are you planning on relying on him?"

She was a princess and was most familiar with these tactics. She obviously
knew Link's motive after hearing his question.

Link nodded. "It's too dangerous here. They're so cruel to the slaves and are too
violent. They probably won't be too nice to humans either. We have no authority
or power here. If we get the wrong attention, it'll be bad news."

If this was Firuman, like in Creekwood Village, Link wouldn't have these
worries. In the Norton Kingdom, laws were still effective, but here, Link was
completely unfamiliar. He didn't feel safe at all.

Milda nodded. "That's the only solution."

It looked to be only two in the afternoon. It was still early, so they walked
towards the round tower in the village center. Spring Leaf Village wasn't too
big. After around twenty minutes, the group stood outside the tower.

Looking in from the fence, they could see that the tower was only a small
portion of the magic field. There were many other beautiful buildings and a
huge garden square. Many young Magicians walked on the square, all looking
stressed and frazzled.

"It looks like a magic academy," Milda said.

Riel was too short to see what was inside. His strength had been locked too so
he could only jump up and down. "Tell me what's inside."
Just then, Link suddenly felt someone looking at him. He turned around and saw
an old man with a pointed hat and white beard. Seeing Link look at him, the old
man asked with a smile, "Young man, do you want to learn magic from me?"

Link was completely shaken. He could feel an overpowering Mana aura from
the elder. It was almost endless. Standing beside him, it felt like a black hole.
The Mana's attractive force made one dizzy. It told Link clearly that this elder
was a true Legendary Magician!

This was the first mortal Legendary Magician Link had met after coming to

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Chapter 378: Hourglass Plane

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Spring Leaf Village

"Are you Great Magician Rockman?" Link asked.

The old man's smile widened. A glint appeared in his eyes.

Magician Rockman shook his head. "Young man, please don't call me a great
Magician. I'm still far from being a great Magician. However, I can see that you
have great potential! How about this, would you like to study magic from me?"

Link didn't rush to answer him. He waved his hands helplessly and said, "But I
have no money."

Rockman pulled Link's hand warmly. "Haha, why talk about money? I,
Rockman, have never asked for money from students learning magic. Come
come, follow me. Are these your slaves? Follow me… Oh hey! This is a magic
puppet! Not bad."

He dragged Link by the arm as he walked into the yard. When he reached the
yard, Link saw a person standing there.
It was a black-haired young girl. Her skin was fair, and her features were
delicate. On her neck was a slave collar, but Link immediately recognized her as
the demon princess Savoriny.

"This is??" Link jumped backwards in shock. Princess Milda and Riel also
retreated behind Link as though they were facing a strong enemy.

Rockman laughed as he introduced, "Her? She's a new slave a bought. Pretty

isn't she? Don't mind her, I'll gift her to someone soon."

As he said this, the white-bearded old Magician shouted, "Fu, Fu!"

Soon, a fat-faced middle-aged man walked out. This middle-aged man was also
wearing a slave collar. When he saw Rockman, he bowed and asked, "Master,
you called?"

"See this pretty lady? Send her as a gift to Great Lord Bal. Bring her away and
train her."

Newly bought slaves were unusable. They were disobedient and rough and
didn't know how to serve people. They needed to be trained. This was especially
so for a slave that was being given as a gift to a great lord. Such a slave needed
even more training so as not to lose face for the giver.

Once Fu heard that this was to be a gift for the Great Lord, he respectfully
acknowledged the order. "Master, rest assured. Give this slave three months, I
guarantee that she will be as tame and gentle as a sheep."

"Okay, go on," Rockman said, pleased.

Fu beckoned towards Savoriny. Although her face was bitter, she didn't dare to
resist. She obediently followed along.

Link and the others were shocked speechless. They simply couldn't believe that
this was the ferocious demon commander that they knew.

Princess Milda and Riel were even more afraid. They had slave collars on them
too. Could it be that there was no way to break the collar? Otherwise, why
would the demon princess still be so obedient?
Meanwhile, Rockman turned back to look at Link. "Young man, your two
slaves don't look like they have been trained. Would you like Fu to train them
for you? He's a great slave trainer."

Link hurriedly refused. "No thank you, I'm already used to them."

"Okay then. Come with me, let me find you your accommodations."

Link said, "Sir, could you arrange for my slaves to stay with me? I grew up with
them around and would like them nearby."

Rockman's face was neutral. "Haha, that's no problem. You decide what to do
with your slaves. I'll find you a comfortable place to your liking!"

He dragged Link along with him into the yard.

There was no reason for Rockman to be so welcoming. It seemed like he really

was looking for a student to teach magic to. Furthermore, he was surely
extremely stingy. However, for Link, that didn't matter. Link needed someone to
depend on to find a place to settle down and understand this world better.
Therefore, Link let Magician Rockman pull him into the yard.

Princess Milda, Riel, and Nana naturally followed behind Link.

Along the way, Link realized that although this fellow was old, he was still
strong. He seemed to be equivalent to a Level-7 Warrior. He also didn't use a
wand but a magic sword instead, just like Link.

The sword gave off a mysterious aura, something that could not be
underestimated. Surely, it was a Legendary weapon. However, its appearance
was crude, even pathetic. It looked like the work of a three-legged cat.

On his way in, Link also met many students of magic. However, none of them
were as welcoming as Rockman. Many of them look disinterested. In fact, there
were even those that looked over at Link with a sneer. There was a cold laugh
on their face, as though saying, "Look at that, another fool has been tricked by

Rockman pulled Link to a solitary stone building in the side of the yard. "Here,
this is yours. Doesn't it look comfortable?"
The stone building was about 860 square feet wide, with two floors. On the
upper floor, there was a balcony. Outside, there was also a small garden that
looked rather beautiful.

"It is beautiful. But I haven't even done anything!" Link responded. He turned
back to look at all the other Magicians. Once in a while, they would enter their
wooden huts. Compared to his stone building, the difference was just too great.

He wasn't a kid who would believe that a random old stranger would treat him
so nicely for no good reason. That person must have some kind of motive.

Rockman laughed. He pointed at the Magic Ring that Link wore. "Did you
make that ring?"

Link nodded.

"The handiwork is not bad. I'll give you materials and talisman blueprints. If
you help me create talismans, I'll teach you magic. What do you think?" So,
Rockman was attracted to Link because of the magic items he wore.

Whether it was the magic sword on his waist or the ring on his hands or even
the magic puppet by his side, they all looked flawless.

Perhaps the magic on these items wasn't particularly strong, but because of their
appearance, their value would increase by at least 50%.

To Rockman, as long as that person could help him earn money, that person was
a talent that deserved privileged treatment!

Link now knew his intentions. Link immediately agreed. "No problem! I just
wanted to learn magic from you."

"Great, great!" Rockman laughed uproariously. The wrinkles on his face

bloomed like a flower. "Truly a young man with determination! Here, this is a
Tier-1 talisman. See if you can do it."

Link received the talisman blueprint from Rockman. Princess Milda curiously
looked over, wanting to see the blueprint. Immediately, Rockman frowned and
shouted, "How unruly! Get back to your position!"
This was Princess Milda's first time being scolded like this. Her face was
flushed, but she could not talk back either. She bowed her head and retreated.

Link did not say anything to interfere. He simply continued looking at the

He realized that what Rockman called a Tier-1 talisman was actually not that
complex. The magic knowledge inside was similar to that of Level-4 magic on
Firuman. However, the way it was used and arranged was almost like that of a
Level-8 magic spell. It required huge amounts of patience and meticulousness.
The smallest mistake could ruin the whole talisman.

"This shouldn't be too difficult…" Link said.

"Not difficult? Hahaha, you're truly someone with talent. Young man, what is
your name?" This old man was one of a kind. It was only now that he asked
Link for his name.

"I'm Link, this is Mil…"

Before he could finish, Rockman interrupted him. "Don't tell me the names of
your slaves. Even if you did, I wouldn't remember them. How long would it take
you to finish the talisman? Is two weeks enough?"

Link was at a loss. They take two weeks for a talisman like this?

Before, Link would take about an hour for one talisman. After obtaining his
pure Dragon Power, he could maintain a state of high concentration for longer
periods of time. Three days was enough for him to craft one talisman. In
response to Rockman's offer of two weeks, Link thought for a moment before
saying, "Ten days is enough for me."

Unexpectedly, Rockman frowned and said, "Ten days? Young man, it's good to
be ambitious but do not be overly ambitious. How do you expect me to believe
your big words?"

It seems like two weeks was already a high expectation. This talisman would
take over two weeks on average. Link wracked his brains to find a suitable
reply. "Sir, ten days is the time I take if I expend all my energy. I cannot do it
for too long. I need to rest for a week after each talisman. So on average, it takes
me about 18 days."

"Oh, so that's how it is. There's no need to rush so, two weeks is fine. After two
weeks, if you give me the talisman equipment, I'll give you a Tier-1 magic book
and answer three questions on Tier-1 magic for you."

"No problem," Link agreed, nodding.

"That's good. Then I won't bother you. This is the key to your lodgings.
Everything has been prepared inside for you. There's also a special room for
doing talismans. You can begin anytime."

After handing the keys to Link, Rockman turned and left. On his way out, he
saw another student walking slowly. Rockman kicked him, causing the student
to stumble. "What are you wasting time for? You've got no talent and only
know how to skive. Hurry and help me wash the Winter Night Grass!"
Rockman scolded.

His attitude towards this student and Link were two worlds apart.

Riel whispered quietly, "Link, how confident are you? I feel that if you can't
complete what you promised, we'd be chased out after two weeks."

"Of course I'm sure. Let's go inside. I'll try to figure out what's the deal with the
collar," Link said.

After entering the room, Link began inspecting the collar.

He found that the collar had no seam lines to show where it was connected.
After knocking on it, it produced a thick sound that didn't seem like either metal
or wood. Furthermore, there were no talisman markings whatsoever on it. It was
as though it was completely natural.

"This workmanship is amazing," Link praised.

He gestured to Nana. "Try using the dagger to cut it."

The Breakpoint Dagger could cut through all items. It probably shouldn't have
trouble cutting through this three-ringed collar.
Nana was just about to use the Breakpoint Dagger to test out Riel's collar when
Riel immediately panicked. "Wait wait wait, stop! It hurts, my head hurts. Don't
poke at it anymore, please."

His face was pale.

Nana helplessly pulled back her dagger.

Riel let out a sigh of relief. "That was really scary. It felt like my soul was
tearing apart."

"It seems like this collar cannot be broken with force. No wonder the demon
commander was like a cat after being captured. I need to study this more."

Link was full of regret. If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have made
them wear this collar.

Princess Milda consoled him. "This isn't your fault. This is a new world, if we
don't wear this, we might not have even lived."

Riel also said, "Sir Link, there will be a way. Don't be anxious."

Link nodded. He opened the book he just bought, the Encyclopedia of Aragu,
flipping through the pages to understand more about the place.

At this point, a notification window popped up in his vision.

All this time, the system had been silent. Now that it appeared, it showed a

Anchor point in time has been discovered. Determining the current timeline.
Player is in an hourglass plane.

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Chapter 379: Hourglass Realm

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
"The Hourglass Realm?"

Link was taken aback. He'd never heard of this term—it didn't appear in the
game or in the books.

His vision flashed and an hourglass appeared. The top was labeled as the World
of Firuman while the bottom was the Aragu Realm. The narrow neck area was
marked with the Wind Vortex that they'd traveled through.

The two worlds are opposite one another yet are still connected. The current
known passageway is the Wind Vortex. From the results of the time anchor
calculation, time flows very quickly in the Aragu Realm. It's more than 100
times that of Firuman.

This cheered Link a bit. If time flowed that fast, he could stay here for one year
and it would only be three and a half days on Firuman. He didn't have to worry
about not having enough time. This way, he could focus on finding a way out of
the world.

"But how can it be so fast?" Link asked.

The Mana density of Aragu is 20.5 times higher than in Firuman. Life controls
great power and operates at high intensity, making time flow extremely fast.

Link thought about it but he still didn't understand it. Time was too confusing.
His abilities weren't at that level yet. However, the flow of time was only
meaningful to higher-level observers. The living organisms would feel nothing.
For example, Link didn't feel any difference from the World of Firuman.
Everyone was going at the regular speed.

"Then how come Aragu appeared in the ancient legends of Firuman? Why do
the elves, dwarves, and humans speak in the ancient elven language?"

There is not enough information to answer.

"Alright…" Link was helpless but knowing the speed of time now, he didn't
have to hurry. He had a lot of time to understand this world.

He opened the Encyclopedia of Aragu and started reading closely.

The book was also written in ancient elven and mostly described the customs
and conditions of the land. Milda and Riel had nothing else to do so they read as
well. As for Nana, she was playing with a small accessory on the table.

After reading for a bit, the three exchanged glances in shock.

There were many things in the book but it revealed clearly the Araguans'
superiority complex. They called themselves the "descendants of God" while
the others were "scum of the earth."

In Aragu, the elves, dwarves, and Northern Beastmen were even lower than
horses. They could be sold, killed, and humiliated at will, treated like tools.
Once a slave became sick, they would be killed immediately. Instead of burying
the body, it would be sold to a butcher. There, it would be cooked and fed to
hunting hounds, griffins, wolves, and other trained carnivorous beasts.

The encyclopedia also listed the prices of the different slave meats. Elves were
the most expensive because they were the most tender. Amongst them, meat of
elven girls was the most valuable. They were usually fed to the pets of nobles.
Dwarves were the cheapest. Their meat was described to be rough as sandpaper.
Even dogs weren't willing to eat it.

"That's too scary. These Araguans are so barbaric!" Riel exclaimed in fury.

"Sh!" Milda quickly shushed him. "Don't say that in the future. Someone might

Riel wanted to argue but Link said, "Her Highness is right. Riel, remember this
isn't Firuman. We have an important mission and nothing can happen to us!"

"Alright. This f*cking place!" Riel muttered. It wasn't that he didn't understand
what the others were saying. This place was just too horrible.

At this time, Link flipped to a passage about the slave collar ring. The three
started reading closely.

The book explained that the ring's scientific name was "Soul Shackle." It was
known as the most successful and powerful gear of the Aragu Empire. It was
created by one of the emperor's magic workshop, the God-given Wisdom. One
million are made annually. The cost isn't high but the effect is shocking.
The encyclopedia proudly declares that, this shackle is a gift from God. Perfect
and flawless, it is the scepter for descendants of God to rule the scum!

That was it. Other than a bunch of bragging, there was nothing useful.

"Damn Araguans!" Riel muttered again.

Thankfully, this book wasn't only bragging; there were also useful things, such
as descriptions of the world's power.

In this world, all power under the Legendary Level was known as Tier-1.
Legendary Level-10 was Tier-2. Legendary Level-17 of Firuman was Tier-9
here and Magicians of that level were known as Masters. Level-18 was Saint.
As for Level-19, that was almost God-like. It was the pinnacle of humanity and
was known as the Archmage!

In Aragu, there was currently one Archmage, three Saints, and 18 Masters. They
could easily destroy everything in the world. As for official Magicians, there
were countless. An ordinary little town could produce someone like Rockham.
Just imagine how many there were in the world!

After reading this, Link sighed. "No wonder the robbers laughed at us. The
Masters of Aragu are Legendary Level-17."

"I feel so weak after reading this." Riel plopped onto the ground. He'd wanted to
redeem himself and wait a few days before breaking free from his slave identity.
But the Aragu Empire was like a mountain with no seeable peak.

Milda was much more optimistic. "It's not all bad. Link, have you felt your
power increase much more quickly? Not even a day after being here, I've
already entered Level-8."

Her Mana had been at the pinnacle of Level-7. In Firuman, leveling up required
a good opportunity but she passed through it naturally here. Link could feel it
too so he checked his information.

Link Morani (Firuman Noble)

Level-8 Pinnacle Dragon Mage

Flawless Dragon Power Maximum: 7100

Dragon Power Recovery Speed: 18-110 points per seconds

Current Dragon Power Recovery Speed: 40 points per second

It hadn't even been a day but his Dragon Power had already risen more than 100
points. The speed was shocking.

"It's the same for me. I feel that I can break into Level-9 soon…I'm afraid the
demon commander will break into the Legendary state soon."

"So what? She's just a slave now," Riel leered. This was probably the only good

The encyclopedia was quite thick but the descriptions weren't too deep so they
finished it within half a day. They all had a general idea about Aragu. At least,
they won't do anything taboo when they go out now.

"I'm going to start with the enchantment now." Link took the paper towards the
enchantment room. "I prepare to make the bracelet on this paper. Milda, Riel,
don't go outside during this to avoid trouble."

"I'm too scared to go outside. It's too dangerous out there," Riel sighed.

"I'll clean up the room," Milda said.

"Okay. If you feel bored, you can come help me."

"Of course." Milda would love to do that. She wanted to learn Aragu's magic

Inside the enchantment room, Link found that there were many mid-level
materials here. There were also many tools that were similar to those in Firuman
and weren't too complicated. Link could use them after studying for a bit.

He placed the paper on the table and started working.

Link barely left the room in the next few days; he had people bring him his
meals. His magic bracelet came into shape bit by bit.
In order to complete within two weeks, Link purposely slowed down his speed.
This way, he had time to perfect the details and work more intricately on the

The first two days, Rockham would come check. After that, he was reassured
and left satisfied after saying some encouragements.

Two weeks later, Link completed the magic bracelet as expected. Putting it in a
wooden box, Link went to find Rockham.

He first went to the concierge to find guard Afu.

"Master is in the round tower. He said that you can go to him directly."

"Oh, okay."

Link walked straight towards the round tower. It was in the back of the
courtyard. Along the way, he would pass by the apprentices' dormitories, magic
workshops, the library, and other buildings. When he passed by a small yard, he
saw Demon Princess Saroviny by chance.

The yard was closed with a locked door. There were many beautiful girls inside
that Rockham bought to give to important figures as "gifts." Saroviny dressed
scantily. She had a bra and a semi-transparent muslin dress. One could see
through the muslin that she didn't wear anything under it. The details of her
body could be seen fleetingly. She even had a Mithril accessory hanging from
her belly button.

When Link saw her, she was learning a sexy dance with the other slave girls in
the yard. Clearly, she was not doing well; she kept making mistakes.

Crack! The whip fell onto her, making her stumble. A halfling with a slave ring
around her neck yelled, "Idiot! Is your body made of wood? Move your waist!
Shake your ass! I've never seen a slave as stupid as you. You should be chopped
up to feed the dogs!"

Without making a sound, Saroviny stood up and continued. Link was sure she
saw him but her eyes looked straight ahead.
Link was slightly relieved. At least this demon was completely submissive in
this world. He should be safe… No, this wasn't enough. He was mistaken as an
Araguan now and had a great advantage. He had to get rid of this girl.

With that in mind, Link walked towards the tower. Rockham was about to go
out and saw Link at the entrance. He smiled immediately. "What, did you finish
the bracelet?"

"Yes. Here you go." Link offered up the wooden box.

Rockham opened it. He glanced at it and his eyes brightened greatly. "Good!
Amazing! Perfect! This artistry is incredible! Tsk, this artistry deserves a spell
book as a reward. Come, come. Go to my library and choose any Tier-1 book.
And three Tier-1 questions are still free."

He was so excited. Looking at Link was like looking at a mountain of gold.

"Tutor," Link said politely. "Can I change my reward?"

"Oh, what do you want?" Rockham asked.

"I saw a slave girl in the yard, a black-haired one. Can I have her as a reward?"

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Chapter 380: Average Foundation but Incredible Vision

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"You want the slave girl?" Rockman was shocked.

"That's right. I've taken a liking to her," Link pleaded.

Rockman found himself facing a dilemma. Before seeing the magic bracelet, he
would have instantaneously rejected Link. The slave had cost him 1000 gold,
and she was meant as a gift for Great Lord Bal. Most importantly, he had
informed Lord Bal about the news and Bal was very excited. He couldn't simply
swap her out like this!
However, the magic bracelet was worth at least 300 gold. He would make a
profit of 200 gold, and could easily cover the cost of 1000 gold. He needed to
take good care of this golden goose that could help him earn big money.

Pondering the matter, Rockman decided on a compromise. "I can't give her to
you, she's been promised to Great Lord Bal. How about this, I'll let you have
any two others to your liking."

Link was stunned. He now knew who Great Lord Bal was. He was the lord of
this region of about 77 square miles. In Firuman, that would be the equivalent of
a Duke. His son, Bloody-Butcher Balha was the lord of Spring Leaf City.

Not only did Great Lord Bal have a high status, but his personal strength was
also terrifying. He was the strongest in the region and was a Level-15
Legendary Expert.

It was said that Bal was hot-tempered. He would kill over slight disagreements.
The slaves killed by his hand numbered over 5000. His nasty personality was
inherited by his son, Bloody-Butcher Balha.

No one would dare to provoke a person like this in the whole realm. Link's face
was immediately full of "disappointment," and he shook his head in regret. "It's
alright then, I'll go with the magic book."

Rockman let out a sigh of relief. "Haha, young man, if you want to go far in life,
you must properly study magic. Don't get caught up by lust. Come with me, I'll
give you two Tier-1 magic books. As for that girl, don't think about her
anymore. I'll get you another pretty one soon."

He opened the door to the circular pagoda and led Link inside.

The first floor of the pagoda was a spacious hall. Along its walls were
bookshelves, forming half a circle around the room. The shelves were stacked
with books.

"Here, the Tier-1 books are on this side. You already have some knowledge of
magic, so you can choose any two books that are suitable for you," Rockman
said generously.
Link nodded and walked towards the bookshelf. Rockman did not bother Link
while Link browsed through the books. He was engrossed with the magic
bracelet that Link had made.

It was a truly splendid piece of work!

He had only given the blueprints for the talismans to be built into the bracelet
but did not specify any shape or design. That was left entirely up to Link.

The final product was a simple, flawless circular band. However, the various
colors blended to create a magnificent scene of two Red Spear Birds locked in
battle. The birds looked lively and full of vigor, emanating the ferociousness of
a live bird.

He used magic to magnify the details and couldn't find a single flaw in all the
details. Even the wrinkles and curls along the birds' eyes could be seen, making
them appear extremely realistic.

He channeled Mana into the magic bracelet and felt keenly for the changes. He
could detect that the magic flowed smoothly into the bracelet, encountering no
hindrances or obstruction. The entire bracelet emanated a warm and rhythmic
magic aura.

This rhythm indicated that the magic formation in this bracelet was almost

Aesthetically pleasing and flawless, it was the most perfect thing ever. Rockman
found that even he himself was reluctant to part with it now.

This thing is truly unique, one of a kind. Rather than selling it, I could give it as
a gift to the Great Lord's daughter. She loves collecting these kinds of things to
play with. I'm sure she'll like it. Who knows, I may even be able to get a Tier-3
magic book as a reward.

By now, Link had decided on two magic books. They were The Basics of Magic
Analysis and Top Skills of Tier-1 Magic.

"Teacher, I've selected the books," Link said.

Rockman brought his attention back to Link. He looked at the magic books that
Link had selected and instructed, "You can bring these two books back with
you. Return them after two weeks. Also, here is the blueprint for the new
talisman, this time, I want a magic sword. Do you have confidence?"

Link received the blueprints from Rockman.

The basic formations in the blueprint were simple, although they were slightly
harder than the magic bracelet. They were equivalent to Level-6 magic.
However, the way they were arranged was also more complicated, roughly
possessing the complexity of Level-9 spells.

Link looked at it for a moment. He thought about it for a while. He knew that it
would only take him a week if he tried. He nodded and said, "Teacher, this is a
little more difficult. I think I will need three weeks."

Unexpectedly, Rockman was delighted. "Only three weeks? Great! Truly

someone with potential. Okay, you don't have to tire yourself out, I'll give you a

"Thank you, teacher."

Just then, Fu appeared at the entrance to the pagoda. "Master, Lord Balha's men
are here."

"What do they want? Haven't I already given this month's medicinal tribute to
the army quartermaster?" Rockman frowned.

"It seems like the Great Beast Forest's Blood Eyes goons are up to something

Rockman's expression turned dark. He turned and said to Link, "Alright, you
may return. Good luck with your studies, and don't forget the sword!"

"I got it, teacher," Link nodded his head. He now knew what kind of people he
had provoked in the Great Beast Forest. The Blood Eye Mercenaries were
formed from a group of oppressed and outcast halflings. They were the scourge
of the Spring Leaf Village.
Their members numbered over 500, with 50 core members possessing over
Level-10 strength. Their chief was known by his name Blood Pupil and
possessed Level-13 strength. His strength was similar to Spring Leaf Village's
Balha and Magician Rockman.

It was said that Balha and Blood Pupil had fought before, resulting in Balha's
loss. If Balha hadn't escaped fast enough, he would now be dead.

"Go on," Rockman frowned. His mood was solemn.

Link left the pagoda. Before leaving, he saw Rockman walk away with a fully
armored soldier. The soldier seemed extremely sturdy. Standing there, Link felt
like he was an unmovable mountain.

Hmmm, another Legendary Warrior. Probably Level-10. Link thought. He was

starting to get numb.

In this world, the Mana density was high. It was easy for all living things to
grow. Without much effort, one could easily reach Legendary level. However,
there was a drawback. Perhaps because they gained strength too quickly, they
didn't have a good foundation and understanding of skills.

For example, among Rockman's students, there were many who possessed
enough strength to reach Level-6, however, because of a poor understanding of
magic, they were stuck at Level-2 and could only use a few simple spells.

Therefore, Link's control of magic was far greater than his peers of the same
age. In fact, in some ways, he was even superior to Rockman.

Of course, power was still power. With enough power, it doesn't matter even if
you had no skills. A simple punch could unleash incredible destruction. Link
would probably be killed by any random punch from Rockman. This was just
winning by force.

Thinking about this, Link was anxious to quickly raise his strength.

He followed the path back to his residence, passing by the slave training yard
along the way. He could see Saroviny still learning to dance. Then, he stared,
stunned. He realized that in just a short period of time, Saroviny had gotten
much better at the dance. Earlier, she was like a wooden block with stiff
movements. Now though, her body flowed like water, her limb movements were
supple and smooth. There was something about her that now captured people's

Did she have a change of heart?

At this moment, the halfling instructor praised. "Good, good. At least you're not
wasting your good looks. Continue working hard, considering your good looks,
I'm sure Great Lord Bal will treat you well.

Link's heart clenched. Bal ruled the lands around here. If Saroviny got his favor
and influenced him, wouldn't that become a great threat for him?

Link felt Saroviny's gaze and detected a trace of cold killing intent. The moment
he looked over though, the killing intent vanished and was replaced by a warm

Link knew that he wasn't mistaken though. He didn't tarry a second longer and
quickly headed back to his own residence.

In this world, he couldn't remain a small and unimportant person. He needed to

quickly become strong and create a name for himself so that Bal couldn't simply
kill him when he liked.

Over the next few days, Link entered his previous state of fervor when creating
the magic bracelet and began constructing the magic sword.

When he was free, he would study the two books of magic. Princess Milda
would look at the books with him. As for Riel, he would use wooden swords to
train against Nana.

After a few days, Princess Milda said, "The content in these books is somewhat
normal. However, the discussion about magic is very in-depth. This book on
magic analysis is still alright, it's about Level-8. This book on top skills,
however, is more difficult and requires at least Level-9 magic knowledge to be
able to make use of it."

"It is something like that. I've looked at it and gained a lot from it. Furthermore,
this is only a Tier-1 magic book in this world. After that, there's still the Saint
and Archmage level. There's no end to their field of vision," Link sighed.
After possessing enough strength, your field of vision would naturally increase.
Perhaps they might be lacking in some ways in their magic foundation, but the
world in their eyes was surely something that Link could never imagine.

Without standing on the mountain peak, you would never understand how wide
the view from the peak is!

Link tried his utmost to absorb the magic knowledge from this world.

Two weeks passed by in a flash. Link's magic sword was completed three days
ago. His dragon power now reached 7500 points, successfully pushing him to
Level-9 while Princess Milda and Riel reached Level-8.

Here, there were no barriers to increasing their strength. Naturally, they would
grow quickly.

Perhaps it was because there were no barriers to their growth which was why
the Aragu people considered everything under the Legendary Level as Level-1.

This day, Link was practicing the new magic knowledge he had learned when
he heard a clamor from outside the building. Something had happened.

As Link was still thinking about it, Riel's voice came from the second-floor
balcony. "Link, Link! Something's up. Rockman was carried back by some
people. His body is covered in blood."

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Chapter 381: Take All Opportunities!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With Rockham in trouble, Link couldn't stay indoors anymore. He could feel
that this was an opportunity!

After thinking, Link took out his finished magic sword. Placing it in the sheath,
he ordered, "Stay here and don't open the door for strangers."
"I know. We're not kids," Riel answered.

Taking the sword, Link left the house and jogged to Rockham.

When he got close, he saw Rockham lying on a stretcher. He was covered in

blood. There was a bloody hole below his liver. The bleeding had mostly been
stopped blood was still seeping out slowly.

Rockham was being taken to the round tower by two slaves. When he saw Link,
a weak smile appeared on his pale face. "Heh," he laughed at himself. "I'm old
now and got stabbed by that bastard without realizing."

As far as Link knew, there were no priests or healing spells in this world. If
Rockham's wound wasn't treated properly, it could be fatal.

The apprentices stood in the courtyard, watching from afar and muttering
amongst themselves.

"It's karma for this money-slave. I think he's going to get it this time!"

"I'm afraid the Bloody Butcher will find another stingier Magician after he

"How can he teach us magic if he's so injured? He promised to answer my two

questions last week."

They just watched without doing anything. Rockham was too stingy and mean
to them usually. Of course, Rockham didn't need them; he had many slaves.
Seeing Link beside him, he said, "You don't have to come. I won't die."

Link took down his wooden case with the sword. "Tutor, actually I already
finished the sword and was about to give it to you."

"Ah, you finished so quickly." Rockham was surprised, but he quickly smiled.
"Follow me then, but you'll have to wait. My wound still needs to be treated
carefully… Ah, that damn bastard was so cruel!"

Link followed Rockham's stretcher all the way to the round tower. When he
passed by the slave yard, he looked inside subconsciously. It was empty. The
slave girls didn't come out to practice today.
They quickly arrived at the tower. After entering, the stretcher was taken to the
second floor and inside a spacious bedchamber. Rockham was placed on the

The doctor that had followed them went forward. He cut open the bloody
clothing with practice and started treating the wound. The doctor's methods
were similar to surgeons from earth. He cut open Rockham's wound and used
very thin thread to sew the injury to Rockham's internal organs. Then he sewed
up the cut quickly.

After around twenty minutes, he was done with sewing. He also poured some
blue medicine on it. It sizzled softly, and many bubbles appeared.

Rockham grunted and his body tensed. Five seconds later, he felt much better
and let out a long breath.

"Lord," the doctor said. "You injured your intestines and bled a lot. You must
rest for three months. During this time, you mustn't work too hard. Otherwise—

Rockham lost his patience. Waving his hand, he said, "I know. It's not my first
time getting hurt. You may go and tell Balha about my injury. Say that I need to
rest but nothing will be delayed. Tell him to not bother me if it's not important."

In the Spring Leaf Village, Rockham was a Magic Official. He was responsible
for the magic affairs and had high status. This could be seen from how he spoke
to the owner of the village, Balha.

The doctor nodded. He collected his tools, left some bottles of medicine behind,
and left.

A few pretty elven servants came up. They carefully cleaned up Rockham's
bloody clothes and dirtied sheets. The room was soon tidied up.

During this, Link waited quietly in a corner, but he didn't waste time. He had a
book borrowed from Rockham and was reading seriously without making a
sound. When everything was taken care of, he put his book away. He stood up
and waited for Rockham with his arms lowered.
Fortunately, Rockham didn't forget about him. He patted his bed and said,
"Come, kid. Show me your sword."

Link took the sword out of the wooden case and offered it to Rockham with
both hands.

The sword had a sheath made from the skin of a python unique to Aragu. It was
brown-gray and wasn't attractive. Of course, the sheath was made as intricately
as always—there were no flaws.

Seeing this, Rockham nodded. "Good. A sheath that hides the sword should be
more low-key. This is interesting."

He looked to the hilt. There were many grooves for better grip. Holding it, it felt
a bit rough but also a bit soft. "It won't be slippery and can also absorb sweat.
You used soft magic steel, didn't you? You adjusted the property very well."

Rockham was already very satisfied by the sheath and hilt. He used a bit of
force, and the sword was unsheathed with a clang. The air in the room turned
cold as soon as the sword appeared. A couple of the elven servants around
Rockham let out soft cries and retreated involuntarily.

"Get out of here…a bunch of idiots ruining my mood…hmph." Rockham was

upset and spoke loudly, affecting his wound. He grunted again.

The elven servants scurried frantically out of the room. A young girl even fell
hard, hitting her head against the corner of a table. Blood flowed out of her pale
forehead. Without making a sound, she used all her limbs to get up and walked
out of the room dazedly.

The room quickly quieted down.

Rockham rested for a bit and pulled the sword again.

Clang! With only some power, the sword sang again. It was clear and high like
a dragon's cry. Rockham was a Magician, but he'd worked with all sorts of
magic gear and weapons. Hearing this, he couldn't help but praise, "I know it's a
good sword just from the sound!"
He slowly pulled the sword out. Pale white fog appeared on the blade. Under the
fog, the silvery-white sword seemed to turn into crystal. The room's temperature
dropped even more until the cold seemed to dig into one's bones.

Rockham praised again, "You were able to use the ice enchantment to this
extent. So amazing!"

The runes on the body of the sword were flowing and intricate. Not only did it
use the enchantment's effect to the extreme, but it also twisted around the sword,
creating an ancient and thick groove.

If not for the low level of the enchantment, Rockham would think that this was a
Master-level Legendary weapon!

He finally pulled the sword out entirely. As soon as it appeared, the room
glowed faintly, and the temperature dropped again. The sword's arc was smooth
and natural. It was light without a bit of murderous intent. The surface was
covered in a faint layer of even white light. Around the glow, snowflake-light
spots of light floated around.

Rockham studied the body, looking at the runes one by one. He grew more and
more focused, even forgetting about his injury.

After a long while, he sighed. "I can't believe that I'm able to see such a magic
sword before I die. Ah, what a pity. If only the enchantment was higher, at least
at Tier-3, I believe it can be sold for up to 6000 gold coins. Right now, it can
only be 2000 coins at most. Ah…"

No, he couldn't sell the sword. He should use it to forge more connections. With
his injury, he would definitely have to overlook some matters in the village.
Balha never liked him. Rockham had to use this sword to stabilize his status.

Lord Balha liked swords. Yes, this sword must be given to him. This sword
came at just the right time and solved one of his worries.

Rockham put the sword away and looked at Link. His eyes had become so
gentle as if looking at the love of his life. Link got goosebumps.

"Kid, your artistry is very good. Are you interested in becoming my student?"
"Student? Tutor, aren't I your student already?" Link looked confused, but his
heart was pounding. He knew his chance had come.

"Ah, that doesn't count. How is this being a student? It's just working physical
labor for me. But you're different. If you're my student, I will pass down my
magic print and tell the entire village. As my student, you can read all my books
at will, and I'll answer all questions for free. While I'm recovering, you can be
responsible for the magic workshop. What do you think?"

Rockham wasn't saying this casually. He hadn't disturbed Link, but after
receiving the magic bracelet, he'd kept an eye on Link.

The result was that this young man was a bit soft and was overly nice to his
slaves. People like that are easier to control. Plus, he had such great
enchantment skills. There would be many benefits to having a student like him.

As for being responsible for the magic workshop, Rockham had considered this
thoroughly. He'd seen two of Link's enchantments—the bracelet and sword. He
could see from the items that the man was careful and smart. There would be no
mishaps if he was in charge. Rockham could also lasso Link in like this. It was
two birds with one stone.

Link was surprised. He didn't expect all these benefits. Raising his head and
seeing Rockham's enthusiasm, he thought a bit and nodded. "Tutor, I am so

There were both pros and cons. The most obvious negative was that, after
becoming his student, their relationship would be very close. Rockham's bad
reputation would affect him heavily. There were many more pros than cons

More importantly, Link didn't have other choices. This was the best chance to
get a hold in this world. There was no reason not to accept.

Rockham clapped his hands and laughed. "Great. I didn't think that at my age, I
could find a true disciple. Heh, come, I'll add the magic mark for you!"

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Chapter 382: A Simple Matter
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Clang! In the fortress in the center of Spring Leaf Village, a fully armored
Warrior pushed open the door and walked into the main hall.

This Warrior was wearing blood red armor, a bright red cloak, and a helmet
with fire red feathers. Looking from afar, he was completely dressed in red.
When he walked quickly, he naturally gave off an extremely oppressive air.

He was Spring Leaf Village's lord, Balha.

"Master..." a young, elven slave rushed forward, wanting to help this Warrior
remove his armor as usual.


Balha's hand swung forcefully, his hand landing on the elf slave's face. Crack.
The body of this elf slave who was less than 17 years old stopped, his neck was
completely twisted around.

Without caring about this pathetic elf, Balha continued to walk forward until he
reached the seat at the very end of the main hall, then he finally stopped. He
shouted angrily, "Where are my slaves? Quickly come and help me remove my

Another two elf slaves approached cautiously, carefully helping Balha remove
his blood red armor.

This time, Balha waited patiently for his armor to be removed. Then, after his
armor was removed, he sat down. After a few seconds, he suddenly raged,
violently throwing the wood carving beside his chair onto the ground.

Crack! The wood carving broke into pieces, forming a large hole in the ground.
Balha roared, "Damned Laguans! Damned Blood Eyes! Don't let me catch you!"

This time, he personally led 1000 Warriors to clear the bandits. In the end, they
were ambushed halfway. Never mind that over a hundred Warriors died, even
Master Magician Rockham was stabbed by a sword and almost died.
Although he did not see eye to eye with Rockham, it was only an internal
problem within Spring Leaf Village. Now, Rockham was almost killed, and it
was because the Warriors did not protect him properly. This was a blow to his

Huff, huff. He sat on his chair, breathing heavily. His facial expression was
livid. The surrounding people did not dare to make any noise, especially the two
elven slaves who were afraid that they would end up like the previous slave if
they were not careful.

The atmosphere in the main hall was so heavy that it was difficult to breathe.

Clack, clack. At this moment, light footsteps sounded. After a short while, a
black-haired woman walked out from the main hall's back door. The woman had
skin as white as chalk and a round face with beautiful features. Wearing an
exquisite dress, she carried herself gracefully. When she reached the main hall,
she saw the slave who had been beaten to death. She frowned, looking at Balha
and said, "Lord, you vented your anger on others again?"

Weirdly, although Balha was originally in a rage, a smile actually appeared on

his face once he saw this woman. "My wife, I lost control for a moment; it was
not on purpose."

This woman was Balha's wife, Anlis.

Balha had a brutal personality, and people called him the Bloody Butcher. This
wife was the very reason why his brutal personality was always displayed
outside but hardly ever in his home.

Balha would fight and kill people as he wished, but for unknown reasons, once
he saw his wife, his temper would disappear, and he would not scold a single

The whole of Spring Leaf Village knew of this.

Since the person had already died, and it was only a slave, Anlis did not nag
Balha anymore after that.

"Carry him out and bury him," she said to an elven slave.
Once she appeared, everyone in the main hall let out sighs of relief. When the
elves heard her instruction to bring the elf out to be buried, they said gratefully,
"Thank you, Mistress."

If it were left to Balha, the elf would surely be taken to be chopped into meat
slices and fed to the dogs.

After the young corpse was brought out, Anlis sighed and sat down beside
Balha. Her discerning eyes stared at Balha. "Lord…"

Balha couldn't stand his ground under her gaze. He hugged his wife and said in
a gentle voice, "Call me Jon. Don't call me Lord. I've told you many times."

"Alright, Jon, I don't wish for the house to constantly be filled with blood. It
scares our child," Anlis said.

"Nonsense! My child would never be so cowardly… Alright fine, I won't do it

again, I swear!" Balha said. He had one arm wrapped around Anlis's waist,
while he raised his other arm to affirm his promise.

"Alright, I believe you," Anlis nodded. "Were those bandits that hard to deal

Once she raised this up, Balha's anger was stoked again. He was about to rant
and vent, but under Anlis's stare, he immediately quieted down. "That rabble has
no true ability, they're just like little rats scurrying about. My Warriors were
wearing heavy armor and couldn't catch them. Hmph! Tomorrow, I'll request for
100 black-robed soldiers from my father!"

The black-robed soldiers were Great Lord Bal's strongest soldiers. Every one of
them had minimally Tier-2 strength. In total, they numbered 3,000 strong. They
went through harsh training and had plenty of battle experience. They were the
sharpest sword in Bal's realm.

Anlis stroked Balha's face, and said softly, "Alright, calm your anger. It's not
worth flaring up over the bandits. In my heart, you, Jon, are the strongest
Warrior. You're the one my child, and I will rely on."
Balha felt happy. He felt like his heart was melting and he hugged his wife
tightly. However, in his heart, he swore. Laguan trash, just wait. I'll wipe the lot
of you off this planet.

The Great Beast Forest

The floor was covered in blood and gore. There were over 300 corpses. Two
hundred or more belonged to the halflings and elves, while about a 100 of them
were Warriors from Spring Leaf Village.

At the edge of this battlefield, there was a group of people scavenging through
the corpses. A large portion of them were halflings, while a few of them were

They retrieved all the armor and weapons they could find, especially when they
came across Spring Leaf Village Warriors. Even their underwear was not

Among these halflings, there was one garbed in pitch-black leather armor. On
his back were two transparent blue short swords that looked like crystal. Other
halflings had a blood eye scar carved onto their foreheads. His, however, looked
more like a bloody red eye constructed from magic talismans. It seemed almost

This was the Blood Eye Mercenaries' leader, Blood Pupil Maude. He stood
quietly at one side, surveying the remains of the battlefield.

In this ambush, they traded the lives of 200 Laguans for 100 Araguans. This was
a battle record with nothing worth being proud of.

After some time, a middle-aged halfling walked to his side. He was using a
human Warrior's underwear as a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his face.
After walking to Maude, he said, "After this, Balha will definitely come for
revenge. We'll have to go back into the Great Beast Forest to hide for a while."

"I know. I also know that tomorrow, he will go to his father, Bal, to get
reinforcements. If I'm not wrong, he must be preparing to go to Black Eagle
City right now. Within three days, he will head out," Maude said, confident in
his prediction.

The middle-aged halfling was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood
Maude's intention. "You mean to assassinate him along the way?"

Maude nodded. "Hehe, but of course. Anyway, we've got to escape. If we kill
Balha, our fame will skyrocket. Then, even more, Laguans will come to join

The middle-aged halfling thought for a moment and nodded his head. "This is
risky, but if we're going to kill him, then we need to plan this well."

Maude laughed and looked at his most trusted deputy. "Derek, you've got any
good ideas?"

Derek laughed. Shing. He sheathed his sword and said, "Indeed I do. I heard
that Balha dotes on his wife the most. Balha's temper is extremely volatile, and
the elves hate him to the bone. I suggest we get some suicide troops to kill
Balha's wife and throw him into a rage. That way, whether he goes to Black
Eagle City to get reinforcements or comes out to battle us directly, we will still
easily be able to rout him."

Maude pondered over this plan and laughed. "This plan is truly vicious. Haha! I
love it! Let these Araguan's learn the taste of losing a loved one!"

"Hahaha… That year, my daughter was only nine. Nine!" Derek clenched his
teeth in hatred.

Maude also exhaled slowly. He didn't say anything but patted Derek's shoulder.
Within his mind, there appeared the figure of an elven woman. She was called
Lili and was his older step-sister.

From young, the Laguans had mocked him for being a halfling. Only Lili had
stayed close to him. Every time he was bullied, it was her who would seek
justice for him.

Therefore, his stepsister became a hero figure in his heart, until one day,
Warriors from Spring Leaf Village invaded and kidnapped the elven girls.
Among them was his sister. They said she was just going to drink with them for
a bit.

That night, he could hear his sister's voice, screaming helplessly for help.

The second night, all he saw was his sister's bloody mangled corpse. From then
on, Maude swore that he would make all the Araguans from Spring Leaf Village
pay the price of blood!

Clenching his fist, Maude stared at the sky. Up in the sky, it was as though a
gentle girl was smiling at him.

"Sister, I will help you get revenge!"

At this moment, a scout ran out from the trees. After looking around cautiously,
he ran up to Maude.

"Leader, I've found traces of the murderer!"

"Hmm, who is he? Where is he now?" Maude questioned.

"His name is Link, he's a Tier-1 Magician. He's currently hiding in Spring Leaf
Village and is a student of Magician Rockman."

"Oh, is that so? Derek, find some brothers and sneak into the city. Find the
chance to get rid of them and get revenge for our brothers!"

"Haha, it's a simple matter," Derek laughed.

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Chapter 383: A Way Back to Firuman

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link's small cottage

There was a library on the second floor of the cottage. The table was originally
very small, but Link had now become Magician Rockham's official disciple. He
was also in charge of the magic workshop now. There were many things to do.
Link exchanged the table for a long one quickly. Four to five people could sit
and work at the same time with no problem.

By the table, Milda was carefully looking at the production documents of the
workshop. She was a princess and had now become a Level-8 Magician. This
was a small matter for her.

Link, on the other hand, was studying a book while studiously taking notes. The
best thing about becoming Rockham's disciple was that he could read whatever
he wanted. He definitely wouldn't let such a good opportunity pass. He'd been
reading like crazy for the past three days.

He was spirited and read very quickly. With the additional aid of the system, he
wouldn't forget anything. Even if he didn't understand, he would write it down
first and then deal with it.

Rockham was at Legendary Level-13. There were around 35 books pertaining to

power. Link stood before the bookshelf and scanned them voraciously.
Rockham knew about this, and he didn't mind. What could one learn by just
flipping through it? He thought Link was just scanning it out of curiosity.

Riel practiced martial arts with Nana as before. Though his power was locked,
he found that after practicing a lot, his inner strength could rise faster.

In Firuman, he was stuck in Level-7 and hadn't improved in a long while. Now,
there was obvious improvement every day. This made him happy every day.

Everyone was focused on their own work. Time passed quickly and half a day
passed in a blink.

While organizing the workshop documents, Milda said to Link, "I'm mostly
done. The situation is quite good. On average, the workshop can make a profit
of 100 gold coins every day. What is your plan? Maintain the current situation
or raise earnings?"

Link put down his book and thought. "Just maintain it. We need to figure out
how to get back to Firuman. Magic is the necessity. There's no point in wasting
effort on other things."
Even though time passed slowly and they had enough time to think, it didn't
mean they should just stay here without moving.

"Then there isn't much to do with the workshop—just ordering raw material and
supervising the apprentices to complete the orders on time. There are people in
charge of that now. We just have to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Link nodded. He pushed his notes to Milda. "This is Analysis of Time-Space

Structure that I borrowed. It's Level-10 and explains the hypothesis of realm
transportation. It should be able to take us back to Firuman."

"Oh, what does it say?" Milda was immediately interested. She took Link's
notes and started reading earnestly.

In the notes, Link described two ideas of realm transportation.

The first was direct. He drew two bubbles, representing Firuman and Aragu.
The center was connected by a thin neck. It was empty outside the realms. Link
marked it as the Sea of Void.

The other was Link's specific calculations. There was a string of obscure spatial
structure changes beside the picture. Milda glanced at it and gave up on
understanding the specificities. She only checked if the equation was complete
or not.

It was, meaning Link had come to a specific conclusion.

"You really found a way back?" Milda was slightly excited. This world was too
scary. For her especially, it was like hell. Once people found out about her
beauty, she couldn't even imagine what kind of future awaited her. She'd already
had many nightmares about this.

Link nodded. "Speculated from everything we've seen, I realized that Aragu and
Firuman are actually one entity."

Of course, it was mainly due to the game system's reminder, but Link couldn't
say that. As he spoke, he snapped his finger. A head-sized Spatial Sphere
appeared in the air. Link manipulated it, and the center grew thinner until it
turned into an hourglass.
"Now, for some reason, the connection has become thinner and thinner to the
point of almost breaking. I've pretty much found the reason too."

Link waved his hand. The Spatial Sphere disappeared. He took out another book
titled Genesis. It recorded an Araguan legend.

Flipping to page ten, Link pointed at a line and read aloud, "Moses had a vision
of a disaster. He brought his people south to the Promised Land. Halfway there,
the world-ending disaster occurred. The saint (Moses) waved his staff and used
his power to split the sea of the world. Everyone was safe, and they made a
home in the new world."

After reading that, Link took out another book. This was the Aragu Annals. He
had also taken this from Rockham's library. Official disciples had no restrictions
in borrowing books. He also took unimportant books, so Rockham didn't care at

"This annal was written officially by the Aragu Empire. I read it. Even though it
glorifies the Aragu Empire at times, it's still reliable." Link flipped it open and
pointed at a passage. "It records here that Moses was a real person. It's unknown
when he was alive, and there are practically no records of his life. However, one
part is clear. Look at this description. 'Moses may be the most powerful
Archmage in the history of Aragu. It is said that he has the power to break
through realms.'"

Here, Milda finally understood. Excited, she said, "I know what you're saying.
This matches my race's records of the Aragu Empire. Taking both into account,
this means that a catastrophe happened to the World of Firuman in the ancient
times. During this, a powerful Magician named Moses retreated with a portion
of Araguans. Finally, he split Firuman into two halves… Oh, if this is true, that
power must be unimaginably incredible!"

Link nodded. "There are many details that must be confirmed, but the general
idea is right. I did some spatial experiments these days. The data matches the
spatial thesis I worked on with the Red Dragon Queen. I received the spatial

Milda shrugged and stopped him. "I don't understand that. Just tell me the
conclusion. How do we return?"
"There are two requirements. First, we must find a spatial coordinate—
Firuman's spatial coordinate. Second, we must have Legendary Level-10 power.
All of us must. My portal will pass the Sea of Void. Without Legendary power,
we'll die from the void's corrosion."

Milda thought and said, "With our rate now, it won't be hard to reach Level-10.
But how can we find Firuman's spatial coordinate? Link, do you have an idea?"

To be honest, when she asked that question, she didn't think Link could reply
immediately. But as soon as she asked, Link took out another book.

This book was called Continental Natural History.

Smiling, Link said, "This is the best part about being Rockham's disciple. He's
only a regular Magician, but he's lived more than 70 years. He has many
interesting books and quite a few rare ones. For example, this book is the only
copy, written by an explorer named Eurosan. He made a record here. Look."

He flipped to a page that included a short story. He read aloud, "This person is
very interesting. She's not even three feet, even shorter than dwarves. But
strangely, her secondary sexual characteristics are mature. Her possessor tried to
impregnate her to produce more small creatures, but sadly, he failed. His
anatomy was too big, and she was too small. She was tormented to death."

Milda overlooked the crude content and asked, "The Yabba race?"

Link nodded. "Yes, the Yabba race. There are Yabba in Aragu, and this one
appeared suddenly. I believe the Yabba came from Firuman. Look here."

Milda's interest grew because of Link. She became excited and forgot about the
customs. She got close to Link and continued reading.

Without a doubt, this is a new race. I am very interested. When the little thing
was alive, I asked where she came from. She said that she didn't know how she
got here. She crossed through a cave. When she came out, she couldn't go back
again and came to this terrifying world…

Yes, she described our world as "terrifying." I think that in her eyes, it is just
like hell while her owner is a demon of this hell… I used five gold coins to find
the specific position of the cave. I hoped to find something special but was
disappointed. The cave is nothing different from a regular cave. I searched for a
long time but gave up in the end—Eurosan, 3142 Spring.

"It's Year 3162 now. This was from 20 years ago?" Milda's eyes brightened, and
her heart started pounding. She could feel hope now.

Link nodded. "Eurosan is quite famous. I believe the cave is just like the wind
vortex we traveled through. It's a connection between Firuman and Aragu. It's
temporary, but as long as it had existed, it'll leave a mark in space. I can find
Firuman's spatial coordinates."

Milda thought for a bit and asked in confusion, "Why don't we try to find the
entrance we came from?"

Link shook his head. "I can't do it. I also did a test. Look here, I invented this
spatial cross chord."

Link took four runic spheres from the dimensional storage gear. He added Mana
and tossed the balls in the air. They hovered immediately. Two faced each other
with a beam of light between them. The two beams intersected, creating a stable

"This spatial chord can sense spatial disruptions within 60 miles. The place we
came from is approximately 30 miles away, two miles in the air. If a spatial
disturbance of that scale appears, the spatial chord will definitely vibrate, but it
didn't. That means that the tunnel we came from has probably closed now."

Link put it away. He sighed and shook his head. Milda slightly knew about
spatial magic but could still understand Link's words. "Okay, so when will we
go look for the cave?" she asked.

"How long do you think you need to level up to Legendary?" Link asked.

"Probably one month is enough."

"Riel is probably the same. During this month, we'll make some preparations
and set out," Link said.

Now, they were very familiar with Aragu. Even if they didn't have enough
power, nothing bad should happen if they're careful.
A bell suddenly rang outside the window.

Ring, ring! Ring, ring! Ring, ring! It was very loud and spread throughout the
entire village.

"It's midday now. Does the bell mean something happened?" Milda asked

Link frowned. "No, it's a mourning bell!"

He had specifically checked Aragu's customs, which included the meaning of

bells. Rapid bells meant incoming enemy. A long bell was welcoming. If it was
two rapid rings and a pause, it was a mourning bell. Someone important had

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Chapter 384: Advent of the Bloody Butcher

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Immediately after the bell stopped tolling, a roar reverberated throughout the
village. This roar contained hatred, anguish, and insanity. It made all those who
heard it tremble in fear.

In the fortress in the center of Spring Leaf Village, in the cafeteria, Balha sat on
the ground, hugging his wife in his embrace and crying loudly out to the sky.

"Ahhhhhh, ahhhhh!" His voice had broken, his eyes were wide open and
bloodshot. The sides of his eyes were marked with tears and blood, turning into
a light red liquid that trickled down his face.

His wife's face was green and her lips black. She already had no strength left in
her. At Balha's side was strewn the corpses of elves. No, that's not right. It was
more appropriate to say that elven body parts lay around Balha, because there
was not a single elf corpse that was still intact.
Every single elf in the hall was killed. None was left alive.

After hugging her for a long time, Balha suddenly said softly, "Anlis, my dear,
sleep peacefully. In the other world, you will not be alone. I will send many
Laguan slaves to accompany you and serve you and our child."

Carefully, he placed Anlis's body on the ground and stood up. One step at a
time, he walked towards the main door. Upon reaching the door, he declared
loudly, "Men, hear my orders! Kill every single Laguan in the city. Do not leave
even a single one alive."

The captain of the guard hesitated. "Lord, that…"

Balha hatefully stared at him, killing intent brimming in his eyes. "Anlis is dead,
don't tell me I'm not supposed to get revenge? My unborn child was killed,
should I not get revenge?! This was done by the pathetic Laguan Dregs. They
will pay the price!"

The captain of the guard decided to hold his tongue. He could vaguely feel that
if he said anything more, he would be the next one to die.

"Understood, Lord. Kill all the Laguans!"

The order quickly transmitted throughout Spring Leaf Village to all the army
camps. The soldiers in every army camp rushed out like fierce wolves and
tigers, spreading out in all directions and killing every single Laguan they saw.
The dwarves were not spared either.

Most of the Laguans in the Spring Leaf Village were slaves and wore slave
collars. They simply had no strength to resist.

The whole village was suddenly engulfed in a stench of blood.

In the magic school, Link was still unaware of what was going on. However, as
he stood on the balcony, he noticed soldiers killing elves en masse in the streets.

They didn't stop with slaves on the streets but rushed into the shops and
residences. "Lord's orders, all Laguans are to be killed!"
Link watched as the soldiers dragged elves out into the streets, where they were
beheaded and diced into small parts. Some residents attempted to stop what was
going on, but they too were simply chopped to death by the soldiers.

There was no compassion, no pity, no hesitation, only bloody, cold-hearted


These soldiers were blood-crazed!

Link found his heart pounding. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew
that the situation was not good. He might be safe, but as for Princess Milda and
Riel, they would definitely be killed.

The magic school was now in chaos as the enslaved elves were trying to escape
in any way they could. Link saw Fu standing guard at the gate, trying to
maintain order. However, he was simply ignored.

Very soon, the soldiers approached the school. Fu walked up to them and raised
his hand to obstruct them, declaring, "This is Magician Rockman's property.
You cannot—"

The blood-crazed soldiers obviously paid him no heed. They raised their
weapons and slashed off his head. Link was stunned.

He knew that he could not hesitate any more. The recent changes spoiled his
plans to slowly raise his strength in a safe environment.

He turned back into the house and looked at the frightened Princess Milda and
Riel. "We can't stay here anymore; we've got to go. Milda, let down your hair,
try to use it to cover your ears. Also, wear a hat."

Milda had been staying inside the building without going out. She thought that
she would be safe, so she was wearing a simple dress.

The dress was simple and plain, and it would look normal on a regular person.
On her, however, the plain dress made her look as beautiful as an angel from the
moon. It was enough to make people go crazy with desire.

She had to change her clothing.

Princess Milda ran into the room and hurriedly changed her clothes. Just as she
had removed her dress, the stone door was kicked aside and a soldier covered in
blood rushed in. "Hand over all your Laguan slaves or die!"

This soldier was an expert, and his speed was naturally fast. He wouldn't give
people any time to react. When he saw Riel, he immediately rushed over with
his sword striking out.

Clang. Nana intercepted his blow with her dagger.

"What? You dare? Looking for death!" The soldier was a Level-8 expert. His
short sword flickered and changed direction towards Nana's neck. Nana
immediately retreated, and Link rushed forward in her place.

Link held the Dragon King's Wrath in his right hand and the Burning Wrath of
Heaven's wand in his left. He pointed the wand forward, casting a Spatial
Shackles spell.

Whoosh. The Spatial Shackles appeared, and the soldier's movements

immediately stopped. Link took the chance to attack him, slapping hard onto his

Smack. The hit knocked the soldier out. His eyes turned white, and he collapsed
to the ground.

Seeing another soldier rushing towards the house, Link shouted, "Come with

He turned and rushed towards Milda's changing room. "Milda, we have no time,
we're leaving now!"

As he said this, he pushed open the door to the room.

"Ahh!" Milda was halfway through changing, and her top half was still exposed.
As Link charged in, Milda yelped and turned around. Link saw a snow-white
body, with skin as fair as jade. There were two shapely round mounds on her
chest, with a cherry red tip at each end. Link was momentarily stunned.

Riel was behind Link and couldn't see what was going on. He immediately
asked, "What! What's going on? Did they charge into this room too?"
Link did not have time to explain. He took out a mantle and draped it over the
blushing Princess Milda, covering her exposed chest and body.

Just then, a shout of rage came from the door as a soldier charged in. "Who!
Who dares to defy the Lord's order?!"

Whoosh. Link cast a dimensional jump without the slightest hesitation, and the
group vanished, reappearing in a small street half a mile away.

The instant he left, Rockman appeared from the pagoda. He was fuming. "Who's
kicking up a ruckus in my yard!"

He saw a soldier rushing into the slave girls yard and was about to begin killing
people. Immediately, he flew into a rage and, not caring for his own injuries,
grasped at the soldier from 30 meters away. An invisible force appeared and
grabbed onto the soldier's clothing, throwing him out.

Slam. The soldier smashed into a stone wall and crumpled to the ground,

Magician Rockman's status was high, and he was also very powerful. No one
could simply kill him that easily. One leader ran up to him and explained, his
face solemn. "Sir, the Laguan's poisoned Lady Anlis. The Lord has ordered for
all the Laguan's to be killed. We are carrying out his orders."

"What! Anlis was killed? F*ck, this is a disaster!"

Rockman was very clear about the implications of this. Balha was a crazy dog.
Anlis was the only one who could control him. Now, Anlis was dead, and she
was also carrying another life inside of her. That was two people killed! Anyone
would be enraged at something like this. One can only imagine how Balha
would react.

At this moment, Balha must have lost all sense of reasoning. Even Rockman
didn't dare to go forth to stop him.

Rockman sighed. "You may kill all the Laguans you see. However, there is a
black haired girl that isn't a Laguan. She's a gift for Great Lord Bal. Leave her
Rockman had already compromised. The leader didn't dare to ask for anything
more. He waved the rest of the soldiers forward. "Do as Sir Rockman ordered,"
he instructed.

Outside the city

Link and the others reappeared in a street outside the city. Before they even had
the chance to regain their footing, they heard the sound of horses coming from
behind. Not far, a troop of soldiers was riding down a large street from the city
gates. Judging from their direction, they were probably going to attack the
Laguan village.

There were 30 soldiers, all of whom were over Level-8. The one at the front
who was most likely the captain was Level-10. At this moment, they laid eyes
upon Link's party, specifically Princess Milda.

There were many small differences between humans and elves. This wasn't
limited to their ears, but also their figures, skin tone, hair color. To Araguans,
this difference was very obvious.

Two seconds after seeing them, the captain shouted. "Stop right there! Hand
over the Laguan slave."

Only an idiot would stand still at this moment.

Link immediately cast a dimensional jump.

"Dare to leave?" The captain bellowed. He immediately drew out his bow and
fired an arrow at Link.

The captain was a Level-10 Warrior. Even if he casually fired an arrow, the
arrow's power would still be immense. The arrow flew forward, leaving a streak
of light behind it. Around the arrow's body, the air rippled. In fact, there were
even sound vibrations, like that of thunder.

It wasn't just him. The other 30 soldiers also released their arrows, covering the
sky in a rain of arrows. The arrows were fast and numerous. Against an attack
like this, Link didn't dare to multi-task. That was too dangerous.
He immediately canceled the dimensional jump and instructed Nana. "Bring
them away, I'll stop these guys!"

While he said this, Link focused his power and consumed 1000 Dragon Power
points to cast a Spatial Distortion spell. The space distorted and knocked the
rain of arrows aside. Amidst the distortion field, all the arrows experienced a
strong attraction force. After leaving the field, the arrows changed direction,
landing around Link but never getting within three meters of him.

"Hmph! You still dare to oppose us? Kill him!"

The captain released his Battle Aura. He jumped from the horse's back,
releasing more and more Battle Aura as he sailed through the air. He took three
mid-air steps, instantaneously crossing a span of 150 feet, appearing 30 feet in
front of Link. From that distance, he slashed down with his sword.

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Chapter 385: This Guy is Ruthless

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was Link's first time facing a Legendary Warrior of a mortal race in real

Compared to the game, real-life Warriors had a more obvious intriguing aura.
His actions were more agile and incredibly fast!

In the game, because of the average man's reaction speed and for equilibrium
between the careers, lightning-fast speeds like this would never appear.

Even if Link had Legendary power, if he met a Warrior like this when he first
arrived at Firuman, he would be defeated immediately. But now, he wasn't a
rookie anymore. He was a master at fighting!

In the blink of an eye, the leader had charged to 30 feet before him. He raised
his sword and cut through the air. A crystal-like strand of Battle Aura shot
towards Link.
I can't block Level-10 strength!

Link's mind went crazy. In the corner of his vision, he saw Nana retreating 60
feet while carrying Milda and holding Riel. She had rich battle experience.
When she ran, she didn't maintain a straight line with Link. Instead, she ran
towards the side, making it impossible for the Legendary Warrior to kill them

This made Link a bit relieved. He started reacting with full force. He couldn't
block the hit, but he could hide.

The opponent used the Battle Aura to fly through the air. Link already predicted
his next move. He pointed somewhere on the ground with the Burning Wrath of
Heavens wand in his left hand. Spatial Spheres appeared continuously. Bit by
bit, they flew all around Link.

His control on the Abstruse Meaning of Space had increased again. In the past,
his Spatial Spheres were only the size of a sesame seed. One could see it by
looking closely.

Now, the frequencies of the Spatial Spheres were 100 times higher. When
tightened to the extreme, they couldn't be seen by the naked eye. Even Link
couldn't see them. He only knew they existed by the subtle Mana they emitted.

While making this trap, he flashed in the opposite direction of Nana.

Now, his Dragon Power was halfway into Level-9. His physical strength was at
this level too. Because of his prediction, he dodged the general's attack by a
millimeter. Then he pushed off the ground and stabbed towards the general.

"Oh, a Magician knows swordsmanship. That's interesting!" The knight was still
in mid-air. Link was extremely fast. A non-Legendary Warrior would definitely
be dead, but he wasn't at a loss.

Whoosh. The crystal-like Battle Aura erupted again. The general's body seemed
to teleport. In a blink, he landed on the ground from three feet in the air.

He was so fast that when he hit the ground, there was a faint afterimage behind
him. Before the afterimage disappeared, his body transformed into a streak of
light again as he charged at Link.
During this, he continuously brought his sword down. Strands of Battle Aura
hurled towards Link. There were three. One attacked Link directly while two
sealed off his exits. He couldn't hide or dodge.

"Die!" In the general's eyes, this low-level Magician was definitely dead meat.

But then something happened!

The moment before the attack arrived, Link did two things. First, he activated
the Dragon King's Fury wand. Instantly, his strength multiplied by ten and his
speed multiplied by five. Next, he activated a Spatial Sphere he'd planted in the
path of the general knight.

Buzz. The Spatial Sphere erupted. It instantly turned into a foggy ripple ten feet
wide and blocked the knight.

"Spatial Rend!"

This time, Link didn't use Restraint. The difference between Level-9 and Level-
10 was too big. Spatial Restraint wouldn't be effective and would just waste a
chance to attack. On the other hand, the strange phenomenon created by the
Spatial Rend could stun the opponent and delay their reaction.

Inside the Spatial Sphere, the force field became chaotic with Link's thoughts.
Inside it, leaves, grass, rocks, and dirt all turned into fine white powder.
Regardless of how powerful his attack was, the visual was already impressive!

The knight had been charging at Link. Seeing this, he was stunned, and his steps
faltered. This had nothing to do with battle experience; it was his protective

When something incomprehensible happened, an animal's natural instinct would

be to avoid it. They couldn't just charge forward stupidly.

The general's pause gave Link a chance.

When the Battle Aura came, Link's rising power burst out. The basic
swordsmanship techniques that Kanorse had taught included footsteps. They
came in handy now.
With the great power he had, Link flashed even faster than the general. The
three Battle Aura arcs came one after another. Link stepped to the side, dodging
the first arc by a hair's breadth. Then he moved his foot and flashed back to his
original spot, dodging the arcs that followed to seal off his exits.

His speed was extreme. At a glance, it was like he didn't even move. The Battle
Aura arcs passed by him as if he was just a shadow.

"Okay, you have nice tricks!" The knight was shocked too. Link's speed was
honestly too fast!

And that wasn't all!

While performing those actions, a fiery-red light appeared on Link's Burning

Wrath of Heavens wand. With a whoosh, a crystal red whip lashed out. It cut a
graceful arc in the air and whipped towards the knight's head like lightning.

Stunned, he hacked at the whip. This move was also an instinct. Whether one
could control one's instinct during battle was the difference between a Master
and a regular Warrior.

Before a Battle Mage like Link, using instincts was the biggest taboo. Especially
after Link learned basic swordsmanship, he was even more familiar with the
defensive moves a Warrior would use.

Thus, the knight missed. The Demon Slayer Whip twisted slightly, brushing
past the sword. It looked like luck, but it was actually Link's prediction. With
this mistake, the knight lost the chance to protect himself. Link's whip
successfully broke through and hit the back of his head.

Crack! Crystal-red light splattered in all directions. The knight's head swayed a
little. At the last moment, he activated his Battle Aura and protected his head.
However, even though the pure Battle Aura was at the Legendary level, it was
too rushed. The structure was too loose and wasn't as condensed as a Battle
Aura Cut.

The result was that a shred of Link's power successfully seeped into the back of
the knight's head. The back of one's head was a fatal shot. A regular person
could kill someone while playing with a bit of pressure there. In a life-or-death
battle like this, getting hit in the back of the head was a sign of getting killed.
The knight felt a little dizzy as if the world was spinning. He started seeing
double and knew that he was in trouble!

"Argh!" he roared. He waved his sword and started attacking wildly in front of

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Crystal threads of Battle Aura overlapped in front of

him like a fan. The frequency was so dense that it was impossible to dodge.

But this was useless. Link had predicted this early on.

If the general was alone, he would definitely get killed. But he had around 30
knights behind him. Seeing that their general was in trouble, they immediately
started shooting arrows at Link.

Link wasn't obsessed with fighting; he'd already started retreating. During this,
he didn't look towards the arrows. Distinguishing their positions by sound, he
pointed the Burning Wrath of Heavens wand casually—Restraint!

Whoosh. A ball-shaped force field appeared at the tip of the wand. It increased
to ten feet in diameter. The next moment, dozens of arrows arrived. They dug
into the force field. Like candles going into a cake, they froze in the air.

These knights were at most at Level-9 and couldn't break free from Link's
magic. Before the general could recover, the white light of a Dimensional Jump
appeared from Link's Dragon King's Fury wand. The light enveloped Link like

Nana saw this and immediately stopped retreating. She turned and rushed
towards Link. Soon, she entered the range of the spell. The white light covered
them all.

With a hum, the group disappeared.

The next instant, the restrictive force field disappeared. After dozens of twangs,
the arrows in the air suddenly sped up and stuck into the ground.

The general had finally recovered too. Clutching his heavy head, he looked up
in utter shock. He had truly felt the threat of death just then even though the
Magician wasn't even at Tier-1.
"Who was that Magician? Does anyone know him?" he asked, his voice low.

"I think he's called Link," a knight answered, unsure. "He's Rockham's new
apprentice… an official apprentice with the magic mark."

The general was a bit shocked. "Oh, it's him… Whatever. Since he escaped, we
won't chase after him. Let's continue to the Lagu tribe."

He didn't have anything against Link and was only carrying out a command.
Since Link was Rockham's apprentice and had escaped from him, he had no
reason to continue this. He would just see it as doing Rockham a favor… But
that guy truly was ruthless!

Humm. Thousands of feet away, white light flickered in the forest. Link's group
appeared again. They were in a high area. If they climbed a tree, they could see
the nearby situation and the knights on the road of the city gate.

After appearing, Link scampered up a tree. He looked towards the Spring Leaf
Village. As he predicted, the knights didn't come after them. The general stood
in place for a while and then went in their original direction.

Link let out a breath. That battle had been shocking. When he faced the
Legendary Warrior, the pressure of the thin line between life and death
suffocated him.

Climbing down, Riel looked at him reverently. "Master Link, you just defeated
a Legendary Warrior!"

Milda also looked at him with shock. Her eyes shone with unshed tears.

Link didn't feel any pride. "It was just luck. This is Aragu. These Warriors have
Legendary power but aren't battle Masters."

Other than the dragons, Legendary fighters of Firuman were all grandmasters of
battles—undefeatable fighters who had survived hellish experiences. It would
be impossible for someone on a lower level to beat them. It would already be a
feat to escape alive.

"Let's go. We can't stay in Spring Leaf Village. Balha has probably gone crazy
already. Faced with a madman like that, Rockham can only give in."
"Are we going to go find that cave?" Milda asked.

"Of course. According to the annals, it's in the Darrow Peak outside Black Eagle
City 100 miles to the north. It's not too far."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Riel couldn't wait to get out of this
f*cked up world.

Spring Leaf Village

Three halflings hid in the shadows outside the magic workshop.

"He escaped using a portal."

"Bullsh*t. How can it be a portal? He's not a saint. Where can he get the power
for that? He probably used short-distance Burst. He can't be too far. Let's go
find him."

The three halflings retreated into the shadows and disappeared.

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Chapter 386: Supreme Magic Skill: Instant Flash

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Spring Leaf Village was no longer an option. Link and the rest could only
proceed inconspicuously to the northern forest outside the city.

The forest was not the safest place. There were constantly soldiers charging out
from the city towards the forest. This was because the elves in the city were
mostly all dead and the soldiers could only go outside to look for more elves.
Link's party proceeded carefully and were fortunate not to meet any nasty
surprises along the way.
In this manner, they proceeded 15 miles north. As the sky turned dark, the
soldiers from Spring Leaf Village returned. Link and his party sighed in relief.

"There are roughly 1,500 soldiers in Spring Leaf Village. With this much
distance between us, we should be safe," Milda said. All this time, Milda was
being carried by Nana and hadn't had the chance to change her clothing. She
was still wearing the mantle and beneath it, she had one simple skirt. However,
her top was bare.

Unfortunately, she could only use the mantle to cover her body until they had a
chance for her to stop and put on her clothes.

After walking for a few more miles, the sky turned dark. Riel suddenly said,
"Look, there's a hole at the base of the tree. It looks pretty big; we could rest
there for tonight."

Link looked over and could only see dense leaves. He bent down. It was only
then that he discovered what Riel saw. There was indeed a little hole at the base
of the tree. The tree was big, about 60 feet across. The hole in the tree trunk was
five feet wide. If it opened up even more inside, this would make a good place
to pass the night.

"Careful, holes in trees usually have wild beasts living within them," Princess
Milda said.

Link nodded. After thinking for a while, he used a Light Spell to probe into the
tree. The spell emanated soft white light, gently filling up the tree.

About three seconds later, a big bear with six-feet-wide shoulders rushed out of
the tree. It roared as it ran along, and one could hear the fear in its voice as it
roared. It probably never encountered something like this light spell before.

In its panic, it didn't look where it was going and stumbled. But quickly, it
picked itself back up and continued running. Soon, its big round butt
disappeared from view.

"Alright, the tree should be safe. That timid looking bear probably won't be back
any time soon," Link said.
The four of them entered the hole in the tree. Riel was the first to go in. As he
entered, he couldn't help but pinch his nose in disgust. "Ugh, this smells worse
than dwarven women's panties."

Link immediately casted a Cleansing spell. He waited until the Cleansing spell
had cleaned the hole entirely before he walked in.

The hole still had a faint smell but at least, it was now bearable.

After entering the hole, Link did not rest and began inscribing talismans around
the side. About ten minutes later, the tree hole entrance was covered up by a
magic door. This magic door's texture was almost the same as the tree trunk.
Furthermore, no trace of magic was able to leak out. It looked extremely

Only when he was done with all of these did he return inside to rest.

The hole did not look big from the outside, but inside, it was actually rather
spacious, covering an area of 210 square feet. More importantly, there was a
small passage near the top of the hole that allowed a single person to crawl

It could be seen that this passage opened up where the tree branches started to
fork out. That was about 90 feet above the ground. It was a great escape route.

Link used magic to attach a light to the top of the tree hole. With the light, he
brought out rations and water. These were items that Link usually kept on
standby. In this perilous world, he knew he often had to be on the move.

After walking for a whole day, everyone was hungry. They ate their food in

After eating, Princess Milda found a corner and, using the cloak as a curtain, she
quickly changed her clothing.

Riel was not aware of the situation that Princess Milda was in. Watching her, he
asked curiously. "Milda, what are you doing? You can't be pleasuring yourself
in this situation, can you? Save your strength, we're on the run right now."
Milda's face flushed red. She hatefully glared at this dwarf who did not know
how to control his mouth and shrieked, "Shut the hell up!"

Riel looked helplessly at Link. "I had good intentions…"

"Alright, don't be nosy. Go rest." Link knew that the dwarf was in the mood for
poking fun at people. He quickly handed Riel a bear skin mantle and urged him
to go to sleep.

Riel was also pretty tired. His energy was spent. He had traveled all this way on
his own and was not carried on Nana's back. After receiving the bear skin
mantle, he laid down. Soon, the tree hole was filled with the soft sound of

Link rested for a while after finishing his meal, and very soon, his energy was
all recovered.

He sat himself down on another mantle and took out a magic note, making
inscriptions on it.

The battle against the soldier captain earlier was extremely dangerous.
However, under the immense pressure, Link suddenly felt like he made a
breakthrough. He gave into the inspiration he felt, going along with the feeling
and making various calculations.

Very soon, he was immersed in the feeling. As he scribbled on the magic note, a
new dimensional spell was gradually taking shape.

Link was concentrating so hard that he did not notice his environment.
Suddenly, he felt that someone had closed up to his side. He smelt a familiar
fragrance and realized that Princess Milda had come to watch what he was
doing. This happened more and more frequently to the point that Link was
already used to it. He brought his attention back to the note that he was writing,
continuing to make various calculations.

After a period of time, Link suddenly felt a weight on his right shoulder.
Turning to look, he saw that Princess Milda was now leaning against him and
resting her head on his shoulder. She had already fallen asleep. Maybe it was
because of the night cold, but her body was huddled up and pressed tightly
against Link.
Link kept his body absolutely still as he carefully used the Magician's hand to
reach over, picking up the mantle that had fallen off to the ground and used it to
cover her body.

Then, he turned to look at Nana. Nana had never been able to feel fatigue. At
this moment, she was watching the bugs crawling up and down the tree hole
with great interest.

Link laughed before turning back to his work. Suddenly, he realized that there
were some changes to Nana's body. Link realized that Nana's strength had
increased and there was even some traces of Mana in her body.

This must be due to the Essence of Life. When it is safe, I need to properly
investigate it. Link's focus was now completely on the spatial spell that he was
creating, and he had no time to check Nana out. He continued the calculations
for the spatial spell.

Time passed slowly.

After another hour passed, Link finally wrote down the final inscription on his
magic note. Now, a fully formed Mana construction formed on the paper.

This was a completely new piece of magic that could replace Link's primary
escape magic, Dimensional Jump.

Although the Dimensional Jump was a Legendary Level-10 spell, Link had used
it very frequently. Furthermore, he was a spatial Magician. This meant that he
knew the spell like the back of his hand. Nonetheless, it was still a Legendary
spell, and its design was extremely well done. There was little that Link could
have done to improve it. That was until now.

Link had finally made a breakthrough with the magic.

A message popped up in his field of vision.

Player Link has created a Legendary Supreme Magic Skill. Attained 500 Omni

Please name the spell.

Unexpectedly, he was rewarded with such a huge amount of Omni Points. This
made Link very pleased. Thinking for a moment, he said, "Let's call it Instant

The system displayed a new message.

Instant Flash

Level-10 Legendary Spatial Spell

Consumption: 2500 or more Dragon Power points (Increases as the teleportation

distance increases).

Casting time: 0.01 seconds

Effect: User can appear anywhere within 700 feet immediately after casting the

(Note: Go ahead and burn your Dragon Power)

This description gave Link a heartache. This spatial spell was excellent and
could be used offensively in combination with his sword skills and magic. It
was a great killing spell. The only problem was that its consumption rate was a
little high.

One Instant Flash cost 2500 Dragon Power points. Even with Link's immense
recovery rate, it was something that he could not keep up with. Essentially, he
could only use it twice in an entire battle.

The less time it takes to cross the distance, the more Mana will be consumed.
This was a simple law of nature, Link thought to himself and sighed.

The design of the spell was fairly simple, even easier than the dimensional
jump. Furthermore, Link was the creator of the spell and was definitely the most
familiar with it. Even without practice, he was already extremely familiar with
the spell.

As for the 500 Omni Points, Link looked at his maximum Dragon Power limit—
it was currently at 7700 points. Link had a strange feeling that he was about to
reach the threshold into the Legendary realm. He just needed a small push
before he could.

Right now, his strength was rapidly increasing. He decided to conserve the 500
Omni Points. In the future, if he encountered any issues, he could use these
points to breakthrough.

Finally, Link was starting to feel fatigued and prepared to rest.

Carefully, he leaned against Princess Milda and laid them both down on the

Closing his eyes, he quickly started to dream. It was a very nice dream. He
dreamt of Celine.

He dreamt that he was enjoying life back in Ferde. He dreamt of himself, gently
stroking Celine's flawless skin, slowly tracing his finger up to caress Celine's
soft chest. Celine laughed and told him off for teasing her. Then, she reached
out and grasped his hard member, taking it out. The two of them then began
talking dirty.

The things that were said between them were muffled, and Link couldn't
remember exactly what he had said. Anyway, it was a warm and calm feeling.
After that, the two of them hugged and laid down on the bed, tossing and
turning. At some point, they were connected with each other.

Link found himself engrossed in the sweet dream of Celine.

As he was preparing to continue, Link heard a soft cry of pain from beside him.

This cry shook Link awake. What is it?? Could it be an enemy?

After waking up, Link was stunned.

He was having a sweet sappy dream, but right now, in reality, he was actually
hugging a girl. It wasn't just anyone but Princess Milda.

He was covered by the wide mantle, and beneath him lay Princess Milda. Their
two bodies were pressed tightly together. Link could feel Princess Milda's
feverish warmth on his skin.
"Ooops…" Link was speechless.

What made it worse was that Nana was squatting in the corner. She was no
longer looking at the tree bugs. Rather, she was looking at them.

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Chapter 387: Unavoidable Blood-Eyed Robbers

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was very awkward!

It was okay if Nana saw it. She was a magic puppet who didn't understand this
stuff. Link turned carefully to look at Riel. Thankfully, he was still snoring and
deep asleep.

Looking back at Milda, Link didn't know what to say.

Link was very open-minded about sex. He didn't care that much and had only
acted intimately with Celine, but he wouldn't stay monogamous purposely. He
didn't feel bad about what happened—just awkward.

He never thought that an erotic dream would become real. Milda must have
cooperated. Otherwise, he would at most just hug her and rub a little.

But now that they were at this point, should he stop or not? If he stopped, he
would feel a bit sad. If he didn't…what even was this?

While he was still debating, Milda hugged Link tightly and murmured in his ear,
"Finish your dream."

Okay. Link decided to continue.

There was a flurry and a storm. Afterwards, Link and Milda both used a
cleaning spell and quickly fixed their clothing. He didn't know how to face
Milda anymore. Clearing his throat, he pulled out a book. "Rest well. I'll read
for a bit."
Milda giggled. She sat up and latched onto Link's lower back. "Now you're a
true man. Before this, I thought you only knew magic spells…"

Link started sweating. Just as he was trying to answer, his ears twitched. He
heard something unnatural. Seeing Milda was about to speak, he reached out to
stop her. Then he cast the Silence Spell on Riel. The snoring disappeared

Weak cries of insects traveled in from the trees outside. There were soft scrapes
within the noise.

Link's hearing was very sensitive. He listened hard to distinguish it. After a few
seconds, he wrote some words with streaks of light in the air. People are
coming. There are three.

They were in the wilderness. No matter who it was or if they were discovered,
they must be prepared to defend themselves.

Link gestured at Nana and pointed at Riel. Nana quietly walked to the dwarf and
shook him awake.

"Ah, what's wrong?" Riel asked blearily, not fully awake yet. His voice was
quite loud. Thankfully, the Silence Spell surrounded them and the people
outside the tree couldn't hear.

Link increased the range of the spell, covering the outside of the tree. "Shush.
There are people outside."

Riel shuddered. He was immediately awake. Climbing up, he asked, "What do

we do now?"

The footsteps continued outside, growing more obvious. The other party seemed
not to be hiding themselves. This meant they weren't discovered yet.

Link pointed to the tunnel at the top of the hole. "We're going up."

Riel was the closest to the hole, but it was a bit high; he couldn't reach it. Nana
walked over and grabbed his neck. Using some power, she tossed him into the
tunnel. Next was Milda. She was already wearing comfortable clothes. Link cast
the Levitation Spell and pushed her arm, pushing her into the hole.
"Nana, you too," Link said while he chose to leave the tunnel. He walked
towards the magic door of the tree.

His magic hole didn't seal the hole completely. There was still a tiny peephole
for him to see the situation outside.

Beside the door, Link tapped beside the peephole. A Spatial Lens appeared in
the air. A thin thread extended from the end and through the hole. Then it
enlarged slightly, turning into a Spatial Sphere.

It was already light outside. After outer light waves passed into the sphere, they
were turned into strands and taken to the Spatial Lens. Thus, Link could see a
360-degree image.

As expected, there are three people. They should be halflings with bloody eyes
carved on their foreheads. They're from the Blood-eyed Robbers…They really
won't leave us alone. It's already been so long, but they still pursued us to kill

Link could understand this. For a group of robbers that used their horrible
reputation to instill fear, they must do this to maintain that reputation. It would
put fear in everyone and lower their cost for robberies.

Otherwise, rumors would spread that someone killed a Blood-eyed Robber and
survived. The horrible reputation would decrease greatly. In the future, people
might fight against them during robberies. Then people would die, and the cost
would rise.

What Link didn't expect was that they were so tough!

Judging from their postures and movements, two of them were at Level-9, and
one was Level-10. They looked left and right, full of vigilance. They must have
felt something odd but didn't discover anything wrong.

The situation was tricky, but it wasn't hopeless.

Link grabbed the Dragon King's Fury sword and carefully watched the
opponents' positions, planning out how to do the sneak attack.
The three stood in a triangle. The Level-10 robber stood at the front while the
two Level-9 robbers were fifteen feet to either side of him. This meant Link
couldn't attack the Level-10 robber. It was too risky; if he messed up and didn't
kill the robber, he would be surrounded by the three.

The seconds ticked past. Riel and the others were almost to the top of the tree.
Suddenly, Riel stepped on a withered branch and popped up. There was a soft
crack that traveled outside the hole. Link saw the three all look toward the
branch. They heard it and were distracted!

Now was the time!

Link continuously used Instant Flash. His Dragon Power surged, and 2500
points evaporated instantly. Then Link's figure slowly faded like an apparition.
At the same time, Link appeared abruptly behind the outermost Level-9 robber
outside the tree.

His position and timing were perfect. As soon as he appeared, the tip of his
sword was right against the robber's back. All Link had to do was push lightly.

Squelch. Unsurprisingly, the sword pierced the robber's back and killed him.

"Who is it?!" The Level-10 robber immediately turned around.

"Loch!" The other Level-9 robber shouted his slain companion's eyes, shock in
his eyes. This attack was too sudden.

One down, two to go but Link didn't have another chance.

Before the Level-10 robber turned fully, he already hurled his axe towards Link.
It cut a three-foot bloody arc in the air.

This must be some type of battle technique. It crashed towards Link like a
meteor. Under it, the ground split open deeply. Fallen branches and leaves spun
quickly under some mysterious power. The trees nearby were bent by the blood-
colored light as if sucked by a magnetic force.

It was the torque. The ball of light forced everything else to start spinning. Link
was affected as well. He lost his balance and was almost sucked towards the
battle technique. His movements were affected too. The light came crashing
towards him, and he couldn't hide.

This Legendary battle technique was terrifying. If hit, Link would die without a
doubt. He couldn't attack again and used the Instant Flash to escape.

Whoosh! The ball of light crashed into Link's shadow and hit the tree fifteen
feet behind him. Crack, crack. With an ear-splitting crack, the thick tree was
halved. The cut area had turned into wood splinters. The top half was twisted by
the rotating force and flew 60 feet into the distance.

Link didn't see this, but he was chilled by the sound. After the Instant Flash, he
didn't continue attacking. Instead, he went to the others and used the
Dimensional Jump without hesitation.

Whoosh. The group disappeared inside the tree.

The two Instant Flashes used up 5000 Dragon Power points. The Dimensional
Jump was 900 points, and so Link now had 1800 points left. Even though it
regenerated quickly, it wasn't enough to face two strong fighters.

After reappearing, Link immediately cast the Traceless Spell on everyone. Then
he said softly, "You two stay here and wait. Nana, come with me."

Only running was meaningless when Legendary fighters were after them. It
would only use up their strength. He had to attack.

As he spoke, Link sneaked towards their original position. After staying low for
600 feet, he stopped and hid under a large leaf. He gestured at Nana and pointed
towards a pile of grass in the other direction. Nana crawled over and hid in the
grass with a giant leaf on her head. After adding an invisibility spell, it was
impossible to detect her existence.

After all that, Link began waiting patiently.

If the Level-10 robber could find them, his pursuit abilities must be shocking.
They could definitely feel their existence, so they followed over. The most
probable path was a straight line from where Link used the Instant Flash. This
was the best chance for a sneak attack!

The other side

"Oyes, that guy escaped again!" The speaking halfling hugged his companion's
body tightly. He was furious and sad.

The one called Oyes had a dark expression. He sensed carefully and pointed in a
direction. "He's there. I can feel them. I'll go after them and leave marks. Bring
Loch back and report to the head. Tell him to bring more people. This guy isn't
that powerful, but his spells are strange. He runs like a rat too. We need more

"Okay, be careful."

"Don't worry. He's not my match at all. His little tricks are like jokes to me."

Oyes carried his battle axe and charged deep into the forest.

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Chapter 388: The Possibility of Removing the Slave Collar

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the forest

Link waited patiently. He wasn't disappointed. After three minutes, there came
the patter of footsteps.

From the time they concealed themselves to now, it had only been three minutes
and thirty-five seconds. Link's Dragon Power recovery rate was 27 points per
second. In this time, he had already recovered over 5800 Dragon Power points,
fully recovering the amount he consumed earlier on.

This was the benefit of pure dragon power.

As their opponents got closer, Link gestured towards Nana. It was to say, I'll
take the lead, you take the chance to sneak in an attack.

Nana's strength had increased, but even still, she was still only at Level-8. It
would be foolish to let her initiate the attack on a Level-10 expert, tantamount to

In fact, Nana was only a backup plan. If things went smoothly, she would not
even have to reveal herself.

Nana nodded. She could feel her opponent's strength. She gripped her
Breakpoint dagger tightly.

Tap. Tap. The footsteps slowed down. It seemed that the opponent detected

Link crouched low under the huge grass, squinting his eyes to look at the
opponent. He saw that the bandit was only 90 feet away. The bandit gripped his
axe tightly and poised his body in a defensive posture.

The bandit was wearing simple leather armor with little defense. Whether it was
Link's Dragon King's Wrath sword or Nana's Breakpoint dagger, either one
would easily pierce their defenses.

The axe he was holding also seemed to be made of simple steel. This would be a
great weapon for a normal Warrior, but for a Legendary Warrior, it was far too

Although the Warriors in this world are strong, their equipment is pathetic. This
fellow doesn't even have any magic equipment; he's just a sitting duck. Link
sighed. In terms of equipment, Link had an extreme advantage.

At this point, the bandit came within 30 feet. His movements became even more
cautious and alert. When he walked into the foliage, he alarmed a dog-sized rat.
As it jumped and escaped, the bandit was in turn alarmed and turned to face the

Whoosh. Link naturally would not waste this chance. His body immediately
disappeared from his original position, instantly appearing to the bandit's seven
o'clock, behind the bandit's left shoulder.
This was an ideal position for sneak attacking, as it was a dead angle for the
opponent. Link could focus on attacking while the bandit could only dodge and
not counter.

Swoosh. Link's sword stabbed at the bandit's back. At the same time, he pointed
his Burning Wrath of Heaven's wand to the space in front of the bandit. He
released a dimensional ball that stopped in front of the bandit, cutting off his
escape path.

The bandit Oyes detected the killing intent from behind him and immediately
reacted, lunging forward as Link had predicted.

As he was in mid-air, he forcefully spun his body around, raising his axe to
strike back at Link.

Wham. The dimensional ball exploded, trapping the bandit within.


This time, Link didn't use Spatial Shackles or Spatial Rend. Instead, he simply
used the distortional force produced by the spatial energy to create a rotating
force. The huge force acted on Oyes's body, causing him to spin around mid-air.

Oyes was shocked. He immediately re-adjusted his body and forcefully

activated his skill. Swoosh. A blood-red light appeared and headed straight for

This skill was extremely forced. After releasing it, he found himself in an
awkward position, and he couldn't maintain his balance.

Link had long since expected this development and had activated Instant Flash
before this happened. When the blood-red light reached, all it hit was Link's
after-image. The real Link had already reappeared behind Oyes's body and once
again stabbed towards his back.

This stab was in a perfect position and had perfect timing. It was immediately
after the opponent had used his skill and was in a refractory period. The bandit
simply did not have time to make any follow-up moves.
The sword stabbed into the opponent's back, sliding smoothly into his body. Just
as the sword tip entered, Link noticed a few scars on the bandit's neck. Link felt
a sudden impulse and twisted his blade, avoiding the bandit's heart.

Nonetheless, the blade still pierced right through the bandit's lungs. The pain
was incredible, and the bandit involuntarily released a cry of pain. Still
suspended in the air, his body lost all its strength and went limp.

Link pulled back his sword and slashed once more, cutting off the bandit's arm
that held the axe.

Crash. The bandit's body crumpled to the ground. He no longer had any strength
left to resist.

After creating the spell Instant Flash, it was a simple matter for Link to deal
with regular Level-10 experts.

Link walked forward and stepped down hard onto the bandit's body, which was
still jerking about in pain.

Link pressed his sword tip against the opponent's throat and asked, "What
happened in Spring Leaf Village?"

"I dare you to kill me!" The bandit shouted. He wanted to spit his blood covered
spit at Link. However, the moment he exerted his strength, he started coughing
in pain. The wound in his lung caused him to cough up huge amounts of blood
and nearly stop breathing.

Link moved his sword to poke into the bandit's finger on his left hand, like a
sharp nail.

"Arghhh!" The bandit screamed in pain. He could see that Link was going to
slowly and repeatedly pierce his finger with his sword. Panicking, he explained.
"We poisoned Balha's wife. He's gone mad!"

"No wonder," Link said in realization. In Spring Leaf Village, everyone knew
that Balha's soft spot was his beloved wife. Even though Link had only stayed in
the village for a short time, he had also known about it.
There was little that strong people like Balha would fear. That was with the
exception of the people that he cared about. Watching as the bandits kill his
beloved, it was no surprise that Balha would go insane.

Link couldn't understand it. He asked, "But you guys are just a bandit gang…"

"Mercenary troop!"

"Fine, mercenary troop. For a mercenary troop to go up against the lord of

Spring Leaf Village, aren't you afraid of retaliation? I'm sure you know that
Balha's father is Great Lord Bal. That's a Level-17 expert."

"Heh," the bandit laughed. His smirking mouth was covered in blood. "We are
just slaves, trash with nothing to our names. All we have are our lives. What
wouldn't we be afraid of doing? Anyway, Bal is busy with his own troubles.
Where would he find time to bother us? Hahahaha."

Important figures had their own work to do; this was something Link
understood very well. Back when he was cleaning up Ferde's bandit problem, he
had let the mercenary troops manage the problem. He had not gone out to clean
them up himself, as he was far too busy with other things.

Link asked another question. "How do you remove the slave collar?"

This question caused the bandit to pause. "Remove the slave collar? What are
you planning…? Oh, I get it. You Araguans are up to something. I'm never
telling you!"

Although the bandit refused to answer, it gave Link a clue, letting him know
that there was a way to remove the slave collar. Furthermore, it wouldn't be too
difficult. Otherwise, a simple bandit troop would never be able to release it on
their own.

This made Link happy.

Link sized up the bandit again. The bandit was tough and unmoving, stubborn to
his bones. It would probably be difficult to make him open his mouth.

Link had no time to waste with him. Raising his sword, he ended the bandit's
There were three bandits from just now. Now that two were dead, there was one
more Level-9 bandit. Link thought for a moment and said to Nana, "Go, protect
Milda and Riel. I'm going to kill the pursuers."

"Understood," Nana said. She turned and left.

Link, on the other hand, turned back towards the tree hole they were hiding in
before. He was going to deal with a Level-9 bandit. This would be a piece of
cake for him, and he hurried onwards.

Half a minute later, he exited the dense foliage and found himself back where
the tree hole was.

The surroundings were covered in flesh and blood, the remains of the first
Blood-eye bandit he killed.

Link carefully studied the tracks on the floor and quickly determined the
direction the last bandit had left in.

His speed isn't fast; the footsteps are much deeper than before. There is also a
lot of blood trailing along. The bandit probably brought his comrade's corpse
along, Link deduced.

Link followed the trail. After about three minutes, he noticed something new.

His speed suddenly increased. Based on the speed and the distance, this must
have been when I killed the third guy. He must have realized that the situation
was bad and decided to speed up. Unfortunately, he's still not fast enough.

Link increased his speed, determined to chase the bandit down.

After another five minutes, Link stopped. At the side of the road, he saw a
corpse. This belonged to the first bandit he killed. At the same time, the
footsteps on the trail disappeared. At least, with the naked eye, there were no
obvious tracks on the ground.

Link thought for a moment. He must have decided that he couldn't escape fast
enough, so he threw aside the body and hid his own tracks, choosing to hide
If Link was a Warrior in this world, he might not be able to continue tracking
down the bandit. Fortunately, he was a Magician.

Link pointed the magic sword in his hand forward and said softly, "Clear Sign!"

Clear Sign

Level-3 Hidden Spell

Effect: Greatly increase the user's senses and filter out irrelevant information.

(Note: Use it to uncover the truth.)

After using the spell, Link felt like he woke up. The world in front of him
changed, and all the unhelpful phenomena in front of him, like the wind and the
sound of bugs and bird calls, disappeared.

Link's mental realm became silent. The surrounding imagery became somewhat
vague. Meanwhile, Link sniffed hard, picking up the scent of blood. There were
two different scents: One came from the corpse in front of him and was very
dense. The other scent was a lot fainter and pointed towards a particular

The other bandit has got this guy's blood on him. I can use it to find him too.

Link maintained the state of Clear Sign, tracing the scent of blood and chasing

After walking for about 300 feet, Link stopped. He pointed the sword in his
hand towards a patch of green nine feet away.

"Come out!"

The foliage was quiet at first. Then, three seconds later, a figure lunged out
towards Link. It was the bandit!

Whoosh. Spatial Shackles!

The bandit was Level-9, and Link used 2000 Dragon Power points in this spell.
The bandit immediately slowed down, moving as slow as one centimeter every
second. It was like he was in a thick, viscous paste.
Link waved his magic sword, negating a portion of the Spatial Shackles. In the
end, the bandit's body was still trapped within the Spatial Shackles space, while
his head existed in normal space.

On this bandit's neck were also some scars. These scars were probably left by a
slave collar.

Pointing the Dragon King's Wrath at the bandit's forehead, Link began to speak.

"I've got no patience. I just want to know one thing. If you answer me, I'll spare
you, otherwise, …"

"Just kill me!" The bandit stared hatefully at Link.

Link laughed. If the bandit had stayed calm, Link wouldn't have any confidence
in prying the information out of him. However, it was obvious that this was just
a brave front in the face of death.

People in this state seemed fearless, but it was only temporary. After a while,
their survival instinct would naturally kick in.

Link paused, dragging out the time. After a while, he continued, "I will count
down from ten. You can make your decision by then…ten… nine… eight…

Link took his time counting down. Finally, when he had reached three, the
bandit spoke up. "Will you really let me go?"

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Chapter 389: Someone Wants to be a God

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Forest in the mountain

Using Link's thoughts, there was a ding. The Blood-eyed Robber's short sword
was flicked 1000 feet by the force field. Finally, it buried into a tree. At the
same time, Link undid the robber's restraint. With a plop, the robber fell onto
the ground.

Link retreated ten feet and put his sword away. His action had a strong hinting
effect. The robber saw this and let out a breath. He climbed up slowly and
asked, "What do you want to know?"

Link didn't ask about the slave ring immediately. Instead, he explained his
situation, "I have two friends, one Laguan and one a dwarf. Because of an
accident, slave rings were put on them. I want to take it off for them."

The halfling's expression relaxed slightly and the animosity reduced by a bit.
Sneering, he said, "Since when were Araguans nice enough to see Laguans and
dwarves as friends?"

Link smiled faintly. "Not everyone is like the Bloody Butcher Balha. Actually, I
don't support slavery."

The halfling fell silent. If someone else said this, he wouldn't believe it.
However, to assassinate Link, he'd watched the man for many days. He truly
treated his slaves well. It was understandable if he wanted to get rid of the ring.

More importantly, if he didn't answer, he would die.

Thinking of this, he said, "The one who helped us get rid of the ring is the
Laguan prophet Greer Seymor…ah…ah…ah!"

Halfway through, an accident happened! Link saw smoke suddenly come out of
the halfling's throat. A few seconds later, his neck turned black from the inside
out. The smoke coming out of him turned into scalding sparks of fire.

Link smelled the thick smell of something burning. Then, right before his eyes,
the halfling caught on fire. He burned for more than ten minutes. When the fire
went out, all that was left was a human-shaped pile of ashes.

Shocked, Link squatted down. He sifted through the ashes and sniffed it. A
spicy, garlicky scent rushed into his nose.

He closed his eyes and felt for the aura. There was a very subtle and mysterious
power within the ashes.
It's a silencer curse for a specified target. This type of curse is extremely
difficult and is at least Level-17. It is probably done by the prophet Greer
Seymor that he mentioned. This was the experience Link received in the game.
The game had replicated the signs of the spell very well.

This was strange.

According to the halfling, the prophet was Laguan. If he didn't want to be

revealed, he could just say so. Why did he use such a powerful curse?

From the halfling's reaction, he didn't know about the curse at all. This meant
that the prophet wasn't a secret amongst the halflings. They didn't know about
the taboo either. The curse would only be activated if the information was
revealed to an Araguan.

The process was very interesting as well.

The man didn't completely make the secret forbidden. The curse only started
after uttering the name. That means the name has a special power.

With that thought, Link took out his Burning Wrath of Heavens wand to write
down the name. He wanted to see if the name contained any special magic or
contract. But just as he was about to start, he stopped.

If the name contains power, the other must be extremely strong. I have to be

Thinking of that, Link returned to Nana. He and Nana had a special magic bond,
so he quickly found the group.

"How is it?" Milda asked. She'd returned to normal without a sign of the past.
The redness on her face had faded and returned to the alabaster color. She
looked at Link normally as well. There was no difference—at least, none that
Link could see.

He let out a breath of relief. Composing himself, he moved on from that

ridiculous thing. "I might have found a way to remove the ring, but it's
extremely dangerous."
"Oh, tell me." Riel was interested as well. His power was rising quickly; he was
about to break into Level-9.

Link began recounting what happened to the two halflings. During this, he
replaced Greer Seymor's name with "elven prophet." Then he said, "I don't
know what kind of power the prophet has. Milda, do you have suggestions?"

The scope of elven magic was very wide. Link believed Milda could help him.

Unexpectedly though, Milda had spaced out. Hearing his voice, she jolted and
asked with embarrassment, "Sorry, what did you say?"

Beside her, Riel instantly lost his temper. "Your Highness," he huffed, "how can
you be distracted about something so important? What are you thinking

Milda looked ashamed, and she reddened again. "I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Okay, I'll say it again." Link knew the reason. It seemed that last night had
indeed affected Milda. He really regretted sleeping so close to Milda now,
resulting in that stupid thing. Now, it was getting between their friendship… It
was so awkward.

Composing himself, Link repeated himself.

This time, Milda was finally back to normal. After listening attentively, she
pondered and said, "According to our secret records, names carry power. This
usually appears after Legendary Level-15. The power a name contains is
different and divided between three categories—Mana, soul, and law.
Legendary Level-15 can only contain Mana power. Above Level-17, it will
involve the soul. At Level-19, it will involve the laws. The next step would be a

This was the elven heritage. Hearing those details, Link suddenly thought of
someone—Morpheus, the Shadow Stalker of Firuman. In the game, this guy
actually reached Level-19 as a human Assassin. He even understood a portion
of the god territory and started searching everywhere to be turned into a god.

Even though he'd always lived in obscurity and never did anything big, once he
reached Level-19 in the game, he'd sense whenever someone in Firuman said
his name. If he was mentioned multiple times within a period, he could even
cast down bad luck. His name probably carried the power of the laws.

Thinking of this, Link said, "Then we'll test what kind of power the name
carries. Nana, get ready."

Nana nodded. She pulled out the Breakpoint dagger.

Milda didn't understand. "How will you test it? He'll definitely find out and
might even find us with it."

Link pointed his wand at the air and cast a Spatial Sphere. Then, the sphere
started warping. Finally, it formed a special structure. It was entirely caved in
with a thin link connecting to the outside world.

"Break this link if anything happens," Link said to Nana. Then he said to Milda,
"Nana's dagger is a bit special. It can break many illusory things. I can't explain
it, but we're safe."

The Breakpoint dagger could even destroy a god's soul. No matter how strong
the prophet was, he couldn't be stronger than a god. Link wasn't worried.

After the distorted space appeared, Link wrote Greer Seymor in the air with

Once he finished, his heart started pounding. It felt like someone had his eyes on
him. At the same time, the constructed space was disturbed by some strange
power. It started undoing itself uncontrollably.

"Nana!" Link exclaimed.

Nana brought the dagger down. The link was cut with a snick. The heart tremors
instantly disappeared. Looking at Milda and Riel, they looked relieved too.

"It felt like I was at the edge of a cliff and could fall down at any time. It's
terrifying!" Riel patted his chest, still not recovered.

Milda clutched her forehead. "That power is very strong. Not only did it instill
fear, it even destroyed the spatial structure…"
The answer was close to being revealed.

Link was the constructor of the Spatial Sphere and felt it deeply. He uttered
what Milda didn't say, "It's the power of the laws. Judging from this, the prophet
should be the strongest in Level-19. He… might be looking to be made a god!"

"Is that possible?" Riel started tugging at his beard again. This world felt more
and more dangerous. It was one thing to find Legendary people everywhere.
Now, there was someone at the pinnacle. What could a mortal like him do?

Milda agreed with Link. "Your thinking is right. In Aragu, the hatred between
the Laguans, dwarves, and Araguans have accumulated for centuries. Now, it's
like an active volcano. Once the power is released, it's enough to change the
world and push a Level-19 into the godly level."

She said what Link was thinking. He continued, "The Blood-eyed Robbers are
just a start. They're the first weapon of this Legendary man!"

"Who is he?" Riel asked. "Araguan? Elven? A dwarf?"

"He must be an Araguan," Link and Milda said at the same time. Then they met
eyes and smiled knowingly.

In this world, Araguans held absolute knowledge and power. Only they could
reach the pinnacle of Level-19.

Riel was shocked. "Are you sure? An Araguan is purposely making elves and
halflings to go against his own race? Doesn't he know this will destroy his race?
Oh my god!"

Milda shook his head. "Before eternity, races are just a shackle that can be

"Races are cradles. You can't stay in a cradle forever," Link explained.

Aragu was on the brink of a revolution; they were right when the sparks were
about to be ignited.

Riel looked miserable. "So there's no hope of getting rid of this damn ring?"
The one who could undo it was at Level-19 and they'd become rivals with the
Blood-eyed Robbers. They were looking for death if they tried to ask the
prophet to remove the ring.

Link smiled. "Actually, there's a lot of hope."

"How? He's not a good guy." Riel shook his head furiously, not believing Link
at all.

Link put his wand away and explained, "The church should appear soon. With
that, there would be altars and the first batch of priests. These priests might not
know curing spells, but they'll know how to undo the ring and free the slaves."

Each freed slave would be the church's fervent believer. They would become the
church's Warriors and begin massacring the Araguans under the motivation
from centuries of hatred.

Not only would the church give them freedom, but it would also give them
power and knowledge. With time, the slaves would become a force that could
not be ignored.

At that time, Aragu would become chaotic. They could take advantage of it and
find a priest to undo the rings.

"What should we do?"

"Hide somewhere and focus on strengthening. Between half a year and a year,
we should be able to leave this world."

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Chapter 390: I Will Conquer This World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Balha was infuriated, and the whole Spring Leaf Village was in chaos. The only
one who could stop him, Magician Rockman, was still recovering from his
Therefore, the whole of Spring Leaf village descended into an abyss of despair.

In fact, at this moment, Rockman was no longer in Spring Leaf Village. He had
left two days ago and was now in a cart headed for Black Eagle City. Besides
him, was a black-haired girl.

"Saroviny, you aren't a Laguan or a dwarf. When we reach Black Eagle City and
meet Lord Bal, if you are able to gain his favor, you may be able to get rid of
your slave identity."


Saroviny made a noise to acknowledge Rockman's words. Saroviny was dressed

in a long black chiffon dress. The dress, however, was very thin. Besides the
most important areas, the rest of Saroviny's skin was pretty much visible. Her
entire back was essentially exposed, showing off her radiant snow-white skin.
Her gorgeous black hair tumbled down across her bare back. That combination
of black against white was stunning and possessed incredible attractiveness.

Rockman did not dare to look at her long. He was afraid that he too would lose
control of himself and make advances on this beautiful young girl. That would
ruin all his plans.

However, he also could not bear for such a beautiful girl to be ravaged to death
by Lord Bal. After hesitating for a while, he decided to give some advice.
"Remember, Lord Bal sometimes prefers delicate and tender personalities."

Saroviny revealed a cold smile on her face and retracted her gaze from outside
the window, glancing at Rockman. Hypocrite!

Although she did this, there was still a trace of bitterness in her heart. Bal is it?
Damn, how did I even end up in this situation where I need to rely on selling my
body to survive? Link, don't ever give me the chance, or I will let you
experience the Anluval Twist torture.

The Anluval Twist was a torture method created by a demon from the abyss. It
was very effective and would make the person being tortured go crazy within a
short time. From ancient times till now, not a single person has lasted for more
than five minutes.
Meanwhile, back in the cart, Rockman couldn't read Saroviny's thoughts.
Noticing that she was ignoring him, he shook his head helplessly. "Do what you
want. Whether you live or not has nothing to do with me."

After saying that, he no longer bothered Saroviny. He brought forth a sword

case that was resting in one corner and began to appraise the sword. As he
looked at it, he sighed.

"Ah, what a great sword. What a pity that Balha messed things up, causing me
to lose such a great student. Sigh."

"Heh." As he said this, Saroviny smirked and laughed. She looked at the old
man with an extremely condescending look.

"What is it? Is the sword not good?" Rockman didn't like her gaze.

"The sword is good, but the person wielding it isn't worthy," Saroviny couldn't
even be bothered to argue with Rockman. She had many things that she left
unsaid. It was a joke that this businessman that reeked of money believed that
he could take Link in as a disciple. He was led along by the nose by Link and
didn't even know it.

Rockman laughed it off. He didn't argue with her. Anyway, it's not like he lost
anything because of her harsh words.

At this point, the chariot suddenly lurched to a stop.

"What's going on?" Rockman shouted. Because of the sudden stop, he had
dropped the sword case onto the floor. The sword fell out onto the carriage
floor, clanging about. This made Rockman's heart hurt.

"What in the world? Driver, hey driver, what's going on?" Rockman asked

Swish. The front curtain of the carriage was pulled open, and the driver looked
into the carriage. "Sir, the road up ahead is blocked by a ditch…"

Before he could finish his sentence, an arrow shot into the carriage from the
forest and buried itself into his neck. Crack. The driver's neck snapped, and his
head was slammed into the car window by the immense force of the arrow. All
the blood spurted out and made a mess of the car.

"Sh*t! An enemy attack!" Rockman's heart clenched. He immediately reached

over and pressed the carriage's defensive talisman. A crystal light surrounded
the four-sided carriage.

"Wait inside and don't come out. I'll go see who dares to cause trouble."

Rockman opened the carriage door and walked out. Upon stepping out of the
carriage, he was immediately stunned.

This was because the carriage was guarded by eight heavy armored Warriors.
However, outside of this entrapment were 200 Laguans fiercely eyeing the horse
carriage, bows in hand.

Rockman immediately recognized the leader. "Maude, you bastard. You dare to
ambush me?!"

Immediately after he said this, Maude threw a bloody head in front of Rockman.
This head had its eyes opened wide, and it wore an expression of incomparable

"Ah!" Rockman took a step back. He recognized this head. It was none other
than Spring Leaf Village's Lord Balha.

It had only been two days since he left the village, how could they have killed
Balha so quickly?!

Maude laughed coldly. "He was wasted. I baited him with a few people, and he
immediately chased after us with a cavalry of 50 men. We prepared an ambush
in the forest, and he jumped right in without the slightest hesitation. Hahaha.
What Bloody Butcher? He's more like a dumb pig going to the slaughter."

Rockman knew that he was finished. However, he still couldn't understand why
the bandits dared to act this recklessly. "Aren't you afraid of Great Lord Bal's
Balha was Bal's son. Even if he was the third son that Bal did not look highly
upon, now that the Laguans had killed Balha, Bal could not sit there and do
nothing. That would be like giving up his power in the realm.

Meaning to say, the Blood-eyed mercenaries would soon face Bal's frenzied

Maude, however, didn't seem to care. "Bal wants revenge? Well, let me tell you,
not long from now, all you Araguans will face the revenge of my fellow

As he said this, Maude gestured at the archers. "Shoot!"

Whoosh. Immediately, the arrows rained down like rain. The eight armored
Warriors were turned into porcupines. Rockman waved his hand and shrouded
himself in a light screen, creating a barrier around himself.

Patter patter. The arrows rained onto the light screen. However, it was like rain
raining onto the leaves of a banana tree. No matter how hard it rained, it had no
way to break through the cover of the tree leaves.

After the rain of arrows, Maude took the chance to rush forward. The sword in
his hand flashed, and immediately, Rockman's light barrier broke apart. Behind
him were three experts. The moment the barrier broke, the three stabbed at
Rockman simultaneously.

Wham. Rockman released yet another spell, causing the four halfling attackers
to become crushed together and flung aside. They rolled for a few rounds before
finally coming to a stop.

However, all this was useless. The three blades were already stuck inside his

Rockman retreated a few steps and rested against the walls of the carriage. He
looked down to check his wounds and raised his head to see the approaching
halflings. He had a bad feeling.

This time, the kingdom is probably finished.

After the thought entered his mind, he blanked out. Leaning against the carriage
wall, he slowly slid down to the ground, leaving a long trace of blood on the
carriage. Finally, Rockman crashed and collapsed onto the floor.

Meanwhile, Maude was picking himself up from the ground. His face was
covered in dust. However, he was ultimately still the same level as Rockman.
Rockman's final blow was not unleashed properly, and it only managed to shock
Maude, causing his insides to hurt. However, he was not actually injured.

Maude climbed to his feet and instructed, "Open up the carriage! Let's see what
treasures this old man has brought."

Crash. The carved carriage door was broken off and flung to the ground by a

Another halfling charged into the carriage. After staring for a long while, he
said, "Chief, there's a sword inside the carriage. As well as an Araguan woman!"

The sword was exquisite, and the woman's beauty was even more so. It nearly
caused the halfling's eyes to go blind.

"Bring the sword over, kill the girl!" Maude instructed without pausing to

However, the halfling did not attack. He slowly turned and said, "Chief, I think
you should come and take a look at her."

"What's there to see about an Araguan?"

Somewhat impatiently, Maude made his way to the carriage entrance and stuck
his head in. He immediately froze.

On the floorboard of the carriage was a sword. A portion of the blade's body
stuck out of its sheath. The blade seemed as cold as ice and very mysterious.

On the carriage, seat was seated a girl. Her black hair flowed down her back,
and her skin was fair as snow. She had beautiful eyes and delicate features, as
well as a lovely figure. She smiled at him.
This… He really couldn't bear to kill her. However, this was an Araguan. If he
spared her, how could he still be the leader of the Laguans?!

He was their chief, and everyone knew that the hatred between the two races ran
as deep as an abyss. The force of the hatred was as vast as the sky and deep as
the oceans. Anyone who dared to stand in its way would bear the full brunt of
the hatred.

"What do we do then?" Maude quickly ran through many plans in his head,
trying to think of a way out of this situation. Then, he laid his eyes on the girl's
neck and noticed her slave collar.

Maude's eyes suddenly lit up. He had found a way. "Lady, you are an Araguan
woman. How did you become a slave?"

Savoriny obviously knew the danger involved here. Only an idiot would still
claim to be an Araguan.

She shook her head vehemently. "My name is Saroviny, and I'm from Firuman.
The Araguans are my mortal enemies!"

Maude was taken aback for a moment. Then, he grinned broadly and gave
Saroviny an awkward bow.

"Although I've never seen or heard of Firuman before, we have a common

enemy. Now, you've regained your freedom!" Maude said, smiling.

Saroviny also noticed the scars on one of the other halfling's neck. The smile on
her face became even more apparent. "Thank you for saving me. The Araguans
killed my parents and brothers. I vow to kill them all and get revenge for my

"Alright, let us fight together!"

Maude reached out a hand to Saroviny, which she took hold of. Then, Maude
helped Saroviny out of the carriage. After she got out of the carriage, he picked
up the sword that was left behind in the carriage and declared loudly, "This is
Saroviny, from the distant lands of Firuman. From here on, she will be our
Under the sunlight, Saroviny's beauty was beyond compare. All the halflings
were enraptured by her beauty, and they started chanting fervently, "Comrade!

Hearing the chants, Saroviny squinted her eyes. Deep inside the pair of deep
black pupils, a flame burned.

"Aragu, I, Saroviny, have come! I will conquer this new world!

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Chapter 391: Prepare to Go Home

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the blink of an eye, three months had passed.

The situation progressed faster than Link had predicted. In the borderlands of
Aragu, a Fire Sect arose. Deep in the Great Beast Forest, the first altar appeared
in the Laguan village Greenleaf Stop.

This news secretly spread amongst countless Laguans. Every day, many Laguan
slaves escaped to the village to search for freedom.

The priests at the altar didn't disappoint them. The slave collar ring that
symbolized restraint and submissiveness were easily taken off. The slaves were
given freedom, and the Laguans grew stronger.

The news obviously reached Link's group, so they secretly hurried over. In the
forest outside Greenleaf Stop, the invisible Link said to Milda and Riel, "Go
quickly and come back. I'll wait for you here."

"Okay." The two nodded.

During the three months, Link, Milda, and Riel all entered Level-10. Link was
the most advanced; he was at the pinnacle of Level-10, and his Dragon Power
limit had reached 9200 points. Next was Milda at mid-Level-10. Riel entered
Level-10 three days ago. Nana had accumulated much strange power and had
reached Level-10 too. Link couldn't figure it out. He'd have to look into it back
in Firuman.

In Aragu, this was equivalent to Stage-2. It was very average.

These three were top geniuses in Firuman. It was natural to rise to Stage-2
within four months. However, they leveled up way too quickly. They had no
time to really grasp the Legendary power.

Currently, other than Link who could release the Legendary spell Miracle Aura,
Milda and Riel were just two super-soldiers with the raw strength of a
Legendary Warrior. They could squash anyone under the Legendary level but
faced with someone of the same level, they'd most likely be destroyed.

At this time, Milda wore ragged clothing and had rubbed dirt in her hair and
face. She looked like an average Laguan slave. Riel was even more extreme; he
only covered himself with a rag.

There were many slaves searching for freedom on the road. The two split up and
didn't attract any attention.

Link and Nana waited in the forest. Everything went smoothly. Around half an
hour later, Milda and Riel came back one after another. Their rings were gone,
but strangely, they both looked stunned.

"What's wrong?" Link was curious.

"You'd never guess who I saw at the altar." As Riel spoke, he tugged off his rag,
revealing his stocky and tanned body. He didn't care about being naked and
quickly pulled on leather armor of good quality.

After almost half a year, he finally recovered his strength—Legendary strength,

at that. He finally didn't have to worry anymore.

Milda, on the other hand, hid behind a tree to change. She cast a cleaning spell
to rid herself of the dust. Then she put on a plain brown leather dress. She also
said, "We saw that demon commander. According to the believers, she's now
the holy maiden of the Fire Sect. Her name is Saroviny."
Clack. Riel clasped the buckles on his armor and continued, "I don't know
what's going on, but that demon's power didn't rise as fast as us. When we faced
her, we didn't feel much pressure. I think she's around the pinnacle of Level-10
now, about the same as you, Link."

Hearing this, Link knitted his brows. "Did she discover you two?"

In the Abyss, Saroviny had true Legendary power. She was only one at the
pinnacle of Level-9 in Firuman because of the laws. Now, she recovered her
Legendary power. Even though it was only Level-10, her combat ability was
incomparable to a regular Level-10 Warrior in Aragu!

If a Laguan reached Level-10, they were still soldiers with no experience.

Saroviny though was a true Legendary fighter. They were two different

Reality proved this point. Otherwise, Saroviny wouldn't become the holy
maiden of this Fire Sect.

"I don't think so." Milda had finished changing and walked out of the grass.
Even though it was a simple dress, it was like muslin around the moon on her.
She was shockingly beautiful.

It couldn't be helped. A goddess-like beauty could blind anyone with her looks
by just dressing up a little.

Fortunately, Link and Riel had been with her for so long and were used to it.
They just found her pretty but didn't lose their minds.

Milda started combing her brilliant golden locks while saying, "There were
many slaves around the altar, at least 1000 people. Saroviny just passed by the
altar. She glanced in our direction and then walked away. I didn't sense anything

"I see." Link was more relieved. Seeing that the two had changed, he said,
"Saroviny is very scary. In case anything happens, we'll leave now!"

They now all had Level-10 Legendary power. During the three months, Link
had gone to the cave outside Black Eagle City and successfully found the spatial
coordinate. It was time to leave the horrifying Aragu. Milda and Riel were both

With Link's current power, he couldn't break through the realm for the portal in
a regular place. He could only do so where the realm's laws were weaker. The
Black Eagle City cave was that place.

The four hurried towards the city without waiting another second.

After around ten minutes, Link suddenly stopped. Not only him, but Milda also
flinched. Riel even took out his battle axe. "F*ck!" he cursed. "That b*tch
pretended not to see us. I waited for half a year. I want a good fight now!"

Footsteps came from the forest behind them. They were hurried with obvious
malevolence. There were at least ten people, and they didn't hide their presence
at all. Each one was above Level-10 with the highest at Level-11. The aura at
the front was the most familiar—dark, chaotic, and evil, it was undoubtedly

She brought Laguan Warriors after them.

"Are we fighting?" Milda looked at Link. She'd already taken out her wand.

Times were different. Before they were squashed by Saroviny, but now, they
were all at Level-10. Even though the enemy had more people, this was a forest.
It was a game of guerrilla fighting. They weren't afraid!

Link's thoughts flashed like lightning as he weighed the pros and cons. "We
can't fight here. Only ten came, but there are countless reinforcements. Let's

With that, Link activated the Dimensional Jump without hesitation. He was very
familiar with teleporting groups now. His speed was faster than before, and the
usage of Dragon Power had lowered. Now, it only required 750 Dragon Power
points. With his current level, he could continuously cast the spell dozens of

And that's what he did.

Buzz. The four disappeared and reappeared thousands of feet to the north. As
soon as they arrived, a light flashed again. Buzz. They moved forward
thousands of feet. This went on ten times; they'd moved more than five miles in
an instant.

After that, Link cast a Traceless Spell for everyone to hide.

"Let's go. Even if they don't give up, they won't be able to find us quickly," he

His Dragon Power was recovering at 35 points per second. He'd used up 7500
points just then and could be recovered in three minutes. It didn't delay anything
at all.

Riel wasn't satisfied. Waving his axe, he said, "I wanted to fight."

Milda thought more deeply. She said while walking, "The Fire Sect is
strengthening extremely quickly. Saroviny is the holy maiden. With her power
and tactics, she will most likely control the sect. After we go back, will she use
the power here to find us in Firuman?"

This was a very real problem. Link had been thinking about it and had some
ideas. "It's possible but not likely."

Link didn't purely wait the last three months. During this time, they traveled
about, observing the Aragu Empire. They now had a comprehensive
understanding of Aragu.

The Aragu Empire wasn't weak. In contrast, they were terrifying powerful. The
Fire Sect could grow so quickly because it was sudden. The large empire
couldn't react yet. But once they did, it would be harder for the Fire Sect to
grow more. The two parties will clash violently.

Both sides had pillars of support. The Fire Sect had a Level-19 Archmage while
Aragu had countless years of accumulation. No one would win in a short time.

"The Fire Sect's rise will cause war throughout Aragu," Link muttered.
"Countless people will die, but both Laguans and Araguans will be sapped of
resources. With all the deaths, a great amount of space for living will be opened
up. The hatred will be released too. The two parties will probably come to a

Here, he looked at Milda. "This is the most likely result. It doesn't suit the
Laguans' or Araguans' interests, but it's what the Archmage wants. He'll try his
hardest for it to happen."

Milda's thoughts cleared as well. She continued, "So then Saroviny won't have
time to come to Firuman. She'll always be faced with the threat of the Aragu

Link nodded then shook his head. "These are all hypotheses. No one knows
what will really happen. Even a Level-19 Archmage can't sway the trend of the
world. It can become uncontrollable too."

But this was all in the future. They couldn't do much with their current power. It
was most important to hurry back to Firuman at the moment.

Milda sank into silence.

The other side

When Link used the Dimensional Jump, Saroviny felt it. She immediately
stopped chasing because it was meaningless. She couldn't keep up.

You're fast, but it's useless even if you run back to Firuman. Just wait. I'll bring
my army to you.

Not only was she the holy maiden of the Fire Sect, but she was also the Lord of
the Deep's daughter. Her father was Nozama and not a bit weaker than the ruler
behind the Fire Sect.

She'd also secretly contacted her father.

"Father, this new world is my gift to you."

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Chapter 392: Someone Needs to Restrain Her

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Three days later

Link's party arrived at the cave on Darrow Peak, near Black Eagle City.

They were all ready to leave Aragu, even though the three months' deadline
wasn't up yet. The demon army outside of Orida Fortress had lost their
commander, and future developments were unpredictable.

Anyway, after the three of them had reached Legendary level, their growth rate
decreased significantly. It would do them no good to spend any more time here,
and they might as well return as soon as they could.

At the cave entrance, Link looked at Milda. "Are you sure?"

Milda nodded. "It's too dangerous to leave Saroviny here alone. At least, we
must have someone here to restrain her."

It was true, but Link would be hard-pressed to take up this responsibility. He

had many other responsibilities to handle. Riel was even less suitable to do this.
Milda was naturally the best choice. As an elven princess, Milda had beauty
comparable to Saroviny.

At their level of strength, it was obvious that they would not speak without due
consideration. Once Milda made her decision, it would be hard to change her

"Milda, your strength is not comparable to Saroviny's, you won't be able to fight
her," Riel advised. He also hadn't expected Milda to really offer to stay behind.
Riel actually did not have a good impression of her before. He thought that she
was short-tempered and petty. Now, though, he had a newfound respect for her.

"I won't be alone. There's still the Level-19 Archmage. As the strongest in this
world, he definitely would not let Saroviny take control of the Fire Sect by
herself. He will definitely do something to prevent her from growing too
quickly. As for me… I brought some Legendary spell books with me. Given
some time, I'm sure I'll be able to master Legendary spells too."

She had been keeping it a secret until now, but at this point, there was no longer
a point in hiding it.

Although what Milda said was true, it did not diminish the danger. This was
especially so in the beginning while she was still weak. Furthermore, Milda was
exceedingly beautiful. Even if she entered the Fire Sect, she would attract
unwanted attention and may ultimately meet a bad end.

Fate was completely unpredictable. Even if one put in their best effort, things
still may not turn out as desired.

After thinking for a while, Link said, "Alright, Nana will stay here with you."

Nana was a Warrior. Unlike Magicians, their strength would immediately

increase upon reaching the Legendary level. Although they would not have the
versatility and special abilities that Magicians possessed, for Nana, her speed
was already her hidden trump card. Furthermore, she had the Breakpoint dagger.
Link decided that this was for the best.

Link turned and said to Nana, "Nana, come here."

Nana walked to Link's side, and Link reached out his hand, which now glowed
with the light of transformation magic. He reshaped Nana's ears to become
pointy and also changed some of her facial features. Now, Nana looked much
more like an elf. This would prevent her from being attacked by the Laguans.

After he was done, he instructed, "Protect Milda as you would protect me."

"Nana understands," Nana replied. She walked over behind Milda.

Link pondered for a little more, then he took out a talisman-inscribed rock and
handed it over to Milda. "This is a Loco Stone that I created; it can provide me
with your coordinates. If you meet any danger, you can use it to contact me, and
I will come over to help. However, dimensional teleportation takes up a lot of
energy. After using it once, I will need time to recover, so it would be best if
you could give me half a day's warning if you know you're going to go into a
dangerous situation."
"Understood." Milda nodded her head. She solemnly received the Loco Stone
from Link. Not only was this a hidden trump card, but it was also an escape
route for her. It was very valuable.

"Then, we're leaving."

Link indicated to Riel to get ready and turned to enter the cave. Before he could
walk off, he heard a sound behind him and was immediately hugged from
behind in a warm embrace. It was Milda. At the same time, he felt her push a
necklace into his hand.

"This is a Thorn necklace. Only qualified members of my race are allowed to

wear it. Bring this to my mother and tell her this is my decision and that she
doesn't have to worry."

"I will," Link promised.

Milda continued softly, "Also, if I perish, help me erect a tombstone in Ferde.

On it, write "Milda Morani," okay?"

Link shuddered. He turned around and embraced Milda. "I will!" Link

Link lowered his head and kissed Milda softly on the forehead.

Then, he let go of Milda and said to Riel, who had not spoken a word since
earlier, "Let's go."

Riel didn't move. It seemed like he had just made a hard decision. After a few
seconds of silence, he reached into his dimensional bracelet and took out a large
crystal. The crystal shone brilliantly, reflecting five beautiful colors that flowed
like water. He walked over and handed it to Milda.

"This is for you. It's called the Heart of the Mountains, a treasure dug out from
deep inside the mountains. I was planning to use it to make a weapon for
myself, but I now give it to you. I hope you'll use it well. Quick… Quick! Take
it, don't let me see it anymore!" Riel said. His face twisted in pain.

Milda was really amused by his behavior. She received the Heart of the
Mountains from him and bent down to kiss his forehead. "Goodbye, friend."
This caused Riel's dark face to flush. He felt faint and giddily followed after
Link. Even after reaching the cave entrance, he was still faint and did not

Finally, Link activated the teleportation spell. White light flashed, and a few
seconds later, Link and Riel vanished from within the cave.

Milda watched until the two men completely disappeared. She sighed. Turning
to Nana, she said, "It's just the two of us now."

"Master will return," Nana replied, smiling.

Milda laughed too. "Yeah, he will."

She walked down Darrow Peak. When she reached the foot of the mountains,
she found a quiet area and took a deep breath, kneeling onto the ground.

"Honorable one, Greer Seymor, Lord of the Flames, savior of the Laguans, I
implore you, receive my loyalty," Milda said softly.

There was no reply.

Milda did not find this surprising. If a god replied every time someone invoked
his name, the god would become a slave of the people.

Milda was determined, and she repeated it once more, twice, thrice. When she
repeated it for the fifth time, she felt something stir and had the feeling she was
being watched by some existence.

Under that gaze, Milda felt as though her secrets were being seen through and
her soul was facing a burning fire.

A voice sounded in Milda's heart. "Mortal from Firuman, I've heard your calls,
but I know that you cannot truly be loyal to me. Tell me, what do you want from
me and what do you hope to gain from me?"

A Level-19 existence was unfathomable and could see through Milda in a

Milda was shocked. Nonetheless, she had prepared for all these possibilities.
She said humbly, "The flames helped me remove the slave collar and returned
me my freedom. Your cause will need the help of many mortals. I am willing to
become one of these mortals."

The voice did not reply, but the gaze was still there.

This lasted for about five minutes before the voice spoke again. "I see
somebody inside your heart. She is called Saroviny, and she is the Holy Maiden
that I have selected. She can help me expand my influence, but as for you, she is
your enemy. Tell me, why should I accept you?"

Milda continued, "Saroviny is a sharp and dangerous blade. She is the

incarnation of destruction and slaughter. Your cause cannot be achieved with
just this. You require creation and order. The sharpest blade will require a good
sheath to protect its edge, just like after burning through the fields, you need to
till the ground and plant good seeds to get a harvest."

The voice was silent again. This time, the silence did not last long. After five
seconds, the voice said again to Milda, "You are a wise Laguan and possess a
beauty that exceeds most mortals. You will indeed be useful to my cause.
However, you are the disciple of the God of Light. Okay… we will make a
loyalty contract."

"I obey your orders, Lord of the Flames." Milda breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, a force pressed down onto Milda from out of nowhere, and
Milda felt her forehead getting hot. This lasted for a few seconds before
receding. Finally, the voice said again, "Go to the Great Beast Forest. My little
lambs are ready to receive their new Holy Flame Envoy."

Finally, the gaze was retracted.

Milda summoned a mirror and used it to look at herself. She could see a bunch
of silver flames dancing on her forehead and knew that this was the binding
agreement between her and the existence from before.

After activating the teleportation, Link and Riel found themselves in an
unknown realm. In this place, they could see strange lights and grotesque
scenery. Everything was distorted, filled with colorful lights and even traces of
lightning. Link could hear Riel's rough breathing beside him.

He could feel that they were moving forward rapidly, as though in a high-speed
car. He could also feel infinitely many disorganized Mana strands rushing
towards him, as though they wanted to tear him to pieces!

He knew that if he allowed the Mana to rush into his body, he would likely
explode into pieces.

Link activated his Dragon Power to defend against this torrent of Mana. It
worked! He was not wrong; Legendary power could indeed defend against the
pressure from space.

The Dragon Power diminished at a very fast rate. Just when he thought he could
not maintain the consumption anymore, whoosh! Immediately after that, his
surroundings became calm, and the chaos vanished.

He found that he was in a wide cavern that was at least 60 feet high. A short
distance ahead was the exit.

That first Yabba who found herself transported between dimensions mentioned
disappearing from a certain cave. This was probably that very cave.

"Ahhhh! Waahhhhh!" Dramatic screams came from beside him and lasted for
two whole seconds. Crash. Link felt the floor shake. Turning to see what
happened, Link found Riel lying on a crushed stone in the cave. The floor was
imprinted with the shape of his body.

"Argh! That hurts!" Riel was rolling around the floor screaming. However,
considering that he was still so full of vigor, he probably did not have any
serious injuries.

Link focused on checking the condition of his body.

He had 300 Dragon Power points remaining, but they were recovering quickly.
Even then, they recovered at 18 points per second, much slower than in Aragu.
At the same time, Link noticed that he had received a "Void's Aura" status.
Void Aura: After traveling through the void, the chaotic aura from the void will
stick to the player, preventing the payer from using spells. This effect will begin
to disappear after 300 hours and will fully disappear after 30 days.

Link was stunned. He attempted to cast a spatial spell. However, he quickly

realized that once the Dragon Power appeared outside his body, a mysterious
force would interfere and disperse the Dragon Power, preventing it from
forming into a spell structure.

Link slapped his forehead and sighed. "Alright, 300 hours is about 13 days. At
least that isn't too long."

"System, was the data from the teleportation recorded?"

Dimensional teleportation involved traveling through the spatial void. This was
extremely valuable data, and using it, Link would be able to make great
developments in his understanding of space.

It has been saved as "Dimensional Teleportation: Void" and can be accessed at

any time.


Link was pleased. He reached out a hand to Riel.

"Ouch, ouch, my bones are going to shatter," Riel whined. He was still lying on
the ground, however, the moment he saw Link's hand, he grabbed it and pulled
himself up. After dusting off the dust from his body, he sighed. "I'm finally
back. This teleportation was truly vicious; all my strength is gone."

Riel was somewhat weaker than Link and also had a much lower recover speed.
His situation was clearly much worse than Link, and without a few days of time,
he probably wouldn't be able to recover his fighting strength.

"It'll recover shortly," Link said, as he walked towards the cave exit.

Upon exiting the cave, Link found that they were halfway up a huge mountain.
In the distance, there was an enormous yellow light shield.
Boom, boom! One after another, purple balls of light flew towards the city,
exploding on the barrier. It could be seen that underneath the barrier was a
majestic city.

"That's the Yabba capital, Lirico! Over there are… Dark Elves and demons. It's
the Dark Army!" Riel said, following behind Link.

Link immediately understood what was going on. "The Dark Army's main force
is attacking Orida Fortress, but they left a smaller force here to pretend to
continue attacking. This is to prevent the Yabbas from joining the battle."

Based on the time difference, they had spent half a year in Aragu, but that was
only about two days here. The news from Orida probably had yet to reach the
secondary army here.

With a glance, Link could see that this secondary army was not weak. Using his
powerful eyesight, he counted over 4,000 demons, including 30 Winged
Howlers flying in the air. The Dark Elves were also numerous, numbering over

Something flashed in his vision. Link turned to look. It was a mission.

Rescue Mission: Deliver the message.

Description: Infiltrate the Dark Army's encirclement and inform Lirico about
the situation outside the city.

Mission Reward: 200 Omni Points.

Link thought for a moment and decided to accept it. Orida needed
reinforcements anyway, and the Yabba's flying ship division were extremely
powerful reinforcements. The problem was, right now, he was unable to use any
spells. Riel too was in an extremely weak state. It would definitely be difficult
to deliver the news to Lirico.

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Chapter 393: Weird Equipment Reward

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hoo, whoosh!

At the cave entrance outside Lirico City, Link waved the Dragon King's Fury
magic sword. After a few strikes, he nodded in satisfaction.

"My strength has mostly recovered. Even though I can't use magic and don't
have any battle techniques, my basic swordsmanship can be used to its fullest."

Strangely, Link and Riel weren't rejected by the laws of the Firuman Realm.
After returning, their power didn't change. This meant that Link was still at the
pinnacle of Level-10 and Riel was at the lower stages. They were both
Legendary fighters.

Riel already knew Link's plans, but he still needed a few days to recover. He
couldn't help. However, the dwarves and Yabba were both residents of the
Hengduan Mountain Range. He was much more familiar with the Yabba race
than Link.

At this time, he stood outside the cave, looking at the mighty magic shield
before the Lirico City. He explained to Link, "The Yabba shield isn't only
defensive. They also have great offensive power. Look carefully at the fireball
flying to the shield."

Link squinted and quickly saw the profundity. He discovered that when the
cannons outside the city were about to reach the magic shield, strands of purple
light would appear. They were bent like lightning and were extremely fast. They
flashed and extinguished. They hit the fireball in an instant, activating it

The benefits of this were obvious. Causing the fireball to explode beforehand
reduced the damage to the shield to the max.

"Did you see?" Riel asked. "Those purple lightning streaks are small and can
only reach around 150 feet, but they're shockingly powerful. They're at Level-9.
They are controlled by an intelligent core and actively attack anything that tries
to approach the shield until all are obliterated. So if you go to send a letter, you
have to let the Yabba know your purpose. If you just approach the shield, it can
be very dangerous!"
"I see." Link's brows knitted.

If that was the case, Link couldn't approach without warning even with his
power at Level-10. If a bunch of purple lightning bolts attacked him, he'd be
fried to crisp.

If Link could cast spells, it would be easy to make a signal. He could even
teleport straight into Lirico City. But now, he was disturbed by the Void's aura,
and he couldn't get rid of it. He'd have to think of something else.

Link stood outside the cave and observed the geography.

Lirico City didn't have city walls, and it was actually quite large. It spanned the
entire valley. There were even Yabba houses not too far from the cave Link was
at now.

Even though the shield was mighty, it actually only enveloped the center of

Most Yabba homes were made of wood. Some were made of stone, but they
were few. These wooden cabins were scattered about. Each one was finely made
with their own garden and grassy yard. Some were set on fire, billowing with
black smoke. Others were taken by demons.

Many demons flew in the air. There were only 30 Winged Howlers, but there
were thousands of Level-5 or Level-6 demons. They sealed off all paths
approaching Lirico. Flying demons had exceptional vision. High-level ones,
especially, were comparable to dragons. Under the scrutiny of so many demons
and the inability to use an invisibility spell, it was a hassle for Link to approach
the shield.

"What should I do?" Link hit his forehead.

"What about a bomb?" Riel suggested. "I have some that we use to bomb
mountains. It's not that powerful, but it's loud. It's enough to attract attention.
What do you think?"

Riel took out a few fist-sized metal nuggets. They looked like grenades from
earth, but these were magic bombs. Each one was carved with many runes. Link
could feel that there were fire elements sealed inside.
Link took one and looked. They were made intricately with a turntable on the
surface and tick marks. They were time-delayed explosive equipment.

"Great!" Link was overjoyed. Getting an idea, he asked, "Can sound pass
through the shield?"

If it could, he might not have to risk getting through the demons. He could
detonate the bomb outside and use the frequency of the sound to pass the
message. With the Yabbas' intelligence, they should be able to understand.

But unexpectedly, Riel shook his head. "No. The shield blocks most types of
energy. Not even light can pass through easily, let alone sound. Look at the
shield. Things look blurry inside, right? It's even blurrier from the inside. It's
basically opaque."

"That's illogical. Isn't it hard to observe the outside, then? What if something
changes outside?" Link was shocked.

Riel waved his hand quickly. "No, it's very logical. This is all from precious
experience. Like the soundwave barrier, for example, is because the Yabbas
have learned their lesson. You know, they're pretty weak. One thousand three
hundred years ago, they had a conflict with the Dark Elves. In one battle, the
Dark Elves used a Level-8 Thunder Roar. The strong sound waves passed
through the shield and killed 60 percent of the residents from the vibrations… It
was horrible."

Alright, Link's nice plan was ruined by the Yabbas' experience.

Riel pointed at a few lighthouses. "Those are for observing the outside. The
Yabbas have actually left some leeway. Look at the statues outside the city."

Link looked over and saw statues of varying sizes. There were many inside the
city, but they were all broken. "Aren't those decorations?"

Riel nodded. "Yes, but they're also magic detectors. Through them, the Yabbas
can look outside the shield. However, the demons seem to know this secret too.
They've all been destroyed by force. I think that the Yabbas inside the shield
know vaguely what's going on outside but they can only guess at the specifics."

"There must be a spy within them," Link said.

"There must be. Very few people know that secret. The dwarves and Yabba are
close, and I'm the brother of our king, so I know a bit." Riel sighed.

Link decided to let this go for now. He must approach the shield first. "How
many bombs do you have?" Link asked. "Give them all to me."

There were 15 bombs, but it wasn't enough. Riel turned his hands over. "There
are no more. I only brought them with for fun."

"Alright." Link hit his own forehead. "Then I'll set out. Be careful and hide."

"No problem. This is a cave, and I've recovered some power. I can still kill
some demons."

Link nodded. He walked to the cave exit and checked the direction. He took out
a bomb, adjusted the tick mark and hurled it to the left. His power was a bit too
much now. The tiny bomb was less than two pounds. With the throw, it
whooshed out and flew more than 2000 feet. Just as it was about to land, it

The bomb was only at Level-5, but as Riel had said, it was really, really loud.

Link saw a blue-white fireball three times bigger than a Level-4 Flame Blast
shoot into the air. Around it, there was an obvious white shockwave.

Three seconds later, the shockwave reached the cave Link was at. Boom, boom!
The huge explosion came like mountains crashing into the sea. The cave also
started cracking, and many broken rocks fell down.

The demons flying in the air instantly noticed the commotion.

Now was the time. Link shot out of the cave. Using the foliage as a disguise, he
sprinted and traveled 500 feet in three seconds. He jumped into a cabin that he'd
aimed at.

He'd controlled his speed too. If the geography was flat and he ran at full speed,
he could easily travel 650 feet in a second. This was the powerful strength he
possessed after entering the Legendary level. He couldn't be compared to Nana,
but for a living creature, it was frightening.
After jumping in from the window, a shadow flashed before Link. It was a low-
level demon, around Level-4. It was probably taking a break here. Seeing Link
appear, it probably felt Link was danger and tried to run.

It was about to get to the door. Link arched his back and lunged while slicing
down with his sword. With a squelch, the demon was halved.

The room was silent.

The Yabbas were short, so their houses were built low as well. However, it was
still more than seven feet tall. As long as Link didn't make big movements, he
wouldn't hit his head.

There were three corpses on the ground—two big and one small. It was
probably a Yabba family. The father's body was already gnawed at by the
demon, and less than half of it remained.

Seeing it, Link sighed. He walked to the window on the other side and looked

Now, he was 6500 feet away from the shield. Not only did he have to get close
to it, but he also had to let the Yabbas inside know that he was coming.
Otherwise, he'd just be looking for death.

Link didn't advance hurriedly. He looked at the shield in deep thought. I can't
send a signal with the bomb and light won't work. I can't use magic either. How
do I alert the Yabbas?

After a long while, Link still had no clue.

What do I do? What do I do?

While thinking, Link's gaze fell on the Yabba corpses on the ground and got an

If there are bodies, it means that the Yabbas outside Lirico didn't all leave. With
so many houses here, it's very possible that someone's still alive. If I can find a
living Yabba, he can give me a way into the city safely.

With that thought, a message appeared in Link's vision.

Mission Activated: Survivor

Mission: Search for surviving Yabbas in the ruins outside Lirico City

Mission Reward: Assassin Robe (Epic)

The game system had started rewarding equipment, and it was called the
Assassin Robe? The name sounded contradictory.

Whatever. Just accept it now and worry later!

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Chapter 394: The Yabbas are Bi-gender!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link could not use his spells because the Void Aura around his body interfered
with the formation of his Dragon Power into spells.

In his body, however, his Dragon Power still circulated freely.

This gave Link an idea.

He held the Dragon King's Fury in his right hand and clenched a fist with his
left, channeling the Dragon Power into it. Soon after, Link's left hand was clad
in a crystal red light.

Originally, once the Dragon Power exited Link's body, it would naturally
expand into a Dragon Power ball two feet wide. However, under the influence
of the Void Aura, the Dragon Power could not even form a ball an inch wide
before dispersing. This disruption completely prevented Link from casting any

However, within that small space just around his fist, he could still use a minor
support spell. Link used Clear Sign.
Whoosh. Suddenly, all the chaotic noises disappeared. The cannon fire and the
beating of wings by the flying demons; even the sound of the wind disappeared.

Other less obvious, yet extremely important sounds suddenly became a lot more

A hundred and fifty feet away from a wooden cottage, in a small alley, three
lesser demons were chattering away. On a beam in the cottage 210 feet away, a
cat was trembling in the eaves of the house. Further away, a slight and
unnoticeable scent drifted over.

Not only did the Dragon Power enhance his eyesight, but it also enhanced his
hearing, sense of smell and taste.

This smell was extremely faint, such that even the demons were unable to
discover it. However, under the effects of Clear Sign, Link detected it.

Sniff, sniff. Link's nose twitched lightly.

Only a living person would give off this scent… There is even the fragrance of
food… It's meat stew. He's cooking meat stew, and there's also the smell of
wine. He's actually hiding in a wine cellar… He's alone… but which direction is
he in… Found him. Here! He is about 1500 feet away.

Whoosh. Link canceled Clear Sign, and the background noises instantly

In just this short time, Link already used up 2000 Dragon Points. It could be
seen how powerful the Void Aura's interference was.

From outside the house, came the clear sound of flapping wings. Based on the
sound, there were three demons. They were attracted here by the smell of Link's
Dragon Power.

Link hid in the corner of the house. Not moving at all, he focused his ears and
listened to the movements outside.

There are the demons. Based on the sounds of their footsteps, they are
Gargoyles. This type of demon has a tough body. In order to kill them, their
heads must be cut off… They're coming, they're probably 15 feet away… One is
outside the door, nine feet away; one is in the corridor, and the last is on the
street, reaching the entrance… Now!

Link was able to tell their positions based on the sound, but never like this.
Now, he was essentially using his ears to "see"!

One Gargoyle stood at the doorway. He was five-feet-tall, and his skin was pale
grey. He had bat-like wings, a membrane that extended from his back to his
underarms. His claws were extremely sharp, protruding from his hands and feet.
They could easily smash through steel.

Once the Gargoyle appeared, Link charged forth like the wind. His figure
instantly vanished.

A blade flashed, and one Gargoyle's head flew off. Before the head could fly
far, Link stamped hard on the ground and changed directions. The blade flashed
again and the second Gargoyle's head flew off.

He paused. Earlier, the two Gargoyles were indoors. When their heads flew, it
wouldn't fly far and attract the attention of the flying demons. The third
Gargoyle was out on the street though, but Link had already made preparations.

After killing the second Gargoyle, he threw out the last grenade which he had
set beforehand. It landed somewhere in the city and exploded. Bang! From
1,800 feet away, came an earth-shaking explosion.

All the demons, both in the sky and on the ground, looked over to where the
explosion occurred. Many even flew over. Meanwhile, the Gargoyle on the
street had just noticed Link and was about to react. Hearing the explosion, he
was startled.

In this brief instant, he lost his last chance to call out. Link dashed over and
rolled; then he stood up before slashing his sword across. Swoosh. The
Gargoyle was split into two.

Immediately, Link continued towards a wooden house that he had identified

earlier. He kept his sword raised in a defensive position and didn't slow down
for even a moment.
Outside the wooden house, the three lesser demons were still talking when the
explosion happened. They were just about to go over to investigate when Link
appeared in front of them. Before they could react, Link's blade flashed past,
and three lesser demon heads flew into the air.

Link continued onwards until he entered the wooden house.

It was only now that the first Gargoyle's head hit the floor.

Link exhaled slowly in relief after he entered the wooden house. Earlier, he had
expended all his strength. Had there been a single mistake, he would have
attracted the attention of all the demons. Under the circumstance in which he
could not use any spells, he would be hard-pressed to deal with so many
demons. Even if he did not die, he definitely would not return in one piece.

Link took a moment to catch his breath. After he had recovered, Link walked
towards the window and looked to where he had first detected traces of life.

From the house 1200 feet away at the base of a hill, there was a stone cottage.
The left half of the cottage was already wrecked by cannon fire; even the roof
was gone. There were no demons in that area.

From where Link was to the stone cottage, there were no other trees except a
huge Silver Tung tree. It was so thick that not even three people could wrap
their arms around it. Besides the tree, there was also a huge broken statue. These
two were spaced about 400 feet apart, and in fact, provided sufficient cover.

Flap, flap. Link heard the sound of beating wings approaching—demons were
coming. They probably discovered the slain Gargoyle and lesser demons; that
was inevitable.

While the demons had yet to arrive, Link retrieved another grenade and adjusted
the timing. Gathering his strength, he flung it out in another direction.

BOOM! Another explosion shook the air.

Link did not waste even a second and dashed out of the cottage. He used all his
strength, running as fast as he could. Not only was he fast, but he was also
A second later, he arrived at the broken statue, and beneath the statue was a
Yabba Warrior's corpse. Link noticed a musket lying next to the corpse.

"Good find!"

Link picked up the musket and inspected it. The casing was a little dirty, and the
scope was slanted, but these weren't serious problems. Link quickly did some
necessary maintenance.

The musket had three bullets loaded, and Link searched the corpse to find
another 15.

Keeping the musket in his dimensional pendant, Link looked up to check on the
demons. Five demons, including a Screaming Demon, were flying to where the
demons were killed.

Link thought for a moment before retrieving another grenade. Adjusting the
timing of the explosion to 30 seconds and checking the angle, Link lightly threw
the grenade. The grenade followed an ideal path, landing softly near the dead
Gargoyle 900 feet away.

The grenade was just the size of a fist, and the demons did not notice it. Link

About ten seconds later, the five demons landed and approached the corpse.
They still did not notice the grenade.

Link mentally counted down in his head. 10, 9, 8, 7… 3, 2, 1, explode!

BOOM! The grenade exploded. From where he was, Link saw three Gargoyles
flung 150 feet into the air by the force of the explosion. Their bodies were
contorted at a weird angle, and they were charred black. Clearly, they were

Screeeeee! The screaming demon was still alive. Of course, it was a Level-8
demon, and a Level-5 grenade could not kill it. It started alerting the rest of the
demons by screeching.

The screeching was very loud and immediately attracted the attention of
numerous demons who started moving towards it.
Taking this chance, Link darted out from the statue and dashed forward to the
large tree. When he reached the tree, he paused and looked back. None of the
demons had noticed him. Meanwhile, the screaming demon was still screeching,
and all the demons in the sky were flying towards it.

Link dashed out again from under the tree. A second later, he had entered into a
portion of the broken down stone cottage.

He had entered into the hall. The hall was filled with rubble, and the ceiling was
already split. One column had collapsed and was leaning against a wall, forming
a triangular structure. Hidden beneath this triangular structure was a small

Link crawled into it and discovered that this was the kitchen.

Sniff, sniff. Link's nose twitched. Very quickly, he found the entrance to the
wine cellar. The entrance to the cellar was blocked by a giant stone totaling at
least one ton in weight. It was essentially sealed. The traces of life he had
detected came from inside this cellar.

"We detected danger and hid in this cellar. Do you think we managed to escape
the disaster?"

After checking to make sure there were no demons within 300 feet, Link began
to clear away the stones.

To the Yabba people, the stones were definitely impossible to move. For Link,
however, this wasn't a problem. The biggest stone was 660 pounds. Link only
needed a bit of strength to clear it aside.

After doing this, Link listened again and checked for danger. Detecting nothing,
Link attempted to open the cover to the cellar.

Creak, creak. the cover shook but didn't open. It was locked from the inside.

That wasn't a problem. Link used a little strength and pulled, feeling where the
resistance came from. Then, using the Dragon King's Wrath sword, he stabbed
at the spot and cut sideways. The lock immediately broke.

Pulling aside the cover, Link jumped in.

Before he had even reached the ground, he heard a bang. Something flashed in
the darkness and a thought passed through Link's mind. Musket fire!

The Yabba inside must have heard the commotion outside and thought the
demons were coming. Therefore, they had opened fire.

To be able to shoot at him while he was falling in mid-air, and furthermore

accurately target his chest—this gunner's skills were not bad.

If it were before this, Link would use Spatial Shackle to defend himself.
Unfortunately, he had to rely on his swordsmanship now.

Judging from the sound of the bullet, Link could determine the trajectory of the
shot. Link waved the Dragon King's Wrath sword, and crystal red light flashed
in the air as the sword intercepted the path of the bullet. Twang!

The cellar was dimly lit by a small fire that was built on top of a broken barrel
in the cellar. On top of the fire was a pot, inside of which something was
boiling. A piece of rat skin could be seen floating inside.

A young Yabba eyed Link in fear.

This Yabba's face was very youthful. He did not have a beard, and his skin was
still white and tender. He even had a bit of baby fat. His eyes were like little
crystals, which, because of fear, were now opened as wide as they could be.

Honestly, if not for the flat chest, Link would have no way of telling his
gender… Wait! That did not eliminate either possibility. Was this Yabba a male
or a female?

Link was confused.

Once he laid eyes upon this Yabba, a system message appeared in Link's vision.

Mission "Finding Survivors" has been completed. Continue with the rescue.

Player has obtained Assassin's robe. It can be worn anytime.

An image appeared in his vision and Link took a look. It was a dark blue robe
with dark silver inscriptions on it. It looked pretty fine, possessing an Assassin's
cool demeanor as well as a Magician's mysteriousness.

Link didn't have time to investigate further. He looked at the Yabba child and
gestured with his hands, whispering, "Relax, I'm not a demon. I'm a human…
messenger. I've come with a message."

Unexpectedly, after hearing Link's words, the Yabba youth was even more
frightened. He huddled up and shouted, "You're lying! You hesitated just now;
you're definitely lying!"

His voice was also very shrill and did not help in differentiating his gender.

"Wow, that's some keen observation skills you have there," Link said. Link was
stunned, that really was only a short pause.

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Chapter 395: The Suspicious Little Thing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wine cellar

The Yabba obviously didn't believe Link. This was quite awkward.

Thinking a bit, Link said, "Look at me. I can't be a demon right?"

The little Yabba held a short-handle musket. It was like a handgun from earth.
At the moment, the muzzle was shaking but still pointed at Link. "Demons are
the best at disguises. Those demons outside aren't scary. It's the evil demons
pretending to be humans that are. Like Akensser, he's a respected artisan, but he
betrayed us all!"

Thus Link learned that there was a traitor from Lirico. It was the artisan
Akensser, just like in the game.
Link looked helpless. "There's no point for me to hurt you, right?"

"Yes you do!" the little thing yelled. "Kill me, hurry! I won't say anything."

This intrigued Link. The Yabba definitely knew something.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a soft noise outside. Shocked, he listened
closely and gestured at the Yabba in the corner of the wine cellar to be quiet.
Then, looking left and right, he saw a few wine jars.

He immediately started moving. He stacked the jars one by one beside the
entrance. When they almost reached the entrance, Link glanced at it. He
estimated the measurements, and then stabbed his sword into the wall. He sliced
it lightly as if it was tofu, cutting out a slab bigger than the entrance.

The Yabba's wine cellar was very low-hanging, only eight feet high. Link
picked up the stone slab and gently put it on the jars of wine. It sealed off the
entrance perfectly. During this entire process, Link was extremely fast. More
importantly, he didn't make a sound. Even when slicing the wall, it only made
tiny snicks. One couldn't hear it without listening closely.

When he finished, he realized that the Yabba had put down his musket.

Link was slightly relieved. He brought his finger to his lips to gesture the Yabba
to be quiet. The little thing also heard the noise outside. He didn't dare breathe
loudly, and his body was shaking. At this moment, even though he still
suspected Link, he'd pushed it to the back of his mind. The demon outside the
cellar was more terrifying.

The two didn't make a sound. They just waited inside the cellar. Link stood
beside the entrance with his sword, ready for anything.

After around two minutes, the ceiling vibrated. Thud, thud, thud. Those were
the demons' footsteps. Judging from the sound, there were at least three demons.
They weight more than half a ton. Link could also tell that one was a Fodor
Flaming Demon.

They got closer and closer to the entrance and Link could hear the Abyss
"Do you smell it? It smells weird, like wine."

"A little. Sniff, sniff. Smells nice."

"Hey, leader, there's a sealed entrance. It looks like it's been moved."

"Oh? Let me see."

Hearing this, Link tightened his grip and pressed the sword's tip against the
stone slab. As soon as the demons realized something was wrong, he would

Crash! They opened the lid above the cellar. Heavy breathing traveled from the
stone slab above Link's head. It was getting closer and closer.

At this moment, not only was Link completely focused, but the Yabba in the
corner also picked up his musket nervously again. Rather than aiming at Link
though, it was pointed at the stone slab.

The breathing sounds lasted for three seconds before leaving.

"It's just a stone slab. There's nothing there." The demon's voice resonated
deeply. This meant he had big lung capacity. Judging from his footsteps, this
was the Fodor Flaming Demon. He was at Level-8 too.

The footsteps faded into the distance. The demon seemed to have really left.
Link let out a breath and turned around. "Hey, we can't keep wasting time. We
need to leave now. The demon might come back any time."

Actions spoke louder than words. Link's earlier actions had greatly reduced the
little thing's doubts. He stared at Link with huge eyes. "You really are the
human messenger? What's your name?"

"I'm Link Morani. This is my noble seal, and this is my wand… Hurry, we don't
have time!" Link urged.

The Yabba was shocked. "You're the Ferde Lord. Why don't you use magic?"

"Something happened. No time to explain. Follow me!" Link's heart jumped.

This meant there was danger, and he had to leave as soon as possible.
This time, the Yabba seemed to believe him. He kicked the jar above the fire,
putting the fire out. Then he ran over to Link. "Do you have food? I haven't
eaten in three days."

Approaching the Yabba, Link realized that his lips were cracked and he looked
frail. Link took a baked potato from Aragu and a pot of water out of the
dimensional storage bag for him.

The Yabba took a bite and smacked his lips. "It tastes weird. I've never had it
before, but it's nice. I like it."

Link then took out a shirt. He tore it into strips and tied them together. He
reached out and put the busy eating Yabba onto his back. At the same time, he
ordered, "Hold on tight."

"Ah, oh… okay." The Yabba was frightened, but he had to follow through. He
clasped his thin legs tightly around Link's waist. He also hugged tightly with his
arms but didn't forget to eat his potato. He was honestly starving.

Link finally realized from the body hugging him that the Yabba was a girl but
was completely flat-chested.

Link wrapped the rag around until it got to the Yabba's neck. He turned around.
Seeing that she was still eating, he took the potato away. "Enough. Don't eat too
much at first."

"But I'm hungry." She stared imploringly at Link.

He was unmoved. Link continued wrapping the rag until her head was firmly
fixed to his back.

"I'm going to die if you tie me like this."

"I'll run very fast later. If I don't fix your head, your neck will turn into twisted

She didn't believe him. "You're lying again! Let me see how fast you run!"
After tying her, Link listened to the outside. It was quiet, but he couldn't lower
his guard. He clenched his fists again. Dragon Power surged and activated the
Clear Sign effect. Instantly, Link could perceive all sorts of signals.

The ground trembled lightly. There were four demons nearby, including the
Fodor Flaming Demon from earlier. He was talking 150 feet away.

The Clear Sign effect collected his voice.

"Look, this seems to be footprints. They're fresh too," he said.

"Something passed by. He must have tossed the bomb earlier too," another
demon said. Judging from the voice, it was a Winged Howler.

"He walked the entire way to the wine cellar from earlier, but it was sealed… Is
it a secret room?" the Fodor Flaming Demon muttered. After a pause, he said,
"Let's go back!"

Then footsteps got closer. It sounded hurried; the demons were running quickly.
In order for them to not sense the Dragon Power, Link canceled the effect. Then
he whispered to the Yabba, "I need to send a message to Elin, the Lady Fortuna.
How can I do that?"

Link didn't say that he needed to enter the city's defensive shield. That would
raise suspicions and make the Yabba become guarded again. By saying that he
needed to send a message and let the girl do it, she wouldn't suspect him.

"Tell me what Elin looks like." The Yabba was quite careful.

"Emerald eyes, under three feet, likes wearing colorful robes with red, blue, and
green. She has pigtails, but her hair isn't long. They look like horns—"

"Alright, I believe you. Elin is inside the crystal wall, but we can't go in. We
can't send messages either. The demons destroyed all the investigation statues,"
the Yabba replied softly.

"The crystal wall? Is it that yellow light shield?" Link asked despite knowing
the answer. He guided the Yabba closer and closer to the answer he wanted.
"Yes, it's that magic shield. No information can pass through, unless… I can't
tell you. I don't trust you completely!" She suddenly stopped.

Link shrugged. He didn't continue asking because that would make his
intentions clear. The Yabba's suspicions would skyrocket. He put his attention
on the demons outside the sealed entrance.

Thud, thud. The Fodor Flaming Demon returned. This time, his steps were
hurried. From the screams in the air, Link predicted that he would shatter the
stone slab.

In the span of a thought, Link made his calculations. He didn't attack or retreat.
He just went into the corner, hiding behind a jar of wine.

Crash! The demon stomped the slab and broke it. He had rich battle experience.
To prevent anyone under the slab from attacking, his stomp carried powerful
demon power. Not only was the stone broken, but Battle Aura also reverberated.
The entire cellar entrance caved in, creating a gaping hole.

The jars of wine were shattered. Wooden splinters flew and wine splattered. The
cellar was filled with the thick scent of wine. It was the Yabbas' favorite red
berry wine.

The commotion was too big like the world shattering. The Yabba screamed
instinctively, but before she could make a sound, Link covered her mouth. All
other auras in the cellar were covered by the smell of wine.

"Go in and look," the Flaming Fodor Demon said. As a high-level demon, he
was over ten feet tall. The cellar was too small for him.

Thud, plop. Two smaller low-level demons jumped down. Link could feel that
the Yabba's heart quickened instantly. Even her breathing became faster. She
was clearly frightened.

Seeing the low-level demons, Link's mind whirred. He thought of various

solutions, and a lightbulb went off. He took the Yabba's musket and reached
into the wine jar. Distinguishing location by sound, he made three consecutive
When he fired, Link also gently pinched the Yabba's legs. Even though he did it
gently, she couldn't take it. She instantly screamed in pain, and her big black
eyes fogged up. A teardrop hung in her eyes. It hurt.

Bang, bang, bang. Every bullet hit a low-level demon, and their heads exploded.
They died without putting up a fight.

The commotion obviously alerted the Flaming Fodor Demon outside the cellar.
Not only did he hear the musket, but he also heard a Yabba's cry. He cackled. "I
was wondering what's hiding down there. It's a little trigger-happy thing. They
taste good. Seems like I'll get a good meal today too."

Not only did Firuman know about the Yabba's muskets, but the Dark Army had
also experienced them from all the battles. So when the demon heard the
musket, his first thought was that a Yabba was hiding in there. To him, Yabbas
were just slabs of fresh meat. They weren't a threat at all.

A Winged Howler spoke from the distance. "I want one too. I want one too."

"If you want to eat, help me dig up the cellar. These little things are just like
rats. You have to dig them out."

Thud, thud, thud. The Winged Howler walked over and really did start helping.
The two demons were both at Level-8, and the stone slabs couldn't stop them.

Boom, boom. The cellar was stomped on continuously, and the entrance
widened. Link retreated to the border without a sound. After a few more
seconds, a ten-foot-tall figure jumped in. He squatted to look for the "rat."

As for the rat's musket, it was only a threat to low-level demons. His skin was
rough and thick. Even if he was hit, it would only be a scratch. While he was
getting used to the darkness, Link acted.

He rushed to the demon's side instantly and kicked his knee. With a crack, his
knee broke, and the demon stumbled. He opened his mouth to scream, but Link
had already used the momentum to shoot upward. There was a small scraping
sound. He chopped off the Fodor Flaming Demon's head cleanly, cutting off the
Rushing out the hole, Link saw the Winged Howler. The demon felt something
was wrong and opened his mouth to scream. He also spread his wings and
jumped into the air.

The Winged Howler's voice attack was very strong. Link could resist it easily,
but the Yabba on his back would die from the soundwaves.

In this critical moment, Link lunged as fast as lightning. His foot hooked onto a
stone and grabbed the demon's ankle as he shot up. Link yanked the 14-foot-tall
demon from the air.

Boom! Link threw the Winged Howler onto the ground, disorienting it.

Without hesitating, Link charged. He stepped onto the demon's head and
activated his Legendary power. With a burst, the demon's head exploded like a
watermelon under pressure.

As soon as he finished, Link heard screams from the air. It was the Winged
Howlers. Link was finally discovered by the demons in the air.

Taking a deep breath, Link composed himself. Then he turned around and
started running towards the dense cluster of buildings. Since he was discovered,
he'd take advantage of the geography.

"Go left. There's an entrance to an alley," the Yabba suddenly said.

At the same time, a message flashed in his vision.

Activate New Mission: Breakthrough

Mission: Break through the demon's blockade and enter the underground world
of Lirico City.

Mission Reward: Assassin Pants (Epic)

It was another piece of gear. The name was similar to the Assassin Robe too. If
he finished all the missions, would he get an entire set?

Link had never heard of this set in the game, but he didn't care. He accepted the
new mission.
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Chapter 396: Unbelievable Strength

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Screee, Screeee!

Screeching filled the air as the vibrations from the sound waves became visible.

In the distance, hordes of demons were approaching, some flying, many others
running. Link could see ghouls, demons and other creatures heading towards

If he could use his spells freely, these creatures certainly wouldn't pose a threat.
Coupled with the special ability of the Dragon King's Wrath sword, he could
single-handedly finish them off. However, right now, his hands were tied. If he
fought desperately, he could take out 2,000 demons, but ultimately, he would
still be dead meat.

More importantly, his task now was to deliver a message, not to kill the demons.

"My ear hurts!!! Ahhh my ear!!" The little thing on his back started screaming.
She was completely tied down onto Link's back and had no hands to cover her
ears. The screeching from the demons made her ears hurt badly.

As Link dashed away, he tore off a corner from his shirt and crumpled it into
two balls, stuffing the balls into the little thing's ears. As he was done with this,
he heard the sound of wind behind him as a Gargoyle lunged towards him.

Link stamped hard onto the ground as he pivoted, slashing with the Dragon
King's Wrath sword. Smash! A crystal red light flashed, and the Gargoyle's
body split into two.

Countless demons were still rushing towards him from all directions. The
demons numbered over 50. There was no way to deal with them by himself; that
would only get him caught up in the fighting.
Link's mind spun quickly, and he came up with a plan.

He untied the little thing on his back and held her in front of him instead. At the
same time, he supported her neck and head with his other hand. Finally, he took
out a grenade. Listening to the sound of the wind behind him, he waited.

Three seconds later, he threw the grenade out behind him.

"Three, two, one, hold on tight!"

The little thing obviously recognized this grenade and figured out what Link
was trying to do. She immediately retracted her limbs and buried her head into
Link's chest.

Instantly, Link leaped off from the ground.

As his leap took him to a height of 15 feet, a loud boom shook the ground
behind him. Light blue flames exploded out and surged towards Link.

The explosion also engulfed the many flying demons behind Link.

Link could feel the heat on his skin. Of course, it wouldn't pose a problem to
him, but as for the little thing, she would be burnt to crisp. Link released some
Dragon Power, creating a crystal red barrier that would protect her.

Amidst the burning inferno, Link felt a strong force pushing from behind him.
Being in mid-air, this generated a pushing force that boosted his jump forward.
He shot out of the explosion like a bullet, flying into the air.

In his embrace, the little thing was screaming non-stop. The incessant shrill
screaming made Link's ears numb.

Five seconds later, Link had shot out 450 feet. As he landed, Link huddled his
body into a ball and rolled along the ground to dissipate the momentum. He
protected the Yabba within his embrace the entire time.

Actually, with the tenacity of his body, Link could have landed standing up and
still be fine. However, the impact would be too much for the Yabba. In the
worst case, her body would be held still within his embrace, but the impact
would severely rattle her brain and internal organs, causing internal hemorrhage
and resulting in her death.

Nonetheless, although Link had done his best to disperse the force of the
impact, the little thing was still knocked giddy. She said breathlessly while in
Link's arms, "My head is spinning, the ground is up, and the sky is down,

"You'll be fine soon," Link reassured her. He took out the cloth strip from
earlier. This time, instead of tying her to his back, he tied her to his chest.

Once she was tied stably, he instructed, "As I walk forward later, help me keep
a lookout behind and quietly warn me of any danger. If I'm going to increase my
speed, I'll warn you first. You've got to close your eyes tightly immediately,

If she didn't close her eyes, the moment Link picked up speed, that adorable pair
of crystal-like eyes would immediately pop out of their sockets. Now that would
be ugly.

"Okay," the little thing whimpered. Link could feel her heart beating rapidly. He
knew that she was terrified.

The grenade earlier had wrought a fair amount of chaos. At least 20 Gargoyles
were killed, and many surrounding houses were destroyed. Because of that,
there was a lot of noise and confusion. Making use of the chaos, Link instructed,
"Close your eyes!"

The little thing immediately shut her eyes. As she did, the sound of wind rushed
past her ears, and a great feeling of inertia pushed against her body, pressing her
into Link's chest. Her face especially was buried into his body, and her nose was
being flattened against his chest.

Half a second later, the pressure disappeared, and she carefully opened her eyes
a slit.

She saw the scenery flash by in a blur as they shot past at high speed.

She had once seen such a sight before; that was when she was on a small airship
as it neared the ground. The ground had also passed her by in a blur.
However, that was an airship, a machine. Right now, that speed was being
exhibited by a human—a human!

She was stunned. It was said that the Ferde Lord had spells that were
undefeatable. Could this be one of those unknown spells?

All doubt about Link had long since vanished.

Along the entire way, she knew that Link had done all he could to look out for
her safety. How could someone like this be a dog of the demons?

Meanwhile, Link had used the opportunity to run 1500 feet. Not far in front was
Lariel City's outer district. It was now in ruins, and many places were emitting
black smoke.

At the entrance of the district, a squad of demons was obstructing the way.

There were ten demons among them. One was a Level-8 Fodor Flaming Demon.
Three were Level-6 sword demons, while the remaining six were Level-4

The demons adopted a defensive formation as they noticed Link.

From afar, Link also noticed them. He did not decrease his speed in the slightest
but merely asked, "Where is the tunnel? I need to adjust my angle of approach!"

"Just go straight along this road, and at the third junction, go right 300 feet.
There will be a small alley on your right-hand side, inside that alley is the

Even in this situation, the little thing's directions were very precise. It wasn't
something anyone could do.

Not long ago, Link had met another Yabba called Melinda. After meeting him,
she did not hold any sense of suspicion but immediately broke down and lost
control of herself.

It wasn't that Melinda was wrong, but in terms of emotional control, the little
thing tied to his chest was much stronger than Melinda. This was the difference
between a normal human and an elite.
Link guessed that this little Yabba must have some kind of background.

At this moment, Link had already rushed in front of the Fodor Flaming Demon.
He drew the Dragon King's Wrath sword, and with one hand protecting the little
thing's head, he stabbed towards the Fodor Flaming Demon.

Link's speed was simply too fast. Besides the Level-8 demon, the rest of the
demons could not even track him with their eyes. Hence, right now, he only
needed to deal with the attacks from the flame demon.

The Fodor Flaming Demon's weapon of choice was a huge war hammer that
was emitting flames. The handle was 6-feet-long, and the hammerhead itself
was a large metal block that appeared to weigh 440 pounds.

This Fodor Flaming Demon itself was ten feet tall. As Link approached, he
swung the hammer and smashed it towards Link. The demon didn't care about
precision with this attack. After all, the hammer was so heavy that as long as it
connected with its target, the target would immediately be smashed to bits

This attack was too brutal, and so Link didn't dare to take it head-on. The pure
Dragon Power improved his vitality, but it did not give him extra defenses.
Although his body was stronger than the average human, it was still far from
being able to take a Level-8 expert's attack head-on.

In an instant, Link ducked. Whoosh. The huge hammer swiped across Link's
head, missing it by just a few inches.

After Link had dodged this attack, he entered the flame demon's defensive
range. The demon's speed was far from being able to keep up with Link, and it
was impossible for him to defend against Link.

At this moment, the Fodor Flaming Demon was just like a sitting duck.

Link stood up straight and leveled the Dragon King's Wrath sword, striding
forward. His sword slashed across the flame demon's thigh. Swoosh. The
demon's leg was sliced off.

"Ahhh!" The demon cried in pain. As his leg was sliced off, he lost his balance
and fell towards Link. Link drew his sword upwards in an arc and conveniently
slashed off the Fodor Flaming Demon's head. Flaming hot demon blood spurted
out, turning into bloody rain.

Within the bloody rain, Link continued moving forward. As he walked through,
the bloody rain fell. It looked as though he walked out through the rain, but not
even a single drop of the demon's blood landed on him.

Behind the Fodor Flaming Demon were three Blackshell Sword Demons.

These three Blackshell Sword Demons were six feet tall, and their bodies had
natural armor. The swords in their hands looked threatening, and they appeared
to be very vicious. However, ultimately, they were low-level demons whose
strengths were only at Level-6.

Against Link, it was like three street bullies meeting a real martial artist. They
looked like monkeys trying out new tricks.

Link used the footwork he learned from Kanorse. Stepping forward to the left,
he stabbed once, then took another step and delivered a level strike. Finally, he
stepped back to the left and struck once more. In this manner, he easily broke
through the three sword demons' defenses.

After he had rushed 30 feet past the demons, blood finally spurted out from the
demons. It was like they only realized they were killed when their heads finally
hit the floor.

Link was already extremely well-versed with this technique. Even if Kanorse
were here, he would not likely be able to give Link many pointers.

This technique did not escape the notice of the little Yabba girl. Link gave her a
feeling that he, the lord of Ferde, was immeasurably strong.

Every demon here would be a threat to the Yabbas, even the smallest and
weakest ones. The Yabbas required their weapons and could only attack in
groups of three. Otherwise, they ran the risk of being completely obliterated.

As for the Blackshell Sword Demons and the Fodor Flame Demons, they would
require the heavy-duty magic cannons to deal with them.
However, Link was killing them like he was killing chickens. The entire time,
he had been holding onto her and protecting her head with one hand.

What kind of strength was this?

At this point, there were only six low-level demons blocking the way. How
could they even dream of standing up to Link? They yelped and scampered to
the side.

"Eyes close!" Link instructed. Half a second later, he dashed forward again.

He had now successfully reached the third junction and could see, once again,
that many demons were charging towards them.

Among them were ghouls, Dark Elves, and even a few Dark Elf Magicians.

Having the support of Magicians greatly increased the threat of the incoming

Link didn't dare to take any risks and immediately escaped forward. Based on
the directions by the little thing, he dashed to the left and continued for another
300 feet. Then, as she had said, there was an alley to his right.

Link entered the alley and ran for 150 feet until he reached a dead end. Here, he
noticed a pile of rocks on the ground. Hidden beneath the pile of rocks was a
passage to a tunnel.

The little thing noticed the pile of rocks and exclaimed, "Oh no! The entrance
has been discovered by demons!"

"Are there Yabbas in the passage?" Link asked, frowning. He could hear the
thunder of footsteps. It meant that pursuing troops were approaching.

"Of course! And not just a few," the little thing said.

Lariel City had a complex network of sewage pipes. When the demons attacked,
she saw many people evacuate under the city. If not for the fact that she lived in
the outer districts of the city and didn't make it in time, she would have taken
the chance to hide there as well.
"Understood," Link said. He looked back to see the demons entering the alley.
Without any more hesitation, he jumped into the passage.

Because the entrance to the passage was wrecked, the fall down into the passage
was very deep, about 30 feet. As he landed, Link rolled a few times to disperse
the impact of the fall.

Almost at the same time, something flashed in his vision.

Mission complete: Break through.

New Mission: Assistance.

Description: Assist the Yabba people in resisting the enemy in the underground
passages of Lariel City.

Mission Reward: Assassin's Helmet (Epic)

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Chapter 397: Big Terrifying Demon

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The underground world of Lirico City reached in all directions. A stranger

would definitely get lost within ten minutes. Link was no exception.

Thankfully, he had a guide.

"Go left. The ride side is going out the city," the Yabba directed.

"Where are we going?" Link asked. At the same time, he listened closely for
any noise behind him. There were many footsteps. Many soldiers had followed
him into the underground tunnels.

However, the tunnels were very complex. No demons had caught up yet.
The little thing explained in a low voice, "We're going to the sewage treatment
area. It's the lowest part and most complicated. There are also many sturdy
valves there. If there are any survivors, they'll most likely be there."

"I see." Link crept forward.

After around 300 feet, Link realized that the noises behind him had become
extremely weak. Thanks to the complex layout, Link had easily lost the

He let out a breath of relief and continued.

"Left side… Careful!" the Yabba suddenly called.

Her alert was unneeded. Link had realized earlier, and a low-level demon
charged out of a corner. Link swung his sword and chopped off the demon's

He turned the corner and saw a 150-square-foot room. The Yabba yelped at the
sight and buried her face in Link's shoulder, not willing to look anymore. Link
narrowed his eyes as well.

The room was filled with bodies. There were around 20 Yabbas and four low-
level demons. There was even a Blackshell Sword Demon. The ground was
covered in spilled intestines, broken limbs, and a shattered magic musket. The
Blackshell Sword Demon was dead too. He was killed by a Yabba's suicidal
bomb attack.

That Yabba's body was completely broken. Only half of his face remained. He'd
stuffed the bomb into the demon's mouth, exploding the demon's head.

"Wah, wahh." The little thing began crying. She'd turned around at some point
and saw that face. "I know him. He's Ferrion, a major. He's really brave, smart,
and had so much potential. He was going to be the commander of an airship."

Link patted her back and continued walking.

There was a very sturdy gate at the back of this underground room. Fifteen dim
runes flashed around the door. Link looked at it and realized this was a
password. If he activated the runes in the wrong order, the door wouldn't open.
"Little thing, do you know the password?" Link asked while checking the runes.

"Don't call me that. My name is Lannie. I don't know the password either, but
we can go another way," she said.

But Link didn't move. He was still checking the runes.

"It's useless. You can't decipher it. It's a magic lock. If you don't know the
password, there are tens of thousands of ways to input it. This door uses the
sturdiest metal of our race. It's really sturdy and… hey, how do you know the

While Lannie was speaking, Link had already started touching the runes. By the
time she finished, a soft click had come from the metal door and then it swung
open soundlessly.

"It's an innovative rune lock, but it's not that hard. Don't forget that I'm a

Link entered the tunnel and then looked at the runes behind it. After ten
seconds, he pressed lightly. With a click, the door closed again.

Lannie was speechless. After a long while, she said, "Then how come you know
swordsmanship? And you're so good at it?"

"I learned it in my free time… Shh… don't talk. This space doesn't feel right,"
Link whispered.

There was a long passage behind the door, with many pipes in the passage. They
should be from the sewage system. They looked undamaged, but Link noticed
that the spatial frequency was a bit off.

He walked to the side and touched the wall. His hand came back with a layer of
gray-white powder.

Lannie found it strange. "This wall is reinforced by transformational magic. It

should be strong and smooth. How come there's powder?"

"It's caused by fine spatial ripples," Link said.

He started looking carefully. After around ten seconds, he stepped back and
whispered, "A Dimensional Demon appeared here… And look here."

There were many footprints on the ground. Most were small and scuffed, left
behind by retreating Yabbas. Behind them were footprints three times larger.

"The footprints are trapezoidal and very wide. There are claws too. These are
the characteristics of a Dimensional Demon. Judging from the remaining aura,
these are from one day ago. Hurry!"

Link sped up.

After around 200 feet, the first Yabba corpse appeared on the ground. Only the
upper half of his body remained. His eyes were open wide while his small body
was halved with some sharp blade. There was a musket beside him, broken in
half. In the distance, the wall was charred black. It was cracked, and there were
stone shards on the ground.

After a few seconds, Link came to a conclusion. "The retreating Yabbas

discovered that someone was after them. This Warrior was left behind to stop
the demon. He was broken by the Dimensional Demon, but he took the chance
to detonate a bomb. There is a drop of black blood here. The demon was

Link picked up the broken magic musket. Seeing the smooth cut, his brows
knitted. "This demon is very strong. I fear he's reached Level-9. It'll be a bit

If they fought face to face, Link would have nothing to fear. However,
Dimensional Demons loved hiding in spatial folds for sneak attacks. If anything
went wrong, they'd hide back into the spatial fold. Dimensional Demons were
Assassin demons and extremely fast. This was troublesome.

More importantly, Link couldn't use magic now. If he could use spatial magic,
he could use Spatial Rend to destroy the demon if he tried to hide in space.

What a pity.
"Are we going to keep chasing?" Lannie asked fearfully. She wished Link could
keep going to save her people, but he said there was a Level-9 demon up ahead.
This was scary.

"Of course, but I need to prepare."

With that, Link looked into the corner and thought, Accept reward.

Whoosh. A shirt and pants fell from the air. They were the Assassin Robe and
Assassin Pants.

Link undid Lannie's ties and set her on the ground. Then Link took off his
leather armor. Putting on his new clothes, he explained, "I recently made these
two pieces of gear and couldn't bear to put them on before. I have to use them

He spoke calmly this time. The gear had dropped out of thin air as if he'd taken
it out of the dimensional storage. Lannie, observant as she was, didn't suspect

When Link was done, she studied him and couldn't help but ask, "Is it a robe?
It's pretty."

It was indeed. The clothing was of dark blue material. One could faintly see
many elegant dark silver patterns. There was a faint blue glow around the robe.
Looking closely, one could see countless specks of light flying around.

Link didn't notice the appearance. He checked the robe's profile first.

Assassin Robe (Set)


Current Set Status: 2/6

Effect One: Magic resistance increases by 80% as long as it doesn't affect the
spell-caster's magic conductivity.
Effect Two: Shadow effect. When the spellcaster stands without moving, a ball
of fog three feet wide will appear from their body. This effect can protect the
spell-caster from being attacked at critical body parts.

Effect Three: Activate the "ready" status. Under this status, the spell-caster can
cast any spells instantaneously. This effect can be used once every ten days.

Link looked at the pants.

It also had three effects. The magic resistance and shadow effect were the same
as the robe. The third, called "Godspeed," was different.

The player could activate this status and increase their speed by three times. The
effect could last one hour but had to cool down for one month.

This effect was pretty good. Link could use it to both attack or defend. If his
current speed was tripled, he'd be close to Nana. After his magic recovered, he
could pair this with Dimensional Jumps and no one would be able to catch him.

The set also had its own attributes. The two pieces of gear already activated it.
Link looked over and saw a halo.

It was the Focus Halo. This halo was permanent and had a 30-foot range. Within
it, anyone the spell-caster focused on would receive the effect. Their speed
would increase by ten percent and their spell-casting speed by five percent.

Not bad. With this set, he was much more confident in dealing with the Level-9
Dimensional Demon.

"Let's go. Is it okay if you follow behind me?" Link asked.

"Of course. I'm great with the musket." Lannie took out the musket she'd put in
the holster by her leg and twirled it.

The two continued forward.

After around 300 feet, there was another door. It also had runes, but they didn't
Lannie looked at it strangely. "The door was damaged but how? And how do
you use this?"

Link didn't speak. He was looking for a way through the door. He tried the
Dragon King's Fury magic sword. It sizzled and didn't give in easily, but he still
forced the sword through. This seemed to be the easiest way.

He spent ten minutes and finally cut an opening into the door. The two climbed

Once in, Lannie and Link were stunned by what was behind the door.

The walls here had all collapsed. Broken stones were everywhere, practically
blocking the tunnel. There were many black bloodstains on the ground. The
most eye-catching was a black thing that looked like a lizard's tail.

Seeing this, Link recreated the scene in his mind and couldn't help but praise,
"So powerful!"

The Yabbas were very smart. They'd figured out the Dimensional Demon's
characteristics and sealed the door. They forced the demon to teleport using its
dimensional abilities. The moment he appeared from the spatial waves, the
bomb detonated.

Caught by surprise, the Dimensional Demon was hurt badly. His tail even fell

Link walked to the tail and studied it. After one second, two seconds, three
seconds, his brows knitted. "No, the tail isn't right."

"What happened?" Lannie was frightened.

Link looked up to her. "I underestimated the demon. Look at his tail. The scales
are very fine and have rings of blue-gold light. A regular Dimensional Demon
wouldn't have these things. If I'm not wrong, this must be part of the royal

Lannie was quite knowledgeable too. Her eyes widened. "You mean, this is a
Dimensional Phantom?"
Dimensional Phantom

Dimensional Demon Royalty

Royal Talent: Soul-absorbing Stab. With every kill, the Dimensional Phantom
can turn a portion of the target's soul into their own power. To protect the purity
of their power, the rate is not very high, but it builds up, especially on the
battlefield. A Dimensional Demon can kill a great amount of creatures in a short

"No wonder this Dimensional Demon has Level-9 strength. If he was Level-8 at
the time of summoning, then he must have killed more than 3000 Yabbas… We
must catch up to him!"

This demon chased so relentlessly and so impatiently probably wasn't just to kill
them all. It was highly possible that he was about to advance to the next level.

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Chapter 398: Completely Convinced

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whoooo, Whooo. The sound of the wind howling came from nearby.

Lannie said softly, "Up ahead is the center of the shallow portion. From the
sound of it, the air formation has been activated. It will purge the stale air from
the tunnels out from above."

Link nodded his head and rubbed his nose. He said, "The situation probably isn't
too good. I smell a thick scent of blood."

Even though the system was circulating the air, Link could still smell the blood
in the air.

The smell of everyone's blood was different. It differed based on body mass,
Mana quantity, and other minute differences. Normally, people would not be
able to tell the difference, but Link could.
Link could smell that in the center area, there were at least 30 corpses. Perhaps
they were too late.

However, Link did not say a thing and walked ahead with Lannie.

After about 300 feet, they reached a circular pool about 150 feet across. In the
center of the pool was a round platform. Connected to the platform were four
walkways supported with semicircular bridges. At the top of the sewage,
chamber was a light spell formation which emanated warm light, lighting up the
entire underground chamber.

Lannie took a single glance and immediately shut her mouth and sobbed

Up ahead, corpses were piled over each other. There was not a single corpse that
was complete. Some brains were split in two, while others had their bodies
separated into two or more pieces. On both, the left and right side were pools of
dried blood. Some places of the floor were crumbled, perhaps from cannon

Corpses, rubble, and cannon shells were strewn across the area. The only thing
that didn't seem to be around was the Dimensional Demon. Not even a trace of
black demon blood could be found.

Lannie sobbed. "No, no, all these are Warriors, I'm sure there are civilians still
alive. There must be."

Lannie was about to jump into the sewage to look for people, but Link held her
back. She struggled fiercely. "Let me go! I'm going to take a look!"

Of course, her struggles were futile. Link restrained her with little effort and
pulled her back beside him. He glanced around the space and warned her softly,
"Lannie, you're right. There are survivors, but it is because there are survivors
that is why it hasn't left."

Lannie trembled and quieted down. Swoosh, she drew out a musket.

However, this musket's firepower was unfortunately far too low. It was useless.
In all likelihood, it would not even be able to penetrate the demon's armor.
Link took out the musket he had picked up and handed it to Lannie. "Here, I
picked this up along the way."

This gun's firepower was much higher. Although it could not pose a serious
threat to a Level-9 demon, at least it would be able to inflict an injury. Lannie
obviously couldn't do anything by herself, but she could support Link and create
a distraction when he was battling the demon.

Lannie nodded, "I can use this."

"Good, okay follow me." Link said as he stepped forward carefully. He was in a
state of high alert.

However, the Dimensional Demon did not appear. As Link walked through the
sewage chamber to the platform on the other end, all they could hear was the
howling of the wind in the chamber.

"Strange," Link said, frowning. He couldn't seem to see through the demon's

In front of him was a wide passage. At the end of the passage, there was a large
door. Along the passage were many footprints and lots of blood.

Link knelt down to inspect the trails. "The footprints are heading towards the
door. There were at least a hundred people, it's probably the survivors I think."

As he said this, he turned to Lannie. "Stay close by my side, we'll continue

going forward."

Lannie nodded, hugging the larger musket to her chest. She kept close behind
Link, looking around attentively the whole time.

After walking about 60 feet into the passage, Link suddenly shouted, "Stop,
there's a spell formation here. Seems like there is a Magician among the
survivors. Based on their skill… They're probably Level-7."

The space up ahead seemed completely clear, and nothing seemed odd about it.
There wasn't even any trace of Mana left behind. This level of spell formation
couldn't be done by a Magician without sufficient skill.
Lannie was short and could see things on the ground and at low angles more
clearly. She suddenly pointed to the base of a sewage pipe and said, "Look!
There are many bullets stacked over there. Those are incendiary bullets
possessing about Level-6 strength. There are about ten of them."

Link followed the trail of Mana that existed in the air and quickly understood
what was going on. "This is a trap. This trap is very well done, even if you pass
through without touching the floor or the walls, the trap would still be activated
and explode. The explosion would even affect the Dimensional Demon's other
dimension and tear it apart. I believe it is because of this that the demon does
not dare to enter. The survivors must be inside."

"Do you have a way to break through this?" Lannie asked.

"Of course," Link nodded. He carefully observed the flow of Mana in the spell
formation. After ten seconds, he stretched out his finger and used his Dragon
Power to poke at a few random spots in the air.

One second later, the magic web of the spell formation shattered. Finally, it
disappeared in a trail of white smoke.

The moment the web shattered, there was a commotion from behind the door.
Some were crying, others were breathing heavily. There were even sounds of
shock and teeth grinding.

Obviously, the people inside were aware that the spell formation had been

Link listened carefully and estimated, "There are about 200 people inside.
Lannie, call out to them and tell them we're here."

At this moment, they didn't dare to make any rash actions. Everyone inside was
tense. If they were alarmed, one of them might set off a grenade and kill
everyone inside.

Lannie nodded. "Everyone, I am Lannie Alliway. Don't worry, I'm here to save
you. I'm not alone, I'm with the Lord of Ferde from the south, Magician Link.
He was the one who broke the formation just now, don't be afraid."
After Lannie shouted, there were about ten seconds of silence. Then, the door
opened. Behind the door was a huge room packed with Yabbas.

The person who opened the door was an old Yabba man. His hair was white,
and he wore a blue Magician's robe. When he saw Lannie, his eyes lit
up. "Lannie! You're still alive!"

Lannie was delighted too. "Master Green, it's great to see you!"

When the Yabbas in the room saw this, many stood in joy. They thought that
they would be saved. However, the Magician didn't think so. He asked, "When
you guys came in, did you see the Dimensional Demon?"

"No, but we were chasing it on the way here," Lannie said, shaking her head.

The Yabba called Master Green's face paled. He looked at Link and was a little
confused. "You must be Master Link. Why does it seem like you are using a

Link had been standing there unmoving for a while now. The Assassin's Robe
special ability activated on its own. Link was wrapped in a blackish-blue fog,
and his features weren't clear.

Link moved slightly and walked out of the fog. He explained, "I did a
dimensional teleportation a while ago and got affected by the Void Aura. I'm
temporarily unable to use any spells, so I'm using the sword to make up for it

"Dimension… Dimensional teleportation? Make up?" Master Green couldn't

wrap his mind around it. Link's appearance still matched the description in the
stories, but the things he was saying were completely foreign.

Dimensional teleportation was a skill belonging to the Legendary realm, wasn't

it? And furthermore, what was a Magician doing with a sword? Is it something
one could randomly pick up to make up for being unable to use spells?

However, the Ferde Lord was said to be very intelligent, and the ridiculous
things that he was saying were not things an intelligent person would say.
Lannie knew that Master Green had misunderstood. She quickly said, "Master
Link really knows swordsmanship, and he's really good at it. Along the way
here, he killed many demons, including high-level demons too. It's true! You've
got to believe me."

Master Green was still skeptical, but nonetheless, he still believed that Link was
strong. Anyway, Link didn't bother replying to his doubts. He informed Link,
"Master Link, the Dimensional Demon is still hiding somewhere. Do you have a
way to deal with him?"

This entire time, Link had been observing the Yabbas. Most of them looked like
they were prepared to die. Everyone had bombs strapped to their bodies. This
was probably to prevent a sneak attack from the Dimensional Demon.

Link was also thinking of a way to deal with the Dimensional Demon. Link said
after a moment, "I'm afraid it's observing us right now and is prepared to take
action. Master Green, do you know how strong it is?"

As he said this, Link was keeping an eye on the movements in the space. The
moment he detected anything, he would immediately take action and retaliate.

"Okay," Master Green replied. "He…"

The moment Master Green started speaking, Link felt a disturbance in the space.
This was something only a Spatial Magician could detect.

In a Spatial Magician's eyes, the space was like a sea. Those that could pass
through the space were like fish. When a fish emerged out of the water, even if
normal people couldn't detect it, but a Spatial Magician could see it based on the
fluctuations in the space.

The fish has come out, where is it? Hmmm, there!

Link stabbed out at the spot he identified, a short distance from Magician
Green's forehead.

Clang. Link hit something as a slit opened in the air. It appeared like a black dot
fleeting through the air. Many Yabbas with sharp eyes could see it, and
Magician Green could see it too.
He stared at Link in shock. The entire way here, they had been plagued by the
Dimensional Demons attacks which left no trace. Link, however, could
accurately determine where the demon's attacks were coming from and could
even defend against them.

This made Magician Green completely convinced of Link's strength. He

shrouded himself in a defensive barrier and asked, "Master Link, what do we do

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Chapter 399: Let Me Borrow Your Mana

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Underground sewage treatment cesspool

Link didn't make a sound. He sensed the surrounding situation quietly like an
experienced fisherman observing the fish swimming from the changes in water

The Yabbas were afraid of disrupting Link's thoughts. They didn't even dare
breathe loudly. A mother muffled the mouth of the child in her arms as soon as
she cried out.

After around five seconds, Link said, "He's around 150 feet from us right now.
He should be around the cesspool. Master Green, I need your help to fight him."

Master Green replied without hesitation, "No problem. Tell me whatever you
need. I'm willing to even give up my life to kill it!"

Link shook his head. "It's not that grave. I just need to borrow your Mana." With
that, he looked at the little one. "Lannie, you stay here. Master Green and I will
deal with him."

He couldn't use spells now, but with a Level-7 Magician aiding him, that
Dimensional Phantom would definitely die as long as it didn't escape.
"I can help… oh, fine," Lannie surrendered after withstanding two seconds of
Link's stare.

Link turned to Green and said, "Let's lock the room first."

"Set up a magic net?" Master Green asked.

"Something like that." Link took out his notes and flipped to a certain page.
Pointing at the spatial Mana structure, he said, "Construct your Mana according
to that."

Master Green looked at the notes. Half a minute later, he said, "It doesn't look
too hard. What spell is it?"

"Spatial barrier. Just follow it," Link explained simply.

Master Green followed his instructions. He raised his small wand and inserted
Mana according to Link's structure. Around ten seconds later, a tiny ball of
Mana light appeared at the wand's tip.

The Mana ball was like a mist. It was around ten millimeters wide. One could
faintly see the fine structure within it, but that was all.

This was only Mana without producing any specific spell. There was no sign of
the Spatial barrier.

Master Green maintained the structure while looking at Link strangely. It was
easy to understand what he was thinking. Why isn't it working? Is it a broken

Link was now multitasking between sensing the Dimensional Phantom and
paying attention to the Mana ball. "No, you didn't finish it," he said in a low
voice. "The rune's position and frequency of vibrations must be adjusted
precisely. Listen closely."

Master Green nodded. It was his first time using spatial magic and felt reverent.
He listened closely.
"Move the alpha rune south 0.01, move the beta rune along the spatial vector
0.2, 0.03, 0.85… Increase the Mana output of the wheeler rune… Yes, just like
that. The main rune has started vibrating. That's the frequency, yes, that's it…"

Master Green had a strong foundation in magic. He could follow Link's

instructions immediately.

Half a minute later, after 30 precise adjustments, the space around the ball of
light at the wand's tip started changing. It rippled like water. Master Green's
heart actually started pounding. So this is spatial magic. Tsk, it's too hard, too
precise, but I feel so accomplished to see my own Mana disturb this mysterious

He was already 80 years old, but he was still stunned. However, he must be
calm when casting spatial magic. His emotions had caused abnormal waves in
the spell. The spatial ripples started slowing down.

Link sensed this and growled, "You're not done yet. Compose yourself!"

"Yes!" Master Green hurriedly composed himself.

Link didn't speak. He felt abnormal waves in space again. The Dimensional
Phantom had returned to stop Green from casting the spell. Link narrowed his
eyes. Without moving, he continued instructing, "The auxiliary runes have
started vibrating as well. The frequency trend follows the vegetta formula."

As soon as he finished, Link's sword suddenly moved. It stabbed into the air
behind Master Green. With a soft cling, Link hit another black blade.

Because of the spatial ripples, the Dimensional Phantom needed some time to
build up his power, but Link wouldn't give him the time. As before, this attack
came quietly and was forced back quietly.

The commotion was tiny, but the murderous intent stunned all the Yabbas. At
this time, all of them looked at Link. He was the only one who could save them.

Master Green trembled inwardly as well. He now knew that he'd become the
Dimensional Phantom's target to be killed without a doubt. However, he was
still a Master Magician. His heart was steady and calm and had rich experience.
His heart trembled, and a small ripple appeared, but he smoothed it out within
two seconds.

He handed his safety to Link and focused entirely on the spatial magic. The
structure wasn't that complex, but during the process, there were many runes to
control. The controlling method was extremely complex as well. It was difficult
to truly cast the spell so he must put all his effort into it.

Cling. Link forced the Dimensional Phantom back again and said, "Alright, now
complete the vibrations of the last flank rune. The trend follows the Arak
formula… Yes, now maintain it for more than five seconds!"

Sweat beaded on Master Green's forehead. A faint light glowed in his eyes,
signifying that his soul was operating at the max.

The spatial ripples at the wand's tip began spreading and spreading. After five
seconds, there was a buzz, and the tunnel was sealed with a thin film of light.
The spell calmed down.

Whoosh. Master Green exhaled loudly. He looked tired but mostly excited.
"This is spatial magic? What's it called?"

Link shook his head. "There's no official name. It's just a spatial barrier that I
created in my free time. It can block all spatial transmissions. If someone tries to
cross through forcefully, it'll break down immediately. The breakdown process
will cause a violent spatial rend. I think that the Dimensional Phantom won't
like that feeling."

With that, Link walked towards the cesspool while saying, "Let's go. Now that
they're safe, we can deal with him."

He could feel that the Dimensional Phantom hadn't left. The demon seemed to
not give up. Link scoffed inwardly. If you're not leaving, then prepare to die.

"Okay!" Master Green nodded. He shook his head and moved his small legs,
jogging behind Link.

Soon, they reached the circular podium in the center of the cesspool. Link
flipped through his notes to a certain page. "This time, use this Mana structure."
Green glanced at it and seemed uncomfortable. "This looks a bit troublesome,
but I'll try my best."

Link nodded. "You've never cast this type of spell before so don't think. Just
follow my instructions step by step."

This spell truly was a bit difficult; its level was second only to the Spatial
Sphere that Link often used. Even a Level-7 Magician with detailed instructions
would need at least three months of practice to cast it alone if they didn't have
the foundation. But now, Link, the spell's creator, divided the casting process
into countless tiny steps. He would instruct bit by bit while Green only had to
follow him. The difficulty was lowered almost ten times.

At this moment, Green was like a soldier while Link was the general.

"Let's start!" Link said.

"I'm ready."

On the platform, one spoke while the other acted. After a minute, the spatial
ripples appeared again. The ripples spread ring after ring, moving through the
space of the sewage treatment center like waves of water. They were like the
radar detection waves.

Three seconds later, Link suddenly said, "Coordinates 25, 52, 3, vibrate
auxiliary Aravin formula!"

Green obeyed.

The spatial ripples instantly trembled. Immediately after, they grouped in the
direction that Link pointed out like a net.

Hiss! There was a scream, and a black shadow tumbled out of the air. It was the
Dimensional Phantom!

"Start attacking!" Link immediately said.

Master Green reacted speedily. He gave several Yabba firebombs to Link while
throwing another bomb at the shadow.
Link through a bomb too.

Boom, boom, boom! Blue fireballs around ten feet wide continuously exploded
on the black shadow.

Hiss, hiss! The screams kept coming. The Dimensional Phantom's voice was
tinged with pain. It had just been forcefully dragged out by the spatial ripples
and had delayed reactions. During this time, he couldn't protect himself well.
The Yabba took advantage of this and bombed his tail.

Now, he faced the incoming bombs and was hurt again.

"He's going to run!" Master Green panicked. He discovered that the demon's
body had blurred.

"Protect yourself!" Link had already discovered this. While roaring, his body
was covered with the crystal red Dragon Power. He lunged and instantly arrived
near the demon. His sword sliced down.

Link was very, very fast. The Dimensional Phantom didn't even have time to
sneak into the spatial ripple and waved his arm to block. His weapons were blue
arm blades on both arms.

Clang! The sound reverberated.

Instead of a light attack, they truly clashed this time. Power burst after the attack
and rings of white airwaves spread in all directions. The convergence of power
was many times more powerful than the bombs.

In the path of the shockwaves, corpses flew, and sewage water splashed. Master
Green had already cast a defensive shield for himself, but he was still knocked
to the ground from the power.

He sat on the ground in shock. If not for the shield, he'd be dead already.

The other side

Link's Dragon King's Fury sword activated an extremely dense attack. Each
move was a basic technique but forced the demon to endlessly go into defense.
He had no time to fight back, let alone escape into space.
Link was shocked too. The Dimensional Phantom's physical strength was no
weaker than his. The demon power showed signs of reaching the Legendary
level. While Link's Legendary Dragon Power could restrict him, it couldn't
defeat him easily.

Of course, another reason was the Void's aura around him. His Dragon Power
scattered as soon as it left his body, reducing his direct combat ability.

After more than ten moves, Link finally got the chance. With a squelch, he
hacked the demon's left arm.

Hiss! The Dimensional Phantom screamed in pain and his power suddenly
exploded. He used his demon power without caring for the consequences, and
his speed multiplied suddenly.

Link knew immediately that the guy was getting ready to escape.

If other demons went crazy like this, Link would choose to go onto the
defensive and wait for it to end. Dimensional Demons were different. They had
spatial abilities, so they would try to escape as soon as things went wrong.

Link couldn't give him the chance. He covered himself with Dragon Power for
protection and started attacking faster!

Hiss, hiss! The demon cried out multiple times. He still wasn't as powerful as
Link. Even if he used all his might, he still couldn't force Link back.

Five seconds later, he used up all his strength. Link shot forward and waved his
sword. With a disturbing sound, the demon's head flew off.

The Dimensional Phantom was killed.

The message Mission accomplished flashed past his vision.

Link let out a sigh of relief. During this entire time, the guy would escape if he
made a single mistake. After that, there would be endless trouble. It was very
good to successfully kill him now.

Link looked back at Master Green. The man had been thrown to the corner, but
he had a shield. Though in a pathetic state, he was fine.
He looked relieved to have survived. Seeing Link look over, he chuckled, both
tired and relaxed. "I'm old now. My bones were almost shattered by you,

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Chapter 400: The Strange Fluctuations in the Magic Net

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Beside the sewage cesspool

Link walked back to the passage and took down the spatial barrier.

"How is it?" Lannie asked.

Link didn't say a word but stepped aside, letting Lannie see the headless black
and blue demon corpse lying in the passage entrance.

Lannie exhaled slowly and unclenched her fist. She said excitedly, "Master
Link, you're amazing!"

Behind her, the Yabba people were too happy for words. Many cried in relief.
On their way here, one brave Warrior after another had stood up against it, but
none manage to kill it. The demon would appear like a specter of death, and
every time it appeared, the Warriors were forced to use their strongest suicidal
attacks in an attempt to take it down.

Everyone had been despondent.

Now that the demon was dead, it felt like a large weight was lifted from their
hearts. Some people ran past Link and stopped next to the demon, kicking and
hitting its corpse, crying all the while. Many others ran up to Link and knelt
before him, thanking him.

There was a mother that walked over with her child and said emotionally,
"Lord, my child is only half a year old. His father died in battle and never got
the chance to give him a name. Would you please name this child?"
Link knelt down and looked at the child not much bigger than his fist. The
infant was not in good condition. Perhaps he was frightened from the battle, or
perhaps, being on the run, his mother could not take proper care of him. Link
reached out and touched the child's skin. The infant's body was burning hot. The
baby's face was also twisted in pain, as though it wanted to cry but couldn't. It
must have been suffering.

Thinking for a moment, he placed his hand on the infant's head and channeled in
some Dragon Power. This Dragon Power could greatly increase one's vitality.
Instantly, the infant's expression calmed down. Then, Link cut a slit on his
finger and drew out some blood which he used to draw a complex pattern on the
infant's head.

He was not able to use any spells. Nonetheless, his blood was very dense with
power. The inscriptions he made would definitely have a large effect.

It was as though the infant could feel much more comfortable. Its crystal-like
eyes opened wide, and it moved its body, turning towards its mother's chest. It
was hungry.

"What a cute little thing," Link said gently. "He will be the hope of the future.
We shall call him Fain."

"Many thanks, Lord," The Yabba mother said, before moving to the side.

It was now time to settle important matters. Link asked Lannie, "What about
delivering the message?"

Lannie slapped her forehead. "Oh right! I almost forgot. Master Green should
know what to do, come with me."

Lannie grabbed Link's hand and ran forward with her short legs until she exited
the passage.

Magician Green was resting by the side of the cesspool. When he saw Link, he
quickly got up to greet him.

Lannie was like a little bird. She chattered on continuously, telling Magician
Green all about Link's intentions.
When she was done, Magician Green asked Link, "Are there really so few of the
Black Army left outside Lariel?"

Link nodded. "I realized this when I came here. The truth is, three days ago,
Orida fortress was engaged in a bloody battle. The alliance killed 80,000 Dark
Elves and 40,000 demons. Of course, we had great losses as well. Right now,
we are only left with about 10,000 Warriors. We are surrounded on all sides by
the remaining demons... We need reinforcements urgently."

Magician Green slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "If only we knew that there
were so few people outside the city! We wouldn't have stayed holed up inside.
We must quickly get this news through the barrier. There's no time to waste!"

He thought for a moment and said, "If we want to pass the news into the city,
we need to use the statues. There should be many left in the outer districts."

Link knew about this method too, but unfortunately, most of the statues had
already been destroyed completely. That level of destruction was not something
that could be fixed easily.

Link said helplessly, "Unfortunately, I don't think that will work. Before we
came here, we saw that many of the statues were already destroyed.

Lannie also nodded, "All the statues are destroyed and in pieces. I didn't manage
to see an undamaged one either."

As he heard this, Magician Green frowned. He thought that there would

definitely be some statues left and never expected that the situation would be so

"This must be the work of that traitor, Akensser! Well then, the only way we
can send a message through is to build another transmitting statue. But to do
this, we'll need to go to the magic net's node," Green said.

"Magic net node?" Link asked.

Green nodded. He explained, "Underneath Lariel City is a giant magic net. We

used it to create many things, including defensive barriers and offensive spells.
Actually, the whole of Lariel City is just like your human magic towers."
"I understand; how do we find it then?" Link asked. As expected of an ancient
race, their secrets were extremely well hidden.

"I know the positions of all the nodes. The nearest one is just one and a half
miles away from us. We can get there using the underground passages. Let's go
now!" Green exclaimed.

The moment Green finished speaking, a message appeared in Link's vision.

New Mission: Deliver the Message

Description: Find the magic net node, build the statue and form a connection
with the Yabbas inside Lariel City.

Mission reward: Assassin Boots (Epic)

Link immediately accepted the mission and said, "Let's go then."

"I'm going too!" Lannie said, clutching the musket under her arm. "I'm a very
good shooter!"

Green nodded and said, "Lannie is the clan's greatest shooter."

Link assented. "Then, will these people have enough food here?" He asked.

"They do. There's enough to last at least a month. After we go out, we'll seal the
entrance. That will keep this place safe," Green replied.

Then Green and Lannie said a few words to the survivors and instructed them
on various things to take note of in the underground. A few minutes later, Green
came back and said, "We can go now."

The three of them followed the passage back to the entrance. After 300 feet,
Link used his magic sword to carve an inscription on the ground. He explained,
"This is a spatial rune, it can completely seal off the passage."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh. Very soon, the walls and floor were covered in runic
inscriptions. Half a minute later, he was done. He said to Green, "The Void
Aura is disrupting the formation of my Mana into spells. Green, could you
provide the Mana for this formation? Lannie, come over to this side."
Green obeyed and channeled his Mana into every rune. After every rune was lit
up, the space shuddered for a moment. Then, it went back to normal. Nothing
looked out of place, and the runes on the floor and walls had disappeared.

"What happened?" Green asked Link.

"This is an infinite loop of space. Lannie, walk in and try it," Link instructed,

"Doesn't look like much," Lannie shrugged. She walked in. After a moment, she
reappeared in the passage, walking normally. Once she caught sight of Link, she
exclaimed, "Hey! I was walking in that direction all this time. How come I see
you guys?"

Green understood quickly. He said to Link, "This is amazing, but if there is only
one looping door, it will only return the victim to his original location. It will be
easy to see through the trap."

Link agreed. "That's right, so we're going to set up one more a little further

The group continued walking forward. After three hundred feet, Link stopped
again to carve the spatial runes. When he was done, Green helped to supply the

This time, the spatial runes simply disappeared. The passage looked as normal
as ever.

Link explained, "The entrance to the loop space is over at the other end. When
someone walks through this door, nothing will happen. Only when they enter
the other door, then they will be transported back to this place and continue
walking in an infinite loop."

Green thought about it for a moment and couldn't help but clap his hands in
admiration. "Spatial Magic is truly amazing; its secrets are far too profound. My
old bones can't handle this many surprises."

When Link guided him in constructing the Spatial Barriers earlier, the first one
was alright, but the second one had really drained him mentally. He felt like his
mind would not be able to handle it. Therefore, he was truly impressed by this
level of magic.

Link laughed. "By the time these runes lose their effectiveness, we should be
done with the enemies. Let's go."


The three of them continued walking onward. Three hundred feet later, they
encountered a secret door and continued walking forward. Another 150 feet, the
road started to fork into multiple paths.

"This way," Green said, guiding the group onto one path.

They were headed for a node in the magic net. There were many demons above
ground, so it was obviously easier for them to travel underground.

Link walked in the lead. He said, "This area will likely have quite a few
demons, be on your guard."

"Okay," Green replied, raising his wand on standby.

"Okay! I'm going to let them have a taste of my bullets," Lannie said,
brandishing her musket.

The underground passages intersected many times, just like a maze. After
walking for about half a mile and getting rid of over ten lost demons, they could
finally detect a dense aura of Mana up ahead.

Up ahead, small motes of light appeared. The Mana density in the space was
greater than in other areas by about three times!

Link felt his Dragon Power recovery rate increase to about 30 points per second.
In other places, it would only be about 20 points per second.

Green said, "Up ahead is the node… Be careful, I feel that something isn't
Link felt it too. He listened intently with his ears. "I felt it too, it's a strange aura,
not like that of demons or Dark Elves. It's weird, I've never encountered
anything like this before."

The more Link tried to sense what it was, the more confused he got. He didn't
know how to describe this feeling. Although it was definitely a new type of
feeling, there was something familiar about it, like he had seen it before.

He thought about it for a while. Suddenly, something clicked in his mind. "I
remember now! This was the feeling I got when I was crossing through the
Void. Green, did something like this happen to the magic net before?"

When he didn't get a reply, Link turned to look at Green. However, he found
that Green's eyes were blank. He stood there unmoving.

"Green? Magician Green? What's wrong?" Link shook Green's shoulders.

However, the Yabba Magician showed no signs of responding. It was as though
he had lost his soul.

It was at this point that Link felt that something was not right. He turned to look
and realized that Lannie had raised her musket, targeting it at Green, looking
ready to fire.

Link was shocked, and he quickly stretched out his hand, clasping it over the
musket's muzzle.

Bang! Nonetheless, Lannie had fired anyway. Her face carried expressions of
fear. Her eyes were wide open, as though she had seen something fearsome. It
was exactly like Green's eyes. They both had a blank look, as though they were
stuck in some dreamland.

After her shot was intercepted by Link, she retreated quickly. As she retreated,
she raised her musket and pointed it at Link, shrilling, "Demon! Don't come
here! Stay away!"

Link frowned. He was ready to snatch Lannie's musket away from her when he
felt some Mana fluctuations beside him. He turned and saw that Green had
raised his wand. On his wand, electricity crackled.

"Demons from the abyss, go back to where you came from!" Green shouted.
Link immediately recognized the spell. It was a Level-6 spell, Lightning
Tempest. If this spell was cast, Link would suffer small injuries at most.
However, Lannie would be fried to a crisp by it.

Link quickly snatched the wand away from Green and smashed his hand onto
Green's neck, knocking him out. Then, in one big stride, he appeared next to
Lannie and snatched her musket, before knocking her unconscious too.

Although he had successfully restrained the two Yabba people, Link couldn't
understand what was going on. What's happening? Why did these two suddenly
go crazy?

The crucial thing was that Link did not detect the mysterious aura of Mana.

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Chapter 401: Just Curious

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The two Yabbas had fainted, but even so, they still seemed anxious.

Every now and then, they would shake violently. Their lips moved as if they
were talking in their sleep, but their voices were unclear. Their faces changed
between dark and pale. It was eerie.

After a few seconds, something even scarier happened. Mana started seeping
out of Master Green's body.

When a Magician's life was at risk, they would lose control of their bodies.
Things such as Mana leakage would occur. But Green was unhurt and uninjured
right now.

Seeing these symptoms, Link thought of his past experiences in the game and
had an idea. These two must have been hurt by the Void. He was fine because
he had reached Level-10.
He brought the two unconscious Yabbas back. After around 1000 feet, Link
couldn't feel the Void's aura anymore.

Now, he looked at them again and found that the Yabbas had calmed down.
They laid there without moving. Master Green's body stopped leaking Mana as
well. However, they still weren't okay. Their pallor kept changing, and their
breathing was weak. It felt like they could die at any time.

They were at a corner with an indented platform by the side. It seemed to be

where the Yabbas usually placed maintenance equipment.

The platform was very dry, so Link put the two Yabbas on it and sat to the side.
He took out a bottle of green Spring City hard liquor from his dimensional
storage gear and mixed in a bottle of medium-level medicine.

There was a sizzle. When the light red medicine came into contact with the
liquor, it bubbled immediately. Link quickly put in the wooden stopper and
shook it violently. Three minutes later, the liquor and medicine were mixed
well, forming an amber-colored foam. It looked like beer from earth, but it was
like a gel.

Link's actions may have seemed crude, but this was actually really effective. It
was called "soul-retrieval gel" and was great at healing injuries caused by the

When he was done, he took out a steel pot kept in preparation for surviving in
the wild. After setting it up, he poured clear water into the pot, as well as an
Araguan potato and a smoked rabbit leg.

He chopped up the potato and tore the rabbit leg into pieces, dumping it all into
the pot. After adding some spices, Link took out one of the Yabba bombs. He
carefully modified the activation rune on the outside.

After a while, it "exploded" gently in Link's hands. Actually, "exploded" was

too much of an exaggeration. More accurately, it started burning like a piece of

Link placed this burning "bomb" under the pot and started waiting patiently.
After around ten minutes, the water boiled and started bubbling. A bit longer,
the smell of good food wafted out, growing thicker.

At that time, Master Green's finger twitched, and his head shook. A few seconds
later, he gripped his head and moaned.

"What happened? My head hurts."

"Don't move. You're in pretty bad shape." As Link spoke, he helped Green up to
rest against the wall. He poured some of the soul-retrieval gel onto his hand and
gently rubbed it against Green's forehead.

Green was very weak. He allowed Link to do whatever without moving. After a
few minutes of rubbing, Green realized with surprise, "Hey, my forehead feels
warm, like a gust of heat going into my head. The headache is much better. Ah,
it feels so nice."

Hearing that his voice was stronger, Link said, "Alright, do it by yourself."

On the other side, Lannie was awake too. Her situation was much worse than
Green's. As soon as she woke up, she gripped her head and curled up, crying,
"Ah, it hurts, it hurts! My head is gonna split open!"

Link walked over. He poured out some more gel and started rubbing for Lannie.
She was much weaker than Green and was hurt more by the Void. It was a long
while because she recovered and let out a long sigh, finally relaxing.

"Master Link, what happened?" Lannie asked weakly from the ground.

The meat broth was ready now. Link took out some bowls and spooned the
thick potato rabbit soup. Giving them each a bowl, he explained, "I don't really
know either. If I guessed correctly, it should be the Void's aura that seeped out
of the node, and you were influenced by this."

The two Yabbas weren't listening to him at all. They were both slurping down
the soup. Link's cooking skills were actually very basic, and this rabbit soup was
far from a delicacy. But for some reason, both Green and Lannie ate
Link's bowls were for humans and were very big to Yabbas. However, the two
small Yabbas cleaned the giant bowl in seconds.

It still wasn't enough, and Lannie got another bowl. After finishing it all, she
refilled it again. This time, she ate slowly. While eating, she asked, "Master,
how did you make this? It's the most, most, most unforgettable dish I've ever

Master Green nodded as well. He was old and had bad teeth, so he ate slowly,
but Lannie had said what he was thinking. He was more than 80 years old, but
this was the most enjoyable meal he'd ever had.

Link chuckled and shook his head. "It's not that I have good skills. Your bodies
just need it."

If someone was full, they wouldn't look at the food even if it was the most
delicious thing in the world. But for someone who had starved for three days,
even a piece of bread would be a delicacy.

"Not only will the Void eat away at your soul, but it'll also eat away at your
body. During that short period, your bodies lost a lot of energy. This soup is the
best at replenishing it. In reality, this is the universal anecdote towards damages
by the Void… Alright Lannie, three bowls is enough. If you eat more, your
stomach will explode."

After stopping Lannie from getting a fourth bowl, Link told Green, "Have
similar things happened to the magic net node before?"

Green thought back and shook his head. "Never. The magic net node never had
similar problems. Fortunately, you're here this time. I've heard that only those at
the Legendary level can fend off the Void. Now I know it's true."

It has never happened before?

Link knitted his brows. A possibility flashed past his mind—the existence of the
crack in Firuman. With the crack in the world, power from the Sea of Void
would endlessly seep into Firuman. Firuman would be like a balloon and keep
inflating. During this process, the Space Barrier would become thinner and
In places of low Mana density, the thinning would be unnoticeable at the
moment. However, the Mana density was extremely high at the magic net node.
This could make the Space Barrier even thinner, resulting in the Void's

Of course, this was just Link's guess. He had to check the node before he could
know the details.

There was another problem with this guess. Even if the realm cracked, causing
the Space Barrier to thin, the crack had only appeared a few months ago. The
Mana density of Firuman hadn't been increasing that much either. The Space
Barrier shouldn't have become so weak in such a short period.

After thinking, Link said, "Later, I plan to go check the magic net node. Wait
here for me. If anything happens, I'll alert you two."

Master Green nodded. "During this, I'll make a basic surveillance statue. If the
magic net node can be used, we can use the statue to contact the Magicians
inside the wall."

"Good. Lannie, protect Master Green."

"Okay." Lannie gripped her musket tightly.

Link left the platform but still felt worried. Demons could come to a place like
this at any time. He took out his magic sword and drew many spatial runes
around the platform.

"This is a magic spatial door. Once activated, the platform will become

"I understand." Master Green added Mana into the runes one by one. After a
few seconds, there was a hum, and the platform disappeared from Link's eyes. It
became a plain wall.

Link continued towards the magic net node.

After a while, the light spots of Mana appeared in the air again. The Mana
density was rising sharply, and the Void's aura was thicker as well.
Turning a corner, a long tunnel appeared before Link. Dozens of corpses lay in
the middle—some were demons, some were ghouls, and some were Yabbas.
They had all been killed by the Void's aura, while some had lost their minds and
killed each other.

After the tunnel was a circular room. The center was a Mana pool. Inside the
water, there were countless beams of light formed by magic runes. They
extended and reached out until disappearing into the air.

This was the magic net node.

The Void's aura was becoming thicker in this room, especially around the Mana
pool in the middle. The Void's aura was almost half of the level of the Sea of
Void. The pale blue water in the Mana pool tossed as if something was trying to
come out of it.

Link took out the Dragon King's Fury sword and carefully stepped into the

As soon as he entered, a smooth voice said, "Magician, I advise you to return. I

do not wish for a conflict between us."

Link's heart jumped. Turning around, he saw a Yabba walk out of the corner. He
had fiery red hair, a beard, and a pair of strange transparent eyes. Clear as water,
the eyes looked at Link. "I am purely curious about this world. I mean no harm."

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Chapter 402: Mysterious-travel Magician

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the node of the magic net

Link could see that the figure in front of him was not actually a Yabba but was
merely using a Yabba body.
In the game, this sort of body-changing ability often appeared on Mysterious-
travel Magicians in the early part of the game. Meanwhile, in the later parts, it
usually appeared on strong existences from the Void.

The person in front of him was most likely not some Mysterious-travel
Magician. Most likely, he was from the Void, someone able to travel across
dimensions. Anyway, it was without a doubt that he was strong, at least
Legendary level.

There were many titles for such existences, such as Travel Magician, Dimension
Traveler, Astral Mages, etc.

They were always very strong and very mysterious, choosing not to participate
in worldly affairs and appearing as they pleased.

When the person in front of him with fiery red hair and transparent eyes said
that he meant no harm and was "merely curious," Link was reminded of a
particular NPC from the game.

In the game, the NPC was called Aisenis, and he titled himself a "Travel
Magician." However, at that time, he was using an elf's body. He would appear
in random places around Firuman in a completely arbitrary manner.

No one knew how strong he actually was. The only thing that could be
confirmed was that no one in Firuman could actually hurt him.

In the later parts of the game, when the Lord of the Abyss Nozama personally
descended, and the player's party invaded the demon fortress, Aisenis went into
the fortress afterwards. What happened was that Nozama completely ignored
the fellow. Based on Nozama's character, him choosing to ignore Aisenis
showed that he had no way to deal with him.

With strangers, Aisenis might seem threatening. However, once you got to
know him, he would start to seem more and more like a child. His greatest
pleasure was ostensibly watching exciting things happen, according to what he
said. However, whether or not this was true or just an excuse, nobody knew.

He was famous for his line, "Don't mind me; I mean no harm. I'm purely
Link probed, "Pardon me, are you a Travel Magician?"

Immediately, the Yabba's expression softened and he let out a smile. "Aha,
given how young you look, I never thought that you'd be so well-informed.
Since you know that I am a Travel Magician, that makes things so much easier."

The small figure paced around the room and introduced, "My name is Aisenis
Gray. As you can see, I am a Travel Magician. I came to Firuman to… well, you
could say I'm here to watch the show."

"Watch the show?" Link asked. Even though it was Aisenis, Link still found the
answer to be strange.

This was because, in the game, Aisenis only appeared in the later parts when
Nozama personally came. However, right now, Nozama had yet to come. What
exciting show was there for Aisenis to watch?

Aisenis was really excited now that he had found someone to talk to. He jumped
up and down as he said, "Of course, of course! You must know that a fracture
has opened in the space of Firuman, don't you?"

Link nodded.

Aisenis beamed as he continued, "In the sea of the Void, each dimension is like
a boat. This boat now has a hole, and the large beasts in the sea are eyeing the
feast on this boat… to put it simply, this beast is called Fegnoni Rosenp Del
Romans Dallasville, also known as the Pale Hunter. Of course, he has another
name, the God of Destruction."

Link felt his heart thumping. He forced himself to calm down and continued
asking questions. "Is he here yet?"

In the game, the God of Destruction had appeared for a brief moment. However,
at that time, the whole of Firuman was busy dealing with Nozama and did not
pay much attention to him. Furthermore, he had appeared in a quiet corner of
the world and did not make much commotion.

Some people had speculated that the God of Destruction was the final boss after
Lord Nozama. However, since Aisenis was already here, does it mean that the
God of Destruction would be here early too?
That was not good news.

Aisenis shook his head. "No, no, no, it's not that fast. He's a giant beast and
moves very slowly. Furthermore, he is very crafty and suspicious. He would
surely send out scouts to verify the situation before acting. This is an extremely
exciting hunt that I think is worth watching."

As he said this, Aisenis looked curiously at Link. "I don't understand one thing.
You've already gotten the ability to travel between dimensions. If Firuman is
destroyed, all you need to do is run to another dimension. What's there to be
afraid of?"

Link thought for a while before asking, "I've heard that Travel Magicians are
very wise and knowledgeable. Do you have any way to repair the fracture?"

Aisenis looked at Link and laughed. "Repair it? Of course! I understand now.
You just gained this ability, and although you have the strength, you haven't
shaken off your attachment to the mortals of this world. Alright, I do indeed
have a way to repair it, but why would I want to do it? You must know, the
moment I do it, that would offend Fegnonini. He would be after me then."

At this point, most people would give up and retreat. However, Link knew from
his experience in the game how to deal with this fellow. Aisenis had another
favorite saying, "There is nothing in this world that cannot be exchanged."

Link replied, "Of course, I won't ask you to do this for free. I heard that among
Travel magicians, you use a currency called Jogu. How much Jogu would you
need to help us?"

Aisenis looked at Link, sizing him up. He even walked a circle around Link.
Link stood still, letting Aisenis do as he pleased.

Aisenis sighed. "Alright, it seems like you really do understand me. In the Void,
people like you aren't common. Yes, as long as there is enough Jogu, there is
nothing that can't be bought. What you want me to do would cost you 300

Link said helplessly, "Three hundred Jogus is somewhat expensive. I can't take
that out right now."
Aisenis jumped and retorted, "Of course you can't! How would you be able to?
After so many years, I've only managed to accumulate 500 Jogus. If you were
able to bring it out, that would be with some devilish help. Therefore, this
exchange will never work."

Link was not prepared to give up. He bargained, "I've heard that Travel
Magicians accept IOUs. I guarantee that if you help me repair the fracture, I'll
pay you the Jogus within five Firuman years."

Jogus was a type of ore that had no known use. However, Aisenis loved them to
death. There were many areas in Firuman where Jogus could be obtained. In the
game, many players focused on collecting Jogus in the hopes that they could
exchange it for things from Aisenis.

Aisenis, of course, had a great assortment of products. With some luck, one
could even get Legendary gear. It was no surprise then that players would gladly
trade him for that equipment.

After hearing what Link had to say, Aisenis shook his head. "You may say that,
but we've only just met. How am I supposed to take your word for it?" Aisenis
even wagged his index finger as though to emphasize the point.

"I swear this on the name of the God of Light," Link said.

"No, no, no, the God of Light is a scoundrel. Using his name to swear is like
taking a handful of air and telling me it's worth a hundred gold. No can do,"
Aisenis rejected, shaking his head.

This answer was within Link's expectations because in the game, Aisenis had
replied in a similar manner.

Link continued, "I…"

However, without waiting for Link to continue, Aisenis cut him off. "Alright,
alright, young one, I understand your feelings. However, business is business.
It's impossible for me to trust you with credit on our first meeting. Nonetheless,
considering that we've met and that I enjoyed our little conversation, I'll give
you a gift."
Aisenis took out a piece of rock the size of a thumb. The stone did not look
anything special. It looked more like a random rock that was picked up on the
floor. However, Link knew that this was Travel Magician Aisenis's name card.

"Although we didn't manage to do business, I'll remember this meeting. If in the

future you do find the Jogus, you may use this to call me. Just shout my name. If
nothing unexpected happens, I'll be in Firuman for the next 20 years. Oh… my
strength is fully recovered. I'll be leaving. Goodbye, young one."

The Yabba waved to Link, and soon after that, his body vanished, fading away
like mist. Along with his disappearance, the Void aura in the magic net node
went away with him.

How did he leave? What kind of skill was that? Link had many unresolved

In the game, Link did not think much of it. After all, Aisenis was a mysterious
individual. Now that he had studied magic, however, he was extremely

This was the first time he encountered something that he had completely no way
to make sense of. Even when dealing with the Diving Gear, the Dark Serpent,
and when the Maiden of Truth handed him the formulas, he was still able to
make some sense of it.

Staring blankly at where Aisenis disappeared, Link sighed. He thought, The

world is vast, and the Void is limitless. There are many more mysteries to

The Void aura had disappeared, and the Mana pool at the node had regained its
calm. Link turned back to where he had left Green and Lannie. Over there, he
noticed that there were a few low-level demons that were also in a daze. They
had yet to discover the platform where Green and Lannie were.

Link walked over to them, casually killing them with his sword before jumping
onto the platform. There, he found that Green was fiddling with a rune stone. As
he fiddled with it, he was carving some inscriptions. Seeing that Link had come,
Green asked without looking up, "How are things?"
"It's back to normal. There was a Travel Magician that appeared. We talked for
a while, but he is gone now."

Green was stunned. His hand trembled. As a high-level Magician, he definitely

knew of the existence of Travel Magicians. Seeing that Link had returned
safely, he exhaled in relief. "Thank God, you didn't meet some strange and
vicious person. Thank God."

Green didn't bother about the Travel Magician. After all, the Travel Magician
was on a completely different level than he was. With Link, who had reached
the Legendary level, they could still hold a conversation. Meanwhile, Green did
not even qualify to stand beside the Travel Magician.

Lannie asked curiously, "What is a Travel Magician?"

Green sighed. "It's someone from outside in the Void. There are many names for
them, and a Travel Magician is just one title. In a way, even the God of Light is
a Travel Magician."

Lannie was speechless.

After another half an hour, Green had completed the rune stone. He stood up.

"It is done. With this, we can use the magic net to transmit messages into the
city. Let's go, Master Link."

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Chapter 403: A Piece of cake

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Beep, beep. Beep. Beep, beep, beep.

At the magic net node, Master Green's runestone connected with the Mana pool
through a rune belt. It flashed rhythmically, kind of like the Morse code from
Link sat to the side and waited. Since he was bored, he started memorizing the
code. Perhaps it might be useful.

After around five minutes, there was a reaction.

The runestone flashed brightly. Master Green let go of it, and the runestone
hovered in the air. Then it started flashing rhythmically again.

Green had taken out pen and paper. Watching the runestone closely, he started
recording it. For some reason, as he wrote, Green's brows knitted. The situation
seemed to be bad. Link and Lannie realized this, but they didn't make a sound.
They didn't want to disturb Green.

After more than ten minutes, the runestone suddenly lost power. It fell from the
air into Link's prepared hands.

On the side, Master Green stared at the filled notebook with a heavy expression.
He would occasionally write some words.

Feeling something off, Lannie asked, "Master, what happened?"

Green shook his head and showed the notebook to her. "Look, the code is
strange. The words translated are even stranger. There is no order, and I can't
understand it at all."

Lannie took a glance and her thin eyebrows knitted, her face twisting in disgust.
"Huh, how can they send such vulgar words? It's disgusting!"

Link was curious, so he looked over. He saw things written like "big bird, big
bird, a body of feathers. It flies into the grass and disappears" and "son of a
b*tch, I slept with your female donkey."

Finding it strange too, Link guessed, "Do you think something went wrong? Or
someone intercepted it and pranked us?"

Master Green shook his head. "I don't know. There is still more content after
that. I'll look further."
He took the notebook and continued translating. After 20 minutes, he finished
but still shook his head helplessly. "The rest becomes even more vulgar. There's
no meaning at all."

Lannie glanced and gave up. Link took the book and read it bit by bit. If the
beginning was just swearing, the later parts were practically straight up erotica
about an old bachelor knocking on the door of a window at night.

After reading it, Link read it again. This time, instead of looking at the entirety,
he just looked at the words, comparing each one to the code.

The content was the same, but after reading it again and comparing it, Link
learned the pattern of the Yabba code. He also discovered that most of the
signals were clear. Master Green had used a vertical line to show a flash.
However, some parts were unclear, and he used a horizontal line. There were
quite a few of those—around 30 throughout the piece.

Link took the notebook and asked, "Master, what do the horizontal lines mean?"

Master Green glanced over. "There is some static that occurs during
transmission. The signal flashes very fast in these places, doubling or tripling
during the fixed period. They should be mistakes… Master Link, do you think
there's a problem?"

"Yes. It's a bit strange." Link had an idea. He tried ignoring all clear signals and
only focus on the unclear ones. At the same time, he envisioned the runestone
signals he saw earlier in his mind.

Link had a very exact memory. Thinking back now, he could practically
recreate the flashing process. Comparing the two, he wrote down the new signal
code. Three minutes later, Link used his own memory to record the code again.

Then he began translating.

Half a minute later, he found a new message. It was very short—only two
sentences: "Unable to determine the legitimacy of the message but be careful of
Akensser. He's monitoring!"

This message was repeated three times throughout the piece.

Returning the notebook to Master Green, Link said, "I organized the unclear
parts. Did I translate it correctly?"

Master Green scanned it, and his hand trembled. Gasping, he said, "I'm afraid
this is correct. What I received was probably the disturbances from Akensser…
If this is the case, things are a bit difficult."

As for how Link could read the code, Green didn't find it strange. He didn't hide
his translation process from Link, and for a Legendary Magician who could do
spatial magic, this kind of code was extremely easy to solve.

However, Lannie asked curiously, "Master Link, how do you know our code?"

"I just learned it now."

Lannie was speechless.

"Things are complicated now," Master Green said. "They can receive our signal,
but with Akensser here, we can't say anything. They won't believe us and might
think this is a trick."

It was indeed troublesome. Other messengers might feel helpless, but to Link,
this was a piece of cake!

He turned to Green. "Here. Contact them again and say you want to speak to
Elin. We went to the Dragon Valley together. Outsiders don't know about our
experiences. With this, they can determine if we're speaking the truth or not!"

Master Green's eyes brightened. He immediately started acting. Picking up the

runestone, he began sending signals.

After a few minutes, there was a response. Without needing a translation, Link
could see from the frequency that it was Akensser's disturbance again. It was a
bunch of vulgar words too. Looking past it, he waited for one and a half
minutes. Then the runestone suddenly flashed and showed something different.

Link focused. "Elin's here. She's asking me a question… she asked what the
name of the female dragon is… Master, tell her it's Felina."

Master Green immediately sent the message.

After a while, another question appeared amidst the mess. Why was the Red
Dragon Queen unharmed that day at the Dragon Temple?

Link immediately said, "Reply that it was because we secretly destroyed the
sacred gear Balanced Scale."

Green's eyes turned round as saucers. He stared at Link in disbelief. Destroying

sacred gear… This was such shocking news, but he still sent the message word
for word.

The reply was extremely fast. After a few seconds, Link saw the runestone's
message, Link, it really is you! This is great!

Even with the magic net between them, Link could still sense Elin's joy. At this
point, the exchange was complete.

Link said to Green, "Send the situation of Orida again. It's okay even if
Akensser hears. He already knows."

"Okay." Green followed the orders.

A few seconds later, Elin replied, Understood. Be careful. Our airship will rush
out from the Light Wall later and start attacking. Hide well and stay safe.

As soon as that appeared, Link realized that the disturbance signals had
disappeared too. Link and Green exchanged glances.

"Akensser realized that the disturbance failed, so he retreated," Master Green

said excitedly.

Almost simultaneously, a message appeared in Link's vision. He glanced at it

and saw he'd completed a mission.

Mission Completed: Send Message

Player received Assassin Boots (Epic)

New Mission: Reinforcement Request

Mission: Persuade the Yabbas to send reinforcements to the Orida Fortress

Mission Reward: Assassin Belt (Epic)

Seeing this, Link was excited and accepted the mission. Then he said, "The
counterattack will begin shortly. Let's find somewhere safe to observe."

Lannie immediately said, "I know a place that will definitely be safe. Follow

She was really excited too and bounced while leading the way. Link and Green
followed her. After a while, Link felt they were too slow. He picked them up,
one in each hand, and placed them on his shoulders. "Lannie, tell me where to
go, and I'll bring you two over."

"Okay. Turn left up there and then go straight."

Under Lannie's guidance, Link sprinted and killed dozens of demons along the
way. After ten minutes, an exit appeared before them. Link went out and
realized he was at the foot of a small mountain to the south of Lirico.

"This is the suburb, so the airships won't come. Hurry and look, the top of the
Light Wall opened. Look, the demons in the sky are retreating!" Lannie yelled

Link looked over. He saw many holes around 700 feet up on the huge yellow
Light Wall. Countless airships flew out of the holes.

The airships were of varying sizes. The three biggest ones were almost 300 feet.
There were more of the smaller ones at 65 feet—33 of them. In total, there were
37 ships.

Link's vision was shocking. He could clearly see that the airships had many
signs of repair. Obviously, these ships had gone through very difficult battles
and were forced to retreat into the Light Wall.

When the huge airships flew out, one could see countless bee-like black dots fly
out from them. Link looked closely and found that they were small six-foot-long
ships. They weren't very fast but were very agile. They were comparable to the
gargoyles in the sky.
There were more than 200 of these small ships. Each one was equipped with a
magic cannon. They flew out like a swarm of bees towards the flying demons.

The two sides quickly started fighting.

The demons weren't weak either, especially the Winged Howlers. They
screamed in the air and dodged left and right. When they ran into the airships,
they sliced down with their swords.

The airships couldn't take the hits at all. They were immediately split into two.

There were at least 13 Level-8 Winged Howlers in the sky. They had terrifying
strength and shocking speed. Instead of retreating, they led the gargoyles and
other flying demons to fight back.

The demons continuously broke through the barrier of small airships and
dodged various types of attacks, flying towards the clumsier large ships.

At this point, Link couldn't just watch anymore.

He was sure that if this continued, the Yabbas could defeat the demons but they
would suffer great losses. How could they reinforce the Orida Fortress if their
losses were too big?

Standing up, Link said, "I must fight too. Green, can you make them see me?"

To Yabbas, Level-7 and Level-8 Winged Howlers were big enemies. To him, it
was just the matter of a sword strike.

Green was horrified by the scene too. Hearing Link's words, he immediately
raised his wand, pouring in Mana and casting the Blessing of Honor on him.

Blessing of Honor

Level-6 Master Magician Spell

Effect: The target's strength increases by 100%, speed increases by 50%, vigor
increases by 50%. At the same time, a brilliant shield appears around the target.

(Note: you will become the center of attention!)

A ball of fiery red light appeared in a three-foot-wide ring around Link. Golden
of light flashed inside the flames. It was impossible not to look at it. This would
greatly increase Link's danger on the battlefield, but this was what he wanted.

Not only that, but Master Green also activated a huge magic light spell. The ten-
foot-wide snowy white ball of light rose up. The airships in the sky discovered
them immediately. Twenty small ships and a medium-sized airship turned
around and charged towards the direction pointed out by the magic light spell.

"They're coming to reinforce us!" Master Green cried.

Link took a deep breath. "Be careful. I'm going now."

Unexpectedly, Green chuckled. "Master Link, I may be old, but I can still fight."

Lannie clutched her musket and smiled. "Master Link, this is my race's battle.
How can I watch from the side?"

Hearing this, Link laughed. "Alright, then let's fight together!"

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Chapter 404: Mid-air Battle!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Three small airships about six feet long flew close behind Link. The airships
were elliptic in shape, relatively flat. On every possible surface, it was covered
in Wind spell formations.

When the three ships positioned themselves behind Link, Lannie ran up to the
front-most one and shouted at the pilot, "Get out, I'm taking over this ship!"

Immediately, the ship decreased its altitude until it was about three feet above
the ground. It stopped, and the bottom of the ship opened up, whereupon a
Yabba jumped out. He immediately saluted Lannie and greeted her.

Lannie gave Link a smile and said, "Link, I'm going to start!"

Then, Lannie started to increase her altitude and got ready to leave.

Link, however, leaped up onto the craft and knocked on the crystal screen. He
shouted to the stunned Lannie. "Bring me along, I'll deal with the Winged

"Okay, hold on tight!" Lannie called back. Then, the airship sped off like a wild

Link held tightly to the frame of the ship. His body was shrouded in the crystal
red Dragon Power. The wind buffeted him as the airship continued to climb and
increase in speed.

This was the first time Link was experiencing something like this, and he was
not accustomed to it. He could only grab on tightly and hope not to fall off.

After about ten seconds, they reached a height of over 300 feet. By this point,
Link had gotten used to the feeling, and the discomfort he felt had more or less
disappeared. He pointed the Dragon King's Wrath sword in his hand to a
Winged Howler that was preparing to charge a large airship.

"Go for that one!"

Lannie's piloting skills were great. The moment she heard Link, she
immediately angled her airship towards the demon.

The airship drew a small arc in the air, avoiding a few Gargoyles as well as
friendly fire from the other airships, cutting a path towards the Winged Howler.

Elin was riding on the big airship. Because of the approaching Winged Howler,
the atmosphere in the airship became extremely tense.

"Quick, stop him!"

"Continuous fire, block off his approach!"

"No, damn, he's getting faster; we can't block him. Brace for impact!"

Although the airship was 240 feet long, against a Level-8 demon, this meant
little. Once the demon got onboard, it spelled a disaster for everyone.

This happened many times in previous skirmishes. The Yabbas had deployed 15
airships. Twelve of them were destroyed in this manner, while the other three
were safe only because they had escaped fast enough.

Amidst the chaos, one officer aboard the airship suddenly pointed in the
distance. "Hey look! Who's that? A human Warrior?"

Link's body was shrouded in brilliant, fiery-red light. It was simply eye-

The Yabbas looked over and shook their heads. Elin also looked over. Upon
seeing who it was, she was stunned, then excited. "It's Link! He's coming over
to help!"

"Lord Link?" Isn't he a Magician?"

The human Warrior on the ship was obviously holding a sword and wearing a
Warrior's robe. His body was extremely built and had none of the gentleness
and wisdom a Magician was supposed to possess.

Elin was about to say something when Link leaped from the aircraft towards the
demon. The airship that Link was on was originally speeding towards the
demon. When he leapt off it, it was shockingly pushed down by the

Link's speed was incredible. He shot across the sky like a burst of lightning. The
lightning seemed to strike past the Winged Howler's body. Instantly, the
Winged Howler's body was cleaved into two.

The commanders on the ship were stunned.


"So fast!"
"Unbelievable. What kind of power is this?"

In mid-air, black demon blood sprayed down. Link was long gone. The arc of
his jump took him towards another ship. As he landed, he immediately jumped
off again, heading for a Gargoyle.

The Gargoyle had no time to react—Link was simply too fast. Link didn't
bother cutting the Gargoyle; he simply stamped down hard on the Gargoyle and
leaped off. His target was the Winged Howler far in the distance.

Be that as it may, the Gargoyle still could not take the force. After being stepped
on, his body shot towards the ground. SMASH! A huge hole appeared in the
ground, from which a dust cloud was spreading out off. Inside the hole, the
Gargoyle's body had already been smashed to pieces.

Link leaped a horizontal distance of about 300 feet before stepping on another
Gargoyle and jumping off it. This brought him up to a Winged Howler.

Scree! The Winged Howler screeched. It was a Level-8 expert, and it was
confident that it would be able to deal with Link.

Link exploded out with Dragon Power, slashing towards the Winged Howler.

Clang. The sound of a collision rang out. When the Legendary and Level-8
power clashed, the air vibrated strongly.

The next instant, the demon was cleanly cut into two by Link's Dragon King's
Wrath sword, sword and all.

The Yabbas was stunned speechless. What was this situation?

Wasn't a Magician supposed to reinforce them? Why did a Warrior appear

instead? Furthermore, how strong was this Warrior? He just clashed head-on
with a Level-8 demon and won. It was unbelievable!

After killing the demon, Link was beginning to lose speed and altitude.

Nearby, an airship curved and headed for Link, catching him. Link didn't care
who it was that had caught him, he simply pointed to another airship and
instructed, "Take me there."

Only the airships had sufficient mass for him to launch off properly without
being knocked back by the resultant force. If he jumped off from a small craft,
he would smash it to pieces. The frame of a small craft just couldn't take the
force. Medium-sized airships had enough mass. However, they weren't durable
enough either.

The airship immediately brought Link towards the large airships.

Once it neared a bigger airship, the small airship suddenly decreased its speed.
Link used the inertia from its original velocity to jump over to the big ship.
Once he landed, he located another Winged Howler 240 feet away and ran
towards it, gathering his momentum to jump.

Bang! Link leaped off from the 240-foot-long airship. Even though the airship
was huge, the airship still shook from the impact of Link's jump, so much so
that it even deviated slightly from its original flight path.

"Adjust the angle! Follow him and support him!" The commander of the airship

He understood Link's plan. Link was going to clear out the Level-8 demons in
the sky. What he needed them to do was provide him with footholds that he
could jump from.

The battle was reaching its climax. Lannie piloted her airship, weaving through
enemies and allies like a fish. As she flew, she shot down numerous Gargoyles,
sending them down to the ground.

Meanwhile, the Level-7 Magician Green was on the deck of a medium-sized

airship. He used spells to summon lightning in the sky, sending them hurtling
towards the flying demons. Even the Level-8 demons could not simply ignore
such attacks.

The flying airships also fired their magic cannons, unleashing havoc on the
demons in the sky and on the ground.
The Dark Army was being beaten so badly they had no chance to retaliate.

There were just over ten Winged Howlers and about 1,000 lower level demons
in the air. On the ground, there were slightly more demons. Against the
bombardment from the airships, they had no way to retaliate and could only
receive the attacks head-on.

Boom! Boom! The Dark Elves had obtained some magic cannons from the
Yabbas they defeated. These cannons created some trouble for the airships.

Nonetheless, the Yabbas were the true experts at using the magic cannons.
Wherever they heard the sound of magic cannons firing, they would accurately
return fire and suppress the enemies.

Ten minutes later, the remaining four Winged Howlers shrieked and turned to
retreat towards the Black Forest. The rest of the low-level demons followed suit.

The flying demons still had a hope of escaping. The demons on the ground on
the other hand, however, had no such hope. They were bombarded by the
attacks from the air and had no way of fighting back. In the end, nobody knew
how many demons escaped on the ground, but whatever the number was, it was
pitifully low.

In this battle, the Dark Army was undoubtedly weaker than the Yabbas. With
Link's addition, victory was assured.

Half an hour later, the battle reached its end. The battlefield quieted down.
There was only the occasional sound of musket fire as the Yabbas killed any
survivors they found.

Link was not needed for this simple task. With the help of a small airship, Link
boarded the airship that Elin was on.

Elin was already waiting for Link on the deck with several other commanders.
The instant Link landed on the deck, without even waiting for him to stabilize
his footing, Elin ran up to him and jumped into his arms. Link hurriedly
stretched out his arms to catch hold of her.

"Link! I knew you would come! I saw you in a dream!" Elin laughed. However,
her eyes were red with tears. A moment later, the smile on her face also
vanished, and she started crying in Link's arms. The demeanor of a high-level
Magician was completely gone in the midst of her crying.

Link gently patted her back, consoling, "Elin, things will get better. They surely

Elin sniffed. "When I came back, the sky city Pollol was already destroyed.
Everyone was dead, my mother, brothers, sisters. There are less than two
million people left."

In the beginning, the Yabbas had a population of twenty million. They had lost
about ninety percent of their population in this war. It was a tragedy that could
easily spell the end of the Yabba race.

Of course, this was already better than the situation in the game. In the game,
the Yabbas were completely eradicated. Nonetheless, this was not something
Link could say. Link held Elin in his arms as he walked towards the

Link was familiar with this commander. It was Merlin, the one who had led
Link to the Necropolis in the South. Link remembered him as a very optimistic
person. Now, his face was ashen and gray. No traces of the optimism remained.

Merlin greeted Link and saluted. "Lord Link, thank you for your assistance.
This way please, Lord Franklin is waiting for you. He is injured and can't move
easily, I hope you won't mind."

Franklin was the chairman of the Artisan Council and also one of the Yabba
leaders. He was already 90 years old. When he was younger, he injured his leg
in some incident and was confined to a wheelchair ever since. He was thus also
known as the "Wheelchair Noble."

This was something that never happened in the game. After all, in the game, by
the time the humans received news of the Dark Elves' attack on the Yabbas, the
Yabbas were already obliterated. He learned of Franklin through Elin and could
tell from her attitude that this was someone she respected greatly.

Link bowed slightly. "It is an honor to be able to meet him."

As they were walking into the interior of the airship, there were many Yabba
Warriors. Elin felt embarrassed being carried by Link and struggled. Link,
therefore, put her down. Seeing her teary face, he couldn't resist pinching her
nose and teasing her. "Wipe your face, little kitty."

Elin laughed bashfully and took out a handkerchief to clean her face.

Once they entered the bridge of the ship, Link saw a Yabba man with a full,
white beard. He was sitting on a levitating wheelchair. This was obviously Lord

When he saw Link, he respectfully greeted Link before resuming his original
position. "Lord Link, as you can see, we are also in a difficult situation.
Nonetheless, we will spare no effort to send reinforcements to support Orida
Fortress. Shall we discuss the attack strategy?"

Link became serious. Although he had close personal relations with Elin, that
was ultimately still a personal matter. Personal matters had to be put aside when
talking about issues concerning their two races.

Under such circumstances, it was already a great sign that the Yabbas did not
hesitate to agree to reinforce Orida Fortress. However, it was still important to
work out the details of the command structure. Not only did they have to work
out the chain of command, but they also had to negotiate how they would split
the spoils of war and other issues.

Link was essentially representing the whole of the Norton Kingdom. He

grabbed a chair and was prepared to begin negotiations when suddenly, an
officer pointed to Lariel City and shouted, "Look out! Something's wrong with
the magic net!"

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Chapter 405: Disaster for the Yabbas

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
The officer's words shocked everyone inside the command cabin. Link rose
immediately and walked to the window to look down at Lirico City.

He saw a glowing white net slowly form on the surface of the city. It became
brighter and brighter while the Mana density shot up.

Master Franklin also moved the wheelchair over and looked down. He was both
shocked and furious. "Akensser must have done this! But how is he this

The magic net was the crystallization of millenniums of Yabba wisdom. Every
generation would work on refining it. Even if Akensser was an advanced
craftsman, even if he had hundreds of followers, the core was inside the city
protected by the Light Wall. How could he control the entire net?

Franklin couldn't figure it out.

By now, the magic net had become even brighter and brighter. Horrible Mana
rose up from it. Many white spots of Mana light appeared in the air, even inside
the command cabin.

From afar, it looked as if it was snowing in Lirico City. But instead of floating
down, the "snowflakes" rose up from the ground as if time was reversed.

Elin suddenly clutched her head and screamed, "Hurry! Hurry! I sense
destruction and death!"

This time, Franklin didn't hesitate. "Hurry out of here!" he immediately ordered.

Whoo, whoo

The entire magic wind seal of the airship fleet sped forward at full speed. Then
it accelerated, leaving Lirico behind.

The airships were extremely fast. Even the huge ones could reach 650 feet per
second. After 20 seconds, the entire fleet was out of Lirico City's range.

"Not enough! Keep going! Hide behind the mountain!" Master Franklin
continued yelling.
The fleet continued forward and soon passed over the tall mountains to the
south of the city.

"Quickly reduce elevation! Hurry! Now!" Franklin yelled.

The fleet immediately went lower. When they reached 65 feet in elevation,
Link's heart clenched. Then he saw a thick wave of faint purple Mana seep over
from the mountains, coming straight for the fleet.

He also saw that on the other side without the mountains as a barrier, the Mana
wave was already dark purple. If it washed over a regular person, even if they
didn't die, there would still be horrible lasting effects.

"The airship will be destroyed! Get ready!" commander Merlin exclaimed.

Whoosh! The Mana wave washed over the airship fleet, and the entire magic
seal became effective immediately. The fleet started falling.

Thankfully, they were only around 60 feet in the air and were already close to
the ground. It was a forest below them as well. The trees were a few dozen feet
tall. The airships dropped down and crashed into the trees within half a second.

Crack, crash! Countless trees were flattened, and the Yabbas inside the airships
swayed violently.

Just as the ship was about to land, Link grabbed Elin and Franklin and kept
them beside him. At almost the same moment, there was a huge boom. The ship
hit the ground and shook violently. Many people fell down, rolling around on
the ground. The various things in the cabin fell and smashed against people.

Link hunched over, protecting Elin and Franklin in his embrace. At the same
time, crystal-red Dragon Power emerged from his body. With the burst of
power, he stood stably.

In the mess, things smashed against his back, hit his arm and head, but Link
used Dragon Power to force them away.

The commotion lasted for five or six seconds before silencing.

Link put Elin and Franklin down. Looking around, he saw that the command
cabin had become a mess. Various moans and wails reached his ears. The weak
Yabbas were strewn amongst the ruins. The elevation wasn't too high, so most
were only injured. Some unlucky ones had been hit in the head.

The smell of blood filled the cabin.

Master Franklin stared at this in shock. Then he coughed violently and spat out
a mouthful of blood. He wasn't injured—he was just furious.

Elin was also dazed. She stood there dumbly and then ran over to help people.
Link went too. He lifted the objects away, dragging out the trapped Yabbas.

He was very fast, and the survivors were quickly taken to safety. There were
more than 3000 people and 2800 survived with around 100 dead. That wasn't
too bad.

Link went to the other ships.

Some were in good shape. They'd landed before the flagship and were already
on the ground when the Mana wave came, so no one was hurt. Others though
were much worse. They had been around 100 feet in the air. To the weak
Yabbas, even one foot higher would cause the death toll to stagger upward.

Link didn't have time to think. He focused on helping them. The Yabbas who
were less injured also started helping others.

Chaos lasted for a full three hours. The survivors were all saved. Less than 800
people had died, which wasn't much. However, the biggest loss was that the
magic airships had all lost their effectiveness.

Mana was a strange type of energy. It was highly penetrative but wasn't too
harmful towards living beings, especially stronger ones. The wave of Mana only
caused people to feel a bit dizzy. Weaker ones would get a headache, but that
was it.

However, this energy completely destroyed the Mana machines that the Yabbas
relied on. Other than the simpler magic muskets, everything else had become
After a while, a craftsman reported the losses. "Master, the Mana pools of many
airships are completely destroyed. We can fix at most half of them, but it'll take
three months."

Franklin nodded. "That's alright for now."

The mountain only provided limited resistance against the Mana, but if not for
the mountains, not even half of the airships would be salvageable. In addition,
everyone would suffer a higher intensity of Mana and have more side effects.

At this, Franklin sighed and glanced apologetically at Link. "Ferde Lord, you
see how it is. We cannot help the Orida Fortress anymore."

This was indeed bad news, but Link wasn't at a dead end yet.

If the Yabbas couldn't do it, he could go find the dragons or the High Elves. He
could even go straight back to the Orida Fortress with Riel. Once the Mana aura
disappeared from him and he recovered his magic, he could charge with Riel.
Unless there was more than one demon also in the Legendary level, they could
definitely defeat them all!

However, he still had many suspicions.

Firstly, how exactly did Akensser destroy the magic net? According to
Franklin's reaction, he shouldn't be able to do so.

Secondly, why didn't the game system give any response to this sudden event?

For the first one, Link had no guesses. He wasn't familiar with Lirico City's
magic net system. But if Franklin could be so shocked, this must be something

The second suspicion gave Link a really bad premonition. In a way, the game
system represented the power of the Light Army. In the past, it often used
missions to remind Link of dangers that may occur. This time, there was no

There was no reaction at all.

Link checked the mission he now had. It was "Reinforcement Request," and it
was still incomplete. The current status bar had become red, meaning he'd failed

Did this mean the game system would not give him any more warnings? Or did
something block the sensory of the God of Light? The former wasn't quite
possible. Since the God of Light wanted Link to save the world, giving some
warnings wasn't too much and shouldn't be revoked. Link thought further and
felt that the latter was more possible.

This meant something was helping the traitor Akensser. Not only did it provide
the way to destroy the magic net, but it also did so without anyone realizing.
Who could this be?

The Spider Queen Lolth? The God of Destruction? Or was it the Travel
Magician Aisenis? Or some completely unknown powerful entity?

Link didn't have enough information and couldn't hypothesize at all.

On the other hand, Master Franklin saw that Link wasn't speaking and thought
he was upset. Franklin sighed and didn't speak either.

At this time, the Yabba scouts came back from the mountain with news about
Lirico City.

"Master, the Light Wall is still there and is still complete. But from the
openings, we can see that it's dark inside the city. The Mana tide destroyed most
facilities, but the residents should be okay. We saw many torches lit inside."

The defense shield of Lirico was completely independent and very reliable.
Even if the magic net was compromised, the shield could still be maintained.
However, this wasn't significant anymore.

The magic machines were all destroyed. The Yabbas were instantly thrown into
a horrible situation. If demons returned to attack them, they could only use
simple muskets for defense.

As for the magic cannons, their energy supply was connected to the airships.
With the airships damaged, the cannons wouldn't work either. They could be
repaired but required time.
The situation was as bad as it could get.

At that time, an extremely loud voice called, "Link, how are you?"

Link looked over and discovered Riel. He'd been hiding in the cave, and after all
this time, his power had recovered more than Link. Now, he ran down the
mountain at extreme speed.

The Yabbas and dwarves were quite close, and Riel, the King of Mountains,
was well-known amongst the Yabbas. Seeing him come, all the Yabbas greeted
him, though they weren't very lively because of what had just happened.

When he arrived, Riel bowed to Master Franklin and comforted him. "I was in
the cave and saw the magic net collapse. I knew it would be bad. But now, it
seems alright. All that matters is that you're all alive."

Franklin shook his head with a wry smile.

"But I just saw Akensser," Riel continued. "He brought some… weird things in
the direction of the Light Wall."

Link was shocked. "Weird things?"

Franklin and the other Yabbas perked up too.

But no one discovered that when Elin heard this, her small frame shook
violently, and her face paled. She seemed to sense something terrifying.

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Chapter 406: The Yabba’s Attachment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the forest, beside the ruined airship

Riel tried to describe what he had seen. "It was too far, and the sky was dark. I
couldn't really see it clearly, but there were many black figures that looked like
they were swaying a lot, like a snake. There aren't many, just about 40 of them I

Link's heart stirred when he heard this description. He had come across
something like this in the game!

In the game, these creatures were called "Agatha Nagas." They were the slaves
of the God of Destruction. The tribe was completely made up of females. They
had the body of humans but were soft as snakes; they were soft to the point that
it felt like they didn't have bones. They could contort their bodies in incredible
ways, such as turning their heads 360 degrees, turning their bodies over
backwards or rotating their limbs in unimaginable ways. They could easily do
things that humans would think impossible.

Their bodies were soft and gentle. However, if you underestimated their
strength because of that, you would pay a heavy price.

In reality, the Agatha Nagas had bodies as tough as the strongest demons. In
front of them, human Warriors were like second-rate trash.

In the game, the Agatha Nagas were most commonly found in the Silversand
Islands, located to the southeast of the southernmost kingdom of Doska. They
possessed mighty strength and were minimally Level-8. They also dropped
valuable loot. Every now and then, a boss-level creature would appear on the
island. After players reached Level-11, they frequently ventured to the island to
farm for resources.

Seeing the Agatha Nagas appear here, Link's doubts were washed away. It was
no wonder why Akensser could cause the collapse of the magic net and evade
the notice of the God of Light. It was because the God of Destruction had a
hand in this.

Riel's news made Franklin extremely anxious. He exclaimed, "Akensser must

have brought those things into the city. Nothing good will come out of this; we
must stop him!"

He instructed Merlin who was standing next to him. "Go get the musketeers to

"Yes, Lord!" Merlin saluted and ran off to complete the task.
However, Link knew that the musketeers would only be sending themselves to
their deaths. The Agatha Nagas were extremely fast that they could evade the
Yabba musket shots. They could also easily invade the Yabba camps and
slaughter them.

Even then, Link did not immediately try to stop the Yabbas. Making use of the
time Merlin took to gather the troops, he asked, "Sir, are there guards left in the

"Yes, about 5,000 more musketeers," Franklin nodded.

Link said, "Akensser probably knows the strength of Lariel City's defenses. For
him to still dare to bring 40 snake people into the city shows that they are
definitely not weak."

Franklin squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment. After a brief period of
silence, he said, "We don't have a choice."

They truly couldn't ignore the snake people's attack. Inside the city, there were
still 150,000 Yabbas. They were the hope of the Yabba's revival, so nothing
could be allowed to harm them.

Suddenly, after keeping silent for so long, Elin screamed. "Lord, those are the
slaves of the God of Destruction; they will drag our clan to destruction!!!" Elin
was trembling visibly. Her face was pale, and she sweated profusely. The future
she had seen must have been extremely shocking.

At this point, Franklin no longer dared to ignore the advice. He frowned and
asked, "Elin, what do you suggest?"

Elin shook her head in anguish. "I don't know, I don't know! My vision says that
we will immediately head southwards, but there are still 150,000 people in the
city! How can we just abandon them?"

As she spoke, she looked at Link with big pleading eyes. However, she did not
speak. Link had already helped them many times. This time, the enemy was
simply too dangerous, she didn't feel it was right to ask him for help again.

At this point, a message appeared in Link's vision. It was a new mission.

New Mission: Investigation

Description: Return to Lariel City and find out what Akensser, the traitor, is up

Mission reward: Void Aura dispelling kit (One-time use)

Awesome! This mission was like delivering coal in the winter, exactly what he
needed. Link desperately needed to use his spells. Only with his spells could he
turn the situation around.

His spells were the key to creating a miracle!

Link immediately accepted the mission. He inhaled deeply and took a step
forward. "Lord Franklin, Lariel's situation is unclear, and it might be dangerous
for you guys. How about letting me go in to investigate first?"

Franklin was stunned. He felt conflicted. He knew that Link had already done
plenty for the Yabbas. Now, knowing that the situation was dangerous, Link
still volunteered to help them investigate. If they accepted his help, their debt
towards him would be very hard to repay.

However, could they say no? He couldn't.

There were only less than two million Yabbas left. Every single one was
precious. They could not sacrifice even a single one anymore. After pondering
for a moment, Franklin sighed. "Lord Link, I swear by the name of the God of
Light. If my clan makes it through this calamity, we will move to your territory
and be forever loyal to you and your descendants!"

This was a serious oath. Yet, Franklin knew that this was the only way forward.
The Yabbas had lost much of their magic arsenal. It would be hard for them to
re-establish their might in the current world unless they were led by a stronger

Link was one such power!

Earlier, he was still in a position to bargain and negotiate. After all, he had a
powerful fleet of airships as well as Lariel City and its thousands of years of
accumulated resources backing him up. All that had long since gone up in

Link was delighted. If the Yabbas were willing to join him, that would be for
the best. Their skills in magic technology were unparalleled. They would be
able to help Ferde develop rapidly.

As expected, Link did not reject them. To do this mission, Link would also be
risking his own life. It was only fair that he got something in return.

He placed his hand on Franklin's shoulder and promised, "I'll do my best!"

"Lord, I'll go with you!" Elin said. She had already considered Link to be her


Elin was a Level-7 Magician. Link could not use any spells for the moment and
needed a Magician to accompany him. Green would have been a suitable choice
too, but it was probable that he had expended most of his Mana during the
earlier battle.

"I'm going too! My bones are itching to beat up some enemies," Riel declared,
waving his hammer.

Unexpectedly, Link shook his head and rejected him. "Riel, someone needs to
protect the Yabbas here. The demons may come back anytime!"

"Oh… well alright then. Beating up demons is fine too!" Riel was easy to talk

"I'll come too!" Another clear voice rang out.

Link looked at the owner of the voice. It was Lannie who was holding a magic
musket. Beside her was Magician Green. Link rejected her offer. "Just me and
Elin will do. It's easier to sneak around with fewer numbers. Anyway, the
people here need your protection."

Lannie pouted; she was unhappy at being left out. Nonetheless, she obeyed.
After sorting everything out, Link grabbed Elin and placed her on his shoulders.
"Let's use an Invisibility spell," he suggested.

Elin waved her wand, and a watery light appeared, wrapping the two of them
within it. The two of them disappeared.

"Hold on tightly, I'm going to run."

"Okay," Elin said. She cast a Lightweight spell onto herself, turning as light as a
feather. This also reduced her inertia greatly. This way, Link would not feel her
weight and be influenced in any way. Link started increasing his speed. Two
seconds later, he was at the mountaintop. He saw the black figures that Riel had
talked about.

His eyesight was many times better than Riel. He could see much further and
more vividly than Riel. It was indeed the snake people—that was obvious from
the swaying of their bodies and the gait of their walk.

He counted 43 of them. In the middle of them walked a short Yabba. It was the
traitor, and he was wearing a deep purple Magician robe and had a head full of
purple hair. He even had a purple beard. Along with his eagle-like nose, he
looked extremely shady and scheming.

They were now half a mile away from the crystal wall. Link was ready to set off
when he heard the sound of wind blowing. He turned to look and saw the
demons that retreated earlier had regrouped and were getting ready to attack
again. There were about 300 flying demons. Among them, there were five
Winged Howlers and many other smaller demons. There were also about a
thousand low-level demons but no particularly strong ones.

"They're headed for Lord Franklin!" Elin said, worried.

"Don't worry, me and Riel have just returned from another dimension. Riel has
also reached Legendary level. He can deal with this many demons."

Elin's eyes lit up when she heard what Link said. "If that's the case, then I'm not
that worried."

"Let's go; let's see what Akensser is up to."

Link continued down the hill. Because they were invisible, Link decreased his
speed slightly. Three minutes later, they were standing at the entrance of Lariel

Having gone through the surge in Mana, the city was already in ruins. The
density of Mana in the city now exceeded other areas by five times!

Link noticed that his Dragon Power recovery rate was already 38 points per
second. It was a shocking number.

After walking for a bit, Link noticed something odd. About 90 feet ahead of
them, there was an area where the air was vibrating and shimmering. It was kind
of like the heat waves above an open fire.

Elin noticed it too. She said, "Lord, I feel danger. It's like there is a pair of eyes
hidden behind this thing, and it's watching us."

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Chapter 407: Nagas Ready to Do Something Big

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was already five in the evening. Being winter, it was dark now.

But with this kind of lighting, the swaying air waves became even more
obvious. The starry bits of light in the ripples danced like fireflies.

The situation was odd and Elin whispered, "Let's go around it."

Link nodded. He looked at the ball of ripples and walked for around 150 feet.
But then something even stranger happened.

He discovered that even though he was going straight and towards the same
direction, the path curved without him realizing. The ball of ripples appeared
before him again.

As a spatial Magician, Link naturally knew what had happened.

"We can't avoid it. The space here has been completely distorted. We'll run into
it no matter where we go."

Elin was a bit frightened. "What should we do?" she whispered.

"Let's go meet him." Link took a deep breath. Taking out his Dragon King's
Fury sword, he walked over to the ripples.

Around 30 feet away from it, the air suddenly shook and a wispy voice said,
"Mortal, go south. This is already a land of destruction."

As the voice spoke, there was an inexplicable pressure. Under this, even Link
couldn't take another step, let alone Elin.

There was nothing before them but in their minds, there was an extremely steep
mountain. They were faced with a bottomless abyss and neither could walk

Link wasn't a brash person. Once he felt this pressure, he retreated.

The wispy voice rang out again. "Mortal, that is a wise choice."

Link didn't speak. He kept retreating until he was 200 feet away. Elin was a bit
confused. "Are we really leaving?" she asked softly.

Instead of speaking, Link just shook his head lightly. Retreating more, he said
softly, "I can't feel its presence anymore. Do you feel danger?"

Elin closed her eyes to sense and shook her head. "I can't feel it at all."

"Then we should be safe. Now, I'll teach you a spell. Do as I say, understood?"
Link said.

"Yes." Elin nodded.

Link took out his notes and flipped to a page. Pointing at a Mana structure, he
said, "This one. Construct this portion now."

This spell was Link's greatest accomplishment in spatial magic—the Spatial

Sphere. The structure was extremely complex. If Link guided Elin as he'd done
for Master Green, she would definitely fail.
Thus, Link divided the spell into portions for Elin to construct while he would
control the precise vibrations of the Mana structures. The process was
complicated but Link did all the cumbersome work so it didn't take much time.

After around 30 seconds, Link said, "Alright. Now don't think about anything
but don't relax your control on the structures. Yes, like that. Relax, relax some
more. Give some of the control to me… Yes…"

For a moment, Link felt that his thoughts were combined with Elin's. Not only
was he controlling the vibrations of Elin's Mana, he also felt some of her
emotions. There was fear, worry, and reliance. It was complicated.

While controlling the vibrations of the structures, Link also tried to smooth the
unexpected feelings.

After a second, there was a soft hum; a Spatial Sphere appeared. Link moved his
thoughts and Elin immediately felt it. She controlled the Spatial Sphere and
threw it towards the air ripples.

Distortion. Increase spatial frequency! Link thought.

There was another soft sound. The Spatial Sphere exploded in the heart of the
air ripples. The swaying ripples suddenly tightened like someone squeezing a
ball of cotton.

It disappeared just like that.

Link let out a breath and sped forward. When he passed where the ripples had
been, the huge mental pressure didn't appear.

For some reason, Elin's face was red. "Lord, was that spatial magic?" she asked

Her voice was still chirpy like a child's but it also felt soft and a bit coquettish.
Link guessed that it was because of their psychological exchange earlier. He just
pretended he didn't know and nodded.

"Yes, that was spatial magic. On the surface, it increases spatial frequency but it
actually thickens the Space Barrier."
Elin immediately tossed the strange feeling behind as she grew curious. "So you
mean that the air ripples earlier were actually caused by the Space Barrier

Link nodded. "Yes. The Mana density there was too high. Mana has the effect
of enlarging space. The denser it is, the more space swells. The entire space will
thin as well, the force of laws weakening. Of course, the barrier is still there so
the other can only sense unclearly. When we retreated enough, he couldn't see
us anymore."

Hearing this, Elin understood already. She gripped Link's shirt in fear and
asked, "Then is the existence in the Void a god?"

Facing a god was terrifying for mortals. Link guessed that it was the God of
Destruction, but no one was sure about things in the Sea of Void. It was only a
guess. All he could say now was, "Maybe but I'm not sure. But we're inside the
realm. Even the strongest god can't come into the mortal world. Don't be

There was something Link didn't say. If the realm was like a house protecting
mortals, then the house of Firuman was now collapsing. However, this reality
was too scary. Link didn't want Elin to be worried for nothing.

"Oh," Elin replied. She was still anxious and gripped Link's shirt without

The sky grew darker as the two continued going after Akensser.

They passed through three streets and entered the main road of the inner city.
Link saw Akensser's group from afar.

At this time, they were less than 1000 feet away from each other. Link could
faintly sense the levels of the enemies. Surprisingly, the Agatha Nagas were all
at Level-9. One was physically small but her aura was obscure and deep. When
Link sensed her, his heart trembled.

He could feel that this Naga probably had Legendary power. Different from
those soldiers in Aragu, she was a true Legendary fighter!
Of the 43 people, 42 were at Level-9 and one was in the Legendary level. This
was truly a horrifying force. Even if there were more than 5000 musketeers
inside the city, it was useless. They would be destroyed.

This must be the first batch of the God of Destruction's army. And they're elites,
Link thought.

"I feel that the Nagas are an abyss of death," Elin whispered. "Each one is
really, really scary. They'll destroy my people!"

Link nodded lightly while plotting in his mind.

He was alone. Elin could only help hide him; her combat power was basically
zero. Faced with 43 powerful enemies, there was no way to win. In reality, if he
couldn't use magic, he would feel accomplished to just kill ten with guerilla

But he didn't have to force himself to fight now.

The game system's mission was to capture a Naga and interrogate about their
specific motive. By that time, he could complete the mission, receive the
reward, rid himself of the Void's breath, and recover his magic ability.

That way, he would be able to fight with these Nagas.

Thinking of this, Link realized that the only thing he could do was create a
commotion and find the chance to capture a Naga. With that in mind, he turned
around. At the nearest corner, he took out one of Riel's bombs. He had nine left;
it would suffice.

He adjusted the bomb to detonate after 15 seconds and tossed it overhand.

There were two benefits to this type of throw. One, it was slow and quiet,
making it hidden. Two, it would fall from the sky while landing. They couldn't
determine where exactly it came from.

Five, four, three, two, one, go!

Boom! The bomb exploded amongst the group of Nagas. A huge white fireball
rose up.
"A sneak attack!" Akensser's sharp voice cried. He was a craftsman, but while
Yabbas researched magic machinery, craftsmen were all Magicians as well. He
knew basic defensive spells. The light of magic wrapped around his body now
and he was unharmed.

"From where?"

"I don't know!"

"Master told me that the powerful human is coming. You, you, and you—you
three go stop him! The rest hurry and follow me! We can't delay Master's
orders." The voice came from the smallest Naga.

Two Nagas started going backwards while the others, including Akensser, sped
towards the Light Wall.

The Light Wall was relatively independent. Even if the magic net collapsed, the
wall would still stand. It was a Level-9 shield and was very sturdy. However,
without the magic net's support, there was no energy supply. At this time, the
wall's light was gradually dimming. It had lost the ability to attack objects that
approached it as well.

A Light Wall like this couldn't stop the Nagas at all.

Link heard the Nagas clearly. He was certain that these Nagas were preparing to
do something big.

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Chapter 408: Cruel to Themselves Too?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The three Level-9 Nagas did not split up nor did they come looking for link.
They just stood where they were, along the main road to the light wall,
obstructing the way and waiting to see who might turn up. They held their
unique triangular spears in their hands.
The Nagas were fast and strong, and their attacks were unpredictable. Link had
to be careful when dealing with even just one Naga. Now, there were three
watching each other's backs. Furthermore, they didn't need to win, just draw out
the battle.

As they occupied the main road, they had a wide and unobstructed vision of the
entire area. Anyone who wanted to sneak past them would have to make a large
detour and end up wasting even more time. If Link had come alone, he
definitely wouldn't have been able to deal with this barricade. Thankfully, he
had Elin with him.

Elin said, "Lord, I'll use a spirit attack. Hopefully, it'll create an opening."

Link shook his head. "It's no use. These Nagas didn't appear here naturally.
They were summoned. For them to be summoned, they must have traveled
through the void, and all creatures that can do that have very strong spirits."

It wasn't just the Nagas who were like that. The demons were like that too. One
time, Eleanor met a low-level demon in the Girvent Forest. The demon had
managed to thwart all her spirit attacks.

"Then what do we do?"

Link thought for a moment before coming up with a plan. He took out his magic
notebook and flipped to one page. Pointing at the spell structure inscribed in it,
he said, "Let's use this spell."

Elin studied the spell structure and noted. "It uses a reflection to create an
illusion of us while hiding our actual position. Then… what happens?"

Link continued with his explanation. "After that, we will trigger these grenades
to explode," Link said, drawing out the set of Yabba grenades he had gotten
earlier. He combined the explosives into a bundle and threw them into a simple
hole he had dug with his foot. "Later, when the enemy reaches this spot, use the
Magician's Hand to trigger these grenades to explode, got it?"

"Yup," Elin nodded. It was very simple.

"Alright then, let's choose a suitable spot, hmmmm…. There!"

The spot Link chose was 210 feet away from the grenades. It was also behind a
small stone cottage which provided cover from the grenades' explosions.

"Okay, let's begin."

Link once again opened the magic notebook. Elin directed her Mana according
to the spell structure she saw in the notebook. After the spell structure was
completed, as before, Link took over part of the control of the spell and began to
control the oscillating frequency of the Mana.

After half a minute, strange things started to happen.

The air surrounding Link's body rippled, and the vibrations gently extended out
to an area of 300 feet before stopping.

The whole process resembled the ripples that would result when somebody
touched a big water balloon, except now, the whole space had become a big
water balloon. It rippled violently for a moment before slowly calming down.

On the surface, there was no change in the space around Link, and everything
seemed normal.

Being at the center of it, Link and Elin weren't affected by the vibrations and in
fact couldn't feel a thing. Outside, the three Nagas blocking the road
immediately noticed the abnormality.

"Look, there he is!" one Naga shouted and pointed to the corner.

"He came over to us! Get ready, this guy can't be easy to handle."

"He has drawn his sword. This guy is strong. Don't let him take the initiative!"

One of the Nagas bellowed a war cry. She rushed forward while her body was
enveloped in deep red Battle Aura.

"Haaaa!" She screamed. Her body stretched back unbelievably, bending like a
big bow drawn to its limit. Twang! Her body suddenly rebounded back, and the
spear in her hand was flung towards Link as though shot out from a bow.
Whoosh! The spear flew so fast that it was almost invisible. On its body, the
deep red Battle Aura rotated, forming into threads of silk-like red strands that
were spinning unbelievably quickly. Each of these strands emanated terrifying

Whoosh. It was like the spear was surrounded by a tornado. Everywhere the
spear passed, it dragged rubble and stones into the air along with it, flying
towards Link.

In an instant, the spear reached "Link.""Link" ducked to the side. CRACK!

There was a loud sound as the spear penetrated deep into the ground. The spear
continued burrowing downwards like an earth dragon, throwing up dirt and
rubble behind it until it reached a depth of 60 feet. Finally, it stopped.

What shocking power!

This was not all.

When the first Naga threw her spear, the other two Nagas rushed forward in a
coordinated attack. They split to the left and right, reaching Link about half a
second after he had avoided the spear attack.

Both Nagas stabbed their spears towards "Link," who had ducked to the ground

Swoosh, swoosh. That was the sound of the two spears cutting through the air.
However, clearly, the spears had hit nothing but air.

"Where did he go?"


The two Nagas exchanged a glance in confusion at first, which was soon
followed with horror.

Behind the corner 210 feet away, Link told Elin, "Now!"

Elin had been waiting for this moment. The moment she heard Link's command,
she used the Magician's Hand to activate the grenades hidden in the ground.
BOOM! The simultaneous explosion resulted in an earth-shaking sound wave.
The explosion also emitted blinding white light, flames, and a shock wave that
threw up gravel and dirt in all directions, enveloping the two Nagas within.

Eight bombs, each with a strength of Level-5, had simultaneously exploded.

Although in terms of absolute strength, these bombs weren't very strong, the
knockback from the explosions was very strong.

The two Nagas were protected by their red Battle Auras and were shielded from
the heat of the explosion. Nonetheless, even though they had defended
themselves from the heat, they were still thrown back by the shockwaves.

Link had already calculated the direction that the Nagas would be blasted
towards. They would land in an abandoned row of houses, and by the time they
reached back about ten seconds later, they would be too late.

The first Naga who had thrown the spear was a little slower to react. She was a
distance away and wasn't directly hit by the explosion from the bombs.
Nonetheless, before she had time to react to the sneak attack, a human figure
rushed out from an alley.

The figure was moving extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was in front
of her, swinging its sword towards her neck.

It was Link.

This Naga had thrown her spear and now had no weapons. Being attacked by
Link, she instinctively retreated.

Link pursued at full speed.

Between the one retreating and the one advancing, it was obvious who held the
advantage in terms of speed. Link easily caught up to the retreating Naga and
slashed downwards with his sword. Without any weapons to defend herself
with, she had no way to block. Her arm was immediately hacked off.

"Ahhhh!" The Naga screamed in pain. However, there was no one around to
save her. Her two companions were thrown far away by the bombs. The rest of
the Nagas had broken into Lariel City and were in an even lesser position to
help her. There was no chance of her escaping.
After chopping off the Naga's arm, Link changed to using the blunt side of the
sword and slammed it hard against the Naga's forehead.

Crash. A muffled sound, the Naga jolted as her eyes turned white and she
crumpled to the ground.

Link grabbed the Naga and headed back to the side alley. When he reached the
alley, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Elin who was waiting there for him,
placing her back onto his shoulders.

Running in the alley for a while, Link spotted a crack in the ground leading into
an underground passage. Without any hesitation, Link jumped into the passage,
which was about 30 feet deep. He ran for another 150 feet before throwing the
Naga to the ground.

"Elin, Light spell," Link instructed.

Here, Link was not worried about other Nagas attacking. The passage was very
narrow. Even if there were a hundred enemies, they would have to face him
one-on-one and could not surround him with their numerical advantage.

Therefore, this place was safe.

Whoosh. The Light spell illuminated the whole passage, allowing Link and Elin
to see the Naga's body carefully.

The Naga had similar facial features to humans. However, their features were
much sharper. For example, their eyes were thin and long, and their eyebrows
were sharp. The lips were thin as well. The most defining feature would
definitely be their long, sharp tongues, which looked sharp enough to slice
through paper.

As for body figures, they were way better than humans.

The proportions of the Naga's body were extremely shapely. They had a
beautiful waist, big breasts, lovely thighs and long legs, just like the most
beautiful celebrities on earth. Their clothing was also extremely revealing,
covering only their breasts and their groin. The style was similar to that of
Amazon female warriors.
However, these were merely their external features. Ultimately, they were
servants of the God of Destruction. If one were to fall for them or have any
feelings for them, one would soon discover what true despair was.

Link tapped the face of the Naga with his sword. Feeling the touch of the cold
blade, the Naga woke up.

She looked first at her missing arm and then at Link. Suddenly, she moved,
swinging her leg to kick at Link.

Swish. Link swung his sword and cut off the Naga's leg.

The Naga snorted as it came to terms with its present situation. She glared at
Link and said in spite, "Warrior, your victory is only temporary. Soon, you will
begin to realize the taste of destruction!"

"Destruction? That is exactly what I want to ask you about." Link said as he
pointed his sword at the snake's neck.

However, in the next moment, the Naga did something that left Link and Elin in

The Naga's mouth started to fill with blood until it was overflowing. Along with
the blood, there were internal organs and bits of other things. With her final
breath, the Naga gasped in a voice that reeked of blood, "Human Warrior, wait
patiently. Soon, you will see the most terrifying future!"

After that, the Naga's head slumped, and she was dead.

Link checked the Naga's injuries before saying gravely, "She forcefully
destroyed her own organs from the inside.

"Are they that cruel even to themselves?" Elin was at a loss for words. How
much pain would you feel if your internal organs were all destroyed? She
couldn't even begin to imagine it.

Link looked at his mission status. It was still incomplete. That meant that he was
not yet able to recover his ability to use spells. With a gloomy expression on his
face, he stood up and said, "We won't get anything else from this Naga. Let's go,
we must continue on."
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Chapter 409: God’s Treasure

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link returned from the original path.

Before he reached the exit, he saw someone jump down. It was the Naga that
had been hit earlier. Glancing at her companion's body, she screamed. Her small
mouth opened wide, the corners almost reaching her ears and turning into a
bloody gaping hole.

"Ah!!" Her voice was really sharp, like scratching a piece of glass with a knife.
It made the listener regret having ears.

"Ah!" Elin cried and covered her ears. Her entire body shook; she'd completely
lost the ability to cast spells.

Furious Scream

Agatha Naga Talent Battle Skill

Effect: Disrupts a Magician's spellcasting with ear-piercing screams. The

success rate is extremely high.

(Note: one of the three loudest voices of Firuman.)

Link was also in pain by the Naga's voice, his features twisting. But thankfully,
he didn't need to cast spells now, so it didn't affect his combat ability much.
With a lunge, Link pierced the screaming Naga.

Instead of blocking, she stabbed at Link's chest, wanting to bring him down with
her. If there were two Nagas and they tried this trick, it would actually cause
some problems to Link. However, this tunnel was too narrow. She could only
face Link alone.
With an extreme dodge, Link missed the attack by a millimeter. He unsheathed
his sword, and the Naga's head flew off with a squelch.

Fighting by making both sides lose was powerful, but if there was a big
difference in ability, it could end with instant death.

Once the Naga died, Link took Elin and continued running. At the tunnel
opening, Link muttered, "Shield!"

Elin started casting a spell. With a whoosh, she and Link's bodies were covered
in colorful light. It was a Level-6 defensive spell.

Link also took out a Yabba fire bomb. He activated it and tossed it out the
tunnel. But without stopping, he rushed past the surface with the bomb.

Boom! Squinting his eyes, Link saw a Naga in a defensive pose beside the
tunnel exit. She was hiding by the exit for a sneak attack but didn't expect a
bomb would fly out first.

Link had a defensive spell on him and was also mentally prepared. He
overlooked the wild flames and shot forward, bursting from the fire. His sword
came down on the Naga's head.

The Naga didn't expect this at all. She dodged instinctively but didn't make it.
With a crack, her head was gone.

Link didn't hesitate. He spun and sprinted towards the city. Two minutes later,
he was before the Light Wall shield.

A ten-foot-wide opening appeared on the shield. There were a few deep

footprints on the ground before it. The surrounding air contained the unique
chaotic aura of the Nagas.

Link observed for a few seconds and said, "There is still some Mana left in the
Light Wall opening. Elin, how long ago do you think they entered?"

"At most, one minute." Elin was very familiar with the shield.

"They shouldn't be far. Elin, high-level Invisibility!"

As soon as he spoke, a ball of faint light appeared in the air, covering both Link
and Elin. They disappeared again.

Elin's Invisibility spell didn't have any Supreme Magic Skills, but it was still
useful. It could hide sounds, shadows, and smells. As long as they were 150 feet
away, they wouldn't be discovered.

It was darker now, and because of the Light Wall, the inner city was even
darker. Link couldn't see his hands in front of him.

However, the inside of Lirico wasn't damaged by the fighting. Most of the
buildings were stone, and the roads were well-organized. The streets were
smooth, and Link had good vision. He didn't have to worry about tripping.

Link followed the faint footprints and chased after them. After around 150 feet,
the footprints suddenly vanished. He looked around and realized that all the
marks had disappeared. The Nagas seemed to have evaporated.

"Where are they?" He couldn't figure it out.

Just as he was confused, there was a sudden pained cry. It sounded pitiful, and
he could tell the person was in extreme pain.

Elin shuddered. "Over there!" she exclaimed.

Link nodded. He turned and walked towards the source of the sound. After 20
steps, another cry came from the same place. This time, the cry was even
sharper. It was a female Yabba, and she was in the same place as the man.

Hearing this, Elin was in a panic. "They're killing people everywhere. Oh god,
these demons… Akensser, you traitor!"

She was in a mess. However, after the second pained cry, Link actually slowed

"Link, hurry, hurry!" Elin was about to jump down from Link's shoulder and run
herself. Her only thought was to go save them.

"Wait!" Link pressed down on Elin's shoulder. "It doesn't feel right. It's most
likely a trap!"
The two cries were three seconds after one another but were from the same
place. This meant that the killer wasn't moving and the situation was off. From
what he'd seen before, they were hurrying into the city to do something big.

Killing two Yabbas was nothing big.

Thus, Link decided it was a trap. They used Yabba cries to disrupt Link and lure
him into an encirclement. If at least five Nagas surrounded Link, it would be
troublesome. He might be able to escape, but Elin would definitely die.

Thinking of this, Link still walked over to the source of the cries because it was
the only clue at the moment. He was very careful.

Instead of going on the main road, he ducked into an alley.

After walking for about 100 feet, a ten-foot-high stone wall appeared before
them. "Hold tight," Link whispered.

Then, he gripped the cracks in the wall and quietly climbed up. At the top, Link
looked over and saw an open yard. There was a fresh bonfire in the center with
two Yabbas laid next to it—one man and one woman.

They weren't dead yet; they were still struggling.

The man's hands and feet had been chopped off. He lay there, moaning. The
woman's waist had been hacked, but someone had stopped her bleeding so she
wouldn't die for now. Because of the endless pain, she used her arms to crawl on
the ground. Every time her body moved, she would make a muffled grunt. It
was shocking.

As for the Nagas, there was no sign of them.

Elin's body trembled. She wanted to help them but didn't dare disrupt Link's
plan. She forced herself to stay quiet.

Link padded along the wall. After a few dozen feet, he jumped down lightly
onto the second-floor balcony of a stone mansion. The view was unobstructed,
and the bonfire was bright. Link crouched on the balcony and looked around.
Around ten seconds later, he saw a Naga behind a big tree. A second one was
behind a carriage not far from the bonfire. A third Naga was at the door of the
courtyard. He also discovered a fourth one hidden in the rose bush… Link found
seven Nagas in total. They hid quietly, waiting for him to take the bait.

So tricky but it won't work.

Link continued observing. After a while, he saw faint footprints outside the
courtyard. They led straight towards the city center. Instead of alerting the
Nagas, he jumped off the wall and followed the footprints. A few hundred feet
later, he took out a bomb. Activating it, he tossed it towards the position he'd

He couldn't save those Yabbas. They were too heavily injured. In that case, he
would end the misery for them.

After tossing the bomb, Link continued forward. Four seconds later, there was a
boom. The bomb went off.

Elin wiped at her tears and pursed her lips. She gripped her wand tightly,
vowing inside to take revenge. She would make Akensser pay!

Torches appeared in the buildings on either side of the road. They'd been lit by
the Yabbas in the city. There was no one on the street, but there were many
corpses. The Naga had passed by and killed everyone they saw. They'd been
extremely fast and didn't waste any time.

"What's in the city center?" Link asked softly.

"The central control for the magic net, the activation core for the Light Wall
shield, the Craftsmen's Treasury, library… Our valuable items are all there."

Link frowned. With so many targets, he couldn't decide what the Nagas wanted.
He could only keep chasing.

Three minutes later, a huge castle appeared. There were countless corpses
before the entrance—all Yabbas. Two Nagas stood guard.

"Where is this?" Link asked. It seemed that the Nagas had all entered the castle.
"The Craftsmen's Treasury! All the rare materials we've accumulated are kept
there, as well as incomplete Mana machines," Elin explained.

Link's brows knitted. "Materials and incomplete products?"

These things couldn't produce power immediately. Why would the Nagas go in
there? Was it for some rare material?

While he was wondering, footsteps sounded at the gate. Many people came out.
Surprised, Link immediately retreated and hid behind a stone slab.

A few seconds later, Link saw Akensser and 20 Nagas walk out of the castle.
Eight Nagas were carrying a 30-foot-tall stone statue. It was at least 20 tons.
The Nagas huffed as they carried it towards a tower in the distance.

Elin didn't understand this. "That's the statue of the sage. Why are they carrying
it to the control center of the magic net?"

Link found it strange too. However, he was distracted by the statue. "The
material looks strange," he said. "What is it made of?" It was a bit dark, and
they were far away. He couldn't see clearly.

"I'm not too sure. I think it's Black Kun rock."

"What?" Link was shocked.

"Black Kun rock. It's the local specialty of the northern Darian Mine. It's not
that valuable," Elin said.

Link knitted his brows and shook his head. "No, no. To mortals, Black Kun rock
is very common, but to gods, that thing is precious. It's a huge treasure."

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Chapter 410: Stop Them!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Lariel City

When Link found out about the Black Kun rock, he saw something flash in his
vision. A message appeared.

Mission complete: Investigation.

Reward: Void Aura dispelling kit (One-time use)

New Mission: Stop Them!

Mission Description: Use your strength to tell the slaves of the God of
Destruction that they are not welcome in Firuman!

Reward One: Assassin's Boots

Reward Two: 200 Omni Points.

Amidst the flashing lights, a dark blue rune appeared in Link's field of vision. It
was the Void Aura dispelling kit! Along with it, there was a message asking
Link to make a choice.

Do you want to use it now?

Link did not even need to consider. He immediately chose to use it.

The moment he made his choice, Link felt something in his hand. It was a
pebble-sized rock that was slightly slippery and warm to the touch. Without
even looking, he knew it was the Void Aura dispelling kit.

Rubbing his fingers on the little pebble, Link soon found an opening in the rock.
He channeled his Dragon Power into the rock.

Instantly, Link felt something warm flowing into his body, spreading throughout
his body. The feeling lasted for a moment before disappearing.

Then, Link discovered that the strange force around his body interfering with
his spell formation had disappeared. He bowed his head and channeled his
Dragon Power into his fingertips. The Dragon Power energy immediately
solidified like a crystal, looking resplendent and perfect in every way.
After the Dragon Power was released, it automatically condensed itself into a
droplet. This was a characteristic of Legendary-level power.

Regaining his ability to cast spells, Link sighed in relief.

Without magic, he was merely a swordsman that could only escape when faced
with large amounts of enemies. With magic, he was a Legendary powerhouse!

The time it took for the Void Aura dispelling kit to take effect felt very long to
Link. However, in reality, it had lasted only a few seconds. Elin assumed that
Link was just deep in thought and did not think much of it.

She asked, "Is there something special about the Black Kun rock?"

Meanwhile, the Nagas were still moving the statue. They weren't moving very
quickly. Link noted the positions of the Nagas while replying softly to Elin's
question. "The Black Kun rock is useless to the ordinary Magician. It is merely
harder than on ordinary rock and very good for engraving on stone. However,
Black Kun rock is a core material for constructing dimensional teleportation
portals. Only those with Legendary power can make use of it."

Elin immediately understood the gist of it. "You mean to say that these Nagas
are going to construct a dimensional door to let more of them into Firuman?"

"Right. This portal would not be ordinary. It would be very stable and extremely
difficult to destroy. They would be able to enter and exit as they please and it
would not consume any power. If they really manage to open the portal, these
Nagas may quickly enter Firuman, and form an army within a day. With the
help of Lariel City's various magic technology and resources, these Nagas
would even be able to quickly arm themselves with flying airships… That
would be completely devastating."

The demons had not been pushed back yet, and now the Nagas had come. To
make things worse, they were servants of the God of Destruction. Their job was
merely to establish a foothold in Firuman to allow the God of Destruction to
enter. That was the true disaster.

Elin also began to feel anxious. She watched the statue getting gradually closer
to the center of the magic net. She gripped onto Link's clothing with a small
hand and asked anxiously, "How can we stop them? You can't use your spells
now, right? What do we do?"

Link smiled slightly. "Actually, the Void Aura on my body is almost dissipated.
I should be able to use some spells now."

"Really?!" Erin was overjoyed. She knew how powerful Link was when he was
using his spells.

"Yeah!" Link nodded. "I'm ready to go. By the way, do we need Akensser

Akensser was a Level-7 Magician, but he was not a combat Magician. He

excelled in craftsmanship, building and operating magic machinery. Once the
battle started, though, Link predicted that he would become cannon fodder.

Elin gnashed his teeth: "I can't wait for him to die!"

"Understood. Then hide and stay a bit further back. I'm going to start."

"Okay." Elin agreed and retreated back 150 feet. Link was still dissatisfied and
gestured for her to go even further back.

Elin retreated back another 300 feet. Link was finally satisfied and pointed for
her to hide behind a huge rock.

Elin obeyed.

Then, Link turned back to track the position of the Nagas, calculating the flow
of the battle.

He had the advantage of being concealed! This advantage was enough to help
him win.

Three seconds later, Link took a deep breath. The Dragon Power in his body
was surging. He held the Burning Wrath of Heavens wand in his left hand and
the Dragon King's Wrath sword in his right hand. He began to multi-task.

Because he was hidden in the darkness, he had plenty of time to cast his spells.
The wand in his left hand summoned the Demon Slaying Whip, while the magic
sword in his right hand controlled a ball formed using 4000 Dragon Power

A second later, Link attacked.

Whoosh. An invisible dimensional ball flew out soundlessly to the Nagas three
hundred feet away. It fell to the ground beneath the stone statue and vanished.

Meanwhile, the crystal red Demon Slayer Whip also shot out. Under the
influence of Link's new Legendary power, the appearance of this whip had
changed slightly.

It had become finer and more hair-like. The vibrations from the thorns were
even more powerful. Each of them had become even more eye-catching,
looking as though they were a dozen suns in the night sky. Their radiance
illuminated the whole of Lariel City.

"Enemy attack!" The petite Naga who had Legendary-level strength screamed in
warning. Before her scream had even faded away, she had confirmed Link's
position. With a sudden burst of strength, she rushed towards Link, ready to kill.

"Spatial Collapse!"

Link had long prepared for this development. With just a simple thought, he
triggered the space under the statue to collapse on itself.

Spatial Collapse: Within the radius of a spell's effect zone, the mass of all
objects will drastically increase, causing the gravity of each object to increase
proportionally. The specific range of the spell is dependent on how much Mana
is consumed to cast the spell.

Link had used 4000 Dragon Power points to cast the spell; that was equivalent
to 8000 Mana points. The power was immense.

In an instant, the gravity acting on every object within 150 feet around the target
zone increased by 50 times!

All the Nagas were included within this space. Suddenly, they felt their weight
increase by 50 times.
Needless to say, the Black Kun rock statue that eight Nagas were lifting became
much heavier. It originally weighed slightly over 20 tons, but now, it was a
whooping 1000 tons!

The statue had become 1000 tons in weight, while their own weight had also
increased by 50 times. However, their physical strength did not change.
Therefore, things that could have been lifted easily before were now heavy
enough to crush their organs into paste.

"Ah?! Not good... ah!!!"

"It's heavy!!"

"We're finished!"

The eight Nagas were the first to bear the brunt of the spell. Their bodies were
directly pressed into the soil and crushed into a meat paste by the 1000-ton

The other Nagas desperately unleashed their strength to flee this area.
Unfortunately for them, 50 times their weight was still a huge burden to bear.
They struggled to even walk forward. There was no need to mention fighting.

The Legendary Naga had it the easiest. Nonetheless, her attack was also
disrupted by Link.

She had already calculated her attack carefully. She was going to lunge towards
Link and immediately finish him off. That was a distance of 210 feet. However,
when the gravitational force changed, her jump trajectory was also affected. She
fell back to the ground after traveling a mere nine feet.

She was more than 210 feet away from Link initially. What difference did a
mere nine feet make? There was essentially no difference between her and a
normal person now.

After falling to the ground, she was like an iron pillar rooted in the swampy
ground. She gradually sunk deeper into the mud.

At the moment, she did not even have the ability to deal with Link.
Then, Link's Demon Slaying Whip reached the Nagas.

Boom, boom, boom! As the thorns of the long whip hit the Nagas, small
explosions like mini-firecrackers started to sound out. Each attack of the whip
accurately hit the head of a Level-9 Naga.

These snake people were restrained by a strong gravitational field and had no
way to dodge. Their heads were instantly smashed, and this included the traitor

In a blink of an eye, Link was only left with the Legendary-level Naga.


The Naga exploded with her full strength. Her body was shrouded in a blood-
red glow, and she broke herself out of the soil. As she did, she left a big crater
about 15 feet wide in the ground.

The Naga forcefully broke herself out of Link's gravitational field and arrived in
front of Link, quick as lightning. She stabbed her spear towards Link's heart.

Legendary skill: Heaven Breaking!

"DIE!!!" She shrieked.

However, her strike hit nothing but air. In front of her eyes, Link's body faded
away and reappeared 300 feet away from his original position.

Legendary spell: Instant Flash!

Link felt a trace of fear in his heart. If not for the fact that he was very familiar
with the attacks of Nagas as well as knowing the skill Instant Flash, he might
very well be dead. Even if he had Legendary-level strength, without these two
conditions, he might have instantly died at the Naga's sudden attack.

This was the danger of facing against Legendary Warriors. Although the
Warriors might not have a great arsenal of attacks and would always have to
defend against the attacks of Magicians, once they had the chance, they could
instantly unleash their full strength and pose a great danger to all.
Comparatively, although Legendary Magicians were strong, the moment they
exposed a gap in their attacks, that could cost them their lives.

After re-appearing, Link waved his sword through the air. Eight Dimensional
Balls dropped soundlessly to the ground around him.

Swish! The Demon Slaying Whip struck again, attacking the Legendary-level

The Naga screamed hysterically. "You ruined the work of our master! Die, die,
die! Stab of Purgatory!"

Once again, she unleashed another Legendary skill.

In Link's eyes, her figure suddenly became faint and illusory, as though she was
made of mist. She darted forward seemingly with no predictable path. Because
her speed was too fast, Link could only make out her after-images and could not
determine her true position.

Link's Demon Slaying Whip thus could not accurately target her, and the Naga
was now about to reach his side.

Since there was no way to accurately hit her, then just use a wide area-of-effect
attack! Link thought.

Link controlled the Dimensional Balls around him to explode. Boom, boom,
boom, boom! There were eight flashes of light as the eight Dimensional Balls
exploded simultaneously, surrounding Link within.


Link possessed Legendary strength, but then, so did his opponent! There was no
way his spell could completely restrain his opponent, but there was no way she
could break through instantly either.

The next moment, the Naga was caught in the Spatial Shackles spell. Her body
slowed down visibly. The after-images created by her speed vanished.

Swish! Making use of the chance, the Demon Slaying whip struck towards her.
Regardless of if she tried to block it, her speed was too slow and could not keep
up. Link accurately struck the Legendary Naga who was now trapped in the
Spatial Shackles spell.

The burning hot energy struck the Naga, causing her to tremble violently.

Immediately, Link followed with a second attack, and then a third, and a fourth.
The Demon Slaying Whip was like a living animal that constantly attacked the
Naga without giving it a chance to rest.

In a single second, Link had hit her almost ten times. After the ninth time, the
Naga successfully broke out of the spatial shackles and retreated backwards.
However, while in mid-air, she was hit in the head one more time.

BOOM! Her skull instantly exploded. Steaming, hot blood gushed out, spraying
like a geyser. Her body also exploded and turned into a bloody mist before she
could escape.

After the Legendary-level Naga was killed, Link saw a message appear in his

Mission complete: Stop them!

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Chapter 411: That’s Strange

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The battle before the Yabba Craftsmen Treasury started quickly and ended
quickly. The entire thing took less than four seconds.

The Level-9 Nagas were quite unfortunate. They were just "scraped" by Link's
magic and ended up dead. It was honestly an instant kill. The truly shocking part
was the fight between Link and the Legendary Naga. It took two seconds, which
didn't seem long, but Link had brushed shoulders with death.

After the battle, Link waved at Elin who was hiding in the darkness to show it
was safe. Then he walked towards the fallen Legendary Naga.
She had been hit ten times by Link's whip. Her head was gone and so were her
simple clothes, revealing a broken but healthy body. Link obviously wasn't
appreciating the Naga's sexy body. He was trying to determine her status.

A Legendary fighter couldn't be someone insignificant. If Link killed her, he

should at least know who she was. This could help when he faced the God of
Destruction's other followers.

Link walked to the body and bent down to search for any characteristics. After a
few seconds, Link saw a crescent moon mark on her inner arm. This gave Link
an idea. He then picked up her spear.

Since she was a Legendary fighter and was the herald for the God of
Destruction, her weapon was obviously nothing common. This spear was of
Legendary quality. It was five and a half feet long and was a dark gold. There
were some detailed dark red runes densely packed near the tip, making the tip
look blood-red.

Link checked it carefully. Finally, he found two strange words at the grip of the
spear. He stared at it for a few seconds, and the game system displayed the
spear's information.

Blood Moon

Low-Level Legendary

Effect: unknown

(Note: it was once the physical reincarnate of glory but had become the puppet
of destruction!)

This was enough for Link to confirm her identity. Oh, it's her.

Blood Moon Aklie was a world-class boss from the Silversand Islands in the
South that should appear later in the game. When the player was at Level-12
and was fighting a bloody battle with the Southern Syndicate, she would appear
with her overbearing Level-16 strength.

For the kill, dozens of guilds formed a super team to fight her. They ended up
sacrificing 90% of the team to pass the level. For a world-class boss, the
difficulty wasn't too high. But interestingly, other than receiving game items
after killing the boss, there was also a book—Hyrri's Chronicle.

Some players would read it patiently and discover it was a record of life in a
different realm called the Hyrri Continent. The residents there are physically
identical to the Agatha Nagas, but their personalities were completely different.

The chronicle described a completely peaceful and ordinary world.

Some guessed that this must be the world of the Agatha Nagas before all the
organisms in the realm started following the God of Destruction. Aklie kept this
book with her, perhaps because she missed the old world or only for the
memories, and brought information about that realm to Firuman.

Aklie is a powerful general under the God of Destruction and will get even
stronger. It's a good thing I killed her now.

Link sighed and stood up. He used the Spatial Rend and turned the body to dust.
As for the spear, it became Link's loot.

At that time, Elin's voice came from the near distance. "Link, hurry over! There
are spatial ripples again!"

Link turned around. He saw that in the distant sky, a ball of ripples containing
faint Mana light was slowly forming. It looked identical to the one they saw
outside the city.

He hurried over to Elin's side, protecting her behind him. At the same time, he
raised his wand and pointed at the ripples to chase them away.

But then, the wispy voice from before sounded. "Mortal, do not be impatient.
Let me speak."

Link halted. He did want to know what this guy wanted to say.

The voice continued. "Your world has already lost hope. Mindless struggling is
useless. Young man, I can let you and your three companions go. What do you
think about that?"
Hearing this, Link smiled as if he was satisfied with the voice's suggestion.
"That sounds nice," he said cheerily. "F*ck you!"

Halfway through, Link's expression suddenly changed. He cast Spatial

Distortion and mended the air ripples that were about to be ripped apart. The
voice in the void was cut off.

He wanted to trick Link into leaving the realm and then kill him in the Sea of
Void? Only a fool would believe that.

Elin stared at Link with wide eyes and suddenly whispered, "Link, what did he
mean by lost hope?"

Link saw terror and despair in those big eyes. He knew that Elin must sense
something from the world cracking. As the Lady Fortuna, she definitely had this
sensitivity. She just didn't know what exactly was happening.

But today, she'd already suffered enough. Considering this, Link said, "I'm not
too sure, but the world's Mana is rising. The Emerald Circle has discovered this
and is preparing to hold another meeting. They'll find the answer."

Elin stared at him. She seemed to sense that Link was hiding something, but she
didn't keep asking. She just said, "Hopefully."

The good thing about her was that she could quickly organize her feelings. After
a while, she was relaxed again. "We'll take things step by step," she said.
"There's good news now, at least. Akensser is dead, and the Dark power has
been forced back. The world will get better!"

"Yes, it'll get better. So what should we do now, little thing?" Link asked

"Don't call me that." Elin pouted and then said, "We must immediately notify
Master Franklin about this good news… Link… Lord, I think that our entire
race must migrate now."

"I'm honored," Link replied.

The tasks after this were simple. Link remembered that there were seven more
Nagas in the city. Naturally, he would pursue them. Elin cast a flight spell for
herself and went to the mountains outside the city to spread the news.

One hour later, Link found the Nagas. He killed six, but one escaped. She had
used the opportunity created by her companions and ran quickly, vanishing.
Link pursued for a while but realized that the other was very careful and didn't
leave any marks behind.

It was already late night now. For safety reasons, Link was forced to give up.

After waiting inside for a while, Master Franklin's group came. Riel was with
them. As soon as he saw Link, he yelled, "Master Link, it was awesome! So
awesome! Those demons are like paper. They can't take my hammer at all!"

The surrounding Yabbas all gazed reverently at the dwarf. Link guessed that his
performance must have been impressive this time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have
so many fans.

Link walked over and patted Riel's shoulder. "My magic has recovered too. I
think we can go visit the fortress."

He had his magic back, and Riel was a Legendary Warrior. With the two
together, they could definitely defeat a demon legion without a commander!

Riel's eyes brightened. He waved his battle mace. "Indeed, it's time to teach
those bastards a lesson!"

At that moment, Master Franklin asked, "Lord, why didn't I see Aknesser's

Link found this strange. "Isn't it on the ground by the Treasury? Didn't Elin take
you there?"

They were in the city center but were still around 2000 feet from the
Craftsmen's Treasury. Link didn't know the specific situation, but he
remembered clearly that his whip had exploded Akensser's head. Even a god
couldn't handle that kind of injury.
Then Elin walked over. Seeing Link, she shrugged in confusion. "Li… Lord,
Aknesser's body really disappeared."

Now, this was strange.

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Chapter 412: I’m Doing This Alone

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Someone brought him away. Look at the traces, he was brought in that

At the Yabba Craftsmen Treasury entrance, Link inspected the ground and saw
traces of blood as well as faint footprints. He traced it along for about 150 feet
before it suddenly disappeared.

"It's that Agatha Naga that escaped. She's crafty!" Link said to the rest of the
Yabbas following him.

Elin could not wrap her mind around it. "Don't tell me he is planning to revive
Akensser? But even his brain is smashed. Is his corpse going to be of any use?"

She knew that the enemy was backed by a god who could probably revive the
dead. But even then, wouldn't Akensser just be revived as a headless zombie?

Link had no way to accurately determine the actions of the God of Destruction.
He thought for a moment before saying, "It doesn't matter what methods he
uses, he has one objective: He wants to bring more Nagas into Firuman, and
Lariel City is an excellent place for him to start his invasion as it contains many
resources. Therefore, we must move out these resources."

Before they were killed, the Nagas were preparing to move the Black Kun Rock
to the center of the magic net. This showed that Akesser was able to manipulate
the magic net in order to open up a dimensional portal.
Some of the other Yabbas might not be able to comprehend the depth of the
danger they were facing but Elin could. In this short night, she had come into
contact twice with the god hidden in the void… Anyway, no matter the case,
they couldn't stay in Lariel City anymore. Even if they managed to repair the
airships and the magic net, they still couldn't stay here.

She turned to Link and said, "After the magic net was destroyed, the Mana
density here has been increasing, making this place unsuitable for living. Lord,
let us quickly head south."

Franklin looked around forlornly. After a long moment of silence, he nodded.

"Elin, you were right, we should have listened to your advice. We're going to
head south now," he said.

He turned to Link. "Lord, you have fulfilled your promise, so we Yabbas will
keep our side of the bargain and move over to your territory. I heard from Elin
that there is an island off the coast of Ferde…"

Link smiled and replied, "Elin is very familiar with this, you can check the
details with her."

Elin nodded and took out a book filled with her notes and handed it to Lord
Franklin. These notes were created during the time she spent with Link in the
Dragon Valley.

Franklin looked through it carefully before nodding his head. "I've no issue with
this, let's go!"

The Yabba craftsmen were gathered beside him. Franklin turned to them and
instructed, "We will get rid of everything here. Those that can be brought with
us, bring them, those that can't, destroy them. Once we reach south, we will
rebuild what we have. The Lord has promised us a territory on an island where
we can live and manage ourselves."

That being the case, the craftsmen had no other disagreement. They began to
discuss the details on the clearing out operation.

These details were naturally something that Link was not familiar with and did
not need to bother with either. It was better for him to stay out of it and do
something else. Since he was bored, he decided to inspect the Yabba's Saint

The statue was made of a material that could be used to make a permanent
magic portal. They obviously could not leave it here for the enemy. The Yabbas
were prepared to dismantle the statue and bring it with them to the south.

In fact, the Yabbas were even prepared to destroy the mine where the materials
for this statue had come from.

Watching them struggle with the work, Link decided to help them.

He figured that he could use some spells to speed up the process. Thinking
about it for a moment, he decided to use the Demon Slaying whip. After
instructing the Yabbas to keep their distance, he unleashed the Demon Slaying
whip. A thin gold and red strand of silk appeared which began to wrap itself
around the statue, turning it into molten rock.


The crystal red silk suddenly tightened up, and the statue was sliced into sheets
not more than half an inch thick. Once the sheets crashed to the floor, they
shattered into tiny pieces that weighed not more than 22 pounds each.

"Alright, let's move it," Link said to the stunned Yabbas.

Not long later, all the Yabbas were helping out with the moving effort. Even
Link and Riel were helping out. The Yabba craftsmen were in the process of
repairing the flying airships, and the worked without rest. Even when Link and
Riel had stopped to rest, they were still continuing with their work.

This lasted for three days. After three days, the Yabba craftsmen actually
managed to completely repair a full medium-sized battle airship, as well as over
20 small airships. This allowed the Yabbas to regain a significant amount of
their fighting strength.

At the same time, the 200,000 Yabbas inside Lariel City were like a swarm of
ants, clearing out the entire city and turning it into a ghost town.

Everything that had value or could be used were taken away.

After another two days, besides the Yabba craftsmen who were still hard at
work repairing the planes, the rest of the Yabbas had started their journey on the
road south.

From a piece of high ground outside of Lariel City, Link, Riel, and the Yabba
commanders were watching the migrating Yabbas.

Link said to Franklin, "The situation in the south is not that good either.
Necromancer Andrew is attacking Girvent forest. Most likely, Hot Spring City
will also have fallen. As you guys move south, don't go too quickly. We will
first liberate Orida Fortress from its siege. Once we do that, the alliance army
will head over to your assistance. I estimate it will take ten days."

"Understood," Franklin nodded.

Of course, the south was also not at peace, but no matter what, it was better than
the situation in the Hengduan Mountain Range. Most importantly, in the south,
there was Link, a Legendary level expert standing guard. This gave everyone a
greater sense of security.

Originally, Riel was planning to return with them to Orida Fortress to get his
vengeance on the demons. However, due to the Yabbas relentless pleading as
well as a couple of beautiful Yabba girls who had come to entertain him, he
gave in and agreed to escort them south. Riel could not resist the bright and
beautiful Yabba eyes with the pleading look in them.

As for the situation at Orida Fortress, Riel knew that Link could handle it on his
own. At this time, a small airship flew towards them. Lannie was piloting it, and
as she neared them, she curved in a slight arc, bringing the craft to a gentle stop.

The airship cover opened up and Lannie's baby-like face beamed. "Lord, this
craft has been modified to fit two people. Let me take you to Orida Fortress
first," Lannie said.

Link took a look and saw that as Lannie had said, there was now a space with a
nice comfortable chair. Link had no reason to refuse. Turning to Franklin, he
said, "Then, I'll make a move first."

"Be careful," Franklin said.

"Lord, come back quickly," Elin couldn't help but say as well.

"Link, help me thrash those dogs of demons," Riel shouted. He waved his
warhammer ferociously. Evidently, Riel was still itching for a fight.

"Don't worry, I will," Link replied.

Link laughed and climbed into the airship. Zip. The cover of the airship closed
and Lannie shouted, "Okay, taking off!"

Link suddenly felt his body getting heavier before they shot off into the sky.
Only after they reached a height of 9000 feet did the airship stop ascending and
turn towards Orida Fortress.

The airship was pretty fast, traveling at about 900 feet per second. Furthermore,
it was traveling in a straight line directly to Orida Fortress. It was the perfect
mode of transport for rushing about.

Lannie adjusted the spell formations controlling the airship and laughed. "In
three and a half hours, we will be at Orida Fortress."

"Marvelous," Link praised. The interior of the airship was actually pretty
spacious. He could lie back comfortably in the seat and relax. Lannie was
focused on piloting the plane, and Link was bored, so he took out a textbook
and begin studying.

He was looking at a book titled Essence of the Flame. Previously, there were
many areas in which he did not understand. Now that his power had attained the
Legendary level, some things which he did not understand before now began to
make sense.

Once one possessed enough strength, some things would come naturally to you.

He got more engrossed the more he studied the book, deepening his
understanding of the essence and the laws of fire. As he read, he took notes.
Every now and then, he would get a flash of inspiration and would draft out
designs for new spell structures.

Time flew by quickly.

As he was getting very engrossed in his work, Lannie's voice suddenly
reminded him of the present situation. "Lord, we're reaching Orida Fortress in a

"Oh, that's fast!" Link reacted. He stretched out his head to take a look and
realized that the yellow barrier around Orida Fortress was still intact. That told
him that the fortress had not been breached. He exhaled in relief, before looking
towards the demon army around the fortress.

After looking for a moment, Link frowned.

Six thousand miles away from Orida Fortress, Lannie could just barely make
out the fortress but could not see the actual situation on the ground. "What's
wrong?" She asked.

"It looks like the number of demons has decreased by a lot."

At a glance, it was clear that the number of demons had gone down by about
half. Where could they be? Did they go back to the Black Forest? Or did they
proceed south?

Link considered many possibilities.

There would certainly be no issue if they went back to the Black Forest.
However, if they had proceeded south, there would be trouble. The path towards
the south was obviously defended. However, most of the troops garrisoned there
were called towards Orida Fortress, leaving the defenses weak. The demons
would be able to break through easily.

As he thought of this, Link saw about six demons running out of Orida Fortress
and heading back towards the Black Forest.

These demons weren't moving in any coordinated manner. It was obvious that
they were running separately and without any semblance of order. It was almost
as if they were deserting the army. Looking at this, Link exhaled in relief. "It
seems they're in chaos because of the loss of their commander."

Saroviny was trapped in Aragu. That was a good thing.

Thinking about this, Link said, "Let's descend here. There are about 20,000
demons outside Orida Fortress. We mustn't let a single one escape."

"Lord, that is 20,000. Are you sure? Lannie was shocked. She had assumed that
Link would head directly into Orida Fortress and lead the Warriors from inside
out to do battle with the demons.

She had never even considered the possibility that Link would… decide to do
battle all by himself. It was incomprehensible.

"Don't worry about me. Just descend here and stay hidden. I'm going to begin
my sneak attack," Link said. He drew out the Dragon King's Wrath sword.

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Chapter 413: To Be Honest, You’re All Corpses

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Plop. Link jumped out of the airship and landed in the forest a few miles south
of the Orida Fortress.

"Wait nearby for me!" he called. After waving to Lannie inside the airship, he
began rushing over to the Orida Fortress.

After a while, he walked out of the forest and onto the wide road. Here, he
walked while observing the footprints on the ground. It had rained a few days
ago, and the ground was muddy. He could easily see the footprints.

A while later, he sighed. There are demon footprints but not too many. They're
messy too, so they should be running disorderly. It's not too troublesome.

Confirming that the demons didn't have a large-scale southward migration, Link
was much more relaxed. He cast the Invisibility spell on himself and sped
towards the fortress.

Ten minutes later, he was below the Orida Fortress.

It had only been ten days since that final battle. The demons wouldn't clear the
battlefield either, so the fortress still looked the same as that day.

The dirt was all red and littered with corpses. Because it was winter and the
temperature was low, the corpses were only slightly decayed. The air was filled
with the heavy smell of death. Outside the fortress, there were wild dogs and
vultures everywhere. They tore at the endless corpses.

Reaching the first layer of walls, Link saw a Level-1 demon gnawing on a body.
Its lips smacked and looked like it was enjoying the meal. Link ignored the
demon and went around it.

Maybe it was because they were closer. The low-level demon felt something
and stopped eating. It made a noise and looked in Link's direction. The pair of
yellow vertical pupils stared where Link was standing with suspicion.

Link decided to walk over. He twirled his sword and with a stabbed the demon's
head. With a clean sound, the demon was nailed to the ground.

The commotion was very small and didn't alert the higher-level demons. Link
pulled his sword out and continued forward.

At the inner square of the Orida Fortress, the situation was more hellish than
hell. There were at least three layers of corpses piled on the ground. Blood
formed various small puddles on the ground. The bodies of humans, Dark Elves,
and demons formed mountains.

Many demons squatted in the sea of blood and mountain of bodies. It seemed to
be lunchtime. The demons grabbed casually at the bodies. Some ate humans, but
most ate Dark Elves.

The reason was simple: Link had cooked the Dark Elves, and they were less
rotten. They tasted better.

Crack, smack. Mmm…

The sounds of cracking bones, tearing at meat, and swallowing bloody water all
mixed together. It sent chills down one's spine.

This was true hell!

Even though Link had witnessed countless tragedies before, this still made his
scalp numb. All he wanted to do now was to burn it all with fire!

He counted the demons before him. There were around 18000. At least this
saved Link the time from finding them all.

Standing at the tunnel door of the city wall, Link started casting spells. Rather
than offensive spells, he used Spatial Spheres.

Poof, poof. Two Spatial Spheres flew out. One landed at the opening while one
landed in a hole not too far away. Then there was a burst, and two Spatial
Restraints appeared, blocking the exits.


"Who's there?"

"What happened?"

The demons were surprised. They stopped feasting and looked to the door. Link
canceled the Invisibility spell and stood near the door. Gazing around the
square, he said, "I'm back."

The demons exchanged glances.

"Who's that?"

"He's covered in fog. I can't see his face."

"He's alone. Did he bring fresh food?"

The demon closest to Link roared menacingly and rushed over at him. It was a
Level-6 Blade Demon. It was more than eight feet tall, and its hands had
transformed into swords. Its body was like a praying mantis, so it had another
name—the Mantis Demon.

He went into a hunting pose and pounced at Link.

Link didn't move. He activated the surround attack effect of the Dragon King's
Fury sword. At the same time, he activated the Demon Slayer Whip. A thin
string whipped towards the Mantis Demon.
Kapoof! With a strange sound, the demon was halved in the air. The cut was
scalding, and plumes of hot steam rolled out.

The other demons had been getting ready, but seeing this, they all froze. Many
even retreated.

"I recognize him. He's Link, the human Magician!"

"Didn't the Princess go capture him? Where is Her Highness?"

"Did something happen to her?"

The princess was gone, but the terrifying human Magician was back. He'd even
sealed off the exits. What was he doing? Was this going to be a massacre?

The demons stared at one another awkwardly. They felt doubtful and fearful.
They didn't have a commander and were clueless as to what they should do.

Link walked forward. His murderous intent was to the extreme. He'd become
cold and calm like an icy lake. "To be honest, you're all corpses to me already,"
he said in a frigid tone.

"Presumptuous! Kill him!" A Fodor Flaming Demon shot up and charged at


"He's alone!"

"We're not failures like those Dark Elves!"

The battle had begun!

The demons started charging, but Link moved forward instead of retreating.
Spatial Restraint, Instant Flash, the Demon Slayer's Whip, crowd attack effect,
and the Assassin's Robe were all activated instantaneously and cast at once.

Fiery red fog appeared and covered the entire square within seconds. Then it
grew heavier, heavier, and heavier until it blocked all vision.


Orida Fortress
Duke Abel patrolled the inside of the fortress as usual. Only then could he calm
the more and more obvious restlessness.

It had been ten days, and there was still no news of Link. He was anxious.

But as the general, he couldn't show any of those emotions. While patrolling, he
endlessly cheered the soldiers on. It had only been ten days, but he was already
mentally and physically exhausted.

Now, the only good news was that the demons outside the fortress were
reducing. He didn't know why but it was still encouraging.

Just then, a soldier ran over.

Abel furrowed his brows. He recognized this soldier to be a sentinel from the
rooftop. "What's the hurry?"

"Something strange happened inside the fortress. Duke, I think you should take
a look."

Duke Abel's heart jumped. "I'll go now. Who else knows?"

"General Kanorse, Princess Annie, High Elf Romilson, and the others are all
there," the sentinel reported.

As they spoke, Duke Abel arrived at the rooftop. He could look down on the
entire fortress from here. Doing so, he discovered a very obvious ball of fiery
red fog above the square in the distance.

The fog was very thick so he couldn't see the exact situation. He couldn't hear
outside the fortress either due to the barriers.

"Does anyone know what's happening?" Duke Abel asked.

No one replied. After half a minute, Romilson said hesitantly, "It looks like
Master Link's power, but it's too far away. I can't tell."

"Kanorse, what do you say?" Duke Abel asked.

Kanorse shook his head. "I don't think so. Look at the fog. It's fiery red and a bit
transparent as well. Instead of fog, it looks like water… No, it's like a ball of
burning fire. Look, the air above it is distorted. It should be the fire's heat
waves. Master Link isn't that strong.

"Look, that demon wants to climb out." Annie suddenly pointed at a black spot
on the wall.

Everyone squinted and saw a Fodor Flaming Demon appear on the tall fortress
wall. It looked really pathetic. Its entire body was scorched black, and smoke
rose up from it.

That wasn't it. Its body was still on fire. The fire was very strange—the flames
were as beautiful as crystals. The Fodor Flaming Demon continuously used his
strength to extinguish the flames but to no avail.

Not only were the flames not put out, but they grew even bigger!

The demon seemed to be screaming. Its entire body on fire, it stumbled for a
few dozen feet on the wall. Then it dropped to the ground.

The fire continued burning. Under everyone's eyes, the demon was burned to

"It's very pure flame power," Romilson couldn't help but say. "I've never seen
anything like this before. It's unbelievable!"

Kanorse stared at the red fog and whispered, "Clearly, a very powerful figure
has arrived. It is highly possible that it is the reinforcements Master Link found.
This power reminds me of the Legendary dragons."

Duke Abel also stared unblinkingly. The red fog would dissipate sooner or later,
and they would see the truth.

It didn't take long. After around ten minutes, the fog started thinning. Then with
a whoosh, the fog broke apart. A young black-haired man in a dark blue battle
robe jumped onto the wall.

"It's Master Link!" someone yelped.

"How can it be him?"

"When did he become so strong?"

Just as everyone was in shock, a Dimensional Demon appeared behind Link. It

was covered in flames as if wanting to make a suicidal attack.

Everyone yelped involuntarily. But then they saw Link stab backward without
even looking back. His sword glinted, and the demon was cut into two. It
screamed and fell from the wall.

Seeing this, Duke Abel let out a sigh of relief. "We're safe. Activate the shield
and open the gate," he ordered. "Welcome the Lord of Ferde back!"

He didn't know why Link suddenly became this powerful, but the demons were
defeated. That was enough.

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Chapter 414: The Death Scythe of the South

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the Black Forest

Dark Elf Lawndale Markins looked at Orida Fortress from afar.

When Link returned, he started a decisive battle to wipe out the demons.
Lawndale had watched the entire process.

At the end of the battle, not a single demon had escaped the fortress. All of them

Using the Eagle Eyes spell, he saw the light of the protective barrier around the
central of Orida Fortress disappear. Then, a bunch of people rushed out and
greeted Link. After killing thousands of demons, Link still looked perfectly
unharmed. In fact, from his stride, it looked like he was still at full strength.
Lawndale saw Link being led into the fortress by the human army. The attitude
of the humans was as though Link was a god descended from the heavens.

"From what it seems, the Princess Saroviny you talked about is dead," a female
voice said next to Lawndale's ear. It was a deep and raspy voice.

Lawndale sighed deeply. "The demon army has lost, and about 80 to 90 percent
of my people have been killed. The Divine Gear has also been pushed out of
Firuman while the humans now have a Legendary-level Magician… We have
lost completely."

"That is indeed the case," the female voice agreed. She swayed her graceful
body and walked up to Lawndale's side. She said, "However, there is no
permanent victory or defeat. All you need is a new army."

Lawndale did not reply. He was lost in thought. After a while, he said, "Ashali,
we've only known each other for three days. I don't know what you want."

"That's true," Ashali replied. She turned around and walked back towards the
deeper part of the Black Forest. As she walked, she said, "We're different from
the demons. We don't like to clash head-on, and we don't like unpredictable
elements. We enjoy controlling the flow of the battle and slowly clinch our way
to victory. After you think it through, you can come find me anytime."

The moment she finished speaking, she jolted forward and disappeared into the
Black Forest.

Romand was present too, although he didn't speak. After Ashali left, he said
softly, "Lawndale, I think we have two options available. One is to find a strong
ally to continue our cause. The other is to return to the Dark Realms and fight
for space with the creatures there… No matter which you choose, I will be
behind you."

Lawndale was not even thirty years old. Yet, he was already faced with a
decision that would determine the future of his clan. He felt like he was in a
hopeless situation and just wanted to end it all.

However, he knew that he couldn't do that. Time was precious. If they waited
till the king of the Norton Kingdom wiped out the forces in the south, they
would definitely face the Norton Kingdom's vengeance. Even if they were to
retreat into the Black Forest, the humans would pursue them into the forest to
wipe them out.

No one could fight against the power of a Legendary Magician.

The Silver Moon Council Chairman, Romand, was a genius Magician.

However, he was not adept at commanding an army, and he himself was aware
of the fact. He thus decided to leave all of it to Lawndale.

Time passed silently. Five minutes later, Lawndale said, "Chairman, if we rely
on an ally, we will have to depend on them and tread carefully around them.
However, that will still be better than going back to that dilapidated world…"

Romand nodded. "You're right, I understand. The demons are strong, but they
are unreliable and wild. If we were to rely on an ally, then we should find a
strong one!"

These creatures that call themselves Agathas were not a bad choice. Ashali was
a Level-9 expert. According to her, their people had Legendary-level experts
that could help them fight against the Norton Kingdom.

With Romand's support, Lawndale made his choice. He turned towards the
Black Forest. "Time is tight; we must seize this opportunity. Let's go look for
Ashali now."

Meanwhile, Link was ushered into Orida Fortress and was now recounting the
experience of his escape and his rise to the Legendary level.

Finally, he took out the Thorn Necklace and handed it to Romusen.

"Princess Milda chose to stay in Aragu to fight against the demon princess. She
bade me to pass this on to the queen."

Romusen sighed, but he understood that this was her choice. "Thank you," he
said softly.
Link turned to Duke Abel. "Duke, what do you plan to do now? Go south to
reinforce Hot Springs City? Or begin repairs and reinforce Orida Fortress as the
stronghold in the north?" Link asked.

They had yet to clear out the demons in the north. There were at least twenty
thousand demons that had escaped, mostly back into the Black Forest. A small
portion had escaped towards the south. These remnants could become a threat
once there was someone to rally them together.

Duke Abel had already made plans. He replied, "We cannot abandon Orida
Fortress! But as for the south…"

Duke Abel looked expectantly towards Link.

Link's power had reached the Legendary level. He was now an imposing threat
against anyone. He believed that with Link going down south, he could easily
force the Kingdom of Delonga to retreat and behave themselves.

Link understood his intentions. "I was planning to go south… if there's nothing
else, I will be leaving soon."

Celine's safety had always been a concern weighing on Link's mind. If not for
the situation in the north that affected the whole of Firuman, Link would not
have even come to the north.

Duke Abel was relieved. He took out some scrolls and handed them to Link.
"Lord, if you don't mind, as you pass by the strongholds along the way south,
please hand these scrolls to them. Orida Fortress is too weak right now, and we
need reinforcements and resources from these strongholds."

"I understand," Link received the scrolls from Duke Abel. He didn't plan to tarry
much longer. Turning to face the rest of the commanders, he said, "Everyone,
the north will depend on you now."

Then, Link disappeared in a burst of white light as he teleported out of Orida


An instant later, Link appeared outside of Orida Fortress. After a series of

successive teleportation, Link was back at Lannie's airship.
"Let's go, the trouble has been resolved. Let's regroup with the rest," Link said.

"I saw it all! You destroyed all the demons!" Lannie said in amazement. She
could not even begin to comprehend the extent of Link's power.

"Nothing is impossible with magic," Link said, laughing. "Let's go, let's not
waste any more time."

"Okay," Lannie replied. She had a newfound respect for Link. Lannie operated
her airship, and it quickly rose into the sky, heading towards the south.

Very quickly, Link returned to the Yabba campsite. He didn't stay there long
either. After briefing them on the situation at Orida Fortress and discussing
some plans for their travel towards the south, Link took off again.

Together with Lannie, they went from one stronghold to another, handing out
the scrolls as Duke Abel had bid him to do and informing the various
commanders of the news of Orida Fortress and the Yabbas.

At the same time, he got news of the war situation in the south from these
commanders. It was not very good, but there were positive signs.

East Cove Magic Academy was still protected by their magic defenses.
However, they were unable to send out any troops to help the war effort as they
were besieged by Andrew's Undead army.

The worst news was that Hot Springs City was already destroyed and in ruins.
At the last moment, King Leon escaped from the city under the protection of
palace Magicians.

Supposedly, King Leon was pursued all the way until he reached the Ferde
territory whereupon he was saved by a Lich.

Amidst the chaos, the Lich had injured Andrew and forced him to retreat back
into the Girvent Forest. Yet, Andrew was then attacked and killed by a
musketeer named Celine. He did not manage to escape.

According to rumors, this musketeer Celine was very strong. She was known as
the "Death Scythe," and she lurked within the Girvent Forest, killing many
commanders of the Delonga Kingdom.
It was said that the enemy commanders were so afraid that they did not dare to
reveal themselves. They would plan their strategies deep within their camps.
During battle, they no longer wore their commander uniforms so as to not stand
out from the rest of the soldiers.

Due to her actions, King Leon managed to escape safely to Ferde.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Delonga occupied the Girvent forest but were now
in a sticky situation. To their southeast was Ferde, while to their north was the
allied army led by the Norton Kingdom. They were sandwiched between two
big forces and had to constantly be on the alert.

This was naturally good news for Link, especially because Celine was doing

Originally, Link had planned to immediately head straight back to Ferde.

However, just as they were flying over the Girvent Forest, Lannie pointed at a
few black dots outside her window. "Lord! There's something there, like… a

This caused Link who was engrossed in his magic textbooks to look up.

Link was surprised. He looked over and saw a big red dragon about 30 feet long
engaged in battle with a flight of Griffin Knights.

These griffins looked very strange. Their eyes were bloodshot, and their feathers
were grey. As they flew, there was a trail of black aura behind them. They didn't
seem to know fear or pain and would throw themselves against the dragon in a
frenzied manner. The knights riding the Griffins were also fiercely attacking and
shooting at the dragon.

Although the dragon was strong, faced with frenzied suicidal attacks like this,
even it would start to take damage. Link looked carefully and realized that he
knew the dragon. It was Felina!

"That's Felina! She was probably here for me," Link said. He instructed Lannie,
"Let's go help. I know that dragon."

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Chapter 415: Big Change in the Territory

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was just a group of Dark Griffin Knights. There were more than 30, which
was quite a lot, but they were only at Level-5. Link took out his Demon Slayer
Whip and turned three nearby griffins and their knights into bloody rain with a
single strike.

The other Dark Griffin Knights were shocked. The Red Dragon was difficult to
handle, and now there were strong reinforcements. They couldn't stay any
longer and turned to run.

They were insignificant so Link didn't chase after them. "Let's fly towards
Ferde," he told Lannie.

Lannie made the small airship turn and fly towards the Ferde Territory in the
southeast. In the cabin, Link turned to look. Felina had already caught on and

The two flew one before another. About half an hour later, Ferde's trademark
yellow dirt appeared in their vision. Link pointed at a patch of space. "Let's stop

After stopping, Link jumped out of the airship. Felina gradually descended as
well. A few seconds later, she landed with a thump. Lowering her head, she
looked at Link strangely. "Master, how come you have Dragon Power?"

Maybe the queen gave it to him but he didn't have it when they separated last
time. So what could it be? Was Link secretly of the dragon bloodline? Was his
ancestor a dragon? Felina couldn't figure it out.

Link knew about her confusion. He chuckled. "I can't explain it now. I'll tell you
in detail when we have time. Did you come this time to find me?"

While speaking, Link was also observing Felina. Since last time, her power had
increased as well. Before, she had just entered Level-8. Now, she was already
closer to Level-9 than eight.
Felina took the initiative to explain. "For some reason, the Mana density around
the Dragon Valley has increased a lot. All of my race has become stronger…
I'm here this time under the queen's orders. She said that the Emerald Council
will hold a higher level meeting in the Dragon Valley one month later. All the
upper members will group in the Dragon Valley. She wishes you to attend."

"Oh, I see."

It was normal that the Mana of Dragon Valley was increasing. The crack was
right in the Colorado Mountain Range where the Dragon Valley was located in.
This was probably the reason why the Emerald Council would hold the meeting

After thinking, Link said, "There's still one more month. There is still a lot of
time and you're wounded. Come rest in my territory for a few days."

"Sure, why not?" Felina smiled.

Link returned to Lannie's airship and they continued flying. To be honest, he

really liked this airship. There was a pilot, wind didn't blow in his face, and the
seat was comfortable. He could lie down, say a destination, and Lannie would
take him there. This was practically his private jet.

He decided he had to find a way to make Lannie his personal pilot. Within ten
minutes, the Scorched Ridge of Ferde appeared before them.

Last time Link left Scorched Ridge, he'd spent quite some time in the Dragon
Valley. Then he spent some time in the Golden Plains and the Orida Fortress.
Adding all that time together, it had been almost half a year.

During this half year, Scorched Ridge had completely changed.

There were many, many new houses built in rings around Scorched Ridge.
Because the development happened too quickly, the planning was a bit
disorganized and it looked messy from the sky. However, it was a kind of lively
mess. It was like the chaos of flora and fauna all growing in spring.

Lannie looked down and was shocked. "So many people! So many horses! So
many roads! So many boats in the port!"
Within half a year, the one-mile radius around Scorched Ridge was packed with
houses. There were stone houses, thatched shacks, wooden buildings, and many
incomplete buildings. On the ground, there were countless moving black
spots—all busy workers. There was barely anyone free. Everyone was busy
with their tasks.

In the distant pier, countless ships filled with products were driven into the port.
At the same time, many left. There were all types of ships, including the new
boats of the High Elves, Southern flat-bottomed cargo ships, and even the
pointed ships of the Beastmen.

One could clearly feel the bustling liveliness with just a glance. If the North was
a dark and icy hell, this was a bright and blazing heaven!

All the clouds in Link's heart from the killing and deaths were scattered by this
great vitality.

"Ah," he breathed, leaning back in his seat, entirely relaxed.

Whoosh, whoosh. There was the sound of wings flapping. Two Griffin Warriors
had discovered the airship and dragon. They got closer, surrounding them. A
officer-like Warrior held a magic musket and pointed at them from afar, yelling,
"The Scorched City forbids flight. Land immediately!"

Lannie was a bit upset and looked to Link. "Master, isn't this your territory?
Why can't we fly?"

Link wasn't clear either. "It should be for safety," he said with a smile. "Since
we're here anyway, let's just land."

"Lirico City doesn't forbid flying." Lannie started to descend unwillingly. Felina
was here as a guest and naturally followed.

The griffin officer also landed. He walked over to the airship and took out a
stamped scroll. "According to Act 125," he began reading, "all flight is
forbidden in the airs above the city. Violators shall be fined five silver coins…"

As he spoke, there was a soft sound and the airship cabin opened. Link walked
The officer was still reading out loud. "For repeating offenders, the fine shall

The soldier beside him recognized Link. He quickly walked over and mumbled,
"Sir, it's the lord."

"What lord… ah, the lord?!" The officer moved the scroll aside and looked. It
really was the lord, he realized awkwardly. With the scroll in his hands, it would
be bad if he kept reading but he couldn't stop either. He stood rooted to his spot,
cold sweat forming on his forehead.

Link chuckled and tossed five gold coins over. "I indeed broke the rules and
should be fined. You didn't do anything wrong. This is the fine for my friend
and I. The rest is your bonus."

Unexpectedly, the officer was stubborn. He insisted on only taking one gold
coin. His reasoning was just as well. "Lord, this is my duty. I don't need any
bonuses. The fine for you two is ten silver coins, or one gold coin combined. I
cannot take any more."

He had a personality and Link appreciated people with principle. He didn't insist
on his own way and accepted the four extra gold coins. Patting the officer's
shoulder, he said, "Good job. Keep doing well."

"Yes, Lord." The officer straightened and saluted to Link. There was more
sweat on his forehead now. No one could know how much stress he felt before

Link didn't stay there for long. He waved at Felina who had transformed into her
human shape and walked towards Scorched Ridge with Lannie.

When the three went far, the soldiers let out a breath. The officer's legs turned to
jelly and he almost collapsed. Holding onto a soldier, he said, "Support me. I'm
going to faint."

Even if Link hadn't purposely released his Legendary aura, it still caused
immense mental pressure on these regular Warriors. He also had prestige as the
lord and his reputation as a Magician. The officer had even talked back at Link.
They were already commendable.
On the other hand, Link was walking on the road filled with mud and horse
feces. He felt so uncomfortable.

Lannie jumped around and said, "Ah, it's so smelly, so smelly. This place is
drowning in horse feces."

It looked impressive from the sky but inside it, she felt like she was in a waste
pit. Felina was more straightforward. She took out a veil and held her nose.

Link could only chuckle wryly. "It'll get better. It's developing too fast now and
many things can't catch up."

Humans relied on horses for transportation. When there were more horses,
naturally there would be feces everywhere. They couldn't compete with the

However, after three minutes, a new carriage came from behind to their side and
slowed gradually. There was a knight beside it too. He jumped down the horse
and saluted to Link. "Lord, please enter the carriage."

Link didn't recognize this knight but his armor had Link's emblem. He had to be
a subordinate so Link opened the door and climbed in. Once inside, the three
were finally relieved.

"Once our craftsmen are here, I'm going to make them invent a car to get rid of
the waste," Lannie said seriously. "They'll shovel the waste on the road every
day. Otherwise, this city isn't livable."

She gesticulated as she spoke and her expressions were dramatic. Link and
Felina were both tickled.

The group reached the heart of the territory—Scorched Ridge.

There were walls around Scorched Ridge. Within it, the terrain flattened
immediately. There were stone tiles on the ground as well. Instead of horse
feces, there were flowers on the side of the road. The passersby were dressed
properly as well. It was like a different world.

Scorched Ridge was faintly like the elite area of a city now. The radius had
changed a lot too, even including the Mage Tower 900 feet away. Link also
discovered that there were three medium-sized Mage Towers under construction
right now.

"Lucy did pretty well," he had to say.

The development was much faster than he'd predicted. If he had to do this
himself, he would go crazy.

Just as he was lamenting, the carriage arrived at the entrance of the Mage
Tower. Link got out the carriage and realized the door was already open. Eliard
was smiling at him.

Link stared at Eliard in shock. Within half a year, this guy had reached the
pinnacle of Level-6. Judging from his focused eyes and calm composure, he had
quite an attainment in magic.

Link was extremely pleased at the improvement of his good friend. He walked
up and embraced Eliard, patting his back heavily before letting go. They met
eyes and laughed heartily.

"You're stronger than I'd expected," Eliard lamented.

"You've improved beyond my imaginations," Link said happily. He really

wished Eliard could catch up. That way, he wouldn't have to fight alone.

"Come, let us wait in the Mage Tower. Manager Lucy and Commander Jacker
will come promptly."

Link nodded. He waved at Lannie and Felina; the three entered the Mage Tower

There were more than 50 apprentices in the main lobby. They all stood up, not
daring to even breathe. When Link's group finally walked up to the second
floor, they all let out a sigh of relief. Then the discussions started.

"Is that the lord?"

"He's so powerful. I couldn't even raise my head. My heart was pounding."

"No sh*t! The lord is a Level-8 Magician! He's the most powerful human!"
Link couldn't hear any of that because he was already at the main hall of the
second floor. This was the place for official Magicians and the numbers
lessened considerably. There were only a dozen people here. Link recognized
some but others he'd never seen before. They had joined afterwards.

Link saw Rylai here.

She had gotten much taller and was now a Level-2 Magician. She was even
more like a water spirit now. There seemed to be a layer of water light around
her. This was indeed extraordinary water talent.

Right now, she sat in the corner reading. She didn't know Link was back but
when she heard footsteps, she looked up instinctively and was shocked.
Standing up quickly, she said, "Tutor."

Link made a sound in response. He actually felt the most guilt towards Rylai.
He had planned on teaching her personally but never had time. Then he'd
handed her to Milda but Milda ended up staying in Aragu.

A child with such great potential for water magic was about to be wasted by

He couldn't stay there anymore and started upstairs. At the same time, he vowed
that he would find a responsible and talented Tutor for Rylai.

At the stairs, he asked, "Is Celine here?"

"No, she is currently in the Girvent Forest dealing with the people from
Delonga. She doesn't return often. Now, she's the Death Scythe now. That's how
powerful she is," Eliard said, laughing.

"What about bullets?"

"Master Weissmuller makes them for her. That's all he does now."

"Great," Link replied. But inside, he felt uncomfortable.

He hurried all over the place to help others but neglected those closest to him.
One was his official apprentice; the other was the love of his life. This couldn't
Before the main hall of the top floor, Eliard said, "Celine uses this hall now.
Only she can open the rune at the door."

Link glanced at it and chuckled. "I still remember the code."

He entered the code and the magic door opened. The group entered and took
their seats. Within a while, there were many footsteps.

Link looked over and was met with a bunch of people, including King Leon.

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Chapter 416: Link’s Era

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

King Leon stood at the front of the group of people. Behind him was Lucy,
Jacker, and a few other Magicians. Link recognized Grenzi, Ferdinand, and
Weissmuller. Besides these three, there were a few other palace Magicians.

When King Leon saw Link, he asked, "Lord, how is the situation in the North?"

Everyone looked expectantly at Link. Since Link had returned, it meant that the
situation was alright. Still, they wanted to hear the details from Link before they
could feel at ease.

Link laughed. "Don't worry, let's sit down first."

The hall was broad, and there was a circle of seats around the hall. Once
everyone had sat down, Link began to narrate what had happened in the North,
beginning with the battle at Orida Fortress. He talked about the Yabbas
migration and roughly described his experience in Aragu as well as his
ascension to the Legendary level.

"In summary, we were victorious. The Dark Elves no longer have the strength to
fight anymore," Link concluded.
Everyone exhaled slowly. They were relieved, but at the same time, they had
heavy hearts.

Although the Dark Elves had suffered many casualties, so had they. The Pope
had perished, and the elite Warriors were also killed; there were only 17,000
left. Orida Fortress's defenses were breached. Even though it was just a recount
from Link, listening to it still made them all anxious.

No one dared to imagine what would happen had Orida Fortress fallen. At least,
at the end of it all, Orida Fortress was still under the control of humans.

After hearing what Link had to say, King Leon breathed a sigh of relief. "I never
expected the war in the North to be in such dire straits. I would have never sent
that request for reinforcements if I knew. It nearly cost us the battle."

Link was moved when he heard this. He looked at the old king and saw self-
blame in the king's expression. Yet, at the same time, he saw something else
hidden in the king's eyes.

As a king and as a politician, Link knew better than to take his words at face
value. Link observed his body language.

Although King Leon might blame himself on some level, exactly how he felt
about the war and towards Duke Abel was not something Link could determine
at the moment.

Link thought about Duke Abel.

As a commander, Duke Abel did not do poorly. Although the fellow's methods
were sometimes shortsighted, he had chosen to stay at Orida Fortress. It seemed
as though he was doing it to stand guard over the north, but perhaps, he might
also be guarding against King Leon.

Thinking about these things, Link's head hurt. He'd rather not think about it. The
politics within the Abel Family were too complicated, and both brothers were
sure to have hidden cards that they had to yet reveal. Based on his current
strength, no one would dare to try to take his territory. The most they would do
was pull him over to their side.
All of this only took him a moment to consider. Link then decided to relax. He
asked, "Orida Fortress needs troops and supplies badly. Lucy, we can't provide
them with troops but can we try to support them with supplies?"

Lucy was no longer the same as before. Half a year ago, she was a capable and
bright mercenary. Now, she was wearing a gorgeous dark red dress, and her
fiery red hair was cut short. She wore a seal on her finger, and a silver pair of
glasses hung around her neck. She was now Ferde's manager of general affairs.

Lucy took out a large book and leafed through it. She found a page and handed
the book over to Link. "Lord, this is our current situation. The most we can do is
provide the fortress with half a year of supplies. Any more and it will affect our
own operations… So we will need the kingdom to provide us with funding if
they want further supplies."

King Leon shuffled awkwardly. The reason was obvious. He had no money.

Hot Springs City was ruined, and all of its wealth was taken by the Delonga
Kingdom. The rest of the city's people had moved either up north or to Ferde.

As for himself, he was a king in name only. Right now, he was seeking asylum
in Ferde. He had to depend on Ferde for everything he needed. How was he
going to cough up money to pay Ferde for supplies?

Link understood his considerations, but he also understood Lucy's intentions.

She wanted to make use of this crisis to gain advantages for Ferde.

This was a good chance, and Link decided to cooperate with her. He looked at
the numbers in the book and said, "Let's not talk about money first. That can be
settled later. Right now, we need to provide enough supplies to support 30,000
people for at least a year."

"Yes, Lord, but I must remind you that we cannot give this out for free. We
have a responsibility to our own people. If we give them our supplies, we must
get something back in return," Lucy said, taking a no-nonsense approach to this

King Leon couldn't stomach this. The more he heard, the angrier he got. He said
coldly, "Lucy, the kingdom will definitely not forget this kindness. If you can
provide us with supplies, we can waive all of Ferde's taxes from here on."
Actually, based on the current circumstances, King Leon simply had no power
to force Ferde to pay their taxes. Nonetheless, Lucy was just waiting for him to
make this promise. She nodded seriously. "Your Majesty, since you've said this,
I am okay with this arrangement."

Now that Link was back, Ferde had a Legendary-level expert. Under these
circumstances, Ferde could become independent. The only problem was that
that would be bad for Ferde's reputation, especially among the Norton Kingdom.
The Norton Kingdom had many people who were loyal to the kingdom, and
would turn against Ferde if Ferde rebelled.

Rather than rebelling, asking King Leon for compensation for their help would
help them gain points with the Norton Kingdom and reap immediate benefits as

This was what Lucy was planning to do.

King Leon knew what she was trying to do too. He knew that his kingdom
needed Ferde's help and he no longer had any power over Ferde. It was like he
had lost his position. Nonetheless, he had no bargaining chips to use.

Forget it, Link is a Legendary Magician and also a pillar of support for the
kingdom. It's natural for him to get extra benefits. Anyways, he doesn't make
unreasonable requests. This was how King Leon consoled himself.

Link didn't mind that the king knew their plan. These were all small matters. He
said, "Your Majesty, regarding reinforcements and supplies, you can send
someone to discuss this with Lucy. What do you think?"

King Leon nodded. "No problem."

Link then turned towards Magician Grenzi and asked, "What's the situation at
East Cove Magic Academy?"

Grenzi laughed lightly, "It's doing fine. Andrew is dead, and the Delongans no
longer pose a threat to the academy. All they can do is surround it."

Link was relieved when he heard that. "That's great. The Kingdom of Delonga
went too far this time. As we were dealing with the threat in the North, they
dared to backstab us!! They must be taught a lesson!"
Link's words were cold, and everyone in the hall felt a chill running down their
spines. They found it hard to breathe, and many turned pale from the pressure
that Link was exuding.

Link realized after a moment that his strong killing intent was making everyone
uncomfortable. After he composed himself, everyone was visibly relieved.

As expected of a Legendary expert—the pressure he exerted was terrifying.

Link left the army matters for Jacker to settle.

Jacker was now a Level-6 peak expert. He wore heavy anti-magic armor that
looked worn and well-loved. He reported, "Lord, our army is now clashing with
the Delongans along the Ferde border. Our army is weaker than theirs by a little,
but we're only managing to cope because Major Celine and Dorias are the death
gods within the Girvent Forest."

It could be said that Celine single-handedly cowed the enemy into pulling back.
Because of her killings of many Delongan commanders, their army was
essentially paralyzed.

It was because of this that Ferde's newly formed army could stand against the

Link nodded and said, "Alright, let me go to the frontlines."

He wanted to see Celine as soon as possible.

"I'll send you there!" Felina said. "I am free now."

Her dragon body had suffered merely small injuries, and now that she had
changed back into her human body, these injuries had disappeared.

"No, no, I should be the one doing it. My airship is faster than you," Lannie

"No, Lannie, I need you to stay here and discuss with Lucy the arrangements for
the Yabbas. We need to prepare a place for your people, don't we?" Link
reminded her.
"Ah… alright then," Lannie agreed reluctantly.

Link stood up and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something
else. "Your Majesty, there was a Lich that saved you?" Link asked.

King Leon was startled by the sudden question, but he said, "Yes, he called
himself Vance. Apparently, he was just passing through. Although he is a Lich,
I've pardoned him and let him travel freely. He should now be within Ferde
territory. Is there a problem?"

"I've seen him before. I don't really know how to describe this lich, but he
doesn't seem like he would pose a threat to us," Grenzi added.

Of course, Vance would not be a threat. Link was most clear about this. Since
this was a chance for him to gain approval from people, that would be for the

"I can't be sure either, but once I'm free, I'll pay him a visit," Link said.

Grenzi nodded. "That would be for the best," he said.

Link then turned to Felina. "Let's go."

The two of them walked towards the balcony of the magic tower. After a while,
a dragon's roar could be heard, and Link and Felina were seen flying off towards
Ferde's western border.

The people watched Link and Felina fly into the distance. Long after they were
gone, Grenzi sighed emotionally. "It really is a new era. The younger ones are
reaching the peak already."

After 300 years, a Legendary hero had reappeared amongst the humans.

It was a tumultuous period wrought with disasters, but it was also a chance for
the humans to rise!

The mood in the hall was somber. Everyone was thinking about various matters
and did not converse.
After a while, Lucy broke the silence. "Alright, it's time for us to get to work.
Little one, let's talk about the Yabbas, shall we?"

Lannie harrumphed in response to this. "Don't call me little one! My name is


Lannie made a face and placed her hands on her hips. She looked like a little
bean that was going to explode.

Unfortunately for her, this did not make her look any more imposing. Instead,
the hall burst into laughter. This made the atmosphere in the hall much more
relaxed. After they were done laughing, Lucy said, "I'm sorry, Lannie, I didn't
mean to be rude. It's just… you are just too cute, haha!"

Lannie was even more infuriated by this, but there was nothing she could do. In
the end, she said helplessly, "Please stop laughing? Let's talk about proper

Meanwhile, Link was riding astride Felina's back. He told her about the process
by which he had obtained Dragon Power. They covered about half the distance
to Ferde's western border before Link finished his tale. He laughed and said, "In
the end, it was just a series of lucky coincidences."

Felina found this incredulous and didn't know what to say. After a long moment,
she said, "I think our queen will be pleased with this news. Our dragon clan has
one more strong expert now. Maybe she would even award you with a Duke

"That's not really necessary is it?" Link asked. He was stunned. According to
what he knew of the dragon clan, the Red Dragon Duke title had a special
meaning to it. It was the consort that the Dragon Queen had selected. Were he to
accept it, wouldn't that mean a whole lot more trouble?

Felina saw Link's expression and could tell what he was thinking. She laughed.
"You're overthinking this, Link. This is just a custom within the clan and used
only among the dragons. In the mortal world, you would still be the Ferde Lord,
and this won't affect anything."

"Oh, if that's the case, then I'm fine with it."

After flying for a bit more, they saw Ferde's border in front of them. Link also
saw a fortress in front and an army stretching out of the Girvent Forest bearing
the Ferde standard.

Among them was a woman riding a large, green tiger. She carried a large
musket and walked imposingly at the front of the army.

She had short, deep purple hair, black eyes, and wore a dark green leather suit.
It was Celine.

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Chapter 417: You’ve Angered Me!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whoosh, whoosh. Felina flapped her wings lightly and descended gradually. A
few seconds later, there was a thud. She landed beside the soldiers.

"Alert… Wait!" Celine saw Link on the dragon's back.

The moment before, her lips were pursed and her brows furrowed. She gripped
the fire gun, eyes looking left and right in solemn caution. It was as if she was
about to face a storm. But now, a smile bloomed like clear skies after rain.

Dorias roared happily and jumped towards Link. When he was closer, the big
tiger laughed. "Link, look, look, I kept your girl safe. She didn't get hurt at all."

He circled around Link, but he was a bit hobbled. Link noticed that there was a
long scorch mark on Dorias' right hind leg. The wound was very deep, and even
the muscles had been torn. Link realized immediately that it was caused by a
demon, most likely a Fodor Flaming Demon.

Link's temple pulsed. Now he knew why Celine was so tense earlier.

He jumped down from Felina's back and patted Dorias. "Don't move. Let me see
your injury."
Dorias stopped and looked back at his injury. He was shocked too. "Hey, no
wonder my butt hurts. I didn't think it would be this bad."

He'd been too preoccupied with escaping and didn't realize this.

Celine also jumped down from Dorias' back. She was shocked too when she
saw the injury. "I'm sorry," she said guiltily. "I didn't see it."

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just… ah! It hurts. Why is it suddenly hurting?!" Dorias
caved in. His wounded leg suddenly lost all power.

Link walked over. He took out liquid Sacred Silver, added Dragon Power and
gave it a shake. The Sacred Silver turned into a ball of silvery-red mist. Then he
used the Magician's Hand to put the mist around the injury.

Dragon Power was able to heal wounds quickly while Sacred Silver could drive
away demonic energy. Dorias was now a Magical Beast at the pinnacle of
Level-7. He was very strong physically. Three minutes later, when Link sucked
the Sacred Silver from Dorias' body, the wound had already started closing.

Dorias moved his back leg and grew happy. "Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore,
really. Link, your healing method is so advanced. I use Sacred Silver too, but it
always takes a few days before it stops hurting."

Link smiled. He patted Dorias' front leg and said, "Rest well these days."

Dorias recovered his energy and laughed. "Of course. I'm going to feast and get
all the blood back."

At that time, Link looked to Celine. Upon closer inspection, she had lost a lot of
weight. Her cheek was bleeding from getting hit by a branch. Celine looked at
him too. Then she hurried over and buried herself in Link's arms.

After a long while, Celine finally looked up. "Is the North resolved?"

"Mostly," Link said, smiling. He gently smoothed Celine's hair and asked,
"Were there pursuers in the forest?"
"Ah, a little trouble." Celine looked frustrated. "Recently, some demons
appeared in the forest. They're difficult to deal with, and the fire gun isn't
powerful enough. I can't kill them with one bullet."

"Demons?" Link thought about it. They probably came from the northern
fortress. There weren't many of them, so they weren't likely to go to a well-
protected city. The Southern Kingdom of Delonga used Dark Power, so they
probably joined in.

"Tell me in detail what kind of demons," Link said as he walked to the fortress
with Celina.

"They're mostly low-level demons, around Level-4 or 5. They're not that

difficult, but there were also some Sword Demons and Claw Demons. Those
can be killed too. But there's one Fodor Flaming Demon that's really

Dorias followed behind Link. He added, "That demon is too powerful. If I didn't
run so fast, Celine would be dead."

Celina smiled gratefully at the tiger. "Yes, Dorias saved me so many times."

Link shuddered at the thought. "You did well," he said to Dorias. "When we go
back, I can fulfill three of your wishes."

"Really? Great! I want to eat 100 black sheep from the Doska Kingdom. They
have to be made by Chef Arak too. That's the first wish. Let me think about the
other two."

Felina heard this and couldn't help but roll her eyes. Link's promises were so
valuable, but this guy wasted one on some sheep. What a waste!

Link laughed heartily. "Alright, take your time thinking." Then he turned to
Celine and asked, "Do you know the approximate location of the Fodor Flaming

"It doesn't stay in one place, but it keeps coming to kill me. If I go to the forest,
it'll appear within half an hour. Its nose is more sensitive than a dog's."
Link nodded, murderous intent surging in him. "Good, very good. That demon
has pissed me off. We'll rest for a while to get our energy back. Then we'll go
into the forest. Just the two of us."

Celine was shocked. "Just us? Isn't that too dangerous?"

Felina laughed. It would be dangerous indeed—however, it was dangerous for

the Delongan army instead.

"What are you laughing at?" Celine was confused.

Dorias made a face. "This dragon has problems. She even laughed at me. She
doesn't know how delicious Arak's sheep are!"

Felina didn't explain. She just kept laughing.

The group soon entered the fortress. It was actually a huge castle with a wall
more than 500 feet wide around it. There were many magic cannons bought
from the Yabbas on the wall.

"There are five of these castles on the border between the Ferde Territory and
Girvent Forest," Celine explained. "Each one contains 2000 soldiers. With the
cannons, crossbows, and bombs from the dwarves, we can manage to fend off
the Delongan army."

Link looked at the castle. It felt like a defense force built solely from money.
This was a good technique, and he liked it. He remembered that he hadn't
developed the Magnetic Magic Island yet. No one would dare to fight him over
it now. It was time to turn that island into power too.

After entering the fortress, all the soldiers who saw Celine immediately saluted
with respectful expressions. It seemed that Celine had really made a name for

Inside the fortress, Celine had her own room. "I'm all dirty from playing hide-
and-seek from those people," she said, smiling. "I'll go wash up."

Link nodded. He prepared to go wait in the main hall with Felina, but then
Celine smiled brightly and said, "Link, you're dirty too. Do you want to come?"
"My honor." Link obviously wouldn't say no.

The bath was amazing. Link wasn't a weak Magician now, and Celine's talent
had continued awakening. She was now at Level-5, and because of training
every day, she was fit too. They matched each other well.

Afterwards, Celine changed into dark leather armor. She looked like a lovely
flower and Link was enamored. He wanted to have another round.

Celine quickly pushed him away. "I can't do it anymore. There are more
important things."

Link finally gave up. They walked to the main hall in high spirits.

"Felina, I'm going to the Girvent Forest now. I'll be back soon."

"Go, go. Don't scare your girl." Felina waved her hand. Seeing Link and Celine
together, she wasn't in a good mood.

Leaving the fortress again, Link took out the Nightingale Statue and summoned
the two-person mount. "We'll ride this over."

"Really just the two of us?" Celine still wasn't confident. Even though she'd felt
Link's power and strength earlier, it was still scary to stroll into enemy territory
with just the two of them. What if they get surrounded?

"Let's go. It's getting late, and we have to get back for dinner." Link grasped
Celine's thin waist and set her on the Nightmare Beast. He also climbed up and
guided the mount to run towards the Girvent Forest at an average speed.

"Where are the headquarters?" Link asked.

"The River Cove Town. There are around 15,000 Dark Warriors there… Hey,
why are you going there? There are many people there—all Dark Warriors and
some of them undead." Celine panicked and pinched Link's arm.

Link chuckled and then wiped his smile away. "It's better when they're together.
We can kill them all!"
Celine could feel his thoughts and fell quiet. After a few seconds, she asked,
"Are you really sure? Their commander is a Level-8 Dark Assassin. There's also
a group of 50 Battle Mages and more than 1000 Dark Griffin Knights, in
addition to demons."

Link laughed. "I was worried they'd escape… Listen, someone's coming."

He could hear footsteps already. A cloud of dark aura appeared at the same
time. The wind blew over a sulfuric scent. It was the characteristic smell of
Fodor Flaming Demons.

Link slowed the Nightmare Beast. "The demon really does have its eyes on you.
We've just entered the forest, and it's already here."

Celine didn't speak. She took out her fire gun, but Link stopped her.

"Don't worry. If it comes out, it'll die within three seconds."

Whoosh, whoosh. Wind blew through the forest, and the sulfuric scent grew
heavier. He could clearly feel that the Fodor Flaming Demon was getting closer.

This continued for three minutes, and then something shocking happened. The
wind suddenly stopped, and the sulfuric scent disappeared. The forest grew
peaceful again.

Celine's heart tremors stopped. She blinked, confused. "I think it left. Why?"

Link smirked. "I guess it's smart so I'll let it live a bit longer. Let's continue to
River Cove."

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Chapter 418: Incredible Strength, a Legendary Expert!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Tap, tap, tap.

Link rode the Nightmare Beast with Celine along King's Lane, heading towards
River Cove town.

King's Lane used to be filled with many people. Many of them were merchants
from the South heading towards Hot Springs City. Some of them who were tired
from their travels would stop by River Cove Town to take a break.

Now, however, the wide road was deserted, and there was not a single person in

Link and Celine proceeded onwards. After a while, they came across several
large trees. On both sides of the road, bodies hung from the tree branches
swaying lightly in the wind. They looked like fruit.

This was the 13th tree they saw like this, with rotting corpses hanging from the
branches. Crows with bloodshot eyes were perched on the trees, looking
ravenously at the corpses. Wild dogs patrolled beneath the trees, also eyeing the
corpses hungrily.

Caw, caw!

As the Nightmare Beast approached, the wild dogs retreated, barking fiercely as
they did. The crows joined in the noise-making, flapping their wings and cawing
loudly. It seemed like they were waiting for the dogs to rush up to attack the
Nightmare Beast and the people on it, so that they would get new fresh meat.

The crows were smart.

Woof! Finally, one dog couldn't resist anymore and lunged forward.

Whoosh. Link used the Demon Slaying whip. There was a flash of red, and an
instant later, the dogs, trees, and crows were engulfed in a burning flame.

As the tree burned, Link rode the Nightmare Beast off into the distance.

After another short distance, they heard horses ahead of them. Minutes later,
they caught sight of a troop of black-clad riders. There were about 50 of these
riders dressed in glossy, black armor. Their helmets were especially imposing,
shaped like skulls.
Celine began to tremble. She whispered, "These are wild hunters; every single
one of them is at least Level-5. The most dangerous thing about them is their
ballistae. Each ballista has incredibly destructive power."

The leader of the black riders looked at Link and called out. "Hey, I heard that
the Ferde Lord is personally coming. Is that you, young chap?"

Link eyed the person who had shouted out to him. He was at the peak of Level-
6. Furthermore, Link detected a trace of dark energy within their bodies. After
sensing it carefully, Link understood their origins. He asked, "Are you the
followers of the Shadow Stalker?"

These riders were the equivalent of the Holy Knights in the Shadow Stalker's

"Our master is indeed the Shadow Stalker! Ferde Lord, you shouldn't have
come. Get ready!"

Clang. Instantly, the 50 riders raised the grey crossbows they were carrying.

"Do you have any last words?" The leader asked Link. He was in no hurry to

Earlier, Flame Demon Alino had rushed back in a panic, shouting that the Ferde
Lord had come and that everyone should flee. Hah! Wasn't it just two people?
They had an army over 15,000 people strong. Would they be cowed by just two
people? What a joke!

Seeing the 50 crossbows pointed at them, Celine asked Link anxiously, "What
do we do now?"

Link patted Celine's trembling hand to console her, and said to the riders, "You
guys talk too much."

The moment he was done speaking, there was a vibration in the air. Suddenly,
the black riders were caught in a Spatial Sphere. It was Link's Spatial Shackles.
This time, he didn't use many Dragon Power points, only about 200.

Against Level-6 opponents and below, 200 Dragon Power points were more
than enough.
The result was that these riders couldn't move an inch. They looked exactly like
statues. The only one who seemed to be able to resist it was the leader, the
follower of the Shadow Stalker. Inside his body, the dark energy was vibrating,
as though he was preparing to use some divine skill that the Shadow Stalker had
imbued him with.

Divine power could indeed break through Link's Spatial Shackles.

Unfortunately, this man was far too slow.

Even if you possessed an incredible weapon, if you moved as slowly as a snail,

you would only be crushed to death in the end.

The crystal red-like silk appeared and struck towards the riders who were
arranged neatly in rows.

Smack! Boom! The whip struck them, and the sound of many small explosions
occurred together. These successive explosions lasted for about three minutes,
sounding like beans popping in a pan. Soon after, the 50 riders were
transformed into a bloody mist. Not even their corpses were left behind.

"Disperse," Link said, using his spatial energy to clear out a path. Two invisible
forces seemed to appear out of nowhere, pushing the bloody mist apart and
forming a clear path through it.

Link directed the Nightmare Beast to continue walking towards River Cove

He did not mind taking his time, because he wanted the enemy to have enough
time to gather their strength, so he could destroy them in one shot. He also
wasn't afraid that the enemy would take the chance to escape either. Any
commander would first test out the enemy's strength before choosing to turn tail
and escape.

Behind him, Celine was speechless. Before Link left for the North, she knew
that Link was powerful, but at that time, she could still gauge Link's power.
Now, Link's strength seemed to possess an unfathomable depth that she could
not figure out.

Soon, they could see the inn of River Cove Town in the distance.
Link felt a little nostalgic. Long ago, he had spent his days here writing his
thesis on space and learning magic. Those days were so carefree and peaceful.

Screech! From high in the sky came the calls of Griffins as over a thousand
Dark Griffin Knights flew towards Link, blotting out the sky in a sea of black.

In the town, countless soldiers streamed out, so many that they were literally

Twang, twang, twang! The sound of bowstrings being released reverberated

through the air as a horde of arrows rained down on Link.

Finally, one Warrior clad completely in a skeletal-like armor, and a dark aura
rushed out of the sea of enemies. He shouted, "Kill him! He's only one person!"

Link did not guess wrong. The enemy did not choose to escape. Rather, they
chose to gather their strength and fight. Since that was the case, Link was happy
to let them all die here.

Celine warned Link, "That's the commander. Over there! The Magicians have
started their spellcasting!"

Link nodded. He pointed his wand forward and said softly, "Spatial Spell:
Gravity Depression!"

This spell immediately consumed 7000 Dragon Power points. That was 70% of
Link's total Dragon Power points. A clear transparent ball flew out of the tip of
his wand and landed on the ground in front of him.

Whoosh! Suddenly, there was a depression in the ground, forming a crater about
5000 square feet wide.

5000 square feet was Link's limit for spatial spells. Within this distance, gravity
was increased by a hundredfold!


That was the sound of bones breaking. It first came from the Magicians. Most of
them were physically very weak. Once gravity was increased by a hundredfold,
their bodies became so heavy that they could not withstand the weight.
Instantly, they collapsed and were crushed to death!

The next to fall were the Griffins. They were initially about 300 feet in the air.
Falling from that height at a hundred times the normal gravity rate, the Warriors
on their backs were immediately crushed into a meat paste.

The rest of the Warriors and demons were also not spared. Everyone that was
Level-7 and below immediately collapsed to the ground, their bones cracked
and their muscles torn. Their brains had by now dissolved into a gel-like fluid.

The trees and buildings around them, within an area of 5000 square feet, were
also reduced to rubble.

This gravitational spell's effect lasted for five seconds.

Five seconds later, Link stopped the spell. The whole of River Cove Town was
now quiet. Amidst all the blood and gore, a single Warrior clad in black was
kneeling on the ground, supporting himself with his sword.

Unexpectedly, he was still alive, but his legs were already broken. They could
not handle his increased weight.

He looked fearfully at Link, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

From far away, there were a few moans and groans. Link looked over and
discovered the Fodor Flaming Demon. Since the demon was larger, he felt the
effects of the gravitational spell even more. All his bones were broken by now,
and he was sprawled on the floor, trying to edge away from Link.

"Trying to escape?" Link asked. He pointed his wand at the demon, and a
Vector spell was cast. Under the influence of the Vector spell, the demon flew
back towards Link.

Just before the demon reached Link, his body was caught in a Spatial Shackles
spell, trapping the demon in a small space nine feet in front of the Nightmare
"Dear, please do the honors," Link said to Celine.

"Sure," Celine responded. She drew her large musket and aimed it in-between
the Fodor Flaming Demon's brows. Slowly, she applied pressure onto the
musket trigger. BOOM! A bullet shot out of the musket and pierced right
through the demon's brain.

The flaming demon died just like that.

In the end, only the commander was left alive. Far away, there were still a few
lucky survivors who did not get caught in the gravitational spell. That didn't
matter. They had no strength left to fight anyway.

Link could feel that his attack earlier had killed about 13,000 people by crushing
them to death.

The commander struggled to get up from the ground, but just as he moved, Link
fired a Spatial Shackles spell towards the commander, locking the commander
to the ground.

Tap, tap, tap. The Nightmare Beast trotted forward.

Link said to the commander, "After you die, pass this message to Morpheus: He
is destined to fail." The Nightmare Beast reached the commander just as Link
had finished speaking. It continued trotting forward, trampling directly onto the
commander's head. The commander died instantly.

Shadow Stalker Morpheus was a Level-19 Legendary expert and was trying to
become a god. This was the truth. However, his physical body had already
deteriorated and died. If Morpheus failed to become a god, he would instead die
forever. This was an ironclad law, not just in Firuman, but in other places
throughout the Void as well.

Therefore, although Morpheus was very strong, there was still a limit to his
strength. Most importantly, Morpheus wasn't able to move around himself and
could only rely on souls to communicate with his followers.

Therefore, Link was not afraid of him.

Link continued walking slowly towards River Cove Town.

After another few hundred feet, he found other black-clad Warriors that had
luckily survived. There weren't many of them, just barely over 30. They weren't
strong either, the highest of them only having Level-3 strength. The moment
they saw Link, they started retreating in a panic. Even as they retreated, some of
they fell over and started crawling backwards on all fours. This was the extent
of their fear.

Link looked at them with scorn but chose not to do anything. He said, "Get lost.
Go back to Delonga and tell the Delongan King that he will die soon."

The Warriors didn't dare to believe Link when he said that he would spare them.
However, after realizing that he had not made any move to attack, they slowly
climbed to their feet. Seeing that they were safe, they immediately took off

River Cove Town descended into a deathly silence.

After a long pause, Celine asked, "Is this the strength of the Legendary?"

Link urged the Nightmare Beast forward as he replied Celine. "This was a spell
I discovered recently. I'm willing to bet that by the time the news reaches the
Delongan King, he will immediately choose to kill himself."

This was the reason why Link had let the soldiers leave. He wanted them to
spread fear among the South. It was not enough to let one or two go, but with
thirty people spreading the word of how Link had obliterated the army with a
single blow, his reputation would grow, and people would think twice before
messing with him.

On the way back, Link quickened his pace. Half an hour later, they were back at
the fortress. Looking at the sky, it was just beginning to turn dark. It was about
5 pm in the evening.

Link merrily said, "My dear, we'll have some good dreams tonight."

In River Cove Town

Not long after Link took his leave, a hand reached out from amidst the rubble
that used to be the River Cove Town inn. It grasped around, clearing rocks and
rubble, trying to claw its way out. Finally, a black robed person crawled out
from the rubble.

"Whew…" He sat on the ground, completely drained of energy, and looked at

the blue sky above the Girvent Forest. After catching his breath, he got back up
and knelt down on the ground, clasping both hands against his chest. In a quiet
voice, he prayed, "Oh Master of the Shadows, my Lord, the Ferde Lord has
Legendary-level strength now. He has destroyed our plans!"

After a moment, he heard a reply in his head. "Go back to the South and bring
everything back with you. Wait patiently. There are many horrifying things
happening in the world now. Let us use this chance to have them help us deal
with the Ferde Lord."

"Yes, Master."

The black robed man thus responded, and he began to limp his way back
towards the South.

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Chapter 419: The Duke’s Nightmare

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whoosh, whoosh.

The wind whistled in Duke Abel's ears. He found himself walking in a dark
forest. The smell of rotting corpses floated through the air. Every corner seemed
to contain eyes that were staring at him.

"Come, come."

A light female voice would appear every now and then. Like a mother calling to
her son, Duke Abel would walk involuntarily towards the source of the voice.
Whizz! An arrow suddenly flew at him. He dodged instinctively, and the arrow
scraped past his face, leaving a deep gash and taking away some of his beard.

His heart pounded at the brush with death.

"Kill! Ah!" Cling, clang.

There was a chaotic commotion up ahead. There were screams, pained cries,
and clanging of weapons. They traveled over, and Duke Abel was shocked. He
sped forward.

He moved past a big tree and climbed onto a boulder blocking the way.
Everything became wide open; a big field appeared before him. On the field, the
demons and humans were fighting intensely… No, it wasn't a fight. It was a
massacre; the demons were massacring the humans.

Duke Abel saw a Fodor Flaming Demon grab a human and bite off his head. He
saw two Fodor Flaming Demons grab a soldier's head and legs and rip him apart
in the air.

He also saw Kanorse, that powerful human Warrior, covered in blood. He killed
many demons but was exhausted. A succubus walked over and whipped him,
sending him to the ground.

The succubus didn't stop whipping. Every strike peeled away a lot of flesh until
finally, Kanorse was turned into a white skeleton. In the last moment, Duke
Abel saw Kanorse turn his head. He reached out to the duke, staring
imploringly. "Sir, save me."

Duke Abel's heart shook. Kanorse was his beloved general. How could he do

With a clang, he unsheathed his sword and rushed over. But then, a low-level
demon charged. It slapped him to the ground with a claw and stepped on his
head, cackling.

"You call yourself a commander with that strength? You're nothing!"

"Hahaha, you're nothing!"

"You're trash! A failure!"

In a daze, Duke Abel saw the demons stop. They walked over, surrounding him
and staring with mockery and disdain.

"Kill him!" a voice rang out.

Duke Abel felt his head get hit. His vision went black, and his heart palpitated.

"Ah!!" Duke Abel shot up in bed. The magic light beside him shone dimly with
faint yellow light. He was surrounded by his familiar room.

It was a dream. Duke Abel let out a sigh. He touched his lower back; it was
soaked with cold sweat.

Even though it was a dream, the powerlessness was still in his heart. The dream
had been so realistic. Even after a long while, he was still shrouded by the
listless feeling.

Reaching out his hands, Abel studied it. There were some calluses on it, some
from holding a pen and some from holding a sword. They were all thin.

Martial arts? Power? Abel sighed deeply. It wasn't that he didn't want to be
strong. When he was young, he'd trained seriously for five years. Unfortunately,
he didn't have the talent.

Pushing the blankets aside, Duke Abel walked to the window. He stared at the

It was past midnight now but a clear moon hung in the sky, and there were
torches all around the fortress. The vision was quite clear. From the castle, he
could see that the opening in the first layer of walls had already been filled with
sand and reinforced with magic. The bodies scattered throughout had been
collected and burned.

From here, he could see the small mountain of ashes on the flatland outside the
Duke Abel kept staring in a daze. He seemed to see the fight from that night.
Slowly, the scene melded with his dream. He once again saw that massacre and
saw Kanorse, who had turned into a skeleton, reaching out to him.

Save me!

You're trash!

"Ah!" Duke Abel shook his head violently, escaping from the illusions.

If the demons return, what can we do to stop them? Link appeared in Duke
Abel's mind. Master Link might be able to stop them, but he's only one
person… What if he's not here? What if the demons implement a surprise attack
while he's not here?

Collapsing to the ground, Duke Abel covered his face and sat in silence.

If possible, he wanted power. He wanted to be as fearless as Link and wanted to

become a respected god of war like Kanorse.

But he couldn't.

He became the commander because of his surname. He carefully maintained the

balance within the army and had to guard against his elder brother's suspicions.

He was so tired.

If I'm powerful, I won't be so helpless. I'll even… even become the king of
Norton. Ah, whatever. I'm just fantasizing.

Duke Abel shook his head. His cold sweat had dried, and he went back to bed.

He had insomnia that night.

The next day, Duke Abel was just as busy as before. He had to repair the
fortress, hand out the rewards for the demons in the Black Forest, take care of
military matters, enlist new soldiers, organize resources, and much more.
Working from day to night, he was entirely exhausted.

At night, he went to rest. He fell asleep as soon as he laid down.

"Come, come." That motherly voice appeared again. The same dreamscape
appeared again… It was another sleepless night.

For the next few days, Duke Abel kept repeating this dream. He could only
watch as his soldiers were slaughtered. He couldn't do anything.

Why do I keep having this dream? Duke Abel was starting to fear nighttime. He
hated this helpless feeling.

But night always fell.

This time, Duke Abel laid in bed with his eyes wide open. He was exhausted,
but he was too scared to close his eyes. He kept them open, staring at the magic

He feared falling into that dreamscape again.

Suddenly, there was a soft clack. His head spun around, but he saw nothing. Just
as he thought he was hallucinating from fatigue, a soft voice said, "Do you want

"Who is that?" Duke Abel turned and saw a shadow appear in his bedroom. At
the same time, he smelled something fragrant.

When he was young, he often frequented Hot Springs City and had his share of
merry days. He knew at a whiff that this was the natural fragrance of a woman.

It smelled great. Duke Abel subconsciously sniffed and lowered his guard. No
matter what, this smell couldn't be from a demon. However, anyone who
appeared in his room late at night couldn't be anyone good.

"Who are you?" he asked. At the same time, he touched his sword's hilt. At any
sign of trouble, he would unsheathe it.

"No need to be so nervous, duke." The shadow shook her head. Her voice was
gentle and lovely.

Duke Abel wasn't naive though. He wouldn't be tricked with such basic
techniques. "Get straight to the point and reveal your motive!" he growled.
As soon as he finished, milky white light shone from the woman's body. The
starry light filled the entire room. A few seconds later, golden wings sprouted
from the woman's back.

"You're an angel?" Duke Abel wasn't ignorant. He recognized her immediately

from the sight.

The woman didn't reply. She walked over, body as soft as a snake until she
arrived beside Duke Abel. She lowered herself and stared at the duke with
slightly sharp eyes. "Duke," she murmured, "a commander bearing the fate of
the human race shouldn't be powerless. Otherwise, your nightmare will come

"Did you bring that dream?" Duke Abel suddenly realized.

The angel looked at him sympathetically. "No, that is a scene from the future.
One day in the future, the demons will return."

"We have a Legendary Magician…"

"No, he is not enough. Nozama, Lord of the Deep, is much more powerful than
him. You are the commander… Abel, are you willing to be responsible for this

"I…" Duke Abel's gut feeling said something was wrong, but the golden light,
the beautiful woman, and the glamorous holy wings had to be real. The scenes
from his dream appeared again. In a daze, he nodded. "I am willing, of course,
but I don't have the power."

"God will bless you with power, just as he blesses his priests. Open your heart
and accept him," the angel said gently. A Holy Grail appeared in her hands. It
was identical to the Holy Grail he'd seen before, and it contained glowing milky

"Drink it. Once you drink it, you will possess superhuman strength."

Duke Abel accepted it. He tasted it and felt the warmth in the liquid. It was only
a bit, but once in his mouth, all his fatigue melted away. He became spirited.
All his doubts disappeared, and he gulped down the liquid. The liquid entered
his stomach. He could feel his body fill with indescribable power. It was like a
fire burning in his gut. It flowed throughout his body. He felt like he could
destroy everything.

He looked up at the angel. She was retreating slowly, her body blurring. Her
voice came in the air. "Duke, treasure God's blessing and save humanity,
destroy the demons… Remember your duties!"

Duke Abel took a deep breath. He rose and saluted seriously towards the fading
light. "I will not forget my duty. I will rid the continent of darkness and destroy
anyone who tries to stop me!"

There was a giggle in the air. Then after a while, the gold light disappeared. The
room went back to normal.

If not for the power running through his veins, Duke Abel would think it was
another dream. Thinking of his power, he looked at his hands again. With a
thought, dark red aura became visible in his hands.

Why is it dark red? Shouldn't it be gold… Whatever, the power is real, and that's
all that matters!

Duke Abel's suspicions only lasted for a second before the joy of becoming
powerful took over. He thought of his duty.

Yes, the demons. Destroy the demons. I must destroy all the demons in the
Black Forest—no, not just the Black Forest. All demons in Firuman are my
enemy. I will destroy all darkness. God, I will not disappoint you!

After that, Abel quickly thought of his brother, King Leon. Leon is trash. He
was just born a few years before me, and he ended up king. No, I cannot resign
to this fate!

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Chapter 420: New Spell: Despair (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link's Mage Tower

Ding! There was a soft sound, and a blue crystal gem appeared in Link's hand.
This was a Level-10 Legendary Replenishment Crystal. It was the reward Link
received after completing the mission of protecting the Orida Fortress.

Other than that, he also had 800 Omni Points now. He didn't need it now, so he
just put them to the side.

Link had planned on using the Replenishment Crystal to recharge the Dragon
King's Fury sword. Now, he realized the crystal's power was less than he'd
expected. It couldn't do much for the Dragon King's Fury sword, so Link
decided to give it to Alloa, the Maiden of Truth.

Lately, Alloa was always in Link's Mage Tower. She was full of magical
knowledge, but she didn't have any power. In the Mage Tower, she was just an
ordinary book administrator.

Obviously, she wasn't satisfied. A while after Link returned, Alloa had
approached him. Other than giving him the notes she had calculated recently,
she had also given him a sketch for an enchantment. The magic gear drawn on it
was called a "spell-casting circlet."

She had explained, "It can help me gain the ability to cast spells. I can't fight,
but it can help me with enchantments and alchemy."

Link was naturally happy to help.

Actually, he was preparing to return Vance's favor and make him a flesh magic
puppet. This was really troublesome though. It was all repetitive work without
anything innovative. Link didn't want to do it, but now, he had a powerful
helper who volunteered herself. He would obviously use her.

The spell-casting circlet was simple. Link completed it in half a day.

After finishing, Link snapped the Replenishment Crystal into the circlet. The
light purple circlet made of khorium and thorium flashed. The runes lit up with
a blue glow.
Alloa put it on her head and shivered. She closed her eyes to feel it carefully.
After a few seconds, her hand moved suddenly. A semi-transparent modification
force field appeared on her hand.

Link could see that it was a Level-4 Shattering Force Field. In the enchantment
field, it was already quite advanced. However, Alloa took six seconds to cast
this spell. She was too slow.

After casting the spell, Alloa opened her eyes and smiled faintly. "The Mana
output is quite steady, and it has enough power too, enough for 235 Shattering
Force Fields. After I practice more, my manipulation will improve greatly."

Link was quite satisfied, but he was surprised that a Replenishment Crystal
could only cast 235 Shattering Force Fields. This was too little and most likely

He took out a translucent Replenishment Crystal. This looked the same as the
spell-casting circlet, but it didn't have any replenishment abilities. The material
was of lower quality too. It was just a regular Epic crystal.

Link inserted Dragon Power, and ten seconds later, the crystal turned red. It
looked like a piece of flawless, red agate.

"Try this one," Link said. The Replenishment Crystal from the system reward
would be used up at some point. A replacement was needed. As of now, Link's
Legendary Dragon Power was the best.

Alloa nodded. She took off the circlet and easily popped out the blue crystal.
Then she snapped the new red crystal in. Putting the circlet back over her head,
she cast another spell. Perhaps she was used to it now. This time, it took four
seconds to complete the Shattering Force Field.

She thought carefully about the difference. "The power is steady and easier to
control than the blue crystal. This is enough for 257 Shattering Force Fields."

"Huh? It increased?" Link was confused.

"The blue crystal is very powerful, but it's more agitated. I can't control it all
and waste at least 90% of energy while casting spells. Your power feels more
introverted and gentle. I waste less than 10%."
"I see. In that case, I'll drive out the power inside the blue crystal and recharge

Driving out the power was quite simple. He would just use it to charge the
Dragon King's Fury sword. Link put the crystal into the sword's hilt.

As soon as it touched, the crystal started glowing. Then, the sword buzzed and
shreds of blue light poured into the sword, causing the runes to flow.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Crisp sounds came from the sword as it reorganized. Rings of dense dragon
scales opened and closed from the sword's tip to the hilt. Finally, there was
another ding and red smoky light shot from the eyes of the two dragons on the

Link checked the sword's profile. Some changes had occurred.

Dragon King's Fury—Burning Wrath Flames—Silent World

Legendary Level-12

Status: Semi-sealed

Current Unsealing Progress: 13%

Effect 1: Input 1200 Flawless Dragon Power Points to activate the Dragon
King's Fury. In this state, the spellcaster's power multiplies by 12 and speed
multiplies by six for two seconds.

Effect 2: All spells' strength increases by 750%.

Effect 3: Boundless Sharpness. The blade is sharp enough to cut through any
solid object and even spells!

Effect 4: All attacks can activate the ranged attack effect. The attack's range is
885 feet; its power is 10% of the player's attack.

(Note: Only the strongest have the right to pick me up!)

Its properties were about ten percent more powerful than before. That was not

After charging the sword, the blue crystal in Link's hand became colorless. It
was a very rare Replenishment Crystal of high quality. Link began adding
Dragon Power into it.

This time, he could feel that the crystal was like a bottomless pit. He kept
adding Dragon Power until he ran out but the crystal still wasn't full.

He rested for a bit before continuing. After putting in 13000 Dragon Power
points, the crystal finally turned red.

Alloa took it and tried it. Then she said, "The power inside this crystal is enough
to cast more than 1,600 Level-4 Shattering Force Fields. I can use it without

"That's great." Link chuckled. "I helped you so now you have to help me." He
took out a thick scroll with a flourish. "Look, this is a flesh magic puppet that I
designed. The materials are over there, all ready. The specific work is up to you.
During this, I'll look at your notes."

Alloa slapped her forehead, feeling speechless. "I was wondering why you were
so willing to help and even pushed aside other tasks to make this circlet for me.
You were waiting for this. Alright, I'll do it."

She looked over the design. A few minutes later, she nodded. "This is an
interesting magic puppet and has many theories that I don't know about. After
completing it, I'll become an expert at controlling the spell-casting circlet."

Alloa was a very direct person. Since she decided to do it, she didn't waste any
time and got right to it.

Successfully finishing this, Link was relieved.

He didn't waste time either. Taking Alloa's results from earlier, he walked to the
window to read carefully.

The foundation of Alloa's calculations was basically the same as Link's. One
part was the data for divine gear fusion. The other was Link's spatial thesis.
However, they were different people and therefore had different ways of
thinking. Their calculations were naturally different as well.

Link took out his own notes to compare. He felt that there was a shining
mountain of gold before his eyes. All he had to do was pick up his shovel and

What else was there to say?

He immediately submerged himself in it. The different perspective and thoughts

quickly inspired Link. With the support from the Dragon Power, he was able to
keep up his extremely focused state. His hand flew across the scroll as he

A day passed in the blink of an eye. Link's spatial thesis developed greatly.
When he'd worked with the Red Dragon Queen, he had almost reached the limit,
but now, he'd progressed further.

However, he didn't forget about eating and sleeping this time. Seven hours later,
he set down the scroll. Letting out a long breath, he stopped voluntarily.

He turned to look at Alloa. Since she was immortal, she didn't feel fatigued at
all and was still focused on the magic puppet. Link didn't disturb her and left the
enchantment room.

It was only four in the afternoon. Scorched City was still very lively. Link
walked to the window and looked to the shooting range in the distance. Lannie
and Celine were together. The Yabba seemed to be having an enthusiastic
discussion about shooting techniques with Celine.

Link smiled when he saw this. After a moment, he returned to the enchantment
room and started constructing modification parts for Celine's fire gun.

At night, Link finally returned to the room and had a heated moment with
Celine before going to sleep together. The next day, they busied with their own

Because he had upgraded to the Legendary level, he'd caused a big commotion
throughout the entire continent, especially with the Magicians. Countless
idealistic Magicians from all over hurried over to Ferde.
They all hoped to get advice from a Legendary Magician. Even if they couldn't
become a student, it would be worth it to just hear some words. Of course,
traveling took time, and they hadn't arrived yet. Link wasn't affected yet. For
now, these days were very peaceful.

It was the happiest time since he'd come to Ferde.

Ten days later, Alloa's magic puppet was close to finishing. She started with the
ending work. Link's spatial thesis had become completely different as well.

During this time, Alloa would come over occasionally. After looking, she
always stared at Link with an odd expression as if he was a strange creature.

She came over again now, quietly standing behind Link. He was calculating a
critical step at the moment. After a while, he suddenly wrote down a clean Mana
structure. Letting out a long breath, he put his pen down.

All these days' effort finally came to fruition. He had created an entirely new
spatial spell. It was practically a monster.

Alloa's voice came from behind him. "Link, I'm regretting more and more about
giving up my power to become immortal. I lost the chance to personally
experience this wisdom!"

Link chuckled. "Anything is possible. Even being immortal can be reversed.

You contributed the most help for me to be able to create this spell. A lot of
inspiration came from your thesis so how about you name the spell?"

"Really?" Alloa asked happily.


"Then call it… Despair."

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Chapter 421: A New Spell: Despair (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Alloa said the spell's name, the game system flashed a message across
Link's vision.


Level-10 Legendary Spell

Supplementary-Attack Magic

Cost: 500 points

Largest Range: 3000 feet

Effect: Whenever Despair is activated, a Folded Spatial Sphere will appear

within the spell-caster's location. Through the sphere, the spell-caster's attacks
can undergo a dimensional change. The range can be up to 1000 feet and can
change up to three times.

(Note: As far as the eye can see, all will become the land of despair!)

This spell wasn't only the crystallization of extreme intelligence. It was more of
a type of combative art. With this spell, all of Link's spells could be reinforced.
The range of his attacks would increase greatly. His techniques and methods
would multiply as well. No one could anticipate his moves.

Another message flashed past his mind.

Player created a Level-10 Legendary spell. Omni Points +200

This was great. Now, he had accumulated 1000 Omni Points. Link was very
happy having completed this spell. He immediately started testing its power.

Using his mind, a transparent 20-centimeter-wide ball appeared at the tip of the
Dragon King's Fury sword. It was extremely transparent and contained a light
black whirlpool that kept spinning. Strangely enough, no matter where one
stood, the whirlpool seemed to always be facing them.

Link stabbed at the Despair Ball. Half of the sword buried inside it and only the
lower half was out in the open. At the same time, another of the same ball
appeared 30 feet away. The Dragon King's Fury sword's tip that had disappeared
now reappeared in that ball.


Another ball appeared above the tip of the sword. He stabbed the sword, and it
disappeared again.

At the same time, another small ball appeared beside Link. The sword's tip
pierced through, only two feet away from Link's forehead. So now, the sword
hilt was in Link's hand, the body was 30 feet away, and the tip had turned back
to point at Link.

At a glance, it seemed that the sword had been cut into three parts by the balls.
In reality, it was still intact. It had just gone through spatial folding in the small
Despair Balls.

This was only a casual application of the Despair spell but already showed how
terrifying it was.

With this spell, Link could attack from any direction. To block his attack, the
enemy had to instantaneously construct a spatial barrier. Otherwise, even if they
were surrounded by force barriers, if they couldn't disrupt space, Link could
stab directly inside their shield and kill them with one move!

Alloa studied the small ball and couldn't help but compliment, "The structure is
very stable and extremely difficult to defend against. It has good crash
protection mechanisms too. This way, no one will be your match."

Link put his sword away and canceled the Despair Balls. Chuckling, he said,
"This spell can give me an absolute advantage in a one-on-one fight. But if there
are more enemies, I still have to run."

Despite his words, he was still very happy. Turning to look at the enchantment
table, he saw a lifelike body already lying on it. "Done already?" he asked with
a smile.

"Almost done. There are still some details to perfect… You know, I'm not that
familiar with the male body."
With that, Link understood. He walked to the table and studied the magic

According to Waynes' request, the magic puppet was made to look like a
reliable and slightly weathered middle-aged man. It was too annoying to implant
body hair, so the magic puppet was bald and had a hairless body. Many subtle
or useless details, such as the texture in the skin, belly button and more, had all
been glossed over. As for the male body part, it was there. Alloa had even made
it extremely grand.

Seeing this, Link chuckled. "Waynes will definitely thank you."

Alloa shrugged. "Maybe. Dark Elves are all small. I don't really like them."

Link continued investigating. This time, instead of looking at the outside, he

studied the inner details. After checking, he was very satisfied. "There are no
big problems, but some of the sensory runes should be more concentrated, such
as the fingertips, tongue, and lips. This will greatly improve the user

He made revisions as he spoke.

Link was a man, so he obviously knew the characteristics of a male body. His
thought process was much faster than before, so his enchantment progressed

One hour later, he'd perfected all the details of this flesh magic puppet. In the
end, he still not satisfied. His perfectionist habits kicked in, and so he decided to
add in all the useless details. He even created skin with an extremely realistic

Of course, he still ignored the body hair. It was too complicated and not needed
at all.

After he fixed everything, Alloa looked at it and shrugged. "Now, it looks no

different from a real body. He will definitely thank you."

"Haha, I owe him."

At the end, Link specially created a spatial ring and put the magic puppet inside.
He also put in some clothes and said, "Alloa, I'm going to go find him now. My
notes are on the table. You can continue studying."

Hearing this, Alloa's eyes brightened. "Of course. I can't wait."

Link took the spatial ring and left the Mage Tower. He was a lord now and had
a high status. If people recognized him outside, there would be a lot of bowing.
It was troublesome. If commoners saw him, he would probably get surrounded
too. Therefore, after walking down the corridor for a while, Link used a
Dimensional Jump.

White light flashed, and he appeared on the roof of some house thousands of
feet away. After half a second, there was another flash, and he was outside the

Here, he closed his eyes. He tilted his head up and sniffed. A few seconds later,
Link felt a familiar scent coming from the northwest.

Still in the same place? Link hurried over to the seaside cave.

He could sense Waynes' existence because Link was highly sensitive but also
because Waynes didn't purposely hide his strength. Otherwise, Link wouldn't be
able to feel anything from this distance no matter how sensitive he was.

The suburbs of Ferde were now all farmland. He would see villages every now
and then. To avoid freaking out the farmers, Link would choose to go through
the most remote place. If he couldn't avoid it, he would use a Dimensional

Scorched Ridge wasn't far from the sea. Link arrived at the cave a bit more than
ten minutes later.

He looked left and right but couldn't find Waynes. After sensing his aura, Link
walked to a patch of sand before the cave. He kicked the sand around and
revealed a white skeletal head.

"Old guy, wake up," Link teased.

"Let me sleep a bit more." Waynes didn't move.

"I brought a gift for you." Link took out the spatial ring.

The sand moved aside, and a bony hand reached out. "Let me see."

Link handed the spatial ring over, gently putting it over the skeletal finger.

The hand retracted. After around five seconds, there was a whoosh. Waynes
shot up. "You finished it!" His voice was always monotone, but there was a
slight tremor now.

Link chuckled. "Why don't you try it?"

"Of course. I've waited for so long!" Waynes "hopped" out of the sand. As he
walked to the cave, he did a skeletal dance.

Around three minutes later, a bald, middle-aged man stumbled out of the cave.
Not caring at all that he was nude, he came to the beach and took a deep breath.
"Ah, the smell of the ocean wind."

Then he ran clumsily to the sea. He took in a mouthful of seawater and then spat
it out. "The bitter seawater. I haven't tasted it in so long."

After that, he sat on the ground. Ignoring Link's presence, he started

masturbating. After a while, he looked up at Link. "Not bad. It's much better
than what I had before… I want to find a girl now."

It was understandable. "Put on your clothes, and we'll go walk around the pier."

"No problem."

Waynes threw on his clothes and stood up. He and Link walked towards the
busy pier in the near distance.

At first, Waynes wasn't used to the body and walked very slowly. After a couple
hundred feet, he became familiar with it and didn't act any differently from the

They chatted on the road.

"I heard the workers say that you've become a Legendary Magician. I didn't
believe it, but now I see it's true. Your power is a bit strange. It's like a

Link chuckled. "It is Dragon Power indeed, and I got it from a pure coincidence.
What about you? I see that you've become stronger too."

Waynes had been at Level-7, but now, his Mana had reached Level-8. He
nodded, but there was no joy in his face. "This isn't a good thing," he muttered.
"I'm afraid something has happened to Firuman."

Waynes had been alive for more than 1000 years. No one was more
knowledgeable than him, and he instantly felt something wrong.

Link didn't hold anything back. He recounted everything that had happened in
the Dragon Valley and Golden Plains. At the end, he said, "This was the scheme
of an exiled god. According to him, if the crack continues expanding, Firuman
won't exist in 20 years."

"This is a big problem." Waynes tsked. Looking at Link, he asked, "Then you
should've received the Emerald Circle's invitation, right?"

"Yes. I'll go to the Dragon Valley in half a month."

"That's good. There have been many similar disasters throughout history, but
the Emerald Circle solved it all. It should be the same this time… Ah, my life
has only just begun. I don't want to just live for 20 more years."

The two quickly arrived at the pier. It had transformed completely, with many
buildings extending towards the Scorched City. After a few more years, it would
be connected to the city.

Business was flourishing here as well. There were inns, restaurants, brothels,
casinos, and much more. Merchants, adventurers, and tourists from all over the
world walked to and fro, converging in the pier. One could see all races on the

They found a classy restaurant called Fresh and Beautiful Seafood, and they
walked in.
"Test the tongue I specifically improved for you. It can taste all the delicacies in
the world."

"I'm already hungry at the smell." Waynes laughed heartily.

The two sat down at a window seat. Link was prepared to call the server over,
but Waynes suddenly grasped his hand.

"What's wrong?" Link flinched.

"Look at that guy. Don't look too hard. Just glance." Waynes moved his lips
towards somewhere in the restaurant.

Link looked over. He saw a young man sitting there, chatting with a beautiful
girl. The man was quite handsome, but he didn't have any powerful aura. He
was probably just a regular rich guy.

The only characteristic was the ring on his finger. It seemed wrong, but he
couldn't tell what exactly was wrong.

Looking away, Link asked Waynes quietly, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. It's just a guess," Waynes replied in a low voice. "Look at his ring.
I saw it 800 years ago. At that time, it belonged to a Legendary High Elf

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Chapter 422: All Experts in Love

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In order to not seem strange, Link ordered some food from the server.

This place was quite far from Scorched City, and he'd cast an Invisibility spell
on his Assassin's Robe. He wasn't that attractive either, so no one recognized
While waiting for his food, Link snapped his fingers and activated a small-scale
Soundproof Barrier.

Vance started introducing the young man's ring. "It's a bit far, and I can't tell if
it's a replica or the real thing. Eight hundred years ago, this ring was called
'Gewell's Hidden Seal.' It was used for disguises. Not only could it completely
cover one's aura, but it could also replicate someone else's Mana aura."

"Why did he make that ring?" Link asked curiously. "To be a thief?"

Vance nodded. "Yes."

Link arched an eyebrow. "Please explain." It was interesting for a Legendary

Magician to become a thief.

"Apparently, Magician Gewell made a bet with his friend that he could sneak
into the Dragon Valley and steal something from the Red Dragon Queen's
bedroom. Then he made this Hidden Seal and did it. More importantly, he
actually succeeded. The dragons were obviously furious, thinking that Gewell
had humiliated their queen. To resolve this, the High Elf Queen personally

A server brought some alcohol over. Vance quickly poured a cup for him and
gulped it down. He sighed in satisfaction. "This is the taste of life."

Link's interest was piqued. He continued to ask, "What exactly did Gewell

"I don't know, but it was a big event. I was living in the underground palace by
the sea and saw a 200-foot-long dragon fly towards the Isle of Dawn with my
own eyes. Tsk, Gewell was even imprisoned by the High Elf Queen for ten
years because of this. The queen sold his Hidden Seal too. I saw it on the black
market once and made a note of it."

Link grew curious about the young man too. He wanted to know if the man's
ring was real or not. If it was fake, there would be no problem. But if it was real,
he was definitely in Ferde for a reason.

He couldn't alarm the man because he didn't know how powerful someone with
a Legendary ring could be.
Thinking for a bit, Link reached out and formed a circle with his thumb and
forefinger. He guided his power out and the light between his fingers distorted.
Link glanced at his fingers. The young man's image appeared in it.

His movement was hidden, and no power waves appeared. Even Vance, sitting
across from him, didn't notice anything. This was a small achievement Link
made after creating the spell Despair.

In the image, the young man was also waiting for the server to bring the food.
He seemed to be telling a joke, making the girl giggle. After a while, Link didn't
find anything interesting and canceled the spell for now.

The server brought over the food just then. It was a tasty cuttlefish broth. Vance
took in the smell and sighed deeply. "It's been so many years. I must eat well
today." He spooned the milky broth and sipped before sighing again. "My
tongue is going to melt. This is the greatest enjoyment of life."

Hearing this, Link smiled. He knew that Vance didn't have any money, so he
pushed over a bulging pouch. "Here. The money inside is enough for you to live
well for a few days. If you're interested, you can come to my Mage Tower after

"Heh, you know me well." Vance drank another mouthful and accepted the gold
coins. "I'll help you."

With that, he stood up.

"What are you doing?" Link didn't understand.

Vance smirked. Without explaining, he walked towards that young man. When
he got there, he smiled at the girl across from the handsome young man and
asked, "Miss, may I enjoy dinner with you?"

"Hey, what are you doing?" The young man arched an eyebrow.

Vance ignored him and continued looking intently at the girl. His clothes were
prepared by Link. Though subtle, the material was expensive black velvet and
clearly worn by the upper class. His temperament was mature and reliable. It
was extremely effective with the ladies.
As expected, not only was the girl not upset, she even looked interested. "But I
don't know you," she said.

Vance smiled. He suddenly extended the hand that had been behind his back.
There was a pure gold rose in his hand now. "My name is Vance. What is your
name, miss?"

He was a master at enchantments, around the same level as Link. The rose he
created was realistic and beautiful. It instantly mesmerized the girl.

"Oh, my name is Anna." The girl kept staring at the rose. Not only was it
beautiful, but it was also pure gold.

"Then, Anna, now we know each other. May I have the honor of inviting you to
dinner with me?"

"Umm…" She looked to the young man with some hesitation. But the hesitation
only lasted three seconds before she smiled and said, "Okay."

The young man couldn't believe this. "Hey, Anna, how can you do this?"

Anna sighed sadly. "Borote, we only met by coincidence. Now, I'm more
interested in this gentleman."

No man could stand having his girl get taken away. With a whoosh, the man
named Borote shot up and glared at Vance. "Hey, old man, you're pushing it."

Vance shook his head. "No, no, this is Anna's own choice. I respect her choice.
If she isn't willing, I won't force her." As he spoke, he handed the rose to Anna
and smiled. "This is for you, beauty."

The girl smiled sweetly. "Thank you."

Vance reached out, and she naturally hooked her arm around his. They ignored
the young man and turned to leave.

When they went past Link, Vance secretly made a hand gesture. There were two
First, The man's ring is real. Be careful. The second was, This girl is pretty
good. I have a companion tonight, so you don't have to worry about me.

Link nodded, and Vance walked past with a cheery smile. "I have a mansion in
Scorched Ridge," he said gently. "It's missing a woman in charge."

This shameless guy turned out to be an expert at flirting… Link pretended he

didn't hear anything and continued observing the young man.

Livid, the man exhaled deeply and forced it down. He sat down and drank some
wine. Then he walked out.

Link didn't move. His spells could now reach 1000 feet. Even if the man walked
out of the restaurant, he could still distort light and follow him.

He watched as the man walked to the street and looked left and right. After a
while, he seemed to get interested in another girl and walked over to chat. A
while later, he held hands with the girl and returned to the restaurant.

"Lily, you're as beautiful as the stars in the sky," he complimented the girl.
"When I first saw you, my entire world brightened…"

This girl was even more innocent than Anna and blushed profusely at the
praises. She seemed to have never entered a high-class restaurant before. After
entering, she looked around in cautious wonder.

After sitting down, the man started telling the same joke he'd told Anna. The
girl named Lily kept giggling.

Link realized that the man was planning something and the girl was going to be
his cover. However, he was someone who could get a Legendary Magician's
ring. Why would he disguise himself and come to Ferde?

Link was curious. He enjoyed his meal while observing. After around half an
hour, the man was already getting affectionate with Lily and started feeding
each other… Alright, they started kissing. This guy was a love expert too!

A while later, he left with the girl.

This time, Link followed too, but he didn't follow too closely. Using the
distorted light spell, he stayed a block away.

The young man brought the girl shopping. After walking for a bit, he walked
into a tailor shop to buy the girl some clothes. Then, they went to the jeweler
and bought suitable accessories. He was spending as if he was made of money.

When they left the jeweler, Link could tell the girl had completely fallen for the
man. She looked at him with eyes full of wonder and called him "my dear

Yes, the young man had called himself Borote earlier. Now, he was Wally.
Clearly, Wally was an alias too.

After that, the girl brought Wally into her own home. Link followed, obviously.
The girl's parents were local farmers and lived average lives. "Wally" took out
50 gold coins and they were instantly won over, allowing their daughter to be
with him.

Without wasting time, Wally got in a carriage and drove towards Scorched City.
He claimed that he had a mansion in Scorched Ridge.

He was quite a fast learner.

Link just wanted to know why this man went through all this trouble just to get
a girl into a carriage with him.

After following him all this time, he had figured out the man's skills. He was
quite powerful. Judging from his steps, he was probably a Level-6 thief.
Someone like him couldn't threaten Scorched Ridge.

In that case, Link decided not to uncover him. He followed behind to see what
the man could do.

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Chapter 423: Someone Behind the Scenes?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Night, Scorched Ridge

The young man's carriage rolled slowly into Scorched City. It kept going
forward and finally passed through the inner city walls, driving into Scorched

Naturally, Link followed.

It was already getting late—around seven at night. In order to not worry Celine,
Link teleported to the Mage Tower's main room.

In the tower, Celina wore loose pajamas. She was curled up on a chaise, reading
a book without interest. Seeing Link come in, she lazily set it down and said,
"Alloa said you went to find Waynes. How was it?"

Link chuckled. "He's doing great. Come, put your clothes on. I'll take you to see
something interesting."

Celine had been bored and was instantly excited. She grabbed her clothes, and a
few seconds later, she was dressed properly. "I'm done. Let's go!"

Link held her hand and activated the Dimensional Jump again. An instant later,
the two appeared in the loft of the Scorched Ridge Inn hundreds of feet away.
The attic was very small, and no one lived in it. The ground was covered in
dust; the corners had spider webs.

"Cleaning Spell!"

Link waved his wand slightly. There was a whoosh, and the dust and spider
webs disappeared. Then Link crouched before the window. "Come," he said
mysteriously. "Do you see the carriage down there?"

Celine was intrigued by Link. She crept over and crouched beside Link.
Looking out, she saw an average black carriage drive slowly towards the inn.

"It looks normal." Celine didn't understand. There were so many of these
carriages in Scorched City.
Link froze and suddenly understood Celine's response. He whispered the
message from the pier to Celine. Then he chuckled and said, "I don't know what
this thief is thinking. He tricked a girl, bought her clothes and jewelry, and
brought her all the way to Scorched Ridge."

Celine was even more interested. "That's strange."

So the two squatted inside the inn's attic quietly, watching the carriage drive
over. It stopped at the inn's entrance. The first to descend was the handsome
youth. He had changed into handsome black formal wear. After getting out, he
reached in and helped the girl out the carriage.

Seeing this, Celine commented, "What a handsome young man. He's not like
someone that I have to look really closely to find on the street."

Link chuckled. He'd have to teach this girl a lesson when they got back. His
attention returned to the young man. Looking at him now, Link was slightly
shocked. "That's strange," he whispered.

"What's wrong?" Celine felt that the man and woman were both attractive, but
she couldn't see what was wrong. There were tons of people like them in the
Scorched City.

"There's something wrong with the man," Link explained. "At the pier, he didn't
have any aura. He was just like a regular person. But sense carefully now."

Hearing that, Celine composed herself and felt for the man's aura. A few
seconds later, she frowned too. "I feel that he's a Magician now—and a strong
one, at that. He's at least Level-5."

The man seemed to be only 23 years old. If someone that young could be at
Level-5, he could count as a top genius in Firuman. Of course, excluding Link,
the outlier.

That wasn't all that shocked Celine. She continued quietly, "His aura is
disguised. If you didn't realize beforehand, would you be able to tell the

Link shook his head. "I can't either. I would think that he has extremely
sophisticated Mana talent."
"If even you can't find the flaw, then the other Magicians definitely can't. Is he
disguised as a Magician to sneak into the Mage Tower?" Celine deduced.

"It's possible, but that's just a guess. Let's keep watching."

Now, the man and woman had entered the inn and the attic's blind spot. Link
cast Spatial Distortion and focused one end on the attic's window. The other end
followed the young man.

After doing that, Link placed a rug on the ground. "Let's take our time

Celine sat down beside him, leaning into his arms.

In the projection on the window, the young man paid the money as needed. He
got a room on the third floor, and he brought the dazed girl into the room.

Inside, he closed the door. The thief seemed relieved, and he started talking to
the girl. It was clear that it wasn't a happy conversation. But finally, the girl was
convinced, and she nodded.

Link couldn't hear their voices through the spell, but he could decipher the
content by reading their lips.

As he watched, his brows furrowed.

"What is he saying?" Celine asked.

"The thief said that there's a small Magician's meeting in Scorched Ridge
tomorrow. He's going to bring the girl with him. He said that he wants to learn
magic and that he knows a formal Magician called Edmund. He wants the girl to
pleasure him and persuade Edmund to let him enter the Mage Tower to learn."

Celine frowned at that. "How did he persuade her to do this?"

Link shrugged. "Money, threats and some lovelies… This thief is very
despicable, and the girl has a weak personality. That's what he's taking
advantage of."

Celine was furious. "I want to shoot him in the face!"

Link waved his hand. "Don't get impatient. Since we discovered him, he won't
have a good ending. Right now, I want to know about Edmund. According to
the thief, this Edmund is in my Mage Tower, and he holds a position. Do you
know him?"

Celine thought deeply. After a long while, she said uncertainly, "I might've
heard the name before… Let me think… Oh, I think he's a low-level Magician. I
think he's a registrar in the tower, in charge of Magician Apprentices. I heard
that he really likes girls, especially virgins. However, he hasn't done anything
bad yet. I'm really busy, so I didn't pay attention to him."

"I see." Link nodded. He looked at the young man and said, "He probably wants
to sneak into the Mage Tower to steal something. But I don't have anything in
there, other than some low-level books. Is anything worth a Level-6 thief with a
Legendary ring to steal?"

Celine was speechless. She eyed Link. "There are so many precious things. You
don't know after you became famous for being a Legendary Magician, it spread
all over the continent. Many Magicians came for you, wanting to learn magic
from you."

"Oh, really?" Link scratched his head. It was unbelievable. He'd been focusing
on his spatial thesis these days and hadn't paid attention.

"Of course. And the Mage Tower isn't empty like you said. There are many
valuable things inside. Disregarding everything else, your magic notes are
priceless. It's enough for the most talented thief to come steal, but you just toss
it on the table. I have to put it away for you every day."

"Oh. But they can't read it… Oh, they'll just sell it for money. Someone would
be able to read it." Link realized his mistake.

He was now a famous Magician at the Legendary level. Even his clothes and
utensils could probably be sold for a fortune. If someone really stole his notes, it
could be worth a whole city.

In reality, the notes weren't much to Link. All his knowledge was ingrained
deeply in his mind. The notes were just extra help, and so he overlooked its
Thinking of this, he suddenly had another question. "This thief is very average,
but his ring isn't. I don't know where he got it from. Maybe he has someone
behind him."

"Would it be some important Magician behind this?" Celine guessed.

Link thought about it. "It's possible. If this person exists, he must be our enemy.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have to do this. He can just come find me."

"Should we catch him now?" Celine asked.

Link shook his head. "No. Let the thief come steal it. I want to use him to find
the man behind him. We can also see what kind of loopholes are in our Mage

Someone who had a Legendary ring that could fool Link was definitely not a
simple man.

Who could it be?

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Chapter 424: A Book Thief as Expected

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mage Tower

The next morning, Link sat in a corner of the second-floor hall. Rylai sat across
from him. He was answering the questions that she'd accumulated these days.

Rylai studied water magic but was only around Level-2 or Level-3. Link could
understand the theory at a glance. He was learning and teaching at the same

There were other Magicians in the hall. Though they were reading their own
books, they also listened secretly. It was low-level magic, but it still felt
different when spoken from the mouth of a Legendary Magician.
No Magician wanted to miss this chance. They were also extremely jealous of
Rylai who could be personally advised by Link.

Rylai had a lot of questions, but Link answered them all within the hour. Then
he said, "Rylai, I need to tell you something."

This was a private matter, so Link activated a barrier that covered them.

"Tutor, please tell me." Rylai was a bit nervous.

"I might be busy later and won't have much time to help you…"

Rylai froze. She stared at Link, her eyes already turning red and filling with
tears. "Tutor, you don't want me anymore?"

Link didn't expect she would react so badly and was caught off-guard. "Oh, no,
no. I just found you a new tutor for now. When I have time, I'll take over again.
You know her too. It's my tutor, Herrera. I already wrote her a letter, and she

Rylai was only 13 years old and followed him around, switching between tutors.
Link was truly irresponsible as the true tutor. More importantly, Link knew that
his personality wasn't good for being a teacher. He wasn't as patient and detailed
as Herrera. He would only let his student down.

Hearing that she would learn with Herrera, Rylai was comforted. She'd stayed in
Herrera's Mage Tower for a while and really liked this lady. She still wasn't very
happy though. "Okay," she mumbled.

Link reached out to pet her head. "Don't worry," he coaxed. "I already arranged
everything. In her Mage Tower, you can use the Elemental Pool for 25 hours
and 1,000 gold coins' worth of alchemy material every week. After you get
there, you can still write letters to me if you have questions. I'll reply after I
receive them… Study well, kid."

"Thank you, Tutor." Rylai knew the benefits of these and was grateful, but she
still didn't want to leave. She lowered her head, still feeling down.
Link took out a spatial bracelet and put it around the girl's slender wrist. "Take
this. It's my gift to you. I've arranged a guard for you too. You can leave

The spatial bracelet contained gold coins for everyday use and some magic
tools. Most importantly, there was a book of basic spells that Link had written.

Looking down at the beautiful bracelet, Rylai's tears fell uncontrolled. She
really didn't want to leave. Here, she could occasionally see her tutor. When she
went to Aunt Herrera's, the meetings would be very rare.

Biting her lip, she swore inwardly, Tutor, I'll become a great Magician!

Link was affected too. He would feel unmoved if it were anyone else but Rylai
had always been with him. All this time, he'd treated the girl as his daughter.
Seeing her so sad now, he felt sad too.

He tapped his finger lightly, and the Magician's Hand wiped Rylai's tears away.
Link smiled and said, "Come, I'll tell you about the morphological changes of
water today."

They then began focusing on magic.

The next day, Link brought Rylai to Lannie's small airship. They were only 50
miles from the East Cove Magic Academy, and they could reach it within ten
minutes. The airship could fly almost two miles high; this elevation was very

Before leaving, Lannie cutely did a military salute to Link. "Don't worry,
Magician. Lannie is the best pilot!"

"Just go." Link chuckled at that.

Click. The airship's cover went into place, and it soared into the sky. Link
watched it leave and then turned to go back. After a while, his eye twitched. He
saw the thief.
He was walking towards the Mage Tower. When he saw Link, he quickly
moved to the side and bowed respectfully just like the other Magicians.

Link pretended he didn't see the man and walked to the Mage Tower. At the top
level, he found Celine.

"He's here. Did you arrange everything?"

"Of course. I already warned Edmund. He won't do anything to the girl," Celine
said with a smile. "Your new magic notes are prepared as well. There are two
copies. One is with Alloa, and the other is in the enchantment room. We're just
waiting for him to steal it."

She wasn't sure if the man would definitely steal the notes, but it was the most
valuable thing in the Mage Tower. It wouldn't hurt to be safe.

Link nodded. "Then let's wait."

For the next few days, Link didn't read books as usual. He started to make a
smaller fire gun for Celine for short-range use, as well as new bullets. He also
improved the big fire gun. Its usage wasn't changed, but its power was increased
by two levels. It could now break through Level-9 defenses.

With Link's skills now, he sped through the small fire gun. Within two days, he
created a pair of small Epic fire guns. It was similar to a pistol from earth, but
because it was covered in runes, it looked mysterious, ancient and magical.

After that, Link started on the bullets. He wasn't overly flashy this time, and the
new bullets were as simple as possible. He also created a magic tool to produce
bullets. After adding the material and Mana, ten perfect bullets would jump out
within two seconds after a crank. He didn't have to keep wasting time.

The only drawback of this magic tool was that it had high requirements for
power. Only Legendary power could activate it.

Link didn't care; he had too much Dragon Power. Crank, crank. The sounds
continued for three whole days. During these three days, Link used up
equipment worth more than one million gold coins. He created 4000 bullets for
the big fire gun, 8000 for the smaller gun, and more than 20,000 training bullets.
When Celine saw these, her eyes widened in joy. "I can train all I want now."

"That's not all." Smiling, Link took out the two smaller fire guns.

"These are so pretty," Celine commented.

She could tell the use of these guns at a glance. Taking them, she studied them.
One gun's body was dark blue and carved with dark gold runes. The other was
dark red with silver runes.

The two guns looked simple yet obscure. There was also a cold sense of danger.
Celine fell in love immediately and wouldn't let go. Turning them around, she
fell even more in love the more she looked at them. She felt that every detail
was flawless and unbelievably intricate.

"What are they called?" Celine asked.

Link smiled. "I haven't named them yet. I was waiting for you."

"Let me think." Celine cocked her head, finger prodding her forehead. After a
few seconds, she smiled. "Here, the dark one is called Link, and the silver one is
Celine. Hehe, what do you think?"

Link was stunned by this weird naming style, but it was interesting. He took the
guns and used a rune-like font to engrave these names. Looking at the guns
again, the information in his vision changed.


Double Magic Guns

Top Epic

Effect: This pair of fire guns can shoot extremely powerful bullets up to 300
feet. Within this range, it has high precision and can break through Level-9

(Note: Eternal companions)

With these small guns for short-range battles and the big fire gun's long-range
attacks, Celine could completely destroy demons like the Fodor Flaming

Just then, Link felt something. A security rune had been activated. Link waved
his hand, and a three-dimensional image appeared in the air showing Alloa's

She wasn't here today; she'd gone to ask Vance about magic. Speaking of
Vance, Link could only describe him as an old pervert.

Maybe it was due to being restricted for too long, but after this guy got a house
in Scorched Ridge, he brought different girls back every day. Fortunately, he
had a bottom line too. Each woman was a fair trade. They were both willing,
and he would pay up. Other than getting a bad image, he didn't cause any

Anyway, the thief snuck into Alloa's room while she wasn't there.

In the image, the guy crept forward and carefully looked around. Finally, he got
to the notes that Link had faked.

Even though it was fake, it was covered in obscure runes and had a strange
Mana aura. It looked totally real.

The thief flipped through. Eyes flashing, he hurried out. He went straight to the
exit, getting ready to escape.

Here, Link kissed Celine's forehead and smiled. "I'm going to follow him."

"Okay… be careful," Celine reminded. For some reason, she felt scared.

"Don't worry. I'm not alone." Link cast an Invisibility spell and crept out. At the
door, he waved his hand lightly. Felina walked over and followed him.

Felina was a mid-Level-8 Dragon Warrior, basically a top Warrior. More

importantly, the two could help each other.

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Chapter 425: The High Elves Get Involved

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"How is he so brave?" Felina stared at the thief's back in shock.

A Level-6 thief dared to disguise himself, enter a Legendary Magician's Mage

Tower, and steal Link's magic notes. The amount of guts he had was crazy.

Felina was now very interested in him.

It was now six in the evening. The sun had just gone down, and there was still
some dying light on the flatland. People walked to and fro on the streets of
Scorched Ridge. It was still very lively.

The thief walked out of the Mage Tower and onto the streets. He smiled and
waved at some Magician's Apprentices that he knew and continued forward.

Reaching an area, he stood at the street corner and talked to the driver of a
carriage on the side of the road. Deciding on a price, he climbed in.

The carriage started moving down the avenue from Scorched Ridge to the port.

"He's going to the port." Felina was about to speed up and pursue him.

"Come back." Link walked up and stopped her.

"Why?" Felina didn't understand.

"He didn't get on the carriage. Come with me," Link explained as he walked.
"There's no one in the carriage, but there must be a magical object radiating with
a similar aura. It should be a rune stone while the thief used the Invisibility

Also invisible, the two walked along the wall to where the carriage had been.
Link pointed at a footprint in the mud. "Look, he walked that way. The thief is
very alert and most likely sensed someone following him."

As he spoke, Link cast the Clear Sign Spell.

All insignificant signals, such as the chatter around them, clattering of hooves,
and rumbling of carriages all disappeared. All that remained in Link's eyes was
the very faint footprints on the ground and the wisp of aura in the air.

He followed it, and Felina stayed close to him.

"He kept to the wall just like us… Wait, he got rid of the magic aura. Now he's
an average person… Look, he appeared."

The thief reappeared 150 feet away.

He had transformed. His Magician's robe from earlier had turned into light
leather armor. His hair that had been in a ponytail was now down. With his
change in aura as well, he now seemed completely average.

Felina was so shocked. "Link, are you sure it's him. I don't think so."

"It's him. His body shape, the way he walks, and his body odor haven't changed
at all. Can't you smell it?" Link found it strange. They were both dragons now.
Felina should be very sensitive.

Felina shrugged. "There are too many people on the street with too many smells.
How can I distinguish it? Anyway, your Dragon Power is more than ten times
stronger than mine."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But it's him. Speed up before he can disguise himself again." By
the end, Link's tone became more rushed.

The thief walked to an intersection and turned left. At the same time, Link felt
that the aura he'd been following disappeared. At the same time, there was a
blinding smell of garlic. With that smell, Link couldn't distinguish the thief's
body odor at all.

The two ran to the intersection, but the thief was gone.

Felina gasped. "He disappeared completely. He's quite talented!"

Link lost him as well, but he wasn't worried. With the help of the spell, he
circled this place and finally stopped before a mansion's wall.
"Look, this brick is strange. Look at its veins." Link pointed at a brick.

Felina looked over. There was fine black dirt on the brick. There was a broken
rock at the corner. It was the result of some powerful force.

"He went up to the roof?" Felina looked up. "He put his foot here and another
step here… According to the force, he must have gone up to the roof."

Link didn't rush the conclusion. He continued looking and five seconds later, he
said, "Look at the indent in the dark corner. There are some fingerprints. He
made it with his thumb. The power is highly condensed. The force of that hit
was enough to propel him 65 feet upward… Good, he didn't go onto the roof.
Instead, he flew past that house. Look, there's a new footprint there."

Felina followed Link over. They went into a small alley, and she saw some fresh
footprints on the stone ground. It was clear these footprints were used for
unloading power. Some of the stone had crumbled.

This time, the thief seemed to think that he'd completely lost his pursuers. The
footprints on the ground became obvious. They reached into the alley until they
disappeared again, reappearing on the defense wall of Scorched Ridge.

"He climbed out," Felina said.

"Yes." Link nodded. Felina grabbed the cracks in the wall to climb out, but Link
waved his hand. "No need to do that."

Link pressed against the wall and scratched some spatial runes with his fingers.
Then he added Dragon Power and slammed against the wall.

With a poof, the wall turned into a wave-like ripple. Then there was a crack, and
an opening appeared. It was very strange. It looked like a splashing wave. There
were glowing transparent ripples around it while the wall surrounding it was
undamaged. It was intriguing.

At the same time, many translucent threads appeared in Link's hands. They
connected to the spatial ripples around the magic door.

"The Spatial Door is a small spell. Let's go."

The two walked into the wall. Link closed his fist and the threads grouped
together. The glow disappeared too. With a whoosh, the hole created by the
strange power closed seamlessly again. There was no sign of destruction on the

Felina glanced over. She was numb to Link's tricks now. This human Magician's
power was skyrocketing towards an incomprehensible territory. She couldn't
understand it anymore.

Outside the city walls, it was much easier to pursue. There were no stone roads
anymore. Instead, there were dirt roads. Footprints were easier to see.

"Ah, it smells." Felina's clean face scrunched up like a dried orange peel. She
waved a hand before her nose.

It couldn't be helped. There was waste all over from horses, sheep, and even
humans. There were cleaners, but they weren't effective. All the residents of
Scorched City were refugees, and most were farmers. They weren't completely
accustomed to city life yet. Dumping their toilets onto the street was a common
thing because that was what they did in their villages.

Link also made a face. They followed the footprints and walked forward.

Around the middle of the city, Link suddenly said, "The thief sensed danger
again. He's started to speed up. Let's speed up too… I'll cast the Levitation Spell
for you."

Felina had been hopping around on her tiptoes so she wouldn't step onto horse
waste. Link got tired of seeing it, so he helped her float. Then, he used the
Magician's Hand to lead her forward quickly.

They soon left the city and entered the suburbs.

"He went towards the port. There's probably someone waiting," Felina said.

"Probably. Don't let him escape on a ship."

Link sped up as well. Here, Felina didn't have to worry about feces anymore.
She started sprinting behind Link.
The thief became cautious again in the suburbs. There weren't many traces left
behind; he even added some fake ones.

Link and Felina were fast, but they had to keep stopping to check for the marks.
Thus, they didn't catch up with the thief.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the port.

Link looked forward. He saw a blurry black shadow jump onto a merchant ship
that was slowly leaving the port.

It was obviously strange to leave the port at night.

"He's escaping!" Felina saw it and sped up.

Link wasn't worried. He formed circles with his two thumbs and forefingers.
The air inside the circle blurred and formed a two-sided Spatial Lens. Link
overlapped them before his eyes, creating a high magnification telescope.

He looked closely at the figure with his telescope. After three seconds, he said,
"The thief left but his magic notes disappeared."

Felina stopped. "You mean he was purposely distracting us and making us chase

In order to pretend to be an apprentice, the thief didn't bring any tools or spatial
storage gear. He put the notes on him after getting it. Link saw it clearly when
he left the Mage Tower.

But now, something felt wrong when he saw the thief jump onto the ship. He
made a telescope to check and confirmed that the thief had transferred the notes.

Link's thoughts whirred. A few seconds later, he said, "Felina, here. You follow
the thief but don't catch up. Stay back."

"Understood." Felina knew what Link wanted. The thief had transferred the
notes so somebody must be on the other end. By chasing the thief, the other
would think she was fooled by the thief and think he was safe. Link would hide
and catch him.
Felina sped up and rushed to the ship.

Link remained invisible. He crept forward in the shadows. Following the thief's
marks, he walked around 1000 feet and reached the cargo storage area.

Here, the cargo was piled up like mountains. Some had just been taken off ships
while others were going to be put on ships. It was a mess.

Closer, Link could feel the tracking rune he put on the notes. In order to not
catch the thief's attention, it was very weak. He could barely use it to track the
notes. But at a close distance, Link could feel it clearly.

He didn't go take it. Instead, he found a hidden corner and started waiting

Three hours passed. It was now around ten o'clock. The bustling port had
quieted down, and the pedestrians lessened. Just then, an average-looking
worker walked over. He looked side to side nervously.

When he got to the cargo storage area, he felt around and then left. Link could
see clearly that he was holding something. He also contained the notes' aura.

Link still didn't appear because it was obvious the worker was cannon fodder.
Someone must have paid him to do something. He didn't know what he was
holding at all. Link didn't startle him. He just followed the worker from afar.

The worker kept walking forward and left the port. He walked to the highland
beside the port. There was a lighthouse there. He got to the lighthouse and took
out the papers, placing them in the crack between two rocks.

After that, he ran back to the port as fast as he could.

Link waited patiently. Three minutes later, a shadow walked out from behind
the lighthouse. It was thin and tall with pointed ears. When the shadow got
closer, Link could see her porcelain-white skin and fine features. She had a
unique elemental aura about her.

She was a High Elf—one that had just left the Isle of Dawn.

Things were getting complicated.

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Chapter 426: Former Traitor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The High Elf before him looked like a 23- or 24-year-old human. Since High
Elves had twice the lifespan, she should be around 40 years old.

As for looks, High Elves all had delicate features. Link felt that she was pretty.
She wore the dark green robe with golden designs that High Elf Magicians
wore. Her forehead was adorned with a leafy frontlet that High Elves loved. Her
power aura was fleeting but very obscure. It should be around Level-9.

This meant that this young High Elf was somehow a Level-9 Nature Magician.

Even if the Mana density had been rising and it was easier for Magicians to
level up, Level-9 was still very high. As far as Link knew, even the High Elf
Queen hadn't reached the Legendary level.

So this was definitely someone in the upper class of the High Elves. But why
would someone like that come to steal his notes?

Link didn't want to believe it.

Whether it was from the queen and Princess Milda's personalities or the High
Elves in the game, this was a proud and restrained race. They might do some
small tricks, but they would only do so when they couldn't reach their goal with
regular tactics. Usually, they would exchange fairly.

If the High Elves gave Link a magic book in exchange for his notes, he would
definitely agree. Milda had also said that she always carried Legendary magic
books with her. This meant that the High Elves had sufficient Legendary

If they could use regular methods to get it, why would they steal it? Wouldn't
they lose all dignity if discovered?
Link didn't understand, so he didn't hurry out. He just watched from the

Below the lighthouse, the High Elf picked up the magic book and read carefully.
At first, she was very serious. After a while, her brows knitted. She stabbed
forward with her hands and light appeared, burning the book to dust.

She looked up and said to the air, "The book is fake. I'm sure you came, right?
Stop hiding and come out."

There was no point in hiding anymore. Link walked out of the shadows. He
stopped around 100 feet away and said, "I don't understand."

The woman sneered. "You are just a lowly human. Three thousand years ago,
you were still our slaves. Mundane blood flows in your veins. You think that
you know my race well just because you learned some magic and know Milda?
Let me tell you; you know nothing!"

Her words were pure insults without any logic. She was venting her feelings.
But because of these vile words, the pretty High Elf instantly turned ugly.

If she wasn't a High Elf Magician, Link would cast a Spatial Rend immediately
to let her know the consequence of humiliating a Legendary Magician.
However, she was an upper-class High Elf. Someone like that would definitely
not steal a book for no reason. If he was going to punish her, he needed to know
the reason.

Of course, he couldn't not do anything either.

Relaxing his control of his Dragon Power, heat waves flared in the air 50 feet
around him with a whoosh. Crystal-red light spun like flames at the edge of the
waves. The Dragon Power covered Link's body and vaguely formed a dragon's

The apparition looked down on the High Elf like a god looking down on

"High Elf, watch your words!" Link's voice was dark and heavy, rumbling like
This was crushing power. The High Elf didn't expect Link's sudden outburst.
She paled and stumbled backwards, almost falling. However, what shocked
Link was that after she steadied herself, she still stared back at Link and

"Link, do you know who I am?"

Link furrowed his brows. He watched the High Elf, waiting for her to speak.

The High Elf puffed up her chest and took a deep breath. Facing Link's
Legendary might, she announced, "I am Ravenna. My mother is Ogna, and my
father is Lazun. My grandfather is Bryant. If you dare harm me, you will pay
greatly for it. Your Ferde Territory will definitely turn into ash!"

"Ravenna? The Prophet Bryant?" Link as shaken by these two names. He'd
heard of them in the game; they were all famous figures.

The first was the most infamous High Elf traitor. Royal High Elf blood ran
through her veins. In the game, she'd joined the Light Army, but she looked
down on the other races, especially humans. She humiliated and beat her human
soldiers and had a horrible reputation in the army.

During a battle, her Magician legion was attacked by demons, and everyone else
died. They had protected her, so she survived and was taken captive. No one
knew what happened after that, but in the end, she appeared in a demon fortress
and became a boss.

She was a disgrace to the High Elves.

The other was Bryant, the Prophet. In the game, this character was very hidden
and rarely appeared before the players. Even if he did, he had a heavy cloak that
hid his face.

Other than his name, there was no direct evidence that he was related to the
human Magician Bryant from 300 years ago. The High Elves never revealed
Bryant's specific identity either.

But the players still determined his identity through various details. He was
probably that the former, the most powerful human.
Thinking of this, Link collected his Dragon Power. "That's strange. Three
hundred years ago, your grandfather was a Legendary human Magician too.
You also have human blood—"

"Shut up!" Ravenna roared. She waved her wand and green light shot towards
Link. It was a Level-7 Disassociation Ray. It was a cruel move.

Of course, this couldn't hurt Link. He felt when Ravenna started using her mind.
The instant the ray appeared, the space before Link already distorted and the ray
veered to the side.

This move was just an outburst, and Ravenna stopped after Link blocked it. "My
grandfather was blessed by the World Tree," she roared. "He was purified of
human blood long ago."

Link squinted. He realized that Ravenna was horrible at controlling her

emotions and she despised humans. Her arrogance actually stemmed from her
low self-esteem.

The reason was simple: Ravenna was a half-elf.

Faced with her personality, Link obviously wouldn't debate about the classes of
bloodlines with her. He collected his Dragon Power and said coldly, "No matter
what, thievery is shameful, and you must pay. As the lord of Ferde, I must
resolve this. Go back to Scorched Ridge with me, and I'll contact the High Elf
Queen for her suggestion."

If Ravenna was just curious and wanted to see his notes, Link would let her go
if she apologized now. He would pretend nothing had happened. At most, he
would just tell the High Elf Queen to watch her people.

But Ravenna was different. She came with negative intentions and was filled
with insults and disdain. Link had to get to the bottom of this. Otherwise, if
news of this spread, the High Elves would think he could be bullied.

"Never!" Ravenna didn't budge. She continued staring at Link with disdain. "I
will never step into a dirty human city. Your city is practically buried in feces.
Don't think I will step into it."

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice." Link was emotionless.

"Shallow!" Ravenna started stepping backwards. "I admit defeat that I couldn't
get your notes this time. But if you stop me from leaving, don't blame me if I
fight back. Others fear your power, but I don't."

Link didn't understand why she was still so stubborn. He frowned. "I will say
this one more time. Go back to Scorched Ridge with me."

"No, no, lowly human. You have no right to order me. I possess power you can't
even imagine. Don't force me to fight you." Ravenna was still retreating but had
slowed down. She seemed to be unwilling to fight as well.

This was understandable. Even though Ravenna was racist against humans, she
wasn't stupid enough to really anger a Legendary Magician.

It was obvious she didn't want to be discovered. She'd stolen the notes sneakily
and very cautiously disguised herself. Now that she was discovered, she wanted
to escape.

She was acting like a little kid—stubborn. She did whatever she wanted but
didn't want to take any responsibility when she failed.

Hearing this, Link remembered that her grandfather was Bryant. Maybe she
really did have some powerful magic tool. She wasn't really stable either and
could easily become uncontrollable. Considering all this, he decided to let her

This was an unhappy encounter, but he didn't have to push it to the extreme.

"Seeing as your grandfather helped me once, just go. Don't let me see you

Ravenna wasn't even grateful. "Heh," she mocked. "You coward." As she
retreated, she continued, "You won't tell the queen, right?"

Link shook his head. "Sorry, I must let her know."

Ravenna laughed. "Heh, you don't have evidence. No one will believe you."
Link chuckled. How could he make such a mistake? When he realized the thief
was a High Elf, he'd activated his memory crystal. But unexpectedly, Ravenna
realized this. She stopped.

"Give me your memory crystal."

"That's pushing it." Link narrowed his eyes. A flicker of anger had been lit
inside him.

Ravenna stopped speaking but also stopped retreating. A few seconds later, she
said, "It's meaningless to leave now. I'll go to Scorched Ridge with you."

"That is a wise choice. Follow me." Link didn't expect her to surrender. He
turned and started walking towards Scorched Ridge.

The moment he turned, he felt his heart tighten. There's danger…you're that
vicious?! That ignorant? You want to kill me when I'm not paying attention?

He realized this at once.

That moment, he also made a response. A thought flashed through his mind. I
was careless. She's not just scared of being humiliated after people find out
about this. There's most likely some other unspeakable reason!

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Chapter 427: Extremely Terrifying Way of Dying

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ferde Port, under the lighthouse

"Die!" Ravenna yelled behind Link.

At the same time, Link felt the space behind him shake. Then there was an
indescribable feeling of solidification. He knew immediately that the space
around him was now sealed by some force.
The space was like a block of ice now. It was completely stiff and hard as well.
There was no way to do anything.

"You're trying to seal off my escape routes?" Link moved. Dragon Power burst
within him and his figure blurred. He turned to face Ravenna.

He saw Ravenna hold a ball of dark red light in her right hand. More accurately,
the light was coming from her forearm. It cast spidery threads in the air. At a
glance, it looked as if a bunch of blood vessels were in the air.

The light brightened quickly, emanating an ineffable mightiness.

With the space locked up, Link couldn't use the Dimensional Jump. All spatial
magic was sealed as well—Instant Flash, Spatial Sphere, Despair… Wait,
Despair seemed usable still.

Link quickly activated the special effects of the Assassin's Robe. He

instantaneously cast the Despair spell. A ball of light containing a black
whirlpool floated in the air.

After that, Link took out the Burning Wrath of Heavens wand to use the Demon
Slayer Whip, but something unexpected occurred. A red thread flashed in the air
and then scattered uncontrollably.

His Demon Slayer Whip had lost effectiveness!

All my power has been cracked. It is dark red and chaotic. This is the God of
Destruction's divine spell! Link's thoughts whirred and immediately processed

"Ha, you can't do anything. Destruction!" Ravenna yelled.

The dark red ball of light flashed in her hand. A bloody beam shot out towards
Link's head. In that moment, Link really felt death coming.

He was sure that if he was hit, both his body and soul would be destroyed.
Being between life and death, Link was extremely focused. Everything slowed
down in his vision.
He controlled the Despair Ball with his mind, preemptively moving it into the
path of the bloody beam. At the same time, he directed the reappearance
location to be at Ravenna's arm.

Poof! The bloody beam buried into the Despair Ball. Another ball appeared
beside Ravenna's body, and the bloody beam shot out.

Poof! The beam burrowed into Ravenna's raised arm.

Its strength was indescribable. Ravenna's right arm wasn't protected at all. With
a sizzle, it dropped to the ground. The dark red glow on the arm also

"Ah, how can this be? Ah, my arm!" Ravenna cried in pain. She covered her
wound with her left hand as she rolled on the ground, curling into a ball.

"How can this be? Ah, it hurts! Ah, it lied, it lied. It said it could lock all power!
It lied!"

Ravenna was entirely shaken. She cried out in pain, swore and cursed. She was
in utter disbelief.

Link let out a long sigh. Just then, less than one-tenth of a second earlier, he had
been a step away from death. If the Despair Ball had been ineffective, it would
have been impossible for him to avoid a Level-9 Magician's attack with just
physical movement in that tight of a space.

Perhaps he could avoid getting hit in a vital organ using his predictions, but he
could feel that no matter where he was hit, it would greatly damage his soul.

This is definitely the God of Destruction's scheme. He's seen me before and
knows my powers, so he sealed it all. If I didn't learn this new spell, I definitely
would have died!

A gust of ocean wind blew by, and Link felt the coolness on his forehead. He
touched it, and his hand pulled away with a thin layer of cold sweat.

This event involved the God of Destruction. He'd once again blocked the senses
of the God of Light. The game system stopped working again. It didn't remind
Link at all when faced with this fatal situation.
It'll probably always be like this in the future. In a war between gods, a mortal
like me is just a throwaway.

In the distance, Ravenna was still crying in pain. Link's fear subsided. From 65
feet away, he cast a Spatial Rend and pulverized Ravenna's arm that contained
the God of Destruction's power. Then he cast a Spatial Restraint, keeping her to
the ground.

"You betrayed the High Elves?" Link asked.

"Human, you dirty and lowly human, you should have died. You can't live!"
Ravenna yelled, glaring at Link.

Link frowned. Since she wasn't saying anything, he would just keep guessing.

"Since you still have pride as a High Elf, you most likely didn't betray them.
However, you don't have a high status amongst your race. At least, it doesn't
match the power you have now, right?"

Ravenna was a half-elf. She was at Level-9 and almost equal to the queen, but
she wasn't well-known. On the other hand, Princess Milda was only at Level-7,
but she held a high position. With such a great difference, it was normal to feel

Hearing this, Ravenna flinched. Then she kept cursing, "Human, you don't
know anything. You're just a despicable idiot."

Seeing that reaction, Link knew he'd guessed correctly. He continued, "You're
unhappy, so you want more power to gain a higher position. At that time,
someone or some conscience found you. He promised to give you power, but
you had to kill me, right?"

Ravenna gritted her teeth at Link. She didn't smile; she just sneered.

Link guessed that he was right for some things but not completely accurate.
Some detail must have been wrong. "No, he didn't want me dead," he continued
guessing. "The plan to lure me out by stealing the notes was too complicated. It
was filled with too many uncontrollable variables. You probably just wanted to
steal my notes and see how far I've progressed. Then you'd try to kill me.
Unfortunately, I found you out, but you didn't want the news to spread, so you
decided to act earlier, right?"

Finally, fear crept into Ravenna's eyes. "No!" she screamed wildly. "No! You
don't know anything! You're wrong! You're all wrong!"

That meant Link was right.

While she screamed, Link saw that her body started shaking. At first, it was just
trembling slightly. Then after a while, she started convulsing like a crazed

"Ah!!" Ravenna yelled in pain. Link could see that she'd lost control of her

Suddenly, there was a ripping sound. One of her legs actually ripped away from
her body. After a few seconds, her other leg fell off, then her arm, and finally
her skin.

Rip! Rip! Rip! Her robe tore apart, revealing her body. Her skin was covered in
dark red thread. At first, the thread was the color of skin. After a while, it broke
apart and grew darker. Finally, there was a squelch, and Ravenna's body ripped

She was still alive. Feeling the uncontrollable and terrifying pain, her mouth fell
open and let out a mind-shattering scream.

The corners of her lips and eyes cracked too. Her face was horrifying.

Link had seen the many ways of dying but seeing Ravenna's death, he was still
chilled. The hair on the back of his neck rose.

This was too frightening.

A minute later, there was a crack. With that crisp sound, Ravenna's head fell off
her neck and rolled on the ground. After enduring the horrible torture, she was
finally dead.

Staring at the horrifying body, Link frowned. Things were getting troublesome.
Ravenna was from the upper class of the High Elves, and her grandfather was
Bryant. His granddaughter died on the Ferde Territory. No matter what, even if
Link had Memory Crystal as evidence, he would be hated by many High Elves.

Not everyone in this world was logical. In reality, most people were ruled by
emotions. Humans were like this, and so were High Elves. All mortals were like

They didn't care about the process; they only cared about the result. And they
were easily incited.

As long as someone tried, not only would many common High Elves hate Link,
the relationship between humans and High Elves would fall apart as well. After
some more events, the two races might become enemies.

Link couldn't help but sigh. God of Destruction, this was a great move.

He walked up and collected the High Elf's body. This was Bryant's
granddaughter, after all. He couldn't let her body get dried out in the wilderness.
While doing so, he discovered another terrifying thing. There was no sign of the
God of Destruction on her—at least, he couldn't sense anything.

He hurriedly took out his Memory Crystal.

It was translucent. If it really contained a recording, it would just be flashes of

light. That meant the information inside the crystal had been wiped.

It must have been wiped when Ravenna was using the god's power to lock the
space… I really can't explain myself now.

Just then, Link suddenly discovered a faintly glowing white bracelet on

Ravenna's broken left hand. The material was very familiar. He studied it and
discovered it was similar to the white stone the High Elf prince had given him.

What shocked him was that when he got closer, the light brightened. The white
light shot into the sky and the air around it started twisting… No, the space was

No, this is a spatial door.

Link suddenly thought of a possibility and his brows knitted. This was trouble.

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Chapter 428: Bryant, You’re Pathetic

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link stood next to the pillar of light. He did nothing to stop the spatial
fluctuations, nor did he leave. He simply took a few steps back, trying to
anticipate what kind of figure might come out from the spatial distortions.

It wasn't that he didn't do anything. He was considering the worst case scenario
that could happen. Supposing that he got caught up in an ensuing battle, he still
had 1000 Omni Points remaining and over 9500 Dragon Power points.
Therefore, he was browsing through the Legendary spell cards that now hovered
in his vision.

Link was familiar with most of them now. If he needed to, he could purchase
one in the fastest possible time and immediately cast the spell.

The spatial fluctuations on the white stone bracelet became even more
pronounced. It expanded rapidly, reaching nine feet in height and six feet in
width before stopping. Within this space, the fluctuations were extremely
violent. This state lasted for about five seconds before a jade green figure
appeared within.

Amidst this green light, a big, burly figure walked out.

This person was wearing a dark green Magician robe layered with purple lines.
In one hand, he held a golden branch which had three green leaves sprouting
from it. He had a head of short, grey, white hair, and his features looked ancient.
Beneath the wrinkles though, one could imagine that he must have been good
looking when he was younger.

What caught Link's eye was the shape of the figure's ears. It wasn't round like a
human, but neither was it as sharp as an elf. It was somewhat special.
After the figure appeared, he looked at the fractured corpse lying in pieces on
the floor.

He didn't say a thing but walked towards the head which had rolled a distance
away. He picked it up.

Because of the immense pain that she experienced before her death, Ravenna's
face had been contorted in pain. Her eyes were bloodshot and were almost
popping out. Her skin was also tearing. It looked just like a person who had
been hung, only much worse.

After looking at it for a moment, a light appeared in the old man's hands
surrounding the dismembered head. He gently squeezed the light, and the head
dispersed into countless motes of light, gradually disappearing. He turned to
Link. "I know that my granddaughter's character was flawed, and she would
meet such an end sooner or later. Yet, I never expected that she would die by
your hands. If you gave her a simple death, I wouldn't blame you for it. But
why? Why did you have to make her suffer so?"

His questions revealed his identity. He was the Legendary Magician that had
shaken the world of Firuman 300 years ago, Bryant. At the same time, the
question also demonstrated that he had recognized Link as his granddaughter's

His words were extremely certain and left no room for doubt. This showed that
he was a person with a lot of confidence and strength. Faced up against a person
like this who was convinced of his own judgment, Link knew that he would not
be able to resolve the matter easily.

The legends said that Bryant spent his life pursuing a High Elf named Fiona.
The stories between the two of them had been recorded in many songs and sung
by bards throughout the land.

To the layman, these were stories simply for enjoyment. To Link, these stories
actually gave him a clue into Bryant's personality.

Bryant was a person who acted very much on emotion. Because of the High Elf
he was chasing, he had forsaken humanity, his family, children, his land,
everything. He had gone alone to the Isle of Dawn. Now, it could be seen that
even his ears were pointy.
Perhaps some of that personality had been inherited by Ravenna.

Now, the story from the legends had turned into reality. Bryant was no longer
the pride of the human world and the chosen one of the God of Light. He was
now a High Elf, and a grandfather that had lost his daughter.

Link was on high alert as he said, "I didn't kill her."

"Young man, what's done is done; there's no point saying this now." Bryant
sighed as he looked around at the well-lit harbor. "This is a pretty nice city.
Unfortunately, the Lord committed an unforgivable crime."

Without any evidence, there was no way for Link to argue his case.

He didn't bother explaining further. "How do you intend to resolve this issue

Bryant turned to look back at Link. "Just admit when you've committed a
wrong. Young man, I used to think very highly of you. However, you've killed
my granddaughter and even tortured her so. I've got to help her get revenge
now. Since you're the junior, I'll let you make the first move."

Link squinted his eyes. In his eyes, Bryant's strength was as brilliant as a sun in
the night sky. A message appeared in his vision.

Prophet Bryant

Level-12 Legendary Magician

Weapon: Fiona's touch.

Legendary weapon.

Effect: Unknown

(Note: The last gift from Fiona.)

This was an extremely strong enemy. Three hundred years ago, his name shook
the continent. He was also stronger than Link by two whole levels now. He had
plenty of reason to be so confident.
However, in a fight between two Legendary Magicians, level was indeed a
factor to consider, but it wasn't the most important one. Things like battle
experience, battle speed and the number of spells were other factors that could
play a huge role in the battle.

Both parties were Legendary levels and were in fact not that far apart in
strength. Bryant had an advantage, but it was a stretch to say that Bryant
completely suppressed Link.

Link did not rush to attack. Instead, he said, "This place is too close to
civilization. I'm afraid we will hurt innocent bystanders. Let's move to
somewhere else."

Bryant laughed. "You indeed think things through. Alright, there is a canyon 25
miles north of here. Let's go there."

Bryant vanished in a flash of green light, as he traveled towards the canyon at an

unimaginable speed. Link blinked, and he could no longer see the opponent

Link could escape, but he would never do it. His friends and relatives could
never escape from Bryant anyway.

Link did not rush as Bryant did. Instead, he took his time, slowly jogging. After
a few steps, a message appeared in his vision.

New Mission: Decisive Battle

Description: Defeat Legendary Magician Bryant, but do not kill him!

Mission Reward: Assassin's Vision of Truth (Epic)

Link sighed. The God of Light gave him this mission with such a reward. This
was truly leading him on. Furthermore, there were even conditions such as
beating Bryant without killing him. It was a truly difficult mission.

Nonetheless, Link made his decision.

Suddenly, the Dragon King's Wrath sword spirit spoke, "Link, we aren't his
opponent. Shall we just escape?"
Link stared at it for a moment. "Tell me how we can run?"

"Bryant is a famous figure after all. He probably won't go after your relatives or
friends, and just target you. Wait until we've become stronger, then we'll find
him to duke it out. What do you think?"

"Are you sure he won't attack my friends?"

"Uhm… probably?"

"Then, that's not an option." Link rejected the sword spirit's suggestion.
Thinking for a moment, Link decided to save 200 Omni Points and use the rest
of his 800 points on increasing his maximum Dragon Power limit.

Whoosh. Suddenly, Link felt heat rising from deep within himself. In an instant,
his aura swept all around him, and a message appeared in his vision.

Link Morani (Baron)

Level-10 peak Legendary Magician

Dragon Power Limit: 10300 points

Once someone reached the Legendary level, it seemed that getting stronger
became exponentially difficult. Based on experience, Link would need 11,000
Dragon Power points to reach Level-11. That was still a ways off.

Although Link did not travel as fast as Bryant, he was still very fast. In a
second, he could cover 600 feet. It took him but a few minutes to travel 25

The area lay on the border of Ferde territory, in between the mountains and the
forests. In the middle of two mountains, there was a large canyon spanning over
6000 feet in length and 600 feet in width.

The wind through the canyon was loud, making howling sounds as it blew past.
In the middle of the big canyon, Bryant was waiting for Link. The wind tugged
at his robe, causing it to flutter violently, but Bryant stood in the middle of it all,
After he saw Link, he said, "I was afraid you'd run away. If you did, I might not
necessarily have gone to chase you down."

The sword spirit immediately said, "See, I told you we could have ran."

Bryant continued, "However, if you did run, I would go to your land and find
one of your relatives. And then, in a similar manner, I would slowly torture your
relatives to death. Then, we would be even."

The sword spirit was speechless now.

This however made Link laugh. "Even? So your revenge is simply to get
another person as a replacement? So you just want to vent the frustration in your
heart? After three hundred years, your methods are still pathetic. If not for the
God of Light's protection, I really suspect you wouldn't have lived until now."

If it were other normal people, it would still be acceptable for them to pay an
eye for an eye. No one would blame them. But based on Bryant's status, such a
move was just too low.

Bryant could not be entrusted with anything because he might suddenly lose his
cool and quit halfway.

At this point, Link had already lost all respect for Bryant. Link's words were
very sharp. Bryant's expression turned cold, and his heart burned with anger.

This again! The High Elf queen said so, Princess Milda said so too, now, even
this human is saying so. I have unrivaled power. Why do I have to care what the
common folk think?

Boom! The Mana around Bryant's body surged, exploding violently outwards.
A menacing voice shouted from amidst the Mana cloud. "Youngster, you have
no right to judge me! Show me your moves, or else I'll kill you this instant!"

Link no longer bothered restraining his power. Crystal red light surged around
his body, gradually forming into the shape of a dragon.

Link eyed Bryant who was 900 feet away, while his mind quickly worked to
think of a way to ensure that Bryant would never be able to get the initiative
once he started attacking.

Just as Link and Bryant were beginning their battle, there was another distortion
in space back at the harbor. Seconds later, a dimensional door opened.

Three people walked out from the door. One looked like a 30-year-old High Elf
female, while the two others looked over fifty. They were probably High Elf

They looked at the corpse on the ground and were startled.

"It's Ravenna, she really was killed."

"Don't mind this, Your Majesty, look there!" An elder pointed towards the
northern horizon.

It was late at night, but there were stunning flashes of light appearing
throughout the northern sky. One side was a dark green while the other was a
crystal red.

"They're really fighting it out!"

The High Elf woman was the Queen. She anxiously said, "Hurry, we must stop
their fight!"

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Chapter 429: You Flatter Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Canyon in Northern Ferde

"Kid, hurry up!" Bryant yelled. He kept his word. Even though he was
impatient, he still waited for Link to make the first move.

The moment he opened his mouth, Link moved.

He had two powerful Legendary Spells bought from the game system. One was
the Level-11 Miracle Aura; the other was the Level-10 Thunder God's Descent.
They were both very powerful but also consumed a lot of Mana. One hit would
pretty much use up all of Link's Mana.

They belonged to those "one-shot takes all" moves. If Link used it and made a
mistake, he would have no chance to change his tactic. He really didn't like
gambling everything.

That was why he used the one he was best at—the Demon Slayer Whip.

He was 1000 feet away from Bryant. This had surpassed the range of the whip,
but it was okay. Link's energy was condensed now, and his spell-casting range
had reached 1200 feet.

This was a breakthrough that could only happen after reaching the Legendary

Pointing his Burning Wrath of Heavens wand at the other, the whip shot out.
The crystal-red rope flashed and cracked towards Bryant's head like lightning.

Since he had acted, Link would not hold back.


Bryant was also entirely focused. He didn't dare underestimate Link. As soon as
he felt a difference in Link's power waves, his golden tree branch wand flashed.
One of the young leaves glowed and flew out, spinning around him at an
unbelievable speed.

The leaf was honestly too fast. At first, Link could still see its shape, but after a
moment, it had become a hazy light green blur.

Its power was also very strange. Rings of distorted ripples appeared in its path.
When it moved quickly, one could see the space around the blur get distorted.
From a distance, it looked like waves of crystal flames.

This was a spatial disturbance. Link's Despair Balls couldn't break past it.
Thankfully, he didn't use it in the beginning.
Crack! Crack! Crack!

Link's whip cracked dozens of times within one-tenth of a second, creating a

string of thunderous cracks. With every hit, the green leaf would rush over to
stop it. They would clash and create a blinding shockwave ring.

The shockwave appeared dozens of times in an instant. The ring extended and
hit against the rock around them. Boom! The rock shook, and dust rose up. The
surfaces of the mountains nearby were all pulverized by the shockwave.

"My turn!" Bryant roared. The second leaf on his wand glowed with silver light.
It was about to fly out.

Link ignored his attack. He controlled the Demon Slayer Whip to continuously
attack Bryant as he sprinted over. Fiery Dragon Power appeared on his Dragon
King's Fury sword.

He now possessed Legendary strength. Whenever he used his power, his body
would be covered with a layer of crystal-red flames. He ran towards Bryant like
a meteorite.

One thousand feet only took a second for Link.

Bryant wasn't surprised at this speed. Even though he stayed in the Isle of
Dawn, he was well-informed about the mainland. He paid special attention to
Link who had quickly risen up and had general knowledge about his power.

"Silver Moonlight—Floating Leaf!"

Hiss! The leaf on Bryant's wand suddenly shone with blinding, silver light. It
was so bright that the entire canyon turned snow-white as if it was covered in
frost. The sky turned bright as daytime too.

Under this dazzling light, the silver leaf floated down without pattern like a true
leaf would. It seemed slow, but it was actually slicing towards Link at an
unbelievable speed.

Link dodged to the side, but the leaf instantly adjusted its path. It aimed at a
critical body part like silver lightning.
The space between them lessened. Within one-tenth of a second, Link had
nowhere to escape. He raised his sword. The tip moved, and a Spatial Sphere


Buzz! A transparent ball appeared in the air. Simultaneously, the silver leaf
arrived and rushed into the spatial restraint with a poof. The spatial restraint
went into effect and slowed its speed, but only a tiny bit. If not for Link's sharp
vision, he would think that his spell was completely ineffective.

Faced with this Level-12 attack, Link's Level-10 Spatial Restraint was like

Poof. The silver leaf passed through the spatial restraint. There was only two
feet of distance between them, and Link had nowhere to hide.

In that instant, he could clearly see the veins in the leaf. He could also see the
rings of white-gold mist around it. The mist was incredibly sharp and easily
sliced apart the air.

According to legends, the World Tree of the High Elves was the most powerful
magic object in the entire World of Firuman. To the High Elves, it was equal to
the magic net of the Yabbas. It was the absolute core of their civilization.

As for magical attainment, the High Elves greatly surpassed the Yabba race.
Through the efforts of generations of Legendary Magicians, the World Tree had
reached the Legendary Pinnacle. It was practically a god within the mortal

The tree branch of the World Tree was the best material for wands in Firuman.
Wands made from it were definitely above mid-Legendary level. That was how
powerful Bryant's wand was. He even had three leaves from the World Tree.
They were unbelievably powerful.

The silver leaf was about to slice his head apart. Link's heart jumped. He knew
that he definitely couldn't block this leaf.

But this was the moment he'd been waiting for!

"Instant Flash!"

Whoosh! The silver leaf scraped past Link's body. But at that moment, his body
transformed into a phantom and disappeared. The leaf continued forward,
crashing into the ground behind Link. There was a collision, and the ground
Link had been standing on was now a pool of lava over 15 feet wide.

Instead of shattering the rock, the hit had directly melted it. One could imagine
how powerful it was! However, even the strongest hit was a waste if it couldn't
hit the target.

After missing the target, the silver leaf immediately turned around and
whooshed back to Bryant's side, but it was too late.

At the same time, Link appeared beside Bryant. Still using the Demon Slayer
Whip, it clashed with Bryant's first leaf. Simultaneously, he stabbed his sword at
Bryant's body.

The sword was so fast it was like a red bolt of lightning.

"Boundless Sharpness!" This was a special effect of the Dragon King's Fury
sword. Not only could it cut apart solid objects, but it could also cut spells. With
help from the Demon Slayer Whip, the sword was about to break into Bryant's

Bryant was shocked. Link's action was unimaginably fast and had perfect
timing. He didn't have time to fight back anymore and could only dodge.

"Spatial Lock!"

The third leaf on the wand flashed but was extremely translucent. This was
spatial power. When this watery light appeared, it spread out like a spider web
up to 150 feet away. It anchored the space while leaving a path for Bryant to

His body vaporized, transforming into a beam of light. He flashed forward 300
feet in an instant.

However, he was so fast the green leaf near him couldn't catch up. The silver
leaf couldn't return in time either.

Link's sword didn't change its speed, and a small black whirlpool appeared at
the tip. His spell was extremely exquisite. Even the God of Destruction's spatial
lock didn't make it ineffective, so Bryant's lock obviously couldn't either.

Poof! The Dragon King's Fury sword buried into the air.

The next moment, Bryant's vaporized body reappeared. He was highly

experienced and knew that he was defenseless now. Once he appeared, he
moved his wand. Many dark green metallic vines snaked out of the ground
around him.

Pop, pop, pop, pop. They entangled with each other, forming a dense net and
blocked Link's attack trajectory.

But this was useless!

Why was the spell called Despair? Because after the enemy did everything and
thought they were safe, they would realize it was just a fantasy.

Other than spatial power, nothing could stop the Despair Ball.

Poof! A Despair Ball appeared ten centimeters behind Bryant's head, and the
Dragon King's Fury sword tip poked out.

Bryant was powerful as well. He sensed the danger, and though shocked, he still
reacted immediately. He vaporized and escaped.

But this time, he wasn't as fast as Link's sword. Death was imminent!

That moment, Link seemed to hear someone behind him yell, "Stop!" but he
ignored it. In a battle between life and death, only an idiot would stop.

He continued!

At the last moment, Link had the absolute advantage, but he didn't stab through
Bryant's head. Instead, he tilted the sword towards Bryant's cheek. Then he
whacked it against his face.
Bryant was about to vaporize, but he was hit with the powerful strike. Half of
his teeth shattered instantly, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Another thread
of power entered his head, making him shudder. He flew to the ground

The hit was a success!

"Instant Flash!" Link disappeared. At almost the same time, the silver leaf
whooshed past where Link had been.

That was Bryant's last attack. After that, he was barely conscious. Unguided, the
silver relief returned to the wand.

Link activated his Magician's Hand, and the wand jumped into his hand. He
walked over to Bryant who was dazed on the ground and stepped onto the
legend of yesteryear.

"You… are weaker than I thought. Much weaker." Link sighed. The other was
two levels higher than him, but he still wasn't that great at combat.

Link hadn't felt much pressure during the entire process. This didn't match
Bryant's reputation. If he'd known, he would have accepted the game system's

Stepped on and with his wand in someone else's hand, Bryant couldn't fight
back. He glared at Link with fire in his eyes. However, there was a shred of
terror deep in his pupils.

He only knew how terrifying this young man was after fighting with him.

"Don't kill him!" a clear voice called from behind.

Link turned and saw three High Elves rush towards him. The one in front was
an elegant woman. She looked similar to Milda and Link recognized her as the
High Elf Queen.

Thud! Link moved his foot and lifted Bryant up, throwing him to the elves.
"Here, keep him out of trouble!"
Link had been tricked by the God of Destruction and fought with Bryant. He
was in a bad mood and acted brutishly.

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Chapter 430: Greed of the High Elves

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bryant was caught by a Levitation spell by one of the High Elf elders.

The High Elf queen frowned as she looked at Link. "What happened here?"

"He killed Ravenna!" Bryant shouted, before even letting Link have a chance to
reply. Saying so, Bryant spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground and glared
hatefully at Link. If looks could kill, Link would be dead many times over.

Bryant was disgraced. Initially, he had come to take revenge for his
granddaughter. However, his hatred for Link reached new heights after he was
defeated disgracefully in the presence of the queen and the elders.

The High Elf queen's expression turned dark.

She was not aware of the circumstances surrounding Ravenna's death. A few
moments ago, she received a report saying that Bryant had utilized the High
Elf's teleportation portal.

Among the High Elves, the portal was classified as a strategic weapon that
could transport anyone anywhere throughout Firuman. For a Legendary-level
Magician to use it was not a small matter that could easily be overlooked.

The moment she saw that the teleportation target was Ferde, she feared that
something might happen and immediately summoned two High Elf elders to go
along with her.

Once she reached the harbor, she saw the dismembered corpse. However, due to
the head being missing, she didn't immediately recognize it as Ravenna's corpse.
She never expected that Ravenna would have died in Link's hands. This would
be trouble.

Ravenna was not just Bryant's daughter. She was also a member of the High Elf
royal family. Her mother and grandmother were both of direct descent from the
High Elf Royals.

In fact, Ravenna could also be considered a High Elf princess. She was blessed
with talent since young and reached Level-9 by the time she reached 48 years
old. However, because of her bloodline, she did not qualify for the throne.
Nonetheless, she was still famous on the Isle of Dawn, and there was nobody
that didn't know her.

Many High Elf's secretly thought that Ravenna could be the next Legendary
Magician from the elves.

Now, a talent like Ravenna had died at Link's hands. Not only was she
infuriated, but the two elders also were affected strongly by the news.

Bryant clenched his jaw and continued, "Not only did he kill her, but he also
tortured her in the cruelest manner. Your Majesty, I must have revenge for my

The High Elf queen's face was dark as she looked at Link. "Lord Link, is this
the truth?"

Link shook his head. "I did not kill her."

Bryant immediately argued, struggling to stand up. "He's lying! I've seen the
battleground. There were only two auras there. Besides Ravenna, there was only
him! If it wasn't him, don't tell me Ravenna tortured herself to death?"

As he said this, Bryant drew out a spare wand and got ready to take action.

However, hearing what Link had to say, the queen and the two elders breathed a
sigh of relief. The reason was simple. If Link had truly done it, the matter would
never be resolved today.

If it wasn't resolved, then the four of them would no longer be able to leave the
place alive.
When she saw that Bryant was still going to continue talking, the High Elf
queen gestured for him to stay silent. She looked at Link and asked, "Lord Link,
would you mind explaining what happened?"

Link finally eased up. This was the proper attitude if they wanted to talk things

Link nodded and began recounting how he encountered the thief that stole the
Legendary Magician Gewell's Hidden Seal, until his encounter and battle with
Ravenna. It was only after he finished talking about the God of Destruction's
involvement in the battle did he finish.

Link raised his hand and said, "This was what happened. I swear upon the name
of the God of Light, everything that I've spoken is true."

"Oaths have no way to bind you. Where is the evidence?" Bryant rejected Link's

Link was a Legendary Magician that could even travel across dimensions. For
someone like this, oaths were literally useless.

"All the evidence has been wiped clean by the God of Destruction. He was very
thorough, and even the memory crystal that I recorded has been wiped clean.
Look, there's nothing inside at all."

Link took out a transparent crystal from his dimensional bracelet and handed it

As he saw the crystal, Bryant laughed. "Hah! You take out a piece of crystal that
was never used, and you say that the evidence was wiped away? That's still no
proof! Say what you will, but what I saw was that you tortured my
granddaughter to death!"

Link couldn't be bothered to deal with Bryant. This legend of the past was
already blinded by vengeance. There was no point in trying to reason with him.

The High Elf queen was silent for a long while. Finally, she spoke. "Lord, can
we trust you?"

As she asked this, she stared deeply at Link, especially into his eyes.
Link did not avoid her gaze, and said calmly, "If I really did kill Ravenna, there
would be no need to leave her corpse behind, nor would I need to torture her.
Furthermore, if I really wanted to kill her, then Bryant would not be standing
here right now, and the three of you would have no chance to be questioning me
right now."

As he said this, Link took a deep breath and prepared for the worst outcome.

Bryant laughed coldly. "There's nothing impossible in the world. Who knows
what you're thinking…"

This time, however, he was interrupted by the High Elf queen. "Alright! This
stops here! Link didn't kill Ravenna; it was done by the God of Destruction."

Bryant wanted to argue, but he checked himself. He could see that this queen
who was 200 years younger than him was already enraged. Nonetheless, she
was still the queen, and he needed to give her face.

The High Elf queen looked slightly apologetic and said, "Lord Link, this is my
clan's responsibility. Ravenna was greedy. There's nothing to say for it. Let me
compensate you for it."

The queen took out a textbook.

"This is one of the treasured magic books saved by my clan. It was written by
the Legendary Magician Darfa 800 years ago. Take it as your compensation."

The magic book floated over to Link, and Link caught hold of it. On the cover,
it was written The Anchor of Space in deep gold letters. Link leafed through the
pages and was very impressed by what he read.

Link was pleased with this compensation and said, "I accept the apology. Bring
Bryant back with you. As for this wand… Alright, I'll return it as well."

Link threw the Fiona's Touch wand back to Bryant.

Bryant caught it. His expression was cold and dark, and no one could tell what
he was thinking.
The High Elf queen then walked forward and gestured, "Lord Link, if you don't
mind, can we speak in private?"

Link knew that the queen wanted to ask about Milda, so he nodded and agreed.

After walking for 90 feet, the High Elf queen created a soundproof barrier and
asked, "How is Milda doing right now?"

"She's in Aragu and has already reached the Legendary level. My puppet is by
her side, and I left a Loco stone with her that I can use to teleport to her side. If
there's any danger, she can use it to contact me, but so far, I haven't heard
anything," Link replied.

No news was good news.

The High Elf queen exhaled in relief. "Thank you… Is it possible for you to
give me the coordinates of the Loco stone? Perhaps I may be able to lend her a

Although the other party was Milda's mother and it was fair for her to ask for
the coordinates, Link was considering other implications of this request. In the
end, he nodded and agreed. He took out a rune stone and channeled his Dragon
Power into it, at the same time inputting a dimensional coordinate within it.

"Take this to a Spatial Magician. He should know what to do with it." Link
handed the rune stone over. As he did this, he stared hard into the High Elf
queen's eyes. He noticed that in the pair of eyes that were almost identical to
Milda, there was a trace of unbridled joy.

This was not something that would appear in a mother's expression. Link
sighed. He had guessed that the queen had other intentions. Nonetheless, he still
had no reason to refuse. Some things simply should not be mentioned. If the
other party went overboard, he would then think of a way to make them pay it

"Understood." The High Elf queen kept the rune stone, and then said, "Bryant
did what he did because of what happened to his granddaughter. From now on, I
will keep an eye on him and prevent him from running wild. Let's put an end to
this matter, alright?"
Link turned to look at Bryant, who was staring at him hatefully. There was
evident hatred in the dark green eyes.

Seeing this light, he knew that he had now become irreconcilable enemies with
Bryant. However, since the High Elf queen had promised to keep an eye on
Bryant, Link nodded. "To me, this matter is over. I'll take it that this matter
never happened."

"My thanks," the queen replied.

Then, Link's body was enveloped in white light. By the time the white light
dispersed, Link had teleported away, leaving the four elves alone in the canyon.

"Your Majesty, Ravenna cannot die in vain," Bryant protested.

The High Elf queen looked at him coldly and asked, "And what would you have
me do?"

Bryant bit his teeth and said, "We must sanction against Link! He is the killer,
and he is out of control. He must die!"

"Even if he were the killer, this matter ends here!" The queen said, leaving no
room for disagreement. "Ravenna died in Ferde territory, and she was here to
steal a book. That is a disgrace to our race!"

"Ravenna cannot possibly be trying to steal a book! She doesn't need to!"
Bryant protested.

When he heard this, one of the High Elf elders spoke. "I'm afraid this is true. I
can feel that Gewell's Hidden Seal is somewhere nearby. That proves that at
least some of what Link said is true."

With the presence of the Hidden Seal, that was sufficient proof. Bryant wanted
to protest further, but he realized that he couldn't come up with anything
reasonable. After thinking for a moment, he sighed and said, "Link will not be
useful to our race. He's not a great threat. This book is a good reason to deal
with him."

The High Elves were once the rulers of the continent a thousand years ago.
They oppressed whoever they wanted. Now that Link was rising up and they
had no way to contain him, he posed a threat to the elves. If there was a need,
they would have to take action against him.

Once Bryant said this, the three High Elves became silent in thought.

After a moment, the High Elf queen said, "We'll talk about this later. I've gotten
the coordinates of Aragu. Once we return, I will first contact Milda. From what
it seems, the Mana density in Aragu is extremely high. If we are able to open a
dimensional portal, we might be able to produce a huge batch of Legendary
experts. At that time, Link would no longer be able to pose a threat, and our clan
can regain our former glory!"

Hearing this, the other two elders showed signs of excitement on their face.
Bryant also smiled, but the look in his eyes was cold. Exactly what he was
thinking, nobody knew.

Meanwhile, Link had returned to the harbor and met up with Felina.

"The thief was extremely tricky, I lost him," Felina said, dismayed.

"No problem. Let's go, we'll return to the magic tower."

Link was going to prepare some magic equipment, one that could detect any
changes in the dimension that Firuman lay in. As long as anyone tried to open a
portal that could cross dimensions, he would be able to detect it using this

Although he had given the coordinates the High Elves, things weren't that
simple. He needed to have a handle on the High Elves' movements.

Even though they were allies, the High Elves were ultimately of another race,
one that was similar to the Dark Elves. This was something that could not be
easily overlooked.

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Chapter 431: Eye of the Realm

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There were no eternal enemies between races, nor were there eternal allies.

Amongst all the races in Firuman, Link's fear of the High Elves was second only
to the Dark Elves. The longer he stayed in this world, the more cautious he

In the game, the High Elves did everything to fight against the flood of the Dark
Army from the North. They deployed an army of 40,000 Magicians and
contributed greatly to the battle.

But now, the times have changed!

The Dark Elves were no longer a threat, and the demon army had been defeated.
The God of Destruction had come, but it annoyingly stayed in the darkness,
accumulating power without doing anything. No one discovered their threat for
now. Even the Syndicate in the South had hidden away.

The threats to Firuman seemed to suddenly disappear. Now, the allies from
before became competitors. Link had no need to hold back.

Returning to the Mage Tower, Link went to find Celine. He glossed over the
details so she wouldn't worry. Then, he went to the enchantment room to start
working on the detection equipment.

The light in the room was still on. As always, Alloa was practicing her
enchantment. Hearing the sound, she turned around and glanced at Link. "Your
brows are five millimeters closer to each other than usual, and you seem pale.
You have a cold aura, and there's dust on your shoes. Did you kill that thief?"

Link winced at that and shook his head. "It's much more complicated than you

"Oh. Can you tell me?" Alloa asked.

Link thought about it. It was uncomfortable to keep it in, and Alloa was
intelligent. She was also a reliable ally. He could discuss this matter with her.
Pulling a chair over, Link described what had happened. At the end, he took out
the High Elf Queen's Legendary spell book and tossed it on the table. "That's
her gift of apology."

Alloa flipped through it. A few minutes later, she nodded. "It would be a feat for
High Elves to have 50 books of this level. The gift is quite sincere."

Link agreed. Otherwise, he wouldn't have let go so easily. Looking up, he saw
that Alloa's Replenishment Crystal on her spell-casting ring was a bit dim. He
reached out and said, "It seems like you've practiced hard today. You've used up
one-third of your Dragon Power."

Alloa took off her spell-casting ring and gave it to Link. She continued to flip
through the book and said, "You must have come to the Mage Tower at this
time to make equipment. Are you worried that the High Elves will take
advantage of the spatial coordinate to go to the Aragu Realm and train strong

"Huh, I can't hide anything from you." Link started replenishing the spell-
casting ring. "Actually, I can open the portal too, but I can only transport people
at the Legendary level there. The High Elves are more advanced so…"

They could probably transport people under the Legendary level too.

Alloa sighed. "Then you shouldn't have given the coordinates to the High Elf

"But Milda really does need reinforcements there." Done replenishing, Link
handed the spell-casting ring back to Alloa.

She accepted it. Hearing Link's words, she suddenly laughed. "Your voice
becomes gentle when you say Milda's name. Did something happen between
you two?"

Link's hands shook.

Alloa burst into laughter. "Seems like something really did happen. Okay, okay,
I won't say anything. Don't worry. I won't tell Celine… I already forgot
The Maiden of Truth lived up to her name. Link was impressed.

Going straight to the point, he said, "I'm going to build detection gear that can
teleport between realms. It has to be as small as possible, best if I can wear it on
my hand, like a ring or bracelet or something."

"Oh, let me think… How about you come by tomorrow? By then, I can give you
a rough idea. It's getting late. Celine will overthink if you're here," Alloa said,

That reminded Link. He nodded. "Thank you for reminding me. I'll pay
attention in the future. I'll go back and draw up a draft right now. Tomorrow, we
can compare. You can take the book for now."

"Go." Alloa agreed.

When Link left, Alloa flipped through the book and sighed. "Link, you still
don't understand the High Elves," she muttered. "You're probably already on
their to-kill list."

As someone who used to be high up in the Dark Elves, Alloa was much more
familiar with the High Elves that used to be of the same race. Of course, she
didn't have any evidence. This was just a guess, so she couldn't say much.

But Link is already taking precautions. If I remind him again, there shouldn't be
any problems. Thinking of this, Alloa took out some paper and started drawing
the design for the detector.

On the other hand, Link returned to the main room on the top floor. He saw
Celine curled up on the chaise, as usual, flipping through a book about myths.
This was Celine's favorite pastime.

Hearing a noise, she turned around. She smiled sweetly when she saw Link. "I
thought you would spend the night in the enchantment room."

Link chuckled. "Of course not. I just went to ask Alloa to help me design some
"Huh, you keep making her do tiring work," Celine said casually. She closed her
book and sniffed. Then she stood up and said, "You smell like blood. I'll prepare
the hot water for you."

"Okay." Link nodded. He knew that Celine knew everything but just wouldn't
say anything.

When the water was ready, Link took a nice bath and put on comfortable
pajamas. He sat down beside the table and took out a large piece of paper to
start drawing the draft.

Celine sat beside him, but she couldn't understand it and quickly grew tired.
Link felt a weight on his shoulder. He turned and saw that Celine had fallen

Silly girl. Link smiled. He used the Magician's Hand to adjust Celine's posture
and had her sleep on the chaise with her head on his lap. Then he continued

The night passed quickly.

Around morning, Link was almost done. As he busied around, there was
movement on his leg. Celine was awake.

"You're still working?" She yawned.

"I'm almost done."

"I'll make breakfast for you."

"Okay." Link nodded. He continued drawing, and when the delicious breakfast
was brought over, he was basically done. He put away the paper and ate with

They started off by eating properly. But then Celine drank some goat milk and
moved over to feed Link with her mouth. Seeing her pink and plush lips, Link
felt something inside him churn. There was a flurry of movement and Celine,
who had just woken up, was exhausted thanks to Link and went back to sleep.

On the other hand, Link was feeling spirited. He took his drawing to Alloa.
As expected, Alloa didn't disappoint him. Her drawing was similar to Link.
There were many strong points but also some flaws. The two drawings
complemented each other.

Link compared the two and revised it. He was finally done by the evening.

Seeing the detailed design, he laughed. "The High Elves won't be able to fool
me now."

The bracelet was very intricate, and Alloa was powerless. Link had to do it
himself. It took him three days to create an ordinary-looking light gray magic

Link once saw Bryant's Prophet White Stone and had been shocked by how
detailed the runes inside were. Now, he was close to that level. One couldn't see
any runes from the surface of the bracelet. There weren't any magic waves
either. It looked just like an ordinary stone bracelet.

Checking it with the game system, the following information was revealed:

Eye of the Realm


Effect: When the current realm is disturbed, the bracelet will vibrate.
Disturbances include activation of realm portals, enlargement of cracks between
the realms, or any large power waves that can shake the realms.

(Note: this is an eye that is always open.)

With this bracelet, Link felt reassured. If the High Elves activated a realm
portal, he would be alerted at once and plan accordingly. It was about time to
leave for the Dragon Valley. Link spent a few more days with Celine and
headed out with Felina.

They didn't speak on the road.

When they got to the Golden Plains, Felina suddenly said, "The current situation
at the Dragon Valley is very bad. Not only has the Mana density risen greatly,
but there are also many spatial cracks in the Colorado Mountains too. Many
creatures from the Void ran out. We must be careful."

Link furrowed his brows. "Are they difficult to deal with?"

"Most of them are Void Beasts around Level-8 or nine. We can handle them.
But a month ago, one appeared with Legendary power. The queen had to defeat
it personally. We even lost seven Apocalypse Dragon Guards because of this."

"It's already that bad?" Link didn't expect things would develop so quickly.

"That's why all the powers are gathered. Ah, Duke Isendilan really did such a
stupid thing!" Felina sighed.

After a while, the Colorado Mountains appeared and Felina lowered her
elevation. "Force fields will appear randomly in the air. I have to fly lower or
else we'll be in trouble."

She dropped to 1500 feet in the air and then flew carefully. After around half an
hour, Felina started descending.

"There's a big void up front filled with the Void's aura. It's too dangerous to fly
so we should go on foot. Here, this is for you. It's a necklace the queen made
specifically for you to protect your mind from the Void's aura.

Felina handed a thin and delicate golden necklace to Link.

He accepted it. Putting it on, he looked up at the sky. There were no clouds, and
the sky was gray as if something had swallowed the sun.

Link felt heavy. "The crack is widening faster than the black cat had predicted."

The two walked timidly. Link could feel the Void's aura thicken as they walked.
The Mana density increased as well. It was almost three times higher than at
Ferde. The sky grew darker as well.

They walked for around half an hour. Then, Link suddenly heard cries for help.

"Help me! Help!"

"Is someone in trouble?" Link was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Felina sped up. "Hurry, ignore it. It's a Bewitchment Void

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Chapter 432: The Girl Calling for Help in The Woods

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Because of the influence of the aura of the Void, the visibility in the forest was
extremely poor. Here and there, there were dark purple spots that blocked off
the light.

The wind howled as it blew through the gorge. It was the only sound that could
be heard. The chirping of birds that used to surround the forest could not be
heard any longer.

"Help! Help me!" The call for help persisted. It was a sharp, high voice that was
hard to escape notice.

Felina deliberately ignored the voice, burying her hands in her ears and walking
onward. She was afraid that Link would be a busybody and warned him, "Don't
listen to it. There's no point covering your ears either. You will still hear the
sound inside your heart."

Seeing Felina's wariness, Link was in a state of maximum alertness. He

followed closely behind Felina, keeping a lookout for the surroundings in case
they were ambushed.

After walking for about 30 feet, he felt that something was off. "The voice
calling for help changes as the wind changes. Also, you can't hear it when you
cover your ears. It doesn't seem like the Bewitching Void Beast...?"

"Hmm?" Felina was stunned. She tried covering her ears. As it turned out, she
couldn't hear the voice anymore. After removing her hands, she heard the voice
again. This showed that it was not the Bewitching Void Beast but an actual call
for help.
"Is there really someone in trouble?" Felina was still hesitant about it.

"I'm not sure, let's just go over and then we'll know," Link said.

Regarding Void Beasts, Link still had some understanding of their

characteristics. In the late phase of the game, there were many spatial rends
throughout the continent. Because of that, many Void Beasts were sucked into
Firuman. At that time, there were at least five percent of players that had
reached the Legendary level, and so it was not too hard to deal with the Void

Of course, there were countless beasts throughout the void. It was not
impossible for high-level beasts to appear on Firuman. These beasts would be
considered boss monsters.

Link and his team had killed many such boss monsters. The greatest difficulty
they faced was that there were no two boss monsters that were alike. They came
in various shapes and sizes, with different abilities to boot. There was no limit to
the type of beast that could appear, only a limit to one's imagination.

Previously, Link still thought that the game company had scripted this and was
very impressed by their imagination. Now, he realized that they might have had
some inspiration from the real Firuman.

Because of this knowledge, Link could not be certain whether the call for help
was from a human or some kind of beast.

If there really was someone in trouble and they passed them by, they would
naturally try to help the person. This was so that in the future when they
themselves were in trouble, other people would extend a helping hand. This was
an unwritten rule amongst the adventurers.

Link and Felina turned towards the call for help, preparing to investigate.

In order to avoid danger, Link cast a Traceless spell on Felina and himself. The
two of them then became undetectable.

"Help!! Help me!"

As they got closer, the voice became even clearer, and the sound of crying
became more obvious. The cry was heart-wrenching and invoked sympathy in
anyone who heard it.

Felina slowed down her pace and said, "The voice sounds like it belongs to a
young lady. That's odd. What would a lady be doing in a place like this?"

Link also found it odd. He had a vague premonition that if they continued
onward, they would meet some kind of creature. This premonition became even

Link felt his sweat rolling down his back.

"Wait, stop here." Link indicated for Felina to stop. Link was almost certain that
the voice was coming from a Void Beast. One who was able to use such
methods to attract adventurers would definitely not be easy to deal with.

The foliage was very dense in the area, and the visibility was poor. It was like
traveling at night. Fortunately, both he and Felina possessed the constitution of
Warriors from the Dragon Clan. Their vision was better than normal, and they
could at least see their surroundings.

Link felt his heart pounding rapidly. He took a deep breath and told Felina,
"This is probably a very strong Void Beast. We can't take the risk, let's go!"

Ever since reaching the Legendary level, this was the first time that Link had
such a strong feeling of fear. Even when facing the divine intent of the God of
Destruction in the Yabba city of Lariel, he did not feel this way.

Of course, this was not to say that this Void Beast was stronger than the God of
Destruction. Rather, it was because this beast had physically entered Firuman,
and could threaten Link directly.

The two of them retreated rapidly.

However, after moving back for 60 feet, the call for help shouted out again.
"Quick, somebody, I'm going to die. There are two giant beasts going to eat me!
The voice was even louder now, and it seemed to be only 300 feet away from
them. Because it was so sudden, it shocked Felina and made her tremble
uncontrollably. Link was also startled, but he immediately adopted a defensive

"She seems to be running towards us," Felina noted, her voice shaky. Her eyes
darted left and right, looking extremely worried that a great beast might jump
out at them from the darkness.

Link looked around warily and shouted, "Don't panic, slowly retreat, we'll go
back to our original road."

The two of them continued retreating. After about 150 feet, the call for help
sounded out again. This time, however, it was further away, at about 600 feet.

This made Link and Felina exhale slowly in relief.

"The thing is probably darting about left and right and just happened to pass
near us earlier," Link guessed.

"What exactly is it?" Felina asked softly. Her face was pale, and it was evident
that she was scared to death.

Link really had no idea. "There are countless creatures in the Void. Who knows
what it could be?"

As they talked, the two of them had retreated by 900 feet, and the trees became
a lot thinner. It was brighter now, and the two didn't tarry any longer, heading
onwards to the Dragon Valley.

However, after traveling for about two miles, there was a loud explosion that
came from behind them. BOOM! The explosion resulted in shockwaves that
surged towards Link and Felina, deafening them. Felina was preparing to jump
over a ditch, but because of the sudden explosion, it startled her and caused her
to lose her balance.

Link hurriedly reached out and caught her hand, stabilizing her balance to
prevent from falling and looking like a dog that tumbled into its own poop.

After regaining their balance, they looked back.

They saw that in the forest that they had just left, there was a deep blue ball of
fire rising into the air. The ball of fire was 120 feet wide, and from afar, it
looked like a miniature sun.

However, what happened after that was even more shocking.

After the ball of fire rose to about 180 feet into the air, not only did it not
increase in size, it instead got smaller and dimmer. Then, it continued to rapidly
decrease in size until it completely disappeared, as though there was a fire-
eating giant that swallowed the ball of fire.

"That was in the direction of the call for help," Felina said anxiously.

"It was," Link agreed. "The spell from earlier was the Level-9 flame spell,
'Supernova Explosion.' Its power is enough to level a small fortress to the
ground. Based on the way the spell was cast, the Magician who cast it might be
a dwarven Magician… The situation doesn't look good for them; the Magician's
aura is quickly disappearing."

"Could they be a member of the Emerald Circle, here for the meeting?" Felina
asked suddenly.

"It's possible. They might have been misled by the call for help too. Hold it,
look at that, there's a dragon!"

Link sucked in a deep breath. The dragon was about to take flight and escape,
but it suddenly screamed in pain.

Because of the distance between them, Link couldn't see what it was that was
attacking him. All they could see was that the dragon's body rapidly grew
thinner and withered. In less than two seconds, the dragon had turned into a bag
of bones.

The corpse fell back to the ground, and the forest was submerged once again in

This scene was too shocking. Link and Felina stood rooted to the spot,
After half a minute, Felina said, "I know that dragon. His name is Flo, a Level-8
peak dragon about to break into Level-9. He was tasked to get the dwarf
Magician Gaimin."

"I'm afraid they are both dead. Most likely, they were killed by the creature with
the young girl's voice," Link responded.

It was at this time when something flashed in Link's vision. Link took a look. It
was a new mission.

New Mission: The Girl in the Forest

Description: There is a girl in the forest calling for help. However, close to her,
two experts had just been killed. Investigate the forest and find out what is
going on.

Mission Reward: Assassin's Vision of Truth (Epic)

Time Limit: Three days.

(Note: Please complete the mission as fast as possible to prevent worse

developments from happening.)

Seeing the mission description, Link cursed. The system was once again using
Legendary-level equipment to bait him. Thinking about it for a while, Link
decided to accept the mission.

This was just an investigation mission, and he only needed to find out what was
happening. It was worth the risk to gain some Legendary equipment.

Thinking up to this point, Link turned to Felina and said, "You return to the
Dragon Valley first. I will go and see what is going on."

"I'll come with you… No, alright, I'll go back first."

Under Link's intense gaze, Felina gave in. She knew that she would not be of
any help to Link and instead might become a burden.

"Tell the queen that I'll go over once I find out what is going on."

"I understand."
"Be careful too. I'm going."

Saying so, Link cast a Traceless spell onto himself and then headed towards the
direction where they had seen the fireball.

After traveling for about a mile, he once again heard the girl crying for help.

The voice sounded extremely pained and pitiful, as though the person calling for
help was trapped in an extremely dreadful place. However, when Link heard it,
he felt a chill going down to his bones.

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Chapter 433: A Mysterious Black Shadow

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The dwarven Magician and Red Dragon Warrior's strange misfortune made
Link extra cautious.

Cries for help traveled through the wind every now and then, suddenly closer
and suddenly further away. As they got closer, the sky began darkening. The
Void's aura thickened and the Mana density shot up as well.

Link checked his stats. His Dragon Power recovery rate had reached 41 points
per second.

He tapped the air lightly, and a micro-spatial detector appeared. A few seconds
later, he received the result. The space is less than half the thickness of Ferde.
Spatial Rends occur occasionally. No wonder Void Beasts come out.

Link continued forward. Not even 100 feet later, there was a sudden miserable
cry. It was 150 feet away.

"Wah! Is there any kind soul here? Ah, I'm going to die! Ah!"

Link's heart jumped. He flew to behind a big tree and froze. He didn't dare to
brashly use Spatial Distortion to investigate what was happening on the other
side. For three full minutes, there wasn't any new movement. Even the cries
disappeared, and the forest was silent.

Link peeked out and looked in the direction of the sound.

The forest on that side was dense and pitch-black. He couldn't see anything. The
few beams of light streaming through the treetops were unable to penetrate the
darkness. Faint breathing-like sounds came from the murkiness. This meant
something was definitely hiding in there, but Link couldn't see anything even
when he squinted.

For the first time, Link felt his heart pound. He was completely clueless as to
what was in there or what the thing could do to him. He didn't even know if the
thing had discovered him.

This was a bit of a problem.

Thinking for a bit, Link decided that the thing hadn't discovered him. At least, it
had no intention of attacking him. Otherwise, he wouldn't still be here in one

He didn't dare to advance either but staying here wasn't a solution. After
thinking, Link decided to retreat and use a magic puppet to lure the thing out.
Then, he'd at least know about the thing's abilities.

He quietly snuck back.

Nothing attacked him. As the distance grew, the environment kept changing.
Three hundred feet later, a hand suddenly snaked out of the bushes to Link's

Link's heart jumped. His leg jolted and, dodging the grab, he kicked out.

"Wait!" a rushed voice said. The voice was very rough with a natural
stubbornness—it was a dwarf.

Link pulled his leg back and looked in the grass.

It was a short walnut tree with many leaves. Under the tree was a dark and hairy
head. It was a dwarf with a full beard.
The dwarf didn't speak. He waved at Link and then pointed at the walnut tree,
clearly telling Link to hide like him.

Link bent down and realized that there was a cave under the tree. It was around
four feet wide. The clay walls and trees around and above the cave were
covered in starry runes.

The runes were very exquisite. They completely covered the dwarf's aura so that
Link didn't even notice him.

Seeing that he was hesitating, the dwarf grew impatient. He mouthed the words,
"Get in here!"

Link looked around. After confirming it was safe, he crawled into the hidden
cave under the tree. Once inside, the dwarf put the branches back and adjusted
some runes. Finally, he let out a breath and turned to Link.

"I am Magician Gaimin. Are you Master Link?"

Link wasn't surprised. He had determined the dwarf's identity from his Mana
aura. He was at the pinnacle of Level-8 and was quite powerful. Link had
thought he was dead; he didn't expect the dwarf was hiding.

"Yes. Did you see it?" Link asked.

"No, I just saw a black shadow, but I couldn't see what it really was." Gaimin
looked terrified. He sat onto the ground and buried his face in his hands,
mumbling, "Flo died because of me…"

Link sat down too. The cave was narrow, and they were packed in tightly, so he
tried to stay to the side. "Tell me what happened to you two."

"I heard a little girl crying for help. It sounded like a Yabba, so I thought a
Yabba was in trouble, so I went over with Flo. When we got to the trees, I felt
danger and tried to retreat, but it was too late. It pounced!"

The bearded dwarf's eyes were round and filled with terror. "In a hurry, I cast
the Star Explosion Spell, but you saw the result. It was useless. The thing
swallowed it up. In the last moment, Flo threw me over here. I hid into the
bushes and used our spell to hide. Then I heard Flo's cry… I watched him die

Here, the dwarf sniffed loudly and rubbed his eyes. "It's too scary. I've never
seen anything like that."

Link frowned as he pondered. He'd seen that thick black shadow too and even
heard its breathing. That meant he must have met eyes with the thing.

"I saw it too, but it might be afraid of my power. It didn't do anything."

"Of course! You have supernatural power so it won't dare to act recklessly."
Gaimin wiped his nose and then asked, "What should we do now?"

"Retreat first," Link answered. "I heard that dwarves are good at using stone

"Yes. Are you talking about using stone puppets to test the opponent's power?
Oh, that's a good idea." Gaimin wasn't stupid. Actually, all Magicians were
highly intelligent. Though they were both dwarves, Gaimin's brain was much
more useful than that frivolous Riel's.

"Let's move further away." Link rose to get out of the hidden cave.

"Look, we don't have to go out." With that, Gaimin waved his arms and moved
the dirt on the ground.

Link watched as his arms glowed with dirt-yellow light. He looked like he was
swimming in the dirt as he pushed it aside. Then the dirt actually did separate
like water. A stone tunnel formed instantly.

"Follow me. It's safe down here." Gaimin was like a big groundhog. As he
spoke, he'd already dug a 30-foot-long, three-foot-wide tunnel.

Link had to double over to follow Gaimin. The dwarf kept burrowing forward.
Ten minutes later, he created a 650-foot-long tunnel. Dwarves' ability to dig
holes were honestly impressive.

"It should be safe now, right?" Link asked.

"No, it's not enough. I'll keep digging." Gaimin seemed to get into it. He dug
another 1300 feet before starting going upwards. With a crack, the tunnel broke
out of the ground. Light filtered in and Gaimin snuck out.

Outside, Link discovered that they'd reached an open plateau. Looking back
from here, he could see the entirety of where he'd been earlier.

"Look at the black-purple light over there. That's where the thing is hiding,"
Gaimin said.

Link obviously saw it too. The black-purple light was more than 150 feet wide.
It shrouded the forest like fog. When the wind blew, the fog would sway as
well, like a giant ball of pollen.

"I'll start summoning the stone puppet," the dwarf said. He looked side to side
and finally stood before a 20-foot-tall rock. He patted it lightly. "It's white rock.
It's not bad but not sturdy enough."

As he spoke, he took out a dark piece of metal the size of one's head and a fist-
sized piece of light purple metal. He pressed them against the rock and started
using an enchantment for a force field.

Under the force field, the two pieces of metal seeped into the rock like mercury
and became one.

Link recognized the dark metal as fine gold and the light purple one as
eternium. These were extremely precious metals in the human world, but the
dwarf took it out casually like it was nothing. The dwarves truly were the best
miners in Firuman.

The two types of metal seeped in, and the rock's color slowly started changing.
It was grayish-white at first but slowly, it started to look metallic.

Link walked up and tapped the rock, producing hollow thumps. It looked neither
metal nor wood but was extremely sturdy and resilient.

"We have many strong alloy formulas," Gaimin explained. "Every Magician has
to learn how to change metal and rock materials. Now, this rock's strength can
summon a stone puppet and withstand a Level-8 flame spell attack. However,
I'm afraid it's still not enough. Master Link, do you have any ideas?"
Link's enchantments and his power were both well-known throughout the
continent. Any Magician knew about it.

"Let me see."

He took out the Dragon King's Fury sword and scraped off a small ball from the
stone. He rubbed it in his hands while his hand glowed with the enchantment's

Link carefully analyzed the material's nature. A few seconds later, he grasped
the alloy's characteristics.

The material synthesis was already perfect, so Link didn't do much in that
aspect. However, the enchantment could be greatly improved. He thought for a
while and then carved some magic runes on the rock.

The runes were very delicate. His sword's tip vibrated gently, and various tiny
runes appeared quickly on the rock. He also filled them with a great amount
Legendary Dragon Power.

At first, the dwarf watched carefully, but five minutes later, he ran to play with
stones by a tree. It was too complicated to watch; his head hurt.

Link spent around half an hour and created around 800 runes. He also added
around 5000 Dragon Power points into the rock. The Dragon Power recovered
to the max quickly, so it wasn't troublesome at all.

As more and more runes appeared, the rock changed continuously. It was metal-
gray at first; then it became crystal-red and then half-translucent. When Link
finished the last rune, the rock had become a highly transparent crystal.

There were also pollen-like clumps in the crystal, like clouds in a clear sky.
Those were the halos of the runes Link added into the rock.

Here, Link said, "I'm done. I can only do this much in a short period."

Gaimin walked over and circled the giant crystal. He knocked against it and
then tried the spell. Then he wailed, "It's too sturdy. My spell is ineffective…I
can't make it into a stone puppet anymore."
This crystal was the sturdiest, most resilient material he'd ever seen in his life.
When his spell approached it, it was like a tiger meeting a turtle. He had no way
of acting on it.

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Chapter 434: How Do We Get Rid of It?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Korora Mountain Range

Link did not expect to face this problem. Actually, he could bring the rock to
life as well. Unfortunately, his method would result in a complex puppet like
Nana, and creating it would require at least half a month. All they needed to do
now was to investigate the black shadow, so a simple stone golem would have
to suffice.

Thinking for a moment, Link offered, "How about this, let's trade one spell

Gaimin couldn't handle the new material now as it was too high a level and too
resilient, but Link had no problems handling it. Furthermore, he was also
interested in the dwarven art of puppetry.

As a Magician, it was an unspoken rule that if one wanted to learn another's

spell, one ought to offer something of equal value.

Gaimin was naturally agreeable. Link was a Legendary Magician, and Gaimin
knew that he would gain more in this bargain.

"How are we going to do this? What will you trade in return?"

Link replied, "I want to learn your Stone Puppet spell. As for what I can offer,
these are my magic notes. The first 50 pages contain spells from Level-9 and
below. You can select any one you like."
His magic notes looked very simple and plain. They were bound by a simple
leather skin and looked rather thick, containing at least 300 pages. On the front,
it was simply titled "Magic Notes."

This book was so plain that if it were placed on a bookshelf, nobody would pay
it much attention. Normal people and even low-level Magicians might just
throw it to the side.

To high-level Magicians, however, it was a priceless treasure. It had attained

unbelievable status in the magic world because many had heard of Link's
attainments. In the eyes of high-level Magicians, this was something that could
bring them enlightenment. It was a holy book!

Gaimin's eyes lit up. He stared fiercely at Link's notebook and licked his lips
which were hidden deep under his bushy beard. "I can really pick whatever I
want? Can I pick two? I'll trade more spells with you."

Link was speechless. "Just one. Time is tight, hurry and select the one you

Gaimin was extremely solemn. He brushed off the dust off his robes and
carefully inspected his attire once more. Then, after ensuring that he was prim
and proper, he extended out both his hands and received the notebook from Link
and started flipping through the pages.

After ten pages, he found a spell he wanted. "I want to learn this Inter-Spell

"You really have a good eye!" Link praised. Before when he had been inflicted
by the Elemental Reject effect, this Inter-spell Resonance was a secret technique
that he relied on heavily. Besides Eliard, he had never shared this with anyone

It didn't matter much now though.

In truth, the Elemental Rejection effect on Link's body had long since
disappeared, and he could use elemental spells once again. However, based on
his current strength, most elemental spells simply were too weak.

"Are you sure?" Link asked to confirm.

"I'm sure," Gaimin nodded. Gaimin stared longingly at the remaining pages of
the book. If the first 50 pages contained spells under Level-9, then wouldn't that
mean that the rest of the pages contained Legendary-level spells?

Link pretended not to notice. He took out a pen and cast a Copy Spell. He
copied the Spell Resonance technique onto another piece of paper and handed it
to the dwarf Gaimin.

Gaimin similarly copied his Stone Puppet technique and traded it for the spell.
Then, he reluctantly returned Link's Magic Notes to him. The entire time, he
stared intently at the notes. It was as if he wanted to swallow them whole so that
he wouldn't have to return them.

After obtaining the Stone Puppet spell, Link began to study it.

It was a very unique Level-7 spell. Once mastered, it could bring out the best in
minerals. Link couldn't help but praise it silently.

However, no matter how special it was, it was still only a Level-7 spell. It didn't
take very long for Link to learn it.

It was like how an expert martial artist could easily learn new moves. Once one
perfected their techniques, they could similarly understand the flow of other
techniques and therefore copy and learn them easily.

Link was just like that.

After half an hour, Link grasped the essence of the spell. However, it wasn't
enough. The original spell was designed for use with lower level materials and
had no way of dealing with this crystallized stone. It needed some

For Link, it was a simple matter to modify a Level-7 spell. However, it would
still require him some time.

Half an hour later, the spell was completely changed by Link. A message
appeared in his vision, informing him of his success in creating a new spell.

Player has successfully created a new spell. Please choose a name.

"Let's call it Crystal Golem."

Name recorded.

Crystal Golem

Level-10 spell

Mana Consumption: 100 – 6000 Dragon Power points.

Description: Transform materials lower than Level-10 into a golem. Spell lasts
for ten minutes.

(Note: Only good materials will make good golems.)

Link walked up to the transparent crystal and pointed his Dragon King's Wrath
sword at it, channeling Dragon Power into it. He envisioned the spell structure
and guided the Dragon Power accordingly. When he was done, the crystal
started vibrating.

Creak, creak. Rumble!

All sorts of cracking and rumbling noises came out of the crystal rock. As the
transparent crystal started to reform itself, it became round, then elliptical, then
grew two legs and two arms. Finally, at the top, where a small bulge emerged
from the elliptical shape, two glowing, deep blue indentations appeared; these
were the eyes.

When the spell was finally completed, an oval-shaped golem over 24 feet in
height stood in front of Link.

Meanwhile, Gaimin who was busy studying the Spell Resonance technique was
shaken by the sound. He turned to look and was instantly stunned speechless.

This was no longer the spell that he had given Link. It had been completely
modified into something unrecognizable, and all it had taken was half an hour.

Link had an unfathomable comprehension of magic.

"Let's go!"
Link pointed his Dragon King's Wrath sword at the black shadow far in the
distance. The crystal golem charged towards the black shadow without fear.

Boom, boom, boom! The ground rumbled as the crystal golem stomped off. At
first, it went at a brisk walking pace, which soon became a jog, then a light run.
After 600 feet, the stone golem was sprinting!

Link and Gaimin were hidden amidst the foliage, staring with bated breath at the
battle that was about to unfold.

The crystal golem ran very quickly. It covered a distance of 240 feet in a
second, and the materials it was constructed with were all over Level-10.
Furthermore, within it was 10000 points worth of Legendary Dragon Power. Its
strength was terrifying. Wherever it passed through, it crushed big rocks into
powder and big trees as though they were merely grass, leaving a trail of
destruction in its wake.

The golem was like a sharp blade heading for the black shadow.

Twenty seconds later, when the golem was within 3000 feet of the black
shadow, Link used his connection with the golem to control it. The golem
started emitting crystal red energy around its body. It grabbed hold of a tree
trunk as thick as two people and started waving it around. Then, just like
sweeping with a broom, it charged towards the black shadow.

Just when the tip of the tree was about to make contact with the black shadow,
the shadow finally reacted. Link watched as the shadow suddenly contracted
and condensed into a dark light about 45 feet in diameter. From within this
shadow, a tentacle reached out and stopped the tree in the golem's hands.

Many more tentacles appeared, making the black blob look like an octopus.
After stopping the tree, the rest of the tentacles gripped onto the tree and began
a tug-of-war with the golem.

Both the golem and the tentacle were both very strong, and within a few
minutes of pulling back and forth, the tree which had a trunk of over three feet
in diameter was easily snapped in half.
Link controlled the golem with his thoughts and made it lunge towards the black
shadow like a bullet. In mid-air, it's right arm was raised and clenched into a
fist. Link directed it to smash the fist towards the black shadow.

Over ten appendages shot out from within the black shadow, encircling the
golem that was still falling in mid-air. Nonetheless, the golem's momentum was
immense due to its immense mass. Even though its body was restrained, it did
not manage to stop the golem's momentum. A few hands were immediately
broken from the force

"AHHHH! Ahhh, it hurts!"

The young girl voice called out from within the black shadow, sounding exactly
like the call for help earlier. However, the volume had increased by over ten

Link and Gaimin glanced at each other. It was still somewhat shocking that the
young girl voice came from the black smoke.

What exactly is inside that thing? This question appeared in both of their minds.

Meanwhile, the battle was still ongoing. Ultimately, the crystal golem's
onslaught had been stopped. At this point, it was only nine feet from the black

Under Link's control, the golem swung its arms wildly and grabbed onto one
tentacle each, pulling it roughly.

Crack! In an instant, the golem broke off two tentacles. However, at the same
time, more tentacles stretched out and grabbed onto the golem. It seemed like
there would be infinite tentacles.

That wasn't all. Link frowned and said, "The tentacles are rapidly absorbing the
golem's strength. It's very fast… Oh. The golem is done for."

The golem's struggling became visibly weaker, and the crystal red fluctuations
also dimmed. After about ten seconds, the light from the crystal golem
completely disappeared, and it stopped moving.

Link felt his connection with the golem disappear.


The Dragon Power within the crystal golem was completely absorbed, and
Link's runes were no longer effective. The golem was no longer transparent and
once again became a dark grey and gold alloy.

The alloy was only Level-8 in strength and was not as resilient. After being hit,
it instantly crumbled.

"It's really strong!"

"It's probably at the peak of Level-10, but it's also able to absorb the opponent's
strength to get stronger… The most important thing is that we don't know where
its weakness lies."

This dark shadow was too mysterious. They couldn't even identify any
vulnerable spots on its body. In order to destroy it, they might need to
completely destroy its body. However, it's body was also very strong, so Link
couldn't do that either.

If they weren't able to kill the enemy, the enemy could instead absorb their
energy. Then, their attacks would only serve to replenish the enemy's strength.
That would be really troublesome.

Gaimin said, "If we don't get rid of it, this thing will become a huge hindrance
in the future!"

The question was, how were they supposed to get rid of it?

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Chapter 435: A Confusing Case

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Level-10 Crystal Golem could only serve as a warm-up for the enemy, and
at the end of the fight, they were still unable to find out what the enemy hidden
within the black shadow looked like.
Link looked at his mission status and noted that it was still incomplete.

Back where the Crystal Golem fell, Link saw that the enemy did not attempt to
investigate where the person controlling the golem was hidden. Instead, it
withdrew back into the shadow which expanded once again to a diameter of
over 150 feet.

"It doesn't seem to be able to move," Gaimin suddenly noticed.

Link also realized that. "Seems so."

From the moment they first found the enemy, it seemed like the enemy had not
moved from its original position. It just hovered where it was. Furthermore,
judging from how it had to lure prey in by calling for help, it provided further
evidence that the creature could not move freely.

However, for some reason, Link still felt that something was fishy.

"Help! Help me, please! I can't hold on any longer! Ahh!"

The pitiful cry came again from the black shadow. Without witnessing the scene
from earlier, anyone would inevitably feel a sense of pity.

Gaimin found it odd. "Is it stupid? Is there any point for it to continue calling for
help? Does it actually think that we will be tricked?"

Link kept silent. He frowned as he watched the black shadow intently, trying to
understand the reason behind his suspicion.

In the game, he had seen many Legendary-level Void Beasts. None of these
beasts were content to stay put after making their way into Firuman. All of them
would run wild as they pleased.

Furthermore, being able to cross through the void, their greatest obstacle would
have been crossed. What else could possibly constraint them?

"Quick, save me! It hurts!" The cry sounded out again. Within the pain, there
was also a trace of anxiety and worry.
Link suddenly had an idea. He stood up and said to Gaimin, "Come, let's go
around it and see if we can get any leads."

Gaimin nodded.

"We'll split up and go around it. Remember to stay at least half a mile away
from the creature," Link instructed.

"Okay," Gaimin replied.

And so, Link and Gaimin split up to the left and right, searching for any more
signs that could tell them more about the shadow.

"Clear Sign." Link used the Clear Sign spell as a tracking skill. The sound of the
breeze and the smell of plants disappeared, and the scent of blood, Mana, and
other faint energies and scents that didn't belong became more obvious to Link.

He walked really slowly, as though he were taking a stroll. Along the way, he
sniffed the air intently. "There's a scent of alcohol in the air, that's Gaimin's…
there's another faint scent of blood coming from the East. It's strange."

Link followed the scent of blood and walked around, slowly entering into the
dark south part of the forest.

After about 1500 feet, the scent of blood immediately became thicker. Link
squinted and stared forward. After walking for another minute, Link found a
corpse beneath a tree.

The corpse was strange. It looked human but had a head of silver hair. When
Link lifted open his eyelids, he found that the pupils were completely clouded
over, but it could be seen that when he was alive, they were also silver. This
reminded Link of Wavier.

Wavier possessed the bloodline of the ancient Neanderthals, so his hair and eyes
were silver. However, there were many significant differences between Wavier
and the corpse here.

Besides being slightly more handsome, Wavier was not that much different
from the normal human. The corpse here, however, was extremely pale, to the
extent that its blood vessels could be seen beneath its skin. Furthermore, its
features were extremely ambiguous. Although it was a male, based on its face, it
had no difference from a female.

This person, with a bit of makeup, could easily pass as a girl, Link thought.
Finally, he began to investigate the wounds on the corpse.

The lethal wound was found directly over the heart. It was six inches wide and
had gone through the heart. Blood covered the ground and stained the soil under
the corpse red.

From the blood stains, this corpse has probably been here for two days. The
wound was probably caused by the tentacle from the creature. Before the
creature managed to absorb this person's energy, something interfered with it.

Link stood up and began looking around the corpse.

After a while, he found a blade shard 15 feet away from the corpse. Link
reached out to touch the blade, but the instant his hand made contact with the
blade, he pulled it back.

The blade looked normal, but it was extremely cold. Link's hand was frozen
numb the moment he touched the blade.

Link quickly released some Dragon Power to dispel the feeling of numbness.
Since he could not touch it directly, he would just use the Magician's hand.

The blade shard floated up and hovered in front of Link.

Link used his control over spatial magic to form a magnifying glass. Using it, he
slowly investigated the blade. On the surface, it seemed to be made of grey
steel, but after magnifying it, he found that the blade shard was in fact hollow.

The shard was made up of countless chains of Mana structures. Looking at it

carefully, they were all made of ice element spells and precious materials. Link
hadn't seen it before, but he was sure that it reached it Level-9 in strength. The
techniques used in crafting the blade and Mana structures were unknown—they
weren't used anywhere on the continent or among the High Elves.

This corpse has an extremely sturdy physical body despite being an Assassin.
The blade probably belongs to him, Link observed.
Link continued inspecting the corpse and found more and more scars. There
were probably two people here. One of them was small in stature, less than 88
pounds and was probably female. The other one would be the Assassin. The
Assassin was then ambushed from behind by the creature. He managed to block
one of the tentacles at the cost of breaking his blade, but the other tentacle hit
him from a different direction and pierced through his heart… the girl then

Subsequently, Link discovered a few strands of hair, which were silky, smooth
and long. This hair belonged to the girl that had escaped. Link traced the
footsteps to see where she had escaped to.

She ran towards the East, moving about 300 feet per second. Based on the depth
of the footprints, she was not using spells but purely her physical strength… as
for the tentacle, it pursued her relentlessly…

Link traced the trails on the ground and found that the girl had run in a straight
line all the way. As he followed the trail, he found that it entered into a dark
area. This put Link on high alert.

Six hundred feet in, Link once again found another shard that was snow white in
color, looking like jade.

With his previous experience, Link used the Magician's hand to pick up the

Upon closer inspection, he realized that this shard came from a bracelet. Similar
to the blade, it was constructed in a mysterious and unknown manner. Link was
unable to determine its function.

This area was now only 1800 feet from the black shadow. In order to avoid
alerting it, Link continued onwards very slowly.

Six hundred feet in, he discovered even more clues which painted for him a
rather depressing truth.

Two people with Neanderthal blood arrived in this forest, whereupon they met
the Void Beast. The Assassin was killed on the spot while the girl managed to
avoid the Void Beast for a while. Later on, she was defeated. However, she did
not die. Instead, she managed to trap the beast into another space and is
constantly shouting for help.

Link didn't know if this truly was the case, but the clues seemed to point
towards this possibility.

"Help! Someone, help please!" The cries for help sounded out again. It sounded
extremely pained and anxious. It sounded like they would disappear anytime.

Link frowned. What would happen if she couldn't contain the creature?

This Void Beast was of the absorption type, and it didn't seem to have any weak
points. From the way it killed the Assassin, it seemed to prefer sneak attacks.
This was the hardest kind of enemy to deal with. What should Link do?

As he was pondering, Link continued looking for other clues. Three hundred
feet in, he unexpectedly found another corpse!

This corpse belonged to the silver-haired girl that the clues seemed to lead
towards. She was collapsed on the ground, and her body was bent in an
impossible position. Most of her bones looked fractured, and some were
piercing out of her body. That indicated that she was hit by a sudden force just
before dying.

This didn't seem like the work of the tentacle creature. Furthermore, her body
was not withered like the Assassin's, and this meant the energy inside her wasn't

Link inspected the corpse carefully. This girl also seems like an Assassin, not a
Magician. How would an Assassin have the ability to restrict the Void Beast?
What's going on? The girl is dead, so who is restricting the beast? It can't be her
spirit, can it?

Link continued his investigation. Finally, a while later, he discovered new leads.
These clues turned over his earlier suspicions—these leads actually pointed to a
third person! Based on the characteristics of the trails, this third person was a
Yabba as well as a Magician!

Link remembered Gaimin saying that the voice sounded like a Yabba voice.
Actually, he had a similar impression when he first heard it.
Well then, where did the Yabba go? Was it her that restrained the Void Beast?

Link circled a few times around the Neanderthal female's corpse, looking to see
if he could dig out any more information. However, he couldn't find anything
more. Traces of the Yabba were gone; they vanished like water vapor.

He thought that he had gotten some leads earlier, but now, it seemed like he was
thrown back into the dark.

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Chapter 436: A Fourth Person Appeared

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

He circled the Neanderthal girl many times. When his search proximity reached
100 feet, he still couldn't find any trace of the Yabba.

The Yabba had appeared out of thin air and then vanished.

She must have used some portal spell. Link checked the surrounding air but
didn't find anything.

This wasn't surprising. The event had happened at least one day ago, but the
Void's aura was very heavy here, and the space was extremely unstable.
Anything left behind would have been erased by the chaotic circumstances.

Link returned to the Neanderthal girl and checked her injuries.

Broken bones, chewed clothing and accessories. This must be some powerful
force field spell. While looking, Link's gaze fell on a fist-sized rock below the

The rock was soft mudstone. An average person could break it with their hands.
One side was normal, but the other side had a finger-sized scrape. The mark was
very smooth and could clearly reflect one's image like a mirror. One needed
very mature and condensed spatial energy to create this effect on mudstone.
This Yabba is a Spatial Magician. From the looks of things, she's at least Level-
9, Link realized.

Spatial Magicians were rare in Firuman, but they still existed. In addition, most
Spatial Magicians looked at the world differently than regular people. To them,
there were no restrictions. Even different realms weren't restricted.

As a Spatial Magician continued growing, they would generally turn into a

Hermit Magician. They chose to live in isolation, cut off from the world to
avoid all the complications.

This Yabba Magician was probably like this too. Otherwise, the Yabba wouldn't
have appeared when Lirico City was in danger.

He searched for a bit more but didn't find anything else.

Link started retreating carefully and went to meet up with Magician Gaimin.
Halfway there, he saw the dwarf. He seemed to be in a hurry to find Link. After
seeing him, Gaimin immediately called, "Master Link, come with me. I found

Link's heart jumped, and he caught up. "What did you see?"

"A Yabba woman's corpse. It looks bad." Gaimin shook his head as he spoke.
"I've never seen such a horrible death."

The two bypassed the dark shadow and walked around 1500 feet to the location
of the corpse.

Link looked at the body and his temples pulsed. It was a Yabba woman, around
three feet tall. She was tall for a Yabba. Her clothes were all gone, and she was
completely nude. Her skin had cracked apart, as well as her muscles and flesh.
Her skin looked loose and flaccid.

This injury made the Yabba look as if someone had pumped air into the body.
She swelled like a balloon. After her skin exploded, the air inside escaped, and
she turned into this limp and shattered state.
"I don't know what happened, but from her contours, she's different from the
Yabba I've seen before. She's stronger and has strange characteristics. Look
here, here, and here. There are dense, dark-red scales."

Gaimin squatted and prodded the corpse with a stick. There were red scales on
the Yabba woman's private spots.

Link studied them and concluded, "They're dragon scales."

The scales had advanced resilience to magic, and the patterns on the surface
were natural runes. Only dragon scales were like this in Firuman.

He opened the Yabba's tightly shut eyes and saw her pupils were vertical slits
and crystal-red in color. "She should be a half-dragon, the product of crossing
Yabba and dragon blood."

Gaimin shrugged in confusion. "But Yabbas are so small. Even if dragons

transform into a humanoid shape, there's still a limit. They're usually over six
feet tall. How can such a big thing get into such a small hole?"

Link shrugged too. "Maybe it's a small thing inside a big hole?"

"Uh… That…" Gaimin tugged at his beard. "That's probably really interesting."

Link moved on from that weird topic. He squatted and continued studying the
Yabba's body. After a few minutes, he found another inexplicable detail. "She
probably was a Magician. Look at her hand. There's a small mark from being
burned by focused Mana from a wand… but the problem is, I found another
trace of the Yabbas over there. That Yabba used spatial magic to kill a
Neanderthal. Comparing these two signs, it seems to be the same person."

Gaimin was shocked. "What did you discover?"

Link recounted the evidence he found. After that, Gaimin was pulled into the
mystery and couldn't get out of it either.

"That doesn't make sense." The dwarf started tugging at his beard. "The Void
Tentacle attacked a Neanderthal Assassin, and the Assassin escaped. Halfway
through, this Yabba used a portal rune and appeared. She killed the Assassin
and then escaped but then died so horribly thousands of feet away. What exactly

He clenched a fist and hit his head. A few seconds later, he suddenly stopped
and asked, "Link, do you think something happened to her during the

On the other side, Link was walking around the body, trying to find new clues.
Hearing the question, he shook his head. "No, if it was a problem during
teleportation, she wouldn't have a body."

Usually, her body would be ground into powder by the spatial currents and
disappear in the Sea of Void as if she'd never existed before. As for
circumstances causing one's body to swell and explode, Link had a vague guess,
but he needed more clues to prove it.

A few minutes later, he found a light yellow, amber-like shard in the grass 100
feet away. He used the Magician's Hand to pick it up and studied it.

After a while, Link confirmed that it was a piece of a wand. There were many
runes on it, and the enchantment was similar to what was used in modern
Firuman. The material used was also Level-9. Judging from the small marks,
Legendary power had flowed in reverse through it.

"This might be why the Yabba died. A Legendary fighter attacked her, and
strong power poured into the wand, finally entering her body and causing it to
explode. But where is this Legendary fighter?"

Another mystery had appeared.

"Gaimin, there's a fourth person here. He's the strongest. He killed this Yabba
half-dragon but didn't leave any trace behind. However, he's a Legendary
Magician. He can cast spells from 1000 feet away. Let's split up and see if we
can find any clues in this area."

Gaimin nodded. "Understood."

The proximity was smaller this time. They separated again; Gaimin was
responsible for the area away from the Void creature while Link was
responsible for the closer area.
"Clear Sign." Link cast the powerful detector spell again and continued forward.

Not even five seconds after using the spell, Link was 600 feet away from the
dark object. He was very close.

Here, he discovered an entirely new clue. There was an extra aura in the air—
something minute that only another Legendary figure could sense. The energy
was very small and intricate. If Link hadn't used the Clear Sign spell, he
wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Unique ripples appeared in the space. It seems to be sending some message…

Let me see.

Link got an idea, and he tapped the air with his Burning Wrath of Heavens
wand. He cast the detector spell, Space-Time Mark.

Whoosh. A narrow, crystal-red light beam spread out from the wand's tip. A
second later, it covered a 300-meter wide area. In this area, the red light would
become heavier where the spatial frequency was higher and vice versa. Every
little disruption would be shown clearly.

Link instantly saw an immense amount of mysterious runes.

This… is some type of law rune. It's strange. Separate, they're not strong but
when so many are together… They seem to have built a spatial web.

An idea grew inside Link's mind. He started circling the Void creature. The
Space-Time Mark spell followed him, showing the surrounding spatial
structure. After finishing looking around, he discovered that he had guessed
correctly. There was a super-law web around the shadow.

The web's nature was very strange. It was one-way and wouldn't reject outside
power from going in. However, the power coming out of it would be restricted

Link tried it with his Demon Slayer Whip. He discovered that when going out
from the inside, the whip would collapse after only 100 feet. Since he was
restricted so much, the Void creature at the center of the web of runes must be
under extreme restrictions.
Even so, it could still defeat a Level-10 Crystal Golem. How terrifying must its
true power be? Link couldn't even imagine it.

This web was most likely cast by that Legendary figure but where is he now?
Could he be…

Link glanced at the Void creature. At that time, pleas for help sounded in the
shadows once again. "Please save me. I can't take it anymore…"

The voice was so pitiful, urgent, and imploring. She seemed to be able to sense
Link's presence.

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Chapter 437: This is a Dragon King!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the cries for help appeared, Link was less than 650 feet away from the
ball of shadows. At the same time, his vision kept flashing with notifications.
Apparently, he had completed a mission.

Mission Complete: The Girl in the Forest

Reward: Assassin's Vision of Truth (Legendary)

A blue-gold icon flashed faintly in Link's vision. He looked carefully and saw
that it was a pair of goggles. The lenses were dark blue and seemed to be

Link checked its attributes.

Assassin's Vision of Truth

Lower-tier Legendary (13)

Effect: After the user wears this eye mask, all targets under Level-13 in their
vision will have their weaknesses marked. The effective range is 300 feet. After
that, there are fewer details as the distance increases.

(Note: As long as one can find the weakness, anyone can be killed, and anything
can be destroyed.)

The attributes were so powerful, and Link was excited. He immediately said,

The eye mask flashed, and Link felt a weight in his hand. A slightly warm
object appeared. It was the Assassin's Vision of Truth.

The actual thing was a bit different from the icon. The icon showed a pair of
goggles, but the object was more like an eye mask. There were just two dark
blue crystal lenses in the eye area.

Placing it on his head, it was neither tight nor loose. He could barely feel it.
After adjusting it, Link discovered that nothing in his vision had changed. At the
same time, three control runes appeared in his mind.

He checked and learned the uses of these three runes. The first was the Eye of
Truth, the second was Flash Protection, and the third was Eye Mask

He added some Dragon Power into the third rune, and his vision brightened a
bit. Creating a mirror to look at himself, he discovered that the eye mask was
gone. Link reached for it; the eye mask was still on his face.

This function was pretty good. Otherwise, it would be ugly to have an eye mask
on all day. People would think he was blind.

Of course, this wasn't important. The important thing was that, if he put on an
eye mask, people wouldn't be able to read his eyes. This was a good thing
against enemies, but it would be difficult to communicate with his allies.

However, he was facing an enemy now. Link selected the control rune again,
and the eye mask reappeared.
Next, Link added some Dragon Power into the first control rune. His vision
dimmed, and everything became transparent.

He looked down at his hand. He could clearly see the skin, flesh, veins, tendons,
bones, and even the path that the Dragon Power flowed through.

Link focused and could see many nodes in the Dragon Power in his arm. This
discovery shocked him. He was sure that if he purposely damaged those nodes,
it would only take minimal power to disable his entire arm. It could even affect
the operation of Dragon Power in his entire body.

Then Link looked at a rock the size of his head on the ground. It became
translucent like a crystal and didn't seem to contain any weaknesses. Link raised
his foot and pressed down lightly. The rock changed. Many white fissures
appeared on it like cottony spider webs.

The "cotton" started from under Link's foot and snaked through the entire rock.
Finally, they converged where the rock met the ground. The exact appearance
and brightness changed as Link changed his foot's force.

A rock is a dead object, Link realized when he saw this. There is no force inside
it, so there aren't any so-called weaknesses either. But when I step onto it, force
appears, and energy paths are created. If I follow that path, I can find a sudden
change in force output and use some strength…

With a crack, Link was able to use very little strength to shatter this sturdy rock.

Only living objects had weaknesses.

After getting a general idea of the theory behind the Vision of Truth, Link
looked up at the ball of shadows. It was 650 feet away, out of the eye mask's
range, but it still had an effect.

The purple-black fog weakened a lot, revealing a blurry shadow inside. Link's
heart clenched at the sight. It was like a ball of thread that kept wriggling…

No. More accurately, it was like a clump of black worms entangled in each
other. It was wet, sticky, and kept moving.
Link was too far away, and the Vision of Truth could only see that much. He
continued moving forward.

Soon, he was less than 300 feet away from the shadows. Here, he could see even
more clearly. The blurry black strips had become slightly transparent. Some
dark purple energy paths appeared.

Occasionally, frosty-white light would shine through the worm-like things,

flashing weakly. If not for the help of the Vision of Truth, Link wouldn't be able
to see them at all.

He was delighted. There's something up!

The law runes in the space, the anxious cries of help, and the occasional white
light all proved that a Legendary figure was trapped by this Void creature.

Link's vision flashed; there was a new mission.

Activated Mission: The Trapped Strongman

Mission Content: Defeat the Void creature and save the little girl crying for help

Mission Reward: 200 Omni Points

Link was a bit disappointed that the reward wasn't a part of the Assassin set.
However, 200 Omni Points wasn't bad either. Taking a deep breath, he walked
forward, ready to act.

Footsteps sounded behind him—the dwarf Gaimin. He ran to about 150 feet
behind Link and asked anxiously, "Master Link, are you going to attack?"

"Yes, I've found a way to counter him. You step back… more, go to 1000 feet
away and cast a protection spell for yourself."

Without another word, the dwarf ran back. One thousand feet away, he found a
large rock. He took out a piece of fine gold and pressed it onto the rock.

Ten seconds later, the rock turned into sturdy alloy, and he hid behind it. He
took a deep breath to push down the urge to peek at the coming battle. Gaimin
realized his heart was pounding like a battle drum. It echoed in his ears.
He was about to witness a Legendary-level battle. This was so exciting.

In the front, Link continued advancing. Instead of hiding himself, he burned

with crystal-red flames of light. A dragon apparition more than 200 feet tall
emerged around him.

He didn't walk quickly, so the apparition strolled forward as well.

Whoosh, whoosh! The wind grew stronger and stronger. The direction of the
wind was odd too. With Link at the center, it swept outwards in a radial shape.
The surrounding trees couldn't take it, and cracks sounded.

This was only the aftermath of Legendary power.

Gaimin was shocked. He pressed against the sturdy rock but still didn't feel safe.
He decided to cast another spell. Digging a hole in the rock, he hid into it.

This wasn't the end. He took out an extremely strong piece of obsidian and
melded it into the rock before feeling slightly safer.

Everyone says that Master Link is a demon slayer. This title isn't accurate at all.
What demon slayer? He's clearly a dragon king!

On the other hand, Link unsheathed the Dragon King's Fury sword with a soft
clang. He exhaled slowly, calming himself.

Murderous intent emerged in this absolute silence.

The Void creature felt danger too, and the tentacles writhed. In the Vision of
Truth, Link could clearly see the dark purple light flowing through the tentacles
become heavy and bright.

It was building up the energy to attack!

Link continued forward. Because of the Mana density rising, his Dragon Power
started bubbling. The dragon apparition enveloping him condensed until it was
almost tangible!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Dragon Power would vibrate faintly with Link's every
step. It shook the ground with giant booms as if an actual dragon were walking.
Finally, Link stopped 150 feet away from the shadows. "I'm coming," he called.
"Can you hear me?"

The Void creature was unexpectedly strong. Even with the help of the Vision of
Truth, Link still had to keep his guard up. If he could work together with the
person inside, the possibility of victory would increase greatly.

After around three seconds, the voice said, "Save me, save me, I can't take it

There was nothing other than cries for help. Link's brows knitted at this. The
other seemed to have lost most of their consciousness or had been greatly hurt.

Whatever. Even without the help, the law runes were still in the air, restricting
the Void creature. Link could probably defeat it.

At the same time, in the Mist Maze of the Dragon Valley

Whoosh, whoosh! The sound of wind came from the distance. It was the
flapping of dragon wings.

A few seconds later, dozens of Red Dragons broke free from the mist. The
leader was Felina. Behind her was a giant dragon more than 200 feet long—the
Red Dragon Queen. Behind them were the elders.

As soon as they left the mist, Gretel was shocked, her eyes widening. "I can feel
him! It's very pure Dragon Power!"

As she spoke, her wings sped up, and she instantly shot forward, leaving the
other dragons behind. The elders behind her exchanged glances. They could feel
the huge Dragon Power. Only a Legendary dragon could possess that power.

But… there was no precedent in history of a non-dragon possessing Legendary

Dragon Power!

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Chapter 438: As Tenacious as a Cockroach
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Korora Mountain Range

Link stood to face the shadows. He didn't rush to attack but instead squinted his
eyes, trying to use the Vision of Truth to identify any weak points. He found
that the enemy had no special features, nothing that resembled a core. It just
seemed like a long tentacle that couldn't look any plainer.

Inside it, Link could see dark purple energy coursing in a path very much
similar to the shape of the tentacle. It was a simple straight line that had no
nodes or connection points.

Having no core meant that this enemy possessed no vulnerable points. This was
a fearsome enemy.

However, just because it didn't have a core didn't mean that it had no blind
spots. There were certain movements that a tentacle could not make, and
especially under stress, Link was sure that he would find a loophole to exploit.

With this in mind, Link came up with his strategy to deal with the Void Beast.

Link first began to retreat. Spatial Spells would be able to unleash their full
strength at a greater distance.

On his own body, he cast a Lightweight spell and slowly tip-toed forward. He
was just like a piece of leaf, floating in the air. Then, as he walked forward, the
Dragon King's Fury sword and the Burning Wrath of Heavens wand appeared in
his hands.

Controlling them with his mind, two crystal red lines shot out from the two

These were the Demon Slayer whips. As they extended out in mid-air, small
points of lights began to form on the crests of the whips. No, not points of
lights, these were more like miniature suns!
There were over 20 of these miniature suns that shone brilliantly in the dense
forest, illuminating it and chasing away the gloom.

Far away, Gaimin couldn't see clearly what was happening. All he could see
was a brilliant flash of light that blinded him and forced him to squint his eyes.

That wasn't enough, and soon, Gaimin took out a pair of dark protective goggles
that Yabbas used when they were digging tunnels and put them on. Only then
did he feel better.

Meanwhile, Link was giving his all in the battle, and the fight was becoming

Screech! The Void Beast let out a screech as a jet-black tentacle shot straight
towards Link.

The initial speed of the tentacle was so fast that Link could not even see it when
it began to move. However, after reaching a distance of 60 feet, its speed
dropped by ten percent. When it had reached 180 feet, its speed was not even
half of its initial speed.

This was because of the spell formation restricting it.

Although its speed was still incredible and normal people would not even be
able to react, Link could now trace it with his eyes. Controlling the whips with
his mind, he attacked the tentacle.

There were actually over 15 tentacles that shot out towards Link. Initially, the
creature had no weaknesses. However, as it went on the offensive, it began to
reveal some weak points.

The tentacles were just like arrows, and the force of the attack was concentrated
at the front. That meant that the greatest amount of energy was condensed at the
tip of the tentacles. Obviously, Link could not afford to clash head to head with
this condensed energy. However, because the energy was concentrated at the
front, that meant that the creature's original body was not as well protected as it
was before.
Furthermore, because the tentacles were shooting forward at such speed, it
would be difficult for them to change directions rapidly. That was another huge

Link controlled the whips to wave about in the air, avoiding direct contact with
the tentacles. Watching how they moved, they looked just like little fish.

These fish weren't harmless at all. They were extremely lethal, like man-eating

Boom! One of the crests on the whip made contact with the side of a tentacle.
This was meant to test out the strength of the attack. Link observed the results
intently, focusing on the details of how the creature responded to the attack.

As the whip made contact with the tentacle, he could clearly see how the crest
exploded, and all its energy shot out into the tentacle. As this happened, the
energy in the crest was consumed, and it dimmed.

Concurrently, the red energy shot into the tentacle. In the beginning, the tentacle
was completely unable to resist the attack, and the energy burst out unrestrained
within its body. This completely disrupted whatever control the creature had
over the tentacle as a big hole was blasted in the middle of the tentacle. The
tentacle softened and lost its attacking ability.

Soon after that, Link discovered that a barrier formed over the exposed walls in
the wound of the tentacle. Then, this barrier separated the energy surrounding
the wound and began to rapidly absorb the energy.

As this happened, Link saw how the fire energy within the wound dimmed and
was extinguished, while the tentacle which had initially lost its strength and
gone limp began to straighten up again. The wound closed up, and it mended its

My attack was too weak; I need to use more strength!

In the earlier attack, Link used 200 Dragon Power points which he concentrated
into his single attack. Such an attack reached a strength of Level-10 and was
enough to threaten the tentacle. However, because it wasn't strong enough, it
was unable to completely destroy it.
Link decided to use more power in his next attack and increased his Mana
output to 300 Dragon Power points per crest. This increased his attacking power
by 50%.

Boom! This time, a black tentacle immediately broke off after it was attacked.


This attack was effective, and Link's killing intent was stoked. He immediately
raised his pace of attack.

Boom, boom, boom! Multiple small explosions arose, sounding like beans
frying in a pan. The sounds weren't actually very loud, but after each attack, the
air shook from the shockwave released by the energy.

Everywhere the shockwave passed through, things were reduced to rubble. A

stone was immediately crushed into powder while a tree trunk cracked. Behind
the shockwave, there was a secondary wave that knocked the tree over and
reduced it to bits.

The resulting sounds were very shrill. It wasn't that they didn't have enough
power, but because of the high pitch of the sounds, normal people just couldn't
hear it.

Nine hundred feet out, Gaimin felt his ears hurting. Without any hesitation, he
cast a barrier to protect himself.

A watery barrier rose up around Gaimin, blocking out the sound. Nevertheless,
as the shockwave battered against the barrier, it created other smaller

Is this the power of a Legendary expert? This strength is truly terrifying!

Gaimin's heart was pounding so hard that he couldn't take it. He immediately
pulled out his flask of alcohol and took a swig. As he felt the warm alcohol flow
down his throat and into his stomach, spreading out throughout his body, he
finally felt more at ease.

Numerous black tentacles were destroyed by Link's attacks. Even then, many
more black tentacles shot out to take their place. Yet, none of them could reach
within 150 feet of Link before being destroyed. It seemed like this would
continue and eventually result in Link's victory.

However, things were not that simple!

Link noticed that the tentacles that he destroyed lay on the floor. Yet, after a
while, they would begin to wriggle and make their way back to the main body
of the creature like little worms.

Then, they would burrow into the tentacle and merge into it, looking as natural
as bubbles merging into the water.

In three seconds, Link had destroyed 15 tentacles and did a decent amount of
damage to the creature. However, at the same time, these tentacles absorbed his
energy. This energy was unexpectedly used to regenerate its tentacles.

Ultimately, this meant that the creature had taken almost no damage while Link
had expended over 4700 Dragon Power points, a large portion of his total

This can't be! I'll lose at this rate!

Link immediately canceled the use of his Demon Slayer Whip and activated a
dimensional jump, reappearing 900 feet behind his current position. This was
just outside the range of the tentacles.

The tentacles stopped their pursuit. After making some shrill noises, they
retreated back towards the main body of the creature.

Immediately after that, the girl's voice again called out for help. "Help, save me!
Quick, this is unbearable!"

Link shivered. He realized that the tentacle creature had felt his power and was
now actively doing its best to get rid of the girl that was restraining it to get
back its freedom. This way, it would be able to use its full power and deal with

Damn! If only I had someone to help me get rid of the tentacles that drop off!
Link sighed.
Dealing with all these tentacles was already taking up all his concentration. He
felt like he was about to reach his limit, but he couldn't watch as the enemy
regained its strength without doing anything.

Gaimin asked cautiously, "Master Link, what's wrong?"

Gaimin could also see that Link was expending a lot of effort but to no avail.
Link was simply being taken advantage of by the creature.

"Let's go, we'll find someone who can help us," Link declared. He stood up and
was of a mind to look for the Red Dragon Queen. She was a Legendary Warrior
and was probably the only one who can completely destroy the tentacles.

The only problem was, would the little girl be able to last till then?

Suddenly, Link had a weird feeling in his heart and turned to look towards the
western sky. As he saw a red figure in the sky, he smiled.

The Red Dragon Queen was already on her way. This was like rain in the
middle of a summer drought. Of course, Felina must have had informed the

However, the moment he relaxed, there came another shrill cry. "AHHHH, I
can't do this anymore!"

The sound was extremely loud and shrill, like the last ditch effort before death.

Link immediately knew that the situation had turned bad. The girl must not be
allowed to die, otherwise, there was no way for them to fight this creature.

He couldn't just sit around waiting for the Red Dragon Queen to arrive. He
immediately rushed in due to the urgency of the situation and was about to
attack using a Spatial Shackles spell when he remembered that the enemy was a
Void Beast, one that could cross the void. Spatial spells would probably be
ineffective against it.

He used the Demon Slayer whip once again to attack the creature.

Screech. After being attacked, tentacles once again shot out towards Link.
However, Link could tell that this attack was not lethal and it was just meant to
drag out time to enable it to finish off the girl. It seemed determined to break
through the girl's barrier.

Hold it… Link suddenly had an idea. If the creature was able to come up with a
strategy, it meant that it was able to think. For it to be able to think meant that it
had to have something like a brain. Then… where was this brain located?

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Chapter 439: Void Tyrant and Astral Magician

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Crack! Crack!

Link slightly increased the frequency of the Demon Slayer Whip. This time, he
controlled the whip with one hand while using a space-shattering spell.

Whenever he cut off a tentacle, he would cast a Spatial Rend. When the Spatial
Rend arrived, Link would clearly see a ring of transparent spatial ripples form
around the cut tentacle. It was like a film protecting the tentacle.

The space continued shaking but was stopped by the ripple. It took a full half
second before the Spatial Rend touched the tentacle and pulverized it.

If a single cut tentacle could resist so powerfully, then the power of the entire
creature went without saying. Link felt fortunate that he didn't use Spatial
Restraint earlier.

After being turned to dust, the tentacle was finally completely dead.

Hiss! The ball of tentacles shrieked. It seemed to be angered by Link. However,

it still didn't change its tactics. It still focused on attacking the girl while
continuing to just delay Link.

Fighting back in anger is an animal's instincts, Link realized. This thing can
control its instincts… This is the product of advanced intelligence!
He studied the thing's structure even more closely, trying to find its core.

Where is it? Where is it? Link looked everything, hoping to find its true weak
spot. However, all he saw was a bunch of entangled tentacles.

At this time, the Red Dragon Queen Gretel arrived.

She'd planned on landing directly but around 300 feet from the ground, she
discovered a dwarf hiding where she had chosen to land. The dwarf was staring
at her in shock.

Gretel recognized him as a member of the Emerald Circle. In order to not

squash him, she transformed into her human shape and only kept her wings.

After a few flaps of her wings, she landed slowly. Ignoring the dwarven
Magician in the near distance, she strode towards Link while calling, "Link, I'm

With that, she reached out. Strands of fiery mist appeared in her palm. The mist
condensed furiously, and a second later, it formed into a dark purple fireball
more than 30 feet wide.

Link had been watching. Seeing the fireball's size, he knew immediately that it
was the Void Destructor, a Level-10 fire spell. It was extremely powerful, but
from what Link knew, it couldn't kill the creature. The creature would just
absorb the energy!

More importantly, the attack could kill the girl inside.

"Don't!" he quickly yelled. "Your Majesty, there's someone inside. A Legendary


Gretel's brows knitted. She scattered the Void Destructor and flapped her wings,
flying towards Link. Around 300 feet away, she paused. "There are spatial
runes. Are they yours?"

Link hurriedly explained, "No, they're set by the girl trapped inside, but she's
going to die soon!"
Gretel was reassured and quickly arrived by Link's side. With her here, Link
was relieved. There wasn't enough time for explanations, so he cut to the chase.
"Your Majesty, I can cut off the attacking tentacles. You burn them up."

"No problem." Gretel nodded. She was suspicious about Link's Legendary
Dragon Power but now wasn't the time to ask.

Whoosh! Multitasking, Link pulled out a second Demon Slayer Whip and
started focusing on attacking.

Now, the tentacle ball felt more pressure. Not only were the outstretched
tentacles getting cut off, but Link also started attacking the ball.

As soon as a tentacle hit the ground, the waiting Gretel would quickly throw
over a small Void Destructor fireball to burn it up.

The ball of tentacles was forced to give up on the little girl and fully defend
itself against Link. The tentacle arrows shot towards Link but were all hit down.
It couldn't break into Link's defense.

Thus, the situation returned to how it had been. The only difference was that the
tentacles couldn't return to the ball.

Four seconds later, Link had sliced 20 tentacles. The 30-foot-wide ball was now
30% smaller. If this continued, the ball would definitely die.

However, Link's Dragon Power was running out. "Your Majesty, I'm using up
my power!"

He still had more than 1000 Dragon Power Points even as it regenerated while
he fought. He wanted to have Gretel block the tentacles while he stopped them
from returning.

Unexpectedly, Gretel instantly answered, "Don't worry. Continue attacking!"

As she spoke, one dragon wing curled lightly, wrapping around Link. Countless
crystal-red runes flashed on the wing. Dragon Power surged from each one,
snaking into Link's body.
This was pure Dragon Power and came from the same source as Link's power.
Once inside his body, it became one with his own power. He didn't feel any

Link checked his Dragon Power recovery rate. It was now a shocking 2767
points per second. With this recovery rate, he could fight with no worries.

His two Demon Slayer Whips flew continuously, and light kept flashing in the
air. Tentacles dropped to the ground, only to be lit on fire by Gretel.

Link was a bit worried that Gretel would run out of power and took the time to
check her stats. Last time Link checked, all he saw were question marks. This
time, he could see them.

Red Dragon Queen Gretel

Level-11 Legendary Pinnacle Dragon

Dragon Power Limit: 23340 points

Dragon Power Recovery Rate: 98 points per second

Description: Gretel was born more than 2000 years ago. Three hundred years
ago, Gretel accepted the essence inheritance of the previous queen and became
the Dragon Queen. Now, she is one of the strongest dragons in history.

(Note: A queen loved by all. Currently worried about the next generation.)

Link was stupefied by this information. Gretel was at Level-11, and her Dragon
Power upper limit was twice as much as his. It seemed that he didn't have to
worry about her using up her Dragon Power while fighting the tentacles.

With the worries gone, Link became calmer. His attack frequency increased,
and the huge, worm-like tentacles continuously got chopped down and burned.

The ball of tentacles in the distance got smaller, and the white light inside
started becoming clearer. Link could vaguely see a silver-haired girl and her
aura leaked out.

She was a Neanderthal.

Gretel glanced at the girl and was shocked. "No wonder I thought the runes
were familiar. It's her!"

"Huh? You know her?" Link was surprised.

"Of course. She's Lucia Silverstar, one of the six major Astral Magicians of the
Emerald Circle. She looks young, but she's already 236 years old."

Link was speechless. He'd thought that she was just a little girl. Since she was
an ally, he naturally had to do everything to save her.

The tentacle ball became smaller and smaller. He could see that there were only
ten tentacles left. It was close to the end.

Just as it was about to collapse, the ball suddenly screamed. The tentacles let go
of the Neanderthal and condensed into a tiny ball less than three feet wide. It
was covered in a layer of transparent spatial ripples.

Inside the ripples, the tentacles struggled like writhing snakes. It seemed to
snake into some hole; it was quickly lessening and about to disappear.

The girl was alarmed. She'd recovered some consciousness, and her eyes
cracked open. "It's a Void Tyrant," she struggled to say. "D-don't let it escape!"

Then she fainted.

Link didn't need to be told. He'd already cast a Spatial Sphere. "Restraint!"

The tentacles were immediately disturbed and slowed slightly.

At the same time, Link stabbed with his sword. A Despair Ball appeared at the
tip. After entering the ball, the sword tip emerged outside the spatial ripples.
Link added more power and Boundless Sharpness went into effect. The Dragon
King's Fury sword buried into the spatial ripples.

"Spatial Rend!" Link cast another spatial spell. Dragon Power flowed into the
spatial ripples along the sword. It constructed a Mana structure, and the space
started to vibrate.
Hiss! Everyone present heard an extremely piercing scream. Then, the visible
tentacles broke apart and turned to dust.

"Is it dead?" Gretel asked.

Link's expression was hard. "No, it escaped. Its body isn't completely in
Firuman. The other part is in another realm!"

In the earlier confrontation, Link had sensed the tentacles' conscience for an
instant. It hadn't entered Firuman at all; only its tentacles had reached in!

No wonder Link couldn't find its core.

Even more terrifying, Link clearly felt that the thing wasn't that powerful—only
Level-10—but it was humongous. The tentacles that they'd just destroyed were
less than one-tenth of the entire body.

"But you forced it out of Firuman," Gretel continued.

Link still shook his head. "It's not that useful. There are spatial cracks
everywhere. It'll find a suitable crack somewhere and then reappear. However,
there's something I don't understand."

"What is it?" Gretel asked.

"The crack here isn't that big. It can't get through at all. The entire way here, I
saw cracks much bigger than this. Why did it choose to appear here? It's

He didn't understand at all. He vaguely suspected that the dead Yabba half-
dragon had done this. However, he didn't have evidence and didn't know her

Gretel pointed at Lucia Silverstar on the ground. "Let's take her to the Dragon
Valley. When she wakes up, we'll know what happened. I have many things to
ask you too."

Compared to the Void Tyrant that had been forced away, Gretel was more
interested in what happened to Link.
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Chapter 440: The Red Dragon Queen’s Punishment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They had only managed to beat back the Void Tyrant, and still, there was the
matter of the cracks all over the place. Anything could happen at this point. A
grim look settled on Link's face at the thought of this.

The cracks must be sealed up as soon as possible.

Link remembered the words of the Travel Magician Aisenis Grey, "Find Jogus,

Just then, the air was filled with the whirring of huge pairs of wings. Link
looked up and saw around ten Red Dragons descending from the sky towards

Link's memory was impeccable; there was nothing he couldn't commit to

memory, even a dragon's face, and there above him were all the familiar faces
he had seen back at the Dragon Temple.

That's quite a party. Link was taken aback by the reptilian party that had
gathered around him.

The Red Dragon Queen raised her shoulders imperiously and folded her dragon
wings before explaining herself with a smile, "You possess the Dragon Power,
and even managed to reach the Legendary level. This is quite a feat, something
that has never happened in dragon history, and so we have all come here to bear

While speaking, the Red Dragon Elders had flown close by. As they were
forbidden to fly above their queen, they descended to the ground a few hundred
miles away and took on their human forms as they came over.

Their eyes were fixed fiercely on Link when they came close enough.
It was as if they were aggressively peeling him open with their eyes to see what
made him tick inside, making Link squirm with unease.

Gretel sensed Link's discomfort and waved a hand. "That's enough, I've checked
him out, Link's Dragon Power is pure in essence. Why don't you go back to
Dragon Valley? Oh, and this is Astral Magician Lucia Silverstar. Take her back
with you, she's been hurt. Felina, there's a dwarf who also needs attention. Take
him back with you too. You go on ahead. I need to speak with Link in private."

Though the Red Dragon Elders kept on shooting suspicious looks at Link, a
quizzical expression on their faces, their queen had given out her orders, and so
they had no choice but to withdraw for now.

Before leaving, Link noticed that one of them looked like he was about to say
something, but the other Elders had reached out to pull him away before he
could speak. This troubled Link somewhat, but he did not pursue the matter any

Before long, the Red Dragons flew off, leaving Link and Gretel alone in the

Gretel began walking in the direction of the Dragon Valley. Waving a hand at
Link, she said with a smile, "Come on, let's take a stroll through these woods
and talk a bit so that I may better understand how you attained that Dragon
Power of yours."

Her current appearance was a bit peculiar. She was wearing a dark red battle
robe that came down barely to her knees, revealing a pair of calves white like
the tips of bamboo shoots, while tightly-knitted red Dragon scales covered the
vulnerable parts of her shin. Both sides of her waist, which were left exposed,
glistened with the same red Dragon scales as well. Her belly, on the other hand,
showed her slick, white skin unhindered by neither armor nor scales. She wore a
kind of dark red body armor on her upper body which covered her upper arms
and left her scaly forearms exposed. Propped up on all this was a vibrant,
graceful face.

This must be her half-dragon form. Ordinary folk would have been stunned
speechless at such a sight, as it was not something ordinary folk had any
business seeing in their daily lives. Still, the Red Dragon Queen's current
appearance was one of vibrancy and exquisiteness, blending together perfectly
with elements of majesty, sexual appeal and grace in such a way that would
leave a lasting impression on anyone.

During his battle with the Void Tyrant, he could not give her a proper look, but
even now, when he tried to take in her features safely away from the heat of
battle, he was so dazzled by them that he could not help but immediately avert
his eyes from her.

He turned to face the road ahead. "It was a fluke. I don't even know how I got

"Do elaborate."

Link also wanted to understand more about his current situation. Though he had
somewhat grasped the fundamentals of his transformation ability, his mastery of
the Dragon Power remained incomplete, and he still could not pull off a
successful transformation. If there was anyone in the world who could help him
achieve mastery, that would be the Red Dragon Queen herself. So, he nodded
and told the queen without omitting anything of how he heavily damaged his
body after casting a Legendary Spell, his thirst for power later on, and finally
how he fled to the volcano where he plunged into the lava lake beneath.

Gretel listened attentively to all this. When Link finally finished, she let out a
sigh, a look of amazement on her face. "This must be providence from the God
of Light, in all the tens of thousands of years of Dragon history, your case may
be the first of its kind. Come, let me take a look at your power. "

Link extended a hand, and Dragon Power began to condense into a red ball of
power above his palm. As this was Legendary-level Dragon Power, it seemed
extremely viscous, almost like a huge water droplet. Link remained calm
throughout all this, managing to keep the surface of the ball of energy as smooth
as possible, such that it resembled a pristine gemstone from an angle.

Upon seeing the ball of Dragon Power, Gretel let out a slight shiver. She waved
a hand at it, and Link could feel the power in his palm being tugged slightly by
an unseen force. Understanding that it was the Red Dragon Queen's own energy,
he began loosening his grip on the ball.
The pristine gemstone lightly floated towards Gretel. Being free of Link's
control, it started to evaporate slowly, and a scarlet heat wave emerged from its

Gretel stood motionless, observing intently the disintegrating ball of energy.

Seconds passed, and she suddenly opened her mouth to lick at it gently, as if
tasting something edible.

Then she stopped abruptly, lost in deep thought as she stared at the ball of

This was the purest form of Dragon Power, absent of any imperfection. It may
even surpass her own Dragon Power in terms of purity.

Logically speaking, this Dragon Power was something she had planted a part of
herself in, which meant both their powers shared the same source. She could not
think of a logical reason behind this, other than the fact that it had been due to
something innate in him.

Watching her stand quietly for a while, Link finally asked, "Your Majesty, what
do you think?"

"Ah? Oh... Good, very good,"said Gretel absently, bouncing the ball of Dragon
Power back to him.

Link reached out, letting it seep back into his body, and he asked, "Back then,
when you gave me some of your Dragon Power, I could feel it integrate with
mine completely, and there doesn't seem to be any adverse reaction to it, which
means that there's not much difference between real Dragon Power and mine.
So I need to know, is there a chance that I am able to transform myself into an
actual dragon?"

One of the biggest advantages of a dragon's body was its ability to fly at a
remarkable speed and its economic energy consumption. After witnessing the
Red Dragon dukes' flying prowess with his own eyes, Link had nothing but
admiration for them.

Gretel pondered for a moment, then shook her head. "I'm not sure, I'll need to
check your physical conditions. Now don't move."
Link nodded.

Gretel placed a hand on Link's shoulder, guiding a thread of Dragon Power into
Link's body. It was as fine as a strand of hair and served as a probe, allowing her
to begin inspecting his physical state.

Throughout all this, Link felt almost nothing, except for a slight itch which he
was able to take. This went on for around half an hour, before Gretel finally
pulled her hand away, a look of confusion on her face.

"What is it?" asked Link.

Gretel continued walking forward. "Strange indeed, your body seems to be in

peak condition. One might say it surpasses even that of an Apocalypse Dragon
Guard who has undergone harsh training in the secret arts. Your body structure
and mine are quite similar but different in a few other trivial aspects, such that it
may even border on perfection. But your physiology lacks one integral

"What is it?" asked Link. Up ahead, a tangle of vines obstructed Gretel's path,
and so he cast the Magician's Hand to clear it away.

Gretel strode over as Link cleared away the vines before speaking with a
doubtful tone, "The dragon's heart. All dragonkind, even the Wyrms, possess a
nucleus of some sort within their bodies, where a dragon's bloodline magic is
stored, one of which is the dragonification technique. Your Dragon Power,
however, is distributed equally throughout your body, absent of any nucleus...
Logically speaking, without a dragon's heart, your Dragon Power should have
begun to dissipate at this point, but how is it possible that it has managed to
stabilize and even kept on increasing?"

Such a phenomenon had far transcended Gretel's understanding of Dragon


In front of them flowed a brook. With a nudge from his will, rocks floated up to
the surface of the water and formed a stone bridge across the stream, paving the
way ahead for both of them. "Looks like there's no way for me to attain the body
of a dragon," he laughed mirthlessly.
The Red Dragon Queen may not have fully grasped his current condition, but he
had some inkling as to how he was able to obtain such an extraordinary form of
Dragon Power.

There was a high chance the game system may be taking on the role of a
dragon's heart, supplementing Link's Dragon Power reserve. Without it, the
Dragon Power inside his body would, as the Red Dragon Queen had said,
slowly fade away.

As she walked along the stone bridge, watching the clear stream flowing by,
Gretel suddenly stopped. She sat on the edge of the bridge and started dangling
her feet in the water on an impulse. "Come on, sit down. Loosen up a bit."

Link obliged, sitting himself down three feet away from her.

With a gentle gesture from her hand, Gretel cast the Magician's Hand, removing
Link's shoes and socks. "Soak your legs a bit."

Since she insisted, Link might as well take her up on her offer.

After sitting down, Gretel started kicking up the water like a little girl,
and splashes of water that she sent up glistened in the light, reflecting the
whiteness of her exposed legs.

"It's not entirely impossible for you to attain a dragon's body. I could help
implant in you a Dragon's heart, and in that heart, the bloodline magic of the
dragon race, including dragonification."

At those words, Gretel turned towards Link, her golden eyes fixated on him.

"However, everything comes with a price in this world. The dragon's heart,
dragonification itself, the many forms of the dragons' bloodline magic are
deemed priceless treasures among my kind, it can not be given away for free."

Link could not make direct eye contact with the Red Dragon Queen; she was
just too radiant. It was as if all the light in the world had coalesced on her, and
one look was all it would take for one's mind to be swept away by her terrible

That was not a good thing for any Magician.

Turning away to look at the clearwater, Link laughed, "Then I don't want it.
Besides, I only wanted a dragon's body so that I could move faster."

This had somehow angered the Red Dragon Queen, as she stood up and laughed
coldly. "The dragonification technique is a priceless treasure of my race, and
you intend to use it to move faster? Blasphemy!"

Link hurriedly explained himself, "Ah, I'm really sorry, I did not mean to

He found himself staring at the queen's bare legs as she stood up, and
immediately turned away, in case this offended her even more.

"Your apology means nothing. As punishment, you'll go to the Dragon Valley

by yourself, and no one will guide you through the Mist Maze!"

The Red Dragon Queen did not sound all that angry, but as soon as she finished,
she leaped powerfully into the sky. The resultant shockwave caused Link's stone
bridge to collapse. As he fell, Link had wanted to use Levitation but felt a
disruption in his Energy. Unable to react in time, he fell into the stream with a

And all it took was saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Looking up at the sky, the Red Dragon Queen had taken on her dragon form.
With a whisk of her wings, she stirred up a gust of wind that splashed water all
over Link again before she finally flew off into the distance.

A voice echoed back, "If you can make it through the Mist Maze by yourself, I'll
grant you the dragonification technique."

Link stood up and shouted into the distance, "Really?"

"I never joke about these things."

So all I have to do right now is pass through the Mist Maze, thought Link.
Shouldn't be too much trouble, and on the off chance I can't find my way out,
there's no harm in calling for help.
At that moment, Link noticed a bright light shimmering into view. It was a

Mission activated: Escape

Details: Without the aid of the dragons, make it through the Mist Maze alone.

Reward: 5 Jogus.

It was about time these missions started giving out Jogus. and it just so
happened that Link was in dire need of it. With a sudden burst of energy, he
immediately accepted the mission.

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Chapter 441: Breakthrough in Five Steps!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link wasn't far from the Dragon Valley now—only 600 more miles. He was
pretty fast too. Nothing happened in the rest of the journey. Around one hour
later, he stood before the Mist Maze.

From here, everything before him was white mist. No matter where he looked,
he couldn't see the end. It was like a boundless wall.

At first, the mist wasn't very thick. He could see around 100 feet. There wasn't
any strangeness in the space either. Link pulled himself together and stepped

The moment he entered the Mist Maze, a huge mirror appeared in the
Legendary Basilica of the Dragon Temple.

Close to 300 dragons had gathered in the basilica. The weakest one was at
Level-7. Almost all mature high-level dragons were here.

The Red Dragon Queen and the elders were here as well. Their eyes flew to the
"He's coming!" Elder Pettalong uttered.

All the dragons had been talking amongst themselves earlier. Now, their heads
all turned to the image inside the mirror. Many began commenting quietly.

Some were in shock. "A human Magician possesses our race's power. It's

Some were hostile. "He's a thief. He stole our power!"

Some were seeing Link for the first time. "He looks strong, and his movements
are agile. He doesn't look like a Magician at all."

Some were purely here for fun. "Do you think he can get through the Mist

"I hope he won't. I don't want to become the same race as a human."

According to their tradition, any organism that possessed Dragon Power and
could pass the Mist Maze independently would be accepted as a member of the
dragon race. Throughout their history of ten thousand years, this had happened
13 times, but only two succeeded. The last one to successfully join the dragon
race was 5000 years ago, and he was a Legendary half-dragon.

Of course, only the dragons knew about this tradition. Link, who was currently
in the Mist Maze, didn't know anything. Around 3000 feet in, he started running
into problems.

A folded space appeared before him. The folding method was very exquisite
and practically seamless. Link discovered that there were at least 30
passageways before him. He didn't dare walk aimlessly or use portals in a
folded space.

He sat down and placed his magic notes on his knees. He wrote down
calculations with one hand while casting a Spatial Detection spell with the other
hand to detect the properties of the folded space.

Link's calculations were very slow. He would often stop and ponder while
resting his head on his hands. He would think for a long time, supporting his
head with his eyes closed. He looked like he was asleep.
Half an hour passed. The dragons in the temple didn't mock him because the
half-dragon that had passed had been stuck in the Mist Maze for one month
before somehow getting out.

It was only half an hour now; it was quite normal.

Of course, the dragons wouldn't keep watching the mirror. They started chatting
again. The Red Dragon Queen and elders activated a Soundproof Barrier. They
were also discussing quietly.

"Your Majesty, have you really decided?" Pettalong asked. His brows were
slightly knitted, clearly not agreeing with the queen's idea.

The queen shook her head slowly. "I'm not sure. Let's just see as we go. He
hasn't passed through the Mist Maze yet."

Another elder said, "So what if he can pass? According to you, he received
Dragon Power accidentally. He doesn't have our blood. If you do this, the royal
bloodline will be tainted."

As soon as he finished, another elder refuted, "You cannot say that. Her Majesty
already checked personally. Link's Dragon Power is perfect. And not only does
he possess Dragon Power, but he can also develop it further as well. This means
his body has already started transforming."

"This has no precedent in our history!" yet another elder said.

They wouldn't be so conflicted if there was a tradition to follow. If it had

happened before and they repeated it, it would be a small mistake even if it was
wrong. But if there was no precedent, no one knew what consequences it could

"The world is changing. Traditions are reliable, but you must make changes at
some point."

"Can you bear the responsibility—"

"Enough!" Gretel waved her hand and stopped the impending argument. "It is
too early to consider all this. Even if Link successfully exits the Mist Maze, he
is only accepted as a member of our race. We can speak of the other things in
the future."

The elders fell silent.

After a few minutes, Pettalong pointed at the mirror. "Look, he seems to have
come to a conclusion."

"That fast?" An elder took out a Yabba pocket watch to look at the time. It had
only been 40 minutes.

In the mirror, Link suddenly stood up and walked towards a direction. Every
elder was shocked at that step.

"He made the critical step."

"No, not just that. He started changing the space. Tsk, he—"

"He's changing the space. Heh, he's a fearless one. Just wait for the
counterattack from the Mist Maze." An elder chuckled.

The Mist Maze was the crystallization of the wisdom of hundreds of Legendary
dragons throughout thousands of years. It was one thing to walk down the
correct path. If he tried changing it, he would be seen as an intruder. The entire
maze's inner space would change in an instant.

As expected, after Link started changing the spatial structure, the entire Mist
Maze transformed. Countless spaces reformed and started turning like gears. It
was completely different in a second.

An elder laughed. "Ha, all his efforts went to waste."

But Pettalong shook his head. "No, no, look. He walked forward five miles!"

In the mirror, Link walked forward again after the spatial structure inside the
Mist Maze was reconstructed. Maybe it was a lucky guess, or he really
calculated corrected, but he chose the right passage amongst the 30 choices. He
instantly completed one-fifth of the maze.

"Was it a guess?" an elder asked. This was too incredible.

"Did he figure out the pattern for the Mist Maze?"

"It's only been 40 minutes. Our ancestors' wisdom is as deep as the sea. How
can that be possible?"

At this time, the Red Dragon Queen shook her head and said, "No, he didn't see
through the pattern. He just grasped the deep and profound mystery of Dragon

With that, all the elders shut up. They exchanged glances, shock filling their

The Mist Maze was very complicated, and the spatial structure was impossible
to calculate. In other words, you couldn't use pure logic before it. If you tried to
calculate it bit by bit, you would enter an incomprehensible ditch and possibly
even spend your entire life on the calculations.

But as complicated as the maze was, every official dragon could find the
accurate path in the simplest way. Why was this so?

It was because of their Dragon Power.

It was not only power. To the Mist Maze, it was more like a key. As long as you
calmed yourself and followed the guidance of the Dragon Power, you could
easily find the accurate path amongst all the choices.

The problem was that the Dragon Power's guidance was very weak. A high-
level dragon needed to undergo training during their youth. It usually took
around 200 years before they could become calm enough to sense the faint

"Could it have been a lucky guess?" An elder still didn't believe it.

The moment he spoke, Link started changing the spatial structure again.
Naturally, this caused another round of changes. This time, he didn't step
forward. When the space stabilized, he started changing it again.

After three changes, Link made his third step.

This time, he advanced even further. He instantly crossed one-third of the
journey and reached the second half of the maze. Seeing this, none of the elders
doubted him anymore.

"Your Majesty is correct. He has comprehended the Dragon Power's mystery.

The maze can't stop him anymore."

With that, the elders all glanced at the Red Dragon Queen with suspicion in
their eyes. Earlier, she had walked in the mountains with Link alone. Now the
elders were sure that she had secretly given Link some hints.

Gretel chuckled wryly. "You've all guessed incorrectly. He doesn't know

anything about the Mist Maze. In reality, I told him that if he could enter, I'd
help him condense the Heart of the Dragon and give him dragon spells. He… he
wants to use a dragon's large body to travel faster, so he agreed."

The elders seemed to explode with that.

"I can't believe he only wants a dragon's flying abilities! Such low standards!"

"The magic of our race contains endless mysteries. It can protect a soul from
decaying for thousands of years and even transform into a boat for the soul. But
he just wants it for faster travel! This is blasphemous! Blasphemy!"

"A mortal's eyes are set so low!"

But despite their fury at Link's thoughts, tradition was tradition. Link had
grasped the mystery of Dragon Power in such a short time. He would be a
member of the dragon race when he walked out.

Pettalong was the guardian of traditions. "Everyone, please watch your

language," he said. "Master Link is no longer a mortal. He will be a member of
our race. With his power, he may even become a member of the Dragon Elder
Council if he wishes."

The elders all fell silent with that.

Though they were silent, the younger dragons in the basilica were in an uproar.
In the mirror, Link had made his fourth step. He was now only a step away from
getting through the entire maze.
The younger dragons were much more straightforward with their comments.

"Why is he so fast? I was ready to wait for a whole month."

"Is this really the Mist Maze? I thought it was Link's garden."

"Great, he's coming. Look, the queen and the elders are going to welcome him

Link had already entered the Dragon Valley. Looking back at the mist, he
sighed in relief. "I almost fell into the trap. Thankfully, the Dragon Power

He'd planned on making calculations but ended up wasting half an hour.

Thankfully, he was quickly enlightened.

At that time, his vision flashed, showing that he had completed the mission.

"Show reward," Link murmured.

Something heavy appeared in his hand. There were five thumb-sized white
stones. At a glance, they looked like Go pieces. Without any power aura, they
would look like regular stones if thrown on the ground.

Link put them away carefully and started towards the Dragon Temple. After a
dozen miles, many dragons suddenly appeared in the sky. The leader was the
Red Dragon Queen.

Link was a bit shaken. Wasn't it just the transmission of the dragon spell? Why
does this feel so ceremonious? He didn't get it, but out of politeness, he went up
to meet them.

Whoosh, whoosh! Amidst the windy sounds, the dragons started landing. Once
on the ground, there were a bunch of flashes, and the dragons changed into

Queen Gretel walked to the front. When she was before Link, she smiled
gracefully. "Congratulations, Master Link. You have become a member of our
The other elders all smiled and nodded at him.

Link froze when he heard this. "Join the dragon race?" he asked in confusion.
"Why didn't I know about this?"

Elder Pettalong walked up to explain. After that, Link shrugged at the queen.
Shaking his head, he said, "No, no, we didn't agree on this. I didn't think about
becoming a dragon. Your Majesty, you didn't tell me about this before."

"What, you aren't willing?" Petallong's expression went stiff. The other elders
didn't look happy either.

"No hurry," the queen said immediately. "You all can leave. I will explain to
Master Link."

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Chapter 442: Balance is but an Illusion

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Dragon Valley was filled with sunlight, and Link found himself in the
middle of a huge pathway where trees with lush canopies stood on both sides.
The leaves filtered sunlight into blocks of gold and yellow scattered across the
road ahead.

The Red Dragon Queen and Link walked along this shady path, with an
entourage of Red Dragon Elders following behind them 100 miles away.

"Oh, I almost forgot. This is a 1000-year-old tradition of the dragon clan.

Anyone who possesses Dragon Power, if they are able to make it through the
Mist Maze, will automatically be accepted as an official member of the dragon
clan," said Gretel with a smile.

I doubt she's actually forgotten, this must be part of her plan, Link thought.
Fearing that Link might refuse to take part in all this, she continued, "Of course,
there won't be any ties to you becoming a member of the dragons, it's more of a
rite of acceptance."

Hearing this, Link quickly pulled back what he was about to say as a retort.

"If that's the case, then I guess that's alright." Link nodded in agreement.

Gretel let out an inward sigh of relief then continued, "You know, the dragon
clan has always been responsible for upholding the balance of the world, that is,
if you're up to the task. So, with your current power level, you may even be
accepted as a Red Dragon Duke."

Link shook his head. "No, no, no, I am a lord of Ferde, also I'm quite occupied
with my pursuit of the ultimate secrets of magic. I won't interfere with the
affairs of the dragon clan."

Even in peak physical condition, time was of the essence, and he could not
afford to squander it in the affairs of others. Besides, Ferde was something he
held dear and could not bear the thought of losing.

Gretel had expected such a response from Link, and she nodded somewhat
sadly. "I knew you would give an answer like that. If that's how you feel, we'll
just have to settle with making you an official member of the dragon clan. On
the condition that you do not bring harm to us, one of the special privileges
you'll enjoy as a member will be free passage through the Dragon Valley."

"I understand."

"Also, the Red Dragon Elders may be a bit stubborn. Promise me you'll try not
to butt heads with them too much," said Gretel with a knowing smile.

Link smiled back in response. "I understand. There are people in Ferde who are
just as stubborn, though it may sometimes be a bit unbearable, politics does
require one to be headstrong at times."

At this point, they finally said their piece on the matter.

Then Gretel said with a smile, "We may have to wait a bit more till everyone
from the Emerald Circle gets here. At this point, I've kept my promise."
"And I'm extremely grateful for that,"replied Link.

Gretel beckoned with a wave of her hand at the solemn-faced elders behind her,
who then walked up towards them.

"Alright, from this day forth, Link will be a part of the dragon clan. Of course,
he's still the Lord of Felde, and won't be free to take part in our affairs, so he'll
only be a regular member."

Though there was a grudging approval from the elders, disapproving muttering
still persisted among them.

"The affairs of mortals are as ephemeral and insignificant as ember. There is

nothing to be gained from something that will be no more than a memory in the
span of mere decades."

Among the muttering, Elder Pettalong added, "Master Link, I do feel that you
should finish up your business in Ferde as soon as possible so that you may join
us in our affairs. We desperately need your help!

"Ever since the incident with the Red Dragon dukes, the dragon clan's strength
had been greatly reduced, and now, with the emergence of spatial cracks across
the Korora Mountain Range, we only have the Red Dragon Queen to fend off
these Void creatures every time they come through one of these cracks.

"This is simply not acceptable, our queen's body is of the utmost value to the
dragon clan, a guarantee of its continuation. It's just out of the question to put
our queen in such danger all the time. If something happens to her, the royal
bloodline will be irreparably severed."

Link chuckled. "I'll think about it, Your Excellency."

Pettalong nodded, pleased at such a humble reply. "You are a wise man, Master

With that, Gretel announced to the group, "Well then, let's go back to the Holy
Mountain and mold a dragon's heart with all the dragon spells in it for Link."

The dragons were a proud race who would not stand for the dishonor of going
back on their word. It was also a promise made by the queen, not to mention the
fact that Link was already accepted as one of them. So naturally, they were
duty-bound to keep their end of the bargain.

All the other dragons transformed into their dragon forms, including the Red
Dragon Queen. As for Link, he was forced to ride on the back of Elder
Pettalong for the moment.

This dragon elder recently gained a power boost. The last time Link saw him, he
was only at Level-8. At that point, he had reached the first stage of Level-9, but
since he had only recently gotten this level-up, he still had a long way to go to
actually be considered a fully-fledged Level-9 master.

He was also still far from being on the same power level as the three Red
Dragon Dukes in their former glories.

The procession of dragons flew straight for the Dragon Temple but did not stop
there. Instead, they flew on, towards the peak of the mountain.

Link looked into the distance and saw that there was a round platform with a
diameter of more than 330 feet carved out of the mountaintop. Six obelisks
etched with runes were erected around the platform's circumference, while the
platform's surface itself was densely covered in runes as well. Around the
platform curled and twisted a stone dragon statue.

Looking on at the majesty of all this from a distance, one could not help but feel
a sense of awe and dread that left one breathless.

"Up ahead is the Ancestor Altar, a sacred place of our clan. When members of
the dragon race pass on, their spirits will come here to rest. We'll begin our
work on your dragon heart here," said Elder Pettalong solemnly.

The dragons stopped in front of the round platform before taking on their human
forms. Then, one by one, they entered the platform through an entrance in a line.

There were a total of 16 Red Dragon Elders present. After entering the place, all
16 elders each took a place at a rune carved on the platform's circumference,
forming an exact circle around it.

Pettalong moved to his rune and pointed to the rune at the center of the
platform. "You just stand right there."
Link climbed up the platform and did as he was told.

Behind him, Gretel climbed onto a dais beside the round platform and looked
down at Link. "We'll begin the ritual soon. Now close your eyes and relax.
Don't hold onto your Dragon Power, as I'll be molding it into a dragon's heart."

Link took a deep breath, closed his eyes and emptied his mind as he stood
motionless on the platform.

After a while, he heard the Red Dragon Queen's voice breaking into something
of a cross between a song and a prayer. Chanting along were the voices of the
Red Dragon Elders around him.

The elders' voices were deep like the valley, a low rumble reverberating around
Link, not unlike the arcane chanting of the monks.

This went on for about five seconds before Link felt a sudden tremor running
through his body. His eyes shut tightly;all he could see in the darkness behind
his eyelids was a tiny point of light which gradually expanded. Bigger and
bigger it grew, till it took on the shape of a gigantic dragon with black, crimson

Though most of the Dragons of Firuman had dark red scales, there were also
dragons of other colors, from black to yellow, to blue and green. Red, however,
remained a color revered among the Dragons, considering their queen had
always bore red scales on her body.

Red Dragons were also known for developing their powers at a faster rate than
the others.

The silhouette of the Dragon before him was a stark black, the kind of black that
had been the result of blending countless shades of red. To Link's knowledge,
nothing like it ever existed in this world, and so he had no clue just how major it
really was.

The shadow of the dragon approached him, its long neck towering over Link. A
strong voice resounded in Link's head. "Mortal, answer my question with care."

The voice was neither male nor female, but it was overbearingly solemn.
Link felt a sudden chill and knew instantly that this must be the spirit of the
dragon presiding over this place. He listened on intently.

The voice spoke, "Is there good and evil in this world?"

"No, only life and death."

"Can this world have balance?"


Stunned by his response, the dragon silhouette asked, "Why do you think so?"

"The only rule governing this world is survival of the fittest: victors survive,
while the vanquished perish."

The dragon silhouette remained motionless. After a while, it heaved a sigh as

deep as the caverns. Then, it retreated back step by step until once again, it was
nothing more than a speck of light. The voice once again spoke, "You are
worthy of becoming a dragon!"

Hearing this, Link felt the Dragon Power boil inside him, which then rushed
back from his extremities and into a single point deep in his body.

In an instant, Link felt not only his Dragon Power flowing back, but even his
physical human body felt like it was being folded back in. This provoked an
unimaginably sharp pain in his very core and caused Link to howl in agony.

The pain seared through him for a second or so, and what came after was a
craving for power seizing him from the deepest recesses of his consciousness.
Power, I need more power!

All 400 Omni Points now converted into Dragon Energy!

Link's Dragon Power went up by 400 points, reaching 10700, but it was not
enough; he needed more.

At that, Link suddenly felt a burst of Dragon Power well up in him. It instantly
rejuvenated him, as if he was given water after a long, dry journey through the
This sudden torrent of Dragon Power seemed almost endless, flowing into Link
seemingly without end and quenching his thirst for power.

At this point, Link had lost all track of time, and out of nowhere, he felt another
eruption of power within him. It was an incredibly violent power surge, to the
point that Link could not help but roar out loud.


And in a matter of seconds, Link's voice deepened gradually into a dragon's


Being extraordinarily sonorous, a dragon's roar could be heard from very far
away. All the inhabitants living around the dragons' Holy Mountain turned to
look at the top of the mountain in fear simultaneously.

The Magicians of the Emerald Circle all blanched at the sound in their
guesthouse at the base of the mountain.

"That's a Legendary dragon's roar, not the Red Dragon Queen; it's one I've never
heard before."

"Another Legendary dragon? How is that possible? Could it have something to

do with the dragons we saw flying about in the sky just then?"

"Strange indeed."

On the platform atop the mountain, Link roared with all his might, getting a feel
of the sound reverberating through his body. What happened to his body?

Link soon found out that his body had undergone some drastic changes. He shut
his eyes for a feel of the body he currently inhabited and felt that his current
body was exceedingly vast. He could also feel the power surging in waves
through his body as if with one flick of a finger, he could topple an entire
mountain, and with one breath, he could blow up a tidal wave.

He read the status message of his new body:

Link Morani (Dragon race)

Level-11 Legendary Dragon.

Description: Originally a human Magician who managed to reach Legendary

status by attaining Dragon Power due to unforeseen circumstances. With the
deteriorating presence of the dragon race, Link was able to condense a dragon's
heart with the aid of the Red Dragon Queen, as well as acquire the
dragonification technique with it.

(Note: Balance is only an illusion!)

Link knew then that he had attained a dragon's body.

Blinking his eyes, he discovered that he had a near perfect field of vision.

Without even turning, he could see his own body, which was close to 230 feet
long, and by no means inferior to that of the Red Dragon Queen. His body was
covered in gleaming black scales and his claws a set of razor-sharp gemstones
black as the night. With a slight movement, he banged his claws against the
ground, and a metallic sound rang out. At the same time, it let off small
shockwaves in the air. What set him apart from other dragons were the crystal-
like spikes jutting out from his joints, but mostly across his back, all gleaming
with white light. Two rows of spikes grew out menacingly from his skull all the
way to the tip of his tail.

He was a Black Dragon.

Around him, the Red Dragon Elders were struck dumb at his new appearance,
gazing at him in awe. The Red Dragon Queen remained in place, but she too
had gone pale, an incredulous look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Link asked, and he noticed that his voice had taken on a thick,
metallic quality.

The Red Dragon Queen nodded. "Your new look is most peculiar. You look
exactly like one of our Black Dragon Kings from our history books."

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Chapter 443: The Source of the Dragon Race: The Ferry
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Black Dragon King?

This was a new term. Link looked at the dragon elders around him. Seeing all
their grave and secretive expressions, he could tell it wasn't a good term.

Link glanced at Gretel and asked, "How do I turn back into a human?" He could
feel that he could do it, but he had no clue how to.

"Take a deep breath, hold it, put it into your stomach… Right, now you're back
into a human."

Link felt his body's inner structure clearly and could easily do what the queen
said. When he was done, he felt his body squeeze. The extended Dragon Power
quickly retracted and his body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three seconds later, he was a human again.

After that, his clothes automatically jumped out of the dimensional storage gear
and seamlessly returned to his body. Link looked down at his hands. They were
normal, without any dragon scales or crystal thorns.

The only difference was that his skin was much smoother. The calluses and
scars had all disappeared.

After transforming into a dragon, Link finally understood its profundity. He

realized that a dragon's body was a very powerful magic armor in nature… No,
it wasn't armor. It was more like an extremely intricate living machine!

The magic was intricate to the max and contained endless wisdom, including
knowledge that Link had never even thought of before. He could say that this
magic was practically a giant library!

Now, Link just wanted to find a quiet place and put all his effort into studying
Whoosh! The Red Dragon Queen unfurled her wings and flew down from the
podium. When she reached Link, she collapsed her wings and looked at him
seriously, her eyes troubled.

The mood was a bit heavy. After a while, Link asked, "Can I transform certain
parts like you?"

"Yes, but you need more practice."

This was good news, and Link was satisfied. This way, he could give himself a
layer of scales during battles for sudden extra armor.

At this time, the elders who had fallen earlier pulled themselves up. Elder
Pettalong walked over and said, "Your Majesty, I think you should consider
your plan seriously. Do not let history repeat itself—"

He already treated Link as part of the dragon race now, so he didn't keep it from
Link. However, the Red Dragon Queen rudely cut him off. "Alright, speak
carefully. Link will not participate in our matters. He is a human lord and
history will definitely not repeat itself!"

"Yes, I understand." Pettalong glanced at Link. His eyes were also troubled—
there was regret and also fear.

Gretel looked at Link with exhaustion written all over. "Okay, I've already
fulfilled my promise. You are only an average member of our race and cannot
stay here. Go to the Dragon Temple and prepare to attend the Emerald Circle

Her attitude was a bit strange. She had been respectful first but now was acting
cold. Link guessed that his dragon shape was something taboo. However, this
suited him. He wasn't an idiot and could see from their attitudes that the dragons
had high expectations for him. If he really had a dragon shape that fit their
expectations, they would become even more entangled.

This was just right.

Thinking of this, Link said, "Then I'll leave now. Oh, I heard that you have a
library. Can I go there?"
"Of course. There are only some historical books though. Feel free to read
whatever you wish."

"No problem."

Link bowed slightly to Gretel and then walked out of the Ancestor Altar. After
he left, Pettalong said, "Can this be a sign from the ancestors?"

Gretel fell silent. She looked up at the dragon statue wrapped around the altar
and sighed. "I don't know either, but it has already happened. The black dragon
symbolizes destruction, but we pursue balance. He's already out of
consideration. Don't think about it."

"Yes," all the elders replied.

On the other hand, Link didn't know about this at all. He had already arrived at
the library in the Dragon Temple.

It was not very big. It was a circular room around 150 square feet big and only
contained around 5000 books.

The librarian was a benevolent old dragon. He wasn't too strong, only at Level-
7, and had a dying aura. He didn't seem to have many days left to live.

When Link arrived, he was writing something at a table. Seeing Link, he looked
up and said, "Young man, you can read but don't damage my books."

"I'll be careful." Link nodded.

Just as Link was walking towards a bookshelf, the elder spoke again. "From
your looks, I'm sure you want to know about our history. Go read the 37th book
from the left on the top of the third bookshelf."

"Okay, thank you."

Link was very interested in dragonification right now. When activating the spell
earlier, he seemed to feel a familiar spell-casting technique. Of course, it was
just a guess. He needed to verify it now.
Following the elder's guidance, Link found the book and took it out. It was
called Firuman Chronicles.

The book was very old, and it felt like it would fall apart in Links' hands. He
held it carefully and walked over to sit down in a chair. He realized that there
were very little people in the library. There were only a dozen scattered

When they saw him, they all looked up and then went back to their books. It
was great that no one would disturb him. He opened the book and started
reading attentively.

He was already shocked at the first page.

It said, In ancient times, the mountains collapsed, and the world cracked. Floods
crashed against the sky and nowhere in Firuman was safe. Seventy-two of our
sages gathered in a temple and used three years and 96 days to successfully
construct a magic ferry to survive the catastrophe. This was the beginning of the
dragon race.

There was a picture on the first page of the magic ferry. It looked vaguely
looked like a dragon!

Link had read the Aragu Annals that recorded the Araguan history. It said that
the world had cracked apart and sage Moses split the realms, thus creating

Both mentioned a disaster in the prehistoric times but came up with different
solutions. Moses had split the realms while the dragon sages chose to construct
a ship.

They were legends and sounded unbelievable. But if legends from two different
realms were so similar and even the High Elves recorded a similar history, it
was enough to prove that something catastrophic had truly happened to Firuman
in ancient times.

Stunned, Link kept reading. The second page described how the sages used the
magic ferry to survive the catastrophe.
Steering the magic ferry, we entered the endless sea and floated for countless
months before the world finally calmed. Mountains reappeared, and life began
again. The magic ferry helped us through the disaster.

There was a picture here too. It depicted a group of dragons flying out of a giant

Link stared at it and then was overjoyed. The dragon's body is the magic ferry.
Is the sea actually the Sea of Void? Does that mean I can enter the void safely
with a dragon's body?

Gretel had always said that dragonification was the ultimate treasure of the
dragon race, but Link never saw it. He had killed Isendilan and didn't find his
dragon body that scary. Now, Link finally understood its value.

It's a ferry for the Void!

He continued reading. The book told of how the sages steered the magic ferry
back to the peaceful Firuman. The stories started becoming more ordinary. The
sages returned to Firuman, developed down their own paths, and started

Those who had directly controlled the magic ferry learned from the lesson and
believed in equilibrium. They steered the large magic ferry and lived in
isolation. The others developed all over the world.

After countless years, they started reproducing, prospering, and fighting each
other. During their wars, they lost their history and power, becoming mortals.

Here, the epic used an image to show the clear timeline of the history.

In ancient times, the sages of Firuman escaped into the Sea of Void. Then they
came back and started diversifying. A small minority of elites possessed
boundless wisdom. They felt that the magic ferry was very reliable so they
continuously improved on it, finally becoming modern dragons.

The most evolved and became the modern humans of Firuman.

However, this book only contained the basics. It didn't describe any specific
figures or details. Link didn't see anything about the Black Dragon King either.
He wasn't interested in that though so he didn't search for it.

This book also recorded the evolutions of the other races.

The Yabbas were a branch of the dwarves; High Elves and Dark Elves were
from the same family. As for the Beastmen, they were a foreign race that
entered after a human Magician opened a realm portal.

The book vaguely mentioned the source of the God of Light too. The words
were very unclear and only contained a few sentences. The most important was:
The God of Light has a close connection to the ancient catastrophe.

That was it. Link felt anxious after reading it, but he couldn't find the answer
anywhere. He could only sigh.

It took him three hours to read this book. After that, he let out a long breath. No
wonder humans could prosper even without talent or heritage. We've had such a
glorious era in ancient times! The Aragu Empire, countless sages, and incredible
magic are so impressive.

Link was now even more interested in dragonification magic.

He carefully put the ancient book back to the bookshelf and returned to the
elder. "I want to study the dragonification techniques," he said. "Is there any
book that can help me?"

"No." The elder shook his head briskly and looked at Link with rheumy eyes.
"The magic ferry is already perfected. What need is there to improve it?"

"There are no perfect spells in the world." Link shook his head.

The elder was silent for a while and then sighed. "You're right. Dragons are
perfect but are still greedy. The three dukes are lost, the Void crack reappeared,
it's hard to live in isolation again… Take this book."

He took out a black leather magic book. There was only one word on it: Dragon.
Link pressed down his excitement and flipped it open. Seeing the first page, his
heart was already pounding. "Can I copy it?" he asked.

The elder chuckled wryly. "For more than 2000 years, countless youths entered
this library. Number 269 asked me a similar question, and I would give them
this book every time. Only you can see its value. Take it, young man. It is

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Chapter 444: Despair of the Astral Magician

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the Dragon Temple

Within one of its rooms, a silver-haired girl deep in slumber suddenly thrashed
about without a sound, her eyes still shut tight.

"Ahhh! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

She let out a piercing scream and then sat upright on her bed, forcing her eyes
wide open.

Finally taking back control of her own body, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Her name was Lucia Silverstar, and she had just woken up from a terrible

In her dream, she was projecting her astral form to peer into the Sea of Void as
she always did in order to unravel the secrets of the Void. It was then that she
saw a strange, black sphere floating in the sea.

Out of curiosity, she approached it, and without warning, a pair of blood red
eyes popped out of the sphere's surface. Emanating an unusual form of magical
energy, the eyes instantly fixated on her.

Hello, little Magician, I see you!

A voice reverberated in her head, catching her by surprise, and she had tried to
pull herself out of the Sea of Void. It was futile, as countless tentacles lashed
out from the depths of the sea. In an instant, they tightly wrapped themselves
around her and formed into a ball.

Struggling is useless, little Magician, hahaha! The voice resounded cruelly once
more in her head.

A wave of sheer terror assaulted her which immediately woke Lucia up.

She looked around at the room around her. Everything was massive in
proportion. The ceiling was about five feet away from her, and the bed she was
sleeping on was extremely wide, roughly three feet in length. She sighed in
relief. I'm in the Dragon Temple; I should be safe in here.

As far as she knew, the dimensional walls in the Dragon Temple were extremely
resilient. No form of spatial teleportation magic could be cast within these
walls; as such, the Void should not pose too much of a problem to her here.

Her already weakened body felt even more like lead, especially after
experiencing such a terrible nightmare. Even the simple act of sitting up was too
much for her to handle.

Laying back on her bed, she stared emptily at the ceiling above and began
pondering on her next move. "I should be safe here, and maybe even within the
boundaries of the Dragon Valley. But if I were to take a step outside, it will
surely come for me. I can't keep on running, I have to find someone to help me
take the Void Tyrant down!"

A menacing voice rang out within her consciousness in reply to her thoughts,
You're looking for someone to help you defeat me? Oh, how terribly sad.

Lucia's body trembled violently, and her eyes widened in horror. "Who are

Don't you recognize my voice? Wasn't too long ago that we had such an
intimate time together.
It was the Void Tyrant. How was this possible? She was in the Dragon Temple
all this time! Lucia struggled for a bit, as she tried to get off her bed, to flee and
seek help immediately.

But to her horror, she found that she could not move a muscle, and try as she
might, her voice would not let her scream for help. In her despair, she screamed
inwardly at the voice in her head, What did you do?

Oh nothing, I'm just borrowing your body for a bit. You really think you could
escape me? No, I was here in your body all this time? Still, remember that
Yabba half-dragon? She had wanted to stop you from summoning me, so I
simply let you slay her. Hahaha, your hand is already stained with her blood.

I was the one who killed Emilia? Lucia's eyes widened in disbelief. It was the
only part of her body that she could move at the moment.

Haha, that's just the tip of the iceberg. And now, your body belongs to me. Ah,
such a remarkable place, with all kinds of delicacies everywhere, haha!

Lucia soon noticed that she had lost all autonomy of her body. She tried to
scream again, but her voice box had stopped obeying orders from her. Now she
could not even blink as she watched herself get down from her bed, put on her
clothes and walk towards the great door.

The silver-haired girl, who had just moments before been thrashing about in her
room, now had no control over her body. She wiped the sweat off her forehead,
put on her garb and exited the room.

She walked out into the corridor and saw a couple of Apocalypse Dragon
Guards in her way. They turned to look at her, and seeing nothing out of the
ordinary, they let her pass.

Stop me! Stop me! From the depths of her body, she screamed desperately, but
to no avail.

"I want to go down the mountain to recuperate a bit, this place is a bit too stuffy
for my taste," the silver-haired girl said to one of the Red Dragon Warriors.

Stop him! Lucia was on the brink of despair.

But it was no use; one of the Red Dragon Warriors did not notice anything
unusual, as he merely raised his shoulders, an unconcerned look on his face.
"Here, 300 Dragon rupees should be enough to buy yourself the best service
from the guesthouse at the base of the mountain."

The silver-haired girl thanked the Warrior, and then headed for the exit of the
Dragon Temple.

Lucia watched all this transpire in wide-eyed horror. She had given up all hope.

Taking control of her body, the Void Tyrant had exited the place and walked
towards a nearby horse carriage outside the temple.

Just then, Lucia saw in the distance a familiar figure walking towards one of the
horse carriages as well. It was a black-haired Magician.

She recognized him instantly as the powerful Magician known as Link who had
recently reached Legendary status. He was the one who had rescued her back
then with the help of the Red Dragon Queen.

With his acute senses as a Legendary powerhouse now, he should be able to

sense that something was wrong with her as soon as the Void Tyrant walked up
close to him.

But what the Void Tyrant did next squashed all hope in her.

The silver-haired girl stopped in her tracks and started chatting with a guard at
the doorway.

"Hello, Warrior, would you mind flying me down the mountain in your dragon
form?" the girl asked smilingly.

The guard shot her a disdainful glance, and said with a sneer, "Sure, I'll give you
a ride, and you let me ride your back in return some other day, how's that

"Scoundrel, but oh well, I guess that's fair. Let's give it a try, shall we?" replied
the silver-haired girl mischievously.
This rendered the guard speechless. Checking the girl's body from head to toe
rather hungrily, he swallowed, then nodded frenzily. "Wait here, I'll get
someone to take my shift."

"Be quick, I'm not the patient kind," said the silver-haired girl cheekily.

The Warrior immediately turned and bolted off.

Off on the other side, Lucia noticed that the human Magician seemed lost in his
thoughts, completely oblivious to his surroundings. He walked towards one of
the horse carriages, got in it, and then it started off down the path of the

Don't go! Come back! Save me! Lucia screamed at the top of her lungs, but she
did not elicit any response whatsoever from him.

As the horse carriage trotted off, the Void Tyrant patiently waited for the return
of the guard, who transformed into his dragon form.

The silver-haired girl grinned as she climbed onto the back of the red dragon. "I
don't really like the guesthouse down the mountain, why don't we go somewhere
a bit more secluded?"

"Well, as long as you're happy, why not." The dragon Warrior spread his wings
and took off into the sky.

In the air, the Void Tyrant let out a hollow laugh within the girl's consciousness.
Little Magician, you should have known better than to peek into the Void, you
never know what might be lurking in there.

At this point, Lucia had sunk into the depths of despair.

Back on the ground, Link had gotten into a horse carriage and was now going
down the mountain in search of a quiet place to study dragon magic.

In the carriage, he concentrated his entire being on the magic book titled simple
Dragon in his hand.
The book's cover was made of an unknown material, its author unknown. But
not only did it contain the historical development of dragonification magic, but
the book also introduced the basic magical structures used in it.

Simply put, this was a textbook outlining the principles of "dragonification


Link was already enthralled by its contents.

After cursorily flipping through the book, Link came to one conclusion: The
dragon's body is too perfect as it is now. The dragon race has been too reliant on
it and has long since forgotten one of its most important functions as a ferry
through the Void.

A dragon's body had been employed in earlier times chiefly as a vessel for
traversing the Void, and secondarily as a weapon against the monstrous entities
residing in it. It was never a tool for pleasure or reproduction.

However, with the development of genitals, the Dragon's body was later subject
to gender classification, and with said genitals, a large part of the dragon race
began engaging in the reproductive process. To Link, this was absolute

The purpose of his trip downhill this time was clear—to enhance his Black
Dragon body, rid it of any vestigial parts, and increase its combat capabilities,
especially its ability to travel through the Sea of Void.

Though there was the possibility that the dragon race had perfected this vessel
to the point that there was not much room left for improvement, but Link still
wanted to at least modify his dragon form in order to better suit his combat

The carriage finally reached the town at the base of the mountain, and Link
shouted, "Turn left, to Gray Furnace Peak."

Since he had been accepted as a part of the dragon race, Link had naturally
committed to memory most of the geography of the Dragon Valley.
"Yes, sir." The driver was a dragon commoner. Using his Dragon Power, he was
able to figure out Link's place in the dragon hierarchy, and presented himself
with the utmost humility, not daring to speak out of turn.

The horse carriage trotted on for almost half a day. After galloping on for what
felt like a hundred miles, a huge mountain appeared three miles away on the
right side of the road. The mountain's structure was peculiar. Mountain peaks
formed a ring around it, and inside was a round valley shaped like a furnace;
hence its name.

The round mountain valley would serve as an excellent place for Link to
experiment with his new dragon body. He would be free to do whatever he
wanted with it without being seen by anyone else.

He tossed a few gold coins at the driver as he descended from the carriage. "Go
back now. If one of the higher-ups asks about my whereabouts, just tell them
where you dropped me off."

He had nothing to hide; he was simply someone sitting on the fringes of dragon
society. As long as he kept himself out of trouble, Link figured no one would
bother him.

The driver stowed the gold coins and hummed a tune as he drove his carriage

Link now headed in the direction of the Gray Furnace Mountain and soon
reached the valley within. The place was deserted, not a soul was to be found,
and plant life grew rampant in its isolation. With his magic, Link built a stone
hut near a flowing stream and blocked out all forms of distraction from the
outside world. He then began to read the magic book Dragon attentively.

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Chapter 445: This is the Void Ferry I Want

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Gray Furnace Valley

Whoosh! A black dragon rushed down from the air. Because he was flying
downwards at a slanted angle and was a bit uncontrolled, he kept rushing
forward wildly from the momentum after landing.

All the flowers and grass were flattened under the dragon. Countless trees wider
in girth than a few humans combined were snapped like corn stalks. When the
dragon finally stopped, there was a 1500-foot-long, 300-foot-wide moat on the

At the end of the moat, the dragon covered in black scales sprawled pathetically
on the ground. After one full minute, he started moving. He flipped around and
laid on his back. Though it was weird to lie there in his dragon form like that,
the sunlight was warm and felt very comfortable on his stomach.

A while later, the dragon turned over. Taking a deep breath, his body started
shrinking and returned to his human shape. It was Link.

Ah, flying is honestly a difficult skill.

He could fly a little unsteadily in the air now. But whenever he landed, it would
be like a plane crash.

However, flying was just a pastime when he wasn't studying magic. He wasn't
worried about it. After fully transforming back into a human, he returned to the
stone house beside the creek.

Taking out the book Dragon, Link began reading earnestly again.

This book was very thick. It was titled Dragon, but it was actually a
comprehensive spell. The entire dragonification technique was formed by
countless small parts put together.

Link had been reading for three days now. There was still a long way to go
before understanding the entire book, but this didn't stop him from modifying
some outer details. For example, he wanted to remove the testicles from his
dragon form.

After these three days, Link had many thoughts.

He'd run into something he didn't understand just then, so he went outside to fly
around. Now, he had a new train of thought.

Link got into his seat and took out his notes to focus on his calculations.

Time flew by. As if in a blink of the eye, the sky outside started darkening. It
was already evening, but Link didn't notice. He was at the most critical part of
his calculations.

Scritch, scratch, scratch. The only sounds in the room came from the scratching
of the pen on the scroll. Insects hummed outside the window. Tonight, the Gray
Furnace Valley was as peaceful as before, but history was being made.

When the moon fell to the West, and a sliver of sunlight appeared, Link's pen
stopped. A very beautiful Mana structure appeared at the end of the scroll.

He sighed in content. After removing the redundant structures, condensing the

dragon body, and optimizing the thorn structures, this is the perfect Void ferry
that I imagined.

Since he got this result, he went into action immediately.

Of course, if he wanted to change the dragon shape, he had to change his Heart
of the Dragon. This was very dangerous. If he was disrupted, it would be

He had to take precautions.

First, he set up Detection spells within a few thousand feet of the house. Then
Link returned inside and lit a dim magic lantern. This way, if anyone came, they
would think there was someone inside. This was actually Link's second line of

After that, Link set up a folded space inside the house. The idea for it came from
the Mist Maze in the Dragon Valley. It turned the small space into an endless
maze. Link took 30 minutes to set it up.

This way, even if an intruder dodged the Detection spell, they would definitely
notice the eye-catching stone house. Out of instinct, they would go check. If
they got within 300 feet, they would enter the maze.
Even if they could somehow break free from the maze, they would enter the
house and still be disappointed because Link wasn't in there.

With that done, Link used a Dimensional Jump and appeared in a tree hole 2000
feet away that he'd already chosen. It was hidden and completely sealed—the
best hiding spot.

After entering the six-foot-wide hole, Link set up a series of enchantments to

hide his aura. Then he sat down cross-legged and started calming himself.

After around half an hour, Link felt that his Dragon Power had gone still. His
mind had gone quiet too.

It was time.

Using his thoughts, a fist-sized red "stone" emerged from Link's heart. It was
the Heart of the Dragon. Because the power was too condensed, it looked solid.
The physical appearance was like Link's heart.

Rings of crystal-red heat waves appeared in the air around it. Countless threads
of Dragon Power connected to Link in the direction facing him like blood
vessels pulled out of a heart.

"Spatial Distortion: Lens," Link whispered.

Tch, tch. The space before Link's right eye distorted and a magnifying lens
appeared. Paired with Link's great vision, he could clearly see what was going
on inside the Heart of the Dragon.

The heart was covered in a thick three-centimeter layer of Dragon Power. Using
his mind, Link peeled the protective layer like an onion, revealing the structure
inside. It contained a black ball two centimeters in diameter.

"Vision of Truth!"

Link activated the Assassin set effect, and the black circle flashed in his vision.
It turned into a transparent red, like a piece of light red agate.

With the combined help of the Vision of Truth and Spatial Lens, Link could
clearly see the core of the structure. It contained almost endless runes with
practically an infinite number of energy nodes. At a glance, it was like a starry
sky. All the dots made him dizzy.

This was the result of generations of sages' accumulated wisdom. Link was
completely in awe of the small black-red ball.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself and focused on revising.

He didn't dare to modify the structures deep down; he didn't understand it at all.
He only had to modify the outermost structure. These had been added the latest,
and many were just the fantastical ideas of some people. They were useless to

The most valuable part of the heart was its modular design. There were many
connectors around the core for people in the future to add parts. Taking these
parts away wouldn't affect the overall stability.

Link quickly found the things he wanted to get rid of.

Sheesh, every single one of these male dragons drags around this useless lump
of flesh between their legs. It's such extra weight. Let's get rid of this!

Link sliced this part away. The moment he did so, he felt all his Dragon Power
vibrate. He immediately stopped. After around five seconds, the vibrations
stopped and the Heart of the Dragon re-stabilized.

He let out a long breath and found the structure that controlled the crystal
thorns. These thorns are powerful, but if they're always dragging behind the
body, it affects agility. They can break easily too and cause unnecessary
damage. It's best to put them away when not using them.

Link didn't modify it. Instead, he first constructed an entirely new thorn module,
cut away the old one, and put the new one in.

This detailed work took Link around 24 hours. He didn't stop after that though;
he started working on the dragon scales.

They're close to perfect, but they can't open. In reality, the edges are very sharp.
If open, it'll be like countless blades. If I'm entangled in battle, the enemy will
get their fill.
This was the experience Link got from battling with the Void Tyrant.

With the Dragon Power supporting him, Link had endless energy. Without
taking a break, he started constructing a new dragon scale module. This was
even more detailed than the crystal thorns, and he didn't even dare to get
distracted by keeping track of time. When he was done, he checked his pocket
watch. A whole 36 hours and 37 minutes had passed.

Controlling the Dragon Power, he covered the heart again and put it back in his
body. After that, Link used the Dimensional Jump to return to the valley.

He checked his Detection spells. Everything was untouched, and nothing was
trapped in the maze outside the house. This meant no one had come to find him
during this time.

Link didn't mind. He found an empty space and transformed into a dragon.

Whoosh! His Dragon Power extended and his dragon body reappeared.

This time, he was much more slender and agile. The crystal thorns on the
surface had disappeared. The black and silvery dragon scales lay flat against
him. He looked much less aggressive, but it was just on the surface.

Using his mind, a bunch of clangs rang through the air like swords. Countless
thorns shot up. In the blink of an eye, Link's gentle dragon body looked evil.

It did not end there!

Link shook his body and whoosh, the Dragon Power unfurled. His body
instantly became "fluffier." He looked like an expanded pinecone, but unlike a
pinecone, the edges of his scales shone with a cold glint!

After checking his scales and thorns, Link nodded in satisfaction. There are no
mistakes, and it's easy to control. Perfect. This is what I wanted!

Retracting his scales and thorns, Link flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

This time, he discovered that his flying was much easier than before. However,
he was still a beginner. He could only glide forward steadily. He couldn't even
think about doing more difficult moves.
He wasn't in a hurry though. After flying for half an hour, he decided that he'd
practiced enough. Landing on the ground, he returned to read his book. That
was what really interested him.

Dragon Temple

Felina landed before the entrance. With no time to transform into human shape,
she sprinted as a dragon. A few minutes later, she found Elder Pettalong.

"What's wrong?" Pettalong asked when he saw her.

Felina shook her head. "It's bad. I found signs of battle, but there were no
bodies. The Warriors seem to have disappeared with no traces left behind."

"Do the Magicians of the Emerald Circle know?" Pettalong asked.

"They're still discussing the crack in the temple. They don't know about this

"Good. This is our private matter, and there is no need to disturb them.
However, this is a bit grave. I will report to the queen. You continue to
investigate but remember, don't go alone. Go with at least three people. You can
help each other!"

"Okay." Felina nodded. She turned to leave but stopped midway. "Elder," she
said hesitatingly. "The Emerald Conference is about to start. Should I really not
go notify Master Link?"

"No need. Her Majesty has already told him the date. If he doesn't appear, it
means he doesn't value this. There's no need for us to get involved," Pettalong

In reality, Magicians easily lost track of time when studying spells and a
reminder was needed. In the past, Pettalong would definitely send someone, but
now, Link was a black dragon… Just let him stay quietly in the background.

Felina couldn't do anything. She nodded and left.

After a while, four young dragon Warriors flew out of the Dragon Temple.

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Chapter 446: Impossible!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dragon Valley.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Four Red Dragon Warriors descended from the sky. When they touched the
ground, all four of them changed into their half-dragon forms, their magnificent
scarlet armor clasped tightly to their bodies.

"This was the latest scene. Amil, did you find anything?" Felina looked towards
one of the dragon Warriors.

This Warrior had recently reached the peak of Level-8. He was also an expert
tracker for his age.

He kneeled down, observing the ground closely.

They were standing on the bare forest ground. Around them were a few tree
stumps left behind by the villagers nearby after cutting down the trees. There
were traces on the ground, but no footprints, as someone had taken great pains
to erase them. The only thing that indicated something had happened here were
the traces of blood that had soaked into the earth.

From the blood emanated faint signs of Dragon Power, which could clearly be
picked up by any dragon.

After inspecting every corner, Amil shook his head. "The killer was cunning, I'll
give them that. Left not a single clue that could be traced back to them, and I
just can't find anything here that could be of use to us. Maybe we should ask
around in the nearby village, see if the villagers had seen anything unusual."
The four Dragon Warriors looked at each other and nodded.

There was a village just two miles away from where they stood. They marched
off in single file, and before long, the village of dragon commoners came into
view, sandwiched in a narrow valley between two mountains.

"This village is big; there must be around 2000 people living in it. I think we
should split up and ask around."

The others nodded and did as they were told.


As the investigation into the Dragon Valley murder case was underway, back in
the Dragon Temple, the Magicians of the Emerald Circle were still deep in a
discussion concerning the spatial cracks, unaware of what had happened.

In the great hall were the core members of the Emerald Circle; there were six
Legendary Magicians in total, including the Red Dragon Queen herself.

Some of these powerhouses were renowned figures, such as the Red Dragon
Queen and the representative of the High Elves, Bryant. Others, however, had
secluded themselves from the world, virtually unknown across the continent,
like the Dwarf Mountain Sage Heroto, the Neanderthal Lucia Silverstar, and
two others, who had chosen to shroud themselves in a veil of magical light. One
of them was a Dark Magician, and the other a wielder of Light Energy, their
identities a mystery to everyone.

The Emerald Circle was a loose collective whose members were concerned only
with issues surrounding the World of Firuman itself. The war between good and
evil was the least of their concerns.

Though the members of the Emerald Circle who came amounted to more than
100, most of them were basically there to exchange magical knowledge among
themselves. Only those six Legendary Magicians were busy discussing the
matter of resolving the spatial cracks.

In truth, they were probably the only ones there capable of resolving this issue.
Seated at a round table, the Red Dragon Queen spoke solemnly, "I imagine you
must have seen the Void crack on your way.There's no point in hiding the fact
that we dragons are the ones responsible for it. But what's done is done; all that
matters now is how we should go about making things right. I have given out
the exact spatial data on these cracks to all of you, and I would like to hear your
thoughts on the matter."

There was a moment of silence, and then Bryant spoke first, "Cracks of this
magnitude have always been hard to resolve. Your Highness, your numbers
have pointed this out clearly. Even with my current level of power, the most I
can hope to do is slow down the tearing of new cracks, but to actually seal them

He slowly shook his head at the futility of the idea.

At this point in time, Bryant had fully recovered his calm, dignified demeanor
befitting of a Legendary Magician. The injury inflicted upon him by Link back
in Ferde had also fully healed, and the only thing reminding him of that incident
was a false tooth in place of the one that had fallen out. Nobody had noticed the
difference, though.

Not satisfied with Bryant's answer, the Red Dragon Queen turned towards Lucia

The Neanderthal shook her head, holding it in one hand. "I haven't recovered
from my injury, my head feels as if it's on the verge of splitting from any mental
exertion right now. But I've seen your numbers. I fear that even in my prime, I
may not be able to fare any better than Master Bryant."

The Red Dragon Queen's expression was grave as she looked at the remaining
three Legendary Magicians.

The Dwarf Mountain Sage Heroto raised his shoulders before speaking
brusquely, "Honestly, with all the trouble Isendilan has caused, if he was still
alive, I would have slaughtered him with my bare hands."

Seeing the grave look on the Red Dragon Queen's face, he added hastily,
"Cracks caused by divine magic can only be undone by divine magic. As we
sorely lack in strength, the best we can do now is stopping the cracks from
spreading... There is a type of Black Kun rock to the north of the Hengduan
Mountain Range; it possesses special properties which may allow us to stabilize
the spatial integrity. I have some with me, maybe it can be of some use to you."

"You have my thanks," said the Red Dragon Queen gratefully.

Just then, the Dark Magician suddenly spoke, "I heard that Master Link has also
arrived here, he should be familiar with spatial magic. Why isn't he here with

The Dwarf Heroto spoke up as well, "Strange indeed. It's been days since,
where could he have gone to?"

At this, the Red Dragon Queen stiffened slightly, while Bryant remained silent,
his head drooping forward.

After a few moments of silence, the Red Dragon Queen finally spoke, "Master
Link is at the moment researching a new form of magic in the Gray Furnace
Valley. I've sent someone to notify him of our meeting, but he still hasn't
responded. Something must be holding him up."

The dwarf's response was blunt as usual. "If that's the case, let him be. Power
informs insight. He has just recently reached Legendary status, he probably
shouldn't be able to come up with anything worth our attention. The spatial
cracks are expanding as we speak. The longer we delay, the more difficult it will
be to stabilize them. We'd best get started."

When he finished speaking, he took out a greenish piece of rock, which, judging
from its size, weighed around 100 tons.

"Use this to carve a rune stone, surround a crack with it, and then place a
protective barrier over the outer layer of the crack. This should be enough to
stop it from spreading. We should be thankful the crack isn't that big as it is
now. If we had been a year late to notice the crack, I fear there would have been
nothing we could do about it at that point."

The Legendary Light Magician, who had kept silent all this time, produced a
magical image above the round table with a gentle wave of his hand. "All we
need now is a stabilizing spell. I have here a prototype, a stable three-state
model proposed by Spatial Magician Lawson 800 years ago. Perhaps it can
serve as an inspiration to everyone here."
Bryant, who had pulled himself out of his reverie, began examining the magical
structure for ten or so minutes before speaking, "This is a very concise spell,
one that follows a different path from mine. Perhaps they can be used in tandem
to attain an even more effective stabilizing spell."

He then drew out a magical structure of his own.

Everyone looked on attentively as they began discussing the two magical

structures at hand.

They were all Legendary Magicians, a feat attesting to their passion for magic.
No sooner had they begun their discussion than they were already engrossed in
the exchange of ideas.

In the course of their deliberation, an entirely new spell was slowly given form.

Throughout all this, the Red Dragon Queen expended much of her energy, while
the Mountain Sage Heroto was as blunt as ever, speaking his mind without
holding anything back. Bryant and the Light and Dark Magicians, while being
somewhat reserved, contributed still to the best of their abilities. Only Lucia
Silverstar, besides pointing out a few structural problems here and there, kept
silent for the most part, using her throbbing headache as an excuse.

Everyone was aware of what happened to her back then, and so they did not
press her.

A whole day went by in the heat of their discussion, and everyone went back to
rest, only to pick up where they left off the next day.

In ten days, the spatial stabilizing spell was complete.

In the space of those ten days, all members of the Emerald Circle, including the
Red Dragon Queen, had attended their meetings, save for Lucia Silverstar.
Using her headache and general enfeeblement as an excuse, she had been absent
for at least half of those meetings.

On the eleventh day, everyone, except Lucia Silverstar, whose continued

absence nobody seemed to mind too much, began their work on perfecting the
stabilizing spell.
At this point, the spell was in its final developmental stages, and all that
remained were a few kinks that needed straightening out. The general
atmosphere among the Legendary Magicians then was one of relief.

The Red Dragon Queen seemed a little bit more relaxed. Though they were
unable to seal the crack up completely, they still managed to come up with a
way to stop its expansion. Maybe one of them could come up with an even more
efficient solution to their predicament at a later date.

She stretched for a bit and was about to speak when suddenly, she noticed
Pettalong at the entrance of the great hall. He stood with a beckoning look at the

Seeing the troubled look on his face, Gretel rose from the table and excused
herself. "Excuse me for a moment."

She walked straight for the entrance, cast a soundproof barrier around herself
and asked, "What's wrong? Has another Void creature appeared in the Dragon

"No, worse. The whole village of Vida was wiped out, 100 miles away from
here. All 60,000 of them... All of them slaughtered." The Red Dragon Elder
could not bear to finish his sentence.

This may be one of the worst catastrophes that had ever happened in the Dragon
Valley in the last 5000 years. Worse still, they had no idea who the culprit was!

"What did you say?!" Gretel trembled furiously, unable to maintain the
Soundproof Barrier any longer.

Sixty thousand people had been found dead in the village nearby. She could not
believe what she had just heard.

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Chapter 447: The Tyrant Reappears

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Dragon Temple

Returning to the roundtable, the Red Dragon Queen's eyes were a bit red. She
sat down and said with a trembling voice, "Everyone, something happened
within the Dragon Valley, and I must return to take care of it. My apologies, I
may not continue to participate in this conference."

Mountain Sage Heroto was a bit curious. "What happened?" he asked.

Gretel didn't want to tell them because it was her race's own matters. Even if she
told them, the Emerald Circle couldn't help. They would only lament about the
dragons' bad luck.

Unless it involved the overall safety of the Firuman Realm, the Astral
Magicians of the Emerald Circle wouldn't care. They were high up and never
acted like busybodies.

But seeing the Mountain Sage like this, a shred of hope rose in her. "A powerful
demon appeared inside the Dragon Valley and killed an entire village."

"Oh, such a tragedy," Heroto sighed. And then…and then that was it. His
curiosity was satisfied, and everything else was none of his business.

Furthermore, a village getting destroyed was nothing to a Legendary figure.

Any spell over Level-8 could achieve it. Compared to the crack in the realm, it
was too insignificant.

Beside her, Bryant asked out of concern, "Do you need help?" Gretel's eyes
brightened a bit, but then Bryant continued, "I'm quite interested in
dragonification. If you can show me a bit, I am willing to help."

"Thank you for your concern, but I think I can resolve it." Gretel sighed
inwardly. She shouldn't have been delusional. Now, she was treated as a joke.
Standing up, she said, "Everyone, I will go now. As for the rune for the
crack…it will be up to you all."

"Go now. The stabilization is already completed. We'll take care of the crack,"
Heroto waved his hand and said before the other Magicians could speak.

Seeing this, the other three didn't say anything else.

Bryant shrugged. He'd wanted to get benefit from this, but since Heroto was like
this, he wouldn't add insult to the injury.

Gretel smiled gratefully at the dwarf. She told the servants to serve them well
and hurried out of the room.

Pettalong and the other elders were already waiting outside.

"To Vida Village!" Gretel walked out of the temple first.

One hour later, Gretel led the five elders and close to 100 Warriors to the sky
above Vida Village.

This was a quite prosperous village in the Dragon Valley, but now, it was
deathly silent.

The faint smell of blood floated in the air. From the sky, they could see many
dried corpses on the streets. The entire street—the entire village—was covered
in corpses like this. Even the livestock had not been spared!

It was practically like hell.

Using her extraordinary vision as a dragon, Gretel quickly found similarities

between the corpses. They all had a hole close to 15 centimeters wide. Judging
from their appearances, it seemed that all their liquids had been sucked out
through that hole.

The moment she saw the holes, Gretel's pupils constricted. Judging from the
size and the tactic of sucking one's life essence, could it be that the Void Tyrant
was back?

How could it get inside the Dragon Valley? The spatial barrier of the Dragon
Valley was very thick. How could it get through? Or did someone summon it?

With that thought, Gretel was so shocked she almost fell from the sky.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Pettalong asked immediately. He could sense

that the queen had discovered something.
Gretel took a deep breath. Turning around, she ordered the Warriors, "Go back
to the temple!"

The enemy was not something a regular dragon Warrior could face. Basically,
any that went would die. They didn't need to be sacrificed so meaninglessly.

The Warriors were confused, but they followed the queen's orders and flew back
towards the Dragon Temple. Only the Red Dragon Queen and the five elders
remained in the sky.

Gretel was silent for a while. She seemed to be making a huge decision. Finally,
she said, "We're going to the Gray Furnace Valley."

"Your Majesty!" Pettalong was shocked. "He's the black dragon," he reminded.

"He will completely destroy our tradition!"

"Your Majesty, you can't be brash!"

The elders all spoke over each other in a hurry.

Gretel smiled bitterly and shook her head. Looking at the destroyed Vida
Village, she murmured, "A Legendary Void creature destroyed this village. I am
most likely not its match."

With that, the elders stared at each other, falling silent.

What could they do if even the queen wasn't its match? They couldn't force the
queen to fight it. What if something happened to her? They didn't even dare to
think about that.

After hovering in the air for a while, Pettalong said, "Your Majesty, it's getting
late. Shall we go?"

The other elders didn't speak; they acquiesced. They couldn't help it. The
situation forced them to do this.

Thus, the group of six turned and flew towards the Gray Furnace Valley.

To the Red Dragon Queen and the elders, Dragon Valley was very small. It
would take them less than half an hour to fly across it. It was less than 100 miles
from the Vida Village to the Gray Furnace Valley. With their speed, they
arrived within eight minutes.

In the sky, Gretel could see from the distance that there was a newly-built house
in the valley. Using her sharp vision, she saw Link on the second-floor balcony.

His arms were folded behind his head, and he lay on a stone chair. He seemed to
be resting.

Pettalong was instantly annoyed. "This guy. I thought he was studying magic,
but he's sleeping!"

Gretel shook her head. "No, he's not sleeping. I'm sure he's thinking about
something. Don't come over. I'll talk to him alone."

She started descending from a distance. When she was around 300 feet away
from the ground, Gretel started transforming into human shape. Then she cast a
Levitation spell and floated towards Link's house.

The moment she arrived at the balcony, Link's voice rang out. "Your Majesty,
did you run into a problem?"

As he spoke, he opened his eyes but didn't get up. He remained lazing on the
chair. Since he didn't plan on having a close relationship with the dragons and
they've started fearing him, he didn't care about taboos or customs.

Seeing his lazy attitude, Gretel suddenly wanted to leave. She'd been the one to
distance herself earlier, and now she was here to ask for help. This change made
the high-and-mighty Gretel uncomfortable.

She'd always been the pride of the race. When did she ever beg anyone?
However, she couldn't be stubborn at this time.

Calming herself, she said quietly, "I saw the Void Tyrant inside the Dragon
Valley. It just devoured a village of 60,000 people."

With that, Link grew serious and sat up immediately. "Where is it now?"

He didn't ask why the Void Tyrant would appear in the Dragon Valley. Since
the queen had told him like this, it was definite news. The Void Tyrant had to be
rid. Otherwise, it would keep absorbing energy and become stronger and

His attitude warmed Gretel's heart. He didn't talk about trades or benefits.
Instead, his first thought was how to solve the problem. Fellow brethren were
always more reliable.

Gretel's expression had been cold, but now it softened. "I don't know. I don't
have any information on it after it destroyed the village. It's in hiding."

Next, Link asked the second critical question. "How is Lucia Silverstar? Where
is she now?"

"Lucia Silverstar?"

Link's expression was grave; his train of thought was very clear. "Yes, she's the
one who's most familiar with the Void Tyrant and the one who interacted with it
first. We don't know where it is now, but Silverstar will definitely give us some
critical clues!"

These days, he had been studying dragonification but he still clearly

remembered the details that happened that day. Actually, if not for the distant
attitude of the dragons, he had planned on asking Silverstar about the Void

However, the Red Dragon Queen frowned. "She should be resting in the temple.
Her injuries still aren't healed completely. But for some reason, I think she's a
bit odd."

Hearing this, Link was already up. "How so?" he asked.

"I can't explain it. I've seen her many times before and she'd always been an
eccentric girl, but this time, she gave me another feeling. Maybe it's because of
her injuries…"

This was enough. "Take me to see her!" Link cut the queen off with a wave.

His tone was full of authority. Though his expression was serious, there was no
panic. He seemed to always have a clear target and Gretel nodded without
thinking. "Okay, we'll go now."
"As fast as possible. The situation might be really bad!" Link had a vague guess,
but it was a horrible idea. He hoped that it wouldn't be proved right.

"Can you fly now?" Gretel was worried Link hadn't learned yet.

"Of course. I'm not the best, but I can do basic flying," Link said. Actually, he
was being modest. His flying was quite skilled after all these days of practice.

Gretel was assured. She soared into the sky and transformed into dragon shape.
Then she hovered to wait.

Without caring about the house below him, Link transformed right there. The
house rumbled and cracked like shattered stones. Then he pushed lightly and
easily started flying with the help of his wings.

Approaching the queen, he circled and said, "Let's go."

Gretel began flying towards the Dragon Temple. After a while, she couldn't help
but ask, "Where are your thorns? And…that thing?"

"I modified it," Link answered casually.

"Mo…modified? How?" Gretel was completely shocked. She'd never heard of

this. Any dragon who messed with their Heart of the Dragon would die!

She had never heard of anyone who dared to modify the heart. Even more
incredible, Link had actually succeeded? How did he do it?

"Let's go!" Link didn't feel like explaining. His wings pumped, and there was a
boom in the air. He'd surpassed the sound barrier. His body shot towards the
Dragon Temple like a flash of black light.

Gretel was forced to flap her wings and follow. After a while, the elders rose up
too, but they were much slower. The old dragons tried their hardest, but Link
and Gretel were gone within a few seconds.

The elders stared at each other in shock.

Finally, Pettalong sighed helplessly. "It seems that the Black Dragon King's
appearance is a sign from the ancestors. They must have a plan, and we can't
escape from it so easily!"

The other elders sighed as well.

Earlier, they'd watched the Red Dragon Queen's conversation with Link from
afar and could feel Link's mightiness. Before him, even the majestic queen
seemed to lose. The black dragon's power was already clear.

On the other hand, Link only spent three minutes before he arrived at the
Dragon Temple.

The guards had been standing at the entrance lazily. When they saw the black
shadow that covered the sun, they were all frightened. At closer inspection, they
realized it was the black dragon and were even more dumbfounded.

Boom! Link landed. The ground shook, and the Warriors tottered. An
Apocalypse Dragon Guard was nearby. He ran over, waving his spear and
yelling, "Invader!"

Link didn't move. When the Apocalypse Dragon Guard arrived, he raised his
front claw and flicked in the guard's direction. A shockwave hit the guard, and
he shot back like getting hit by a cannon, three times faster than when he'd

Seeing the other Warriors about to fight, the queen called from the air, "Stop!"
She soon landed as well.

When Link saw her, he turned back into a human while asking, "Where is
Silverstar's room?"

"I'll take you there." Gretel also felt that the situation was off. With no time to
explain to her Warriors, she also turned into human shape and rushed forward to
lead Link.

Near Silverstar's room, Gretel felt something wrong. She couldn't sense any
aura. At the door, she looked inside and yelled, "She's not here!"
Lucia Silverstar had said she had a horrible migraine before today's meeting and
went to rest. Why wasn't she in her room now? Where was she?

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Chapter 448: The Winds of Change

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Dragon Temple

Link followed the Red Dragon Queen to Lucia Silverstar's room, and in great
strides, reached the side of her bed. He then cast the Detection Spell that he had
recently mastered.

"Void Eye!"

Void Eye

Level-11 Detection Spell

Energy Cost: 300 Dragon Energy

Effect: Will dye any trace of the Void's aura in one's surroundings.

(Note: One's power level determines one's field of vision.)

A point of bright red light shone forth from Link's hand, which began scanning
the air in circles.

In the first few rounds, the air remained unchanged, but Link had felt something
in the room.

The Void Eye scanned the place a few more times, and the faint traces of the
Void began surfacing in the air in red. Gradually, a thin red mist began forming
around the bed in front of Link, where a distinct red human-shaped silhouette
could now be seen.
Gretel had then entered the room, and seeing the hazy red silhouette, she
understood immediately what Link's spell was used for. She whispered in
disbelief, "The Void Tyrant was brought in by Silverstar?"

"It was probably her," said Link, nodding, as he began scanning other parts of
the room with his Detection spell. "The Void Tyrant had cleverly concealed
himself; there was barely any trace of the Void's aura to be picked up here. I
suspect she must have been under its influence when she summoned the Void
Tyrant into our world."

At this, Link's train of thought cleared up even more, as he recalled what he had
seen back in the woods that day. "Back in the woods, I came across the body of
a Yabba half-dragon. Did you manage to find out who she was?"

"Yes, her name was Emilia, a member of the Emerald Circle as well. Silverstar
had explained that the half-dragon was under the influence of a Void presence,
and so she was forced to kill her and her underlings with the help of the Void
Tyrant. We did not suspect a single thing then," said Gretel, clearly troubled by
all this.

Link had already checked most of the room but was unable to find any further
clues that could be of use. "What's important right now, is finding Silverstar.
But she's a threat to everyone around, so it's best if it's just the two of us going
after her. I hear that there are four other Legendary Magicians here, maybe they
could provide their assistance."

Gretel shook her head. "No, they're still busy crafting the anti-crack rune, they
probably won't be able to help us."

"Anti-crack rune?" Link did not quite understand.

Gretel began explaining the whole affair to Link. When she had finished, Link
was silent for a few seconds. Then, he spoke, "I think it's best to put off the
matter with the spatial crack. Right now, we need to deal with the Void Tyrant
as soon as possible, or it will become far too strong for us to handle if left
unchecked. The way I see it, the Void Tyrant holds a higher priority than the
spatial crack."

Link then turned to leave the room, and asked, "Where are they now? I'll meet
them personally."
Gretel quickened her pace to catch up to him. "No, you don't understand, the
Emerald Circle is a loose collective that exists solely to safeguard the safety of
the whole realm. To them, anything else is of little to no importance. They won't
intervene in things they deem not worthy of their time."

Link was stunned for a moment. Of course, how could he have forgotten?

Even in the previous game world, Link had been one of the high-level members
of the Emerald Circle and understood the underlying principle of this
organization better than anyone else. The Astral Magicians there were shrouded
in mystery. Their existences were virtually unknown to any other player, though
Link had only met these enigmatic characters maybe two or three times.

These Legendary Magicians had pierced through the inner workings of the
world, and as a rule, did not meddle in earthly affairs. Right now, as the Void
Tyrant was an internal issue among the dragon race, they would simply watch
the whole thing unfold as mere observers on the sidelines.

But Link did not believe in absolutes. If done right, anyone in this world could
be persuaded to accept his point of view.

After much thinking, an idea came to him, and he asked, "You were saying you
had been perfecting a spatial crack-stabilizing spell. Can I take a look at it?"

"Of course." Gretel gently flicked her fingers, and an overly complicated three-
dimensional magical structure appeared in the air.

If he had remained as he was back in the East Cove Magic Academy or even the
last time he was in the Dragon Valley, he would not have made head or tails of
any of this; but now, he had no problem understanding every inch of the
magical structure before him.

Walking around the magical structure as it floated in mid-air, Link was able to
understand the key sections of the spatial stabilizing spell. After walking around
it again, and with another closer look, he finally said, "Not bad for a spatial
spell, but there's still a lot of room for improvement... Let's go, you lead the
way, I'm confident that I can convince them to aid our cause."
Gretel headed for the great hall, not entirely reassured by Link's words. "Are
you sure? Bryant had said that he would only help in exchange for the art of

Link started at this. "Bryant was made a member of the Emerald Circle?"

"Yes, he has already been a member for the past 150 years as a representative of
the High Elves."

"Well then, now I'm sure I can convince all of them!" Link smiled inwardly.

Gretel could not fathom what Link was planning, but seeing the confidence in
his eyes, she did not press any further. Should he fail, Link risked only disgrace,
but the dragon race would be able to hedge their losses should he succeed.

In a few minutes, they had reached the entrance of the great hall. Despite
bracing herself for the humiliation to come, the Red Dragon Queen was still not
used to this. In all her lifetime, this may be one of the few times she had to beg
for help from someone else.

Still trying to keep her emotions under control, she felt someone patting on her
shoulder and saw Link smiling reassuringly at her.

"Don't worry; besides, I'm the one who has much to lose from this."

Slightly stunned, she felt her face growing hotter from embarrassment. How
could she be thinking of herself at a moment like this? Link was the one who
would be doing the convincing, and the one who would be on the receiving end
of any mockery should this backfire would be Link himself as well. What did
she have to lose?

Straightening up, and with a deep breath, Gretel smiled apologetically at him.
"Sorry... And thank you."

She pushed the doors into the great hall, and within, the four Astral Magicians
were in the midst of putting on the finishing touches of the spatial stabilizing
spell. They turned towards Gretel with a questioning look.

The Dwarf Mountain Sage Heroto asked curiously, "Your Highness, didn't you
say something big had happened? I didn't think you would be back so soon."
Gretel did not reply; instead, she stood to one side, allowing Link, dressed in a
dark blue Assassin Robe, to enter the room. His eyes fell on the magical
structure above the table and shook his head, smiling. "Forgive me for speaking
so bluntly, but this spell you have here is pure rubbish!"

The four Astral Magicians were rendered speechless and looked at each other
before exploding on Link.

The ever brusque Mountain Sage Heroto was first to speak. "You're Link?
Young man, I have farted for far longer than you have been alive to utter
nonsense like this. How dare you call this spell rubbish?"

Bryant spat out coldly, "Know your place, whelp!"

The Dark Magician laughed coldly. "You have spunk, young one."

The Light Magician did not say a word and instead turned towards Link, waiting
for an explanation from him.

At that moment, Gretel had an urge to hide herself in the nearest hole she could
find. She did not expect Link to start off with such insolence; he had basically
dug his own grave by speaking that way!

Link chuckled, striding towards the table. He then pointed his magic wand at the
magical light construct and began rearranging some of its details.

He was able to retouch ten or so sections of the structure with a few deft
movements. With a light wave of his hand, the runic silhouette began slowly
revolving. Link gave it a couple brisk taps with his wand, removing and adding
runes wherever he saw fit. Half an hour passed, and an entirely brand new
magical structure was left floating above the table.

Link stowed his wand back with a smile. "Though your original spell would
have been able to stabilize the spatial structure, it lacks the capacity to stop the
spread of Mana effectively. As most of you should know, Mana is able to keep
any spatial tear open. Ever since the appearance of the crack, the density of
Mana in the world had risen to 80 percent, and the Space Barrier of Firuman has
thinned considerably. But with my spell, any collateral effect brought about by
the spatial crack will be contained within the barrier; even if the space within
the barrier has collapsed, it won't affect any other parts of the realm of

Link applied much of what he had learned recently into designing the spell. Of
course, he had only scratched the surface of his newfound knowledge. The core
fruits of his research remained untapped.

Still, the spatial spell that an expert Spatial Magician such as himself had
concocted should prove to be much more effective than what any of these
dabblers could hope to conceive.

The other Magicians were able to recognize the workmanship that had gone into
the newly designed magical structure. They simply marveled at it without a

After a moment, Heroto spread out his hands. "Alright, it certainly looks better
than before."

"Hmmph!" Bryant let out a huff of discontent through his nose.

The Dark Magician expressed his acknowledgment as well, though reluctantly.

"I guess you do have the right to speak."

The Light Magician, however, asked, "There's more to this, isn't there, Master

Hardened in the ways of the world for as long as any of them could remember,
these Astral Magicians knew Link would not have helped them without reason.

Link smiled coyly. "I guess there's no point in hiding the matter. Lucia
Silverstar is in deep trouble."

By centering the conversation on Lucia's position as an equal among the

Emerald Circle instead of bringing up what had befallen the dragon race, Link
had hoped that the Magicians would be more willing to help out.

The idea of saving a fellow member would sound far more appealing to this lot
than meddling in the affairs of the dragon race, even though the end result of
either path was essentially the same.
Upon hearing this, Heroto the Dwarf bellowed, "What happened? She was just
fine the other day, what happened to her? Where is she? No, let's just go get

Still harboring much resentment towards Link, Bryant laughed coldly. "About

Before he could finish, Link interrupted him. "Your Excellency, I have always
had the utmost respect for you. Our legends have portrayed you as nothing less
than a legendary savior to us humans. I do sincerely hope that you could come
visit me in Ferde again; I'll make sure to give you the proper treatment befitting
of an honored guest such as yourself, if there is such a chance, of course."

Bryant's face stiffened considerably. "Thanks. But Lucia's matter takes

precedence at the moment. We should resolve it quickly."

His eyes were fixed threateningly on Link, and the message was clear to him,
What happened in Ferde stays between us, no one else should know about it.

Should anyone else catch wind of his humiliation, his reputation would crumble
in an instant.

Link nodded, satisfied that they were able to come to a mutual understanding.

He then turned to the Dark and Light Astral Magicians. "As far as I know, Lucia
Silverstar has been possessed by the Void Tyrant, if nothing is done, things may
get out of hand quick... What do you think?"

After pondering in silence for a bit, the Light Magician spoke, "I will help you
in tracking down Lucia, but I will not aid you in dealing with the Void Tyrant."

The Dark Magician also spoke up, "I'm with him. We'll look for the girl with
you, but you're on your own with the creature."

This was more than enough. Link took a step back and bowed before the
Magicians in gratitude. "You have my thanks."

And so the matter was settled.

In the entrance, Gretel looked on, dumbfounded.

Four Astral Magicians, two of whom had decided to help, while the other two
had chosen to sit on the sidelines. This outcome had far exceeded Gretel's
expectations. She stared at Link, a mix of admiration and dread on her face.

Just then, a couple of the Red Dragon Elders had returned. They stood beside
the Red Dragon Queen, in time to see what had transpired.

Pettalong observed Link, who was able to settle things with such speed and
resolve and then looked at the queen beside him. He let out an inward sigh. The
times are indeed changing, thought Pettalong rather wistfully.

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Chapter 449: In the End, One Can Only Rely on Oneself

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Red Dragon Queen was actually a very intelligent person. She could do
what Link was doing now. However, she couldn't be as decisive as him or react
as quickly.

This was due to how she grew up.

For two thousand years, Gretel had been high above everyone. She had
unparalleled strength and looked down on everyone. She rarely cooperated with
anyone and pretty much never asked for help.

Now, times had suddenly changed, but her mindset couldn't switch fast enough.
Under forced circumstances, she could learn to lower herself just as she'd
lowered herself to ask Link for help. But this needed time and they didn't have

Of course, she didn't need to lower herself anymore because Link had already
taken care of it.

"Let's split up and look."

The Dragon Valley was around 200 miles wide. There were six Legendary
people here. With each responsible for a section, they could dig six feet under
and find Lucia Silverstar!

The six went to the Dragon Temple Square. After deciding on the signal for
help, they started showing their own skills.

Link and Gretel changed into dragon shape while Bryant transformed into a
beam of light that shot into the sky. The dwarf dug into the ground and
burrowed away.

The Dark Magician ran on the ground. His speed was too fast to describe, and
he left behind a blur. One moment he was in the square; the next, he was already
thousands of feet away.

The Light Magician was the most dramatic. He transformed into a milky-white
two-foot-wide ball of light. Then like lightning, he bolted towards the other
direction. He was so fast he was like a meteorite.

Finally, Link and Gretel flapped their wings and left.

Gretel was the Red Dragon Queen, and the elders followed her at all costs. Their
reasoning was simple: if anything happened, they would sacrifice themselves to
save her.

Unexpectedly, an elder also followed Link—it was Pettalong. Link didn't refuse.
If the elder wanted to follow, then so be it.

Link quickly reached the area he had to search. A dragon's vision was scarily
good, especially after turning into their dragon form. His eyes were basically
two high-focus telescopes with no blind spots. If he focused, he could see the
engravings on a gold coin miles away.

He was now using those eyes to scan the ground.

While flying, Pettalong flew over. "Lord," he said. "What do you plan to do
after this?"

"Return to Ferde," Link said while still looking at the ground.

There was a moment of silence. After a while, Pettalong spoke again. "Those
are mortal matters. Even if it can prosper, it won't last more than a century.
What then?"

"That's too far away. I haven't thought about it." Link shook his head. He was
still looking down. The ground under him was covered in mountains and forests.
Occasionally, a village would appear. They all looked normal.

"You are now an important member of our race. Perhaps you should live in the
Dragon Valley," Pettalong said.

Hearing this, Link glanced at him and shook his head. "I know what you're
saying, but Ferde has the one I love. Her Majesty's matters are none of my

Link wasn't stupid. All three dukes had died. The game system also reminded
him with a note. The dragons had acted strangely too. Because of all this, he'd
guessed the situation, but he was too lazy to say it. Now, Pettalong said all that,
almost getting to the point. Link had to reject him directly.

The Red Dragon Queen was just a friend. It had been nice working with her on
the mysteries of space, but that was it.

Pettalong seemed to want to continue. Seeing that he wasn't giving up, Link
narrowed his eyes and made his tone more serious. "Alright, who can ensure
what happens in the future? Let's take care of this Void Tyrant first!"

This made Pettalong swallow his words, though it didn't make him happy. Later,
he was quiet the entire time, following Link while moping.

Link got rid of the distractions and focused on searching for abnormal marks on
the ground. In order to not miss anything, he flew very slowly. Ten minutes
later, he'd only flown a few miles, and everything was normal.

At that moment, Link felt something. He looked to the east and sensed the
signal. It was from Bryant's direction.

"There's something in the east! Let's go!" Link said. He immediately

accelerated. With a boom in the air, his body turned into a black streak.
Pettalong followed with all his might, but seconds later, he couldn't see Link
anymore. He could only sigh. The difference was too large.

When creating his Heart of the Dragon, Link had absorbed much Dragon Power.
His limit had increased a lot, reaching 13900. This was Level-11. He used all
his power now and was honestly as fast as lightning. He traveled 3000 feet in
one second.

The elder obviously couldn't catch up.

However, this was only a burst. Link could only keep up the speed for one
minute. After that, he was only moving at around 2000 feet per second. This
speed was great for hurrying.

With this speed, the Dragon Valley was too small. Less than two minutes later,
Bryant appeared in Link's vision. At the same time, he saw Gretel and Heroto.
They were all at the Legendary level and had similar speeds.

The situation before him was strange. It was a small city. Bryant and Lucia
Silverstar were in a secluded alley. They stood 300 feet away from each other
but didn't do anything.

It was obvious Bryant was nervous. He kept looking around as if ready to run at
any moment.

While landing, Link, and Gretel changed to human shape as to not cause panic.
They descended around the alley, blocking Lucia's escape routes.

Heroto popped out of the ground. As soon as he appeared, he yelled at Lucia,

"Hey, what's going on? Are you Silverstar?"

Lucia turned to look around her. She sneered and sighed. "It seems that I've still
been discovered. However, you're a bit too late."

"What do you mean?" Bryant was the first to discover her. When he faced her
alone, he felt a horrible pressure. Now that Lucia said that, he felt even less

"You're all here! Saves me time from looking for you all. Now watch carefully,
Magicians!" Lucia cackled.
As soon as she finished, there were consecutive booms. The ground shattered
instantly, buildings collapsed, and countless black tentacles broke through the
ground. The entire city became a black forest.

"I've already sucked 10,000 people's energy. It's so fresh and beautiful, so vast
that I can destroy the entire world. No one can stop me. Now, all of you have
come to die. Good, very good. Today, I'll see what you so-called Legendary
figures taste like. Ha!"

As she spoke, the tentacles shot towards the city residents like arrows. They
pierced them and started sucking out their energy. Other tentacles shot towards
Link and the others.

There were so many tentacles that they could barely hide. They were also very
strong. At this time, they entirely unrestricted and they were as fast as shadows.
Link couldn't see clearly at all!

There was no way to block them. If the group stayed in the city, they might
chop off many tentacles, but the power they released would quickly get
absorbed. More tentacles would be born.

They would die like this!

Under this kind of intensive attack, it would already be a feat to last five


Link used the Dimensional Jump without hesitation. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Beams
of white light flashed. The group that had been surrounded by the black forest
was instantly transported outside the city.

From the outside, it was still the same prosperous city. Within ten short seconds,
it had become a ghost city. There weren't even pained cries anymore.

The black tentacles were countless. All one could see were worm-like tentacles
swaying in the air. Not only were there a lot of them, but they were also
scattered. To hurt any, one needed Legendary power!
Dwarf Heroto gulped. "Your Majesty, you really got into a mess this time. How
do we fight this?"

Bryant started backing out too. "Your Majesty, we can't save Silverstar
anymore, and we aren't a match for this thing either. How about we retreat?"

They weren't a match. He felt that he could only kill this powerful enemy by
returning to the Isle of Dawn, assemble a Magician legion, and cast large-scale
Legendary spells above Level-15.

Gretel's face was ghastly pale. She looked at Link. "How should we fight?"

The other two could back out but she couldn't. She had to get rid of this creature
or else the entire Dragon Valley would be destroyed.

At this time, a light and dark figure appeared.

"Tsk, it's the Void Tyrant, and it has developed to this state. That's kind of
problematic," the Dark Magician said. He seemed a bit happy.

The Light Magician sighed. "Ah, the Dragon Valley is in trouble."

"So will you two help?" Link asked.

The Dark Magician quickly waved his hand. "No, no, no. I said I wouldn't, so I
won't. Goodbye everyone, I'm leaving now. Your Majesty, you can find a way
with the rune. The spell is already completed, so all that remains is physical

He transformed into a black blur and vanished.

After that, the Light Magician also turned into light to leave. "The Dark
Magician must have some bad idea. I must go stop him. Your Majesty, I'll
abandon the Dragon Valley and use the Mist Maze to stop him, then find

He left too.
Heroto sighed. He looked at the Red Dragon Queen apologetically. "Your
Majesty, Silverstar is already done for. It's not that I don't want to help. I really
can't. I'm sorry!"

He burrowed into the dirt and disappeared.

Bryant was the last one left. He shrugged. "Void Tyrants can continuously
absorb energy, but they have a limit. This one is almost at its limit. Obviously,
we aren't his match even if we worked together. I'll leave first. I must notify the
Isle of Dawn."

His body flashed and streaked away.

Of all the Legendary figures, only Link and Gretel remained. Gretel looked at
Link, tears almost falling from her eyes. "What do we do now?"

Only the high-level dragons could retreat. There were millions of regular
dragons in the Dragon Valley. It was also the foundation of millenniums of the
dragon race. How could she just abandon it?

Link looked at the city up front where demons seemed to be dancing in and
thought of how to resolve it. Actually, he wanted to retreat too. As long as he
was alive, he could figure out a solution.

Just then, a message appeared in his vision.

Activate Epic Mission: Dragon

First Step: Rescue

Mission Content: Enter the Soul Realm and find Astral Magician Lucia
Silverstar's soul.

Mission Reward 1: 10 Jogu

Mission Reward 2: 300 Omni Points

From past experience, Link knew that if the game system sent a series of
missions like this, it meant that it had a way against the Void Tyrant. If he
completed each step, he would be able to solve the crisis.
Other than that time with the God of Destruction, the game had never been
wrong. Thinking of this, Link accepted the mission.

Looking at the panicking Gretel, he said, "We can't fight this creature in the
Physical Realm. Let's try in the Soul Realm!"

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Chapter 450: Was it an Illusion?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dragon Valley, Mist Maze.

Whoosh, whoosh. A red dragon carrying two figures hurtled out of the Mist

Once outside the maze, the two figures jumped down from the dragon's back
and began racing across the Korora Mountain range.

One of them, a black shadow, streaked across the ground while being followed
closely by a shape of pure light floating ten feet above the ground.

From within the light, a voice rang out, "Eugene, I know what you're thinking.
The dragons are weakened, and you're planning something up north, aren't

"Halino, stop sticking your nose into my business all the time! I'm just going to
settle a deal with that upstart Morpheus. I am capable of restraint, you know!"

"Restraint? Who was the one responsible for the destruction of the city of Veron
200 years ago? Who was the one who caused that ruckus with the merfolk 130
years ago? Wasn't it you who brought that epidemic to the city of Tanreau 80
years ago? Let's talk about something a bit more recent, then. It was you, wasn't
it, who had taught the Dark Elves how to summon Divine Gear? I can tell when
you're up to something!"
In front of him, the black figure laughed bitterly. "Halino, your words do not
mean a thing to me. There's no point in hanging onto such trivial things. What
do the lives and deaths of mortals have to do with us? As long as there's still a
realm to live in, everyone's happy. Don't you agree?"

"That's what you think!" The apparition of light laughed coldly. "I was given
this power by the realm of Firuman just so that I can deal with someone like

"You really should keep your nose out of people's business!" Eugene shouted
back angrily, his pace quickening even more.

"Yes, and your business just happens to fall into my territory!"

"Screw you, Halino!" Eugene exploded in anger.

In the Emerald Council, they were able to put aside their differences for the sake
of sealing up the spatial crack, but once outside the Council, they resumed their
almost 300-year rivalry.

In a flash, they vanished into the woods.

After a while, another red dragon came out of the maze, this time with the
Mountain Sage Heroto on it. Once outside the Mist Maze, he leaped down from
the dragon's back, patted on its head and spoke with a sigh, "Little one, tell your
queen to stop being stubborn and just give up on fighting that thing head-on."

He then scampered towards the woods and sank into the earth.

Not long after, Bryant exited from the Mist Maze. He turned back to give one
last look at the maze and chuckled bitterly. "Oh Link, you attaining
dragonification may not be a good thing. Your infatuation with the Red Dragon
Queen will most certainly spell your doom."

He, too, patted the head of the Red Dragon Warrior who had flown him across
and said with a smile, "Little one, there's no hope left for the Dragon Valley.
Come with me to the Isle of Dawn; I'm sure you'll get along fine with the
emerald dragons there."
The emerald dragons were descendants of those who had left Dragon Valley
centuries ago to live with the High Elves. Some of their ancestors had fallen in
love with the High Elves there, some were drawn to the peaceful way of life in
the Isle of Dawn, while there were others who gained the elves' magical affinity
to nature from the World Tree.

As of now, the number of emerald dragons had reached no less than 500.

The Red Dragon Warrior hesitated, pondering the High Elf's words. The
situation in Dragon Valley had indeed worsened, and its future did not look too

Sensing the hesitation in the dragon, Bryant laughed encouragingly. "Young

one, with your strength, you'll be treated like a king. For someone with your
potential, there's just no other way to go but up. Dragon Valley is doomed
anyway, so shouldn't you start looking for greener pastures now?"

"I... won't be able to face the queen."

"Ah... You're already an adult, and the Red Dragon Queen isn't even your
mother. Shouldn't you be the one deciding your own future? Also, given the
state she's led the Dragon Valley into, I don't think she's a leader worth

The Red Dragon Warrior hesitated for a long while, then bit his lip and began
flying towards the Isle of Dawn.

On his back, Bryant's face lit up with a satisfied smile at his newest recruit for
the army of the Isle of Dawn.


In the Dragon Valley.

Outside the city walls, the Red Dragon Elders had assembled before their queen
who was explaining the details of the city's evacuation to them.

"We'll be going into the Soul Realm to deal with the Void Tyrant. Even if there
doesn't seem to be any way to take it down, we'll at least try to buy some time.
Pettalong, I'll leave the evacuation arrangements for the Warriors and
commoners to you."

"Understood." Pettalong nodded. He glanced at Link, was about to say

something, and then stopped himself.

Link knew what he was going to say, and waved a hand casually at him. "You
go, I'll protect the queen."

There was a look of relief on Pettalong's face, and he turned back to begin the
evacuation of the Dragon Valley.

Link turned to Gretel. "Time is of the essence, this thing is about to move. We
should start right now."


In his current state, entering the Soul Realm was no longer a problem for Link.
With ease, he mentally cast the Soul Conversion Spell.

Whoosh. In an instant, the colors of the world before him faded into black and
white. The space around him was dotted with points of red light, which were the
souls of the Red Dragons.

Among these lights, the Red Dragon Queen's stood out the brightest, dying even
the grey sky in a dim reddish hue.

Coming in second was Link's soul, whose light was different from the others. It
was neither red nor black, but transparent like water. It was also extremely
concentrated, almost solid-like, and did not stand out as much.

Then there were the crimson lights of the Red Dragon Elders and the Dragon
Soul Guard. They were not Legendary Magicians, and so their lights seemed far
weaker. Compared to the Red Dragon Queen's, theirs were like little stars
overshadowed by the sun itself, rendered almost invisible.

At that point, the city up ahead had turned into a hell on earth. While there were
no tentacles in the Soul Realm, it was however filled with a thick fog, where the
souls of the people could vaguely be seen.These souls seemed to be on the verge
of going out. Their first instinct had been to escape the fog, but they were pulled
back by some dark force in it, making it impossible to escape.

Aghast at the sight of all this, the Red Dragon Queen said tremblingly, "This fog
must be the doing of the Void Tyrant. He's still consuming these souls! His soul
is simply too strong!"

Everyone felt almost too clearly the oppressive aura of its power. The black fog
in front had covered both sky and ground, shutting out all light in the world.

In the face of such incredible power, a look of hesitation hung on each Warrior's

Link furrowed his brows. In the Soul Realm, if one lacked the confidence to
win, one would not be able to bring out the most of their abilities, and the battle
would have been lost before it had even started.

He turned to everyone and spoke out loud, "Everyone, listen to me!"

When he had all the dragon Warriors' attention, he continued, "Ever since I
became a Magician, I have seen countless battles, fought many powerful
enemies, and never have I known defeat. This time, I intend to make sure that
my win streak remains unbroken. Follow me, and I'll guide you all to victory!"

Link's voice was powerful, but not too loud. Though he had exaggerated his
words a bit, no one doubted them. The dragon Warriors were confident in Link's
combat capabilities.

The Red Dragons were all looking at Link, and raising their weapons in the air,
they roared in unison, "To victory!"

The light coming off their bodies shone even brighter, and their souls became
even more concentrated, their conviction greatly fortified. This was what Link
had wanted to see.

He beckoned at them, "Onward!"

He led the way, with the Red Dragon Queen on his side, and the Red Dragons
following behind him.
Soon, they arrived before the black fog. Link reached into it and felt the power
within. "The power is faint, mixed with the Void's aura. It may be harmful to the
souls of normal beings, but not to us. Everyone, this is only the Void Tyrant's
spirit aura. Its true body lies within this fog."

Saying this, Link stepped into the fog, and the others followed suit.

Once inside the fog, visibility worsened almost immediately. Their field of
vision was no more than 30 feet, as there was nothing but darkness in all
directions. From time to time, the soul of a commoner would appear in the fog.
Everything felt unreal.

In the Soul Realm, magical power was drastically weakened. Link

unconsciously tightened his grip on his magic sword. The Red Dragon Queen
had a sword and a shield in both hands as well, giving off the impression of a
mighty female Warrior.

After walking 100 feet into the city, the fog gradually thickened, and their field
of vision was reduced to two feet. Link could only see at this point the Red
Dragon Queen beside him and a few other Red Dragon Warriors behind him.
But he could still sense the presence of the others, so there was not much else to
worry about.

Suddenly, Link sensed movement in front of him and drew out his sword in a

A black figure swooped at him, which he blocked with his sword. With a clink,
the unknown object was sliced in two by the Dragon King's Fury. Quickly, Link
reached out and seized one of its dismembered sections.

As soon as he grabbed it, Link's hand went cold. A snake-like thing squirmed in
his hand and coiled instinctively around his wrist.

Link looked at it and saw that it was a translucent black band as thick as his
wrist. It seemed to have the same properties as the black tentacles in the
material realm. The only thing different was that the band-like creature was by
itself, unlike the throng of tentacles that was the Void Tyrant. This tentacle was
also weak. It probably would be around Level-6 in the material realm.
This shocked Link somewhat, as it meant that the Void Tyrant had started
reproducing. He immediately shouted back, "Ambush!"

At that same moment, shouts could be heard from the Warriors behind him.
They were also ambushed, but no one got hurt, as the enemy did not present
much of a threat.

With visibility being greatly reduced, they were in a great disadvantage and
susceptible to further ambushes. At this point, Link activated the Assassin's
Vision of Truth.

With the Vision of Truth activated, everything before them lit up. More than
half of the black fog had faded away, and Link's field of vision had increased to
300 feet instantly.

They were now near the entrance of the city. The road in front of them ran
straight, with houses lining both sides. Link saw that there were transparent
tentacles everywhere, swimming about in the air like fish, and in the sky hung
an impenetrable cloud of darkness.

"That must be where the Void Tyrant's real body is; Silverstar must also be in
that direction."

"Come on, keep up! Follow me!" Link shouted back, and the Warriors returned
into a formation as they followed him on.

Right, the Warriors still can't see much. They can only rely on their senses to
follow my lead, and their senses can easily be influenced by emotion, thought
Link. I'll need to keep making sounds so that they'll be able to hear at all times.

And so, Link announced to the party behind him the places they had passed as
they moved on. He explained everything in detail, from the conditions of the
road to the floating tentacles around them.

This had brought on a clear effect. Though the black fog obstructed much of
their sight, the Red Dragon Warriors were still able to move in formation. Even
when they were ambushed by the transparent tentacles, they were able to deal
with them without too much trouble.
After half an hour, the party had advanced more than 500 feet, and they were
getting closer to the cloud of darkness. Just then, Link heard a feeble voice.
"Help me, help me..."

Link was shaken for a moment, but knowing the Soul Realm, he feared that this
might be an illusion. He then spoke to the Red Dragon Queen beside him, "Did
you hear that? Someone's calling for help."

Gretel cocked an ear for any sound and then shook her head. "I didn't hear

"Could it have been an illusion?" Link raised his voice, calling for everyone to
stop, as he listened again.

"I'm right here! Link, I'm right here, save me!"

He heard the voice again, even more clearly than before. Link turned to look at
Gretel, who met his gaze and asked in a low voice, "You heard it again?"

Link nodded.

Gretel frowned. She listened intently again but shook her head still. "I still hear

Link then asked some of the Warriors behind him, and they all gave him the
same answer.

He was the only one who could hear the voice calling for help.

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Chapter 451: Following the Guidance of the Soul

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link's mission was to save Silverstar's soul, but he couldn't reveal that because
it was an alert from the game system. He also couldn't prove that Silverstar's
soul was still alive. No one would believe him if he said that, so he had planned
to complete this mission while the entire team was fighting against the Void

But now, there was a cry for help, and he couldn't determine if it was real or not.
Link was conflicted.

What if it was a trap and he led the entire team there? But if he didn't go—what
if it was real? Silverstar understood the Void Tyrant well. If Link could save
her, it would be much more possible to defeat the Void Tyrant.

There was another question. Why did Silverstar only call to him for help?

There were many possible explanations. For example, maybe she was too weak,
or Link had saved her before, so he received her soul's recognition. Or maybe
this was the Void Tyrant's evil plan. Link couldn't determine the validity with
pure logic.

He needed to follow the guidance of his own heart. Just like that time at the
Dragon Valley's Mist Maze, he should let his soul tell him the correct choice.

His soul's voice was very weak; it couldn't be disturbed at all. Link took a deep
breath. Without thinking about anything, he calmed his mind and continued to

After a few seconds, Link's mind was completely still. All worries, fears, and
other emotions had smoothed over. He entered a state of complete peace.

Then he suddenly heard the cries. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. Save me.

The voice was wispy, lost, and very soft. It was like a spider web floating in the
wind; it could be broken at any time.

Now, Link was sure that this was definitely Silverstar's soul!

He turned to look at Gretel and saw her brows tightly knitted. There was worry
in her eyes. She was definitely worrying about the future of the dragon race and
the power of the enemy. She was worrying… There were too many distracting
thoughts in her mind.
If the queen was like that, the elders and Dragon Soul Guards must be even
worse off. They must be anxious and unsettled. How could they hear these soft
cries for help in that state?

He understood. Silverstar must have started off calling to everyone, but only I
could hear her, so she only calls to me now.

Thinking of this, Link said to Gretel, "A voice in my heart tells me that
Silverstar is still alive. We must save her. This will be a great help in defeating
against the Void Tyrant."

"Are you sure?" Gretel stared into Link's eyes. Her crystal-red eyes were
unblinking behind the dragon helmet.

Link was technically the commander of the team. At this time, his one mistake
could kill all of them. Gretel was already showing great trust in him by not
directly disagreeing with him.

Link looked back confidently. "I'm sure!"

Gretel nodded. "Alright. Take us to her."

She was handing him the fate of her race. Taking a deep breath, Link called,
"Warriors, follow me!"

The voice was coming from the south of the small city. Link led the team

There was a small lake near the south of the city, so there were many creeks.
After a while, Link discovered that the black aura was much thinner by the
creeks. He could see up to 30 feet. There were less translucent dancing tentacles

He didn't know why but he could still take advantage of it.

"Follow the river. Do you hear the water? Follow the sound of the water and
don't get lost!" Link called.
The creek wasn't very long—only around 3000 feet. The soldiers walked along
the bank. With the target clear, they finished within ten minutes. A lake
appeared at the end of the creek.

There was a small dam between the creek and lake; the group walked over to
the dam. The black fog in the air had thinned more. The visibility was up to 60

Here, Link could hear the cries very clearly. Silverstar's soul must be around

At that time, a Warrior pointed at the water below the dam and called, "Look,
there's something in the water!"

Everyone looked over, including Link. Using the Vision of Truth for help, he
could see more clearly than the others.

He saw a mess of semi-transparent tentacles near the top of the water. There
were at least 3000 tentacles. They flew around and practically covered the entire
water surface. However, using the Vision of Truth, Link still saw a ball of weak
light in the water under the tentacles.

"Those tentacles are afraid of water. Did Silverstar use the water to escape
death?" Link was excited. He could clearly feel the strong soul aura from the

Gretel felt this too. She looked to Link with some happiness in her eyes.

"There's something there. I'll go check!"

And then plop, Link jumped straight into the water from the dam.

The water in the Soul Realm was freezing in an eerie, bone-chilling way.
Despite his physical strength, Link still shuddered when he entered the water.
The tentacles on the surface discovered him and sped over. Link immediately
went underwater.

Whoosh, whoosh. There was wind from above the water, but no tentacle entered
to attack him. These guys really were scared of water!
The Vision of Truth was equally effective underwater. Link looked side to side
and saw the faintly glowing soul floating before him. At the same time, the
voice in his mind was clearer. I'm here, I'm here.

Link swam over with all his might. When he was closer, he was even surer that
this was Lucia Silverstar!

She had silver hair, silver eyes, and snowy-white skin. Her body was slightly
transparent, showing this was a soul, but she was much solidified and had clear
contours. Only a Legendary figure could reach this extent.

Because she was a soul, she had no clothes. Floating in the water without
moving in a fetal position, she looked like a corpse at first glance.

Link continued swimming. Beside the sacred soul, he discovered that she was
half-asleep. She didn't react to him at all. The only change was that the voice in
Link's mind grew much stronger.

I'm here, I'm here, the voice kept calling. She seemed to be repeating it

Link wasn't worried. He had found her. As long as he brought her back, he'd
find a way to save her.

He touched the soul lightly. It felt like he touched something soft, like jello or
glue. If Link used a bit more pressure, his entire hand would sink in.

So this is a soul's substance. An ordinary mortal's soul would probably just be a

puff of smoke, right? Link thought. He carefully cupped his hand around the
soul and swam away from the city without breaking through the surface.

At the dam, Gretel sensed Link's movements, as well as Silverstar's soul.

Looking at the dancing tentacles on the surface, she waved her hand. "Let's go,"
she said to the Warriors. "We'll go into the water too and leave this place first."

Plop, plop. The dozens of Red Dragon Warriors and the queen jumped in
together. They followed Link and swam forward.

After around 3000 feet, there was a small island. Link carried Silverstar's soul
up. The Red Dragon Queen followed him onto land too.
Link wasn't familiar with souls. The soul wasn't wearing any clothes either, so
Silverstar was naked now. He carried her and looked awkwardly at Gretel. "I
got her, but she seems to be hurt. Do you know what to do?"

He had not looked deep into the category of souls. The only knowledge Link
had was from Secret Magicians like Vance and Eleanor, but it was all basic

"Hand her to me."

Gretel took Silverstar's soul from Link's hands. At the same time, a watery
crystal-red light appeared in her hands. The light dripped into the soul. Slowly, a
red haze appeared in the white soul.

Ah, save me, save me, save me. She started struggling and instinctively cried for

Gretel patted Silverstar's cheeks gently and murmured, "Wake up, wake up. It's

After a dozen taps, Silverstar's body convulsed, and she finally woke up.
Opening her eyes, she yelled, "Hurry, stop him! He's starting to split!"

"Split?" Gretel was terrified at that.

"Yes!" Silverstar urged. "His body is at the limit already. He'll split into a new
body and continue sucking power. You have to kill him before he finishes

With that, a message flashed past Link's vision.

Mission Completed: Rescue

Player receives 10 Jogu.

Player receives 100 Omni Points.

Activate Second Step: Restriction Transfer

Mission Content: Use Magician Lucia Silverstar's knowledge to restrain the

Void Tyrant's power and mobility.
Mission Reward 1: 10 Jogu

Mission Reward 2: 200 Omni Points

Link immediately accepted it.

Here, the Red Dragon Queen smiled helplessly. "Unfortunately, we might not
be the Void Tyrant's match," she told Silverstar. "He's very strong now."

Link quickly said, "No, there's a way!"

The game system had given a clear prompt. Things had to be done step by step.
With their current power, they indeed couldn't go face to face with the Void
Tyrant. However, this guy was splitting now and couldn't move around.

They could take advantage of this time to complete the restraint on him and
lower his power. Then they could do the next step. This was the correct way.

Hearing this, Gretel's eyes brightened. She looked at Link hopefully. "Tell us."

Link pointed at Silverstar in Gretel's arms. "Our success depends on her!"

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Chapter 452: It's Trapped

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dragon Valley, Soul Realm.

Link told his plan to Lucia, who shook her head. "No, I can't do it. I don't have
enough power right now. Even at full strength, I don't think I could restrain it.
Also, my runes only work in the material realm. It's useless here, but I can't go
back to the material realm."

Any normal human would have been desperate at this point. Even an ordinary
Magician, upon hearing this, would have thought, 'That's it, it's hopeless.' But
Link's first response to this was to think, 'There has to be something we can still

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke. "Miss Silverstar, do you mind sharing
the details of your Rune of Principle with me? We'll take it from here. This is
Dragon Valley, after all. With the thousands of Red Dragon warriors here,
power is something we have in abundance right now."

"No, I don't mind sharing," said Silverstar. "You rescued me, and also, because
of me, the Void Tyrant is now rampaging through Dragon Valley. This is the
least that I can do, but the structure of my rune is extremely complicated. I fear
there may not be enough time for you to master it completely."

"There's no need for us to master it completely. You guide us through it, and
we'll follow your lead," said Link.

"But I can't enter the material realm."

On one side, Gretel said reassuringly, "Don't worry, I know a spell called the
Spiritual Cloak. It will protect you from any energy turbulence in the material

Uplifted by this, Link motioned at them and said, "If that's the case, let's get
started now, shall we?"

With a swoosh, their surroundings regained color once more as they returned to
the material realm.

They were on an island in the middle of the lake south of the city. Looking to
the north, the could see endless black vines whipping about, though they still
remained in place. It seemed that the Void Tyrant, as Silverstar had explained,
was splitting itself into multiple bodies.

Once they were in the material realm again, Silverstar's body suddenly began
flickering like a candle in the wind. When exposed to sunlight, her body began
emitting green smoke, like she was being roasted alive. Under these
circumstances, it seemed that she would only last a minute at most.

"Spiritual Cloak!" Gretel cast the spell in time.

'Hum!' With a soft whir, a thin, red film spread out across Silverstar's spirit.
Gleaming slightly, it twisted its shape around her spirit to form a deep red cloak
with a hood, completely shielding Silverstar.

Silverstar's body regained stability. Underneath the cloak, she looked almost
invisible, like a mere transparent shape beneath the hood.

"Okay, I'm alright." The voice that came from the mantle sounded distant.

With a plan already in mind, Link turned to face the Red Dragon Elders. "This
binding spell is large scale, so it will require a considerable amount of power to
activate. I'll need all the Red Dragon warriors here, the more the merrier!"

Some of the Red Dragon Elders nodded in reply without question, while others
pondered for a bit, looking at the Red Dragon Queen.

Gretel did not immediately give her answer. Instead, she asked Link, "The
warriors' power levels are too low. Are you sure that will help?"

"Yes, it will!" said Link confidently. At the same time, he tapped in the air and
conjured a lens of Spatial Distortion. "Using the principle of Spatial Collapse,
I'll be able to compress anything, other than one's soul, in the realm of Firuman,
including Dragon Power!" he explained.

He had once used the distortion of space to level up the power stored within the
Light Rune Stone Herrera had given him back in the Skeletal Fort.

At that time, Link had only been a Level-6 Magician, but now, he had reached
Legendary, and his accomplishments in Spatial Magic had more than doubled
since. Right now, he was confident he could promote normal Dragon Power to
Legendary level with ease in order to activate the Rune of Principle.

All Gretel's hesitation faded. "Alright, assemble all our warriors!"

The Red Dragon Elders nodded and transformed into their dragon forms before
flying off in all directions to carry out the order.

Link then spoke to SIlverstar. "Now then, let's begin."

Silverstar nodded. She had no more strength in her, so she was only able to
explain the basis of her spell orally while Link and Gretel listened attentively.

The underlying principle was meticulous. After listening to much of it, Gretel
frowned. She was able to understand most of it, but to actually grasp the rune
structure and implement it would take more than a few days of practice.

And the thing she lacked most now was time.

She began panicking and soon could not keep up with Lucia's explanations.

'What do we do? What do we do?' As she began to panic, she looked at Link,
who was still focused on Lucia's words, just like the time he had proposed his
version of the spatial rune back in the great hall.

Seeing this side of Link, Gretel managed to calm down and forced herself to
focus and continue paying attention to Lucia's explanations.

Just then, Link whipped out his magic wand and began drawing out thirty-six
different types of runes in the air with it. He asked, "Are these the basic rune
structures you explained just now?"

Silverstar took a closer look at them, then nodded. "Yes, they're all correct."

Link then added another layer of runes onto the first one, letting them interlace
with each other to create a web. "And is this construction of the spell correct?"

SIlverstar checked again and nodded, slightly startled. "Yes, it's correct. Have
you learned it before?"

This also drew a curious look from Gretel. Had Link already understood the
spell, when Lucia Silverstar had only just explained the basic principles of it to
them? His learning speed was simply incredible.

Link shook his head and explained, "Didn't we battle the Void Tyrant not too
long ago? Back then, your binding rune was floating in the air, and I was able to
memorize all of it."

He tapped his head and gave a sly smile. "I have a really good memory."
In truth, it was actually the game system that had scanned the whole thing, but
to everyone else in the world, it seemed like he was capable of extraordinary
feats of memorization.

Silverstar's eyes lit up at this, but just to be sure that Link wasn't making it up,
she said, "Show me again, let me see if you have everything right."

Link then proceeded to draw out the rune structure down with every detail that
he remembered seeing before. When he drew the 20th rune layer, Silverstar
shouted with glee, "That's enough, now all that's left is to redraw the whole
structure. I don't see anything wrong with the structures you've drawn. With
them, you'll be able to recreate the binding spell that I cast the other day."

Link sighed in relief and turned to face Gretel. "Your Highness, do you
remember everything?"

After ten minutes of careful studying Link's runes, she nodded. "No problem. I'll
draw them out, see if there's anything wrong with them."

At this point, Link had finished his runes. Watching him take the lead, Gretel
had loosened up considerably and began drawing the runes out herself with rapt

Five minutes had passed, and she had finished the 20th layer of runes. Checking
her work carefully, she pointed out a few mistakes here and there, letting Gretel
fix them. Another five minutes passed, and Silverstar finally nodded in
satisfaction. "That's it. You've got it now."

Gretel went through the runes again in her head. She didn't have Link's
photographic memory, and so the only thing she could do to make up for it was
continuously go through the runes in her head.

Ten minutes later, she nodded, saying, "I'm good."

Link clapped his hands. "We'd best hurry. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

The city's diameter was at least 1,000 feet. This meant that two of them would
have to cast a binding spell circle with a diameter of more than 1,500 feet in
order to catch the Void Tyrant by surprise.
There was also a certain difficulty to casting rune structures; each rune would
have to be imprinted on space itself, and in order to do this, a certain level of
spatial power would be required from the caster.

This was not a problem for either Link or Gretel.

Still, it remained an extremely demanding task.

"According to my calculations, the binding formation must be completed in

three hours, or else this will all be for nothing," said Lucia. With a time limit
hanging over their heads, the difficulty of their task had spiked.

Link and Gretel looked at each other. Without another moment's delay, they
began working on the rune structure.

Dragon Power flowed out of them, sending ripples out through the space that
then began twisting themselves into runes. The runes flashed for a moment, then
dissolved completely in the air.

The two Magicians began weaving the runes together on an invisible canvas like
master seamstresses while Lucia Silverstar looked on, watching out for any
mistakes they might have made.

Three minutes later, the difference in speed between Link and Gretel became
apparent. Link had already finished more than a hundred feet, while Gretel had
completed less than thirty feet.

The reason why Link was able to work so quickly was his solid foundation in
enchantment magic, as well as some help from the game system. From his
perspective, he was able to see virtual images of the runes exactly as they had
been placed in the entire rune structure previously. Link simply followed the
images without thinking too much about it.

It made everything that much easier.

Inspecting twenty feet or so of the runes beside Link, Silverstar was able to put
her worries to rest. These runes, judging from their detail and arrangement, were
nothing short of a masterpiece, and she could not have done any better herself.
She went back to check on Gretel and nodded at her work. Though the Red
Dragon Queen's runes were not as elegant as Link's, they met her expectations.
Halfway through, she pointed out a couple of mistakes to the queen and waited
for her to fix them.

She calculated the likely time of completion. The rune binding circle was
approximately 1,500 feet in diameter and 4,700 feet in length, and the rate at
which the two were working was sixty feet per minute. If everything went
smoothly, they would be able to finish it in half an hour, which would be quick

Time went by, and Link's pace increased gradually, until he was jogging around
the circle while working on the runes. Both Silverstar and Gretel looked on in
utter horror.

On the other side, Gretel had gotten used to the task and was able to draw out a
hundred feet of runes per minute, which was still not enough to catch up to

She then spoke to Lucia. "You better check his work, see if there's nothing
wrong with it."

With a look of concern, Silverstar went to check on Link.

Three minutes later, she returned to Gretel's side and spread her hands out. "He's
drawing everything way better than I ever could. I couldn't find any fault in his
work. Ah, you got this one wrong."

"..." Speechless, Gretel returned to her work.

At this time, the Red Dragon Elders returned with a large number of Red
Dragon warriors and a couple of normal dragon masters.

Among the 3,000 people assembled. Most of them were around Level-5,
including 1,000 of the high level dragon warriors. The average power level was
around Level-6, with Level-7 and Level-8 being the outliers of the group.

Everyone had grouped around the rune circle and waited for its completion,
ready to infuse their power into it.
Silverstar then proposed to Gretel, "Link is close to completion on his end, why
don't we go back and fix some of the errors you made just now?"

"Okay," said Gretel apologetically. Her pace had been slow, and she had made a
lot of mistakes; there was a stark gap between her work and Link's.

Gretel went back to tidy up her work, fixing some of her mistakes here and
there. When everything was in order, she continued working on the rest of her

This time, to prevent making any more mistakes, she slowed down her pace,
with Silverstar constantly checking her work by her side.

Link, who had already covered half of the city, began approaching Gretel from
the other direction.

The two ladies looked at each other in bewilderment.

Within half a minute, Link's runes finally met up with Gretel's.

With a low hum, the runes joined together on both sides, and the whole rune
circle lit up slightly, sending a small tremor through the encircled space.

Silver exclaimed excitedly, "You've done it!"

The sudden tremor had startled the Void Tyrant, who was still splitting himself
within the city. He let out a roar, "You dare plot against me?"

Silverstar shouted immediately, "Quick, power the rune circle up, he's noticed

Without being powered up, the rune circle was nothing more than an invisible
decoration hanging in the air.

Link rushed out of the rune circle and tapped the air with his wand. "Spatial

In an instant, a ball of Spatial Distortion with a diameter of ten feet appeared

twenty feet above ground.
He shouted to the Red Dragon warriors, "Attack the distorted space with all
your might! Hold nothing back!"

The Red Dragon warriors were stunned for a moment. They had never received
such an order before.

Watching as the black tentacles lashed out from within the city, Gretel herself
screamed out an order. "Attack! Use Dragon Slash on it!"

A Red Dragon Elder leapt forward and swung a powerful Dragon Slash at the
ball of Spatial Distortion with his sword. A red streak of Dragon Power rushed
into the ball, which shimmered for a moment before letting out a highly
concentrated thread of Legendary Dragon Power from the other side, directly
into the rune circle.

A layer of dim red light spread out across the rune circle. The enclosed space
trembled at the same time, and the circle's binding strength increased as a result.

It was effective!

The Red Dragon warriors began directing their attacks into it, while the circle's
binding strength increased more and more as a continuous stream of red Dragon
Power flowed into it.

But this was not enough. Judging from the Void Tyrant's speed, it was possible
he might burst out of the rune circle before its activation. Keeping a wary eye on
the black tentacles, Link shouted to the queen, "Your Highness, you must slow
down the Void Tyrant by any means necessary! He's too fast!"

The Red Dragon Queen transformed into her dragon form without hesitation,
spread her wings in the air, and spewed out an explosive jet of Dragonfire at the
front tentacles.

She flew around the outer circle of the city at an incredible speed, continuously
pouring Dragonfire down on the mass of tentacles.

The black tentacles regenerated back almost as quickly as they were being
burned to crisps, but were still unable to move any closer to the rune circle.
A minute had passed, and all the Red Dragon warriors had tired themselves out,
including the Red Dragon Elders, who laid on the ground. They had all used up
a great deal of their Dragon Power in their assault.

The rune circle still needed a little more juice to be fully activated. Luckily,
Link had enough strength left in him to pick up where the Red Dragons had left

With a hum, the air within the circle began to shiver as the rune formation
rotated slowly like a gear. The space within the circle then visibly became
viscous. The black tentacles that had been lunging outwards moments ago now
slowed down considerably, as all their energy had been sapped dry by the rune
circle the moment they made contact with it.

"It's trapped! It's finally trapped!" Silverstar shouted excitedly.

Link shared her excitement, too, but his face remained grave, for this was only
the beginning. There was still a long way to go until their ultimate victory over
the creature!

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Chapter 453: Void Hunter

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The moment the Void Tyrant was restrained, Link heard clear dings in his mind.
At the same time, a red light flashed in his vision.

Link glanced and saw a bunch of messages.

Mission Complete: Restrain

Player received 10 Jogu

Player received 200 Omni Points

Activate Third Step: Exterminate!

Mission Content: The Void Tyrant is very powerful and can split infinitely. Use
the power of the Void ferry to kill it once and for all!

Mission Reward 1: 50 Jogu

Mission Reward 2: Assassin's Dragon King Belt (Legendary)

Note: Complete before the restraint time ends.

Time Remaining: 120 seconds

The Legendary set had re-appeared, along with a countdown of seconds. Each
second was precious. Link immediately accepted the mission and ran towards
the small city.

As he ran, the Dragon Power inside his body started surging. His body
expanded as well. Two seconds later, he transformed into the black dragon.

Whoosh! Link unfurled his wings and soared into the air. During this, there
were various clinks and clanks. Crystal thorns shining like white frost snapped
out of his various body parts.

One moment Link's dragon body still looked a bit gentle. The next, he was filled
with an aggressive aura.

This time, almost all the strong dragons were present. They all saw the black
dragon whose size was comparable to the Red Dragon Queen.

"Black Dragon King?!"

"Master Link is a black dragon?"

"When did we get another powerful dragon?"

Other than the elders who knew the details, the rest were all shocked. They had
felt the Dragon Power within Link and found it strange. Now, this sudden plot
twist was too hard to accept.
The only happy one in the crowd was probably Felina. She waved her fist, filled
with excitement. She was most familiar with Link and knew how powerful he
was. It was definitely a good thing for him to be part of the dragon race.

Soaring into the sky, Link charged towards the city center. At the same time, he
exclaimed, "Your Highness, use the Void Destructor to clear the way!"

Gretel immediately rose up. While rising, a 30-foot-wide purple ball appeared in
the air before her. This was the largest flame spell she'd ever cast.

"Get ready!" She understood Link's plan without needing his explanation.

That moment, Link communicated with the sword spirit inside the Dragon
King's Fury in his mind. I need even more powerful strength. Does the Dragon
King's Fury effect work on my body?

"Yes, but it's not as effective as your human body. It can only double your
strength and raise speed by 50%," said the sword spirit.

That's enough. I'll need it later. Get ready!


This took less than one-tenth of a second. Then Link called to Gretel in the air,
"Your Highness, attack!"

Whoosh! The dark purple Legendary fireball fell from the sky like a meteorite.

On the ground, the Void Tyrant laughed. "Giant lizard, your tricks can't kill

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. Countless black tentacles shot out from all
directions, flying towards the fireball's trajectory. Half a second later, they
formed a shield 300 feet wide!

The next moment, the Void Destruction fireball crashed onto the shield.

Boom! The collision shook the earth. Flames splashed in all directions, lighting
the sky and dying it red. A tidal wave of shockwaves spread out. It crashed into
Gretel, sending her tumbling through the sky and almost falling down.
Link was further away from the explosion. He quickly retracted his wings and
faced the shockwaves as a front-facing streamline. When the shockwaves
reached him, his body shook. He felt numb as if getting struck by lightning.
Thankfully, the dragon's body was strong, and he wasn't greatly affected.

He didn't worry about the Red Dragon Warriors outside the city. The restraint
runes would quickly weaken the shockwaves.

There was a sea of fire before him now. The black tentacle shield was
evaporated by the flames, but they'd blocked most of the fireball's power!

Squinting, Link looked through the flames and saw that the entire city was on
fire. The shockwave had turned all the buildings into flatland. However,
countless tentacles were still growing in the fire.

They absorbed the fire's energy and shot up like plant shoots after rain. Their
speed was dumbfounding. Dealing with these tentacles was useless. They could
only defeat this Void creature by getting to the heart.

The Void Tyrant's voice rang out. "Haha, you insects, what other tricks do you

Not only were the tentacles regenerating, but they were also moving eastward.
The movement was strange. From the sky, the tentacles formed a black tide that
flew towards the restraint runes. While moving, tentacles in the tide constantly
shot towards the runes.

After shooting out, the tentacles would weaken from the rune array. They would
slow down and turn limp. However, it also used up much of the rune array's

Snick, snick, snick. There were countless sounds, like tens of thousands of
arrows shooting out.

The fire in the air thinned. However, the Red Dragon Queen's attack had a great
benefit. It cleared almost half of the tentacles, greatly reducing Link's obstacles.

The flames quickly lowered to a safe level. Link took a deep breath; the Dragon
Power rumbled inside him. Instantly, he felt that his body was like a gunpowder
barrel that was already ignited.
He used all his power!

Flapping his wings, there was a boom, and a ripple visible to the naked eye
appeared. It was the powerful air current created by his wings! With the
powerful push, Link's speed skyrocketed to the max. The world blurred in his
vision. Wind sliced at his body but was stopped by the sturdy dragon scales.

At this moment, he was light; he was electricity; he was a black sword of holy

Link had a clear target—the 100-foot-wide lump of tentacles wriggling like

worms at the heart. He planned to destroy it, enter the Sea of Void, and kill the
head hiding there.

While charging, Link saw a body appear in the tentacle ball. The upper half was
Lucia Silverstar; the lower half was connected to the tentacles. They had
become one.

A crisp woman's voice came from Silverstar's body. "Hehe, are you on a suicide

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless tentacles instantly shot into the sky, some grappling at Link. Others
blocked Link's path, entangling into each other and forming a net.

"You're a little bird, and I'm the bird-catcher, hehe!"

Link was huge at almost 230 feet long. However, the tentacle net was even
bigger. It was more than 300 feet wide and had many levels. With so many
interlocking levels of tentacles, he couldn't break through with brute force.

If Link was caught, he would definitely become the little bird that the Void
Tyrant spoke of.

"Link, don't be brash!" Gretel yelled, seeing that Link was about to force it. She
couldn't stop him though. She'd just cast the Void Destructor and hadn't
recovered yet.
Link didn't seem to hear. Just as he was about to crash, he thought, Dragon
King's Fury!

He activated the effect. His power doubled, and his speed rose by 50%.
Instantly, it felt like he would explode. Destructive force tore violently through
his body. He could even hear his blood whistling.

Whoosh, whoosh. It was like a tidal wave!

Boom! Under this extreme speed, another wave rippled in the air behind him. At
first, he was flying at more than 3000 feet per second. Now, he was 50% faster.

This wasn't all! He expanded all his dragon scales and retracted his wings. His
body started spinning like a rotating cluster of blades!

Then he crashed into the tentacle net.

Snick, snick, snick, snick. It was the sound of blades cutting vines. Link easily
tore through the black web of tentacles layer after layer. There were three
layers, but he sliced through all three.

Link broke free from the web and reached the heart!

"I'm not a bird, and you're not the bird-catcher. Right now, you're my prey!"

His power was at the max, and his voice was a deafening roar. It rumbled
through the entire battlefield.

Roar. Blazing dragon breath created a path, burning a hole in the black ball.
Silverstar's body evaporated directly. Without waiting for the Void Tyrant to
react, Link ducked into the hole. At the same time, he activated the ultimate
secret of the dragon body.

Void Ferry, realm teleportation!

Watery light appeared on Link. His body quickly turned transparent and soon
disappeared from Firuman.

At the same time, a huge body rushed into the Sea of Void.
The Sea of Void was endless and boundless. It was filled with terrible vortexes
and wild currents everywhere. This was the forbidden land for all mortal lives.

Link had once gone through the Sea of Void. He'd almost died that time and
suffered from the side effects for a long while. This time, he didn't feel any
pressure, thanks to the dragon body.

His body was the Void Ferry. It helped him fend off all dangers here.

Link saw the Void Tyrant's head. It was right next to him! It was like an
octopus's head with countless tentacles under it. The tentacles were deep into
the glowing World of Firuman.

Suddenly seeing Link in the Sea of Void, the Void Tyrant was shocked too. His
bloody eyes stared at Link. Thought waves traveled over, saying, How did you
get here? How can you move in the Sea of Void?

He wanted to defend himself, but he didn't have many tentacles in the Sea of
Void. Most of his power was in Firuman, and he couldn't move them over fast
enough. More terrifying was that Link wasn't far from him. He didn't have time
to escape, and he couldn't hide!

Link flapped his wings. He discovered that the Sea of Void was really like a sea
to the dragon body. When he flapped his wings, he could still use the power to
push forward.

This didn't mean the Sea of Void was actual water. The dragon body was
designed to be able to use its power.

Dragon King's Fury! Link activated it again.

Boom! His wings pushed a bunch of Void power behind, and he shot towards
the Void Tyrant.

Roar! Dragon breath cut the path for him. It wasn't fire now; instead, it was a
frosty white flood of Void.

The dragon breath hit the Void Tyrant's face, and it yelled uncontrollably.
Link took the chance to pounce. He didn't care about tactics and used his claws,
thorns, and teeth, wildly attacking the Void Tyrant's head.

He couldn't use magic in the Sea of Void. He could only use the mysterious Sea
of Void to attack. The Void Tyrant struggled violently too. The tentacles
slapped against Link, cutting apart scales and breaking thorns, but Link didn't
care. He wanted to kill this thing.

After who knew how long, Link ripped off the Void Tyrant's head. He was
covered in wounds too. The worst injury was where a tentacle had dug into his
back, straight to his inner organs.

His vision flashed; he'd completed the mission.

Epic Mission Series Complete: Exterminate

Player received 50 Jogu.

Player received Assassin's Dragon King Belt (Legendary)

Seeing this, Link's tense nerves relaxed. He finally killed this damn thing.

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Chapter 454: The Secret Duke

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dragon Valley

Not long after Link plunged into the Sea of Void, Gretel watched as the black
tentacles in the city began moving even more erratically.

At first, the tentacles had been whipping against the binding rune circle in an
orderly fashion, like a black tidal wave. Now, it seemed that they were
beginning to retreat from the circle in a state of complete disorder.
It was like watching a pack of dogs running away in defeat with their tails
tucked between their legs.

This lasted for more than a minute, and then, all of a sudden, the tentacles
slackened and fell to the ground limply, as if they had lost all the life in them.

This went on for another ten seconds, and by that time, Gretel was sure that the
Void Tyrant was dead.

Outside the city

Lucia Silverstar noticed this as well. Upon seeing the state of the tentacles, she
immediately shouted ecstatically, "The Void Tyrant is dead! It's finally been

"Really?" The Red Dragon Elders all looked at her in disbelief. Their enemy
was immense, its tentacles covering both ground and sky. Even a Legendary
Flame spell from the Red Dragon Queen couldn't burn it down. How on earth
could it have been killed?

"It's true! Link went into the Sea of Void, he must have destroyed the Void
Tyrant's brain!" Lucia Silverstar excitedly replied. She was, after all, a
Legendary Magician, and she knew exactly what Link had planned on doing

One of the Red Dragon Elders asked, "What about Master Link, has he not

"Well..." SIlverstar could not think of an answer. The Void Tyrant was dead, but
Link had not yet returned to the material realm. Surely he must have been all

Worried about Link, Gretel immediately leapt into action.

She flew to where Link had disappeared, then entered the Void by activating
Spatial Transference.

Once within the Sea of Void, all she could see was a blur of gray. There were
energy whirlpools everywhere, and from time to time, flashes of light erupted
close by.
A sudden energy turbulence flowed past her in one direction.

The reason was simple: dimensions were not stationary objects in the Sea of
Void. On the contrary, they were like bubbles floating on the surface of an
ocean, rotating as dictated by the physical laws of their surroundings.

But no one actually knew what those laws were.

"Link, where are you? Link!" Gretel could not find Link at all; for now, the
most she could do was send her thought waves out into the Void.

She continued shouting for Link, but no response came from him, wherever he

Time went by, and Gretel began to despair, fearing that Link had been killed
during his battle with the Void Tyrant, his corpse now being carried away by the
eddies in the Void.

But she still needed to thank him for what he had done!

"Link! Link!" Gretel did not want to believe that he was already dead. She
continued to fly about aimlessly, searching for any hint of life.

She could not stop thinking about Link.

They had first met each other in the Dragon Square, where he and that Yabba
dwarf had destroyed the Worthdamk in secret.

When they had been discussing their theses on spatial magic, he had said to her
with a smug smile, "You've made a mistake here, Your Highness."

When they had been walking in the woods in the Korora Mountain Range, he
had cleared the path of the brambles and vines for her with much decorum and
had even built a stone bridge across a stream for her. On the Ancestor Altar,
their sudden change in behavior towards him had not fazed him, and even in her
time of need, Link had been the first to step up to her aid.

Now, he had saved Dragon Valley, but at the cost of his life.
She should not have neglected Lucia Silverstar, she should not have associated
the Black Dragon King with Link. That was ancient history. Link had nothing to
do with it!

She was the one who had sent Link to his death!

"Link! Link!" Gretel's voice had now turned into a sob.

Just when she was on the brink of giving up hope, a weak mental presence
reached out to her. "Stop crying, I'm not dead yet! I'm right here!"

Gretel was overjoyed. She immediately flew where the consciousness guided
her. Soon, she found Link lying motionless at the outer reaches of the
dimensional barrier. Black tentacles wrapped around him, one of them deeply
embedded in his back.

"My dragon body was severely injured. I couldn't use Spatial Transference with
it," said Link. He had almost been carried away by a strong eddy to the deeper
regions of the Void. It was fortunate that he had still had some strength left in
him, so he had been able to hang on to the dimensional barrier just in time.

"You're safe now, I'm here." Gretel flew to his side, and embraced Link's body
in her arms as she activated Spatial Transference.

A watery film of light began enveloping them, and the two slowly floated and
once again resurfaced back into the realm of Firuman.

The light blinded Link's eyes as he returned to the realm of Firuman, up in the
air above Dragon Valley, not too far from where he had first entered the Sea of

Looking down, he could see the lifeless mass of black tentacles and the crowd
of dragon warriors outside the city.

Gretel slowly hovered to the ground and let him down gently when she landed.

The dragon warriors surrounded them immediately, looking at Link with a mix
of respect, dread, and confusion.
"All right, give us some space. Master Link is heavily injured and needs
immediate attention," shouted the Red Dragon Queen.

Everyone scattered in an instant, as ordered.

Link had received severe damage on his back. The tentacles had pierced through
the abdomen of his dragon body. Unbearable pain seized his body at even the
slightest movement.

Gretel grabbed onto the tentacle and infused her Dragon Power into Link's
body. She then whispered to him, "All right, this will all be over before you
know it, just relax."

She proceeded to pull the black tentacle fiercely out of his back.

"Owww," Link roared in pain, and his surroundings went black.

Gretel began sealing up the internal wounds in Link's body with her Dragon
Power, then gently touched his dragon's heart. A few seconds later, Link's body
began pulling back its dragon form, and he finally returned to his human form.

While there were no traces of blood on his human body, she noticed a bloody
wound on his back when taking off his clothes. Though it had stopped bleeding,
it definitely stood out like a sore thumb.

Gently picking up Link's body with her dragon claw, Gretel took off into the sky
again and hurled down a Void Destructor Fireball at the black tentacles on the

'Boom!' The fire engulfed the ruins below, the lifeless black tentacles
disintegrating into ash.

She then ordered her subjects, "Clear the place thoroughly, I want every tentacle

"Yes, Your Highness!" said the Red Dragon Elders in unison.

Gretel began flying towards Dragon Temple for further treatment of Link's

Link's heart was racing hard as he lay on his bed, unconscious.

The blurry visions he had seen in his state of unconsciousness had been of the
land of Felde.

He had seen the place bathed in a sea of fire, children in tears as they knelt
beside the corpses of their parents.There were countless corpses of the Yabba
people, practically covering the whole island. He had even seen the port
engulfed in flames and bodies floating on the sea, its waters running red with
their blood.

In the ruins, he had seen black, shadowy figures flitting about. Their pointed
ears had resembled those of elves, but they had also had blood-red eyes, and
Link had not been able to tell what they were.

It was then that a black shadow had swooped down at him. He had heard a sharp
laughter overhead and seen that the black figure was baring its sharp teeth at
him. From its mouth, strands of glistening saliva had dripped down to the
ground, and he had seen bits of fresh, bloody meat hanging off its teeth.

Link immediately woke up from his sleep when the thing swooped down at him.

Upon waking up, he found himself lying on a large bed eight feet off the ground
and staring at a ceiling. Only the interior of the Dragon Temple possessed such
a unique architectural style.

He wiped the cold sweat off of his forehead and carefully felt the rest of his
body. He felt weak, but there was no pain. There was a tightness around his
chest, and he noticed that it was wrapped in bandages.

"You're awake?" a familiar voice called out. It was Gretel.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Link struggled to sit up. His mind kept going
back to the nightmare he had seen just before. The details of it were vague, and
it didn't feel quite like a premonition, but still, he couldn't help but worry about
"Not long. Three days." Gretel rushed to the bed and helped Link to lean on the
headboard of the bed.

A sudden pain shot through Link's body, reminding him that he had not yet
healed fully. "How's Dragon Valley?"

"The Void Tyrant is dead. The new bodies that had split off from the original
were destroyed before they even had a chance to mature. Thanks to you, order
has been restored to Dragon Valley." Gretel sat on the bed and squeezed Link's
hand in gratitude.

"Oh, that's great then." Link nodded, indifferently pulling his hand out of

"When will my wounds be fully healed?" asked Link again.

"Your injuries will need at least half a month to recover fully. However, your
dragon body took some serious damage, and while it is capable of self-repair, it
may take half a year before you can transform into it again. Don't worry too
much about it. Take as long as you need to rest here in Dragon Valley. I've
already sent word to Felde. Oh, and I've also sent thirty dragon warriors there.
Pettalong will be flying there as well in a few days, which should be enough to
dissuade any attempts at an invasion."

The Red Dragon Queen kneeled down beside Link's bed and raised her eyes to
look at Link. "I heard you speaking in your sleep. Don't worry, nothing will
happen to Felde."

Thirty Red Dragon warriors and a Level-9 Elder would be strong enough to deal
with any non-Legendary being. Link let out a soft sigh and nodded at the queen.
"Thank you, Your Highness."

"You just get some rest. If you need anything, call for me, I won't be far."


Gretel gave a few orders to the attendants nearby and was about to leave, but
after taking a few steps towards the door, she turned back to Link and stuffed a
black seal into Link's hand. "You are now officially a duke of the Dragon race."
Without waiting for a reply from Link, she hurriedly exited the room.

Link scratched his head in confusion. This was certainly a peculiar way of
conferring the title of duke to someone. She hadn't even given him the chance to
refuse her.

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Chapter 455: Use It Now, But Don’t Wear It

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The black seal was a magic ring. Link studied it carefully, and information
appeared in his vision.

Dragon Duke's Obsidian Seal (Rechargeable)


Effect 1: Instantaneously creates a Level-12 shield after activating (3/3)

Effect 2: Teleportation from five to 50 miles (3/3)

Effect 3: Summon the Red Dragon Queen!

(Note: According to dragon tradition, dragons who possess the black seal will
automatically become the only candidate for the Red Dragon Queen's

This seal was useful. It was a shield that could transport him—it was practically
lifesaving. The note made Link speechless though. Didn't "only candidate"
basically mean future husband?

The Red Dragon Queen did something like this without telling him again.

No, I can't take this. It'll cause problems. How will I explain to Celine later?
Link troubled over this for a long while. Finally, he used the Magician's Hand to
place the seal on the table beside him. With the soft clack, he stopped thinking
about it.

Materialize rewards, he told the game system.

Ding! His vision flashed, and a money pouch-like thing appeared in his hands.
He opened it to see 50 Jogu that looked like white Go pieces.

He got 50 from this mission. With the 25 from the last mission, he now had 75
Jogu. Aisenis had said that if Link gave him 300 Jogu, he would provide the
way to mend the crack.

It wasn't far away now.

However, he wouldn't get Epic missions every day. Link decided that after his
body recovered, he would go to relics to find Jogu. Right, he could also give
rewards for people to help him look.

Other than Jogu, there was also a heavy dark blue belt. Looking at it, the
messages appeared.

Assassin's Dragon King Belt

Lower-Order Legendary (11)

Effect: Activates the Infinite Dragon Power effect. The user's Dragon Power
recovery rate increases by 1000% for 20 seconds. This effect can be used once
per month.

(Note: With this, you no longer have to worry about using up Dragon Power.)

"Great." Link put away the belt.

He didn't have anything else to do, so he took out the book Dragon to read. He'd
been studying the contents for half a month but still only knew the basics. If he
wanted to study it all, it would take one or two years.
Link had an idea. Dragons and humans are from the same source. If I can find
the secret to Dragon Power and transform it into a battle art, there will be many
more powerful humans. At that time, they won't be bullied by others anymore.

With this goal in mind, Link grew even more serious.

Time flew by and half a day passed. There was a sudden sound by the door.
Link looked over to see Gretel walk in with some food.

She took a few steps and saw the black seal Link put on the table. Her steps
faltered, but she didn't stop. Gretel continued forward and placed the food on the
table. Picking up the seal, she asked casually, "How come you put it here?"

Link was still focused on the book. Hearing the question, he looked up. Seeing
Gretel holding the seal, he instantly felt awkward. After a pregnant pause, he
shrugged. "I saw a book in the library, called Traditional Power. It introduced
the seal. I don't think I'm suitable for a duke."

He actually hadn't read that book, but he'd seen the title at the library, so he just
stole it.

"A mortal's life is short. I can wait for 100 years later." Since Link knew, Gretel
didn't have to hide it anymore. She handed the seal to him.

Link felt awkward. This was his first time in a situation like this, but the Red
Dragon Queen had lived for 2000 years. She could calmly face these things but
Link couldn't.

He didn't know what to do. If he rejected her, he would feel heartless. If he

accepted, he would be heartless to Celine. He was caught.

Seeing him like this, Gretel burst into laughter. She suddenly realized that this
powerful Legendary Magician was only a 20-year-old young man and she had
been so scared of getting rejected.

This gave her a psychological advantage. She tossed the seal into Link's lap,
saying, "Take it, kid. Only the elders know this tradition. Even the younger
dragons don't know. Just take it. You don't have to wear it; just protect yourself.
When you think it through, wear it on your left middle finger, and I'll sense it."
This was well-said and immediately soothed Link's troubles. He was realistic.
Hearing the queen's words, he quickly put the seal away. "Then I'll take it."

Grinning, Gretel brought over a bowl of soup and set the spoon down. "I was
ready to feed you. So many people want me to feed them, but I know you won't
accept it. Here, do it yourself. This soup is made from the purple moon cassava
grown in the Moonlight Forest in the south of the Dragon Valley. It's
miraculous for healing. Drink it while it's still hot."

"Oh, okay." Link sniffed, and a rich aroma hit his nose. His appetite was
awakened. He took a sip; the aromatic softness tasted great. He quickly slurped
the soup down.

Gretel sat beside the bed. Seeing how happy Link was while eating, she couldn't
help but smile. As expected, under the Legendary Magician, he was just a kid
who hadn't experienced much.

This bratty kid.

When Link was done, Gretel asked, "How was it?"

Link felt a warm current flow through his stomach. He rubbed his stomach
gently. It had hurt before, but with this warmth, the pain was gone.

He nodded continuously. "It's delicious."

"There will be more but the cassava it's only for me. I gave it to you now, so I
don't have any left. You have to pay me back."


"You're an Enchantment Magician. Those guys took the Emerald Circle. And
those stabilizing runes…"

Link chuckled. "Oh, that? That's easy. How about tomorrow? I can start

Gretel quickly shook her head. "No need to hurry. You can rest a few more
days, and I'll finish the easier parts. I'll leave the difficult things to you."
"No problem."

"Oh, there's also this." Gretel took out a magic book for Link. "Lucia Silverstar
told me to give this to you. It's her notes."

Hearing this, Link ignored his injuries and sat up, reaching for the book. This
was a Legendary figure's gains. It was more valuable than a whole country!

The words Secret Power was written in delicate font. Lucia Silverstar seemed to
specialize in Secret spells. It happened to be just what Link lacked.

He flipped through and scanned roughly. Link's eyes brightened. He hadn't

heard of many of the knowledge introduced in the book. These notes will
definitely widen his view of the Secret spells. He'd been at a disadvantage
because of this before.

Putting the book away carefully, Link asked, "How is Silverstar now?"

"She went to the Neanderthals' ancestral place to rest. I sent a Warrior to escort
her. We won't see her anymore." Gretel was a bit sad. Silverstar was her old
friend, but only her soul was left now. This was the same as dying.

Link felt it was unfortunate too. With Silverstar, Firuman was one Legendary
figure fewer. It was a pity.

"Alright, rest well. You'll be busy in a few days."

Link spent the days recovering in the Dragon Temple. Three days later, his
wounds were mostly healed, so he started working on the stabilizing runes.

These runes were very complicated. Non-Legendary figures couldn't do them.

Even with Link and Gretel working together, one runestone required three days,
but they needed at least ten. This meant it would take one month to complete.

Link just took it as Enchantment practice.

While creating these runestones, he also discussed some magic questions with
Gretel. He was especially interested in the healing properties of Dragon Power.

Naturally, Gretel didn't hold anything back in answering.

One month later, the runes were complete, and Link had learned a few healing
spells. They weren't very effective on his body, but that was because his body
was too strong. The spells would be like divine spells on regular people.

After completing the runes, they went to Korora Mountain Range to set them. It
was also a success. After setting the runes, the cracked region was completely
sealed inside a dome. It was practically isolated from the Firuman Realm.

However, this only solved the surface instead of the core. Mana would continue
accumulating in that region. Once the density surpassed the limit of the runes,
there would be a pop and Mana would flood out. The Mana density of the entire
Firuman Realm would instantly multiply many times.

Mana's sudden explosion wouldn't cause much damage, but it wasn't good
either. To counter this, Link and Gretel also worked to set up alarm equipment
around the runes. Once the Mana was about to reach the limit, the alarm would
go off automatically.

Looking at the isolated area in the mountain, Link predicted, "It should last ten
years. During this time, I'll look for a way to mend the crack."

"I can tell that you already have an idea, right?" Gretel asked, chuckling. After
spending so much time together, she knew Link better. For example, his brows
were relaxed while talking now. Even though he didn't say anything definite,
Gretel knew that he already had a plan in mind.

Link smiled. "I can't fool you. I know a very powerful Travel Magician. He said
that he has a plan, but he needs some things in exchange."

With that, Link took out a Jogu to give Gretel. "He needs 300 of this. Have you
seen this before?"

Gretel studied the Jogu and shook her head. "It only looks like a pretty stone to
me. Where did you find it?"

"In relics. Some ancient people used it as decorations."

Hearing this, the Red Dragon Queen chuckled wryly. "You want to rob tombs?"

Link shrugged. "Compared to the safety of the realm, that's nothing."

"You're right. Give me one as a sample. I'll send my Warriors to look all over
the continent. Once it's enough, I'll send it to you."

"No problem."

Seeing that it was getting late, Link said, "My injuries are all healed. I won't
spend more time in the Dragon Valley. Felina, I'll have to bother you again."

"It's nothing, Duke," Felina said, chuckling. She transformed into dragon form,
and Link climbed onto her.

"Come visit when you're free." Gretel waved at Link.

"I will." Link waved as well.

Felina began flying. This time, she wouldn't get tired. When she did, Link
would pump Flawless Dragon Power into her, and she would instantly become

She brought Link eastward and landed in Ferde within half a day. Felina didn't
go back to the Dragon Valley. She stayed in Ferde as the guard of Duke Link.

Yes, Link was now a duke of the Dragon Valley. This wasn't just an honorary
title. He had true authority and was also recognized by the entire dragon race.

Of course, he wouldn't use this authority unless he had no other choice.

Link walked towards his Mage Tower. At the entrance, he saw a familiar man.
It was Skinorse of MI3. He was disguised as a regular wandering vigilante.

"How come you have time to see me?" Link asked, smiling.

Skinorse's expression was off. He looked side to side and muttered, "Lord, I've
been waiting for a long time. I need to talk to you in private!"

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Chapter 456: There’s Something Wrong with the Iron Duke

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Skinorse had dressed himself up so extravagantly that anyone else would have a
hard time recognizing him. Link figured that he had something important to talk

Link calmly flicked a finger at Skinorse, sending a speck of light flying towards

Traceless Invisibility.

Skinorse instantly vanished on the spot.

Link gestured at him to enter into the magic tower with him. He could sense the
light stirring of air as Skinorse followed him from behind.

The number of students on the first floor of the Mage Tower had increased to
around eighty. As soon as he stepped through the door, the students noticed him
immediately, and everyone stood at attention before him in a flurry.

Before, Link had not been used to such courteous treatment; now, he did not
mind it as much. He greeted the young students with a wave of his hand before
striding off towards the higher levels of the Mage Tower.

When they finally reached the attic at the top of the tower, Link snapped his
fingers, removing the invisibility spell from Skinorse's body.

The attic was cluttered with all kinds of everyday objects. Leaning on
something wrapped in fur, Link waited until Skinorse had entered the room,
then proceeded to cast a soundproof spell on the door.

"All right, you can talk."

Skinorse handed a Memory Crystal to Link. "Lord Link, you'd better take a look
at this."

Link took the crystal from him. Upon activating it, an indistinct image was
projected into the air. From the low angle the image was taken at, it was evident
that the user of the Memory Crystal was exercising great caution while using it
in a crowded area.
The backs of a group of soldiers could be seen in the image. Then, a voice spoke
out. "This Magician was practising black magic. When he was found out, not
only did he refuse to make public the contents of his magic, he even assaulted
the investigators, severely injuring two warriors in the process. He must be an
agent of the dark forces!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a terrible thud. Though the image did
not show what had made the sound, Link was familiar enough with it to know
that someone had been decapitated.

"That voice, was it Duke Abel?"

"Yes, it was him."

In the image, when the deed was done, the surrounding soldiers began to scatter
from the place. The Magician who had been hiding in the crowd gave the
execution grounds one last sweep with the Memory Crystal before putting it

At this point, Link paused the image.

On the execution ground lay four headless corpses, which meant that three other
people had been executed before the Magician. Duke Abel and a few other
generals sat on a high bench in the distance, stern expressions on their faces.

Looking at this, Link deactivated the Memory Crystal and told Skinorse, "The
army was handing out executions to those guilty of insubordination. I don't
think that's important enough to bring it to me."

The voice from the Memory Crystal had already stated the reasons for the
execution clearly: illegal practice of black magic and assault on one's fellow
officers. After the Orida Fortress' confrontation with the Dark Army, they had
been on high alert for any sign of black magic. What this Magician did was no
different from suicide.

Skinorse nodded. "Purely based on what you've seen from the image, it may
seem normal. But I feel that the duke himself has been a bit aggressive as of
"What do you mean?" Link knew that Skinorse would not have come to him
with just a hunch; he must have had concrete evidence with him.

Skinorse gazed out the window. After the confrontation in the north, his
handsome face had wizened a great deal, and there were a few more tufts of
white hair growing out of his temples. He frowned and said in a gravelly voice,
"Not long after you left, the duke began a purge of the army through a special
unit that was tasked with carrying out investigations on every warrior, including
their backgrounds. As for Magicians, they were required to make public the
findings of their research on magic. This doesn't seem like much at first thought,
but after a month into the operation, they began taking a more excessive
approach, to the point that there was no turning back."

Skinorse turned to look at Link. "I once saw an officer who was hung on the
gallows just because he had a demon fang in his possession. There was even a
warrior who thought it would be fun to carve a wooden statue of a succubus and
was then beheaded for it. The Magician that was executed in the image, the
'black magic' that he was practicing was a Level-4 Eye of the Soul spell, a
practically harmless detection spell, and the reason he assaulted those warriors
was because they had torn up his research in front of him. It's as if the duke has
already gone off the deep end. He's basically mad at this point."

Link furrowed his brows at this. This did indeed seem a bit excessive. He asked,
"Has anyone approached him about this?"

"The dean of the East Cove Magic Academy went over to exchange words with
him, but they still parted with ill will. The duke remained quiet for a few days,
but resumed his inquisition not long after."

"Does King Leon know about this?" asked Link.

"Yes, he does. The king has written a few letters to him, but you know, after the
destruction of Hot Spring City, the king's authority has been at an all-time
low.The duke didn't seem too concerned about him," Skinorse replied.

Finally, Link asked, "Barring all those things, how is Duke Abel faring in the
affairs of defense lately?"

"Though far more aggressive than before, he has also been very productive in
that regard. More than thirty demons are being exterminated every day in the
Black Forest. At first, we were even killing more than 100 Dark Elves almost
every day; now, we can't even find a single Dark Elf within the area 200 miles
north of Orida Fortress. There was also one time Kanorse slayed a Level-8
demon. He was then greatly rewarded by the duke and made leader of the first

All this was truth. Skinorse reported all that he had witnessed to Link without
any omission.

"I see." Link fell silent.

To normal people like Skinorse, what Duke Abel had done may have seemed
cruel and excessive, but in Link's eyes, the duke had simply been fulfilling his
duties, no more, no less.

Duke Abel's primary task had been to defend the fortress from the demons and
Dark Elves of the Black Forest. He should not have been reprimanded for doing
so well.

More importantly, Link was only a lord of Ferde. These matters had nothing to
do with him.

It was also pointless for him to write a letter to the duke or meet him personally
at this point, since King Leon and Master Magician Anthony had already done
both those things, but to no avail. Any further action from him would probably
elicit anger from the duke, maybe even backfiring on Link himself.

However, this was something he could not ignore. Duke Abel may have been
traumatised by the great war, and given the current circumstances, he may not
have been of sound mind, which was not a good thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Link decided that the wisest course of action
for now was to simply wait and see.

He took out a piece of Thorium and a Black Kun rock and began casting an
enchantment on both of them. Around ten minutes later, he was able to forge a
rune stone out of both materials, then infused his Dragon Power into it. Link
handed the rune stone to Skinorse. "This is something I don't think I'm able to
intervene in freely. Take the rune stone back north and continue your
observations. Report back to me if there are any new advancements. If you find
yourself in danger, activate this rune stone to cast a one-time 2,000-feet
teleportation spell."

Skinorse accepted the runestone and opened his mouth as if to say something
before closing it again.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Skinorse let out a sigh. "As a matter of fact, I do not plan on going back this
time. Now that the Divine Gear is gone, and the Dark Elves have been defeated,
I do not feel like staying in the army any longer. Things have become too
oppressive. I'm only here to bring you this message, then I'll be off to do my
own adventuring across the continent."

Link was rendered speechless. "So you're a deserter?"

This fellow sure was cunning, to have the nerve to leave out such an important
piece of information and abscond after receiving a rune stone from him!

Skinorse became apprehensive. "You won't force me back to the fortress, will

Decapitation was the fate that awaited all deserters.

Link shook his head. "I won't. Since you won't be going back, I'll just have to
send for someone else to continue observing things in the north... You said
something about going off on an adventure?"

"Yes, it's what I've always dreamed of." As soon as he said those words,
Skinorse's face lit up in excitement.

A bit startled by this, Link asked, "Oh, I remember the first time you came to
me, you were saying something about looking for the tomb of some late dwarf
king. What happened to your other companions?"

"They didn't fare too well. The priestess is still alive, though the others fell in
battle. Truth be told, she's coming with me down south. How about it, do you
still want to come along with us?"
Link was now a Legendary master. Why would he lower himself to robbing
graves with him?

Link shook his head, smiling. "No, I can't. I'm still busy with the affairs of
Ferde. But if you're going, I do have a few things I would like you to find for
me. You'll be handsomely compensated for your troubles."

Skinorse's eyes lit up. "I don't want money, I deal only in magical equipment!
I'll steal even the Red Dragon Queen's underwear for you if you're able to give
me some magical gear in exchange!"

"..." Link's face went blank at this, finding it difficult to believe what he was
hearing. What would he need the queen's underwear for anyway? The man had
changed into an entirely different person upon announcing he was deserting the

Link took out a piece of Jogu and gave it to him. "I want a stone like this one.
Find as much as you can in your travels. Also, you may come across some
members of the dragon race who are searching for the same kind of stone in
your path. Just show this to them, and they'll let you have the stone."

Link then gave Skinorse a piece of silver-black dragon scale, which would serve
as proof of his identity among the dragon race.

"I understand." Skinorse toyed with the scale a little, curious about its

"As for your reward, if you're able to give me a hundred Jogus, I'll forge you a
piece of Legendary equipment of your own choosing."

Skinorse was already nodding furiously before Link had even finished. "What
about a Legendary dagger? Whatever, I'll do it. Er, what about my priestess

"She will be rewarded as well. You just bring her here, and she'll receive a piece
of magical equipment from me, too."

"That won't be a problem. I'll hold onto this scale and bring back 101 Jogus for
you before you know it."
"Bring as much as you can. Remember, 100 Jogus for one piece of magical

Skinorse heaved a long sigh. "Oh, you really know how to work someone to the

When all was said and done, Skinorse realized that he had not a single gold coin
on him, what with being a thief who didn't steal for gold. He then put aside all
sense of shame and asked for a bag of gold coins before leaving the room with
an air of satisfaction.

Link returned to his quarters and rested for a bit. It wasn't long before Lucy
barged into the room.

"My lord, our anti-magic soil mines have been dug empty, and the city hall is
almost out of money."

Lucy spread an account book out in front of Link, who saw that everything was
in red. They had been running a deficit for a long while.

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Chapter 457: Cannot Give Up This Island!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lucy's records were very clear. Every expense and income was easily seen.
Link quickly flipped through and had a detailed understanding of the territory's
financial situation.

Because of the clay mine, Ferde's town hall had a high income but also spent
money quickly. They developed the city quickly and also had a skirmish with
the southern Kingdom of Delonga.

Another big expense was for the Orida Fortress. During the final battle, various
types of material were sent south, and Ferde had been responsible for 60% of it.

It wasn't a stream of money going out; it was more like a flood.

Under these circumstances, Ferde developed the clay mines wildly to export to
every corner of Firuman.

From the records, Link could see that the biggest buyers were the Beastmen of
the Golden Plains. They steered shabby merchant ships and traveled more than
half of the world's coastlines. They really traveled thousands of miles for the

Thus, within one and a half years, the clay mines were practically empty.

"Lord," Lucy said seriously. "With the current speed, we can only mine for two
more months. If we don't have a new source of income after that, we will have
to reduce developments. Otherwise, we will go bankrupt."

"Oh, this is truly a problem." Link placed the records down and looked out the
window. This was the top floor of the Mage Tower. With his great vision, he
could see all the way to the ocean from here.

"Last time I left, I talked about the Magnetic Magic Island. Did you send ships
to investigate it?"

Lucy nodded and took out another scroll. "This is the second thing I wanted to
talk about. We found the island, but the situation isn't great. When we went, we
saw the yew ships of the High Elves. They were mining on the island…"

Link was shocked at this and cursed inwardly. These High Elves were
troublesome. He couldn't help but slap his forehead. "Oh, this is my fault. I
should've told you earlier… What is this scroll?"

"It's the precise marine chart of the continent that our sailors drew. Please take a

Link opened the scroll. It indeed was a marine chart. The shape of the coastline
looked familiar. Thinking a bit, he realized it was exactly like the map in the
game. It was very precise and lived up to the name.

The map noted all the explored islands near Ferde, as well as trade winds,
currents, and more. This was extremely valuable for the captains.
Link also saw the Isle of Dawn, Ferde Territory, and the Magnetic Magic Island.
He estimated that the Magnetic Magic Island was around 310 miles from Ferde
and 300 miles from the Isle of Dawn. It was practically in the middle but just a
bit closer to the Isle of Dawn.

This was annoying. If they really got into the specifics, this island belonged to
the High Elves. But the mines there were so valuable. How could he just give

Link placed the map on the table and tapped it rhythmically. Lucy
subconsciously held her breath, waiting for Link's decision with her hands
folded over chest. She was the general manager of Scorched City, but before
Link, she still felt like the female mercenary. Her young master was getting
more and more powerful.

After around two minutes, Link had decided. "This island," he uttered, "is ours."

Lucy's expression froze. "Are we going to war?"

Ferde had been developing their navy for more than one year and was quite
powerful. It now had seven three-masted magic warships. With the Yabbas'
arrival, many magic cannons and muskets were added to the ships,
strengthening them.

Now, the Ferde Navy was a force to be reckoned with in the seas. However,
they didn't have much status. They hadn't experienced battle yet, let alone shed
any blood. The other territory lords nearby called them boy scouts. They weren't
too intimidating for pirates either.

If they could fight even a small skirmish with the High Elves and their powerful
navy, the Ferde Navy's reputation would rise as long as they didn't lose terribly.

Link shook his head. "No, no, we can't declare war so easily."

"Then how do we get it? The High Elves have started mining already," Lucy
said. The metals were valuable, and they weren't stupid. How could they hand it
over without putting up a fight?
Link shook his head with a smile. Rising, he walked to the window and looked
at the dark clouds in the sky. "Another year has passed," he lamented. "It's early
summer again."

Lucy was confused and reflexively replied, "Yeah, time passes quickly."

"Looking at the weather, I think a hurricane will come soon. Send my order to
the general and tell him to prepare a fleet to go towards the island at any time."

Lucy was still confused. "But Master Grenci said earlier that there wouldn't be
any hurricanes at this time."

Master Grenci was quite well-versed in the changes of weather and had
practically become the weatherman of Ferde. He would send alerts of any bad
weather. This helped to prevent losses for the territory. Now, many captains
would ask Master Grenci for weather predictions before going out to sea.

Link chuckled. "No, no. Master Grenci is wrong this time."

Lucy couldn't refute him. Link was a Legendary Magician while Grenci was at
Level-7. There was such a big difference between them. If he said Grenci was
wrong, then Grenci was wrong.

"Then I'll go send the warning."

"Okay, go. Remember to tell the navy to get ready. Once the hurricane passes,
we'll go to the island."

Hearing this, a lightbulb went off in Lucy's mind. She seemed to grasp
something, but she couldn't figure out the details. After a blank moment, it
clicked. Eyes flashing, she asked, "Do you mean—"

Link waved his hand. "Good that you understand but don't say anything.
Remember, we don't know anything. We just have good luck. Of course, we
move fast too!"

"Understood!" Lucy walked away, deeply impressed.

After Lucy left, Link went back to the table and continued looking at the map.
After a moment, he hit his forehead, sighing. Natural resources will always be
used up. If we want to keep up the development, Ferde must have its own

Leaning back in the lounge chair, he used the Magician's Hand to rock it. Link
looked out at the window at the activity and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he suddenly stood up and took out a blank scroll. He wrote,
"enchantment" on the cover with runes and "Link Morani" in small font on the
bottom right corner.

He had decided to develop enchantment workshops in Ferde and steal the High
Elves' business!

After writing, Link opened the scroll. He was calm now. His enchantment skills
were known throughout the continent for being detailed and perfect. Even the
enchanters in the Isle of Dawn couldn't compare.

In magic theory, Link had dealt with Talisman Enchanting, modern High Elf
enchanting, dragon enchanting, and more. He had a wide range, and these
theories had been fermenting in his mind. After becoming a Legendary
Magician, the enchantment systems matured too.

Brainstorming for a bit, Link began writing.

He didn't write a foreword because this was his first book. He wanted his first
advisor Herrera to write it to show his respect.

Right now, the enchantment was already mature in his mind. Moving his pen,
his thoughts streamed out like water.

The framework was completed within an hour. Link went back to revise it.
After two revisions, it was complete with 36873 words. Every word was
needed—it couldn't be a word more or less.

After that, Link started writing the second book. This was titled Beginner
Enchantment Magic. This book was easy as well, but the content was more
cumbersome. Link calmed himself down and wrote it down bit by bit. He tried
to make it clear-cut so people could understand easily.
Time flew by. When Link finished the first draft, it was already night. His ears
twitched, and he heard familiar footsteps.

There are three people: Celine, Jacker, and Lucy. Yes, they're ready.

From the sounds, Link knew that the three were at the door. Using his thoughts,
he opened the door.

Celine had her big fire gun. She walked in with a blooming smile. Seeing Link,
she sped up and kissed him on the lips before Lucy and Jacker. The two felt so

After a while, Celine finally let go and complained, "You didn't even tell me
when you came back. I missed you so much."

"Aw, I only left for about a month." Link patted Celine's back and chuckled.
"Sit down. Lucy, Jacker, you two sit too."

When everyone took their seats, Jacker said, "Lord, everything is ready. When
should we start?"

After learning that the extremely valuable Magnetic Magic Island had been
taken by the High Elves when Link was the one to discover it, Jacker had almost
exploded. He'd wanted to fight the High Elves right then and there.

He was a Level-7 Warrior now, and Ferde was rich. He wasn't afraid! However,
Link wasn't there, and the High Elves were still powerful. He could only restrain

Now that Link said he was going to take the island, Jacker was so excited. He
couldn't stand those arrogant High Elves.

Link put away his incomplete enchantment and smiled. "I think now's a good
time. Let's start now."

From the side, Celine said, "Just saying, I'm taking part too. How can I not be
part of this?"

"Okay, okay, you can join too. You won't miss out."
Link made four communication runestones. He gave Jacker and Celine one each
and kept one for himself. The last one would be for the navy general that would
stay at the harbor.

"Go get ready. Lucy, the High Elves in Ferde might go to you to protest. You
must be prepared."

"No problem. I don't know anything," Lucy replied, grinning.

"Okay, then we'll start now. I'll go out first. Wait for my signal."

With that, Link stood up. White light flashed and an instant later, he was at the
rooftop. He whistled softly. One minute later, an invisible dragon descended
from the sky. It was Felina.

"How may I be at your service, Duke?"

"Take me to the sea." Link jumped onto Felina's back and cast the Invisibility
spell for himself so he wouldn't scare people.

Whoosh! Felina spread her wings and flew towards the sea.

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Chapter 458: The Shepherd of the Storm

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The ocean waters of Ferde

Felina soared through the sky in disorderly spirals with Link on her back. In
truth, Felina had no idea where Link wanted her to go. For now, she simply flew
in whatever direction Link pointed.

Link held in his hand the Dragon King's Fury, a sharp red light on the tip of the
magical sword. His eyes were closed, but in his mind, he was perfectly aware of
everything around him.
Everything was depicted clearly in his head in a fantastic blend of colors and
shapes, including temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and humidity.

"Fly to your left, yes, just keep going. Do you see that bunch of clouds up
front?" asked Link.

Felina did indeed see a huge cluster of clouds coming up ahead of them, its
diameter approximately 2,000 feet. Aware that Link had his eyes closed this
whole time, she figured that he must be using some sort of vision spell. "I saw
it, but the wind's getting stronger here. It's a mini-typhoon. Should we still go

"No, head for the surface of the ocean, where the center of the vortex is. The
wind's all right, but it's too small. I'll need to give it a bit more juice."

Felina plunged headfirst towards the sea. When she reached ten feet above sea
level, Link suddenly stood up, leapt off of her back and floated in the air a foot
above the surface of the sea.

He shouted back at her, "Felina, stay back a bit. That's not far enough, stay at
least ten miles away. That's it, just keep flying!"

Once Felina was nothing more than a black speck against the sky in the
distance, Link said to the Dragon King's Fury in his hand, "You ready, partner?"

"Don't get mushy on me, we've known each other no longer than a year,"
growled the sword, but then he casually continued, "Well, blowing up a strong
wind should be a piece of cake, so let's go!"

Link began holding his breath for ten seconds, before opening his eyes

"Vision of Truth!"

Everything in his eyes turned translucent, especially the big storm cloud before
him. Fine strands of light emanated from it; this was the flow of energy around
the cloud.
These energy currents were the critical points of the typhoon. Through them,
Link could either easily disperse the entire column of cloud, or increase the
strength of the typhoon.

Ten seconds later, Link found one of the typhoon's energy points, and pointing
the magical sword in his hand at the surface of the sea, spoke in a low voice,
"Void Destructor!"

Void Destructor

Level-10 Master Level Flame Spell

Dragon Power Cost: 8900

Description: Concentrate the elemental energies around the user into an

incredibly destructive ball of fire.

(Note: This was a gift from the Red Dragon Queen.)

Whoosh! Dazzling beams of light began gathering in the air around the magical
sword, and with a continuous hum, a point of red light began growing on its tip.
In the span of a second, the point of light expanded into a dark purple fireball
with a diameter of more than eight feet.

Once the ball of fire materialized in the air, Link immediately activated the
unlimited Dragon Power effect of his Dragon King's belt, which began quickly
replenishing his Dragon Power. At the same time, he held in his other hand the
Burning Wrath of Heavens, which he pointed at the ocean beneath his feet.

"Distortion Field!"

Through the spell's effect, the waters began rushing upward on both sides.

The scale of Link's Distortion Field was massive, covering an area of

approximately 1,000 square feet. From a distance, it looked as if a huge, ancient
sword had split the water in two.

At the same time, Link was levitating in the air with the help of the Distortion
Field itself, looking like some mystical, sword-wielding deity.
The wall of sea water on both sides reached as high as 500 feet. He then hurled
the ball of fire towards the dry patch of ground in the middle. When it reached
the ground, Link sharply pulled up his other hand, which was holding the
Burning Wrath of Heavens.

At this moment, the sea water, which had parted and risen high on both sides,
came crashing down deafeningly.

Fwoosh! The two towering waves collided against one another. Simultaneously,
the Void Destructor fireball exploded in the sudden torrent of sea water.

In an instant, the once inky blue sea water turned a dazzling crimson.

The sea water beneath Link's feet began to bulge up like a mountain at the
sudden explosion of energy beneath the water's surface. Link's body floated
along the undulations of the sea, weightless, like a butterfly fluttering in the
middle of a storm.

Moments passed, and the energy of the Void Destructor was finally absorbed by
the sea. Link could feel the water beginning to boil and steam rising from its

Felina, who was watching all of this from a distance, saw a trail of white vapor
rising towards the sky from the sea.

What was even more peculiar was the fact that the vapor trail seemed to have
set something off in the typhoon, as the rotation of the pillar of clouds began
picking up speed. The clouds thickened as well, expanding until they filled the
sky almost completely.

The wind raged even more violently, and before long, Felina, who was hovering
ten miles away, found it difficult to maintain her balance in the air. Felina had
no choice then but to put even more distance between herself and Link.

Far away, she could see Link bobbing along the waves, his body in the midst of
the storm radiating a blinding light that illuminated both heaven and sea like a
From time to time, the magic wand and sword that occupied both his hands
would let out rays of dark red light; some dissolved into the clouds and some
into the sea, while others simply dispersed in the air.

The energy that Link was letting off had the effect of a giant invisible hand
stirring up the air, to the point that the clouds were now spreading out at a
terrifying rate, with the winds howling wildly like the cries of a thousand

At this point, Link was like a god walking among mortal men, holding sway
over the elemental forces of the world.

This scene would probably be etched in Felina's memory for as long as she


The pillar of clouds began to move straight for the Broken Isles not far away. At
first, it slowly moved across the ocean at a speed of no more than ten feet per
second, but as time passed, the cyclone began to accelerate, reaching an
astonishing speed of 100 feet per second.

Link followed closely behind the massive cyclone. Like a shepherd, he would
pull the world's largest sheep in front of him back on the right track whenever it
went off course.

"Felina!" The wind carried Link's voice all the way to her.

Felina immediately flew to his side. Link, who had been levitating in the air all
this time with the Distortion Field, returned to his spot on the dragon's back and
began focusing on herding the cyclone.

Like a top, the cyclone was now spinning faster and faster as it tore across more
than 100 miles of ocean.

The negative pressure caused by the high-speed rotation of the cyclone had also
begun pulling up sea water at the eye of the vortex until it finally formed a
towering column of water.
Estimating that there were about ten miles of ocean left between the cyclone and
the Magnetic Magic Island, Link gave his 'sheep' one last whip before casting an
invisibility spell over himself and Felina. At the same time, he infused some of
his energy into a rune stone in his hand, making contact with Ferde's navy
forces, who had been waiting at the harbor.

As they were high up in the air, Felina could see from afar that the High Elves
on the island did not even realize the danger that they were in and were all
looking for shelter from what they believed to merely be rain.

"Will they die?" Felina sounded somewhat worried.

Link, who could see the state of the island even more clearly than her, shook his
head. "No. There are no more than a few hundred miners on the island. Also,
there's a Level-7 High Elf Magic Sentry. His magic should be enough to protect
the High Elf miners. Of course, the wind will blow them all away."


On the island

"This blasted weather. It was fine moments ago, what's with the sudden storm?"
A High Elf miner hurriedly made for one of the treehouses, and once inside,
began squeezing his clothes dry.

Suddenly, there was a shriek from outside. "Come out quick, it's a cyclone!

The miner poked his head out of the window, and gaped at the approaching
pillar of wind and clouds that towered over the island like a heavenly spear
piercing through the heavens.

"Quick, let's get out of here!" He could hear the High Elf Magician's voice in
the wind.

Quickly regaining his senses, the miner began running after the Magician and
saw that the other miners, too, had fled from their shelters and assembled
around the Magician.

The Magician took out a seed and began pouring Nature Power into it. As he
threw the seed into the sea, there was a sudden rumble, and from the water
sprang forth a large amount of vines that twisted themselves into the shape of a
long, narrow ship shaped like a spear.

"Quick, get on the boat, quick!" shouted the Magician, who got on the vessel

A few minutes later, all the miners had gotten on board.The Magician
immediately focused his Nature Power into the ship, and the vine-made oars
that lined the two sides of the ship began rowing themselves at top speed.

The ship then sent out a jet of Gyromagnetic Iron, propelling itself at a speed of
more than fifty feet per second.

But it wasn't fast enough.

Five minutes later, the cyclone had now come upon the whole island.

"Oh my god, everything is destroyed!"

"My tree effigy's ruined!"

"This must be divine retribution!"

"Quick, Magician, it's catching up to us!"

"Be silent, I'm already doing the best I can," The Magician infused more of his
energy into the ship desperately, accelerating it even more.

But it was no use. Six minutes passed, and the cyclone still did not let up its
pursuit, reeling them in relentlessly with incredible suction, like the hand of a
malevolent deity trying to scoop them all into the afterlife.

"Hold on tight!" The Magician madly infused the rest of his Nature Power into
the ship, and vines began stretching out like tentacles from the ship, latching
onto every member of the ship to hold them in place. At the same time, other
vines arched above the ship, forming a sort of canopy over all of them.

There was a moment of weightlessness as the ship spun rapidly out of control
and bobbed up and down, as if it was being carried off into the air.
This went on for half an hour before the ship finally fell to the sea. In the ball of
vines, everyone's heads were still spinning, and the air inside was filled with the
putrid smell of vomit.

"Ew, who threw up on my face? Disgusting!" said someone weakly.

"Somebody peed on me!"

"Eilos, you literally soiled yourself!"

It was utter pandemonium in the ball of vines.

Drawing the vine canopy open from above, the High Elf Magician leaned on
one side of the ship and took out his compass. "Thank the gods we weren't
blown too far away. Let's head back to the island and rest ourselves."

But just then, one of the High Elf miners shouted, "Look, there's a fleet of

"It's a three-leaf flag. That's the fleet of Ferde. Oh, what do they want now?"
said another miner, narrowing his eyes at the ships.

"Oh no, they're heading for the island!" exclaimed the High Elf Magician. "We
cannot let them reach the island!"

The Magician stood up and pointed his magic wand in the air, producing a ball
of green mist. At the same time, he cast a Sound Amplification spell and
shouted towards the ships, "Help! Help!"

After shouting, he said in a low voice to the miners, "When they reach us, we'll
let them escort us back to the Isle of Dawn, and not a word about our mines on
the island, or there will be consequences!"

"Understood!" said the miners in unison, their faces grave.

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Chapter 459: No Chance at All

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whoosh, splash. It was the sound of water splashing.

Ferde's fleet quickly moved past the High Elves' ships. Water splashed,
drenching the High Elves that were crying for help.

Then the fleet of three large magic ships sailed away. The human sailors on the
deck burst into laughter at how pathetic the High Elves looked. The fleet soon
sailed away, ignoring them.

The drenched High Elves on the rattan ships were all dazed.

"They just sailed away?"

"They ignored us?"

"They saw us about to die, and they left?"

"I don't think we're gonna die…" someone said weakly.

The Magician finally processed everything. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Damn,
they must've discovered the island!"

"What do we do now?" a miner asked.

The Magician shook his head. "We can't do anything for now. We're not their
match and can't stop them. Let's go back to the Isle of Dawn and have our navy
teach them a lesson!"

The High Elves had operated on the Isle of Dawn for many years, and their navy
was the strongest. If they wanted to, they could defeat the navies of all the
kingdoms as easily as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

In Firuman, the High Elves were the bosses of the sea. No one could refute that.

The group of High Elves rowed the rattan paddles and grunted while going back
to the Isle of Dawn.
After a while, a miner suddenly said, "Hey, don't you think it's coincidental?
The storm just passed, and the Ferde fleet appeared, going straight to the island.
Do you think they made that storm?"

"It's possible. Their lord is a Legendary Magician. He really might have that
ability." Another miner grew suspicious too.

The High Elf Magician scoffed. "You know nothing!" he said derisively. "That
storm isn't something a mortal can control. No Magician in the world could cast
a spell like that unless he was a god!"

"Oh, I see. Those damn Ferdians are so f*cking lucky!" a miner swore.

In the sky, Link looked at the High Elves in the distance and said to Felina,
"Let's go to the island too."

"But those High Elves said they're going to get the navy." Felina could read lips,
so she was a bit worried. However, she still changed direction and flew towards
the Magnetic Island.

"Don't worry. They won't be able to cause conflict because of the island," Link
said with a laugh.

It would take one week for the High Elves to reach the Isle of Dawn. By then, it
would be too late.

Felina quickly caught up with the fleet. She was still invisible. When they were
above the fleet, Link jumped down from her back.

"Alright, your mission is complete. Go back to Ferde," Link said from the deck.

"Okay." Felina turned and left.

Link showed himself. Celine, Jacker, and the navy general were all on the deck.
The three instantly went over to him.

The general's name was Grayson. Apparently, he used to be a pirate in the

southern seas and pillaged merchant ships but failed when attacking a Ferdian
He was very skilled and didn't have a bad reputation. He only stole goods and
never killed anyone, so Jacker forgave him. In the end, he decided not to leave.
He even joined Ferde's guard and contributed greatly against the Delongan
Royal Army.

When Ferde's navy was established, he naturally became the general.

For questions about the sea, Link had to ask him. "With our current situation,
how much longer until we get to the Broken Isles?"

"Sir, we'll get there within two and a half hours!"

"Okay, good. I'll go rest. Let me know when we get there."

"Yes, sir."

"Celine, stop staying outside. Come to the cabin with me." Link waved at
Celine. Ferde's navy was very strict, and the sailors were on the seas for long
stretches of time. They were all like voracious beasts. Even a sow could catch
their eye. It was dangerous for Celine to stand there.

"Oh, coming." Celine had felt uncomfortable this entire trip. She hurriedly hid
inside the cabin with Link.

Once inside, Link sat down before the table. He took out the half-finished
enchantment book and continued to write. After a while, he realized Celine felt
bored, so he handed over a draft he'd finished. "This is the spell book I wrote.
Help me punch holes on the side and string them together."

"Okay." Celine was happy to do this. She punched holes while reading and
actually grew interested in the content. "Wow, so enchantments are this easy? I
feel like even I can do it."

Link chuckled. "This is just basic enchantments for apprentices."

Celine had learned magic before, after all. Her level was even higher than most
apprentices, and she was smart too. She would naturally find it easy.
She was stunned. "I see, but you make it sound interesting. It's more attractive
than those boring books I've read before. If you write books like this, I'll
definitely study it."

Link's style was to first write an interesting, simple, and easily applicable
example. For example, this copy described a basic talisman. It only used a
dozen runes. After creating it and adding in Mana, it would turn into a talisman.

After the reader's interest was piqued, the book would start introducing the
specific theory used. This process was interesting too. Link used common
phenomena for comparison, and it was easy to understand.

Celine read three drafts and was ready to try. Hugging Link's arm, she whined,
"I wanna try right now. Can I string the papers later?"

Link couldn't do anything. Since she liked it, he just said, "Fine, put the papers
to the side. Here, experiment with these basic materials."

Celine happily went to experiment, allowing Link to focus on writing. Time

flew by and two and a half hours passed by quickly.

Jacker's voice sounded from the outside. "Sir, we're here."

Link gathered his papers. He turned towards Celine but found her immersed in
the enchantment, so he decided not to bother her. He snuck out of the cabin.

Outside, Link saw the Magnetic Magic Island that had been cleaned by the
hurricane. The island was small—only 300 feet wide. It was actually just a piece
of reef that had poked above the water surface.

"Throw the hooks," Link ordered. "Latch onto the edge!"

The sailors did as they were told. Half an hour later, dozens of prepared cables
were tied to the island. There was a big iron picket at the end of the cables. The
sailors tied the cables to the edge of the reef tightly. Then they slammed the
pickets into the cracks with hammers.

Soon, the three warships connected four giant cables to the tiny island.
Link stood on the island. When the sailors were pretty much done, he called,
"Alright, back to the ship!"

The sailors didn't know what Link was planning, but they immediately jumped
back. Link stood in the center. He pressed down on the rock in the middle and
poured in his Dragon Power. The Legendary Dragon Power dug into the rock
and kept spreading, not stopping until it reached more than 1000 feet deep.

This distance wasn't his limit. However, Link felt that the mine was already
quite sparse in this range. It would be meaningless to keep digging.

Taking a deep breath, he cast a Spatial Rend. "Break!"

Crack! There was a huge noise. The entire reef corner was shaken off of the
foundation from the Spatial Rend.

The huge broken-off ore started to slide down the foundation, but Link's Dragon
Power quickly extended across the entire reef. He activated the Higgs Force

Under this force field, the entire piece of ore swelled like foam plastic. It
somehow started floating, and the loose cables pulled tautly.

Everyone on the ship was dumbfounded.

"What are you waiting for? Start going back!" Link yelled.

He wouldn't mine so delicately like the High Elves; he just took the entire
gyromagnetic iron mine away. It actually wasn't that big. He really wanted to
make a spatial ring and put it all in.

However, this was good too. By the time the High Elves returned, the island
would be gone, and the conflict would be unnecessary. Everything was gone.

Jacker finally reacted. Pushing down his shock, he yelled, "Hurry, hurry! Start
going back!"

General Grayson ran to the captain's room while yelling, "Pull the sails! Add
wind Mana to the left full rudder at 20%!"
Whoosh! Mana flowed through, and the three warships started pulling the giant
ore towards Ferde.

The ore began gaining speed. Finally, it was maintained at 100 feet per second.
During this entire time, Link stood on it. He used the force field to maintain the
mine's balance so it wouldn't capsize the three ships.

This was probably the most aggressive mining technique in the history of

On the other hand, the High Elf Magician and more than 100 miners were still
diligently rowing their ship, getting closer to the Dawn of Isle.

"Go! Go! Brothers, when we get to the Dawn of Isle, we'll teach those lowly
humans a lesson!"

"Hey, hey, we're hard-working miners!"

"Hey, hey, we use our hands to create wealth!"

"Hey, hey!"

It was unknown who started it, but while these miners sweated over the paddles,
they started singing. The ship sped up quite a bit.

They rowed like that for many hours, using up all their energy and spirit. All of
them were as tired as dogs, panting with their tongues out.

Just then, a black dot suddenly appeared in the horizon. "Look," a sailor pointed
out. "I think it's our merchant ship!"

The Isle of Dawn and Ferde Territory had a very close trade relationship. The
Isle of Dawn produced magic equipment, valuable medicinal resources, and
tonics. Ferde sold them natural resources from all over the world.

As of now, the Isle of Dawn earned twice as much as Ferde. They couldn't help
it. It wasn't their fault the High Elves were so advanced.

The Magician immediately said, "That's great. The ship will definitely have a
white-tailed owl for sending messages. We'll have them send a letter back!"
"Yes, have our warships come and teach those humans!" The miners waved
their fists. Today was more frustrating than any other event in history!

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Chapter 460: Unacceptable!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


The sound of waves crashing against each other could be heard as, like flying
saucers, three magic warships raced across the surface of a seemingly boundless

The magic warships were fifty feet long, their streamlined bodies covered by a
hazy layer of purple dotted by what looked like stars. On the deck stood a mast,
on which hung a sail with a silver sparrow flower on it. Around the flower was a
ring of brambles and thorns, which was in turn surrounded by countless magical

The fleet belonged to the Silver Storm Sparrows, feared by all seafarers across
the ocean of Firuman.

At this moment, their sails were full with the winds of the sea, propelling all
three ships at an incredible speed.

On the deck of the foremost warship stood a well-built High Elf with a bit of
white hair growing out of his temples who was busy inspecting the conditions of
the ocean in front of them through a high-powered telescope.

They had received an order from their queen at ten in the morning.

The queen had ordered them to head straight for the Broken Isles, drive the
Ferde warships off the isles, and gain control of the mines back from them.

She had also instructed her fleet to engage the enemy ships in combat, and if
push came to shove, they were permitted to sink any of those warships, but only
on the condition that the first strike came from the enemy, and that the whole
thing was recorded in a Memory Crystal.

The Broken Isles finally appeared in the horizon, but what was startling was the
fact that there did not seem to be any sign of the Ferde fleet.

On the deck, the High Elf put down his telescope and turned to another High Elf
who was dressed like a Magician. "Master Vonhelon, do you feel any magical

The High Elf Magician Vonhelon was a Level-9 Pinnacle Spatial Magician,
commander of the ninth Battle Magic Legion, as well as magical advisor of the
queen for life.

He and 300 other Elite Battle Mages were on board as contingency against any
magical confrontation.

Naturally, they were looking out for Link, the lord of Ferde, and the Legendary
Magician himself.

The magic of the High Elves held unfathomable secrets. A Level-9 Pinnacle
Magician and 300 other Level-7 Elite Battle Mages, equipped with an
assortment of powerful magical gear and magical circles may not have had the
flexibility of one Legendary Magician, but it would be enough to go toe to toe
with him.

This was all proven and battle-tested by the prophet of this generation of High
Elves, Bryant.

In truth, in the game world, the High Elves had once sent a few hundred
Magicians in an assault on Orida Fortress, which was merely a small portion of
the High Elves' magical forces.

Only in the face of worsening circumstances in the later stages of the game did
the High Elves begin dispatching thousands of their battle mages into the fray.

All in all, though the High Elves lived exclusively on the Isle of Dawn, they
were the pinnacle of all of Firuman in terms of military strength. They simply
didn't have the manpower to efficiently rule all the races on the continent should
they have decided to conquer all of Firuman.
Ever since the Mana Disaster 3,000 years before, the High Elves had adopted
the policy of 'Pride in Isolation.'

Through such a policy, they had established their stronghold on a massive island
far away from the continent in order to gain a positional advantage over the rest
of the continent. In the process, they managed to keep the humans on the
continent under their thumb by intervening in any attempts of unification among
the human race, which involved either instigating a rebellion or an

They would take such an approach against not only humans, but the other races
of the continent, as well.

For 3,000 years, the High Elves had maintained their position at the top of all of
Firuman by relying on their superiority in magical power and unequaled

The races of the continent had seen much war and bloodshed against one
another for thousands of years, the lives of their people in constant poverty and
pandemonium. Only the High Elves remained unsullied by any form of warfare,
living on the Isle of Dawn in relative peace and luxury.

The High Elves had always been the lofty observers of every great change in
history, sneering at the myopia of pitiful mortals constantly at war with one
another on the main continent. To ordinary people, they were calm and dignified
existences, untroubled by the affairs of the rest of the world.

Barring any prejudice one might have against them, there was no doubt that the
High Elves were a terrifyingly intelligent race.

On the deck of the ship, Vonhelon shook his head. "Captain Langdon, I don't
sense any magical activity from the island. The Spatial Wheel has also indicated
that everything is normal, and nobody has used any spatial magic there."

Captain Langdon frowned, then raised a hand as he gave an order to his crew.
"Ready the defense circles, prepare for battle!"

Things were a bit too quiet. There was the possibility that the enemy could be
using a high-level spell to hide their presence, and any ambush from such a
high-level opponent would cost them their lives if they were unprepared.
The three Silver Storm Sparrow warships spread out in a triangle formation,
slowing down considerably. Magical energy swirled in the middle of the
triangle, where an insubstantial magical bond began forming between the three

If it was any other fleet from the continent, they wouldn't be so cautious.
However, the opponent they were up against was the lord of Ferde, who was
also a Legendary Spatial Magician and definitely someone they should not let
their guard down against.

Fwoosh! The waves now lapped gently against the warships, and the senses of
the High Elves on board were all tautened, ready for any sign of an attack.

The warships were now slowly approaching the Broken Isles. Half an hour later,
they had reached the outer region of the Broken Isles.

Throughout all this, Captain Langdon kept a wary eye out on his surroundings,
not once putting his telescope down.

Gradually, he began to sense something was amiss. It was as if there was

something missing from the picture, but he couldn't quite tell what it was.

"Master Vonhelon, do you feel that?" he whispered, the telescope still attached
to one eye. The feeling in him that something was wrong had not yet subsided.

"Strange, what's missing here?" In all his years as captain, Langdon had passed
by the Broken Isles many times and felt a sense of security every time he
glanced at them.

He had been the first to discover the Magnetic Magic Island, which had
suddenly emerged two years ago in the ocean. He figured it was probably a reef
that had risen to the surface or a huge meteor that had landed in the ocean.

Wait a minute, where was the mining island?

Langdon finally realized what was wrong.

Vonhelon had made the same observation at the same time as him and cried out,
"The mining island's disappeared!"
How was this possible?

While the mining island was not too big, it wasn't small enough to be carried
off, either. At a size of more than 100 square feet, and weighing more than
1,000 tons, such a huge object could not have simply vanished into thin air!

The two High Elves stood on the deck looking at each other, flabbergasted.
After a while, Langdon asked, "The Magnetic Magic Island only recently
surfaced. Do you think it could have sunk back into the ocean?

"I have no idea. Let's take a closer look." Vonhelon's brows knitted together, as
he felt that things were not as simple as they seemed.

The three Silver Storm Sparrows began advancing slowly. Half an hour later,
they finally reached where the Magnetic Magic Island used to be. A group of
High Elves were dispatched to search the area for the island, but could not find a
single hint as to where it could have possibly been.

"It's gone." Langdon took off his captain's hat and ran his fingers through his
thick mass of dark green hair. He still could not figure out what had happened.

Vonhelon stood on one side of the ship, his eyes filled with a silver glow as he
began magically scanning as far as 200 feet beneath the ocean waters for any
trace of the island, but still, he found nothing.

Two hundred feet was the limit of his underwater probing. Seeing nothing but
the inky darkness of the ocean water, he finally gave up.

The loss of a such a valuable piece of land would have been a great hit to

Captain Langdon walked to the Magician's side and asked with a frown,
"Master, do you think the people of Ferde had something to do with this?"

Vonhelon shook his head. "I don't know, I really don't know what happened

This had truly surpassed the limits of his imagination. If the people of Ferde had
indeed made the whole island disappear, how had they done it? He could not
think of any way they could have accomplished such a feat.
Langdon wasn't content with the lack of answers. He ordered the fleet to circle
around the area for something, but still, no one managed to turn up anything.
The absence of the mining island and the fleet of Ferde was aggravating.

"Now what?" He looked at Vonhelon, open to all suggestions at this point.

At a loss himself regarding what to do next, Vonhelon pondered for a long time
before saying, "I suppose there's not much else to do here other than record
everything and report back to the queen."

"I guess that's all we can do for now."

The High Elves bustled about on the three ships, putting together an account of
all they had seen and heard. When all was said and done, Captain Langdon
finally gave the order to set course for home.

Two days later, the Silver Storm Sparrow reached the port of the Isle of Dawn.
Vonhelon rushed immediately to the Jade Palace, bringing with him news of the
island's disappearance to the High Elf Queen.

He met the queen, who was with the Legendary Magician Bryant, at the Garden
of Magic.

After seeing the contents of Vonhelon's Memory Crystal, the High Elf Queen
asked Bryant, "Who do you think is responsible for this?"

Bryant spread his hands out and answered her with certainty, "There's no
question about it. Be it a freak storm, or a vanishing mining Island, it has to be
Link behind all this."

As a Legendary Magician himself, Bryant was familiar with this level of power.
Anyone at the Legendary power level would be capable of extraordinary feats
that no ordinary being would even dream of.

Though he still didn't know how Link had managed to pull it off, he was certain
that with the correct method, he, too, could do something like this.

The High Elf Queen had drifted off into a reverie. After a while, she finally said,
"The other party has not left any evidence of foul play. This may be
Their opponent had outsmarted them in such a way that the High Elves were not
in a position to retaliate. To have a whole mining island stolen from them was a
loss the High Elves had not experienced in over 3,000 years.

This really was unacceptable!

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Chapter 461: Make a Fortune Without a Sound

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the sea

The three Ferdian warships dragged the giant thing and sailed slowly on the sea.
They didn't go towards Ferde and leave the thing there. Otherwise, the entire
world would know that they stole the High Elves' island, and that would cause a
bunch of problems.

For things like this, it was better to make a fortune without a sound.

They sailed for three days, carefully avoiding all other ships. By dusk of the
third day, the three warships stopped in a secluded bay in the south of Ferde. It
was around six miles from land.

"Alright, all of you go back to the pier. Remember, nothing happened today!"
Link said to Jacker, who was on the warship.

"Understood!" Jacker saluted at Link.

Whoosh. The warships started steering towards the Ferde Port. Link stood on
the giant floating mine, watching them fade into the distance.

He took a deep breath and started pouring Dragon Power into the ore. After a
few seconds, the Dragon Power was equally distributed inside the ore. He used
more than 10,000 points during this process.

"Spatial Distortion: Anti-gravity Force Field!"

With a soft hum, a thin ring of detailed runes spread out across the surface with
Link as the center. Two seconds later, it surrounded the entire piece of ore.

The first time Link used Spatial Distortion was at the Northern Skeletal Fort. It
was still a Spatial Distortion spell but now, it was much more complex and
detailed than before. This spell contained Link's all-new understanding of space
and rich experience.

The runes lasted for two seconds. Then this hundred-thousand-ton rock started
floating up. Whoosh, whoosh. The water around it washed away, slowly
revealing the true shape of the ore.

Originally, the rock was 300 feet wide and 900 feet high. After Link changed it
with the enchantment spell, its bulk was at least eight times larger and had
doubled in size.

When this giant piece of rock was 60 feet in the air, it was practically like a
floating city!

The Dragon Power he'd added in was being burned up at 500 points per second.
Link knew he couldn't maintain it for long. Using his thoughts, he pushed the
rock towards Ferde at 120 feet per second.

Whoosh, whoosh. Gales of wind sounded in Link's ears. It was the sound of this
giant rock tearing through the air.

After around 20 seconds, it was thousands of feet inland and Link couldn't keep
going. He sagged and the huge rock plummeted. Two seconds later, there was a
muffled boom. The ground was crushed and the rock cracked into many big

Link estimated that if he used the Anti-gravity Force Field to lift something that
heavy to 2500 feet in the air and slammed it down, its power would be
equivalent to a Legendary spell.

Of course, doing that was too stupid. If he was disturbed while doing it, he
would be in trouble. He was just imagining it for fun.

The place Link chose was very remote. The soil was rocky and infertile so no
one lived around here. Naturally, no one noticed this commotion.
Throwing down the ore, Link used the force field to float down slowly.

While descending, he suddenly felt that he should use a force field to make a
spell for him to travel faster. He didn't dare use it before because his Mana
recovery rate was too slow. Flight spells would use up a lot of Mana and make
him vulnerable. But now, his Dragon Power was recovering at 30 points per
second. If he could make a spell that used up less than 30 points, he could travel
without tiring out.

That's a good plan. I'll develop it as soon as I have time. It has to be flexible and
as fast as possible. At least, it can't be slower than my dragon form… Wait, if I
add this force field to my dragon form, won't I be even faster?

The more Link thought of it, the more amazing it felt.

By then, he had landed on the rock. He had around 3000 Dragon Power points
left so he poured it in again, reaching the rock surrounding the ore.

"Higgs Force Field!"

The rock instantly became as soft as water. The gyromagnetic iron started
sinking into the "rock water." After a few seconds, the entire piece of ore was
hidden within the water.

After this, Link let out a relieved breath. Heh, even if the High Elves discover
this, I can say it's Ferde's own mine. They have no evidence and can't take it
away. They can only stare at it.

This was around 30 miles from Scorched City. Link jumped down from the rock
and started sprinting towards Ferde. He was so fast that he made it within ten

Link told Lucy of the location of the gyromagnetic iron to Lucy. She would
arrange everything after this while Link went back to his Mage Tower.

Even with his physical strength, he was exhausted from all these days' work. At
the top level, he filled the large bathtub with hot water. He rested in the hot
water for half an hour before he recovered.
While lying there, he heard a click from the entrance of the hall. Celine was
back. She'd taken the ship to the port so she was a bit slower.

Seeing that Link was back and still in the tub, she also stripped and walked in.
Sitting across from Link, she washed herself while saying, "Link, I'm going to
start learning enchantment magic!"

Link laughed. "I hope you don't lose interest fast."

"I definitely won't! Look at my Mana." Celine swam towards Link and cuddled
up to him. She reached out and released Mana. A dark blue ball of light
appeared on her pale and delicate palms.

When the light appeared, Link felt his heart skip. This was a sign of his soul
being affected. He was a Legendary Magician and had a powerful soul. It was
impressive that his soul could be so easily affected.

He studied the ball of Mana. Unexpectedly, it was at Level-7. It looked like dark
blue, but if he squinted, he could make out endless magic runes flowing within.

So powerful. No wonder Celine has the foresight talent. This is such unique
bloodline magic… This is the power of time. When I have time, I'll have to
study it. Link sighed within. No wonder Nozama, the Lord of the Deep, tried
everything to get this daughter back to the Abyss. If trained, Celine could
definitely become a terrifying soldier.

"How about it? Am I powerful?" Celine asked proudly. "Of all the Magicians in
the Mage Tower, only Elliard is a bit stronger than me. The others are all
weaker." She put her Mana away and rested her head against Link's chest. While
drawing circles on his muscle, she murmured, "When I learn enchantments, I'll
modify my large fire gun until it's a Legendary weapon. By then, even you can't
beat me, haha."

She had a great vision and Link had to support her. "Your Mana is indeed
enough to learn enchantments. I'll be writing spells during this time. Just take
them and if you have questions, write them down. I'll answer them at night."

Celine was satisfied. "I knew you'd support me. Here, let me reward you."
She turned and sat in Link's lap… After a while, Celine was tired and fell
asleep. Link was revitalized. He returned to his library and started writing.

The night was silent.

The next morning, Lucy came to report about the gyromagnetic iron. Her eyes
were bloodshot; she probably didn't sleep at all. Handing a scroll to Link, she
said, "Lord, we've already built the mine and arranged the mining work.
According to the plan, this mine can support 18 months of financial operations."

"Eighteen months…that should be enough." Link nodded. He was very satisfied

with this. It was enough for him to establish the enchantment industry as a pillar
in Ferde.

There were two obstacles in completing this: enchanters and High Elves.

Currently, almost all advanced enchantment equipment in Firuman were

produced by High Elves. It was practically a monopoly. Link would be stealing
business from them.

This would be challenging but that would be for later. Right now, he needed a
large amount of enchanters. Where would he get them? Other than training them
in his Mage Tower, another source would be the magic academies all over.
Amongst them, the East Cove Magic Academy was the most important.

Seeing Lucy's fatigue, he tapped her lightly and cast Essence Vitality, a dragon
healing spell.

Essence Vitality

Level-10 Legendary Healing Spell

Cost: 1200 points

Effect: Dragon Power transforms into the essence of light and pours into the
target's body. It can greatly raise their vitality. The duration decreases as the
target's level increases. It can last at most 30 days.

(Note: Gift from the Red Dragon Queen.)

Lucy had worked the entire night and kept yawning. Her head felt heavy and
dizzy too. But with this spell, she shivered and then all the fatigued disappeared.
She was hundreds of times livelier, as if she had an infinite amount of energy.

She knew this was the spell's power. "Thank you."

Link smiled. "Alright, don't tire yourself out. There are many things you can tell
other people to do. You're my most important manager."

"I'll keep that in mind." Lucy's heart was warm. However, she was totally
energized now. As soon as she left Link's room, she dove back into work.

Link chuckled. Scorched City was able to develop so quickly and the territory
was able to improve all because of these loyal followers.

By now, Link had finished the Enchantment Outline and Basic Enchantments.
He spent another hour packaging them into books. After letting Celine know, he
got a carriage and started towards the airship stop in Scorched Ridge.

The airship stop obviously belonged to the Yabbas. It wasn't open to the public
yet. As the lord, only he could use it. The airships there could count as his
private jets.

After getting in, Link said, "To the East Cove Magic Academy."

If he wanted to find talents from the academy, he would obviously need his
tutor Herrera's help. The two books he had were basic enchantment books. Link
prepared to publish them to give his new writing career a good reputation.

After this, he planned on writing intermediate and advanced enchantment spells,

and even at the expert level. He would keep these higher-level books secret.
They would become the core of his planned workshops' competitive edge.

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Chapter 462: The Incurable Illness

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
From the sky, one could clearly see the patches of ravaged earth scattered
throughout Girvent Forest from the devastation of a recent war.

The forces of Delonga had been annihilated completely in the war against
Ferde's army. Also taking into account the fact that Link was the Legendary
Magician presiding over Ferde, Delonga had no choice but to retreat.

Unfortunately, just as he had expected, Delonga's sworn enemy, the kingdom of

Southmoon, didn't pass up such a chance to swoop in for the kill.

At this moment, the kingdom of Southmoon had planned on dealing the

finishing blow to Delonga in his moment of weakness.

As both Ferde and the Southmoon Kingdom were allies, Link could not have
wished for a better outcome.

Once the kingdom of Southmoon finished off Delonga, business between Ferde
and Southmoon would be even smoother than before.

While Link's head was filled with such thoughts, the airship pilot in front said to
him, "My lord, we're approaching East Cove Magic Academy. Do you wish to
land inside?"

"No, try to land as far from the academy as you can. Don't want to give the
people inside a fright."

He was now a Legendary Magician, and also the first officially recognized
Legendary Magician among the human race. If news of his return got out,
everyone from the academy would come out in full force to welcome him, and
that would be a big waste of his time.

On a patch of empty land in the woods outside East Cove, the airship landed.
Link exited the vessel and began heading for the East Cove Magic Academy.
After walking a few feet towards it, he used Dimensional Jump, making the
necessary calculations.

Hum. There was a bright white light, and Link vanished instantly. A few
seconds later, he was standing in front of Herrera's magic tower.
The academy was quiet, as always. There were a few magician's apprentices
running down the stone path leading towards the magic tower. They didn't seem
to notice Link, who had suddenly apparated there.

Walking up to the magic tower's entrance, Link gently tapped on the rune of the
entrance. A soft bell-like sound echoed within. After a while, the door opened,
and an apprentice, no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, peeked out from
behind it.

He looked at Link and was stunned for a bit before he asked, "Hi, can I help

Link was wearing a dark blue Assassin's Robe with a sword hanging from his
waist. Judging by his muscular physique, the apprentice figured that he must
have been a warrior. The warrior's body was adorned with a dazzling assortment
of magical equipment, and at that point, the apprentice had refrained from
making any further assumptions of the person in front of him.

"Is Master Moira here? I have some business with her."

"You wish to see the advisor? Um, she's currently not in the tower."

Slightly disappointed, Link asked again, "Then, do you know where she is

"She's probably at the Heaven's Thorn. She should be back soon."

"I see. By the way, is Magician Rylai in?" Link asked once more, deciding to
see his disciple.

"She's in. Wait here, I'll go get her."

"Alright." Link stood by the door and waited for him.

The magician apprentice closed the door behind him. A moment later, the door
opened again, and Rylai stepped out of the tower, smiling.

She was a bit puzzled by this at first, as she did not really have any warrior
acquaintances, but upon seeing Link, her face immediately split into a smile,
and she shouted gleefully, "Master, why are you here?"
Link smiled back gently. "I'm here to see my master, as well as my own
disciple. Aren't you going to let me in?"

"Oh, come on in. Auntie Herrera will be back shortly." Rylai skipped cheerfully
like a child as she led the way.

Her effusive demeanor startled some of the new apprentices in the great hall.

"Who's the warrior with Rylai, and why's she so friendly with him?" asked the
apprentice who had opened the door for Link.

"I don't know. I haven't heard of any powerful warriors in the kingdom these
days... Why did the other apprentices suddenly stand up?" asked one of the

He felt himself being pulled up forcefully as one of his companions stood up

beside him as well. A low voice whispered in his ear, "What are you still sitting
around for, that's the lord of Ferde!"

"What lord of Ferde? Ah!" The student quaked in sudden realization and stood
upright a bit too quickly. There was a sharp pain in his knee, and he staggered
forward, falling to a half-kneel on the ground.

Wasn't the lord of Ferde Link, one of the senior apprentices of the academy, and
supposedly the first ever Legendary Magician on the continent? How could he
not have recognized him?

The youth who had opened the door for Link was muttering beside the
newcomer, "Ah, to have missed out on such a great chance... I really should put
my eyes out for not having recognized him sooner!"

Amid the din, Link followed Rylai to the magic tower's second floor. At first,
Rylai had wanted him to wait at the second floor, but Link smiled at her and
said, "No, let's wait at the great hall on the top floor."

He walked on, this time followed by Rylai.

Upon reaching the entrance to the great hall on the top floor, Link entered the
password on a rune beside the door. With a click, the door opened.
The password was still the same as when he had still been an apprentice in the

When they entered the great hall, Link sat on one of the benches, then beckoned
to an awkward Rylai with a smile. "Come sit in front of me and take out your
notebook. I'll help you solve some of your problems."

"All right." Rylai visibly relaxed as she sat down and handed her notebook to

Link flipped through the thin book for around ten minutes and managed to grasp
Rylai's progress in her magical studies. He indicated an analysis of a Level-3
spell called the Ring of Frost to her and said, "You've made a mistake here. At
room temperature, the element of water is especially fluid. To have it attain a
metallic sharpness, the magical structure should be like this."

Link extended a finger and traced out the revised version of the magical
structure in the air.

Rylai was deep in thought. Ten minutes later, her face brightened. "I see. No
wonder I couldn't seal up the experimental magic puppet with my Ring of

She asked, "What about my hydrotherapy spell? The last time I tried to treat a
rabbit according to the instructions given, it ended up dead. Though such
accidents have been rare, I'm a bit scared now to use this spell."

Link flipped to the page where she had written down her notes on hydrotherapy.
She had recorded down the results of her experiment. From the looks of it, she
had felt extremely guilty about killing the rabbit, as she had written down a
detailed account of the whole process.

After looking through it, Link understood the reason behind the rabbit's death
and smiled at her. "It's alright, there was no problem with your spell. The
problem lies in the rabbit. You described the rabbit's whole body as swollen,
and there was a viscous fluid coming out of its eyes, correct?"

"Yes, the poor thing."

Link gave his analysis of the problem at hand. "It was probably a textbook case
of elemental imbalance. It was suffering from edema. As an immune defense, its
body had instinctively absorbed an excessive amount of water in order to flush
out the toxins in its body. At this point, its body was already saturated with too
much water. Through your hydrotherapy, its elemental balance was broken,
causing the rabbit's internal systems to collapse as a result."

"Ah, so I was the one who killed it?" Rylai's eyes were swimming with tears.

"Not really, it was a terminal disease. Think of it as a form of euthanasia. All

right now, don't cry. I'm going to give you an explanation of the principles of
basic magical treatment so that you won't make the same mistake again."

"Okay," said Rylai, wiping her tears away.

Link then wrote the following line below Rylai's notes on hydrotherapy: 'The
key to effective treatment is the maintenance of internal balance. Achieving
elemental balance in another body will greatly improve its chances of
recovering from a disease. Of course, things aren't always that simple...'

Link began teaching his disciple the main principles of the art of magical
treatment. Rylai listened attentively, and every time she hit a problem, she
would puzzle over it for a moment, but only ask Link for further explanation if
she couldn't solve it herself.

Link would answer her questions with only one sentence, or even one word at
times, and Rylai would feel even more enlightened with each answer.

Time flew by in silence as both master and disciple sat in front of one another,
completely engrossed in their discussion. All of a sudden, there was a chink
from the door of the great hall. Someone had returned.

Without even looking, Link knew that Herrera had entered the room. Her voice
reverberated from outside the great hall. "Oh, seems like we have a guest

She entered the hall, a warm and gentle smile on her face.

Link stood up and bowed before her. "Advisor."

Though he had already completed his apprenticeship with her, he still had
nothing but gratitude for having received her tutelage in the past.

Herrera looked at Link, somewhat overcome by emotion. "Ah, time sure does
go by fast. In a blink of an eye, you've already reached heights never before
attained by any other human."

When the two sat down, Link asked, "Advisor, you seem a bit down today. Is
something the matter?"

Although Herrera's face wore a smile, Link had known her for so long that he
knew whenever there was something troubling her. The tips of her brows would
droop down slightly, and her eyes wouldn't open up as much as usual. Link was
familiar with all the facial tics of his former advisor.

Slightly stunned by this, Herrera gave Link a forced smile. "Am I that easy to

"No, I just know you too well," said Link with a laugh.

Herrera sighed. "There is indeed a problem. Up north is a small town called

Garrason, where a strange illness afflicts the citizens. Those infected lose all
reason and gain a significant boost in strength, then proceed to attack anyone
and anything on sight in a frenzy. The disease is also highly infectious; anyone
bitten, scratched, or in some cases touched by the infected are infected
themselves. Symptoms show within at least ten minutes upon infection."

Link was taken aback. "Can't the priests treat them?"

From Herrera's description, it sounded like an epidemic.

"That's the most frightening thing about it, the disease can't be treated by any
divine spell!"

Link fell silent. A few seconds later, he asked suddenly, "The state of Garrason
doesn't look too promising, does it?"

Herrera kneaded her forehead. "I guess there's no point in hiding it from you.
Truth be told, Garrason was just the source of this epidemic. The disease is
spreading at a terrifying rate beyond the city's borders, and right now, things
have gotten a bit out of control."

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Chapter 463: The Dean is Angry

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mage Tower

Herrera waved her hands. "Let's move on. It's rare for you to come back. I
shouldn't worry you about these things. The military will take care of it, and the
dean already went there a week ago. They should be able to get it under

Things seemed urgent, but those who had gone mad were all ordinary citizens.
No matter what, their combat abilities were limited. Magicians and the military
were enough.

Link shook his head. "Tutor, you seem worried. The disease might not be so
simple… There shouldn't be any cases at the academy, right?"

Herrera sighed. "There are some. One is inside my magic cage."

"Take me to them," Link said. Not even the God of Light's divine spell could
cure them, and they showed characteristics of a contagious disease. This was
strange and unsettled him.

Since Link wanted to see, Herrera wouldn't refuse him. Standing up, she said,
"Come with me."

The three walked out of the room. Rylai was curious and wanted to see, but
Link shooed her away halfway there. "This is for adults. You go read your

Rylai pouted and walked away sadly. Link and Herrera entered the basement of
the Mage Tower.
The basement had three floors. The top floor was for food storage. The next was
the negative energy pool of the Mage Tower, and the last floor was the magic

Most of those imprisoned there were commonly-seen creatures, such as low-

level werewolves, young vampires, and corpse-eating spirits. They weren't
powerful and were used to educate scholars.

The mad patient was imprisoned there, as well.

There were many independent cells in the prison. All the cells were shaped like
beehives, and the entrances were locked with translucent magic doors. When the
door opened, the creatures all started howling and crying. When they saw
Herrera, they started yelling even louder. Some of the more human-like ones
even threatened her.

"Let me go, Magician. Otherwise, I'll rip you apart one day!" a werewolf with
sharp claws said.

"Evil witch, you're dead! Dead! Dead!" That came from a human-faced black
widow spider. It sped around its web and shrieked in its piercing voice.

"Oh, oh, so tasty. So delicious!" That was a small corpse-eating spirit.

Then Link entered the hall.

The cells that had been unruly a moment ago instantly silenced. Many creatures
shrunk into corners and hid. The human-faced widow spider shook and fell
down from its web with a clunk.

Herrera giggled. "These things are only scared of the difficult ones."

The creatures were sensitive and knew that Herrera was easy to sway, so they
liked to throw insults. However, Link had killed countless people on the
Northern battlefield and had a deathly air about him. Others might not have
been able to sense it, but these creatures discovered it instantly. Faced with this,
they were all terrified.

Walking along the tunnel, Herrera stopped at the back right corner. "It's this
With a soft poof, she cast a light spell above the cell and illuminated it. Through
the translucent magic door, Link saw a person squatting in the corner. He was a
muscular man around thirty-five years old. He wore a regular merchant robe,
but the fabric had been ripped. It hung around him in shreds.

Stimulated by the bright light, the man looked up blankly at the white light on
the ceiling. This allowed Link to see his eyes.

They had become pure black with no sclera or pupil. His eyes were like two
black sockets. Then Link looked to his hands, feet, and teeth. There were no
changes; they were just like an ordinary man's.

"The eyes are the only change," Herrera whispered. "The other abnormalities
are all in action and behavior. Look how he's squatting right now. Doesn't he
look like an animal?"

Indeed, he squatted with his hands on the ground. He looked like he would
pounce at any moment.

"Open the magic door. Show me his fighting abilities," Link said.

Herrera nodded. Before opening the door, she reminded him, "Don't think he's
always this quiet. When he's active, he's quite fast."

"I understand."

Buzz. The moment the door opened, the man's head whipped over. A guttural
sound came from his throat and he jumped, pouncing towards Link. He really
was quite fast—equal to a Level-1 Warrior. But in Link's eyes, his movements
were in slow motion.

Without even using his wand, he reached out. Dragon Power surged and a
Spatial Sphere appeared. The person froze in mid-air.

Link walked closer to investigate. The man's face was menacing, teeth bared
and muscles pulled taut. His skin was pale and wrinkled. He had many rotting
ulcers. The worst was on his left leg, where the skin and muscle was decayed to
the bone. He didn't seem to feel any pain. He just looked wild and savage.

It seemed that he'd completely become an animal.

Link circled him and found something that made no sense.

"There are no maggots in his ulcers. Did you treat him?" Link asked. The ulcers
were so deep and the environment was so dirty. There would usually be
maggots all over, but this man had none.

Herrera shook her head. "Not at all. Maybe his blood is toxic."

"I didn't sense any abnormal auras in him, either. It looks just like a regular
disease. How long does it usually last?"

"I don't know the specific timeframe, but this guy is from the first batch. It's
already been three weeks. He eats everything and until now, there have been no
weaknesses other than the ulcers."

Link wasn't very familiar with diseases and couldn't find anything wrong by
looking. After a few minutes, he shook his head. "Other than losing his mind, I
can't find anything. It looks like rabies, but they live longer."

This disease couldn't be cured with divine spells and spread quickly. Other than
that, it was nothing special. It wasn't very threatening, either. Now that the
military and Magicians had joined the cause, they could definitely control it.

Link had been unsettled before. After seeing this patient, he felt more reassured.
He left the cell, and Herrera closed the magic door again.

"How do you usually treat these patients?"

"We haven't found an antidote yet. The only thing we can do to most patients is
kill them and then burn the corpses," Herrera said.

Link considered this, then asked, "If a regular person lives near them, is it
possible for them to catch the disease?"

"Yes, but not very likely. It's more possible for weaker ones to be infected. The
stronger and healthier you are, the lower the possibility. Currently, nobody
above Level-4 will be infected unless they're bitten."

Herrera's explanation was very detailed. It was clear she'd studied this plague.
Hearing this, Link's worries were mostly gone. He sighed. "Tutor, you're right.
The military and Magicians can easily control the spread of this disease. I hope
they can hurry so fewer people will die."

"Hopefully. And I hope the alchemists can quickly find a cure." Herrera walked
out and said, "All right, we can discuss your matters now."

Link nodded and handed over the two enchantment books. "I plan on creating
an enchantment workshop in Ferde. For this, I want to recruit some Magicians
who specialize in enchantments. Apprentices will work, too. I can train them. I
wrote these two books for this."

Herrera paused to flip through the pages. Intrigued, she said, "Let's go back to
the top level. I want to read closely."

"Of course."

The two went to the hall in the top level, and Herrera started reading seriously.
She read quickly, and the books were simple, without much content. She
finished quickly. At the end, she looked up as if anticipating more. "Is that it?"

The book started off complicated and ended simply. It was very interesting,
without any of the usual, boring parts. The enchantment methods included were
also innovative. Even she was inspired and wanted to go experiment with them.

There were only two books. Herrera felt that she'd only taken two bites and the
delicious meal was already gone. It didn't sate her at all!

"Yeah, I only wrote two books." Link shrugged.

"There's no problem in looking for Magicians," Herrera said. "I'll publish this
news. Many Magicians will definitely come to you. However, these two books
aren't enough for a thank you gift. These are great for the basics, but they're too
simple. There's none of the truly good content."

With that, Herrera looked at Link and smiled. It was clear that she required
more gifts.

Link sighed. "I'll send more books as soon as I finish writing. However, only
these two can be published. The others will be for your eyes only."
"That's better. And how come the foreword for the outline is blank?" Herrera

Link chuckled. "I was hoping you could fill it in for me."

Herrera smiled. "I would be honored to."

She immediately picked up her pen. Link took a book and started reading
casually. While reading, his ears twitched. He looked out the window.

Outside the window, a group of carriages were entering the East Cove Magic
Academy. When they stopped, Link saw Dean Anthony bring a team of
Magicians in. Judging from his expression, he was furious.

"Tutor, the dean is back. The situation doesn't look so good."

Herrera walked over and did a double take. Seeing Dean Anthony throw his hat
to the ground, she furrowed her brows. "I've known him for more than twenty
years. He's never lost his temper like this. What happened?"

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Chapter 464: The Demon Abel

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Idiot! Madman! Butcher!"

Anthony walked towards the Heaven's Thorn in large strides. As he was using a
magical prosthesis, his gait was unsteady. Walking a bit too quickly, he
stumbled and quickly used the Magician's Hand to realign his body and prevent
himself from falling to the ground.

The Magicians behind him all followed Anthony without a word. Most of their
faces were grave, while those of the younger Magicians seemed disapproving
towards him, as if not in agreement with what Anthony had to say.
Once Anthony regained his balance, he continued striding on, and in no time,
finally reached the Heaven's Thorn. Upon entering the Mage Tower, he then
seated himself on the first floor of the great hall. He heaved a sigh at nobody in
particular, and then fell silent for a long while, sitting there like a statue.

He loathed the fact that just when the kingdom was finally able to settle down,
he had to deal with a self-righteous tyrant with such a huge following. Not to
mention, he was completely powerless to do anything about it.

While Anthony fumed, a gentle voice spoke to him, "Is there something wrong,

"What else is there? It's the madman, Abel... Wait, you're... Link, why are you
here?" Anthony stopped short, sensing that something was not right. He lifted
his head again to take a better look at the face to whom the voice had belonged,
and sure enough, it was one of his former apprentices, Link, who was standing
beside Herrera.

These two were the pride of East Cove Magic Academy. Herrera was already a
Level-8 Magician, whose magic now rivaled even his, while Link's magical
abilities had already reached the Legendary level. Upon seeing them, Anthony
was able to relax a bit.

"Sit, do sit, don't just stand there," he said to both of them.

Link and Herrera both sat down, and then Link asked, "Were you referring to
Duke Abel of Orida Fortress?"

Anthony's face fell as soon as he heard his name. He nodded. "I don't know any
other Abel. Do you know what he did?"

Link and Herrera glanced at each other and then waited for an answer from the
old man.

Breathing in deeply, the wrinkles on Anthony's face deepened even more. His
voice was considerably muted when he spoke, "Abel had sent 5000 Warriors to
keep things under control in the northern town of Garrason, the source of the
outbreak as you all probably know by now. The situation escalated, with the
infected now scattered beyond the town borders. Our plan was to quarantine the
infected, then attempt to look for a cure using samples collected from them, but
Abel had deemed them unclean and had all the infected eliminated on the spot.
There are at least 30,000 people in Garrason Town, and while almost half of
them had shown symptoms of the disease, the rest of them were still sane, and
Abel had them all wiped out. He even set fire to the town and razed everything
to the ground. In the end, no more than 800 people had survived the madness of
this butcher!"

When he finished speaking, Herrera asked softly, "Advisor, is the epidemic

under control then?"

"Yes, for now, there seem to be no new cases of infection, which was probably
the only good thing to come from this nightmare. But my blood still runs cold
just thinking about what Abel did. He's completely addicted to slaughter, and I
don't think I'll ever forget the bloodlust in his eyes. Did you know? He not only
ordered his men to conduct the extermination of the infection, he too had joined
in the act himself. I saw with my own eyes how he cleaved a crying girl in two
with his sword. There were also many other Magicians who had participated in
this monstrous act. At that moment, I thought they had all turned into demons!"

Anthony was nearing 70 years old, and both Link and Herrera took great pride
in being his juniors. The old man had bottled up all this frustration in himself,
and once an outlet presented itself, he just could not stop himself from venting it

From his account, Link understood the present state of Garrason Town.

Garrason Town was 100 miles north of Orida Fortress, and so it naturally fell
within Duke Abel's jurisdiction to deal with the outbreak there in whatever way
he deemed fit.

Throughout all this, Duke Abel had fulfilled only his duties, but his actions had
been way too excessive. Though Anthony did not agree with such radical
measures, some of the other Magicians who had joined in the slaughter
alongside the duke viewed the whole affair as a necessary evil to cleanse the
region of the disease.

The fact there were Magicians who saw nothing wrong with what Duke Abel
ordered them to do had sent a chill down Anthony's spine.
After listening to all this, Link and Herrera could not help but shiver at the
thought of Duke Abel's ruthlessness and the delight he apparently took in
indiscriminate manslaughter, despite the fact that his actions might have yielded
results. Still, as both of them had not been on the scene, they couldn't judge the
duke solely based on Anthony's account of the whole thing.

Herrera could only console the old man at this point. "It's all in the past now,
advisor. Everything will be alright."

Anthony let out a long sigh and held his head in despair. "To have my people,
never once fallen to the Dark Army, fall instead under the butcher knife of my
own kin... oh, the shame!"

Seeing their own advisor in complete shambles, Herrera shot a glance at Link,
hinting at him to come up with something.

Link began to speak when Anthony suddenly raised his head and looked straight
at him. "Link, Abel's growing more insane by the minute. What's worse is that
he's doing all this in the name of justice and under the guise of exterminating

Link knew what Anthony had meant. He wanted Link to intervene in this.
Making eye contact with the wizened dean, Link spoke, "How about this, I'll go
to the North for a bit and see what's wrong with Duke Abel."

Though Anthony had spoken disapprovingly of the duke, he did stop the spread
of the disease, and his actions were still in line with army regulations.

The army was not exactly filled with doctors to begin with; they simply did
what they did best—brutally murder everyone on sight in an attempt to nip the
outbreak in the bud. What Abel did was cruel beyond belief, but from his
standpoint, he may not consider his actions to be out of line.

Still, Anthony was now the second person to come to Link with grievances
against Duke Abel, with Skinorse being the first, and both were equally
intelligent people. This was enough to warrant Link's intervention; he should
probably go to the North to check on things.

"You should go in quietly without letting him know, or else you won't see
anything there. Duke Abel's a cunning fellow, he'll know what's going on. I'm
old and not worthy of his attention, which is why he doesn't bother hiding his
evil deeds from me. However, he'll sweep everything under the rug immediately
if he knows that you're going there for a visit."

Link nodded. "I'll go there and take a look at things myself."

Anthony was satisfied with his response. He then asked, "I know you're busy
lately, and you won't go there without any reason. Is there anything the academy
can help you with?"

Link looked at Herrera, who then gave Anthony the books that he had brought
with him. "These are the enchantment books Link has written. Take a look."

Anthony flipped through the books for around ten minutes then slammed a hand
on the table. "A great read indeed!"

He then sighed. "Pity you wrote only two books. Are there more?"

Herrera answered on behalf of Link, "Link still hasn't written out the rest.
Though, Link plans on establishing an enchantment workshop of his own to
compete with the High Elves in the magical equipment business. To accomplish
this, he'll be recruiting a number of talented magical enchanters."

Before Herrera even finished, Anthony clapped his hands together and shouted,
"Then do it! Those High Elves have practically monopolized the whole magical
equipment business. They've been making a profit out of our pockets for years,
to the point of almost drying us out of our finances... You just go ahead and pick
the best of the bunch. But make sure none of them are mistreated, or you'll
answer to me personally."

Link smiled. "That wouldn't happen."

Link had planned on making this a long-term affair. Possessing unfathomable

secrets of the craft, the High Elves were capable of producing quality magical
equipment that had won the hearts of everyone from every other race. Instead of
going for a huge bite out of the High Elves' business, Link had planned on just
taking a few nibbles here and there at first.
Later on, some of the people there began discussing a few other details of the
collaboration with Link. The discussion went on for a few hours, and in that
time, Anthony had lightened up somewhat.

Link and Herrera then stayed at the Mage Tower for dinner, all three of them
exchanging interesting anecdotes with each other.

Nearing 70 years old, the old man's body had shriveled up considerably. With
most of his time spent alone without wife or children, he was more than thrilled
to be visited by his two former disciples. At the end of the dinner, Anthony was
blissfully drunk.

After settling the old man who had now begun spouting gibberish in his bed,
Link then escorted Herrera out of the Heaven's Thorn.

The sky outside had turned dark. With a few street lamps lighting the way, both
Magicians walked side by side till they reached the entrance to Herrera's Mage

"Advisor, I'll leave Rylai in your capable hands."

Herrera smiled at him. "Oh, don't worry about her, I'm sure she'll become a
great Magician."

"I won't be going in then. Give this book to her, make sure she reads it. Also,
tell the dean I'll be heading off to the North soon."

"Alright, be careful when you get there, I don't think Duke Abel's right in the
head as well."

"I understand."

Link then turned to leave, and Herrera stood at the entrance of her Mage Tower
to see him off until he finally vanished from sight. She then let out a soft sigh.
The young man who had once consulted enthusiastically with her on magical
problems in the academy had now become a lord of the land. The days of him
being cooped up in her Mage Tower were long since gone.
Looking at the empty patch of land in front of the Mage Tower, Herrera
suddenly recalled the night Link and Eliard fought each other till they were all
black and blue.

She remembered every detail of the event as if it had only happened yesterday.
She could not help but smile at the memory.

In the distance, Link had left the academy far behind him and found the airship
in the woods. At top speed, the airship flew Link back to Ferde. It was only a
few minutes before seven in the evening when Link finally reached Ferde. The
Scorched City was bustling with activity as always.

When he entered the great hall on the first floor of his Mage Tower, Link found
himself face to face with a familiar figure, that which belonged to the High Elf
named Bryant.

Link was a bit taken aback by his appearance, but he knew then why Bryant had
shown up.

Bryant had smugly seated himself in the great hall, surrounded by Link's
magical apprentices who were too afraid to come close to him. Celine, Red
Dragon Elder Pettalong, Felina, Vance, Jacker, and the other powerhouses were
all glaring fiercely at the High Elf.

Upon seeing Link's arrival, Bryant stood up, and a smile spread across his face.
"The lord of Ferde, you sure are a busy man."

Despite the smile on his face, his eyes indicated no good will, and Link knew in
an instant that the High Elf had not come with good intentions.

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Chapter 465: Give You a Gold Coin for Compensation

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mage Tower
Bryant's arrival was unexpected but also made sense. It would have been
stranger if the High Elves had no reaction to Link stealing the island.

After a pause, Link smiled. "The weather's nice today, with the night wind
bringing the fragrance of flowers. How about we walk down the street?"

Bryant shook his head. "The mortals on the street are like ants. It's boring. How
about we go to the rooftop of your Mage Tower? Just the two of us?"

"Sure." Link nodded and signaled with eyes for everyone to stop worrying. He
reached his arm out in invitation. "After you."

Bryant stood up and started up the spiral staircase around the wall of the Mage
Tower. Link followed him. He didn't look guarded; he seemed prepared.

At a turn on the first level, Bryant stood saw Eliard at the corner. He glanced at
him, did a double-take, and his eyes lit up. He shook his head and sighed. "What
talent. It's a pity he's staying with the humans."

With that, he continued climbing up.

After he climbed a few steps, Eliard suddenly said, "Bryant, Link told me about
you, so I know you. I know people like you. I look down on you even more,

Bryant paused, his power pulsing. Link stepped forward and placed a hand on
his shoulder. Smiling, Link said, "Do you lose your temper so quickly with
juniors too?"

"Hmph!" Bryant retracted his power and continued walking to the top of the
Mage Tower.

The two soon reached the top level.

They were about 300 feet high above ground, and the surroundings were all
flatlands. From the top, they could see dazzling lights from the thousands of
houses in Scorched City. They were like a sea of stars. The view looking down
at them was like a god looking down at all life.
"You did a good job building up this city in two years," Bryant nodded with

Link shook his head. "You have no right to comment on my matters. I'll pretend
I didn't hear that phrase, but I won't allow it in the future."

"You… Fine, it's good for a youngster to have attitude." Bryant glanced at Link
and smiled. "I thought you would die in the Dragon Valley, but I didn't expect
you'd be so lucky. Not only did you survive, you even started stealing things in
the sea."

Link moved his hand slightly. Light flashed and a chair floated up. He took a
seat while saying, "I don't know what you're saying. Honestly, I don't
understand why you're here. We don't have anything to discuss, right?"

Bryant wanted to pull over a chair like Link, but he tried and failed. He knew
Link had messed with something to stop him, so he could only stand.

He turned to stare at the dark sea in the distance. Suddenly, he said, "Scorched
City is a great place. It's so close to the sea and a deep water port. The bad thing
about living by the sea, though, is that if there's a storm or hurricane, nothing
will be left."

That was a potential threat.

Link leaned back in his seat and rested his chin on a finger. Grinning, he said,
"Yes. Just like the Isle of Dawn, we all depend on the sea."

The Isle of Dawn was an island. Both of their territories had similar
geographical characteristics. There was no point in threatening each other.

Bryant chuckled and looked at Link with disdain. "Our race has governed the
Isle of Dawn for millenniums. We've experienced countless storms. We're not

The High Elves were proudly isolated. They'd fortified the Isle of Dawn long
ago until it was as sturdy as an iron drum. Link's threat wasn't very realistic.

That was the truth, and Link couldn't refute it. However, he changed the topic
and smiled. "Everything about the Isle of Dawn is great, except it's too isolated.
It's surrounded by water and doesn't have many mines. You don't have anything
and need to be supplied by the mainland. If a storm hit and all the merchant
ships were blown off course, what would you do?"

He couldn't take care of the Isle of Dawn, but he could stop the ships. That was
one disadvantage of sea transportation. Once targeted by someone, there was
nowhere to hide. As long as Link put all his effort into fighting the High Elves,
he could destroy the entire trade system by himself!

Bryant swallowed his words at this. He stared at Link for a long while before
saying, "You're only one person. We have tens of thousands of high-level
Magicians in our military."

Since they were at this point, he didn't use euphemisms anymore and spoke
straightforwardly. Link was unmoved. He was clear on the High Elves'

In the game, he'd entered the Isle of Dawn and was familiar with the general
geography, many details of the palace architecture, the extraordinary Magicians,
and more.

By now, Bryant was sure Link had stolen the gyromagnetic iron ore, but Link
would never admit it. More importantly, since Bryant had come personally to
talk, it meant the High Elves didn't want to fight him now. Maybe they were
scared or just didn't want to ruin the relationship more.

This gave Link some leeway.

"Bryant," he said. "You probably didn't come here just to argue with me.
Otherwise, that would be useless."

Bryant finally gave his terms. He pointed at where Link had hid the
gyromagnetic iron and said, "My race wants half of that!"

"What if I say no?" Link asked in reply.

Bryant wasn't surprised at this, but he was sure he could convince Link, because
he had a hidden card!
"Then neither of us will get it. My warships are already aimed at it. If you don't
agree, we will shoot a Level-10 Dissociation Ray. All the gyromagnetic ore will

Link thought for a moment but still shook his head. "If you do, you'll die. I'll
destroy those Silver Storm Sparrows. From today, my dragon Warriors and I
will block all merchants going from the Isle of Dawn to Firuman. No ship will

He said all this in a calm tone as if he was just stating facts. At the same time, a
black seal appeared in his hands.

When Bryant saw it, he flinched, finally losing his cool. "The Dragon Duke
Seal, it's black, the Red Dragon Queen, how… how?! That old hag… You're
only twenty-one!"

The black Dragon Duke Seal was special. Bryant was very smart and had read
many books. He was familiar with all of these secrets.

Before seeing this seal, Bryant was confident in his trip. But now, Link
unexpectedly had the dragons' support… The High Elves weren't afraid of
dragons or Ferde, but when they were allied, they were more than a match for
the Isle of Dawn.

Link didn't speak. He stayed silent, waiting for Bryant to sort through his

After a long while, Bryant finally recovered. He still wasn't willing. Staring
closely at Link, he said, "Are you really going to turn my race into your
enemies? Think carefully. This will be an extremely difficult road. Three
hundred years ago, I tried it too, but reality told me it was impossible."

Link didn't reply. He stood up and retreated, taking out the Dragon King's Fury
sword. He didn't use any power but pretended to stab Bryant three times.

It was strange. Link's sword didn't contain any power, and his movements were
laughably slow. He was stabbing seemingly unimportant areas on Bryant's limbs
instead of critical organs, too. But Bryant's body shook violently with every
After those three stabs, Bryant's forehead was covered in sweat. His face was as
white as paper.

Clang. Link put his sword away and smiled thinly. "I'm good at casually finding
someone's Achilles' heel, and that's true for both people and races. If you don't
trust me, we can try it."

Bryant could barely stand up. "Thirty percent!" he gritted.

Link shook his head.

"Ten percent. Nothing less!"

Link still shook his head. He tossed a gold coin at Bryant. "If you really want to
benefit, you can have this coin. Nothing more."

Bryant didn't want to accept it. He didn't even reach out, but somehow, he felt
something cold in his hand. It was the gold coin. Link had used a spatial spell to
transport the coin into his hand.

The coolness stimulated Bryant's palm, making his cheeks burn. An ineffable
humiliation surged in his heart. He took out his wand, his Mana automatically

Link chuckled. He just watched Bryant, waiting for him to do something.

Slowly, the Mana ripples on Bryant's body calmed down. He stared at Link,
having seemingly aged many years. "Young man, you will pay for your arrogant

With that, he turned and left. His silhouette was slouched now, and the powerful
aura was gone. All that remained was the thick feeling of age and lethargy.

Seeing his back, Link knew that the talks were over. He would soon welcome
the High Elves' attacks.

"I heard that the High Elves have a secret force called the Black Thorn. The
Assassins are all very skilled. Among them, there's a duo called the Double
Shadows. They have a Legendary dagger each and high speed magic equipment.
They've never failed any of their missions. Go back and tell your queen that I'd
like to witness them."

Bryant flinched. He was extremely shocked. Both the Black Thorn and Double
Shadows were confidential secrets of the Isle of Dawn. If Link knew, it meant
he'd made sufficient preparations.

He didn't know that Link had received all this information from the game.

"Your wish will come true." Bryant sped up.

He left the Mage Tower without stopping. Once outside, he transformed into a
cloud of light and flew towards the sea. After a while, he was above the
gyromagnetic iron. He saw light in the mine. Many miners were digging right
then with continuous dings and clings.

He impulsively wanted to throw a corrosive light ball down and turn all the
damn miners into mud, but he forced the urge down.

Flying past it, he was thousands of feet into the sea. There was a ball of mist
there. Passing into it, he saw the three Silver Storm Sparrows anchored there.
Bryant landed on the deck of a warship.

A Magician instantly went over. It was Level-9 Magician Vonhelon. "Prophet,

how was it?" he asked.

"It's over." Bryant's face was dark.

"Then… do we?" Vonhelon pointed at the mine in the distance.

"No, let's go back. The situation is beyond my expectations. When we return, I

will personally report the specifics to Her Highness." With that, Bryant went
straight into the cabin, leaving a confused and upset Vonhelon.

After a while, the High Elf fleet started back. Whoosh, whoosh went the
crashing waves. The three ships quietly left Ferde's sea.

On the seaside, Link watched as the Silver Storm Sparrows left. He let out a
relieved breath. He had actually had been worried that Bryant would lose his
temper and act recklessly. Things would have become troublesome, which was
why he'd run over.

Now that they'd left, the situation was much better.

Seeing the Silver Storm Sparrows fade away, Link turned to go back into the
Mage Tower, but after a few steps, he suddenly felt something and looked
towards the southern sea. He could feel something hiding there. It was a weird
thing that seemed to follow the Silver Storm Sparrows.

Almost at the same time, a message popped up in his vision.

Activate Mission: Pursuit

Mission Content: Sneakily follow the High Elves' Silver Storm Sparrows

Mission Reward: 10 Jogu

Link was already curious. He immediately cast a minor Levitation spell and
used the Spatial Distortion Force Field to push himself. He also cast an
Invisibility spell and started following the Silver Storm Sparrows from
thousands of feet away.

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Chapter 466: An Underwater Ambush

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the flagship of the Silver Storm Sparrows

Bryant had cooped himself up in his cabin ever since he returned.

There was something wrong with him as if everything in his body had all been
used up. He simply leaned motionless against the edge of the bed in his cabin.

A while later, he took out his magical notebook for a read, which he would
usually do to regain his composure.
However, this time, it seemed to not work on him as before.

As he stared at his notes, the only thing that popped up in his mind was the
scene back on the rooftop. He could not stop thinking about the face of the
young Magician, his words, his every action.

After a long while, he exhaled. "That year when I had just reached Legendary, I
exuded the same vigor as he did, but it all ended when I met Fiona..."

There was no going back at this stage. The only thing left for him to do now was
to walk this path to the end, and Link would have to die and be deprived of any
chance of joining the High Elves if Bryant was to do so in comfort.

Bryant closed his notebook sharply, stood up and headed for the door to take in
the sea breeze on the deck.

At the same time, there was a knock on the cabin door, and a voice spoke from
outside, "May I come in Prophet?"

It was Magician Vonhelon. He was a High Elf noble with pure High Elvish
blood running through his veins. Even though he called Bryant "Prophet," he
knew Vonhelon had never thought of him as an equal.

Of course, this was all trivial to him.

"Enter." Bryant removed the rune lock from his door.

Vonhelon entered the cabin and closed the door behind him. He then spoke with
a low voice, "Prophet, I must know, what is going on right now?"

Tonight, they had retreated from Ferde without any confrontation. This was
humiliation of the highest order for both the Silver Storm Sparrows and the
Magician Army. The ships' crew and members of the Magician Army were all
greatly aggravated by this.

Bryant did not even bother hiding the truth from him. "Link and the dragon race
have formed an alliance. He is now married to the Red Dragon Queen."

This alliance with the dragon race was the only element he could not ignore.
Bryant did not doubt what Link had said. Scorched City was now filled with a
massive number of Red Dragon Warriors, including a Red Dragon Elder.
Surprised to see this at first, he later learned that it was due to the fact that Link
had been proclaimed as a duke of the dragon race.

Vonhelon was simply dumbfounded at Bryant's response. It was something no

one in their wildest imaginations would have conceived, a bad joke that would
elicit only a bitter laugh from anyone who heard it.

The High Elf Magician spread out his hands. "I didn't think it would turn out
like this. My apologies, Prophet, for having suspected you, but this is just

"If I had not seen the Red Dragon Elder back in Ferde, I would not have
believed it myself... Still, if Link does not wish to give up the mining island, we
may have to go to war over it. And our chance of coming out victorious from
that war would be slim."

"Surely you don't mean to dispatch the Black Thorn?"

"Link knows about the Black Thorn, as well as the existence of the Double
Shadows. I don't know how he had all this information, but one thing I know for
sure is that he is now more than prepared for any attempts on his life. The
chance of success to kill him in his sleep with an assassin is also pretty small."

Vonhelon was at a loss for words and fell silent for a long moment before he
finally spoke with a troubled tone, "I guess we should leave it to the queen to
decide how best to proceed from now on."

There were only two options to choose at this stage: either they admitted their
defeat, or they picked up their arms and fought to their bloody deaths, and
Vonhelon knew that conceding was the best option they had right now.

In the 3000 years of High Elf history, this may be the first time that the Silver
Storm Sparrows had retreated without a fight.

This was truly a huge blemish on their personal record.

Depressed, Vonhelon headed back for the door and was ready to leave, when all
of a sudden, a deafening boom rocked the cabin window from outside.
Through the window, Vonhelon could see that a nearby Silver Storm Sparrow
ship had been split in two by a black silhouette that had risen from the depths of
the ocean.

The resulting shockwave hit the side of the ship that Vonhelon and Bryant were
on, violently tipping the entire ship to the other side and sending both High
Elves tumbling in the cabin.

While tumbling in mid-air, there was a flash of white light from Vonhelon's
body. He had cast Teleportation, and with a soft hum, his body had vanished
from the cabin. There was another hum, and the High Elf reappeared a few 100
feet above the ship in the air.

Bryant's body, on the other hand, had dissolved into mist. With a whoosh, he
rushed out of the broken window and into the air outside.

As the two floated in the air, they saw the same black monstrous figure from the
ocean depths slamming into the Silver Storm Sparrow ship which still had not
regained its balance. With a deafening crash, the sturdy warship was also
smashed into pieces.

In the midst of all this, the ship's crew and Magicians on board were either dead,
badly injured or had fled for their lives. Everything was in chaos, and the sea
was stained red with High Elf blood.

With the second Silver Storm Sparrow ship destroyed, the black shadow headed
straight for the third ship with unimaginable speed.

"Stop it!" shouted Bryant. At the same time, he began chanting out a spell, and a
queer silver leaf shot out from his Legendary magic wand, Fiona, towards the
black figure.

This was Bryant's ace in the hole. Like a silver bolt of lightning, the leaf slashed
across the black figure in the sea.

But he had not accounted for the thing's reaction time. As soon as he cast his
spell, the black figure had dodged it by sinking back to the ocean depths.

"It's trying to flee! Realm Conversion!"

There was a blinding flash of light before Bryant's eyes as the silver leaf turned
translucent. It then pierced through the ocean's surface in pursuit of its prey
without even slowing down, as if the seawater had for the moment ceased to
exist around the leaf.

Just when it looked as if the leaf was about to reach the black figure, all of a
sudden, there was another ear-splitting shockwave from the ocean's surface. The
last Silver Storm Sparrow ship was demolished in an instant by another black
shape that had pierced through the vessel's bottom.

In no more than five seconds, all three Silver Storm Sparrow ships were
completely obliterated.

Without losing its upward momentum, the huge black shadow rose up into the
air from the ocean.

At that moment, Bryant could see clearly what they were up against. It was a
silver pomfret, but it was ten times the size of a normal silver pomfret. It was 30
feet long, and the compact scales across its body was a dark red color radiating
with the light of magical runes.

"It's a Magical Beast! There are two of them!" Bryant roared.

Floating in the air beside him, Vonhelon pointed his magic wand at the massive
fish and screamed out a spell, "Vacuum Blade!"

Vacuum Blade

Level-8 Spatial Spell

Description: Creates an absolute vacuum by removing all air in a space with

Mana. The resulting vacuum is incredibly sharp and can cut through any
material in existence.

(Note: A secret spatial spell of the High Elves)

A thin film of silver light streaked through the air, and in a tenth of a second, it
struck the silver pomfret!
Boom! The dark scales of the monster fish emanated a faint red light. Almost
immediately, the Vacuum Blade was dispersed into the air, leaving the fish's
body basically unscathed. A second later, the fish fell to the water and dove
back into the dark ocean depths.

Bryant witnessed all this with a look of amazement. "This is divine power! This
is no ordinary Magical Beast, it's a Divine Beast!"

Only with divine power was it able to completely nullify a spatial magic attack.

Just then, his silver leaf had caught up to the magical beast that was still rapidly
diving into the ocean.

With a chink, the silver pomfret's body also emanated the same dark right light
to defend itself from Bryant's attack. However, the silver leaf was more than ten
times stronger than Vonhelon's Vacuum Blade and was able to pierce through
the fish's defenses. It struck the fish's body, leaving a wound that was half a foot
deep on it.

But... the silver leaf was only able to go so far before it pulled back to regain its
momentum in the water.

A wound half a foot deep was only a flesh wound on a fish of that size. With a
flick of its tail, it began to accelerate once more to the surface. This time, it
began gulping down the surviving crew members floating on the ocean surface.


"My leg, my leg!"

"Oh God, help me!"

The crew members floating on the sea were still disoriented after being hit by
the initial shockwave. At that point, except for a few Magicians who had
managed to keep themselves afloat in the air, the rest of the crew members were
all still floating in the water, including the commanding officer of the fleet.

In the middle of the ocean, they were all powerless in the face of these
monstrous silver pomfrets capable of sinking all their ships into the sea in mere
The other fish had also returned to the surface and began its indiscriminate
slaughter of the remaining elves.

The seawater was instantly dyed red with the blood of their prey.

More than 30 High Elf Magicians floating in the air began casting their spells
frantically at the silver pomfrets, but their assault was completely ineffective
against them.

Out of all the High Elves in the fleet, only Bryant had managed to deal any
damage to the fish, but even with his strongest spell, he was only able to leave a
small wound on the fish's body.

The faces of the Magicians in the air had all gone pale. They hurled their spells
down at the fish in desperation, but their efforts were all futile. They could only
watch on helplessly as their kin were horribly swallowed alive by the monster

The number of High Elf crew members was drastically reduced in an instant.

"Prophet, what should we do now?" Vonhelon shouted. He was now at his wit's

"We can only run at this point. I sense that this is only the beginning of an
ambush. It's too dangerous to stay here now!" Saying this, Bryant began flying
straight for the continent.

He shouted back at the other Magicians, "Everybody, head for the continent,
hurry! Hurry!"

They had not left the continent too far behind, which made it the only possible
place to run to. If they were to head out any further into the ocean, they would
surely be killed.

Watching the two monstrous fish on the ocean surface and their surviving
compatriots still shouting for help from below, the other Magicians hesitated for
a few seconds, then bit their lips and gave up all attempts to rescue them.

Looking away from the floundering crew members, one by one they flew
behind Bryant and fled for the continent.
Just as they had flown for a couple 100 feet, a voice rumbled from the ocean
surface. "Why are you all leaving, Magicians? You've only just got here."

The voice was echoing off from every direction. There was no way to determine
which direction it was coming from. It was as if the entire ocean below them
was speaking to them.

Now that was a terrifying thought.

Even Bryant was stunned for a moment, and he then roared out, "Link, I know
it's you. If you want to kill me, just do it out in the open. Spare me the
cowardice of an ambush!"

"Hahaha, Bryant, you really are funny. As a reward for your folly, I'll kill you

Vonhelon's eyes widened as he looked about, desperately searching for the

enemy, but only darkness greeted him. He roared again, "Who are you? Are you
not Link?"

"Who I am matters not, what matters now is that all of you should die right here,
right now!"

Suddenly a beam of dark red light shot out from the ocean. Unable to react
quickly enough, one of the Magicians was pierced by the beam of light.
Looking down, he saw that there was a gaping hole the size of a fist in his chest
before he fell, wide-eyed, from the sky.

Bryant instantly lost all will to fight back upon seeing this. "This is divine
magic! We can't fight this, run now!"

Strictly speaking, all divine magic was beyond Level-19, but its power was
considerably diluted due to being only supplied with power from the Mortal
Realm. Still, divine magic was capable of overcoming any other spells in the
Mortal Realm, including Legendary spells.

The enemy had managed to keep himself hidden. Even now, Bryant still could
not find out where his opponent had hidden himself, and to top it all off, he was
also capable of using divine magic. This was a fight none of them could win.
Escaping was the only option.
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Chapter 467: Why Did You Save Me?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the sea

As soon as Bryant finished speaking, there were three poofs. Three dark red
beams shot out from the sea, coming at him from different directions.

Each beam was extremely consolidated and as thick as an arm. At a glance, they
looked like three dark red crystal thorns. Not only were they attacking Bryant,
they also sealed all of his escape routes.

At that moment, Bryant felt a wild and destructive energy coming at him. It felt
like he had been struck by lightning and was immobilized. He couldn't even
think properly.

All that remained in his vision was boundless red light. He only had one
thought: So the God of Destruction really exists.

Only a god could have energy like that.

Faced with the attack, any delay was fatal. Bryant was about to hit, but then a
misty ripple suddenly erupted thirty feet in front of him. The three beams buried
into the ripple almost simultaneously and slowed down.

That was when Bryant finally reacted. His body transformed into a haze with a
whoosh, and he put his all into running from the path of the red beams.

Crack, crack. Behind him, it sounded like crystals were being shattered. He
looked back and saw that the spatial magic had shattered. The three beams shot
through the place where had just been.

So close! Bryant couldn't help but feel belated shock. He really had brushed
shoulders with death.
Immediately after, he looked in another direction. There, a black-haired youth in
a dark blue robe hovered in the sky. He hadn't put away his magic sword yet;
the white glow around him hadn't faded either.

It was Link. He had arrived and saved Bryant.

Why did he do that? Doesn't he know that I've always wanted to kill him?
Bryant was utterly confused.

"Don't hesitate!" Link yelled. "That's the servant of the God of Destruction! We
must fight together!"

As he spoke, he glanced at his vision and chose to accept the mission. It was a
follow-up mission to the last one.


Mission Content: Help the High Elves defeat the servants of the God of
Destruction. Protect the Silver Storm Sparrows from damage.

Mission Reward: 20 Jogu

Additional Reward: The player will receive five Jogu with every Silver Storm
Sparrow saved.

Link was too lazy to do something as unrewarding and difficult as protecting the
Silver Storm Sparrows.

In reality, he'd already arrived when the servant of the God of Destruction had
attacked the first Silver Storm Sparrow, but he'd just watched. He gave up on
the additional fifteen Jogu.

When the three Silver Storm Sparrows all sank and the servants prepared to
attack the surviving High Elves, Link pretended to have just arrived and saved

Link wasn't a nice guy, and the High Elves weren't either. Bryant thought that
Link had killed his granddaughter and probably wanted to take revenge.
But now, the God of Destruction's servants had appeared. Link guessed that
they wanted to destroy the fleet to intensify the conflicts between Ferde and the
Isle of Dawn. Link could use this chance to make the High Elves realize how
powerful the God of Destruction was—to let them know there was a terrible
enemy lurking in the shadows. That way, they wouldn't keep bothering Link.

As for whether the High Elves would suffer great casualties, Link didn't care.
As far as he knew, there were more than forty Silver Storm Sparrows. Losing
three would just make the lesson memorable.

These thoughts were all running through Link's mind. No one knew. Judging by
his actions, he had shown up to help at the most critical moment.

On the other hand, Bryant seemed to wake from his trance at Link's words.
Faced with this big enemy, he had no other thoughts. He could only choose to
ally with the human. "I don't know where he's hiding!" he yelled.

The most awkward thing was that he wouldn't fear these enemies if they were
face to face, but they were hiding in the sea for surprise attacks. Their hiding
techniques were advanced, too. He had no target at all; he was a sitting goose.

As he spoke, Link moved his force field to approach him. He took out his magic
sword and pointed at the sea's surface. "I'll save the people first. Watch out for

Spatial Distortion: Symmetrical Gravity Force Field!

A huge force field spread out, pressing down across thousands of feet of water.

Something strange happened. Under the force field, the seawater became
concave, dipping down dozens of feet. It looked like a basin in the middle of the
sea. The High Elf survivors in the area felt the opposite force. They had been
struggling to escape from the scary silver fish but now, they floated into the air.

From the beginning of the attack to then, only around eighty High Elves were
still left. The enemy was obviously very skilled.

When they floated in the air, the fish in the sea tried to jump up to attack.
However, the force field acted on them, multiplying their weight.
Plop, plop. Two fish burst from the sea but were forced back down before they
could reach thirty feet above sea level. They couldn't catch up with the floating

This scene was too astounding. All the High Elf Magicians, including spatial
Magician Vonhelon, were all dumbfounded. They couldn't believe a Legendary
Magician could have such mind-blowing power!

"Take them away!" Link roared.

As soon as he spoke, there were small poofs from the sea. Some dark red beams
shot towards him. They also contained horrible destructive intent, trying to
crush Link's will.

However, he was different from Bryant.

Legendary Dragon Power coursed through his veins. He also had the Heart of
the Dragon. His soul was protected by layers of Dragon Power and wasn't
affected at all. This was a dragon's natural advantage. Otherwise, they wouldn't
survive the chaos in the Void when they entered the Sea of Void.

Link didn't move, but he was multitasking. Poof, poof, poof. Three balls
containing black vortexes appeared before him. They were Despair Balls.

However, the three destructive beams didn't hit the Despair Balls because they
were stopped halfway through.

A watery shield more than fifteen feet wide shot up before Link. The watery
surface crystallized, turning into a smooth mirror. The next moment, the beams
hit the mirror. Poof, poof, poof. The shield melted, but the beams reflected back
into the sea.

Bryant had acted.

At the same time, the other Magicians, led by Vonhelon, reacted too. They
started to help the survivors Link had pulled into the air.

There were more than thirty Magicians and they were all above Level-7.
Vonhelon was at Level-9. Helping the survivors was an easy task. They quickly
grabbed them all and started retreating.
Link deactivated the large scale force field. During this process, his eyes
remained on the sea. He had the Vision of Truth; this was his greatest
advantage. The enemy couldn't hide when he had this vision.

The sea didn't exist in his eyes. He had confirmed the enemies' locations during
the last attack. Under the Vision of Truth, he saw three light spots hiding in the
water. They looked like Agatha Nagas.

"I see them," he called to Bryant. "They're 300 feet deep. I'll point them out and
you attack!"

Bryant shook his wand. The silver leaf flew out and floated beside him, waiting
for Link to point out the targets.

Link focused his gaze and pointed the Dragon King's Fury sword in the air.

Poof. A Despair Ball appeared before Bryant. He'd seen this spell before. After
a moment of hesitation, he shot the leaf into the ball.

At the same time, another Despair Ball opened up beside a Naga. The silver leaf
shot out and buried into the Naga.

The Naga had a sturdy divine shield. When the silver leaf collided with it, there
was a bright flash. After a tenth of a second, the leaf dimmed and returned to
Bryant. The Naga's shield had thinned too. Only one more hit was needed.


Another Despair Ball appeared before Link. He stabbed his sword in. Poof! The
sword tip was behind the Naga. It easily broke through the thin shield and
stabbed into the Naga's head.

"One down, two to go. Again!"

Link tossed another Despair Ball to Bryant. This time, Bryant didn't hesitate at
all. He shot his silver leaf in, his intensity at least ten percent stronger than

The leaf fought with the divine shield again. Waves tossed, and the shield was
destroyed. The Naga was hit by the leaf, too. She didn't die, but she became
dazed. Link stabbed again and easily took care of her.

Two of the three were killed almost instantly. The third felt something amiss
and fervently swam deeper. At the same time, two large silver fish swam
towards her to protect her.

"One more. She's about to escape. I'll force her out and you get ready!" Link

Poof! A Despair Ball appeared. It was more than thirty feet wide and used up
more than 2,000 Dragon Power points. At the same time, another six-foot-wide
Void Destructor fireball appeared on his other hand. He waited instead of
rushing the attack.

When the Naga and two fish grouped together, he tossed the Void Destructor
into the Despair Ball.

Boom! Bryant saw a huge flash under the water. The entire sea turned crystal
red. After that, the sea started swelling up from the fireball's force and became

In Link's Vision of Truth, he saw that the three guys had the daylights blasted
out of them. The two fish and Naga started floating up. The divine shields were
mostly gone, too.

"Now!" Link yelled.

This time, Bryant saw the enemies. They were semi-conscious; it was the best
time for an attack.

His silver leaf pierced the sea surface. It shot through the Naga and then towards
one silver fish. It buried into one of the fish's eyes and out the other, then it went
towards the second one, hitting its head in the same way.

Whoosh. The leaf came back out, returning to Bryant's wand.

The servants of the God of Destruction had all been killed. The sea returned to
Link looked to Bryant and smiled thinly. "Do you feel the power of the God of
Destruction now? He's been watching us from the darkness, trying to make us
fight. That day at the lighthouse, your daughter used similar power to kill me.
After she failed, she suffered from the backlash of the power."

Bryant looked to the ruins of the fight in silence. After some time, he asked,
"Why did you save me?"

He could tell that Link could easily kill them all. The other High Elves were still
alive and could attest to his innocence. He hadn't had to save Bryant at all.

If Bryant had been in this situation, he would have watched Link get killed
without any hesitation, then come out to save the others.

Link smiled. "I want to see if the human hero from 300 years ago really lost his

With that, white light flashed, and half a second later, Link disappeared. Only
Bryant remained, hovering silently above the sea.

After a while, Vonhelon rushed over. "Prophet, are we safe?" he asked.

"Yes. The servants are all dead. Those are the corpses." Bryant pointed at the
Nagas floating on the surface. "Take them back so we can study them."

"Our ship is gone. Where do we go?" Vonhelon asked.

"Go back to Ferde. We'll ask the lord for a ship."

"Will he try to negotiate?"

Bryant frowned slightly. The High Elf's words suddenly felt jarring to his ears.

In the current situation, the Ferde lord was no longer their enemy. They had a
mutual enemy—the God of Destruction. Since Link had saved them, why would
he pull tricks for something as small as a ship? And even if he did, so what? He
had just saved them. They had to repay the act anyhow.

"So what?" he retorted. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"I understand." Vonhelon turned back. He grouped the survivors and flew
towards the mainland.

Bryant didn't speak during the trip. No one knew what he was thinking about.

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Chapter 468: The Shadow of Destruction

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Link had returned to Ferde, he immediately went to the harbor and found
the commander of the navy Grayson there.

"There will be a couple of High Elves coming in later. I want you all to prepare
a three-masted merchant vessel for departure and stock it up with enough water,
food, and medicine. Give the ship to them when they arrive, and just accept
whatever they have to offer for it," said Link.

"Yes, my lord." Grayson found his order to be a bit odd, but as it had come from
the lord of Ferde personally, he did not think too much about it and did as he
was told.

Link then left the harbor. Half an hour later, a soldier reported to him that a
group of High Elves had arrived at the harbor.

Back at the harbor, Grayson saw that there were at least 100 High Elves, every
one of them wearing the same dark green battle robe. Most of them looked
completely worn out, with some of them bearing grievous wounds on their
bodies. One of the more severe ones had even broken an arm.

A white-haired High Elf stepped out from the group and said to Grayson, "You
must be the commander of the navy here. We need a ship to head back to the
Isle of Dawn. Of course, you'll be richly compensated for your troubles."

Saying this, the High Elf took out an exquisitely-crafted magic sword which
emanated thick ripples of magical power. Grayson instantly liked what he saw.
He had already prepared the merchant vessel for the High Elves as ordered by
his lord, and without any reservation accepted the sword with a smile. "You've
arrived just in time. I already have a ship ready for you and your men."

He then called to one of the sailors, "Jadence, take them to their ship."

Bryant was the High Elf who had approached the commander. He was stunned
upon hearing this, not expecting things to go so smoothly that he feared he
might be going into a trap again.

Looking at the mistrustful look on the High Elf's face, Grayson added, "It was
an order from our lord, so don't just stand there, let's get a move on now."

"Oh, I see," said Bryant softly, visibly relieved by this.

After the bustle around the ship had died down, the High Elves were finally
settled on board the ship. As the wind direction was not right, some of the High
Elf Magicians set up a simple wind rune on the ship, and the merchant vessel
slowly began its departure from the harbor.

In no time, they had left the harbor far behind them.

Bryant stood on the deck, silently watching the flickering lights of the harbor in
the distance.

Beside him came the sound of footsteps clacking against the wooden deck. It
was Vonhelon.

He reported, "Prophet, there is medicine on the ship, and our Warriors have
been treated without too much trouble."

"Alright then." Bryant had mixed feelings about this. He did not expect such
thoroughness from Link.

Vonhelon was also visibly troubled by this. They had come with their own
warships, and now, not only were they saved by Link, but they were also riding
his ship back to the Isle of Dawn. It was humiliating, to say the least.

After a while, Vonhelon, spoke, "Prophet, was that really the God of
"Yes. I felt his presence... He's an even more fearsome dark god than the Spider
Queen Lolth. Historical records have shown that his appearances have always
brought about great calamities to all of Firuman. This time... may not be an

Vonhelon let out a long breath, before saying, "This is also a chance for the lord
of Ferde to shine, you know."

The God of Destruction was a mutual enemy to all existence on the continent,
and even the High Elves were powerless to put up any resistance against him.
However, there was a chance that the God of Destruction may be vanquished by
the lord of Ferde himself, and at that point, no one would be able to halt his
progress forward.

Bryant felt even more ill at ease, as he recalled Link's words before he left them
on the ocean. He could not help but sigh. Hero of the humans, huh? It's been
such a long time; I've almost completely forgotten about it. Do I even deserve a
chance to redeem myself now? Bryant thought.

He did not know the answer to that question.


Scorched City

At that moment, Link too felt troubled, not by the High Elves, but by the
emergence of the God of Destruction.

Instead of magically transporting himself back to his Mage Tower as usual, he

had hailed a horse carriage and gotten on it. Link ordered the driver to drive
slowly, and he sat in the carriage in silence, ruminating on how to best deal with
the onslaught of the God of Destruction.

From outside the carriage, the rhythmic clacking of horse hooves could be
heard, along with the sound of wheels grinding against the soil beneath. The city
lights twinkled like stars through the window throughout the whole journey
from the harbor to the Scorched City.

What had happened tonight had at least alleviated the tension between him and
the High Elves, which was probably the only good thing to come from it.
But now, the God of Destruction, who had all this time been lurking in the dark
recesses of the world, had risen to the surface to bare its fiendish fangs and
sharp claws at the world. His dark forces had appeared for the first time at the
City of Lariel, and later below the lighthouse of Ferde's harbor. And tonight, a
High Elf fleet had been obliterated by them on Ferde's waters.

However, this time, Link was able to see through the concealment of these dark
creatures thanks to his Vision of Truth. If Link had not gotten there in time, the
High Elves would surely all be murdered by them in the sea, and there would
most certainly be a war between Ferde and the Isle of Dawn.

Should such a war be allowed to happen, both sides would sustain severe
damage, while the God of Destruction would continue growing in power in the
darkness. He could lash out on the world at any given moment, and there would
be no one to stop him at all.

This was an enemy more cunning and cruel than any Dark Elf or demon.

The atrocity that the God of Destruction's dark creatures has wrought tonight
was horrific, and I fear the worst is yet to come. Where are they now? And what
is their next move? thought Link.

Link realized that he knew little to nothing about the God of Destruction. This
was an enemy he had no knowledge of whatsoever.

He grew even more anxious as he pondered, until finally, he called for the driver
to stop.

"Sir, is something the matter?" The driver did not recognize Link, but he sensed
that he must be an important person.

Link opened the door of the carriage and stepped out. He then tossed a gold coin
to the driver. "Just drop me off here. It's getting late, you should head home

"Many thanks, good sir. You really are a good man." The driver was overjoyed
at being paid such an extravagant fee.
Link walked straight towards a manor not far from where he stood, but he did
not enter the manor. Instead, he went around it till he reached an empty clearing.
He then found a large rock and sat on it.

He took out the rune stone given to him by the Travel Magician Aisenis and
infused magical power into it. A dim white light began shining from it, and Link
set the rune stone on the rock. He then patiently waited.

Around three minutes later, Link sensed a faint ripple in the space forming to
his side. Seconds passed, and a small Yabba man finally materialized into view.
It was the Travel Magician Aisenis.

He saw Link, and his face broke into a smile. "Ah, Magician, it's been a while.
You've certainly grown much stronger than before."

Link cut straight to the point. "You once said that you're just here for the fun of
it, so you must know about the God of Destruction's invasion, don't you?"

"But of course," said Aisenis, still smiling gleefully at him.

"I need information about this. Name your price."

"Well now, aren't you forthright tonight. Not that I mind, anyway." Aisenis
handed Link a scroll. "I'm an honest-to-God businessman, and I like my
numbers in black and white. Here's my price.

Link took the scroll and opened it. There was nothing on it at first, but then
words began taking shape on the paper. Half a second later, he could finally see
what was written on it.

A detailed plan of the God of Destruction's invasion (latest edition), priced at 80


This was a little expensive. At the moment, Link only had 103 pieces in hand.
To have more than half his reserve of Jogus spent in one fell swoop was
something he found difficult to swallow. He opened his mouth, ready to haggle
further with the Magician.

Aisenis waggled a finger at him, knowing what he was about to say. "My price
is written there. No discounts."
"Is this plan updated continually?" Link asked.

"... You really thought this through, eh? You'll have to pay more for a
continually updated plan, though."

Saying this, Link saw that a new price had appeared on the scroll, stating that
every new update would cost him 80 Jogus. This was way too expensive.

"Alright, I'll buy it. Just make sure that you give me the latest information on

The little Jabba man leaped up and shouted, "But of course, swindlery and
scams are far beneath a respectable businessman such as I!"

"Then I'll take it." Link handed a pouch full of Jogus over to Aisenis.

Aisenis' watery pair of eyes flashed at the sight of the pouch. He eagerly took
out a piece of Jogu and bit on it. Laughing out loud, he said, "Ah, genuine Jogu.
This is simply wonderful; I can't believe I've managed to earn this much in one

He gave a pleasant look at Link. "Kid, you've got a bright future ahead of you,
to be able to get this much Jogus in such a short time. I now officially proclaim
you to be my most esteemed customer. Take good care of that scroll. If you
have any problems, just ask it, and of course, if you've stocked up on enough
Jogus, you can summon me any time. Your credit score right now is one star,
and so you're allowed credit for as much as 10 pieces of Jogus. If you can get up
to five stars, I'll even let you in on the best way to deal with spatial cracks. You
can pay me later, of course.

This did not sound like a bad deal. Link nodded and waved the scroll at him.
"Will all that be shown in the plan?"

"Of course, look at the scroll again. It's already written out the whole plan as

Link looked through the scroll again, and sure enough, the paper was now
crammed with words and diagrams detailing the invasion plans of the God of
"Not bad." Saying this, Link felt the air rushing in to fill the sudden emptiness
beside him. Aisenis had already vanished.

Not in the least bit concerned by this, he sat on the rock and began perusing the
scroll intently.

Link was mesmerized by what he read from the scroll. When he finished, he
drew a long breath. "No wonder Duke Abel changed so drastically."

He stood up and was about to leave for the North when suddenly he stopped.

"The scroll said that the duke had absorbed the power of every living being he
killed. As of now, he has already killed 3980 people and is now a Legendary
Warrior. He is also protected by Agatha Nagas from the shadows. I fear that I
may not be a match to him if I were to face him alone, and with the God of
Destruction still fixated on my land, Abel may be alerted immediately by my
absence. I need to flush out the traitors among us!"

Link stood up and headed straight for his Mage Tower. According to the scroll,
there was a cult stronghold worshipping the God of Destruction in Ferde called
Grissin Altar. It had over a hundred core members, and its peripheral members
numbered in the thousands.

He had to destroy the altar, and soon.

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Chapter 469: Time to Repay an Old Friend

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Magician Akensser was still a nice guy. He worked for the money and supplied
very detailed information. He had even marked the enemy's basic power.

This helped Link make specific plans.

The Grecience Altar was mainly used to spy on Ferde's intelligence. The core
worker was only a Level-6 Assassin. They weren't very strong.
Link's goal was just to destroy the God of Destruction's contacts, not kill them.
He didn't care if they ran away. He just didn't want them messing around in his
territory. After he returned to the Mage Tower, he wrote an order to Jacker for
him to make a team responsible for clearing the enemy out.

Meanwhile, he prepared to go north.

According to the scroll, Duke Abel was now at the pinnacle of Level-19. His
power also had attributes of the God of Destruction. He was powerful and found
many excuses each day to kill people and absorb their energy. He would kill at
least fifty people a day; he was getting stronger daily.

Link had to go north!

Other than his speedily rising power, there was something else. Because of his
great power and high class, he had many followers now. He was gradually
becoming a candidate for Norton Kingdom's new king. After King Leon lost the
Hot Springs City, he had become hopeless.

This meant that even if Link could successfully kill Abel, it would cause chaos
in the Orida Fortress. As for what he should do, Link had to plan well.

Currently, his dragon form needed five more months to recover fully. His agility
was a problem. Thus, he had to research a spell for traveling.

Link already had an idea for this. He had planned on using a force field's push to
gain high speed. The theory was simple, but there were many details to take
note of. For example, how to be agile, not leave any trace behind, raise his
maximum speed, and more. These all required detailed optimization.

Time was tight, and he would be too slow by himself. He went to find Alloa and
started discussing the new spell with her.

The two were both obsessed with magic. As soon as they started researching,
they forgot about everything else. Time passed without them realizing.

It was better for Alloa, because she wasn't too busy and had time to do other
Link, though, was the lord. Other than researching spells, he had to write
enchantment books and find time to advise Celine and check important
documents, among other things. He didn't even have time to eat or sleep.

Celine was busy, too. She had fallen in love with enchantment magic. She had
always seen how busy Link was and wished she could become powerful enough
to help him.

Right now, she was practicing shooting, enchantments, and martial arts at the
same time. She was so busy she was out of her mind.

On the other hand, Jacker, commander of the Ferde Army, was creating a team
to clear the altar. The news wasn't a secret amongst the upper level of Ferde.
The next morning, Eliard found Jacker.

Smiling, Eliard said, "I've reached a bottleneck recently. I can help."

He was now at Level-8; his magic knowledge had reached that level too. He
could even do a Level-8 spell. However, he felt that improving more would be
difficult. Thus, he decided to change his mindset while also helping Link.

Jacker had already decided on most of the people. Seeing Eliard, he was
troubled. "The mission is dangerous. You shouldn't go."

Eliard was Link's good friend and now a Level-8 Magician. Everyone knew he
had the potential to become someone great. He could possibly even become
Ferde's next Legendary Magician.

How could Jacker risk losing someone so precious?

Eliard chuckled dryly. "Jacker, I'm not only a scholar. You saw my skills when
we cleared the Ferde Wilderness together."

Jacker shrugged. "It's different now. Our enemies are much stronger than those
small things."

"My friend," Eliard replied seriously, "That's why I need to fight more. My
spells can't just be pretty fireworks… Link is only one person. He's always so
busy and lost all his happiness in life. How can I not help with something so
Jacker was shaken. He quickly nodded. "All right, we're leaving in the
afternoon. Go get ready."

"That's better." Eliard chuckled and returned to the Mage Tower to prepare.

Influenced by Link, Eliard was also obsessed with enchantments. He'd created
some magic equipment in his free time, including a wand, a Burst ring, and
defensive bracelets. He was practically covered in high-level magic equipment
from head to toe.

That wasn't even it. Eliard had also been working on a magic fire gun. He was
mostly done now. He just needed to tie some loose ends.

He'd been inspired by Celine. She had a pair of small guns that were extremely
beautiful and powerful, great for defense.

Of course, Eliard had pride. He knew that Link had made the guns for Celine.
He obviously wouldn't ask Link for help. He would make them himself.

However, he'd still borrowed Celine's guns before working and studied them for
a long while. This wasn't copying—it was referencing. Enchanters didn't

Eliard was a Magician, and magic was his main profession. He only needed one
gun rather than a pair.

Returning to his small enchantment room, Eliard grabbed the half-finished gun.
After an hour, he completed the final stabilizer rune. This rune helped with the
reaction force of the bullet so Eliard could hold the gun more steadily.

This was his own creation. Celine's gun didn't have it.

After finishing, Eliard looked at the eight-inch-long gun. It had a dark blue
luster and was covered in silver runes. He smiled.

This gun was practically identical to Celine's, but the material wasn't as high
quality. It wasn't as powerful, either. It could only create Level-7 attacks, but it
was good enough.
Holding the gun, Eliard thought of how Celine often twirled her gun. He
thought it looked cool and tried it.

Clatter. He spun the gun once and it flew away, falling to the ground.

It hurt Eliard's heart. He quickly grabbed it and examined it closely. He didn't

breathe until he was sure it was okay. My hands aren't agile enough. I'm not
suitable for those cool moves.

Then he took out a bottle of black python oil. He took apart the active parts of
the gun and started oiling them. He'd learned this trick from Lannie. It helped
raise the reliability and durability.

While oiling, he heard a knock on the door. He opened it with his mind. "Come

Footsteps sounded behind him and stopped not too far from him. The person
didn't speak. Finding it strange, Eliard looked back to see Link staring at the

Seeing that Eliard had noticed him, Link complimented, "Nice gun. It's pretty."

"Thanks." Eliard was really satisfied with the gun. "How do you have time
today?" he asked.

Link grabbed a chair and sat down. Chuckling, he asked, "Jacker said you're
going on the mission?"

Eliard put his hand to his forehead and sighed. "Oh, that guy's such a tattletale.
You're not going to let me?"

"Of course… not." Link let out a dramatic sigh. Seeing the expression on
Eliard's handsome face change, he was in a good mood. "Magic isn't just
fireworks. Many times, you need actual fighting to have a breakthrough. I
obviously won't stop you. However, the Grecience Altar is for the God of
Destruction. That guy likes giving his believers extremely powerful destructive
spells. You have to be careful. Here, take this."

Link handed Eliard a semi-transparent runestone. "I call this a Dragon Stone. It
contains highly effective healing magic. You can use it three times, and then it
will recharge automatically. Use it once every three days. As long as you don't
hurt your brain, you can stay alive with it, even if your body is in pieces."

Eliard grabbed the lifesaving object and chuckled. "With this, I can fight
without fear."

"Yes, go without fear. Magic requires unrestrained imagination."

Link patted Eliard's shoulder in encouragement, then left. He'd only given
himself five minutes for this trip and couldn't stay too long.

Watching Link leave, Eliard carefully put away the Dragon Stone. He started
oiling the gun again. Eliard, keep fighting! he encouraged himself.

With Link's support, he had practically perfect conditions for learning magic.
Any Magician who knew would be jealous. Now, he was a powerful Level-8
Magician. It was time to repay his old friend!

In the afternoon, a prepared Eliard left with the team. There were also two
Yabba shooters, more than 100 human shooters, and more than 500 elite human
Warriors. This force was enough for a tiny altar.

Just as the team set off, Duke Abel, who was reading documents in the Orida
Fortress, welcomed a surprise guest.

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Chapter 470: The Northern Duke

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Orida Fortress

Duke Abel tore a piece of paper into pieces in a rage. "All sad, pathetic excuses
for men. Seems like I was too soft on all of you!"
The document was a report concerning the turnout rate to a military draft he had
authorized in a small town in the North. He had expected 3000 recruits from the
place, but only 2000 Warriors were sent back to the fortress, which was only
two-thirds of what he had demanded. Duke Abel was not at all satisfied by this.

At that moment, Abel could feel the bloodlust rising in him. His nose twitched
unconsciously, and his hand reflexively moved towards the handle of his sword.
There was an insatiable thirst growing in him.

He craved the smell of fresh blood. He wanted to see a blood mist spray out of a
body when it was cleaved open by his sword. Most of all, he wanted to hear the
sound his sword would make when piercing through the flesh of another man, as
well as the anguished scream of his victims. He delighted in the murder of small
children, especially little girls. Their soft bodies were like pieces of tofu; one
smooth slice of the sword was all it would take to cut through their flesh, which
offered little to no resistance to the blade.

No, he must not think such thoughts. Should he let himself dwell on them any
longer, he feared that he might once again resume his murderous rampage
outside the walls of the fortress.

His hand gripped tightly on the sword's handle, then let go of it for a couple of
times. As a result of this, his palm was now slick with sweat. After around ten
minutes, Duke Abel finally managed to suppress the urge in him to kill.

He let go of the sword's handle and began reading another document.

Just then, something flashed in the corner of the wall. He immediately had a
hand on his sword, and upon raising his head, saw a dark figure standing in the
shadowy corner of the wall.

"Who are you?" Abel demanded.

"Who I am isn't important. What's important is that you are now in a precarious
position, my dear Marshall," said the dark shadow, its voice sounding almost
pleased about this.

Abel laughed out loud. "Ha, I've already attained Legendary power, it would not
be a stretch to say that I am the strongest Warrior in the fortress. On top of that,
I have with me more than 50,000 Warriors in the fortress. Who would dare
attack me?"

The shadow breathed out a name. "The lord of Ferde, Duke Morani."

At the mention of this name, Abel's face froze up. In an instant, he had changed
into a completely different man. He had enough reason to dread Link, the
Legendary Magician. Not only did he possess formidable magic, but Ferde also
supplied a majority of the fortress' resources. To offend Link would mean a
disruption to that supply of resources, and the whole fortress would be forced to
survive on its stockpiles for at most two months.

After those two months, the Warriors would all be without food, and the fortress
would collapse on itself.

"Why would the lord of Ferde confront me without reason?" Abel anxiously
said to himself.

The black shadow chuckled softly. It was a sharp, whistle sound, which made
Abel uncomfortable. He was itching to dive at the intruder and cut him in half,
but for now, he would like to hear what it had to say next. So he managed to
restrain all murderous impulses in him for as long as he could.

The shadow then spoke once more, "Because of the power you've gained.
You're growing stronger through the act of killing. Did you not find it strange,
this craving in you for blood and murder?"

Though its voice was soft, in Abel's ear, it had sounded like a thunderclap. "Yes,
what kind of power derives itself from murder anyway? Even the demons aren't
capable of this. I've been feeling more and more bloodthirsty lately. If I were to
go one whole day without killing someone, I would feel ill at ease and even find
it difficult to sleep at night. I even found myself going through the memory of
killing a little girl just now... How is this any different from a demon?"

He had already sensed that there was something wrong with him, but he dared
not go into it further. Now, as he reflected on his past actions, he could not help
but work up a cold sweat.
Duke Abel had not felt the least bit horrified while indulging in his killing spree.
After hearing all this said to him by someone else, though, he could not believe
he was even capable of such a thing.

Who was behind the dark shadow?

"You hiding in the shadows, show yourself!" Abel drew his sword out. If the
intruder chose not to reveal himself, he would not hesitate to kill him where he

The figure chuckled again and stepped out of the shadows. It was a little girl
dressed in a black silk dress. Her body was somewhat serpentine, and her
features were exquisitely sculpted and sturdy. She looked at Abel with a sly

"Ah... You're... It's you!"

Duke Abel took a step backwards. His mind was thrown into disarray. The girl
looked exactly the same as the angel of light who had granted him his power.
The only difference was their clothing.

"Yes, it's me. I was the one who had gifted you the power of murder. Thanks to
me, you've become a Legendary Warrior. Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

"You... You're a demon!" Duke Abel realized he had been tricked.

The girl in the black dress violently waved a hand with a look of disdain on her
face. "Don't lump me in with demons. Those pea-brained brutes are nothing
more than my slaves. Oh, my dear Marshall, try not to be too hung up on who I
am and start worrying about your current predicament. As far as I know, Link's
on his way to the North, and he already knows about your little secret. If I were
you, I would start thinking about how best to defend yourself against the
Magician's wrath."

Abel fell back onto his chair, muttering, "It's useless, I'm no match for someone
who can extinguish 1000 demons by himself. What's the point of reaching
Legendary if I can't even go up against that kind of power? I'm finished. My
hands are stained with blood. There's no way he would forgive me for what I've
done... I'm ruined, ruined!"
Duke Abel began cradling his head and mumbling to himself, with fear, shame
and anger all mingled up in him.

The little girl laughed again. "What a coward you turned out to be. Aren't you
supposed to be Duke Abel, the marshall of the northern army, with countless
Warriors and Magicians who have sworn their allegiances to you? What have
you to fear from Link and his entourage of no more than ten people?"

"He has the power to wipe out an entire army by himself!"

"That's because no other Warrior has ever been an equal match for him. But
now, you're a Legendary Warrior like him, not to mention the fact that the
Warriors in the fortress are all ordinary men. Do you really think he would risk
using any area-of-effect spells on them? No, he won't. These Warriors will serve
as nothing more than a human meat shield against the Magician. Do you

Stunned momentarily by those words, Duke Abel's rage finally overcame the
fear and shame in him. "That's right, I'm the marshall here. Link has no right
whatsoever to judge me. He's just the whelp of a viscount. No, I won't succumb.
I'll fight. I must... I must end him!"

The bloodlust that Duke Abel had been suppressing in him all this time finally
erupted, with a faint red aura radiating off his body. There was now a blood-red
gleam in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it," cooed the girl in the black dress softly. "There's a small town
called Gladstone 100 miles north from here where the rage epidemic had once
again reared its head. You should take your men there to keep things under
control. There are around 10,000 people living there, by the way."

Abel felt a sudden chill in his blood at those words. He roared at her, "Leave

"As you wish, I've already said what I needed to say. Whatever you do next is
entirely up to you." The girl in the black dress retreated back to the corner of the
wall and vanished into the shadows.

Duke Abel sensed that something was off. The guards outside should have
rushed in immediately to check on him as soon as he started screaming and
shouting in the room. However, nothing happened when the girl had vanished
without a trace from the place.

Duke Abel slumped back in his chair, not at all bothered to check with the
guards outside. His bloodshot eyes stared absently at the ceiling of his study, as
the words of the girl in the black dress echoed still in his head.

Gladstone, the rage epidemic, the murderous demon, Link's judgment... These
words swirled persistently in his head like a curse hanging over him.

After a long while, Duke Abel finally shouted, "Guards! Guards!"

The door to his study opened, and a young Warrior entered with a look of
reverence as he gazed at the duke before him. "Marshall, how can I be of

"Go, bring my daughter Annie to me!"

"Yes, Marshall." The young Warrior then stepped back out of the room.

Abel took out a pen and paper and began writing a letter. As he scribbled on, his
words became even more muddled up. Once or twice, he stopped writing
altogether and stared at the paper as if he could not decide whether to tear it up
or not.

In the end, he could not bring himself to do such a thing.

A few minutes later, he finally finished the letter and inserted it into an
envelope. He then sealed it up with his coat of arms, and at that moment, the
door opened once more. Annie, who was wearing green-black leather armor,
entered the room, her face cold and indifferent. When she saw her father, she
spoke coldly, "What are your orders, Marshall?"

"Take this letter to the North and give it to Master Link. He is now on his way
here. Take Kanorse with you, too."

"Yes, Marshall." Annie took the letter from him and then asked, "Anything else,
Duke Abel knew why his daughter had been acting so distant towards him. She
had objected to his genocidal campaign against the common folk back in
Garrason, but he did not heed her words.

"That's it. You can go now. The sooner you leave, the better! Remember, do not
give this letter to anyone else, even if they claim to be doing it under my name.

"Understood." This provoked a strange look from Annie, but she went off to
carry out her orders nonetheless.

After a while, Duke Abel heard the sound of hooves outside. He quickly looked
out of the window and saw that Annie and Kanorse had left Orida Fortress on
their horses.

Like a trapped beast, he paced the room for half an hour, thinking of what to do
next. Suddenly he shouted, "Guards! Guards, come quick!"

The guards outside rushed into the room. "Marshall, is there something wrong?"

"Princess Annie and Kanorse have betrayed me. Contact M13 immediately!
Have the commander there send someone to apprehend them! Quick, time is of
the essence, under no circumstances are they allowed to escape our grasp!"
Duke Abel roared.

"Yes, I understand." The soldier hurriedly went out of the room to carry out the
marshall's order.

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Chapter 471: Are We at a Dead End Already?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Crack, crack, whoosh, whoosh.

In the mountainous forest, one man and one woman flew by, one after another.
It was Kanorse and Annie who had just left the fortress. They'd already run
more than ten miles and were panting for breath, but they didn't dare slow

"Hurry, Annie. They're catching up!" Kanorse urged from the front. He was a
Level-9 Warrior and was much stronger than Annie, a Level-7 Assassin. He was
in better shape.

However, he was totally out of breath too. When they faced those scouts from
the MI3 earlier, he'd blocked almost all of the arrows. At the last moment, he
even activated Battle Aura to escape with Annie. This used up a lot of his

Annie didn't speak. She maintained her breathing pattern and sped up slightly.

She was in bad shape. Her leather armor had split open, revealing many injuries.
The deepest wound was at her waist. She'd been sliced by a dagger, and the
blade had dug in half a centimeter. Every step sent pain flaring up her side.

After sprinting for half an hour, they burst free from the forest and returned to
the main road. There were no soldiers here. They began sprinting again.

Tut-tut, tut-tut. Clattering of hooves sounded before them. Shaken, the two hid
behind a tree and listened closely.

They heard voices.

"It's so tragic. The epidemic appeared in Gladstone too."

"They're done. The Bloody Butcher is coming for a massacre again."

"Ah, the world is becoming messier and messier. How are we supposed to

"Let's not care about all that. We'll go south after getting our reward. I heard
that Ferde is good right now. There's a Legendary Magician protecting the place
too. I bet it's safe."

"That's right."
The voices got closer. "They're mercenaries for hunting demons," Kanorse
whispered. "Two of them. Judging from the sounds, their horses are good. Rest
here, and I'll go steal their horses."

Annie nodded. She really couldn't keep running. It would be better with a horse.

Kanorse ran out. After a while, Annie heard some muffled sounds and then a
whistle. She walked out and saw Kanorse leading two horses over. Not too far
from him, the two bruised mercenaries rolled on the ground in pain.

"Get on," Kanorse called. He gave Annie a black horse that was more muscular
of the two.

They mounted the horses. When they passed the mercenaries, Annie tossed
down some gold coins. "Don't go north. It's not safe. Take the money and hurry
to the South!"

The two mercenaries had thought that they had the worst luck and were about to
cry. Seeing the money, their bruised eyes brightened. They immediately flipped
over and fought for the coins.

After that, Kanorse and Annie urged their horses forward and galloped
southward on the road. They only slowed down after half an hour when the
horses were tired and changed to a trot.

By now, the strong tonic Annie had drunk earlier went into effect. Her side
wound had closed and was both numb and itchy. It didn't hurt anymore.

"Why would the general try to catch us?" Kanorse asked the question that had
been bothering him.

Annie was drinking water. Hearing this, she answered coldly, "He went mad… I
can feel that it's not my father inside that shell. It's a demon!"

"Your Highness, are you sure?" Kanorse was in disbelief. He thought Annie was
just saying things out of anger.

Annie sighed. "It's what I suspect. Earlier, he gave me a letter to send to the
South. He specifically said that even if he sends someone to take it back, I
should ignore it. He seemed conflicted when he said that as if there was another
soul inside him."

Kanorse was terrified at this. The venom of the Dark Serpent had invaded him
before so he could relate to this feeling. At that time, there was another
consciousness fighting for control of his body. When he lost control, it would be
like he was asleep. He wouldn't know what he did at all.

But when he had been controlled, he emitted strong dark energy. The general
didn't. The priest in the fortress said he was very normal.

So what was going on? Kanorse didn't understand.

The two were quiet after that. They both had heavy thoughts.

After around half an hour, they reached a boulevard with trees on both sides.
Here, Kanorse's ears suddenly twitched. He pulled the reins immediately.

"What's wrong?" Annie already had a crossbow in her hands. She looked

Kanorse also grabbed his lightning magic sword. "This road isn't normal," he
whispered. "I think I hear something odd."

The two looked around cautiously.

Cuckoo, cuckoo. A bird sang loudly in the forest, and a few birds flew into the

Scritch, scratch. A few squirrels jumped around on branches and fought with
each other. They looked normal.

After a while, Annie shook her head slightly. She didn't find anything wrong.

Kanorse also looked unsure. He really had felt something weird, but he couldn't
pinpoint it. Giving up, he kept up his guard while saying, "Maybe I heard
wrongly. Let's go."
Annie grasped her automatic crossbow too. This crossbow was custom-made
and very powerful. Link had personally modified it for her too. It had Level-8
strength. She kept looking left and right, fully alert.

After a few hundred feet, nearly solid, white fog suddenly appeared before
them. It was evening now, and the temperature was dropping. It was quite
normal for fog to appear in a northern forest. However, they were being chased,
and the fog would obstruct their vision. It was quite scary to walk in like this.

"What do we do?" Annie asked.

As soon as she spoke, there were short consecutive sounds. She could see
something moving around in the trees.

Annie was on high alert. Hearing the noises, she raised her crossbow and
pressed the trigger. Bang, bang, bang. Arrows shot forward.

Argh! There was a sharp cry, and a wild boar ran out. Its stomach had a gaping
hole, but it was still alive and ran away crazily.

Seeing this, Kanorse sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just a wild boar… careful!"

He saw a black shadow suddenly appear behind Annie's horse. They'd found a
great location—it was Annie's blind spot!

Seeing that the man was about to attack, Kanorse unsheathed his sword with a
clang. Power surged into it, and there was a loud crack. A bolt of lightning
struck towards the shadow.

He was now at Level-9 and could instantaneously cast Level-9 lightning attacks.
As long as the opponent was below Level-9, they would all be defeated with
one bolt of lightning.

But this shadow wasn't!

Dark red light glowed around him. When the lightning struck, the white light
enveloped him like a silver web. It looked beautiful but was stopped outside the
red glow. The man wasn't hurt or obstructed at all.
However, Kanorse's attack reminded Annie. She didn't know where the enemy
was, so she didn't attack. Instead, she activated an Assassin's Battle Technique:
Instant Step.

Gray mist flashed around her, and she teleported 30 feet, appearing behind a big
tree. Then she reached out and located the enemy according to sound. She shot
arrows continuously at the black shadow.

The enemy's red glow was highly effective against pure magic attacks, such as
lightning, flames, and wind knives. However, it was nothing against solid
attacks like these arrows. These attacks could only be defended with battle
armor or specific spells. He didn't have any of these.

Faced with the powerful arrows, the black shadow dodged quickly. This was the
best time for an attack.

Kanorse jumped down from his horse and pounced towards the shadow. But
when he was in mid-air, he heard the triggers of a crossbow and whistles in his

"Another Assassin!" Shocked, Kanorse waved his lightning sword, blocking the
arrows. He blocked nine in one second and landed on the ground.

Once he landed, he charged towards the shadow that attacked Annie. At the
same time, he yelled, "Your Highness, be careful! There are two of them!"

Behind the tree, Annie had already emptied a quiver. She took out a new one
and reached out, shooting towards the other shooter without hesitation.

Kanorse was dealing with the black shadow. Annie was sure that, if one-on-one,
Kanorse could definitely defeat him. She just had to create this situation for
him—if only for one second.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. Arrows flew through the forest and then Annie heard
crisp clangs. The enemy had blocked her arrows. Judging from the sounds, they
did so easily.

So powerful and fast! Annie was shocked at this. Her arrows were Level-8 and
could pass through Level-8 material. If the enemy was so casual, they must be at
The shadow had blocked Kanorse's lightning bolt earlier. He must be at Level-9

These two Level-9 fighters had popped up out of nowhere and even had
automatic crossbows that were solely for the army. Who were they? Where they
her father's lackeys?

These thoughts flashed past her mind. At the same time, she emptied another
quiver and pulled back to refill it. Then she heard Kanorse yell, "Your
Highness, move!"

What accompanied his voice was a wild whistling sound. Annie knew
immediately that it was a Level-9 attack!

In danger, she activated the Instant Step again, jumping away from the tree.
Almost at the same time, the tree she had hidden behind was shot through with a
glowing red spear.

The spear was extremely powerful. It didn't hit Annie, but while passing
through the tree, the air current and wooden shards crashed into Annie. Her
body shook in the air as if something dug into her back. She lost balance and
crashed onto the ground.

Boom! She fell around 60 feet away into some bushes. Then she got up to hide
behind another tree. As soon as she got up, her legs lost power, and she lost
control, falling to the ground.

Now, she felt extreme pain from her back. She reached behind and discovered
her armor had been ripped apart. It was warm and wet, covered in blood. She
seemed to feel some bloody holes too.

Then she realized she couldn't move at all. Her entire body seemed to be

"Your Highness!" Kanorse exclaimed. He grabbed his sword and fought with all
his might. One second later, he was stabbed in the side, but he beheaded the

Yanking out the spear in his waist, he threw it towards the other Assassin
without thinking. Without looking at the result, he sprinted into the forest and
grabbed the heavily wounded Princess Annie. He activated the Battle Aura and
ran into the dense forest.

He could feel blood flowing down his waist and his energy disappearing.
Princess Annie's breathing was weakening too. After a while, he heard noises
behind him. The Assassin had caught up.

They seemed to have come to a dead end.

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Chapter 472: Trouble Ahead

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Assassin was getting closer behind them. Six hundred feet, 500 feet, 400
feet—the distance between them began to shrink.

He had taken severe damage to his abdomen from the enemy, who was also a
Level-9 Warrior like him. Only death awaited both him and Princess Annie if he
were to go up against such an adversary head-on.

He ran through the woods, looking left and right frantically for a safe place to
hide themselves.

Huge globs of fresh blood flowed out from the open wound and spattered on the
ground. Kanorse felt himself growing weaker by the minute. Suddenly, he heard
Annie's weak voice from his arms.

"Kanorse, leave me... I... can't go on. Take... the letter, go north, give it to Link."

Annie's hand was dripping with fresh blood, which had also stained the letter
itself. Her face was deathly pale at this point, and her eyes were noticeably
dilated. Kanorse began to panic at the sight of this.

"Hold on, Your Highness! Hold on!" Kanorse gnashed his teeth and exerted the
last of his strength to widen the distance even more between themselves and the
He was a Warrior, and he would be damned if he were to let Princess Annie die
here with him!

But as determined as he was, there was no point in resisting the inevitable.

Kanorse's burst of speed did not last long. Three minutes later, exhaustion
finally caught up to him. Due to the intense exertion, the wound on his waist
had opened up even more. Half of his body had gone numb, and both his legs
had turned to lead. At this point, it was like wading through knee-deep mud.

In his arms, Princess Annie had gone silent. She seemed to have passed out,
though she clutched tightly still Link's letter, which was now crumpled into a
ball and soaked in her blood.

There was still nothing but the forest in front of them, which began to grow
denser as he ventured deeper into it. His senses sluggish, he had lost all sense of
direction and now ran in whatever direction the path in front of him took.

Before long, his vision began to blur. He laughed somewhat bitterly to himself,
"Is this it for me?"

A few seconds later, something incredible happened.

Kanorse saw his body running on ahead of him. Like an observer from the
outside, he was now looking on as his own body bolted straight on without him.

This was too unreal.

He looked down at himself, and saw that his limbs had become transparent,
along with Princess Annie. It was like holding air in his arms.

Kanorse stopped running. "Am I a spirit? Am I dead now?"

As he stopped to wonder at his current state, a voice called to him from behind a
tree, "Don't just stand there, come over here!"

Kanorse turned to wherever the voice came from, but could not see anything.
He realized then that this must be the act of a Magician.
He walked over to the tree, and saw to his surprise three people squatting behind

He instantly recognized Skinorse among them. The other two were a young
woman with wavy hair and a middle-aged man wearing a grey wide-brimmed
hat. Judging from his appearance, Kanorse reckoned that the latter must be a

He opened his mouth to speak, but then Skinorse pressed a finger on his lips.
"Shh, not a word."

Skinorse then took out Annie's spatial bracelet from her wrist and brought out
her crossbow from the bracelet.

"This is good stuff!" whispered Skinorse in admiration, and then from the
spatial bracelet he took out the crossbow's quiver. He turned to his companions
and spoke, "Alright now, the Assassin's approaching. Make sure she doesn't see

Kanorse held his breath, one hand gripping tightly on his sword.

A while later, the Assassin ran past the tree without even noticing them behind
it, as she intently pursued the magical illusion still running up ahead.

Looking at this, Skinorse gave the Magician a thumbs-up, and mouthed out his
words noiselessly, "Morrigan, your spell worked like a charm!"

The Magician grinned back at him, apparently pleased at this as well.

The Assassin had now disappeared off into the depths of the woods in pursuit of
the magical illusion.

Skinorse stood up and said, "It's not safe here, we'd best get a move on. Give me
the princess, Kanorse."

Now extremely weakened from the loss of blood, Kanorse handed Annie over to
Giving the princess a glance, Skinorse frowned and said to the young woman
beside him in an urgent tone, "She's badly injured. I can barely feel her
heartbeat. Moya, quick, she's in need of an emergency divine spell!"

The young woman did not need to be told twice. Her hand was already holding
a white globe of light, which she pressed against Annie's chest. Kanorse could
see clearly that Annie had begun breathing even more deeply.

It was definitely a good thing they had a priestess in their midst.

Skinorse then waved a hand at them. "Alright, let's go. The Naga may be back
for us soon."

Saying this, he began leading the way through the woods. He seemed to be the
most familiar with this stretch of the woods. After walking along a narrow
pathway through the woods, the sound of running water finally reached their
ears from up ahead. After a while, in front of them appeared a cliff, which was a
hundred feet drop to the ground. A waterfall thundered down along the cliff

"This way, everyone this way. Morrigan, you're up."

Skinorse then tied a rope around everyone's waist, while Morrigan began
casting Levitation on each member of the party.

"Now jump!"

Skinorse was the first to jump down the cliff, and his two other companions
followed suit. Still having his reservations about this, he jumped after the others

The five of them started free-falling along the waterfall. When they reached 50
feet off the ground at the midsection of the waterfall, Morrigan released a Level-
3 Gale spell.

With the sudden gust of wind, all five of them were blown towards the waterfall
while floating in mid-air. Just when they were about to collide against the
waterfall, Morrigan gave his wand another flick, and from the water jutted out a
rock which split the downward current of water in half. A two-foot-high, three-
feet-wide hole had appeared below the waterfall.
The group floated into the hole, and the rock closed up behind them, bringing
the curtain of water back down against the cliff face.

The cave that they found themselves in was around 100 square feet, and the air
inside was somewhat humid. With a wave of his wand, Morrigan gathered all
the water in the air into a small sphere of water. He then guided the ball of water
out of the cave back through the hole beneath the waterfall with his wand. In an
instant, the cave felt drier and more comfortable than before.

With a laugh, Skinorse explained, "This is a hiding hole carved out from the
cliff face with stone magic by Morrigan himself. It's pretty handy. With the
waterfall outside cloaking our presences, the Naga should not be able to find us

While saying this, he placed Annie on a stone platform, letting the priestess to
begin treating the princess' wounds. Kanorse let out a sigh of relief and took out
a bottle of Greater Healing Potion to drink from it.

"If I were you, I wouldn't start drinking potions now," said the priestess Moya
all of a sudden without looking at Kanorse. She was slowly extracting out the
broken pieces of wood from Annie's back with a silver scalpel.

Somewhat surprised, Kanorse put down the potion. "Then what should I do?"

"Lie down there. I'll heal you after this," said Moya reassuringly.

She seemed to be an expert in the healing arts among the group. Kanorse
shrugged and found another stone platform to lie on.

Skinorse gave Kanorse a wide grin, pointed at Moya, then gave him a thumbs-
up. He whispered, "She's the leader of this group, her word is law here."

Kanorse smiled weakly back. He knew that he could trust Skinorse, despite his
treasure-hunting tendencies. He relaxed himself on the stone platform.

"Morrigan, I need some clean water," said Moya.

"Coming." Morrigan went to the waterfall and filled a silver dish with water
from it. A fireball appeared from the tip of his wand and melted into the water,
which then began to boil violently. About ten seconds later, Morrigan drew out
the fireball from the water, bringing the water temperature down in an instant.
All impurities had been removed completely from the water as a result.

Morrigan then brought the water to Moya. Looking at Annie's back, he sighed.
"Her wound looks deep."

Moya washed the silver scalpel in the water and continued cleaning Annie's
wound. "It's truly a good thing none of her vital points were hit. The biggest
hurdle here is removing every single piece of broken wood from her body. If I
miss even one, there may be complications."

Moya once again conjured a ball of light in her hand and began repairing a
broken blood vessel.

As she treated Annie in concentration, on the other side of the cave, Skinorse
and Kanorse had begun a conversation with each other.

Skinorse asked, "Why were you being chased by those Nagas?"

Kanorse was somewhat confused. "Nagas? You mean those two Assassins?"

"Of course, didn't you notice how supple their bodies were? We had crossed
paths with them a week ago... I would have surely died right there if I had not
run fast enough," said Skinorse, still looking tense from the memory.

"Tch, I was the one who saved you. You even tore a big hole in the crotch of
your pants," added Morrigan.

Skinorse blushed furiously. "I just couldn't use my portal rune in time. Do you
guys even have one?"

He took out a red runestone and began brandishing it in the others' faces.

Kanorse asked, taken aback by this, "Wasn't this given to you by Master Link?"

"He cheated it from him!" Morrigan interjected.

"To deceive others is a talent in itself, and sadly, not many are gifted in it," said
Skinorse slyly. He put back the runestone, and then asked, "I see that both of
you are heading south and that there's a letter in Princess Annie's hand. Whose
letter is it, if I may ask?"

Skinorse brought out the letter that was drenched in the princess' blood.

Kanorse did not bother hiding the truth. "We were to send it to Master Link on
the marshall's orders... Seems that the marshall has come across some

"I see. Well, let's have a look at the letter then, shall we?" said Skinorse.

"No, it's only for Master Link's eyes... Ah, you..."

Skinorse had already torn open the envelope. "Don't be such a stiff, Kanorse.
I'm just taking a peek at the letter, it's not like I'm going to swallow it."

He took out the letter, and after reading it a few times, he frowned at it, clearly
troubled by its content.

When he had finished reading the letter, Skinorse gulped, wet his dried-out lips
with his tongue, and stared at his companions. "There's gonna be trouble,
people!" he said hoarsely.

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Chapter 473: Destiny Cannot Be Defied

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Waterfall cave

Skinorse read the contents of the letter.

"Master, I cannot control the demon in my heart… The will to kill is eating
away at my soul. A sinister existence is tempting me. She also planted a plague
in Gladstone… Ah, I must control myself… no, no, that's too hard. I don't know
what I may do. I just want to kill right now. I want to kill everyone… I need
power… ah, I can't control myself anymore!"
Both the letter's content and handwriting were messy. There would be pauses
occasionally too. One could feel the writer's conflicted thoughts. Skinorse read
softly; the content made everyone in the cave quiet down.

When he finished, the cave was silent. The only sounds came from Priest Moya.
She was treating Annie's wounds. Her expression was still calm, and her
movements were steady. She didn't seem affected at all.

After a long while, Kanorse said, "I saw General massacre Garrason Town with
my own eyes. Many innocent civilians were killed just for interacting with
victims of the plague. There were more than 30,000 people in the town. Less
than 800 survived. If Gladstone really had the plague, I'm afraid…"

Gladstone City had a population of more than 100,000. The army had gone once
the plague erupted. With the general's current state, there must have been an
unprecedented massacre.

"I'm afraid Master Link might be the only one to stop Duke Abel," Morrigan
said. "We must bring this letter to him."

"Who'll do it?" Skinorse asked.

As soon as he spoke, everyone looked at him, including Priest Moya.

"Your Battle Aura is now at Level-8," Morrigan said. "You're best at sneaking
around, and you're fast. You aren't hurt either. You are the most suitable."

"By myself?" Skinorse wasn't confident. Nagas had stopped Kanorse earlier.
This meant that they knew about the letter's existence.

He knew first-hand how terrifying the Nagas were. If he ran into them on the
way, he would basically be dead meat.

At that time, Moya pulled all wooden shards from Annie's back. She took out a
thin silver needle and threaded it to start stitching up Annie's wound. While
threading carefully, she said, "Princess Annie and Kanorse's injuries are very
grave. This is a juncture. Especially Kanorse, I can feel that his energy has
changed. When he recovers, he might level up to the Legendary state, but this
requires rest. He shouldn't exert too much energy for the next month."
Morrigan shrugged. "I'll only hold you back. My magic is needed to keep this
cave hidden as well."

Skinorse made a face and scratched his head. "I shouldn't have looked at the
letter. Now I've dug a ditch for myself."

If he knew this would happen, he would've minded his own business instead of
saving them.

Kanorse looked apologetic. "Should I go with you?"

Skinorse sighed, shaking his head. "It's fine. You're so injured, you'll kill me."

He put the letter away and said to everyone in the cave, "Alright, I'm going now.
This will be very dangerous. If you have any lifesaving things, please give me

Moya tossed over a bottle. "This is a highly effective potion, equal to a Level-7
healing spell. Use it when needed."

Morrigan tossed him a ring. "Apparition Ring. This is what keeps me alive. You
know how to use it, right?"

"I know; I've wanted this ring for a long time. Thanks."

Kanorse thought for a while. He didn't have anything and could only shrug.

Skinorse wasn't surprised at this. Kanorse was a pure Warrior and only knew
how to fight head on. He wasn't from a high-class family either. The only good
thing on him was the sword that Link had made for him.

If he had any lifesaving things, he wouldn't get beaten by the Nagas so badly.

"It's alright. These things and Princess Annie's crossbow should be enough."
Skinorse put everything away and said, "Time is tight, so I'll go now. Moya, if
anything happens, don't cry for me. Just pray, and I'll go to heaven happily."

"Psh!" Moya rolled her eyes and went back to the treatment, ignoring him.
Skinorse chuckled. He turned to look at the waterfall and took a deep breath.
Then he said to Morrigan, "Give me a waterproof shield."

Morrigan took down a Level-2 Protective Barrier. A glassy glow enveloped

Skinorse, and he started running. At the mouth of the cave, he jumped in a
standard diving form. He burst out of the waterfall. Only his voice traveled back
to the cave, "Everyone, the amazing hero has stepped onto an epic path again."

Everyone in the cave was speechless.

Outside, Skinorse slid down the waterfall and quickly entered the pool of water
below. He struggled for a while before he was free from the fast current. By the
time he climbed onto the bank, the protective spell was already dim.

However, its job was done. Skinorse was still dry. His Battle Aura vibrated and
broke the enchantment. The light gray Battle Aura emerged, obscuring his body.

He ducked into the forest and disappeared.

Not long after, a Naga appeared by the water. She circled the place. After a
while, she sped towards the direction that Skinorse had disappeared in.

However, successfully pursuing someone depended on brains instead of speed.

The Naga wasn't very successful. After half an hour, she had to stop because
she'd completely lost Skinorse. She paced around, seemingly very agitated. A
few minutes later, she sped towards another direction. After many miles, there
was an empty space around 150 feet wide. It was an empty camp surrounded by
a wooden wall.

Two big and meaty demons stood by the entrance as guards. There were seven
or eight Nagas and more than 20 Dark Elves inside.

A Dark Elf went up to the Naga. "Lord, you're back."

The Naga nodded and tossed her spear to the Dark Elf. She went towards the
round-topped wooden cabin in the center of the camp. At the door, she knocked
lightly. "Commander?"

"Enter," a soft female voice said. At the same time, the door creaked open.
The Naga walked in. Inside, a black-haired Naga was twisting around in
incredible postures on the ground. She was working out.

Other than the impossible flexible body, the black-haired Naga looked just like
a human girl. Her body was even smaller than the average Naga. The only
special characteristic was a dark red spear mark on the left side of her forehead.

Seeing her subordinate, she brought her feet down from the back of her head.
Glancing at the subordinate's expression, she asked, "Why did you fail? Was
Ellie killed?"

The Naga nodded and spat, "We were going to succeed, but a human Magician
popped out, saving them. I found their aura later, but he's very tricky, and I lost

"Did they take the general's letter?" The black-haired Naga covered her
forehead. She seemed to have a headache. The human general was about to
become the master's killer, but then something like this had to happen.

After a few minutes of silence, she suddenly said, "Link destroyed Master's
altar. This means he will go north soon. Since we can't stop the letter, let's go
stop Link."

"How? We don't know how he'll get there."

"That's easy. Link has Yabbas in his territory, and he has their airships. Since
he's going north, he'll most likely use their ships. That way, he'll go in a straight
line from Ferde to the Orida Fortress. If we go straight south, we'll definitely
run into him."

The other Naga was still hesitant. "Commander," she said softly, "Link is a
Legendary Magician who specializes in spatial magic. I'm afraid we're not his

Earlier, he'd destroyed three altars and killed two pets. This type of ability was
honestly terrifying.

The black-haired Naga scoffed. "He's powerful, but we have more people. I
want to experience his power too! I believe that even if I can't kill him, I can
definitely defeat him. We don't have much time. Let's go now!"
As she spoke, she stood up and grabbed in the air. Light flashed, and a spear
crackling with silver lightning appeared in her hands.

It wasn't just lightning. At closer inspection, one would see that when the spear's
tip cut across the air, it would create ripples. The silver-white body also had a
line of golden Agatha runes.

Translated, it meant, "Destiny cannot be defied."

Seeing the spear, the Naga Warrior was stunned. "The Spear of Victory! Did
Master give it to you?"

The Spear of Victory was an upper order Legendary weapon. It was ranked fifth
of all the Legendary weapons in Agatha history. Usually, the God of
Destruction would only give it to his most beloved and talented Agatha Naga.

The black-haired Naga looked proud. "Yes, he gave it to me. I believe it will
bring victory to us, just like in history!"

The Naga Warrior lowered onto one knee and sighed. "That human Magician is
going to be in trouble!"

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Chapter 474: Who's Ambushing Whom?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ferde, on the airship's platform

The Yabba Battle Airships floated 20 feet off the platform, ready for takeoff. Its
doors were open, waiting for the people on the platform to enter.

The purpose of Link's visit to Orida Fortress this time was to revoke Marshall
Abel's authority, but he could not do this alone. Despite being the Lord of Ferde,
he was not Duke Abel's superior. No matter how high his prestige was, Duke
Abel would not take a command from him.
Of course, if there was anyone who had the power to give such an order to the
duke, it would have to be King Leon himself, who had been residing in Ferde.

And so, King Leon had agreed to come along with him.

Leon had always been concerned about his brother. With the king by his side,
Link now stood on solid ground to take action.

He still needed the strength to defend himself against any opposition.

He would have to face Duke Abel's personal bodyguards, which may include
the Agatha Nagas.

He would not be able to cover every contingency in this operation, which was
why he had brought in a bit of help.

Celine was one of the people Link had brought in. Her Huge Fire Gun had
Level-9 offensive power, and she also had the ability to anticipate attacks. Her
striking distance was an impressive 2000 feet, and Link would certainly have
the upper hand by having her provide covering fire from afar.

She was Link's trump card.

Besides her, Link had assembled 40 Warriors armed with magic pistols. If need
be, they will rain down a Level-7 storm of bullets in an instant.

He had also brought with him three Level-8 Dragon Warriors, including Felina.

This assembly of Warriors, and the magic cannons the Battle Airships were
equipped with should be enough to suppress the entire battlefield.

Before long, everyone had gotten on board. The Battle Airships then began
gaining altitude when everyone was settled on board. Once they reached 6000
feet in the air, the airships began making their way straight towards Orida.

After a while in the air, Link suddenly felt that something was not right.

It was a vague sensation, but he sensed that something might happen if they
were to fly straight towards the fortress.
Before Link became a Legendary Magician, he had his fair share of
premonitions like this. He had a nightmare on the eve of the demon Tarlvess'
release from its imprisonment back when he was still a student at the East Cove
Magic Academy.

But it had happened only in his dreams.

While sleeping, the human mind was in a state of repose. During this time, a
sense of foreboding may present itself within the dreams of people with stronger
spirits, like Magicians, in reaction to impending danger.

However, when one was awake, the human mind was in a state of disorder. Any
form of premonition would encounter interference from a stray thought and be
easily misinterpreted as a sign of an overactive imagination. In the past, Link
tended to ignore these subtle warnings given to him by his mind.

Now, Link sensed that same nagging feeling, though it was a bit too weak. He
had no way of knowing whether it was a real premonition or just his mind
playing tricks on him again. After much thought, he decided to play it safe.

Before he even spoke, Celine, who was sitting beside him, whispered, "Link,
could you have the captain change our current course? There's something wrong
about this."

Celine had a gift for clairvoyance. Hearing this from her, Link gave his order to
the captain without any hesitation. "Merlin, take a detour here."

Merlin seemed vexed by this. "My lord, I'm afraid that's not possible."

"Why's that?"

Merlin explained, "The airship's flying distance is limited. It only has enough
magic crystals to fly for 2800 miles at most. As the straight line distance to
Orida Fortress from our point of departure was 1200 miles, we only have
enough for a round trip. If we take a detour now, I fear we may not be able to go
back to Ferde."

Link thought for a while, then came up with an idea. "How about this: stop
using the magic seal for now, and I'll use a spatial field to move the airship."
Everyone in the cabin was speechless at this. An airship of this size weighed
around 100 tons. Even if Link managed to keep it afloat in the air, how much
power would he need to expend? And how long would he be able to take the

It was also important to note that they still had to fly for a few thousand miles
before reaching their destination.

Merlin said uncertainly, "My lord, are you sure that's alright?"

He had never experienced such a thing in his tenure as the airship's captain.

Link nodded. "Yes, don't worry about a thing."

As Merlin knew how strong Link was, he then ordered the rest of the crew,
"Let's slow down the airship, and have it hanging in the air now."

Hum, hum... The airship's magic seal began rotating backwards. After half a
minute, the airship had stopped moving forward and was now bobbing silently
in the air.

Link began meditating, his mind sinking into a deep concentration. Dragon
Power flowed from his body into the airship and distributed itself throughout the
vessel's pressure points. With a sudden push of his will, Link activated a spell
that he had spent the last couple of days working on: Void Walk.

Void Walk

Level-11 Legendary Spell

Cost: 10-100 Dragon Power points per second

Weight Limit: 500 tons.

Description: Apply changes in space curvature to generate push. There is no

limit to the direction of the push. Change in direction is immediate in effect.

(Note: This is an extremely powerful field spell.)

When the spell was cast, everyone felt a slight tremor in the airship. After a
while, it steadied itself once again. Link then said to Merlin, "Alright, you can
turn off the magic seal slowly."

The crew members all looked at their commander Merlin, hesitant to make any
move. Merlin too was nervous about this, as he feared that the airship might fall
out of the sky at any moment. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally
gestured at his crew to do as they were instructed.

The magical power input in the airship gradually began decreasing. Half a
minute later, the source of magical power had been completely shut off. Despite
this, the entire airship remained floating steadily in the air still.

Link carefully began raising the airship. He could feel his Dragon Power being
expended at a rate of around 41 points per second. Taking into account his
current Dragon Power recovery rate, which was 37 points per second, he was
effectively spending 5 points of Dragon Power every second.

His present maximum Dragon Power was at 13900 points. By pushing the
airship forward for 40 minutes with his Dragon Power, Link was able to make
up for any loss of magical power the detour might incur.

"Alright, sit tight now. I'm going to accelerate," said Link.

Link began slowly changing the field's direction while increasing his Dragon
Power input into the airship. The whole vessel began picking up speed till it
hurtled through the air even faster than before.

Whoo, whoo whoo... Wind rushed into the cabin as they sped through the air.
Merlin looked at the airship's speedometer and saw that it was indicating a
speed of 1060 miles per hour. They were traveling twice as fast as before when
the airship was still powered by their supply of magic crystals.

What was even more surprising was the fact that the entire vessel did not so
much as sway as it flew through the sky. If it were not for the roaring wind and
the rapidly changing scenery, they would not have sensed that the airship was
even moving.

The airship's movement was even steadier than before.

The Yabba crew members within the airship were all stunned by this.

The expression on the three Dragon Warriors was one of pride and reverence
towards the display of their duke's sheer power.

As for King Leon, he initially had some reservations about this journey to the
North. However, upon witnessing Link's power, he let out an inward sigh. He
should be safe in his hands.

The rest of the Warriors too looked at Link with fervent admiration.

Only Celine remained unmoved by this. She had already known the extent of
Link's power. Seeing everyone's expression of awe and shock on the airship, she
could not help but smile.

Link, however, was oblivious to his surroundings at the moment. His mind was
wholly concentrated on maneuvering the airship through the air while feeling
both the inner workings of the airship and any changes in the air current outside.

Five minutes later, the airship was now flying over the ocean and then along the
coastline in a straight line.

After flying approximately 500 miles for half an hour, Link began slowing
down. When he had reduced the airship's speed to 500 miles per hour, Link said
to Merlin, "Alright, resume magical power input. I'm letting go now."

Feeling even more confident about Link's abilities, Merlin commanded his crew
to do as such.

The crew began working to increase the airship's magical power input as they
were told. Link gradually lowered his Dragon Power input as he felt the airship
regaining control of itself.

Five minutes later, Link finally returned control of the airship back to the crew.
Throughout the whole process, the airship did not sway even the slightest bit.

Link then looked at Celine, who instantly knew what he was about to ask. She
nodded. "There shouldn't be any problems now."

Hearing this, he gave his order to the crew, "Fly us straight to Orida now."
They had taken the detour completely on a whim. If an accident were to happen
at this point, Link had no choice but to accept that luck was never on their side
to begin with.

After flying for another 20 minutes, when Link's Dragon Power had fully
recovered in him, Merlin suddenly reported to him, "My lord, there's something
up ahead."

He then gestured at one of his co-pilots, who tapped on a few runes. A magical
image appeared in the middle of the cabin, showing a large eagle with 50-feet
wingspan flying in front of them. On the eagle's back rode ten or so figures.

From the image, Link recognized that those figures belonged to Agatha Nagas.
From the looks of it, they were all heading for Orida Fortress. This did not bode
well for them.

Link asked, somewhat stunned, "How far are they? Did they notice us?"

"They're 50 miles away from us and probably still haven't noticed us," Merlin

Link thought for a moment, then said, "Follow them closely, I'll ambush them
from behind!"

In the previous game world, with the exception of a few Naga Priests, most
Agatha Nagas could not fly. By killing off the giant eagle, he could send the
Nagas spiraling to their deaths 6000 feet from the sky!

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Chapter 475: Katyusha in the Ruins

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Three miles in the air, the sky was sapphire blue. A huge hawk with a wingspan
of more than 100 feet flew in the air.
The hawk looked really strange. From afar, it looked like a hawk. But closer,
Link discovered that it was covered in metallic dark red scales. They glowed
faintly, and he could see many divine runes on them. They emitted a repressive
aura. As for the wings, they were made of feathers, but at a glance, they looked
like rows of knives. The edges glinted like blades.

Seeing this, Link realized what it was. It should be a pet, transformed from a
Dragonhawk. It must be really powerful!

Regular Dragonhawks were similar, but their wingspans were at most 60 feet.
The Agatha Nagas had displayed divine domestication spells before so Link
wasn't surprised.

A sound floated through the air. It was an Agatha Naga speaking from the back
of the Dragonhawk. Instead of attacking immediately, Link hung around two
miles away from the Dragonhawk and listened closely.

"It's weird. The information said that Link's ship left, but there's been no trace.
Did he crash halfway through?" The speaker was a Naga Warrior. Link also saw
a small black-haired Naga sitting in front of her. For some reason, Link found
her familiar, but most of her body was covered so he couldn't see clearly.

"Alright, stop complaining. There's nothing absolute in this world. If Link was
so easy to deal with, he wouldn't be so famous. He must have taken a detour,"
another voice said. It was too far away so Link couldn't pinpoint who exactly
was speaking. He did feel that the voice was familiar though. It was as soft as a
floating feather; it was lovely too.

The voice sounds like Misamier but smoother. I must have heard it somewhere

If Link heard it from the front, he would definitely be able to remember.

However, they were three miles up and sped along at a couple hundred feet per
second. The wind flew past them, distorting the voice Link heard, so he couldn't
think of the person at the moment.

After a while, another voice said, "Commander, are we going to the Orida
Fortress like this?"
"Yes. We'll change our outfits and go in. Humans look similar to us. If we say
we're going to join the army, they have no reason to stop us from entering."

It was that lovely voice again. Now Link knew that she was the Naga

After that, another conversation started on the back of the Dragonhawk.

Complaints were thrown in too. Link listened patiently and soon could piece
together their plan.

He hadn't cleared all the Naga spies from the territory. These Nagas were able to
find out the time and path he would take to go north. They'd been waiting for
him on the way, but then he changed direction, so they didn't get anything.
Since they missed him, they decided to turn north and join the Orida Fortress to
become the general's soldiers.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with their plan. From the outside, Nagas
had no big difference from humans. Their energy was the dark red power of
destruction. It was very different from Dark power and was rarely seen in the
mainland. It was easy to fool others.

Once these Nagas successfully went to Duke Abel's side, it would be extremely
troublesome for Link.

At this moment, Link's vision flashed. It was a mission.

Activate Mission: Intercept

Mission Content: While ensuring your own safety, stop the Agatha Nagas from
entering the Orida Fortress.

Mission Reward: 10 Jogu

Seeing this, Link got an idea. There were only 13 Nagas on the Dragonhawk, all
around Level-8 or nine. Only three were truly threatening to Link.

The first was the Naga at the very front, clad in a black and red dress. She was
probably a Naga priestess. The other was the black-haired Naga. Link could feel
that she was at the peak of Level-10. The last one was the Dragonhawk pet. The
God of Destruction protected it, and it was extremely combative. However, its
size meant that it wasn't that agile. It was probably the least threatening of the

Even if it was these three, he should probably be okay if he was careful… Did
they have some powerful battle techniques or crazy weapons? No matter what,
the game warned him, so he had to be prepared.

He accepted the mission and quietly snuck towards the Dragonhawk's body
from below.

Link's Void Walk was very powerful. At full force, it was as fast as his dragon
form. The Dragonhawk wasn't that fast. It was even slower than a Yabba
airship's cruising speed. It was only around 400 feet per minute, and Link could
catch up easily.

The distance between them closed. Two miles… one mile… half a mile… Link
saw the black-haired Naga start looking side to side. She felt something.

Link immediately stopped approaching and started putting everything into

restricting the sound of wind around him. After following quietly for more than
ten seconds, the black-haired Naga still didn't let down her guard.

"That's strange. Something feels wrong," she started to say.

Now, Link was much closer to her and could hear her voice more clearly. He
felt even more that her voice was familiar now. He must have heard her in the
game, and she must be some Naga boss that caused him a lot of trouble.

Who is she? Who is she?

Link started thinking back. In the game, he'd killed 16 Naga bosses from the
Silversand Islands in total. Each one had their own characteristics. There were a
few black-haired ones too… Wait, Link suddenly remembered her name.

Her full name was: Victory's Vow, Agatha's Glory, Katyusha in the Ruins.
She'd appeared in the second half of the game and was one of the few horrible
bosses that could only be killed with the Suicide Battle Technique.

What was a Suicide Battle Technique?

This meant that the boss would use a powerful move every two seconds. This
move would hit the player with the highest hatred level. It couldn't be avoided,
blocked, or freed from. Even the divine shield known by Holy Knights as
"undefeatable" would be defeated in one hit.

Only a sea of Warriors could defeat Katyusha. They had to charge one by one to
block her moves and tire her out with rounds of Warriors.

Link remembered that in the game, two guilds had teamed up to form a group of
1000 players. By the end, 857 had died, each from one hit. When Katyusha's
bloodline was below ten percent, her attack speed would increase by 200% and
make a move every 0.6 seconds… It had been a total bloodbath.

Meeting Katyusha again in real life, Link discovered she wasn't as powerful. In
order to take care of the players, the game set the rule that Katyusha had to
make a move every two seconds and hit the player with the highest hatred level.
There was no such rule in the real world.

In real life, she might have other restrictions, but she would definitely be agile
to the max. If she came at Link and he wasn't ready, he would be dead meat.

Link thought for a few seconds and came up with a plan.

First, he waited for more than ten seconds. During that time, Katyusha looked
side to side on the Dragonhawk. She didn't find anything strange but still kept
her guard up. A spear that shone like lightning appeared in her hands.

Seeing this, Link gulped reflexively.

He obviously recognized this spear. It was the Spear of Victory, a Legendary

weapon only for Warriors. Of all the Legendary weapons that had appeared in
the game, it was ranked fourth, above his Dragon King's Fury sword.

After killing Katyusha, she would drop broken pieces of the sword. After
collecting 20 pieces and completing some missions, he could find a dwarf
blacksmith to make a low-level Legendary Glory Spear. After a dozen more
missions, the last mission would be to trick the God of Destruction. Then he
could quench the Glory Spear and create the Victory Spear.
The spear's basic damage was already really high. It only had one effect but was
perversely powerful and could be actively triggered. It was called the Thorn of
Fate. Once triggered, the player's next attack against a creature would increase
50 times or ten times against a player. It was unavoidable too.

Even more terrifying, the effect could be both long and short-range. When close
enough, it could pierce an enemy directly. When further away, it could be
thrown. Either way, it would hit its mark and was unstoppable.

In the game, Warriors were a very tragic career. They could only fight and
charge brutishly. The other careers could play circles around them if they had
even the slightest technical skill. A Magician especially could send a Warrior to
thousands of feet up in the air and have them freefall.

But once a Warrior had the Spear of Victory, they would become an
undefeatable hero. They could defeat anyone in seconds, and everyone would
try to avoid them.

Of course, players who won the Spear of Victory in the game could be counted
on one hand.

This was real life though. There was no difference between creatures and
players. As soon as Link saw the Spear of Victory, he got rid of the idea to clash
directly with Katyusha.

Fully guarded against Katyusha, Link crept towards the Dragonhawk. When he
was around 2000 feet away, he stopped. He was now under the beast and in
Katyusha's blind spot. He could attack from here without worrying about
Katyusha's immediate reaction.

Taking a deep breath, Link took out the Dragon King's Fury sword.

Despair Ball

A spatial sphere containing a black vortex appeared immediately. Link stabbed

forward. Another Despair Ball appeared at the furthest place possible, and he
activated another one. This way, the sword's tip instantly crossed 2300 feet,
arriving under the Dragonhawk's belly.
The Dragonhawk was a god's pet and was protected by divine power. Link's
Despair Ball couldn't penetrate it, but this was enough.

The Dragon King's Fury sword pushed against the scales on the Dragonhawk's
belly and stabbed forward. He activated Boundless Sharpness, and the scales
were pierced. The sword buried in 12 inches deep, entering the Dragonhawk's

"Void Destructor!"

The Red Dragon Queen had given him this spell. It worked well with Dragon
Power. Its strength went without saying, and it was fast too. A dark purple
fireball instantly appeared at the sword tip and then exploded.

Boom! Fire spewed out from the Dragonhawk's belly. Flames spread deep
inside it and burst out from other places. Seeing this, Link knew that it was
game over for the Dragonhawk.

He didn't stop for a second. Immediately activating the Dimensional Jump, he

jumped, jumped, and jumped for up to three miles before starting to fly.

Link had put much thought into the direction he flew in. Rather than going
towards the airship, he flew elsewhere, just in case.

He heard the Dragonhawk's wail and the Agatha Naga's surprised and angry
roars. He turned and saw the Dragonhawk's flaming body plummet. The Agatha
Nagas on its back also fell.

Link saw Katyusha too. She stood on the Dragonhawk's back and stared at Link.
Her furious voice traveled over. "Link, don't run!"

Then he saw the Naga priestess cast a mysterious spell on Katyusha. A pair of
red wings, seemingly solid, sprouted behind her back. She flapped her wings
and charged towards Link. She was only a bit slower than him.

Link was speechless. He wasn't scared of getting caught, but now that he had
someone on his tail, he wouldn't be able to get to the Orida Fortress on time.

But then he thought, Divine spells have time limits. I just need to drag things
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Chapter 476: The Naga's Spear and Celine's Guns

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

All mission weapons had some sort of weakness. Something as strong as the
Spear of Victory was no exception to this rule.

However, Link had not the slightest idea where that weakness could be.

This was the first time Link had encountered such a weapon, and so he did not
want to risk taking a full hit from the spear, especially when its wielder was one
who showed no qualms about taking his life. In an instant, Katyusha had caught
up to him, and his first instinct then was to run away from her immediately.

Everyone who had been watching the whole battle unfold on the airship was all
surprised to see Link fleeing from the Agatha Naga.

"What's going on? Why has Master Link chosen to run? He hasn't even started

"The lightning spear in the lady's hand looks incredibly powerful!"

"Should we go out and help?" asked one of the Red Dragon Warriors.

"No, don't. The lord has sent out his signal," shouted Merlin, the captain of the

Everyone looked at the magical image in the middle of the airship's cabin and
saw that Link was holding out his wand while flying at top speed through the
air. From his wand, a stream of light began flowing out and forming a row
words in front of him.

"Powerful Naga weapon, withdraw now!"

All of them looked at each, curious as to what kind of weapon had caused even
Link to flee. As it was a direct order from their lord, the airship began making
its retreat.

Just then, when the airship had only turned halfway around, tragedy struck once

Celine shouted, "Not good, she's spotted us!"

In the magical image, the black-haired Naga who had sprouted a pair of dark red
wings from her back seemed to be gazing in their direction. A few seconds later,
she gave up pursuing Link and began speeding towards the airship.

Alarmed, Merlin asked, "How fast is she flying?"

One of his co-pilots conjured a magic seal from a fingertip and hastily tapped a
few times on it. A few seconds later, he reported back to the captain, "800 feet
per second, sir! She'll reach us in one minute!"

The airship's speed was no more than 180 feet per second, and its length from
tip to tail was over 20 feet. The entire vessel was like a whale sluggishly
floating in the air and waiting to be pounced upon by a more agile predator that
was rapidly gaining on them.

Under such circumstances, escape was futile!

Merlin immediately gave an order to the rest of his crew. "Stand your ground,
men. Ready the magic cannons and prepare for combat!"

The idea was that they might stand a better chance of winning this fight by
taking their enemy head-on with everything they had instead of running away
with their tails tucked between their legs and leaving themselves wide open to
the enemy's attacks.

The airship's crew members moved in sync with each other as they dexterously
adjusted the magical power output from the airship's vents. With short
intervaled whistles, the Battle Airship came to a stop in the air.
Metallic thumps resonated from every corner of the airship. Every magic
cannon was brought out and aimed at the enemy. From the end of the cannon
barrels radiated a brilliant light as they began charging up with magical power.

All Warriors on board the airship had also started making preparations for the
battle ahead.

Captain Merlin continued giving his orders without any sign of panic.

"Put on your parachutes, everyone!" he ordered, as a precaution for when the

worst-case scenario should come to pass.

One of the Warriors helped King Leon put on a parachute, while a Yabba man
stood on the other side, teaching him how to use it.

"Your Highness, do you see this string? If anything happens, and you find
yourself free-falling in the air, just pull on this string, which will deploy your
parachute immediately, and you'll be able to float yourself to safety. Maybe. At
most, you'll probably come out of this with two broken legs. Well then, God

King Leon never had any experience in aerial warfare. His face had gone
completely pale, and he seemed to be on the verge of vomiting.

The three Red Dragon Warriors had all leaped out of the cabin. Taking on their
dragon forms, they circled around the airship in the air as an additional layer of

Celine and the rest of the marksmen all assembled on the second floor of the
cabin, where firing ports had been fixed on both sides of the airship. The firing
ports were reserved for Yabba snipers. However, in this case, Celine and the
others were the only ones on the airship capable of striking from a distance, and
so readied their guns at each port to fire at the incoming Naga.

Ten seconds later, all battle preparations had been made throughout the airship.

In the distance, Link did not expect such a turn of events.

He had not anticipated that Katyusha would be able to notice the airship 50
miles away in the air. With the airship now being targeted by her, he had no
choice but to bring the fight straight to her!

Link cautiously kept himself at least 2000 feet away from his adversary. He had
a vague feeling that if he were to go any closer, there would be trouble.

Whether his hunch was right or not mattered little; he dared not take any
chances at this point.

He was now flying at 1000 feet per second, which was even faster than
Katyusha. This gave him the chance to seize the initiative.

Despite knowing this, Katyusha ignored Link and continued making a beeline
for the airship.

When Katyusha was within 10,000 feet of the airship, Link had already reached
the airship's vicinity. He stopped before the vessel, and shouted, "The Naga is
holding a Legendary spear. As soon as she throws it towards you, abandon the
airship immediately!"

Everyone on board was stunned at the mention of the Legendary weapon.

When Link had finished speaking, Katyusha was already within 3000 feet away.

He estimated that his foe's maximum striking range was approximately 2000
feet. Even with Dimensional Jump and Instant Flash at his disposal, he had no
intention of closing the gap between them.

In the game, once the Thorn of Fate had been activated by the Spear of Victory,
it would lock on to its target. Even if a Magician were to use spatial spells like
Instant Flash to escape to the other side of the continent, the Thorn of Fate
would still find its mark.

This spear simply possessed unfathomable divine power!

Before he departed, Link suddenly caught a glimpse of Celine and felt uneasy
about leaving her on board. Celine's aim was true, but not enough to kill a
Legendary opponent. If she caught the Naga's attention and was then targeted by
the spear, she would instantly be vaporized.
With the force of his will, a white light engulfed Celine's entire body. In an
instant, she reappeared outside the airship right beside Link.

"What the...?" Celine was bewildered by her sudden teleportation in the air.

"You're with me now," said Link.

He took out a leather rope and willed it to bind Celine to his back using the
Magician's Hand. "Grab on tight!" he said, before leaving the airship behind.

Before flying away, he spoke to Felina and the other Red Dragon Warriors,
"The Naga is a Legendary creature, and extremely powerful. Keep your distance
for now, and only attack when I give the order!"

"Understood!" replied the three Dragon Warriors, their faces stern.

Katyusha had now reached 2000 feet away from the airship, which also
happened to be the striking range of the airship.

In the airship, Merlin shouted, "Aim, and fire!"

Hum, hum, hum... Magical power swirled rapidly within the airship. Moments
later, every magic cannon began opening fire, shooting out purple balls of light
at Katyusha. Trails of light could be seen in the wake of their flight through the

Each Battle Airship was equipped with ten magic cannons on each side, each
capable of firing ten rounds. Every purple ball of light dished out by each
cannon packed an explosive power of around Level-7. Once it exploded, it
would leave behind a fireball with a diameter of more than ten feet. The
resulting balls of fire had effectively blocked off Katyusha's trajectory towards
the airship.

At the same time, from the firing ports, the marksmen on board had begun
raining down a bullet storm on the Naga.

Magic Pistols were powered purely by the fire element. Their barrels were
exquisitely sculpted through the use of transformative spells. The sound they
made with each shot was soft, but the impact of each bullet was incredibly
powerful. With at least Level-6 penetrating power, even the most seasoned
combatant would find it hard to defend themselves against shots taken with it.

There were 20 marksmen on board. When they opened fire in unison, a flurry of
bullets instantly whistled through the air towards Katyusha.

In the face of such a concentrated attack, Katyusha had nowhere to run. She
screamed, "Die!"

She then hurled the Spear of Victory at the airship. As soon as it left her hand,
she immediately shielded herself with her wings.

Her dark red wings were continuously battered by the bullets and magical
explosions. In the dazzling light, her wings which had been fortified by divine
spells were horribly torn to pieces.

But in that moment, the Spear of Victory that she had sent flying through the air
finally struck the airship.

The spear hurtled through the air at a breakneck speed. Throughout its flight, the
weapon was cloaked by a dark red cyclone of energy, which flashed out streaks
of lightning. It left a trail of dark red light in its wake.

In half a second, the spear hurtled through 1500 feet in the air and struck the
airship. Under the force of the impact, the entire vessel was immediately torn in

The two halves of iron that once made up the airship now came crashing down
from the sky.

All the Warriors on board leaped out from the gaping hole at the airship's
midsection. Once in the air, they pulled open their leather parachutes. Before
long, the air was filled with Warriors floating down unceremoniously to the

When he saw that Katyusha had flung out the Spear of Victory, he immediately
roared, "Now, attack!"

This was their chance.

Link and the three Red Dragon Warriors rushed towards the Naga together.

Link flew the fastest. In an instant, he was within a few thousand feet away
from Katyusha. This was also the limit of his casting range.

With a thrust of his sword, he conjured a series of Despair Balls in the air. A
purple Void Destructor sphere began forming on the sword's tip when it was
within a few feet away from Katyusha.

When the spell was about to explode, Katyusha suddenly spread what was left
of her wings outward. At the same time, she pulled at the Void, and the Spear of
Victory she had thrown out moments ago appeared instantly in her hand.

Link was taken aback. This was bad; he had never encountered such a technique
in the game before.

"Die, Link!" Katyusha screamed. With a twist of her body, she threw the Spear
of Victory straight at Link.

At that moment, Link felt his heart drop. It was as if everything had slowed
down around him, including the spear, which seemed to edge with excruciating
slowness towards him.

He immediately detonated the Void Destructor and activated Dimensional Jump

at the same time.

In the bright light, both Celine and he vanished on the spot. An instant later,
they reappeared 1000 feet away. Just then, Celine shouted, "It's coming for us!"

Link cast Dimensional Jump once more.

In the span of a second, he managed to cast Dimensional Jump three times, but
it was no use. The Spear of Victory showed no signs of stopping. Not only did
he fail to put some distance between them and the Spear, but it also seemed to
be getting closer and closer towards them.

Link stopped fleeing. At this point, he had no time to cast any spell, nor was he
certain that any of them would even be effective against the spear. Right now,
his sword was the only thing capable of intercepting the spear. His Dragon
Power began to boil in him as it flowed into the Dragon King's Fury sword. He
then thrust the sword out with all his strength.

What happened next horrified Link.

However he tried to parry it, from whichever direction he maneuvered his

Dragon King's Fury sword, the Spear of Victory always managed to evade his
attacks, as if it was being controlled by an unseen force.

It was as if the spear itself was able to anticipate his moves before he even
thought about making them.

Just when the spear was about to pierce through his body, Celine, who was still
attached to Link's back, suddenly pulled out her double pistols, "Link" and

Her eyes began emanating a purple swirl of energy, which then spread out over
her entire body, and finally flowed into both pistols in her hands.

Bang! Bang! Celine fired both pistols at the same time.

At that moment, with his tautened senses, Link was able to track the trajectories
of both bullets in the air. He also saw that they were radiating off a dreamlike
purple glow.

The two bullets danced and twirled through the air haphazardly, while the Spear
of Victory kept changing its course, desperately attempting to anticipate where
the bullets might come, but it was all in vain.

With a metallic chink, the Spear of Victory was finally struck by both bullets.

Struck by a Level-9 attack, the Spear of Victory swerved off course and then
vanished in thin air.

A few thousand feet away, Katyusha, who had a Void Destructor ball of light
explode in her face, once again held the Spear of Victory in her hand. Her wings
now reduced to withered stalks on her back, she began to fall straight to the
ground, staring in confusion at Link, or rather Celine who was still tied to his
At the same time, Link felt Celine's body go limp behind him. She had passed

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Chapter 477: Power of Time

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


With a gust of wind, another Naga with dark red wings appeared. It was that
Naga priestess. She took away the falling Katyusha.

Link didn't pursue them. The power of the Spear of Victory was obvious. If he
chased them and Katyusha acted again, it would be game over for him.

He continued descending with the unconscious Celine.

The three Red Dragon Warriors didn't dare chase either. They flew around in
the air, saving the unlucky souls with damaged parachutes. After a flurry of
activity, the group landed.

In total, two had died—one Yabba and one Warrior. The others all had light
injuries with no serious problems. Deaths were unavoidable in battle. Two
deaths were already good enough.

King Leon was okay too. He obviously didn't break his legs and was just a bit
shocked. The Warriors gathered around the airship ruins to bury the dead and
treat the injured.

Link checked on Celine. Her breathing was steady, and her heartbeat was
strong. He pulled back her eyelids and shone a magic light. Her pupils reacted
well. She should be fine.

Link guessed that Celine must have been exhausted by overexertion. She should
recover after a bit of rest. It was clear that both the Spear of Victory and Celine
had used some type of time power. They clashed using time and the Spear of
Victory lost.

The Spear of Victory uses a battle technique called Thorn of Fate. Fate is a track
of time. It must be able to predict all my moves. No wonder I can't block it.
Link sighed inwardly.

He'd researched the mysteries of space to the extreme. However, he only

grasped basic knowledge about time. He almost lost big time due to this today.
Thankfully, he had Celine.

However, he still wasn't assured. In his mind, he asked the sword spirit of the
Dragon King's Fury, "When do you think Celine will wake up?"

It's nothing big. She's just overexerted and will be fine in a while. You're the
one with the problem.

"Me?" Link was stunned.

Yes, you. You were targeted by the Spear of Victory but weren't killed. Now,
you have its causal ring on you. It will continue being in effect until the ring

"Until the causal ring closes? The effect of the cause must be my death, right?"
Link knew the basics of time.

Yes. In other words, you're walking towards death.

Link actually wasn't scared of this. Since the causal ring could be broken once,
it could be broken a second time. "I wish the Breakpoint Dagger is here," he
lamented. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be this miserable."

The Breakpoint Dagger could cut through anything, including time.

Actually, I can cut the causal ring too. As long as Boundless Sharpness is
completely unlocked, you can use me to block the Spear of Victory.

Link was overjoyed. Boundless Sharpness was the effect of the Dragon King's
Fury sword. It could easily cut through armor and spells. He didn't expect it
could cut through time too. "How do I unlock it?" he asked hurriedly. "How
much power do I need?"

I know you have a numerical value for Dragon Power. Calculating using that, I
think I need at least one million Dragon Power points. I will use this to upgrade
to Level-12 and unlock Boundless Sharpness at the same time.

"I see! No problem." Link nodded.

His Dragon Power recovery rate was 37 points per second. He could generate
one million points in three days and give it all to the sword. It was simple.

While feeding the Dragon Power into the sword, he asked again, "How much do
I need if I want to go to Level-13, 14, or completely unlock you?"

I don't know. The sword spirit's voice was a bit lost. You're my owner. How far
I can go depends on what level you can reach… The Dark Serpent was once
weaker than me, but his owner ignited the Sacred Fire and became the Dark
Spider, so it became a divine gear.

Link smiled in his thoughts. "Don't worry. I'll keep going."

I'll wait and see.

With that, the sword spirit stopped speaking.

By then, the Warriors had mostly taken care of everything. Commander Merlin
walked up to Link. "Lord, what do we do now?"

The airship was ruined. They had no way to get to the North quickly.

"Where exactly are we? How far are we from the Orida Fortress?" Link asked.

"We are in the Glen Mountains 271 miles south of the fortress," Merlin reported

"Two hundred seventy-one miles isn't far. The airship is ruined so how about
you collect the usable materials and go back to Ferde. The rest of the people go
find the thickest tree in the vicinity. Dig a hole in the tree and wait for me."
There were less than 120 thousand Yabbas in total; the pilots were even more
valuable. They couldn't be lost carelessly and weren't that great at fighting
either. There wasn't much use for them at the fortress.

That way, Link would only have to bring 19 fire gun Warriors, King Leon, and
three dragon Warriors. He wanted to make a canoe with a tree and have
everyone sit in it. Then he would use the Void Walk and get to the Orida
Fortress in one hour.

"Yes, Lord." Everyone obeyed and left.

Link stayed to look after the unconscious Celine. A couple of minutes later,
Link felt Celine move. Her eyelids quivered. After half a minute, she opened her

Seeing that she was in Link's arms, Celine's first sentence was, "Ah, I'm so tired.
I can't move."

A crystal red ball of light appeared at Link's fingertip. This was the Essence
Vitality of the dragons. Merging the light into Celine's body, he asked, "How
does this feel? Is it effective?"

"Mm, yeah. I feel warm, but I don't wanna move." Celine didn't get up from
Link's arms, and Link let her be.

At that time, Warriors shouted from the front. Something seemed to have

Link's heart jumped. Scared that the Nagas had come again, he helped Celine up
and went over. He saw a Red Dragon Warrior drag a strange dirty man covered
in vines and leaves.

Walking over, the dragon said, "Duke, this guy was sneaking around. I think
he's a spy for the Agatha Nagas!"

Seeing Link, the man pulled away the vines from around him, revealing a dirty
face. "Lord, it's me, Skinorse!"

Link recognized him and asked strangely, "Why are you here? Why do you look
so pathetic?"
Skinorse sighed. While struggling with the vines, he said, "I'm here to send you
a letter. I was on the other side of the mountain when I saw the commotion in
the sky. I saw you too, so I hurried over."

With that, he took out a bloodied letter and gave it to Link. "Princess Annie and
Kanorse were supposed to send this, but they were chased by Nagas and hurt
badly. My friends and I saved them, so I had to send this. It's from the general.
We opened it. That's okay, right?"

He looked at Link timidly, fearing that he would get yelled at. It was different
when they'd opened the letter earlier. He felt guilty when he saw Link.

Hearing this, Link frowned. He took the letter and opened it. He knew from the
first word that this was indeed from Duke Abel because he recognized the

As he read, his brows furrowed more deeply. "Do you know Gladstone's
situation?" he asked Skinorse. "Does it really have the plague?"

Skinorse scratched his head. "Not sure, but I heard from some mercenaries that
the plague really did happen. But the city lord reacted quickly and controlled

Link was even more shocked. With Duke Abel's current state, he wouldn't care
if the plague was controlled or not. He just needed an excuse to kill.

Furthermore, it was also possible that the plague was spread purposely. It could
only be controlled temporarily. If the mastermind wasn't found, it would keep
spreading. In other words, this might turn into a massacre in Gladstone. They
would either be killed by soldiers or the plague.

The bottom line was that this was a catastrophe for the residents of Gladstone

"How many days have you had this?" Link asked.

"One and a half days. I had to avoid Nagas, so I couldn't go quickly. Thankfully,
I met you here." Skinorse felt so lucky. If he missed Link here, everything
would be delayed.
One and a half days wasn't too long. The Orida Fortress was around 60 miles
north of Gladstone. It would take at least five days for the army to prepare and
head over. They still had a chance.

Beside them, King Leon finally recovered. "Master Link, what's wrong?" he

Link gave him the letter. King Leon accepted it and halfway through, he jumped
up. "Oh, glorious God of Light, we must stop him!"

"That's what I think too."

Just then, a mission appeared in Link's vision.

Activate Mission Series: Gladstone Plague

Step One: Find the source of the plague.

Mission Content: Hurry to Gladstone and search the entire city for the
distributor of the plague.

Reward 1: 100 Omni Points

Reward 2: Scapegoat Doll

Intrigued, Link checked the information for the doll.

Scapegoat Doll


Effect: With this, the player can block one fatal attack.

(Note: My duty is to die for you.)

This was what Link needed. He immediately accepted the mission and said,
"Let's go to Gladstone!"

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Chapter 478: The First Clue: The Cemetery, South of the

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Northern City of Gladstone

This was where he had spent his first night in the world of Firuman, and also
where he first met Celine.

Back then, the Bloody Butcher Lund of the Dark Elves had plotted to raze the
whole city. Now, the Agatha Nagas had set their sights on this place and had
begun spreading an epidemic here. This city was simply a magnet for all manner
of calamities.

Link and the others had ridden on a one-foot-wide, 20-foot-long wooden log to
the city.

Link saw nothing out of the ordinary from outside the city. There was no sign of
the soldiers from the fortress up north, or even of an outbreak in the city. The
only thing that struck him as odd were the passers-by walking down the streets
hurriedly, a dark cloud hanging over each of their faces.

Link let out a sigh of relief.

"We seem to have made it in time," said Link. He found an empty clearing in
the woods outside the city and began lowering the wooden log to the ground
while regulating his Void Walk in the air.

The Warriors leaped down, a look of amazement on their faces, as it was their
first time riding a wooden boat through the air.

It felt like a dream to have a mere wooden log fly them over 500 miles in one

Without any delay, Link began assigning tasks to his entourage.

He said to Felina and the other two Red Dragon Warriors, "You three stand by
at the main path 50 miles from here. Once the army from Orida Fortress makes
an appearance, report back immediately. Also, keep yourself in the shadows. If
you meet any Agatha Nagas, do not engage them."

Felina nodded. "Understood."

The three Red Dragon Warriors then headed for the North. They did not
transform into their dragon forms, as it would stand out too much.

Link then turned to Skinorse. "So are you coming with me, or will you be going
back to your friends?"

Skinorse thought for a moment, then said, "I'd better go back. They're still
probably waiting for me."

When he finished, Skinorse fished a small pouch from his pocket and handed it
to Link. "Here, the white stones that you wanted. I went digging in an ancient
tomb and managed to find 23 of those stones. See if this is what you wanted."

Link scooped the stones out from the pouch, and much to his joy saw that the
white, round stones were indeed Jogus. He put away the pouch. "Excellent, I'll
keep that in mind. You still need 78 more pieces to receive your reward."

A pained expression came across Skinorse's face. "If only I had known to
collect these stones from the start... I've been to a lot of tombs, and those kinds
of places are just brimming with them."

Link was overjoyed to hear this. "It's not too late. Remember, the more stones
you collect, the better your reward will be."

"I know. Then I'm off." Skinorse then scampered off into the depths of the dense

Celine, King Leon, and the 19 marksmen were all that was left of his party.

Link said to King Leon, "Your Highness, we're about to enter the city. I don't
think it would be a good idea to keep your royal robe and crown on you."
At first, King Leon had intended to put the soldiers in their place in the barracks
with his royal garb. Right now, though, their main concern was to handle the
epidemic in the city. Wearing something as gaudy as a crown into the city
would bring more harm than good to their current objective.

"Alright." King Leon did not make a fuss about it. After all, danger abounded in
the North, and his survival depended solely on Link.

When King Leon had put on his guise as a normal commoner, Link said,
"Alright, let's go into the city."

Saying this, he activated Dimensional Jump.

Hum... A white light enveloped the whole party. In an instant, they were
teleported beyond the city walls and now found themselves in an isolated alley
in the old city district of Gladstone City.

An M13 branch was stationed in the old city district. If Link was to have the
latest information on the epidemic, the M13 would be a good place to start.

However, their party consisted of 19 Warriors, and they were all wearing the
same uniforms while being armed with powerful magical pistols. The follower
responsible for the rampant spread of the epidemic would immediately be
alerted of their presence in the city.

Their only advantage now was the element of surprise, as the Agatha Nagas still
had no idea of their current whereabouts.

After much thought, Link pressed a hand on a stone wall in the alley. Dragon
Power flowed out from his fingers into the stone. Three seconds later, he
managed to grasp the layout of the room behind the stone wall.

It was probably a wood merchant's warehouse. Almost half of the space inside
was left empty, while dry wooden logs were piled up in the other half.

Link then teleported the rest of his party into the warehouse.

Once inside, Link drew out a few spatial runes on the walls in order to set up a
Folded Dimension. The area of the already spacious warehouse doubled
instantaneously as a result.
"Your Highness, Celine and I will start looking for information outside.
Everyone else, stay here."

Link gave a rune stone to King Leon. "If you find yourself in danger, just infuse
your Battle Aura into this rune stone, and I'll be by your side in half a minute."

"I understand." King Leon nodded.

Link then said to his Warriors, "Protect the king at all costs."

"Yes, my lord!" shouted the Warriors in unison.

After leaving enough food and water to last for a month for his men, Link drew
another rune on the stone wall. With a soft tap on the rune, a spatial door
appeared on the wall. Link and Celine both strode out through the door, leaving
the warehouse behind them.

Once outside of the warehouse, worried that Celine had not yet fully recovered,
Link asked, "How are you feeling?"

Celine twirled a pistol in her hand and smiled at him. "Never felt better. For
some reason, my recovery rate has improved tremendously."

The spirit of the sword spoke to Link in his mind, "Celine's blood has awakened
considerably. Take a look at her hair and eyes."

Link did as he was told, and noticed that Celine's hair had become even more
lustrous, with a layer of purple dreamlike haze shrouding it. Her eyes had
undergone an even more astonishing transformation; her pupils were now a pair
of purple, seemingly bottomless whirlpools.

The spirit of the sword added, "She's starting to look more and more like the
Soul Dominator."

Link was happy to hear this. He beamed at Celine and patted her head gently,
"Good to hear. Let's go, then!"

The fountain square in the old city district was the same as the last time he was
in the city two years ago. The only difference was that the wooden buildings
that were burned down by Link had been replaced by even more fireproof stone

As they approached the iron fences of the M13 building, Link cast a Traceless
Invisibility Spell on both of them.

Gladstone was a small city, and the strongest scout under the employ of the
M13 branch here was no more than Level-5. None of the people inside even
noticed them when Link and Celine entered the building.

They made their way to the commander's office on the second floor. Link then
knocked on the door.

Save for the sound of someone knocking on the office door, no other sound
could be heard from outside the office. The clerks outside continued sifting
through the piles of paperwork in front of them, too busy to notice anything

"Who's there?" A gravelly voice came from within the office.

Link pushed open the door and walked straight in, followed by Celine from
behind. Once inside the room, Link removed the invisibility spell from both of
them, revealing themselves instantly.

"I never said you could come in!" The gravelly voice spoke again, this time with
a hint of anger.

Link searched for the source of the voice and saw a middle-aged man sitting at
the end of a long table, a long scar running across one side of his face, his eyes
cold and piercing. He was busy writing a letter with a quill gripped tightly in
one hand.

With a sweep of his keen eyes at the table, Link was able to read what the man
was writing. It was a written report to the M13 headquarters concerning the state
of the epidemic.

Due to the fact that King Leon had been residing in Ferde all this time, the M13
headquarters had been moved to Scorched City of Ferde.

This meant that the letter would ultimately reach Scorched City.
"Who are you?" The middle-aged man had drawn out his dagger, his face alert
and furious.

Link did not want to disclose his identity immediately. He seated himself
opposite the man. Gazing at him, he pushed at the air gently in front of him. "Be
calm!" said Link assertively.

It was a psychological spell called the Koan of Kund. It was named after a
Magician known as Kund. Under the effect of this spell, all manner of emotion,
be it fear, happiness, excitement or anger, would be quelled in the target.

Kund the Magician was said to have invented this spell as a prank. However, as
a result of a joke taken too far, one of his friends ended up being sexually

Under the spell, the M13 commander's eyes widened. All agitation in him had
been flushed out, and his voice was now level and calm. "How may I help you?"

Link asked, "There's an epidemic in the city. I need to know the current state of
the situation."

Hearing this, he could feel a violent tremble from the man's spirit. His face
betrayed a look of horror. "There's nothing good to speak about the situation.
You'd best not hear about any of this, trust me."

Link and Celine glanced at each other, sensing that the man was hiding

Link said even more firmly, "Tell me."

The man hesitated for a while. Unable to resist the spell's effect, he said, "We've
found the altar of an unnamed deity in the city. We believe that it may have
something to do with the epidemic. This was our only lead. Our scouts have
tried to delve deeper into the matter, but all of them have disappeared without a
trace. The ones we've sent as a follow-up have also met the same fate as the
others. This is just terrifying. This epidemic must be an act of judgment from
the gods!"

"All gone... Are there any survivors?"

"None. We only managed to find one of our Warriors' corpse. His entire body
was covered in deep wounds, and his arm had been shoved into his throat when
we discovered it. This is beyond my jurisdiction. I need backup, I need stronger
Warriors. I need to be quick. News of this should not spread out of the city
walls, or else that bloodthirsty butcher in Orida Fortress will have all our
heads!" The middle-aged man began rambling, but he had already given all the
relevant pieces of information to his interrogator.

Link said, "I'll need the coordinates of this altar."

"The cemetery, at the south of the city. Every night, strange noises are
reportedly heard from its depths. The guards and even their dogs were too afraid
to venture any deeper into the place. A couple of kids had gone in there, though,
and they came out infected by the disease. They were among the first batch of
the infected."

Link now knew everything he needed to know.

Link said to Celine, "Alright, to the cemetery!"

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Chapter 479: The Gravekeeper and Blood Runes

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After coming out of the MI3 headquarters, it was already a bit dark. Link took
out his pocket watch and saw that it was 6:20.

In his memories, Gladstone City should still be lively at this time. Now, there
was barely anybody on the street. When the wind blew past the street, and it
sounded like a wail. Gladstone was filled with people, but it looked like a ghost
town now.

The plague clearly affected the city greatly.

Link and Celine returned to the warehouse where King Leon and the others
were hiding. They reported their findings and then continued southward.
The cemetery south of the city was close to Gladstone's garden. It was quite far
from the older parts of the city. Link activated the Traceless spell for them both,
and they traveled invisibly.

By the time they got to the garden, the streets were even quieter. The people
who lived around here were all elites in the upper class of society. They had
ways to get news and enough money. Most of them had fled.

Along the way, Link discovered that many homes were already empty.
Occasionally, there would be a building with lights—but only one or two
lanterns with some old servants looking over their master's beautiful mansion.

Because the streets were empty and unlit, the entire street was dark like a
monster with its mouth open, waiting for someone to walk into the trap.

"I can feel great danger hiding here," Celine whispered. "Like we're being
watched by a beast."

She gripped both guns in her hands.

Link had one hand on the hilt of the Dragon King's Fury sword. He was still
feeding Dragon Power into it while keeping alert.

He wasn't scared of any beasts. He was just worried this beast would be the
Agatha Naga's pet. If there was a pet, there would be a Naga priestess. Link
wasn't scared of fighting them, but this was inside the city. If the Nagas were
desperate enough, the entire city could be hit by the shockwaves. It would be a

Link didn't want to have any intense conflicts in the city.

They walked another few hundred feet, and the sky darkened even more. There
were many ancient trees here, creating a thick curtain of leaves. There was even
thin mist. The temperature started to drop too, making them feel coldness
digging into their bones.

"This doesn't feel right at all," Link whispered. "I don't feel the God of
Destruction's power in the air, but I feel tiny bits of dark aura."
The aura was very slight. A regular priest wouldn't feel it; it might not even alert
a divine spell. Celine didn't feel anything, and even Link could only feel a shred.

But if dark aura was present, it meant a dark force was involved.

There were only two dark forces in the North—the Dark Elves and the scattered
demons. The demons had come from another realm and were mostly Warriors.
They couldn't plan many sinister things, so the biggest suspicion lay with the
Dark Elves.

Celine's mind worked quickly too. "Do you think the Dark Elves would ally
with the Agatha Nagas?" she whispered.

Link nodded. "If they have a bit of ambition, they would."

Actually, they'd already teamed up. This was recorded in Travel Magician
Aisenis' scroll. However, the scroll's records were mostly general events and
updated to half a month ago. Gladstone's event wasn't included, so Link had no
way of knowing the details.

At this time, they reached the front gate of the cemetery. The people buried here
were of high status, so the architecture was designed well.

There was a stone pillar on either side of the gate, 30 feet tall and two feet wide.
The gate was a metal door with intricate carvings. Not too far behind was a
small square. A statue of the God of Light's Sleeping Saint, Alagrian, stood in
the center of the square. There was a long candelabrum beside it, lit with soul

Everyone was gone, and the cemetery wasn't well-maintained, so most soul
lamps had extinguished. Only a few flames still remained.

The fog was even thicker in the cemetery; the temperature had dropped more
too, seeping into their bones. The wind had mostly stopped, and there was no
sound at all. The cemetery was deathly quiet.

Celine had lived in the lively Scorched City this year. Coming to this ghostly
place so suddenly—she wasn't used to it. She crept behind Link.
"Let's go in," Link whispered. He focused on the slight dark aura in the air and
walked into the depths of the cemetery.

After around 150 feet, Celine pointed at a small cabin beside the path. "Look,
there's light. I think the gravekeeper lives there."

Link snapped out of his thoughts and turned. He indeed saw a small cabin and
the hazy yellow light that penetrated through the fog.

"Let's take a look."

If it was the gravekeeper, they would get more clues there. Faced with the
unknown, any clue was critical.

The cabin wasn't far—only around 90 feet away. The door was closed. Though
there was light, no sound came from the cabin.

Getting closer, Link's ears twitched. He heard an odd breathing sound. It was
very slow, much slower than a regular person. There was also a slight rattle
between the inhale and exhale as if there was phlegm in the lungs.

It was already clear to Link. "There's someone inside, but he already has the

"Oh?" Celine had been hearing about the plague but didn't see anyone with it.
She gulped nervously and asked, "Should we still go look?"

"Of course. There's no harm."

Link used the Magician's Hand to open the door. The door creaked open, and
the smell of decay attacked their senses.

Then there was an inhuman sound and a figure pounced at Link.

Magician's Hand!

The gravekeeper was completely infected, but he was still weak; he was only at
the status of Level-1 Warrior. Link picked him up with a mere Magician's Hand
and easily dropped him back into the cabin, despite the gravekeeper's struggles.

Once inside, Link cast another spell: Dark Cage!

This was a minor Level-3 spell he'd learned in his free time. It only needed ten
Dragon Power points and was very useful against weaklings.

Buzz. A glowing silver chain cracked softly in the air and wrapped around the
victim, immobilizing him.

Then Link and Celine started studying him.

Firstly, this gravekeeper wore a clergyman's robe. He should be at the lowest

level of the Light Church. His flesh was highly decayed, but there were no
maggots in his wounds. He looked just like a skeleton with a layer of rotting

Celine didn't want to look anymore. She was holding her nose too; the smell
was too much.

Link used a small wind spell, circulating the air inside the room. The smell
faded a lot. Then he started investigating the cabin.

The light source was a magic lantern. A small table stood in a corner with some
writing tools and notebook. Link's eyes brightened at this, and he walked over to
read the notes.

After a while, he realized this was a diary, most likely the gravekeeper's. He'd
carefully recorded what happened recently in the cemetery, as well as the
changes in his body. The writing stopped seven days ago.

The gravekeeper must have had recording training, and his records were very
object. Even his own bodily changes were mostly devoid of personal feelings.
He tried his best to objectively record every detail.

Link read carefully. Celine also walked over.

The most valuable entry was from nine days ago.

Some naughty kids came to play hide-and-seek today. They have such a bad
upbringing, coming to hide behind the tombstones of the dead. I looked away,
and they got lost… A while later, I saw them run out again. They ran so fast.
One of them was crying too. I think they were frightened by something. I was
curious, so I went to look. There were many runes written in blood on the
innermost tombstone. I walked over and felt my body shake. It was like my
bones were stung by wasps. It hurt horribly, and I was so frightened. I couldn't
look anymore. After running back home, I fell sick… Something evil must have
entered my body.

At the end of the entry, the gravekeeper also drew three runes according to his

Link narrowed his eyes immediately. "It's the Blood Runes that the Dark Elves
often use. It really is them!"

He looked through the last two entries. They were messier; the man's mind was
clearly in a bad state. Though messy, he detailed every change and was very

Reading everything, Link furrowed his brows. "According to this description,

it's similar to the Level-3 undead spell 'Undead Rays,' but these people don't
have any power auras. The spell must have been modified. Let's go look at these
Blood Runes."

Collecting the notebook, Link was about to turn when he felt a premonition. At
the same time, he heard wind come from the window, like an arrow or
something. Without thinking, he unsheathed the Dragon King's Fury sword and
sliced towards the window.

Poof. A dark red tongue covered in decaying liquid was sliced and dropped to
the table.

It was still alive and kept wriggling, splattering the liquid. Everything that the
liquid touched would sizzle, resulting in a large corroded hole.

At the same time, a sharp scream came from outside. It sounded like a woman's
strangled shriek and didn't sound too far away. Link saw a black shadow fly
away through the white mist.

Link immediately said to Celine, "Let's go after her. It's the Summoned Hell
Beast, Zampo. There must be a summoner nearby!"
Zampo was a realm beast and great at sneaking around. Its scariest attack was
its venom and piercing tongue. It was terrifying to the average Warrior, but to
Link, it was like a rat against a dragon.

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Chapter 480: Power Beyond Comprehension

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Hell Beast Zampo bolted towards the flower garden area outside the
cemetery, under the cover of the fog.

Once it started picking up speed, nothing could stop it.

However, this time, its pursuer was more than a match for it.

Link burst out of the cabin and began chasing after it. After no more than three
steps, he vaguely sensed the beast's intentions.

It seemed to be trying to lure him away from the cemetery. Knowing this, Link
decided to strike first.

He thrust his sword out, a Despair Light Ball forming around its tip. In a flash,
the Dragon King's Fury sword appeared 200 feet away, right beside the Zampo.

"Spatial Shackle!"

With a soft hum, a fluid-like ripple began spreading out in the air, instantly
trapping the beast like a net. Just then, the beast's body began to turn transparent
in an attempt to phase itself out of its restraints.

"Phase Lock: Activate!"

This was a Secret Spell. Its main function was to disrupt dimensional
transference and all other magical fields.
In the realm of magic, it was a well-known fact that it was easier to disrupt a
spell than to build it from the ground up. Disrupting his opponent's Realm
Conversion spell was a simple enough affair for Link, despite not being familiar
at all with Realm Magic.

A rune began taking shape from the tip of Dragon King's Fury sword and then
impressed itself upon the Zampo's body. With a violent tremble, its translucent
body was pulled back to the physical realm.

At this point, the extra-dimensional creature had nowhere else to run.

Link walked towards it, his eyes not leaving the creature for a second.

It was approximately three feet long and completely covered in mucus. From
afar, the creature resembled a giant toad. The only difference was that tentacles
sprouted from its entire body. The same sticky fluid dripped from every tentacle
and hissed sinisterly as it touched the ground.

"Ew, disgusting! It even smells worse than it looks!" Celine pinched her nose in

Link walked around the summoned beast and saw a contract rune shimmering
through the layer of mucus on its back.

"The nerve to send such an abomination after me!" Link chuckled coldly and
gave the rune a tap with his Dragon King's Fury sword. He then infused his
Dragon Power into it, tracing back an unseen path in the Void all the way to the
Magician who had summoned the beast.

Three seconds later, Link widened his eyes. "Found you!"

The enemy Magician was hiding behind a tree, 800 feet away. He was almost
surprised that someone would be bold and dumb enough to hide so close to the
action. Link once again thrust his Dragon King's Fury sword out, conjuring
three Despair Balls in the air. In an instant, the sword's tip appeared exactly 800
feet away, piercing directly into the Magician's arm.

Once his sword found its mark, Link willed out a spell: Demonic Seal!
With his Dragon Power flowing through the Dragon King's Fury sword, Link
began etching out a simple, yet powerful rune formation. The runes began
creeping into the Magician's body and then into his bloodstream, effectively
blocking off the flow of his power.

Dimensional Jump!

As Link activated Dimensional Jump with his sword, a white light began
radiating from the Magician's body.

Now rendered completely powerless, he could only watch on as his body

rematerialized in front of Link.

Hum... There was a white light in front of Link. Half a second later, there was a
thump on the ground. A Dark Elf in a black robe with silver stripes fell to the
ground rather unceremoniously.

The Dark Elf quickly flipped himself over on the ground, trembling furiously as
he stared at Link fearfully.

Before, he had felt the presence of someone in the cemetery. Gradually, he

sensed that the intruders were more powerful than he could hope to handle. He
had summoned the Zampo to lure them out of the cemetery and hid himself far
away from the place so as not to be discovered. He did not expect that he would
be caught so soon!

The Dark Elf's opponent had an 800-foot casting range and was even capable of
forcibly teleporting him to his side.

Exactly how strong was this man?

Link sheathed his sword back into the scabbard. He walked a step forward and
swept his gaze across the Dark Elf Magician from head to toe. He then said
coldly, "A Level-6 Summoner of the Silver Moon Council. Not bad."

"You... You're Link?" He recognized Link. Stories of his feats had spread far
and wide across the Firuman continent alongside his description as a young,
black-haired Magician. Among the human race, he was a peerless hero. But
among the Dark Elves, he was a butcher who had slaughtered thousands of Dark
Elf Warriors, the boogeyman Dark Elf parents told stories about to their
children to put them to sleep.

The Dark Elf Magician trembled even more violently.

Link did not reply him. Instead, he asked, "What is the cause behind the city's
epidemic? Tell me everything you know. Or else..."

Saying this, he pressed a palm slowly into the air at the Zampo. Dragon Power
streamed out from his palm as he began weaving an intricate magic seal in the
air. From the seal, an indistinct ripple began extending outwards.

The ripple moved towards the creature inexorably till it finally penetrated its

Spatial Rend!

The beast, who was restrained in place by Link's Spatial Shackle, suddenly
shivered. A second later, there was a ripping sound from its body. The creature
was disintegrated into a cloud of white sand which scattered across the ground.

The Dark Elf recoiled in shock upon seeing this. He was now gulping in
irregular breaths of air.

He was more than familiar with the Zampo's power level, and he knew that he
would definitely be killed in an instant if the beast had decided to turn on him.
However, after seeing with his own eyes the creature being disintegrated into
dust so casually by the Magician before him, he felt that his understanding of
magic had been completely subverted.

If he was capable of this much bare-handed, would the world itself crumble
before him if he held a wand in his hands?

"Still not talking?" Link held a hand before the Dark Elf and began charging up
Dragon Power in his palm. Magic runes appeared around his hand one by one,
ready to send him off to the same fate as the beast he had summoned.

"I'll talk! I'll talk!" The Dark Elf hugged his head and began screeching
pathetically. "I don't know much. I was only sent here to scare people off. The
one responsible for the epidemic was Eilos. He was behind everything."
"Eilos? Is he a Dark Elf as well?" Celine asked.

"Yes, he's a Dark Elf. He once served the Spider Queen as her priest. He now
worships the God of Destruction. The epidemic was his idea."

"Where is he?" asked Link. He was now getting a clearer picture of the

"I don't know. He had already left early in the morning. He said... He said that
the Envoy of Slaughter approaches and that he needs to hurry." The Dark Elf's
tone was apprehensive, as if fearing that Link might not like what he had to say.

This was shocking news.

Eilos might be looking to accelerate the spread of the epidemic, and with no
cure of the disease in sight, this may spell a catastrophe unlike any other... Link
dared not think further on the subject.

Link took a deep breath and continued his interrogation. "Is there any way to
stop this epidemic?"

The Dark Elf shook his head. "I don't know, I'm just a Summoner. Disease
Magic isn't really my area. You'd better ask Eilos himself. He's the expert on the

Upon hearing this, a game message popped up before Link's vision.

Mission: Find the source of the epidemic.

Player will receive 100 Omni Points upon completion.

Player will also receive Scapegoat Doll (Legendary).

New Mission Activated: Find Eilos.

Details: Find Eilos, the one who has been behind the plague in the city, and
retrieve the cure to the disease from him.

Mission Reward: 15 Jogus.

Link accepted the mission and then looked at the Dark Elf with a smile. "I'm
sure you probably have some way of contacting this Eilos person. Tell me now,
how can I reach him?"

The Dark Elf shouted, "I don't know... I really don't. We all get our orders from
the Agatha Nagas. We simply obey them. There's literally no communication
among us Dark Elves. Please don't kill me, I've told you all that I know. Really,
that's it!"

Celine whispered to Link, "I think he's telling the truth."

Link nodded. The Travel Magician's scroll had said that the Dark Elves were
basically the Nagas' slaves. They had lost all autonomy and now served as the
Nagas' pathfinders and kamikaze troops.

If this was all the Dark Elf had to offer him, Link decided that he had outlived
his usefulness to him. He drew out his sword in a flash and sheathed it back into
its scabbard.

For a moment, the Dark Elf's body ceased all movement. Then, a bright red line
appeared on his forehead, and with a thump, the Dark Elf's head rolled lifelessly
to one side.

"Let's go. We'll need to go deeper into the cemetery," said Link.

The fog in the cemetery had thickened. After walking a few hundred feet
forward, a large tombstone appeared before them. On the slab of stone, Link
could see the bloody runes as described in the cemetery guard's records.

"I sense divine power coming from this place," Celine said softly.

Link nodded. "It's the God of Destruction's power. There's also a bit of Dark
Power here. Stay outside the magic circle. I'll take a closer look at the runes

As soon as he stepped within the boundaries of the circle, he could feel a sudden
vibration running through him, as if something was trying to pierce through his
body. Link shielded himself from this invisible force with his Dragon Power.
"It's Level-7 power. No one in Gladstone could have resisted this level of
power. Let's take a look at the runes... As I suspected, the magic circle has the
Undead Ray spell as its core, while being surrounded by divine runes. A curious
combination indeed. With both Divine Power and Dark Power interlocked with
each other so intricately, I fear that removing the influence of both powers from
the bodies of the infected without harming any of them may be a far trickier
business than I had hoped... I need more information on this spell," said Link.

"Then we'd better look for Eilos, fast," said Celine.

"Guess there's no other way." Link kneeled on the ground in the rune circle,
intently looking for further clues. Half a minute later, he frowned. "The situation
doesn't look too good. Besides Eilos, there's another Agatha Naga involved.
From the footprints left on the ground, the Naga doesn't seem to be physically
strong. She must be a Naga Priest."

Link stood up. "Let's go, then. Our enemy did not seem to have bothered
covering their tracks. We may be able to easily find them."


Outside Gladstone City

Around ten shadowy figures had appeared in the woods. One of them was
Katyusha, who seemed to be leading the party.

They ran through the dense forest and before long, reached an empty patch of
land. There, they found what appeared to be a boat carved out of a single
wooden log.

Katyusha approached the boat for a closer look at it and said, "I was right. Link
is now in Gladstone. Let's go, we need to smoke him out of the city!"

"Yes, Commander."

The party of Nagas continued on towards Gladstone City in search of Link.

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Chapter 481: You’re Surrounded!
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A river cut through the entire city of Gladstone, running from the old parts in
the North to the inner city. It passed by the main citadel, through the garden
zone, and finally out the business zone.

Basically, everyone used water from this river.

The Dark Elf and Naga priestess' aura went along this river. It was clear that
they planned to poison it.

Celine grew fearful as she walked. "That Dark Elf is honestly so horrible. This
way, it won't take long before the entire city is infected."

Link nodded. "They've already left for a day. I can sense very slight Dark aura
in the water. It's probably too late to stop the infection. The only solution we
have now is to find a way to crack this spell."

It had already been a day, and the aura left behind was very thin. Celine couldn't
sense it at all.

She stuck close behind Link. The two walked from the garden zone to the old
city and reached the mouth of the river.

"They've left the city. Let's go."

There was a city wall that blocked their path. Link took out the Dragon King's
Fury sword and drew some runes in the air. With a light tap, a magic door
appeared. The two moved through the wall.

Outside the city, they continued up the river.

At first, there were still some residents outside. After around three miles, the
terrain became steeper. A mountain and a waterfall appeared. This waterfall was
around 150 feet high. Water fell from the sky, crashing against the rock with a
thick spray.

This time, Celine felt the thin Dark aura in the air. "It really is the water!"
Link nodded. He could feel the auras of the Dark Elf and Naga priestess. They
were on top of the waterfall.

He gripped Celine's waist and used the Void Walk to fly to the top. There, the
terrain was much smoother. Forests grew on either side of the river. The water
flowed slowly as well. Three hundred feet forward, the water started turning.
Past that, there was another small waterfall of a few dozen feet high. There was
a pool of water under it, surrounded by rocks.

Link saw their target on a flat boulder. A Dark Elf and Naga priestess were
casting a spell.

A large number of runes hovered around them. The Dark Elf added in Dark
power while the Naga used the God of Destruction's power. Both formed a
misty belt that extended and mixed above the pool of water, creating a ball of
dark red light.

Black liquid from the ball of light dripped into the river.

Link studied the rune matrix and felt for the density of the Dark power in the
environment. He quickly concluded, "They've maintained this magic seal for
half a day. That's enough time for the magic to seep into the entire underground
water system of the city."

In other words, it was possible for all average citizens under Level-4 to be
infected right now. This was the absolute majority of Gladstone City.

"Should we act?" Celine held her big fire gun, ready to blow their brains out at
any time.

"Wait, I'm recording their magic runes… It'll need five minutes," Link

These guys were Level-7 and eight. Their lives weren't valuable; Celine could
kill them with two bullets. The most important matter now was to find a way to
decode this spell and save the citizens of Gladstone.

When a spell was operating, fine ripples would appear in the Mana. A powerful
Magician could use these ripples to calculate the spell's theory in reverse.
And Link was that type of Magician!

He was now a Level-11 Magician while the opponents were only using a
modified Level-3 Undead Ray. The only difficulty was that the God of
Destruction's power was involved but other than that, it was an easy task.

The seconds ticked by. Around three minutes later, Link had an idea. He was
clear about the specific way the Undead Ray and the God of Destruction's
power were combined.

He realized that it was the God of Destruction's power that made the divine
spells ineffective. It wasn't much, but it was heavy in nature, much heavier than
the God of Light's power in most divine spells—reaching Level-8. The density
of divine power in spells cast by Gladstone's highest bishop was only around
Level-5. Even the Battle Priest of the Orida Fortress was only at Level-7. They
couldn't get past the Undead spell's protective layer at all.

A bunch of foam could never destroy metal.

It was easy now. If Link raised the density of Light power and supplemented
with some magic, he should be able to get rid of this plague.

Thinking of this, Link said to Celine, "Alright, get them."

Celine propped up the big fire gun and adjusted the scope. She aimed with
practiced ease and pressed down hard on the magic runes. Poof, a bullet flew

A second later, the Naga priestess was hit. A fist-sized hole opened up in her
head. She cried out and fell over, ending the plague spell immediately. Her
death shocked the Dark Elf greatly. He froze instinctively and then jumped
behind the boulder, getting ready to run.

He was honestly in panic and even forgot to activate a defensive spell… Of

course, it wouldn't work even if he did.

When he was mid-air, Celine's bullet arrived, digging into his back. Boom. The
powerful force threw the Dark Elf 15 feet away, his body snapping in half.

He was totally dead.

"Done!" Celine wiped the metal shards off the muzzle with a clean white cloth.
Then she blew on it and put the gun away. "Now what?"

Link already had plans. "Go to the church in the city and find a priest. Only
their divine spells can defeat the God of Destruction."

Gladstone's church had many priests. They weren't at high levels, but only they
had the divine Light power. Their level didn't matter. Link could create a focus
crystal to raise the density of the power.

"Then let's go."

"We'll fly back invisible."

They had to find clues when coming, so they'd been a bit slow. They didn't have
that worry now. Link picked Celine up, cast the Traceless and Void Walk spell,
and started flying to the church.

The church was between the garden and business zone. It wasn't too far, but it
was nighttime. Link couldn't see far, so he didn't fly too quickly.

Around ten minutes later, they landed in the square before the church.

As soon as he landed, something felt off. Link sniffed and gripped his sword. "It
smells like fresh blood. Someone has just been killed!"

Shocked, Celine grasped her guns.

Link continued forward, quickly getting to the white stone steps before the
church. The bloody smell was heavier here with a chaotic aura mingled within.
It was the Naga power.

Stunned, Link quietly unsheathed the Dragon King's Fury sword and continued
walking. A few steps later, he found a corpse behind the pillar by the door. It
was a young priest around 20 years old. There was a hole in his chest; the fresh
blood stood in stark contrast to his white robe.

"It's the Nagas! I can sense the commander's aura. She was here!" Link
narrowed his eyes, murderous intent rising within.
The church's door was pushed open to allow a person in. Walking through the
crack, Link saw that corpses were strewn across the room.

Regular priests, Holy Knights, bishops, and even the servants had all been
killed. No one was spared.

Link and Celine walked over. Every corpse had the same wound—a clear hole.
The Nagas liked using spears. They definitely did this.

There weren't many signs of struggle, meaning the Nagas were powerful and the
priests had no way of fighting back.

Going through the church, Link searched every room but found no survivors.
Corpses were everywhere. The divine objects had all been destroyed too. Even
the holy water of the repentance pool was polluted with dark magic.

"The commander guessed my plan and destroyed the source of the solution!"

Only a god's power could counter another god. This was the rule!

The Nagas had killed all light priests in the city. Even if Link found a way to
cure the plague, he would have no way of doing so. He could only watch
helplessly as the plague rampaged through the city.

With the physiques of the regular people, their bodies and souls would be
destroyed by the plague. Even if he got rid of the disease, it was useless.

"Those Nagas are so cruel!" Celine's blood ran cold.

Link sank into deep thought. The priests here were gone, but there were still
some at the Orida Fortress and neighboring cities. With Link's speed, he could
transport them over.

So they must have just done this offhandedly to create trouble for Link…or
even to lure him over.

Thinking of this, Link's heart twitched. If he'd guessed correctly, this place was
already surrounded. It was easy to confirm this. They knew he was a Spatial
Magician. To trap him, they would lock the surrounding space.
He activated his Dragon Power and cast the Spatial Detection spell to test the
spatial frequency.

A red dot of light appeared and exploded like fireworks. One second later, Link
confirmed his guess. The space here was completely locked. "We walked into a
trap," he whispered to Celine.

As soon as he spoke, a seductive voice rang out. "Link, I've waited for more
than an hour."

The black-haired Naga walked in from the entrance.

Link smiled, totally unmoved. "Great, I was looking for you too."

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Chapter 482: A Lapse in Judgement

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Gladstone City, in the church

If Link was still trapped in space as he had been half a year ago, there was a
chance he would not be able to make it out of this. However, things were
different now.

He now had at his disposal unlimited Dragon Power and had even mastered the
way of the sword. His knowledge of the secrets of magic far surpassed any
ordinary Magician at this point. To top it all off, he had even acquired an array
of Dragon Spells from the Dragon Valley.

Besides Spatial Magic, the new Link had a few other tricks up his sleeve!

When Katyusha entered the church through its great door, Link sensed the
presences of her Naga cohorts behind her.

There were 13 other Nagas, three of whom were Naga Priests. The Naga Priests
spread out around the church in a triangle, 200 feet from each other, and began
chanting a divine spell to seal up the space within. Two Nagas stood beside each
priest to ensure their safety.

As the other nine Nagas were occupied with sealing the area, four remained
facing Link and Celine.

"Just you four?" asked Link. "I'm offended."

Katyusha swung the Spear of Victory in her hand. "With this on our side, we are
more than a match for the likes of you."

Saying this, she beckoned at the others. "Sisters, let's show this foolish human
just what we Agatha Nagas are capable of!"

Just as Katyusha finished speaking, three of the Nagas began taking furtive
steps towards Link and Celine in the middle, each of them exuding Level-9

On one side stood a Level-10 master holding a Legendary weapon and three
other Level-9 experts.

Facing them on the other side was a Level-11 Spatial Magician with limited
Spatial Power, accompanied by Celine, a Level-7 Pinnacle master with Level-9
attack power.

There was also a hidden disadvantage on Link's side: He needed to exercise

extra caution while casting some of his more powerful spells. For example,
though he may be able to decimate the Nagas surrounding them with a single
Void Destructor spell, due to the spell's sheer power, half of the buildings in
Gladstone City would be caught in its area of effect. The scorched air, as a
result of the spell, would incinerate the rest of the population living in the other
half of the city.

Unless he really had no choice, Link would not resort to such drastic measures.

Judging from their current circumstances, it seemed that the Nagas had the
upper hand.
The atmosphere was stretched taut in the church. It was as if the air had
condensed around them as both sides continued staring at each other, waiting
for the other to make the first move.

Half a minute passed, and Katyusha suddenly shot a glance at the Naga behind


The Naga stretched her mouth wide open till the sides of her mouth almost
reached the bottom of her ears. She let out an ear-rending screech, and with an
explosion of Destructive Power, she lunged forward, her spear held forth like
the tip of a dark red screw. The electricity and wind in her wake split open
cracks across the ground like cobwebs. The tip of her spear was aimed not at
Link, but at Celine who was standing beside Link.

Celine's attack power was impressive, but she lacked in defensive power. If she
were to be taken down first, there would be no one else standing between Link
and Katyusha's Spear of Victory.

But Celine had Link.

At that moment, Link cast a spell of his own.

Miracle Aura!

This was the first Legendary defensive spell he had learned from the game
system, and he had once used it against Isendilan back in the Golden Plains. It
cost 15,000 Mana Points, but now, he needed only 6800 Dragon Power points to
cast it.

Its effect also seemed different. A crimson light erupted from Link's body,
spraying forth in all directions around him. In an instant, a red, seemingly flimsy
barrier had enveloped both Link and Celine.

When the Naga's spear was one foot away from piercing into Celine's back, an
invisible force prevented it from going any further.
Sparks flew out from the point of collision between the spear tip and the
invisible barrier. No matter how much she tried to drive the spear forward, the
weapon refused to move any further.

Despite a mere one-level difference between the Level-9 spear attack and the
Level-10 Legendary barrier, the gap in power level was just too great. The spear
simply stood no chance in penetrating the shield.

The Miracle Aura also had an added advantage to it: it was capable of blocking
all attacks from one side. In other words, she could strike back at her enemies
while being impervious to attacks from them.

Celine was more than able to take down a Level-9 Naga by herself within two
seconds. However, she knew that the one both of them had to look out for was
the black-haired Naga holding the lightning spear in her hands.

Ignoring the attacks of the Naga behind her, she focused all her attention on
Katyusha and her spear.

Katyusha noticed immediately that the tables had been turned on her when Link
activated the Miracle Aura and nullified all her underling's attacks on Celine.
She was now the only one left who could deal any damage to Link and Celine.

She would be left vulnerable to Celine's long-ranged attacks if she were to focus
her attacks on Link. If she were to focus on the woman instead, Katyusha would
instantly be incinerated by any one of Link's spells.

Katyusha was the one now with her back pushed up against a wall. She let out a
sharp scream, but instead of retaliating, she took a few steps back. As she
retreated, Katyusha whirled the Spear of Victory in her hands till it was a dense
rotating blur, dissuading Link from advancing any further.

Link still had 7000 Dragon Power points. With a recovery rate of 37 points per
second, he was still at full strength. He watched Katyusha edging backwards
slowly. Instead of going after her, Link turned around at the Naga behind him.

Without casting any of his spells, he drew out the Dragon King's Fury sword
and struck back at the Naga.
His swordsmanship had not faltered one bit, as he would take out his sword to
practice during his downtime. Even the most basic swordplay could be lethal
when performed by a Magician with a Legendary body type.

The Naga who had launched the first strike was still behind Celine, futilely
trying to break through her defenses. Link took a step back and swung his sword
at the Naga.

Caught off guard, the Naga tried to parry the attack, but her movements were
sluggish before Link's eyes. With one swift, silent stroke of his sword, Link
sliced through the Naga's throat.

Without even looking at the Naga behind him, he pulled his sword back and
charged at the Naga to his left. Though he never mastered Charged, basic
swordsmanship had entailed learning basic footwork. Coupled with the
explosiveness of his body, Link shot forward in a red blur towards the second
Naga. Before she could even react, Link's sword had already struck her.

Seeing Katyusha retreating away from them, Celine aimed her pistol at the third
Naga to her right.

She was able to pinpoint her target's position through her acute hearing. Without
looking at her target, she fired her pistol.

A soft bang resounded, and a bullet flew out from the magic pistol's barrel. The
Naga panicked and tried to dodge the attack. However, the bullet planted itself
squarely through her chest, as if she had dodged into it herself.

During the day, Celine had managed to counter the Spear of Victory with her
pistols. After recovering from her exertion, she now felt that her precognitive
abilities had grown stronger than before. Before taking her shot just then,
without even directly looking at her target, she was able to tell where the Naga
would be half a second later. As a result, the Naga crumpled to the ground when
she fired her pistol.

In no more than two seconds, all three Level-9 Nagas lay dead on the ground.

The barrier on the two remained unbroken. Both Link and Celine looked at each
other, and the message was clear between them: Wipe the Nagas out, teach them
a lesson they would never forget!
While not as physically strong as Link, Celine had put herself through rigorous
training, and together with her awakened powers, she was capable of fending for
herself. She rushed forward, covering at least 30 feet of ground per second. Link
did not cast any supplementary magic on her, in case any of his spells somehow
interfered with her precognition. He followed closely beside her.

A second later, they were now on the white stone threshold of the church's great
door. On one corner of the church square in front of them stood a Naga Priest
and her two bodyguards.

Katyusha had retreated to where the Naga Priest stood.

"Quick, destroy his Legendary barrier!" she ordered the Naga Priest. The priest
possessed destructive divine power which was the only other thing capable of
breaking through Link's Legendary barrier besides Katyusha's Spear of Victory.

What about setting up a seal to prevent Link from escaping?

Be damned with the seal, she thought. Right now, the only thought on her mind
was survival.

But she had failed to account for the fact that the Naga Priest was not
specialized in combat. Her divine spells were indeed effective against Link's
Legendary barrier, but her combat sense and reaction time were far inferior to

When she began casting a divine spell, the spatial seal was immediately undone.
Link saw the opening and thrust his sword out. A Despair Ball appeared in front
of the sword's tip, letting it pass through. When it reappeared, it had penetrated
through the Naga Priest's forehead.

The Naga Priest's divine spell was forcibly interrupted by a sword thrust from

Shocked, Katyusha pulled the Spear of Victory back, intending to use it on

Link. Just then, she turned around and noticed that Celine stood beside Link,
staring at her coldly without even moving to attack.

Katyusha remembered the woman all too well. Celine was the one, after all,
who had managed to deflect the Spear of Victory with her bullets. She was the
shield standing between Link and the Legendary spear that was said to hold
sway over destiny itself.

In a moment of misjudgment, Katyusha had failed to account for Link's other

Legendary powers besides his spatial magic. One Legendary Warrior was most
certainly not enough to defeat Link; she needed at least two or three more by her
side to finish the job.

Due to her miscalculations, her Naga minions had all fallen before Link. If she
stayed on any longer, she would be killed off as well.

Without a moment's hesitation, Katyusha activated Charge with a burst of

Destructive Power and streaked out of the church square, abandoning her
underlings behind her.

In her desperation, she had bolted away from the battle at such an incredible
speed that she had turned into a blur.

Celine fired her pistol at the fleeing Naga's back. Judging from its trajectory, her
bullet would surely hit its target, but the Naga showed no intention of blocking
or dodging as she fled for her life.

Celine was stunned by such a bold move. Even if her opponent was a Legendary
Warrior, not even a leather armor would be able to stop a Level-9 shot.

All of a sudden, she realized that her bullet's speed was not able to match her
opponent's, and would not be able to catch up to her.

"She sure can run fast she wants to!" she said.

Watching how desperately the opponent had fled from him, Link could only
smile wryly at the rapidly vanishing silhouette in the distance. He would be able
to catch up to Katyusha by himself. What stopped him from doing so was her
Spear of Victory. With the Dragon King's Fury sword still far from reaching
Boundless Sharpness, his only other way of countering the spear was his
Scapegoat Doll.

While there was a chance he could defeat Katyusha and her spear by himself, it
was too risky, and certainly did not allow any room for error. Also, if he were to
go off chasing after Katyusha, Celine would be left behind to fend off the
remaining Nagas by herself. The eight Nagas remaining were Level-8 and
Level-9 adversaries; Celine would surely be overwhelmed by such a number.

After pausing to ponder on this for a while, Link decided not to chase after
Katyusha, and turned around to face the Nagas behind him.

Within ten seconds, all eight Nagas, unable to pierce through Link's shield, were
slaughtered without any chance of victory.

By that time, Katyusha's figure had already disappeared without a trace in the

Link returned to Celine's side once more and pulled her waist into his arm. He
then activated Void Walk and sprang into the sky. Another outbreak was about
to happen in Gladstone City, and he was running out of time.

He suddenly remembered that there was a church in another town called

Hapsburg 80 miles from Gladstone City where he could probably find all the
priests and priestesses he needed to curb the epidemic.

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Chapter 483: Let the Hero Fall in the North

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Orida Fortress

The fortress army was ready. At daybreak, 20,000 soldiers would depart from
the fortress to control the plague in the southern Gladstone City.

The night before they departed, General Abel was frozen on a chair in the
corner of his room in the fortress. He grasped his sword and breathed heavily.

Various fantasies of murder flashed past his mind. Like bubbles in boiling
water, he couldn't stop them at all. He had no energy to think about the current
situation. The only thing he could do was use all his might to control his
thoughts and sit in that chair.
After a long while, his emotions were slightly calmed. I'm going to lose control
soon. I wonder if Annie has sent the message… If Master Link received it, he'll
be on his way to the North. If he comes, what should I do?

Panic set in. This was the fear of the impending judgment. No one could wait
for death calmly.

Abel had once read countless epics of heroes. He'd seen countless sacrifices
with his own eyes too. He had once thought that it was glorious and brave, but
when it was up to him, he felt fear.

What does death feel like? I've killed so many people. Will my soul fall into the
abyss to be devoured by countless demons?

A thought came up in his mind. He'd read the Firuman Epics. One of them was
about demons. It described the tragic endings of various bloody killers and what
would happen to their souls after death, placing emphasis on the horrible state of
hell and the Abyss.

Eloan lay in the pit of poisonous snakes, countlessly bitten by them every day.
When his flesh is eaten clean, and he is turned into a white skeleton, his flesh
grows back the next day. The snakes come back to continue, and the cycle goes
on for an eternity of torment.

This was how Eloan, a tyrant from 700 years ago, suffered in the hell of
poisonous snakes. Abel could tell that many details were from the imaginations
of the author, but applied to him, he fell into terror.

What if… that was real?

His body trembled as he grasped his sword tightly. The dragon leather around
the hilt was cool to the touch. The power surging in his body gave him some
sense of security.

But then the image of Link killing the demon army alone reappeared in his
mind. Abel now had Legendary power, but after leveling up, he discovered that
he could only kill at most 5000 demons in a direct fight. An entire army? That
was an unreachable goal.
He is so powerful. I don't have any chance of surviving. Instead of being killed
out of punishment, why don't I…

He looked at his sword. This was an Epic sword passed down the Abel family.
Named the Lion's Fury, it was an advanced weapon to the average man. But to
someone of the Legendary level, it was just like a metal rod.

Supported by his sudden thought, Duke Abel applied some force. He lifted the
Lion's Fury and pointed the dark, cold blade towards his neck.

If he moved his sword, all the evil, all struggles, and all pain would be gone
with the wind.

"Coward!" someone exclaimed from the corner.

Duke Abel's hand shook. The voice killed all the courage in his heart, and the
sword fell down. He looked to the source of the voice. A black shadow
appeared—it was the woman who had lured him.

This time, he realized she wasn't alone. There was also a black-haired woman.
She stared at him with disdain and sneered. "Molina, is this the killer you
mentioned? He looks like a worm to me."

The Naga known as Molina shook her head. "Katyusha, you're wrong. You
don't know the duke. He just hasn't thought it through yet. His thoughts have
been restricted by too many mundane values. We must help him break through
the restrictions so he can release his great potential."

As Molina spoke, her sharp features softened a lot. Swaying her hips, she
walked over to Duke Abel and knelt down. Reaching out, she caressed Abel's
face. "Duke, I know you're in pain. You feel tortured, repenting every night. I
know I shouldn't have guided you onto this path of blood. But if I was wrong…"

Here, Molina's hand slid down and grasped the duke's sword. Then she ripped
her clothes open at the chest. Two pearly breasts sprang out, and the two red
dots stole the duke's eyes.

Molina pulled the sword to her chest. The dark sword, snowy white skin, and
two tall mountains overlapped, forming a heartrending image.
She looked up at the duke, translucent tears rolling out of her eyes. "If I was
wrong, kill me now."

"You…" Duke Abel stared at this woman in disbelief. She had led him astray—
this much was indisputable. But she'd also given him much power. Abel hated
her but seeing her like this, he felt that he couldn't bring his sword down!

Molina knelt so submissively before Duke Abel and pleaded, "Duke, there are
two paths in the world. One is the mortal path. You must always consider
everyone's thoughts, consider their actions. You worry that they want your
power. The other path is the undying path of gods. If you follow your own heart
and go forward, you will become stronger, stronger, and stronger, until you are
immortal. Duke, do not hesitate any more. A mortal's life is temporary. The
Abel family and the Norton Kingdom will turn to ashes. But if you choose the
second path, you will stand for eternity."

Duke Abel was convinced. He was a strong-willed man. If the other used some
kind of evil plan to tempt him to fall, his self-esteem wouldn't allow it. He
would resist naturally. But now, Molina was begging him and used that type of
logic. His inner struggles relaxed greatly.

"But Link is coming. I'm not his match."

Katyusha, who hadn't said anything all this time, burst into laughter. "Ha, I
thought you were worried about something. Take this sword. Replace that
crappy thing you have."

She tossed a dark red sword over.

Duke Abel caught it and studied it. The sword was around four feet long and
weighed 30 pounds. There were many runes he couldn't understand carved on
the body. If the sword was placed somewhere for a while, dark red fog would
rise up around it. The fog thickened and many runes started glowing dimly.

He could feel that this was many times better than the Lion's Fury sword.

He gently touched the blade to the Lion's Fury. Cling. The sword was
completely unharmed, but the Lion's Fury was chipped.

"Great sword," Duke Abel couldn't help but praise.

"Of course it is," Katyusha said. "Its name is Hero's Dusk and was once a
Legendary Assassin's weapon. Take it. When Link comes, Molina and I will
help you take care of him. Also, use the fortress' army so he won't dare use
wide-ranged attack spells. No matter how powerful he is, he won't be our

Duke Abel hesitated again. He could feel that both Molina and this black-haired
Naga were both powerful figures. If the three of them teamed up, threatening
the lives of the entire army, they should… probably… maybe could defeat

Katyusha lost her patience. "What are you worried about? Are you really a

Duke Abel finally made his decision. "Then let's do it!"

It was strange. When he went all-out and stopped caring about his family's
glory, the fate of the kingdom, and other lofty values or the sins of murder, he
instantly felt a long-lost sense of peace.

The chaotic desire to kill disappeared. All that remained was a subtle murderous
intent. He could now feel clearly that as long as he wished it, the intent would
emerge like a prehistoric beast. It would multiply his combat ability. But when
he was calm, it would shrink back, no longer disturbing his rational judgment.

Molina and Katyusha sensed it. They exchanged glances and smiled.

"Congratulations," Molina said. "You've successfully stepped foot upon the

undying path."

Katyusha smiled too. "This is how a general should be like."

Duke Abel breathed deeply and grasped the Legendary sword. "Link is a hero.
He's the savior of light. He's filled with light, blinding people. He shouldn't
exist! Since this sword is called Hero's Dusk, then let this hero die in the

The next day, Orida Fortress' army set out. People had expected 20,000 soldiers,
but the number doubled, reaching 40,000. All the elites had left. Only 10,000
new soldiers remained in the fortress.

Before leaving, Duke Abel yelled, "Everyone, the plague has started spreading
in Gladstone. We do not have a priest's cure or a Magician's fantastical thoughts.
We only have the swords in our hands! The priests and Magicians couldn't
resolve this plague, but we will resolve it with our swords!"

The army roared in response to their general.

"Go!" Duke Abel pointed his sword in Gladstone's direction and galloped
forward on his horse.


At dawn, Link brought more than 30 priests from Hapsburg to Gladstone. He

worked the entire night and finally completed the Divine Power Focal Crystal.
He also hurriedly created a spell to rid the plague with some bishops.

As of now, they didn't know if the spell would be effective. After reaching
Gladstone, they went straight to the church.

When the archbishop saw the corpses strewn on the ground, he cried out in pain.
"Oh, oh my, these demons!"

Complex emotions filled the eyes of the other priests. There was fear, terror, and

During this, Link already grabbed a group of people from the streets. They had
pale complexions, and their eyes were slightly bloodshot. When they walked,
they trembled and breathed heavily. These were symptoms of a deep infection.

"Father, time is short. The plague will erupt soon," Link urged. "Hurry and test
the spell's effect!"
Nine out of ten people on the streets of Gladstone were like this. Link could
already sense chaos in some corners. He estimated that the plague would erupt
in two hours!

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Chapter 484: The Melting of the Snow

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sound of a man panting heavily could be heard.

The man whom Link had brought with him had a glazed look on his face. His
body swayed about restlessly when he was seated on a chair. Even though he
was surrounded by the corpses of fallen priests and fresh blood on the ground,
he did not seem at all concerned.

He stared dumbly at nothing in particular, as if the world around him had

nothing to do with him whatsoever.

All the priests on the scene were shocked at the sight of him.

"He's close to losing all reason. We need to start treating him now," Link said to
the archbishop. With a rush of Dragon Power, Link gently raised a piece of rock
from the ground till it reached a foot high and formed a cylindrical platform.

Link then set a white translucent crystal, almost as big as one's head, on the

The crystal was a dodecahedron. There was a transparent layer on its surface,
almost an inch thick. Deeper within the crystal, a jumble of runes swirled
around like a white fog. One would actually pass out from any attempts to make
sense of the swirling motion within.

This was the Divine Power Focal Crystal that Link had spent a whole night
The archbishop placed a hand on the left side of the crystal, with Link on the
right. Both of them looked at each other, then released a flow of their power into
the crystal.

When both powers entered the crystal, milky white on one side and crimson on
the other, the runes within began swirling even more quickly. Its color had
changed as well; after letting both powers seep through, the entire crystal was
now a milky white shade.

Half a second later, there was a soft hum, and a pale red ray of light shone forth
from the crystal.

Link already had a Spatial Distortion spell waiting outside the crystal. Once the
ray of light hit the distorted space, it would immediately be refracted onto the
body of the infected.

The infected man trembled violently, his empty eyes now forced wide open. The
man's body shook for 20 seconds, before falling forward to the ground. He lay
there, devoid of any sign of life.

The archbishop swallowed, then said nervously, "He's dead."

Their Dispel spell had failed. With the whole city in the grip of the epidemic, if
they could not come up with something to deal with it soon, the infected would
be left running rampant throughout the city and eventually spilling out across
the city borders. The archbishop dared not imagine what would happen later at
that point.

Unfazed by this, Link kneeled down beside the corpse with one hand holding
the Burning Wrath of Heavens. He then proceeded to prod at the infected man's
body, scanning for any abnormalities in it.

Half a minute later, he stood up. "I found the reason why the spell didn't work."

The disease had been dispelled in the man's body, but it could not withstand the
strain of the two powers clashing in it.

Now, he knew that he only needed to add a healing spell around the Dispel
spell. This would mend any damage caused by the clash of powers in the
infected person's body.
He went back to the Focal Crystal and began making a few modifications to it.

The archbishop waited patiently on one side, while the other priests began
carrying away the bodies of their fallen brethren. Three minutes later, there was
a commotion outside the church. Inhuman screams could be heard from it, and
in the midst of the pandemonium, someone was calling for help.

Celine rushed out through the great door. A moment later, there was the sound
of gunshots from outside. Ten seconds later, Celine came back in, with a few
other common folk following behind her in a state of panic.

"How's the situation?" asked the archbishop quietly.

"Some of the people have started showing symptoms and are now randomly
biting others in the city," whispered Celine.

The archbishop went pale, then turned to look at Link. Link kept working on the
crystal, as if he had not heard a word from their exchange. His hand was
radiating off a crimson cloud of light. Bits of it seeped into the crystal like drops
of red ink.

Upon closer inspection, the red light spreading across the crystal was actually
composed of thin, spidery filaments, each of them manipulating a rune in the
crystal with surgical precision.

Five minutes passed, and Link, who had been working on the crystal without
moving an inch, finally let out a deep breath. The red light in his hand faded
away, and he looked completely exhausted.

Link had been hard at work on the crystal, studying the magic behind it without
rest ever since he reached Hapsburg. Even at peak physical condition,
maintaining his concentration for ten minutes straight had put a considerable
strain on his mental faculties.

Celine was most familiar with Link's physical condition. Seeing the look of
exhaustion on his face, she asked with a tone of concern, "Do you want to rest
for a bit?"

"I'm alright." Link recollected himself, then said to the archbishop, "There
seems to be no problem now."
He swept his gaze across the people who had entered the church. His eyes fell
on a middle-aged woman with a dazed expression. "Let's start with her."

At that point, Link did not bother asking for anyone's permission to be used as a
guinea pig. He no longer had the time to blame himself for accidentally killing
any of his subjects during his experimentations. RIght now, Link simply needed
to make all the necessary adjustments to his spell till he found an effective cure
for the epidemic, no matter how many times he had to fail.

Considering the urgency of the matter at hand, the archbishop did not object to
this. He infused his Divine Power into the crystal alongside Link's Dragon
Power once more. A ray of dim red light shone out from the combination of
both powers in the crystal.

This time, the ray of light seemed softer than before. A layer of mist could be
seen surrounding it as well, as it hit the middle-aged woman.

The lady's body began trembling violently for a long period of time.

As she trembled, all the priests in the church had their eyes fixed on the
woman's face, hoping that the spell would work this time.

After about a minute, the woman's trembling began to slow down. Finally, she
stopped shaking altogether. Her previously lifeless eyes now came alive. She
looked around at her surroundings, perplexed. "What happened? Why am I

Her speech was clear, and the lifelessness on her face from before had
disappeared without a trace, as her cheeks were now flushed with life.

The middle-aged man beside her, presumably her husband, shouted with joy,
"Mileia, you're cured! This is great news!"

He then turned towards Link and the archbishop, and knelt down on the ground
before them with a thump. He said with tears of gratitude, "By the God of Light,
my humblest thanks to both of you!"

The archbishop and the other priests let out a collective sigh of relief. They were
told that the the epidemic in the North was all but incurable, even with their
divine spells. When they got here, the nightmarish state of the streets had sent a
chill down their spines, and they all feared that there was nothing they could do
at that point.

But now, they had finally found a way to purge the city of the disease!

The archbishop looked at Link and said, "Master Link, thank the heavens you're
here with us!"

Link too was overjoyed at this, but he knew this was just the beginning.
"Alright, now's not the time to celebrate. There's still a lot of people out there
who needs our help."

He held out a hand which shone with the same red light, and directed the light
once again into the crystal. Seeing this, the archbishop followed suit, and
infused his Divine Power into the crystal as well.

Around ten beams of light radiated out of the crystal at the same time, hitting
the remaining refugees in the church.

Unlike the middle-aged woman, the other ten people were not as seriously
infected. When the beam of light entered their bodies, their bodies trembled as
well, though not as violently as before. A young man shook only for a few
seconds before returning to normal.

He leapt up in joy, then said, "I feel better than ever!"

"Yeah, me too. My joints don't hurt as much as before," said an old man. This
must be a side effect of Link applying his Dragon Power in his treatment.

Though none of them knew the archbishop, they had heard rumors of the
Magician known as Link.

Now cured of the disease, every one of them came forward to express their
gratitude for curing them.

Of course, Link had no time for any of this. He turned to the archbishop and the
other priests behind him. "Let's go, to the church square. There's still many of
the infected running rampant in the city. We need to cast the Dispel spell on a
larger scale."
The Dispel spell would be used on ordinary folk. On account of the exceedingly
low amount of magical toxin in a normal human body, he only needed to
expend no more than 0.1 Dragon Power points every time he cast the spell on

The priests were all Level-6. Altogether, they possessed at least 10,000 Divine
Power points, which was more than enough to overcome the Level-8 Naga
Priest who had been spreading the epidemic. In theory, they could dispel the
epidemic completely with their current power level.

Of course, they were on a deadline, as the infected were all scattered throughout
the city. To speed up the process, they would need a particular magical

Only Link knew how to go about this.

When everyone finally reached the church square, Link began etching out
magical runes across the square. He was using a high-level magical sealing

Dragon Power flowed out from him, and began shaping itself into runes in the
air. The runes then hit the ground with a bang, sending bits of dirt flying up.
Before long, a magical rune spread out across the ground clear as day. A band
of light whirred through it, indicating that the rune was fully charged up.

Three minutes later, a magic seal with a diameter of more than ten feet began
taking form across the ground. It activated itself immediately upon completion.
Above the seal, a half-transparent silhouette with a diameter of more than a
hundred feet hung in the air.

Link threw the Focal Crystal at the silhouette. The crystal dangled in the
translucent shape as if caught in an unseen web. An instant later, runes rushed
out from the crystal till they completely covered the silhouette in the air.

The silhouette was now a magnified version of the Focal Crystal.

Link shouted, "Priests, concentrate your Divine Power into it!"

Stunned momentarily by this, the priests regained their senses immediately and
did as they were told. Link stepped forward and projected his Dragon Power
into the silhouette as well.

With the infusion of the two powers, the silhouette gradually grew brighter and
brighter till it was almost blinding, as if the sun itself had fallen to the earth.

The priests had all but exhausted most of the Divine Power, and some of them
had collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion. Even the archbishop could not
bear the strain. He staggered, on the verge of collapse, but was helped up from
behind by the people of Gladstone who had been cured by him.

At that point, Link only had 3000 Dragon Power points in him.


Link willed the dazzling ball of light up into the air. He levitated alongside it,
and together, both of them flew up 2000 feet into the air before coming to a halt.

Just then, none of them could see where Link was in the air, as he was
completely overshadowed by the brilliant ball of light.

The orb of light was overflowing with Divine Power, turning all heads in
Gladstone City towards it in the air. 80 miles away on the main road, Duke
Abel, Katyusha and Molina, too, felt the power radiating from it.

"Such power!"

They looked at each other with a mix of dread and shock.

Back in Gladstone City, the light orb hovered in the air for a few seconds, then
exploded with a bang like fireworks.

Countless beams of red light fell from the sky like a meteor shower. This
luminescent rain fell over all of Gladstone City like a blessing from the God of

On the ground, the archbishop and his priests, as well as the people who had
been cured back in the church, all knelt on the ground, both hands clasped
together in prayer.
"O almighty God of Light, thank you for blessing us with your light. Our most
magnanimous God of Light, thank you for gracing us with the presence of the
Child of Light!"

Before, the rumor that Link was the God of Light's chosen one never warranted
any serious thought from anyone, but now, everyone on the church square
believed wholeheartedly that Link, who had blessed them with this miracle,
represented the God of Light in human form.

The dim red light bathed the city, and in an instant, like the virgin snow under
the sun, the epidemic melted away without a trace.

The archbishop felt it. He whispered, "The snow has melted."

A hundred feet away, Duke Abel and the others felt the sudden change in the air
as well. As the Naga Priest, Molina was able to sense it most clearly. She
stopped walking, then let out a sigh. "Didn't really think he would be able to
dispel the epidemic."

"What do you mean?" Katyusha was shocked.

Duke Abel turned to her as well, waiting for an explanation from her.

Both of them heard Molina perfectly, but her words did not make an ounce of
sense to them.

There were over 10,000 people in Gladstone City, and most of the infected were
scattered throughout the city. Letting the infection loose among them was a
simple affair. All it took was simply introducing the toxin into the water supply
of the city.

On the other hand, dispelling this kind of destructive magic was a more
troublesome matter.

The caster needed to disperse the combination of Dark Magic Power and
Destructive Power from the infected person's body, and shield the body from
any resulting damage at the same time.

To cure one person was possible, but curing tens of thousands of people at the
same time was just beyond the realm of possibility.
Such a feat was not unlike trying to unravel a heavily jumbled bundle of rope.

"I don't know how he did it. Is this the power of a Legendary Magician?"
Molina sighed again.

"What now?" Duke Abel asked. With the epidemic purged, he had lost all
justification to slaughter the inhabitants of Gladstone City.

Katyusha chuckled coldly. "Why, we proceed as planned. Only we know the

epidemic has been purged, but the soldiers don't. Since you're the marshall here,
who's to stop you from doing whatever you want?"

Duke Abel paused at this, then nodded. "Alright, let's move on!"

He was now a faithful servant of the God of Destruction at this point.

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Chapter 485: Legendary Battle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mountain forest

Felina hid behind a big tree and looked at the large mass of soldiers in the
distance. After carefully counting the number, she jumped down and whistled.
Then she ran towards Gladstone City.

After a while, two companions appeared beside her.

"Did you see? There are two Nagas with Duke Abel," Felina said while running.

"I saw. It seems he's completely fallen."

"This is a disaster."

Felina nodded. "We must tell the duke now."

Another figure jumped down in another direction of the forest. It was Skinorse.
He started sprinting deep into the forest while mumbling, "I knew Abel had
problems. This guy actually dragged all the soldiers to massacre the city. Holy

After a while, he reached the waterfall where Kanorse and the others were
hiding. "Morrigan," he yelled. "Open the door."

After calling three times, the waterfall split open, and Morrigan walked out. He
cast a Levitation spell from 150 feet away before Skinorse could jump in. Once
inside the cave, he explained everything he'd seen.

Annie was awake by now, though she was still very weak. She was curled up
with a blanket in the corner. Hearing Skinorse's news, her expression darkened.
Feeling down, she sat in the corner without a sound.

No matter what, Duke Abel was her father. The others couldn't comfort her
about this. They could only stay silent with her.

After a long while, Kanorse suddenly asked, "How's the plague in Gladstone?"

"Not sure, but Master Link's there. I'm sure there won't be a problem… Don't
look at me like that. I ran around so much, and my legs even got thinner. I need
to rest."

Kanorse shook his head. "My injury is already better. I can't just watch the
general do this. I must stop him even if I die!"

Duke Abel must have feared Kanorse would stop him last time in Garrason, so
he sent Kanorse away. When he returned, the killing was already over.

If he had been present, he definitely wouldn't let the general do that.

Skinorse couldn't understand this. Throwing up his hands, he said in disbelief,

"Hey, you're not his match at all. Abel's power is too deep to understand now. I
just glanced at him from afar, and he seemed to notice. He looked over at my
hiding spot many times. My soul almost flew out in shock. I think that you
should just rest up first. It'll be better if you break into Level-9. Then it's
possible to defeat him!"
Beside them, Morrigan also urged, "Kanorse, didn't you hear Skinorse? Duke
Abel has 40,000 people with him. You're injured. If you go, you'll just waste
your life."

Kanorse shook his head. "No, my father was a stable hand for the Abel family.
It was the general who gave me the chance to learn martial arts when I was
young. If he wants to venture into darkness and murder, he must step past my

As he spoke, he walked to the mouth of the cave. "I'm going. Please take care of
Princess Annie."

Without waiting for anyone's reply, he jumped out of the cave. After he
disappeared, everyone exchanged glances awkwardly.

"He's going to die if he goes. No doubt about it." Skinorse shrugged.

"Not exactly," Morrigan said. "The Ferde lord will be there too, and you said he
has King Leon. Maybe he can successfully revoke Duke Abel's military

Moya, who hadn't said a word all this time, suddenly said, "You're wrong.
Those 40,000 soldiers aren't to fight against Master Link. The military control is
meaningless too. Those soldiers are there to restrict the master's power."

"What do you mean?" Morrigan was just a Level-5 Magician. He didn't really
understand a top Magician's power.

"Let me put it like this," Skinorse explained. "At the Orida Fortress, Master
Link once used a ranged attack to destroy the Dark Elves and demon army.
Each time, he killed more than 30,000 within ten minutes. A mortal is powerless
against him. If he tries, the 40,000 soldiers will be obliterated instantly. But he
won't do that, obviously. With the soldiers present, Master Link must restrain
himself while fighting…"

Morrigan gulped. He was first shaken and then worried. "Holding yourself back
in a battle of life or death… According to you, General Abel already has
Legendary strength. The black-haired Naga is at the Legendary level too, and
the other Naga isn't weak either. How can we fight?"
Skinorse sighed. "I don't know. This is tricky."

The cave fell silent again; the mood was depressing. After a long while, Priest
Moya said, "I think we should go too."

Morrigan was the first to disagree. "Are you crazy?" he exclaimed. "This is a
fight between Legendary figures. What can we do? We might even distract
Master Link."

As soon as he finished, a weak voice came from the corner. It was Annie.
"Morrigan, you don't know him. He won't get distracted… If I go, maybe my
life will make my father feel a bit of guilt. So, if possible, please bring me over,
if only to a close proximity."

"Are you crazy too?" Morrigan really couldn't understand anything that
happened today. He'd never seen people fight to die before. A madman had just
jumped out of the waterfall. The other madman now wanted to follow him.

But after he spoke, the cave grew quiet. No one answered him; Moya and
Skinorse were both deep in thought. A few seconds later, both spoke at the same

"You go first," Skinorse said.

So Moya said, "Princess Annie, I'll take you over."

Skinorse arched an eyebrow. "Alright, I was going to say that too."

Morrigan was the only one left. He looked side to side and finally sighed
dejectedly. "Great, you're all enthusiastic and hot-blooded, that's wonderful…"
Morrigan said sarcastically. "I'll go full-out this time too. I'll go too."

If Master Link lost, General Abel would definitely cause a catastrophe. If he

watched his companions sacrifice themselves while he retreated, he would be
wrought with guilt later. He wouldn't be able to live happily no matter what.

In that case, he would go now and hide in the distance to look for an
opportunity. Maybe both sides would be destroyed and be hanging onto a
thread. Then he would come into play. As the saying went, a stalk of hay could
break a camel's back. He might be the stalk to defeat Duke Abel.
With that, Skinorse patted his shoulder and chuckled. "I knew you'd go too.
Let's go. If we run faster, we can catch up to Kanorse. That guy is too
straightforward. If he gets there, he'll just try to block their way. It'll be weird if
he doesn't die."

They wanted to help, but they truly weren't strong enough. They must plan well.

Whoosh, whoosh. Amidst the sound of wind, Felina and two other Red Dragon
Warriors flew towards Gladstone in their dragon forms. Finally, they saw Link
on the main road outside the city. He wasn't alone. Other than Celine, King
Leon, and some fire gun Warriors, he also had around 30 people dressed as

After curing the plague, the priests of Hapsburg completely revered Link. They
didn't wish to leave after hearing about Abel. They wanted to stay and face him

"Duke, did you cure the plague?" Felina asked, seeing their relaxed expressions.

"Yes… but Orida Fortress sent the soldiers, right?" Link asked. Seeing Felina's
furrowed brows, he knew there was a problem. In the end, Duke Abel couldn't
resist the desire to kill. He had probably completely fallen now.

Felina sighed and explained what she'd seen in the forest.

Everyone present listened carefully. Afterwards, Link estimated, "Gladstone is

more than 160 miles from the Orida Fortress by road. The army will take at least
three days to arrive. During this time, we can hatch a plan."

When they met in three days, the Dragon King's Fury sword would have
finished leveling up. By then, he'd have nothing to fear of Katyusha's Spear of

King Leon was a bit worried. "My brother John has always been the general. He
personally enlisted these soldiers. Now that he's become so powerful, he must
be reputable amongst them. I'm afraid that if he insists on killing even with the
plague cured, the soldiers will still follow his orders."
A general's command must be obeyed. As long as Abel was still the general, the
soldiers would obey no matter how bizarre his order was.

Link nodded. "Indeed. Therefore, we cannot just wait here. Let's go intercept

King Leon had another worry. "If we take away John's position, the soldiers
would still follow him if he called."

Link thought for a bit and said, "Yes, but that's okay. The Warriors won't dare to
fight against me."

He was highly confident in this because he knew he had another name—"army

killer." He could destroy an entire demon army; a human army was nothing.

The old soldiers of the Orida Fortress all saw him kill the demon army with
their own eyes. When they saw him at the fortress, they would practically fall to
their knees. Facing him now, they wouldn't have the courage to fight back.

He knew Abel's plans. The general just wanted to use the soldiers' lives to
restrict his power.

Two Legendary figures and a powerful Naga priestess—Katyusha, your Spear

of Victory has lost its effect on me. I'd like to see what else you can do!

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Chapter 486: Legendary Battle (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A newly renovated road branching off the King's Lane lay between Orida
Fortress and Gladstone City
During this time, resources were transported through this path to Orida Fortress
due to the war in the North. Having undergone repair work, the road was now
smooth and approximately 20 feet wide.

Small wooden huts were built along the road, at intervals of 50 miles, for
travelers to rest their weary feet. These huts were known by the people of
Firuman as rest shacks.

Link and his party were recuperating in one of these rest shacks a hundred miles
away from Gladstone City, as they waited patiently for the arrival of the Orida
Fortress army.

On the second day, around three in the afternoon, a clear ting sounded in the
hut. It was not loud, and still, it carried itself through the air in the rest shack.
Everyone turned to where the sound had come from.

The sound had come from Link's sword in his hand. Aside from the sound, there
seemed to be nothing odd going on with his sword. Everyone around him
assumed that Link had simply flicked a finger at the blade, and so returned to
whatever they were doing before.

Only Link knew then that it was the sound of the Dragon King's Fury sword
leveling up. He looked at the sword and noticed that its in-game information had

Dragon King's Fury—Flaming Sky—Silent World

Lower Order Legendary

State: Half-sealed.

First effect: Activate the Dragon King's Fury blade by spending 1400 Flawless
Dragon Power points. When activated, the caster's power will be magnified by
15 times, and their speed will be increased eightfold. This state will last for
three seconds.

Second effect: All magical power will be increased by 870 percent.

Third effect: The sword will be able to cut through anything with its Boundless
Sharpness. (Perfect State)
Fourth effect: All attacks will automatically activate an area-of-effect attack.
The range of this secondary attack is 400 feet, and its attack power is equal to
15 percent of the player's attack.

(Note: Only the strongest is worthy of holding me!)

The sword's stats had all been upgraded as it leveled up. It had already
surpassed the Burning Wrath of Heavens wand in terms of magical
amplification. However, one of the more significant changes to the sword was
its Boundless Sharpness. Before, its in-game message was cluttered with
explanations of how it could slice through both physical objects and magic.
Now, it simply stated that it could cut through anything. There was no telling
which was stronger at this point, the Dragon King's Fury sword or the
Breakpoint dagger.

Upon the sword's upgrade, Link let go of all concern he had about the final

Half a day went by. At five in the evening, just as the sky began to darken, there
was a rush of wind from outside. Felina had returned from her reconnaissance.

Felina entered the hut and reported to Link, "My lord, the army is now setting
up camp on the main road ten miles away from here."

Link thought for a while, then said to King Leon who sat beside him, "Your
Highness, it is time to act."

King Leon was somewhat startled by this. There was no turning back for any of
them at this point. He stood up and said, "Then let's go."

The marksmen and priests had been resting in the shack for two days, and they
were all in excellent physical condition. Upon hearing this, they stood up
immediately, ready for deployment.

Link began laying out his plan. "Celine, hide in ambush a few thousand feet
away from our point of convergence with the enemy."

Saying this, he gave a red rune stone to her. "This is an Escape Rune. If there's
trouble, just break it, and it will teleport you a thousand feet away."

Link then said to the marksmen, "All of you keep your distance from the
vanguard at more than 500 feet. Open fire when a confrontation happens. Do
not worry about hitting your own in front."

"Yes, my lord."

Next were the priests. Their levels were not as high. However, what they lacked
in combat skill, they made up for with their healing prowess. Link said to them,
"You are to wait two miles away in the woods. Should we lose our edge, just
retreat from there. If we manage to push back at the enemy, you have my
permission to come out from the woods and start taking care of the injured."

"Understood," said the archbishop, nodding.

Finally, Link said to King Leon and the other three Red Dragon Warriors, "You
four are with me."

King Leon's presence there was essential to Link's plan. On the other hand, the
three Red Dragon Warriors were Level-8 Warriors. Their powers should come
in handy later.

Once everyone was assigned their roles, Link and his men exited the rest shack
and headed off for the enemy camp.

Half an hour later, they finally reached the vicinity of the army. Link gestured at
his men, and everyone began marching on.

The sun had sunk completely behind the mountains, and the sky was now a dark
canvas dotted with stars. Campfires were lit one after another throughout the
enemy camp. From afar, the light was almost imperceptible.

As Link's intention was to revoke Duke Abel's authority, he would be knocking

on the front door of the enemy with as much fanfare as possible. He raised the
Dragon King's Fury wand in the air, and then cast a large-scale magic light

A ball of white light with a diameter of around two feet shot forth from the
sword's tip into the air. When it reached a few thousand feet in the sky, the ball
of light exploded, lighting up the whole place for miles till it was almost as
bright as day, as if a second sun was shining down now from the sky.

The whole army was taken aback by the sudden explosion of light.

"Who did that?" shouted some of the military Magicians. Though the magic
light spell did not present a serious threat to any one of them, it was a Level-5
spell, and it was even capable of illuminating the area to such an extent. A feat
like this was simply incredible.

"Is it an enemy attack?"

"Look, someone's approaching from there!"

"Wow, I've never seen such power!"

Link had appeared before the enemy. He began releasing a bit of his Dragon
Power around him, and an almost dazzling crimson aura billowed around him as
a result.

One of the Warriors recognized Link as soon as he came up close to the camp.
"It's Master Link."

"The Lord of Ferde is here."

"Who's the guy with the crown beside him?"

"Isn't that King Leon? What's going on?"

The unexpected visit by two such important personages had caught everyone off
guard, but none of them dared stop either of them in their tracks and simply
allowed them to walk on through the camp.

The camp was huge, occupying a total area of around one square mile. The
marshall's tent was erected in the middle of the camp. When Link and his
entourage arrived in front of the tent, a crowd of people had gathered around
him, from Generals to military Magicians and Priests. Numbering at 300, most
of them were high-ranking officers of the army.

This was what Link had wanted.

A small patch of ground lay before the marshall's tent. Duke Abel stood in the
tent's entrance, accompanied by two Nagas and ten of their followers.

Upon seeing Link, Marshall Abel stood motionless, a cool smile playing on his
face. "If it isn't the Lord of Ferde himself. To what do I owe the honor of such a

Marshall Abel simply shot a glance at King Leon, pretending not to see him
standing beside Link.

Link knew that the marshall was trying to use to his advantage the fact that
some of the Warriors in his service did not recognize the King himself. He took
a step back and stood behind King Leon. "Actually, I'm only here as part of the
royal escort of the king of the Norton Kingdom."

Link's volume was not high, but with the aid of his Dragon Power, he used a
special magical technique to amplify his voice. All the Warriors in the camp
were able to hear what he had said.

The Warriors of the Orida Fortress all knew in that instant King Leon was in
their midst. Duke Abel's intention to keep silent on the king's identity had been
foiled without even given a chance.

This sparked an uproar throughout the whole camp in an instant.

Abel's royal family had ruled the northern half of the continent for close to 300
years. Fear and reverence towards the king's authority had since been rooted
deeply in the hearts of the people. Some of the generals around them had been
exchanging their suspicions with each other. But upon hearing Link's
confirmation of the king's identity, all of them fell to the ground in a half-kneel
before the king.

Watching them kneel in acknowledgment of his royal authority, King Leon

regained some of his confidence, and he began acting out his part as an actual

He spoke with a low voice, "The reason for my visit to the North tonight is
because of the massacre in Garrason Town."
As he said those words, Link once again cast his spell, amplifying the king's
voice all over the camp.

"Never in my life have I dreamt that my subjects would be culled so callously

by my own soldiers, and that the one carrying out such bloodshed would be my
own brother. Out of the 30,000 inhabitants in the city, more than 20,000 were
slaughtered in cold blood, when in actual fact, only 10,000 were affected by the
epidemic. Instead of looking for a way to cure the disease, my own brother, a
marshall of Orida Fortress and a duke of the Norton Kingdom, had earned
himself a reputation as a bloody butcher by killing for sport. Through his
actions, he has brought great shame to the Abel family and the whole kingdom."

Finally, King Leon announced with firmness in his voice, "Jon Abel, from now
on, you are no longer the marshall of the Norton Kingdom, nor are you a duke. I
hereby find you guilty for the slaughter of 4589 people!"

When he finished, the whole place descended into pandemonium.

Out of the 40,000 people in the army, 30,000 of them had not participated in
Garrason Town's massacre. When they had first heard about it, they too had
thought that the marshall had gone too far. As soon as they heard King Leon's
conviction of his own brother, many of them shouted in righteous vehemence,
"He's a murderer! He's not fit to lead us!"

Still, some of them remained loyal to the marshall, as they shouted back, "You
know nothing! Not even the King does! He's been enjoying himself in the South
all this time, oblivious to the dangers we face every day in the North. He's not
fit to be our king."

Though they seemed to be in the minority, they were all heated up in righteous
anger, ready to explode at the slightest provocation.

The discontent among the Warriors had begun bubbling up to the surface and
was now on the verge of exploding!


A low voice boomed throughout the camp. All excitement among the Warriors
died down immediately, as a sudden cloud of lethargy fell on them. At that
point, none of them could even muster the energy in them to start a fight among

It was Link who had cast the Koan of Kund spell on everyone.

With just one spell, the whole army had ceased its uproar!

King Leon, who had fidgeted apprehensively at the chaos around him, was now
able to relax a little, and said to his brother, "Well, Jon, what have you to say for

"Nothing," roared Duke Abel. Even without magic, his voice was loud enough
that it could be heard by everyone in the camp.

"I have no need for words. Now's the time to act!"

Duke Abel let out a cruel laugh. "I will slay you now, brother. Lord of Ferde,
you too will not escape me. You'll all die, here and now!"

The Generals were all startled upon hearing this. Watching Duke Abel laughing
away maniacally, they all believed that the man had gone mad. Even those who
had been speaking in favor of the duke's actions had now started to question his

Duke Abel had announced his intention to commit treason against the Norton
Kingdom by executing both King Leon and Link in front of everyone. Since
Duke Abel had chosen to oppose the king himself for having revoked his title as
marshall, nothing else could be said to help the duke's case.

Though King Leon was never a remarkable military leader, he never acted out
of order. During the great war in the North, he was the one who had funneled
food and other resources to the army there. Even when Hot Spring City came
under attack, King Leon chose not to ask for reinforcements from the North.
Now, with Link the Legendary Magician and the Lord of Ferde himself on the
king's side, almost no one was willing to stand on Duke Abel's side.

The generals all drew out their swords beside King Leon.

Duke Abel, on the other hand, had no more than 30 followers beside him, which
paled in comparison to the number of Warriors on the king's side.
Ignoring the stark gap in power, Duke Abel stared straight at Link and said
something that raised a few brows among the Generals. "Link, I have with me
40,000 people. Are you sure you're ready to face me?"

King Leon's speech before had been nothing more than a formality. The only
thing that mattered now was the clash between two Legendary masters.

From the duke's point of view, absolute truth belonged only to the victorious!

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Chapter 487: Legendary Battle (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"They're gonna fight over there!"

On a piece of high land beside the royal avenue, Skinorse squinted through a
fine telescope to look at the situation inside the camp.

Kanorse, Annie, Magician Morrigan, and Priest Moya were beside him.

Skinorse looked over to them and reported the situation. "It looks bad. Duke
Abel's side is three people while Master Link is alone. He has to protect King
Leon and consider the soldiers around them. He's so restricted. How can he

Anyone with a bit of experience would see this and realize how troublesome it

Master Link should either fight with his full power or get out of here and not
care about it. If he had to care about it while considering the soldiers, he might
die without a corpse.

Hearing this, Kanorse was filled with anxiety. Link was his savior and had once
taken an extreme risk to save him from the North. Now, he couldn't help but
say, "No, I can't just watch here. I must fight too."
"Me too," Annie said.

She wanted to ask personally. If her father was set on going with those so-called
Agatha Nagas, she would give up. As his daughter, she would give her life back
to him.

And she would never let Link die!

Kanorse picked Annie and got ready to jump down.

Skinorse hurriedly stopped Kanorse. "Honestly, why are you two so impatient?
Isn't Master Link a Spatial Magician? If he's going to lose, he can run!"

"But we can't just sit here and watch." Kanorse's brows were furrowed.

Skinorse sighed deeply. He turned to Moya and Morrigan. "Friends, we should

do that now, right?"

Moya nodded. "We can't wait anymore. Let's start."

Morrigan was in pain. "Ah, that's my treasure. Now it's going to be gone."

As he spoke, he took out a white-gold disc, eight inches in diameter, from his
spatial bracelet. Runes flowed through the disc. There was also a colorful shine.
From the looks of it, it was nothing average.

"I found this from a High Elf tomb. It's called the Revelation Disc. Its one use is
to add strong power to someone… We don't have much time. They're going to
fight soon so let's start!"

With that, Morrigan pointed his wand at the disc. Mana surged into it, and the
colorful shine grew heavier. Priest Moya also walked over. Milky white sacred
light emerged from her hands and poured into the disc.

Whoosh. The colorful haze spread to around three feet in diameter. The white-
gold disc was almost transparent.

"Skinorse, Princess Annie," Morrigan called. "Hurry and pour in all your power.
Don't keep anything back… Kanorse, you don't have to!"
Skinorse and Annie walked over. Their Battle Aura lit up at their hands, and
they gripped the disc. Skinorse was a Level-8 Assassin now while Annie was at
the pinnacle of Level-7. Though she was weak, her Battle Aura had recovered a
lot during these days of rest. When their power entered the disc, the colorful
haze shot out to nine feet wide.

Next, Morrigan pushed the shiny side of the disc towards Kanorse and activated
a rune. Crack. With a light sound, the disc cracked. First, a web of fissures
spread across the surface. Then it broken into shards and finally, into countless
dots of light. They melted into the air like ice on a stove.

At the same time, the others used up all their energy and collapsed onto the

Next, the colorful haze in the air contracted. It transformed into a fist-sized ball
of rune light. It flew, crashing into Kanorse's chest, and entered his body.

He stumbled back from the hit. One second after he steadied himself, his body
started glowing. His eyes especially radiated with shocking light. The others
couldn't meet his eyes.

Kanorse looked down at his hands. "I can feel unprecedented strength," he

Morrigan made a face. "Yes, you are a Level-9 Warrior. The Revelation Disc
raises one's power one level. You are now at Level-10 and in the Legendary
state. You obviously have unprecedented strength. But my poor treasure…"

Skinorse picked up a pebble and tossed it at Kanorse. "What are you waiting
for? The time is limited. You only have five or six minutes. Ah, this weak
feeling is scary. I'd spent a night with a Beastwoman when I was young, but
even that wasn't this tiring."

Kanorse automatically ignored Skinorse's last sentence and nodded. "I see!"

With that, he turned and jumped down the high land. With another burst of
power, he ran 900 feet and shot towards the camp like an arrow.

At this time, Duke Abel slowly pulled out his sword. "I call this sword Hero's
Dusk," he said darkly. "Link, you are the youngest of a small noble family. You
shouldn't have anything, but you somehow broke through your lowly fate and
became a Legendary Magician. You're a hero, so I will use this sword against

Those who could break through the shackles of fate were all heroes!

As he spoke, Link stepped to the front of King Leon. "Your Majesty," he

whispered. "Take the Warriors back."

Duke Abel sneered. "You want to protect my brother? No matter. He is destined

to die today. It's just a matter of time."

Link's expression was unchanged. His calmness was difficult for an average
man to comprehend. Like a mirror, he could reflect every change in the outside
world but wouldn't be affected personally.

This was the effect of fighting with magic for so long.

When King Leon started retreating, he unsheathed the Dragon King's Fury. He
was ready.

At the same time, his vision flashed. He knew it was a mission and took a
glance. It was telling him to defeat Duke Abel. Skipping the other specifics, he
accepted it.

On the other side, Naga priestess Molina started retreating too. Her power was
more for reinforcement, so hiding was the best choice. Katyusha walked to
Duke Abel's right and prepared to attack Link from another direction.

Link didn't move. He stood firmly like a lifeless statue but created great
pressure. Katyusha moved very, very slowly. She feared any misstep would
cause Link to explode.

The two sides were in a stalemate. An extreme pressure spread in all directions.
The generals, Magicians, priests, and Warriors even further away were all
weighed down and couldn't speak. Their only reaction was to keep retreating.
Duke Abel allowed them to retreat. They could only reach 300 feet away while
that only took an instant in a Legendary battle.

The seconds ticked by. Each second was terrifying long; each second was truly
like a year.

Two seconds later, Link felt something.

Someone was coming. He had Legendary power, was friendly…was familiar…

It was Kanorse. Overjoyed, Link started acting without hesitation.

He activated the Miracle Aura.

Its effect reached 1500 feet and could protect everything within it. Once
activated, white light swept behind Link like a tidal wave. Instantly, a thin
shield appeared on countless Warriors.

A shield also appeared on Kanorse who had just arrived in the proximity.

Across from Link, Katyusha immediately reacted. "Die!" she screamed.

Wielding her spear, she stabbed. The spear shot across the 90 feet between

As the spear came, Link's mind shook. He felt targeted.

He knew that reality was definitely different from the game. In the game,
Katyusha would only use the Thorn of Fate every two seconds. But in real life,
her every stab was probably a Thorn of Fate.

The spear was super-fast. From the move's inception to appearing before Link's
eyes, it was less than one-tenth of a second. It was right when Link was casting
the other spell so he couldn't use any other spells.

Back in the day, Link would either die or need Celine's help. Now, his Dragon
King's Fury could cut through the time between cause and effect.

He twisted to the side and blocked with his sword. Katyusha's Spear of Victory
instantly changed according to Link's moves. His sword changed too. Within
one-tenth of a second, the two weapons changed 15 times. They were both so
fast that they looked illusory.

But one-tenth of a second later, the two collided like fate. During this fight, both
sides were at the same level.

Link had a dragon's physique and was at Level-11. Katyusha was a Naga, and
physical strength was her attribute too. Though she was slightly weaker, she had
the advantage of acting first, so they were tied.


An instant later, the sound of the collision finally rang out. Under the sharp
scream, an insignificant layer of white light spread out from the collision. After
spreading for 15 feet, it had turned into a gust of wind. Sand and pebbles flew;
the tents in the camp were all blown away.

If not for Link's Miracle Aura, many people would have died. But with the light
enveloping them, no soldier was hurt.

Katyusha was shocked at this. "How is it possible?!"

Behind her, the Naga priestess was dumbfounded too. She'd been casting a spirit
spell to target the gunner who could apparently disturb the Spear of Victory's
tracks. But before she could find the gunner, the spear was blocked.

Molina didn't have more time to think though because someone had started
attacking her. It was those automatic gunners Link had brought.

Their weapons could shoot from up to 3000 feet away and were hidden within
the crowd now. They also had the Miracle Aura's protection. They could send a
stream of bullets to Duke Abel's side without any worry.

These bullets were Level-6. Some hit Link's shield but most swept towards
Duke Abel's group.

Dozens of Abel's trusted aides were riddled with bullets instantly. Duke Abel
couldn't attack either. He was forced to keep blocking the bullets with his
"Dammit!" Molina quickly cast the divine spell Destructive Halo!

Destructive Halo

Divine Spell

Effect: Within the halo's proximity, a destructive shield will appear around all
targets marked as friendly, destroying all incoming attacks.

(Note: Replace defenses with attacks!)

As soon as the shield appeared, the bullets lost their effectiveness. When they
hit the dark red shield, they turned into flashes of light and were destroyed.

Though the shield could destroy these Level-6 bullets, it wasn't much against
Legendary power.

On the other hand, Katyusha was stunned that her spear had failed. Link
snatched this moment. He thrust his sword forward, attacking instead of

Just as the sword was about to stab her throat, Katyusha wrenched her spear
back at an incredible angle. Clang. She blocked Link's sword.

But even though she blocked it, the difference in strength grew obvious. The
Spear of Victory was pushed back, and her move was distorted.

"I'll help you!" General Abel saw that Katyusha was at a disadvantage and
rushed over.

Link was powerful, but he was alone and had concerns. If the three worked
together, they could definitely kill him!

But just as he stepped forward, a figure shot out from behind Link. Then there
was a blinding white streak of lightning that blocked Duke Abel's path.

Kanorse had arrived!

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Chapter 488: Legendary Battle (4)
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A streak of lightning lashed out at him all of a sudden. A series of explosions

rang out in the air, and the light blinded Duke Abel momentarily.

Then he saw someone unexpected.

"Kanorse?" He was taken aback. He knew that Kanorse had Level-9 power, but
the power he was giving off right now was bearing on the Duke with such
oppressive weight. His attack power was on the same level as the Duke's.

Kanorse did not stop there. Lunging forward with his sword held in one hand,
ready to pierce through Duke Abel's heart, he shouted, "Marshall, I'm here to
stop your madness!"

Hearing this, Duke Abel's rage reached a fever pitch in him. "I've had enough of
your words! You mortals really are something! Always trying to get to me with
your venomous tongue!"

His eyes had turned blood red, as a dark red aura swirled around him like a
cyclone. He then swung the Hero's Dusk sword at the bolt of lightning that had
come for him.

"Murder is the absolute truth of this world!"

Duke Abel's voice was filled with indescribable savagery. "I'll kill anyone who
gets in my way! I'll kill anyone who upsets me! I'll exterminate all life and rain
death and destruction upon this world!"

Saying this, he managed to shatter Kanorse's lightning attack and blocked an

attack from his magical lightning sword. A tremor then ran through the Duke's
sword, threatening to smash Kanorse's weapon to pieces.

However, thanks to the abundance of combat experience he had accumulated

over the years, when Kanorse felt the vibration of power from the Duke's sword,
he immediately pulled his lightning sword back. He knew that it was no match
for the enemy's weapon. Kanorse was able to do so with such speed; it was as if
he was holding not a sword, but a feather in his hand.
Failing to land a hit on his enemy, Duke Abel let out another one of his joyless
laughs. He activated the special effect of his Legendary sword: Eternal Dusk!

Kanorse was caught off guard by the activation of the Battle Skill. He sensed
that the sky that had been illuminated by the large-scale magic light spell before
had now darkened considerably as it turned blood red. His surroundings were
instantly transformed into a desert, where he stood alone in the face of
thousands of cavalrymen charging at him.

Even a lone hero would not last long against such an overwhelming number.

"The sword can even affect my senses?"

Just when it looked as if he was about to be swallowed up by the incoming

torrent of horseback soldiers, a beam of light came down from the sky and
transformed into a huge hand. The palm of light stretched across the sky for
thousands of miles. The whole sky lit up when it appeared. The hand then
descended from above, and with a huge thump, crushed all soldiers and horses
alike beneath it.

The illusion was dispelled, and Kanorse saw that a magic hand brimming with
brilliant white light was holding fast onto the Duke's sword. He also noticed that
the sword was half a foot away from piercing through his body.

Link had conjured the magic hand from his wand in one hand, stopping the
Duke's sword just in time, while fending off the spear attacks of the Naga with
his sword in the other hand.

This was the Titan's Hand, a Flame spell that Link had once used to terrorize the
Black Forest. He rarely found the occasion to use it these days, but in his
downtime, he had made a few adjustments to it. The scale of the spell had gone
down drastically ever since, but the spell's potency had been increased to Level-

Also, due to the spell's simple structure, Link was able to casually cast it
without much difficulty.

Just like that, he was able to interrupt Duke Abel's Battle skill with it just in the
nick of time.
Kanorse saw the opening in front of him and began his counterattack!

Though his sword could not hold a candle to the Duke's, and he had just
recovered from his injuries, Kanorse had a talent for combat unlike any other.
On the other hand, Duke Abel may have attained Legendary power, but his
combat skill did not receive the same upgrade.

Despite wielding a Legendary sword, Duke Abel was only able to fight Kanorse
to a standstill.

However, Link and Katyusha's battle had now shown a distinct difference in
power between the two. While her combat skill was on par with Link's,
Katyusha's overall power had never been a match for his. Her only advantage
throughout the whole fight was her Spear of Victory's Thorn of Fate effect. But
now that the Thorn of Fate had been rendered useless, she was no longer a foe
worthy for Link's full strength.

Link seemed to be casually jabbing at her with his sword, but each strike was
aimed at any one of her weak points, and she was forced to either dodge or
block his sword in a delicate dance that could spell her death at any moment.

After receiving five jabs of Link's sword, she screamed, "Molina, hurry up and

Something was off. They had been fighting for more than four seconds. What
kind of divine spell had a casting time of more than four seconds?

"I'm being targeted!" Molina's voice rang out tremulously. "It's the sniper; she's
got her sights locked on me and is now waiting to strike the minute I lose focus.
I sense that her attacks can pierce through my Destructive Barrier!"

Katyusha was speechless. From the corner of her eye, she could see Molina just
standing there like a brick.

She felt a chill in her blood. Molina was a Naga Priest capable of casting
powerful divine spells. If she had been compromised, what chance did any of
them stand to win this fight?

In an act of desperation, she thrust her spear at Link's chest with all her might,
discarding all concern for her own safety.
Link simply took a step back to avoid the tip of the spear.

Katyusha then retreated immediately to Molina's side and said, "You stop Link,
I'll deal with the sniper!"

Molina nodded. With a burst of destructive Divine Power, she pointed a finger
at Link, and directed a divine spell she had already prepared: Frenzy!


Destructive Divine Spell

Description: The target will be sent into a frenzy by the spell and will begin
attacking anyone and anything in its vicinity in a blind rage. The spell's duration
depends on the target's power level, the longest being a whole day.

(Note: Surrender yourself to madness, mortal!)

The one closest to Link now was Kanorse. Under the effect of the spell, Link
would target him naturally. Flanked from both sides, Kanorse would be killed in
an instant.

Also, one of the characteristics of the spell was that unlike most other spells, it
had a subtler method of activation, and so was especially difficult to interrupt.

Though Link still had the Miracle Aura around him, it was ineffective against
this particular divine spell. In an instant, Link felt something taking over his
mind, clouding all his senses.

"Not good, it's a psychic divine spell!"

Link reacted in a flash, and activated the Dragon Bloodline Spell: Dragon Soul!

Dragon Soul

Bloodline Spell

Description: The user increases his or her psychic defenses exponentially,

depending on the user's own level.

(Note: Burn in the heat of a dragon's soul!)

Upon the activation of the bloodline spell, Link felt a sudden explosion of heat
in his head. The cloud that had settled on his consciousness was in that instant
burned away without a trace.

The whole process lasted no more than a second!

When he regained his senses, Link heard a ting from Katyusha's direction. It
was one of Celine's bullets that the Naga had managed to deflect.

At that moment, a dark red light radiated from the Naga Priest's body. Behind
her, a vortex of dark red feathers sprouted from her back.

Link did not know what kind of divine spell she was about to unleash. What
mattered right now, though, was that in that brief moment, no one was keeping
him down, and he could now begin casting spells of his own back at the enemy.

He managed to summon a spatial sphere which exploded and sent translucent

ripples hurtling through the air. It enveloped Duke Abel, the Naga Priest and
Katyusha in its area of effect.

"Spatial shackle!"

All three were momentarily frozen in place. As they all possessed Legendary
power, they should be able to break through their spatial restraints in at most a
tenth of a second.

But this was more than enough time for Link and Kanorse!

Kanorse immediately seized the opportunity presented to him and stabbed his
sword through Duke Abel's chest. A bolt of lightning exploded from the blade,
electrocuting the Duke until he dropped to the ground lifelessly on his knees.
With a rattle, his sword too fell from his hands to the ground.

On the other side of the battle, Link sent his sword through a Despair Ball, and
the sword's tip entered Katyusha's chest, piercing directly into her heart. He then
twisted the blade, rending the Naga's heart to pieces. At the same time, his
Dragon Power flowed through the blade and began its rampage through her
Unable to even scream, Katyusha simply stood there, a dull look on her face.
Her eyes darkened as all life fled away from her.


The Naga Priest managed to break free of Link's Spatial Shackle. She let out a
shriek, before grabbing Katyusha's body before it hit the ground. She closed the
pair of dark red wings behind her around both of them.

Their bodies then began blurring. They were trying to flee!

Link had no intention of leaving any survivors at this point.

He gave another stab of his sword through a Despair Ball, and the sword's tip
immediately pierced through the Naga Priest's back.

Celine's bullet hit her as well at the same time.

It whistled through the air and through the Naga Priest's body, before finally
hitting the ground behind her.

The Naga Priest had vanished on the spot before Link's sword, or Celine's bullet
managed to hit their mark.

Link frowned. He had never seen such an escape technique before.

He walked over to where the Nagas had vanished and cast three detection spells:
Spatial Ripple Detection, Dimensional Detection, and Planar Detection. The
three beams of magical light shone over the area, but could not find any spatial
abnormalities whatsoever.

The enemy did not use any teleportation spells, nor did they travel to the
Isomerism Realm.

The two Agatha Nagas had simply evaporated like morning dew to god knows

Link could not make any sense out of their disappearing act.

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Chapter 489: Three Pillars of the Realm: Time

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Plop. Duke Abel couldn't kneel anymore. He sprawled onto the ground.

He didn't die and was just badly hurt. Kanorse had held back in the last moment,
but he was close to death now anyway. In fact, he might be even worse off.

The Naga priestess and Katyusha had escaped, but he remained here to await

By now, the camp was already turned to ruins by the shockwaves. Link's
Miracle Aura was in effect, but it could only protect 1500 feet. The shockwaves
traveled past it, and Link couldn't do anything.

In the end, more than 2000 soldiers were hurt. Thankfully, they were only light
injuries. A few dozen unlucky souls had died though. After falling, they'd been
pierced by sharp objects.

Hapsburg's priests and the army's priests started treating the wounded.

Link walked towards Duke Abel. He picked up the sword and added Dragon
Power to check it. Confirming that there were no problems with it, he tossed it
to Kanorse. "It's yours."

Kanorse caught it. Brandishing it, his eyes lit up and put the sword away.

"I lost. Kill me now."

Duke Abel struggled a bit and rolled over to face the sky. Kanorse had stabbed
his abdomen. There was a bloody hole, and the skin around it was charred by
the lightning. However, his vitality was strong, and he just won't die.

Link didn't speak. He pointed the sword tip at Abel's chest and added in Dragon
Power. Using a sealing spell, he sealed Abel's power. Then he cast a dragon
healing spell to keep him alive.
"Why?" Confusion appeared in Duke Abel's bloodshot eyes.

Link shook his head. "I'm only responsible for taking your power, but I'm not
the one to decide your future. That should be King Leon."

As he spoke, he retreated to the side. King Leon walked over with a woman.
Her face was pale and covered in tears. It was Princess Annie.

Seeing his daughter, Duke Abel trembled and quickly looked away.

Annie walked to his side. "Are you still my father?" she asked, voice quivering.

Duke Abel shook violently. He covered his face with one hand and waved at
Annie with his other. "Go away! I don't deserve to be your father! Go!"

It wasn't his wish for this to happen.

He'd taken the wrong first step and then was lured by the Agatha Nagas. He'd
been easily persuaded, mostly because of his mistake at Garrason. There was no
way to turn back, and so he was forced to step onto this path of destruction.

Annie's tears were like rain.

King Leon also sighed. He looked to Link and shook his head tersely. It was
clear—he didn't wish to kill his own brother.

Even if he was the king, he couldn't make the decision. In the Norton Kingdom
now, Link had the power of the final decision. If he said Duke Abel must die,
then no one could change that fact.

Link understood this, but he knew even more clearly that though his power to
determine one's fate was useful, there was a horrible side effect. Power was
always a two-sided blade!

For example, if he killed Duke Abel now, King Leon would become guarded
against him. Princess Annie would stay away from him too. Kanorse, who had
purposely kept the duke's life, would hold a grudge too. Link would also be
known for killing the duke and enter the forefront of the Norton Kingdom's
political stage.
This way, Link would lose many allies while also being swept up in the political
whirlpool. He'd run into many troubles.

What would he receive?

He would just get the rush of adrenaline from deciding someone else's fate. Link
wasn't too interested in power. The nice feeling wasn't necessary either, so he
wouldn't gain anything.

In reality, Link understood his position long ago. He was a protector, not a king,
judge, or anything secular like that. This way, he definitely shouldn't take part in
these secular matters.

So when King Leon asked him like this, he just bowed slightly and said, "Your
Majesty, my duty is to remove the kingdom's threat. Duke Abel has been
defeated now and is no longer a threat. My duty is completed."

His message was clear. He wouldn't take part in the duke's trial. If King Leon
didn't want to kill his own brother, Link wouldn't interfere. As long as Duke
Abel didn't commit any more crimes, he could live out the rest of his life as a
wealthy man.

Once Link said that, King Leon trembled slightly. After a few seconds, he
understood what Link meant.

He let out a deep sigh. Before this, he'd always thought that Link would
someday replace him as the master of the North. Now, it seemed that he'd
underestimated this young man.

Link didn't want to become a king in the mortal world. He wanted to become a
supernatural saint!

Thinking of Link's past, he had always done this. He'd created the now-
flourishing Ferde territory but gave all the authority to a group of average
people. Many Ferde citizens only interacted with Lucy. As for Lord Link, he
was just a Legendary figure.

He was a protector who could calm the people by just existing.

Duke Abel found this strange too. He'd always thought that Link would kill him.
This was also why he'd been so scared and finally started on the path of
destruction. He didn't expect this ending.

If he knew this would be so, why would he have been scared? It was just being
removed from the general's position! He was tired of the damn fortress long

At this time, the generals who'd retreated crowded over. When King Leon saw
that everyone was present, he proclaimed his decision about General Abel.

"I, Leon Abel, patriarch of the Abel family, king of the Norton Kingdom,
hereby announce that John Abel is no longer a member of the Lion family. He
committed crimes of murder under the deceit of the God of Destruction rather
than his own will. Thus, he is absolved of the death penalty. He will be stripped
of all power and banished to the South to live his life in captivity!"

For a noble, this punishment was harsh. Though he could live, the rest of his life
would be miserable.

Duke Abel exhaled loudly, and his body slumped. He felt a weakness that he'd
never felt before. The chaotic energy quickly left him like a tidal wave returning
to the sea.

His body changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. His face paled, skin
wrinkled, hair whitened, and his powerful muscles shriveled. He aged at least a

Seeing this, Annie cried out in worry.

Link looked over. He checked and said, "The God of Destruction took back his
power. He's abandoned. He looks like this because of over-exerting his body
and will recover after some rest."

Of course, he couldn't recover completely. After all this, Duke Abel's lifespan
was reduced by at least five years.

As he spoke, Link waved at a priest beside him. The man walked over to treat
Duke Abel's wounds. When the Light power shone down, his body didn't fight
back at all. He'd become a regular senior.
Annie sighed. She wiped her tears and supported her frail father. To her, this
was the best result.

Without the destructive power's interference, Duke Abel was completely

calmed. He gazed at his daughter's pallor, feeling both guilt and fortune. Tears
leaked from the corners of his eyes.

The generals kept mum at this. They'd resented the duke before but couldn't say
anything now.

Link saw that King Leon was in grief too. He walked up and reminded quietly,
"Your Majesty, the army needs a new general."

This brought King Leon back. He nodded. Thinking a bit, he looked to Kanorse.

Kanorse was known as the Dawn Swordsman, and his reputation in the army
was second only to Duke Abel. He was skilled, loyal, and a commoner. He
didn't have any family behind him and had a good relationship with Link. He
was the best candidate for the new general.

"I want to choose him," King Leon murmured.

Link nodded. "I have no objections."

He could tell that Kanorse was about to enter the Legendary level. At that time,
Link would make some powerful equipment for him so his combat ability would
multiply. He would become the first human general with Legendary power.
With his personality and power, he would definitely turn the Orida Fortress into
the first iron fortress of the human race!

"When they return to the Orida Fortress, there should be a grand ceremony,"
King Leon said.

Link thought for a bit and said, "Yes… Let's set the date for one month later. I
will create some magical equipment for the general during this time so nothing
similar would happen in the future."

King Leon nodded. He obviously didn't have any objections.

With this settled, only some mundane tasks were left. Link didn't care about it at
all. He circled the spot where the Naga priestess had disappeared, occasionally
casting some detection spells. He wanted to find clues about their

After half an hour, he still had nothing.

Helpless, he asked the sword spirit in his mind, "Do you have any suggestions?"

This is some powerful divine spell, but I've never seen it, and I don't know
where it's from. It should belong to a god.

At this time, Celine walked over. "Did you find anything?" she asked.

Link shook his head. "Nothing at all. It's strange."

Celine couldn't do anything either. She wandered around with Link until Link
gave up after another half hour.

"Whatever, I'll stop looking. They really escaped!"

If there were some clues, he could still go and kill them. Now, there were no
clues at all—not even a shred.

He promised to create equipment for the new general, and so he couldn't waste
time here.

"Let's go back to the camp."

The camp was actually still in ruins now, but the weather was nice. The
Warriors lit a bonfire and rested under the sky. Link naturally didn't have to
worry about a place to stay.

Inside the tent, Link waited for Celine to sleep before checking the mission

Mission Complete: Remove Military Power

Evaluation: Perfect

Player receives 200 Omni Points.

Player receives 25 Jogu.

Player receives magic book.

The first two rewards were normal, but the last one excited Link. Time, time.
The Spear of Victory uses the power of time. Would the Naga priestess use a
divine spell of that sort? Did she use a time spell?

Otherwise, he couldn't explain how they had disappeared without a trace.

Thinking this, Link immediately chose to exchange the rewards.

Clack. A book with a black cover appeared in his hands. A dark gold hourglass
was drawn on the center of the cover. Strangely, the hourglass seemed to be
real; the sand inside kept flowing.

Link flipped it open and started reading. When he saw the first sentence, he felt
like a whole new world was opening up before his eyes.

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Chapter 490: We Need More Power

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Time is the ultimate dimensional order that moves only in one direction. To
throw it into turmoil would compromise the dimensional fabric."

This was the first sentence written in the prologue of the magic book. It was also
the only sentence Link understood, as the rest of the pages were filled with
words he could barely grasp.

After flipping through only a third of the book, a splitting headache had set in.

He did not recognize any of the runes or the magical concepts introduced in the
book. This could be easily rectified; he could simply take all the time he needed
to understand the book's contents. The problem was that each and every one of
these logical inferences in the book was extremely complex, to the point that it
seemed to have surpassed the boundaries of all human knowledge. It was all
written in abstraction in the truest sense of the word.

Link continued poring over its pages till midnight. He knew he had come across
a real conundrum. Understanding the whole book would definitely take a great
deal of time and effort from him.

Link now had an inkling of where the two Nagas had disappeared off to. He
suspected that the enemy had traveled through time and hid themselves in the

But just how far into the future did they manage to travel? Would they reappear
at the same place that they had disappeared? Link knew none of the answers to
these questions.

The fact remained that the two Nagas had escaped his grasp.

"Forget it, I need to rest. Tomorrow, I'll be heading off to the Mage Tower in
Orida Fortress and begin working on some magical equipment for Kanorse."

As of now, Kanorse was only equipped with a sterling level set of leather armor
and the magical sword that Link had forged for him, a far cry from Duke Abel's
epic level equipment.

Right now, Link felt obligated to support in any way possible the ascension of
the next marshall in the North.

A night had passed in silence.

The next day, the army set off for Orida Fortress.

Link had gone off ahead with Celine to Orida Fortress, whereas King Leon and
the others had remained with the rest of the army, trudging on slowly towards
the same destination.

On the third day of their journey, a dark red light appeared in the middle of the
woods, where the army had set up camp before.

At first, the point of light was no bigger than a thumb. It was shaped almost like
a pair of bloodshot eyes. They observed their surroundings for a moment as if
making sure they were alone. Then, a sudden whoosh sound could be heard, as
the ball of light rapidly expanded. Moments later, there was a thump, and the
Naga Priest Molina and Katyusha fell from the ball of light and onto the ground.

On the ground, Molina immediately scrambled over to Katyusha and pressed a

hand on the gaping wound in her chest. She began chanting a spell. From her
hand flowed a continuous stream of dark red light, which then entered
Katyusha's body.

Katyusha stared dully at the air in front of her. Her breathing had all but
stopped. Her limbs dangled lifelessly from her body, and her skin was sagging
so much, it was as if she had been reduced to a skeleton with squishy bags of
skin and blood bound to it.

This was the appearance of an Agatha Naga on the verge of death.

But as the power flowed on through her, the skin around the gaping hole on
Katyusha's chest began weaving itself together at a speed visible to the naked
eye until the wound was completely sealed up. At the same time, her skin began
to tauten around her. Ten seconds later, she took in a deep gulp of air. Both her
hands clasped tightly around Molina's wrist as her eyes sprang open.

"I'm alive?" Katyusha's voice was weak.

"You almost died." Molina pulled her hand back. She was covered in sweat, and
her eyes were dark with exhaustion. The divine spell she had used on Katyusha
had depleted almost all of her power.

"What time is it?" Katyusha sat up. She then looked about, searching for her
Spear of Victory.

"It's with me." Molina took out the spear and handed it over to her. "We've
traveled into the future, three days after our last battle. The human army has
already left. I assume they've all returned to Orida Fortress. Our operation has

Katyusha fell silent. She took her spear back and leaned on it as she slowly tried
to stand up.
In the dim forest, a breeze blew down from the mountains. Without a sound,
Katyusha began whirling the spear in her hand. Her body was still weak, and
she could only spin it slowly at first. Gradually, the spear began picking up
speed. A few minutes later, she was whirling her spear at her normal speed.

Just then, she tripped on a rock and fell forward on the ground.

The Spear of Victory flew from her hand and clattered on the ground a few feet
from her.

Katyusha did not bother getting up. She remained lying face-down on the
ground, like a corpse buried shallowly among the fallen leaves.

She had never experienced such defeat ever since she was born!

She lay on the ground for around five minutes without moving. Looking on at
this, Molina grew worried and approached her to see if she was alright.

When she got close to her, Molina saw that Katyusha's shoulder was trembling.
The sound of stifled sobbing could be heard from Katyusha. Molina walked
around her and saw that tears were indeed rolling down her cheeks.

Molina sighed heavily. She understood Katyusha more than anyone else. When
she had just entered adulthood, Katyusha was deemed as the most gifted Naga
of them all. Their defeat this time had come as a tremendous shock to her.

Molina kept silent and simply remained by Katyusha's side.

Ten minutes later, Katyusha crawled up from the ground and wiped her tears
off. She then walked over to pick up her spear. "We were impatient. We left our
defenses wide open. If we had slowed down just a bit, Ferde and the Isle of
Dawn would have gone to war with each other without our aid."

Molina nodded. "I guess you're right. The emergence of Link would naturally
accelerate the rise of the human race, but the High Elves would not have let
such a thing happen. There was no need for us to have intervened in this."

Something clicked in Katyusha. "Link is just too powerful. With the Light of
Firuman's blessing on him, he must be the Child of the Realm. We are most
definitely not a match for him with our current power level. We need to form
our own alliances."

Molina laughed at this. She knew that Katyusha had grown even more mature
and reasonable after suffering such a defeat. She asked quietly, "What other race
would want to ally themselves to us?"

Katyusha counted her fingers. "A lot, actually. On the surface, there's the Lord
of the Deep, Nozama himself, the Dark Elves, Morpheus the Shadow Stalker of
the South and his Syndicate. Then there are the High Elves, the Beastmen,
Dwarves and even the Yabba race who may be willing to form an alliance with

"Oh?" Molina was confused. "I can see why the High Elves would ally
themselves with us. But the Beastmen live far out in the Golden Plains, the
Dwarves have no quarrel with the rest of the world. There are, in fact, friendly
with Link, and the Yabba people are under Link's protection. How do we make
allies out of any of them?"

Katyusha's reasoning had become even clearer. Her eyes lit up even more. "The
rise of the humans will eventually lead to them invading the others for their own
profit. As they become more powerful, so too will their greed. They will begin
coveting the Dwarves' weapons and the Beastmen's fur and other natural
resources. I imagine none of them would find such an outcome desirable.
Though the Dwarves and Link are on friendly terms, it is only on a personal
basis. The illusion of friendship will not last long when the Dwarves' own
interest is at stake. As for the Yabba people, there should be a couple of them
who have begun to feel discontent about living under another race. Akensser,
the master craftsman, is still within our grasp. He's probably gathered a
following in his race by now."

Molina grinned widely at this. "I can't find any fault in your reasoning. Once we
get back to the North, we'll bring this up for discussion with Ashali (the highest
in command among the Nagas), she'll probably agree with you."

At the mention of Ashali, Katyusha's face darkened instantly. "Maybe, I don't

think she likes me that much."
"Don't worry, I'll back you up," said Molina reassuringly. She lifted her head up
and looked at the sky. "It's getting dark. We'd best rest for a while. Once it's
completely dark, we'll go back quietly to the North."


Orida Fortress

Link was still hard at work forging magical equipment. When the exhaustion
started to set in, he could either go back to finishing up his book on magical
enchantments or practice his sword at the magical arena.

Days had passed, as scouts from the Orida Fortress searched the woods for any
sign of Katyusha or Molina, but to no avail. A month later, they simply gave up
their search.

In that time, King Leon had remained in Orida Fortress, while Kanorse began
familiarizing himself with his duties as the fortress' new marshall. The one who
had appointed him as Duke Abel's successor was none other than the depowered
Duke Abel himself.

As if trying to make up for his crimes, Duke Abel had been teaching Kanorse
how to navigate his duties as a respectable marshall. Though Kanorse was
upright in his ways, he was also an intelligent man and picked up what he had
learned in no time.

Time passed, and both master and student had grown even more intimate with
one another.

In half a month's time, Link managed to complete three pieces of magical

equipment: a marshall's ring, a lapel pin, and a belt. All three were Legendary
gear. He had even crafted the Hero's Dusk sword, modeling it after the Lion's
Fury sword.

There was still half a month away till Kanorse's promotion ceremony. With all
that free time, he began focusing all his efforts on writing his book on magical
As far the book on time magic, he figured that he still did not have the capacity
to fully understand it. He would only be torturing himself if he were to force
himself to absorb its contents in one go. He decided to just take it slow.

One day, while he was buried deep in his work, a sound of someone knocking
came from outside his door. After psychically identifying his visitor, he put
down his pencil and said, "Come in."

The door opened, and Skinorse entered, grinning lazily at him. His hands kept
rubbing against each other greedily.

At such a sight, Link knew what he was up to. He picked up three rings placed
on his table and threw it to Skinorse. "Take them. You've earned it."

Skinorse caught the rings in the air. He felt them carefully in his hands, and
knew that they were no ordinary rings. Each of them contained a Burst spell and
a Level-10 Defense spell. Both spells were invaluable to any self-respecting
adventurer who wished to live a little longer in the adventuring business.

"Hehe, many thanks. I'll remember to give the other two rings to my friends."
Skinorse put away the rings in his pocket, then sat on the other side of the table
in front of Link. "Actually, I'm here to show you something."

"Oh, do tell." This piqued Link's curiosity. He knew that Skinorse's slovenly
mannerism was just a facade. He could be quite dependable when he wanted to.

"It's like this. Didn't I tell you before that I was exploring some ruins? I found
something quite interesting. You won't be able to guess what it's used for."

Saying this, Skinorse took out a silver coin and placed on Link's table.

"It's definitely going to blow you away!" he said.

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Chapter 491: Thin Pieces of Time

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
The coin on the table seemed to be made of silver. One side had a silhouette
while the other side was a rose. The edges were very finely made. It was clear
that Skinorse had specially cleaned it; it looked as good as new.

Link studied it. He still felt that it was a regular coin. He felt for it and vaguely
sensed a strange aura. It was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he'd
felt it before.

He was too lazy to think more. "What's it for?" he asked straightforwardly.

"Hehe." Skinorse was proud to stump Link. He took the coin and asked, "Do
you think it'll be heads or tails if I toss it?"

How could one guess something that was based on chance?

Link guessed randomly. "Heads."

"Haha, wrong." Skinorse tossed the coin. He didn't try any tricks. Under Link's
scrutiny, he couldn't do any tricks even if he wanted to.

Clack. The coin landed on the table. It spun and then showed tails.

"It's luck, right?" Link laughed.

Skinorse grinned. "Hehe, you'll see if it's luck after a few tries. Guess again."


Skinorse tossed the coin again. The result was still tails. Link couldn't believe it.
He guessed again but was wrong again.

"I'll toss it myself." He suspected Skinorse's method was a trick. Assassins and
thieves had quick hands. He must have practiced some cheating method and
came to show off to Link.

Skinorse handed the coin to Link with a grin. "Then toss it, but you have to
guess beforehand and say it out loud."

Link nodded. "This time, I'm guessing tails."

He tossed the coin without any manipulation—it was just a casual toss.
Clack. The coin landed. It was heads.

Link was intrigued. This was a bit strange. He tried a few dozen times but was
wrong each time.

"Interesting, right? I found this on accident. In the tavern, I used it to win

everything off a drunkard, haha." Skinorse's smile was devilish.

Link started thinking. He set up many prerequisites and started experimenting,

tossing more than 100 times. He discovered that he would definitely be wrong if
he didn't try to manipulate anything.

But if he used the Magician's Hand to disturb it slightly in the air, not even
specifically controlling it, the coin would become ineffective. Link's accuracy
returned to 50%.

"Interesting, interesting." This piqued Link's curiosity. "This coin is mine now,"
he said. "What do you want?"

"Aha." Skinorse looked accomplished. Chuckling, he said, "I want a ring. A

really pretty ring that girls will like. Of course, the magic can't be weak either.
It's best if it's at least a Level-10 Legendary spell."

Link didn't comment. He stared at Skinorse until the man started feeling
uncomfortable before saying, "You… are a bit greedy."

"Then it doesn't need to be Legendary. Level-9 is okay too," Skinorse said

weakly, shrinking back.

Link couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed out loud. "Which girl do you have
your eyes on? Tell me the name, and I'll fulfill your request."

Skinorse scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Hehe, you scared me.
I'll tell you the truth. That female priest I've been telling you about, you know, I
like her."

"Alright, I see. Come back in a week. I'll have it done."

Skinorse walked away, satisfied. Link started studying the coin. It was honestly
strange. He flipped it around but couldn't figure anything out. After a while, he
activated the Higgs Force Field.

The silver on the surface of the coin instantly started flowing like water. Finally,
it melted away like wax. A thin piece the size of a watermelon seed remained in
Link's hand.

The color was strange. It was pure black but not a regular black. This kind of
black practically absorbed all light. Link placed it beside the ink on the table.
Compared to the thin piece, the black ink somehow looked faded.

Link scanned his table. Nothing in his room was darker than this tiny piece, not
even the hole in the corner of the shadowy wall.

He then lit a small light spell beside the piece. Under the silver-white light, the
piece was still black as ever. Not illuminated at all, it absorbed all light that
shone on it.

This was strange.

Technically, if it was this black and absorbed this much light, the surface should
be hot. But when Link touched it, he only felt room temperature.

Link tried a Modifications spell, but it was ineffective. The Higgs Force Field
couldn't find anything solid.

Strange… I definitely felt this aura before… Let me think… Link furrowed his
brows and pondered. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off. He knew why it was

He took out a Jogu. The two objects had a similar feel.

The Jogu was white like a Go piece. It was plain; Link never felt anything
special about it. However, when placed beside the black piece, the white stone
actually started glowing.

The glow was especially strange. It looked like an illusory object constructed by
a ball of white light. Then it turned into a white ribbon. There was no Mana aura
at all; it was just a regular object. The white ribbon floated towards the black
piece and disappeared bit by bit.

Around three minutes later, the Jogu disappeared just like that. The black piece
grew a bit. It was around eight millimeters long before. Now, it was around 8.5

Link touched it to feel its temperature, but it was still the same.

These two things were too strange.

Thinking some more, Link got another idea. He wrapped the black piece with
the silver coin, with the rose on one side and the silhouette on the other. He
started tossing again.

Link still guessed incorrectly every time. That wasn't what he wanted to test
though. He wanted to test the piece's ability to fight disturbances.

After tossing the piece, Link used the Magician's Hand to disturb the fall. He
was still wrong each time. He continued, gradually lowering the strength of the
Magician's Hand.

By the 300th try, the intensity of the Magician's Hand reached a limit. The black
piece could resist the disturbance. Link's next ten predictions were all wrong.

This means that the black piece can resist outside influences. It's just too weak,
so it can't resist that much. If I let it absorb another Jogu, will it get stronger?

He did it without hesitation.

After feeding it another Jogu, Link started testing again. Fifty tries later, he
confirmed his guess. The black piece had strengthened and was more resistant
to outside influences.

This… Link was impressed. If the piece becomes strong enough, would it be
able to resist everything, including Legendary disturbances… Wouldn't it
become impossible to change it? How does it do this?
Link was sure that this small thing was a product of time laws. However, he
didn't understand it at all. Because of that and the powerful potential, Link was
extremely intrigued.

Aisenis collects Jogu. I thought they were just regular pebbles. I never expected
it to have such special power. The Spear of Victory from the God of
Destruction, the spell that helped the Naga priestess to escape, Elin's prediction
spell, and Celine's short-term predictions all involve the power of time.

Link realized that even though the power of time was uncommon, it was not
rare. He'd been interacting with it all this time. He'd just never thought deeply
about it or put in the effort to study it.

Now, as Link's power grew, not understanding the laws of time became his
disadvantage. He felt that he had to learn now.

He had an item to experiment with and a magic book. His learning materials
were quite rich.

Link first created the ring for Skinorse. With his current level, the ring was a
simple matter. Three hours later, a beautiful Legendary ring was complete.

Then Link flipped open the book again. He studied it for a long while, but he
ended up with a huge headache. He wanted to slam his head against the wall!

This stuff was too hard.

After half a day, he'd only read half a page. The entire book was 200 pages. He
would really have to work his brain.

Phew, this is a difficult task. I won't be able to understand it quickly. I can't rush
it. I guess I'll pretend it's my spatial thesis. Slow and steady.

After that, Link started battling with this book. When he honestly couldn't figure
something out, he would change his mind set and do something else, like
writing enchantments, practicing swordsmanship, or helping Celine.

Half a month passed in a blink. Link finally understood… one and a half pages.
The book became more difficult. Now, whenever he saw the book, he would get
a headache.
Finally, Kanorse's titling ceremony arrived, and Link had a reasonable excuse to
take a break. He felt like if he kept going, he might want to burn the book.

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Chapter 492: The Boatman's Bamboo Raft

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the history of the Norton Kingdom, and maybe even the human race, there
had been few marshalls of commoner origin.

Kanorse may be the first marshall to set such a precedent in the Norton

He had also set another even more stellar precedent: in the last 3000 years of
human history, Kanorse was the first Legendary Warrior who had been
promoted to Marshall through sheer talent and hard work.

He had reached Legendary three days ago. Before, there were the royal generals
in the army who had objected to his promotion. As he was now a Legendary
Warrior, all objections to it had been quelled.

Link was not surprised by this. Even though he had sealed up the dimensional
crack with a rune formation, Firuman's Mana saturation had been steadily
increasing till it had now reached its late-game stage.

Under these circumstances, talented individuals would surely surpass the

Legendary State all across the continent. Kanorse was but the first of such

In the fortress, Kanorse stood motionless in his room. His attendants bustled
about him as they fitted the marshall's standard black-gold battle armor on him.
On the surface, Kanorse seemed extremely calm.

But inside, he could feel his heart palpitating violently, sending out vibrations
across the rest of his body.
He had never thought such a day would come.

Orida Fortress was the first mountain pass to the north of all human nations. To
be promoted to the fortress' marshall essentially meant that he now stood on the
pinnacle of all human Warriors.

The attendants had finished putting on every part of the battle armor on his
body. In front of Kanorse stood a full-length mirror. A tall Warrior stood in the
mirror, clad in a full black-gold set of battle armor furnished with runes all over.

The Warrior in the mirror had an air of power and grandeur about him, like one
of those heroes from legends of ancient times.

Looking at his reflection, Kanorse drifted off into a reverie, as he recalled

something from his childhood years.

He had been the son of a horsekeeper.

When he was young, he had helped his father feed the horses, and clean up their
stables. He had helped groom these magnificent battle horses every day. Yet, he
never had the chance to ride on them once, as he was still not qualified to do so.

He had seen the royal elders clad in their splendid garments coming in and out
of the Abel family's royal palace. He had always enjoyed the sight of the knights
following behind them and dreamt about one day wearing their brilliant armors
and exquisite swords.

Of course, this was all wishful thinking.

His father had told him from time to time, "Kanorse, horsekeeping is the family
business. If you wish to lead a more stable life, don't start chasing rainbows."

Kanorse was only 13 years old when his father passed away. He thought he
would be stuck in the palace as a replacement for his father, when one day, he
met Duke Abel.

"This kid looks strong," the duke had said to him.

At the time, the duke was recruiting a large number of youths of the same age as
Kanorse to form his own entourage of bodyguards. Kanorse, too, was selected
for training. Kanorse could still remember clearly the first time he had
brandished a sword, the first time he had sweated out a storm over his body, the
first time he was injured, all on his journey to become a magnificent Warrior.

Now, he had done it, and the result had surpassed all his expectations.

With a soft snap, a brilliant red cape was clasped onto his shoulders. His
attendants then softly said, "Marshall, it's time."

Kanorse nodded. He saw the Legendary Warrior in the mirror had nodded at the
same time as he did. Dad, are you looking at this now? I'm no longer a simple
horsekeeper, he thought to himself.

He turned towards the door and walked out into the corridor. His attendants led
the way in front of him until they arrived at the entrance of the fortress' great

The great hall had been decorated splendidly. A red carpet had been laid out on
the ground, while the four walls were hung with battle flags adorned with the
head of a lion. The soldiers of the fortress too had put on their most brilliant
armors for the occasion.

When Kanorse arrived at the great door, all eyes were immediately on him.

In an instant, all the generals gave him the standard military salute. From the
dais, King Leon and the Lord of Ferde nodded at him with a smile.

In that moment, Kanorse's chest swelled up with pride.

This was the ultimate goal of every Warrior.

He walked slowly through the great hall until he reached King Leon. He then
half-knelt before him, knowing that this was the last time he would be doing so
before the king. As marshall later on, he simply needed to bow before the king.

King Leon placed a hand on Kanorse's head and asked, "Kanorse, what is your

"To protect the North and drive out the darkness!"

"Which precepts do you abide by?"

"Compassion, loyalty and glory."

King Leon then spoke, "From this moment forth, you are now the lion of the
Norton Kingdom, the highest commanding officer of Orida Fortress."

When he finished, King Leon held the Hero's Dusk sword that Link had
modified in both hands. The sword was rechristened the Lion's Pride, but as of
now, it would be known as the marshall's standard sword.

Kanorse took a deep breath, ready to accept the sword.

Flashes of light came from the crowd behind them, as some of the Magicians
took out their Memory Crystals to record the moment.

The Legendary Warrior Kanorse was the most dazzling among them all,
followed by the king. As for the Lord of Ferde, Link had completely blended
with the crowd, an inconspicuous figure in the background.

This was not at all what the military Magicians had wanted. In truth, they had
wanted to make Link stand out even more in their Memory Crystals, being the
most powerful person in the kingdom. But it was no use; Link had simply faded
into the background in the images that they had taken.

His existence was completely ignored by everyone else.

After handing the sword to Kanorse, King Leon proceeded to give him the lapel
pin, ring, and belt that Link had forged for the new marshall.

Kanorse put them on one after the other. When he finished, an indescribable
black-golden aura radiated from his armor, adding an indistinct, almost mystical
quality to his features.

Kanorse felt a sudden vibration in his spirit, as all the excitement and fear fled
from him without a trace. His mind had attained a state of calmness he had
never felt before, as if there was nothing in this world that could frighten him.

This must be the Spiritual Protection that Master Link was talking about, he
thought. Truly awesome.
He tried to search for Link among the crowd, but noticed that the Legendary
master, whose actions could supposedly determine the kingdom's fate, had
already reached the great hall's entrance. Link felt Kanorse's eyes on him and
turned to give him a knowing smile. His figure began fading away until he
finally vanished into thin air.

Kanorse sighed inwardly. He had once read a passage from a book written 800
years ago by a wise king.

The king had written that the kingdom was like a bamboo raft, and time a
flowing river. A wise boatman should not try to alter the course of the raft.
Whenever a submerged rock appeared in the flow of the river, he should extend
the bamboo pole in his hand and give the rock a light push, subtly maneuvering
the raft around it and letting it float on down the river.

Kanorse felt that Link was that wise boatman, and the people of the Norton
Kingdom were the passengers on his bamboo raft.

He said to himself, "Thank you, God of Light, for bestowing upon us the
presence of such a wise man."


Once the ceremony had ended, Kanorse was officially promoted to marshall. To
top it all off, he was now a Legendary master equipped with the finest gear.

With him presiding over Orida Fortress, there should be no further problems in
the northern region.

Link returned to the Mage Tower to pack his things up, ready to head for the

The Yabba airship had arrived. with Merlin still as its pilot. Link, Celine, the
priests from Hapsburg as well as some of the marksmen had all boarded the

"My lord, are we ready for takeoff?" asked Merlin.

"Not yet, King Leon's still not with us," said Link.
Around ten minutes later, King Leon had arrived, with Kanorse, Duke Abel and
Princess Annie beside him.

King Leon and Duke Abel both waved back at Kanorse and Princess Annie as
they ascended the gangplank.

When both Abel brothers had gotten on board, the airship began taking off.

In that time, Link never once made an appearance. Princess Annie seemed
visibly disappointed by this, while Kanorse tried to console her. Link smiled to
himself as he looked on at the scene below him.

After a while in the air, King Leon shot a few glances at Link, as if wanting to
say something to him.

"Your Highness, is something the matter?"

"Jon would like to stay at Ferde," said King Leon with an awkward smile.

Since they were brothers, and considering Duke Abel had no chance of
regaining his former power, King Leon had intended that he be kept under
house arrest. The duke would still be able to enjoy the luxuries of his royal life
as before.

Link knew what he meant, and smiled at him. "I'll have a garden villa built for
him in Ferde."

"Many thanks," said the king cheerfully. He then continued speaking, "There is
one other thing... I... I'm thinking about rebuilding Hot Springs City."

As a king, he felt that he should not live the rest of his life in Ferde. Before, he
did not understand what Link's intentions were, and so did not dare make such a
demand to him, fearing that it might have him killed. Now, knowing what his
intentions were, the king felt that Link would surely agree to rebuild the city
with him.

More importantly, with Link's support, King Leon felt that he would be able to
receive help from the other lords of the kingdom in the form of manpower and
Link thought for a while, then nodded. "Your Highness, I'll support your
decision. You'll need to discuss the details of your plan with Supervisor Lucy
first, though."

Even as king, there were a lot of procedures to adhere to, and Link had no
intention of seeing them through on his behalf.

Hearing this, King Leon was pleased that Hot Springs City could now be
rebuilt, but somewhat annoyed that he had to deal with Lucy. Nothing good ever
came from their dealings with each other.

After flying for five hours without much fuss, Link and the others finally
reached Ferde.

Beyond his magical research, Link never concerned himself with other things.
His time was split between reading the time magic book, writing his magical
enchantment books, and sword practice.

The time magic book was extremely hard to digest. He gave it to Alloa, the
Maiden of Truth, who had accepted it like it was gold, and read through its
pages for three days and three nights straight. On the fourth day, she vomited
actual blood out of overexertion. Link immediately took the book back from

In the end, Alloa only managed to understand the first few pages of the book.

In a blink of an eye, a month had passed by.

One day, as Link wrestled mentally with the time magic book, he suddenly
sensed the presence of an impressive amount of light energy in his domain.

Someone had appeared in Ferde. The energy belonged to the Legendary Light
Magician he had met back in Dragon Valley!

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Chapter 493: From an Ant to a Dragon!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link activated the Dimensional Jump and arrived at a tavern in Scorched City.
He saw a gray-robed elder at a small table in the corner. There was a small plate
of food and two cups of gold absinthe. He was drinking by himself.

After seeing Link, the man smiled. "Come, come drink with me."

Link was wearing regular clothing and didn't worry about getting recognized.
He sat across from the elder and sipped from a cup. Then he said, "When we
separated at the Dragon Valley, you said you were going to deal with the Dark
Magician. Did he cause any trouble?"

The elder sighed and drank some more alcohol. "Yes, quite troublesome. I feel
that I can't do it myself so I thought of you."

"Tell me." Link snapped his fingers at a server and motioned with his hands.
This was a signal that only regulars at the tavern knew. It meant that he wanted
a specialty of marinated beef, sauce, and a bottle of secret Ferde fire wine.

The server seemed to figure out Link's identity and quickly went to prepare the

The elder stopped drinking his absinthe. He placed a black pebble on the table
and pushed it to Link with his finger. "Do you recognize this?"

The black pebble was round and smooth. It looked like a black Go piece and
didn't have any aura. Other than the color, it was identical to the Jogu that Link
had been collecting.

He picked it up and sensed carefully. He instantly felt a hidden aura similar to

Jogus. Furrowing his brow, he asked, "Is it a Black Spirit?"

In the game, the Black Spirit and White Jogu existed opposite each other.
Players of the Light camp collected Jogu to exchange for what they wanted
from Travel Magicians. The Dark side also had a similar currency—the Black
After a player killed a high-level member of the Dark side, they could also
receive this. After giving it to Aisenis, they could exchange it for half the White

The Light Magician nodded and smiled. "I didn't expect you to know."

At that moment, the server brought over the dish and alcohol. Link poured a cup
for himself and said, "Fire wine and marinated beef is a specialty of Scorched
Ridge, especially in the wet winter. Your entire body warms up with one sip.
Try it."

The Light Magician did so and chuckled. "These scammers. I told them to give
me the local specialties, and they gave me absinthe and fried fish. Compared to
yours, I can't even stomach mine anymore."

Link laughed. "I've always wanted to know your name and that Dark Magician.
Can I know?"

"Of course, it's not some big secret. My name is Halino, and he's Eugene. We've
fought for almost 600 years. You don't know how annoying Eugene is. My only
wish in life is to imprison him and spend the rest of my life watching him!"

As he spoke, Light Magician Halino put away the Black Spirit and continued,
"The recent event has something to do with Black Spirits. Eugene found
Morpheus and had a secret exchange with him. After that, Eugene started
collecting Black Spirits everywhere. I don't know what he's planning, but I
know it can't be anything good. Morpheus is worrying too. After the exchange,
he started constructing realm portals. I secretly investigated for the target of the
portal and realized it led to the Delou Ethereal Realm. Eugene must have given
him the coordinates."

Ethereals were a type of spirit. They couldn't exist independently in the Firuman
realm and had to have a host.

The host could be a human or a beast. After becoming a host, the organism
would receive the Ethereal's abilities. The cost was that their vitality would
endlessly be corroded. They would lose control of their mind and completely
become the Ethereal's puppet.
Ethereal Warriors appeared in the mid-period of the game. It was when the
Norton Kingdom was struggling against the Dark Army in the North.

The Syndicate created a powerful Ethereal Warrior army because they were
usually extremely powerful and had unique law powers. With this army,
Shadow Stalker Morpheus quickly took all power in the Southern Merchant
Alliance and prepared to rule over the South.

This wasn't a bad thing at first. In the beginning, Morpheus had teamed up with
the Dark Army and killed every human he saw. The relationship with Nozama,
Lord of the Deep, quickly soured. He even planned on establishing an army of
five kingdoms to help the Norton Kingdom fight against the Dark Army.

The problem was that Morpheus completely over-estimated his control over the
Ethereal Warriors!

These powerful Warriors quickly broke free from his control and poured into
Firuman. They took over tens of thousands of organisms. The once-gentle
hosting turned cruel too.

The Ethereals corroded their hosts' souls to take over their body. It soon turned
into a catastrophe in the South.

The Syndicate had no time to care about the others. Even Morpheus was heavily
injured by Ethereal Warriors and had to escape. He hid in his turf and didn't
dare appear. This was how the storyline quest of the Shadow Stalker happened.

The player would kill Morpheus and go south to fight with the Ethereal
Warriors. By the time they poured in their efforts and chased away the
Ethereals, the five kingdoms were practically all in ruins.

Of course, this was what happened in the game. Seeing that Morpheus was
going to repeat the mistake, Link felt screwed. He'd already changed history so
much. Why did the events of the game have to come back?

Despite being a Level-11 Legendary Magician now, Link still felt troubled
against these Ethereal Warriors. These creatures weren't that powerful—they
were mostly around Level-8 or nine, rarely going past Level-10.
But they had tons of tricks and some really fatal talents. In the game, countless
independent Legendary players died at their hands. Ethereal Warriors had
another nickname—Legendary Killers!

Thinking of all this, Link sighed. "I read about the Delou Ethereals in a book
before. They're an ambitious group. Morpheus wants to use their power. Isn't he
scared of drawing fire onto himself?"

Halino shook his head. "I don't know about that. Maybe he has some kind of
method of control. He's Level-19, after all, and also has some divine knowledge.
His power isn't something we can comprehend."

"Morpheus is just a parvenu." Link drank some wine, his expression one of

Link didn't get this information from the game; he discovered it from the dragon
library. Morpheus was originally a robber and liked adventures. He was Level-9
at his peak. But after a trip to a relic, he luckily found a piece of Godhead.

And then he hit a goldmine!

Halino obviously agreed with Link. Chuckling, he said, "So Morpheus isn't that
threatening. Eugene is the one who's actually a threat. To be honest, Eugene is
Level-13, and he is a true genius. He also loves taking risks. He doesn't care
about mortal lives. I'm truly worried about what he can do."

Level-13. Link's heart jumped. This strength was indeed a bit scary. Morpheus
was even stronger than Bryant. In Link's knowledge, all shocking events from
the past millennium all had traces of this Dark Magician.

After thinking carefully, Link said, "I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm not his
match either."

In regard to absolute power, Link was Level-11 and nowhere near Eugene. Of
course, no one could be completely sure about the winner in a battle of life or
death. Every Legendary Magician had their own killer skill. They all feared
each other.

"No, you underestimate yourself. In Firuman, you are number one in spatial
laws. If we work together, Eugene won't be able to escape," Halino said.
But Link shook his head. "No, no, no. Eugene is a very dangerous figure, but he
has his own morals. If I don't fight him, he won't come find trouble with me. But
if I do, my territory will be threatened. He might even destroy it, so I can't do

He had no conflicts with Eugene. Ruining his plans for no reason would make
him hate Link. He wasn't scared for himself. At most, they would just fight to
the death.

But he had a territory and Celine. He could escape, but Ferde would become
Eugene's target for revenge.

Here, Link drank some fire wine and said, "Compared to that, I'm more worried
about Morpheus summoning the Ethereals. He doesn't understand how horrible
the Ethereals can be and his methods are crude. I can feel that he will ultimately
lose control of the Ethereals."

Hearing this, Halino looked unsatisfied. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Link nodded.

"What a pity." Halino took out a runestone. "Contact me if you change your

At their point, all words were spoken after careful consideration. No one would
nag and try to persuade someone else. Other than souring a relationship, it was

"I will." Link nodded and took the runestone.

Halino stood up and bowed. "Thank you for your hospitality, Ferde lord."

He retreated into the shadowy corner and disappeared. Link remained at the
table. He drank by himself and plotted.

Morpheus summoning the Ethereals was truly troublesome. That guy did this
near his turf and was an undefeated Level-19 Magician. He had the absolute
advantage. If Link just went to stop him, it would be suicide. He would
definitely be squashed.
The other was too strong. He was halfway into godly territory. Even if Link
called some of his Legendary friends, he still wouldn't be a match.

Thinking some more, Link couldn't figure out a good way against Morpheus. He
could just leave it to the side for now and continue watching the South. When
Morpheus was hurt by the Ethereals' betrayal, he would reach out and take care
of things.

He couldn't just not do anything during this time though.

Humans are too weak while the upper limit of power in Firuman is too high.
Some powerful and ambitious person will always show up and cause a disaster.
My plan for spreading my Dragon Power… I can't delay it any further.

For an ant, a slight breeze could be the end of the world. Humans were the ants

First, they had the Dark Army, and then, the God of Destruction. Now,
Morpheus was summoning Ethereal Warriors in the South, and Dark Magician
Eugene was stirring up more trouble. How could Link take care of everything

Since ants have difficulty surviving, I'll turn the ants into dragons!

Magical races like the High Elves were so powerful that no one dared to mess
with them. The Isle of Dawn had been as peaceful as heaven for 3000 years.
The High Elves could do it, so why couldn't the humans? They weren't any

Thinking of this, Link emptied his cup and threw down a gold coin. As he left,
he was already thinking about how to create the seed of Dragon Power.

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Chapter 494: The Construction of the Golden Rune

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Link saw the half-elf, Eliard on his way back to the Mage Tower.

He too was walking towards the Mage Tower with a bald, middle-aged man,
whom Link recognized as Vance, as he approached them. Both men seemed to
be in a fierce debate with each other about something as they walked side by
side, gesturing wildly in the air as if about to start a fight with each other in the
middle of the street.

They suddenly stopped by a brick wall and began scribbling out magical
formulas on it with a piece of chalk in their hands.

They bickered on while scribbling on the wall. Finally, Link heard Eliard
declare loudly, "My idea is faultless. If you don't believe me, why don't we ask
Link himself?"

"Have it your way!" Vance replied angrily. "I've been studying magic for 800
years. I know a lost cause when I see one!"

"So tell me, how exactly is my idea a lost cause?" Eliard's face was red with

Sensing that a fight was about to happen between them, Link immediately
rushed forward. "What's going on?" What are you two fighting about?"

Upon seeing him, Vance said, "You've arrived just in time, Link. Eliard's saying
he's come up with an enchantment method that simply uses Mana itself to
construct a rune formation and provide a stable form of enchantment directly to
magical equipment without the use of any magical material. I just don't think
such a thing is possible."

Link immediately understood what was going on.

The tried-and-true method for enchanting magical equipment had always been
through the fusion of magical materials to form a rune formation, before setting
it on a magically resistant base in order to stabilize the resulting magical gear.

However, what Eliard was proposing was not at all wrong. In fact, Link had
been using such high-level enchantment magic all this time.
After thinking for a while, he raised a finger and began drawing out a rune
formation with his Dragon Power. The runes then interlaced with each other in
an intricate fashion until finally, a bright red ring was formed in the air.

Link then severed the Dragon Power connection between the ring and his finger.
The ring did not vanish; instead, it was hovering steadily in the air.

He flicked a finger gently at the ring. With a ting, it bounced towards Vance
from where it floated.

"It is possible to craft magical equipment from pure Mana. It's just that to
accomplish such a feat, one needs to have at least a Level-10 power saturation."

Vance caught the ring in his hand. Feeling its warmth carefully, he narrowed his
eyes at it and noticed a smooth stream of runes flowing through it. The ring was
crafted with such elegance that Vance just could not bring himself to let it go.

He breathed in awe, "To think such magic exists in this world... just brilliant! It
doesn't mean that I'm wrong, though. Something like this is just impossible for
anyone below Legendary level."

Eliard took the ring from Vance's hand and exclaimed, "Such beautiful
workmanship. It's like a miracle from the gods."

Link suddenly remembered something as they marveled at the enchanted ring.

He smiled and said to them, "Come, let's go to the Mage Tower. I have
something to discuss with the two of you."

Link was already a Legendary Magician from whom the world of magic
virtually held no secrets at this point. Both Eliard and Vance gave Link a
strange look, wondering how they could be of any help to someone like him.

When the three of them arrived at the library on the third floor of the Mage
Tower, Link brought out four magic books titled Principles of Enchantment,
Basic Enchantment, Intermediate Enchantment, and Advanced Enchantment.

The books were written by Link during his free time. As of now, he had
completed four of them, which would be enough to be used in a course on
magical enchantments.
"Take a look."

Eliard and Vance each took a book from Link. One of them a Level-7 Pinnacle
Magician, the other a Level-8 Magician; both of them were extremely proficient
in the mystic arts. As they flipped through their books, their eyes lit up, and they
were both immediately immersed in them.

The book Eliard was holding was Principles of Enchantment. After reading
through it for about ten minutes, he began singing praises about it. "A really
good book, this one. It's already resolved some of the problems I've been
mulling over for a while now. No, no, far from it, I've never seen some of the
techniques introduced here..."

Vance was reading the copy of Advanced Enchantment. He was staring at an

enchantment technique for about 20 minutes. When he finished reading, he let
out a sigh. "Link, you certainly have a gift for magical enchantment."

Link was pleased to have his work receive such praise. He smiled. "It's like this.
Ferde currently relies on the exportation of mineral resources as its main source
of income. I don't think it would be a viable solution to our financial troubles in
the long run. As an alternative, I've been meaning to open up an enchantment
workshop that processes all kinds of magical materials and magical gear for
export. What do you think about this?"

Bold and adventurous as ever, Eliard clapped his hands and exclaimed, "A great

On the other hand, Vance frowned at this, and asked, "The High Elves are now
responsible for the production of more than 80% of the magical equipment
being sold throughout Firuman. They've practically monopolized the production
of higher-level magical equipment as well. We'll probably face some fierce
competition from them if we were to take a cut from their market now. You
should know, Link, those pointy-eared fellows aren't exactly known for playing
nice with others."

He had lived for 800 years and was more than familiar with the ways of the
High Elves.

Knowing little to nothing about the High Elves himself, Eliard asked strangely,
"We're just here trying to make an honest living by making our own magical
wares. Why would they want to pick a bone with us? They could just
outcompete us by improving the quality of their own production."

Vance shook his head. "Young man, things in Firuman aren't as simple as you
make them out to be."

"Will they be so bold as to burn down our workshop?" asked Eliard, frowning.

"No, they would probably resort to something far more subtle and insidious. I
fear that Link would be in grave danger."

Eliard looked at Vance in disbelief. "Danger? Would the High Elves send
someone over to kill him?"

Though he was familiar with just how hostile the High Elves could be, both
races were allies, after all.

Shouldn't there be a line somewhere that both parties knew not to cross? Eliard

Eliard had heard only the barest details of the matter with Bryant from Link. But
after hearing such a thing from Vance, he suddenly felt a chill in his veins.

He suddenly remembered the night Bryant had dropped in for a visit. From the
words he had spoken that night, he knew that the High Elf had not just come by
for a cup of tea.

Still, he dared not rush to conclusions and turned to Link for answers.

Link nodded, confirming what Vance had just said. "Vance speaks the truth. In
fact, the High Elves had come looking for trouble with me twice in the past, and
during those two occasions, Bryant had personally come knocking on my front
door... But the matter's been resolved, so there's really no need for you to worry
about it."

Vance still seemed worried. He knitted his brows together and sighed. "For
3000 years, my people had many opportunities for a revival, only to have them
taken away without mercy by the High Elves. I have borne witness to such
misfortune twice in my life. This time... I fear this time may not be as simple."
Eliard furrowed his brows even more. He was naturally so good-looking that
even a deep frown failed to tarnish his good looks. Any young woman looking
in his direction would have instantly fallen in love with him.

In truth, Eliard was not short on suitresses. There were more than 20 women
currently vying for his attention, that is, if he had made any serious effort to
count them. However, Eliard had no time to spare for any of them, as the only
lady he was hopelessly infatuated with right now was magic.

Eliard had no idea that there was such strife among the races of Firuman. He
suddenly remembered how his High Elf father had gone back to the Isle of
Dawn on his own after impregnating his mother. His mother had brought him up
by herself, until she fell ill and passed on when Eliard was only at the tender age
of seven years old.

"Eliard, live your life as you see fit. Become stronger, so that you can go back
and tell your father that he was wrong for leaving us!" These were his mother's
dying words. Even though he was only seven years old then, those words
remained fresh in his mind.

Eliard had lived by those words to this day, struggling on to empower himself
with magic.

He had hated his father as a child, but now, upon the realization of the High
Elves' true nature, his heart burned even more with hatred for them.

"Oh, the disgrace to have High Elf blood flowing through me!" he spat out

Seeing the agitation on Eliard's face, Link quickly changed the subject and
smiled at them. "Alright Vance, let's stop talking about this. It's ruining the
moment. I'm planning to open a magic workshop, are any of you free to help me
out here?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Vance replied, "Of course, I'm available. Eliard
has a bright future ahead of him. I can't trouble him with something as tedious
as this. Let the doddering old fool here be of some assistance to you, Link."

Eliard ruminated on this for a moment, then nodded. He said, "The workshop
will need a lot of manpower. It's a great way out for other Magicians with
limited talent. Link, I'll open up a class to help you cultivate all the talent that
you need."

Link chuckled. 'Then it's settled. Oh, right, the workshop needs a name. Do you
have a good name for it?"

Vance shook his head. "I'm not very good at naming things."

Eliard thought for a moment, then said, "Why not call it the Golden Rune?"

Link was satisfied with the name. "Then the Golden Rune it shall be. We'll also
need to design a unique label for it... How about the soaring bird mark that I
usually use?"

None of them objected to this. Link's soaring bird mark was renowned
throughout all of Firuman.

The three of them then began discussing the finer details of the magic workshop
for the whole day.

Link had planned on writing two other books: Master Enchantment and
Legendary Enchantment, but they would only be available to the core Magicians
of Ferde's Mage Tower.

When they were finally done with their discussion, Link said to the others, "I'll
leave the workshop to your capable hands. As for me, I'll need to start preparing
for the High Elves' forces."

Eliard and Vance looked at each other, then nodded furiously at Link.

Vance was especially excited about this. He felt, deep down, that maybe this
time, the human race may indeed have the chance to rise up once more.

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Chapter 495: Obstacle of Dragon Biases

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Dragon Power was a very special kind of power. Even though Link had the
Heart of the Dragon and had been studying the book Dragon, he still had a long
way to go to understand the basic nature of the power.

But even if he didn't understand it, he could still let regular people have the
power. Link already had this idea. He prepared to start with the dragonification

The dragons had an entire set of methods to turn a human into a regular dragon.
In the game, there were also Dragon Warriors and Magicians. The Red Dragon
Queen had also shown Link dragonification potion without side effects.

It shouldn't be hard, Link thought.

But despite that, he still didn't have a deep understanding of it, so he didn't know
what to do. That was okay though. He could ask experts.

There was an expert right in Ferde—Red Dragon Elder Pettalong.

Link called him over and expressed his wishes.

Pettalong listened patiently, his face not betraying any emotions. When Link
was done, he shook his head briskly. "No, this can't do. Nothing like this has
ever happened in our history. There's no precedent! Furthermore, how can the
dragon race's power be spread amongst regular humans?"

"Dragons and humans are from the same source. Why not?" Link frowned.

"Duke, that's true, but in actuality, we are very different from humans. After
tens of thousands of years, humans have interbred with different races, such as
elves, Beastmen, Yabbas, and even the lizard people of the southern swamps.
Humans are like a melting pot while the dragon bloodline is pure. Our blood is
still the noble blood of our ancestors. The difference is like a pure mountain
spring and the polluted swamp water. It is a difference in nature!"

Pettalong said this naturally as if it was something all dragons believed in. Link
was a bit angry at this. The elder was right, but there was no class in blood.

For example, the Shadow Walker, Morpheus, was just a regular human. He was
lucky to receive a piece of Godhead and instantly became a Level-19 Legendary
figure. No one in the entire realm could defeat him. You could say that he
wasn't noble and he would grind you into dust if he was annoyed. In his eyes,
what meaning did being noble hold?

To Link, the difference between noble and lowly was just a shallow title the
powerful created to support their privileges.

Thinking of this, Link's voice became cold as he said, "So my blood is a melting
pot too?"

Pettalong nodded reflexively. "Yes…"

But mid-sentence, he felt something was wrong. He looked up at Link and saw
the man's narrowed eyes with a glint flashing past. The elder trembled and
quickly waved his hands. "Duke, that's not what I mean. You are different. Your
blood is mixed, but you've already broken free from the mundane fate. The
impurities of your blood have been removed. Right now, you are the pure and
noble dragon duke!"

Hmph. Link vented the dissatisfaction he felt, and after a moment, he collected
his fury. He knew that it was useless to go against Pettalong. At most, he could
only use his Legendary authority to convince Pettalong, but it wasn't genuine or

Pettalong's attitude alerted Link too. The other dragon elders would probably
react similarly and reject the idea instinctively.

Looking at the cautious but still insistent Pettalong, Link thought, Seems that
I've oversimplified things. I cannot break the dragon tradition. I need some
tricks to achieve my goal.

Thinking a bit, Link changed his tactic. He began persuading Pettalong from the
dragon race's perspective.

"Pettalong," he continued, "I have my own considerations. Look, us dragons are

few in numbers now. There are less than 500 true Red Dragon Warriors while
Firuman is filled with disasters. Before the shadow of Nozama could fade, the
God of Destruction came. If we send our own Warriors into battle whenever
something happens, won't we become extinct in a few years?"
Hearing this, Pettalong's expression faltered a bit. Link was right, but it still felt

"Right now, there are 20 million humans and is the most populated race in
Firuman. They have the same ancestors as us too. If we choose some talented
youths and train them into successful Dragon Warriors or Magicians, they can
be a great help to us."

"This…" Pettalong furrowed his brows in deep thought. To be honest, Link's

idea was nice. The continent was indeed in danger now; Pettalong was scared

But it just felt wrong. He'd been against this at first. Now, Link changed his
explanation, and he couldn't find anything to disagree with. It seemed that he'd
been persuaded. But how could he?

Seeing him like this, Link grinned. "So you agree?"

But Pettalong was still an experienced guy who'd lived for almost 3000 years.
Even though he couldn't figure it out quickly, he still reflexively gave a neutral
answer. "Your explanation is correct, but I am not well-versed in
dragonification. I know there are many side effects. Why don't you ask Her

He couldn't refute Link, so he passed this problem to the queen.

To Link, this was already a good result. He could persuade Pettalong with this
logic so he could persuade the other elders too. He didn't need them to agree;
acquiescing in silence was good enough. When everything was on track, and the
dragon war chariots were rumbling, it would be too late to stop!

Link chuckled. "Sure, I was planning on visiting the Dragon Valley. I'll go ask
her opinion right now."

Without waiting for Pettalong's reply, white light flashed around Link, and he
disappeared from the Mage Tower, reappearing on the field outside. Celine was
there, practicing her shooting. Link explained where he was going and cast the
Void Walk, hurrying over to the Dragon Valley.
His speed was extreme. At thousands of feet per second, almost 2000 miles per
hour, he was three times faster than the wind.

The Dragon Valley was in the westernmost region of Firuman while Ferde was
the easternmost. There were thousands of miles in between, but with Link's
speed, he arrived at the Korora Mountain Range within three hours.

Here, Link went to check the realm crack first.

The center of the crack was located in the mountains in the South. There were
runestones around it and many dragons guarding it. There were three Red
Dragon Elders responsible for it and more than 50 pureblood Warriors,
hundreds of flying dragons, and ground dragons. It was heavily guarded.

Link didn't collect his aura. When he reached the outside of the crack, a young
flying dragon walked over. "Duke," he greeted respectfully.

Link nodded. "I'm here to check the runestones around the crack. Please lead the

"Yes, Duke."

The dragon turned in the sky and started flying towards the closest runestone.
Link followed slowly.

From the air, one could see that the mountains in the distance glowed with a
semicircle shield. It was at least 1000 feet high. The Mana inside the shield was
abnormally dense, flowing like water, but not a bit leaked out because of the
spatial barrier.

Link looked with squinted eyes. He could guess the Mana density from the outer
texture of the Mana. It was probably five times higher than Firuman right now.
The limit was 500 times. Once the density reached 500 times the norm, the
spatial barrier wouldn't be able to withstand the huge pressure. At that time, a
horrible Mana storm would sweep through the Korora Mountain Range. The
Mana density of the entire mountain range would probably double. The entire
Firuman continent would be affected as well.

Link estimated that it would take at least 13.5 years to go from five times to
500. This was a bit slower than he'd expected. This was good news.
The two now reached one runestone.

This runestone was hidden inside a sturdy obelisk. It was surrounded with a
huge magic shield that could block all spells under Level-12. No mortal could
ever approach it.

Of course, it wasn't guarded against Link.

When he neared the obelisk, many dragon Warriors saluted to Link. He returned
them and asked the Red Dragon Elder who stayed here, "Has there been
anything abnormal?"

The elder nodded. "Yes. Half a month ago, a Void Beast appeared inside the
shield. It tried to break through the spatial barrier but failed in the end. Look
here, the runestone even cracked due to this. Her Majesty has fixed it though."

Link was shocked. He looked in the direction the elder pointed and saw some
visible cracks in the previously smooth runestone. There were many new runes
too. It looked like it'd been patched up. From the way the runes were made, they
were definitely from the Red Dragon Queen's hand.

Then he looked to the spatial barrier in the distance. He could see that the space
inside had completely collapsed. It was practically connected to the Sea of Void.
It couldn't guard against Void creatures.

Link circled the runestone and walked towards the spatial barrier, feeling
carefully for the status of the consolidated space. He grew worried.

This was unexpected. Not only did the Void Beast crack the runestone, but it
also created undetectable ripples in the stagnated air around the spatial barrier.
And this was only a regular creature. If a stronger one came or if the God of
Destruction discovered this barrier's existence, he could definitely break
through. That would be a problem.

The spatial barrier isn't a long-term solution. I must quickly find a way to mend
the crack.

Link couldn't do anything better now though. He could only try his best in
fortifying the barrier. He circled these runestones and fortified them one by one.
He was now much better at spatial magic than the Red Dragon Queen. After
repairing them, not only was the spatial barrier completely repaired, it was also
stronger than before as well.

But if he wanted to stop something at the level of the God of Destruction, it was
still not enough. He had to think of another plan.

After finishing the fortification, Link gave the elders some advice and continued
flying towards the Dragon Valley.

As he flew, he thought about the spatial barrier. Everything is possible. The

spatial barrier isn't completely safe and might accidentally be broken someday.
At that time, some Void Beast will definitely burst free. They're all above the
Legendary level, and these dragons aren't their match. Only the queen can stop
them, but she's only one person. What if something like the Void Tyrant comes?
That would be horrible.

Thinking of this, Link realized that there were too few Legendary figures of
Firuman. At most, there were only around ten right now. Less than five could be
counted as allies, and all had their own duties. For example, Kanorse had to stay
in the North to clean out the demons in the Black Forest. He couldn't leave at

After thinking, Link's eyes brightened. We don't have enough people, so we'll
use material power. The spatial barrier isn't safe, but it restricts the way Void
creatures can enter Firuman. They can only crawl out from there. If there's an
extremely strong magic array around the runestones, it can definitely kill all
these guys while they're still crawling out.

Sometimes, there wasn't enough manpower, but wisdom was boundless,

especially in destructive magic. It wasn't hard to create a horrible attack.

Of course, there would be a huge cost to operate the magic array too.

Link had been studying magic all this time and never relaxed. He'd received
Lucia Silverstar's notes and the book, Dragon. He also studied the time magic
book. Though he was far from understanding it all, his understanding of the
laws had improved a lot. If he could work with the Red Dragon Queen, creating
a powerful magic array around the spatial barrier wouldn't be hard.
The spatial barrier is related to the dragon race's security. If I can create a
fortifying method, Gretel would owe me. Then if I ask her to help me research
Dragon Power seeds, she won't be able to refuse… Right, I won't mention it
first. When everything is done, I'll find a chance to mention it so she won't feel

Thinking through the entire process, Link made up his mind.

After flying for a while, the Mist Maze appeared. Link passed through it with
practiced ease. After ten minutes in the Dragon Valley, the Dragon Temple was
before his eyes.

The Warriors who saw him all saluted from afar. Link sensed the Red Dragon
Queen's position and finally found her in the Creation Hall.

The Creation Hall, simply, was an enchantment workshop. It was where the
dragons created magical items.

The queen wasn't alone in the hall. There were more than 20 Dragon Magicians
over Level-8. There was also a scroll more than 10 feet in length and width
spread out on the table in the center. It was covered in runes.

Link scanned it and immediately understood the general significance of the

runes. It seems that the Red Dragon Queen has already started preparing.

Gretel had already thought of what he'd thought of and had already put the plan
in motion.

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Chapter 496: You're All Dismissed!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the Creation Hall

Gretel did not join in the discussion on the magic seal with the other Dragon
Magicians. She sat in one corner of the great hall, her eyes fixated on a book
before her.

The Dragon Magicians seated around the long table of the great hall seemed to
be stuck on a problem. Amid their frustrated grunts and sighs as they struggled
to solve the problem in hand, the magic seal etched on the scroll before them
had yet to make any noticeable progress.

It seemed as though the magic seal's construction was not going smoothly.

When Link arrived at the entrance, Gretel was still so focused on her book that
she did not notice him in the doorway. She seemed to have come across a
stumbling block herself. She had one hand pressed against her forehead, while
her sleeve had slid down from her elbow, revealing the pristine white skin of her
shoulder. Her brows were knitted together tightly, and the pair of brilliant red
eyes below them, purer than even the world's most pristine agate, never once
strayed from the book before her. Not far from her, a magic pencil skated about
on a sheet of paper. Link narrowed his gaze and saw that the paper was filled
with meaningless scribbles.

It would seem that Gretel was at her wit's end.

As Link entered the hall, a few of the Dragon Magicians noticed him and rose to
bow before him. Link waved them off and made his way towards the Red
Dragon Queen as quietly as possible, his eyes still fixed on the book that she
had been reading.

A few seconds later, Link realized that it was a book on extremely advanced
magical principles.

Link had read the book before. He knew that the book was titled Advanced
Magical Theory, and it contained descriptions and predictions of what would
happen in an environment with a high Mana concentration. It was a must-read
on the subject of high-level magical enchantment.

Recalling the hurdles he had come across while reading the book, and looking at
which page Gretel was stuck at and the few symbols the magical pencil had
written on the piece of paper, Link was able to deduce what problems she was
struggling with at the moment.
With a nudge of his will, Link activated the Magician's Hand and took control
of Gretel's magic pencil. He then began making his own calculations on the
paper with the pencil.

Gretel was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not react to Link's spell in
time. She let out a soft gasp, before realizing that Link was now standing before
her. She immediately relinquished her grip on the magical pencil and began
looking at Link's calculations.

Magical formulas flowed out from the pencil tip across the paper. The pencil
danced on agilely, piecing together Link's thoughts on the paper bit by bit until
finally, his solution was given form on it.

Gretel's eyes lit up brighter and brighter throughout the process. She heaved a
deep sigh when Link finished writing. "So that's how it is. I've been working on
this the whole day."

As she spoke, she gently twitched her finger, and a chair slid noiselessly to her
side. "So what brings you here?"

Link sat down and smiled. "Thought I might come by to take a look at the
spatial barrier, since I've got the time to spare. And there really is a problem
with it."

A satisfied look came across Gretel's face. She got up and said, "You've come
back just in time. Come, take a look at the magic seal here."

Saying this, Gretel walked towards the middle of the great hall, with Link
following behind her. After taking a few steps, Link sensed that something was

Gretel was wearing a rather casual dress today. The almost transparent fabric
was form-fitting, revealing an awkward number of details around her body.

As Link walked behind her, he noticed that as she ambled forward, her waist
was sweeping out an arc in the air with such fluidity that anyone watching this
would want to reach out and feel her waist in their fingers.

The circular motion of her waist seemed almost unreal, mesmerizing even.
Link felt a sudden jolt in his heart, and he immediately shifted his line of sight.
He now found himself looking at the long curtain of red hair falling across
Gretel's back, and beneath her hair was the dazzlingly white skin of her neck,
which stirred his heart even more.

Anyone looking at the Red Dragon Queen's beauty may accidentally blind
themselves. If one were to give her a closer look, the effect would be similar to
a knockout pill, as they may not want to wake up from such a beautiful dream as
her beauty.

In the game, the Red Dragon Queen was described as being "as sweet as the
illusion of one's first love." Every day, countless players struggled to complete
her quests for three months just to raise their reputations among the dragon race
and obtain the right to enter the Dragon Hall.

One could always find almost a thousand players close to her. Wherever she
went, there would always be a group of players following close behind her.
Such players were jokingly called "the flies hovering around the queen's royal

Link had never noticed it before, but he now had the opportunity to personally
experience the Red Dragon Queen's charm.

In order to prevent himself from losing focus, Link shifted his line of sight to
the scroll spread out across the table.

Seemingly oblivious to the subtle changes in Link's behavior behind her, she
finally reached the table and said, "After cracks had appeared on the rune
barrier, I thought it would be best to build an offensive magic seal so that we
could immediately eliminate any threats that might come through it, even if the
barrier was compromised. At first, I had wanted to begin making a prototype of
the seal by myself and have you perfect it later on, but the difficulty of the
situation had far exceeded my expectations."

"Let me take a look." Link was now focused on the magic seal that was spread
across the long table.

Before long, he was completely immersed in it. He began walking slowly

around the table, closely observing the scroll on it. After completing a full circle
around the table, he was able to fully grasp the scroll's contents.
He shook his head. "Your Highness, to build a magic seal on such a shaky
foundation, no matter how perfect it may be, the seal's power will not reach
more than Level-15. Even though it's already at a high enough level, there is no
shortage of entities beyond Level-19 in the limitless Sea of Void. To them, a
Level-15 attack is nothing more than a mosquito's sting."

As he said this, the Dragon Magicians around took a deep breath and stared in
bewilderment at Link. There was no way their measly Level-15 barrier would
have deterred these godlike beings from entering their dimension. Such naivety
would have spelled the end for the entire dragon race.

Gretel did not seem the least bit disconcerted by this. She raised her brows and
gazed at Link, waiting eagerly to hear his thoughts.

With the Magician's Hand, Link rolled up the scroll on the table, and pulled
open a new blank scroll. He then willed a magic pencil nearby to start scribbling
out his thoughts on the scroll's surface.

He began giving his explanation as he wrote. "I had come up with this concept
recently. I'm basically using the singularity phenomenon that would occur in
any instance of spatial distortion as its basis."

"Is it a spatial singularity?" asked Gretel curiously.

Link nodded. "That's right. I've been studying the phenomenon closely. It's so
small that it defies all conventional methods of measurement, but I theorize that
it is capable of containing an unlimited volume of matter inside itself. In theory,
if I were to throw a mountain into a singularity, the mountain would be
completely contained by it. At that point, the singularity would have the mass of
the entire mountain in it."

The singularity he was talking about was in some respects identical to the black
holes of his home world, but due to the differences in the physical laws
governing the two worlds, there were some stark differences between them. One
such difference was that the singularity could be manipulated and was less
powerful than the black holes in Link's home world.

Gretel was mesmerized by Link's description. She then asked, "So is there a way
to safely release the power contained within a singularity?"
"I'll need to start by explaining the state of the singularity. In a singularity, all
matter that exists in Firuman will be transformed into a pure energy state. It's
like a cloud of gas being compressed continuously into an infinitesimal point in
space. Under such conditions, when the distorted space returns to normal, all the
matter compressed within the singularity will burst forth instantaneously in an
explosion of limitless energy... Your Highness, if we're to release the energy
contained within a 10,000-ton rock, I guarantee you the resulting explosion
would decimate half of Firuman!"

Link's words elicited gasps of shock around him.

"My god, that's horrifying!"

"Is that true, my lord?"

The Dragon Magicians were all staring at Link incredulously.

"Yes, it is." Link nodded and continued, "Of course, to subject a huge rock to a
singularity's compression has its own difficulties. One might say it's impossible
to do such a thing, and for the sake of all of Firuman, let's hope we never need
to take such risks. However, it is possible to compress a ton of energy, or maybe
even ten, and then set up a couple of runes to regulate the energy output. The
explosion would then be directed into the spatial crack. Anything behind the
crack would think twice before coming through it into our world."

In this world, destruction was always easier than creation.

Link's current power level was at Level-11. This was due to the fact that the
power within him was pure life energy and all life energy could be wielded to
create. Though his power was growing at a somewhat slow rate, this did not
mean that he was incapable of using anything beyond Level-11.

One of the many advantages all intelligent life had at their disposal is the ability
to make and use tools to accomplish something. An example of such a tool
would be a magic wand.

As he explained his theories to everyone in the room, Link had finally finished a
complicated sketch of his spatial design on the scroll. At a glance, the whole
thing seemed like a work of art, but with a closer look, it was so intricately
designed that if anyone had risked looking at it any longer, he or she would
probably feel the urge to tear out their eyes.

Some of the Magicians around the table stared at Link's work, trying to grasp
the underlying principle behind the whole thing, while others simply gave up.

The only person who was able to comprehend it was the Red Dragon Queen

As she finished looking it over, her eyes flashed in excitement. "This is the
nucleus of the singularity. How do you intend to control its energy?"

The singularity was not enough by itself. The energy within would explode in a
sphere. The farther it traveled, its impact would be greatly lessened. Still, the
resulting shockwave would affect the Dragon Magicians around the magic seal.

Though the singularity may be a powerful source of energy, the regulating seals
around it would play an even more critical role later on.

It would require an extremely refined technique to keep such a violent output of

energy under control.

Link spread his hands and said ruefully, "I have a general outline of how to go
about solving the energy regulation problem, but I still haven't figured out how
to actually carry out the solution."

Gretel said consolingly, "A general outline is all we need now. Alright, we're
done for today. I'll finish up everything with Duke Link later on."

Though there were 20 Dragon Magicians in the great hall, from the queen's
point of view, none of them held a candle to Link.

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Chapter 497: Cook a Pot of Mixed Stew

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Creation Hall

"Come, come, Link. Tell me your idea now." Red Queen Gretel had some
knowledge of spatial singularities and knew the difficulty in restricting the
power. Thus, she was interested in Link's idea of control.

She pulled two chairs over and placed them beside each other next to the long
table in the center. She sat on the one on the right.

Link thought this wasn't suitable, but he had no need to mention these small
details to the queen. He sat onto the chair on the left and took out his notes.
Opening it, he gathered his thoughts for a bit. Then he started writing his
specific train of thought for the control.

After writing for a while, he felt something on his right arm. Something soft was
pressed against it. He also smelled a vague fragrance. It was soft and sweet,
making him want to keep smelling it.

Link groaned inwardly. He didn't know if Gretel was doing this on purpose or
not, but she was leaning against him to look at his notes. He couldn't focus like
this at all. His pen stopped moving unconsciously.

"Hey, continue. Why did you stop?"

Gretel's voice rang right in Link's ear. A warm breath touched his ear too. Link
felt that if he turned his head, his lips would be less than ten centimeters from
her face.

After freezing for a moment, Link slowly sighed. He collected his mind bit by
bit. A few seconds later, he exhaled softly. No distractions remained anymore.
No matter what happened in the outside world, he would be focused on his

Slowly, Link forgot about the Red Dragon Queen beside him. He was
completely immersed in his world of magic. With magic runes, he described a
huge yet detailed magic building.

Seeing him like this, Gretel pouted a little. She felt bored. Flirting was only fun
if the other party reacted, but Link had turned into a piece of wood now. She
couldn't do anything to wood.
However, this was just a fleeting moment of interest. Her focus was quickly
attracted by the magic thoughts that kept flowing out of Link's pen.

According to Link, this was a spell that could control explosive energy. Based
on regular logic, one needed to construct energy, or object that could be even
more controlled or consolidated to control this energy.

There was a problem.

Gretel was clear that a singularity's explosion was probably the most terrifying
explosion of power in a realm. There was nothing more powerful than it in the
world. In that case, nothing could control it.

Thus, a singularity's explosion was destructive and using this method was like a
suicidal attack.

She wanted to see how Link could control it.

As she kept reading, she felt something off. In the notes, Link didn't build a
power that surpassed the realm's limit to forcefully control the energy of the
explosion. He used a strange thought—so strange that she couldn't really
understand it.

Though she couldn't understand it, she could still clearly feel that the magic
building Link described was beautiful. All Mana formulas were clear-cut. The
logic of the entire process was impressive too. After reading it, she
subconsciously felt like this was the truth of the world.

Link took three hours to write his thoughts clearly on paper. When he was
finally done, he breathed deeply and stretched. Looking at his product, he was

Recently, he'd researched various magic books, and this idea had been turning
in his mind. Using this chance, he organized them all and laid it all out on paper,
creating a highly feasible control magic seal.

To be honest, he thought that his product was perfect after writing it down. He
felt exhilarated, just like the feeling of using all his energy while exercising.

But his action caused a problem.

A soft sound came from his side. Then Link felt something touch his arm.
Shocked, he turned his head and felt his lips brush past something warm and

It was the Red Dragon Queen Gretel. She was still reading beside him, but Link
had forgotten about her. His arm ended up touching her forehead. When he
turned his head, his lips touched hers.

Link froze. It was just a touch, but his lips felt like it had been shocked
electrically. They were numb, soft, and slippery. He could keep indulging in it.

"I…it wasn't on purpose," Link hurriedly explained.

"Oh. So you don't dare to kiss me anymore?" Gretel whispered in reply. Her red
eyes were filled with ambiguous light.

What could Link say? He was so awkward he just stood up and moved to the
side. Changing the topic, he said, "Your Highness, I wrote all my thoughts in
this notebook. What do you think?"

Gretel cocked her head and supported it with her hand. Looking up, she smiled
and said, "I read the notes already, but I don't really understand. Come sit down
and explain to me."

Link couldn't sit there anymore. He wasn't that innocent. If he sat down,
something would happen. If he gave into his hormones now, he would be too
ashamed to face Celine back in Ferde.

Sweating slightly, Link remained standing. "Your Highness, I remember

everything in the notes. If you can't understand something, just ask, and I can

Seeing him like this, Gretel sighed. "If only I met you before Celine," she

With that, she stopped the flirting and stated, "I saw your magic model. Are you
using the power of time?"

Now that they were talking about magic, Link calmed down. He nodded.
"Indeed. Your Highness, look here. The flood of energy when a singularity
explodes is already the limit of the realm. In Firuman, no power or object can
restrain this flood. Not even space itself can. The only solution is to use the
future to influence the present… No, more accurately, it's using the future to
restrict the present and use time to restrict the direction of this flood!"

Using the future to restrict the present sounded iffy, but this happened often in
real life.

For example, if someone set the goal of becoming rich in three years, the future
goal would continuously affect his actions now. Of course, this was the weakest
type of influence. It could be interfered with or broken at any time.

Link wanted to use his knowledge of the time laws and continuously strengthen
this restrictive power until it was strong enough to turn a singularity's directed
explosion into fate!

He couldn't do this with his own knowledge, but it was okay. He now had a
ready-made time tool. It was the thin piece of time Skinorse had given him.

With this piece as the core, Link would improve upon it and create a usable
control magic seal.

Link explained all of this to Gretel. At the end, he took out the black piece of
time. "Your Highness, look at this. This is the true core."

Gretel studied this pure black object. "According to you, this piece is too weak.
Are you going to keep feeding it the Jogu you mentioned?" she asked.

Link shook his head. "No, not Jogus. Your Highness, look at the outer magic
seal I designed. Most of it is used for strengthening the piece of time. Look here.
After the singularity explodes, the horrible power will turn all existence into
nothingness. Time, space, and material will all turn into pure energy. It won't be
distinguishable. I call this state 'chaos'!"

This was similar to the Grand Unification Theories from Earth. Link didn't
know why this would happen. He'd just calculated and naturally came to this

Gretel grew more interested. Her eyes glittered, totally different from the watery
light when she was flirting. This was the desire for knowledge.
She sat up straight. "Chaos? Explain in detail."

Link thought a bit and used a metaphor, "Your Highness, it's like stewing a pot
of potato and beef stew. The materials are the potatoes and beef. Time and space
are like the water in the pot. The energy from the singularity explosion is like
the fire under the pot. When the fire is burning, and the temperature is very
high, everything in the pot will turn into a thick stew. You can't distinguish
anything from each other. That's the state the moment after a singularity
explosion—an indistinguishable pot of stew."

"Oh, then what?" Gretel quickly asked.

"Then this extreme energy will expand and cool. Once it cools, things will
change. The melted time will first become solid from the stew. This will happen
one-billionth of a second after the explosion. That moment is the best time for
control… Look at this magic seal."

As Link spoke, he quickly drew a magic seal in the air. "The cooled power of
time will be detected by the magic seal and surge into the piece of time. Within
one-millionth of a second, the piece's power will multiply tens of thousands of
times. It is enough to turn the slightly cooled explosive energy's direction into
an inextinguishable fate!"

This time, Link explained everything clearly, and Gretel understood. She was
deeply impressed. "Then what level do you think this attack would be at?"

Link thought for a bit and said, "The power of time is the most mysterious type
of strength. It is also the existence closest to the source of the realm. Applying
the current levels, when it is heated to a chaotic state, it will definitely be above
Level-29. When the explosive energy cools slightly and the power of time is
isolated, it will be around Level-26. Thus, our final energy supply will reach
Level-26. Even a god would fear this power!"

To a Magician, the levels of power were clear because any type of power, even
a god's power, could find its relative phenomenon in the world. It could even be
calculated on paper with simple logic.

For example, the instant a singularity exploded, its power would technically be
at Level-30. This was the pinnacle of the godly domain!
Of course, there was still a long way to go between knowing its existence and
completely controlling and manipulating it. It was like how a mortal could see
the sun and feel its mightiness, but they couldn't become the sun.

Link being able to create a Level-26 attack wasn't because he himself was so
powerful. It was because of this piece of time in his hands that he couldn't even

Without this, everything Link had done would be all in vain.

Gretel knew this, but to her, Link was still amazing. Looking at the thin black
piece, she asked, "If your idea can be realized, the spatial crack won't be a threat
anymore. However, I can feel that your model isn't perfected. The details are

"Indeed." Link nodded. "The most critical part is that we need materials with a
very high heat resistance."

Gretel was confused. "High heat resistance… But nothing can stop a
singularity's explosion, right?"

Link shook his head and explained, "No, no, Your Highness. The material isn't
to stop the high temperature of the explosions. It's just a buffer. It must buffer
the energy for one-billionth of a second. Otherwise, I'm afraid the time piece
won't be able to absorb the power of time. It'll evaporate instantly."

Gretel nodded. Thinking a bit, she said, "I know a place that will definitely have
the material you need, but it's dangerous."

"Tell me." Link's eyes lit up.

"The Sea of Void. All types of astral rocks float in there. One of them will
satisfy your needs."

"The Sea of Void… But I can't go in now…" His dragon form hadn't recovered
yet. Without turning into a dragon, he wouldn't have the Void Ferry. He could at
most open a realm portal, but he wouldn't be able to enter the Sea of Void.

"But I can go and take you with me too. The dragon form is the Void Ferry.
There's no problem in taking someone in," Gretel answered, smiling.
"How?" Link rubbed his forehead in confusion. The dragon form had
completely fused with each person.

"You'll see," Gretel said mysteriously.

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Chapter 498: The Centipede in the Sea of Void

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Dragon Square

The Red Dragon Queen transformed into her dragon form. Before letting Link
ride on her back, she turned to him and said, "Now close your eyes."

"Why?" asked Link curiously. Still, he closed his eyes shut.

"I'll need to swallow you down my dragon body. The whole body may seem a
bit disturbing, and I don't really want to show you my horrible fangs You'll
probably hate me for that. You know what, it's probably not enough that you
close your eyes, I'll need to cast a Numbing spell on you."

As she spoke, Link felt Gretel's Dragon Power over him. She must have already
cast her spell on him.

The spell instantly dulled all of Link's senses. Not only had his surroundings
gone dark, but he also could not hear or feel anything around him as well. Link
then felt himself being lifted up and sliding down a warm tube.

Five seconds later, the Red Dragon Queen's voice could be heard once more.
"Alright, you can open your eyes now."

When Link opened his eyes, he found himself swimming in a mass of unknown
liquid. Around him was a hazy blur of red light, and extraordinarily enough, he
noticed that he could breathe regularly in the liquid without any risk of
The sensation was almost like being back in his mother's womb.

With a sudden snap, the hazy blur of red light around Link had vanished, and in
its place was a magic mirror providing a full view of what the Red Dragon
Queen was seeing at the moment.

"Can you see it?" Gretel's voice rumbled from outside.

"Yes, I can see everything clearly, it's an amazing sight," exclaimed Link. He
had never felt such comfort in the womb-like chamber. It seemed like such a
great place to just lie back and take a nap for as long as he wanted.

Gretel's voice rumbled again, this time with a hint of satisfaction, "It's called a
vesicle. It was originally used to accommodate passengers. After generations of
evolution, though it still retains its function as a compartment for passengers,
we've stopped letting outsiders use it."

"If that's the case, why bother keeping it? I think the vesicle's maintenance
requires a large amount of energy input." It was one of Link's many quirks;
whenever something seemed illogical to him, he would try to make sense out of
it through logical reasoning.

Gretel laughed without actually giving Link an answer. "Alright, enough

questions for now. I'm taking off!"

Through the magical view in the vesicle, Link could see luminescent ripples in
the air before Gretel. She then took a large step forward, and her large dragon
body melted through the ripples.

In the outside world, Link could see cracks radiating out in huge numbers across
the green tiles in the square. This was the result of spatial vibrations
continuously being sent out from the dragon's body. It was almost trivial
compared to the effects of Realm Transference.

Two seconds later, Gretel's body had completely submerged into the spatial
depths. Crimson Dragon Power cloaked her whole body, giving her the
appearance of a gleaming crystal dragon.

They were immediately beset by a fantastic sight around them, brilliant

silhouettes dancing around the spatial canvas of Firuman's inner regions. As
they waded deeper through space, the light around them gradually faded. Before
long, they were completely immersed in darkness.

The whole process was not unlike diving into an ocean's depths. The only
difference was that a diver would eventually hit the bottom of the ocean,
whereas in the farthest regions of space stood the wall between realms. Behind
that wall lay the Sea of Void.

The Space Barrier in the Dragon Valley was nigh impenetrable, especially
around the Dragon Temple. It acted as a deterrent against any attempts to invade
from the Sea of Void.

Carrying Link inside her, Gretel swam on downwards for more than one minute.
Darkness had utterly consumed them at that moment. Then, Link saw a glimmer
of light before him. The Red Dragon Queen spoke, "Alright, we're in the Sea of

From the magical view, Link could see that a white fog had surrounded the Red
Dragon Queen's body, obscuring her vision terribly. Through the fog, sudden
streaks of light flashed by at times. Link could also make out a couple of
vortexes spinning in the distance.

Behind the Red Dragon Queen was a huge body of light. Due to the white fog
around her, none of them could make out the exact appearance of the object, but
Link knew that it was the realm of Firuman itself.

"Alright, I'm going to move forward. Visibility is low, and there may be danger
lurking about, so I'll need to concentrate on my flying. If there's a meteorite
heading our way, you need to tell me," Gretel said.

"Understood," said Link. He then noticed that Gretel had begun flying away
from the realm of Firuman. The road ahead of them was a blur fraught with all
kinds of danger. Not daring to let anything distract him for even a moment, Link
kept his eyes wide open as he surveyed his surroundings throughout their

The Red Dragon Queen floated slowly forward through the Sea. Around five
minutes later (all measurements of time were carried out by Link at this point
with the realm of Firuman as his reference point, since the concept of time itself
was essentially meaningless in the Sea of Void), Link noticed that the realm of
Firuman had completely vanished from sight behind them. They were now
surrounded in every direction by hazy balls of light and energy.

In such a place, one could lose their bearings easily without a reference point in
space, and would probably drift on through the Sea of Void with no end in sight.
Link suddenly remembered the sages of old who had fled from Firuman must
have floated through the Sea of Void for months before finally managing to find
their way back to the realm of Firuman. Such a feat was nothing short of a

The Red Dragon Queen had slowed down considerably. She was now feeling
even more nervous at this point. Link could feel her heart beating even more
uncontrollably, raising the temperature in the womb as a result.

"Link, do you see something?" Gretel's voice sounded.

"No, nothing but those balls of energy around us. I don't see anything concrete."
Link had been scanning the magical view attentively, but still could not find a
single piece of meteorite anywhere around them.

Gretel continued flying forward.

Soon after, Link suddenly saw a black shadow flit through the white fog. He
strained his eyes in its direction, but could not make anything out.

"I think I see something moving," whispered Link.

Gretel's pulse accelerated even more. She slowed down, and her body took on a
more defensive posture. "I sense it, too. It's probably alive. I could feel it staring
at me."

Gretel was now feeling even more nervous. She did not have much experience
making trips through the Sea of Void.

"Why don't we turn back now? Once my dragon body is fully recovered, we can
go back into the Sea of Void together. Besides, we only need to wait for another
three months till my dragon body heals up completely, which isn't that long,"
proposed Link. It was too dangerous to go on at this point, especially with an
unidentified object leering at them from a distance. If Link was able to
transform into his dragon form, he could still be of some use to the Red Dragon
Queen in the Sea of Void.

As for the Astral Meteorite, they did not need to find it straight away. They
were probably bound to find some after making a few more trips into the Sea of

Gretel fell silent for a moment. She then spoke, "Alright then, it's a shame we
didn't find any meteorites."

Feeling the coordinates of Firuman, she began making her way back towards it.
An hour later, all of a sudden, a black figure bolted through the fog and collided
against Gretel's body.

Thanks to Gretel's alertness, when the black figure appeared, she immediately
leaned to one side and spat out her Dragon Void Breath at it.

All this had been carried out by Gretel in one fluid motion, and the black figure
received the full brunt of her attack.

The Red Dragon Queen's Dragon Void Breath had a diameter of more than five
feet. Its energy was pristine white and extremely concentrated. When the blast
of energy hit the black figure, its speed was drastically reduced.

However, instead of being pushed back, it persevered on bit by bit through the
rush of energy from Gretel's jaws.

As it pushed on towards Gretel, Link managed to see the entity's shape clearly.
Its body was a greyish color, and it resembled a giant centipede. Its long, narrow
body was around 50 feet and lined with countless black slender legs on both

Its legs did not seem to be made for walking, but rather served as narrow lines
of oars pushing the black shape through the Sea of Void.

Link was stunned. He had seen such a creature before, back in the game, but the
creature before him right now was considerably larger than its counterpart in the
Back in the game, players simply referred to it as a centipede, but it was a
hundred times more venomous than any ordinary centipede.

"Be careful with its legs, Your Highness..." Link did not finish his sentence.

Gretel had swung her tail at the centipede, which was now 60 feet away from

The centipede's movements were severely restricted as it was still being

bombarded by the Red Dragon Queen's Void Breath. As a result, it was unable
to dodge her tail in time and took a direct hit from it.

Link saw that the centipede's body was struck by the dragon tail with such force
that greyish shards broke off from one side of its body. Some of its legs had also
been torn off by the impact.

On the surface, it seemed as though the Red Dragon Queen now had the upper
hand. However, Link sensed that something was wrong, and shouted, "Your
Highness, watch out for its stingers!"

Saying this, Link pressed a hand on the vesicle, and a rush of Dragon Power
flowed through Gretel's body in an instant.

His Dragon Power had come from Gretel. Though its state had undergone some
changes, it was still able to merge with Gretel's Dragon Power. His Maximum
Dragon Power had now reached 14500, whereas Gretel's was more than 20,000.
There was no chance the combined Dragon Power from two masters would lose
to a Level-14 Legendary entity.

Though Gretel did not know why Link had issued such a warning, she did not
dare let down her guard. With a hum, a Legendary-level crimson barrier had
formed around her. She too began focusing her Dragon Power into the barrier.

The centipede let out a screech, and all of a sudden, ripples of violent black
energy emerged around it. What was even more frightening was the fact that the
black, slender legs around it shot out like missiles in all directions towards
Link was able to see the black smoke issued out in the wake of each of its
missile-like legs. He knew that the smoke contained its poison. Not only was it
capable of corroding through flesh, but it could also melt through pure energy.

The creature's legs barraged against the barrier relentlessly, peeling it layer after
layer. It was as thin as paper by the time the twentieth leg struck the barrier.

"Its black smoke is melting through my energy barrier!" Gretel shouted in a

panic. She let out another burst of her dragon breath at the centipede.

This time, her attack was effective.

After laying siege on Gretel's barrier with its legs, the centipede had depleted
most of its strength. It was blown back by the blast of Dragon Void Breath, and
vanished into the depths of the Sea of Void.

Gretel did not wish to prolong their fight any longer and immediately sped off
towards the realm of Firuman.

After a while, she let out a panicked shout. "Not good, my tail's been hit by one
of the creature's stingers!"

Link looked back and saw that there were indeed two black stingers stuck to her
tail. Even with the protection of her dragon scales, the tip of the stingers had
pierced into her skin.

She must have been stung when she had swung her tail at the centipede.

The venom was indeed potent. Gretel shouted in pain, and Link saw that her
vision was beginning to blur. Her flight path too was becoming even more

"Are you alright?" Link could feel that Gretel's Dragon Power was receding
rapidly. He began to panic and continued to pour some of his Dragon Power
into Gretel's body.

"The venom's eating up my power. No, it's also messing with my mind..."
The situation seemed to worsen by the minute. However, curiously enough,
Link noticed that the venom had not entered the vesicle. He felt just fine even as
he breathed in the liquid around him.

At that moment, Link saw a black shape floating in the distance. He

immediately shouted, "Look, there's a meteorite to your side!"

Still able to hear him, the Red Dragon Queen looked around and noticed the
meteorite as well. She managed to grab it in her claw, and like a drunkard,
continued her path shakily towards Firuman.

Half an hour later, a huge expanse of light came up before them. It was the
realm of Firuman.

Gretel's condition had worsened to the point where she was now unable to
distinguish left and right. In the end, she clumsily burst through the spatial wall
of Firuman.

After swimming through space for three minutes, both of them finally reached

Through what was left of the vesicle's magical view, Link saw that they were
now thousands of feet above ground. Below them, however, was not Dragon
Valley, but rather a huge island in the middle of an ocean. A dense forest
covered the island, with a few signs of civilization here and there. The
architectural style around the island was unlike anything they had seen on the
continent. Without warning, the vesicle's magical view disappeared before Link.

"I'm out of energy. I'm afraid I won't be able to make a safe landing. You'd
better come out from there, Link."

A hole appeared in the vesicle. Without thinking too much about it, Link
jumped straight into the hole.

As he climbed out of the hole, Link understood why Gretel had wanted to block
off all his senses before swallowing him up. The sensation of crawling through a
sticky, dark meat tunnel was not something Link would soon forget.

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Chapter 499: Queen’s Crisis, a Close Call

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After crawling in the dark tunnel for a long while, Link finally reached the Red
Dragon Queen's mouth. There were huge fangs all around him. Three layers
glinted coldly and overlapped like a forest of blades. It was indeed the mouth of
a beast.

Link had only taken a glance before the tongue under his feet suddenly moved
and pushed him out the mouth.

Once outside, Link immediately cast a cleansing spell to get rid of the saliva on
him. On the other hand, the Red Dragon Queen's body flashed with red light.
Under this light, her body kept shrinking until she looked as she did in the
Creation Hall.

There were two things with her too. One was a dark purple rock the size of a
skull; the other was two poisonous thorns. It had fallen off of the dragon form.

Gretel's face was ghastly pale. She was dazed too and had completely free fell
from the sky.

Link quickly went to catch her while collecting the dark purple astral rock and
thorns. He'd already used all his strength in blocking the thorns but thankfully,
he wasn't poisoned. His Dragon Power recovered quickly as well. Right now, he
already gained 1000 points.

Activating the Void Walk, Link went towards the ground.

He only knew that he was inside the Firuman Realm but he didn't know the
specific location. There was a large island with residents below. He prepared to
go ask them. However, he wasn't familiar with the situation here and didn't want
to appear suddenly. He cast an Invisibility spell on them both before
The island was truly large. Even from tens of thousands of feet in the sky and
with a dragon's amazing vision, Link could barely see the borders. This island
was probably more than 300 miles wide.

While descending, Link checked Gretel's state.

Her body was limp as if she didn't have an ounce of power left. Her eyelids
were half-closed but her eyes moved slightly. This meant she was still
conscious. However, her Dragon Power aura was very faint. Other than her
Dragon Power, a powerful Void aura radiated from her.

These were the classic symptoms of being poisoned. After a player was
poisoned in the game, a Magician's Mana bar or a Warrior's Battle Aura would
keep getting eroded until it disappeared. Then it would turn into something
called the Chaotic Rot.

The poisoned would die at this time and become a puppet controlled by the
Chaotic Rot. The poisonous centipede had two choices. One was to absorb the
Chaotic Rot and transform it into its own power. The second was to keep it as
its slave and eat when needed.

The Void Centipede's poison was very unique. All antidotes in Firuman were
ineffective against it. However, Link knew two ways to detoxify it.

The first was the orthodox method. He would use a new antidote. There was a
mission in the game that described how an alchemist experimented on a
poisoned person to find the antidote. The player's mission was to collect all the
materials for the alchemist.

This was the best solution; it could completely eradicate the poison. However,
Link didn't know the recipe and specific method of creating the antidote. He
was mostly clueless about advanced alchemy. He had to scrap this idea.

The other solution was to seal it. He could seal all the contaminated power with
a spell. However, the poisoned would lose all power and become an average

This solution couldn't eradicate the poison; it could only buffer it.

"Your Highness, how do you feel?" Link asked.

"I can't control my body. My power is completely eroded." Gretel's voice was as
quiet as a mosquito.

Clearly, this poisoner's power was extremely strong. The poison effect was
abnormally intense too. Even a Level-11 Legendary figure couldn't withstand it.

Link stopped the Void Walk and changed to a falling spell that was easier on his
mind. He carried Gretel bridal style and opened her eyes to check the situation.

Her eyes used to be red and white; they were beautiful. Now, the red iris was
unchanged but black vessels appeared in the white part. She was deeply
poisoned. If he didn't use the sealing spell quickly, Gretel would probably lose

During this time, another 1000 Dragon Power points had recovered. He didn't
know specific sealing spells but he'd saved 800 Omni Points.

Open spell list, Link thought.

His vision flashed. Countless spell cards shone before him; they were all
Legendary cards. Link scanned them and quickly found what he needed.

Void Shackle

Level-12 Legendary Spell

Cost: 13000 Dragon Power points

Effect: Use unparalleled strength to create a special shackling magic. It can seal
any type of power in the world and is impossible to open.

(Note: Other than the spell-caster, no one can undo the seal.)

Link had around 2000 Dragon Power points now and was recovering at a rate of
39 points per second. He'd also activated the recovery effect of the Dragon King
Belt. It would take around three minutes to reach 11000 Dragon Power points.

This wasn't too long but Link worried that Gretel couldn't survive until then. He
checked her eyes again. There were more black vessels. The crystal-red irises
were slightly contaminated too, turning dark red.
Link knew that when her eyes turned pure black, Gretel would become a
puppet. Judging from the speed that the poison was spreading, she might not last
until Link could cast the spell.

The most important thing now was to keep Gretel's consciousness strong. She
couldn't defeat the poison with a strong desire to live, but she could at least
delay it.

"Your Highness," Link murmured comfortingly. "You are in extreme danger but
I have a way to cure you. I just need time to regenerate Dragon Power…"

Gretel's eyes were still half-closed. "Link," she mumbled. "It's eating away at
me. I can't keep going. I see the boundless darkness."

Link grew anxious. Grasping her hand, he exclaimed, "Your Majesty, can you
hear me? I can cure you!"

"I'm not Your Majesty. Call me Tellie."

Her voice was very soft but still clear enough. Link hesitated a bit before saying,
"Tellie, do you know when we first met?"

Link changed his tactics. He stopped using flat language to persuade her.
Instead, he tried to distract her.

As expected, Gretel was attracted by his words. "Wasn't it in the Dragon


"No, it wasn't there. It was in my dream."

"Dream?" Gretel's voice was confused but also louder.

"Yes. In the dream, we met in the Delonga Kingdom. At that time, the Norton
Kingdom hadn't stopped the Dark Army and the Dark Elves went South with
their divine gear. Just as the humans were about to be defeated, you appeared
with the Dragon Army. The entire sky was burning with the fire of dragons and
you—you were the queen amongst the flames."
Link was describing a scene from the game. It was a video of the Dragon Army
joining the battle between light and dark. New careers such as Dragon Warrior
and Dragon Magician were opened after that.

In the video, the Red Dragon Queen's appearance was incredible. No one could
stop her Dragon Power. She was also gorgeous like an ideal first love and
gained many fans. For two consecutive years, she was rated as the most beloved
game character. As expected, all gamers would fall for a true queen.

Link thought back to the video and smiled. He was already a Level-9 Magician
at that time. He'd seen Milda and Herrera without feeling much but that video
really left an impression.

Clearly, Gretel liked listening to this. "Then what?" she murmured. "Did we

Link chuckled. "Yes. In my dream, I was just an insignificant Magician. After

seeing you, I cried out, 'Your Majesty!' Then you asked me, 'Mortal, what do
you want?' I couldn't say anything after that and you left because you were busy.
I was so sad."

"Dreams aren't real. I would never… Ah, I'm so dizzy. I see the hallucination.
That insect is coming. It's looking at me!" Gretel's voice grew heavier. She was

Link was a bit shocked. He checked his Dragon Power—it was more than 8000
points now. He would have enough power after one more minute.

The whites of Gretel's eyes were completely black. Her red irises were turning
black too. Link couldn't hold back anymore. "Tellie, I have something I've
always wanted to say… Are you listening?"

"Yes…I'm listening." Her words were broken but her pale face still filled with
anticipation. Her eyes opened a bit wider too. She looked at Link, waiting for
him to utter the sentence.

She looked as if she could die in peace after hearing Link say it.

Seeing her like this, Link changed his plan. He couldn't say everything he'd
planned. He needed to use this sentence to keep Gretel alive. "Tellie, you are the
most elegant, beautiful, and moving woman I've ever seen. In my eyes, you
aren't a high and mighty queen…"

To drag out the time, Link spoke very slowly. Half a minute passed with this
one sentence. As he spoke, he observed Gretel's reaction. Seeing that she kept
staring at him in anticipation, Link was a bit assured. He continued, "Actually,

He stopped here; he looked hesitant.

Gretel waited for five full seconds. She was anxious when Link didn't continue
but she didn't have the energy to urge him. She could only grit her teeth and
force herself to stay awake so she wouldn't miss it.

Link knew what she was thinking so he just wouldn't say it. One second, two,
three… The seconds ticked by. Eight seconds later, Link had enough Dragon

He was relieved. Looking into Gretel's eyes filled with anticipation, he lowered
himself and whispered in her ears, "Tellie, actually, I can save you."

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Chapter 500: The Mysterious Island

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As he spoke, Link activated the Level-12 sealing spell.

Countless crimson runes issued out from his body like morning mist and
entwined themselves around the Red Dragon Queen's body like a cocoon.

This went on for a few seconds until the cocoon of light was now an airtight
chamber that rapidly shrank around Gretel's body. At the same time, the Chaotic
Rot in her body gradually subsided in her body. One of the most visible changes
on her body was her eyes.
The dark power had receded instantly from her almost completely blackened
eyes. Gretel's pale face too had regained its color.

Another five seconds later, she drew a long breath, widened her eyes and stared
at Link, a perplexed expression on her face. She remained silent for a long
while. Then she said, "You... liar!"

Listening to him speak so affectionately before had filled her with so much
hope. She thought he was going to finally confess his feelings to her, but it was
all an act!

She was now angry and disappointed at him!

Link smiled awkwardly at her. He helped Gretel up, and said, "Your Highness, I
wasn't exactly lying to you. I was, in fact, trying to suppress the venom in you."

"How dare you still call me 'Your Highness'!" said Gretel coldly, glancing
sideways at him.

Link could only chuckle at this. They had almost reached the ground at this
point, and Link did not wish to continue this awkward conversation any longer.
He surveyed the forest around them, and asked, "Tellie, I think there's
something wrong about this place. I've never seen these kinds of plants before."

He did not recognize any of the plants around him. It was as if they had entered
another realm.

Gretel did not mind being called "Tellie" by him since they were the only two
people there. Gretel's rage subsided somewhat upon hearing this, and she turned
around to observe her surroundings. In an instant, she had forgotten all about
her discontent and was now drawn to her strange new surroundings.

"This is new."

Link had only lived for twenty years. Though he may be well read, his
knowledge of the world was still limited in comparison to the Red Dragon
Queen's. On the other hand, Gretel had lived for 2000 years. Even though she
had spent most of that time in Dragon Valley, she had gone on hundreds of trips
to the outside world. The longest trip she had taken was with her mother when
both of them once flew around Firuman.
She had virtually seen all of Firuman and was more than familiar with most of
the islands dotting the great ocean. But the island below them was completely
foreign to her.

At that moment, both of them had landed on the ground.

As they landed, there was a sudden squeak from the woods near them. A
creature as large as a mouse shot out into the open. Its appearance was
exceedingly strange. Link activated the Magician's Hand and held the thing
before him.

The thing was no larger than an adult's palm. It resembled somewhat the
kangaroos back on earth. Its hind legs were more developed than its front legs,
which seemed dexterous enough to act as their hands. It squeaked desperately,
struggling to free itself from the invisible hand holding it in the air.

"I've never seen such an animal before," said Gretel, shaking her head.

It was rare indeed for her to not recognize something in the world of Firuman,
assuming of course that they were still in Firuman.

Link let go of the mouse-like creature. It immediately scampered back into the

He looked around at his surroundings and saw that the canopy of leaves above
them was especially dense. A golden sun hung in the blue sky, which was not at
all different from Firuman's sky.

Link then cast a Detection spell to measure the island's spatial distortion,
magical saturation, and chronal speed. Each of these aspects was similar to

"We are indeed on Firuman. If you've never seen this island before, could it be
that it had simply floated to the ocean's surface?"

This explanation, ridiculous as it may sound, was their only explanation for the
island at the moment.

Gretel thought for a while and could not think of anything to contradict this. She
spread her hands and spoke, "Anything can happen in this world. What you just
described is possible... Aren't there a couple of buildings on the island? This
must mean that there are people living here. Why don't we go and take a look?"

Link had the same idea, but at that moment, Gretel's power had been sealed up.
In her current state, she might not be able to defend herself if there was any
trouble. He had to think of a way to neutralize the venom completely in her
body as soon as possible.

Holding out the Void Centipede's stinger, Link said, "Gretel, the venom running
through your body is only temporarily sealed up. To actually remove it, we need
to find a more efficacious antidote for it. There's still a bit of venom in the
stinger. Can you think of a way to counteract its effect?"

Alchemy was not Link's strongest suit, but the Red Dragon Queen was an expert
on the subject. She should be able to come up with something.

Gretel nodded and took out a magically-resistant vial. She then spoke to Link,
"Here, pour the venom into this vial."

Link did as he was told and carefully squeezed the remaining venom from the
stinger into the vial. Around five ounces of the deadly liquid dripped into it and
completely covered the bottom of the vial.

Though the venom emitted a faint black smoke, it was colorless like water and
slightly more viscous.

Gretel then took out another vial which contained a viscous, pale blue liquid.
She poured a drop of the venom into it. Immediately, the pale blue liquid began
bubbling violently in its vial.

Seeing such a reaction, Gretel explained to Link, "The blue liquid tests a
substance's toxicity. The more poisonous something is, the greater its reaction
will be."

"So how poisonous is the venom?"

"Very. It's deadlier than any other venom I've ever encountered. It's a miracle
I'm still alive." Gretel's face blanched at the thought of the venom still flowing
around inside her body.
"Do you have a way to neutralize it?" asked Link.

Gretel shook her head, "I'm not sure; I'll need to run a few more tests."

She then laid out a wide array of bottles and vials from her spatial bracelet and
continued running her tests. Her brows relaxed at times and pressed against each
other tightly at others.

Half an hour later, a frown came across her face. "I have an idea, but the amount
of venom we have right now may not be enough."

Link too frowned at this. He could not expect her to accompany him back to the
Sea of Void and face the Void Centipede again. That would be no different from

After a while, Link remembered something. In the game, he had helped an

alchemy master gather some ingredients for the antidote. He still was able to
recall what they were.

Even though he had no idea what the master's procedure was, the Red Dragon
Queen was, fortunately, an alchemy master. If she were to have the list of the
antidote's ingredients, things would probably go even more smoothly.

He pondered for a while on this. Choosing his words carefully, he said to the
queen, "Your High... Tellie, I remember reading something about the Void
creature in a High Elf book. I think it's called 'Thousand Legs.' There was
mention of an antidote, but it only listed its ingredients and said nothing about
how to brew the concoction. I don't know if this information is of any use to

Hearing this, Gretel's eyes lit up suddenly. "Of course it is! Just tell me."

Link told her what he knew. "Creeping jennies, sunflowers, ginseng, a pinch of

When Link listed out all 13 types of ingredients, Gretel's eyes brightened even
more. Finally, she clapped her hands and laughed. "I got it! I'm not too far off
from it. Though I'll still need to run those tests, the venom we have in hand
should suffice."
Saying this, Gretel began collecting the alchemical ingredients from her
surroundings. Link recognized none of the materials she had collected. When
she had gathered more than seven materials from the forest, Link asked, "Gretel,
the ingredients aren't right."

"You have much to learn. Each of these materials contains a number of

medicinal properties. The goal of alchemy is to neutralize the properties that we
don't need and strengthen the ones that we do. To produce the medicinal effect
that we need, we don't have to follow the ingredient list to the letter. Oh, I'm still
short of a few things. Oh well, I'll look for them later. Let's go. We'll visit the
village up ahead first. Who knows, we may come across some of the medicinal
materials that I'm still missing along the way."

Gretel put away all her ingredients. She dusted off her hands and looked at Link,
ready to head out.

With the problem of the antidote more or less settled, Link now felt even more
relieved. During their conversation, he had almost fully recovered his Dragon
Power. He was now able to deal with any threats in their way.

The two of them then headed off in the direction that they had determined from
the air.

A while later, Gretel patted her legs and sighed. "Ow, how tiring. This is taking

Link was speechless at such an obvious hint from her.

For the rest of the journey, Link gave Gretel a piggyback ride.

They now made their way through the forest even more quickly than before.
Ten minutes later, the woods in front of them had become sparser. Through
them, Link could see a simple stone wall erected up ahead. Behind the piles of
rocks stood a neat row of wooden houses. The sounds of chickens and the
occasional barks of a dog could be heard. Columns of smoke drifted from the
wooden houses into the evening sky.

"It seems peaceful," said Gretel.

Link too felt the same way about the place, but there was still something odd
about it. "The architecture here seems strange. I've never seen it before. I don't
really know why, but I'm getting an ominous feeling about the place."

He did not feel that their lives were being directly threatened at the moment, but
the feeling was enough to make him feel uncomfortable about the place.

With her power being sealed off, Gretel's senses were not as acute as Link's.
Hearing this from Link, she said thoughtfully, "It looks somewhat similar to the
architectural style adopted 1000 years ago by the southern kingdom."

As they observed the place, a troop of human-shaped figures marched out from
another corner of the forest. Link was startled by what he saw.

"Are those... demons?"

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Chapter 501: Worshipped as a Saint

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The people who walked out of the forest looked very strange. They were all
above six foot and were very muscular. They were shirtless, revealing their dark
skin. Their features were menacing with a mouth of fangs and curled horns
protruding from their foreheads. The only piece of clothing on them was a
leather kilt around their waist.

They seemed to be hunters. Right now, they walked from the forest to a small
town, carrying the corpses of a few giant unknown beasts.

Some people appeared in the town too. At closer inspection, they looked exactly
like the hunters, albeit a bit weaker. They cheered happily after seeing the
hunters. Some kids ran out too and circled the hunters. Their small hands
grabbed at the prey while giggling.

Seeing this, Gretel determined, "They're demons, probably a type of horned

demon… But for some reason, I feel like their bloodline isn't pure."
"Mixed demons?" Link asked. He also felt that these demons had a mixed aura.
Sensing more closely, it felt gloomy but didn't have the chaotic fury of demons
from the Abyss.

"Most likely. They don't seem very powerful. Should we go and check?"

"Sure." Link nodded.

He felt that mixed demons were weak. These hunters were at most Level-5 and
were very average. Even if Gretel was momentarily disabled, nothing bad would
happen with Link present.

He had another consideration. Gretel was beautiful, but that was from a human's
beauty standard. Maybe she was an ugly hag to the demons so he wouldn't have
to worry that her looks would cause trouble.

Seeing that the hunters had walked to the entrance of the town, Link carried
Gretel out of the forest. Once outside, he canceled the Invisibility spell and
strode towards the mixed demon hunters.

They were discovered by the demons after 150 feet. These guys seemed really
shocked. They looked left and right, yelled something, tossed their weapons
onto the ground, and started running over. They yelled while running and
seemed really excited.

"Are they going to attack?" Gretel asked Link.

Link shook his head. "Doesn't seem like it. They didn't bring weapons."

Despite his words, he still activated a transparent spatial defense shield around
them, just in case.

A few seconds later, these demons were around 100 feet away. Then, ignoring
the mud on the ground, they fell to their knees and practically prostrated
themselves on the ground.

Link had never seen anyone attack on their knees, so he instantly relaxed after
seeing this.
They kept mumbling while kneeling. Link listened for a bit. It seemed to be a
variant of the lingua franca, and he could make out some words, but they spoke
too quickly. They were also very nasally so Link couldn't figure out what they
were saying.

"Tellie, can you understand?" Link asked.

Gretel shook her head lightly. "Just some words, like 'God's messenger,''saint,'
and such. They seem to be worshipping us… No, I think they worship someone
who looks like us."

This made sense. It was Link and Gretel's first time here. These demons
shouldn't recognize him and wouldn't worship them. The only possibility was
that a human who looked them had come before. This man was probably really
powerful. Otherwise, he wouldn't be revered like this.

In that case, things would be much easier.

Link didn't speak. He moved his hand and activated the Magician's Hand. The
kneeling bodies were lifted up.

They instinctively tried to resist, but Link's power was on a whole other level.
They couldn't fight back at all.

The hunters were terrified and shocked. One of the most muscular started
screaming something. Link could make out a few words, like
"holy,""saint,""savior," and other reverent words.

He couldn't understand now, but he wasn't worried. For people like him and
Gretel, learning a language, especially a variant of the lingua franca, was
extremely easy. As long as they stayed with these people, they could learn it in a
few days.

Before this, they would just have to stay quiet, listen, and watch.

He didn't care what the demons were saying. Keeping his face expressionless,
he pointed at the small town and started walking over. The mixed demons
exchanged glances and followed behind him.
When they got to a stone wall, Link decided to impress them with a spell.
Waving his hand, a string of runes appeared on the wall. Then he patted the
wall. Like a stone crashing into water, a door opened up in the wall.

Carrying Gretel, Link walked in. When the demons followed through, the
simple portal had already disappeared. The demons touched the smooth wall,
looking side to side, up and down. They just couldn't find a crack that could
allow someone through.

By now, many people were gathered by the wall—all mixed demons. Seeing
this, they all cried out. Link could hear shock and reverence in their voices.

The streets inside the town were very dirty, like the outer city of Scorched City.
The ground was covered in mud, feces, shattered bones, rotting vegetables, and
more. The entire town reeked of garbage.

Gretel furrowed her brows. She knew that she couldn't show her disgust, so she
forced it in.

Link wasn't accustomed to this either. He cast a Levitation spell for them and
put Gretel down. Then he cast a cleaning spell in the air. They wouldn't have to
smell the disgusting odor anymore.

After that, he cast a force field that pushed the two forward. They floated slowly
towards the city center.

The mixed demons in the town clearly hadn't seen magic before. Seeing the two
floating above the ground, they were all shocked. The result was that wherever
Link and Gretel passed, the townspeople all knelt down in worship, disregarding
the dirtiness on the ground.

After floating like that for a few minutes, the two saw some Warriors with dirty
leather armor and steel spears. They walked over, escorting an old demon with a
head of white hair and a face of wrinkles.

This elder was clearly of high status. He walked over unsteadily with his cane.
The others all followed him respectfully.

After he saw Link and Gretel, he squinted and studied them for a long while.
Then he tossed his cane to the side and fell to his knees.
Seeing him like this, the Warriors behind him followed him and knelt without
hesitation. This made Link feel something was wrong.

The people they saw before were all commoners. Bluntly put, they were
ignorant country bumpkins. As long as they looked similar, it was easy to
mistake Link and Gretel for someone else. This elder was different though.
From looks of things, he should be smarter. He might not be very
knowledgeable, but should at least know more than the regular citizens. He'd
studied them carefully before kneeling too. This meant that Link and Gretel
looked very, very similar to the man they worshipped.

"This doesn't make sense," Gretel also whispered. She found it odd too.

But they had a language barrier right now and couldn't communicate. Though
they had doubts, they couldn't say anything. What could they do?

Link looked around and saw some smaller demons kneeling in the crowd…
They should be the kids. They clearly didn't feel as reverent as the adults.
Though they were kneeling too, they kept sneaking glances around.

Link also saw many smoked vegetables and meat hanging from the houses on
the side of the street. There wasn't much though. The clothing of the villagers
was very shabby too. The men were mostly naked with a rag around their waist.
The women were slightly better, but only with an extra rag around their chest.
The kids were basically all naked.

The mixed demons here had horrible living conditions and lacked much
material wealth.

Thinking of this, he got an idea. He would learn the language first, but he didn't
want to learn from adults. Their thinking was less innocent and could be
troublesome. He would learn from these kids and know many things that the
adults weren't willing to say.

Link kept his expression stern. First, he waved at the elder's cane, and the plane
wooden staff flew to his hands.

He sneakily took out a piece of Mithril and used enchantment to fuse the Mithril
into the cane. He added a Level-5 strengthening spell and then used the Mithril
to draw many elegant patterns.
This way, the cane became beautiful like a piece of art. Something so beautiful
had never appeared in the town before. Link could see the desire clearly in the
elder's eyes.

Link didn't give him the cane immediately. He pointed at some kids and then
pushed the cane forward a bit. His meaning was clear: exchange the kids for the

The elder hesitated and looked to the children's parents. Link followed his gaze
and pointed his fingers at them, casting a dragon healing spell to all these

Link could tell that they all had some sort of ailment due to long years of labor.
With the spell, all their problems were cured. Many men had been hunched
over, but now they stood up tall, full of energy. They seemed to have aged
backwards instantly.

This action was like a god's hand. Instead of punishment, it was healing. It was
also showing that the kids wouldn't be treated badly with him, let alone be in

Some parents voluntarily pushed their kids to Link—five in total.

Link nodded lightly and tossed the cane to the elder. Then he pointed to the
forest outside the town. Without explaining himself, he activated the
Dimensional Jump.

A white light appeared. Under the townspeople's reverent gazes, Link, Gretel,
and the five children disappeared from the town.

Buzz. The group reappeared in the forest.

"What are you planning?" Gretel finally asked.

"We'll stay here for a while and learn from the kids. After we know the
situation, we can use the locals' help to find the materials needed for your
antidote. I'll also use this time to study this meteorite."
There was actually another reason. He felt that the people here had reacted too
strangely to them. This island might contain some secret. He had to at least
figure out if they were friends or foes.

Gretel didn't really mind. "That works."

Link chuckled. "So I'm going to build a safe fortress first."

For a Legendary figure, turning dirt into stone and stone into a building was a
simple task.

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Chapter 502: The Legend of the One-Eyed King (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link waved a hand at the five mixed demon children around him and pointed at
the woods nearby. As he was not familiar with the local language, Link
activated a Level-0 Suggestion spell.


The children straightened up and walked over to where Link had pointed. Gretel
too stood at a safe distance from him.

Link found a flat surface in the woods after walking around it for a bit. He let
out a burst of Dragon Power, and a white spatial ripple spread out in all four
directions from his body.

The trees around him were all felled in an instant.

As the trees fell one after the other, the air was filled with a swarm of scaled-
down versions of Link's Vacuum Blades. The translucent magical razors raced
towards the trees and began shaving off their leaves and branches till the trees
lay completely naked on the ground.
As the spatial distortions raged on in the area, the clean logs fell in neat piles
back on the ground. Link then dried them all up with a brilliant red blaze. The
ground around him was now leveled and ready for construction.

He then let his Dragon Power flow into the earth. Three seconds later, he flicked
both his wrists up and whispered, "Rise..."

A brown-greyish dirt castle began taking form. At the same time, a blue-white
circle of light had appeared five feet in the air. As the dirt rose through the
circle, it was instantly transformed into hard, polished stone.

This was simply a Level-4 Dirt-to-Stone spell. Its main function was to turn
ordinary dirt into magical runestone, but Link had taken the spell to another

What he had sculpted with such a simple spell was nothing short of a miracle.

The mixed demon children standing in the distance looked on at Link's work,
utterly dumbfounded. Some of them were left speechless, their eyes wide like
saucers. A few seemed to have forgotten that they still had their grimy little
thumbs in their mouths, while others let their jaws gape open, thin slivers of
saliva falling from the corners of their mouths.

In no more than five minutes, a 50-foot-tall, 40 cubic feet castle now stood
majestically before them. Surrounding the castle was a great wall, on which
wooden doors mounted with runes were set.

The castle's general structure was now complete, but its details remained far
from complete. Looking at the shoddy creation before him, Link felt his
compulsion to magically smooth out all its imperfections acting up.

He activated Void Walk and began flying around the wall in circles.

He began carving out embellishments across the castle walls and the walls
inside and outside the castle. He then proceeded to lay out the floors and set up
the castle's furniture and wooden window frames with the piles of dry logs

Ten minutes later, after making ten rounds around the castle, Link was finally
done with the whole castle. The castle's details and furniture inside it were all
sculpted with an exquisiteness that was contrasted splendidly by the building's
overall simplistic style.

Link landed on the dirt ground within the castle. With a push from his hand, the
dirt ground was instantly transformed into a flat surface composed of jade tiles.

Link walked forth, and the jade-green surface began snaking forward. When he
exited the castle walls, a smooth green path continued extending outward
beneath the forest's shade.

The path continued spreading out a hundred feet away from the castle grounds
until it finally reached the Red Dragon Queen. Link smiled at her. He held out a
hand and bowed to her.

"Your Highness, your palace is ready for you."

Gretel smiled back. "If word of you using your enchantment skills for such a
menial task gets out, you'll probably be the laughing stock of the magical

Despite what she had said, Gretel was impressed with Link's handiwork. She
strolled along the jade-tiled path towards the dazzling castle.

The mixed demon children beside her stared at Link with fearful eyes.

When Link turned towards them, some of the children imitated the deferential
posture their elders had assumed back then, prostrating themselves before him
and not daring to make direct eye contact with Link. However, they continued
gossiping excitedly among themselves. Even though Link did not understand a
word from them, he could clearly sense their amazement.

Link did not immediately let the children stand up. Instead, he listened to their
ramblings for a few minutes, trying to make sense of some of their words. He
then spoke to them, "Stand up now, and follow me."

Saying this, Link headed for the castle after Gretel.

The children seemed to understand what Link had said. Pausing for a moment,
they rose back to their feet and timidly followed Link to the castle.
As they were still children, they did not have much self-restraint. After walking
for a while, they had completely forgotten their deference towards Link and
began chittering among themselves again.

Link did not stop them and listened intently to them, trying to learn the mixed
demons' tongue from their excited chatter.

When they reached the entrance of the castle, Link who had been eavesdropping
on the children's conversation all this time, now had a better understanding of
their language.

Stopping at the doorway, he turned and pointed at the children. Points of light
containing a Cleansing spell and an Enchantment spell floated from his finger
towards them.

The Cleansing spell cleansed them of all dirt on their bodies, whereas the
Enchantment spell transformed the rags that they were wearing into beautiful
sets of clothing.

Without waiting for the children to finish marveling at their new clothes, Link
pointed at Gretel, who was admiring the elegant furniture in the castle's great
hall. He said to them, "She, queen, mistress. Obey mistress' orders, understand?"

"Understand," the children timidly replied.

Link then pointed to himself. "Me, the castle's housekeeper. I'm in charge of
you, will train you to serve mistress better. Understand?"

"Understand..." replied the children. Their replies were somewhat disorganized.

One of them still had his thumb in his mouth, and his voice came out muffled as
a result.

Link wagged a finger at him, and said, "No sucking on thumbs, or else you'll
end up like him."

Saying this, he snapped his fingers and magically sealed the child's mouth shut.
A look of surprise came over his face, as he tried to pull his thumb out of his
mouth, but to no avail.
The other children looked in horror at him. One of them, a girl probably, started
to cry, and the other three followed suit. Chaos descended on them in an instant.

Link cast a Silence spell on them, and then took out four pieces of dried fruit
bits from his spatial pendant. He gave a piece to each of them. "This is good

The four children who were not sucking on their thumbs instantly stopped
crying. They looked at the fruit bits warily. Then one of the bolder children, no
longer able to resist the sweet scent coming from it, took a small bite. His face
split into a wide smile, and he excitedly squeaked to the others, "It's sweet."

All four children wiped their tears and began nibbling on the dried fruit bit. The
child who had his mouth sealed shut by Link had momentarily forgotten his
ordeal. He now stared hungrily at his companions who were chewing on their
bits of candy in front of him.

Link removed the spell from him and then held out a piece of dried fruit bit in
front of him. Just as the child reached out for it excitedly, Link pulled his hand
back and stuffed the candy into his own mouth. He said to them as he chewed
on his own candy, "Obey my orders, and you'll get something good to eat. My
first rule is no thumb-sucking. Got it?"

"Got it, housekeeper," all five of them responded in unison. Four of their faces
were filled with excitement, though one still remained teary-eyed. With a tasty
treat as their reward, their memories had gotten a lot better.

"Alright, for my second rule, keep yourself clean at all times. Clean yourself up
in the pool if you somehow get yourself dirty."


"For my third rule..."

Link began listing out the rules of his castle to the children, enforcing them with
either the promise of a delicious titbit or some horrifying form of magical
punishment. Ten minutes later, he had finally reformed them into clean,
obedient, well-mannered servants of the castle.
As he brought all five of them into the castle, Link began assigning their rooms
and duties to them. He then gave each of them a beautiful mithril bracelet,
which allowed him to eavesdrop on them whenever he wanted. Link wanted to
have a better understanding of the island itself by listening to the children's

"Always keep it on your wrist. Don't take it off, or you won't have anything to
eat." Saying this, Link gave each of them a piece of sweet cheese.

"I understand, housekeeper." All five children had committed his teachings to
memory. Though they were famished at this point, they remained standing
upright, not daring to touch the pieces of cheese given to them.

"Good. You can eat."

When he had finished speaking, the children stuffed the bits of cheese greedily
into their little mouths. As they chewed, they glanced sideways at Link,
uncertain whether they had done something wrong.

Link observed them for a moment, then nodded. "Good. Now, remember this
last rule. Assemble in the great hall for your meals whenever the bracelet lights
up. Understand?"

"Got it, housekeeper."

"Good, you can now go and play outside." Link vanished in a white light, and in
an instant, he reappeared beside the Red Dragon Queen.

The Red Dragon Queen was out on the balcony on the third floor of the caste.
She leaned against the railing and gazed at the mixed demons' village in the
distance. Sensing the flurry of Link's appearance beside her, she asked without
turning to him, "Have you gotten the little ones prepared?"

"Of course. In fact, I've almost mastered their tongue by now." Link handed a
runestone to the Red Dragon Queen and said, "You can use this to hear what
they're talking about with each other."

"Smart move." Gretel accepted the runestone with a smile, then asked, "What do
you plan on doing next?"
Link already had his next step planned out. He took out the purple meteorite.
"I'll need to study the meteorite's special properties. In any case, we need to find
a suitable dampening material for the singularity explosion as soon as possible."

"I'll let you handle matters on that end, while I'll try to understand the locals
here. In the meanwhile, I'll look for the rest of the medicinal herbs that I'm still
missing for the antidote. Oh, I do hope the little ones would be of some help in
that area."

Link smiled. "They are quite intelligent. I'll forge you a couple of magical gear
later on so that you can defend yourself against any threat in the forest. I
remember the kids mentioning something about a one-eyed king."

He also had an eavesdropping runestone of his own. He held it to his ear and
heard the children's voices flow out from it.

One of the speakers was a girl. "My grandma said that no one should build their
houses in the forest, because it's the one-eyed king's domain, and he'll punish
anyone who trespasses on his forest."

"What are you scared of? The one-eyed king won't be able to defeat the
housekeeper. Didn't you see how powerful he was?"

"But my grandma said that the one-eyed king is as huge as a mountain. He'll
tear the castle apart with just a sneeze. He even ate a hundred llamas in one
gulp. If he's upset, he'll start stomping about, and the ground beneath him will
split open."

The children seemed to be describing a monstrous creature living in the woods.

Though it all sounded like a fairy tale, there was always some truth in legends.
Also, Link had noticed that there were no buildings anywhere in the forest.

He looked at Gretel. "Do you think there's actually a one-eyed king?"

Gretel smiled back. "Maybe. The people in the village do seem to be frightened
by the castle's appearance. You're the duke of the dragon race, anyway; do you
really have anything to fear here?"

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Chapter 503: Legend of the One-eyed Giant (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Three in the afternoon, one hour after Link finished constructing the castle, a
group came from the demon village in the distance. The leader was the elder
from earlier.

Looking down from the balcony, Link could see that the demons were anxious
and restless. Something incredible seemed to have happened.

When the group was around 100 feet away from the castle gates, they stopped.
They paced before the door, wanting to approach it but seemingly stunned by
the beautiful building looming over them.

They debated there, wondering if they should enter.

Standing on the balcony, Link wanted to laugh. White light flashed, and he
appeared above the city walls. The demons below immediately noticed him.
They fell silent and fell to their knees. Then the elder started yelling.

This time, Link could mostly understand.

"God's highest messenger in the mortal world, I have a very, very important
thing that may pertain to your safety that I must tell you."

Link already guessed what he was going to say. He purposely waited a few
seconds, scaring the demons so much that they started sweating. Finally, he
drawled, "Speak."

His voice wasn't loud but sounded clear under the spell.

The elder started yelling again, "God's highest—"

"Enough, get to the point," Link interrupted.

"God…God's messenger, I must tell you that the forest is the territory of the
one-eyed King Morophir. He is very strong and has a bad temper. He doesn't
like it when people live in the forest…"

The one-eyed king actually had a name. That meant this guy really did exist.
After thinking a bit, Link asked, "Have you seen him before?"

The elder and strong men beside him immediately nodded furiously. The elder
even opened his arms wide in an exaggerated pose. "Yes, yes. He's as tall as the
mountain. When you stand below him, you can't even see his head. His arms are
many times thicker than the waist of the red elephant. His slap can turn you into
minced meat. He uses the trees as weapons. He can just pull up ancient trees
that a group of people can't even embrace with linking arms. Then he waves the
tree and hits anyone he sees. No one is his match. He has a lot of powerful
underlings too!"

His explanation was a bit exaggerated and filled with subjectively delusional
descriptions. But when he spoke, the other demons all nodded in agreement.
This meant that most of his words were objective. They probably really had
seen Morophir before.

When Link heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but smile. Fighting with
trees is such a primitive way of fighting. This is probably a giant with endless
strength. Judging from the measurements of the trees, he should be around 100
to 150 feet tall. Indeed, he's unstoppable for regular people.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand. "I see," he said. "You can go back."

Before the terrified townspeople could reply, Link waved his hand after
speaking. He used the Dimensional Jump to send them back to the village.

Returning to the castle, he saw that Gretel was telling horror stories to the
demon children. They trembled in fear, curling into balls, but they loved the
stories. They ended up shaking like quails, making Gretel giggle.

Seeing that Link was back, the kids immediately stood and said in unison,
Gretel didn't think Link could discipline children too. She couldn't help but
laugh again. After her laughter subsided, she asked, "So there really is a one-
eyed king?"

"Yes. He's probably like a Mountain Giant. It has a name too—Morophir," Link
answered with a laugh.

Mountain Giants were giant earth-element creatures in Firuman. They were as

big as a mountain and on average, above 120 feet tall. They also fought by
pulling up trees and were terrifyingly strong. The earth-element power within
them was usually above Level-8.

To regular people, this was a god-like existence. But as strong as they were, it
was still mortal power. A Legendary figure could still kill thousands with one

In this case, Gretel didn't worry anymore. Chuckling, she said, "Then I'll hand it
over to you, house…keeper."

Link laughed awkwardly. After a pause, he said, "I'll go fortify the castle."

This wasn't to defend the one-eyed king's direct attack. Rather, it was to protect
against the shockwaves.

Link went to work. Gretel seemed to really like these demon children. She had
them gather around and started telling the horror story again. They were so
scared they kept shaking.

On the other hand, Link was outside the building.

The castle used regular magic runestones around Level-4. If a Level-4 figure
kicked the stones with all their might, it would cause quite some damage. This
was naturally insufficient against someone in Level-8. Link used the Void Walk
to fly around the castle, continuously slapping on runes.

The walls were white-ish before. After he circled it with runes a few times, a
20-centimeter-thick, translucent, jade-like shield appeared on the walls. This
was Level-9 material. Even if the one-eyed king attacked directly, it could last
for a while.
After this, Link turned to go study the meteorite. But after flying for a bit, he
looked up at the sky. It was four in the afternoon. It was getting late and was

Back in the day, before Gretel's power was sealed, this wouldn't be important.
She could go one year without eating. Things were different now. She wasn't
any stronger than the others; she needed three meals per day to replenish her

With this in mind, Link flew into the forest. After a while, he carried back an
animal like a wild goat.

He first went to the creek not too far from the castle and treated the body with a
spell. He separated the meat, bones, and tendons. Thinking back to the
delicacies he'd eaten before, he started making it with spells by the creek.

It was overly luxurious to cook meat with a fire spell, but it was fast. Within ten
seconds, the taste would settle so Link could experiment quickly. He was a
perfectionist too and had to make everything perfect.

The result was that Link tried 109 times within 15 minutes. He kept revising the
recipe until he grasped the best fire and amount of spices for a rack of lamb.

When the final result came out, Link tasted what he'd made. He smacked his
lips, very satisfied with the taste.

It wasn't enough to just eat meat though. Link then found some edible plants by
the creek. He used small water and fire spells to experiment dozens of times
before getting nice results too.

After finishing everything, Link flew back to the castle.

"Dinner time!"

As he spoke, Link waved his hand. Dozens of elegant plates appeared on the
long dining table in the castle. They were filled with food that looked delicious,
all made by Link.
Gretel brought the children over. She sat into the main seat and tasted Link's
creation. Her eyes brightened and glanced at him, satisfied. Smiling, she said,
"Mm, not bad. Keep working hard."

Link smiled wryly. It felt like he'd doomed himself. However, he only had to
wait until Gretel's power recovered. He didn't have to go for that long.

Turning to the children, Gretel said, "Kids, eat up."

The five kids had been eyeing the food for a while. They wanted to just pounce
onto the food, but with Link present, they didn't dare go too wild. They had to
use the utensils and eat the delicious food bit by bit. They looked very careful.

Link also ate some food. It was a small snack for him. When everyone was done
eating, he used a cleaning spell to clean everything. Then he finally went to a
quiet room in the top level of the castle to study the meteorite.

The meteorite was dark purple and was room temperature to the touch. When he
tapped it, it buzzed softly. It was very strange.

Link cast a small Void Destruction fireball; it exploded on the surface of the
meteorite. After the flames disappeared, the meteorite remained unchanged.
Even the temperature didn't change.

An interesting rock, but what's the maximum temperature you can withstand?

If it really could be used as a buffer, Link estimated that it must be able to

withstand at least a Level-20 attack to create a sufficient buffer for the
singularity explosion.

Level-20 was god-level power. Link couldn't do it by himself, but he could use
a magic seal to demonstrate it. Of course, the magic seal would be complicated
and consume many materials.

This was necessary to experiment though. Link put away the meteorite and took
out all sorts of material. He started constructing the high-level magic seal in the
It was very, very difficult to create a Level-20 magic seal when he was at Level-
11. Link put in everything he knew while using up all the precious material he
had. After spending five days, he finally created a large magic seal.

It took up most of the room. It contained more than 10,000 rune wheels, all sorts
of techniques, all the magical knowledge Link had, and the thin piece of time.

Link placed the meteorite onto the experiment rune and then started feeding
Dragon Power to the magic seal.

He couldn't accomplish it so easily. In reality, the magic seal would consolidate

his Level-11 power to Level-20. Even if he wanted a shred of Level-20 power,
Link needed to add in a tremendous amount of Dragon Power.

Link kept inputting power. One hour, two hours, three… At ten hours, the large
magic seal was still unresponsive. The only change was that the runes were a bit

I need at least two million Legendary Dragon Power points to get a bit of Level-
20 power. I hope no accidents happen.

If the magic seal failed, and all that Dragon Power exploded at once, the castle
would be demolished. That would suck.

The only good thing was that Gretel had taken the kids to pick medicinal herbs
and weren't inside the castle. Link could experiment without concern.

This magic seal required two million Dragon Power points. However, this didn't
mean that a shred of Level-20 power would equal two million Dragon Power

In reality, a true Level-20 figure would think that this magic seal was extremely
crude. A lot of power was wasted during the entire process. Link himself
estimated that 99.9% of power was wasted. Only 0.1% of Dragon Power would
be converted into Level-20 power.

Link sighed. In the end, I'm still not knowledgeable enough.

After resting, he continued feeding in power for another five hours. When the
five hours were close to an end, a tiny—almost insignificant—bit of power
appeared at the end of the magic seal.

The power seemed solid and was as thin as a needle. It was white and not very
bright, but glancing at it, it felt piercing to the eye. Link didn't dare to look for
long. He quickly averted his eyes.

This bit of power was scattering as soon as it appeared. From Link's estimates,
if it scattered one centimeter, it would completely degrade into regular power.
This kind of power was useless in a battle; it could only be used for

It streaked across the meteorite. Then with a poof, the dark purple meteorite
collapsed into a bunch of bubbling purple liquid. It couldn't resist the Level-20
power at all.

Link was greatly disappointed.

The meteorite wasn't strong enough at all. It was so far away, but this was the
strongest material Link had. He couldn't replace it, so he had to improve it.

How? Alchemy and enchantments were the only options.

If he wanted alchemy, he'd have to ask Gretel, but she hadn't recovered yet…
This was a bottleneck. Link thought some more and decided to find Gretel. He
would help her recover first.

He had given Gretel a tracking rune, so he just teleported over. With a few
flashes of light, he was beside Gretel.

She was in a forest a few miles away. When Link reached her, she was staring at
a huge footprint.

Seeing Link come, Gretel said, "The footprint is fresh. From the looks of things,
this guest is at least 300 tons. It's even bigger than a Mountain Giant."

Link glanced over. The footprint was about two feet deep, 15 feet long, and six
feet wide. There were two toes, and the two footprints were around 60 feet
"Indeed very big. Should we go look?" Link asked.

Gretel shook her head quickly. "I don't want to keep you back. You go… Here, I
drew all the herbs I need. If you see them along the way, take them for me. The
more, the better."

Link took the paper and skimmed it. The drawings were very realistic and
detailed. It also came with specimens.

"I understand. Be careful while I go check it out."

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Chapter 504: The Legend of the One-Eyed Giants (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The footprints in the forest were fresh. Link had no trouble tracking them.

Whoever these footprints belonged to seemed to be a really huge fellow. Link

continued his pursuit, not worrying about being shaken off by his prey. Along
the way, he picked up some of the medicinal herbs that Gretel still needed.

Soon, he had gathered a whole bunch of herbs in his hand. Gretel had even told
him that the more he could find in the forest, the better.

After pursuing his prey and collecting herbs along the way for more than 30
miles through the forest, he finally saw a lake up ahead.

The lake was oval-shaped, its diameter more than a thousand feet. Its water was
crystal clear. Near the reeds on the edge of the lake, Link caught a glimpse of
what he had been tracking.

It was a giant. He seemed to be around 150 feet tall, almost humanoid. He did
not have much body hair, or even any clothing, covering his muscular body.
Below the giant's crotch, Link could see, a bit too vividly, two huge meat balls
swaying along with the giant's movements. A few birds had landed on the
giant's vast body, apparently looking for food on it.

At that moment, the giant was squatting beside the lake, scooping up water in
his hands to his lips. He would sometimes catch a huge fish in his huge hands.
With an idiotic smile on his face, he would then pick it up between his fingers,
cocked his head back and let the slippery thing slide into his great maw without
even chewing.

He seemed to be having fun with all this, as he would chuckle to himself for a
long while. When he was done laughing, the giant continued drinking from the

Link observed the creature from behind a tree and noticed a huge wooden stick
on the ground beside the giant. Just as he had heard from the natives, it was the
trunk of a tree whose leaves and branches had been plucked clean off. One end
of it was jagged.

Link changed his perspective from behind the tree and saw that the giant was
physically similar to a human being. The only difference was that he only had
one eye. The eye looked out from above the giant's nose bridge. The huge orb
practically covered half his face. It was also radiating an unsettling orange glow.

This must be the one-eyed king, Link thought to himself. He carefully felt the
giant's aura. It was powerful, approximately at Level-8 Pinnacle and close to
Pinnacle power in the mortal realm.

Of course, no matter how powerful a mortal was, they were still a mortal. To a
Legendary master, an opponent's size mattered little.

Whether the big guy's brain is as big as the rest of his body is remains to be
seen, Link thought. He walked out from behind the tree, and rushed at the
cyclops, shouting, "Hey, big guy!"

He had spoken those words in the native language. He had also used a bit of
magic to amplify his voice.

"Huh?" The giant heard him, stopped drinking, and turned to where the sound
had come from.
He had not expected such a loud voice to come from Link's relatively tiny body.
When his eye fell on Link, he ignored him and searched elsewhere for the big
fellow that the voice had belonged to.

Link laughed uncontrollably at this. Seems like he's not as intelligent as he

looks. All brawn, and not much else up there.

He took a few steps forward, and waved at the giant, shouting once more, "Hey,
over here!"

This time, the one-eyed giant noticed him. He stooped down to give him a
closer look. He then asked strangely, "Little one, why do you have such a loud

Link smiled. He had followed the giant to measure his threat level. From the
looks of things, the giant was nothing more than a big brute.

If that was the case, Link only needed to give the giant a big scare that he would
not dare approach his castle.

He then activated Void Walk and flew into the air. He accelerated, and with a
boom in the air, Link landed on the giant's shoulder in an instant.

He walked along his shoulder casually and said to him, "Big guy, have you seen
the castle in the forest?"

"What are you doing there? Get off me, little one... castle? No, I have not seen
it. Where is it? I want to push it down. I love pushing down castles."

The giant's speech was incoherent. His train of thought also seemed susceptible
to influence.

Despite being distracted by Link's mention of the castle so easily, his hand
moved quickly to his shoulder, ready to swat him off. Had Link been slower to
react, he would have been squashed into a meat puddle by the giant's hand.

It would also have been an extremely painful experience to be hit by the giant's
hand if Link did not put up any form of defense around him in time. Of course,
he did not let such a thing happen.
Link did not dodge the giant's hand. Instead, he remained sitting on his shoulder
and cast a Level-10 spatial forcefield around him.

As soon as he finished casting his spell, there was a thump above him. The
cyclops' hand struck the forcefield. Through its effect, the hand's impact was
redirected around the forcefield without harming Link.

"Eh? Why can't I hit my own shoulder?" The cyclops roared in surprise. He
swung his hand a few more times towards his shoulder, and the result was the
same. His hand slipped away harmlessly from his shoulder each time he swatted
his hand at Link.

Link remained calmly sitting on his shoulder. He then asked, "Big guy, do you
have any friends?"

"Yes, I have many friends and a king. My hand seems to be broken. I can't hit
my own shoulder... This is strange," the giant replied. He continued swatting at
Link on his shoulder, without even realizing the futility of his efforts.

So he's not the one-eyed king? The giant's answer stunned Link. He thought for
a bit about this, then asked, "Can you bring me to see your king?"

"Why should I bring you? My shoulder, my hand, they're all busted... Wahhh!"
Suddenly, the giant cried out in frustration. Huge drops of tears welled up from
his one eye, and he continued striking at his shoulder even more persistently.

Noticing how exhausted the giant was, Link flew up and landed on the top of his

Thump! The cyclops finally managed to hit his own shoulder with his hand. He
laughed out loud, "Haha, my hand's all better, and there's nothing wrong with
my shoulder now. Eh, where did that little guy go?"

He looked around but did not see Link anywhere. He then mumbled to himself,

He then squatted back down and resumed his drinking.

On his head, Link sighed with disappointment at the giant's obvious lack of
intelligence. He activated a Level-1 Suggestion spell, then spoke, "Go and see
your king!"

"Huh?" The giant looked about once more, but could not see anything or anyone
who had said those words. His hand reached up to scratch at his head as he said
strangely, "Why do I have to go see the king? I won't go."

He then continued scooping up water to drink.

"Go and see the king!"

"What was that? Is there someone talking in my head?"

"Go and see the king!"

"Alright, alright, no need to say it twice, I'm going." The one-eyed giant finally
gave up drinking. He stood up, picked up his huge wooden stick and walked
away from the lake in huge strides.

Link sighed exasperatedly as he held his forehead in one hand. Something must
have gone terribly wrong in the process of creating this great brute. He did not
even have enough mental fortitude to resist a Level-1 Suggestion spell.

The giant walked at a somewhat quick pace, covering 30 feet of ground in a

second. The trees around him were nothing more than weeds below him that did
absolutely nothing to slow him down.

Link would sometimes spot in the vicinity a medicinal herb that Gretel still
needed, and leaped from the giant's head to add it to his collection. When he
was done, he would leap back onto his free ride through the woods.

After walking through the forest for two hours, they had finally reached a huge
mountain valley. In the distance, Link could see that there were a lot of
buildings in it.

The valley's architectural style was simplistic. The buildings seemed to have
been built by simply piling up huge white rocks on top of one another. Its only
defining characteristic was that everything was almost as big as the Dragon
Temple itself.
In the middle of the valley stood a huge white building. It was the only place
there that had a roof on it, which was more than a hundred feet off the ground.
The building itself was around a few thousand cubic feet. In it, a giant wearing
black fur clothing with his shoulders laid bare was contentedly eating a large
animal that had just been cooked.

A great bonfire burned outside the building. Two naked cyclops were hard at
work, turning the same kind of meat above the fire.

There were many giants living in the mountain valley. They were all naked,
regardless of gender. The giant in the middle of the valley seemed to be the only
one fully clothed and had others waiting on him.

He must be the one-eyed king.

The giant also seemed to be a lot more intelligent than the rest. He was able to
notice Link from where he sat, but his following reaction caught Link
completely by surprise. The giant king threw his food to one side and rushed out
from the building. He took a few mighty steps forward and then fell on his
knees. He roared, "Our almighty savior has come to set us free!"

Link frowned at this. First the mixed demons, now the cyclops, what in the
world was going on with these people?

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Chapter 505: Mighty Man or Liar?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

One-eyed Giant Gorge

The One-eyed Giant that brought Link back didn't know what had happened.
Seeing the one-eyed king yell while kneeling before him, he waved his hands

"King, king, I'm not god's messenger. I'm Auka. Don't you recognize me?"
The one-eyed king lost his temper. He grabbed a three-foot-wide rock and
hurled it at the giant Auka. "You idiot," he exclaimed. "The god's messenger is
above your head!"

Auka's head started bleeding from the hit. He clutched his head and scurried

Link flew down and hovered around 100 feet from the one-eyed king. "Why do
you call me god's messenger?" he asked curiously.

Seeing that Link could fly without wings, the one-eyed king grew even more
reverent. He prostrated himself on the ground and looked up. "God once gave an
oracle," he said respectfully. "If someone who looks exactly like him appears
one day, he'll be the messenger that was sent to save us sinners."

"God? Oracle?" Link was even more confused. Did the God of Light do this? It
didn't seem right though. If it was the God of Light, the game system would
notify him. It wouldn't be so quiet like now.

Of course, the system might not have felt the need to notify him. But was there a
need to be so mysterious about this?

The one-eyed king nodded furiously. "Yes, an oracle. We pass it down every
generation. It won't be wrong. Not only do you look exactly the same as in the
oracle, but you also appeared at the same time too."

This explanation shocked Link. The detail about his appearance raised some
alarms in his mind.

Since the oracle said that the god's messenger would appear at this time, then he
was sure that he wasn't it. The true messenger would very possibly arrive soon.

Gods couldn't just come to the mortal world, but if the god's messenger wanted
to win over these mortals, they had to be at least at the Legendary level. If they
were unfriendly, it would be problematic.

Thinking of this, Link said, "Since he's a god, you must have a statue. Let me
see it."
"Yes, Messenger." The one-eyed king stood up and walked deep into the gorge.
Link hovered in the air and followed 100 feet behind him.

Along the way, many One-eyed Giants looked at him curiously. Perhaps
because they feared the lord, they watched from afar without getting close.

The gorge was huge. It was at least six miles long and almost 2000 feet wide.
Going down the path, Link discovered that there were many giants here of all
gender and age. They were all naked too. Of the 600 or so giants, there were at
least 200 in their prime.

Seeing Link study his people, the one-eyed king said in disdain, "Messenger,
those guys are all brainless idiots. They don't even deserve to be mentioned."

Link didn't think so though. They were all strong Warriors above Level-8. The
one-eyed king was at the pinnacle of Level-9. Other than the king who was
smart and difficult to fool, the others seemed easily satisfied. If they were given
nice food and clothes that only the leader wore, they would probably work for

Such powerful strength and large bodies would become machines of terror on
the battlefield. Of course, Link didn't know if that would work before he
understood the situation of the island.

Around ten minutes later, Link followed the one-eyed king to the end of the
gorge. It was empty here, without a single giant. The terrain was flat too. A
white 250-foot-tall statue stood in the center.

The statue looked exactly like a human. Studying it, Link's features did look
somewhat like it, but just a little. Actually, Link had a really plain face, so he
looked similar to almost every human.

To a human, he would look very different from the statue. To a foreign race,
there was no difference. (It was hard for anyone to distinguish faces of another
race. For example, two dogs might look the same to you.) It was normal to get
the wrong person.

Thud. The one-eyed king was already on the ground. "This is the mighty
Thoreau," he said. "He has always been protecting our island from being
invaded by evil, but evil has never left. He is patrolling outside the island,
waiting for a chance to come devour our souls. Thus, the mighty Thoreau left
the oracle that 1000 years later, his messenger would return and help us defeat
the evil once and for all."

With that, he turned to Link. His yellow eye was filled with fervor. "Now you
really are here. We can finally be free of the evil threat."

Link was totally confused. He'd never heard of the mighty Thoreau before—not
in the books he'd read or in the game… Wait, something flashed past his mind.
It was a memory about the game.

It was really fleeting. Link had probably glanced at the information before but
didn't read it carefully.

He fell silent and worked on getting rid of distracting thoughts. He wanted to

reconstruct that wisp of smoke-like memory. It was useless. He only had a
vague impression. The memory remained in a nameless corner, deep in his
mind. The more he tried to remember, the less he could.

Since he couldn't remember, Link could only give up. "What evil do you
mean?" he asked.

"The evil outside the island. They're everywhere in the sea. They capsize all the
ships, cover the sky, and blocked all ways for us to contact the mainland of
light. That isn't important now though. You're here, and even the sky is

Link was shocked. He paid attention to one detail. "You said they cover the

He could personally verify this. When he and Gretel entered the Firuman Realm
and was miles in the air, he was sure that nothing was covering the sky.

However, Link then remembered that Gretel had told him that 400 years ago,
she'd traveled throughout the realm with her mother. They hadn't seen such a
large island. To them, the Isle of Dawn was the biggest island.

This meant that the sky had once been covered, but now it was gone. It had
disappeared within these 400 years.
But why?

Link's thoughts whirred and quickly thought of two possibilities. One, the god's
messenger had already appeared, but the one-eyed king didn't know. Two, the
evil that the king spoke of had internal conflicts.

The first was much more possible.

Then, is this messenger a friend or a foe?

Link didn't know. He only knew that this island wasn't as safe as he'd thought.
Both the evil in the sea and Thoreau's messenger threatened them.

Thinking of this, Link ignored the one-eyed king. The space around him blurred
slightly. This was the sign of the Void Walk operating at the extreme.

The next instant, there was a boom. Sound waves spread in all direction, forcing
the one-eyed king back when he was hit. At the same time, Link disappeared.

He flew back to the castle. In mid-air, his mind flashed. He thought of why the
name Thoreau was familiar.

On the world channel of the game, there was a notification that a player found a
treasure. The notifications here moved really quickly, and players always found
treasures. Link had just glanced at it casually.

With this clue, Link thought back a bit deeper. More and more information was
dragged out.

Evil God Thoreau, eternal prison, perfect fraud, committing horrors in the name
of justice… There wasn't much, but the words kept jumping out. They were all
bad news too, but it was what the notification had included.

This was all Link knew. He didn't know about any details, but it was enough to
put him on high alert. He was less than 100 miles from the castle. With his
speed, he could get there within five minutes.

Four minutes later, the castle appeared in his vision. Nothing was strange. From
afar, Link saw Gretel washing herbs by the creek near the castle. The five mixed
demons were helping her. Everything looked normal.
He was slightly relieved. Slowing down, he adjusted his direction and flew to
Gretel. When he landed slowly, the kids stood up immediately and greeted him.

Link nodded. Then he said to Gretel in the lingua franca, "Tellie, I think I know
why we were mistaken for god's messenger."

"Oh?" Gretel arched an eyebrow. "Tell me."

Link told her everything he'd heard along the way, including the details about
the Evil God and fraud. When he was done, Gretel furrowed her brows. "I heard
some legends from these little guys. There's also a mighty figure, but in the
legend, he saved the world."

Just in case, Gretel didn't say Thoreau's name. She knew that if he really was a
god, he would be alerted if she said his name aloud.

Link thought about it. "The legends don't contradict with what I heard. It's just
that one is on the surface while the other is deeper. From what I know, gods are
all difficult to figure out. If this mighty person really is a god, no one would
know what he wants… I think we should prepare well or leave quickly."

"You're right. Did you get herbs?"

"Of course. I got a lot." Link took out all the herbs he'd picked along the way. It
was a few hundred pounds.

Gretel checked all of them and then chuckled. "It's enough. I'm not strong
enough so you'll have to make the potion for me. I'll instruct you."

"Got it."

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Chapter 506: The Arrival of the Actual God's Messenger

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
In the castle

Link stood beside a crystal cauldron almost as tall as him. He was busy stirring
the thick medicinal concoction within the cauldron with a crystal rod.

The concoction was so thick that each stroke had taken a lot out of him. Link
felt as if he was rowing through molten steel.

"Oh, you should probably stir it a bit faster. Also, you should focus on stirring
in a spiral. Yes, that's it. You sure are a lot better at this than any Apocalypse
Dragon Guard."

Link was panting at this point. He had thought about magically enchanting the
crystal rod to stir itself, but Gretel had said that any use of magic would affect
the mixture's medicinal properties and that he would need to stir it with his bare

With that said, Link was forced to work until he could barely feel his hands.

As he stirred with all his strength, Gretel stood on the other side of the cauldron,
regulating the intensity of the fire beneath it. At times, she would sprinkle a
pinch of herbs into the mixture.

After that, she poured a huge bowl of golden-colored herbs, which she called
"Searing Sun Herb," into the cauldron. She then said to Link, "Stir it faster, yes,
keep it that way... Don't let your sweat drip into it. Yes, that's it."

Link kept on stirring according to Gretel's instructions.

There was a bubbling sound from within the cauldron, and he could see the
mixture within begin to thicken. The Searing Sun Herb had dissolved
completely into it, and slowly, the mixture began to shimmer with a jade-green
color. At the same time, a pleasant fragrance wafted from the cauldron.

The noses of the children around them unconsciously twitched at the smell.

Gretel's face brightened at the concoction's change. "That's it, the texture's
turning out nicely. Don't stop stirring, Link."
Link soldiered on. It was a good thing the Dragon Power within his body was
able to repair any bodily injury almost instantaneously. Otherwise, he would
have crippled both his arms at this point.

After stirring for more than an hour, no more than a tenth of the jade-green
liquid was left in the cauldron. It had changed into a dark green color, and the
fragrance was now so pungent it was almost intoxicating.

Gretel began turning down the heat. She then said, "It's almost done. Stir it
slowly now. Yes, that's it."

Link did as he was instructed. He continued stirring for half an hour until the
liquid within the cauldron was finally condensed into a black capsule no bigger
than a dove's egg.

"It's done," said Gretel with a smile. She picked up the capsule from the
cauldron, bit off a small chunk off of it, and then gave the rest to Link. "Eat it."

"Why? I'm not the one poisoned here," said Link, confused.

"Eat it, and you'll know why. This isn't just an antidote," said Gretel, smiling
knowingly at him.

Link took the other half of the capsule and breathed in its medicinal fragrance.
Warily, he chewed a small bit off the capsule. As the antidote dissolved into his
saliva and slid down his throat, Link felt a rush of heat enter his stomach and
then spread out to all corners of his body.

Immediately after, an in-game message concerning the capsule he had just

swallowed appeared before him.

The Red Dragon Queen's Antidote

Quality: Level 11

Description: Neutralizes the Void Centipede's venom, while restoring the user's
physical strength. If ingested after undergoing extreme exertion, the drug will
repair torn muscles and strengthen the user at the same time.
(Note: Anything made by the Red Dragon Queen is guaranteed to be top

After reading the message, Link gave the rest of the capsule back to Gretel. "I
think you should eat the rest. You're the one who's poisoned. You need it more
than I do."

"Idiot." Gretel shook her head, smiling. "I've already calculated the dosage I
need. I left the rest of the drug especially for you. Why do you think I
deliberately let you stir the mixture just now? It's so that you'll be able to
exhaust yourself and later fix yourself up with the medicine. And still, you want
to give me your half?"

"I see," said Link. He swallowed the whole thing in one go, and an intense heat
flowed through him from his stomach.

The heat was intense, but not overwhelming. Instead, it produced an almost
soothing sensation as it boiled through his entire body.

Wherever the heat passed through, it melted away all the exhaustion in that part
of his body. A while later, Link was filled with so much energy that he would
probably explode at any moment.

The fire within him began to intensify. Link's body felt like a balloon at that
moment. More accurately, he felt like a piece of steel being grilled in a pool of

Is Gretel trying to melt me from within? This medicine's a bit too efficacious!
he thought. Link could not take the heat anymore. He immediately drew out the
Dragon King's Fury sword and rushed into a nearby stream, where he began
madly practicing his sword in the water.

Gretel was left speechless when she saw Link taking the whole capsule in one
gulp. She had forgotten to tell him to take it in moderate portions.

"He's going to have a hard time," she said.

Gretel carefully popped one small piece of the capsule into her mouth. Her pale
face turned crimson in an instant, and her breathing was now steadier than
She could clearly feel the icy venom coursing through her body being
incinerated by the intense heat from the capsule. Once completely free of the
venom, Dragon Power flowed again through her. In a few moments, she had
regained more than 1000 Dragon Power points.

Before, she was unable to deal with the Chaotic Rot that Link had sealed up in
her body with his Sealing spell. Now, with her Dragon Power, she managed to
expel the Rot together with Link's Sealing spell out of her body.

The tainted energy that she had released from her body was so powerful that it
probably would have flattened the whole place in a ten-mile radius if not
handled properly. When it exited her body, Gretel was careful enough to open a
realm portal and direct it out of the realm of Firuman.

When she was done, Gretel heard the swishing sound of Link's sword coming
from the nearby stream. She shook her head, chuckling at him. She then let out a
sigh with a deep-felt sense of respect and gratitude towards Link.

Many times, she had personally witnessed Link's self-restraint.

He was a reliable person who would not let his emotions get the better of him.
She never needed to worry about him messing up any of her requests. He was
also extremely diligent. In her 2000 years as the Red Dragon Queen, Gretel had
never met anyone like him.

His accomplishments would most likely not stop here. Link would keep on
going forward until he had finally surpassed everyone and everything.

It was truly a blessing to all dragonkind to have Link as a Dragon Duke.

Ah, if only I had met you sooner... With Celine in the way, whatever shall I do?
thought Gretel, frowning.

She had wanted to have Link all to herself at first. As time passed, the more she
knew him, the more she felt that it was impossible to do so. The little fellow was
frightfully intelligent at times and rarely made any mistakes.

After thinking for a while, her eyes suddenly widened. "If I can't get to him
directly, maybe I can do so through Celine. I may have a chance if Celine agrees
to it... alright, I'll do just that!"

While Link worked off the excess energy he had received from the antidote,
seawater lapped lazily against the white sand of a beach a few hundred miles
away. One of the waves receded from the beach to reveal a huge, black fish
lying on the sand.

The fish was around two feet long, and its scales were densely packed together.
With a closer look, one could see that its scales were covered with countless
gleaming runes. As the wave receded, its scales began to transform into a long
black robe with golden linings all over. In that robe, the fish had taken on a
human form.

Before the next wave came crashing against the sand, the figure in the black
robe stood up, and vapor began rising from his body into the air. Before long, he
was completely dried from head to toe.

The figure was a 20-year-old man. With a mat of black hair and a fair
complexion, his body was slender and almost skeletal-looking.

The man then began walking along the coastline for about ten miles until a
simple-looking village appeared before him.

There were a number of large humanoid shapes walking among the wooden huts
in the village. Upon closer inspection, one could see that every one of them had
the head of a fish on top of their human torsos, while their skins glistened with a
sticky fluid like an amphibian's.

Stunned by the appearance of the man in the black robe, they then began
shouting and waving their tridents as they rushed at the black-robed man.

With a sinister smile on his face, the man gently waved a hand at the fish
people. A ripple appeared in the air like a crystalline wave, bringing up the
white sand into the air and sending it crashing down on the fish people like a
huge net.

A terrible ripping sound could be heard. More than 200 fish people in the
village were bloodily torn apart by the sudden attack, their misshapen bodies
now scattered on the sand.
The black-robed man ignored the corpses around him and continued on through
the village until he reached a large cage. The cage opened by itself, releasing ten
mixed demons imprisoned within.

The mixed demons were already groveling on the floor before him. They all
said in unison, "Our almighty messenger of the gods, you've finally come to
save us!"

The man nodded. "Thoreau the esteemed one has ordered me to descend to the
mortal realm to save his children. Come, follow me as we rid this place of all
darkness. I can feel it, the darkness that has taken root in the deeper parts of the

With the fish people dead, none of the mixed demons had anything to say about
this. "As you wish, great messenger of the gods!"

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Chapter 507: Time Sword Technique

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whoosh, whoosh.

In the water, a layer of fiery red light emerged on Link's body. The water around
him boiled and bubbled, steaming. When he wielded his sword, it left a heavy
red afterimage in the air.

He was extremely fast, so the afterimages overlapped around him like a forest of
swords. This wasn't enough though.

Link felt that fire was still burning inside him, almost grilling his body.
Strangely though, other than feeling bloated, he didn't feel much pain. He could
clearly feel the tiny impurities inside him getting burned away.

At the same time, he felt new Dragon Power being born continuously even
though his Dragon Power was maxed out. Before, the new power would be used
up immediately. He couldn't save it. Now, he could feel clearly that the power

My Dragon Power limit is increasing! Link understood immediately, overjoyed.

He thought of a saying from Firuman. When things are going good, don't try to
change anything. Let it keep being good.

This was a wise saying. Link didn't try to change. He kept practicing
swordsmanship in the creek. As he practiced, he sank into a very strange and
intriguing state. He completely forgot about the fire burning in him and even
forgot that he was practicing swordsmanship. He just kept leaping and stabbing
in the river, following an instinctive urge.

Whoosh, splash. Water flew in the air.

Hiss, hiss. The sword cut across the sky, whistling through the air.

Translucent droplets of water fell from the sky, only to be halved by the Dragon
King's Fury sword as it passed by. Clear water flowed from the upstream. When
it passed Link, it became turbid and rushed downstream.

The water was still water. Nothing had changed except how it flowed.

A phrase popped up in Link's mind: space is water; time is a river.

This was like a key for the lock and a beautifully written essay. Link's mind
brightened as if the sun had risen.

A thought rushed through Link's mind like a flood. So this is the essence of
time. Space is still water while time is the force pushing the water. The two
complement each other. They are two of the same entity… I see now! I see!

Understanding the time book from this angle, Link realized that all his
confusion dissolved instantly. A vast golden avenue opened up before him.

At this time, he still had questions about time, but he was sure that he knew how
to advance. He wasn't baffled anymore.

Fire kept burning his body so he couldn't stop his sword practice.
As he practiced, the time knowledge that he'd just came up with, the theories he
had from before, and even the techniques he was practicing now slowly mixed
together. This feeling was strange. Even Link didn't know what exactly was
going on. He didn't even think; the knowledge mixed automatically.

Now, Link's mind was like a furnace while all the knowledge was boiling metal.

Dragon Power started burning in Link's mind, supplying the energy for his
thinking. But Link's mind kept using up more and more energy. Finally, even
the fast recovery rate couldn't make up for the consumption.

The Dragon Power inside him gradually depleted. Even the fire weakened and
eventually extinguished.

After who knew how long, Link felt something explode in himself. He pierced
forward furiously.

Snick. He'd stabbed a tree.

This sound woke Link up. He focused his eyes and looked forward. He'd come
to the riverbank without realizing, and he'd stabbed through a big tree.

He could have done this easily before, but he soon realized that this stab was

After stabbing the tree, a 20-centimeter radius around the hole was all rotten.
Link softly retracted the sword. With a soft puff, the rotten parts transformed
into a fine powder and flowed down. A wide hole gaped open.

Strange. Link walked over and picked up some powder. He rolled it in his hand.
The powder turned into something like ashes and blew away in the wind.

He sniffed his hand. The powder smelled a bit like rotten wood.

What kind of power is this? Link found it strange. Dragon Power couldn't create
this effect. He hadn't used any spells either, and the powder didn't have any
magic aura.

After a moment, Link thought back to how it felt when he stabbed forward. He
stabbed the tree again. When the sword was midway through, the strange feeling
came again. It felt like something in his body flowed into the Dragon King's
Fury sword, surrounding it.

Shtick. Again, he stabbed through the tree without using any power. It was as
easy as slicing tofu. Another decayed ring of 20 centimeters appeared around
the hole, just like before.

Weird, so weird. Since when do I have this kind of power? What exactly is it
that can cause such a strange effect?

Just as Link was utterly confused, his vision flashed. He glanced at it.

Player created a new time battle technique, +300 Omni Points. Please name this
battle technique.

Time battle technique? Link couldn't figure it out. "Explain battle technique," he

His vision displayed some text.

Unnamed Battle Technique

Above Level-12 (Power changes according to the amount of Dragon Power


Cost: Minimum 3000 Dragon Power points (no maximum)

Effect: Activated the time essence within Dragon Power and feeds it into a
weapon. All targets of the weapon will undergo the "pass of time" effect. The
nearby area will instantly move 100,000 years into the future.

(Note: Only time is invincible!)

This description stunned Link. He checked the decayed layer around the hole in
the tree. Was the gray-white powder the result of the passage of time?

Link was both shocked and happy. He saw rocks in the surroundings. He
walked over and activated the time battle technique again.

Poof. The rock was sturdy, but the moment the sword hit it, it weathered crazily,
and Link stabbed through it easily.
Link walked over to check. He discovered that everything around the stone had
turned into soft dirt. He could easily crush it in his hands.

It's not very strong towards nonliving organisms. It's not even as strong as a
Level-4 spell. But to living organisms, it's fatal!

What kind of creature could survive 100,000 years? If a god didn't fight back,
they might suffer too.

Interested, Link went to stab another tree. This time, he couldn't activate the
battle technique. It wasn't that he wasn't good at it. He'd just used up all his
Dragon Power.

Three moves had used up all his power. This consumption was crazy.

Link then checked his own stats.

Link Morani (Dragon Duke)


Current Dragon Power Recovery Rate: 45 points per second

Dragon Power Limit: 16500 points

Current Dragon Power: 1500 points

His upper limit had increased 2000 points with the potion. It was great.

Link was very satisfied and started brainstorming what to call the battle
technique. After a while, he said, "Since it uses time, it's a battle technique, and
I use a sword, let's call it the Time Sword."

Naming complete. Player now possesses the Time Sword!

Link was satisfied with this powerful sword technique. Seeing how he was
covered in mud and water, he cast a cleaning spell and started for the castle.

At the door, Link saw Gretel. She'd recovered her power already.
"Should we leave the island now?" Link asked. They didn't know where exactly
they were now, but this island had unknown dangers and the Evil God Thoreau.
Leaving would definitely be better.

With their speed, they could fly towards somewhere and circle the Firuman
Realm within half a day. There were no worries about getting lost.

Gretel nodded. After thinking a bit, she gave a Dragon Power seed to all the
kids. Gazing at the beautiful castle, she said sadly, "I'll miss this pretty house."

"Your Majesty…Tellie, if you want, I can build you a new one in the Dragon
Valley," Link said, chuckling.

Gretel laughed. "Okay, don't forget."

Then Link walked forward. The power of the Void Walk extended and brought
them both into the sky. They flew to the sea.

Twenty minutes later, they could see the coast. The beach and sea were before
them, and everything looked normal, but Link stopped.

"The island is locked," he whispered.

Gretel discovered this too. The sea was blue and seemed normal, but she could
clearly feel that the air was filled with runes.

"The runes are quite powerful, probably above Level-14. If we keep flying, we'll
run into great pressure," Link said.

"Can you fly higher?" Gretel asked.

Link tried. When he was around 1.5 miles in the air, he stopped again. "I can't.
It's seamless."

"He discovered us?" Gretel asked. Link naturally knew that she was talking
about Thoreau.

"I'm afraid so. I think the god's messenger will appear soon too." Link didn't
choose the trouble; the trouble chose him.

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Chapter 508: Thoreau the Soul Devourer

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the beach of the mysterious island

"How is it? Can you break the spatial rune?" asked Gretel.

On the beach, Gretel reclined on a chair magically sculpted with sand, basking
under the sun. As Link had already far surpassed her on the subject of spatial
magic, she chose not to interfere with his work.

Link carefully observed the transparent runes carved into the space on the other
side of the beach. A long while later, he nodded. "I can break it, but I may need
half a day to do so, and I fear our opponent would not be so generous as to give
us that much time."

As soon as he broke the rune, whoever cast it in the first place would surely
come for them. The island was the enemy's territory; both Link and Gretel may
not be his equal here.

"What should we do then?" asked Gretel, though she did not seem flustered.
Judging from Link's calm demeanor, Gretel assumed that he must have some
sort of plan up in his sleeve.

Link paced in circles on the beach. Finally, he said, "The longer we wait, the
more prepared our opponent will be on this island. Since he's deliberately
locked us in here, we'll just have to force him to come to us."

Gretel immediately understood what he meant. She said, laughing, "Sounds like
a great plan. Then break the seal, while I'll wait for him to come here."

Link nodded and pulled out the Dragon King's Fury sword. From the sword's tip
radiated a red light, which then pierced the air in front of him.

He had begun the rune-breaking process, but his intention was not to actually
break the magical seal but rather to draw the enemy out.
Eight minutes later, a rune had crumbled, and a crack formed on the rune
formation. The surrounding runes began to glimmer and align themselves back
in place. In an instant, the crack was closed back up again.

A crack caused by the rupture of one rune could be healed up without any
problem. If ten or a hundred or even a thousand of those runes were to break at
the same time, the resulting crack could be irreparable.

Five minutes later, a second rune crumbled. A crack then closed itself up just as
quickly as it had reappeared.

After breaking those two runes, Link felt that he had enough practice. He then
proceeded to break a rune at two-minute intervals, but there were just too many
runes covering the whole island. Just chipping away at a few runes would not
affect the whole thing, and the whole magic seal around the island remained as
sturdy as before.

But this was only temporary.

Though the rune formation seemed perfect, after losing ten or so runes, a few
places on it had begun showing discordance. All he needed to do was to keep on
breaking the runes till everything collapsed.

When Link had broken through more than 50 runes, Gretel, who had been lazily
lounging on the beach all this time under the sun and sea breeze, suddenly sat
up. "He's coming!"

Link nodded and continued his work. "He's a bit slower to react than I had
expected. If he were any slower, I would have been done with the whole rune

In case the enemy had not yet noticed the state of his magic seal, Link did not
stop breaking the runes. On the other side, Gretel stood up, and her body began
swirling with a bright light. In a flash, the light condensed into a gleaming
dragon-scaled battle dress on her. She held in her hand an elegant-looking one-
handed sword. The weapon itself emanated a soft red glow, indicating that it too
was a legendary weapon.

Link looked at her, somewhat surprised. "Your Highness, you can use a sword?"
Gretel smiled. "I've learned many things in the past 2000 years. Though I don't
normally use a sword, I might just be better at it than you."

"Maybe." Link chuckled.

At that moment, a black spot had appeared in the sky. A few seconds later, the
black spot expanded into the figure of a man with a black robe billowing around
him. Another ten seconds later, the figure was already within 300 feet away. He
hovered in mid-air, and a voice came from him. "Ah, I seem to have caught two
dragons. Today's catch has certainly exceeded all my expectations."

Link looked up and saw an extremely beautiful young man in the air. He was
wearing a black magic robe with golden linings. With black hair and white,
almost flawless skin, he was a beauty to behold by human standards. However,
Link was not concerned with his looks. He intently felt for his opponent's aura
which was almost imperceptible.

This meant that his opponent was probably two levels higher than Link.

Link glanced at Gretel. "He's strong."

Gretel's face was now tautened with alertness. She nodded, and began focusing
Dragon Power into her magic sword, getting herself ready for battle.

The young man spoke again. "Truth be told, I did not expect such an
extravagant catch. Your souls do seem powerful. By absorbing your souls, I'll
possess both your strength and knowledge. My understanding of the laws
governing this world will reach heights never before imagined by anyone, not
even I!"

Hearing this, Link's brows furrowed. He asked, "Are you Thoreau, the Esteemed

The man was preparing to devour their souls. It was not something a god's
messenger would do, as all souls belonged to whatever god he or she served.

In the game world, the island was part of a hoax, and the character known as
Thoreau had done much evil under the guise of dispensing justice. Using this
knowledge, Link was able to deduce the stranger's identity.
The black-robed young man was stunned by how quickly his identity had been
discovered. He then shook his head, sighing. "I had expected no less from a
Legendary master. Nothing gets by you, eh?"

He remained in the air without moving an inch, as he said, "Yes, you guessed
right, I'm Thoreau. 1000 years ago, I spent countless hours and energy creating
this island. I've even brought together the mixed races exiled from the outside
world to flourish here and reproduce. As they reproduced generation after
generation, the souls of their deceased nourished me, making me stronger.
When the island becomes a bit too populated, I'll appear as a demon before them
and bring their numbers down to an acceptable level. Through this cycle of life
and death, my power has surpassed its limits twice. Haha, isn't my plan just

"Despicable," said Gretel. "You're devouring souls for nourishment. What

you're doing is against nature itself, and you'll soon answer for your crimes
against it!

Thoreau cackled. "My crimes against nature? No, no, no, the only rule
governing all life in the realm is survival of the fittest. As long as I'm strong and
careful enough, no one and nothing will be able to punish me for my actions."

Saying this, he turned towards Gretel and smiled. "Judging by your good looks
and power, you must be the Red Dragon Queen. No other creature in all of
Firuman possesses such faultless beauty. If you're willing to give up your power
to me, I'll promise to spare your life and let you stay by my side. What do you

Gretel shook her head. "You must be out of your mind."

Thoreau heaved a sigh. "Seems like you've not yet understood your place here.
Right now, I'm the hunter, and both of you are my prey. I'm the one holding
sway over your very fates, while you don't get to decide anything."

When he had finally finished gloating, a magic wand suddenly appeared in his
hand. The wand was a dark golden color with a blue gemstone fixed on its tip.
As soon as the wand appeared, the whole sky shimmered with an azure blue
haze. At the same time, the waves began exploding against the beach. The water
level rose, and it seemed as if a tsunami was about to happen.
This was a Legendary-level phenomenon.

Thoreau said with a low voice, "I've spent 300 years making this wand, and it's
already close to perfection. In all these years, I've never met any prey worthy of
my full strength. But now, both of you will have that honor!"

At the appearance of the magic wand, Link heard the spirit of the Dragon King's
Fury sword warning him in his mind, "Careful, I know that wand. It's the Sea
God's Fury wand!"

The game system instantly reacted to the mention of the wand's name by
revealing its in-game message.

The Sea God's Fury wand, the Scepter of the Tidal Summoner

Legendary Mid-level (14)

Description: Greatly amplifies all water spells, the dream weapon of any Water

(Note: If you happen to come across the wand's user in the ocean, run for your

Reading this, Link was able to immediately devise a countermeasure. He said to

Gretel, "It's an extremely powerful water-based magic wand. We shouldn't be
fighting him near the ocean."

Saying this, Link winked at her, implying that there was more to his words than
met the eye.

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Chapter 509: Not Even 10,000 Tricks Can Stop the Pass of
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At the beach
In this world, if you gave your heart to someone, you'll be able to sense even
their smallest movements.

To Gretel, Link was that someone. In her more than 2000 years of life, other
than her mother who'd passed away, Link was the person she was most familiar

She felt Link blink. Jolting slightly, she understood what Link meant. That
sentence was said to lower the opponent's guard. His ulterior motive was to
unleash a fatal kill while the other was relaxed and listening to his words.

The corners of Gretel's lips curled upward. Understood.

Link caught this small movement too. He knew that Gretel understood his
motive and started preparing to act.

Thoreau didn't discover the secret exchange. He was feeling proud that Link
complimented his wand. "You aren't blind, at least. But unfortunately—"

Before he could finish, Link moved abruptly. He stabbed his Dragon King's
Fury out. Halfway there, the tip flashed with crystal-red light. He'd activated the
Demon Slayer Whip.

A thin crystal-red streak flashed and whipped towards Thoreau's head. It was so
fast that it reached within 60 feet of Thoreau within one-tenth of a second. It
instantly went for the kill.

Because of Link's previous words, Thoreau had subconsciously guessed that

Link would use this action to move the battlefield. He sneered. "Nice
calculations but it's useless to me. Crystal Waves!"

Whoosh! A ring of transparent ripples appeared around him. It was only as tall
as him at first and spread out with him as the center. Three feet away, it turned
into a huge wave. After another three feet, the wave turned into a tide. Sand and
pebbles tossed in its path. The crystal wave entirely covered Thoreau.

An instant later, it crashed into Link's Demon Slayer Whip.

Hiss. Water and fire clashed and white steam rose up. Link's Demon Slayer
Whip snaked through the crystal-like wave, trying to attack the spell-caster
behind it.

But the waves seemed to be endless. The Demon Slayer Whip kept bursting
forward and evaporating the waves. It even created a hole more than six feet
wide in the waves. But after 15 feet, it used up all its energy.

Poof. Link's flame extinguished.

His fire law was around the same level as the law in the Crystal Wave.
However, the difference in scale of the spell was too large. Thoreau was the
victor in this direct clash of spells.

"Haha, taste the power of the sea!" Thoreau's roar traveled from behind the
endless waves. His voice rumbled like thunder.

Link had lost in the fight of water against fire. But he wasn't alone.

"Burning Dragon Breath!" Gretel yelled.

She pointed her magic sword at the incoming waves. A dark purple pillar of
firelight rushed forward. Halfway there, the pillar transformed into a dragon in

An instant later, there was a huge boom. The dragon of light snuck into the hole
in the crystal waves that Link's whip had created.

Thoreau's crystal waves had a large scale but, to defend Link's traceless Demon
Slayer Whip, he'd chosen a ranged attack. He wasted a whole lot of energy.
Gretel's spell, on the other hand, was a targeted attack and had the advantage
created by the Demon Slayer Whip. With these two together, water and fire
came to a tie.

With a boom, white steam rose up and firelight shot in all directions. A huge
hole gaped open in the horrible wall of water.

Link was waiting for this. He instantly activated the battle technique Instant

His figure blurred and the next moment, he was beside the black-robed man. He
stabbed his sword forward with the Time Sword technique he'd just acquired.
He also added in 10,000 Dragon Power points.

He put his all into this attack. If he didn't succeed, he would be dead.

With this stab, time passed and 100,000 years flew by!

This attack was so abrupt. As a battle technique, there was also no need to
construct a Mana structure. Thus, it operated so fast the opponent had no time to
react at all.

Thoreau was surprised. His spell had gone against Gretel, and his power was
delayed. It was completely beyond his expectation that Link would be able to
cast such a fatal attack. He was still a Level-13 Legendary Magician though. As
his thoughts flowed, his body faded. He turned into a ball of white mist that
flew back quickly.

While escaping, crystal needles appeared in the air around him. They pierced
towards Link.

If Link didn't dodge them, he would turn into a pin cushion.

If he kept stabbing his sword forward like this, he would miss. But he didn't
change his movement. His sword kept going but midway through, the white
mist was 300 feet away. It transformed back into a human while the crystal
needles were right before Link, about to stab through him.

"Despair!" A light ball with a black vortex within appeared at the tip of Link's
sword. The tip buried into the ball. He still ignored the crystal needles.

"Dragon Scale Barrier!" It was Gretel; she cast a defense spell for Link. A thick
magic shield appeared before Link. It was a Level-11 spell.

Ding, ding, ding, ding. There were consecutive crashing sounds. White crystal
shards appeared on the surface of the ten-centimeter-thick red scale-like shield.
Thoreau had hurriedly released this spell while Gretel was prepared, so she had
the advantage.

The same moment, Link's sword appeared behind Thoreau. This move was still
as abrupt as before. He'd just re-solidified and was caught off guard. Link's
sword ended up stabbed into his back.


As someone who'd reached Level-13 with his own abilities, Thoreau was truly
powerful. The instant the sword entered his body, his back turned into vapor.
He'd dodged the fatality of that attack. Then the light of vaporization extended
to the rest of his body and he escaped again.

He couldn't help it. He'd miscalculated and was forced into a disadvantage. His
every move after that worsened it. Every second was spent at the brink of death.
This was unexpected too.

Now, he finally understood that Link hadn't planned on moving the battlefield.
He'd been preparing to just end the battle!

Link reacted quickly. Seeing that Thoreau had vaporized again, he swept the
Dragon King's Fury horizontally.

Boundless Sharpness!

This effect had been raised to the highest level. It could even cut through the
causal loop of time, let alone white mist. The blade started tearing apart the
mist's structure.

If it was just the mist getting torn apart, Thoreau wouldn't get hurt. He could
quickly reconnect after that. However, Link's sword also had the power of time.

Time flew by. One hundred thousand years passed in an instant!

The Dragon King's Fury first broke through the white mist. Then the broken
mist traveled through time, passing millenniums instantly. No elemental spell in
this world could last for more than one day, let alone millenniums.
So in the time's path, the spell quickly ended, revealing the flesh body. After a
while, the flesh turned into black fish scales and white flesh. The fish body then
started decaying until it finally turned to ash.

Poof. Link cut the white mist into two with his sword. As the sword passed by,
gray-white ashes flew to the side. No matter how powerful one's spell was, it
couldn't survive the passage of time.

The broken white mist rapidly turned into two bodies. Link had cut through the
body's chest, halving it.

"Ah!" The black-robed Thoreau fell to the ground. He wasn't a human

anymore—he was a giant black-scaled fish!

Link didn't give him any chance to fight back. He stabbed again, and the
Despair Ball appeared. He was going to end this guy once and for all.

Poof. But Thoreau didn't die and even cast a spell. Half of his body turned into
white mist again. Then it transformed into a white flash of light, escaping with
incredible speed.

Link's sword was only met with white mist. He didn't have much Dragon Power
left, so he couldn't activate the Time Sword battle technique. He couldn't
damage the white mist either.

With this delay, the mist escaped to the sea and jumped in, disappearing in the
water. The sea was boundless. There was no way to pursue him now.

Only two items were left on the beach. One was half of Thoreau's fish body.
The other was his wand, the Sea God's Fury. After Thoreau's escape, peace
resumed on the surface of the water. Light kept flowing in the air around the
island. It was the rune array.

The runes in the sky cracked and disappeared, one by one. The shackles around
the island disappeared completely.

Gretel walked over. Studying the cut on Thoreau's remaining body, she gasped,
"Link, your sword is so powerful."
Before this, she'd thought that it would be a bitter battle. In the end, Link only
stabbed his sword once, and Thoreau couldn't even resist it. A Level-13
Legendary Magician was forced to flee from just one of Link's attacks.

Link felt for his Dragon Power. He had pretty much used up all of it for this
attack, so he didn't feel any pride in that. He chuckled wryly. "There's a thin line
between victory and defeat. If I were by myself, I wouldn't be his match."

There were countless powerful heroes in this big world. By far, he wasn't
powerful enough.

Gretel didn't mind. "Alright," she laughed. "He's an old creature that has been
alive for who knows how long. How old are you? When you're his age, you can
kill him with just the wind from your sneeze."

As she spoke, she picked up the Sea God's Fury wand. She studied the blue gem
at the tip and gasped. "Hey, why do I think this is a meteorite? Link, come look.
This is something good."

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Chapter 510: A Piece of Water Meteorite (1/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link walked over to take a closer look.

From afar, he had thought the brilliant azure gemstone was spherical. Upon a
closer look, Link noticed that there were a few bumps on its surface. There were
also no runes carved into it. It simply looked like a polished rock.

Link took out the purple meteorite fragment that had re-solidified and tapped the
azure gemstone gently with it. He then scratched the gemstone's surface with
one of the meteorite fragments' sharp edges but could not seem to even leave an
impression on it.

"It's extremely hard!" Link exclaimed.

The meteorite in his hand was hard enough to leave a scratch on any Level-10
material. It could even slice through metal plates with ease.

Not only was the meteorite fragment unable to leave a mark on the gemstone,
but the latter also did not seem to have any evidence of magical tampering on it.
This suggested that the gemstone's origin was far from ordinary.

What was worth noting was the fact that the wand and the gemstone on it were
based on the water element, and water gemstones usually had a high resistance
towards high temperatures.

After thinking for a while, Link said, "Since I'm still looking for a suitable
dampening material, why don't we just take apart the wand? I don't think I
would have much use for it."

Gretel did not object to this. "Go ahead."

Compared to the gemstone on it, the rest of the wand was merely scrap wood.
Link drew out the Dragon King's Fury sword and cut the wand in two. Without
its wooden support, the azure gemstone fell off from the wand.

As soon as he got the gemstone, Gretel suddenly said to him, "With Thoreau
defeated, there's nothing keeping us here on the island. What do we do now
once we get back to the castle?"

Link paused for a moment, then said, "The island lacks the resources and
facilities that we need to work on the dampening material, and there's also the
problem of the spatial crack outside the Dragon Valley..."

This was certainly a problem none of them could avoid.

"Not to worry, I've thought it through," said Gretel with a smile. She extended
her hand and shook the dark green bracelet on her wrist. "See this?"

Link looked at it and saw that the bracelet's design was almost primitive. The
enchantments on it were like nothing he had ever seen. Looking at it even more
closely, Link realized that he could only discern less than half of the
enchantments used on it.
"What is this?" Link had noticed the bracelet on Gretel's wrist before, but since
it was her personal property, he did not ask too much about it.

"The Dragon King's Bracelet passed down from ancient times. If anything were
to happen to Dragon Valley, this bracelet would notify us of it, and I can even
bring you back with me through long-distance teleportation."

Link was left speechless. If she had been able to teleport them out of the island
all this time, why didn't she use it before?

Gretel smiled awkwardly at him. "I wasn't able to activate the bracelet's long-
distance teleportation skill as I was not at my full strength before. Also, I can
only use this skill once a month. Since Dragon Valley seems to be fine at the
moment, I thought that I might as well save it for an actual emergency."

Her explanation had sounded reasonable to Link, but still, he sensed that there
was something off about it, as if Gretel had left out some other details.

Seeing Link's ruminative state, Gretel continued, "Though Thoreau had escaped
with severe injuries, if we were to leave this island, he may come back to
continue devouring the souls of the island's inhabitants. There are at least three
million people living here."

Link nodded, finally convinced by Gretel. "Alright then, we'll start work on the
dampening material here. It shouldn't take us too long."

"Hehe, then let's get back. Honestly, the castle has kind of grown on me. Also,
there's no one else to bother us here..." Her voice trailed off into a mumble, and
Link could not hear what she said at that point.

The two of them chatted on as they flew towards the castle. Far out in the ocean,
a column of mist was steadily rising from the ocean's surface. It was Thoreau
the soul devourer, whose body had been split in half by Link.

His injury was so severe that he could only keep his body in a mist-like state. If
he were to restore his body back to its original form, his severely crippled state
would not be able to contain his own soul. He would immediately die from the
No, I need to find a new body, he thought. Seeing the two Legendary dragons
flying back to the island, Thoreau immediately dismissed the idea of going back
to the island and consuming the souls of the island's inhabitants in order to
replenish his power.

He swam further into the ocean in search of a suitable body for his soul.

He remained in his mist-like state as he swam. The spell was extremely taxing,
and he did not have much time left. Even though the ocean was filled with all
kinds of sea life, their bodies were too weak to bear the weight of his Legendary

After searching for half an hour in the ocean, just when it looked as if his power
was about to run out, a black-scaled swordfish appeared in front of him. Its
appearance was almost similar to his physical body, and its power level was at
most Level-7, which should be just enough to contain his soul.

Though Thoreau was not too pleased with his available options, he was running
out of time and power. Reluctantly, he rushed into the black-scaled swordfish's

In an instant, the fish ceased all movement. Its fins began thrashing about
wildly; its whole body trembling uncontrollably as if it was being electrocuted.
Ten minutes later, a blue glow filled the swordfish's eyes.

Thoreau had successfully taken control of his new body. He waved a fin and
wiggled his body, closely feeling the power in him that flickered like a candle in
the wind. He then heaved a long sigh.

"I'm left with Level-8 power. My body's suffered serious damage, and I've lost
my magic wand. Years of effort gone down the drain like that... Well played,
dragons. From now on, you are now my sworn enemies!"

Though he had lost most of his power, Thoreau had enough experience as a
Level-8 Magician. He would not need to spend a thousand years to regain what
he had lost.

"If I'm lucky, I'll be back to my full Legendary power in a year or two. I can't go
back to the island now, but I can still head for the coast of the Firuman
continent. There are a lot of boats passing by the coastline, and the soul of a
mortal sailor on board should be a few times stronger than a fish. This way, I'll
be able to return to my former glory in no time."

With this in mind, Thoreau swished his new tail and propelled himself away
from the island that he had built with his own bare hands, towards the continent
of Firuman in the west.


The castle on the island

Link and Gretel finally returned to the castle. After resting for the whole day,
they then began puzzling over how best to forge a dampening material that
could withstand high temperatures.

It took Link three days to produce his Level-20 experimental magic circle.

In that time, Gretel had begun her experiments with samples they had retrieved
from the Sea of Void, including the purple meteorite, the azure gemstone, and
the Void Centipede's stinger, to test their alchemical properties.

When Link was finally done with the magic circle, he then proceeded to
construct a number of alchemical equipment. That took him another two days.
When he was finished, Gretel had already come up with a concrete alchemical
procedure for their objective.

She then explained her plan to Link, "I'll combine all these things together to
produce a totally new piece of material. It will have the property to withstand
high energy levels, but according to my estimations, it will only be able to resist
Level-18 power."

Link frowned at this. "There's quite a difference between Level-18 and Level-
20, you know."

Though it was only a two-level difference, the last two levels after Level-18
were the most difficult stages to reach, especially Level-20, which existed in
another realm entirely.
Pondering on this for a while, Link said, "Let's put it aside for now. Start
making the Level-18 material, and we'll think of something to improve on it
along the road."

Gretel nodded, then said, "The alchemical process is extremely complicated. I

don't think I'll be able to handle it on my own. I'll need your help in it as well.
You'll probably need to master the basics of alchemy. Don't worry, I'll be the
one guiding you through it."

Link did not seem to have a choice on this matter. He said, "Alright then, let's
get started!"

Gretel then began teaching Link alchemy.

Alchemy was essentially a huge branch of magic. Gretel was a master in

alchemy, while Link was a master in magic. Both stood on the pinnacles of their
respective fields.

Everything and everyone else seemed so small from where they stood.

Link listened attentively to Gretel's alchemical teachings and was able to rapidly
absorb all that he was taught. His skill in alchemy improved in leaps and

Half a month later, Link's alchemical skill had surpassed 99.9 percent of the
alchemists living on the continent.

Of course, there was still a small gap between Link's current level and Gretel's.

One day, he was carrying out an experiment according to Gretel's instructions,

when suddenly, an alchemical inspiration popped out of nowhere in his mind.

He was stunned for a moment, completely forgetting his work in front of him.
Ten seconds later, the mixture in the magic cauldron before him began to boil
violently. There was an explosion later, and the soup within the cauldron was
splattered all across the alchemical laboratory.

Gretel had heard the explosion and immediately came into the laboratory from a
room nearby. She saw that Link was radiating with the glow of a defensive
spell, and the rest of the laboratory was all but destroyed.
"What happened?" Gretel did not understand how Link could have made such
an explosive error.

Hearing the explosion, Link's eyes came back into focus and groggily stared at
Gretel. "I suddenly thought of a way to increase the level of the end-product all
the way to Level-19.

"Impossible!" Gretel shook her head. "I've already thought of every possible
alchemical process. With the materials we have currently in hand, the highest
we can reach is only Level-18."

Even an alchemy master such as herself could not achieve such a feat. How was
a novice like Link able to do such a thing? She refused to believe that he had
surpassed even his own teacher!

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Chapter 511: Link’s Enduring Wisdom(2/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The inspiration in Link's mind was fleeting like a swimming fish. He wanted to
catch it, but it just kept swimming around, wriggling out of his hands.

Gretel was doubtful, but Link couldn't explain it. He chased the shred of light in
his mind while instinctively mumbling, "Wait, wait, let me think."

Gretel didn't really believe him, but she didn't interrupt his thoughts either. She
started gathering the shards on the ground with her Magician's Hand.

Link looked at the liquid and shards all over the ground. The inspiration ran
back. It was much clearer now, but when Link tried to say it out loud, he
couldn't figure out how to explain it.

After thinking a bit, he decided to take out his magic notes. He strode over to a
window and went to work.
At first, Link just wanted to calculate the specific alchemy Mana. As he wrote,
his thoughts followed the guidance of that shred of inspiration and floated to a
very strange territory.

The process started off very difficult. Link pushed forward bit by bit, feeling
like he was walking in mud. Each step was agonizing as if something was
dragging him down. It was practically impossible to move, but he still forged

Slowly, the obstructing mud disappeared. The road became smoother and
broader. Naturally, Link started walking faster too.

Beside the "road," Link also saw many tools. This was all the knowledge that he
already possessed, including enchantment methods, spatial spells, dragon spells,
and even the power of time.

Since they were tools, Link started using them to open up the path ahead. Thus,
Link began walking faster and faster on this road that he forced open. He
ignored everything that happened around him.

He'd instantly forgotten about the outside world.

Gretel finished cleaning up the alchemy room. Seeing Link like this, she waited
for a bit. But after he sank deeper into his thoughts, she realized that she
couldn't keep waiting.

At that time, she heard some noise outside the castle. Walking to the window,
she saw people coming from the town again.

She went out and looked down from the city walls to see the demon elder with
around 30 other mixed demons.

The residents of the small town were all mixed-horned demons. But amongst
the dozens, there were mixed succubae, demon-elves, mixed-oxen beasts, mixed
Beastmen, demon-dragons and all sorts of strange "mutts."

When the elder saw Gretel, he immediately knelt down and exclaimed, "Mighty
messenger, they are all pilgrims. When they heard that you came to the mortal
world, they wanted to see a bit of your glory."
Thud, thud. The others fell to their knees when they saw Gretel and started
praising her with reverant words.

Gretel wasn't surprised by this. She and Link had been here for almost half a
month, and the news must have spread. Though the true messenger had
appeared, he was forced to fight Link quickly and probably didn't have time to
spread his influence. Since news of the god's messenger had spread and the real
one was kicked out, she and Link became the true messengers.

Oh, if that Thoreau knew about this, he'd probably get a heart attack. Gretel
wanted to laugh. All these people on the island saw them as God's messenger. If
they could take advantage of this, it would be a giant force.

But they're all mixed. They're far from demons, but they're too ugly. It'll be hard
for mainlanders to accept them. I wonder how Link will take care of this.

Gretel's thoughts were definitely more open than those dragon elders. She knew
the situation of the mainland. Even without the crack in the realm, the God of
Destruction was spying from the darkness. A small mishap could cause a
catastrophe. At that time, any possible ally would be valuable.

Thinking of this, Gretel decided to comfort them first.

The pilgrims were all dressed in rags. Many were injured as well. Clearly, the
long journey had been hard, but their faces were still full of devout worship.
They must be fervent believers.

Gretel waved her hand and cast a dragon healing spell on all of them.

These people were all under Level-5. The dragon healing spell was highly
effective, curing all ailments almost instantly. They were all dazed. Then,
feeling their bodies, they became ecstatic. They prostrated themselves on the
ground and started praising her again.

Finally, Gretel said, "From now on, you are all God's messengers. Go back and
spread God's glory. Tell everyone that God's light will soon descend."

"Mighty messenger, praise thee."

"I will not disappoint you."

"May light remain for eternity!"

To show their reverence, they retreated on their knees and kowtowed towards
the castle after each step. When they couldn't see the castle anymore, they rose
and ran away excitedly to spread the glory.

Seeing that, Gretel just sighed. Thoreau, you really scared them too much. Now,
they're willing to give up everything just for the bit of hope.

It was all thanks to Thoreau. Gretel didn't know what secret spell that guy used
to live thousands of years. He'd been terrorizing these mortals all this time and
ended up creating such a cult-like religion. If this force was unleashed, it would
be terrifying. If used correctly, they could even rewrite Firuman's history. Gretel
felt that she couldn't ignore this force. She had to use them but had to discuss
with Link about how to do it.

Thinking of this, she returned to the alchemy room. Link was still scribbling in
his notes though. He didn't even change his posture.

How long will it take this time?

This type of thought process was very valuable. Gretel obviously wouldn't
disturb Link; she could only wait.

For the next few days, Link didn't eat, drink, sleep, or even talk. He just fought
with his notes. Gretel didn't rest either. She thought about how to upgrade the
materials. The demon elder would bring pilgrims over every day. Gretel would
meet them and cast a low-level dragon healing spell to everyone, telling them to
spread the glory.

Half a month passed like this. Finally, Link walked out of the room holding his
magic notes.

Gretel had been waiting. "How is it?" she asked impatiently.

Link was still energetic. He opened his notes and flipped to the conclusion.
"There's some good news and some bad news."

"Tell me the good news first."

"With my idea, we can indeed raise a material to Level-19. More accurately, it's
Level-19.9, the limit of this realm."

"What's the bad news?"

"I'm now sure that there's no way to raise a material to Level-20 with Legendary
power. The Origin is the limit of Legendary power…Perhaps it can reach Level-
20 temporarily, but it won't be stable. The material would be destroyed

"Oh. And the rest of the good news?" Gretel asked.

"The second thing is that even though we can't get Level-20 buffer material, we
can use a special magic seal, and Level-19 material would be enough. The cost
though is that the magic seal would be reduced to Level-23, not the Level-26
that we predicted."

Gretel wasn't disappointed. "Level-23 is enough."

In the Legendary levels, trying to increase one's level was practically

impossible. The Origin was even more so. Level-20 was already like a dream. If
Link could create a Level-23 attack, it would be incredible.

Gretel was instantly interested by the idea of the piece of Level-19.9 material
that Link mentioned. Disregarding manners, she grabbed Link's notes and
started reading.

The notes were messy, dense, and obscure. It was difficult for Gretel to
understand at the beginning. Furrowing her brows, she forced herself through.

A painful half an hour later, she suddenly understood Link's thoughts. The
reading process became smoother after that. It was like an open road after that.
The exquisite wisdom rushed down like a waterfall. The conclusion after the
road gave her a hearty feeling.

After reading, Gretel looked up sadly. "Link, how do I repay you for such
enduring wisdom?"
This type of material production method was the limit of this realm. It was
invaluable; it could become the foundation for any race and be passed down for

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Chapter 512: Let Time Decide (3/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

That's a good question. How should you repay me? Link wondered.

Hearing those words, Link immediately saw an opportunity presenting itself to

him. He then chose his words carefully. "Actually, I've been having this idea."

"What is it? Speak." Gretel blinked innocently, her eyes twinkling as she smiled
at him.

Link began explaining his idea of propagating Dragon Power and developing
Dragon Warriors among the human race. Like Dragon Elder Pettalong, he had
been thinking about it himself from the perspective of the dragon race.

When he was finished, the smile on Gretel's face had waned a bit. Neither
disagreeing nor agreeing with Link's suggestion, she simply asked, "The cycle
of life and death is an inevitable journey all mortals must take. Though they
have survived countless catastrophes for generations, aren't they still well off in

The human race had occupied the more prosperous regions of the Firuman
continent, and it had the greatest populations among all the other races. As he
could find no fault in Gretel's words, Link simply nodded in acknowledgement.
However, he sensed that this time, he was not going to get what he wanted.

Gretel then said, "If mortal men were to receive an even greater power after
being trained as Dragon Warriors, who knows what manner of catastrophe that
might bring to the other races?"
Link was stunned upon hearing this. "I am a human being by birth, perhaps the
most respected among my peers. The High Elves schemed still to assassinate
me. The Dwarves too are wary of me, and who knows what the Beastmen and
their king, whose strength knows no equal, might have in store for me? Every
race has a powerful guardian protecting their own interests. Why should the
human race be any different?"

One of Gretel's main concerns had always been the balance of the dragon race.
Link, however, was of a different opinion. He had always believed in being
more powerful than the other. With enough power in one's hand, the law of the
survival of the fittest, indiscriminating and fair in its judgment, would naturally
maintain balance and order among the races of the continent.

At this point, a distinct difference in opinion had surfaced between the two of

In truth, Link and Gretel never saw things the same way. It was only when Link
had expressed his opinion that such a difference was finally brought to light.

Gretel tried to explain herself, "Link you don't understand. Being stronger than
everyone else isn't always a good thing, even if you're just trying to defend your
own race. As an example, the dragon race had always lived in near secrecy in
Dragon Valley. We never felt the need to interfere with the affairs of mortals,
and as a result, trouble from the mortal world never came knocking on our
doors. This is how we've managed to survive for thousands of years. The fact
that the human race has thrived for so long is due to the balance that we have
kept in that time. If you do anything to upset this balance, you'll bring only
destruction to your kind."

"Only our actions will decide whether destruction will come to us, and as a
member of the human race..."

"No, you are a duke of the dragon race!" Gretel raised her voice a little. She
then spoke seriously, "Balance and our neutrality has been the dragons' way of
life for thousands of years. These two points have been tried and tested by time
to be our true path."

The atmosphere between them had become tenser. Link frowned. "What about
the spatial crack? And the Void Tyrant?"
"Those were only temporary troubles. They will soon be resolved. Isn't that why
you're here with the dragon race?"

At this point, Link sensed that they were not going anywhere with their
conversation. Their opinions were just too different.

Gretel had hoped that Link would one day accept his duties as a Red Dragon
Duke. But Link never intended to do such a thing. What he wanted was to build
a prosperous human city, extend the humans' influence and one day establish
their hegemony over all of Firuman. As the humans inevitably took their place
on the pinnacle of the realm, he would also be able to gather all the necessary
resources and materials to further his research on magic.

It was a win-win situation for him and the human race in general.

As for the dragon race, Link found their insistence to adhere to their outdated
ways stifling and oppressive. Such a mentality might suit the elderly, but it was
certainly not something needed by someone like Link, who craved above all
else progress and power.

There was no point in continuing the conversation. Both were Legendary

masters, their wills hard as steel. They each had their own ideas about the world
around them, and the only thing capable of convincing them otherwise was also
the world itself. To them, words meant nothing.

Link finally said, "Your Highness, I take it that you don't agree with me?"

Gretel's face whitened somewhat. She tried to change his mind. "Link, the
dragon race exists to protect the realm itself, and you're already a Legendary
master. The matters of the mortal realm should best be left for the mortals to
decide among themselves."

Link shot back, "Then why do the High Elves have their own Legendary master
protecting them? Why do the High Elves have the World Tree? Why do they
deserve to live on the Isle of Dawn in peace, while the rest of us get to burn in
the fires of war? Are they simply better than the human race?"

"The High Elves live by the rules. Have you seen them overtly starting any war
with the other races?"
Link shook his head. "Your Highness, times are changing. There are cracks
appearing across the world, and the rise of Mana saturation shows no sign of
stopping. We may be witnessing the birth of countless Legendary masters in the
coming decades. In such times, we either adapt to them or perish. The dragon
race would not be an exception to this rule!"

Right now, the Mana concentration all over the world was 50 percent higher
than before. Level-9 masters had been popping up everywhere, and it would not
be long before the whole world enters the Legendary realm.

At the same time, Link had seen the rise of talents in every race. Kanorse,
Princess Annie, Herrera and Skinorse were among the pinnacles of human talent
in this era. The Beastmen had the three warlords, while the Dwarves had the
Mountain Sage and the King of the Mountains.

In the not so distant future, the appearance of even more Legendary masters
would come to pass, as attested by the previous game world.

"No, the Legendary realm could not be so easily reached. You're too optimistic
about this. It's not solely predicated on the realm's Mana saturation." Gretel
shook her head in disbelief.

For more than 2000 years, she had seen far too many dragon masters being
stuck at Level-9 Pinnacle for most of their lives, never knowing when they
would be able to come out of the standstill they were in.

Past experience had informed her that the Legendary barrier was almost
impenetrable. A genius capable of breaking through it would only come by once
every few hundred, maybe even thousand, years. The large-scale proliferation of
Legendary masters that Link had described was just impossible.

Link was unable to convince her to see his point. Thinking about it for a while,
he said to her, "Your Highness, there's no point in arguing about this any longer.
I only wish to train a batch of Dragon Warriors among the human race. Why
won't you at least consider carrying out a test?"

Gretel fell silent for ten seconds. She finally shook her head. "No, I won't agree
to this! I'm the Red Dragon Queen, I'm responsible for the welfare of the dragon
race! Dragon Power is the foundation of dragon civilization. I can't just give it
out like candy!"
At those words, the whole laboratory immediately fell into a deathly silence.

Link and Gretel were equally strong-willed, befitting their status as Legendary
masters. Before, they were able to work together peaceably with each other, as
they both shared a common goal. Their viewpoints were now so different that
they were beyond all hope of reconciling with one another.

It was not just the fact that Gretel was unwilling to share Dragon Power with the
human race; rather, it was the different paths they have chosen to take.

With Dragon Power beyond his grasp, Link would continue looking for other
alternatives to empower the human race. He would walk on further in his path.
On the other hand, Gretel insisted still on walking the path of balance.
Gradually, the gap between them would widen even more.

The alchemical laboratory remained silent for ten minutes.

At last, Link took out a huge scroll of parchment. He then activated a Copy spell
and quickly wrote down his thoughts on it. Half an hour later, when he had
finished writing, Link took out the time fragment, two meteorite pieces, and the
Void Centipede's stinger, and handed them all over to Gretel. "I've already laid
out my designs for the magic circle to repair the spatial crack in the scroll. Bring
it back to Dragon Valley. You should probably be able to work out a magic
circle with it."

Gretel scanned the scroll thoroughly. She then spoke softly, her eyes lowered.
"You're not coming back with me?"

Link nodded. "No, since the Dragon Power is out of my reach, I'll just have to
look for some other way to build up the strength of the human race."

He was only a Level-11 Legendary master. This level of power would not let
him surpass the realm of Firuman. With the God of Destruction's covetous gaze
still on Firuman itself, he needed to develop his power even further.

Gretel fell silent again. Minutes later, she accepted the scroll and a few other
items from him. When she put them all away, Gretel warned him again, "Link,
the path you're on will lead you only to destruction."

"It may also be lead me to glory," countered Link with a smile.

"With that mentality of yours, you have no right to wield the dragon's body."
Gretel softly touched the Dragon King's Bracelet on her wrist. An iridescent ball
of light appeared, engulfing her whole hand.

"As the Red Dragon Queen, I'll need to seal your dragon body up. Of course,
you can choose to resist and make me fail the sealing process."

Link shook his head. "No need. It's probably a good thing, anyway. This way,
Dragon Valley won't be to blame for my actions in the future."

As he spoke, Link took out the black ring on his finger. It was the seal of the
dragon duke.

Tears began welling up in Gretel's eyes, and glittering teardrops fell from them.
She spoke tremblingly, "You can still run. Why aren't you running? You're a
Spatial Magician. I won't be able to catch up to you."

"There's no need." Link shook his head, letting the ball of light melt into his
body. He distinctly heard a soft chink from the Heart of the Dragon in his body.
His dragonification skill was sealed shut.

At that moment, he bade farewell to his Black Dragon body.

When his dragon body was finally sealed, and he had returned the seal of the
dragon duke to the Red Dragon Queen, Link gave her a slight bow and then
walked out of the room in large strides.

Gretel looked on as he left the room. She had hoped that Link would stop in his
tracks, turn back to her and tell her that he finally understood what she had been
trying to say, and that he wished to follow her back to Dragon Valley.

None of that happened. As soon as Link left, there was a sudden spatial
shockwave from outside the castle. With the sound of a fiercely howling wind,
he was gone.

Gretel felt her legs weaken beneath her. She fell to the ground and began
shedding tears like pearls falling from a necklace to the ground.

Oh, ancestors, where did I go wrong? asked Gretel, without expecting an answer
from anyone.
Outside the castle, Link flew at top speed from the island. Without putting up
any defensive spells around him, Link simply let the wind and waves slap about
his body.

A thick layer of ice had condensed on his body as he flew for three hours
straight. He had also managed to calm himself down.

He was the lord of Ferde, while Gretel was the queen of the dragon race. Both
of them had their own responsibilities and opinions. They would gradually lose
their own selves if one were to abide by the whims of the other, and they would
be no different from puppets pulling on each other's strings.

It was just unacceptable.

"Let time decide it all."

Link kept on flying until he finally saw the continent in front of him. It was the
southern coastline of the Kingdom of Delonga. Shifting his direction slightly, he
began flying towards Ferde.

Half an hour later, after flying for more than 700 miles, he had reached
Scorched City. He activated an Invisibility spell and descended on the Mage
Tower's observatory.

He then sensed that the dragons in Scorched City had all left, probably
summoned back by the queen herself.

Link sighed. Today had not gone as he had expected. The fact that he was
immediately ostracized upon showing his Black Dragon form for the first time
back in Dragon Valley must have been a sign for things to come.

He just did not expect things to take a drastic turn so soon.

Link walked to the edge of the observatory and looked out over Scorched City.

The city had expanded considerably since he was gone. The cluttered state of
the area outside the city had visibly improved as well. People and carriages
teemed the streets, while chimneys busily puffed up columns of smoke into the
It was evening. The golden rays from the setting sun gave everything in the city
a yellowed, aged quality, accentuating the vibrancy of the bustling city.

At the moment, he was a Level-11 Legendary master, as well as the protector of

this city. The High Elves threatened his domain in the East, the God of
Destruction in the North. There was also Morpheus the Shadow Stalker. In the
west, there were the warlords of the Beastmen of the Golden Plains, and who
knew what other threats lurked in the shadows still.

This was the golden age of heroes and great personages. Link just had a head
start over the rest of them.

Tellie, I'm sorry... my beloved, my friends, everything I have is right here in this
city. I need to become stronger, I need to continue moving forward. Otherwise, I
would have disappointed everyone around me, he thought to himself.

Sighing, Link turned back from the evening view and head back into the Mage

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Chapter 513: No Longer a Weakling

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link received from the dragons—mostly from the queen—dragon power, the
book Dragon, various dragon spells, and alchemy. He'd lost the thin piece of
time but shared a way to create extraordinary material with the queen.

All in all, he didn't lose anything.

But at the end, he forced himself to stay there and let the Red Dragon Queen
seal his dragon form. Thinking back, he'd been too headstrong. His dragon form
was so useful. It was a pity to lose it like this.

Whatever. What's done is done. No point in regret. Link, look forward!

Comforting himself, Link walked into his room at the top of the Mage Tower.
Celine happened to be in that room. She flipped through Link's enchantment
book while one slender hand was open on the table. A small Mithril ball
hovered above her palm. Under the modification force field, the ball kept
changing shape.

She was practicing enchantments.

Link walked to the comfortable chair beside the hall and plopped into it. Celine
flinched at the noise. Ripples appeared in her Mana and the Mithril ball instantly

She turned around. Seeing Link, she patted her chest and whined, "I was
wondering who it was. I was so scared."

She put down the Mithril ball and walked to sit beside Link. Grinning, she said,
"You left for one month. I thought you'd spend the rest of your life with the Red
Dragon Queen."

Link shook his head and smiled. He grabbed Celine's small hands and caressed
them. "Don't worry, baby," he said, sighing. "I probably won't ever go to the
Dragon Valley again."

"What, you destroyed the relationship?" Celine was a bit shocked.

"Something like that. Whatever, let's stop talking about them. Come, tell me
what happened in the territory while I was gone."

Celine stopped asking and started reporting to him. Most of it was good news
about the territory's construction. This included the Golden Rune Workshop's
establishment, which Vance was responsible for. It only enrolled Magic
Apprentices now and had many Tutors—more than 100. They'd started
producing basic enchantment equipment already.

This was good and of high efficiency. Link was satisfied.

"And there's this." Celine handed a small bag to Link. "Skinorse brought it back
for you. He said that he only needs around 30 more so you should prepare his
Link opened it to see a bag full of Jogu. He counted it; there were close to 50.
This was a huge gain. With what he already had, he now had more than 70 Jogu.
This was great. Link was satisfied too.

"What about news from around the territory?" he asked again. "Such as the Isle
of Dawn, the Southmoon Kingdom, the fortress in the North, and such."

Celine cocked her head and thought for a while. She shook her head. "Nothing
big. Oh, right, the Syndicate in the South seems to have changed. They got a lot
stronger. I heard that the Leo Kingdom has completely been controlled and
turned into a puppet."

"Oh, that's really bad news." Link sighed. He knew this was definitely caused by
the Ethereal Knights. Morpheus had started preparing the forces to conquer the

There were only four kingdoms in the South. Delonga had mostly been annexed
by the Southmoon Kingdom. The latter had a good relationship with Ferde, so
Link couldn't ignore this.

He quickly thought of something. He cast a large scale life detection spell and
quickly found Lucy. Then he used a telepathy spell. "Lucy, it's Link. I need your

Lucy was looking over documents and was frightened when she heard the voice.
But she quickly collected herself and replied, "Lord, please give me your

"Send a document to Southmoon Kingdom's royalty. Tell them I wish to visit

the Grinth Magic Academy in their capital, and they should prepare for it. Then
send a small magic ambassador group to spend a few months in Grinth. I'll
choose some time to go… Oh, right, have them bring this long-distance
communication rune with them."

With that, a crystal-red runestone appeared in Link's hands. It flashed with

white light and was sent to Lucy's table.

"Yes, Lord." Lucy collected it and started writing the document.

Having taken care of that, Link felt less worried. He did this to purposely cast
doubt. His name was known across the continent now. When the magic
ambassador group arrived at Southmoon under the name of a Legendary
Magician, this news would spread throughout the southern kingdoms.

The Syndicate would learn of it too. Then they'd have to worry about Link's
power if they wanted to wreak havoc in Southmoon. If something really did
happen, the ambassador group would send a message with the runestone. He
could get to the capital in one hour.

Celine's voice sounded. "Hey, why aren't you talking? What spell did you just

Link chuckled. "A small telepathy spell. I told Lucy to do some things. Alright,
now ask me any enchantment questions you have."

"Tsk, look how proud you are!" Celine pouted but still obediently brought her
notes over and started asking questions seriously.

Link answered them easily and moved through the dozens of questions Celine
had accumulated. Then Celine grasped her notes and ran happily to the
enchantment room to try it all out.

Link sat in the room alone, thinking about the future.

First, he still needed to spread some force that could strengthen human
Warriors. Pure Dragon Power was out of the question. It wasn't because of their
ban; he didn't care about it. It was because he couldn't do it without their help
for now. However, he had Dragon Power within him and also their magic
books. He could experiment and do research; he believed he could create
regular Dragon Power soon.

Once he had a stable Dragon Power seed, he could start spreading it. That was
the most important task at hand. Second, if he wanted to turn Scorched City into
his main camp, he'd have to create a battle-level magic seal.

Thinking of this, Link decided to create an attack spell that could strike the
In the Firuman Realm, Level-19 was the most powerful. He could create it with
a magic seal but couldn't control it perfectly because he didn't have Level-19

He gave the thin piece of time and objects from the Sea of Void to Gretel to
guard the spatial crack. Without these, he naturally couldn't create Level-19
material. Without Level-19 material, he couldn't restrain Level-19 power. If any
Level-19 force exploded in Ferde, the entire territory would be reduced to
nothing. That would suck.

Link collected all the material he had right now. He discovered that he could at
most create a Level-15 magic seal.

Fine, Level-15 is good enough. Currently, other than Morpheus, this power can
destroy any existence in this realm.

With this magic seal, things like Bryant forcing into his territory wouldn't
happen anymore. No matter how strong one was, they'd have to surrender at

Since he had the idea, he would start. Link immediately began designing.

This magic seal would naturally be set in the Mage Tower. It should use beams
for attack and add the power of time. Without the thin piece of time, he couldn't
use fate. He would have to use predictive attacks.

This way, it would be hard for the opponent to escape once targeted.

The attack range should be long enough. Since it was a magic seal, the spell
should be as complicated and detailed as possible. Taking advantage of spatial
magic's focus, it should reach a maximum of two miles on a good day. This
could protect the entire Scorched City.

Finally, the attack shouldn't be largescale. Otherwise, the shockwaves could

destroy everything. The spell should be as thin as a needle and just be fatal with
one hit.

Link thought and designed; the magic seal came into existence under his pen.

While Link was focused on magic in his territory, in the Orida Fortress, Kanorse
received a letter from a scout from the Black Forest. He was training in the field
when he got the letter. He stuck his Lion's Fury sword into the ground and
unfurled the small scroll.

After a few glances, his body trembled. His eyes grew serious.

Turning to the scout who'd brought the letter, he asked, "Are you sure the news
of this portal is true?"

"Not sure. There are all types of scouts around the building. We can't get close.
There's mist around the entire structure, and it's very hard to see. Princess Annie
sent me to alert you while she and the rest try to approach again…"

Hearing this, Kanorse slapped his forehead in worry. "That's too dangerous."

"I said that too. The others tried to dissuade her, but you know Her Highness'
temper. She insisted."

Kanorse couldn't do anything. Before, he was a general and could go help with
his hot-blooded temper. Now, he was the fortress' supreme commander. He
couldn't be so whimsical. Sending reinforcements could alert the enemy too.
Thinking it through, he could only wait passively for Princess Annie's news.

He waited for three days. In the dawn of the third day, Princess Annie and five
elite scouts rushed out of the Black Forest. Covered in blood, they returned to
the Orida Fortress.

She was injured all over, but there was no fear in her face. Instead, she looked
excited and proud. Without treating her wounds, she hurried all the way back to
the fortress.

Kanorse had gotten the message. He was already dressed and waiting for her.
When he saw Annie, he realized her power waves were stronger than before.
She'd broken into Level-8 and was close to Level-9.

"Kanorse, it's great that you're here. I got certain news about those Nagas!"

"Really? Is there really a portal?"

Annie nodded. "It's a portal—a large multi-realm portal, in fact. Around it, I saw
Wild Beastmen, demons, and many Agatha Nagas."

Kanorse was shocked. "How many?"

Annie gestured with her hands. "More than 150,000."

Kanorse's hands trembled. There were only 50,000 Warriors at the Orida
Fortress. The enemy was three times larger. Was the scene with the Dark Army
from half a year ago about to be repeated?

What made him curious was that Annie didn't seem nervous at all.

"What else?"

"There are a lot of people, but they're sundry. The Wild Beastmen are the most
at 80,000. They have very crude equipment though. They only wear a leather
rag and hold sticks. There are only around 20,000 demons, and they don't really
follow orders. The Nagas aren't as strong as we predicted either, only around
Level-4 and Level-5. They're equal to our elite army, so they're far from the
Dark Army from before. They still need to go through a lot of training. We have
time to get ready!"

As Annie spoke, her eyes flashed with confidence. The humans were ill-
prepared for the Dark Army before. She'd only been a Level-4 Assassin too.
They'd been completely squashed. Now, the Orida army wasn't the weak thing
from before.

Even the regular Warriors were at Level-3. There were many from Level-4 to
Level-6 too and could form an elite army of 10,000 soldiers. The commanders
were all above Level-7. There were 15 at Level-8 while Annie was at Level-9.
Kanorse was a full-armored Legendary fighter too.

They were all veterans who'd survived the last battle.

From the aspect of individual soldiers and combat ability, they weren't any
weaker than their enemy. They also had the impregnable pass of the continent.
They had the absolute advantage.

In that case, they should fight to the end!

Annie's words reassured Kanorse. He thought a bit and said, "You're right… I'll
notify the others, and we'll prepare for war!"

Those bastards had been messing with them for so long. Now, it was time for
them to get a taste of the humans' iron fist!

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Chapter 514: Magic Points and the Divine Punishment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link's Mage Tower had grown by leaps and bounds since its construction a year

From the outside, it looked as if the whole building consisted of only one tower.
In actual fact, the main tower was surrounded by six other sub towers. Three of
them had been built alongside the main tower from the beginning, while the
other three were added to it later on.

At the moment, two additional sub towers were still under construction.

As a result, his Mage Tower now occupied more than a hundred square miles of
ground. The main tower was more than a hundred feet tall, while the sub towers
around it reached 70 feet tall. From afar, the whole thing looked like a forest of

The Mage Tower had also drawn the attention of a huge number of magical

Indeed, a Legendary Magician's appeal knew no bounds.

As of now, the number of students who had enrolled in the magical academy of
Scorched City numbered more than 800 and showed no signs of stopping. There
were more than 60 teachers currently teaching in the academy, which was a
relatively smaller number in comparison to the students. Among them were the
Half-Elf Eliard, Vance the Lich, Alloa the Maiden of Truth and finally Eleanor,
who had sought sanctuary in the Mage Tower. All of them were Master-level

In terms of Mana level, Eliard the Half-Elf had surpassed his seniors by
reaching Level-8. Of course, his magical knowledge was still at Level-7, as he
had only been studying magic for no more than two years. He was also of the
same age as Link.

This sudden growth spurt had startled many people. There was even talk of
candidates for future Legendary Magicians among the people of Scorched City.

The number of books in the Mage Tower's library had gone up to 13764
volumes as well.

Ever since the construction of the Mage Tower, Supervisor Lucy had been busy
collecting large volumes of magical books from everywhere. Even the official
Magicians of the Mage Tower had generously donated to the library books of
their own, which contained all their ideas and magical theories that they had
developed over the years. Link too had authored close to 300 magical books and
even a few more priceless ones on Legendary magic.

This was the first library to have ever been conceived by the human race. To
human Magicians, as well as Magicians of other races, it was a place almost
akin to heaven, as it contained countless books on Legendary magic.

One might say that Link's Mage Tower, in terms of scale and the amount of
knowledge it contained, had far surpassed East Cove Magic Academy of the
Norton Kingdom. It had even become the central hub of magical learning in the

On that day, Link had gathered Eliard, Vance and Alloa, three of the most
knowledgeable Magicians he had known, to conduct the last few adjustments to
the Mage Tower's offensive magic circle.

The offensive magic circle was about Level-15. Link had finished the rough
outline of the circle itself, though he had invited some of the official Magicians
from the Mage Tower to put on its finishing touches.

At first, Link had just wanted the Magicians of the Mage Tower to contribute to
the magic circle's design, as well as let them in on the existence of such a
weapon in their midst. The fruits of their discussions had greatly exceeded his

With the three Magicians' combined ingenuity, they were able to conceive a
rune that functioned as the magic circle's regulator, which turned out even better
than Link had expected. Its function was not merely limited to controlling the
magic circle itself.

As the saying went, there was strength in unity.

The magic circle was finally complete. Link stood on the regulating rune of the
circle and channeled his power into the circle's energy pool.

"Link, the energy pool's reached 95 percent. It's almost full." Eliard had been
observing the energy pool's state. At that moment, the pool was a bright red

Curiously enough, there was not a ripple on the pool's surface. From a distance,
it resembled a shockingly beautiful red gemstone.

So this is Legendary power, thought the three Magicians in unison.

In one corner, Vance was running a few preliminary tests on a magic puppet's
core that was modeled after Nana's. Considering how much Link had grown
since then, the magic puppet's core was ten times more powerful than Nana's.

Of course, this was in reference to the original version of Nana which was
absent of any combat experience and had yet to receive the Essence of Life
upgrades from Gretel. How much Nana had grown ever since was anyone's
guess at that point.

When Vance finally finished his tests, he triggered the last regulating rune and
activated the core.

A soft hum sounded. The runestone, which was almost as big as a human brain,
lit up instantly. There was then a gentle, melodious female voice resounding in
the air. "Core has been activated. Please enter command."

The other three Magicians stared at each other, then at Link. After thinking for a
while, the latter said, "Let's call you Lily."
The voice spoke again. "Command received. Please specify user authority levels
corresponding to all Mage Tower members."

As Link had absolute authority over Lily, he could remotely command her to
shut herself down or even self-destruct.

Lily would serve as the central core of the Mage Tower's main tower. With such
power in her hands, Lily not only had control over the tower's offensive magic
circle, but she could also even be regarded as the spirit of the tower itself.

Link had prepared a list specifying every Mage Tower member's user authority
level according to their respective magical ranking.

He then entered the list of names into Lily.

As a Level-11 Magician, Link naturally held the highest user authority in the
Mage Tower. After him came Eliard and Vance, both of whom had Level-8
Mana and so were granted Level-8 user authority. Alloa, the Maiden of Truth,
was a special case. Though her Mana was weak, her knowledge of the mystic
arts was much more profound than the other two. She was for the moment
granted Level-9 user authority.

After her were the Mage Tower's official Magicians. The Magicians' apprentices
came last. There were in total close to 1000 people on Link's list.

The user authority levels corresponded to each member's level of access to the
Mage Tower's resources. The higher a Magician's user authority level was, the
more resources he or she would have access to, from the Elemental Pool, the
Alchemy Laboratory, the Enchantment Workshop to the magical books in the

To raise one's user authority level in the Mage Tower, a Magician would need to
increase his or her own level. By leveling up, even more of these resources
would be available to him or her.

Link spent the next half hour entering the names of the Mage Tower members
as well as their corresponding user authority levels into Lily.

Of course, one's user authority level would not be enough to guarantee access.
As there were a lot of Magicians in the Mage Tower, he or she would be
required to contribute in some way to the institution itself in order to ensure
greater access to its resources.

When he was done, Lily spoke again, "Master, should I initiate the reward-
penalty system?"

Link had conceived such a system with the aid of the others. It was devised to
measure the level of contribution each Magician had made to the Mage Tower,
in units Link had named "Magic Points."

For instance, if a Magician's apprentice had forged Level-0 magical equipment

in the Golden Rune enchantment workshop, they would receive 10 Magic

These Magic Points could then be converted to gold coins as well as access to
the Mage Tower's various resources.

Link gave the order. "Initiate."

With a few hums, history was made in Link's Mage Tower.

With the Magic Point system working in tandem with the Magicians' user
authority levels, the tower now possessed an extremely fair and transparent
hierarchy among its members. With such a system in place, the Mage Tower
would experience tremendous improvements in the future, while countless
magical talents would be cultivated within its walls. Ultimately, the place would
be transformed into one of Firuman's most glorious magical hubs whose
splendor even the High Elves would marvel at.

Of course, this was all in the future. Link had no way of predicting it.

After activating the system, Link then began testing Lily's control over the
offensive magic circle. He ordered, "Lily, activate the Divine Punishment

The Divine Punishment Protocol was what Link had named the offensive magic
circle. While it was only at Level-15 for now, Link planned on making further
improvements on it in the future.
"Initiating... Activation complete. Lily requires authorization from the highest
user authority level in order to initiate attack." This was Link's trump card that
answered only to Link and no one else.

Link had imposed two usage guidelines on the magic circle. The first rule was
that the magic circle would under no circumstance be used on him by anyone
else. The second one was the authorization system.

If Link wished to launch an attack using the magic circle while being physically
in Ferde, he could personally authorize it to do so. Whenever he was not in
Ferde, he could authorize a representative to use the Divine Punishment
Protocol in his place. The first rule would be applicable as well to Link's chosen

As Link was about to begin his test on the magic circle's offensive capabilities,
he turned to the other Magicians around him. The others had finished their tests
and nodded at Link in confirmation.

Link then said, "Direction: 30 degrees north of east axis. Target: the flock of
birds 3000 feet in the distance. Fire at will."

Saying this, Link activated the transmitting runestone in his hand. He had
already assigned someone 3000 feet away from the Mage Tower to release a
flock of seagulls into the air at his signal.

The other Magicians moved to the window, intently observing the moment of

Outside the window, about 30 seagulls were released into the air. They then
began to scatter in all directions.

There was a tenth-of-a-second delay on Lily's part. Then, all four of them heard
the sound of a translucent, almost imperceptible beam of light ripping through
the air above them.

At the same time, the seagulls in the distance vanished into thin air. They were
completely vaporized.

After that, nothing else stirred in the area.

A second later, when the 30 seagulls had evaporated in the sky, Lily's voice
came. "Target neutralized, attack complete."

It was perfection!

He would probably not survive if he were to be locked down and took such an
attack from the magic circle.

Link and the others clapped their hands in celebration of their success.

"With this weapon, no one would be foolish enough to trespass in Ferde," said

"Those High Elves would do better not to overestimate their abilities now," said
Vance, with a hint of concern.

"This place is starting to feel more like a magical city," said Alloa, laughing.

When the excitement had died down, Link went to check on the energy pool.
The attack had apparently expended 0.5 percent of the pool's total energy. He
then checked on the state of the firing magic circle. Some of the circle's
accompanying materials were somewhat overheated, but otherwise, everything
functioned normally as before.

The magic circle's highest firing rate was 200 beams per second. Judging from
its energy consumption, it could probably fire around 6000 beams continuously
for 30 seconds. Each beam contained Level-15 power.

With such power, he could probably cut a swath through a small army below the
Mage Tower!

When everyone else confirmed that they found no abnormalities on their parts,
Link said, "Come, a feast awaits us on the observatory. This calls for a

Naturally, the other three Magicians had no objection to this.

The observatory's diameter was more than 30 feet. A windproof magic

formation was placed around it. From the observatory, one could look out over
all of Scorched City. At that moment, an extravagant banquet had been prepared
for them with five attendants around the table waiting to serve them.

As the four of them seated themselves, they began eating and drinking, while
relishing in that surreal sensation of towering over everything else below the

After a while, Eliard exclaimed, "I can't believe I'm able to experience this
moment. To think I had only wanted to remain a normal Magician before..."

He had sacrificed his body and dignity to a rather repulsive countess for half a
year in order to pay for his school fees, but now, Eliard had earned the respect
and reverence of everyone else for his contributions. He still could not believe
what he had been through to arrive at this point.

Vance took a gulp of beer, then sighed, "Me too, I thought I was going to stay a
skeleton for the rest of my life. Never had I dreamt that I would be a witness to
such a historical moment."

Alloa, the Maiden of Truth, took a sip from a bottle of fruit wine and smiled.
"Leaving the Dark Elves behind was the best decision I had ever made in my

Link laughed, then stood up and vigorously held up his cup. "Everyone, this is
just the beginning. The future rests in our hands. Whoever dares cross our path
will face our fury!"

Everyone else was in high spirits as well, and they all rose up to raise their cups
at Link.

Their drunken merrymaking was then interrupted by a young Magician who had
brought in a travel-worn scout. The young Magician looked at the masters of the
mystic arts in the observatory with a reverent glint in his eyes. He humbly
inclined his head before them, though deep down, he swore to himself that he
would one day make a name for himself and be worthy of being invited to such
a feast alongside Eliard and the other Magicians.

The messenger, on the other hand, was stunned speechless by such a lively
sight. It was also his first time coming to such a high place. He then handed
Link the letter in his hand.
"Drink up, then get some rest," said Link to the messenger. He then tore the
envelope open.

There was not much written on the letter. It was news from the Black Forest.
When he was finished reading, Link said to the others, "Everyone, it is time!"

It was time to sow the seeds of strength in Ferde and build a magical army that
knew no equal in the land of Firuman.

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Chapter 515: Amazingly Effective!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link's Mage Tower

Today, when all the Magicians woke up and went to their work rooms, they saw
a new clear water mirror in the center.

The mirror had a long announcement. It said that the Mage Tower would enact a
punishment and reward system from now on and described it in detail. There
was also someone beside the mirror to hand out the special magic signets.

Sorotto was a Level-2 Magician, but he was already 30 years old. Because he
was a commoner, he didn't have the chance to learn magic until he was 20. After
that, he began working while learning basic magic. After five long years, he was
still a Magician's Apprentice.

During these five years, he'd worked hard on creating various magic scrolls and
basic potions to sell at the cheapest price. After scrimping and saving, he finally
saved up 600 gold coins to enter a magic academy in a small northern city. That
was when he started learning officially.

However, the tutors there weren't too skilled either. The dean was only at Level-
4. The most advanced book in the library was Level-3; it was seen as a rare
treasure and regular people couldn't look at it.
Sorotto had studied from a 60-year-old Level-3 Magician in the academy. Most
of the time, he created magic scrolls for this old guy for almost nothing in
return. It was rare for him to have one hour to study seriously.

After studying for three years, he finally became a Level-1 Magician. Then he
was forced to graduate and expelled from the academy.

Level-1 was probably amazing for a regular person. They could live a
comfortable life off of selling magic items. It wasn't enough for Sorotto though.
He thirsted for magic knowledge and desired after the wisdom of saints. The
world was unstable and filled with war. An official Level-1 book that could help
bring him power cost at least 100 gold coins.

Sorotto worked hard for more than one year but could only buy four Level-1
books. His Mana reached Level-2, but he didn't have money for those books. On
average, a Level-2 book cost more than 500 gold coins.

This horrible situation didn't improve until half a year ago.

At that time, Sorotto had traveled thousands of miles from the North to Ferde.
Coincidentally, the Ferde Mage Tower needed Magicians badly. As a regular
Level-1 Magician, he was fortunate to be accepted.

During this time, Sorotto received his first Level-2 book. He personally
witnessed the Mage Tower's fast development. He also saw many talented
youths level up quickly.

All this made Sorotto feel the Mage Tower's strong vigor. At the same time, he
felt pressured. He had to work much harder than before. Otherwise, the others
would leave him in the dust.

What improvements are there today? Sorotto walked up in anticipation.

Beside the water mirror, he saw Carrido. He was a Level-5 Magician and the
Mage Tower's Magic Official. Looking over, he chuckled and said, "Oh,
Sorotto. Let me see… Here's your signet. Take it."

"Signet?" Sorotto found it strange. He accepted it reflexively and studied it.

The round thing was two centimeters in diameter. One side wrote Ferde in
runes. The other side had a realistic profile. Looking closer, it was the Ferde
lord. The material was special. The surface had many silver veins; it was made
of Mithril. Under the veins, it was semi-transparent and had a tinge of crystal-
red. The inside had some beautiful bits of silver.

At a glance, the signet looked normal. There wasn't anything eye-catching about
it. But if one inspected it carefully, you'd realize it had too much to discover.

As a Magician, Sorotto instinctively fed some Mana into it. An instant later, a
beautiful female voice rang in his mind. Welcome, Mr. Sorotto.

Shocked, Sorotto looked around and discovered that many people with signets
around him had the same expression. Good, Sorotto wasn't an ignorant civilian.
He quickly gathered himself. This must be some telepathy spell.

He replied in his mind, "And you are?"

I am Lily, the spirit of the Mage Tower. From today, I will serve you. For the
specific details, you may read the announcement or let me explain for you.

Sorotto immediately looked to the water mirror. The announcement was long
and detailed, but he read every word. After finishing, he couldn't contain his
excitement. "So my authority is Level-2 now?" he asked.

Yes. With this authority, you are qualified to read all magic books at or under
Level-2 in the library. You may request to use all magic material at or under
Level-2 in the Mage Tower.

"How many magic points do I have now?" Sorotto asked.

Lily immediately replied, All Magicians will receive a starting number of magic
points equivalent to their level. You currently have 200 points. You may use it
to buy reading rights, time to use the Elemental Pool, usage rights of
enchantment room tools, usage rights of alchemy tools, and more. You may ask
me for the price list at any time.

Sorotto grew more and more excited. This improvement didn't seem like much,
but for someone who'd gone through all the hardships of the world, he
immediately saw the benefits.
From now on, he didn't have to get on his tutor's good side or have connections
to learn magic. He could get what he wanted just by earning magic points. All
the uncertainty and time wasted on human connections were wiped out by this
new system!

He asked for the specific prices and ways to gain magic points. It was another
long list. Lily's voice was sweet and patient as she read it all out for him.

Hearing all this, Sorotto realized with surprise that his 200 magic points were
quite a lot. Firstly, he could exchange it for 2000 gold coins. It was ten times as
much. Of course, he wouldn't do something stupid like that. From now on, all
resources in the Mage Tower had to be bought with magic points.

With these points, he could buy reading rights to two Level-2 books. He could
also request up to 20 hours in the Elemental Pool and more.

There were many ways to earn magic points too. For example, he could collect
magic materials, write magic scrolls, create potions, complete tasks in the
various city offices, and more.

If he had limited talent, he could still gain many points by doing these things.
He could also go find talented commoners. If he found a magic genius, he could
even get a reward of 5000 magic points.

This wasn't the most exciting part. In the items list, there was also a Tutor

In this system, every Magician had a respective consulting fee. As long as a

lower level Magician paid the price, they could ask high-level Magicians any
question. The high-level Magician would not be able to refuse and must try their
best in answering.

The system would record and rate the entire process. If a consulted Magician
was "irresponsible" three times, their consulting fee would be drastically
reduced. They'll also be given a bad rating. This would negatively affect their

Every high-level Magician had different fees. Sorotto checked his own and saw
that it was 20 magic points per hour. This could be converted to 200 gold coins
an hour. He couldn't help but chuckle wryly. So my power is quite valuable. I
wish someone would come to consult me, ha.

Twenty points per hour was much faster than making magic equipment.

What excited Sorotto was that he saw Legendary Magician Link's fee in the
system. It was 2000 magic points for half an hour, and he would only accept
five consultations per week.

This was expensive, but he was a Legendary Magician!

Glancing at it, Sorotto felt inspired. Without wasting a single moment, he turned
to the Golden Rune Workshop. He planned on making some equipment to earn
magic points. Then he could consult the Legendary Magician.

In reality, it wasn't just him. After all the Magicians finished reading, they all
acted the same way and rushed to earn magic points.

Sorotto walked down from the hall for official Magicians and arrived at the
apprentice hall on the first floor. He saw the apprentices were in an uproar too.

These apprentices also had signets, but they looked less fancy than his. I'm sure
they have a lower starting point for magic points.

Sorotto felt proud but was also alert. When the high-level Magicians see me,
they'll probably feel this way too. I heard there are occasionally banquets on the
roof of the main tower. The Magicians who make great contributions have a
chance to dine with the lord of Ferde… that is such an honor!

He quickened his pace.

One day after implementing the authority and Magic Point system, Link and the
other high-level Magicians received Lily's feedback. According to the data, all
production in the Mage Tower had doubled!

The resource usage rate had increased from 60% to almost 100%. Practically
not a minute was wasted.
Efficiency had gone through the roof.

This was definitely good news, but Link wasn't always successful. Their power
seeds ran into some trouble.

At this moment, Link, Eliard, Vance, Alloa, and Eleanor were working together
to create a new power seed. But after starting it, they realized it was harder than

Human bodies were complex systems. In addition, they had to create something
out of nothing and had no starting point. After a whole day, the group didn't
even come up with an idea.

Link knew this couldn't do. "Creating like this is too slow. We must borrow
from others!"

"Borrow? From whom?" Eliard asked. Of the five here, he was the most
innocent and didn't grasp Link's meaning.

Vance understood though. Smiling, he explained, "High Elves have the power
of nature. Dragons have Dragon Power, demons have demonic power, and
Beastmen have wild power. These are all unique. If we need to borrow, we'll
borrow from them."

"But they won't agree," Eliard said weakly. "Like the High Elves, they're so
proud. They're upset with us over the magic equipment now too." The
atmosphere felt weird to him.

Alloa looked up at the ceiling without saying anything. Eleanor's lips curled
upward. "Who said we need their permission? Can't we do it secretly?"

"Secretly? Are we going to the Isle of Dawn to steal books?" Eliard asked.
"High Elves have books, but demons and Beastmen don't."

Link shook his head. "No, no. Just using books isn't enough. The wisdom of
sages is abnormally complicated and can't be understood easily. We need to find
some people to try it on."

He had dragon magic books and the Heart of the Dragon. He still wasn't clear
about the essence of Dragon Power though. It had taken 72 sages' countless
years from ancient times to create Dragon Power. It then underwent centuries of
refinement. He progressed so slowly, mostly because there was no real thing to

Now, the God of Destruction was already creating a military in the North. They
had no time to waste. Desperate times called for desperate measures!

Eliard gulped. Did they want to find someone to dissect? This was dark magic;
they were legit Magicians.

Vance cackled. "You all don't need to dirty your hands. I can do it! I have

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Chapter 516: We Are Magicians

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

What Ferde had plenty of was money, while the black market in the North had
plenty of slaves to spare.

In the black markets of the northern kingdoms, if your price was right, the
Syndicate would provide you with anything you wished.

The Golle Kingdom, one of the Leo Kingdom's neighboring states, saw the most
active slave trade among the four northern kingdoms.

The Golle Kingdom had a huge geographical advantage, as it shared its borders
with the other three kingdoms. With the ocean stretching to its east, the Golle
Kingdom had one of Firuman's first largest ports within its borders as well,
called Port Antique.

Incidentally, a slave market thrived in Port Antique.

On that day, an elderly man with thick flaxen hair and gristly sideburns arrived
at the market.
With a generous wave of his hand, he tossed out tens of thousands of gold
pieces to the slave merchants, buying every slave of any race he could find—
from Elves to mixed-blood demons, and Beastmen to half-dragons.

The Syndicate thieves were all taken aback by the arrival of such a benevolent
buyer. Despite their immoral ways, they showed good business ethics and
professionalism by responsibly transporting the buyer's merchandise to a
designated area in the wilderness outside Port Antique.

Once they were finished, the thieves suddenly fainted on the spot. When they
regained their senses, the slaves that they had brought with them had all

The group of thieves blankly stared at each other as if they had just seen a ghost.
Given the bewildering circumstances of the incident, the thieves silently decided
among themselves not to speak further on the subject.

One hundred miles to the east of Port Antique, there was a dense forest. As the
North saw frequent rains and the weather was warm and humid, the trees there
grew unnaturally tall almost like their tropical counterparts on earth.

The forest was filled with all manner of ravenous beasts and venomous insects.
As a result, there was little to no signs of human presence.

Deep in the forest, a castle stood tall. From the outside, the castle seemed
dilapidated. Vines entwined themselves around its walls, some of which had
collapsed. None of the rooms inside seemed intact.

However, in the depths of this castle was a wine cellar, and in it was an
extremely spacious Folded Dimension.

The dimension was a few hundred square feet wide and around ten feet tall. It
was divided into two levels. The recently purchased slaves were kept on the
lower level, while the upper level served as an experimentation area.

Vance was the one carrying out the experiments.

He had been in the castle's wine cellar for almost a month. Every day, screams
of agony escaped the wine cellar's cracks like the inhuman cries of a phantom.
Link, Eliard, Alloa, and Eleanor took turns visiting the place. Link had left the
place after staying for only a day, no longer able to withstand the cellar's
conditions. Eliard threw up for a whole day after only glancing at the
experimentation area. On the other hand, Alloa and Eleanor's reactions were a
little better than the other two, but they did not last long in the cellar either.

The scene in the wine cellar was simply too inhumane to be spoken outside the
castle walls.

A month later, the wine cellar's great door opened with a thunderous thump.
Vance in all his balding glory entered the place and shouted into the darkness of
the room, "Alright, people, you're all free."

There was no response from the wine cellar. Ten minutes later, a mixed-blood
Blade Demon timidly poked his head out of the wine cellar's door. His body was
covered with horrible scars, especially around his chest, all of which wound
compactly with one another like cobwebs. Though his scars had largely healed,
one could only imagine what sort of torment he had been through in the past.

The mixed-blood Blade Demon's eyes were somewhat unfocused. This was due
to the Memory Wipe spell he was under. As a result of the spell, the slave
subjects in the wine cellar had all forgotten their time in the ancient castle.

Eleanor the Magician had cast the spell on all of them.

After the mixed-blood Blade Demon, the Beastmen came out next, followed by
the half-dragons, and finally the elves. Like the mixed-blood Blade Demon, all
their bodies were heavily scarred as well.

Of course, as their body structures were unique in their own ways, their scars
were only temporary and would heal soon.

Before long, the slave subjects were all gone. After losing ten of them during
the experiments, there were around 80 of them remaining.

When the slaves had all gone their respective ways, Link appeared beside
Vance. He then willed the Folded Dimension to collapse on itself, bringing the
whole wine cellar down with it.
He sighed and said, "I finally understand why you were called a butcher in the
past. To think that I had allowed such cruelty to happen..."

Vance spread out his hands, indicating that it could not be helped. "Sacrifice of
some kind is always inevitable in one's search for ultimate knowledge. This is
the last time I'll sully my hands with such foulness. Oh, I definitely won't be
able to sleep well with the shrieks of agony still ringing in my ears."

Link patted Vance's shoulder, unable to come up with any words of consolation
for him.

Though the process was barbaric, their experiments had achieved results. Vance
had more or less grasped from where each race drew their power. Such
information was priceless to them.

When they returned to Ferde, Vance produced five copies of his results to
everyone involved.

When Eliard received his copy, his hand trembled a bit. He was able to vividly
smell the stench of blood from the experiments they had conducted. Eliard then
raised his head to look at the others.

Link's face was dark and solemn, while Vance looked exhausted from the
experiments. Both Alloa, the Maiden of Truth, and Eleanor's faces were
expressionless as if they were already accustomed to such horrors.

Eliard then sensed that there was a stark difference between his worldview and
the others. Before, he had seen the world in either black or white. The two
color's purities remained intact even with the insinuation of a few grey areas.

Now, he finally understood that the world consisted simply of shades of grey.
There was no such thing as a purely black-and-white world.

For instance, in the hearts of the people of Ferde, their lord, Link, was honorable
and intelligent beyond compare. He was a messiah-like existence almost akin to
the reincarnation of light itself.

But this time, he was the first to suggest using the strengths and powers of the
other races for their benefit. Before, Link had wanted to end the lives of 70,000
people in Orida Fortress of the north, regardless of whether those people were
good or evil. Link's hands were certainly stained with more blood than anyone
else in the world.

On the other hand, who would have known that Vance, who usually disputed
with him over magical problems as a fellow, mild-mannered scholar, would be
willing to dissect countless corpses and even live bodies in his zeal to develop
Battle Art?

Judging from their unfazed expressions, Eliard was sure that both Alloa and
Eleanor had done their fair share of unspeakable things in the past.

Link looked at Eliard, who remained silent. He then said, "Is there something
wrong? You seem shocked."

Eliard shook his head. "No, I just realized that there's no line between light and

Though he was still a bit shocked, as a Level-7 Magician, he managed to calm

himself down and prevent himself from losing composure.

"That's not usually the case. To some people, absolute light exists. I've seen it
with my own eyes in Orida Fortress. But..." Link remembered the pope and
cardinal who had been willing to incinerate their souls back in Orida Fortress.
Such individuals would sacrifice anything for the light.

Eliard raised his brows upon hearing this and waited for Link to continue.

Link fell silent for a while. He then continued, "But... we're Magicians. To us,
the eternal conflict between light and darkness holds little to no meaning.
Religion and morality are better left to saints who have long removed
themselves from worldly concerns. What we do has concrete value. Our
ultimate goal is to change the very nature of the world."

Before, Link had not given this much thought. As he grew in power and accrued
even more experience in the world, his convictions had fortified. To quote a
saying from earth, "Be unscrupulous in your methods, and never lose yourself."

Beside Eliard, Vance spoke out, "We need to be diligent in our efforts to
reshape this world. There will be times when we'll be forced to shake off the
shackles of morality in order to achieve our goals."
Eleanor added, "Link took the words right out of my mouth."

Alloa the Maiden of Truth then said solemnly, "This is the reason why I left the
Dark Elves and sided with Link. He sees through everything more than anyone

To all of them, piety, morality and the values of mortal men were nothing more
than impediments. A Magician should not concern himself or herself with the
struggle between light and darkness, but rather with an object's practicality and
whether it can be used to fulfill their objectives.

Though Link usually presented a noble exterior to the outside world, it was
usually for the purpose of gathering support for his actions.

Hearing their words, Eliard looked at his compatriots around him in awe.

He suddenly had a clearer understanding of things.

Slaughter, cruelty, generosity, greed—all these things were simply a means to

an end. These tools would only be used when needed and discarded when they
had served their purposes. Most people usually made the mistake of confusing
means and ends and ended up losing themselves in the process.

Heaving a long sigh, Eliard sensed that the path ahead of him had become even
clearer. There were others like him walking the same path, and they were all
doing a great service to the human race.

"I understand." Eliard nodded.

Link then shuffled the papers in his hands and said to the others, "Alright then,
let's get started."

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Chapter 517: Seed of Sunlight

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
With the unique powers of different races for reference, the progress of Link's
team skyrocketed. They were practically in a different world.

With Link as the leader, the five members of the team all had their own

Vance had the most experience. He created the Battle Aura field single-
handedly. Battle Aura itself was a unique power. It just didn't seem as powerful
or versatile as Dragon Power or the power of demons. However, it gave Vance
rich experience, especially in his understanding of the human body. Thus, the
work of creating seeds was built on Vance's foundation. Eliard had a great
imagination, and his thoughts were creative. Many times, they broke through
bottlenecks with his creativity. Alloa, the Maiden of Truth, had remarkable
magical insight. This was an instinctive sensitivity to the truth. She could glance
at an idea and know if it had potential. Reality proved that she was always right.
This saved a lot of time. Secret Magician Eleanor had great attainments in the
Secret spells. Power seeds naturally touched on the target's soul. She was
experienced in this.

Finally, there was Link.

He was the most powerful; this gave him the widest vision. He also had the
richest knowledge of magic. He'd studied secret, elemental, spatial, and time
magic. In addition, he possessed grandmaster-level enchantment and alchemy
skills. He was pretty much a master at magic.

If this team was a ship steering through uncharted seas, then Link was the
captain deciding their direction.

The five worked day and night. Eliard and Eleanor had to rest occasionally, but
Link, Vance, and Alloa all had crazy bodies. They could work without stop.

This craze lasted for 20 days. Finally, they created the first successful power

The seed was packaged in a high-level crystal Mana bottle. It looked like 30
milliliters of liquid. It was light blue and viscous. At closer inspection, one
could see semi-transparent vortexes constantly flashing in and out of existence.
It also radiated with a strange aura.
"For some reason, this aura reminds me of sunlight, like sunbathing on a
summer afternoon at the beach." Vance provided a very poetic description.

Hearing this, Eliard's eyes brightened. He laughed. "Yes, I have a similar

feeling. It has to be the beach by Ferde's pier. You lie on the fine sand and
watch the merchant ships in the distance come and go. Seagulls fly in the air,
the wind isn't heavy, but it's still there—"

"Alright, it's just an aura," Eleanor cut him off, not able to bear it anymore.
"There isn't that much to talk about. But it really does feel like sunlight. In that
case, let's call it the Seed of Sunlight?"

"Seed of Sunlight? That name is nice, and it's similar to its effect." Alloa nodded
in agreement. "As long as the person has human blood, it can fuse with the seed
and become effective. Just like sunlight, anyone who can feel it will benefit."

It was just a name; Link obviously didn't have complaints. "Then let's call it
that. Now, let's begin the next step. Find some volunteers and test its effects."

This seed of power was already very refined and had no theoretical problems;
no one could ensure that it didn't have potential flaws. They must experiment on
a human to create a true seed.

"It's best to find a volunteer from the army. We need Jacker," Vance said.

Link thought this too, so he summoned Jacker. The man arrived within five

After receiving Epic Battle Art, he didn't stop training and improved quickly.
He was only a step away from breaking into Level-8 and was a very powerful
Warrior now.

Link met with him alone in the library. After arriving, Jacker saluted. "Lord,
what are your orders?"

Link pointed at the crystal bottle on the table. "We created a new power seed.
It's similar to the Dragon Power of dragons and the power of nature of the High
Elves. It's new though. We need to verify its effects."
Jacker's eyes brightened. "Understood," he said immediately. "I'll find a Warrior
right away. Are there any special requirements?"

"No physical requirements; a regular person would be fine. This must be kept a
secret, so the Warrior must be loyal. It's best if he doesn't have any special
background. As for the number, 100 would be good."

"No problem. Lord, give me one day's time," Jacker said.

"You can go now."

Jacker turned to leave while Link returned to the alchemy room with the seed.
Clapping, he said to his four companions, "Alright, let's prepare at least 100
seeds now. Let's go."

Allen was 18 this year and was very young. Thanks to the rich food of the Ferde
army and hard training every day, he was muscular and strong. He was more
than six feet tall and weighed more than 180 pounds. If not for his youthful
features, he would look like a 30-year-old man.

Despite his age, he was a veteran already. When he was 16, the king of Delonga
had gone crazy. He'd been separated from his family during the chaos and fled
all the way from the South. He didn't have anything other than his life when he
arrived at Ferde. Coincidentally, Ferde had been recruiting soldiers. He'd been a
bag of bones at the time but had a large frame, so he'd been recruited. Almost
two years had passed.

He'd fought in the border war last year and killed more than 20 Undead
Warriors. Now, he was a captain in charge of more than 50 soldiers. His
strength had reached Level-4 too. He didn't have to care about food or
necessities in the army; he could even receive two gold coins for his monthly

To him, Ferde was now his homeland, and the army was his family.

This place contained his brothers, comrades, and the glory he yearned for. Even
if his family were alive and wanted him to go back to the South, he would
refuse. The South was too messy compared to Ferde.
Today, he returned from the training field and was wiping his sweat in his own
room when the door suddenly opened. A middle-aged man stood in the
doorway. He had a gold star pinned on his chest—he was an associate general.
Allen knew this man. It was General Rotokan, commander of his corps. He was
a Level-6 Warrior.

"General!" Allen immediately straightened and saluted.

General Rotokan nodded. He studied this spirited youth, appreciation flashing

past his eyes. "Allen, there is a mission," he said. "It's very dangerous, but if you
succeed, you'll become a major and have authority over 500 soldiers."

As soon as he finished, Allen replied without hesitation, "General, I'll definitely

complete the mission!"

"Very good. Remember, this is a mission announced personally by the lord.

Don't disappoint me," Rotokan reminded.

Allen's heart started pounding; his body was even trembling. This was the lord's
mission. Did this mean that he would have the chance to see the lord in person?

He was so excited. To the soldiers, even though Marshal Jacker was just a
human, he was extremely powerful and had a high status. One would feel
honored to meet him. The lord of Ferde, though, was from legends. He was an
undefeatable war god—able to do anything, was impossibly wise, and extremely

Practically every soldier's dream was to be appreciated by the lord. They would
feel unparalleled honor even if they could only exchange a phrase. Now, he
received the lord's mission! What did he do to deserve this?

"General, I know!" Allen almost yelled.

"Good. Come with me but keep low. This is a secret mission."

Hearing this, Allen forced down his excitement. He put on his armor and tried to
act normal.

He followed the general outside the training grounds and climbed onto a black
carriage. There were three other soldiers there.
The four stared at each other. They wanted to speak but remembering that this
was a secret mission, they kept silent.

After a while, the carriage rode out of the camp and all the way to a big house in
the inner city of Scorched Ridge. After getting out of the carriage, Allen saw
that there were almost 100 other youths like him. They all had repressed
excitement on their faces. He knew many of them too—they were all elites of
the army.

Seems that many people are here for the secret mission. I have to work hard!
Allen thought.

The other youths had similar thoughts. They looked at each other, feeling
slightly competitive.

More carriages arrived after that. When there were close to 100 people, the
carriages stopped coming. After a while, Marshal Jacker actually came.

He announced some rules. Basically, they would rest at this house tonight and
head to the Mage Tower tomorrow morning.

Since the marshal was announcing this personally and they'd go to the lord's
Mage Tower, the youths went "crazy." Thankfully, they were soldiers. Ferde's
military discipline was very strict. Even though they were totally excited now,
they didn't dare make a sound with the marshal present.

When Jacker finally left, they immediately started discussing amongst


"What kind of secret mission is this? We're even going to the Mage Tower."

"Is it to use a portal? The type of magic that sends you hundreds of miles

"It's time to accomplish something!"

"We might see the lord tomorrow. What if I can't fall asleep tonight?"
All sorts of voices sounded in a cacophony. Allen listened quietly without
speaking. He clenched his fists and thought, No matter what, I must accomplish
this mission perfectly!

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Chapter 518: Birth of the Sunlight Warriors

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was four in the morning, and the morning light outside was still dim.

Allen had woken up half an hour earlier. He had been sleeping on a wide bed
with the other Warriors. He looked around him and saw that the others had
woken up as well.

With a mission and the pressure of a face-to-face meeting with the lord himself
hanging over them, no one managed to sleep at all.

The door slammed open. It was Marshal Jacker standing in the threshold. He
barked, "Everyone up, we'll be heading off soon!"

As soon as he finished, there was an instant commotion in the room. Everyone

got out of the bed at the same time. All of them were all dressed up and ready
for their orders, including Allen.

"Good!" Jacker looked at his soldiers with a satisfied air. "Now, go out on the
courtyard and stand in four groups!"

In no more than five seconds, all one hundred of them arrived at the courtyard
and stood in four neat rows. Other than the sound of their footsteps, the
Warriors made not a sound as they stood in place.

When Jacker got to the courtyard, he waved a hand at them. "Let's go!"

The dawn sky was still dark, and they could barely see signs of human life on
the streets. With soft, hurried steps, the troop of Warriors headed towards the
looming Mage Tower in the distance.
Even after having undergone expansion, the Scorched Ridge was still no more
than 500 square feet. The procession of Warriors managed to reach one of the
doorways on the side of the Mage Tower.

Jacker knocked on the door, which evaporated into points of light.

"Follow me." Jacker beckoned at his troop, who all obeyed his command.

Behind the door was a wide pathway. On both sides of the pathway stood two
rows of magic lights, which illuminated their surroundings. The walls around
the pathway were arranged neatly, its material soothing to the eye and beautiful
like jade. The Warriors looked around them in awe and reverence as they
walked along the pathway.

Allen too had the same reaction as the others. He also sensed that the pathway
would turn once after walking a certain distance. When they had turned a third
time on the pathway, Allen calculated the total distance they had traveled and
came to a conclusion. We've been going up a slope on a square pathway.

When they had walked for a few more minutes, Allen grew more confused. The
Mage Tower should only be ten or so acres wide and a hundred feet tall, he
thought. But we've been walking on this road for more than a few thousand feet,
and there's still no end in sight.

The other Warriors were also visibly perplexed by this, as they began to feel
that something odd was going on.

However, not a word came from Jacker. He remained unfazed by the seemingly
endless journey. The Warriors had no choice but to keep their confusion to
themselves and obediently march on behind Jacker.

Just like that, the group of Warriors marched on upslope for 20 miles along the
illuminated pathway. Some of the Warriors were already sweating profusely and
gasping for air.

Allen sensed that he could not take much of the exertion any longer. For some
reason, he felt that his body was somewhat heavier than usual. His feet sank
heavy on the ground with each step he took as if they were made out of lead.
Allen would have been fine walking for 20 miles through the mountains without
feeling any strain on his lungs. However, the path they were on at the moment
did not seem like an ordinary mountain trek.

A few Warriors had already collapsed to the ground, continuing the rest of their
journey on all fours. This was really tiring.

"Marshal, are we there yet?" one of the Warriors blurted out.

Marshal Jacker still seemed undaunted. His answer was the same as before.
"We're almost there. Just hold on for a bit."

The Warriors were left with no other option than to gnash their teeth and soldier

They continued on for ten more miles. The pathway seemed almost endless.
Completely spent at this point, most of the Warriors had simply given up
walking on two legs and now crawled on all fours.

If it were not for the fact that they had been given good food and sufficient
training every day, these Warriors would have been lying motionless on the
ground a long time ago.

Sweat dripped from Allen like rain. He was the youngest in his group. Though
the others were around 20 years of age, he had reached Level-4 power, making
him one of the more powerful Warriors in his squadron. He was also
considerably strong. There were few among his peers who could rival him in
terms of strength. He was especially gifted in the art of combat. How else was
he able to slay more than 20 Undead Warriors in Girvent Forest without a
scratch on him?

At this point, out of the hundred Warriors in his squadron, he was the only one
left standing. However, he was now gnashing his teeth as he took each step with
apparent difficulty.

I need to keep on standing. I'm the strongest one here, I need to keep on going!
screamed Allen's mind.

As they continued on up the pathway, some of the Warriors had already lagged
behind Allen. These Warriors now lay on the ground motionless, taking in huge
gulps of air like fish out of water. Their bodies had all but failed them
completely, and their minds were already floating in and out of consciousness.

White light enveloped their bodies. The next moment, they had completely

The other Warriors were oblivious to their compatriots' vanishing act. They
were all too focused on marching forward to worry about anyone else.

There still seemed to be no end to the path ahead of them. One by one, the
Warriors began dropping out of the group, their number steadily declining.

Sweat flowed from Allen's forehead, blurring his vision. However, he did not
wipe it out of his eyes. His hands dangled heavily beside him, and he was too
tired to raise them up to his face. Allen could only blink away the sweat that had
dripped down his face as he resolutely continued his journey.

HIs lungs were now on fire. His heart beat like tambourines, which sent
shockwaves through every blood vessel in his body. His legs had gone numb
from the climb for some time now. They ground torturously against their hip
joints with each step he made.

Still, he pressed on. Instead of crawling on the ground or leaning against the
walls on both sides of the pathway, he resolutely kept pace with Marshal
Jacker's gait in front of him.

After what seemed like an eternity, Marshal Jacker finally stopped. Sweat had
now glistened on his forehead, and he was also slightly panting for breath. He
turned around at Allen with a weary smile. "You're quite the sturdy one, aren't

After trudging on for so long, the young man was already close to fainting. Still,
his legs persevered on instinctively, and he would probably have walked himself
to death if Jacker had let him do so. This was indeed a Warrior of unwavering

Allen smiled weakly back at him. He then hunched over to prop himself against
his knees, as he took in huge gulps of air.
At that moment, their surroundings shifted. They now found themselves in a
spacious hall, where the other Warriors were lying on square platforms.

After regaining a bit of his strength, he lifted an arm to wipe the sweat off his
forehead. He then saw a black-haired Magician on the far side of the great hall.
Though he could not clearly see his face, the figure exuded an indescribably
oppressive air, as if he was the center of the universe himself.

That must be the Lord of Ferde. Allen's heart shook with excitement. Without
warning, he felt his body being lifted up into the air, and then he landed on one
of the stone platforms.

A clear voice resounded in the great hall. "Warriors, do you see the vial beside
your platform?"

Allen turned and saw a trough beside his platform. A crystal vial with a cork on
it was placed in the trough.

The voice spoke again. "This is the Seed of Sunlight. It will restructure and
strengthen your body once you drink it. You will all be endowed with Sunlight

Allen's eyes widened with amazement upon hearing this. Some of the more
impatient Warriors had already uncorked their vials and drank its contents in
one gulp.

Allen was a bit more cautious than the rest. He hesitated for a moment. His
limbs still sore from his journey, he feared that his grip would not be firm
enough and that he might accidentally spill the Seed of Sunlight from its vial.

After hesitating for half a minute, Allen finally decided to take the crystal vial.
He uncorked it and poured the fragrant, light blue liquid into his mouth.

Once the liquid slid down his throat, Allen felt an inferno raging down his throat
and into his stomach. From there, the heat spread out rapidly to all parts of his

At first, Allen only felt his body temperature rising. Soon after, he could feel a
sharp pain cutting through flesh, bone, and blood vessels like a knife.
There were now shrieks of pain around him. Some of the Warriors roared out in
excruciating agony. Someone had fallen from their stone platforms onto the
ground, where he rolled around as if trying to put out an invisible fire around
him. Suspecting that they were all given poison, a few others angrily mumbled
curses into the air.

Though he could still withstand the pain, Allen too felt a sense of suspicion
rising in him. Could it really be poison?

At that moment, the voice resonated once more in the great hall.

"Warriors, power does not come out of thin air. The strong do not simply
descend from the heavens. Only through fire can steel be forged; only through
countless battles and bloodshed can a Warrior's spirit be nurtured."

An epiphany came over Allen. That's right, one must experience great pain to
become strong. How will any of us be able to attain greater power if we all fall
under the weight of this ordeal right now?

Resolve filled his heart once more. He gritted his teeth and lay on the platform,
letting the invisible knife carve through his body.

Only one thought surfaced in his mind. Our lord would not lie to us. I will make
this power mine... I will succeed, I must succeed...

Time passed. After what seemed like an age, Allen felt that the pain in his body
had subsided altogether. He now felt lighter and more at ease.

A mysterious power now lay within the depths of his body. This power was as
fiery, domineering and passionate as the afternoon sun. When Allen first felt its
presence, he also sensed that all the pain in his body had fled from him. This
new power rapidly spread out in him, at the same time rejuvenating his weary

"Is this Sunlight Power? It's really powerful!" Excitement sprang from Allen's
heart. Around him, he could hear shouts of joy and surprise from the other
Warriors. They too had received this great power.

The power within their bodies grew from their chests and then to all four limbs.
At last, a power circulation network had taken form inside their bodies.
The power in them continued expanding as it circulated through their bodies.
Half an hour later, Allen could feel that the power's rate of growth had started to
slow down and stabilize itself.

Still, Allen felt that he was now a few times more powerful than before. He
could also feel that his new power seemed inexhaustible and that he did not
need to worry about using it up.

The clear voice spoke up again in the great hall. "Congratulations! Most of you
were able to endure the experience and received Sunlight Power as a reward.
From now on, you are now the Sunlight Warriors of Ferde."

In the air, runes shaped like a golden sun appeared and drifted down slowly to
the wrists of every Warrior who had successfully attained Sunlight Power.

There was a sizzling sound, and Allen felt a sharp pain from his wrist.
Panicking, he lifted his sleeve and saw that a golden rune was branded on his
wrist. The rune's design was complicated, but he was able to make out the shape
of a sword on it. The sword was in turn surrounded by a number of golden stars.

Allen counted six stars on the rune. He turned to the Warrior beside him and
saw that the rune on his wrist bore four stars on it. Out of the Warriors in the
great hall, only Allen had six stars around his rune.

Just then, Allen noticed that his sight had improved tremendously. He was able
to see the little points of light on the wrist of a Warrior standing ten feet away.

The voice spoke again. "Allen, you possess incredible willpower and have
endured the most pain out of anyone else. As your reward, I have bestowed
upon you the strongest Sunlight Power among your squadron."

A pale golden sword floated in the air towards him. Under the envious gaze of
the other Warriors, Allen accepted the sword with both hands.

He saw that the light glinting off the sword was as clear as a stream, the runes
on it elegant like a master painting. He grasped the sword's handle, and the
sword instantly resonated with the Sunlight Power in his body. Golden light
shone out from the sword. On it appeared a row of golden words which read,
"May sunlight illuminate the world."
Allen's chest swelled with pride. He rose up and held his sword up high.

Everyone looked at him with admiration and envy. With the sword in his hand,
Allen had nothing to fear. He could sense that the Lord of Ferde was also
looking at him, his eyes filled with encouragement.

I, Allen, will become the strongest Warrior in Ferde! Allen swore adamantly to

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Chapter 519: Ferde’s Sunlight Army

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mage Tower, alchemy room

Link, Vance, and the other three were concluding the results of the experiment
for the first generation of Seeds of Sunlight.

"The results look good. Of the 100, 97 became much stronger," Link said.
"Though the power of the three didn't change, they still received the strength of
sunlight." He drank some fire wine. He was quite satisfied with this result.

Vance nodded too. This result was beyond his expectations. He'd thought that it
would be good enough if they could have a success rate of 80%. Now, they
practically had no failures.

However, everyone in this team saw things from different angles during the
fusing process. They obviously had different opinions too.

"The high success rate is related to the fact that they're all elites," Alloa said
calmly. "I saw the entire process. I think it's still too painful. It's okay for these
elites, but for regular soldiers, the success rate will decrease greatly. Should we
revise it further?"

Eleanor shook her head. "I don't think so. This is good too. As the saying goes,
harsh fire creates true gold. Only after extreme pain can the Seed of Sunlight
enter deep into the soul. Only then can the Sunlight Warrior have more potential
for growth."

Alloa and Eleanor's opinion was completely different. "But the success rate
would be much lower," she argued. "We have a high rate now, but when we
move to regular soldiers, I would be surprised if 50% could survive. Each
soldier only has one chance. This will greatly affect the expansion of the
Sunlight Warriors."

The critical part was that each soldier only had one chance at the fusion. If they
missed it, then they missed it.

Both had very clear standpoints.

Eleanor wanted to create elites. She wanted the Sunlight Warriors to become
truly powerful figures in the future!

Alloa, though, saw the advantage in number. In her opinion, the soldiers only
had to be at the standard level. There was no need to go for the extreme. While
ensuring quality, they could add on more numbers. When there were enough
soldiers, the combat ability would improve in quality as well. This was the root
of an army's strength.

Eliard didn't speak until now. Hearing this, he shrugged. "Why don't we
separate it? One method for elites and one for regular soldiers."

As soon as he spoke, Vance waved his hand. "No, that's not fair to the soldiers.
Everyone should at least have the chance to choose. And how do you
differentiate between elites and regular people? Potential is hard to see. You'll
never know what a soldier can accomplish in the future."

With that, he looked to Link and shrugged. "Take Link for example. When I
saw him a year ago, I had no clue he would rise to the Legendary level so
quickly. If we use Eliard's idea, we might miss a future genius!"

He was right too. Letting every soldier have the right to choose was
enlightening. The soldiers would definitely support it if they knew. However,
both Eleanor and Alloa disagreed.
Eleanor waved her hand quickly. "No, no, no, that won't do. Regular soldiers
don't understand the Seed of Sunlight. If they're allowed to choose, they would
definitely choose the most painful method, either due to their impatience to rise
up or envy of the strong. The lower option would practically become a dummy.
The failure rate would still be high."

Alloa went even deeper. "Mortals are always controlled by different emotions.
They have limited knowledge as well and just can't see the truth. Giving regular
soldiers the right to choose is good treatment, but we won't be able to maximize
our growth. The northern army is already preparing to come southward. We
must become stronger as fast as possible. We can't use your method."

Vance threw his hands up, speechless. Both of them made sense, and he couldn't
refute them.

Seeing this stalemate, everyone looked to Link for his decision. He already had
a mature idea in mind. Chuckling, he said, "As the saying goes, your first
impression of someone will be wrong. It'll be wrong after a day too. But after
one year, you won't be wrong. My idea is that we can have the soldiers choose
but without telling them."

This intrigued everyone. They waited for Link to continue.

"There are 30,000 official soldiers in Ferde. It's not much. We can increase
Tower Spirit Lily's functions and secretly put all the soldiers into the
observation range. We'll set some testing standards as well and rate them from
the details of their everyday lives. We can watch for a while. It's the first
generation of Sunlight Warriors, after all. One year isn't needed, so how about
one month? Those with high scores will use the elite method. Those with lower
scores will use the regular method. We can become more specific too and split
the methods into different levels. Like five levels with different scores. What do
you all think?"

Judging a soldier's potential from their daily lives was very objective. As long
as they set logical standards, they wouldn't make any mistakes after observing
for one month. The soldiers were technically choosing for themselves too.

The four exchanged glances and nodded in agreement.

"In that case, let's start. We have a lot to do."

The five began working in a flurry again. Upgrading Lily and large-scale
production of the Seeds of Sunlight could only be done by them. It was a lot of

Link was responsible for 60% of the work. The other four divided the rest
equally. Even so, they were still all exhausted.

Another month passed like this. Working so hard wasn't without its benefits

Link was constantly using up all his power. His Dragon Power limit kept rising
as he used it without stopping. It rose almost 1000 points, reaching 17,000 in
total. He also had many inspirations for spells during the process.

The other four benefited a lot too. They were practically learning and working at
the same time, receiving great knowledge from Link.

Eliard especially gave himself the most difficult Seed of Sunlight after finishing
all the work at the end of the month. He survived it and received Level-9
Sunlight Power. His magic knowledge improved quickly as well. He grasped a
Level-8 spell and officially became a Level-8 Magician.

The first week of the month was spent on modifying the tower spirit and
inputting the soldiers' names. Then they worked on creating Seeds of Sunlight
for the next three weeks.

During the process, the five modified their production method and raised their
speed hundreds of times. They created 50,000 bottles within three weeks.

After observing the soldiers for three weeks, the tower spirit had a general rating
of each soldier. Their scores were out too.

What came next was the large-scale fusing.

This was mechanical and repetitive work. Link didn't want to do it, so he made
Vance responsible. He went back to his regular routine and tried out his new
inspiration. When he had time, he would wander around his territory or
accompany Celine. His days were comfortable.

Once he was relaxed, time flew by. Another half a month passed in a blink.
Today, Link was reading the fusion reports in the Mage Tower.

The situation was quite good. The regular soldiers all increased one level with
the Seed of Sunlight. On average, they were at the pinnacle of Level-3. This was
a scary number. The demon army from earlier had only been at this level too.

Those with the biggest improvements were the generals who were stronger to
begin with. They had strong willpower and used the most difficult fusion
method. It was greatly effective. There were almost 100 Level-7 Warriors now.

There were also some geniuses like Allen. Lily chose them, and they used the
most difficult method on him. On average, they reached Level-5 or higher and
had a greater potential. It was a great gain.

As the marshal, Jacker naturally chose the most painful method and succeeded.
He suddenly became a Sunlight Warrior at the pinnacle of Level-8. He was now
the strongest soldier in the army.

Sunlight Power was similar to Dragon Power.

It was practically equal to Dragon Power in terms of fast recovery. This ensured
a soldier's endurance in battle. It could also heal. Though it wasn't as crazy as
demonic power, it could still lower the casualty rate.

There was also a unique attribute. Under the sun, a Sunlight Warrior's attributes
would increase. If they were under the sun when close to dying and had strong
enough willpower, they could recover just by sunbathing.

Link had a deep knowledge of each type of Warrior's combat ability. He

estimated that his Sunlight Warriors could completely counter a demon of the
same level. This way, Ferde possessed a Sunlight Army of 30,000 that could
fight demons face to face.

This huge force could change the entire state of the continent.

Putting down the report, Link walked to the window. Seeing the camp filled
with sunlight and confident soldiers, he was very satisfied.
It isn't enough though. They don't have sufficient equipment. Ferde also lacks
the ability to respond to a large-scale magic attack. All these things need to

Having magic equipment that corresponded with the Sunlight Warrior's strength
could double their combat ability. Paired with the strict military discipline, they
might be able to completely crush the demons.

Of course, this required a great amount of resources and money. Things had to
be taken step by step. Link couldn't do it alone either. For example, Eliard was
already close to Level-9. If he was trained a bit more and broke into the
Legendary level, he could become Link's, right-hand man.

Just as he was planning further, Link's heart jumped. It was the communication

The signal is from Southmoon Kingdom. Something must have happened.

Seems that the Syndicate still hasn't given up. In this case, I'll have to visit…
Yes, I'll bring Eliard too. He's still too naïve and should have some more

Thinking of this, Link used a life detection spell to find Eliard. Then he used
Telepathy. "I'm going to Southmoon to take care of something. Do you want to

"Of course," Eliard replied immediately. He'd wanted to travel through the
continent for a long time.

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Chapter 520: I Leave This Matter to You, Eliard

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The wind roared in Eliard's ears as the world below blurred past him. He had
never experienced such speed.
"Ahhh! This is way too fast! How is this even possible?" he screamed into the
howling wind. He was always the first to express his awe and excitement
whenever he saw something new and exciting.

His excited screams continued on for about an hour, before Fullmoon City, the
capital of Southmoon Kingdom, finally appeared in front of them.

When the two of them landed, Eliard's head was still spinning. He said
incredulously, "That was really fast."

Southmoon Kingdom was 1500 miles away from Scorched City. Still, they
managed to reach there in no more than an hour.

Link laughed. "The speed I was traveling at just now was 600 feet per second,
which translates to more than 2000 miles per hour. I'd say we made it just in

Eliard exclaimed breathlessly, "So this is Legendary power? This is quite an

eye-opener for me."

Despite having flown at such blinding speed and at such a height, Link did not
seem exhausted whatsoever. One could not help but marvel at the power he

Link chuckled. "No need to look at me like that. Work hard, and you'll reach
Level-10 one day as well. When that day comes, I'll teach you the Void Walk
technique myself."

"It's a spatial spell, isn't it? I don't think I'll be able to learn it right." Eliard
wanted to, but knowing the obscene difficulty of spatial magic, he feared that he
might not be up to the task.

"It's just a spell that lets you get from one place to another quickly. It's not that
difficult... Up ahead is Full Moon City. Here, take this runestone." Link landed
beside Eliard and handed him a communication rune.

Eliard took it and then asked strangely, "Why? Aren't we going in together?"

"Of course not, this will be your personal mission. You'll need to make contact
with representatives of Grinth Magical Academy. Then, after presenting
yourself to the king of Southmoon Kingdom, see if there's anything strange
happening within the city. You'll need to do all this yourself. As for me, I'll be
carrying out my own investigations from the shadows of the city. If you think
you can't handle any of it any longer, just use the runestone to contact me."

His responsibilities as the Lord of Ferde, as well as the fact that his every action
was always under scrutiny, was starting to wear on Link. As Eliard was now a
fully-fledged Magician, this was the perfect opportunity to train Eliard on the
job while also letting him handle some of Link's more tedious tasks.

Eliard did not expect to be given such a task. This was the Syndicate they were
dealing with after all; he should not expect Link to take care of everything
himself. Besides, this should not pose a problem to a Level-8 Magician with
Level-9 power like himself.

Eliard and Link were different in a number of ways.

Ever since coming to this world, Link had been all over the place without
stopping to rest. To him, the world of Firuman held no secrets at this point.
Now, he simply wished to put everything down and rest for a bit. On the other
hand, Eliard had spent much of his time cooped up in the Mage Tower, studying
magic diligently. To him, there was still a lot to be seen in the outside world.
This diplomatic visit to Southmoon Kingdom was also his first time seeing the
outside world from a Pinnacle master's point of view.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything beautifully on your behalf," said Eliard

Link smiled. "Good. Now go. If there's any trouble, don't forget the defensive
runestone I just gave you."

"Don't worry too much about me, haha. Well, I'm off." The enthusiastic look on
Eliard's face evoked in Link the image of a child who was just raring to leave
his nest and venture off into the great unknown.

When he finished speaking, Eliard cast a Level-5 Mongoose Agility spell on

himself and sped towards the gates of Full Moon City.
Link finally heaved a sigh as he saw Eliard reach the city gates in the distance.
He puffed up his chest, then jumped for a bit on the spot, feeling a lot lighter
and freer all of a sudden.

Right now, he was neither the Lord of Ferde nor a Legendary Magician. He was
simply Link, a normal tourist who had come to Full Moon City looking for fun
and adventure. Of course, this was all in jest. Ethereal Warriors were not to be
trifled with. He needed to concentrate on the matter at hand.

He realized that his clothing was a bit too gaudy. A black battle robe with silver
linings and a dark red cape might not look too distracting, but an attentive
observer would be able to sense that he was no ordinary traveler. He needed to
change it a bit.

With a nudge of his will, his body began to shimmer. The light instantly
transformed into form-fitting, dark green, leather armor. Dangling from his
waist was the Dragon King's Fury sword.

When he was done, Link conjured a mirror in front of him to check on his new

Armor's too new. Better give it a bit of wear here and there. Signet's too
conspicuous as well, better keep it. The Dragon King's Fury sword looks a bit
too elegant, better change it up a bit. Body's way too clean to resemble an
ordinary wanderer. Let's dirty myself up a bit... almost there.

When he was done with his makeover, Link was now wearing somewhat worn-
out leather armor. A normal steel sword dangled from his waist in place of the
Dragon King's Fury sword. He had also cut an inch of his hair. With his face
covered with dust, he now looked like a run-of-the-mill mercenary.

When everything was settled, Link began walking towards Full Moon City.

After entering the city, Link strolled around the place and hung out at a local
tavern where mercenaries from all walks of life had gathered for drinks and
gossip. Two hours later, he had a better understanding of what was going on
recently in Full Moon City.

On the surface, everything seemed in order, but there was also talk of a gang of
fearsome bandits terrorizing the mercantile route on the city's south side.
These bandits had appeared half a month ago. They came and went as they
pleased. Any unfortunate traveling merchants passing through the area were all
brutalized by them.

Before, this particular stretch of road was always busy with people and
caravans. It was one of the most important passages leading towards Southmoon
Kingdom. Now, the road was completely sealed off by these bandits.

Of course, the king did not succumb to their demands.

For the past month, he had used up all kinds of methods to flush out these
hooligans. He had even resorted to dispatching a thousand cavalrymen to
resolve the problem, but they all returned unsuccessful. The bandits had simply
avoided direct confrontation with the king's soldiers.

Left with no other choice, the king had put up a bounty on the heads of these
bandits. When Link came to the city, the bounty had risen to 3000 gold pieces.

As a result, many mercenaries had flocked to Full Moon City, ready to do

whatever it took to lay their hands on that bounty.

Right now, Link was in a bar called "Gear Up Tavern" on the south side of the
city. Though the tavern might seem small, the mercenaries who had gathered
here had an above average power level, the weakest among them being Level-4.
If there was anyone in this city who could pull this job off, it would certainly be
any one of the mercenaries in this tavern.

Link sat in a corner of the tavern at the moment, a glass of beer and a plate of
fried green beans set in front of him. As he absently chewed on his food, he
listened closely to the gossiping mercenaries around him. The other portion of
his concentration was directed to the Dragon King's Fury sword on his waist.

His Dragon Power's recovery rate was now at 45 points per second, which was
almost equal to the Red Dragon Queen's. As he had no use for his Dragon
Power at the moment, he thought it would be better to recharge the Dragon
King's Fury sword with it. With enough Dragon Power, the sword might be able
to unlock a new level.

The mercenaries in the tavern were all busy chatting about the bandits.
"I hear these bandits have some mysterious power. I heard from one of the
cavalrymen that they could shapeshift. When he stabbed his sword at one of the
bandits, his body instantly turned into water. When he pulled his sword out, the
bandit came out unharmed."

"Isn't that magic? What's so mysterious about that?"

"If any one of them turns into water, we'll just chuck one of those dwarven
explosives at them. Even if he turns completely into water, he'll still be blown
into pieces by the explosion."

"Your talk is cheap. If they're giving even the kingdom's calvarymen a hard
time, these bandits must be something. I don't know if any of us will be able to
get the bounty this time."

"There's got to be someone capable around here. What's to fear?"

Everyone nodded in agreement at that and then poured their beers down their
throats. When they were done, the mercenaries opened up a new topic between

There was a silence in the tavern for a moment. Then, someone said, "I hear the
North is preparing for war again."


"I see."


All kinds of noises were raised in response to the news. Then, everyone waited
for the mercenary from the North to elaborate further on the subject.

The mercenary took another gulp of his beer and sighed. "A month ago, I was in
Gladstone City. I saw with my own two eyes a large number of Warriors and
cargo being transported towards the iron line of defense. I also heard from the
folks who had just gotten back from the Black Forest that the Dark Elf scum had
started summoning creatures from the Isomerism Realm."

The tavern fell silent again. Then one of them angrily cursed, "Dark Elf scum!"
"Nothing good ever came from them pointy ears, I'll tell ya! The other day, I
met this High Elf wanderer. With that haughty look of his, I really wanted to
pull his head down!"

"Are you talking about..."

The conversation had gone off in all kinds of directions among the mercenaries.
Link could not care less about them at this point. He had gotten what he wanted.
He was now sure that the bandits they were talking about were Ethereal
Warriors, and from the mercenaries' accounts, they only seemed to have a
normal power level.

The bandits were simply testing how far the Lord of Ferde himself would
meddle with Southmoon Kingdom's affairs.

Link decided that his best course of action for now was to wait for the enemy to
make their first move. If Eliard could not deal with things on his own, Link
would need to step in and take matters into his own hands.

Right now, he deserved all the rest he could get. He had been way too occupied
with things back in Ferde.

He rested the back of his head against his hands, propped his legs up on the
table and continued eating his green beans as he listened to the mercenaries'
chatter almost nonchalantly.

He then saw a 30-year-old archer enter the tavern.

The man's face was extremely handsome. It was also adorned with a pair of
sideburns that exuded virility. His eyes belonged to someone who had seen
much of the world. His Battle Aura was Level-7, befitting his weathered look,
and his long gorilla arms that indicated his mastery of the bow.

With such power, he must have quite the reputation as a mercenary.

As he entered, the tavern went silent. Link then heard someone mutter, "Look,
Eagle-eye Irvan's here."

Eagle-eye Irvan?
Link had heard of this name before. In the game world, he was an excellent
mercenary. However, in one mission, he had the misfortune of coming across a
Fodor Flaming Demon who tore him up and swallowed him whole, leaving
nothing but a boot behind. Link's mission back then had been to track the Fodor
Flaming Demon by following the aura left on Irvan's boot.

In this world, the demons did not make their way down south which meant that
Irvan was still alive and well.

The man looked around him and walked towards Link, as his table was the only
one left with an empty seat. He said to Link, "Put your foot down, mate!"

Link did not move an inch and instead just looked at him sideways. "There's
plenty of space here. Sit wherever you like."

He was now one of the vulgar mercenaries in the tavern, and normal
mercenaries had no business with decorum or manners. The only thing that
mattered to these people was the size of their fists, and only those with big fists
had the right to speak.

Right now, he wanted to know a bit more about this Eagle-eye fellow, and what
better way to make a friend here than a good old-fashioned bout of fisticuffs?

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Chapter 521: I’ll Discipline Him for You!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Gear Up Tavern

With Link's words, the mercenaries in the tavern knew that it was time to fight.
Everyone spun around, picked up their cups, and got ready to watch the show.

Mercenaries didn't care about right or wrong. It was just a battle of power.

If Link could beat Irvan, then he was right. People would laugh at Irvan for
overestimating his own power and look for a beating.
If Link lost, then he would be the classic example of pretending to be cool. He'd
instantly become a laughingstock and wouldn't be able to stay in the tavern.

Irvan furrowed his brows. He was an archer and didn't like to have conflicts
over such a small thing. But he knew the rules between mercenaries. If he
surrendered and left now, his reputation as Eagle Eye would be gone. Others
would say he was a coward. He had to go up and teach this guy a lesson.

Surrendering was not an option. Mercenaries depended on their reputation for a


This young man looked really average too. He wore old leather armor and was
covered in dust, his black hair tied back casually. He looked nothing more than
a poor mercenary. Irvan didn't believe he could be very skilled.

At this time, Link was still eating the green beans on his plate. He tossed the
beans up and opened his mouth, letting the beans fall in. The entire process was
filled with disdain. He totally ignored the archer beside him.

Irvan had wanted to treat this as a common scuffle, but Link's actions pissed
him off. Taking a deep breath, he said coldly, "Hey, you don't like me being
Eagle Eye, so you're here to look for trouble?"

Link side-eyed him and then closed his eyes. "What do you mean? I'm just
sitting here not doing anything. If someone's looking for trouble, it's probably

With that, he grabbed another bean to toss into his mouth.

When the bean was in mid-air, Irvan suddenly moved. His hand shot out like
lightning to take his bow. At the same time, he knocked the arrow against the
bowstring. Whizz. The arrow shot out, going straight for the bean Link had
tossed up.

He wanted to hit the bean so the other would know how skilled he was. This
action had a special term in the mercenary world—show-off. They would use
this when they didn't want to create true conflict.
Show-offs usually happened inside the city because cities had guards and laws.
Killing or hurting someone there was troublesome. If they were in the
wilderness, they would go straight for blood.

Take Irvan's action for example. If he shot the tiny bean in the air, it meant: I
can hit such a small thing in such a short time. It's just as easy for me to take
your life. If you're smart, surrender now!

This was something Eagle Eye could do easily before. Today, things were

Just as the arrow was about to hit the bean, Link suddenly blew some air.

Poof. The bean jumped up. The next moment, the arrow flew past under the
bean without hitting anything. After that, the bean continued falling. Link's head
didn't move at all. He just opened his mouth, and the bean fell in. He continued

When he was done, Link gazed at the arrow buried into the wooden wall.
Smiling, he said, "Don't shoot arrows when you're not skilled enough. If you hit
an innocent bystander, the king might drag you to the gallows."

Irvan huffed. He knew he'd met a match today, but he still wouldn't surrender.
He hadn't used all his power yet. It wasn't a big deal.

Thinking of that, he tossed his bow to the worker on the side. Rolling up his
sleeves, he threw a punch at Link's face. He didn't use any Battle Aura. It was
just pure physical strength.

As long as no one died, the city guards wouldn't care about a regular fight
without weapons or Battle Aura in a tavern full of mercenaries. Even if some
uppity guard wanted to get into their business, the tavern's owner would help get
rid of him.

Of course, if they damaged the tavern, they had to pay for it. That was the rule.

Irvan still held back some power for this punch. Otherwise, with his strength,
the opponent could die if he didn't defend himself in time. That would be
Even so, the commotion was shocking. Irvan was a Level-7 Warrior, after all.
His punch created a gust of wind, and before his fist reached Link, Link's hair
was already blown into a mess.

Many mercenaries in the tavern exclaimed instinctively. They predicted that

since Link was sprawled on the chair, he couldn't use much power. He definitely
couldn't dodge Irvan's punch and would get beaten to a pulp. He might even get
knocked unconscious.

But then Irvan's fist was blocked.

Link calmly raised his arm and grasped Irvan's fist. His body was at Level-11.
Facing this arrogant Level-7 archer was like a demon against a little boy. They
were in totally different leagues.

He was just clutching Irvan's fist, but the man felt that he'd punched iron. No
matter how he struggled, his fist wouldn't move.

Irvan immediately realized that he was facing a master. But he was at Level-7.
Though he wasn't almighty, he was still respected usually. No way he would
beg for mercy now.

Link didn't expect that either. He pushed the fist toward the side a bit, and Irvan
was forced back a few steps.

"Alright, archer. Go do what you need to do and stop bothering me."

After Irvan caught his balance, his face reddened. He snatched his bow from the
worker, glanced at Link, and walked away angrily. He couldn't stay in this
tavern any longer.

Link continued sitting with his feet propped, eating the beans. After a few
beans, he realized the mood was off. Turning, he saw all the mercenaries gaping
at him. It actually felt nice to be looked at like that. His mood improved and he

"Everyone, keep talking, keep talking. Don't look at me or else I'll get angry!"
The mercenaries gulped. They would remember this guy. Seeing that Link didn't
plan on talking to anyone, they started conversing amongst themselves again.
However, everyone kept away from Link so they wouldn't get in trouble.

On the other hand, Irvan left the tavern and walked quickly with his head down.
He didn't slow down until he left the area, but his face still felt hot.

It was truly humiliating this time.

He looked around, wanting to find somewhere to hide. When that damn fellow
walked out of the tavern, he would shoot the man's leg or stomach to make him
suffer. It would also make Irvan feel better.

But after thinking further, he forced down the urge. Whatever. That guy is so
powerful at such a young age. He would definitely improve more. If I miss, I'll
get a big enemy instead. It's not worth it.

He still couldn't bear the anger though. It felt horrible. Irvan's face turned livid
with his eyebrows down and lips pursed tightly as he sped down the street. It
was obvious he was frustrated.

Just as he walked, a familiar voice sounded before him. "Hey, Eagle Eye Irvan,
it's you, right… Yes, it's you. I knew Eagle Eye wouldn't pass up a reward of
3000 gold coins."

Irvan looked up to see a tired, smiling face. Beside the person was a woman
with flaxen-colored hair and a middle-aged Magician in a gray robe.

Seeing these three, Irvan muttered, "I was wondering why I was so unlucky
today. It's because you three grave robbers are here, bringing all the bad luck."

Skinorse wasn't upset at being called a grave robber. He chuckled at Morrigan.

"I bet this guy was taught a lesson by someone. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so

Morrigan studied Irvan and chuckled too. "I bet it's someone really powerful
and he didn't have any way to fight back. Eagle Eye, am I right?"
Priest Moya looked at Eagle Eye's expression. Seeing that he was about to
explode, she quickly comforted, "Alright, even the lord of Ferde wouldn't dare
say he's undefeatable. It's normal to meet a more powerful opponent. Irvan,
we're good friends. Tell us who you ran into?"

Moya wasn't ugly and had a gentle voice. Eagle Eye couldn't keep being angry
after being comforted like that. He sat down next to some flowers by the road
and let out a long sigh. "I just came out of Gear Up Tavern," he muttered.
"There's a young guy who took up an entire table by himself, even propping his
feet up. The tavern is filled with people. I wanted him to move, but I was kicked
out just after one move. How unlucky am I?"

As soon as he finished, Skinorse slapped his knee and burst into laughter.
"Unlucky, really unlucky. You lost all your dignity, hahaha, hehehe."

Seeing that Irvan was honestly about to explode, Moya cried out, "Okay,
Skinorse, if you're so skilled, then you go. Go discipline that young guy."

"Fine, I'll go. It's just some young guy. Irvan, I'll discipline him for you!"
Skinorse rolled up his sleeves and strode to the Gear Up Tavern.

Moya and Morrigan followed. Eagle Eye was angry at Skinorse's mockery, but
they were still friends and had worked together before. Now, Skinorse was
helping him, so he followed too.

The group powerfully strode into the tavern.

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Chapter 522: Legs Turned to Jelly

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Gear Up Tavern

Skinorse was not the type to think things through before opening his mouth.
However, he usually exercised great caution when he had to.
When he arrived at the tavern's entrance, he slowed down and took a deep
breath to calm himself down. He then raised a hand to wipe at his face, causing
it to slacken. His body was able to relax considerably as a result.

The high and mighty air he had assumed before was gone. He now looked like
an ordinary customer who was just about to enjoy a glass of beer in the tavern.

Still, he remained standing at the doorway, in no hurry to enter the tavern. He

then asked, "Where's he sitting at? What's he look like?"

Eagle Eye Irvan stood behind Morrigan, not daring to let himself be seen by the
people in the tavern. He replied in a low voice, "He's sitting on the leftmost
corner of the tavern. The guy looks 30, well-built, about six feet tall. He has a
steel sword on his waist. Oh, and he's got black hair and has his feet on the
table. When I left, he was eating fried green beans."

"Got it." Skinorse nodded. His eyes scanned the throng of people in the tavern
and finally found his mark. He muttered, "Can't believe the nerve of this guy.
Whole place's jam-packed with people, and he's got the whole table to himself."

Hearing this, Irvan muttered angrily back, "Right? And I was just about to teach
him a lesson for being so inconsiderate."

"Better be careful, though. If he's bold enough to do something like this, he

must have some skill himself," reminded Moya.

Morrigan said, "The place is teeming with masters of all shapes and sizes at this
time of year. Ski, it's not too late to pull out now."

Skinorse remained brimming with confidence. "Don't worry, why would an

actual master even come to a place like this? Besides, I've just reached Level-9,
and I'm only one level away from Legendary. What are the odds of finding a
Legendary master in this tavern?"

His words sounded reasonable enough. Moya and Morrigan could not find the
words to change his mind.

Skinorse then smoothed out his shirt, held his head high and walked into the
tavern in long strides. When he was inside, he let his eyes wander to the left side
of the tavern without making it seem too obvious.
With one glance in that direction, Skinorse's feet turned into jelly. He staggered
and nearly fell face-first to the ground.

He immediately stood up without saying a word, then turned to leave the tavern.
He passed Moya wordlessly still and kept on walking forward.

Seeing this, Irvan raised a brow and went up to ask, "Skinorse, you okay? Didn't
you just say you had just reached Level-9?"

Moya too sensed that something was off. "Skinorse, you having a fever?"

Morrigan the Magician was curious as to what had elicited such a reaction from
Skinorse. He entered the tavern and took a look around. When his eyes fell on
the leftmost corner, his legs too gave way beneath him. He then turned around
and hurriedly left the tavern.

When he caught up to Skinorse, there was a confused look on his face. He

looked at Skinorse and asked, "Skinorse, we're probably mistaken. I don't think
it's the same person."

Hearing this, bewilderment came across Skinorse's face. He had seen the black-
haired young man. His features matched Irvan's description exactly. The man
was leaning back on his chair, with his feet propped on the table as he leisurely
ate fried green beans from a plate.

At first, he had thought that it was the Lord of Ferde himself, but now, thinking
back, he could have been mistaken. The Lord of Ferde should be in Ferde right
now. Why would he be in there, dressed up as an ordinary mercenary?

"You're right. It's probably not the same person." Skinorse scratched his head,
still unsure of his words.

Moya listened to the conversation between them, puzzled. "What on earth are
you two talking about? Why can't I understand anything that you just said? Who
was that?"

Eagle Eye Irvan was now curious as well. "Who exactly is this person that gave
even a Level-9 master like yourself such a fright?"
Skinorse glared at him. "You'll soil your pants too if I were to tell you who he
really is."

Unable to restrain her curiosity, Moya decided to enter the tavern herself. She
wanted to take a look at whoever had frightened Skinorse so much.

Before entering, Moya pulled down her hood and then slowly walked towards
the tavern. After a few steps, she walked around one of the tables and casually
shot a glance to her left.

She furrowed her brows at what she saw.

Before her, a young man was leaning back lazily on his chair, his eyes almost
completely shut. His hair was unkempt, his body was covered with a layer of
dirt, and the stitching on some parts of his leather armor had frayed. He had all
the defining qualities of a ruffian.

Looking at the man for a few seconds, Moya did not notice anything peculiar
about him. Still confused, she exited the tavern and asked her three companions,
"Who did you mistake the man for?"

Skinorse glanced at Morrigan, who remained mute beside him. He then said to
her, "Don't you think that he looks almost like the Lord of Ferde himself?"

"The Lord of Ferde?" Moya shook her head. "Maybe. I was looking at him from
afar, so I can't say for sure. You must be mistaken. Why would the Lord himself
have the time to loiter around this place?"

This sounded reasonable enough.

Skinorse and Morrigan were more confident that they were mistaken now.

Irvan's heart thumped loudly against his chest as he listened to this. He tried to
sound unfazed by this. "This is rubbish. The Lord of Ferde is a Magician. That
ruffian back there is a sword-wielding vagrant. How exactly are they the same

Moya turned to him. "Shows how much you know. The Lord of Ferde is
extremely proficient in swordplay. He also usually carries a sword with him."
Irvan was shocked upon hearing this. He made a conscious effort to lick his lips
wet. He then looked at Skinorse. "Why don't you go back inside again and make
sure it's not really him?"

Without needing to be told twice, Skinorse headed back into the tavern. When
he was inside, he took a closer look at the man and then exited. "Thank god,
they only look like each other. The power he was giving off isn't quite the

Irvan let out a sigh of relief and asked, "Then why don't you go teach him a

"Well... I think it's better to let bygones be bygones." Skinorse was still wary
about this. The black-haired young man seemed way too nonchalant. He feared
that something might go awry.

"Coward!" teased Irvan.

"Fine, I'll go. It's just one mercenary. Worst case scenario, I'll just get beaten up
by him."

Skinorse walked back into the tavern. Under the collective gaze of the
mercenaries, he strode towards Link. He then drew his dagger out and stabbed it
on the table where Link's feet were raised. "Buddy, you look like a tough guy.
I'm here to teach you some manners on my friend's behalf!"

Seeing how worked up Skinorse was, Link could not help but smile at him.

He had seen them come in and out of the tavern, trying to get a better look at
him. Now that one of them had mustered up the courage to come up to him
personally, Link felt that he was probably going to burst out laughing at any

He stretched out his hand and flicked a finger at the dagger that was still stuck
to the table. The dagger let out a clear twanging sound, which echoed around the

The expression on Skinorse's face began to change gradually. He could feel the
fine vibrations of power the man's finger had sent off from the dagger.
Only one man in this world possessed such resonant, indescribably oppressive

"Why isn't he doing anything?" Irvan asked, looking at them from the

Moya swallowed and whispered, "I don't think he can."

Beads of sweat appeared on Morrigan's forehead. "Eagle Eye, this is someone

you don't want to pick a fight with. I can't believe you actually met him here."

"What do you mean?" Irvan realized that his hand was trembling.

On the other side of the tavern, Link retracted his finger and softly asked, "What
brings you to the South?"

"There's an ancient site here. There's also the king's bounty. I thought I'd just
drop by and give it a shot." The truth left Skinorse's lips all of a sudden. Deep
down, he was cursing Irvan. What was he thinking, letting himself be dragged
into another one of his messes?

Link thought for a while about this, then smiled. "Your power has grown quite a
lot. Eliard's here as well as a diplomatic envoy. He's currently investigating the
city's bandit troubles. Why don't you go help him out?"

He had wanted to be acquainted with Irvan at first, but the sudden appearance of
Skinorse made things much simpler.

Eliard still lacked experience, and Link was worried something might happen to
him. With experienced adventurers like Skinorse and the others to aid him on
his mission, Eliard was sure to pick things up quickly.

"I'm not saying I can't, it's just... the bounty..." Skinorse tried not to show the
trepidation in his voice. He felt guilty about wanting to rough Link up a few
moments ago.

"The bounty's all in your dagger."

Link then leaned back into his chair and spoke softly, "Don't reveal my identity
out loud. I'm just here to gather some information from these mercenaries. Go
now, Eliard should be at the Magic Academy."

"Oh, alright, got it, I'm going." Skinorse pulled out the dagger from the table
without giving it a second look and hurriedly walked out of the tavern.

Once outside the place, he let out a long sigh and said to Morrigan, "Come,
we're going to Grinth Magic Academy."

Morrigan and Moya followed Skinorse without a word. Only Irvan hesitated.

Skinorse called after him. "What are you waiting for? Let's go, I'll split the
bounty with you. How's 1000 gold pieces sound to you?"

Irvan jogged after them. His legs were limp like noodles. His voice quaked with
uncertainty as he asked, "The man back in the tavern, was it really him?"

"Yes, you should count yourself lucky that you're still alive," growled Skinorse.

Irvan wobbled a bit and caught Morrigan's shoulder just in time. "I really am
one unlucky fellow."

According to what he had heard, the Lord of Ferde possessed power capable of
rending the skies and splitting the ground. He had eliminated the army of
darkness all by himself. To him, those demons were like flocks of sheep waiting
to be slaughtered. Irvan had just raised his fist at the man, and now he feared
that he might be placed under some fatal curse for his transgression. Would he
just collapse and die on the spot without warning? Would his soul be tortured
for eternity?

All kinds of thoughts ran through his mind. He stood there almost in trance,
sensing that a curse had already been cast on him.

Skinorse noticed this and patted his back. "Alright now, Irvan, there's nothing to
be afraid of. Let me tell you, the Lord seemed to fancy you. Also, if he really
wanted to end you, he wouldn't resort to such underhanded techniques. You
would have been erased from this plane of existence completely. Under
instructions from the Lord himself, the king of Southmoon Kingdom would also
have slapped a couple of unpardonable offenses on you to justify your

Hearing this, Irvan cheered up a bit. "Really? The Lord fancied me?"

Mercenaries like him were not worth much in the eyes of any other lord. Irvan
swelled up with pride at the thought of impressing someone like Link.

Seeing the foolish grin on his face, Skinorse did not bother with him any longer.
Moya added, "The Lord is a tolerant person, he won't take something so minor
to heart. Got it?"

"Got it." Irvan sighed, then asked, "Where are we going now?"

"To finish the Lord's mission," said Skinorse. He looked at the dagger in his
hand. It was already an Epic-level weapon, but now there was a red gleam
around it.

He knocked the dagger against the Reaper's Dagger he was already equipped
with, on which a large crack appeared.

"This is good stuff. So worth it."


Grinth Magic Academy.

Eliard had only been there for around an hour, and already trouble had found

Upon hearing that he had arrived at the Magic Academy, the king of Southmoon
Kingdom immediately hurried over to welcome him personally. There were
more than 20 people who had come out to receive him, including the king,
queen and princess, all of whom who were illustrious figures in the Southmoon

The king had given him a warm welcome. However, Eliard sensed that
something was wrong, but he could not put his finger on it.

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Chapter 523: Who’s Lying?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Grinth Magic Academy

"Master, your lord must be very busy recently, right?" the king of Southmoon

Eliard furrowed his brows at this. He'd heard that something happened to Link
recently but this king looked dazed. This was his third time he started talking
about Link. He seemed to really wish that Link could come to Southmoon.

"Your Majesty, our lord has been paying close attention to the situation in the
North. If you run into any problems, let me know, and I will do my best to help
you. If I can't, I will definitely help send the message." Eliard deepened his tone
at the end.

"Oh, I see. That's good, that's good. I don't have any problems now." The king
chuckled awkwardly. After a pause, he said, "Ah, let's not talk about this
anymore, Master Eliard. You came from such a faraway place and must be tired.
I won't disturb you anymore."

With that, he got up and left.

Eliard found this even stranger, but his expression didn't change. He stood up
and saw the king out of the magic academy.

When the king's group left, he turned to the one responsible for the Ferde magic
ambassador group. "Amir," he murmured. "Has there been any strange news
from inside the palace recently?"

He felt that the king was very not normal.

Amir was a 30-year-old Level-5 Magician. He was short and looked wooden,
but that was just the surface. In actuality, he was very sharp. This was the reason
why he was responsible for the group this time.
He glanced to the side. Seeing that there were some people from the Grinth
Magic Academy beside them, he said, "Master, the palace is as usual. I didn't
hear anything strange."

His tone was normal, but when he spoke, he blinked at Eliard. This meant he
had something to report privately.

Eliard was taken aback. He turned to study the Southmoon Magicians. At a

glance, they seemed to be doing their own things. At closer inspection, they
were paying attention to him. One of the young Magicians was the most
obvious. He would constantly look over.

Things were even more off now.

Eliard was clever too. He yawned and slapped his forehead; fatigue showed on
his face. "That's good. I'm tired, actually. I'll go rest now."

With that, he patted Amir's shoulder. "Where are we resting? Take me there."

Amir nodded. "Lord, please follow me."

He turned towards the garden villa in the southeast of the academy. The villa
was very big with more than 20 rooms. All of Ferde's Magicians were living in

Once inside the garden, Amir took out his wand. He shook it and cast a Level-5
Secret Spell: Soul Fog.

Light fog spread from his wand and expanded. It became omnipresent water
vapor that shrouded the entire villa. Then Amir continued walking. After
entering the villa, he led Eliard to a small room on the second floor and cast a
Level-4 barrier.

Finally, he relaxed. "Master, the situation is very strange."

His earlier actions had alerted Eliard. "Why did you cast so many barriers?" he
asked. "Are there spies?"

Amir shook his head, looking perplexed. "I don't know if anyone is spying, but
for the last half month, there were times when I felt strange while sleeping. It
was like someone was watching me from the shadows. I looked around but
couldn't find any spies. To be honest, I can't take it for much longer. I've had so
many nightmares these days."

Eliard studied Amir. He realized the man had light dark circles under his
bloodshot eyes. His pallor was dark too. He truly looked exhausted.

The situation was quite serious. After thinking, Eliard turned to look at the
surrounding barrier. "Are these effective?"

Amir shook his head, chuckling dryly. "I don't know. Maybe or maybe it's just a

Eliard furrowed his brows. He thought a bit and took out his own wand. This
was special. He'd modified it from Link's Burning Wrath of Heavens. It was
now called the Wrath of the Sun wand.

The wand looked like it was made of crystal and radiated with faint sun-like
golden flames. When Eliard poured Sunlight Power into it, the flames would
multiply until the entire room was painted in light gold.

"Sun Barrier!" he roared quietly.

Sun Barrier

Level-7 Sunlight Spell

Cost: 2000 points

Effect: Use Sunlight Power to create a barrier that blocks outer sensory. When
the barrier spreads, all abnormal power in the environment will be forced out.

(Note: Sunlight shines over the world.)

A ball of faint gold light spread from the tip of the wand. The golden flood
rushed past everything, and there were some hisses. There really were things in
the corner—detection spells. They were hidden well but were uncovered by the
Sunlight Power.
Half a second later, the barrier was complete. The entire room was covered in a
thin layer of gold as if it was plated with gold crystal.

"Alright, no one can hear us now. Tell me what you know but hurry. Best if you
finish within three minutes." Eliard's power was already regenerating as he

He was highly confident in this spell because Link had participated in

developing it. It was created specifically for Sunlight Power. When it had been
completed, Link had personally promised that, for five minutes, even a
Legendary figure couldn't see inside the barrier.

Amir was shaken. He'd never seen power like this. However, there wasn't much
time, so he repressed his shock and said quickly, "Half a month ago, there were
rumors that the king, queen, princes, and princesses—dozens of royalty—all fell
ill with some weird disease. It wasn't serious, and they recovered in a few days.
There was nothing wrong. But a while later, there were rumors that the king
changed. He's like a different man."

"A different man? Did he become better or worse?" Eliard frowned. Before
coming, Link had told him about the Ethereals. Hearing this, he instinctively
suspected that it was an Ethereal.

Amir shook his head. "I don't know. The king hasn't called us for this half
month. We don't know much about inside the palace, and my message to the
lord isn't because of the king."

"Oh, tell me." Eliard felt that Full Moon City's situation was off.

"Three hours ago, a Level-5 Palace Magician went crazy. He cast a Flame Blast
spell inside the palace, destroying a pavilion. A bunch of soldiers and servants
were killed. He was captured later and killed without any trial. Even more
frightening, the details were instantly silenced. I can't find anything out no
matter what I do… I think something's really wrong. The Southmoon royalty is
going to have trouble."

"I see…" Eliard fell into deep thought. He looked to Amir. The man seemed
really anxious and scared. This must have traumatized him.
Magicians were noble and important. Every country treated them with respect.
Even if they were sentenced to death, it had to be a horrible crime and go
through a just trial. Every Magician had to be convinced before the criminal
Magician could be killed. Killing a Magician like butchering a chicken rarely
ever happened.

There weren't enough details though. Eliard couldn't figure anything out. He
thought a bit more and asked, "The magic academy seems guarded against us.

Magicians were usually independent. In their field, they didn't care much about
political power of the regular world. They only cared about a Magician's level.
With Link's reputation as a Legendary Magician, they shouldn't be so feared

Amir sighed. "So many things have happened recently. There's a rumor going
around Full Moon City that we brought them bad luck… Of course, this is just a
small thing. The real reason is that Earl Andal, dean of the academy, fell sick.
After he recovered, I felt clearly that they started watching us."

"Another sickness?" Eliard was shocked. If the people who fell sick were all
taken over by Ethereals… He felt like he'd walked into a den of wolves.

He quickly calmed himself down though and started planning. He prepared to

visit the dean of the Grinth Magic Academy. He wanted to see if the man really
had any problems.

"Alright, keep your guard up. I'll pay Earl Andal a visit," Eliard said. He'd seen
the man earlier and thought he was a bit quiet. Thinking back, it was strange.

"Master, should I go with you?" Amir asked. "We can have each other's backs."

"No." Eliard shook his head. "He's just a Level-6 Magician. I can deal with

With that, Eliard canceled the barrier. Without resting, he walked out of the
villa. Outside, he walked alongside the square and then turned a corner. As soon
as he turned, he saw a Magician from the academy come out of hiding and
blocked his path.
He looked familiar. He seemed to be the one who'd paid attention to Eliard and
Amir's conversation. Eliard remembered his name was Flemming.

When he got closer, Flemming suddenly said, "Master, I have something to


"You too? What?" Eliard found it strange.

Flemming looked side to side and muttered, "Be careful of Amir. He hasn't been
acting normal. There are rumors that he has secret contacts with the robbers
outside the city. I personally saw him with some weird strangers. I told the dean,
but he doesn't believe me. I felt like I had to tell you."

Flemming was young. He was in his twenties and was only at Level-1. When he
spoke, his eyes darted around as if scared someone else would hear. He didn't
look like he was lying.

Eliard was even more perplexed.

He'd only been in the Southmoon Kingdom for less than two hours, and there
seemed to be fog everywhere. He didn't know who he should trust. Was Amir or
Flemming lying? Was everyone lying?

Thinking it through, Eliard still didn't know how to distinguish truth from lie.
He could only stick to his original plan—investigate the dean.

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Chapter 524: Danger Everywhere

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Grinth Magic Academy

Before long, Eliard was able to find Earl Andal on the top floor of the Mage
Tower of Enlightenment.
The man was nearing 70 and possessed Level-6 magical knowledge. This was
an impressive achievement among the Magicians of the previous generation, but
age had caught up to him.

While the world saw a drastic growth among the younger Magicians due to the
steady increase in Mana concentration, his power level had stagnated due to his
wizened body.

The white-haired old man reclined on his leather armchair with one hand toying
around his magic wand. Seeing the youthful Eliard, he smiled and said, "I knew
you would come, young one. Must have realized that there's something odd
going on here."

Eliard still did not have a handle on the old man's temperament. Just a while
back, Magician Amir had also told him that Earl Andal had contracted a highly
suspicious illness. With this in mind, Eliard remained suspicious of the old man.

Without a word, he began to feel his aura. It felt normal, at least for someone his
age. Link had reminded him that anyone possessed by an Ethereal entity would
display unnaturally augmented power. He had also told him not to dismiss the
possibility that some of these might be able to hide their own presences.

He found nothing else to confirm his suspicions.

Andal seemed to have read his mind, as he continued, "Young man, you must
have realized that the people here don't seem to be speaking truthfully. It's as if
everyone's been possessed by some evil spirit."

Eliard raised an eyebrow and asked uncertainly, "Spirit? What spirit?"

Andal smiled weakly. "I don't know. What I do know is the fact that these
spirits have attacked the king, queen, princess, prince, as well as me and a few
other Magicians. Some of the attacks were successful, others not so much.
They're extremely good at hiding themselves. Even I don't know whose body
has been taken over at this very moment. The only thing I know is that I have
not been possessed by these evil spirits."

"I find that hard to believe." Eliard had pulled out his magic wand and was now
twisting it between his fingers.
"I don't have proof of this." A bitter smile surfaced on Andal's face. "That's
what's so terrifying about these creatures. Regardless of whether they managed
to possess any one of us, these spirits have succeeded in destroying the trust
between us beyond repair. Don't think that I'm not possessed by one of them
right now just because I'm having this conversation with you. Remember, they
are capable of disguising and hiding themselves in our midst, and they are also
extremely crafty."

At this point, Eliard sensed that the fog around him had thickened so much that
everything was now a blur before him. He had never experienced something so

He had never felt a shred of fear in a fight with anyone else.

He was now a Level-8 Magician. At this point, his power was near limitless. He
was equipped with a powerful wand in his hand and the runestone that Link had
given him as a defensive measure. However, he could neither see nor feel the
enemy he was now facing this time.

"I'm way in over my head," said Eliard, sighing.

Earl Andal chuckled, "I don't think you can handle this by yourself. You
probably should leave here right now and let the Lord of Ferde take care of
things himself."

The one who should have come to this place in the first place was Link. But
Link had changed his mind on a whim, and Eliard ended up coming here on his
behalf. This was all just a series of unexpected turns

However, the Earl's words fired Eliard up. He smiled. "No need to bring Link
into this. I too would like to see how big this particular python is."

"As you wish," said Andal.

At this point, there was nothing else left to say. Eliard turned around and was
ready to leave the room. He opened the door. Just as he was about to step over
the threshold, Eliard suddenly stopped. He then asked, "It must be really nice in
Alford right now, I imagine?"
"Rubbish, that god-forsaken place..." Andal suddenly paused, then smiled even
more bitterly at him. "You win, young man."

Alford, a city in the Delou Ethereal Realm, was known for its nightmarish
weather and hostile environment. In truth, all the habitable regions in the
Ethereal Realm were deplorable. Alford was simply one of the worst places to
live in. The place was also renowned for being one of the three great cities of
the Ethereal Realm.

No ordinary Magician in the realm of Firuman should be able to know a place

like Alford. The fact that Earl Andal knew what kind of place immediately
revealed his true identity.

Earl Andal was still smiling, though his eyes had turned cold. "Young man, you
were never in any danger before. But now that you know who I am, I can't
possibly let you leave here alive."

Warning bells began to ring in Eliard. He suddenly remembered what Amir had
told him, that a Magician had suddenly gone berserk and cast a Flame Blast
spell to bring down a palace. He was then executed on the spot.

His situation now was the same as that Magician. If he were to assault Earl
Andal here, everyone else would think he had gone mad. There were probably
other Magicians who had been possessed in the Magic Academy. As soon as
they subdued him, Eliard would be immediately executed like the other

He was able to figure out so many things in such a short span of time.

A moment later, he turned around and pointed his wand at Earl Andal. "Radiant

Radiant Sunbeam

Level-8 Master Level Spell

Supreme Magic Skills: Soul Resonance (Instant cast)

Cost: 4500 Sunlight Magical Power Points

Description: Sends out a beam of pure hot energy and has a lock-on effect.
Anyone hit by it will not be able to use any spatial magic spells below Level-8.
The beam will shoot out three times. At each time, it will recalibrate its
direction to match a moving target's movements.

(Note: Be gone like a pile of snow in the morning sun.)

Eliard's attack came fast and strong. He had the first move!

There was a tearing sound, as a golden beam of light flashed through the air not
once, but thrice in an instant.

The first flash came. Earl Andal had remained on his chair, but the beam did not
hit its mark. Rapidly, Andal dodged sideways, avoiding the attack entirely. The
second beam of light immediately adjusted its direction.

He dodged again, but this time, it took a lot more effort than before. The beam
of light managed to graze his skin, which instantly set it ablaze.

He was still in mid-air as he dodged the second beam when the third beam
came. It pierced through his chest, leaving a gaping hole with a diameter of
more than 10 inches in it. The blood and flesh around the wound were still
melting away after the beam of light had dissipated.

After being struck by Eliard's spell, Earl Andal's body immediately lost its
balance. Like a kite whose string had snapped, he collapsed to the ground and
hit the wall. The old man's neck snapped, and his head rolled on the ground

Even in such a state, he was still barely alive. He raised his head unsteadily and
stared at Eliard with a cold sneer on his bloodstained face. "Not bad, but you're
alone here. Even if you kill me, how will you escape from Full Moon City?"

Saying this, Earl Andal let out his last breath. From his mouth drifted a faint
green mist. This was usually what would happen whenever a possessed body

Eliard heaved a long sigh. Even after killing Earl Andal, the sense of urgency in
him intensified even more.
He heard footsteps and shouts coming from outside the window.

"Someone has killed the dean!"

"Apprehend him, quick!"

"We'll kill him on the spot!"

The shouts sent a chill down Eliard's spine. He knew that those shouting outside
the window were possessed by the Ethereal creatures. How else would they
have known that the dean was dead without even setting foot in his room?

If the ones coming for him were ordinary Magicians, Eliard would be able to
eliminate them all without breaking a sweat. But these were Ethereal Warriors
he was dealing with. Link had told him that Ethereal Warriors were endowed
with special abilities. In large numbers, they could easily rival a Legendary
master's power.

They had laid out this trap especially for Link. Eliard was heavily outmatched.
The only thing he could do right now was flee!

A great number of people had gathered outside the building. He needed to get
out of there before it was too late. Eliard quickly took out the communication
rune and was ready to leave.

Just then, he put the runestone back inside his pocket. "Do I really need to ask
for Link's help to deal with this? I'll be looked down on by him. No, I need to
think of a way to get myself out of this and resolve this business in Southmoon
Kingdom by myself."

In a flash, Eliard had come up with an escape route in his mind. He rushed into
the room in long strides and then waved his wand midway. Earl Andal's corpse
floated into the air. At the same time, Eliard extended a hand towards the
window and activated the Magician's Hand, which swung the window wide

"Go to hell!" Eliard swished his wand again, and Earl Andal's body soared out
of the window.
Just as the corpse left the window, a huge number of spells struck it in mid-air.
Apparently, the people outside had mistaken the corpse for a fleeing Eliard.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Eliard cast a Traceless Invisibility spell and
ran out towards the Mage Tower's spiral staircase.

As he descended, he could hear many footsteps coming from below the

staircase. The magic wand in his hand twitched, and he cast a Conjuring spell on
himself: Tangible Illusion.

The illusion ran back up towards the top of the tower, while Eliard, who had
remained invisible, leaned back motionlessly against a wall.

A few seconds later, a group of people ran up the stairs without noticing Eliard.

When everyone had rushed past him, Eliard continued his path down the
staircase. Before long, he reached a great hall. There were four people in it.
Unlike the rest who had gone up the tower, they stood guard in the hall in a
composed manner.

When Eliard appeared, one of them suddenly turned towards him. The other
three, who had been oblivious to Eliard's presence, turned to look at him as well,
as if the four of them were psychically linked to one another.

Eliard quickly realized that he had been spotted. Without bothering to recast his
concealment, he made his first move and waved his wand, shouting, "Freeze!"

A golden mist erupted from his wand and settled on the four of them. A golden
film of vapor condensed on every one of them. They were all immobilized in an

Eliard then cast another spell: Sunlight Acceleration.

His body trembled violently, as a golden light engulfed his body. At a glance, he
now resembled a small sun, which burst out of the Mage Tower at blinding
speed and into the courtyard outside.

Along the way, Eliard looked towards the garden villa nearby that served as the
base camp of Ferde's diplomatic envoy.
Should I trust Amir? thought Eliard. Then another thought surfaced in his mind.
Of course, Link must have prepared some countermeasure to prevent Ethereal
possession. Amir should be alright!

At this thought, he then turned and sped towards the garden villa.

Eliard saw Amir standing at the entrance with an agitated look. When he saw
Eliard, Amir shouted, "Master, what's going on?"

"Many have been possessed by evil spirits in the Magic Academy, including the
dean. And I've just killed him."

Without even doubting his words, Amir said, "Quick, let's get inside, the villa
has a defensive magic circle around it!"

When Eliard rushed into the courtyard, Amir instantly activated the defensive
magic circle. Eliard noticed that the magic circle was only Level-5. He
immediately halted in his tracks and said, "No, a Level-5 magic circle won't be
enough! I'll hold them off, go gather everyone... ah, you..."

Eliard suddenly noticed that Amir's face had contorted peculiarly. Startled, he
dodged sideways. From the corner of his eyes, he saw that Amir had pulled out
a dagger from behind. The dagger sliced through the air fast and was already
inches away from stabbing through his heart.

He would not be able to dodge the attack in time.

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Chapter 525: Time to Do Something Big

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Grinth Magic Academy

Whoosh. With a soft sound, an arrow emitting fiery red light suddenly flew
from afar and crashed against the dagger.
Almost at the same time, a creamy white shield of sacred power appeared on

Clang. The dagger was hit by the arrow and flew backwards. The blade cut
across the sacred light, creating a flash like fireworks. Then the sacred shield
flashed a few times and disappeared.

Eliard was terrified. The dagger's blade was so sharp. If not for the shield, he
would have been dead even if the dagger was forced to the side.

But who had saved him?

Eliard looked to the distance and saw three people appear. He knew one of
them—Skinorse. The other two was a female priest and an archer. They must
have been the people who'd saved him.

During this distraction, Magician Amir acted again. His wand twitched, and the
dagger on the ground lit up again. The next moment, the dagger jumped like
lightning, stabbing toward Eliard again.

Shocked, he reacted immediately.

Someone was faster than him. The archer had pulled his bow back already. With
a soft sound, a beam of fiery light shot over. Poof. It buried into Amir's head.

Amir flew back. Green mist floated out of his body when he was in the air.

"Hey, Eliard, what are you waiting for? Come here!" Skinorse waved at him.

"Ah, okay." Eliard had just escaped from death. With no time to feel the fear, he
activated Cat's Agility and bounded towards Skinorse.

Halfway there, voices sounded behind him.

"He's there, Magician Eliard from Ferde. He killed the dean!"

"Catch the murderer!"

He even heard some Magician's Apprentices run out from the garden villa,
yelling, "He killed Amir! He's the killer!"
Everything shocked Eliard even more. It felt like he was stuck in a pit of vipers.
He could no longer tell who was innocent and who was a viper.

Ethereals are so scary! He sped up and ran to Skinorse.

Skinorse immediately pulled out some metal clumps the size of one's fist from
somewhere. Throwing it at the pursuing soldiers, he yelled, "Turn around; don't

Eliard immediately turned back. Then he heard some empty bangs. They
sounded like toilet seats being opened. And then he felt heat on his back while
the entire square turned really, really bright. It felt like a sun had dropped down
behind him.

After that, Eliard heard pained cries.

"Ah, my eyes, my eyes!"

"I can't see anything, ah!"


Skinorse grabbed Eliard. "It's a bit troublesome. Let's go."

Eliard didn't have a better plan. He could only follow Skinorse and run out of
the academy. At the wall, the people leapt up. Eliard had Cat's Agility activated
and also jumped up.

There was a small alley behind the wall, filled with cottony white fog. Skinorse
and the others jumped down without hesitation. Eliard hesitated a bit, but
Skinorse tugged his shirt. He lost balance and fell into the white fog too.

Once inside, Eliard realized that the fog was strange. It was like cotton, but
there was a hole that could only fit one person. Eliard discovered a Magician
there. He led the way while saying, "Hurry, walk faster. This spell can only last
three minutes. Hurry!"

Soon, Eliard found even more interesting points to this spell. The fog almost
completely blocked the outside world. Not even a sound could be heard, let
alone power auras. They were just inside fog, but it felt like they were isolated
from the world.

He followed behind the archer and walked down the tunnel in the fog. After
who knew how long, he found that he was in a room. After that, he seemed to
enter a cellar.

Boom. There was the sound of a wooden lid closing. The white fog disappeared,
and Eliard found himself in an underground tunnel.

"This is the escape tunnel of the Gale Mercenary Group in Full Moon City.
We're borrowing it," Skinorse explained.

Eliard felt speechless. So this wasn't theirs?

The tunnel was cramped and low with damp stone walls on either side. Eliard
stooped down and walked for half an hour. By the end, he didn't even know
where he was. All he was sure about was that they should be outside the city.

After five or six minutes, Morrigan slowed down at the front. "The exit is up
ahead," he whispered. "There's a small village outside the city. Most villagers
have something to do with the Gale Mercenary Group. We can't disturb them
easily. Their leader is a Level-8 Assassin. He's really powerful. We'll use an
Invisibility spell later. Make sure you don't get discovered."

This was targeted at Eliard. He quickly replied, "Don't worry. I'll be careful."
With that, he cast a Traceless spell on everyone present.

Morrigan chuckled. "Heh, this spell is nice. Much better than my Invisibility.
Let's go, we're at the exit."

Eliard looked forward. He found a puddle of water before him with light shining
down. This was probably a dried well.

"Alright, climb up. Eliard, do you need help?" Skinorse asked.

"No, it's easy," Eliard replied. When the others were out, he cast a Levitation
spell and used the Magician's Hand to pick himself out.
They climbed out of the well and into the alley. It was empty, but people passed
to and fro outside. It was very lively. They didn't waste any time and rushed into
the woods behind the village under the help of the Traceless spell.

Once deep in the woods, they became visible again and let out exhaled deeply.
Finally, Skinorse said, "Hey, Eliard, I heard them earlier saying you killed the
dean. Is that true?"

"Yes." Eliard smiled wryly and nodded.

Morrigan didn't understand. "I heard that Andal is a great person. Did he piss
you off?"

Archer Irvan was more troubled. "Andal is an important figure. We're in trouble

Eliard sighed again. Ethereals were so scary. "Listen, things aren't so simple."

The four looked to him, ready to hear his explanation.

Eliard first looked to Irvan. "First, thanks. You and that priest saved me. I'm
Eliard, a Magician from Ferde. And you?"

Everyone introduced themselves. After learning all their names, Eliard said,
"Irvan, didn't you find something strange about the guy you killed?"

Irvan thought back and nodded. "A bit. Green smoke came out of his mouth
when he did. I've never seen that before."

"Yes, it's the green smoke. When I killed the dean, that also happened. This
smoke means that the person was taken over by an Ethereal. Do you

"Ethereal? From the Soul Realm?" Priest Moya furrowed her brows. She was
highly sensitive to this term.

Eliard shook his head. "Not the Soul Realm but the Isomerism Realm. The dean
was taken over by an Ethereal and wanted to kill me. I was forced to fight back.
Many people in the academy are possessed. The entire royal family might be
possessed too. So basically, we're in trouble."
The four stared at each other at this. They didn't know what to say.

After a long while, Skinorse said, "According to what you said, we've just
angered a beehive?"

Morrigan gritted his teeth. "This is troublesome. Not only did we not get money,
but we're also wanted by the kingdom now."

Irvan scratched his head too. "Eliard, how about we escort you back to Ferde?
We'll be safe there."

Eliard quickly shook his head. "No, no, no. I'm not going back. I have to solve
this and find the mastermind behind all this. From what I know, Ethreals need a
Secret Magician's help to possess someone. I must find and kill him. Otherwise,
Southmoon Kingdom will become a blight to the south of Ferde and Norton.

Hearing this, Skinorse shrugged. "Alright," he said helplessly. "I knew the lord
wouldn't give such a simple mission. We'll have to work now."

"What lord?" Eliard was confused.

Beside them, Moya explained, "We met the Ferde lord in another city. He gave
us this mission to come help you."

Hearing this, Eliard felt warm inside. He knew Link must have prepared for this.
"Did he say where he'll be?" he asked.

"No," Skinorse replied. "He said that he'd be busy with something."

"Good. We'll take care of this." Eliard waved a fist. He was a Level-8 Magician
now. He couldn't stay cooped up in the safe Mage Tower; it was time to do
something big.

"If you insist, then let's do it. But what do you plan on doing?" Skinorse asked.

Eliard had thought of this. "I heard there are robbers outside the city. I think
there's something up with them. They must be related to the Ethereals. If I was
that Secret Magician, I wouldn't hide inside Full Moon City because that's not
safe. It's highly possible to meet a Legendary Magician. I'd definitely hide
outside the city. Those robbers must know something."
"Oh, I see. So you're saying that we have to avoid Southmoon's capture while
fighting with those robbers. This is a classic example of finding trouble for
yourself." Skinorse looked frustrated. The source of all this trouble was that he
didn't mind his own business and wanted to help his friend. What had he been

"What, are you scared?" Eliard glanced at Skinorse, his gaze falling on the
man's dagger. "Your dagger looks nice. Crystal-red, high light refraction… it's
Level-10 material. Link must have given it to you as a prepayment. You don't
want to work after getting paid?"

Skinorse slapped his forehead and muttered, "I hate Magicians."

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Chapter 526: An Ethereal's Use

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

An hour after Eliard fled the Magic Academy, wanted posters had been
distributed throughout the city. Wanted posters with a portrait of Eliard had
been plastered everywhere throughout the streets. The bounty put on him was
even more ludicrous: 5000 gold pieces. Every poster bore the seals of the Magic
Academy and Southmoon Kingdom.

The capture of one person for such an extravagant amount of gold pieces
seemed easier and far more rewarding than going after those slippery bandits.
At that point, the mercenaries in the city had all given up on the bandits' bounty
and now began their search for this wanted felon.

Naturally, Link heard about the bounty as well.

He was strolling along the street leisurely when he heard the news. Immediately,
he turned around and headed for the Magic Academy. Eliard had slain Andal
and Amir... I fear the Ethereal crisis in Southmoon Kingdom is even worse than
I had imagined.
The Magic Academy could be seen from Full Moon City. By simply raising
one's head up, one could easily see in the distance the Magic Academy's Mage
Tower of Enlightenment.

After walking for half an hour, Link reached the outer walls of Grinth Magic
Academy. From there, he searched around him for an isolated corner. A
translucent film rippled across his entire body, which gradually began to fade
till he was gone completely from sight. He had slipped into the vacuum of
space. Link had just recently invented this technique, which was similar to the
Demon Illusory Assassins' racial trait.

Compared to the Demon Illusory Assassin, Link's spell was much more flexible
and stealthier. It was essentially one of the most effective Invisibility spells in
the realm of Firuman.

In his current state, Link was like a fish at the bottom of a shallow pond,
observing the outside world through a thin layer of water.

Without even moving an inch from where he stood, Link was able to have a full
view of what was going on within Grinth Magic Academy through the light-
refracting property of space.

Behind the walls of the Magic Academy, Link could see that each Magician's
face was tense and alert as if expecting an enemy attack at any moment. A
magic light shone from the peak of the Mage Tower of Enlightenment. Link
recognized it as a large-scale detection spell usually cast to seek out intruders.

With the Magic Academy's dean and Ferde's envoy killed, Link had expected
such a heightened level of caution. However, after observing this for a while, he
began to sense that something was not right, but he could not find the words to
describe what it was.

Calmly, his view shifted to the two corpses that had been put away.

Link knew both of them. One belonged to Andal, who had visited Ferde a few
times. There was a huge hole that had been recently burned through his chest.
Carefully observing it, Link recognized it as a wound consistent with a Radiant
Sunbeam spell. This must have been Eliard's handiwork. The other body was
Amir. He was one of Ferde's official Magicians. It was a shame to have lost him
as well. There was a hole on Amir's head. From the shape of the hole, Link
deduced that he must have been struck by an arrow.

Must have been shot down by Eagle Eye Irvan. From the look of things,
Skinorse had met up with Eliard. Good. Link was relieved, knowing that Eliard
was now with Skinorse and his entourage of experience adventurers.

He continued observing the two corpses.

On the surface, nothing odd stood out from the two bodies. Link could not even
detect any residual aura from them. This was fine, as he still had his Assassin's
Vision of Truth up his sleeve.

Link activated his Legendary eye mask's special effect. A sudden change came
over his vision. What had been a perfectly normal Magic Academy before was
now filled with hazy hues of color.

The Magicians inside all radiated with various colors of light, representing the
energies that resided within their bodies. Most of the Magicians' energies
seemed normal, but there were a few whose bodies were giving off an extremely
faint green energy. Traces of the energy were mingled with the Magicians'
normal energies, making them almost difficult to perceive.

Moreover, a fine thread of green light connected two of these Magicians that
exhibited such an abnormality.

Link looked at the corpses. He could see the same green light from them, the
only difference being that the light had ceased all activity and was now in a state
of stagnation.

"It seems that they were possessed by Ethereals and had transformed into
Ethereal Warriors. Also, they seem to be connected to each other in such a way
that they are all aware of each other's condition at any given time."

This was the first time he had encountered Ethereal Warriors in the real world.
They had definitely piqued his curiosity.

In the game world, it was possible to exorcize an Ethereal from a body with the
right method. There were in total two such methods. The first one was to treat
an Ethereal as a malevolent spirit and cast a powerful exorcizing spell to expel it
out of its host body. The other method was to treat it as a type of toxin and
concoct an antidote through alchemy to disrupt the material basis for its
possession. Without a solid basis, the Ethereal would be forced out of its host

Link had planned to capture one of these Ethereal Warriors and to study it
himself. However, from the looks of things now, if he were to act imprudently,
the other Ethereal Warriors would immediately be alerted to his presence, and
he would lose the element of surprise as a result.

He still did not know what the Ethereals were scheming. If he were to be
spotted, there would be a mass hysteria within the academy walls.

He needed to think of something to quietly abduct one of the Ethereal Warriors.

As he pondered his next course of action, he suddenly noticed that an Ethereal

Magician had stepped out of the Magic Academy and got on a horse carriage.
He then trotted off towards the city gates.

Link saw his opportunity and followed the carriage, his Vision of Truth still
activated along the way.

Half an hour later, the carriage had reached the city gates to the city's south. At
that moment, Link realized that the green thread connecting the Ethereal
Magician with the other Ethereals had become faint.

When the carriage left Full Moon City, the green thread had dissipated

The mutual energy link between the Ethereals probably has a limit of 2000 feet,
thought Link. Now that Ethereal Magician has isolated himself from the rest, it's
time to act.

With a burst of Dragon Power, Link activated Instant Flash and tore a hole
through space.

In an instant, he had teleported himself inside the carriage. The Ethereal

Magician's eyes went wide, caught off guard by his appearance. He began to
raise his wand, but Link did not give him any chance to react. He managed to
grab the Magician by his head and cast a spatial seal on him with a rush of
power through his fingers.

This technique was also something Link had come up with recently. It was
intended to freeze space around its target, effectively encasing it in a spatial

With a soft ting, the Ethereal Magician went rigid like a statue. His body looked
the same still. However, ensnared completely within the spatial bubble, the
Magician was now rendered incapable of all movement and oblivious to his

To him, the outside world had stopped moving. Time had also frozen
completely around him. His body was wrapped beneath a one-inch crystalline
layer, which was the result of Link's Dragon Power freezing space around the
Ethereal Magician. Frozen space was also known as spatial crystal. Link had
acted with such speed and lightness that the driver outside did not notice what
had just occurred inside the carriage.

Link rapped at the carriage's window with a finger and said in a low voice,
"Hey, stop here."

"Is there something wrong, boss?" asked the driver.

Link softly sucked in his breath and let his Dragon Power flow into his voice.
He then activated a Secret spell: Incite.

He had learned it from Eleanor. It was only a Level-2 spell, and it could only be
used on human beings. Though its effect resembled hypnotism, it was more
potent than the latter. The spell's target would still behave normally while being
made to forget a few things in the process.

"Now, keep on going west without stopping until you reach Dunwall City 100
miles away. Then, find an inn to stay there for a month. Understand?"

"Understood." The driver's voice sounded absent.

"There was no one here in your carriage. You have been traveling alone all this
time. There are 20 gold pieces in your pouch, given to you by the Magicians in
the Academy. For safety reasons, you have kept it hidden beneath the wooden
planks of your carriage." Saying this, Link took out 20 gold pieces and placed
them inside a box in the carriage.

"Yes, no passengers. I had enough money with me as well," the driver repeated.

After judging that the level of suggestion he had placed on the driver should be
enough for now, Link grabbed the frozen Ethereal Magician and with a flash of
white light, teleported themselves into the woods a few thousand feet away.

In the woods, Link found a shady spot. He raised a hand, and the soil beneath
him instantly surged up to form a 10-square-foot stone hut. Once inside the hut,
Link erased the door outside with the force of his will. The hut's appearance
changed as well, transforming into a relatively normal-looking hill. Inside the
hut, a stone platform floated from the ground. A ball of light appeared near the
ceiling, illuminating the hut's interior.

Link laid the Ethereal Magician on the platform and tapped a finger on his body.
With another ting, the frozen space melted around him and began flowing
normally. The statue had come back to life.

His thoughts were paused at the moment when they were still back in the
carriage. When he woke up, he swished his wand, ready to retaliate.

The next moment, Link sensed a peculiar aura coming from the Ethereal
Magician's body. His surprise then turned to joy.

This was due to the fact that the Ethereal Magician seemed to be capable of
using Time Power.

Ethereals possessed an assortment of abilities, other than body possession. They

could also be used for an even crueler purpose: the manufacturing of Ethereal
Crystals. An Ethereal Crystal was a magical item that contained an Ethereal's
unique traits and properties.

Right now, the Ethereal was ready to use its Time Power. Link would be able to
craft an Ethereal Crystal if he could find a way to extract the Ethereal from the
Magician's body.

This would be of great benefit to his research on Time Power.

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Chapter 527: Ethereal Time Crystal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Stone house in the woods

As soon as the Ethereal Warrior moved, there was a crisp ding in the air. Two
20-centimeter-long, silver-white daggers shot out from his arms. His entire arm
changed strangely.

The daggers were strange too. The material looked like crystal while rings of
silver runes wrapped around it. It was intimidating.

"Blade of Time: Fate! Die!"

As this guy roared, he crossed his arms and went into the attack position. His
body turned into an illusory streak that shot towards Link.

This incredible speed was equivalent to that of a Level-8 Assassin. Paired with
the power of time, basically anyone under the Legendary level would be
helpless against him. Even a Legendary figure might be caught by surprise and
be at a disadvantage when faced with a time attack.

But it was ineffective against Link.

He'd faced the Spear of Victory from the Nagas before. The time power within
that spear was far greater than this Ethereal Magician. The Dragon King's Fury
sword could slice apart this type of casual attack. He wouldn't need much more
effort when faced with this weaker attack.

When the silver Blade of Time reached him, Link didn't even bother to use a
spell. He just blocked it with his sword.

Cling, clang, cling. There were a few consecutive hits. Link could easily block
the Ethereal Warrior's silver-white dagger with only a bit of his strength.
After blocking three moves in a row, he sped up with the fourth move. When
the opponent switched to another move, he swept his sword over.

Thud. There was a muffled sound as he slapped the opponent's chest. His
strength was just enough to force the Ethereal back.

"Argh!" the Ethereal Warrior roared, wanting to charge again.

"Enough, stop fooling around."

Link was too lazy to mess with him. The moment the other moved, Link stuck
his left hand out. Semi-transparent ripples appeared in the air and crashed
towards the Ethereal like a tidal wave. When it reached the Ethereal, it turned
into four circular shackles that wrapped around him and lifted him to the sky.

The Ethereal Warrior struggled but to no avail.

Of course, his ability with time was very unique. He'd even surpassed the
understanding of some Legendary Warriors, but that was it. He was like a
regular man with an assault rifle. He had a powerful weapon but was still just an
average person. A truly powerful opponent could easily defeat him.

Coincidentally, Link was that type of powerful opponent. His Dragon King's
Fury sword was an even better "assault rifle." Under this situation, there was no
way the Ethereal Warrior could win.

Using his mind, Link nudged the spatial shackles. The Ethereal Warrior in the
sky was dragged to the stone platform and prostrated.

"Who are you?" The Ethereal Warrior was so shocked. Link had changed
completely now and looked like a regular mercenary, so the Ethereal couldn't
recognize him.

Link obviously wouldn't answer. He walked up and jabbed the Ethereal's head,
neck, limbs, waist, and other places. Semi-transparent spatial shackles popped
out of nowhere to anchor and immobilize the person on the stone.

"What are you doing?!" The Ethereal had a bad feeling.

Link tapped his mouth to shut it. "Quiet."

"Mmmm, mmm!" The Ethereal's shock and terror grew heavier. He struggled
with all his might, but it was in vain.

Link ignored him. He walked over and flipped the man's eyelids to check his
eyes. The possessed Magician had deep blue eyes that were actually quite
pretty. Of course, Link wasn't appreciating his eyes. He studied the deep blue
orbs and saw faint green light deep inside.

"Aha, so there are abnormal signs." Link chuckled.

If Ethereals really wanted to hide, they could do it quite well. The possessed
basically wouldn't have any visible signs. Link had to use the Vision of Truth to
find abnormalities before. After looking closely, he realized that even a regular
person could discover what was amiss.

The Ethereal was even more terrified. His pupils constricted to a point.

Link ignored him. To him, the Ethereal in this Magician's body was something
to be eradicated and used. There was no pity to be had.

He didn't know the Secret spell to drive away the Ethereal, but he could use
alchemy. Thinking of this, Link stepped back. He grabbed downward, and
Dragon Power surged out. Another boulder rose up from the ground. He started
taking out all his alchemy tools one by one, placing them neatly on the stone.

"Mmm, mhm!" The Ethereal struggled crazily, but it was no use. Before Link,
his strength was like an ant's.

First, Link pulled out a small knife and sliced the Magician's arm. He let out
half a cup of blood and started testing for its attributes.

The foundation of an Ethereal's existence is in the host's blood. This was what
an alchemist from the Southern Magician Alliance said in the game. Of course,
it was a game, so the master just explained it that simply.

Before, it would have been useless even if Link knew about this. Now, his
attainments in alchemy were comparable to that master alchemist. He only
needed this breakthrough point; everything else was easy.
Cling, cling, clang, clang. After a bunch of noises, Link completed the blood
test ten minutes later. A thin layer of blue appeared on the bottom of the crystal
cup. He sniffed it; it smelled like garlic. He shook it and discovered the liquid
was viscous. At closer inspection, it glowed faintly too.

Link extinguished the magic light on the ceiling. Now, the glow was even more
obvious. The blue viscous liquid under the light glowed green in the dark.
Through this light green glow, Link could see the physical attributes of the
liquid even more clearly. Paired with the previous test, he knew what the liquid
was made up of.

"It's a Soul Drug made with mink, thorn flower, and gold antlers, right?"

He saw the Ethereal Warrior shudder and Link knew instantly that he was right.

Smiling, he continued, "Using the Soul Drug to repress the host's soul is a good
idea. Sadly, you can't do it yourself. It must be the trick of some Secret
Magician. Where is he? Can you tell me?"

As he spoke, he loosened the shackles on the Ethereal. He immediately shook

his head and exclaimed, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Answer my question!" Link said harshly.

The Ethereal Warrior shuddered. He felt great pressure come from the Soul
Realm. It felt like he was a candle facing a hurricane. If he tried to resist it, he
would immediately shatter into pieces.

"I won't say it… I won't say it." He gritted his teeth; his consciousness was
wavering already.

"Fine. I'll find him anyway. But first, let me take care of you."

"What are you—"

Before he could finish, his mouth was sealed again. Link picked up more
alchemy material and went to work. Half an hour later, he'd concocted dark
yellow liquid with a sharp odor. The liquid bubbled, looking like horse piss.

"Yeah, it doesn't smell good, but it should get rid of Soul Drug."
Link carried the cup of yellow liquid to the Ethereal Warrior. He pointed at the
man's mouth, and the force field there opened his mouth. The Ethereal's muscles
kept shaking; he was still struggling even though it was useless.

Ten seconds later, the cup had emptied down his throat. Ten more seconds later,
he started trembling uncontrollably. As he shook, green smoke expanded from
his body.

The smoke spread for more than ten minutes. Then a shadow appeared above
the body like something rushing out of it.

It was obvious that this thing was doing everything to stay inside the Magician's
body. But without the Soul Drug's restrictive effect, the Magician's own soul
was waking up and forcing the invader out.

Link was well-prepared. He took out a colorless fist-sized crystal. This was a
Soul Crystal that Eleanor gave him specifically to store souls. As long as it
wasn't used to store souls of intelligent beings, this crystal was part of the field
of Secret Magic. If he went past that, it would become black magic.

Now, Link was using it against an Ethereal from another realm. This was a gray
area. Technically, he'd stepped over the boundary, but this guy was an invader
so it should be fine.

Dragon Power surged into the crystal, and it emitted an attractive force. The
illusory shadow on the Magician was sucked towards the crystal.

It struggled so hard, but it was to no avail. Five seconds later, it was completely
inside the crystal. The crystal had also turned silver-white, just like the
Ethereal's Blade of Time.

The crystal wasn't flesh, after all. It couldn't provide the energy or environment
needed for operation. Thus, the soul could only exist quietly inside the crystal.

Link added some Dragon Power in to test the soul's other structures. Three
minutes later, he found the part with time.

Haha, this is nice.

Link poured Dragon Power into this structure. An instant later, the silver-white
light glowed around the crystal. Rings of overlapping runes appeared in the
glow. The aura of time thickened in the air. It was just like when he'd used the
Blade of Time.

The world's imagination is boundless, Link couldn't help but lament. An

organism can evolve to have such a peculiar type of power.

At this time, the Magician that had been possessed moaned from the stone. He
was about to wake up. Link put the Ethereal time crystal away and walked up,
waiting patiently for the Magician to awaken.

He should be able to provide a lot of valuable information.

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Chapter 528: The Prodigy That Rivaled Eliard

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the stone hut, the Magician who had been lying on the stone platform finally
woke up.

"Oh... where am I? How did I get here?" He rubbed his forehead, his brows
bunched up in a frown. At times, his body would shake involuntarily like a leaf.
He must not be feeling well at all.

Link was sitting beside the stone platform. When the Magician had woken up,
Link quickly said, "Easy now, you're safe."

The Magician sat up and stared at Link. He did not recognize the scruffy-
looking mercenary sitting beside him. Confused, he asked, "And you are?"

"Just your everyday busybody," replied Link casually. He then added, "You
were possessed by an evil spirit. I expelled it from your body. You should be
able to feel its absence from your body.
"Expelled from my... you know magic?" The Magician surveyed Link from tip
to toe. His surroundings seemed unreal to him. At the moment, he was more
intrigued by Link's presence than his own current condition.

Link did not respond. He continued asking, "Do you not feel that you have just
woken up from a terribly vivid dream?"

Despite not answering his question directly, the mercenary did not seem to
harbor any ill intentions. The Magician had no choice but to repress his curiosity
and rake through his brain for his most recent memories. He nodded. "Yeah, I
think so. In the dream, I did many... many terrible things. Oh god, did I really do
these things?"

Realization quickly dawned on the Magician.

"No, that wasn't you. Rather, it was the evil spirit who had taken possession of
you, but I've already exorcized it from your body." Link paused for a moment
and stared at the Magician. He then said, "You probably should know that you
weren't the only one being controlled by these evil spirits. These spirits were no
ordinary entities, they're extremely intelligent, and they seem to work in
coordination with one another. I need to know what these spirits are up to now."

According to the natural laws of Firuman, Ethereals were classified as a type of

incorporeal entities. They usually did not retain their own memories in them.
Instead, they would store their memories in their hosts' minds. After being
ejected from a body, an Ethereal would leave behind its memories in its
previous host. He or she would be able to recall these memories if they dug deep

This was the Ethereal Warrior's biggest weaknesses.

The Magician pressed his head against a hand, trying to recall his dream. After a
few minutes, he grabbed his head in both hands and moaned out in pain. He
began tossing and turning on the platform. "Argh, no, I can't do it. My head
feels like it's about to split open..."

The Eliards voice went hoarse. His eyes were protruding from their sockets.
Blue veins began appearing across his face, and he was biting on his lower lip
until it bled.
Link frowned at the sight of this. He drew out the Dragon King's Fury sword
and swung it a few times in the air. Hum, hum... An almost inaudible sound
rang out in the air as if the sword had sliced through something invisible. When
this was over, the Magician's face had relaxed somewhat. He lay on the
platform, grasping his head in his hands while taking in huge gulps of air.

"What just happened?" asked Link.

"I don't know. I was trying to recall the things that had happened before. I did
remember a few things, and then my memory... no, my entire mind was invaded
by a huge black shadow. It told me that I was dead. And then there was pain."

"Black shadow?" Link frowned. After thinking for a while, he suddenly stepped
forth and pressed his hand on the Magician's body, feeling for something. After
that, he turned his body around, so that the Magician was now lying face-down
on the platform. He then lifted the Magician's shirt up behind him.

The Magician was around 30 years old. His Level-4 power meant that he must
be among the upper middle-class members of the Magic Academy. His skin was
a delicate white. However, a purple rune had been imprinted on his skin at the
midsection of his spine.

The rune was shaped like an eye. As Link had already severed the connection
between the rune and its caster, the rune now remained dark. This, however, did
not affect Link's ability to discern its purpose.

He wiped at it with a hand. The rune peeled itself off the Magician's back and
floated in the air.

The Magician lifted his head and was startled to see the rune. "What is this?"

"Shadow Eye. The evil spirit that was possessing your body had activated the
rune before it left your body. The rune's caster would be able to shatter your
memory and even your soul through it."

Saying this, Link looked at the Magician. "How do you feel now? Can you
remember anything from before?"
"I'll try." The Magician was still unnerved by all this, especially what this
nameless mercenary had done before him. But this was not the time to whine.
He calmed himself down and tried to recall his dream again.

"Most of the memories have been erased... I see the king, the queen, the dean,
all of them were my compatriots... wait, I also see a Magician. I only saw her
once. She was wearing an emerald robe and a cape. She held a magic wand. The
wand was strange. A green crystal was set on its tip. It looked almost like jade.
Around it floated two smaller crystals. The three crystals were tied to each other
by strands of energy. These smaller crystals orbited the wand continuously..."

Hearing this, Link's brows furrowed. The wand's description sounded familiar to
him. The name of the wand that matched the Magician's description popped up
in his head, and he even knew its user. But this was Southmoon Kingdom; what
was she doing here?

This made no sense. The person he had in mind should be on the Isle of Dawn.

Stumped, Link asked, "Do you remember what the Magician looked like?"

The Magician thought for a while, then shook his head. "The memory's foggy...
wait, I remember her hair. It was a dark red. Her hair shimmered, and it looked
almost transparent. It was also soft to the touch, like dark red water. I can't
really find the words to describe her hair texture. I've never seen anything like it

Hearing this, Link was now sure of the female Magician's identity. He let out a
sigh. "Who would have thought that she would betray the Isle of Dawn? There
could be trouble soon."

The World Tree grew on the Isle of Dawn. The tree was approximately Level-
19. Under the suppressive aura it gave off, the island was able to maintain its
peace, at least on the surface.

However, where there were people, there was also strife. The Isle of Dawn was
no exception to this rule.

In the game world, there was a mixed-blood High Elf living on the Isle of Dawn
called Evelina. Royal High Elf blood flowed in one half of her body, while the
other half contained pure Dragon blood. Two of the most ancient and powerful
blood circulated through her body, combining to form a completely new power:
Nature-Dragon Power.

This power was strange as it was potent. Despite being a mixed-blood, as

Evelina's mother also happened to be the High Elf princess, she was forced to
reside on the Isle of Dawn. Even as part of royalty, she was bombarded by
contempt and disdain for not being of pure blood. She had even earned the
moniker "half-breed" among her peers.

If Evelina was any other person, she would probably shrug off the constant
insults and name-calling. But she was extremely talented, even more so than
Bryant's niece, who had been killed by the God of Destruction. At 30 years old,
she had already reached Level-9. At 33 years old, she was able to enter the
Legendary Realm. She had most likely become a Legendary master by now.

Not only was she powerful, the woman was a reasonable person.

She did not leave the Isle of Dawn out of anger after having endured years of
discrimination. Rather, it was due to the fact that she knew that she would not
be able to make a name for herself on the Isle of Dawn as a mixed-blood. She
would be ostracized forever if she were to remain there. This was not what she
wanted, and so she decided to leave the island.

In the game world, Evelina did not side with any other power. She was simply a
wandering heroine character. However, in this world, she was now aiding the
Syndicate. This could be troublesome.

Evelina was a true genius. Her strength came from her intellect and resolve. In
the game, she was one of the few who could rival Eliard in terms of physical

Though Link was a Legendary master himself, in the face of such talent, he
could not help but feel anxious.

He was not sure whether he would be able to beat Evelina. Unless the difference
between their power levels was huge, the only way to know who would win in a
battle between two Legendary masters was to actually let them fight it out.

At this, Link said to the Magician, "You should know what we're up against
right now. The higher-ups of Full Moon City have been possessed by evil
spirits. You are now free to go as you please, but only death awaits you if you
choose to return to Full Moon City."

"I know. I'm not ready to go back. The South is not under the protection of any
strong masters. It's just too dangerous. My safest option would be to take refuge
in Ferde." The Magician had decided on his destination.

"Be my guest. Goodbye." Link took a step backwards. The stone wall behind
him split into two halves, opening up a door. He stepped through it and
disappeared from the Magician's line of sight.

With Evelina's involvement in this matter, Eliard would not be able to deal with
all this on his own. Link needed to group up with him, immediately.

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Chapter 529: You Two Have Fun

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the woods

Eliard, Skinorse, and Irvan hid behind a 15-foot-tall boulder. Eliard cast a water
mirror and carefully watched the camp on the other side.

This temporary camp was set in a cave. Through the water mirror, they could
see that there were some bedrolls and wooden buckets inside. There were three
people, all 20-something youths. One of them seemed injured and was resting in
a corner. Another sat on a rock and smoked while keeping guard. The last
focused on whittling an arrow. He looked like an archer.

"Judging from the bedrolls and buckets, there should be around 30 robbers,"
Skinorse said. "The others probably went out. We can take advantage of this and
capture them for interrogation."

Irvan had already pulled his arrows out. "Then let's hurry up. I'll kill one and
leave the other two for questioning."
Eliard nodded. "Okay… wait, something feels wrong."

His wand was already out and glowing, but he suddenly motioned for them to
stop. He canceled the water mirror and pressed against the stone without
moving. This scared Skinorse and Irvan. The two went into defensive poses.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Eliard's eyes were fearful. "I don't know," he whispered. "But I feel depressed.
My heart feels heavy, like something frightening will happen soon."

"Maybe you're overthinking." Irvan looked around but didn't see anything. The
woods looked normal; there was nothing strange.

This showed that he was inexperienced. He hadn't cooperated with such

powerful Magicians before and thought Eliard was just getting paranoid and
scaring himself.

Skinorse didn't think this though. He knew that Magicians had great predictions.
Morrigan was only at Level-5, but he often used his gut to lead Skinorse and
Moya through the relics, helping them avoid much danger.

Eliard's power was practically equal to him. Such a powerful Magician wouldn't
feel this depression for no reason. There must be something horrible coming.

"No need to explain," he said decisively. "Drop the mission and retreat!"

He turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Eliard grabbed him. "Don't."

"What?" Skinorse was confused now. "Since it's dangerous, we can come back
some other time. I didn't say to completely give up."

Eliard shook his head, smiling wryly. "It's not that simple. I don't think we can
leave now."

"Someone's watching us?" Skinorse was shocked. "Can you sense him?"
"He must be nearby, watching us, but I can't sense where he is exactly. He's
more powerful than me." Eliard had already taken out the runestone Link gave
him. He decided that as soon as something went wrong, he would run and
contact Link. Things were out of his control now.

Skinorse immediately curled up and swore. "F*ck, if he's more powerful than
you, then he's Legendary, isn't he? What the f*ck. How come all the powerful
guys are running around? How are people supposed to live?"

Eliard shook his head. "No, there actually aren't that many Legendary figures.
There are more than one billion people in the world, but less than 20 people are
over Level-10. We probably run into them because of Link."

Link had entered the Legendary level so his enemies would send someone at or
above that level. Otherwise, it would be useless. However, they were only a few
bigger ants between these two powerful figures.

Hearing this, Irvan grew anxious. "Hey, honestly, stop talking and think about
what we should do now."

Eliard and Skinorse exchanged glances; both of their eyes were helpless. They
shook their heads.

"I have no solutions. We can use the runestone to ask for help, but I think that
we'll be dead before Link can get here." Eliard shrugged and smiled bitterly.
The repressive feeling was getting worse. He had never felt something so strong
before. The runestone could only notify Link but most likely couldn't save them.

"I guess we'll have to compete with patience. The enemy is watching us but
hasn't done anything yet. He must have a plan. We'll just wait and see what he
has planned." Skinorse decided to lean against the boulder and pulled a pipe out
of his spatial ring. He knocked it against the boulder, cleared the ashes, and
started adding tobacco.

His attitude was: I'm not your match so just do whatever you want.

Irvan hadn't given up though. He wasn't like Eliard and Skinorse. He'd heard
about Legendary figures but had never experienced their strength. To him, they
were just people but stronger. It wasn't like they could be immortal. If they
fought to the death, they might still have a chance.
Thinking of that, he prepared his bow and looked side to side. His expression
was serious and cautious; he was ready to put his all in.

Seeing him like this, Skinorse breathed in and exhaled a ring of smoke. "Irvan,
do you have a pet?" he asked.

Irvan shook his head. "Who has time to do that?"

"Then do you have kids?" Skinorse continued.

"My wife was killed when she was pregnant." Irvan shook his head with a bitter

Skinorse patted his shoulder and sighed. "If you've raised them before, you'd
know that to a Legendary figure, you're just like his pet or son. If he wants to hit
you, you take it. Don't think about fighting back. Here, copy me and have a
smoke. Enjoy your last moments alive."

He passed the pipe over.

Irvan felt hopeless.

At this time, Eliard suddenly said, "Shh, don't say anything. Someone's

The two mercenaries instantly sobered. At times like this, any change was a
chance. They might have an opportunity. After all, they didn't want to die. Any
shred of hope should be taken.

Eliard stopped using magic. He just sprawled on the boulder; Skinorse and Irvan
did the same.

After a while, they saw a Magician with a dark green robe and hood appear by
the cave. Judging by the figure, it was a woman. She was quite tall—almost six
feet. Though she was covered in the long robe, she still had a great body.

To Eliard, the most eye-catching part about her was her wand. It was silver with
three green crystals. Two small pieces orbited around the big one. The aura was
as deep as the sea. Just a glance shocked him, making his heart pound and
almost leap out of his throat.
Skinorse involuntarily looked again and praised, "Tsk, such great figure, great
hips, great ass, great boobs, nice height too. And that hair looks good. I've never
seen that color before. If she comes with me, I'll even be okay if she isn't that

Eliard was speechless. He grabbed the man over. "Do you want to die? I'm
pretty sure she's the Legendary figure who was spying on us!"

Skinorse instantly shuddered. He retracted, feeling like he should slap himself.

Irvan quietly scooted away from him, afraid he would be affected by the guy.

Scolding came from the cave.

"Are you all dead? Get up, all of you get up. You don't even know that people
are watching."

The voice was sweet, like a little girl's, but also with the beauty of a mature
woman. Skinorse listened to it and exhaled deeply. "Ah, I'm probably done for,
but it's worth it to die in the hands of such a beauty."

Irvan couldn't take it anymore. "You bastard," he muttered. "Can't you be

serious?" He didn't want to die yet.

In the cave, the three bandits were as submissive as rabbits. They hung their
heads and didn't reply.

"Alright, get out. Go to Full Moon City and tell the king that plan A failed. Tell
them to start plan B."

"Yes, yes, Master, understood." The three scurried away and disappeared deep
into the woods.

The next moment, the female Magician pointed her wand towards where
Eliard's group was hiding. The boulder they were leaning against popped and
disappeared into a plume of smoke.

The three were revealed; they were completely helpless. This spell shocked all
of them.
Red and green flashed on the woman, and she instantly shot forward 300 feet.
Sixty feet away from the three, she looked at them and said in her laughing
voice, "Oh, Ferde's Eliard. I really caught a big fish this time."

Eliard gulped. He regretted his lack of power now. He couldn't say anything
useful, so he just kept quiet.

The woman looked to Skinorse. "I heard what you said. Thank you for your
compliments. As an adventurer, you've had some great accomplishments."

Skinorse's lips curled up by habit into a smile that he thought was the most
attractive. "I have a request before dying."

"What is it?"

"Let me see your face. Then I won't have any regrets," Skinorse said.

The woman burst into laughter. Her laugh was like wind chimes and was
definitely ear candy. After laughing, she shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I must

Then she looked to Irvan. "A Level-7 archer. You're not bad either, but sadly,
you three still aren't strong enough…"

As she spoke, her wand twitched. Eliard gravitated towards her and quickly
reached her side. She grabbed him like grabbing a chicken. Eliard couldn't fight
back or even speak.

The female Magician looked at the other two and laughed. "Don't worry. You
two won't die because I don't like useless murder. I'll keep you two alive to send
Link a message. Tell him that if he wants to save Eliard, go to Grizzly Hills
alone. Remember, he has to be alone. He can't have any helpers at all."

Hearing this, Skinorse let out a breath. "Don't worry, I'll tell him."

"I believe. But even though I won't kill you, I will still punish your
impoliteness. You like women, don't you? I'll change your interests now."

With that, fragmented silver light shot out from her wand. It separated halfway
through, one beam shooting at Skinorse, the other at Irvan.
The light didn't look too fast, but they couldn't defend themselves at all. They
were hit simultaneously.

"Alright, you two go have fun."

She grabbed Eliard's arm. "Let's go. Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."

After speaking, she stepped back and somehow teleported thousands of feet
away. She paused, turned, and then disappeared into the woods.

Soon after they left, someone appeared in the woods. It was Link. Seeing
Skinorse and Irvan, his brows furrowed.

Dazed and nude, they rolled around on the ground, moaning in each other's
arms. It was not a delightful scene.

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Chapter 530: The woods

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With a soft bang, an explosion pulled apart Skinorse and Irvan from each other's

But the two were still not sated. Once separated, they immediately scrambled
back towards each other. It was as if there was a magnetic attraction pulling
them together.

"Wake up!"

Link shouted, his voice infused with Dragon Power.

Hearing his voice, Skinorse and Irvan trembled, then stood there as the dazed
expressions on their faces began to fade.

Skinorse was the first to regain his senses ten seconds later. Numbly, he turned
around to observe his surroundings and saw the leather armor scattered around
them. He looked at Irvan, who stood naked in front of him, and then at himself,
who too was stripped of all clothing. He also noticed that there were traces of
blood on his lower body. Whose blood was it?

He swallowed, then ran to pick up his armor without a word. As he put his
armor on, he also managed to catch a glimpse of Irvan and saw that there were
traces of blood as well between his thighs.

Skinorse gulped again. That spiteful woman! If anyone finds out about this, I
can kiss my reputation goodbye!

At this point, Irvan had also woken up. He looked around at the mess around
him and felt a slight ache in his rear. His brown face blushed furiously, realizing
what had happened. Without a word, he strode around to pick up his leather
armor and began putting it on.

Skinorse tried to explain himself. "Eagle Eye, I wasn't really feeling myself..."

An arrow shot out from Irvan in reply. Skinorse immediately dodged the arrow
and did not dare speak any further.

"If you so much as breathe a word about this to anyone, I'll kill you!"
stammered Irvan.

Skinorse waved his hands in front of him. "I won't say a word. This is just too
humiliating. I'm embarrassed about it as well."

"Alright, this was all just an accident." Link tried to calm the two of them down.

He asked, "Where's Eliard?"

"Eliard?" Skinorse was still a bit woozy. He then patted his head as his memory
came back to him. "Eliard was kidnapped by that witch. She wanted you to go
find her at Grizzly Hills in the South, alone, or else Eliard's life will be forfeit.
Oh, and she had also ordered the bandits to go look for some king in Full Moon
City. She said something about abandoning the first stage of their plan and
moving on to the second stage."
"Looks like I've come a bit too late." Link frowned and pondered silently on
this. He then said, "Come, we need to go to Full Moon City now. Whatever this
second stage to their plan was, we have to stop them at all costs."

For the time being, the matter in Full Moon City took precedence over saving
Eliard, whose life did not seem to be in any immediate danger. There was no
telling what the bandits would do to the higher-ups of the city they were now
holding hostage.

It was clear to Link that Evelina simply wanted to slow him down so that he
would not have enough time to save anyone.

"Alright." Skinorse did not raise an objection to this. He was eager to leave the
place as soon as possible.


As Link returned to Full Moon City, Eliard was being transported to Evelina
towards the south.

Evelina was not traveling fast. Along the way, she carefully cleared away her
tracks in her wake.

An hour passed, and she had traveled 100 miles. At this point, Eliard was now
able to speak. He said, "Since you've initiated the second stage of the evil spirits'
plan, what are you still being so careful for? Link won't be able to catch up to
you so soon."

Evelina continued what she was doing. "And what if he gets all emotional? I
hear that the two of you are quite good friends."

"He won't." Eliard shook his head. "I know him, he'll deal with what's going on
in Full Moon City, and only then will he come to Grizzly Hills alone. He'll be
sure to come fully prepared for you, and your death will follow shortly."

Not at all angered by his words, Evelina smiled. "You seem to believe in him a
lot. While I may not have a chance in beating him in battle, Shadow Stalker
Morpheus may be able to."
"Your plan sounds so simple. I'm sure whatever you can think of, Link will be
able to see it coming. As for Morpheus, he may be powerful, but everyone
knows his secret. He still hasn't completely mastered his Level-19 power."

Evelina was still smiling at him. "Say what you will, we won't know for sure
who will come out victorious until we actually battle it out."

Eliard could not find the words for a retort. Though he was confident in Link's
abilities, his opponent was also a Legendary master who had allied herself with
another even more powerful master. The odds were clearly stacked against

He then fell silent.

Evelina continued heading south. She did not cast any Levitating spells but
instead, simply walked along a winding trail, which saw few travelers.

After walking for an hour, the two of them reached a wide river valley in the
mountains. The sky had darkened considerably. Evelina had stopped. She found
a cave gaping from the stone wall on the riverside. She then entered it, bringing
Eliard along with her.

"With your power, do you even need to rest here? Can't you just walk all the
way to Grizzly Hills?" Eliard was confused.

Evelina said smilingly, "I'm saving up my energy for Link. He probably thinks
I'm going all the way south without stopping. I'd like to see how he tries to stop

Eliard was speechless. The woman was being excessively cautious. However,
unlike her, Eliard knew Link. If he were in the woman's shoes right now, he
would probably exercise the same amount of caution as well.

Once inside the cave, Evelina pushed Eliard into the stone wall. The stone
behind Eliard turned into putty. When Eliard had sunk into it, the stone
hardened around him once more, forming a stone prison around his body. Only
his head remained hanging out from the stone wall.

"Alright now, don't try anything funny." Evelina gently patted on Eliard's face
and then chuckled. "Little one, your skin's still as smooth as a maiden's."
Eliard remained silent. He watched as the woman spread out a fur bedding in
the cave, ready to spend the night here. He then said, "May I ask you

"Ask away. I'm bored anyway." Evelina had laid down on the bedding and put
her cape over her body like a blanket.

The cave was dark. Eliard did not possess night vision and so could not clearly
see the woman's face. All he could see was a curvaceous silhouette in the
darkness and the outline of her pointed ears. However, he was not at all curious
about what she looked like. He asked, "I was wondering, as a High Elf
Legendary master, why are you helping the Syndicate?"

Evelina laughed. "High Elf? No, only half of the blood flowing in my body is of
High Elf origin. I'm like you, a half-elf. Do you really think my life on the Isle
of Dawn was a happy one?"

Eliard was stunned. Due to his own High Elf ancestry, he understood what it
was like for half-elves like him to live on the Isle of Dawn and be subjected to
constant discrimination and disdain from the other High Elves. He was able to
understand the woman's motivations. Why continue staying on such a tiny
island and endure the contempt of its inhabitants when a master such as herself
would be celebrated anywhere else for her talents?

"Then why choose the Syndicate?" Eliard asked again. He felt that there was no
way to compare Ferde and the Syndicate; they were polar opposites of each
other. What good could there be in siding with a shadowy group like the

"You ask too many questions." Evelina laughed and continued, "Though I
suppose it's okay to speak about this to you. There are two reasons why I'm
doing this. The first one is that Morpheus had given something good. Naturally,
one good deed deserves another, don't you think?"

"I guess. So what's the second reason?"

"The second? The second reason is that Link has made way too many enemies.
He's still not strong enough, and it's only a matter of time before he gets himself
killed. If I were to go to Ferde, won't I be embroiled in his troubles as well?"
Evelina chuckled.
Saying this, she turned towards Eliard. "Truth be told, seeing that you're a half-
elf yourself, if you choose to abandon your allegiance to Ferde, I'll spare your
life. If I manage to defeat Link, I may even let you go free."

Eliard shook his head. "That's out of the question. Link is my friend. I've known
him for a long time and have been through many things by his side. I will not
betray him."

"Hmm, and what if he betrays you?" Evelina asked.

Hearing this, Eliard laughed out loud and said, "That won't happen."

"If you say so. It's still too early to be sure of anything. We'll just have to wait
and see."

Eliard added, "I'm aware that Ferde has many enemies. Followers of the God of
Destruction, the Syndicate, they're both enemies of Ferde on the surface. On the
other hand, the High Elves pose a threat to Link from the shadows, but if you
knew just how powerful Ferde really is, you'd be in for a surprise yourself."

Evelina was now more inclined to continue the conversation. "Well, at least you
aren't completely clueless about the state of Ferde. But don't get too cocky. You
need to understand just how powerful the High Elves are."

"How powerful are they?" Eliard was curious about this himself. It was a
question he had been meaning to find an answer to. But the Isle of Dawn was
too isolated from the outside world, and so the answer had eluded Eliard for a
long time.

Evelina raised three fingers. "Three things to keep in mind. Firstly, the High
Elves have a huge number of Magicians. As of right now, there are 80,000
Magicians above Level-6 among the High Elves."

"What? That many?" Eliard was taken aback upon hearing this.

"Of course. Most of these Magicians are below Level-10, but with the increase
of Mana concentration around the world, there are now 5 Level-10 masters from
the Isle of Dawn, myself included. Soon, this number will increase."

Eliard sucked in his breath. "And the other two points?"

"The other two... I won't tell you."


Evelina explained, "I simply left the Isle of Dawn, doesn't mean I intend to
betray it. Why would I tell you the island's layout? Unless..."

"Unless what?" Eliard asked hastily.

"Unless you promise that you'll leave Ferde as well. There doesn't seem to be
much hope left in that place, anyway."

Eliard shook his head. "Forget it then."

Despite saying this, Eliard was still trying to figure out how to extract such an
important piece of information out of her. He needed to report this to Link.

Evelina yawned. "Fine, it's getting late. I'm going to sleep. I'll need to save up
my strength and be prepared for anything."

Silence fell upon the cave. Only the sound of wind and flowing water could be
heard from outside.

After spending two hours in silence, Eliard's ears suddenly pricked up to a

muffled commotion outside the cave. Has Link caught up to them? thought
Eliard hopefully.

Evelina had sat up. She strained her ears to listen to the sound outside. A few
seconds later, she said with an irritated voice, "Oh, these people just won't leave
me alone. I already told them I wouldn't be going back, and still, they keep
pestering me."

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Chapter 531: Demi-Elves Are Lost Souls

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Night, river valley

"Stay here. Don't talk or move and I'll go check the situation," Evelina

"I can't move even if I wanted to like this." Eliard sighed.

Evelina realized he was right and left the cave without speaking further.

The sky outside the cave was starry. It was warm in the South. Frogs in the
valley croaked, and some nocturnal birds sang occasionally. It was very lively.

She used a spell and levitated. Soon, she reached the top of a stone wall on the
side of the river valley. There was a narrow platform there. She chose a place to
stand and waited quietly.

Around half a minute later, three shadows arrived soundlessly. They stood in
three different directions. Their features were obstructed in the darkness, but
they had sharp ears. Their eyes also glowed with eerie silver light. These were
the most obvious characteristics of High Elves.

Furthermore, the silver eyes were a symbol of pure High Elves. A mix like
Evelina wouldn't have something like that.

Evelina recognized these three, and she was a bit surprised. The Isle of Dawn
was for real this time. However, she pretended that she didn't know anything.

Impatiently, she said, "Eloven, Sonya, Milose, it's you three this time? Is the
Elder Council planning on forcefully bringing me back? Don't forget that I'm a
princess. My mother is the queen's sister!"

The three elves were the best of the Isle of Dawn's younger generation. Eloven,
the eldest, was only 50 years old. This was equivalent to 30 years in human age.
It was the prime of their life.

They could only quickly raise their power according to the changes in the
world's Mana during this time. The elders couldn't do it because their vitality
had decreased. Their powers were already set.
This situation was similar for the other races. Evelina was like this, and so were
the three. They were all part of the new generation of High Elves about to enter
the Legendary level.

On the other side, a tall High Elf walked forward. It was Eloven. "Evelina," he
said coldly. "It is because of your status that Her Majesty tolerated you time and
time again. However, there is a limit to her tolerance. Now, I will ask you one
more time. Will you return to the Isle of Dawn with us?"

Evelina had a bad feeling and furrowed her brows. "What if I agree? And what
if I don't?"

Sonya, the woman in the middle, walked forward. She looked average, but her
talent was above average. "If you agree, nothing will happen. If you don't… we
can only apologize first."

As she spoke, she stared at Evelina's practically perfect face. She hated that face
because it wasn't hers.

"Apologize?" Sensing danger, Evelina grasped her wand and went into full
alert. "You're ready to attack me just because I don't want to go back?"

The elf with the least sense of existence walked up. He was Milose. "I'm sorry,
Your Highness. This isn't what we want. This was the decision of the Elder
Council. Your mother knows about this. She agreed too."

Evelina winced at this. "My mother… she actually agreed?"

Her blood ran cold. Her mother could have abstained from voting, but she
actually agreed. Even the one closest to her had chosen to abandon her? Was
she just a lost soul now?

Evelina didn't know what she was feeling now. She wanted to cry, but she knew
that the three High Elves would just mock her if she did.

Elovan sighed. "Your Highness," he said, voice a bit gentler. "You should know
the tradition of our race. We never impulsively participate in the matters of the
mainland. You are from the royal family and joined the Syndicate. Their
reputation is horrible. Your actions will damage our race's reputation."
Evelina hadn't wanted things to become so out of control. Softening her stance,
she said, "Then what if I give up my status as a princess?"

"We cannot decide," Milose said. "Our mission is to bring you back to the Isle
of Dawn. As for anything else, you can explain to the Elder Council."

"It's not open to discussion?" Evelina didn't want to give up. She knew what
would happen if she returned. She'd escaped this time. If she went back, she
probably would never be able to leave again. That wasn't the life that she

She wanted to explore the mainland and learn about new worlds. She wanted to
be respected, not mocked behind her back.

The Isle of Dawn couldn't give her any of this.

Milose shook his head while Elovan said, "Come back, Your Highness. The Isle
of Dawn is where our race should be."

"But I don't want to go." Evelina pursed her lips tightly, unwilling to give in.

Sonya's face was expressionless. "Your Highness, stop being stubborn," she
scolded. "Don't force us to act."

Evelina fell silent. She stood between the three without moving. Wind rushed
past her, blowing her flowing dark red hair. It looked like flames.

The three High Elves were silent as well. They went into defensive poses, ready
to react to this so-called princess' sudden attack.

This stalemate went on for three minutes. Finally, Evelina slumped and sighed.
"Fine, I'll go with you all."

The three High Elves relaxed. Elovan exhaled deeply. "That's the right choice,
Your Hi—"

Before he could finish, Evelina suddenly moved. She pointed her wand at
Elovan, the strongest of the three—Natural Flames!

Natural Flames
Level-10 Talent Spell

Casting Speed: Instant

Effect: Using the power of nature as fuel and the power of dragons as fire, ignite
an extremely powerful and bright pillar of fire.

(Note: Evelina's talent.)

This spell was Evelina's strongest attack. It wasn't the most powerful, but it was
the most suitable for battle. Paired with the instantaneous might, the opponent
could be hit if they weren't careful enough.

This attack was too sudden, and Elovan wasn't prepared at all. He only had time
to activate his defense ring before he was pushed down the cliff by the red and
green pillar of fire.

This heavily wounded him even though Evelina had held back some power.
Otherwise, she could have killed Elovan with that.

"So cruel!" Sonya screamed.

"I'm not going to play nice," Milose uttered.

The two attacked at once. Two black vines with a golden shine broke through
the boulders of the mountain. They transformed into poisonous thorns that flew
towards Evelina.

She'd just used the Natural Flames, so she was a bit delayed. Faced with these
two fatal attacks, she could only defend herself.

Red and green light flashed on her, and a crystal shield spread across her body.
Fire burned outside the shield. The black vines arrived the moment the shield
was completed.

Boom, boom, crack. Under the continuous attacks from the vines, the shield
shattered. After that, the vines retracted, preparing to spring towards Evelina

"Go away!"
At this critical moment, Evelina cast a range defense spell. This type of spell
was very effective in a battle with regular people. But against the strong, it
could only lower the density of power and was rarely used. There was no
perfect spell in the world. There was only one that was most suitable.

This type of spell could be incredibly effective at the right time.

Natural Dragon Power surged in Evelina's body, transforming into the illusion
of a dragon. It roared, soundwaves spreading throughout the air. When the
soundwaves hit Sonya and Milose, they shook violently. Their attacks paused.

It was only for one-hundredth of a second, but to Evelina, this was the chance to
turn the tides.

She slightly adjusted her body and sent another Natural Flames attack towards

Boom! Sonya was also thrown back from the attack, but she'd added a defense
spell that was powerful enough. When this attack hit her, flames shot in all
directions and the air screamed. However, there was an emerald barrier on her.

Once the barrier was consumed, the flames' power was used up too. In the end,
Sonya was only lightly wounded. Before she was thrown back, she was still
controlling her black vine and pierced Evelina.

Milose didn't hold back either. He was affected by the soundwaves, and his
mind paused, but his attack continued. The dark vine pierced Evelina's chest.

There were two reasons why he didn't hold back.

First, this was between Legendary fighters. Evelina was publicly recognized as
a rising star, and he didn't dare to hold back. Second, even though Evelina was a
princess, she was only a half-elf. Since she had traitorous thoughts, she deserved
to die!

Poof, poof. Evelina was stabbed through by the vines, but she'd dodged at the
last moment. The vines missed her critical organs; she didn't die.
Dragon Power gave her a powerful body. Though she was heavily wounded, her
mind was still clear. Power surged, and she cast her specialized Natural Flames.
Milose, who'd thought that everything was set, was thrown into the air.

Without hesitating, she gritted her teeth and grasped the vines in her. Applying
force, she yanked them out. The vines had barbs and high resistance to spells.
Regular spells were completely ineffective against them. Only someone with
Natural Power could control these vines.

Evelina could only use her hands. Blood streamed down her hands. When she
yanked the vines out, the barbs came away with a lot of flesh.

"Ah!" She involuntarily screamed in pain. However, she didn't slow down at all.
The vines were extremely poisonous. She immediately gulped down Elf Nectar
and jumped down the cliff without hesitation. When she reached the cave, she
grabbed Eliard and used all her might to flee.

She was heavily wounded in her stomach and the left side of her chest. She
desperately needed treatment, but she had to run as far as possible. Elovan was
heavily injured, but Sonya and Milose only had light wounds. They would catch
up quickly.

If they caught up again, it would be a fight to the death.

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Chapter 532: She's an Incredible Woman

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was nighttime, and the dark sky was dotted with stars.

The wind howled past as Evelina soared through the night sky with Eliard in

She had sealed up the two wounds on her body with her ice spells in order to
stop the bleeding. But her internal injuries were severe, and the vines that had
struck her were poisonous. Their poisonous thorns remained still within her

She had taken some Elf Nectar, a High Elf medicinal specialty, but the antidote
only prevented the poison from entering areas of her body that were not yet
damaged by it. Its effect would not reach parts of her body that were already
touched by the poison. As a result, it would not be able to neutralize the poison
itself. The vines' poison and thorns were effectively disrupting her body's ability
to heal.

At that moment, her Natural Dragon Power swirled rapidly within her body.
Due to her injuries, she was forced to endure incredible pain every second.

She was holding Eliard in one hand. At first, Eliard did not know what was
going on. After a few minutes, he suddenly felt a sudden chill on the back of her
neck. He reached around to touch it and realized that it was water.

Where did it come from? He turned around strangely. With the magical light
swirling around them, he was able to make out Evelina's form.

Her face was pale. Beads of cold sweat seeped out from her forehead. What
startled him most was her chest area, where two large holes had been torn on her
clothes. The fabric around the two holes was drenched in her blood.

Shocked by this, Eliard shouted, "Hey, how did you get those wounds? Aren't
they supposed to be your comrades?"

He had heard a commotion outside and figured that they had started fighting.
Judging from her movements before, he had assumed that she was still alright.
He did not expect that she would be so severely injured.

Evelina squeezed out a bitter smile. "Before, yes. Now, not so much. They're
coming to kill me soon."

Finishing her sentence, she let out an uncontrollable cough. Eliard could smell
the thick, metallic odor of blood. He also saw traces of blood on the corner of
her mouth.

Eliard was stunned speechless.

He had been listening to Vance's stories about the High Elves for a period of
time and noticed a trend in them. The High Elves placed great emphasis on their
traditions and customs that were passed down for thousands of years. They
tended to straighten out those who did not abide by them.

For instance, any half-elves conceived from a union between a High Elf and a
non-High Elf would be exiled from the Isle of Dawn. Other examples of their
conservatism include the fact that the High Elves would do anything at all costs
to eliminate any variables that could upset the strategic balance they had worked
hard to maintain on the continent, like Link himself. They also did not tolerate
traitors and rebels in their midst.

Their adherence to traditions bordered on extremism. If they could not rectify an

irregularity through normal means, they would most certainly resort to violent
measures without any mercy.

It would seem that Evelina had no way of reconciling with the Isle of Dawn.

"How many are there behind us?" Eliard asked. He sensed that things had gone
awry for them. Ferde and the Isle of Dawn had not been on good terms recently.
There had been a few clashes in the magical equipment business between both
sides. Eliard figured that if those High Elves caught up to them, they would
most probably not survive the encounter.

"There are three of them." Evelina turned around a few times to look behind her.
She could now sense her pursuers' auras. They were gaining on them, including

Even though he was hurt badly, Elovan was a Legendary master as well. With
the medicine he had in hand and the aid of his companions, Elovan would soon
be able to restore his combat capability.

Eliard shivered and said, "To be able to beat you up like that... are all three of
them Level-10 masters?"


"Do you think you'll be able to ditch them?" Eliard drew in the cold air.
"I don't know, guess we'll have to find out..." Before she could finish, Evelina's
body suddenly lost its balance. She wobbled a few times in the air before finally
regaining her balance. She almost crashed into a tree in front of them.

Petrified by their close shave with death, he quickly asked, "You're badly
wounded. Can you still go on?"

"Even if I can't, I still need to keep on flying. If they catch up to us, we're dead,"
said Evelina through gritted teeth.

Eliard was able to sense the approaching powerful auras behind him at this
point. Panicking, he said, "You don't seem sure that you'll be able to shake them
off. Why don't you find someplace to hide? I may be able to help you with that."

"You?" Evelina looked sideways at Eliard. "You can't even escape me before,
how do you expect to help me escape now?"

"That was different." Eliard quickly tried to explain himself. "I did not expect to
be confronted by a master like yourself. I was caught unprepared. If I had made
preparations beforehand, you would not have found me back then."

"What do you have in mind then?" Evelina was now starting to believe him.

Eliard's forehead was now sweating profusely. He turned around and saw that
three small green points had appeared behind him and were steadily getting

"Link had given me a runestone. Release me from your restraints. With this
runestone, we'll be able to escape the High Elves."

Evelina was silent for a few seconds. She then released him. "You go then. I
don't want to get you killed."

Eliard was stunned for a moment. "You're not coming with me?"

Evelina laughed and looked at him. "You really are greedy. Saving your own
life should be more than enough, now you want to bring me along with you?
Besides, we're still enemies. This is a perfect chance for you to flee now."
Saying this, she let out another uncontrollable cough and a spurt of blood from
her mouth. Eliard was shocked by such a sight, but he knew that Evelina was
right. He was already released by his captive, and there was no need for him to
bring her along with him.

However, Eliard was not comfortable with abandoning her here to meet her fate.

Under the current circumstances, he did not have enough time to think things
through. He took out the runestone, embraced Evelina and let his power flow
into the runestone.

Hum... There was a soft white light around them. The two of them instantly
vanished. A few seconds later, they had reappeared a few thousand feet from
where they were before, in the middle of a tropical jungle.

The moment they reappeared, a faint red light shone out from the runestone. It
flashed out, covering the trees and rocks around them with a layer of magical
runes. The runes flickered for a moment and then vanished.

Soon after, Evelina felt that the energy ripples around her had finally subsided,
as if nothing had happened there.

"What is that?" asked Evelina, surprised.

The runestone had teleported them across a few thousand feet and smoothened
out all energy ripples at the same time. It had also formed a perfect invisibility
barrier around them. The runestone was the ideal magical artifact for narrow

Eliard was a bit pleased with himself. "It's a defensive runestone that Link had
given me. I'll bet those three won't be able to find this place."

Evelina was still incredulous about this. She walked around the rune barrier,
carefully feeling it. Astonishment gradually came over her face until finally, she
let out a sigh.

"I'd heard from the High Elf elders that Link was an absolute magical genius. I
wasn't convinced back then, but it's clear from this that his magical
achievements are equal to none. My abilities can't even compare to his. Those
three will surely not be able to find us here."
The rune barrier gave off large amounts of Law Magic, which included the
enigmatic Time Power. She had seen the whole thing and was only able to
understand half of it. It might take her a few years to fully comprehend the
whole rune barrier.

Evelina figured that not even Bryant or the three upstarts pursuing them would
be able to decipher the barrier. In other words, both Evelina and Eliard were
safe in it for now.

She slackened her shoulders in relief. As a result of this, waves of pain washed
over her from her injuries. Her vision blurred, and the world spun around her.

Before she hit the ground, she saw Eliard running towards her. She felt a sudden
relief. Even though they were enemies, she did not feel the least bit worried at
the sight of him. For some reason, she believed that Eliard would not harm her.

True enough, before she fell, Eliard managed to catch her in time.

"What's wrong... hey, what did you do?" The concern in Eliard's voice suddenly
turned into a mix of confusion and anger.

What he received from her was not a response, but a sudden rush of power from
Evelina, which once again sealed up his own power.

"Hehe." Evelina chuckled evilly in Eliard's embrace. "Little one, here's a lesson
for you. Never feel sorry for your enemies. Now help me over to that tree. Don't
try to think your way out of this, or I'll show you what I'm really capable of!"

Eliard was taken aback. "You still haven't given up on your mission?"

"Of course not. I already promised Morpheus that I would bring you to the
South. There's no going back now. I simply saw the opportunity, and I took it.
Also, I still haven't received my reward."

When Evelina reached the tree, she lied back against it. Not at all bothered by
Eliard's presence beside her, she pulled off her clothes and revealed her snow-
white skin. She then began treating the wounds on her chest.

Eliard blushed and turned away immediately from her.

"Hey, don't just stand there. Give me a hand here. There are still a lot of
poisonous thorns inside my wounds. I need your help extracting them out."

Eliard now harbored no good will towards her after what she did to him. He
replied coldly, "Aren't you supposed to be the better Magician? You deal with it

"Come and help me, quick. Or I'll really die, and I don't intend to die alone
here," said Evelina.

Eliard had no choice. He turned around and made a conscious effort not to look
at her pristine white body. He then stammered out, "What should I do?"

"Use your hands. Clean them first, then reach into my wounds and pull the
thorns out."

Eliard lowered his eyes to look at her wounds and was shocked to find two
bloody holes, each as big as a fist. He was momentarily shocked. "Are you out
of your mind? You'll die for sure if I do what you asked. Can't I just use the
Magician's Hand?"

"Won't work. These thorns are immune to spells below Level-10. Quick, I won't
be able to hold out much longer."

Eliard was left with no other choice and did as he was told.

When he reached into her wound, Evelina let out a pained moan. She pulled out
a root nearby and bit on it hard. Sweat now flowed down her forehead like a
waterfall. Her body was also slightly trembling from the pain.

Eliard was also trembling. This was just too much for him. He had never done
anything like this.

"Stop dawdling and hurry up! I can't take any of this much longer," urged

Eliard quickly tried to calm his nerves and began pulling out the thorns one by
one. Each thorn was at least five inches long. There were barbs on each of them,
which drew even more blood and torn flesh out of her wound every time he
pulled a thorn out. The sight was horrifying.
He looked at Evelina and saw that she had been biting hard on the root
throughout the process. Her eyes had glazed over.

At this point, he did not know what to feel. His hatred towards her had faded
somewhat and was now replaced by respect and admiration for her tenacity.

She's truly a remarkable woman. If only she had sided with Ferde and not the
Syndicate... Eliard sighed and resumed pulling out the thorns.

After much effort, Eliard managed to finally pull out the thorns from Evelina's

"You alright?" he asked.

There was no response. Eliard looked at her and saw that Evelina had lost
consciousness. Startled, he tried to feel for her breathing from her nose. It was
faint. He then pressed his ear against her chest to listen for her heartbeat. It was
faint as well. She had probably fainted from the extreme pain.

Eliard heaved a sigh. He did not know what to do at this point. His power was
sealed off by Evelina, which rendered his spatial gear unusable. He had at first
thought about using the communication rune in it to contact Link, but now he
could not even take it out from his spatial gear.

As he thought about this for a while, he pulled Evelina's shirt back up. He had
heard that patients who had sustained severe injuries and lost a lot of blood were
especially susceptible to the cold. He then took off his robe to cover her body.

He then waited.

Before long, midnight came. Exhausted, Eliard laid against a tree and was just
about to doze off when all of a sudden, he was woken up by a peculiar sound.

He strained his ears. In an instant, fear gripped him. It was the High Elves. They
had managed to track them all the way here without the aid of any spells.

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Chapter 533: A True Strong Figure
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Because he had the Seed of Sunlight, Eliard was much stronger than before. His
five senses were much more sensitive too.

For example, he heard some abnormal noises now. In reality, the High Elves
should be more than 3000 feet away and hadn't discovered them yet.

Eliard had many choices now. The safest one was to abandon the woman who'd
kidnapped him and escape alone. The High Elves would leave after finding this
woman. But after thinking, he didn't choose that.

She was only working with Morpheus. If I find the right method, I can make her
turn around and join Ferde. At that time, we'll become even stronger.

Eliard found a high and mighty excuse for himself. Now that he had a goal, he
had to think about what to do next.

All his power was sealed; he couldn't use anything. The only thing he had was a
body stronger than the average man. With the Sunlight Power, his body was like
a Level-6 Warrior.

Of course, the was just his strength. He didn't have any of the skills.

He couldn't stay here anymore. The High Elves were getting closer; they would
soon find this place. He had to take this half-elf and leave.

He went to work as soon as he got this idea. Bending down, Eliard carefully
picked up the unconscious Evelina. While doing so, he carefully checked her
wounds. After he was sure she'd stopped bleeding, he carried her and ran away
from the pursuers.

After a while, Eliard felt that he couldn't just run like this. They were deep in
the woods, and he'd left many marks. The two also left behind their auras. The
High Elves would definitely use it to trace them.

Eliard thought of an idea. I must find a river and go downstream. That can keep
us from getting discovered.
Finding a river in the forest was a survival ability for regular people. For a
Magician like Eliard, it was easy. He only had to follow the water element in the
air to pinpoint the location of the river.

He stood quietly and felt around for a while. Then he started hurrying

He walked carefully. After walking through the fallen leaves, he would cover
his footprints with leaves. Every few hundred feet, he would stop to listen and
distinguish where the others were. He would only continue after he was sure of
their safety.

After traveling a few thousand feet like this, Evelina's breathing grew heavier in
his arms. Some more seconds later, she opened her eyes.

She didn't say anything. After looking around and understanding what had
happened, she asked, "They're chasing us?"

Eliard was happy. He nodded and said, "They're not far, just a few miles away. I
need my power freed right now. Unlock it for me."

Evelina seemed not to hear him. "Since we were discovered, why did you bring
me with you instead of running by yourself?"

"Stop, we can talk when we're safe. Hurry, they're going to catch up," Eliard

But Evelina kept saying, "Are you afraid that you'll die after I die, so you want
to trick me into unlocking your power? And then you'll escape alone?"

"If I wanted to escape, I'd have done it long ago. I wouldn't wait until now."

This reasoning made sense and Evelina believed it. "Alright, seeing as you
brought me with you, I'll trust you."

She unlocked Eliard's power once again.

Eliard felt the frozen power inside him suddenly start flowing again. He exhaled
deeply and immediately pulled a special potion from his spatial pendant.
Uncapping it, he put it to Evelina's mouth. "Drink. It's really effective."
The potion was crystal-red and glimmered in the night. Evelina hesitated but
still opened her mouth.

Eliard was still angry at this half-elf, so he poured the entire bottle down her
throat. Evelina gulped it down and choked. "Can't you slow down?!" she

"Hmph. This is what I got to save my life. Be grateful that I'm letting you drink
it. Did you want me to spoon feed you?" Eliard made a face.

He put away the bottle and stopped looking for the river. He turned northward.

After a few steps, Evelina felt something wrong. "Why are you going north?"

"To go back to Ferde," Eliard replied nonchalantly. With that, his hand moved
to grasp Evelina's wrist. Grinning, he said, "I won't fall for the same trick twice.
Don't think about locking my power again."

With that, Eliard let go of Evelina's hand and cackled. "I suggest that you don't
try any more tricks. That potion you just drank isn't that simple. Link made it. It
looks like a healing potion, but it's actually poison. You're poisoned now, and
only Link has the antidote, hehe."

"Really?" Evelina didn't believe him. She felt warm now, and her wounds didn't
hurt anymore. How could it be poison?

Eliard shrugged. "Why else would I force it down your throat?"

With that, Evelina was close to believing it. If a regular potionist made this
potion, she wouldn't believe it. But it had to be made by Link, whom she feared
greatly. It really might contain some fatal thing.

Now, she didn't dare try anything. Glaring at Eliard, she said, "You're so

"I learned it from you, haha," Eliard said, grinning.

He continued walking north. Soon, he climbed past a tall mountain. Reaching

the foot of the mountain, he took out a runestone that had the same crystal-red
glow. He added power into the stone, and it glowed a bit brighter.
"What are you doing now?" Evelina asked despite guessing what he was

Eliard didn't keep it from her. "I'm contacting Link. The mountain is behind us
so the High Elves shouldn't be able to sense it. Link will hurry over after I send
the signal."

He maintained the runestone for three seconds. Then he put it away and
continued northward.

In order to keep hidden from the High Elves, he walked slowly and carefully.
Starting and stopping, he only walked around 1500 feet after five minutes.

As they walked, Evelina suddenly said, "Oh no, they're coming towards us…
They must have discovered your traces."

Eliard was surprised, but he didn't panic. He took out a runestone again and
looked around. Finding, a big tree, he cast a Levitation spell and floated to the
top. He activated the rune, and half a second later, watery ripples appeared in
the space surrounding them. It stayed this way for three seconds before
everything went back to normal.

"And what was that for?" Evelina couldn't help but ask. The runestone was also
crystal-red. She supposed that it was from Link too.

"To fold space," Eliard explained. "Now, we can see under the tree, but they
can't see us… Or more accurately, they can see but won't notice us. We're
smaller than sesame seeds to them now."

While speaking, he found a comfortable place to sit and started waiting


After around five minutes, three figures appeared beneath the tree. They were
High Elves Elovan, Sonya, and Milose. The three circled the place many times
and finally stopped.

Eliard and Evelina could hear their voices.

"Strange. They disappeared."

"I can feel that they're here. They must've used some invisibility spell. Keep

The three started circling again and used many detection spells. They still didn't
find anything. Finally, they regrouped under the tree.

"Nope. They vanished."

"Maybe they're hiding in another realm?"

"It's possible. Let's go look."

The three disappeared on the spot. Clearly, they went to another realm.

Evelina was entirely shocked at this. Only by being in it could she feel just how
powerful the runestone was. They were less than 100 feet away, but the High
Elves couldn't sense them at all. And it was just a runestone. If Link himself was
here, the three could search their entire lives without finding anything.

Eliard looked down too. He wasn't as relaxed. The others were only fooled
temporarily and would realize at some point. At that time, they would be dead.

The seconds ticked by. After another ten minutes, the three High Elves returned.
They weren't stupid and had an idea of how Eliard was hiding now.

"They must've used a spatial spell. Let's look more carefully."

The three split up again and regrouped five minutes later. Then they looked up
towards the big tree.

"There's something wrong with the tree."

"There's something wrong with the sky too. It's kind of red."

"It's morning. That's the sunrise… No, there's something wrong. It's too red."

In the tree, Eliard's heart pounded and almost leaped from his throat, but now,
Link was finally here. He let out a long sigh and said to Evelina, "It's alright
now. Link's here. We're safe."
Evelina didn't say anything. She looked up and saw that the sky was fiery red
now. Pressure covered the sky and kept coming in waves. She couldn't breathe.

Link wasn't here yet, but the sky had already changed.

Evelina trembled inwardly and thought, We're both in the Legendary level. How
come he's so powerful?

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Chapter 534: Is He Trying to Kill Himself?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sky was a fiery red. In the midst of the inferno, a red silhouette landed with
a bang like a meteorite.

When the silhouette approached, a white light flashed across it. All sound died
off, and a man materialized beneath a tree out of thin air.

The man's black eyes gleamed beneath his black hair. He was wearing a dark
blue battle robe with silver linings. A red magic sword with dragon scales
dangled from his waist. His body was shrouded by a mist, which gradually
thickened around him until he was completely obscured by it.

From the mist, a deadpan voice rang out, "Quite a party you have here."

Dread came across the three High Elf Magicians' faces. They were aware of
Link's feats. Half a year ago, he had dueled with Bryant, one of the most
powerful Magicians among the High Elves. Since then, Bryant was reluctant to
share the outcome of their duel with anyone. It was clear that he had lost badly
to Link.

Half a year had passed, and young Legendary talents had emerged from the Isle
of Dawn ever since. However, none of them had forgotten that the Lord of
Ferde was a lot younger than any of them when he reached Legendary and
possessed an innate potential to develop himself even further.
There was no telling how much more Link, who was first to reach Legendary in
Firuman, would still able to grow. It was simply unthinkable.

Right now, his mere presence had managed to unnerve the three High Elves.

Despite not knowing why he had come, they were not so foolish as to dispense
with formalities, especially when they were dealing with Link himself. Elovan
stepped forth and bowed down before him. "My lord, it is an honor to meet

Without a word, Link eyed his surroundings and noticed a heavily injured
Evelina on the top of a tree near him. She was leaning against Eliard, whose
hand gingerly held her body. He had not anticipated such a development.

Eliard had buried himself in his magical studies and was generally unmoved by
the female gender ever since his last breakup. Link had never seen him so
concerned over another woman's well-being.

From the looks of things, he must be infatuated with this woman, who seemed
to reciprocate his feelings as well. In that case, Link saw no reason not to help
them out here.

After thinking for a while, he said to the High Elves, "I've come to apprehend a
fugitive of Ferde. She's a half-elf called Evelina. Have you seen her?"

The three High Elves looked at each other for a moment. Elovan then asked
carefully, "I don't suppose you would care to share with us what crimes Evelina
has committed?"

Link gravely replied, "She was found guilty of conspiring against the
Southmoon Kingdom. Her actions have basically turned the kingdom upside
down. She has even abducted my best friend, Eliard. Don't you think she should
be tried for such crimes?"

"Well..." Elovan was left speechless.

Just then, Sonya walked up and said, "My lord, I won't try to hide the facts.
We're also trying to bring Evelina to justice, but we did not realize that she had
committed such offenses. Though she is a princess of the High Elves, she has
shamelessly joined the Syndicate. The Isle of Dawn does not tolerate traitors
like her. Rest assured, she'll be executed on the spot once we find her. We will
most certainly not cause you any trouble."

"Straight execution, you say?" Link was stunned. He did not realize that Evelina
was in such a tight spot. She had basically turned her back on the Isle of Dawn.
He had never encountered such a scenario in the game.

On the tree, Evelina had gone pale.

Eliard too was shocked by this. He then immediately came to his senses and
smiled coldly at her. "Ha, so your name's Evelina. Nice name, not too bright
though. See, this is the Isle of Dawn you're trying to protect. These people are
intent on killing you."

He was not worried about being heard by the High Elves beneath the tree. The
Folded Dimension was soundproof. Though he could hear everything outside
the Folded Dimension, no one else could hear him.

Beneath the tree

Link was the only one who was aware of everything around him. He glanced up
at the two on top of the tree and noticed Evelina's dejected expression. For a
moment, he had the same thought as Eliard: it would be a great boon to him if
she were to join forces with Ferde.

And so, he waved a hand at the three High Elves and said, "No need to concern
yourselves, I'll handle this myself. I've already found her anyway. She's hiding
on top of that tree, so why don't you just go back home and let me take care of

Elovan immediately caught on to what Link had in mind. If Evelina was any
other Magician, they would be fine letting Link take her in. But she had
mastered a wide array of Legendary spells native to the Isle of Dawn. If Ferde
took in someone like her, the Dawn of Isle's magical knowledge would be
revealed to the outside world.

He looked up at the top of the tree. As a Folded Dimension was cast on it, he
could vaguely sense the presence of someone in it. He had no way of knowing
who was in the Folded Dimension, though.
Left with no other option, he spoke, "My lord, I would not dare hide this from
you, so I'll just say it right now. Evelina has betrayed the High Elf race, and the
elders on our island have demanded that she be executed on the spot..."

Link slowly shook his head. "I think you misheard me. There's nothing else for
you to do here. Whatever goes on in the Isle of Dawn has nothing to do with
me. If you still wish to carry out an execution, you'll have to wait until I'm done
interrogating her."

"You..." Elovan choked up in exasperation.

The three High Elves exchanged solemn looks with each other. This time,
Milose stepped forward. His expression was one of humility and respect. "My
lord, how about this? We take Evelina with us, while you take back Eliard, and
the Isle of Dawn will compensate you for your losses. What do you think?"

Link fell silent. A few seconds later, he spoke, "I'm not in the habit of repeating
myself a third time. Go. Now."

There was no turning back at this point.

The three High Elves were in their youth. The oldest among them, Elovan, was
no more than 50 years old. They were all brimming with youthful vigor. Seeing
that their negotiations had hit a dead end, their faces darkened considerably.

The female High Elf took another step forward. "My lord, we respect you, but
that doesn't mean you can do as you please. If still you insist on walking this
path, I guess we have no choice but to settle this the old-fashioned way."

Saying this, she pulled out her magic wand. Though it seemed like an ordinary
tree branch, unimaginable amounts of Nature Power flowed within it.

The other two High Elves had followed suit. Their wands resembled branches as

Though their wands did not look aesthetically pleasing, they were in fact carved
out from the High Elves' World Tree, and they possessed unimaginable power.
In the game world, these branches were the standard gear of every Legendary
High Elf master.
Judging from the stances they had taken, it seemed that they were now ready for

Link sighed. He placed a hand on the pommel of his Dragon King's Fury sword.
His voice had grown cold. "You are among the finest the Dawn of Isle has to
offer. It would be quite a waste to throw away your lives like that before my
sword. How about this: I'll just stand here without moving, and I'll let you
youngins hit me first with your best spells. If you're able to make me move an
inch, that means I lose, and you get to take Evelina away. But if you can't even
do that, you go back home. What do you think?"

If he were anyone else other than the Lord of Ferde, Link would not have given
himself such a handicap. He would have struck first and killed all three of them
with three quick stabs of his sword.

However, Ferde was not in a position to incur the Isle of Ferde's wrath at the
moment. He could not just kill the youngest talents of the Isle of Dawn without
any reason.

Even so, it was arrogant of Link to offer such a handicap. They were all
Legendary masters, and Link stood all alone against the three High Elves. He
was evidently belittling them!

All three High Elves were now red with anger. They would not stand for such

Youngins? They've been studying magic for more than 30 years, and how long
had Link only been a Magician? Only two years or so!

Evelina looked on wordlessly at this. She asked Eliard in a low voice, "He's not
serious, is he? He's going to kill himself! Even Bryant would not dare pick a
fight with all three at the same time!"

Eliard shrugged. "I don't know. But I know for a fact that Link would not do
anything he was unsure of."

Below the tree, Elovan took a deep breath and calmed his nerves down. He
knew that this was the only possible road out of their current dilemma. "My
lord, isn't this a bit ridiculous?"
"I'm not one to joke about such a thing." Link gave him a faint smile.

"Alright, then allow us to give you a taste of the true power of the High Elves'
Nature Magic!"

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Chapter 535: Too Embarrassing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Link stood steadily on the ground. Blue haze wrapped around him, covering his

His Dragon Power limit had reached 17000 points. One point was equal to five
Mana points for humans. This meant he had 85000 Mana points in total.

The magnitude of this was unbelievable. Only five people in all of Firuman had
power of a larger scale than Link—the Red Dragon Queen, Bryant, Dark
Magician Eugene, Light Magician Halino, and Shadow Walker Morpheus.

The three High Elves before him had only broken past Level-10. Their power
wasn't even one-fourth of Link's. If converted to Dragon Power, they had 4000
points at most. They couldn't even be compared.

Regardless of power, Link's knowledge of magic was on a completely different

scale too.

The High Elves lived on the Isle of Dawn, the home of magic. They'd practiced
magic for more than 30 years too. From this, they should be masters, but this
wasn't so.

Life on the Isle of Dawn was too peaceful. There was no pressure and
obviously, no motivation either. The High Elves mostly studied due to their own
It was different for Link though. He was putting in his all every second of the

Link had only studied magic for two years, but he'd received tips from various
strong figures—the Red Dragon Queen, the exiled god, Bryant's Revelations
Scroll, the God of Light's rewards, and more. He even learned martial arts and
was at the point of starting his own school.

Right now, Link was skilled in every aspect. His abilities were immeasurable.

As for the magic equipment, it went without saying too. As the lord of Ferde, he
was rich and didn't lack any materials. Combining the ones he'd made and
received by chance, he had at least six Legendary pieces of equipment. The
High Elves were geniuses of their race. Though they had more than enough
equipment, they couldn't be compared to a territory's lord. If this was a physical
distance, the High Elves probably had to use a telescope to see Link.

He had the absolute advantage in every aspect.

Even if Evelina came down from the tree and joined the battle, fighting four
against one, Link still had no fear. He was confident in ending the battle within
two seconds.

On the other hand, the three High Elves thought they could win this gamble too.

It was like a joke. Link would stand there without moving and let them attack.
They also had the advantage of attacking first. And instead of defeating him,
they only had to make him move his feet. If they couldn't even do that, they'd be

"Lord, we will start now. Get ready," Elovan reminded before starting. He
thought it was too easy for them this time. He had to be polite.

Link wanted to shake his head. These High Elves were too young and hadn't
experienced the cruelty of the world. If he was in their place, he would find a
chance for a surprise attack instead of saying this.

He just stood in place without using any defense spells. "Stop wasting time and
do it."
As soon as he spoke, Elovan, Sonya, and Milose moved at once. They used the
Black-Gold Thorn, their most powerful and handiest trick.

Boom, boom, boom. Three poisonous black vines, thick as one's fist and
gleaming gold, broke through the ground. Like pythons, they came for Link
from different directions.

The spell was similar to what they did to Evelina, but the force was different.

Against Evelina, they'd still held back, thus letting Evelina escape. But against
Link, they didn't dare go easy on him. They used all their power at once.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. The three vines attacked together with extreme
speed. The air cracked with wind and thunder. Poisonous thorns sprouted from
the vines. The vines waved at the same time, and the thorns swarmed towards
Link like wasps.

The three vines and clouds of thorns blocked all of Link's escape routes.

Every thorn flashed with emerald light. This was the toxin. Once inside Link's
body, he would be affected no matter how powerful he was unless he had the
High Elves' antidote. Even if he didn't die, his combat abilities would be

Seeing this, Evelina clapped her hand over her mouth and cried softly, "It's

The Black-Gold Thorn was the High Elves' best trick. The seeds of the vines
were from the Level-18 World Tree and nurtured by Natural magic. Their
attributes were very special. Other than Natural magic, practically no other
magic could equalize them. They were also extremely sturdy, with an excellent
resistance to magic. To them, iron was as fragile as paper. Shields below Level-
11 practically didn't exist before them.

Faced with an attack like this, even the most powerful Warrior would commit
suicide. Magicians only had one solution: use a spell to escape.

But Link had said earlier that he wouldn't take even half a step. That meant he
could only die.
Just as the thorns were about to reach him, Link's Dragon Power flared. The
buzz shook everyone's hearts as the space around him suddenly expanded. It
stretched like a rubber band until the entire space swelled.

To everyone else, it was as if Link's body suddenly became thousands of feet


Evolan, Sonya, and Milose stood in a triangle around Link, but they felt the
same way. Eliard and Evelina also felt that way in the tree. They watched as
their tree shot up like they were thousands of feet up in the air.

What they couldn't comprehend was that Link really didn't move. He was still in
the same spot.

Here was the problem: they were suddenly so far away from Link. No matter
how powerful the vines were, there was a range. One thousand feet was the
limit, but now they were thousands of feet away. How could this work out?

What happened was that the vines of the Black-Gold Thorn spell slackened after
around 300 feet. The thorns were able to fly to the limit, but then they dropped
helplessly too.

When all attacks ended, the space buzzed again and went back to normal. Link's
body "snapped" back from thousands of feet away.

He really hadn't moved during this. He just stood there without doing anything.

The three High Elves lost.

The forest was deathly silent.

The High Elves gulped in unison. How could they compete with such a
miraculous spatial technique? No matter how powerful they were, they couldn't
hit Link. When they used up all their energy, he came back to harvest the fruits.
This was hopeless.

After a while, Elovan put away his wand first. Speechless, he bowed to Link
and turned to leave. Sonya and Milose were also shocked. Sonya opened her
mouth to speak but gave up. She left with Elovan; Milose followed.
The three weren't powerful enough. They'd attacked first but couldn't even make
Link budge. It was too embarrassing.

When the three were far away, Eliard brought Evelina down from the tree. "See,
I said Link would win, but you didn't believe me," he said excitedly. "You're so

Evelina couldn't refute it. She was still shocked, but now she had to worry about
her own fate.

"Lord, how will you punish me?" All thought of fighting back disappeared after
seeing Link's skills.

Link canceled the blue haze around him and looked coolly at Evelina. "You
created 97 Ethereal Warriors in the Southmoon Kingdom and, either directly or
non-directly, affected 12 people, including the dean of the Grinth Magic
Academy and Amir, Magician of Ferde's ambassador group. These are all grave
sins that must be punished."

Hearing this, Eliard opened his mouth to speak. However, he quickly realized
that he had no reason to defend Evelina, so he kept quiet.

Evelina was much more resigned than Eliard. She shrugged as if she'd given up.
"Then say what you're planning. I only have this life. Take it if you want."

"You must give something to the Southmoon Kingdom and me, as well. I must
know the specific details about the Ethereals and the Syndicate in the South. I
also need to know anything about Legendary High Elf magic. If you tell me,
you can live. Of course, you'll still be imprisoned."

He wanted to have Evelina on their side, but the territory had laws. He couldn't
let her go just because she was useful. There was nothing free in the world.

"Fine, I'm a captive now. I can't choose, so just ask whatever you want to know.
I have a requirement though. If you don't agree, I'd rather die."

She was more like the Syndicate's mercenary. As for loyalty, she'd ended all
thoughts for the Isle of Dawn after learning that her mother agreed with the
Elder Council.
"Alright, what is it?" Link asked.

"I can be imprisoned, but I want Eliard to be my guard."

Eliard was speechless. He didn't know what this woman was thinking but… he
was kind of happy.

Link stared hard at Evelina. Her eyes sparkled and wavered. After a while, Link
had a guess as to what she wanted. Smiling thinly, he said, "I agree. You have to
ask Eliard if he agrees though."

She obviously wanted to use Eliard's feelings for her to escape. Sadly, she
underestimated Eliard. It wouldn't take long for her to fall into his trap.

"Eliard, do you agree?" Evelina turned to look at him.

"I… I'll listen to Link." Eliard was confused but still agreed.

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Chapter 536: Profit beyond One's Imagination

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The medicine that Eliard gave Evelina worked really well. A few hours after
taking it, she had recovered much of her strength and was able to walk herself.

But her body was still weak. Lazy to walk on her own, she allowed Eliard to
carry her all the way.

The three of them were headed north. Link had activated his Void Walk to
hasten their journey. In half an hour, they managed to arrive outside Full Moon

Once they landed, the three of them then entered the city.
Evelina looked around. She noticed that everything was still in order. There did
not seem to be any sign of chaos. She then gave Link a perplexed look as he
walked on in front of them.

Link felt her gaze and chuckled. "The second stage of your plan was almost
perfect. The only problem was that the Ethereal Warriors had been too slow to
carry it out. When I got here, they still hadn't arrived in the city."

"What about the king?" asked Evelina. She had noticed that the wanted posters
plastered around the city had been torn down. This meant that the king had been
taken care of.

Link smiled and took out a pale yellow crystal. He tossed it up and down in his
hand, then threw it to Eliard. "Catch. Let her have a look at it."

Evelina looked carefully at the crystal held up by Eliard in front of her eyes.

The crystal somewhat resembled a piece of amber, and a cotton-like substance

swirled abundantly inside it. She held out her hand and touched it. It was
smooth and warm to the touch, and it did not feel sharp or angular like other
gemstones. At the same time, she sensed a familiar aura coming from it.

"This is..." She turned to Link, still uncertain.

"You guessed it. The Ethereals that you've brought in are now inside the crystal.
In it, they can neither live nor die."

The Soul Crystal was a unique item. It could store souls in a way similar to
pendrives back on earth. Any file stored in a pendrive would be preserved as it
was, a dead thing removed from all external influences. The file would only be
subject to change via user input once it was extracted from the pendrive and run
on a computer.

The Soul Crystal was a pendrive of sorts, while the possessed victims were the
computers infected by the Ethereals. Once they were stored within a Soul
Crystal, the Ethereals remained a dead thing inside it.

These "dead things" possessed peculiar properties. Their sophisticated structures

contained a large number of rune groupings. By infusing one's power into the
crystal with the right technique, one could reactivate these rune groupings and
draw out the Ethereal's power.

In other words, the Ethereal Crystal was a magical item with an immediate

Evelina swallowed. She eyed Link incredulously and asked, "They are living
beings capable of speech and thought, and you're storing them like mere objects.
Aren't you afraid their guardians will have an issue with such abuse?"

Link laughed out loud. "I neither bought them like merchandise nor slaughtered
them like mere sheep. They got what they deserved. Why shouldn't I have my
way with them? It's not my fault their essences have such useful properties."

Eliard listened on to all this, confused. He asked, "Link, what are you two
talking about? Evelina, who's capable of speech and thought? And what's this
talk about guardians?"

Evelina looked at the crystal in Eliard's hand, still finding the whole thing
difficult to accept. She then explained to Eliard, "Link stored the souls of the
Ethereals inside this crystal, turning them into a piece of magical equipment."

Eliard was shocked upon hearing her explanation. If he had heard of this before,
he would have leaped up in protest. However, right now, his mentality had
undergone a major upheaval.

He observed the crystal carefully in his hand. He then asked Link, "How useful
is this?"

Link replied, "Ethereals possess unique powers inside their souls. For instance,
by imbuing your power into it with the right technique, the Ethereal Crystal that
you're holding now will be able to produce Level-10 Earth Power."

Eliard's eyes brightened up. His mind was able to immediately grasp what Link
was saying. He then said, "By that logic, does that mean any ordinary Magician
will be able to summon out Legendary power with any magical equipment
forged with this crystal as its base?

Link nodded in agreement. "Exactly, and its conversion efficiency is extremely

high. Around a hundred apprentices would be able to muster a Level-10 attack
with their combined Mana. On the other hand, only 20 Magicians above Level-5
would be needed for such an attack."

"What about the crystal's cost of production?" asked Eliard.

"Not at all high. On average, a piece of crystal would cost more than 70 gold
pieces. With the added cost of alchemical potions required to exorcize the
Ethereals from their host bodies, the total cost would amount to around 130 gold
pieces. Also, these crystals can be used at least 100 times."

At this point, Eliard had fallen silent. A few seconds later, he said, "This Soul
Crystal business feels a bit shady to me, but it would be a waste not to take
advantage of it now. With this, the military might of Ferde would improve by
leaps and bounds. Besides, these Ethereals aren't exactly peaceful beings. If they
had just stayed in their own realm, none of this would have happened to them."

The risk of being reprimanded for violating the rights of these Ethereals seemed
trivial in comparison to the immense profit that could be reaped from them. It
was highly unlikely that there would be anyone who would go so far as to
defend these evil spirits.

Evelina listened on to their discussion. She felt as if a whole new world had
been laid out before her. In front of her stood not Magicians, but rather vulgar
merchants who would do whatever it took to earn a buck. For some reason, she
was not at all displeased at the way they handled things. Both Link and Eliard
were fastidiously weighing the gains and losses of the matter at hand. They
would only choose to do something if its gains weighed more.

Also, it seemed that Link's method of forging magical equipment with the souls
of Ethereals would most certainly bring in a huge profit. Evelina was impressed
by this.

Her gaze alternated between Eliard and Link for a few times. She then asked,
"Can I join you guys in this?"

She did not believe that Link would lock her up indefinitely. She must have
impressed him with her magic and talent. Her imprisonment was simply a way
for him to tap into her skills. Why else would he have agreed to let Eliard watch
over her? She was not one to sit quietly on the sidelines and let an opportunity
like this pass her by.
Link smiled. He knew that a maiden bold enough to commit treason against the
Isle of Dawn like her would find a way to spice things up. He then asked, "And
what if we refuse you?"

"If you let me in on your plans, I'll tell you where you can find plenty of
Ethereals and the safest spots to trap them. I'll even tell you the spatial
coordinates of the Delou Ethereal Realm. If not, well, I won't tell you anything

Link and Eliard were stunned. This lady was incredible. She had betrayed the
Ethereals to them at the drop of a hat with such thoroughness that even Link
found it a bit too extreme. She had even suggested capturing these creatures
from the Ethereal Realm, as if their complete eradication meant nothing to her at

But then, only a fool would refuse such an offer.

Link nodded. "It's a deal, then."

The three of them then continued their path through the city. A while later, the
gates of Full Moon Kingdom's palace rose up before them. At that moment,
Link whispered, "Before I forget, you seemed to have messed up Skinorse and
Irvan quite badly back then. Try not to provoke them when you see them."

"Got it."

Eliard was the only one who was unaware of what had happened.
Apprehensively, he asked, "What happened to Skinorse and the others?"

Link did not know how to tell him what happened. Thinking about it for a
while, he said, "Physically, they're both alright. It's just that their prides have
been somewhat injured. Don't ask them about it later on. Just let the whole thing

"If you say so." Eliard nodded, still confused.

At that point, the king of Southmoon Kingdom had returned to normal. The
palace opened its gates to Link without much fuss. As they entered, there were a
few attendants already waiting there to guide them through the labyrinth of
corridors and alleyways until they finally reached a small courtyard on the
western side of the palace.

"Skinorse and the others are in there. Our business here in Southmoon Kingdom
has come to a close. After I'm done giving out my orders, we'll head north

Eliard looked at Link strangely. "What's the rush?"

"I fear that the High Elves will catch up with us if we stay here for too long."

Eliard was startled. They definitely needed to watch out for the High Elves. He
then thought of a graver problem. "The Isle of Dawn would not give up their
search so easily. If they were to come looking for Evelina in Ferde, what should
we do then?"

Right now, Evelina was in their hands. It was simply out of the question to hand
her over at this point. But Eliard had no say in the matter; the only one capable
of putting up a fight with the Isle of Dawn was Link himself. It was up to him to
decide what to do with her.

Evelina too looked at Link, waiting for a reaction from him. She would literally
be sent to her death if he succumbed to the Isle of Dawn's demands to hand her
over to the High Elves.

Link laughed. "Of course we won't hand her over. If we do, the information on
the Ethereals will forever be out of our grasp. Once we get back to Ferde, we'll
wait for the High Elves to make the first move. Then we'll proceed as planned at
the first chance we can get."

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Chapter 537: Bluff (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the end, Evelina still saw Skinorse's group.

Skinorse didn't mind. He was always more forgiving to beautiful girls and
forgot what had happened after seeing Evelina's delicate features. Instead, he
started worrying over her injuries.

"Oh, you seem to be heavily wounded. Are you okay? Do you need Moya to

Hearing that, Priest Moya couldn't help but scoff. She shot a look at Skinorse.
Even though Skinorse and Irvan didn't say anything after coming back, Moya
was skilled and could tell what was wrong with someone at a glance.

For example, she could tell where Irvan was hurt by how he walked. Skinorse
also looked like an unconfident pervert. Moya had a basic idea of what had
happened after asking some more questions.

Seeing Skinorse like this now, she felt that he was beyond saving.

Irvan had escaped early this morning. What had happened yesterday had
traumatized him. He couldn't face anyone who knew the details.

Evelina was caught by surprise too. She smiled at Skinorse and asked, "It seems
that you really liked it. Want to do it again?"

Skinorse's expression changed, and he waved his hand quickly. "No, no, no.
One time is enough, it's enough."

Everyone in the room looked at him speechlessly.

Getting to the point, Link said, "We're preparing to return to Ferde. Skinorse,
what are your plans?"

"Continuing to explore, of course. I almost have enough Jogus." Skinorse grew

serious. This was what he'd been working on all this time.

"Good, I'll prepare it for you when I return. Oh, you're Moya, right?" Link
thought of something after seeing the female priest.

"Yes, Lord." Moya bowed respectfully.

"I heard about you from Kanorse. He said that not only are you skilled in
healing spells, you also have many unique methods for saving one's life. Ferde
opened an academy for doctors recently. I'm the dean right now. If you're
interested, you can be the new dean."

Kanorse had said that Moya was the best at emergency treatments. Oftentimes,
she didn't even need spells. Those spells were just the icing on the cake for her.

Link had created the strong Sunlight Army. Each soldier had powerful recovery
abilities. If they were wounded on the battlefield, they would just need some
basic emergency treatment. They wouldn't need Light spells to recover.

Thus, if there were enough emergency personnel, the death rate of his army
would lower a lot.

Even better, it wasn't hard to learn Moya's tactics. A regular person could learn
it too, and this was what Link needed. As for the academy, it didn't exist yet.
But if they had a dean and enough resources, it could be established quickly…

Hearing that, Skinorse grew upset. "Hey, Lord, you're unethical. Moya is our
friend. You can't just dig her away so shamelessly."

Link really had no shame. Smiling, he said, "Adventures will get old someday
and need a way out. Plus, Moya is a girl. Are you really willing to make her risk
her life with you?"

"Uh…" Skinorse was swayed. He usually acted recklessly and did ridiculous
things, but Moya was different to him. She had an important place in his heart.
If she had somewhere safe to go, he would support it.

An academy's dean would live comfortably and be respected. It sounded nice.

"Moya, what do you think?" Skinorse asked.

Moya was interested too. "Me? I want to, but if I go, you won't last one month.
I'll pass."

Skinorse was even more convinced after this. "What do you mean?" he asked.
"Go if you want. Nothing bad will happen with our skills, right Morrigan?"
Morrigan nodded. "Just go, Moya."

Moya still shook her head. "But…"

Link chuckled. "You're worried about Skinorse, right? Don't worry."

As he spoke, he took out three runestones. Dragon Power wrapped around them,
and a few minutes later, they became red crystals. Giving them to Skinorse, he
said, "These are Seething Vitality runes. Take one each and keep them with you.
If you're hurt, it will heal you automatically. Each stone can heal 15 fatal
injuries. Even if your arm is broken, you can press it onto the injury, and it'll
reconnect your arm. Moya, what do you think?"

Skinorse immediately took the stones and chuckled. "This is good." Then he
said to Moya, "Go, go. Do well as the dean and your name will be written down
in history. Then people who talk about you will mention me too. I'll get some

Moya finally nodded. "My honor, Lord."

Link smiled and nodded. He was very happy. Turning to Skinorse, he said,
"Then we'll leave now. Also, tell Irvan that he only needs to find 50 Jogu for me
to make him a Legendary bow."

"Got it. I'll tell him." Skinorse actually felt guilty towards Irvan. Skinorse was
the one who'd benefited a bit from earlier. If he got laid like that, he wouldn't be
able to take it.

After that, Link left the yard and gave some orders to the servants sent by the
king. Then he used the Void Walk to take the others back to Ferde.

Though he had three people with him, the entire journey only took half an hour.
When they reached Ferde, Link was still energetic. He didn't look tired at all.

Evelina had been trying to calculate Link's power. Seeing this, she was even
more impressed. All her plans were destroyed now. She started to seriously
consider joining Ferde.
When they reached Ferde, Link said to Eliard, "Take her back. You're her guard
now, so you can decide where you want her imprisoned. Choose wherever you

"Alright, no problem." Eliard took Evelina away.

Link turned to Moya. "Come, I'll take you to see Manager Lucy. She'll arrange
the things with the academy."

"Okay." Moya was happy; she was excited about the academy.

Though she had a lot of Sacred Power, her knowledge was far from those
official priests from the Sacred City. She'd learned informally and could now
become the dean of an academy. This was satisfying.

Along the way, Moya asked casually, "Lord, where is the academy?"

Link smiled. "The location is chosen already. It's in the east of the city and will
be around 100 acres. It hasn't been built though, and we're still enrolling
students. You'll be the first dean."

Moya wasn't gullible. She chuckled dryly. "So you're saying that it doesn't exist

Link felt a bit awkward. "I think that 100,000 coins should be enough to build a
nice academy. I'll send Magicians from the Mage Tower to help with the
buildings for free. What do you think?"

The benefits were great. Moya thought for a bit and decided this was better. She
could build the academy herself according to her wishes. She would be the
founder of the academy.

"Alright, that's not bad." She nodded.

After finding Lucy, Link explained simply, and Lucy quickly provided the
money. Ferde's treasury was doing well now and made a profit of more than
200,000 coins per month. She'd been wondering how to spend the money. The
academy came at the right time.
After giving 100,000 coins, Lucy asked, "Lord, is that enough? How about
150,000 coins?"

"You have enough?" Link asked in shock. He wasn't that familiar with the
territory's situation.

"Of course."

"Oh, then 150,000."

Moya was even more satisfied. She had room to work with now.

Getting the money, Link notified Jacker and some others. The matter was set
now. The upper level of Ferde all knew Moya, so the academy was on the fast

To Link, this academy was only a small detail in his grand plan. After arranging
everything, he returned to the Mage Tower and started planning on how to deal
with the High Elves.

There wasn't anything he could say about the High Elves coming for their
people. Ferde was in the wrong, and they should hand her over. But he couldn't
do it, so what should he do?

Link got an idea. He would use terror.

The High Elves came to reason with them, but Link wouldn't win that. He had
to use power. Competition between the races had always followed the law of the

Imagine one man who was tall, burly, and powerful. The other was frail, thin,
and weak. The strong man wanted to take the weak man's pretty wife. The
strong guy was wrong, but the weak guy couldn't beat him. He could only
accept reality.

But there was another problem. Ferde wasn't as strong as the Isle of Dawn. Link
couldn't scare them at all.

What should he do?

There was another option: bluffing.

In the forest, some harmless snakes looked just as terrifying as poisonous

snakes. They weren't threatening at all, but to the others, they were too powerful
to be touched.

Ferde had to look like they were poisonous.

How should he bluff?

Link took out what he'd gotten from the South. Placing the crystals on the table,
he counted 95. Thirteen of them had amazing quality and could transform
Legendary power at the highest rate.

Thirteen Ethereal Crystals can create 13 Legendary magic equipment. If I use it

well, they can emit 13 types of Legendary auras… Hmm, I'll have to arrange
this well.

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Chapter 538: The Bluff (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On this day, the sun shone brightly while the sea breeze rolled in gently.

Seagulls screeched in the sky, squabbling with each other over scraps thrown
out by the guests of a nearby inn. A few kids frolicked around the port's open
plaza. Near the docks, workers called out to each other as they bustled about,
loading and unloading cargo from their ships. Further away, shop houses were
in the midst of construction.

It was an ordinary day like any other.

At noon, a seemingly ordinary merchant vessel appeared on the horizon. It

slowly made its way towards the port of Ferde.
High Elf merchant ships were a familiar sight to the port's inhabitants. Though
nothing stood out from it on the surface, this particular merchant ship was
different from the others that came before it.

On the outside, the merchant ship and its deck seemed normal enough. In
reality, it had an extremely spacious hold beneath its deck. Only a small portion
of that space was reserved for holding cargo. The rest of it was emptied out for
its passengers. There was even enough space for a great hall.

It was lunchtime. In the ship's great hall, eight High Elves were seated around a
long table. The three High Elf Legendary masters, Bryant, Sonya and Milose
were in their midst.

The other five High Elves were no ordinary folk. One of them was a young
High Elf who bore a resemblance to the Elf Princess Milda and was almost as
old as her. He was Prince Phillip, who also happened to have been saved by
Link once. The four High Elves around him were among the best diplomats and
negotiators the Isle of Dawn had to offer.

When the port of Ferde appeared before their ship, the voice of a sailor called
out to them from the deck, "Your Highnesses, Ferde is just ahead of us."

Hearing this, Bryant turned to Sonya and Milose. "It's time. Go get ready."

"Yes, Prophet." The two young Magicians wiped their mouths clean with their
napkins. They then rose from their seats. With a slight movement, their bodies
dissolved into a green mist and vanished from the ship's hold.

The merchant's vessel was just a facade. Its true cargo were the negotiators
inside its hold. Six Silver Storm Sparrow ships hung back a few thousand feet
from the merchant's vessel. If anything went wrong, the Silver Storm Sparrow's
magic spells would descend upon the port of Ferde in retaliation, which would
result in grievous injuries on both sides.

Of course, this was only a contingency plan. If Ferde would peacefully accept
their terms, they would not need to resort to violence.

There were two reasons as to why the High Elves preferred a peaceful
resolution with Ferde.
The first one was that the Army of Destruction had amassed its forces in the
northern region. The Isle of Dawn needed the humans to be their first line of
defense against the Army of Destruction there.

The second reason was that Ferde now possessed a powerful army of 30,000
men. It also had a Legendary master watching over it. They could not possibly
ignore such military might. Even if the High Elves were to act against Ferde,
they still had to make thorough preparations for such a confrontation.

The merchant's vessel continued on its path. Prince Phillip had just finished his
meal as well.

He had been to Hot Springs City. Back then, Link was the one who had rescued
him. He had felt much gratitude for what he had done. Even now, Prince Phillip
still had a high opinion of Link.

It was a shame, though, that good and evil never meant much when it came to
dealing with interracial issues.

"Prophet, do you think he'll be willing to hand her over?" Phillip asked. Deep
down, he knew that Link would resist. He still remembered the time they met at
the magic market. Back then, Link had faced off against three masters all on his
lonesome without even a hint of panic. He had beaten all three of them up,
leaving two dead and one running off with his tail between his legs.

There was no way someone with a strong will like Link's would ever submit so
easily to others.

Even Bryant could not say anything for sure. He was silent for a moment. Then,
he spoke, "If what we've heard of Ferde's military strength is true, Link will
probably hand Evelina over to us. He's an intelligent man, and the port is the
lifeline of Ferde."

Phillip was no longer the naive young man he was before. He sighed. "I hope

After a moment of silence, he asked again, "What will happen to Evelina? Will
she really be executed?"
Though Evelina was a half-elf, she had lived in the High Elf royal palace,
Andwar ever since she was little. Phillip knew her for as long as he could
remember. Among the High Elf Princesses, Evelina was always so full of life
and good-tempered. He would always follow her around wherever she went
when Phillip was still a child.

They had played many pranks together, like the time when they threw a beehive
into a guard post where the imperial guards were having their afternoon naps.
There was also that one time when they poured unicorn urine into the wine
barrels in the wine cellar. At a banquet on the next day, most guests felt that the
wine did not taste quite right, but finished their glasses anyway out of courtesy.
A wide smile would spread across Phillip's face every time he thought of all the
pranks he pulled together with Evelina.

But now, they had both grown up. With the power she possessed, Evelina posed
a real threat to the safety of the Isle of Dawn. She had even defected from the
Isle of Dawn. As a High Elf prince, Phillip was ordered by her mother to bring
back this traitor to the island.

Big Sis Evie, why would you do this? Phillip sighed inwardly.

In truth, he knew the answer to this question. But he could not bring himself to
say it out loud. He was also powerless to change anything.

Bryant too had conflicted feelings about this. Due to her half-elf identity,
Evelina had suffered constant discrimination from the other High Elves. As a
former human Magician, Bryant's life was also anything but an easy one. He
understood more than anyone what Evelina was going through. His
granddaughter had paid the ultimate price for it.

After a long silence, Bryant finally said, "Probably not. Once we bring her back,
the elders will then decide her fate."

This meant that certain death awaited Evelina back on the island. The elders had
already made their decision, and they had all come to the conclusion that
Evelina would be sentenced to death if any evidence of her committing treason
against the Isle of Dawn could be found. Evelina had indeed betrayed them and
nearly killed Elovan.

They fell silent again.

A while later, Phillip asked, "Will there be war between us and Ferde?"

This time, Bryant's reply came immediately. His voice did not waver as he
spoke, "Yes."


Bryant thought about this for a moment, then settled on using a metaphor as his
reply. "If Firuman was a mountain, then we High Elves would be the tiger living
in it. Before the rise of Ferde, all the prey living in the mountain belonged only
to us. The whole world belonged to us. We were rich and peaceful. But now,
another tiger has appeared on the same mountain. The two tigers would then
fight over their share of the mountain until they starve each other out."

Phillip tried to argue. "But there are only 3 million people on the Isle of Dawn.
The imported goods we received are all stacked up high in our warehouses
every year. Most of the excess food is simply left in it to rot. It is obvious that
the yearly supply of resources we receive greatly dwarfs our demand."

Bryant shook his head and smiled. "We may have enough, but to the human
race, it will never be enough. Ferde represents the entire human race. This
particular tiger has a huge appetite. It will not stop growing. Once it reaches a
certain point of maturity, the whole world won't even be enough to sate this
beast's hunger. No one will be able to rival its strength. When that happens, our
race will be at the mercy of the humans."

The human race occupied the richest regions of Firuman. There were more than
three hundred million of them, a few hundred times more than the High Elves. If
they were allowed to develop freely, it would be a complete calamity for not
just the High Elves, but the other races of Firuman as well.

It was not that the High Elves were incapable of harmonious coexistence with
the humans. Rather, they would not be able to bear the consequences of letting
the humans flourish rampantly, which was why they had endeavored for so long
to maintain the power balance between the kingdoms on the continent.

Prince Phillip now understood somewhat the relationship between the two races.

He looked out of a porthole. Outside, a magnificent port built out of huge white
stone had entered into view. Hundreds of merchant vessels were parked around
the docks, forming a forest of masts bobbing gently on the water. A magnificent
lighthouse stood in the distance. Rows of houses were arranged neatly around it
while people swarmed the streets. Farther still, more houses were being built.

The whole port was brimming with so much life, and energy one might not find
back on the Isle of Dawn.

The port was massive, perhaps three times bigger than Monoson, the biggest
port on the Isle of Dawn. This all came into fruition in the span of merely two

At that moment, Phillip felt the threat that the humans posed to them.

"Prophet, if we go to war with them, will we win?" asked Phillip.

Bryant looked out at the port and let out a soft moan. He then said, "Can't say
for sure. What we do know is that we are a lot stronger than Ferde right now,
and we are positioned strategically well in comparison to the humans. Alright,
let's not discuss this any further. Ship's entering the port. When you meet the
Lord of Ferde, remember not to show any sign of weakness, no matter what
happens. I'll be right beside you."

"I understand." Prince Phillip nodded. He calmed himself down, stood up and
climbed out onto the deck. Bryant walked beside him, and they were then
followed from behind by their entourage of diplomats.

Once the ship entered the port, the High Elves immediately headed towards the
port administration office to show their papers. When the officers confirmed
that it was the High Elf prince himself, they immediately summoned
extravagant carriages for them, which then drove them straight towards
Scorched City.

Prince Phillip and Bryant were in the same carriage. The prince looked out of
the window at the wide, smooth road ahead of them. He murmured to himself in
surprise, "He's already expecting us."

There was no way he would have prepared all this in such short notice.
Bryant remained impassive to their extravagant reception. "Don't think too
much about it. This is his domain after all. He should already know we're
coming. There's nothing to be too surprised about."

Phillip nodded and tried to keep himself calm.


When the High Elves' carriages drove towards Scorched City, Link, Vance, and
the others were making their final adjustments to the magical houses.

There were thirteen magical houses. They were all hastily built and distributed
across different parts of Scorched City. Each house contained a huge number of
Magicians. They were all assigned the task of focusing their power into ethereal
equipment. The magical houses also concealed their collective auras and only
allowed Legendary power aura to seep out from within.

From a far enough distance, it would seem as if each house contained a

Legendary master in it.

Ten seconds later, Link began collecting the results of the Magicians' test runs.

"Everything normal in magical house number one."

"Everything fine in number two."

"Sunlight Power leaking out from number three, proceeding to turn off power."

"Number four..."

Out of all thirteen magical houses, only two reported malfunctions and were
forced to power down. On the other hand, the other eleven were operational and
capable of carrying out Link's deception.

"Thirteen Legendary masters (eleven magical houses plus Link and Evelina),
this will surely give those High Elves a good scare!" Vance laughed out loud.

According to Evelina, the High Elves had five Legendary masters at the
moment. Four of them had only recently reached Legendary. This was
impressive in itself, but now, thirteen Legendary masters had sprung up in
Ferde, which was more than what the High Elves had at their disposal!

Legendary masters were not to be trifled with. Anyone would be scared witless
by such power.

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Chapter 539: Bluff (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Scorched Ridge

"Whoa!" A coachman stopped his carriage not far from the Mage Tower's

The door opened, and Bryant came out first. He looked up at the looming Mage
Tower and lamented on how it had transformed again after the past couple of
months. He could barely recognize it now.

Many Magicians scurried past him, all seeming to be in a rush. They were either
discussing magic together or going straight to another building. No one was
lost; everyone had a definite goal.

Even more surprising was that each Magician had a strange aura. It was warm
and seemed to glow. Everyone was filled with energy. None of the dozens of
apprentices that walked by looked fatigued as most Magicians were.

What power is this? I've never seen it before. Bryant was shocked.

Thump. Prince Phillip also jumped down from the carriage. He looked around,
impressed. The Mage Tower was honestly too majestic, especially the main
tower. It was hundreds of feet tall and even had a wide circular platform at the
top. A beautiful Mana net covered the platform while countless beautiful
flowers bloomed on it. They were colorful, battling each other with their beauty.

Prince Phillip couldn't help but praise, "What a great garden in the sky."
At this time, all the other High Elves descended too. They grouped before
Prince Phillip. During this time, the top level of the Mage Tower probably
received the report already, but no one came to welcome them. It seemed that
the group of High Elves would be left on this square alone.

People walked to and fro, but the Magicians just glanced at them before turning
and going back to their work. They were ignored.

Prince Phillip felt a bit awkward. "So, should we go knock on the door?"

"The Ferde lord is too impolite," a High Elf said angrily.

"Yeah, he's becoming more and more arrogant," another said.

Just as they were all venting their anger, something flashed in the air for three
seconds. An arch of pure light appeared. Within it, there was a white dot that
expanded rapidly until it filled the entire arch. An image rippled within it like
water. At a closer inspection, it looked like a banquet.

"What's this?" Prince Phillip turned to Bryant. He knew this was a portal, but it
appeared so strangely. He was a bit scared to step into it.

Bryant sighed inwardly. A few months after their last meeting, Link's tricks had
improved again. It was as if he could just casually control spatial magic.

Bryant took the lead to walk towards the portal. At the same time, he said, "Let's
go. This is the Ferde lord's portal. He's welcoming us."

With that, he stepped in. The image before him suddenly turned, and he was
standing on an open platform. Flowers surrounded him. There was a long table
before him, with beautiful girls busying with the food, flitting around like

Every girl was beautiful. Even though they wore the same clothes, each had
their own unique characteristics. Some were pure as jade; others were sexy and
alluring. Others showed tempting long legs, and Bryant couldn't help but steal
more glances.
He quickly realized the secret though. These girls were all magic puppets. I
wonder which bastard designed the appearance, he had to lament again. They're
so tempting.

Collecting his thoughts, he looked to the head of the table.

Link sat there. He wore a thorny crystal-red headpiece and a dark red robe with
silver markings. Six people sat to his sides, all dressed elegantly.

Bryant had checked their profiles in the High Elves' Hand of Night. He knew all
of them. Starting from Link's left side, they were Death Scythe Celine, Link's
companion; half-elf Eliard; Vance, creator of Combat Aura Studies; Alloa, the
Maiden of Truth; Secret Magician Eleanor; and Elin, the Lady Fortuna of the

In other words, all core figures of Ferde were present.

Each of these six was at least Level-7. Eliard had reached Level-9, and his
power was active. He would soon break into Level-10.

Of them all, Link's appearance was the most shocking to Bryant.

It wasn't just his overly elegant robe. The biggest shock was that Bryant could
see that Link had a thin layer of Legendary power across his skin. Under this
power, his skin looked like crystal. At a glance, Link gave off the feeling of an
eternal statue that was filled with an Epic aura. Anyone who saw him would feel
indescribably shocked as if he were a god instead of a human.

Paired with the six emotionless Magicians beside him, Link made Bryant feel
that he was facing a group of gods.

Bryant could clearly feel pressure weighing down. But as a Level-12 Legendary
Magician, he wouldn't get scared. He just thought, Link is really putting on a

Buzz. There were some soft sounds behind Bryant. Prince Phillip and four High
Elf ambassadors walked out from the portals under the faint light.

They weren't as firm as Bryant. Faced with this scene, the five High Elves were
obviously shaken. They couldn't say a word.
Bryant felt this and sighed inwardly. Seems that Phillip's men won't be of much

The light of power glowed faintly around him, adding an emerald sheen to his
skin. He was here for support and couldn't lose in appearance.

He walked forward and bowed slightly to Link. "Duke, it seems that you knew
we would come."

Bryant didn't call Link lord or by his name. He called him duke for a reason. He
wanted to subtly affect the relationship between Link and Celine.

Link smiled. "I am not the duke of the dragons anymore. I am only Ferde's lord.
Everyone, please sit."

He had explained his relationship with the dragons with Celine long ago. She
wasn't very happy at first. However, after all this time, they were familiar with
each other's personality. Everything could be solved with a night in bed. The
others also knew about his relationship with the dragons because he'd borrowed
greatly from Dragon Power when making the Sunlight Power.

After the High Elves took their seats, Link waved at the magic puppet servants.
They started serving delicate desserts for the High Elves.

Link chuckled. "I know that you all probably already had lunch, so I prepared
some dessert. I hope you'll like it."

The desserts looked delicately-made, and the utensils were elegant too. This
lowered the High Elves' defenses. Out of politeness, they all tried some.

A famous southern chef made these desserts. Not only were they pretty, but they
were also delicious. The eyes of the High Elves brightened as soon as the food
entered their mouths. They couldn't help but eat some more.

As the saying went, those who ate would be softened. This couldn't change their
stances, but it was quite effective in relaxing the atmosphere.

The High Elves had come with a bunch of objections to Link. Now though, they
were being officially welcomed in a beautiful garden in the air. Link seemed to
have put a lot of thought into this. Their negative feelings softened a lot.
Prince Phillip couldn't help but glance around. He saw the flowers close to him
and the vibrant city in the distance below him. He was at the peak right now.
Taking in the vast scenery, he had to compliment, "This place really is nice."

Link smiled and entered the main topic. "Thank you for your praise. May I
know your reason for coming?"

At this question, Prince Phillip motioned at his men. One High Elf handed a
document to a magic puppet. She passed it to Link.

Link accepted it and scanned it. It was a verdict signed by their Elder Council
aimed at half-elf Princess Evelina. It listed her many accusations. The gravest
one was betraying the race.

"Evelina is a criminal of our race," Prince Phillip said. "The crimes she has
committed are enough to warrant the cruelest punishment of our race. We heard
from Elovan that she also committed a big crime in the Southmoon Kingdom.
She almost destroyed their royal family. This is a disgrace to our race. We heard
that she is currently being imprisoned in Ferde. We hope to somehow pay a
ransom and take her back to the Isle of Dawn for judgment."

"Oh, I see," Link said ambiguously. He turned to Eliard. "Eliard, you are in
charge of guarding Evelina, but I heard that she already escaped?"

"Guilt" filled Eliard's face. "Yes, Lord. I've failed you. You know that Evelina is
very beautiful. I was tricked by her looks, and she escaped from the prison. I
still haven't found her."

"What a horrible mishap," Link mused. Then he looked to Prince Phillip with

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. We failed at watching this criminal. You must know,
Evelina is in the Legendary level. If she really wants to escape, it would be very
hard to find any clue of how she'd escaped, so…"

His exchange with Eliard was so fake that even a regular person could tell
something was wrong. Prince Phillip knitted his brows tightly.
The female ambassador behind him couldn't help but stand up and refute them.
"Lord, we came with sincerity. We will compensate the losses Evelina brought
to you in full. I hope you will repay with sincerity as well."

Link shrugged, still looking regretful. "I don't understand why you would think
like this. Evelina indeed was our prisoner, but that's past tense. We have no clue
where she is now. I admit that it's our mistake for not keeping an eye on her. I
will punish Eliard, but honestly, this is our own problem. We aren't responsible
for watching the Isle of Dawn's criminal. Don't you think you're minding
someone else's business?"

The High Elves stared at each other speechlessly. It was clear that Link was
denying things, but his explanation was logical too. If Evelina wasn't in Ferde,
the High Elves couldn't do anything to Ferde.

They obviously wouldn't be able to find her in Ferde either. Since Link dared to
say this, he must have hidden her well. She might even be in a room in this
Mage Tower, but this was a critical location to Ferde. Unless they wanted to
invade Ferde, the High Elves couldn't search it.

Bryant couldn't let them enter this stalemate.

He tapped the table and narrowed his eyes at Link. "Ferde Lord, you and I are
both very clear about some things. I hope you understand what Ferde will
receive and lose if you do this. After all, the Isle of Dawn is never gentle with

Link didn't give up his act. "Bryant, I don't know what you're saying. Evelina
doesn't have anything to do with me or the territory. You can search throughout
the continent. Ferde won't stop you."

It was a stalemate again.

Bryant frowned at Link. He didn't know what the man was planning. Had he
gone crazy and wanted war with the Isle of Dawn?

But if he wanted that, why didn't he destroy the relationship now and just
attack? This was his territory; he didn't have to use overt methods. He could just
poison their desserts, and that would be enough, but he didn't do it.
He seemed to just want to take advantage of the Isle of Dawn. Confused, Bryant
asked, "Link, the Isle of Dawn isn't weak. Aren't you being a bit too naive?"

If Link wanted to take advantage of a small thing, the Isle of Dawn would
endure it to take care of the big picture. This was different though. Evelina was
a powerful Legendary Magician. Link was trying to yank out a tiger's teeth. If
he wanted to do it, he would have to give up his arm or even his head to the

Link just smiled, eyes crinkling. He exchanged glances with his Magicians and
said, "To be honest, we have some formidable power too."

As he spoke, various Legendary auras emerged from different locations in

Scorched Ridge. The auras were obscure and different from each other. Prince
Phillip and the others couldn't feel anything, but it was like a psychological
attack to Bryant, a fellow Legendary figure.

He shot up, eyes widening like saucers as he gaped at Link. "How is this

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Chapter 540: The Bluff (4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mage Tower, rooftop platform

Bryant's face had gone pale. A shiver ran through his body. The only thing that
could unnerve a Legendary master like him was the presence of a power equal
to or higher than his.

If there had only been two or three other Legendary masters, Bryant would not
have batted an eye. But there were now 11 Legendary masters, which was more
than enough to strike fear in him.
Bryant could sense the sudden appearances of these Legendary auras around
him so vividly that he was surprised that Prince Phillip, who was standing
beside him, did not notice anything unusual.

Phillip asked in a low voice, "Prophet, what's wrong?"

Bryant did not hear what he said. He was staring at Link for at least 20 seconds,
dumbfounded. Finally, he asked, "How did Ferde manage to acquire this level
of power? Were you able to make contact with the realm of Aragu?"

Realm of Aragu?

Link was impressed by Bryant's imagination. Since Bryant had come to such a
conclusion by himself, Link decided not to reveal his secret. He laughed coldly.
"This is the source of Ferde's might. Do you really think I would just tell you
where I got it? As for the realm of Aragu, the Isle of Dawn would be wise to
leave it alone. I have my ways of cutting off the passage between realms."

In truth, there were only a few ways of doing such a thing that Link was aware
of. But there was no harm in him boasting about it to Bryant. Link's goal, after
all, was to instill suspicion and dread in the High Elf.

Bryant fell silent again for a long while. He then opened his mouth and spoke,
"Since Evelina has fled from Ferde, then we have nothing more to discuss.
Thank you for the feast you've prepared for us. We still have a traitor to pursue.
We'd be most grateful if you would let us go back."

Saying this, he rose up and waited for Link to open up a portal.

He had admitted defeat.

Prince Phillip and the other diplomats had also hurriedly gotten up. Phillip
walked to Bryant's side and muttered, "Prophet, are we leaving? Just like that?"

Negotiations had not even begun. Even though Link had admitted that Evelina
was no longer in Ferde, Phillip figured that the amount of compensation they
had offered Link was not enough. If Link had been properly incentivized, he
might have been more willing to aid their search for Evelina. He might even be
able to bring her to them on the same day.
Bryant's sudden decision to leave had left Phillip scratching his head in

Bryant shook his head. "There's nothing left to talk. No amount of compensation
that we can offer would be enough to a Legendary master like Link. Let's go."

The number of Legendary masters he had sensed in the enemy's territory was
enough to rival the Isle of Dawn's might. As of now, Ferde and the Isle of Dawn
were now on equal standing. Unless both sides went to war with each other,
there was no way the Isle of Dawn would be able to take back what had been
theirs from Ferde.

This was a depressing stain on the history of the High Elves. For thousands of
years, the Isle of Dawn had managed to prevent such a thing from happening.
Right before their eyes, the humans had acquired such formidable power to
match theirs. The world was indeed evolving at an unprecedented rate.

There was a soft hum, and a portal appeared once more. Bryant's gaze bore on
Link. He said in a deep voice, "My lord, I do hope you'll place greater emphasis
on the bigger picture. The Army of Destruction up north is our true enemy."

Conflict would be inevitable if tension persisted still between Ferde and the Isle
of Dawn.

Link raised his wine glass and gently tipped its content over the edge of his lip.
"We humans are more aware of this than the Isle of Dawn."

He had accentuated the pronunciation of the word "humans," which pierced

through Bryant like an arrow. Bryant trembled slightly, bitterness welling up in

He was once human, but he was also young and brash back then. In his pursuit
of a love so pure and true, he gave up on his humanity and became a High Elf.
To put it more precisely, he was no more than a lost spirit wearing a High Elf

He regretted making such a decision hundreds of years ago. But now, there was
no going back. He had to see his path through to the very end.
Dejected, he stepped into the portal without another word. The other High Elves
then followed him through it.

Hum, hum, hum... An instant later, a few figures appeared in the magic arena.
There were already a couple of horse carriages waiting for them there.

The High Elves then got onto their carriages in the same order as before. Bryant
had got on his as well, though his thoughts had drifted off somewhere else.

Once inside their carriages, Prince Phillip immediately asked, "Prophet, what

"Ah?" Bryant snapped out of his reverie. He then let out a long sigh before
explaining to Phillip, "There were 13 Legendary masters in Ferde, including the
Lord of Ferde himself, and from the looks of things, there will soon be 14."

If he was not mistaken, the 14th Legendary master should be Eliard.

Phillip was speechless. There were only five Legendary masters in the Isle of
Dawn, and now Ferde had twice that number. This was simply outrageous!

After a long silence, his eyes suddenly lit up. Hope sprang up in him as Phillip
muttered, "Maybe they're just Legendary Warriors? If they're just Warriors, I
don't think we have anything to be frightened of."

A Legendary Warrior would be able to mow down thousands of people on a

battlefield with ease. This was an incredible feat, certainly deserving of the title
of a God of War. But a Warrior's brute strength proved useful only in ground
warfare. Even if there were 13 of them, it was not something worth bragging

If these masters were all clumped up together, a high-level offensive area-of-

effect spell would be able to eliminate them all in one hit.

Only a Legendary Magician had the power to alter the grand scheme of things to
his or her favor.

A Legendary Magician may not be as skilled as a Legendary Warrior in one-on-

one combat, but what made them redoubtable opponents was their vast
knowledge of the powers of the world.
Legendary Magicians were capable of casting powerful magical formations and
concocting potions with extremely potent effects. They could even forge
unfathomable magical equipment and push the boundaries of knowledge with
the fruits of their research. Through their profound wisdom, they were able to
nurture the young talents of their race, paving the way to a brighter future
through them.

If Ferde had 14 individuals with such power, the Isle of Dawn might as well
concede this game of chess being played out on the chessboard known as

Hearing Phillip's words, Bryant jerked up in surprise. He carefully recalled what

he had felt back then and realized that he had made a mistake. He had assumed
that since Link was a Magician himself, the other Legendary masters he had
sensed must have been Magicians as well. But now, thinking back about it, they
did not actually reveal themselves to him. Only the core Magicians of Ferde had
attended the banquet on the rooftop. This was sufficient proof that the new
Legendary masters were not as strong as the core Magicians. There was even a
strong possibility that they were only Legendary Warriors.

"If that's the case, things may not be as bad as I had anticipated... Wait, no,
something's not right." A change came over Bryant's face.

"What's wrong?" Prince Phillip's heart was now thumping hard against his chest
upon seeing the perturbed expression on Bryant's face, dreading whatever
terrifying conclusion the prophet had come to this time.

Bryant continued, "These new Legendary masters may not be as strong as

Ferde's core Magicians. They may even be Legendary Warriors, which means
that Ferde only has two Legendary Magicians, Link and Evelina, and 11 other
Legendary Warriors. Here's the problem now. These 11 Legendary Warriors did
not just appear out of thin air. Link must have used some sort of secret
technique to endow them with Legendary power, and he was able to do this in
the span of a few months. This means that..."

At this point, Bryant's heart was racing as well. He did not dare finish his
Prince Phillip was able to fill in the blanks himself. His face had whitened.
"Ferde is in possession of a secret technique that allows them to forge
Legendary Warriors. With this technique, they can produce all the Legendary
Warriors they need. This..."

Imagine for a moment that there were thousands of Legendary Warriors on the
opposing side of a battlefield. These Legendary Warriors would also be armed
with powerful magical equipment that Link had forged for them.

Who would be able to oppose such an army?

Despite only being skilled in ground warfare and battle techniques, Legendary
Warriors manufactured this way could easily overpower any army with sheer

Both Phillip and Bryant were now filled with dread at the scenarios they had
played out in their minds. They still did not know what was true or false, nor did
they have any way of confirming their theories. Even so, it was better to be safe
than sorry. Assuming that Link was indeed in possession of such a secret
technique, the Isle of Dawn would not be able to win any war against him if
they were not prepared for it.

Finally, Bryant said, "We'd best hurry back to the Isle of Dawn and report this to
her Highness immediately."

Phillip nodded in agreement. "You're right, things have gone completely out of

In the midst of the two High Elves' discussion, the splendid horse carriage
rattled down the road towards the port. A few Memory Crystals were hidden in
a corner of the compartment, recording every word they spoke.

Bryant and Phillip were all so shaken by the sudden turn of events that they did
not notice anything strange in their carriage. When they finally reached the port,
the two of them got out of the carriage and boarded their ship without a
moment's delay.

Half an hour later, the High Elves' merchant ship finally departed from the port.
Another five minutes later, a green mist issued out of the ship and tore through
the sky towards the Isle of Dawn at unimaginable speed.
It was Bryant. He could not wait any longer to deliver his message back to the
Isle of Dawn.


Ten minutes later, Link had retrieved the Memory Crystals from the horse
carriage. He and the other Magicians listened intently to the conversation
between Bryant and Prince Phillip.

When they had listened to the whole thing, Alloa was the first to speak.
"Judging from his tone, Bryant does seem sure of his theory. When he left, he
was quite shaken up by this."

Link nodded. "I even tried to provoke him a bit with that bit about humans. He
had already seemed unsettled back then. He probably didn't even notice the
Memory Crystals planted in his carriage. I think he's speaking the truth. What
do the rest of you think about this?"

The crowd around them was silent, pondering on all the possible measures the
Isle of Dawn would take against Ferde.

Three minutes later, Vance spoke, "I fear that the Isle of Dawn may overstep
their boundaries."

Everyone was stunned at those words.

Overstep... their boundaries?

What boundaries?

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Chapter 541: Maintain Balance of Power

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The so-called "bottom line" was the foundation for both parties to maintain tacit
cooperation. Now, Ferde and the Isle of Dawn's cooperation was built on the
fact that both had to face the Destruction Army. In other words, the Isle of
Dawn wouldn't mess around while the humans, led by Ferde, were facing the
Destruction Army.

Once the Isle of Dawn felt that Ferde was a great threat, they might possibly
break this tacit agreement.

Eliard didn't believe this. "Would they really?" he asked.

Vance shrugged. "I can't be certain, but from how they treated Evelina, they
really care about their so-called tradition and noble bloodline. They might even
see it as a glory they must protect with their life. They're probably able to do
anything if their tradition is threatened."

Celine was also present, and she didn't believe it. "I don't think so. There are
less than three million High Elves. Once war starts, even if we sacrifice 100
men for one High Elf, we'll lose one billion people and have three billion left.
The High Elves, though, would be at risk of extinction. Plus, is their tradition
really that important?"

"Yes, very important," a bright voice rang out. It was Elin.

She stood up on her chair, pushing against the table. Her large and bright eyes
were serious. Of course, to others, she looked adorable. People would want to
pinch her pink cheeks.

But the Magicians present wouldn't do that. They all perked up their ears to
listen to Lady Fortuna.

"Any ancient race in Firuman would place importance on tradition," Elin said
seriously. "The High Elves, dragons, dwarves, and my Yabbas are all like this.
Tradition is the precious experience accumulated over the years. It is the sign
that guides a race's ship safely through the river of time. We follow these
traditions to live in Firuman for longer and better… However, emphasizing
tradition can be both a blessing and curse. Especially when faced with a drastic
change, tradition can be the biggest obstacle."

At the end, Elin was a bit down. She'd thought of her own race.
She'd predicted that a huge catastrophe would fall and encouraged her people to
move south since the beginning. It had been useless though. They didn't want to
leave the land that they'd lived in for thousands of years. They believed that
their power could save them, but in the end, they almost went extinct.

Looking at everyone present, Elin said seriously, "The High Elves are difficult
to deal with because they're truly powerful. Their Magician army has no match,
but they're easy to deal with too. They are a very steady race; they won't make
any risks. You can find something similar in history for everything they do."

Here, Elin looked to Link. "History tells us that, when faced with an existential
crisis like this, the High Elves would go past any bottom line to save
themselves. During the Mana catastrophe 3000 years ago, they did that. That
time, their actions forced a faction to flee into a dark region and become the
Dark Elves of today. Three hundred years ago during Bryant's era, the High
Elves did the same thing. At that time, Bryant had the ambition to empower
humans. The so-called love wasn't everything to him. However, he gave up in
the end. There were some secret things that were too terrifying. You know what
the end result was: he became one of the High Elves."

Elin finished, and the Magicians in the garden all fell silent.

After a pregnant pause, Link clapped. "What has passed has passed, but the
future is still uncertain. We must strengthen ourselves. The fastest way to
become stronger is with the Ethereal Crystal. Not only should we use it to create
more Ethereal equipment for Magicians, but we can also make them for
powerful Sunlight Warriors. The more Ethereal Crystals we have, the stronger
we become. Any objections?"

Everyone present had witnessed the benefits to Ethereal Crystals. Coupled with
Elin's willingness to help, it greatly reduced the risks. No one would refuse such
an easy benefit.

"No objections," Vance said first.

"I am interested in the power of Ethereals," Alloa, Maiden of Truth, said. "Not
only can they directly help us become stronger, but the Mana structures are also
abnormally intriguing. It is valuable to study. Thus, the more crystals like this,
the better."
Secret Girl Eleanor smiled. "I pity those Ethereals, but since they like Firuman,
we should let them stay here forever."

Finally, Elin raised her small hand and said seriously, "The Yabbas wish to join
this hunt."

It passed unanimously.

Link nodded. "Very good. We still have to perfect the way to catch Ethereals. It
isn't mature yet."

Perhaps due to Link's influence as lord, the people of Ferde gradually started
having the habit of doing everything efficiently. Once they decided on
something, they would get to it immediately without wasting any time.

Since everyone agreed now, they immediately moved from the garden to the
alchemy and enchantment rooms in the Mage Tower. Everyone worked together
to create a strong Ethereal catching tool.

Just as Ferde was feverishly raising their strength, Bryant returned to the Isle of
Dawn. Once there, he hurried to Andwar, the High Elf palace in the heart of the
island, without stopping.

The Isle of Dawn was less than 200 miles in radius. With Bryant's speed, the
giant tree that rose into the clouds appeared in his vision two minutes later. This
tree was truly huge. It was more than 600 feet tall, and the trunk was over 180
feet wide. The treetop was spread out like a giant green umbrella.

Emerald light shone down from between the leaves and branches. When the
light reached the air, it would turn into floating balls of light. These light balls
spread out, some entering the dirt, others scattering into even smaller balls.
They kept dividing until the air had a tinge of green.

This was Level-19 Natural magic!

Even a god couldn't see the mysteries of the World Tree. The High Elves' palace
was under this tree.
Andwar had beautiful light purple buildings. The outer walls were covered in
silver, magic veins. The ground was made of jade tiles. Along the path, there
was a lamp tree every few steps, glowing softly.

The entire city was mysterious, intricate, peaceful, and serene. Here, Bryant's
heart, frustrated from the visit to Ferde, gradually calmed down. He knew this
was the power of the tree.

On the Isle of Dawn, every aged elf's last dream would be to accompany the
mother tree of the world for eternity.

Bryant breathed out deeply. He slowed and walked down the jade path. While
walking, he organized his thoughts. By the time he reached Hierdani (in Elfin, it
means "pavilion of starry slumber), his heart was completely at peace.

He saw the queen at the entrance.

Barefoot, she leaned against a lamp tree. Gazing emotionlessly at Bryant, she
said, "I can feel the anxiety within you. Bryant, tell me about Ferde."

Bryant bowed and recounted everything that had happened.

The queen listened quietly. Her brows would sometimes furrow but would
quickly smooth again. When Bryant finished, she sighed. "This isn't good news,
but it's not the first disaster we have experienced, nor will it be the last one.
Bryant, I have a secret mission for you."

Surprised, Bryant said, "Yes."

"Go to the Black Forest in the North and ensure that the northern army and
human army have balanced power… Do you understand?"

Bryant bowed slightly. "Yes, Your Majesty."

He knew that this simple command meant that countless lives on the continent
would be lost. It wouldn't be thousands or tens of thousands. In the end, it might
lead to millions, close to tens of millions.

But these lives would not be High Elves, so they didn't care.
It wasn't the first time the High Elves would do something like this, nor would it
be the last time. Everything was done for the safety of the residents of this

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Chapter 542: Capturing the Ethereal Prince

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the outside, the South was bustling with activity as always.

Golle Kingdom, which housed the largest port in the South, had grown so
prosperous that it was known as the "money bag of the Free Trade Federation."

The accumulation of wealth naturally drew much-unwanted attention to the

kingdom. This had always been the case in the past. The thieves of the
Syndicate were not immune to the lure of the kingdom's prosperity.

The Syndicate issue was especially serious in Golle Kingdom.


Golle Kingdom, Port Antique

Ding, ding... A clear bell sounded as a merchant vessel slowly entered the port.
As it approached the dock, ten or so people disembarked from their sampans.
These were the passengers of the merchant's vessel.

Once on the dock, two men and two women quickly left the crowd. All four of
them were disguised as normal travelers. The clothes they had put on were
somewhat worn. One of the men had black hair, while the other had dark green
hair. They were dressed in almost the same way, wearing leather armors, and
equipped with steel swords dangling from their waists. One of the two women
was wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a long dress woven with a coarse fabric.
The other woman had hidden her face behind a mask and was wearing a
conspicuously oversized leather armor which had tufts of fur coming out of its
The party of four walked along a small alley and before long integrated
themselves with the throng of people like fish in the great ocean.

Half an hour later, the four people appeared before the entrance of an inn called
"Adventurer" to the west of the port city. The black-haired man was first to
approach the counter. He handed ten silver coins to the innkeeper. "One large
room for the four of us."

"No problem." The innkeeper giddily put the silver coins in a drawer and took
out a large copper lock. "Third floor, just follow the signs, and you'll find it.
Here's your key and lock. Don't lose them."

The black-haired man nodded and beckoned at his companions. The other three
followed behind him as they walked up the stairs.

Once they were inside their room and the door was securely locked, the black-
haired man cast a magical barrier around them. The young woman wearing the
leather armor let out a long sigh and laughed. "Finally, some fresh air. It was
really stuffy back in the ship."

Saying this, she sat on a chair in the corner and began wiping her long magic
rifle with a piece of deerskin cloth.

The magic rifle was a pale blue from tip to stock, and it gleamed with the faint
light of magic runes. Three delicate lenses were equipped on its barrel. There
was also a rune crystal with a diameter of about an inch on the middle of the

Its user was apparently quite fond of its exquisite details, which contrasted with
its rather crude design. Such a magical item befitted the woman's status, which
one could infer from her luxurious garment.

The woman was Celine. The other three in the room were Link, Eliard and

Link had seated himself on a chair as well. He held in his hand a dark red,
hollowed-out metal ball which was as big as a fist. He began inspecting the
magical runes contained within. He then said, "Evelina, I trust your injuries
have healed by now?"
Evelina took down her wide-brimmed hat and handed it over to Eliard. She then
undid her cape and threw it onto a clothes-rack nearby. Finally, she stretched
out her arms rather sensually before Eliard, who could not help but stare at her.

She glanced at Eliard and grinned, satisfied by his reaction. Evelina then said,
"My father's part of the dragon race. I've been recuperating for half a month. I
would be damned if my injuries were not healed by now."

Link began infusing his Dragon Power into the hollow metal ball. With a
whoosh, a spherical display of countless magical runes with a diameter of more
than twenty inches spread out. The runes floated in the air, twinkling like
intricate constellations. They felt almost palpable.

The ball was an Ethereal Trapper of the highest level that they had created. Its
main purpose was to capture the entity pulling the strings of the Ethereal
Warriors, the Ethereal Prince.

The Ethereal Prince was extremely crafty. Even with the leads that Evelina had
provided, Ferde's scouts had searched for him for half a month and was only
able to estimate that the Ethereal Prince was currently in Golle Kingdom.

The Ethereal Prince was also very powerful. He was not something a normal
Warrior would be able to deal with himself. Naturally, any Ethereal Crystal
made using the Prince as its material would also be extremely powerful. Link
needed such a crystal to forge a strategic-level set of magical equipment, and so
he had personally come down south with the other three to capture the Ethereal

He tested the magical runes for a bit. Then he said, "I think that should do it."

After completing another one of his tests, Link spoke again, "I think I've found
an answer to the problem concerning the purification of Dragon Power that you
asked me back on the ship. My answer is: I can't do it, but Gretel the Red
Dragon Queen may be able to."

Hearing him mention Gretel, Celine raised her head to look at Link. She was a
bit sensitive about any subject concerning the Red Dragon Queen. When she
saw that Link remained expressionless, she lowered her head in relief and
resumed inspecting her magic rifle.
Evelina was disappointed. "I see. I hear that the Red Dragon Queen isn't an easy
person to get along with. She's a fossil like the High Elves. If she actually agrees
to help me purify my Dragon Power, chances are she'll apply limitations to it as
per the customs of the dragon race. I am curious, though. Link, you managed to
receive the Heart of the Dragon, and yet, here you are, far away from Dragon
Valley. How did you do it?"

Link was almost finished with his adjustments of the Ethereal Trapper. He put
away the metal ball and walked to Celine's side. He then began looking over her
new rifle for her.

For this mission, Link had made some improvements to her rifle. A large
number of Ethereal runes and an Ethereal crystal had been added to it. Her shots
were now capable of inflicting Level-11 damage. With its spatial acceleration
ability and Celine's clairvoyant talent, there was no escaping from her bullets.

Of course, such power always came at a great cost. Celine was required to use
Dragon Power bullets specially made by Link for her. These bullets were
exquisitely designed. Each contained 1000 Dragon Power points. At the
moment, Celine only had 5 Dragon Power bullets. Though she still had other
bullets at her disposal, they were all normal ones, each with only Level-9 power.

While inspecting her rifle, Link noticed that Celine was especially fixated on
this subject. He had guessed what was on her mind. With no intention of hiding
the truth from her, Link said, "One thing led to another, I guess. At the time, the
dragon race was in need of powerful masters, and I had just attained Dragon
Power by accident. At the same time, the Red Dragon Queen thought that she
could control me, and so she brought me to the Ancestor Altar."

Saying this, Link stopped inspecting the rifle and began scrutinizing Celine's
hand. The back of her hand was soft and white, but her palm was slightly
callused, the result of her rigorous training in marksmanship and swordplay.
Celine did not pull her hand back from him.

"And then?" Link's story had piqued Eliard's interest. He pulled out another
chair and sat on it beside Evelina.

"I managed to obtain the Heart of the Dragon, and when I brought out my
Dragon form, it was not the Red Dragon that they had hoped, but rather a Black
Dragon. The elders were quite shocked by this, because to them, a Black
Dragon is another word for the herald of destruction." Link chuckled at the

"Herald of destruction?" Evelina laughed too. "That's just preposterous. It

should have meant 'bringer of change.' I guess it shouldn't be too surprising,
since change is exactly what ancient races like the dragons fear most of all."

Link nodded and continued, "True. A series of events happened later, the most
significant of which was the time I helped the dragon race defeat a Void Tyrant
that had infiltrated our realm. The Red Dragon Queen assumed that I would be
able to integrate into the dragon race, and so she made me a Dragon Duke. She
assumed wrong, of course. In the end, we parted ways due to the widening gap
between our opinions on many things. All of you probably knew the rest of the
story. I had wanted to build an army of Dragon Warriors among the human race,
but she thought that it was an act of blasphemy against the royal dragon
bloodline. She also thought the status quo they had upheld for so long was the
safest path to walk on, and that my actions would eventually bring ruin to the
human race. We did not split on good terms. My dragon body was even sealed
off by her."

Celine seemed visibly upset about this. She twisted her lips. "Humph, I don't
think Dragon Power's all that impressive. How selfish can she be?"

Link nodded. "Haha, true. Our Seed of Sunlight may not be as potent as Dragon
Power, but in terms of combat power, it certainly holds a candle to Dragon
Power itself. That should be enough. However, the road ahead of us is uncertain
as ever. The Red Dragon Queen may be right for worrying. One misstep is all it
would take to send the human race not on a path towards glory, but plunge it
deep into the depths of despair."

His last statement sounded so ominous that the other three could not help but
shiver upon hearing it.

The path that Ferde had set out on was indeed fraught with as much peril as
climbing up a steep rock face.

Eliard chuckled suddenly. "Even if we fail, we'll drag the High Elves down with
us into that abyss. A few hundred years later, our race will be able to accrue
enough strength to climb back out of it, while the High Elves will be left lying
in the mud hole."

It was true that the human race indeed had more latent potential for growth in
comparison to the High Elves.

Link laughed at this and said, "Enough about this. Let's discuss the Ethereal
Prince. Evelina, you said that he possesses Level-12 power and is especially
proficient in spatial magic. Try to recall what other particularities he has."

Evelina held her forehead in her hand, deep in thought. A few minutes later, she
shook her head. "I've only seen him twice. He's always so secretive. He also
likes hiding himself in a corner."

"Then let's talk about his get-up," said Celine.

"Get-up? Let's see, he likes to wear a long grey robe. He also usually wears a
grey hood over his head. He has a pair of silver gleaming eyes. Uhm, he also
wears a bracelet, which is carved with a set of magic runes that I don't even

"Oh?" Link was now curious. He said, "Do you still remember what those
magic runes look like?"

"Of course." Evelina took out her wand. With a few strokes, ten curious magic
runes floated in the air.

Celine observed them and shook her head. "I don't understand any of these

Eliard examined the runes intently. He then closed his eyes, ruminating on
them. Ten seconds later, he shook his head. "Me neither."

Under Link's instruction, Eliard had seen much himself. Though not as
proficient as Link, he had a rough knowledge of dragon runes, time runes,
spatial runes and many other profound areas in the mystic arts. But he had never
come across such runes in his studies.

All three of them looked at Link.

Link gazed at the runes, mesmerized. In truth, he was reading the game system's
translation presented before him.

The runes floating in the air had nothing to do with magic. They were actually a
series of words in the Ethereal language. The runes' translation read "Point
1852, master of the secret arts, Haromed the Third."

As soon as the translation appeared, the game system presented a new mission
to him.

Mission Activated: Pursue the Intruder

Description: Search the Free Trade Confederation in the South, pinpoint the
exact location of Haromed the Third.

Mission Reward 1: Omni Points +500

Mission Reward 2: Moonstone

Link regarded the 500-Omni-Point reward with indifference, but when he saw
the Moonstone reward, he immediately accepted the mission. However, a frown
appeared on his face when he reread Haromed the Third's name.

He had known the fellow back in the game. His power was impressive, but the
man was as timid as a mouse. He always shied away from danger and never
stayed in one place for too long. His penchant for disguises made him as
slippery as an eel. Even if Link knew that he was in Golle Kingdom, capturing
Haromed would still be an extremely difficult hurdle to overcome.

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Chapter 543: The Fire of War Has Been Lit

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Moon Stone sounded pretty, but the only relationship between the type of stone
and the moon was that both had the same soft, watery glow.
If a piece of Moon Stone was put on the ceiling of a pitch black room, it would
emit light like a moon. It would be beautiful.

Of course, it wasn't just beautiful. It was actually an astral meteorite that could
reach Level-19. However, it wasn't material for combat. Biologically, it wasn't
that strong—not even as strong as a Level-11 meteorite. It was very difficult to
force its power into the territory of combat.

Its biggest use was for filtering!

In addition to physical objects, it could also filter power, souls, and other semi-
solid things.

Take power for example.

A person would be affected by their mixed bloodline, talent, emotions, and even
their environment. There would be many impurities in their power too. Take
Celine for example. No matter how her demonic power was sealed, her Secret
Mana would still have a tinge of demonic aura.

It was very faint, and a regular Magician wouldn't be able to tell, but at Link's
level, he could sense it.

Once he got the Moon Stone, he could help Celine filter her power. After many
filtrations, only pure Secret Mana was left in her. In turn, that power would
affect her body and repress the demonic bloodline further. It might even
eradicate the demonic bloodline entirely.

Also, take Link for example.

He supposedly had Flawless Dragon Power, but he could feel that it wasn't that
pure. Whenever he cast spells at an extreme speed, his spells would ripple
uncontrollably. This showed that his power wasn't pure.

If he could filter out these small impurities, his spells would be even more
perfect. It would be helpful for leveling up in the future too.

And this was only one of the Moon Stone's uses. It could also filter distracting
thoughts, purify one's heart, and many more miraculous things. All in all, the
stone's uses were endless!
After accepting the mission, Link said, "I don't know some of these runes, but
since he always has the bracelet on, it must be useful. If we meet him, we'll just
keep an eye on the bracelet's changes."

In reality, Link already knew the bracelet's use when he saw the name Haromed.

The word meant "Lord of the Secret Node." This meant that the bracelet was the
ring of the secret node. Its use was to help Haromed make short-distance and
dense teleportation trips.

It was a bit abstract. The detailed process was that in one second, Haromed
could teleport more than 1000 times between predetermined spatial nodes with
barely any energy loss. The result was that, to the naked eye, Haromed would be
at multiple places at the same time. It was like an undefeatable division spell.

This spell was great for escaping and terrifying during combat. Haromed loved
escaping, but that was because he was careful. If he really started fighting, his
tactics were troublesome too.

If Link had come alone and met this guy, he would have a hard time while
fighting. Unfortunately for Haromed, he had three friends with him. More
importantly, Celine happened to have a prediction talent that could equal
Haromed's trick.

No matter how tricky he was, Celine would know where he would appear next.
If she shot, he would be done for. Because of this, Link didn't worry too much
over the bracelet.

At that time, everyone had finished checking their equipment and was ready.
"Link," Eliard said, "can we go now?"

Link nodded and turned to Celine. "Be careful on the road. Keep your small
guns handy for defense."

He'd added Ethereal Power into the pair of guns called Link·Celine and Link
made 20 Level-11 bullets.

"I know." Celine patted the two magic fireguns at her waist.

"Then let's go."

As soon as he finished, white light flashed. The four disappeared from the
tavern. An instant later, they reappeared on the business avenue in the southern
suburb of Port Antique.

They walked westward according to the map. After around 15 miles, there was a
branch. They went left and reached a hill after ten miles. There was a small
town in the hills called Glen Heights.

According to the scouts, this was where the Ethereal prince last appeared in.

Ethereal King Haromed was very sensitive to spatial magic. In order to not alert
him, Link had set the transmission location to somewhere 12 miles away from
Glen Heights.

After reaching the business avenue, they walked westward. Along the way, they
ran into two groups of lower-level bandits from the Syndicate. They avoided the
first and dealt with the second. After walking for two hours, they saw Glen

The town was basically built halfway up the hill. The buildings were all plain
wooden cottages. From the distance, they could see people walking to and fro. It
was actually quite lively. An open road spiraled up along the incline. They
walked up at a steady pace like ordinary mercenaries.

Evelina was more familiar with the South. "There's a large jungle south of the
hills," she introduced. "It contains rich resources while Glen Heights is built
right at the edge. It's also close to the port. Merchants often buy medicinal
herbs, fur, and other jungle products here."

"They must have a diverse population," Eliard said.

Evelina nodded. "Indeed. That's why foreigners don't attract much attention
here. It's logical if Haromed appeared here."

Link chuckled. "But he's still a guest from another realm and slipped up."

The scout had reported that there was a merchant living in Glen Heights who
liked to eat ants. The bigger and darker the ant was, the more he liked it. He
would also buy it specifically from people. According to his servant, he had to
fry the ants for him.
At first, the scout didn't feel anything strange. Everyone had their own weird
habits. However, Link knew immediately that this was a high-status Ethereal
Warrior after seeing this information.

In the game, ants were a delicacy for the Ethereal Warriors. Ants had some
special nutrients that could relieve the pain caused by not fitting well with their
host. The more powerful an Ethereal was, the more insufferable the pain was. A
regular Ethereal could force himself through it, but high-level Ethereals had to
eat ants to get rid of the pain. Otherwise, it would be more painful than death.

This would happen in the first half year after the Ethereals entered Firuman.
Half a year later, someone discovered a way to relieve the pain, thus finally
ending the strange habit of eating black ants.

Half an hour later, the four reached Glen Heights.

Link looked left and right. He found a farmer chopping firewood outside a
secluded house by the roadside. "Hey, I want to ask something."

"I'm busy…ah, what would you like to know?" He immediately changed his
tone after Link tossed him a silver coin.

"I heard there's a strange merchant who likes to eat black ants," Link said.

"Oh, you're talking about Mr. Goodall, right? Why are you looking for him?"
the farmer asked offhandedly. At the same time, he applied force and split the
firewood into two.

"See, us four, we're mercenaries. We heard that he's willing to pay a good price
for ants and we found some really big ones." Link shook his bag.

"Oh, I see." The farmer pointed at a wooden building with a pointed roof in the
heart of the town. "See that? That's where Mr. Goodall lives. Just go there."

"Oh, thank you very much." Link nodded and turned to wave at his companions.
The group walked "casually" over.

The wooden building was only a few hundred feet away. After some minutes,
they were outside.
The building had a yard and was surrounded by high walls. The door was shut
tightly; there was no sound inside at all. Link listened, and his expression
changed. He walked to the door, placed a hand on it, and got ready to force it
open. But just as he was about to apply force, he felt something and
immediately snatched his hand back.

"There's a security spell. Go to the side." Link walked towards an alley on the
side. Once he got there, he held onto Celine's shoulder. Using physical strength,
he jumped and flipped over the ten-foot-high wall.

Eliard and Evelina all had strong bodies and jumped up too. Once inside the
yard, they saw that it was filled with strange flowers and plants. There was also
a big pot with bubbling liquid inside. Beside it was a small bag. The bag was
half-open, revealing all the dead ants inside.

Getting an idea, Link walked over and sniffed the vapor of the pot. "This guy is
trying to extract the fusion substance in the ants… He must have gone out but
will return soon. Let's hide in the yard!"

The yard was more than 60 feet long and 30 feet wide. There was also much
vegetation. The four could use the plants to cover themselves without any spells.

Link waited for the three to hide first. Then he started wiping away all of their
traces. Finally, he hid too and waited for the Ethereal prince to appear.

The four waited patiently. After around two minutes, the door creaked, and
someone pushed it open. Then two young men walked in.

One of them wore a gray-white robe and had no mask. He looked to be around
30 years old. The one beside him was a woman, but she'd covered herself well.
She even covered her aura, not letting even a bit out. Her only characteristic was
her height. She was half a head taller than most human women.

According to Evelina's descriptions, the one on the left was the Ethereal prince.
Then who was the woman on the right?

Link glanced in confusion at Evelina who was hiding in another corner. What he
saw shocked him. Evelina was shaking her head and saying silently, That's not
the Ethereal prince. That woman is a High Elf.
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Chapter 544: Ariel Newmoon

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The man was not Haromed. To complicate things even further, there was a High
Elf in their midst.

The former's presence was not too surprising. As Evelina had said before,
Haromed was not the only high-level Ethereal. But the Ethereal and the High
Elf before them seemed to be working together on something, and the High Elf
had deliberately hidden her identity. This demanded further scrutiny.

After thinking for a while, Link mouthed noiselessly at Evelina, "Inspect them.
Get ready to act."

As Link and Evelina were the Legendary masters of their four-man squad, they
acted as its vanguard. Eliard and Celine served as their backup, providing their
assistance whenever they saw fit.

Their targets did not notice the four of them lying in ambush in their yard. They
chatted on while walking side by side.

"Envoy, are you sure this method of yours will be more effective?" asked the
Ethereal Warrior. He was holding a crystal vial. It contained a light purple fluid.

"Of course it is. There's nothing unusual about your current conditions. It's
simply due to the incompatibility between your souls and your new host bodies.
Black ant essence can help alleviate your symptoms, but this is only a temporary
solution. An antidote concocted with purple lotus extract should be able to
completely cure your conditions," explained the High Elf woman. Her voice
was hoarse. She sounded like a middle-aged man whose throat had suffered a
terrible injury. Obviously, she, or he, was wearing a disguise.

The Ethereal Warrior still seemed unsure. He turned the vial around in his hand.
After observing its contents from all possible angles for a few minutes, he
finally said, "The decision isn't really mine to make. We'd best wait for my
master to return. However, I do approve of some of the demands you've made in
exchange for your remedy."

"I see. And when will your master return?" asked the High Elf.

"Not today, that's for sure. The earliest he'll be back is tomorrow afternoon. And
if I'm being honest, your demands may sound a bit excessive to him. I would be
more than happy to help you out a bit if it was up to me. But my master would
probably not take kindly to the requests that you've made. He may even chase
you out of here without a moment's hesitation. If it comes to that, you'll
probably not be able to get anything from him."

As he spoke, the Ethereal put away the purple fluid and walked to the bubbling
cauldron in the middle of the yard. He knelt down to add more firewood beneath
the cauldron. He then began stirring the potion inside the cauldron with a
stirring rod. As he stirred, the Ethereal sprinkled in the black ant carcasses into
the mixture, leaving the High Elf woman standing in a corner.

The High Elf looked on at this, deep in thought. Ten seconds later, she opened
her mouth to speak. "Then how many Stabilizing Crystals will you give me?"

"Hehe." The Ethereal chuckled. He brushed the dirt off his hands and said, "You
give me the recipe for this purple lotus concoction and its preparation method,
and I'll give you 300 pieces every month. That's around 22 pounds of Stabilizing

"22 pounds... That's too little." The High Elf was not satisfied by this offer.

The Ethereal shook his head. "This is as much as I can give you. If I give you
any more than that, our affair here will be revealed, and I will of course be
severely punished by my master. But my punishment would also hurt you as
much, since you won't be able to get a single piece of crystal from me then."

The High Elf fell silent for a while. Finally, she nodded. "Alright, I'll take it.
300 Stabilizing Crystals per month. Let's move on to the second item in our
agenda. We've found that you Ethereals had a run-in with Ferde a while back.
Since then, the number of Legendary masters in Ferde has increased. I would
like to know the reason behind this."
As she said this, a drastic change came over the Ethereal's face. His brows shot
up in anger. Power flowed off him in waves, sending out faint ripples in the air
around him.

The Ethereal's demeanor switched instantly from the vulgar mannerisms of a

haggling merchant to the ferocity of a wild beast.

He stood up and walked slowly towards the High Elf. His voice was dripping
with hatred when he said, "Step away from this while you can, or else. Just wait
and see. We'll get our revenge on Ferde. We'll raze that place to the ground, turn
it into rubble!"

The High Elf woman was again silent. She seemed unmoved by the Ethereal
Warrior's threat, but she did not ask any further. A while later, she took out a
magic book with a purple cover and handed it over to the Ethereal. "If you don't
wish to tell me, that's alright. This contains detailed instructions for preparing
the purple lotus potion. Take it, and remember, 22 pounds of Stabilizing
Crystals per month. No less than that, or we'll cut off our supply of purple

"Got it. You seem like a reasonable person," replied the Ethereal moodily. He
was still fuming.

At this point, the two of them had come to an agreement. As the High Elf turned
to leave, Link, who had been hiding behind a clump of grass in the yard,
shouted an order to Evelina, "Now!"

He leaped into action at the same time.

Link willed his Dragon King's Fury sword to point at the cauldron in the yard. A
white spatial ball flew out from it. It then struck the cauldron in an explosion.

It was an upgraded version of the Spatial Shackle spell: Spatial Seal.

A resonant hum sounded. A white mist spread out in all directions. In an instant,
the Ethereal was enveloped in it and was turned into a spatial statue. Deprived
of all movement, the Ethereal was about to fall to the ground when suddenly,
something happened.
As the mist surged towards the High Elf, a dark green light radiated from her

The light cloaked her body in an instant, blocking off the white mist. Upon a
closer look, Link realized that the barrier of light did not completely block it off,
but was rather slowing down its advance.

Taking advantage of this, the High Elf's body dissolved into mist itself. In the
blink of an eye, she was able to retreat back a few feet away from the white
mist. Once she was out of harm's way, the dark green light around her dissipated

When the light faded away, dark green leaves appeared out of thin air, swirling
at high speed around the High Elf like a cyclone. The leaves lashed out in all
directions, hitting everything in their paths, including the frozen Ethereal.

The High Elf had whipped up a terrifying leaf cyclone.

Whoosh... The leaves slashed across the Ethereal's body, tearing it into pieces.
Nothing was safe from the High Elf woman's fury now. Not even her deal with
the Ethereal was enough to guarantee the Ethereal's safety.

Before long, the cyclone ripped through Link's spatial white mist and was now
heading towards Link and the others. It was spinning with such destructive
momentum that everything in its path was ground to dust.

Link gazed intently at the High Elf woman. It turned out that she was also a
Legendary master with a frightful temper. She had seemed composed back then,
but once provoked, her wrath now threatened to swallow up the whole world
like a raging torrent.

In spite of its ferocity, the leaf cyclone's power was only at Level-10. It was able
to pierce through the white mist only because Link was not using his full power
against her.

Link did not feel at all threatened by such an attack.

With a force of his will, a band of spatial runes surrounded the leaf cyclone. The
runes then formed a thick spatial barrier around it. With a thunderous sound, the
cyclone was shut within the barrier.
Bang, bang, bang! The dark green leaves of the cyclone rattled against the rune
barrier repeatedly. A moment later, the cyclone faded into a dark green mist.

The dark green leaves were reduced to pieces through repeated collisions
against the barrier. Before long, the leaves dissolved back into pure Nature
Power. The dark green mist within the barrier was so thick that no one could see
what was going on inside.

This went on for half a second. Suddenly, Link sensed a gap in the dark green
swirl, as if there was something missing in it.

The sensation was akin to missing one's step while walking as if the ground had
disappeared beneath his foot. In much the same way, his spatial barrier felt as if
it had lost its support from within.

A thought surfaced in his mind. She escaped. That certainly took some resolve!

The dark green mist behind the barrier began to subside just as soon as the
thought popped up in his head. Two seconds later, the mist had completely
disappeared, revealing a yard that had been ravaged by some force of nature.
The grass and flowers had been completely pulverized. All that was left in the
yard were deep pits and cavities in the thoroughly loosened soil.

Link dispelled the spatial barrier. Celine and the others came out of their hiding
spots. They looked in utter amazement at the ground beneath them, which still
sizzled with thick Nature Power aura.

It all happened so fast, not even Evelina was able to join in the fight. In the
blink of an eye, the whole thing was over.

"Evie, do you know her?" Eliard looked at Evelina. None of them had
anticipated such ferocious power from the High Elf woman, not even Link. In
the end, she managed to escape from them.

Evelina was still dazed by the scene before her. Upon hearing Eliard speak, her
body trembled a bit. She frowned. "Of course I do."

She looked at Link and said, "Do you remember when I told you that the High
Elves now have five newly promoted Legendary masters?"
"Of course. Including you, that makes five. We've already seen the other three
who went by the names of Elovan, Sonya and Milose."

Evelina sighed. "That was the last Legendary master of the High Elves. She's
called Ariel Newmoon. She was the first to reach Level-10. She's younger than
me by three years, but she was able to reach Legendary half a month earlier
before I did. Elovan and the others were all High Elf geniuses, but I'm not too
worried about them, since I know where their limitations lie. Ariel, however, is
a different story. Honestly, I don't think I would be able to defeat her myself."


Link narrowed his eyes, visibly troubled by this.

The High Elf known as Ariel had appeared in the middle to later stages of the
game. She was also a High Elf princess. Her High Elf blood was as pure as
Milda's. The only difference was that she was younger than Milda by five years.

In the game, when she first appeared, Ariel was only a captain of a High Elf
outpost. After receiving a few promotions in the span of three years, she finally
became a general of the whole High Elf army, second only to Milda.

Ariel was the main mission in the later stages of the game. She had many
interactions with the players during her mission. She was also portrayed
frequently in the game's battle cut scenes.

She would calmly enter a fight and come out victorious without a spot of blood
or dirt on her every time. She was also not programmed to deliver lines like "I'm
tired, let's rest for a bit," as if she was driven by a perpetual source of power
from within.

On the other hand, though Marshal Milda of the High Elf magical army had a
glowing list of military achievements, she always came out worse for wear after
every battle.

A few players who had too much time in their hands had made a comparison of
the battles of every renowned Magician, followed by an evaluation of their
respective power levels and combat prowesses.
They finally came to the conclusion that Eliard, the half-elf, and Ariel ranked at
number one in terms of combat prowess. However, Eliard was a high-profile
Magician, which earned him the attention of opponents with equal repute. As a
result, his achievements were much more impressive. As for Milda, her combat
power was only half of Ariel's.

Putting it simply, this High Elf princess was a genius among geniuses in the art
of combat!

Ariel had even managed to make Evelina lose her nerve through their daily
interactions back on the Isle of Dawn.

Link's head was throbbing slightly. He asked, "She's probably gone back to the
Isle of Dawn by now. Evelina, do you think she'll give up her end of the bargain
with the Ethereals?"

Evelina shook her head. "It doesn't seem likely. She's someone who won't let
something go until she's seen it through. She always gets what she wants, as if
Lady Luck's watching over her all the time."

Link's headache worsened. They were still nowhere near to finding the Ethereal
prince, and now, they had to deal with such a troublesome individual.

Slapping his forehead, he finally calmed himself down. "I guess there's no point
in crying over spilled milk. Haromed, the Ethereal prince, will return tomorrow
afternoon. We'll just have to wait for him here."

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Chapter 545: A Big Sewing Needle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Glen Heights

A day passed quickly. The next morning, the people of Glen Heights woke up as
usual. They started up their stoves to make breakfast. Soon, plumes of smoke
mixed with the white fog of the mountain air.
Woof, woof! Some dogs barked from town entrance, meaning that strangers had
entered again. But the barking quickly died down, which meant that the
strangers were ordinary. There wasn't anything abnormal on the surface.

This seemed to be the case.

At the entrance, an ox-driven cart carried seven or eight foreigners into Glen
Heights. There were both men and women with worn clothing and tired faces.
They also had some very crude metal weapons at their waists.

This type of group was extremely common in Glen Heights. They were
mercenaries who wanted to change their lives. They would enter the southern
jungle to try their luck at collecting valuable goods like rare and pretty birds,
valuable herbs, furs, and more.

On average, 30 in every 100 mercenaries would die in the jungle. Of the other
70, more than 60 would only make enough to survive. The remaining few would
earn much more in comparison. There would also be one lucky guy who could
make a fortune.

These mercenaries were dressed poorly. The people and dogs of the village
were used to people like them and didn't even spare them an extra glance.

After entering Glen Heights, the mercenaries got off the cart. They would
usually find somewhere in the village to rest, eat a meal, and enter the forest
after refreshing themselves.

There was a woman amongst this group; she looked to be around 30 years old.
Her features were plain, her body was fat, and her greasy long hair was piled
carelessly on her head. She held two axes and wore ragged leather armor. She
joked around with the mercenaries, vulgar words streaming out of her mouth.

The woman walked with the mercenaries down the road. When she passed a
small building, she glanced over casually and then continued walking.

Everything looked normal.

The small building they'd passed by had a large yard. This was where Ethereal
Prince Haromed hid. Link's group was observing the mercenaries in the yard.
"This is the third group of mercenaries this morning," Link whispered. "Evelina,
do you think that woman looks like Ariel?"

Evelina shook her head without thinking. "No way. Arial is a noble elfin
princess. She would never make herself look that ugly. Look at her hair. It looks
as disgusting as a piece of turd."

Celine shook her head too. "I don't think so either. She's probably just a regular

"Should we test her?" Eliard asked.

As soon as he finished, Evelina pointed at the female mercenary and uttered,


A thumb-sized pebble flew up from the ground and whooshed toward the back
of the woman's head. It was as fast as lightning. If the woman was hit, her head
would explode, and she would die.

Half a second later, the pebble had crossed 1000 feet and was at the mercenary's
head, but she was still clueless. She was joking with a man beside her and even
reached out to hit him. The man laughed and jumped to the side with a sleazy

In the last instant, Evelina stopped the pebble. By that time, it almost touched
the woman's hair. Without the power's support, the pebble dropped the ground.
Hearing the sound, the woman finally realized something. She turned around in
confusion. Seeing that nothing was wrong, she hurried to catch up with her

"A regular person," Evelina said.

During this entire process, Link didn't see any sign of pretense either. The
woman had acted naturally. She was just a low-class female mercenary.

"Indeed," Link replied a bit belatedly. He wasn't suspecting the woman. He just
felt that something was wrong, but when he thought carefully, he couldn't
pinpoint it.
After thinking some more, he could only say, "Alright, no need to keep looking.
Ariel has most likely already gotten here. We just can't find her right now… No
need to purposely look for her. Let's just be prepared."

Ariel was at Level-10 while Link was Level-11. He had the upper hand in terms
of power. Paired with Evelina's help, if they were prepared enough, Ariel
wouldn't be able to change things even if she tried.

The four nodded and returned to the wooden building.

There was a very wide basement in this building with a long-distance portal
seal. Link believed that Haromed would most likely come out of that.

Before, they wanted to keep Haromed from escaping, so they only had to guard
against a one-sided attack. Now, they also had to guard against Ariel's sneak
attacks from the outside. Thus, they had to add a powerful outer defensive spell

They got to work immediately.

In the basement, Link was responsible for the core construction. Evelina took
care of the refinement while Eliard assisted, learning as he went. Celine was in
charge of surveillance outside.

The three Magicians worked together and progressed quickly. Within two hours,
they added a sturdy spatial defensive seal outside the imprisonment seal outside
the portal seal.

Once this seal started running, it could block all attacks from spells under Level-
12. With this insurance, they shouldn't have to worry about Ariel. Despite this,
Link's anxiousness still wasn't reduced. This time, he didn't express it, but he
kept his guard up.

After the seal was completed, everyone became free. They rested alone in the
building, replenishing their energy. After around three hours, Link's eyes flew

"Get ready! He's coming!" He could feel the space vibrating in the basement.
The ground shook as well, with soft creaks. This was a sign of a long-distance
spatial seal operating.
Everyone was shocked.

"Evelina, activate the spatial imprisonment seal when he appears."

"Got it."

"Eliard, get a good position. If anything happens, activate this runestone for an
energy flood and kill him!"

This rune took a lot of work and resources. It was the product of many Ferde
Magicians working together. There was only one currently. It could activate a
Level-13 energy flood for emergencies.

"I understand." Eliard took the runestone and stood in the predetermined spot.

"Celine, stand here. When the magic seal is activated, a strong shield will
appear around you. The magic waves that appear after that might disturb your
vision, but you must hold tight. Wait until the shield stabilizes before shooting.
You must hit the Ethereal prince!"

"Don't worry. Leave it to me!" Celine's expression was serious. Grasping the big
fire gun, she stood in her spot. Link had specifically modified the space here.
She could see others, but others couldn't see her. It was the safest place in the
entire building.

They'd all practiced this many times before and they got into position within
half a second now.

The spatial waves in the basement strengthened. Link didn't do anything in

order to not alert Haromed. As soon as the man appeared, Link would make a
fatal attack to his physical body!

Link also took out the Ethereal-catching weapon.

Nothing unexpected had happened up to now. After two seconds, there was a
flash of silver-white light above the magic seal in the basement. It expanded to
around five feet wide, turning into a door.
They could see the scenery on the other side through the door. It seemed to be a
big black castle. Link was shocked at this; he recognized it. It was Shadow
Walker Morpheus' hideout—the Palace of Darkness.

The door remained for half a second, and a person walked out.

This guy was dressed in a gray-white robe and hood. His entire body was
covered. As soon as he appeared, Evelina mouthed to Link, "It's him."

This was Haromed, the Ethereal prince.

The moment he walked out, a message flashed past Link's vision. He'd
completed the mission of finding the Ethereal prince and received a Moon

Another mission appeared at the same time. He stole a glance and saw that it
was to kill the Ethereal prince. He immediately accepted it.

On the other hand, Evelina had acted without hesitation. Her Dragon Power
rushed into the magic seal. Countless magical runes overlapped under her foot
and illuminated, spreading. Within one-hundredth of a second, the entire space
was filled with runes.

They were like anchors that nailed the space down. Affected by the spell, the
door behind the Ethereal prince flashed and went out like a candle in the wind.
It abandoned Haromed in the death trap Link's group had set for him.

At the same time, a Level-12 spatial barrier over three feet thick shot up outside
the imprisonment seal. It blocked everything that happened inside this building.

Up to this point, everything had gone smoothly according to plan. But for some
reason, the unrest in Link's heart strengthened. It practically hindered him from
casting spells normally. He couldn't attack the Ethereal prince under this
situation, so he walked to Celine's side for protection.

Almost simultaneously, he saw a dark green wooden sword gradually appear in

the air behind Celine. It was so secretive and subtle, hiding all murderous intent.
It was like a shadow hunter hidden in the sea of space.
The sword's appearance was very unique. Its body was dark green and so thin it
looked like a large sewing needle. If tossed onto the street, people would think it
was a thin rusted rod.

Seeing this, Link's heart jumped. Oh no, it's a World Impaler!

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Chapter 546: It Was Just Impossible

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The World Impaler was the highest pinnacle of High Elf magical
worksmanship. It was made from the oldest branches of the World Tree.

This sword had two particularities that defied conventional understanding.

Firstly, it could pierce through anything that existed in Firuman. Be it ethereal
or physical, it could pierce through anything. Even space was not immune to it.
It would be able to kill anyone you wanted dead if supplied with enough
Legendary-level power.

There had been historical accounts of High Elves wielding the World Impaler
with all their power to strike down their enemies 50 miles away.

Secondly, the sword was incredibly fast.

Due to its unimaginable speed, it was usually used in ambushes. A competent

enough wielder of the sword would be able to strike their victim's vital points,
ending them on the spot before they even realized what had happened.

A High Elf poet once wrote a poem in praise of the sword: "Swifter than time, it
was the God of Light's divine retribution, the herald of the end of days!"

In fact, this sword was also known as one of the strategic-level weapons forged
by the High Elves, a national treasure of the Isle of Dawn. It rarely saw any use,
and still, Link never imagined that he would see it so soon in Ariel's hands.
The sword's target was Celine. If Link was not standing beside her, Celine
would surely have been dead!

Link realized what his opponent was aiming for. If something happened to
Celine, Link would lose his composure. Taking advantage of this, the Ethereal
Prince Haromed would be able to turn the tables on them. At that point, Link's
squad would be decimated.

He was now seething with anger, but still his mind did not stray. On the
contrary, an extreme calmness had cleared his mind. His mind was now working
at twice its usual speed. He had now entered his Ultimate State.

Before his eyes, the world around him had slowed down so much that
everything seemed to have come to a complete halt.

Under these circumstances, Link's Dragon Power flared up. In a thousandth of a

second, he had spent 1000 Dragon Power points. A portion of this Dragon
Power was used to maintain Link's current accelerated speed of thought, while
another portion was used to repair the damage that was spreading across his
body while he was in his Ultimate State.

The only thing that was still moving in this standstill was the World Impaler,
ripping through the air like a sewing needle.

In an instant, the sword inched closer towards Celine's back. It was simply too
fast. Celine had realized that something was wrong. Her body moved,
instinctively trying to dodge the fatal blow coming from behind, but Celine's
speed was nothing in comparison to the World Impaler's.

She then saw Link and stopped, ignoring the threat behind her. She turned and
fired a shot from her magic rifle at Haromed the Ethereal Prince.

Bang! A streak of red light extended out from the rifle's barrel towards the
Ethereal Prince's head.

At the same time, Link drew out his Dragon King's Fury sword. The sound of
wind and lightning erupted from it. With Dragon Power blazing fierily from its
blade, Link swung the sword in an arc at the World Impaler.
The World Impaler's wielder seemed to be unaware of the sword's current state,
as it pressed on forward without dodging or parrying Link's attack.

An instant later, there was deafening clang. Link's sword collided against the
World Impaler, sending out an explosion of energy.

While the Dragon King's Fury sword did not stand on equal ground with the
World Impaler in terms of quality, it did not collide head-on with the World
Impaler and was able to come out relatively unharmed. On the other hand, the
World Impaler's wielder was not as powerful as Link. Under such
circumstances, the result was a stalemate.

When the two swords rebounded from each other, the bullet from Celine's
magic rifle had flown nine feet through the air. It was still another nine feet
away from the Ethereal Prince.

Link managed to match the World Impaler's incredible speed at that moment.

When the explosion of energy occurred, Link had a hand pressed gently against
Celine's back. A spatial barrier appeared behind Celine, shielding her from the

Its attack impeded by Link, the World Impaler retreated immediately from him,
as if trying to regain its momentum and strike a second time when it was ready.

I'm not letting you go! Focusing his will on the Dragon King's Fury sword, Link
sent it flying out. Stacks of runes appeared on the blade, and the Dragon King's
Fury sword pursued the World Impaler.

Link activated four Despair Balls which appeared in the air 50 feet from each
other. After zipping in and out of the magic spheres, the Dragon King's Fury
sword finally appeared about 100 feet away from Link.

At that moment, Link sensed that the World Impaler had stopped moving. He
took it to mean that it had returned to its owner.

He quickly estimated his opponent's position and sent his sword hurtling
towards where she would most likely appear in the next second.
An instant later, Link felt that the sword had pierced something. Judging from
its impact, it was probably flesh that the sword had struck. But the sensation
only lasted for a moment. Link felt the sword budge slightly, and the resistance
to the sword's tip was gone.

Link summoned his sword back. He saw fresh blood stains on the sword's tip.
With another nudge of his will, he activated a simple Magician's Hand. The
blood stain floated up from the blade and was then stored away by Link in his
spatial pendant.

In the field of Secret Magic, blood was purported to be the soul's vessel.
Through even a drop of blood, Secret Magicians could easily track down its

Link was not too familiar with this branch of magic. However, Eleanor, Evelina,
Vance, Elin, and the others had accomplished much in this field. Tracking their
enemy with a drop of blood should not be a problem to them.

When Link was done, he immediately came out of his Ultimate State. Though
he had only been in it for five-thousandths of a second, he had already spent
5000 Dragon Power points. An indescribable pain now gripped his head. He
was also rendered incapable of casting any spells for a short period of time.

The world around him now returned to its normal speed.

A short while later, Celine's bullet had reached the side Haromed's head.

Haromed had just come out from the spatial door. Before he could even react,
Haromed was already surrounded by his aggressors in an instant. He panicked
and instinctively activated his trump card: Polyclone.


Level-12 Ethereal Spell

Description: With its affinity for spatial magic, an Ethereal is able to easily feel
its way through spatial nodes. Through these nodes, Ethereals can bypass the
limitations of most spatial spells.
(Note: The secret art of using these spatial nodes is difficult to master. Not even
the Ethereal Prince has a complete mastery of it.)

There was a sudden flash from the bracelet on the Ethereal Prince's wrist. In a
flash, his body was split into three. The three clones were ten feet apart and
were identical to one another. What boggled everyone's mind at that moment
was the fact that Celine's bullet passed harmlessly through one of the Ethereal
Prince's foreheads.

Seeing this, Eliard activated his own trump card without a second thought. The
runestone in his hand shone brightly as he began infusing his power into it.

A brilliant red streak of light flashed out towards one of the Ethereal Prince's

Before letting out his attack, Eliard adjusted the streak of light's trajectory
beforehand so that it would hit the other two clones.

A Level-13 attack was a force to be reckoned with. Ripples spread out from
where the beam of light had passed through. The ripples were caused by the
surrounding air that had been heated up, though some of them were also due to
the slight spatial turbulences in the attack's trajectory.

Once a Spatial Magician's power reached a certain stage, any of his or her
attacks could visibly affect the integrity of the surrounding spatial fabric itself.

When this beam of light sprang forth, Eliard had already thought of a follow-up
attack. If my attack passes through the first two clones, that means the last one
should be the Ethereal's real body. Celine will just need to open fire another
time at it, and the Ethereal Prince will be as good as dead.

The beam of light had served its purpose. It passed straight through the first two
clones, which shimmered for a moment and then disappeared. Only one
Ethereal clone remained in the room.

Celine did not disappoint Eliard. She saw the last Ethereal clone and fired a shot
at it.

Ever since she had received her magic rifle, Celine had been training hard every
day, especially during her time in the Girvent war. She had spent thousands of
bullets during her training. As of now, Celine's focus and precision were second
to none.

She remained unfazed by her first shot that hit nothing. When Eliard's attack
isolated the last Ethereal clone, she had a sudden premonition. Acting
immediately on it, she pulled the trigger.

When the beam of light headed straight for him, Haromed began to panic. At the
sight of Celine's barrel aimed squarely at his real body, he instinctively activated
his Polyclone technique another time.

In that instant, his body split again into three more clones.

He had thought of making a run for the cellar's exit, but the spatial
imprisonment around him was way too secure. He was still able to use his
Polyclone technique, but his power was sealed up effectively by the spatial

Under his current circumstances, the Ethereal Prince could not find any spatial
node around him that would be able to facilitate his escape. He could only
conjure up more clones of himself to evade his aggressors' attacks.

Just then, instead of escaping, Haromed decided to retaliate.

But then, tragedy struck!

Just when one of his clones appeared, and his real body was trying to squeeze
itself through a spatial node, he suddenly had a sense of extreme danger. What's
going on? What's going on!

His body shook all of a sudden when he reappeared in another corner. He

lowered his eyes and saw that there was a huge bloody hole in his chest. He
turned around and saw that the barrel of Celine's magic rifle was still glowing.

"I've been hit? How did she know where my real body was? How is this

In a second, he had produced 1000 clones of himself, each as real as the other.
He did not understand how the woman was able to see through his cloning trick,
which was, as far as he knew, faultless.
It was just impossible.

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Chapter 547: Battle Invitation at the Cliff

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


There was a basin-sized hole in the Ethereal prince's chest. His body was almost
split into two. With this kind of injury, he still wasn't dead and was even still

This was because the body didn't belong to him. He was just possessing it. As
long as the head wasn't damaged, he could still escape.

Different from regular Ethereals, Prince Harmod's soul was abnormally strong.
Seeing that he was in a hopeless state, his eyes shone with silver light, and he
roared. "Ah!"

Ping! With a crisp sound, his bracelet shattered into a burst of light. The white
light flowed into Haromed's head. After that, the air around him blurred. A
beam buried into it and his eyes dimmed. His body collapsed onto the ground
with a thud, losing all presence of strength.

This time, Haromed had risked everything to escape. The entire process
happened in the blink of the eye. The four couldn't even process it.

Link could have stopped Haromed, but he'd just retreated from the state of
extreme spellcasting. His mind hadn't recovered fully and was still delayed. By
the time he recovered, Haromed had already disappeared.

Link shook his still-hurting pain and jumped into the magic seal. He cast a
spatial detection spell.
White light appeared and spun around in the air. After around three seconds,
fine ripples emerged in the light. They formed a tunnel the size of an arm and
forcefully broke through Evelina's spatial imprisonment, extending outward.

No, Haromed shouldn't be able to break free. However, the World Impaler had
put an opening to the spatial imprisonment. Haromed used it to flee.

Other than the spatial tunnel, Link also clearly smelled a faint aura in the air. It
was like incense from earth. It was very faint, but after smelling it, he felt a bit
dizzy. His emotions became affected too.

Link was very familiar with this smell. It appeared when a soul shattered. In
other words, this was a soul's "blood."

"Haromed broke free from the restraints, but he's hurt," Link said immediately.
"He can't be far. Let's go."

Using the traces shown by the spatial detection, Link rushed out of the yard. The
other three ran out of their hiding places, following Link closely.

Link raised a hand while on the road. The light of a detection spell wrapped
around his finger. He tested for abnormal waves on the path and pursued

Soon, the four left Glen Heights and entered the dense jungle to the west.

Many of the trees here towered in the air. Their rich treetops practically blocked
all source of light. Even though it was daytime, the jungle was dark. Plants that
liked the shade, such as bushes and vines, took up almost all the space under the

After entering here, they slowed down drastically, especially Link. His body had
mostly recovered, thanks to the Dragon Power, but he was still very careful.

"Stay close and don't get separated," he murmured. "I can feel that Ariel hasn't
left. She's still looking for a chance."

He still felt uneasy, like someone had their eyes on him. Not many in Firuman
could give Link such pressure. At the moment, Ariel was the only one.
Just like them, Ariel hadn't given up yet. She was still trying.

This High Elf genius was truly hard to get rid of.

Evelina was a bit nervous. "Link, you have to be careful," she warned quietly.
"She has never failed in her entire life, and she even brought a World Impaler
this time. She's too scary."

Celine wasn't happy at this. Eyeing Evelina, she said, "I think you're just scared.
She fought with Link and got hurt."

Eveline shook her head. "That was a tie, at most. Link isn't well off now either."

She had seen more clearly than Celine and wasn't that familiar with Link. She
didn't have the absolute trust that Celine had.

Eliard was worried too. He turned to Link and arched an eyebrow while
gesturing with his hands. How confident are you?

Link replied, gesturing, At most, we fail at catching Haromed.

This comforted Eliard. Chuckling, he asked, "What is there to be scared of? If

that Ariel really is so powerful, why doesn't she just come out and fight? I think
she's scared of us, heh."

Link thought a bit and said, "Let's go. In a battle, the end is decided in an
instant. Stop thinking nonsense."

So the group stopped talking and continued following Link into the forest. They
walked like this for more than one hour. They traveled around five miles and
reached deep into the forest.

Here, Link's eyebrow twitched. "The spatial mark is gone."

With that, he squatted to check carefully. The ground was covered in rotting
branches and leaves. Occasionally, some insects would crawl over. It all looked

After a few minutes, Link found a fist-sized claw mark on the roots of a tree.
Evelina walked over to look. "This is the paw print of a Blue Mongoose, but it
looks weird. The Blue Mongoose is supposed to be very agile. Judging from the
footprint, it's matured, so why did it leave such an unsteady paw print?"

"Maybe because it isn't familiar with the body," Eliard said.

Link nodded and said, "The Ethereal must have possessed this Blue Mongoose.
It'll be easier to find."

At the side, Evelina cast a beast tracking spell. A red-green spotlight rushed out
of her wand. It circled the paw print and then flew away. The group followed it.

After a dozen miles, the tracking light suddenly stopped in place. It circled the
spot and then disappeared.

Evelina was shocked. "His aura disappeared completely."

The injured soul of an Ethereal used his own power to forcefully possess a
mongoose in the dense forest. All signs on the road pointed to the fact that he
couldn't control the mongoose perfectly, leaving behind many traces to follow.
But now, it seemed to have evaporated.

There was only one conclusion.

"Someone powerful intercepted," Eliard said. "Maybe it's Ariel?"

Celine was already holding her guns. "For some reason, I feel like it'll become
very dangerous if we keep pursuing… Link, what do we do?"

Link didn't reply. He circled the place where the mongoose had disappeared,
searching closely while casting different detection spells. Three minutes later,
he found a tiny mark in the vines that extended from a tree.

Someone had made it with one's hand. Judging from the size, it was a woman.
Link looked at Evelina. "How is Ariel at martial combat?"

In the game, Ariel didn't display any of those skills, so Link overlooked it. But
after fighting her across space, he realized that she wasn't so simple.
Evelina shook her head. "I'm not sure, but one year ago, I think she purposely
went to learn from a wandering vigilante called Green Leaf Swordsman. He's
apparently amazing at swordsmanship. Later, I saw her practice a few times.
She seems good."

Eliard found this strange. "A Magician practicing swordsmanship? That's weird.
I heard that Elven Natural magic isn't suitable for martial arts."

Here, Eliard got an idea. His Sunlight Power was very suitable for martial arts.
In combat, it was sometimes more useful than spells. It seemed that he should
find some time to learn swordsmanship.

Evelina nodded. "Indeed, which is why I'm confused why she did that.
However, Natural magic has a great advantage in controlling plants. There aren't
many clues here. It's highly possible that Ariel did this."

Link didn't think so. If a Magician really wanted to learn martial arts, there were
so many tricks they could use. To a Magician, there were only things that they
couldn't imagine. Nothing was impossible.

He already saw Ariel as a martial arts expert now and would treat her

Thinking of this, he said, "Let's go. She still left some signs. She used this vine
to swing over and dropped onto a branch 60 feet away… Look, there's her
footprint. Then she used another vine to leave. That's why there aren't any marks
on the ground. As for the mongoose, she must've taken it."

The four of them were the top representatives of Ferde. It would be

embarrassing if their plan was ruined by one person. Ariel didn't know how to
give up, but Link was like this too.

Only those with this personality could keep moving forward on the tumultuous
path of power and make shocking achievements.

Celine and Eliard didn't have any objections. Evelina couldn't do anything
either. She didn't dare leave the forest alone, so she had to go with the flow.

The four continued pursuing. After around half an hour, a cliff appeared before
them with plumes of white smoke under it. It was a few hundred feet high.
An ordinary female High Elf stood at the edge quietly. Her features didn't stand
out, but her aura was indescribable, especially her dark purple eyes. When she
looked at them, everyone—including Link—felt ineffable pressure.

Right now, she had a Blue Mongoose the size of a cat in her arms.

She saw Link from afar and turned around, smiling thinly. "I knew you'd come.
This cat is nice, but his life is in my hands. I can destroy him at any time."

Link raised a hand, stopping the group. He stopped at a distance too. "What are
your terms?"

"You and I have a battle at this cliff. No one else can help. The winner can take
this cat. As for the loser, whether they can live is up to their skills. What do you
think?" Ariel's words were shocking.

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Chapter 548: Only One Rule in This World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ariel was the first to be on top of the cliff. It was her domain. Even if she had
not set any traps beforehand around the place, she knew the cliff's geography
like the back of her hand.

And now, she threatened the Ethereal Prince's life. Link naturally had his
reservations about a duel with her, and defeat was almost inevitable to those
who hesitated even for a second in a fight.

Ariel clearly had the upper hand.

Eliard muttered, "Link, she's definitely up to something. You can't agree to


Celine added, "This seems dangerous."

Evelina stepped forward and said to Ariel, "Winnie, does it really have to come
to this? We only want the Ethereal Prince himself."

Ariel laughed mirthlessly and shook her head. "Evie, you just don't get it."

She did not say anything about Evelina being a traitor to her own race. She then
turned to Link. "The way I see it, most of the Magicians nowadays do not really
understand the true essence of magic. These people are just puppets whose
strings are still being pulled by the phantoms of history. They continue to walk
on the path that their predecessors had set for them, and never do they once dare
stray from it. These people are not fit to be called Magicians."

Link stood motionless. He did not speak a word. As Ariel spoke to him, he was
quietly observing the state of the cliff. He could not find any traps laid out for
him. Ariel must have simply wanted a one-on-one duel with him.

Ariel did not mind him scoping the cliff out. She continued, "Those who truly
deserve to be called Magicians are few and far between, and incidentally, you
are someone whom I had acknowledged as a true Magician. I've always wanted
to test my skills against yours, but there had never been an opportunity to do so.
At least, not until this very moment!"

While saying this, Ariel threw the Blue Mongoose into the air. Like a flash of
lightning, the World Impaler in her hand pierced through the mongoose's head.

The mongoose screeched in pain. Thick green smoke issued out of its nose and
mouth. Haromed, the Ethereal Prince, was dead.

Ariel had just casually threw away her trump card, and Link and his party had
come all this way for nothing.

"Have you gone mad?" asked Evelina, shocked.

Eliard was shocked as well. However, he somewhat understood what drove

Ariel. Link was similar to her in some respects, especially his disregard for
everything else in his single-minded pursuit of magical wisdom.

Celine did not say a word. She continued to look at Link, waiting for him to
Link had been holding the Dragon King's Fury sword in his hand. His eyes fell
on the mongoose's carcass, a look of disappointment on his face. He had
intended to use the Level-12 Ethereal Crystal made from the Ethereal Prince's
essence to construct a high-level defensive spell for Ferde, but now, everything
had gone up in smoke.

Link then looked up at Ariel. Her face was calm, but her purple eyes burned
with a fiery desire to duel with Link.

Link recalled what Ariel was like in the previous game world.

The High Elf princess had a pure passion for combat. She was always first to
confront the biggest and meanest demons in the forefront. She had massacred
more than 20 chief-level demons, including a Level-18 Fallen Angel.

In the final battle against Lord of the Deep, Nozama, the one who had injured
Nozama so severely that he was forced to pull back the Magicians of the demon
fortress was also none other than Ariel herself.

Throughout the allied forces, the only one who could match her combat power
was Eliard in the late-game stages.

But right now, Eliard only had Level-9 Sunlight Power, while his opponent had
already reached the Legendary realm before him. Obviously, Eliard was
nowhere near Ariel's level.

It would have been better to have a combat genius like Ariel as an ally. But she
was their enemy right now, and one Link had any qualms about killing right

And right now, that same enemy had given him the chance to do so.

He took a step forward and said in a low voice. "Ariel Newmoon, do you really
think I would take you on one-on-one? Your naivete would cost you dearly."

As he said this, Link made a few gestures to Celine and Eliard behind him,
which meant, "Follow my lead, find an opening to kill this High Elf!"

Evelina was stunned. "Link, you..."

She thought that being a lord, Link would be more mindful of his own
reputation and accept Ariel's challenge.

She did not expect Link and the others to gang up on Ariel.

Eliard was first to initiate the attack. He took out the Dragon Power runestone
that Link had given him and cast a Level-10 shield on himself. He then hid
behind a rock nearby, waiting for a chance to attack Ariel.

Celine too retreated and climbed up a tree 300 feet away. She then took out her
rifle and waited patiently for an opening.

In that time, Link's eyes did not leave Ariel, wary that she might launch an
attack at any moment.

Like a lion that would hunt for prey as weak and defenseless as a rabbit with all
its strength, Link never had the habit of giving up an advantage in battle. He,
nor anyone else in Ferde, had never concerned himself with heroics. What the
Magicians of Ferde had always strived for was a more stable and efficient way
of solving problems.

Right now, Ariel was one of those problems that needed to be resolved, and the
most efficient way of solving it was by besieging her together. Link saw no
benefit in him accepting a one-on-one duel with her.

The High Elf had come looking for her own demise, and so she shall receive it!

Ariel did not anticipate such a response from Link. She laughed coldly. "I
thought you were a hero, Link. I never took you for a coward who enjoyed
ganging up on people like this! Seems I was mistaken."

She turned towards Evelina. "Evie, is this who you have chosen to follow?
Don't you feel the slightest bit of shame?"

Though she was a rebel at heart, the mainstream values of the continent
resonated with Evelina greatly. Hearing what Ariel had said, Evelina's face
turned red. She went silent for a moment and then stammered, "My lord, I don't
think this is right. Your reputation is at stake here."
Link continued staring at Ariel. He slowly pulled out the Dragon King's Fury
sword. As the blade hissed against its scabbard, Link's mind grew calmer. "Evie,
there's only one law in this world that matters, and that's the survival of the
fittest! Morality, code, reputation, they're all mere tools and fetters that can be
discarded at any time as long as the price is right. And right now, you're being
shackled by Ariel's code of combat."

Evelina could not think of a rebuttal to Link's words.

Ariel had heard what Link had said. Stunned for a moment, she sighed. "I admit,
I don't see things as much as you do. Also, I've not come prepared to face all of
you, which means that this is not a fight I have any chance of winning. Just wait
and see, there will be a next time!"

Saying this, she took out a green, fruit-like object. There were silver markings
on the fruit. With a slight squeeze, the fruit was instantly reduced to mush. A
thick swirl of silver moonlight suddenly obscured her entire body, which then
began to fade away.

Evelina shouted upon seeing what had happened. "She's casting Moonlight, a
Level-19 spell! She's trying to escape!"


Level-19 spell.

Description: The user infuses a large amount of Nature Power into a moonlight
fruit from the World Tree in order to cast the spell. After casting the spell, its
user will be able to ignore all attacks from the realm of Firuman and teleport
back to Andwar in the Isle of Dawn.

(Note: A precious relic of the High Elves.)

"Trying to escape, eh?" Without hesitation, Link stabbed his sword through a
Despair Ball, and the sword's tip appeared instantly beside Ariel. He then let his
Dragon Power flow into it in a torrent, activating a new spatial spell: Spatial

Spatial Disintegration.
Rankless Master-level Spell

Cost: 7000 points or more.

Description: The user spends a large amount of Dragon Power and sets the
fabric of space ablaze, giving rise to an inferno with unimaginable destructive

(Note: It will burn everything to a crisp!)

The spell was Link's newest invention, a combination of the dragons' Void
Destructor spell, his own Spatial Rend spell and the Boundless Sharpness
property of his Dragon King's Fury sword. Its destructive power was virtually
limitless. The more Dragon Power it received, the more destruction it would be
able to wreak.

It was safe to say that nothing in the realm of Firuman would be able to
withstand the spell's destructive power. An object would be able to resist it if it
was powerful enough, though.

Once the spell was cast, the space around Ariel was engulfed in its fire. The heat
was unlike anything she had experienced. Anything the fire grazed immediately
evaporated. Not even its ashes were spared.

This was what happened when space was set on fire.

In an instant, the spatial inferno had spread to Ariel's body. Her eyes widened,
and the silver light around her expanded. Bundles of the silver light came off,
trying to keep the fire outside the barrier of light.

In that moment, the gentle moonlight and the relentless spatial fire struggled
against each other. Violent energy ripples spread out from the clash of the two
energies. The spectacle on the cliff was blinding, as if a silver sun had appeared
on it.

Evelina, who was standing nearby, could feel the heat from the cliff. Fearing
that she might also be caught in the inferno, she quickly took a step back and
cast a defensive spell on herself.
As soon as she backed away, there was a sudden bang. A streak of light shot out
from the top of the tree beside her. The attack hurtled towards the ball of silver
light and merged with it in an instant.

Evelina was stunned. Did Celine open fire? Did it even have any effect?

A moment later, she heard a pained moan. Before long, the silver ball of light
before them disappeared. Ariel was gone without a trace. The spatial inferno
had also gone out. All that remained on the cliff was a smooth rock surface that
looked like it had been polished recently.

In the end, Ariel still managed to elude them.

"What happened to her?" asked Evelina as she rushed to Link's side.

Link sheathed back his sword and spoke plainly, "Both her legs had been
burned badly. My Dragon Power had entered her body. I was able to cripple her
in the end, so even if she's not dead, she'll probably wish that she was at this

"Ah! Did she really lose?" Evelina stammered.

"She has paid dearly for her arrogance. Even though Moonlight was a high-level
spell, its area of effect was way too small. I was able to break through it with
everything I had," explained Link.

The spell was indeed Level-19, but the amount of Nature Power that Ariel had
infused into the World Tree's fruit was too little. In the span of a mere half-
second, Link had used up 15,000 Dragon Power points and was able to reduce
the Moonlight spell to a paper-thin layer. Celine saw the opportunity and took
her shot. Her bullet broke through that last layer. Without losing its momentum,
it struck both of Ariel's legs. Once embedded inside her body, Link's Dragon
Power immediately spread inside her.

If the Moonlight spell's teleportation ability did not activate in time, Ariel would
have been a pile of smoldering ashes by now.

Eliard came out from his hiding place. The fight had already ended before he
even had the chance to make a move. Right now, his heart was beating violently
in his chest. His yearning for Legendary power had intensified now. After
calming his nerves, Eliard asked, "Link, what's our next step, now that the
Ethereal Prince is dead?"

"We'll continue our journey down south. I have no intention of making this trip
a wasted one. We'll go after some normal Ethereals. Of course, we shouldn't
take too much time in this. I'll give us two more days. We'd best pick up our
pace now."

"Alright." Eliard and Celine did not seem to object to this.

Adrenaline was still pumping through Evelina. She made a conscious effort to
nod back at Link.


Isle of Dawn, Andwar, beneath the World Tree

A flash of silver moonlight suddenly appeared in the air. Two seconds later, a
figure fell to the ground. It was Ariel.

She was in bad shape. Both her legs were gone, Her body was a melted mess of
flesh and blood. Hot air issued out of her nostrils and mouth. Though she was
barely able to withstand the agony, she writhed and screamed uncontrollably in

When she appeared, the World Tree's Nature Power flowed into her body. A
few seconds later, the Dragon Power that had been rending through her body
was suppressed completely. Ariel sighed in relief, glad that the pain was finally

She laid quietly on the ground, letting the World Tree heal her wounds. This
time, her wounds were severe. Her legs were beyond restoration, and the World
Tree could do nothing about it. Still, it served as a cruel lesson for Ariel.

She looked at the World Tree and swore through gritted teeth, "Thank you for
the lesson, Lord of Ferde!"

Minutes passed in silence, and then she heard footsteps. Ariel turned and saw a
familiar figure. It was her mother, the queen of the High Elves.
"What happened?"

"Mother, I met Link. I lost to him." Ariel sighed. Her losses had been grievous.

"It' alright, what matters is that you came back here alive. Tell me exactly what

Ariel nodded and recounted the events that had transpired to her mother. When
she was done, the queen was silent for a few seconds. Then she said, "He even
managed to break through your Moonlight spell. I can't believe his power has
grown this much."

"He did use up all his power trying to break through it, though," added Ariel.

"In any case, this is bad news. Looks like the thing up north needs to speed up.
Once you recover from your injuries, go to the North immediately."

"But mother, that's where the God of Destruction's forces lie."

"I know. All the more reason why you should go there now. The Dark Elves
must exist. The humans are our shield, and what good is a shield without a
spear? Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

Ariel was silent. She wanted to voice her objection against the matter in the
North. Suddenly, she remembered what Link had said. In this world, there was
no clear distinction between light and darkness.

Only one rule reigned supreme, and that was the survival of the fittest.

And so she nodded. "I understand, mother."

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Chapter 549: More Importantly, It’s Growing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Two days later, Link's group returned from the South, fully loaded.
This time, they brought back 569 Ethereal Crystals. They'd practically wiped
out all the Ethereal Warriors around the Syndicate.

After returning to Ferde, Link didn't rest. He immediately gathered the core
Magicians of the territory to start producing Ethereal magic equipment.

This equipment could transform into Legendary-level power, making up for the
lack of high-level martial combat in Ferde. In other words, these were strategic
resources. They had to be perfect and flawless.

Naturally, this required powerful Magicians.

At the present, there were six core Magicians in Ferde. Other than Link, there
was Eliard, Vance, Alloa, and Celine.

Celine especially had studied Link's enchantments for about half a year without
rest. Paired with Link's obvious help, she was very advanced in enchantments
now. She was practically equal to Vance and the others.

Other than Alloa who used Link's Dragon Power due to her special
circumstances, the other five were all above Level-8. Eliard's Sunlight Power
was even in the upper stages of Level-9. His power was quite active too. Soon,
he would reach Level-10.

This was the most powerful force in the history of humanity; they could look
over any other human territory arrogantly. However, compared to the 80,000-
strong Magician army of at least Level-6 Magicians from the Isle of Dawn, they
were still far off.

Just these few hundred Ethereal Crystals was already stretching them thin, let
alone being able to deal with the Isle of Dawn. Each Ethereal Crystal had a
unique function. They couldn't use mass production. Due to the high level, they
also couldn't get help from ordinary Magicians.

Thus, the six had to process the crystals one by one. It was very inefficient.

The bottom line was that Ferde needed top-level Magicians. Thus, after working
for a day, Link and Eliard walked to Evelina's imprisonment room.
Even though she'd gone to the South and had worked hard, she was still
technically Ferde's prisoner. Plus, her many subconscious reactions along the
way had showed that she didn't really want to join Ferde. She was just staying
here due to fear of Link's power.

This wasn't a good thing, because once she had the ability to escape from Link's
control or was intimidated by someone stronger, Evelina would sell Ferde out. It
was just like how she'd betrayed the Syndicate.

Halfway there, Link asked, "Eliard, what do you think of Evelina?"

Link's knowledge of her was limited to the game. There, Evelina had been a
wandering vigilante. She'd walked around and sometimes joined important
battles but never joined the core of the alliance.

In reality, Eliard was always with Evelina. He would be more familiar with her.

Eliard flinched and then nodded. "She's good. I would sometimes discuss magic
with her, like secret spells and techniques. She would answer straightforwardly
without keeping anything back."

"Oh." Link seemed to have some thoughts.

Since she was at the point of sharing secret spells with Eliard, there was
something to be considered. Just like technology from earth, there were two
levels of spells.

The first was magic theory. This was the basics and there was nothing to hide.
Even if you figured it out first, others wouldn't be too far off.

For example, Link had created the spatial theory. There must be other spatial
Magicians in the world that reached similar levels but were just a bit off. There
wasn't a really significant gap.

The second level was in specific applications. This was the specific spells and
techniques. These were secrets—the things that could cause the gap in abilities.

For example, everyone knew the principle of leverage. However, some would
use a wooden stick to throw stones while others would use a catapult. The
difference was too big to put in words.
It could be said that secret spells were a Magician's best tricks. They wouldn't
tell people who weren't close or trusted. Since Evelina shared them with Eliard
so straightforwardly, she either had feelings for Eliard or Ferde. They were both
good things.

These thoughts flashed through Link's mind. "I see," he said. "Later, you
persuade her. I'll just stand to the side."

Eliard nodded. He'd been wanting Evelina to join Ferde. He had said this many
times before, but Evelina never gave a definite answer. She always had some
worry. He didn't mind trying to persuade her again. If she didn't agree, he would
come a second or third time. He felt that if he tried enough times, she would

The place where Evelina was "imprisoned" wasn't far. It was a guest room in
Eliard's sub-tower. The two arrived quickly.

At the entrance, Link stood to the side while Eliard knocked. "Eve, are you

"Of course. Come in," Evelina said.

Eliard opened the door and entered.

Evelina was only imprisoned in name. In reality, Eliard didn't put any
restrictions on Evelina. As long as she wasn't walking around on the street, she
could use all the resources in the tower, such as the Elemental Pool and alchemy

The guest room had everything necessary too. Eliard had even remodeled the
room in the style of the High Elves.

Entering the room, one could see many fine silver veins on the doorframe.
Going further in, there was a sturdy and smooth wood floor and a deer head
hanging on the wall. The living room had an elven warmer. The bedroom,
bathroom, and toilet were all decorated sincerely too.

Link followed Eliard into the living room and felt that he was in a different
world. It wasn't like a room in a Mage Tower at all. It was more like a house in
the woods.
In the room, Evelina was lying lazily on a leather chair, reading a magic book.
Link peered at it and discovered it was the enchantment book he'd written.

Seeing Link and Eliard come, Evelina set the book down. Her hand twitched
and an innocent-looking magic puppet brought two cups of hot water over.

This magic puppet was a top-class product of the Gold Rune Workshop. They
were mass-produced now and were popular with the nobles. Many people would
come to Ferde just to order a pretty servant. The price was good too. The
workshop had a list of specific prices, clearly stating the different materials and
functions. The price went from 500 to 10,000 gold coins.

Evelina smiled. "You two must be busy. How come you're here?"

Link sat on the side without replying. He just blew at his hot drink. Eliard
cleared his throat and said straightforwardly, "Evelina, here's the deal. We
sincerely invite you to join Ferde."

Evelina arched an eyebrow. Smiling at Eliard, she said, "Aren't I already in


Eliard shook his head. "No, not just like this… What I mean is, we're inviting
you to join the core group of Magicians."

He was being very clear. Evelina fell silent and glanced at the quiet Link. Then
she looked back at Eliard. "You and the lord are both here. Is this the ultimatum

Eliard shook his head. "Of course not. We just need you."

Evelina pursed her lips. After a pregnant pause, she confessed, "To be honest,
even if you have the Ethereal Crystals and Link, I still don't see Ferde's future.
The Isle of Dawn won't let you develop like this. When none of the overt tricks
can solve a problem, it'll lead to an outright war."

Eliard didn't give up. "That's why we need you… I need you."

His words were direct and his tone was earnest.

This wasn't just Ferde wanting a strong figure to join. After all these days,
Eliard felt that he really wanted to be with this half-elf. He didn't want to
become enemies trying to kill each other someday.

Evelina laughed instinctively. Before, she would definitely scoff at something

like this. She would sneer and say mockingly, "Who are you to interfere with
my fate?"

But this time, her laugh cut off halfway. She saw the fervent anticipation in
Eliard's eyes. For some reason, she felt deep inside that if she missed this
chance, she would never find anyone who fit with her so well.

She couldn't face that heated gaze. After two seconds, she couldn't do it
anymore and averted her eyes.

Lowering her head, she murmured, "Eliard, I'm not as good as you think. I can't
meet all of your expectations—"

Before she could finish, Eliard wanted to try again, but Link reached out to stop
him. He stared at Evelina and uttered, "You fear the Isle of Dawn."

He got straight to the point!

Evelina's head shot up. "Should I not? The power of an 80,000-strong Magician
army can wipe Ferde off the face of the planet. Who can stop them?"

Link shook his head. "No," he said seriously. "Evelina, you're too obsessed with
the comparison of power. It's not that important."

Seeing that Evelina wanted to refute him, Link continued, "I have a sword and
the Isle of Dawn has 1000 swords. They can use 1000 swords to kill me, but I
also have the opportunity to use one sword to defeat the Isle of Dawn. The
number of swords isn't actually that significant."

Right now, they were both afraid of each other. Of course, Ferde's power wasn't
real, but as time went on, they would only grow stronger.

"But the Isle of Dawn has the Level-19 World Tree. You won't have a chance."
Evelina shook her head.
Link chuckled. "Then why am I still alive?" he asked.


"I'm alive because the Isle of Dawn can't handle me. Since they can't kill me,
they'll be afraid of my reaction. During this time, Ferde will keep strengthening.
There are close to 300 million humans. There is unlimited potential. But the Isle
of Dawn only has three million people. So what if their power reaches the

Evelina had never thought of this.

Link continued without stopping, "The High Elves have a stable tradition and
they're used to peace. Their power won't change too much in the near future, but
as you've seen, Ferde will keep going. It's possible that we'll reach the Isle of
Dawn's level within five or ten years!"

Link didn't add any fervent emotion while speaking. His tone didn't change
either. He was just stating facts with a cool gaze. It made him seem
indescribably confident, like he grasped the truth.

Evelina was a bit swayed.

Seeing her soften, Eliard walked up and grasped her hand. "Eve, why did you
leave the Isle of Dawn? Wasn't it because of the arrogance of those pure elves?
Ferde doesn't have that. Here, the only thing that matters is your magic. No one
will look down on you because of your bloodline or background. Ferde is
developing quickly, but it's still fragile. Stay and protect it."

Conation appeared on Evelina's face. Her lips quivered; she wanted to say

Link chose this time to add, "Eve, the current power difference isn't that

"Then what is important?"

"Who's growing."

As long as they kept growing, they would surpass the other someday.
Evelina's mouth opened a bit. She looked dazed. Being in Ferde for these days,
she indeed saw that the territory was changing. Something new was created
almost every day. In the Mage Tower, new spells would be invented daily.

This kind of place was growing indeed. Right now, it may just be a small tree,
but as long as it wasn't destroyed, it would rise to the sky one day.

Then she looked to Eliard. Something warm flowed through her heart.

People were strange. You would feel disgusted by some people at first glance;
but for other people, your heart would speed up. To Evelina, Eliard was the type
that sped up her heart. In her eyes, this half-elf was practically perfect.

Finally, Evelina held Eliard's hand too. "You asked me this question more than
ten times. This time, I'll agree."

Ecstasy filled Eliard's eyes. If Link wasn't there, he probably would've kissed
Evelina hard now.

Link wasn't stupid. "Eliard, I'll go now. You can take care of everything else."

As he spoke, white light surged around him and he disappeared. A short while
later, he was inside the main tower. After sitting down, Link took out the Moon
Stone reward from the mission. Just as he was about to study it, someone
knocked on the door.


Gildern walked in with a letter. It had a glowing red magic seal. Seeing it,
Link's brows furrowed.

"Lord, this letter is handwritten by General Kanorse of the Orida Fortress."

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Chapter 550: The Moonstone and the Realm's Elite (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Link tapped on the envelope that he had received from Gildern. A mild current
of Dragon Power flowed out from his hand, undoing the seal on the envelope.
He then took out the letter contained inside it.

He recognized Kanorse's handwriting on the letter. There were three pages in

total, detailing what had happened in Orida Fortress since Link left. Kanorse
had even used red ink to mark out anything he thought merited Link's attention.

There were two important things that Kanorse had emphasized with red ink.

The first important matter was that there was a slight change in the equipment
used by the scouts of the enemy in the Black Forest. Low-ranking soldiers were
still using standard equipment forged by the Dark Elves themselves, but higher-
ranking officers with higher combat power had been seen armed with dwarven
gear. There were also a few accounts of some of them using magical weapons
made by the Yabba people, which included high-precision magical rifles. With
such weapons at their disposal, they were even able to kill a high-ranking Level-
7 general.

Kanorse figured that the dwarves of the Hengduan Mountain Range were
supplying weapons to the Army of Destruction. Kanorse had written quite
plainly on the subject of the magical machinery. He hoped that Link would
conduct an investigation on the Yabba people currently residing in Ferde in
order to make sure that they were not collaborating with Ferde's enemy.

Link frowned upon reading this. The fact that the enemy had been seen using
Yabba weapons troubled him deeply.

It was common knowledge that the Yabba people were currently living in Ferde.
The whole continent was aware of this. What was also common knowledge was
the fact that Ferde specialized in trade and commerce. The country had been
dealing in the trade of clay and gyromagnetic iron. Only recently did it begin
exporting magical equipment. Ferde's wares could be found virtually

Anyone would easily put two and two together and come to the conclusion that
Ferde might be encouraging the Yabba people to sell their magical equipment to
the Army of Destruction just to earn a quick buck.
Despite what he had written, Link could clearly sense Kanorse's distrust towards
the Yabba people. This raised a few red flags for Link.

Perhaps this was the Agatha Nagas' way of sowing discord among us, thought

The second matter was just as important. A tribe of the Beastmen had left the
Golden Plains, traversed the Hengduan Mountain Range and finally entered the
Black Forest. Evidently, this meant that they had formed an alliance with the
Army of Destruction.

According to the information that Kanorse had received, there was a brutal civil
war among the Beastmen in the Golden Plains. A warlord called Avatar was
able to finally unify the whole tribe and proclaimed himself the one and true
king of the Beastmen. But not everyone agreed to his rule.

Storm Warlord Parmese led his tribe on an exodus all the way up north in order
to join the Army of Destruction. There were at least 500,000 people in his tribe,
which was a tenth of the total Beastmen population. In Parmese's tribe, there
were more than 50,000 able-bodied Warriors.

The Beastmen were known for their raw strength and fearlessness. With
standard military equipment and organization, they were basically a killing
machine on the battlefield.

The fact that a Beastman Warlord had joined the ranks of the Army of Darkness
was most worrying.

After reading the letter, Link was deep in thought. A few minutes later, Mana
flowed out from his hand and ripped the letter to shreds. He then turned to
Gildern, who had been standing in a corner all this time, and asked, "What are
your thoughts on the Yabba people?"

Gildern pondered for a moment and then said, "Not a bad bunch. They've been
hard at work making a home for themselves on Blue Stone Isle. They're also a
friendly lot. Never needed to worry about being scammed while doing business
with them. They would always lay out all the numbers of a business deal in
black and white, telling you what they hope to earn from it, which is usually
between five percent to 20 percent. Quite reasonable, if you ask me. They're
also model citizens of Ferde. No Yabba individual has ever been involved in an
incident in Ferde. All in all, they're never the trouble-making kind."

It was clear that the Yabba people abide by the laws of Ferde to the letter. What
this also meant was that they were careful enough not to be on the humans' bad

How could the Yabba people be selling weapons to the Army of Destruction
with that mindset at such a critical time? One should bear in mind that there
were only ten thousand Yabba people as of now. One misstep could spell the
end of their entire race.

Hearing this, Link nodded. "I see. Alright, we're done here. You can leave

"Thank you." Gildern immediately left the Mage Tower.

Link rubbed his forehead with a finger as he pondered on what he had read.
Suddenly, he had an idea. Activating a Spiritual Transmission spell, he
summoned Elin, who had been idling in the Mage Tower.

Ten minutes later, Elin pranced into his room. "Lord, is something the matter?"

"Sit, please," said Link with a smile.

Elin was a bit nervous. Right now, Link was the Lord of Ferde and a Legendary
master whose name was known far and wide across the continent. His every
word and action determined the fate of her entire race. Though Link had spoken
casually to her, Elin sat straight in one of the chairs in a corner, not daring to act
casually in his presence like before.

Link proceeded to tell her everything he had read from Kanorse's letter. He then
said, "Elin, bring this news to your Chancellor. Tell him not to let his guard
down and keep a tight leash on the Yabba people.

Elin was taken aback. Her gemstone-like eyes widened. She then asked Link
worriedly, "Lord, do you suspect that Blue Stone Isle is illegally exporting their
magical weapons?"
Elin was confident that Blue Stone Isle would never do such a thing, but it did
not matter what she thought. Link did not trust the Yabba people. This was the
sad truth of living under someone else's roof. No matter how generous their
master might seem, they were still no more than guests in his domain.

Seeing the taut smile on her face and her two hands squeezed into fists, Link
sighed inwardly. He spoke gently, "I trust you, but the hearts of the common
folk can be easily swayed. A thousand miles from here, the Warriors of Orida
Fortress have watched their comrades be slaughtered by the same magical
weapons being sold from Blue Stone Isle. Tensions are running high there right
now. I just don't want to give the soldiers there any more reason to channel their
discontent towards Blue Stone Isle. Do you understand?"

Elin understood what Link had meant. She sighed and nodded at him. "I'll pass
on your message to the Craftsmen's Guild."

"You can go now. Tell the Chancellor on my behalf that we're still friends!"

"I will." Elin gave Link a bow. She then turned around and left the room.

After a moment of silence, Link decided that he would pay the Golden Plains a
visit in the near future.

Link was on good terms with the Glorious Warlord Avatar and the Sky
Shattering Warlord Holun. Since the Storm Warlord had joined forces with the
Army of Destruction, Link thought he might as well help Orida Fortress receive
Avatar's aid.

Link decided to make this trip to the Golden Plains by himself.

The reason was simple: things had been quite tense between him and the High
Elves. With all kinds of spatial spells at his disposal, Link would be able to see
things through without much fuss if he were to venture out alone without
anyone else holding him down.

Still, this was a risky affair. He was still not at his full strength.

I used up all of my strength when going up against the World Impaler. I

probably won't survive another encounter with Ariel, especially if she brings her
friends around next time. I need to become stronger, he thought.
At this, Link took out the moonstone again.

There were many factors affecting a person's power level. Everyone's case was
different, but the purity of a person's power was a common factor. Though
Link's power was called Flawless Dragon Power, he had recently begun to feel
the effects of the impurity of one's power.

There were two effects Link had felt. Firstly, his Dragon Power was unable to
cope with the strain of his research of higher-level Legendary spells. Secondly,
his Dragon Power was now increasing at a noticeably slower rate.

The winds of change were now blowing through the continent of Firuman.
Masters were popping up everywhere, but still Link felt that his power had
already hit a high point.

As of now, he had a maximum of 17,300 Dragon Power points and 500 Omni
Points. In total, he had 17,800 points. To reach Level-12, he needed at least
25,000 Dragon Power points. At his current rate, Link estimated that he would
need another two years to reach Level-12.

He could not wait that long.

In the game world, geniuses like Eliard, Ariel, Annie, Kanorse and the others
had probably received the realm's blessing after reaching Legendary. The
increase of their power level did not slow down one bit. For example, after
reaching Legendary, Eliard was able to hit Level-19 in six years.

Link shuddered at the thought of how fast Eliard had managed to level up.

This was where this piece of moonstone would come in handy.

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Chapter 551: Moon Stone and Realm Essence (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Link's Moon Stone was the size of a fist. Round and highly translucent, it
looked like a pearl. In the water, it also glowed with watery silvery moonlight.

Following the game's method, Link held the Moon Stone in both palms and
started adding red Dragon Power with his left hand.

Buzz. With a soft sound, the watery moonlight around the stone instantly
strengthened. After a few seconds, colorless power surged out from the other
side and returned to Link's body through his right hand.

Link sensed the power surging back.

It was very pure and gentle like flowing water. If he sensed closely, its nature
was basically the same as Dragon Power. It had all the attributes that Dragon
Power had, like fast recovery, strengthening of physical power and endurance,
and more. Link tried to manipulate it and found that it was obedient. It would
flow wherever his thought went without any delay or inertia.

This feeling was great.

However, there was a shortcoming to this purification. Link had added 1000
Dragon Power points into the Moon Stone, but only 800 points of the colorless
power came out. The purification process used up 200 points.

Link was a bit worried that his own power would be reduced by 20% too.
However, the amazing feeling of control was too tempting. He decided to just
purify everything.

Thus, Link began pouring red Dragon Power into the Moon Stone for the rest of
the time, colorless Dragon Power returning to Link's body. The seconds ticked
by as the cycle repeated.

Gradually, the Dragon Power that flowed out of him grew fainter and fainter,
becoming more transparent.

Link couldn't feel anything strange. He just felt that his control was at an
unprecedented height. When the power flowed into him, he could almost hear
the soft scrape as it flowed through his body. It was also because of that fine
scrape that he could almost "see" the fine structure of his body.
In reality, he wasn't using his eyes but a very detailed sensory. Link could sense
his body before, but it was never as clear and beautiful as today.

He "saw" every muscle, vein, and organ in him, as well as his beating heart, the
white nerves, and even his brain… Wait, was that the Heart of the Dragon?

Link had modified the Heart of the Dragon before and had seen that it was a
lump of dark red energy. Now, it had become a light red. It was fading even

He discovered he could clearly see the inner structure of the Heart of the
Dragon. It was impossibly detailed. He looked closer, trying to understand the
principles within, but it felt like his head would split open after a short while.

Operating his mind at this rate used up too much energy and all this energy
came from his blood. Because his blood had to move at a much faster rate,
many capillaries in his brain burst.

Link saw this process happen clearly.

I'm really bursting blood vessels. I guess I still can't completely understand the
Heart of the Dragon. A little disappointed, Link looked away.

The red haze around the Heart of the Dragon faded. Seeing this, Link realized, I
already have the purest Dragon Power, but Dragon Power isn't the purest power
in the world. This red stuff is actually the impurities restricting my ability to

Link also realized that under the effect of the pure power, his body was also
changing. A bit of pain entered his brain, but it wasn't unbearable. He
overlooked it easily and continued purifying.

Slowly, the pain disappeared, replaced by an indescribable joy. Link fell asleep
with this joy.

After a while, a familiar voice sounded in his ears. "Hey, wake up."

It was Celine.
Link shot up and found himself in bed. He was still clutching the Moon Stone.
"How long have I been sleeping?"

Worry was written in Celine's features, but she was relieved now that Link was
awake. "You almost died in your sleep," she muttered. "It's been five days."

"Oh, that long?"

Link felt around his body. It felt empty. Bearing down, he could easily "see"
inside him. His Heart of the Dragon was completely transparent now. A watery
glow lit up from inside out. Like moonlight, it shone in every corner of his
body, nurturing the body parts.

It was like there was a moon inside him.

He looked at the Moon Stone. It still looked the same—translucent like a moon.
It glowed softly… No, it had changed. There were many fissures inside.

Shocked, Link studied it. Soon, its details popped up.

Moon Stone

Level-19 Astral Meteorite

Current Completeness: 30% (irreparable)

Link winced, feeling disappointed. This was a one-time thing. He'd planned on
giving it to Celine and then Eliard and the rest. It seemed that it was only
enough for Celine now.

Just as he was feeling sad, his vision flashed with a notification from the game
system. Link glanced over at it.

Link Morani (Ferde Lord)

Level-11 Magician

Current Power: Realm Essence (One Realm Essence point equals 2.5 Flawless
Dragon Power points)

Power Upper Limit: 7000 points

Current Power Recovery Rate: 100 points per second

Current Power Limit Increase Rate: 100 points per day

(Note: All things in the world are the same in the end.)

It suddenly dawned on Link that the so-called Dragon Power, Natural Power,
and Sunlight Power were all different versions of Firuman's Realm Essence.
They just had some impurities. This led to their own attributes but also caused
them to have limits.

Now, he had the purest Realm Essence. This was the power from the source.

But how could he use it?

Link pondered and suddenly thought of a basic Natural spell from the High
Elves. Called Growth Spell, it helped plants grow.

Before, Link had Dragon Power so he couldn't cast this spell. He decided to try
it now.

Thinking back to the spell's Mana structure, he used Realm Essence to complete
it. One second, two seconds… three seconds later, Link succeeded.

Realm Essence was honestly too obedient; It completely followed his thoughts.
Link could use Realm Essence to replicate Mana structures that belonged to
Natural magic.

A transparent thumb-sized ball appeared in his palm. He flicked it, and it flew to
the potted plant on his windowsill. A vine in the pot instantly started sprouting.
A few seconds later, the vine was ten times longer, with many flowers blooming
on it.

"Natural magic?" Celine exclaimed softly. She stared at Link. "You turned into
an elf?"

Link shook his head and cast the dragon healing spell Essence Vitality ON
Celine. Her cheeks turned pink instantly. She looked to Link with clear eyes.
"I'm not sick. Why did you cast that spell?"
"How's the effect?" Link asked.

"Effect?" Celine sat on the bed and stuck her hand under the blankets to caress
Link's body. "It feels great."

Link got turned on by the touching, and the magic experiment turned into
something else. After all the action, Link gave Celine the Moon Stone.

"Take this. It can fully purify the demonic aura from your power," Link said.

Celine was still in his arms. She played with the Moon Stone and said, "It looks
pretty. I'll try. What do I do after purifying?"

"Your power becomes very pure, but your original power doesn't disappear.
You can use practically every type of spell. You can cast it as long as you know
the Mana structure. You saw how I used a Natural spell, right?"

Celine understood now and was intrigued. "Oh, I see."

Lowering his voice, Link reminded, "Alright, this is a gem that only you know
about, understand?"

This was a true treasure, but it wasn't very complete anymore. In that case,
Celine should just use it secretly. There was no reason to attract jealousy.

Celine found it exciting. She hurriedly put away the Moon Stone and looked
side to side like a bunny. Finally, she whispered in Link's ear, "I know. This is
our secret."

Her actions made Link smile.

They cuddled on the bed for a while later. Finally, Link climbed out of bed and
collected himself. Then he went to the enchantment room. He was going to the
Beastmen's Golden Plains alone. He had to prepare some equipment.

After experiencing the perfect control of the Realm Essence, he believed that his
enchantments would improve greatly.

While Link was focused on making an all-new set of magic equipment for
himself, Ariel, Elovan, and Milose were getting ready to depart from the Isle of

Link had still underestimated the power of the World Tree. After nearly a week
of treatment, Ariel's internal injuries were completely healed. Not only that, her
broken legs had healed too. Though her combat was still affected, her power
had increased due to this misfortune. She was now close to Level-11.

If Link knew about this, he would definitely sigh and lament about how scary
geniuses of the world were.

The Isle of Dawn had also received news of the Golden Plains. Right now, the
High Elf queen was giving them her last reminders.

"After arriving at the Golden Plains, remember not to reveal the Isle of Dawn no
matter what the results are."

"Understood, Mother." This was Ariel.

"Yes, Your Majesty." This was Elovan and Milose.

"Take this Moonlight Fruit with you. In case anything happens, active the
Moonlight spell immediately and return together. Don't make me worried,

"Yes, Mother." Ariel pocketed the Moonlight Fruit carefully.

"Then, go."

The three rising High Elf stars transformed into a puff of faint green haze and
hurried eastward.

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Chapter 552: A Sword's Symphony under a Moonlit Sky

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Mage Tower, the enchantment workshop on the top floor of the main tower

Link had finished a new magical item. The whole process had taken him five

It seemed that he had only forged one item. It was a colorless, transparent
runestone, which resembled the button of a shirt. Upon a closer look, one could
see a milky-white cloud swirling in it.

It was a rare sight to see Link heave a long sigh after working on a simple
magical runestone. He sat down, his body relaxing considerably. The five-day
ordeal was finally over.

The enchantment workshop was huge, so he was not the only one there. Celine,
Eliard, Evelina, Alloa, and Vance were also there with him. They too were hard
at work working on the Ethereal Crystal. Before, they only watched from afar as
Link worked, fearing that they might interrupt his thought process.

However, they were all curious as to what sort of magical equipment he was
working on. When Link was done, they all came over to inspect his creation.

Everyone took a look at the crystal button that Link had placed on the
enchantment workbench, but could not make out what it was supposed to be
used for.

There was no magical activity within the button. The white cloud inside it
resembled the blemishes one would find in normal gemstones. This was not
their standard definition of a magical equipment.

No one in Scorched City would probably not bother picking it up if they saw it
lying on the ground. Any ordinary passerby would simply mistake it for a
heavily blemished crystal.

Eliard grew even more curious about it. Link certainly would not spend the last
five days crafting useless knick-knacks. The magical principle behind its
conception was simply too profound for them to comprehend at first glance.

This suggested that Link had deepened his understanding of magic even further.
Eliard bent over to carefully inspect the button on the workbench, but still could
not fathom its purpose. Becoming even more curious, he asked, "Link, why isn't
there any magical activity in it?"

Link was satisfied with his work. It might not seem like much, but it contained
everything that he had understood about magic. The button was the highest
pinnacle of magical workmanship he could reach at his current level.

Seeing everyone gazing so intently at the crystal, Link smiled at Eliard and said,
"Actually, this is a seal, and it's used for enchantments. There's no power in it at
the moment. It requires a set of magical equipment in order to activate its

Saying this, Link took out his Dragon King's Fury sword. He unsheathed it and
laid the sword out on the workbench.

Right now, the Dragon King's Fury sword was Level-13. This was the result of
Link constantly nourishing the sword with his Dragon Power. As soon as it left
its scabbard, the blade gave off an indescribable aura.

Under the sword's oppressive aura, the onlooking Magicians took a step back
away from it. They did not dare stand too close to it.

Link stood up and picked up the crystal button from the workbench. He then
inserted it into a groove in the middle of the sword's blade. The button slotted
into the groove perfectly. Once inside, the sword's dragon scales began
rearranging itself until the crystal merged seamlessly with the blade itself.

Then, something peculiar happened.

Once the button was on the sword, the white cloud inside it began to dissipate
until none of it was left in the crystal. The crystal was now transparent. Its
surface radiated a soft, watery glow.

The light was as calm as moonlight and as clear as a mountain stream. Some of
the Magicians around it could not help but feel drawn to this ethereal glow. The
light also seemed to have stilled their thoughts, bringing them a sense of peace
and tranquility.

The sensation was akin to taking a walk across a moonlit field without a care in
the world.
Suddenly, Eleanor spoke, "There's something about this light. It seems to have a
spell-focusing effect."

Link smiled and nodded. "Indeed. But that's trivial in comparison to its true

He then picked up the Dragon King's Fury sword, which was now adorned with
the crystal button. As he infused his own power into the sword, a watery glow
spread out across the intricate maze of runes on its surface. Countless rune
circuits lit up on the Dragon King's Fury sword. The watery glow streaked
through them until it reached the crystal button.

Shortly after, the glow began to intensify. At first, it only illuminated a corner of
the workshop. But after a while, the light solidified into a ball which began
steadily expanding until it engulfed the whole room. The light was not at all

After a while, the Dragon King's Fury sword began absorbing the ball of light.
Clear tinkling sounds could be heard from within.

Though no one could see what was happening inside the ball of light, they could
feel that the Dragon King's Fury sword was transforming. They all waited to see
its final transformation with bated breath.

The whole process took at least 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes later, the light enveloping the sword gradually began to subside.
Slowly, it revealed the sword's tip. Then came its blade. In the end, the light was
completely absorbed by the sword itself.

The appearance of the Dragon King's Fury sword had changed drastically.

The sword had originally been dark red. Two dragons had been sculpted on its
hilt, their wings serving as the sword's guard. The blade was also covered with
dragon scales, making it look primal and oppressive.

But now, the sword had suppressed its oppressive aura. It was now a silver steel
sword. The only distinguishing feature on it was the colorless gemstone that
Link had placed in the midsection of the blade.
At first glance, the sword now resembled the steel swords ordinary Warriors
usually armed themselves with. It did not give off any magical aura. The sword
simply gleamed a bit brighter than the others. A plain-looking gemstone was
mounted on its blade. The sword was no more elegant than the decorative
swords forged by a master blacksmith.

Ordinary folk might mistake it for a normal sword. However, any Magician
would be able to tell that the sword was now even more powerful than before.

One might say that the Dragon King's Fury sword had resembled a feral creature
baring its fangs and claws to intimidate its enemies into submission before its
transformation. Now, this seemingly ordinary sword had retracted said fangs
and claws, giving off an almost imperceptible aura. Though it did not feel as
strong as before, there was an immeasurable profoundness to the sword's new
aura. If one were to carefully feel it, one could sense a power capable of rending
seas and uprooting mountains within the sword.

As a Legendary master herself, Evelina was able to sense this power most
vividly. She stepped forward and gazed unblinkingly at Link's sword. She then
asked, "What special properties does it have?"

"Properties?" Link thought for a moment, then said, "There's just too many to
list out right now, I'm afraid. Let me put it simply: the sword is me right now.
Whatever I can do, it can do it as well."

The rune on the sword had channeled Link's understanding of this world into it.
Link had also worked his Realm Essence on the rune to its fullest extent. In
other words, the rune was perfect.

Evelina was stunned. She then sighed and sighed, "Your magic has surpassed
even my understanding. I can't give you a proper evaluation of your sword."

Just then, a message from the game system flashed before Link.

Player Link has successfully forged a Legendary mid-level rune and receives
200 Omni Points as his reward.

At this stage, he could exchange one Omni Point for one Realm Essence point.
It was a reasonable deal.
Rune integration a success. Please rename your magical sword.

Link thought for a moment, then said, "From now on, this sword belongs to me
completely. I'll name it... Ode of a Full Moon."

When he was finished, Link slowly sheathed his sword. Once the sword was
back inside its scabbard, the enchantment workshop darkened considerably. The
general air of tranquility in the room had also subsided.

It was as if the moon had sunk behind the mountains. Everyone began to stir
from the calm, distant mood that the sword had put everyone in.

All the Magicians in the workshop heaved a wistful sigh.

There was things in this world which might not seem like much at first, but their
absence was enough to leave one in a sorrowful disposition as if there was now
something important missing in this world.

It seemed that Link's Ode of a Full Moon sword had such an effect on people.

Once the sword was back in its scabbard, Link received a message concerning
the Ode of a Full Moon sword's true nature.

Ode of a Full Moon

Level-14 Magical Sword

Description: This is a sword fit for a king. You would be hard-pressed to tell
exactly what powers this sword possesses, but one thing's for sure: all your
enemies will submit to its power once it leaves its scabbard.

(Note: The sword sings high into the moonlit sky.)

"Everyone, I'll be leaving for the Golden Plains. I leave Ferde and its matters to
your capable hands. Especially you three, Eliard, Vance and Alloa."

All three of them were Link's most trustworthy Magicians of the Mage Tower.

Eliard was Link's best friend and also the most innovative Magician he had ever
known. Vance had lifetimes' worth of experience, while Alloa had a gift for
seeking out the absolute truth of things. Together, their strengths compensated
for each other's weaknesses. That should be more than enough to see Ferde
through these turbulent times.

Link then gave a Magician's salute to the three of them. As of now, he was no
longer a lord but simply a scholar in pursuit of magical knowledge.

Eliard and the others were aware of Link's plan. They straightened their backs
then solemnly saluted back at him.

Link nodded at Evelina and the others. His eyes finally fell on Celine, who had
not spoken a word. He smiled, and Celine smiled back at him. As they looked at
each other, a white light engulfed Link, and soon, he was gone from the Mage

A moment later, he appeared 10,000 feet in the air. This was his latest upgraded
version of the Dimensional Jump spell. The maximum distance he could teleport
across was now 10,000 feet.

In the air, Link activated Void Walk. His entire body transformed into a streak
of light which hurtled through the air towards the Golden Plains.


Black Forest, Skeletal Fort

A secret congregation was underway in a secret room; its participants consisted

of Nagas, Beastmen, demons and Dark Elves. They were all major players in the
Army of Destruction.

The room was dim that no distinguishing features could be seen on the shadowy
figures occupying the room.

"Parmese's tribe has broken off from the rest of his kind. The king of the
Beastmen may not take kindly to this."

"He's most likely already decided to ally himself with the humans to storm the
North. At this rate, the humans' forces in the South will soon grow even
"The Beastmen may appear unified, but they still employ a tribal system. If we
remove the king from the equation, whatever semblance of power the Beastmen
have will disintegrate into a puff of smoke."

"Are you talking about assassinating Avatar?"

"Sounds like a great plan, but who's gonna do it?"

"Me." The speaker had a small, delicate physique, and there was a long spear
behind their back.

"One will not be enough," a Naga Priest spoke.

"Count me in." A winged demon stepped forth, a pale blue sword in his hand. It
was a fallen angel.

"Alright, anyone else? We need to make this work on our first try. There won't
be any room for error here," said the Naga Priest.

"I want in. It's about time I avenge my fallen brethren, anyway," a low voice
rumbled. A slender, muscular figure stepped out from the shadows. It was the
Storm Warlord Parmese. He held two swords in his hands that were as slender
as a pair of palm leaves.

"The three of you should suffice. But Avatar's strength is the stuff of legends. I
fear this mission may not go smoothly, especially if the king of the Beastmen is
expecting assassins being sent his way. I'll cast transformation spells on the
three of you, disguise you as Beastmen..."

The Storm Warlord Parmese interjected, "It'd be best if you could disguise us as
humans. Beastmen can distinguish their targets via smell. A simple disguise
would not be enough to fool them. On the other hand, we may be able to easily
sabotage the humans' plans if we're disguised as one of them!"

"Well said. Then we'll do as you say."

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Chapter 553: Strange Beastmen on the Plains
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Golden Plains

The sky and earth were vast; the breeze ruffled the grass, but there were no
flocks of animals.

This was a rich and fertile area, but sadly, there were too few Beastmen, and the
plains were too big. Most Beastmen didn't know how to take advantage of the
valuable land either, so the Beastmen had to live in such poverty.

Link came to negotiate an alliance with their king this time. They had interacted
before, but as leaders, that instance could only be used to reminiscence on the
past. An alliance between two races couldn't rely on past feelings; they only
cared about interests.

If they wanted a successful alliance, Link had to be clear about the other's
interests. Thus, he didn't go straight to Gronhon Capital where the palace was.
Instead, he disguised himself as a regular merchant and traveled through every
city, observing how they lived.

He was now very familiar with Beastmen and had more bargaining chips now.

Traveling alone like this for a day, Link ran into a human merchant caravan.
Since they were all humans and Link was alone, he joined the group after a few

Link observed while traveling and also chatted with these well-traveled
merchants. He gained more knowledge about the lower class of Firuman too.

As the sky was getting darker, a small creek appeared before them. The caravan
leader called for everyone to set up camp there.

There were around 300 people in the caravan made up of a dozen or so groups.
The biggest group was called Red Earth Firm. They sold different types of
spices to the Beastmen, such as garlic, dragon grass, and herbs. They had more
than 20 carts and took up more than half of the caravan. The other groups were
between five to a dozen people. There were also some more than that and
individuals like Link.

With everyone together, they had strength in numbers. Thus, the caravans didn't
hire mercenaries. The Red Earth Firm didn't reject outsiders either.

The grass in the plains was mostly up to a grown man's chest. The grass near the
river went over a regular man's head. If there wasn't a set path there, they
wouldn't be able to move past at all.

The caravan followed the path to the creek, and the merchants got off their carts.
Some unsaddled the horses and brought them to drink and eat by the creek.
Others started up fires to prepare dinner. The mercenaries of the Red Earth Firm
went to the sides to keep watch. The caravan filled with action.

Link found a place to sit down. He couldn't reveal his spatial equipment, so he
had a bag. He opened it now and took out a piece of bread. Chewing quietly, he
planned out the rest of his journey.

They were still at the border of the Golden Plains. There were more than 1000
miles to Gronhon Capital. With the caravan's current speed, it would take more
than one month to go through the dozens of cities.

One month was quite long, but he had to do this to truly understand the
Beastmen and come up with an alliance that the king couldn't reject. Link
wouldn't spend all his time on this too. For example, he was eating now, but
things flashed past his eyes. It was the magic book he had with him. He could
display it with the game system.

This way, people would think he was spacing out, but he was actually studying
magic. Only a small amount of time was spent on observing the Beastmen.

Just as he was focused, he heard footsteps. Someone was walking over. The
steps were light; it was a young girl. Link remembered her name quickly—

As soon as that thought flashed past, he heard a bright voice say, "Brother Link,
you must be thirsty. Come drink some water."
Link didn't hide his name. Actually, very few people referred to him by name
after he became the lord of Ferde. He was a "master" in Norton, "Lord" in
Ferde, and he was known as the "Ferde lord" in other places. Otherwise, he was
Lord Morani. Those who called him by his name were mostly all close to him.

The name "Link" was also common throughout Firuman, so he didn't have to
hide it.

After hearing the voice, he looked up to see a teenage girl walk over with a
bowl of hot water. It was freshly boiled water, so she walked very slowly.

She was the daughter of a small group's leader. She looked plain and had many
freckles on her skin. Because of all the time outside, her skin was tanned. This
made her seem energetic and lively. Her eyes were bright, her figure was lean,
and her personality was bold. She wore plain leather armor and seemed to have
endless energy every day, bounding around the caravan.

No matter where she went, laughter and chatter followed.

Link stood up to accept the bowl. "Thank you," he said with a smile.

Shallie's eyes brightened and curved into crescents. She sat down beside him.
"Brother Link, you keep dazing off by yourself. Are you thinking about

Just as Link was about to reply, he felt unfriendly eyes on him. He turned to see
Shallie's father, Olan. He procured magic material and had some fame. He didn't
like it when his daughter was with Link, but he clearly couldn't control his

Link gestured at the water bowl to thank Olan. Then he smiled to the girl.
"Shallie, your father probably told you before that solo merchants like me are
dangerous. You should stay away, right?"

Link had the Song of Tomorrow sword hanging at his waist. Of course, he
hadn't unsheathed it yet, and it looked like a plain metal sword.

Shallie didn't care. "Oh, he says that but he's old. I don't care. Brother Link, you
have a sword and walk through the plains alone. You're good at swordsmanship,
"I'm okay," Link said, chuckling.

"Can you teach me?" Shallie finally revealed her ulterior motive. She wanted to
learn martial arts.

Link burst into laughter. He figured this out at their first meeting. Her eyes
brightened whenever she saw someone with a sword. She would often look at
the mercenaries of the Red Earth Firm, but they'd killed people before. She was
like a scared little deer, only daring to look but not to approach them. Now that
the harmless-looking Link was here, she started getting ideas.

"I don't mind, but you need your father's permission. He might not allow it."

It was just some swordsmanship techniques. Shallie had worked hard in

bringing him clean water these days. When he finished speaking, he drank all
the water and handed the bowl back. "Go ask your father," he said. "Remember,
you can't just send the message. He must tell me personally."

Shallie gaped at him. "Huh? That's too hard. My father will never agree. Can
you change to another requirement?"

Link wagged his finger at him. "No. This isn't up to discussion. Compared to
swordsmanship, this is nothing."

"Fine, I'll try." Shallie walked away, both excited and depressed.

Left alone again, Link continued reading again. A few minutes later, a pained
cry broke out near the creek.

Then Link saw a mercenary sprint back. His face was covered in blood, and an
eyeball had fallen out of his socket. It swung before his face. Grasping his face,
he screamed while running. After a few steps, he fell and rolled on the ground.
Perhaps he'd given up because he couldn't get back up. His cries weakened too,
and he just panted heavily on the ground.

His companions hurried over to check. A few ran to the creek with their swords
too. A short while later, Link could hear the cries of fighting.
The merchants in the caravan waited anxiously. The mercenaries returned with
many wounds. Link remembered that the leader was called Miro. He was a
Warrior at the pinnacle of Level-4. This was great for a common soldier.

At this time, he held a strange black head in his hand.

Link looked carefully. The head was like a human… No, it was most likely a
Beastman. But strangely enough, the skin was dark green. The blood dripping
from it was dark green too. The grass didn't change when the blood dropped
onto it, but Link could see that the grass' vitality was disappearing rapidly.

The blood was poisonous. In fact, it was a slow-acting toxin and hard to notice.
It also emanated an indescribable aura.

It felt familiar to Link. It was like…Natural poison, but at closer inspection, it

felt different too. In other words, he'd never seen this type of power.

Link also noticed that the Beastman's eyes were pure black. There were no eye-
whites. The rest of his skin had patches of grayish marks like scars after getting

Are there Beastmen like this? Link found it strange. He'd never seen something
like this in the game.

A message suddenly flashed past his vision.

Activate Mission: Strange Beastmen

Mission Content: Some strange Beastmen have appeared on the Golden Plains.
They seem combative. Investigate why they appeared.

Reward: 50 Omni Points

The reward wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. Link chose to accept it.

While everyone in the caravan was observing the head, he slipped to the creek.
He had to investigate these Beastmen.

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Chapter 554: An Incurable Poison!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Beastman's headless corpse lay beside the creek. Thick, green blood flowed
out of the gash across his neck in rivulets. The rest of his body was covered with
terrible scars. Link walked up close and saw that greyish-white hair was
growing from the scars like some sort of filament-like fungi.

What was even more astonishing was the fact that while the body was
completely deprived of a head, the rest of it was still quite alive. The twitching
of its limbs from time to time suggested that it still retained some of its vitality.

As he approached the body, the sense of familiarity that Link had felt before
grew even stronger, but still he could not figure out what it meant. Just then,
Link heard footsteps behind him. There were other people approaching the
scene. It was the mercenaries from the Red Earth Firm. They had probably been
dispatched to deal with the corpse.

Link quickly took out a crystal bottle and scooped up some of the dark green
blood. He then cast an Invisibility spell, a Levitation spell and a Void Walk
spell in quick succession as he retreated from the scene. Without making a
sound, Link's body vanished entirely into thin air.

Once rendered invisible, he walked around in the tall grass and came out from
another corner, making it seem as if he had just finished answering a call of

One of the mercenaries headed over to where the caravan had set up camp. He
announced in a loud voice, "Gentlemen, there's been a change in plans. It may
not be safe out here tonight, so the caravan leader has advised all of you to stay
close to each other."

The merchants looked at each other, somewhat concerned. This did not sound
good. Those who had come with their own horse carriages harnessed their
horses to their wagons as they headed towards the Red Earth Firm's resting area.
Those without carriages simply walked alongside their horses. Before long, all
300 people came together, forming a temporary campsite where the horses and
other livestock formed an outer circle around the merchants.

Link had also followed the group to the resting area. After a few steps, a man
with a greying mustache appeared beside him. It was Shallie's father, Olan.

He growled at Link, "You'd best keep your distance from my girl, punk!"

Link replied with an amused smile, "I don't think I was the one who came to her

Olan was at a loss for words. A few seconds later, he said, "My girl's not right
for you. She's still too young, too innocent. I only have one daughter. I don't
want her to get hurt."

Link smilingly asked, "Do I really look like the kind of layabout who entices
young maidens with sweet words, only to hurt them in the end?"

Olan shook his head. "No, I'm not talking about your character. I'm talking
about your swordsmanship. Swordsmanship is the art of murder. It's either kill
or be killed for anyone who practices it."

Link then asked, "And what if she has a talent for it?"

Olan laughed bitterly. "We're all just simple folk. How much do you expect to
teach her? Even if my daughter is able to make a name for herself with a sword,
will she even be a match for a true master? I'd rather she not learn
swordsmanship at all if it means putting her in harm's way. She won't be
involved in that bloody world where all kinds of Legendary masters run
rampant. She'll live out her days as an ordinary person. Sure, it may sound
boring, but at least it will be a peaceful life."

This was the logic of most ordinary folk. It sounded reasonable. Link did not
think he would one day hear such a thing from an ordinary merchant. He raised
an eyebrow at Olan.

Olan sighed. "Young man, there are two types of heroes in this world: they're
either immortal, or they live very, very short lives. The latter number in the
thousands. I don't want my girl to be some sort of hero."
It was true. Heroes were notorious for their short lifespans.

Link was finally convinced by Olan. He decided not to teach Shallie much. At
most, he would only give her a few pointers. He would only be setting her on a
path towards self-destruction if he continued teaching Shallie.

He finally said, "You have my word. I won't teach her anything else."

"Thank you, young man." Olan gave Link a salute, which was usually indicative
of a royal upbringing.

Noticing the surprised look Link shot at him, Olan explained to him, "My father
was once a knight. When I was young, I always thought he was the strongest
there ever was. He died in battle. They never found his body."

Olan then walked past him. Shallie followed behind her father, visibly crossed
by the exchange he had with Link.

Link raised his shoulders, showing that he was left with no choice in the matter.
Tears were welling up in Shallie's eyes. She stormed off with a humph.

Shortly after, the merchants were all grouped together. Under the direction of
the mercenaries, a temporary campsite with adequate protection was finally set
up. Within the circle formed by the horse carriages and livestock, the merchants
began starting fires and laying out their blankets.

Up until now, everything had been quite peaceful.

Link found a quiet corner in the campsite. He plucked a few blades of grass and
spread them out on the ground near a bonfire. He then laid out the woolen
blanket he had brought with him on the pile of grass.

The sky had darkened considerably. Link lay on his blanket and closed his eyes.
On the outside, it seemed as if he was beginning to sleep. In reality, he was
reading his magic book.

This was part of his training regimen. He could not afford to relax at such a
critical time.
After reading for half an hour, Link heard footsteps heading his way. He
decided not to open his eyes. Most of his attention was still on the magic book
he was reading. However, he redirected a small portion of his attention to the
approaching figure.

It was one of the mercenaries hired by Red Earth Firm. From the footsteps, Link
was able to identify to whom they belong. The mercenary was called Arda. He
was one of the three handlers of the mercenaries as well as a Level-4 Warrior.

His footsteps finally stopped beside Link. Arda's voice came next. "Hey, I hear
you're quite good with the sword."

"Just a bit." Link nodded. His eyes were still shut.

Arda asked patiently, "Did you also see the Beastman just now?"

Link nodded again.

Arda explained, "There were actually two of them just now. One of them was
killed by us. However, the other managed to escape us. We suspect that they
were scouts, and it's possible they may attack us tonight. As it turns out, their
blood is quite poisonous. Our leader, Milo and some of our best men were
poisoned by the Beastmen's blood. We need all the help we can get to guard the
place tonight."

Arda probably assumed that Link had a lot of experience surviving the
wilderness, considering the fact that he had just traversed the plains on his own
before joining the caravans. As the mercenaries were now short on manpower,
Arda naturally sought Link out for his help. Of course, Link was not the only
one Arda had asked. Those who looked physically competent had also been
recruited by him to keep watch tonight.

Incidentally, Link was also curious about the two mysterious Beastmen himself.
He nodded at Arda and said, "Alright then, what do you have in mind for me?"

Arda did not expect Link to agree to his request so easily, since he had noticed
that Link had been extremely quiet throughout their journey. Relieved by Link's
answer, "It's like this. We're kinda short on people on the eastern side. If you
don't mind, could you take the first shift there?"
"No problem." Link rolled up his woolen blanket and headed towards where
Arda had indicated.

Along the way, he observed his surroundings. He noticed the solemn

expressions on the mercenaries' faces. Through the crowd, he could see their
brethren who had been poisoned.

Three of them had been poisoned. The mercenary who had been blinded in one
eye already had the blood on his face cleaned up, but there was the same
greenish hue on the man's face that Link had also seen on the Beastmen. His
body was trembling uncontrollably while his mouth muttered unintelligible
gibberish. Beside him lay the mercenaries who had slain the Beastmen. One of
them was the leader of the mercenaries, Milo.

Milo's condition seemed a lot better than the other two. His face was not as
green as the other two. He could even move, but from the way he moved, Link
could see that his condition was still severe. Milo might only be able to use half
of his strength at the moment, but his condition would only worsen if left

If those two Beastmen were really scouts, there's a high chance we'll be
ambushed tonight. I can't really do anything about that now. I'll just have to wait
and see what happens, Link thought.

Right now, he needed to do some research on the poison that had flowed
through the Beastmen's veins.

Link noticed that the place he was assigned was an empty space cleared out
among the merchants' cargo, which shielded him from the night breeze. He was
the only one standing guard there tonight. No one would be able to see what
Link was up to there. It was an ideal location for him.

Link spread out his blanket on the empty space and sat on it. With one ear
strained at the noises from the campsite, Link took out the bottle of blood he had
collected back then and began experimenting on the poison contained within.

According to the principles of alchemy, each type of poison had a certain

attribute which in turn had a corresponding neutralizing agent. Some poisons
had multiple attributes, but with the proper alchemical procedure, Link should
be able to identify the type of toxicity in the Beastmen's blood.
Of course, understanding the nature of the poison itself did not equate to
actually finding a cure for it.

The reason why some forms of poison proved difficult to cure is due to the fact
that they contained multiple attributes which intersected with one another in a
sophisticated manner. As a result, antidotes for these types of poison were
usually hard to find. There were even some that had remained incurable for a
long time.

One might liken this to a mathematical formula. It might look like an innocuous
arrangement of numbers and alphabets to the naked eye. Eventually, to your
frustration, you realized that there was absolutely no way to solve it, despite
knowing what each of the numbers and alphabets meant.

At that moment, no one was paying any attention to him. Link began his
experiments. Ten minutes later, he finally stopped.

There was no sophistication to the poison's toxicity. Its attributes were clearly
laid out. All five elements, which comprised gold, wood, water, fire, and earth,
intersected with each other according to a specific order. But the way it was
concocted was of some interest to Link. He had gone through 20 different
methods of detoxification, none of which had any effect on this particular

This was the first time he had come across such a poison ever since he mastered
alchemy. Link was up against a highly skilled poisoner devoid of all sympathy
for his victims.

Link frowned slightly. Can it really be incurable? What kind of person would
concoct such an insidious poison?

With no cure in sight, those poisoned would surely meet a slow and painful
death. Link raised his head up from his hiding spot and looked at the three
poisoned mercenaries pitifully.

Before, the leader of the mercenaries was still be able to move. But the poison
had spread deep into his body. He now looked even weaker than before.
He seemed to have sensed that his time was up. The mercenaries tending to him
now leaned down over his body as he muttered something to them. Link listened
to what he said. The man was already making arrangements for his death.

There was no fear or sorrow in the mercenary leader's voice. It sounded level
and impassive, as one would expect from someone who had constant brushes
with death in his job.

Link grew even more sympathetic for the man's plight. What a shame to lose
such an excellent mercenary. If only he was infused with Sunlight Power... With
his talent, he may even make it beyond Level-8, he thought.

As he lamented on Milo's condition, there was sudden heavy breathing coming

from the campsite, followed by strange groaning sounds. Link quickly located
where the sounds were coming from. They had come from the mercenary who
had been grievously poisoned the most.

He was taking in huge gulps of air. There was a hissing sound from the depths
of his throat. The whites of his eyes were gone, and in their place was complete
darkness. White patches of the filament-like fungi began sprouting on his face.

Those were the same symptoms Link had seen on the Beastmen that had been

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Chapter 555: Pearls Should Be Treasured

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Ah, ah!" The poisoned mercenary convulsed and panted. He puffed out faint
green vapor with every breath.

The night wind spread the vapor to all directions.

"Move, move out!" mercenary leader Miro yelled. "This vapor is poisonous!"
Link watched this with shock from afar. Such toxic poison. Not only is it
incurable, but it also seems to have some spirit. It turns the victim's body into a
new poison database to create new toxins. You'll die with just a bit of poison. If
the people around the poisoned are ordinary, the entire camp will probably be
wiped out.

These thoughts flashed past Link's mind. He used his mind to quietly cast the
Spatial Folding spell.

Instantly, the space around the poisoned mercenary stretched and folded. With
every fold, the poison was sucked deeper into space. Then it was broken down
into harmless elements by a Spatial Rend so that the poison couldn't spread.

To the surrounding mercenaries, they only saw the poison spread through the air
and then just disappear for some reason.

They obviously wouldn't think of something as complicated as Spatial Folding.

They would just think that the poison had dissipated and wasn't a threat

This movement had woken up the rest in the caravan. Many people crowded
around, staring in fear at the poisoned mercenary, convulsing and screaming by
the campfire.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Is he going to die?"

"Why do I think that he's survived?"

"Don't you think that he's looking more and more like that Beastman?"

There were various comments, but the volume wasn't high. Still, the feeling of
fear spread throughout the camp.

The campfire wavered and flickered. The night wind whistled across the plains.
Occasionally, there would be the chilling howls of wolves. The entire
atmosphere turned eerie.
Under this fear and confusion, the poisoned mercenary suddenly stopped
shaking. Cracking, his joints snapped into place, and he slowly stood up.

By now, other than his body type, he looked completely like the Beastman. He
seemingly wasn't used to his body yet. His joints twisted around, cracking

"K-kill him!" Arda, third in command of the mercenaries, yelled. "Shoot him!"

The archers had been ready for a long time. Hearing Arda's orders now, they
released their arrows without hesitation.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! The poisoned mercenary's head was shot through
with six arrows. He was also forced to the ground by the momentum of the

Huff. He fell onto the ground and panted heavily. His body kept twisting
unnaturally. After struggling for five or six minutes, he finally fell quiet.
However, he wasn't completely dead yet. His limbs would jerk every now and

The merchants all held their breaths at this scene. They didn't dare breathe
loudly lest their actions wake up this strange creature.

Sometime later, someone's eyes moved on to leader Miro and the second in
command. At dusk, they had been the two who killed the Beastman with their
own hands. They'd been hurt and poisoned. Their skin was green right now.
They might turn into that strange mercenary soon.

Slowly, a second and third person turned to look. Finally, everyone was staring
at the two.

The mercenary beside Miro retreated subconsciously, but leader Miro grabbed
him. "It's useless, Eyre. We're dying tonight."

A Level-4 Warrior, Eyre was the second strongest in the group. It was a loss

Miro sighed and took out the sword at his waist. He tossed it at Arda, saying,
"Arda, this group is yours now."
"Leader!" Arda grasped the sword with his hands and fell to his knees. "There's
still hope before we get to the end. We need you!"

Miro had reached his current status by gaining their loyalty and affection. He
was also very talented. It wasn't easy to make a name for oneself in the Golden
Plains ruled by the Beastmen.

Seeing that their leader was poisoned and was willing to die, the mercenaries all
fell silent. The surrounding merchants were quiet too.

The silence lasted for some seconds before someone yelled, "Stop hesitating!
There's no cure."

"Kill him! The poison will act up soon, and it'll be more painful!" someone else

"He already gave up. Do it now!"

The people were all affected by fear of the unknown. They just wanted to get rid
of the threat and couldn't be bothered by the feelings of the victims.

Many mercenaries grew furious. They took money to kill for others, but this
time, they had to kill their leader. He'd also given up on fighting. Faced with
this situation, the mercenaries all felt that their future was hopeless. They
couldn't do it.

And now, these regular people were being selfish and didn't even treat them like
people. Anger burned inside of many mercenaries. They wished they could turn
their weapons and kill the people who were shouting.

Just as the mercenaries and merchants were at a stalemate, a girl jumped out
from the shadows. "No, why should we give up?" she cried. "There must be

It was Shallie. Behind her, Olan was shocked and caught by surprise.

Shallie strode to the campfire, clenching her fists. Her face was red due to fear
and nerves. She trembled too. "And you all, Leader Miro was poisoned while
trying to protect us. Now, he's like this, but instead of trying to help him, you
just want him to die, so he doesn't affect you. You're all cowards! Selfish!"
The merchants lost their temper.

"Girl, what do you know?!" an unknown person yelled from the crowd.

"Shallie, shut up and get back here!" That was Olan.

"Olan, watch your daughter!"

That was the head of the Red Earth Firm. Middle-aged, slightly fat and tall, he
looked authoritative. Walking out of the crowd, he gazed at the poisoned
mercenary leader.

"Miro, I'm sorry. After you die, I will double your payment."

"Thank you." Miro nodded. With that, he closed his eyes, awaiting death.

Shallie was still by the campfire. Looking at Miro, she asked, "Why are you
giving up? You're so powerful."

"Little girl, thank you for your good intentions, but I'm not powerful at all."
Miro chuckled bitterly.

"How? Isn't it just poison?" Shallie said, not giving up. "Every poison has an
antidote. Why don't we try something else—"

Before she could finish, Olan burst out from the crowd and grabbed her back.

Even as she was being pulled, Shallie struggled and cried, "There's so many of
us, but no one has a solution? Miro is such a good man. He was poisoned to
save us. Are you just going to watch him die?"

She was right, and many people felt uncomfortable at these words. But the truth
was, everyone was helpless against this strange poison.

Nothing could be said now. Miro looked at Arda. "Do it now so I won't die so

Arda clenched his jaw, tears forming in his eyes. After a moment, he grabbed a
bow from another mercenary. Knocking the arrow, he slowly pulled the bow
back, aiming it at Miro.
Link watched this entire thing from his carriage. In the crowd of ordinary folks,
he saw Miro's wisdom and Shalie's bravery. It was like two stars appearing in
the dark sky.

Humans may be mostly unaccomplished and filled with disgraceful people.

However, one or two pearls would always be found in the sand.

Most of the time, pearls would only shine once. Then, they would be assimilated
by the sand around them, or be crushed into powder by life. The people couldn't
protect the pearls.

However, it was different this time because Link was there.

No antidote could get rid of the poison. Link didn't have spells for that either,
but this didn't mean he was powerless. He still had the game system and 700
Omni points.

He hadn't bought spells in a long while, so he almost forgot about this feature.

Seeing that Arda was about to shoot, Link quickly started buying spell cards.
His eyes flew past all the shining cards. Finally, they stopped on one surrounded
by countless faint green runes.

Natural Spell: Wild Windstorm

Wild Windstorm

Legendary Natural Spell (Level depends on the spellcaster's level)

Cost: (10 to 5000) Depends on the target's physique. The stronger they are, the
higher the cost.

Effect: Summon the source energy that is tainted in the target's body. Strengthen
it and drive it out. This spell can eradicate the contamination done by curses and

(Note: The windstorm has arrived and will grow wildly.)

This was a very powerful dispelling spell. Its theory was different from most
spells of this type. Instead of targeting the poison itself, it strengthened the
target's vitality until they could drive out the poison naturally.

It was because of this principle that it could be traceless. After using, the
poisoned would gradually recover by himself. However, it could dispel
practically all poisons and curses in Firuman!

Screech. On the other side, Arda was pulling his bow back to shoot the arrow.
At that time, the sky suddenly lit up. Silver light appeared above Miro and Eyre.
Like moonlight, the light shone down and poured into the two mercenaries.

Under the "moonlight," they looked divine and godly.

Soon after, the greenness of their faces faded. Their eyes that had been turning
black instantly returned to normal.

Anyone could see that they were okay now.

The crowd was in an uproar. A white later, someone exclaimed, "It's a miracle!
It's a blessing from the God of Light!"

"They're blessed by God!"

With that, everyone in the camp fell to their knees, awed by the sight.

At the same time, twenty pairs of black eyes watched this scene from outside
the camp. They were the Strange Beastmen who'd come for a sneak attack.

Just as they were about to act, the silver moonlight appeared. Even at a small
scale, Legendary power was still impressive. Link's Realm Essence was
especially pure, so people would naturally be frightened by it.

Taken aback, the Beastmen turned and left without hesitation.

Link wasn't going to follow this merchant caravan anymore. He slipped away
and followed the Strange Beastmen.

It's not easy to come up with this poison. I'd like to see who's making this mess.

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Chapter 556: Things Were Becoming Complicated

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The night wind blew fiercely across the plains. There were clumps of grass as
tall as a person—anyone would have a hard time finding their way through the

However, Link was no ordinary person. The poisoned Beastmen who had
escaped had left plenty of clues in their wake for him to follow.

From their smell, auras, footprints, to stains of the dark green blood left on the
grass, Link could see it all.

Half an hour later, Link finally followed their tracks to a low-lying valley.

The valley was filled with a faint green mist. There was a tree with a thick
canopy growing on the valley. Around the tree was a large plot of land, on
which stood at least 30 grass huts.

The huts surrounded the tree. There was an empty space in the middle where a
bonfire burned bright. However, the fire burned with a peculiar green light,
painting its surroundings in an oily green hue.

Through the green light, Link could see a lot of Beastmen either standing or
squatting on the empty ground. One of the Beastmen stood out to him. His huge
body was covered with white stripes of fur. His eyes also twinkled like a cat's.

The Beastmen who had escaped were now kneeling before the towering figure
of this Beastman, who was holding a knobby hammer-like staff in his hand. He
was waving it about as the poisoned Beastman mumbled unintelligible gibberish
to him. The latter was speaking in his native tongue. His words were indistinct,
and he swallowed from time and time, possibly due to the poison wreaking
havoc in his body.

Hidden in a dark corner, Link listened closely to the Beastmen's words. He was
barely able to understand what they were saying.
"No, there's no such thing as a miracle..." said the tall Beastman.

One of the poisoned Beastman began doing charades before the tall Beastman.
He said firmly, "Chief, I saw it with my own eyes. There was a brilliant light in
the sky. It shone on the humans, and the poison in their bodies was completely

"No, this must be the work of a Magician," said the tall Beastman. Seeing that
his subordinates were about to insist otherwise, he immediately dismissed them
with a heavy wave of his staff. "Enough. This Magician was strong enough to
dispel master's power, very strong. I need to tell master about this."

Ignoring his subordinates' further attempts to convince him that what they had
seen was an act of god, the tall Beastman turned away and strode towards the
largest hut in the valley.

Link, who had listened to their conversation from afar, quickly cast an
Invisibility spell on himself. He then noiselessly made his way through the

Poisonous air permeated the valley. Though the place was basically
uninhabitable to any other living being, it did not pose a problem to Link.

He stopped his breathing completely and sealed off all the pores on his body,
essentially terminating all material and energy exchanges between his body and
the outside world. His body was now running only on its internal energy

Link stealthily circled the valley. After walking 50 feet around the huts, he
suddenly stopped. He then stooped down and carefully picked off some mud
from the ground. After digging through ten inches of mud, he finally found
something. It was a piece of a white rune tablet.

The tablet was big. It had a diameter of more than 20 inches, and magical runes
were etched across its surface. Link squatted and took a closer look at it.

It's a simple detection barrier, but the way these runes were etched... it must
have been done by a human Magician, thought Link.
Every race had their own unique style of runecrafting. The Dark Elves' had a
more insidious aspect, the High Elves emphasized intricacy, the dragons' runes
were ancient and cavernous, and the humans preferred minimalism and
practicality in their craft.

The runes on the tablet were etched out plainly. Ordinary Magicians might not
be able to make out any distinguishing features, but a master like Link, who had
already seen much in the realm of magic, was able to identify aspects of the
runes that alluded to the race of the Magician who had crafted them.

Link was confident that the rune tablet was made via the Magician's Hand spell.

"The mastermind behind all this is a human? No, there's something wrong with
this picture." Link sensed that there were still certain details of this matter that
contradicted with each other and that they required further deliberation.

For instance, the poisoning that had happened back then did not seem to be a
human's handiwork. Any human Magician who had wanted to carry out a
villainous deed would usually do so with a curse or other form of black magic.
Poisons were rarely found in a human Magician's magical arsenal. Even if a
human did resort to using poisons, he or she certainly would not use this kind of
poison. This seemed like the kind of thing the High Elves would do.

Things were looking even more complicated. Link was in no hurry to come to
any conclusions. He believed that the answer would reveal itself to him in time.

A detection barrier had been set up around the valley, probably as an attempt to
keep ordinary Magicians out. However, to Link, the spell was child's play. He
made a slight adjustment to his invisibility spell and strolled casually through
the barrier.

The detection barrier did not react to Link's intrusion. It was as if Link did not
exist at all.

Link crept noiselessly towards the biggest grass hut in the valley. Ten seconds
later, he stood outside the building. There was a small window on the hut. Link
walked towards the window. He then channeled Dragon Power into his ear,
which amplified his hearing in an instant.
When he got close enough, Link was able to sense a magic aura coming from
within the hut. It was a normal Mana aura, which was around Level-7. The aura
belonged to a Level-7 human Magician. He or she was strong, but not strong
enough to be able to produce such toxicity in the air. Of course, there was the
possibility that the human Magician did not make the poison himself, but rather
bought it from a black market. It might have been excavated from an ancient

Suddenly, a thought occurred to Link. Is he not afraid of the poisoned air in the
valley? Does he actually have an antidote for the poison?

Just then, sounds came from inside the grass hut. The tall Beastman and the
Magician were now talking.

"This poison is extremely potent. Only masters of tremendous skill could hope
to neutralize it, and there aren't that many that fit that description. You said he
wielded a power like moonlight? How strange." The voice seemed to belong to
an older person, but he enunciated every word clearly. He must be the human

"Master, what should we do now?"

"Let's not mess with the traveling merchants for now. Gudo and the others have
been poisoning the Green Stone Creek for five days. A lot of the people in Mara
City downstream have already been poisoned. It's time we head over to Mara


Hearing this, Link's brows furrowed. The poison being carried by the Beastmen
was certainly unique. Not only was it difficult to concoct an antidote for the
poison, but it was also extremely infectious. They simply needed to poison a
hundredth of a city's population to bring the whole city to its knees. If the water
had already been poisoned, it was only a matter of time before the people of
Mara City were transformed into these poisoned Beastmen. If these Beastmen
were under the Magician's control, the Magician would bring about a mass
poisoning across the Golden Plains never before seen in history.

This was a catastrophe.

Link decided to take matters into his own hands. He pressed a hand against the
window. A rush of Realm Essence boiled up from his body.

Space, time, seal!

With a soft hum, Link sealed up both space and time within the grass hut
completely with those three words. The hut inside had gone silent.

Link marched straight towards the hut. As he walked, he silently activated a

spell that he had recently acquired, Permeate.


Support-type Legendary Spell

Description: Gaps exist in everything. The caster is able to phase through these
gaps once the spell is activated.

(Note: Permeate through everything.)

Link had mastered the spell to such a degree that one could not even tell exactly
when he had cast the spell. His body passed through the wall of the grass hut
like air and into the hut's interior.

Inside the grass hut, there was an ordinary oil lamp. Under its faint flickering
light, a human Magician with a mat of white hair was sitting on a chair. There
was a magic book beside him. The tall Beastman from before stood before the
Magician as he reported on the situation.

Space-time had been frozen by Link inside the hut. The only thing that was still
able to move was the teardrop-shaped candlelight in the oil lamp that flickered
in the darkness.

Link's eyes swept the inside of the hut. He then spotted a wooden shelf behind
the Magician. Ten crystal bottles were arranged on it, and they contained
various kinds of liquids.

Link walked towards it and began examining each bottle. The last bottle he
tested contained a pale red liquid. Link soon realized that the liquid was able to
neutralize the poison in the air.
"So there is an antidote after all!" exclaimed Link.

He quickly extracted a few drops of the red liquid into a crystal bottle of his
own. When he was done, he put everything back where it belonged. Finally, he
walked to the human Magician and gave a few taps on him. Realm Essence
flowed out from Link and onto the Magician's skin, forming a well-hidden curse
on it.

With this curse in place, Link was able to tell where the Magician was at any
given point in time. He could even end the Magician with just a thought if he
felt like it.

When he was finished, Link exited the hut and whispered, "Release!"

Space and time inside the hut returned back to their original states. None of its
occupants realized what had just happened. They resumed their discussions on
Mara City.

Link continued eavesdropping on their discussions outside the hut. He was now
aware of all the arrangements they had made across Mara City. Without alerting
anyone to his presence, he quietly departed from the hut.

He could feel that there was much more to this than what met the eye. The real
mastermind was still out there somewhere. But Link had already gotten what he
had come for: the antidote's recipe. There was no real rush to smoke the
mastermind out right now.

Who exactly was pulling the strings behind all this? The thought lingered still in
Link's head.

When Link left the poisoned valley, a mission message appeared across his

Mission: Strange Beastmen completed.

Player has received 50 Omni Points.

New mission triggered: Mara City

Description: Stop the poisoning of Mara City.

Mission Reward: 100 Omni Points.

The reward offered was low as before. The mission did not seem to present a
challenge to Link, so he accepted it. After thinking for a bit, he decided to head
back to where the caravans were.

Mara City was just 40 miles away, and the caravans were heading there as well.
He decided to enter the city as a merchant himself.

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Chapter 557: Plague of Mara City

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Golden Plains, night

"Someone figured out the poison."

There was a small thatched cottage in the thick grass. Inside, Ariel, Elovan, and
Milose sat facing each other. They had been meditating as Magicians usually
did, and the cottage had been quiet. Ariel suddenly broke the silence.

Elovan and Milose didn't open their eyes, but their expressions changed. "Can
you sense who it is?"

"I'm not sure. It's a strange power, very clean and seemingly a bit gentle… No,
it's reserved. This is a subtle power. I feel that if it is used at full force, it can be

"Do you know where it is?" Elovan asked.

"Near Mara City."

"Your Highness, should we go check?" Milose asked.

Ariel was silent for a bit. Then she said, "Let's go see. Bileauquin is not a simple
poison. I have to see who solved it… But try not to get into conflict with him.
We can't reveal our identity."

Whoever could figure out Bileauquin must be at the Legendary level. A fight at
that level could destroy the entire area. By then, it would be impossible to stay

"Understood, Your Highness." Elovan and Milose nodded at the same time.

As soon as they spoke, faint green light shone around the three sitting on the
ground. An instant later, they'd turned into a green haze and shot out of the
cottage like lightning.

On the other side of the plains, a large line of Beastmen knights with Kero
Beasts, unique to the plains, were making their way to Mara City.

The Kero Beast at the head was huge and had a unique color. Rather than the
regular grayish-white, it was pure black. A Beastman in fine leather armor sat
on its back.

Using the Beastmen's craftsmanship standards, this leather armor was extremely
luxurious. The Beastman was strong, and the black obsidian broadsword on his
back was half a man's height. It was crudely made and had many nicks on the
blade. However, it couldn't affect the murderous aura coming out of the sword.

If a regular person saw this, their eyes would be in pain. They wouldn't even be
able to stare at it directly.

But compared to the Beastman's own aura, the sword was nothing.

His pure black hair, long and dense, was tied carelessly and hung down his
back. When there was wind, his hair would billow like burning black flames. He
was very muscular and at least seven feet tall. Muscles bulged on his bare arms,
rippling like water whenever he moved. He was very impressive.

Different from the other crude and barbaric Warriors, he sat upright on the Kero
Beast. His eyes were closed as if he were resting, and no matter how bumpy the
road was, he didn't move. His presence was like a looming mountain that one
couldn't see the tip of.

This was the new king of the Beastmen: Glorious Warlord Avatar.

Technically, it appeared that he ruled over all tribes of the plains. The fighters of
each tribe had submitted to him, recognizing him as the only king. However, the
thousands-of-years-old Beastmen tradition was too resilient. Each Beastman
was only loyal to their own tribe, and there was no king in their hearts. This
would take years to change.

To strengthen his rule, King Avatar established a touring convoy, in addition to

the Gronhon Capital. He traveled the cities to show his authority and power.

His next destination was Mara City.

Three in the afternoon, a scout reported, "Your Majesty, there are 30 more miles
to Mara City, but it doesn't seem very stable."

Avatar wasn't surprised. He'd run into such things often along the way. Even
now, he wasn't firmly seated on the throne. Many people weren't willing to
surrender to him.

He didn't fear challenges.

"Explain." He didn't even open his eyes.

"Your Majesty, many people are fleeing the city. They say there's an

"Epidemic?" Shocked, Avatar's eyes flew open. His eyes were slightly bloody—
a change after he entered the Legendary level.

If a strong opponent had appeared in the city, he wouldn't be scared. He was

confident he could fell the opponent with his sword. But this time, the opponent
was an invisible disease. He had to be scared.

"Isn't Grand Shaman Alador there?" Avatar asked. "Is he helpless too?"

"Grand Shaman Alador was assassinated five days ago."

Avatar was shocked again. This smelled fishy, but the Beastmen lived in the
Golden Plains and rarely had conflicts with other races. Who would try to harm

Could it be Parmese? Avatar shook his head as soon as he thought of that. He

was familiar with Parmese. The man only disagreed with Avatar, but he
wouldn't sacrifice regular Beastmen or kill a Grand Shaman.

Humans? Avatar shook his head again. Humans liked dark magic. The Norton
Kingdom in the North was fighting with the Destructive Army while the
Syndicate was busy with making an alliance. They also had to be careful of the
Isle of Dawn. They had no time to make more enemies.

The Destructive Army? Avatar still shook his head at this. As far as he knew,
the Destructive Army and humans were mostly equal. They were far in the
North and were busy with the humans. Why would they fight the Beastmen

He thought for a while but couldn't figure out who his enemy was. He could
only move past this now. "What kind of plague is it?" he asked.

The scout looked fearful. "I saw some victims. Their skin turned green and
became weak. The disease doesn't spread quickly, but there's no cure. Even the
Shaman's divine spells don't work. They can only wait for death."

"Even the divine spells don't work?" Avatar furrowed his brows. Suddenly, he
flinched. He thought of something terrible. "Are there many people fleeing?"

"Yes. They spread throughout the plains after leaving Mara City."

Hearing this, Avatar shook. "So cruel!" he uttered.

There was no cure for the plague. They could only wait for death after falling
sick. Even worse, these people would only weaken and still have the ability to
move for a long time. Many of those who were fleeing were probably sick
already. They would bring the plague throughout the entire plains. By then, the
entire Golden Plains would be infected.

Avatar didn't dare imagine the consequences.

After a few seconds, Avatar was about to speak to the scout when he realized
there was something wrong. He studied the scout and then looked to the
Warriors behind him. He quickly realized that there really was something
wrong. His face was slightly green… He was infected!

"You are infected. Leave now!" he ordered.

Stunned, the scout checked himself. Face paling, he stumbled back, eyes filled
with despair. He prostrated himself on the ground and looked up at Avatar.
"Your Majesty, please help me," he begged. "Don't let me die without honor."

Avatar was only a Warrior. He was helpless against a plague. Faced with the
scout's pleads, he felt uncomfortable. After a long while, he said, "Stay here
alone. Don't give up until the end!"

With that, he jumped off from his Kero Beast. Turning, he said to his Warriors,
"Set up camp here. I'm going to Mara City."

An army couldn't deal with a plague. If these soldiers went with him, they
would just get infected.

The soldiers were all shocked when they heard this. "Your Majesty," someone
said, walking forward. "Mara has already become a city of plagues."

"That is why I must go alone. The plague can't hurt me. I will go find those
shamans. They're the first to come into contact with the plague. Even if they
don't have a solution, they can show me the way."

With that, he turned to the infected scout. "Soldier, don't give up. I'll think of

Tears filling his eyes, the scout fell to his knees and choked out, "Your

Avatar took a deep breath; his power started operating. He crossed hundreds of
feet with one step as he raced towards Mara City.

As he ran, he thought angrily, The spreader of the plague is evil. They want to
destroy my race. If I find them, I'll make them suffer all the torture in the world.
The furious Avatar didn't know that three figures were following behind him. It
was the Storm Warlord Parmese who had come south.

"That's Avatar?" a small Naga asked. It was Katyusha with the Spear of Victory.

"It's him." The Storm Warlord grasped his lancet as if facing a great enemy.

"He doesn't seem that powerful." That came from the Fallen Angel. His
weapons were two finely made shurikens. He twirled them as he spoke. The
graceful movements went well with his handsome and angelic face.

The Storm Warlord didn't like him. Cursing him inwardly, he warned out loud,
"Don't underestimate him. He's the strongest Warrior of our race. You'll never
know how powerful he is until you fight him."

"Even the strongest Warrior can't escape from the Spear of Victory." Katyusha

Parmese stopped talking. He'd experienced how terrifying the Spear of Victory
was. To him, it was undefeatable.

"Anyway, be careful… Where are we going to attack?"

"Mara City."

"Mara City? There are too many people there." Parmese was a bit hesitant.
Whether they were Magicians or Warriors, Legendary figures always shook the
world when they fought. Every ordinary person around them would die.

Katyusha heard his hesitation. "What, you can't bear it? They're all Avatar's

"But…" She was right, and Parmese had left the Golden Plains. However, he
never thought to return and massacre the innocent.

The Fallen Angel chuckled coldly. "See, mortals will always be mortals, even if
they have extraordinary power."

"Fine, I'll do it!" Parmese waved his hand. He would go all out. He looked like a
human now, so everything he did would be the humans' fault.
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Chapter 558: Glorious Warlord Avatar

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The caravans slowly made their way across the plains. There was a slight
upward slope, so they could see the Mara City from where they were.

The merchants jolted in their carriages along their journey. Their faces wore
weary but elated smiles.

They had finally reached the outskirts of Mara City. They should be safe for
now. Since last night, the merchants had been on their guards, worried that the
poisoned Beastmen might ambush them again. They were finally able to loosen
up a bit at the sight of Mara City in the distance.

"Brother Link, why haven't you said a word?" Shallie squeezed over to Link's
side. She seemed to have put behind her what happened last night.

Link ignored the girl. He stared straight ahead at Mara City and said, "Look,
aren't those Beastmen?" Why are there so many of them leaving the city?"

The others had also noticed this peculiar spectacle. "Yes, how strange."

Once outside Mara City, most of the Beastmen stampeded towards the Golden
Plains. They all seemed to be in a rush to put the city behind as soon as possible
as if something terrifying had scared them out of their wits.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Look at that Beastman's face!"

The merchants were able to see from their caravans that the Beastman's skin
was whiter than the rest, and there was a hint of green on his face. This was one
of the symptoms that mercenary leader Milo had exhibited when he was

The only difference was that the green on Milo's face was steadily receding.
After basking under the glow of the mysterious moonlight and resting for a
night, Milo had recovered considerably. He was now able to walk about like
before. On the other hand, the Beastmen were stumbling in their steps. It was
obvious the poison was spreading deep inside their bodies.

Everyone took another look at the other Beastmen and saw that most of their
faces were now becoming greener. There were even some who were sprouting
white patches of fur on their bodies.

"Why are they all poisoned?"

"This is horrifying. Are we still going to Mara City?"

"Do you guys think that it's an epidemic?" one of them stammered. They could
see that it was utter chaos in the city from where they were. There was no
semblance of order in it. What kind of poison was capable of turning an entire
city upside down?

This did not seem like a simple case of poisoning, but rather an epidemic.

An epidemic could spread and infect an entire population if one was not careful
enough. There had been three instances in recorded human history where a
plague had reduced the population of a city to zero. Each time, the death count
had numbered in the millions. To generations of humans, an epidemic was this
faceless, relentless enemy capable of slaughtering millions with no sympathy
for its victims.

"Milo, what should we do?" The chief of the Red Earth Firm looked at Milo.
After what had happened last night, everyone in the caravans now held the
mercenary leader in high esteem, believing him to be blessed by the gods

This was the first time Milo had encountered such a phenomenon. However,
regardless of whether it was an epidemic or something else, he could tell that
this was out of their depth. Their best course of action was to keep themselves
far away from the city for now.

"I don't think we should go to Mara City right now. We probably should go
round the city... No, there doesn't seem to be any way to go round it. Look at the
Beastmen running off in all directions. No one's even trying to quarantine them
in the city. This plague, or whatever it is, will spread across the Golden Plains.
Chief, I fear you won't be able to do any business here."

"Are you serious?" The chief swallowed. He thought for a moment before
making his decision. Given the choice between profit or life, the chief decided
to choose life.

"Let's go back. We'll go back to Norton Kingdom," he shouted.

"Chief, we've not even sold a single thing. If we go back now..." someone
beside him spoke out. If they were to turn back now, the Red Earth Firm would
go bankrupt. Every one of them would be sent home with debt that they would
probably not be able to pay off for the rest of their lives.

"Chief, maybe if we go around Mara City..."

"Enough, it's just a little debt. Debt will not kill you as fast as what awaits you
in Mara City! Now let's go!" The chief did not budge from his decision.

Milo said, "Let's go back. These spices won't go bad that soon. You'll still be
able to make some money by selling them back in Norton Kingdom."

Some of the merchants still seemed to have reservations about this, but the
chief's word was law. In the end, the people of Red Earth Firm began turning
back towards Norton Kingdom.

However, only half of the caravans belonged to Red Earth Firm. The rest were
independent merchants. After thinking it through, some of them followed Red
Earth Firm back on the road, while the rest decided to leave the party and head
towards Mara City.

The merchant Olan hesitated for a few minutes. Finally, he chose to turn back.
He was still in good shape to take his chances with the epidemic, but that would
mean risking her daughter's safety. He decided that it was best to bring her back
safely to Norton Kingdom.

Suddenly, someone shouted. "Do you see that? Someone's flying!"

Everyone turned around and saw that a black figure was racing through the sky
towards Mara City. The figure was actually running rather than flying through
the air. Each step propelled the figure across a few hundred feet, which made it
seem as if he was really flying.

"How is he able to run so fast?" The figure had already traveled across a few
thousand feet. One would have thought that it had teleported across that distance
in the blink of an eye. The merchants would not have been able to catch up with
its speed if they had not been observing the figure from a far enough distance.

Milo saw it, and the expression on his face changed instantly. "Not good, that's
definitely a master. We'd better hurry. Something big's about to go down!"

At that moment, no one hesitated. Everyone began turning their horse carriages
around and hurriedly headed back towards Norton Kingdom.

In the chaos, a girl's voice rang out. "Where's brother Link?"

No one answered her. Everyone was busy running for their lives. Her voice was
immediately drowned out in the din.

The carriages' wheels began clattering across the ground as the merchants
desperately tried to put some distance between them and Mara City. In another
corner, Link, who had cast an Invisibility spell on himself, walked in the
opposite direction towards Mara City, unnoticed by anyone else.

Link was now able to exhibit perfect control of his Realm Essence. He had
completely retracted his aura. With the aid of an Invisibility spell, he had
blended perfectly into his surroundings.

He recognized the figure which had raced across the sky. It was the newly
promoted Beastman King, Avatar. Link did not expect that he would come all
the way here, but Link had also sensed other auras beside Avatar's.

After receiving his Realm Essence, not only was Link able to refine the control
of his own power, but he had also become even more sensitive to the auras of
others in comparison to other Legendary masters.

One might liken Link's current senses to a puddle of clear water. A drop of ink
would make more of a difference in it than a puddle of muddy water.
He could feel a total of six different Legendary auras up ahead. He even
recognized four of them, with whom Link had come into contact before.

"Katyusha, Ariel, Elovan, Milose, a demon, a Beastman, and the Beastman King
Avatar. That's seven Legendary masters. There's gonna be quite a party in Mara

Link did not feel confident about facing all of them head-on. One slight misstep
would mean certain death and the decimation of his very soul.

I'll need to keep myself well hidden. Watching the seven of them fight it out
from the sidelines seemed like an excellent idea.

He wanted to know why these many Legendary master had come together in the
Beastmen's city.

Avatar had reached the outer wall of the city. He stood on the wall and saw that
different areas of the city had descended into different degrees of chaos.

There were sounds of crying and roaring all over the city. Avatar saw these
strange things running amok in certain parts of the city. Their bodies were
green, and covered in white blemishes. Green pus flowed out from them as well.
They were rampaging throughout the city, biting and clawing wildly at anyone
they saw.

Avatar frowned at this spectacle of madness. Without further delay, he leaped

off from the wall and headed towards Mara City's ancestral altar.

The altar was where the shamans lived. He needed to find a way to stop the
epidemic. Otherwise, Mara City and the entire Golden Plains would soon turn
into an uninhabitable wasteland.

On his way, Avatar saw countless atrocities being committed by the people in
the city. He had seen a father, who was on the brink of death, suddenly sitting
upright and biting into his daughter's neck beside him. There was a mother who
had swallowed her infant child whole. Even the soldiers were not immune to the
madness. They had slaughtered everyone in their paths as green pus flowed
profusely from their pores.
Order had completely collapsed in Mara City. The city itself had become a
literal hell on earth.

Avatar began to grow anxious. Anger burned even more fiercely in him as he
saw more atrocities being committed along the way. The bloodlust in his eyes

Whoever the culprit was, he would find them and then tear them to shreds.
Avatar would then cook their remains and gobble them all up. This way, they
would be digested slowly in his stomach and excreted from his body like the
filth they were.

Ten seconds later, he reached the ancestral altar, but what he saw there caused
him to lose all hope.

In the altar, an old shaman covered in white spots was feasting on the meat of a
younger shaman. The latter was also infected, but he still retained his senses.
The young shaman was trying to break free from his aggressor, but it was
useless. The other shamans had collapsed on the ground, their faces a sickly
green like the rest of the infected.

The ancestral altar was done for.

"How can this be? How can this be?" muttered Avatar despairingly outside the

Just then, a female voice came from behind him. "Oh, how unfortunate, Avatar,
that such a tragedy has happened to your city!"

It was Katyusha.

Avatar turned around without warning and pulled out his obsidian sword from
his back in a fluid motion.

"Is this your doing?" Avatar glared at Katyusha, his eyes now flashing
dangerously. A target that he could channel all his anger and bloodlust into had
finally appeared before him.

Battle aura flowed off him in waves. Parts of the ancestral altar began to
crumble under the weight of such power.
Katyusha did not expect such a decisive reaction from Avatar. She could not
help but take a step back from the sudden rush of power from Avatar's body.


Without giving Katyusha time to react, Avatar leaped mightily forward. He then
swung his sword, directing all his power and bloodlust with the ferocity of a
thunderstorm at the Naga.

Katyusha was shocked. Her opponent had moved too swiftly. She could not use
her Spear of Victory's Thorn of Fate in time.

Though the Spear of Victory was a formidable weapon, its wielder was no
match for the Beastman King's lightning speed.

In the face of such an attack, she felt as if she was out in the middle of a stormy
sea and a huge wave would break her pitiful raft into pieces at any time.

She had no idea just how terrifying the Beastman King really was.

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Chapter 559: Cicada, Praying Mantis, Oriole

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Avatar's murderous intent burst out. In a hurry, Katyusha could only raise her
spear to block the attack. She was forced backwards, each step burying into the
stone tiles. Countless cracks appeared under her feet, spreading out like a spider

A shockwave visible to the naked eye rushed out in all directions. The ground
shook, the air trembled, and all houses within 1000 feet toppled as if they were
made out of jigsaw pieces.
After the attack, a small nick opened up on Avatar's obsidian broadsword. The
material of his Beastman Epic blade couldn't be compared to Katyusha's Spear
of Victory.

But so what?

Katyusha retreated, and Avatar followed like a shadow. He huffed out a breath.
A fast air current rushed out of his throat in a guttural roar.

"Blade of Glory, go!"

Wild power surged into the obsidian broadsword, making it shine with blinding
fiery light. Under the red light, the blade doubled in size. It was close to ten feet
long and two feet wide. Outside the actual blade, there was a shadow made up
of condensed Wild Power.

He brought it down on Katyusha; the power grew more aggressive. His attack
was right when Katyusha still hadn't regained her balance.

The air cracked like thunder as the sword came down. Bolts of bloody lightning
appeared around the sword. It was so powerful it could almost cleave the

Facing this type of attack directly, Katyusha just felt tumbling waves charging
at her. There wasn't even time to breathe. She could only passively block this
fatal attack.

This can't continue. She was very clear.

She had to use this attack to distance herself from the opponent. As long as she
was further away and had time to adjust, she could cast the Thorn of Fate and
kill this Beastman warlord.

Clang! Katyusha blocked the attack again.

But this didn't feel right. The opponent had used an instantaneous rend. When
she caught it, she felt electric numbness go from her palm to her arm and then to
the rest of her body. She almost went slack.
It was fortunate she could stand her ground, let alone use the momentum to

"Human Warrior, I don't know why you're doing this or how many people you
have, but you will all die here today!"

Avatar gritted his teeth. His actions didn't slow down at all, and he didn't give
Katyusha any chance to recover. Taking advantage of when she was powerless,
he roared again.


His sword cut upward. The blade was as fast as lightning. If Katyusha was hit
by this, she would be hacked into two. Even if she had nine lives, she would be

Avatar had only used three attacks in all his battles. He would kill with three

Even though Katyusha had the Spear of Victory, something close to being a
divine spell, once she made a mistake, she wouldn't find another chance to
attack—even though she only needed one-tenth of a second.

Avatar defeated all the brave Beastmen by himself and canceled the tribal
system. This all depended on his amazing combat techniques.

In Firuman, he could definitely rank in the top three for combat. No human
could compare to him. Kanorse couldn't do it; the High Elves definitely
couldn't. He could only find an equal opponent in the dragons or demons.

However, Avatar's might didn't just come from combat. He also had a spirit that
helped him break free from all restraining tradition and change the world.

Perfect combat techniques, a majestic spirit, and surging murderous intent—the

three combined to make Katyusha unable to fight back.

Just as Katyusha was about to be halved, a slender figure streaked out from the
corner. This person had a lancet in both hands. One went for Avatar's neck; the
other, to his heart.
At the same time, a young man with darker skin, handsome features, and six
dark wings charged from another direction. This person had a spinning shuriken
in each hand. He put his hands together and the shurikens combined into a blade
going for Avatar's obsidian sword.

This six-winged fallen angel was extremely fast, almost teleporting. He had
charged a second later but was even faster than the Storm Warlord Parmese who
was known for his speed. He blocked Avatar's broadsword at the last instant.

Clang! There was the explosion of metal going through stone. Avatar's sword
didn't stop or continue. It spun midway and blocked Parmese's attack.

During the block, Avatar's thoughts whirred. An almost subconscious thought

flashed past his mind. No, there are three of them, and they're all at the
Legendary level. My only advantage is that they aren't working together now. If
I don't end this now, I'll die.

With this thought, Avatar started moving. There was no hesitation or pause
during this entire process.

These were battle instincts—the terrifying talent of the Beastmen!

During battle, Beastmen always had an almost beastly gut instinct. They could
always make the correct decision at the critical moment.

In the history of Firuman, Beastmen always ranked high in the records of single
challenges. There was the record of a Level-8 Beastman warlord killing and
dying with five Dragon Warriors of the same level.

Beastmen were natural Warriors.

The next instant, Avatar activated his fatal trick. He used the reverberations
from when his obsidian broadsword clashed against the opponent's weapon and
retracted a bit. During this, his sword suddenly blurred.

The obsidian sword seemed to become illusory as if formed by thousands of

shadows. At the same time, the glow around it consolidated. The wild bloody-
red power seemed to solidify. It was blinding.
Parmese was the most familiar with Avatar's power. Seeing all the sword
shadows, he was terrified. "Retreat, he's putting his all in!"

The fallen angel didn't mind. "What's there to be scared of… oh, so powerful!"

At the same time, Avatar activated his fatal trick. Wild Power rushed into the
sword, and he hacked forward with all his might.

Instantly, sword shadows filled the air within a 15 feet range. Every shadow was
bloody red, and the blades dazzled. They seemed to be illusory but contained
extreme power.

This was Avatar's strongest battle skill: Wild Battle

Wild Battle

Level-11 Master Battle Skill

Effect: The user consolidates all power and murderous intent to explode
abruptly. Everything within 15 feet will be pulverized!

(Note: The anger of a warlord!)

Shtick, shtick, shtick. Dazzling sword shadows shrouded everything. Within

them, Katyusha, the fallen angel, and the Storm Warlord Parmese all suffered
the horrible attack.

It had come too quickly and too densely. With nowhere to hide, they could only
block with all their might.

Katyusha had just been saved by her companions and wanted to activate the
Thorn of Fate. But then she sank into such a desperate situation. She couldn't do
anything other than using everything to retreat.

The fallen angel suffered the densest attacks. He spun his shurikens like crazy
so that it created a seamless blockade before him. Even so, countless sword
shadows still got past them and hit him.
Parmese was terrified. All will to fight was gone. He'd already retreated
beforehand, but this was useless. He was still within range of the attack. Though
he put in all his might to block, he was still cut by a sword on his left leg.

Poof, poof, poof. It was the sound of flesh cutting open, accompanied by the
metallic smell of blood. The sounds lasted for half a second. Then three bloody
figures flew out in different directions.

The three Legendary figures were all hit at least once by Avatar's attack of full
force. They flew out, covered in injuries.

The most badly hurt was the fallen angel. One of his arms had been hacked off,
and blood gushed out of his chest. He stumbled back unsteadily and fell. He
convulsed on the ground, blood pooling around him.

No matter how powerful the fallen angel's vitality was, the Legendary power
rushing into him was destructive. The fact that he was alive right now was proof
of his strong vitality.

As for Katyusha, she was covered in blood. Though she stayed standing, her
body shook uncontrollably, barely unable to hold onto the Spear of Victory.

The least injured was Parmese, but he wasn't well off either. Everywhere was
fine except for his left leg. More than half of his leg was missing. The remaining
parts were hanging by shreds. The speed that he was proud of was gone now.

However, Avatar wasn't well off either. Though he wasn't hurt, this battle
technique had used up all his power. Leaning on his sword, he half-knelt on the
ground, panting heavily.

He didn't look at Katyusha or the fallen angel. Instead, he stared at Parmese.

"I didn't think this would happen. It was okay for you to take the humans north.
It was okay to side with the Dark Elves in the Black Forest. But I didn't think
that you would come back to massacre our helpless brethren and with such a
lowly method of a plague! Parmese, you are the biggest disgrace to our race!"

Legendary fighters didn't look at their appearances. Parmese looked like a

human now, and regular people wouldn't be able to tell. However, Avatar
instantly knew who he was after attacking.
Parmese instantly refuted Avatar. "I didn't do the plague! I just came to kill

"Ha, so what? You'll kill me and let the plague spread through the Golden
Plains to kill our entire race. Your soul will be abandoned by our ancestors. It's
such a pity that I can't kill you with my own hands."

He'd lost all his power while Parmese only lost one leg. His power wasn't
damaged at all and could easily kill Avatar.

Parmese didn't want to be responsible for this. He didn't care what regular
Beastmen thought; he didn't even care what Avatar thought. However, he
couldn't ignore the countless ancestors.

In Beastmen tradition, ancestors were very important. Respect for the ancestors
was ingrained in their souls.

"No, I didn't do the plague. I couldn't do something like that!" he exclaimed,

either to Avatar or the countless ancestors.

"Kill the demon and Naga to prove to the ancestors!" Avatar roared.

Parmese froze. His eyes moved to Katyusha. The fallen angel was disabled and
would need at least three months to recover. The only one present who could
fight back was Katyusha.

He instinctively gripped his lancet.

"Parmese," Katyusha said hurriedly. "Your people are still in the Black Forest.
Your wife and children are there too. Don't forget!"

With that, Parmese's grip loosened again. He didn't dare meet Avatar's eyes, but
he didn't speak either. Lowering his head, he ripped his shirt off and tied up the
remnants of his leg. Then he hobbled towards the fallen angel.

He picked the badly hurt demon up and went to Katyusha.

"Let's go."
"Why won't you kill him?" Katyusha asked angrily. The Beastman king was too
terrifying. If they didn't kill him now, she wouldn't be able to kill him again,
even if she had the Spear of Victory.

Parmese shook his head. "Now is not the time. Only he can stop the plague in
the Golden Plains. He can't die!"

"What does this have to do with you?" Katyusha was so pissed she could slap
this guy right now.

"Shut up!" Parmese didn't want to speak further. He took out a tonic and poured
it down the fallen angel's throat. Then he carried him away.

Katyusha stared at the Beastman king kneeling on the ground. She wanted to
stab him to death, but she was badly hurt and wasn't confident. She could only
follow Parmese away.

Avatar let out a sigh. Pushing against his broadsword, he rose slowly.

He was still alive; he could still find the cure to the plague. Yes, he had to find
the cure. Since he couldn't find it here, he would go to the Dragon Valley and
ask the Red Dragon Queen for help.

Yes, the dragons would have the solution. As long as they were willing to help,
he would pay them anything.

With that in mind, he prepared to set off. He'd recovered some of his power
now. It might not be enough to fight, but he could travel.

But two steps later, his heart leaped. Without thinking, he jumped to the side.

Whoosh. A black vine as thick as his arm snuck out of the ground, piercing
towards his heart like a poisonous needle. Avatar dodged it, but the thorn
changed direction too, not leaving his chest.

Helpless, Avatar blocked it with his obsidian broadsword.

Clang! The broadsword was easily forced away by the black vine. Avatar was
too weak now. He wasn't the vine's match.
After that attack, the vine returned. Avatar groaned inwardly. He dodged at the
last moment but still couldn't avoid it entirely. With a poof, it passed through his
arm. Extreme pain besieged his mind. He couldn't help but grunt.

Immediately after, he felt poison spread from the wound. He was familiar with
the poison, and he knew this vine. It was from the High Elves!

In that moment, something flashed past his mind. No wonder Parmese refused
to admit that he's responsible for the plague. The actual masterminds are the
High Elves!

As soon as he thought this, his vision dimmed, and he felt dizzy.

In the last moment, he saw a white light flash around him. He knew this was
from a portal spell, but he found it strange. Is someone saving me? Are the High
Elves capturing me?

With that, he fainted.

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Chapter 560: The Beastmen's Combat Form (1/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"No, no, no!"

Dazed, Avatar found himself in the middle of Mara City. He was surrounded by
crazed Beastmen whose bodies were dripping with green pus and covered with
scars that had sprouted white hair.

They tore towards him, green mist issuing out of their mouths as they roared.
They looked even more savage than the wild beasts of the plains.

Avatar was forced to cut down his own people with his obsidian sword, but their
number was overwhelming. They were threatening to tear him apart and eat him
"Why are there so many of them? Is Mara City doomed? And what about the
grass plains?"

In a panic, Avatar began cleaving his way through the ravening mass of
Beastmen towards the city gates.

To his horror, he realized that his strength was rapidly depleting as he cut down
many of his fellow Beastmen. He had used up all of his strength when he finally
got to the city wall.

His arms were now sore, and his legs felt like lead. It was like wading through a
mire. But there did not seem to be any end to the swarm of infected Beastmen.
The streets teemed with them like ants swarming out from their nest. The
Beastmen surged towards him, ready to sink their fangs into his flesh.

With what was left of his strength, Avatar leaped up onto the city wall. He was
ready to leap down and flee for his life. However, as he got onto the wall, what
he saw plunged him into despair.

The same infected Beastmen had spread far across the grass plains. There was
no end to them.

"Is this real? Are the Golden Plains done for? Is there no hope for my people?"


Avatar heard shrill laughter from behind him. He turned around and saw that in
a shadowy corner of a street stood a couple of slender figures with long, pointed

It was the High Elves.

Sensing his gaze, one of the High Elves spoke with a sharp voice, "Hahaha,
you're all going to be extinct quite soon, Beastmen!"

"Avatar, you'll die as well. Your people will feast on your corpse until not a
single bone is left."

The crazed Beastmen dashed towards Avatar, who was now too fatigued to put
up a fight. In an instant, he was submerged in the torrent of infected bodies.
Amid the chaos, he could only flail his arms about, but it was useless. He roared
in pain as one of the Beastmen bit into his neck.


He sat up. He immediately realized that something was wrong. There were no
Beastmen or High Elves anywhere around him. Only a warm fire crackled
happily near where he sat. A metal pot was hung from a metal stand above the
fire, and there was a figure sitting near the fire. The figure seemed human. He
was holding a skewer of a dead rabbit that was cooking above the fire. At that
moment, the delicious aroma of cooked meat filled the air.

The place was dark. A full moon shone down from the night sky. There were
thick clumps of reeds around them. A night breeze was blowing, but thanks to
the fire, Avatar did not feel the least bit cold. There was something soft beneath
him. Avatar looked down and saw that a thick bearskin had been laid out
beneath him on a pile of reeds. A thick woolen blanket covered his body; it
appeared to be woven by human hands.

Avatar tried to get up, but as he moved, there was a piercing pain in his arm. His
entire body was also extremely weak. Everything seemed like a dream to him.

He felt his neck and was relieved to find that there was no wound on it.

While he was still trying to process his surroundings, he noticed that the human
figure was approaching him. In his emaciated state, Avatar could not see what
he looked like, especially when the figure had his back to the fire. Avatar could
only see the cooked rabbit in his hand. The aroma of food now wafted close to
him. Suddenly, the Beastman's stomach growled. He was starving.

"Here." The person handed the cooked rabbit over to him.

Without thinking twice, Avatar took it and began stuffing himself with the
rabbit. It was delicious. The rabbit's skin was crisp, its flesh tender. There was
also a hint of spice added to it. Avatar had never tasted anything like it.

Within ten minutes, he managed to devour the entire 20-pound rabbit. All that
was left were the rabbit's thigh bones. He had swallowed down its smaller bones
together with its flesh. Still, Avatar was not completely full.
Once food had entered his stomach, Avatar felt a surge of energy and strength
return. He turned to the figure and asked, "Who are you? Why did you save

The man's aura was powerful, perhaps even more powerful than Avatar's. But it
was gentler, almost inoffensive. Avatar had never felt such power before.

The man chuckled. He took a few steps and let the glow of the fire illuminate
his face.

"Master Link, is that you? Why are you here? How long have I been sleeping?"
Avatar was so surprised by Link's presence that he could not help but fire
multiple questions in quick succession at him.

Link did not attempt to hide the truth from the Beastman. "You've been asleep
for half a day. As for me, I've come to the Golden Plains to discuss the matter of
the Army of Destruction. As you probably know, the Storm Warlord has joined
the Army of Destruction, so I thought maybe I could solicit your aid in the
matter. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen to Mara City
before I could even meet you?"

Avatar was not averse to helping Link. He was on good terms with him after all.
In the last few years, the Beastmen and Ferde had done a lot of business with
each other. Avatar's people had imported all kinds of magical weapons from
Ferde. Said weapons had played no small role in Avatar's unification of the
Beastman tribes.

Hearing Link mention Mara City, Avatar quickly asked, "Master, how much do
you know about what's happening in Mara City?"

"A lot. I've been doing some investigations. When I saw the High Elves
attacking you, I finally understood what was happening." Link knew that Avatar
was going to ask him about Mara City. He was also prepared to leverage this to
form an alliance with Avatar.

Avatar's face was grave. "I want to know."

Link nodded, ready to share what he had learned. "Before saying anything, I
should remind you that I'd only just arrived near Mara City a few days ago.
Everything I'm about to tell you is merely what I've deduced from my
observations, and there may be some discrepancies between my deductions and
the actual truth. In other words, you don't need to believe everything I say."

Avatar nodded, somehow even more confident that what Link had to say would
be true.

Link began telling him what he had learned. Only one insignificant human Dark
Magician had a hand in this, which would not be enough to incur Avatar's wrath
towards the whole human race. Link then told Avatar about the High Elves and
the Army of Destruction, the real culprits behind everything. He did so in detail
to stoke the fires of Avatar's hatred towards both sides.

Of course, Link chose his words objectively. He did not let his emotions sway
the way he spoke.

Though Avatar was never in the habit of showing his feelings, when Link was
finished, he could not help but punch at the ground in frustration. He said
through gritted teeth, "How cruel can those High Elves be!"

Katyusha, the fallen angel, and Stormlord Parmese of the Army of Destruction
had targeted Avatar. After all, he was a Warrior, and he had never backed out
from a fight. Even if he lost that fight, Avatar could only blame himself for not
making adequate preparations and letting the enemy take advantage of his weak

But the High Elves had targeted the ordinary folk of the city with such an
insidious method that threatened the Beastmen's very existence. At that
moment, Avatar wanted nothing more than to tear those three High Elves to

Just then, a sweet aroma drifted from the broth in the pot that was still cooking
above the fire. Link activated the Magician's Hand and poured the broth into
two silver bowls. One floated towards Avatar, the other towards himself.

Link took a gulp from it. The taste was rich and thick. Once inside his stomach,
a feeling of warmth and fullness spread over his body. He let out a sigh and said
to Avatar, "Don't think too much about it. Your body's still weak. Let your
hatred and thirst for vengeance simmer in you. Your recuperation is top priority
right now. Try some of the snake soup that I made with cobra meat. I learned
how to cook it from another master. It's perfect for restoring you to your full
strength, especially when you've only just had your body cleansed of all that

Avatar nodded and drank some of it from his bowl. His eyes lit up. Despite how
hot the soup still was, he drank all of it in huge gulps, including the snake bones
that had been left to stew in it. In the blink of an eye, he had even gobbled up all
the snake meat in the soup.

Link shook his head as he watched the Beastman swallow everything down. All
the trouble he had gone through to make the snake soup had gone down the
drain just like that.

When he was done eating, Avatar placed the silver bowl beside him. He then
struggled to stand up and began practicing his combat forms.

Link knew that Avatar was trying to regain his full strength, so he did not
interrupt what he was doing. Link rolled up the sheets and put everything else
away in order to clear out a wider space for Avatar to practice his forms.

Link then watched as Avatar moved.

At first, Avatar went at a slow pace, as his arm's injury had greatly affected the
fluidity of his movements. Gradually, a dim red light began radiating from his
body, especially from the wound on his arm. As the red light grew brighter, his
movements began picking up speed.

Gradually, Avatar began losing himself in his movements. Though his eyes
were open, they were not focused on anything. His movements were guided
entirely by instinct, fluid like flowing water.

Link observed the Beastman's movements intently. He was a master himself in

the art of combat, and his senses were also as acute as any other combat master.
Even though Avatar was only practicing one form, Link could sense his
breathing rate, the movement of every muscle and the flow of Savage Power in
Avatar's body.

Link recognized the form that Avatar was doing—it was called Soul Furnace,
and it was a highly valued combat form of the Beastmen. The idea was to turn
one's body into a furnace and one's soul into tinder. In the duration of the Soul
Furnace, a Beastman's body would be able to recover from any injury twice as
fast and even strengthen their bodies at the same time. Besides that, the synergy
between soul and body would be greatly improved. Constant practice would
also help boost one's battle instincts.

In other words, this was the Beastmen's trump card, just like the High Elves'
World Tree and Ferde's Sunlight Power.

One could develop both physical and spiritual strength through the practice of
this technique. However, even though Link understood the form's movements,
he could not grasp how he should bring out his spiritual strength through those
movements. Link simply watched Avatar practice for his own pleasure.

Two hours later, Avatar ceased all his movements. He put his arms down and let
out a long breath.

His forehead was beaded with green drops of sweat. It contained the rest of the
poison that Link did not manage to remove from his body. Avatar waved his
arms. He could now move normally.

He turned to Link and said, "My injuries have almost healed completely, and
I've regained most of my strength. I take it that you're able to grasp the form that
I was practicing, Master Link?"

Link nodded. "Looks simple enough."

Avatar laughed. He took out a book whose cover was made from pelt and said,
"This form can only be performed by those with Savage Power. It's not really a
big secret. Everything you need to know about letting your spiritual energy flow
in your body as you practice it is all in this book. You can take a look at it if you

Seeing how curiously Link had observed him, Avatar did not mind sharing such
knowledge with him. It was not as if Link would be able to execute the form

Link took the book. As soon as he opened it, a message popped up before him.

Soul Furnace

The Beastmen's Battle Technique

Quality: Level-19

Description: Body, mind, soul, all coalescing together to form a warlord's path
to ascension.

(Note: The road to becoming a god of war!)

Link jolted in surprise. Before, he probably could not pick this up, but now, the
Realm Essence in his body had allowed him to ignore all racial limitations
imposed on techniques like this one. He could now master even the Beastmen's
prized battle technique!

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Chapter 561: Perfect Dawn of Magic(2/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Accepting Avatar's battle technique book, Link flipped through without

changing his expression. Half a minute later, all the content was ingrained in his

After finishing, he returned the book to Avatar, commenting, "Very good battle
techniques. However, it's too restrictive. Even a Beastman would need absolute
talent to accomplish it, right?"

In the game, every Beastman player tried for the Soul Furnace battle technique
book. However, the book was not enough by itself. They had to fulfill many
strict requirements. This was expressed by a set of practically impossible
missions that had to be completed alone under three tries.

If the player failed at the third try, the book would disappear.

According to calculations, of all the lucky Beastman Warriors who could

receive the Soul Furnace book, only 20% could successfully pass the test and
learn the technique.

If the game was this difficult, real life would be worse.

As expected, Avatar looked proud after Link said that. Link had read too
quickly, so Avatar thought his comment was a bit too rash. However, anyone
liked hearing praises. Chuckling, he said, "You're right. Only three people in our
entire race have learned this battle technique—Holun, Parmese, and I. Right
now, I'm the best."

Link had to admit this point.

In the later stages of the game, Beastman King Avatar was the undisputable top
Warrior. He was a legend amongst legends and had even injured Nozama, Lord
of the Deep, forcing him to retreat back to the demon fortress.

It was completely true to say he was the best.

As for the Soul Furnace battle technique, Link had taken a look and determined
he could learn it. But if he wanted to learn it fully, it would be difficult. To
reach Avatar's level would be practically impossible.

Not only did the practitioner need Savage Power, but they also had to have
unshakeable and courageous will. They had to do things according to their heart,
unaffected by anything else.

This was the path to a true and pure Warrior.

And Link was a Magician.

A Magician had to be flexible and agile. A powerful Magician couldn't forget

their original intention but should use any method possible. In order to reach
their goal, some white lies were alright, but this would betray their heart. This
was the opposite of a Warrior. If Link forced himself to learn it, he would
probably distort it.

But even though he couldn't learn this battle technique, it didn't mean that he
couldn't use the wisdom in the book. To a Magician, everything had a pattern
and could be learned and used. This included battle techniques.

The Soul Furnace seems to fit with the Soul Stamp of the game system. The two
are different but have the same function. They both stamp power onto one's
soul. If I can truly grasp the Soul Stamp, my spell-casting ability will truly
follow my heart's wishes. My speed will really rival battle techniques, and I'll be
powerful enough to destroy everything… I need to grasp this power as soon as

Thinking of this, Link grew excited.

One must know that all current spells, regardless of whether they were mortal or
Legendary, required a Magician to use their own power to build the structure
and activate the outer force by shaking the structure to attack.

This was extremely powerful but lacked in speed. This shortcoming was
especially obvious after entering the Legendary level.

There were two reasons: Firstly, Legendary spell structures were very complex.
Even if a Magician was experienced, the spell-casting speed would still be

Secondly, the power after a Legendary spell structure reverberated was different
from a regular spell. Regular spells used the power of the Firuman realm, while
Legendary spells took from the Sea of Void. This was hundreds of times more
powerful than the former.

Firuman was actually submerged in a little "bubble" in the Sea of Void; they
actually overlapped. Technically, this shouldn't cause a delay. However, the
laws of Firuman rejected the Sea of Void, thus causing the delay.

Due to these two reasons, a Legendary Magician's speed was much slower than
a Legendary Warrior. If the Warrior got close, especially if they were an
Assassin, the result would be tragic. The Magician would barely be able to fight

This was why Link practiced martial arts to protect himself.

This was the only solution though. If Link could solve the problem using a spell,
he would rather do that. Now, Link saw some hope in solving this shortcoming
through the Soul Furnace.

These thoughts all flashed through Link's mind in an instant. Then he heard
Avatar sigh. "A pity that I lost the broadsword."
Avatar was depressed. His obsidian broadsword wasn't the best, but it had been
with him for more than a decade. He was used to it, but it was forced out of his
hands when he blocked the vine. It was probably left in Mara City.

Unexpectedly, Link waved at a long bag by the campfire as soon as he finished

speaking. The bag flew to Link's hand, and he pushed it towards Avatar. "Open

When Avatar took the bag, he already got the feeling. "Is it my broadsword?"

Link smiled in reply.

Excited, Avatar unwound the cloth, ring by ring. Slowly, a reddish black blade
appeared. It was the same color as his obsidian blade, but it was much smoother.
The spine of the sword was sturdy and ancient-looking, while the blade was
sharp and bright. It shimmered when Avatar moved it. The nicks on the blade
were gone too.

At closer inspection, Avatar saw many faint gold runes on the sword. He didn't
know what they were for, of course, but they were very detailed. They fit with
the overall style of the sword too. When the cloth was entirely unraveled, and
the sword was completely out, Avatar subconsciously held his breath.

It was also a black obsidian sword, but his old one was like an ugly rod in

When he grasped it, he was even more pleasantly surprised. It felt like the sword
was connected to his blood, like the sword was an extension of his arm. He
swung it a few times and discovered the weight was just right. It whistled as it
cut through the air; it was impressive as a dragon's low roar.

"How did it change so much?" Avatar didn't want to let go.

Link smiled. "It's your old sword, but I made some small adjustments. When
you were unconscious, your arm was still bleeding. I used some of your blood
for a blood refining method. I'm sure you felt that it could understand you,

"Indeed." Avatar's eyes were glued to the sword without leaving for even a
second. He caressed the sword gently as if it were his lover.
With a sword like this, he was confident in using many of the tricks that he
couldn't before. His power could triple at the very least.

After appreciating it for a long while, Avatar suddenly said, "I can feel that it
has another special power."

"You're very sensitive. That's right. It can cut through the causal ring… Uh, it's
for fighting the Spear of Victory. That's the Naga's weapon. I think that you
must have felt how dangerous it is, right?"

Avatar nodded. He had the feeling that if the Naga used her spear, he would
definitely be dead. That was why he used all his might to make sure the Naga
couldn't fight back.

Link chuckled. "You don't have to worry anymore."

"Oh… Thank you. I owe you a life and a weapon… But I need to ask something
of you." Avatar lowered his head. It was hard to say because he really owed too

Without needing him to say anything, a crystal vial appeared in Link's hand.
There was dark red liquid inside it.

"What is this?"

"The antidote. I stole a potion from that Dark Magician and spent a whole night
studying it to create this. A drop can cure a regular man."

Avatar's mouth fell open. He didn't know what to say. After a long while, he
said, "I will personally lead my elites to the Orida Fortress after this!"

Link had already done so much for his race. In return, there was no reason for
the Beastmen to reject the alliance. Repaying in gratitude was the honor of the

Link was happy that his goal was accomplished, but he couldn't show it.
Calmly, he said, "There's no hurry for the alliance. Right now, we have another
challenge to face. You must recover to your peak as soon as possible."

"What challenge?" Avatar was shocked.

Link smirked. "It's those High Elves. They revealed their identities and have
become your top enemy. After I saved you, they used a magic seal to lock this

With that, Link pointed at the moon. "Look at the moon. Doesn't it waver every
now and then?"

Avatar looked and saw that it was true. Not only was the moon wavering, the air
around them would ripple like water too.

"That's the magic seal. It's 30 miles in radius, and we're inside. If we break
through it, they'll use a portal to appear by us within three seconds.

Avatar was shaken. "They're going to make us die with the secret?"

Link nodded. "Not only that, they even temporarily allied with the Army of
Destruction to increase efficiency."

Before, Vance and Elin had said that the High Elves might very possibly break
past their bottom line, but he didn't expect them to go to this extent.

Right now, they had six enemies. Though Avatar had greatly wounded the three
from the Army of Destruction, the High Elves had impressive healing
techniques. They were probably mostly recovered by now.

Link wasn't there match at all. Even if he could kill some, it would be over for
him too. However, if he added Avatar and his new sword, Link was 80% sure
they could wipe out the enemy.

The fury Avatar had just repressed flared again. Gripping his sword, he gritted
his teeth. "Good, very good. I was looking to cause them some trouble!"

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Chapter 562: The Nine O'Clock God of Moonlight (3/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
The grass plains, nighttime

The caravans hastily made their way back to Norton Kingdom, but something
unexpected happened. Around three in the morning, a mercenary ran back to his
leader from the road up ahead. He seemed terrified, as if he had just witnessed
something inexplicable.

"Leader, there's a problem up front."

The mercenary leader, Milo, looked a lot better than before. The symptoms of
his poisoning had all but disappeared. He had also regained most of his strength.

Hearing this, Milo's brows furrowed. He looked around and said in a low voice,
"Don't say it out loud, we don't want this to get out."

He feared that this would instigate panic among the merchants.

In a low, hurried tone, the mercenary said, "Leader, there's something blocking
our path in front. It's wide and invisible, but it seems like a wall. A really big

Milo widened his eyes. Being more experienced than the ordinary mercenary,
he had an idea of what they were up against. "Probably a magical barrier one of
those masters had erected. Something big is happening right now."

Milo felt powerless in the face of all this. In comparison with the masters of the
continent, his power was simply inconsequential like a pebble in front of a huge
rock. If the rock decided to roll over him, he would simply be ground to dust
under it.

Knowing that there was nothing anyone could do about this, he went to the Red
Earth Firm's chief and explained the mercenary's discovery to him.

The chief was a merchant and an ordinary person who had heard and seen much
in his travels as well. When he heard Milo's account, his face went pale. He was
silent for a while, before he finally said, "What do you think we should do,

Milo had already figured out what their next step should be. He said, "We are
definitely no match for these masters. The only thing we can do now is not get
caught in the crossfire. I've heard that when two Legendary masters clash
against one another, the shockwave they send out can spread across more than
ten miles. Anyone caught in that area will be disintegrated in an instant. I think
our best option would be to find a low-lying place to hide for now. It would be
even better if we could find a cave. We'll hide inside it and then cover its
entrance with a pile of reeds. This way, we'll have a higher chance of
weathering the coming storm."

The chief did not have anything to add to this. He found Milo's suggestion
reasonable. "Alright then, we'll do as you say," he said.

Milo began making arrangements. Before long, the mercenaries scattered out to
find suitable hiding spots. The merchants were all anxious about this, but it did
not seem like they were in any immediate danger at the moment. Their caravans
continued moving forward on their path.

After trudging on for more than 3000 miles, everyone saw the transparent wall
that the mercenary had just described. It was soft to the touch. However, the
wall hardened as soon as pressure was applied to it. No matter how anyone tried
to push against it, the wall did not budge an inch.

Everyone was able to see the other side of the wall, but there was just no way to
walk through it. The entire thing was surreal.

There were shouts and cries of terror amid the merchants. However, most of
them did not speak a word. Their faces were all pale as they braced themselves
for what was about to happen.

Milo remained in the caravans. This at least gave some sense of security to the
merchants. The mercenary leader did not appear as uneasy as the rest. He
seemed confident in the solution that he had come up with to survive the coming
storm. Milo's presence was the only thing keeping the caravans from descending
into total panic.

As everyone waited silently for the mercenaries to return with a report on their
surroundings, suddenly, three flashes of green light appeared in the sky.

They hurtled towards the caravans at an unimaginable speed.

At first, the flashes of light streaked past the caravans overhead without any
intention of stopping. However, they suddenly turned back and landed before
the merchants in the form of three hooded figures.

One of them walked through the crowd towards Milo. The figure observed him
from tip to toe and then asked, "You've encountered the poisoned Beastmen.
You were poisoned, were you not?"

The voice was clear as a bell. It was female.

Milo wanted to ask who they were, but for some reason, when the figure before
him posed her question, he could not seem to control his own body. He nodded
and said, "Yes, I was poisoned, but then I was cured."


"I don't know. There was a sudden beam of moonlight from the sky, and then I
just got better," said Milo.

"Moonlight?" repeated the hooded figure strangely. Suddenly, she stabbed

Milo's arm with a thorn before he even had time to react.

Fresh blood stained the thorn's tip. The figure gave it a lick and then went silent.
Ten minutes later, she said, "I need to borrow something from you."

"What... what do you want?" Milo felt that something was wrong.

"I'll need to borrow your lives for a bit. Of course, none of you are in any
position to refuse." The figure waved a hand. All of a sudden, a faint green mist
appeared above the caravans in the air.

Without warning, the mist descended on everyone. The merchants began

coughing uncontrollably in it. Ten seconds later, the green mist faded. There
was now a hint of green on the faces of all 300 people in the caravans.

"You're now all poisoned. Two hours from now, you'll lose all reason and meet
the same fate as the poisoned Beastmen you've encountered before. What you
should do now is pray that the same beam of moonlight will appear once more
and cleanse you all of the poison in your bodies. What's done is done. There's no
use getting angry at me. Attacking me will only quicken the spread of the
poison in your bodies. Now pray."

When she was finished, the figure stepped out of the crowd and returned to her
companions. The three of them then turned into flashes of green light and
zipped back into the sky.

Back on the grass plains, everyone sat on the ground despondently. Their faces
were all ashen as they contemplated on their fates. Even Shallie, who always
had a smile on her face, was stunned. She sat absently beside her father, unable
to comprehend what had just happened to them.

"Father, why did she have to do such a thing? We didn't even do anything to
her," said the girl to her father, Olan.

Olan chuckled bitterly. He looked at his daughter with a pained expression. He

never thought that they would meet their end so soon. He should have never
brought her along with him.

"Father, why?" asked Shallie.

Olan shook his head miserably. "Maybe it's because... it's our fate to die here."

Shallie fell silent. After a while, hope welled up in her. "Father, do you think
God will come and save us?"

"God?" Olan was taken aback by her question.

"Yeah, he saved Milo and Eyre before. If he could do it before, he'll definitely
do it again for all of us! Definitely!" Shallie was unwavering in her belief. She
waved her arms about excitedly as if trying to keep her spirits up.

Suddenly, she thought of something. Shallie climbed up on a horse's back and

shouted, "Everyone, there's no need to panic. If God knows what's happened to
us, he'll definitely come and save all of us. But right now, what we should do is
pray to him so that he'll be aware of our plight!"

Hearing this, the caravans began to show some signs of life.

In times of hopelessness such as this, any shred of hope, no matter how faint it
might seem, was worth holding on to.

However, someone asked Shallie, "But we don't even know the name of this
god. How do we even know who to pray?"

"He's definitely the God of Light."

"You can't say for sure. The God of Light has never performed a miracle outside
the walls of a church. Also, the power we saw before didn't look like his divine
power of light."

Shallie did not expect such a contradiction to be pointed out. However, she
managed to think up a response. "His power resembles moonlight, and the
miracle we witnessed took place at nine last night. So maybe we should call him
the Nine O'clock God of Moonlight?"

Everyone was speechless at this.

But Shallie did not care. She knelt on her wagon and began praying. "Oh
benevolent and merciful Nine O'clock God of Moonlight, you are the light that
drives out the darkness from this world. Here I pray that you may guide us
through these troubling times. Before you I kneel, a humble servant promising
to spread your deeds far and wide, and offer you my entire being."

It did not matter if her prayers went unanswered, nor did she care if she was
doing it right. Shallie simply knelt there, praying for salvation again and again.

At first, she was the only one praying. Soon enough, some of the people
followed her, including the mercenary leader Milo. He hesitated at first, then
knelt on the ground and began praying in a low voice.

He did not copy Shallie's prayer word for word. He simply prayed inwardly,
Lord, you've saved me before. I hereby swear that for as long as I live, I'll not be
swayed by temptations of the darkness in my path and remain an honorable
Warrior. Now, I've once again fallen into the same pit. If you still think I'm
worthy of being saved, I beseech you, help me out one more time.

The mercenary Eyre was even more straightforward. He prostrated himself on

the ground, crying, "Lord, save me!"
Gradually, the people in the caravans began kneeling and praying.

All their prayers were born out of a sincere desire to be saved from their current

Behind a clump of grass, the three High Elves, Katyusha, the fallen angel, and
Stormlord Parmese quietly observed what was going on in the caravans,
somewhat troubled by this.

Katyusha whispered, "What's this about the Nine O'clock God of Moonlight?
He can't really be a god, can he?"

The fallen angel whispered weakly, "Pointy-ears, this better not be a part of
some elaborate scheme. If there's a god involved in this, you three will also be
in trouble!"

No matter how strong a Legendary master was, they were nothing more than
ants before a god. Normally, gods rarely interfered with the affairs of Legendary
masters due to how much power they needed to spend to descend to the mortal
plane. However, they had been known to make exceptions, especially when any
one of their chosen disciples were harassed by an outside party.

There was another word for this. It was called suicide.

For instance, the God of Light was widely acknowledged to be a kind deity.
However, he had meted out divine punishment twice in recorded history. Each
time, at least one master was on the receiving end of the God of Light's divine
stick. Of course, what these masters did was unforgivable. In their folly, they
had attacked a holy city and paid the consequences for their actions.

There were two types of divine punishment, and they both needed some sort of

If there was an altar, a god would simply need to appear on it. If there was none,
said god would infuse his divine power into one of his disciples. In that
moment, he or she would be in possession of unimaginable power so that they
could carry out their god's will.
The possibility that one of the God of Light's favored disciples was in the midst
of the praying merchants troubled the High Elves and the others. The girl who
had first started praying seemed like a potential candidate.

Under normal circumstances, Legendary masters and gods were bound by an

unspoken rule to mind their own businesses.

Ariel was beginning to grow suspicious. All the hints she had gathered pointed
to a Legendary master who might have been responsible for curing the poisoned
humans back then, but there was no evidence suggesting the involvement of a

She had also felt Legendary power that was extremely pure and concentrated. It
was beyond the limits of a typical Legendary master.

A chill ran down her spine at the thought of this.

As they watched on from their hiding spot, unsure of what to do next, Link and
Avatar had reached the caravans.

Seeing the fervently praying merchants, Avatar asked curiously, "What are they
doing? And who's the God of Moonlight?"

Link did not know whether to laugh or cry as he saw what was going on. He
explained, "I secretly saved two poisoned mercenaries back then. They must
have mistaken what I did for a miracle."

"Well then, can you sense where they are now?" Avatar decided not to pay any
heed to the praying merchants and mercenaries. With Link's help, he was now at
full strength. Right now, he was raringly waiting to exact his revenge on the
High Elves.

Link nodded. "I can feel them."

"Where?" Avatar was now gripping his obsidian sword.

"Wait, I need to set up a magic seal to protect these people first."

"We may reveal our location to them," said Avatar. They were vastly
outnumbered, and giving themselves away would mean losing the element of

Link nodded. "I know, but they're still my people. I can't leave them

Avatar decided not to say anything else. He remembered the tragic scene he had
seen in Mara City. He understood what Link was trying to do.

At first, I thought he was like all the other Magicians, conniving and obsessed
only with his ambitions. I never knew he would be just like me. Avatar seemed
to finally understand Link as a person.

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Chapter 563: Is it Really God’s Punishment?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Golden Plains, night

Ariel studied the merchant caravan in the distance. Getting an idea, she gestured
at the others. Look at the caravan. The air seems off.

Elovan and the others looked over. They really did see that, under the silver
moonlight, there were some strange ripples in the air around the caravan. These
ripples were very fine. Because the caravan was close to the magic seal, one
would think that that was the reason if they didn't look carefully. However, they
realized something was wrong after Ariel's reminder.

Of these six Legendary figures, the three High Elves led by Ariel were
Magicians while Katyusha's group were Warriors.

The three Warriors saw that something was wrong but couldn't figure out where
the opponent was from this. Thus, they turned to the High Elf Magicians,
waiting for their conclusion.
Ariel said to Elovan and Milose, "You two protect me. The opponent has very
strange power. It's hidden. I must put all my effort into tracking him."

She didn't trust the three from the Army of Destruction. She only trusted her
own race.

Elovan and Milose stood to either side of Ariel. Their Natural Power surged into
their wands made from the World Tree into the preparatory state.

Seeing that they were ready, Ariel gestured at Katyusha. If I successfully track
the opponent's position, I'll point him out. Be ready to attack!

Katyusha didn't like these three young High Elves, but they were cooperating,
after all. They'd also treated her group's wounds and hadn't done anything
tricky. She would manage to trust them this time. She nodded, showing her

After preparing, Ariel composed herself. She took out the World Impaler and
added Natural Power into the magic sword. After half a second, the sword tip
glowed and buried into the air.

An instant later, the World Impaler peaked out of the ground near the caravan.
After that, a strand of faint Natural Power poured out of the sword.
Disappearing into the ground, it entered the grass surrounding the caravan.

The biggest advantage of Natural Power was that it could fuse perfectly with the
plants in Firuman. It had a perfect cover in places with dense vegetation. This
was something that no other race's power could rival.

After the strand of Natural Power entered the grass, it started sliding. There
were very slight ripples during this, but they were absorbed by the grass. No one

A short while later, the Natural Power reached where Link and Avatar were

While Link was focused on setting defensive runes for the caravan, Avatar
gripped his obsidian sword. He kept his eyes wide, staring at the place Link had
pointed out in high alert.
The enemy hadn't reacted yet, so he didn't do anything. However, he couldn't
feel the Natural Power sneaking up at him at all.

Just as the Natural Power was three feet away from him and about to touch his
body, Link reached out and pushed Avatar slightly to the side.

A snake-like tentacle of Natural Power slid past centimeters away from Avatar
without touching anything.

Avatar was shocked. Natural Power was very subtle, but he was surprised that it
was to this extent. He could obviously feel the change in power around him. As
soon as Link touched him, he reacted immediately. Without any hesitation, he
stepped aside, following Link's push.

His martial arts skills were practically flawless, and he had perfect control of his
body. Even though he was huge, his movements were as light as a feather. He
didn't disrupt anything when he dodged.

He was like a large buffalo that had the agility of a cat. One couldn't help but be
amazed at the sight.

Less than half a second after the first tentacle of Natural Power came, another
came. Link was still setting up the runes, but he tapped lightly, and Avatar
sensed it. He moved lightly, following Link's direction. He moved at a speed
and distance that was just right to avoid the tentacle.

After that, a dozen tentacles passed by him. Link moved Avatar around as if he
were a puppet on strings.

To avoid the intrusive tentacles, Avatar had to make a lot of weird movements
too. For example, he had to leap in the air and then spin three times. After
landing, he had to go on his tiptoes, arch his back, move his hips with a hand on
his pelvis, and much more.

Avatar was annoyed, but he had to follow Link's orders. It was like performing
a weird dance under the moonlight.

He had to make sure Link would keep this a secret. If people found out that the
Beastman king did all these weird things, they would dislocate their jaws
On the other hand, Ariel was deep in thought as she focused on searching. She
could feel that the opponent was somewhere nearby, so she repeatedly checked
that place. But strangely enough, she just couldn't find any trace of him time and
time again.

After a full ten minutes, she was still fruitless.

At this time, she was forced to retract her Natural Power. Otherwise, she would
use up too much power and affect her fighting later.

Retracting the World Impaler, Elovan asked with a gesture, How is it?

Ariel shook her head. I can't find him, but I can feel he's less than 2000 feet

Beside her, Katyusha pursed her lips with some disdain. She wouldn't say
anything though. Gesturing, she asked, What do we do now?

The opponent was putting runes in the air around the merchant caravan. Clearly,
they were getting ready to fight. Since Ariel couldn't find where the opponent
was, there was no reason for them to stay here now.

Ariel was silent for two seconds. As soon as she was about to speak, the
situation changed.

There was a soft sound in the air around the merchant caravan. Then the
strangeness in the air disappeared. Other than the whistling wind and the
merchants' prayers, the plains grew abnormally quiet.

He finished the magic seal.

He's going to attack!

But does he know where we are?

The six gestured speedily, trying to find a solution.

The seconds ticked by, but they couldn't reach an agreement. Ariel finally
couldn't take it anymore and said out loud, "Stop arguing. This Magician is
powerful. He knows where we are! Get ready!"
Everyone flinched and then got into defense mode, waiting for the hidden
enemy to attack.

But what happened after that was unexpected.

Near the caravan, a pillar of silver light, like moonlight, appeared. It was more
than 15 feet in width, and so tall one couldn't see the tip. More terrifying was
that it didn't rush up from the ground—it descended from the sky.

It was as if a hole opened up in the boundless void and watery light flowed out
to somewhere on the plains.

Seeing this, the merchants were shocked. A moment later, they fell into ecstasy.

Shallie excitedly cried, "There really is a god of moonlight. He responded!"

"We'll be saved!"

Mercenary leader Miro sighed deeply. He'd been on one knee earlier, but now,
he knelt fully. Placing his hands on the ground, he murmured inwardly, God,
you saved me once again. From now on, I will be your most loyal slave. I am
your sword, and your will is my glory!

On the other hand, Ariel's group all gulped, shivering.

This power was too pure and subtle. Other than the silver glow, no aura seeped
from the pillar of light. Right now, the six felt that this beam was so obvious,
but it seemed to exist in another realm. They could only see it without sensing

"F*ck. Is this really god's punishment?" The fallen angel gaped at the brilliant
silver moonlight. He could feel his hands shaking. His newly-recovered wound
was hurting again.

Ariel didn't know either. She just swallowed subconsciously. It was as if she'd
angered some horrible existence today. Before she could speak, she heard
Katyusha say, "What if we retreat?"

She could tell from the sight that they weren't a match.
As a servant of the God of Destruction, Katyusha had some knowledge about
divine punishment. The God of Destruction had used the same method to pour
power into a sacrifice or a messenger's body.

In that case, there was probably a god's messenger nearby. This nameless god
had poured his power into him.

From the look of things, there would probably be a terrifying god's messenger
coming after them in a while. If they didn't escape now, they would have no
chance later.

"But we're six people. There's probably just one god's messenger. Maybe we
have a chance?" Storm Warlord Parmese wasn't satisfied.

But just then, Ariel felt something was wrong. The scene looked scary, but it
just didn't feel right.

Like…a god's punishment shouldn't be like this.

She didn't feel the danger of being in a hopeless situation. As a Magician, gut
instinct was important, but she didn't feel the relative danger… What did this

A thought popped up in her mind. What if this is a farce to divert our attention?

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Chapter 564: A Complete Defeat (2/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Back in the game, Ariel was the most promising magical prodigy among the
new generation of High Elves. In the later stages of the game, she was even on
par with the most gifted character in the game, Eliard.

Feeling that something was off, Ariel quickly produced a tree seed in her hand.
This was the seed of the High Elves' strongest combat puppet, Golden Tree
The Golden Tree Spirit, commonly known as the vine devil, and the Black Gold
Tree Spirit were two sides of the same coin. Though they were both formed
from barbed vines, their colors were different.

The Black Gold Tree Spirit was, as its name implied, black and usually used
offensively. Its barbs were highly poisonous. On the other hand, the Golden
Tree Spirit was golden and used defensively most of the time. Its barbs were
extremely solid and could interlace with one another to form a defensive mesh.

At that moment, Ariel did not know where her enemy would strike from.
Instinctively, she decided to go the defensive route and took out the Golden
Tree Spirit's seed.

Legendary-level Nature Power flowed into the seed. When jade green light
shone out from the seed, she quickly threw it down to the ground. When the
seed hit the ground, it began taking root immediately. Shortly after, countless
barbed vines broke through the seed's husk.

The vines intertwined with one another, forming a tight net around the three
High Elves. Due to the urgency of their situation, Ariel had left the other
members of the Army of Destruction out in the open to deal with whatever was
out there.

At that moment, a black shadow sprang out from a clump of grass nearby.

A fiery red light swirled around the figure's body as it appeared. It let out a roar
as it swung its dark red sword down at them.

"Die, High Elves!'

It was the Beastman King Avatar!

Avatar was able to get up close enough to them to execute an ambush while
they were distracted by the moonlight that Link had produced.

With all his strength, he came at them with his unique skill: Wild Battle.

In an instant, the blood red dazzle from Avatar's blade bloomed like a lotus
flower in all directions, with his body as its center. All three High Elves and the
others were immediately enveloped inside the burst of light!
The light was akin to the plow of a Grim Reaper, violently loosening the soil it
touched. Destructive damage would be inflicted upon those standing on the soil
it touched.

The attack had caught them all by surprise.

With their lives on the line, the only thing Katyusha, the fallen angel and
Stormlord Parmese were able to do was to block the attack with all their might.
They were unable to dodge it; they had already missed their chance to do so.

Sounds of metal clashing against one another rang out in quick succession.
Energy rippled out from the points of impact, which blew up a powerful storm
and uprooted the grass around them.

The clash of weapons and the resulting storm were so intense that they would
blow away an ordinary adult standing a few hundred feet away from the vortex.

Dust flew about in the air, blocking out the starry night sky and moon.
Everything went dark in that moment.

However, when the storm was about to hit the caravans nearby, it mysteriously
died down.

In front of them, the wind howled like restless phantoms. However, the wind
was no more than a quiet breeze as it reached the caravans a few feet away from
the action. The only thing that everyone could see from there was the occasional
rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning produced by the clash of weapons.

Shallie was first to notice this. She shouted, "The God of Moonlight must be
protecting us!"

"Lord, thank you for your protection!" shouted someone in response.

This time, no one doubted a single word Shallie said. Way too many things had
happened tonight. This deity had evidently performed miracles to protect them
from all manner of misfortune. This much was irrefutable.

On the other side of the plains, the battle raged on.

Even at their full strength, Katyusha, the fallen angel, and Parmese could not
entirely block the Beastman king's onslaught. At that moment, their wounds had
only begun to heal, and they had not even regained their strength completely. In
their currently weakened state, their chances of coming out of this alive grew
ever slimmer.

Katyusha was now covered in cold sweat and screaming inwardly at the
hopelessness of her situation. She did not even have the time to activate her
Thorn of Fate skill. She sensed that she would be done for at any moment.

As the storm raged on, she saw the fallen angel from the corner of her eye
desperately trying to block Avatar's attack. His chest had already been slashed
open. Blood poured out profusely from his wound.

Katyusha suddenly leaned to one side and retreated behind the fallen angel.

The fallen angel was too busy deflecting the rapid glimmers from Avatar's
sword that he did not notice Katyusha retreating behind him. He began to retreat
as well while blocking the incoming attacks, but before he could even take half
a step back, he sensed that something was wrong. There was someone blocking
his way behind him.

Katyusha did not deliberately block off his retreat. But under such
circumstances, a moment's hesitation could mean life or death.

He reacted immediately. "Get out of my way, Naga!"

At that moment, the fallen angel was caught between the storm of sword
glimmers in front of him and Katyusha, who had blocked off his retreat behind
him. The only thing he could do was continue keeping the sword glimmers of
death away from him as long as he could.

As long as he continued blocking the attacks, there was still a chance he would
be able to make it out of this alive. Otherwise, he would be cut to ribbons.

He tried to block off the attacks with all his might, but reality was a cruel thing.
In the span of a second, the fallen angel had blocked at least 30 attacks from
Avatar. However, the sword glimmers did not let up, and he had already
exhausted most of his strength.
An instant later, the sword attacks sliced through the fallen angel's body, turning
it into mincemeat.

Stormlord Parmese met the same fate as the fallen angel. With his nimbleness
greatly affected by his injured leg, Parmese's body was instantly chopped to
pieces by Avatar's onslaught.

The whirlwind of sword glimmers lasted for three minutes. Two Legendary
masters of the Army of Destruction had been torn to pieces in it. On the other
hand, Katyusha had hidden behind the fallen angel and was able to escape with
her life.

The three High Elves fared better than the rest of their party.

With the power of the Golden Tree Spirit's seed, Ariel was able to erect a sturdy
vine barrier, but the barrier only lasted for one second.

In that one second, the sturdy Golden Tree Spirit was instantly ground to fine
dust by Avatar's sword glimmers. However, before the attacks reached them,
Ariel and the others were able to set up a powerful magical barrier.

Under the magical barrier's protection, the three of them scattered, safely
evading Avatar's attack.

Avatar had used up all of his strength in his attack. He had faced six Legendary
masters on his own and was able to slay two of them. This was a feat worthy of
recognition throughout the continent.

But his enemy had no intention of leaving him alive even after accomplishing
such a feat.

After managing to survive Avatar's ambush, the three High Elves and Katyusha
proceeded to carry out a counterattack against him.

In an instant, Katyusha's Thorn of Fate, Ariel's World Impaler, Elovan and

Sonya's Black Gold Tree Spirit all came at Avatar at the same time.

All four them surrounded the Beastman King, blocking all his escape paths.
The Beastman was simply terrifying. His sword attacks had made everyone fear
for their very lives. After escaping his onslaught by the skin of their teeth, their
first reaction was to kill the Beastman immediately before he could do any more

However, Avatar was laughing.

He made no attempts to defend himself. The Beastman King simply remained in

place, laughing at the attacks that inched closer and closer towards his body by
the second. As he laughed, a white light suddenly engulfed his body. He then
faded away like a mere mirage.

A moment later, all four attacks converged on the same spot at the same time,
but their target had vanished into thin air.

Ariel shouted urgently, "Careful, it's an extremely powerful teleportation spell.

The one who's not yet revealed himself is a Spatial Magician!"

She then began to readjust her body, ready to intercept the Spatial Magician's

At that moment, she did not know that the Spatial Magician was Link himself.
Due to the fact that the power she had sensed was different from Link's, Ariel
only assumed that it had come from some unknown master.

Just as she shouted her warning, the Magician's attack came towards them at a
frightening speed that they could barely even react to it.

All four of them had come at Avatar in unison a moment ago, ready to kill him
where he stood. Though they had sensed the Magician's attack, they were
unable to pull back their attacks and readjust their bodies in time.

To a Legendary master, the length of time to readjust one's body in anticipation

of an enemy's attack was usually no more than a tenth of a second. It was a skill
ordinary people could not hope to master. Even among Legendary Magicians, it
was extremely difficult to grasp as Legendary spells required time to prepare.

Logically speaking, their enemy could not possibly follow up a teleportation

spell with such a powerful offensive spell so soon.
But the person they were up against was Link. Though his spells never hit hard,
they were fast.

"Not good!"

Warning bells were now ringing in her head. Without hesitation, Ariel cast
Moonlight on herself. She would not be able to survive her enemy's attack. Her
only option now was to flee.

But her movements were still too slow. Avatar was indeed frightening; his
flurry of slashes back then had given them no room to execute a counterattack.
But the person they were now facing was a hundred times more frightening than

Just as her Moonlight spell's protective layer began to take shape, a seemingly
normal steel sword appeared behind Ariel out of thin air. With a swift stroke, it
pierced directly through her heart.

Ariel's body trembled. Her eyes widened. Her heart had been stabbed. At that
moment, her internal energies were in a state of chaos, unable to put up any
resistance against foreign energies.

Shortly after, a rush of spatial power spread from her wound across her entire
body. She was instantly turned into a spatial statue, frozen completely on the

At that moment, she was neither dead nor alive.

The sword then disappeared. It reappeared in another corner and struck

Katyusha. She trembled at the moment of impact. Her heart was also stabbed,
and her internal energies were sent into disarray.

Spatial energy flowed out from the sword and easily locked her in place.

Seeing that Ariel and Katyusha were immobilized by the sword, Elovan and
Milose quickly tried to escape by dissipating into flashes of light.

But the two of them were no match for Link.

With two short hums, two sword tips appeared out of thin air and stabbed the
High Elves' light forms at the same time. Elovan and Milose were forced to
return to their physical forms. They fell out of the sky and landed on the ground,
throwing up blood.

As they were in their light forms, there were no visible wounds on both High
Elves. Still, the integrity of their bodies was damaged. For a short period of
time, they would not be able to fight back.

Link had landed the finishing blow on all four of them as they came at Avatar.
Though his method was a bit underhanded, it was still a means to an end. The
High Elves had a long history of fighting dirty anyway, so Link had no reason to
feel shameful for his actions.

Once Link had subdued all four, he strolled out of his hiding spot towards them.

Elovan and Milose were still conscious. When they saw Link, their eyes went
wide like saucers. They had no idea the one who had ambushed them was Link
himself since the power they had felt from him before was so different from the
Magician who had attacked them.

Despite knowing that there was a Magician hidden somewhere in the vicinity,
they had decided to attack Avatar in full force.

A normal Magician's attack was usually preceded by some obvious sign. It

would also not come as quickly as a Warrior's. At that moment, all four
members of the Army of Destruction were confident that they would be able to
react to it in time.

They did not expect to be ambushed by a Master Magician who was also well-
versed in the martial arts.

Elovan asked, "Link, do you really want to start a war between Ferde and the
Isle of Dawn?"

Milose added, "If you kill us here, are you not afraid that the Isle of Dawn and
the Army of Destruction will join forces against Ferde?"

Link smiled faintly. "Of course I'm scared. That's why you three are still alive."
The two High Elves looked at each other. Link had admitted that he was afraid
of the Isle of Dawn's retaliation, but still the smile did not leave his face. He did
not look at all afraid. Anyone looking at him then would be chilled to the bone.

Remaining silent for a few seconds, Elovan finally asked, "What do you want?"

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Chapter 565: Direct Breakdown from Torment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Golden Plains

Before Link could answer Elovan's question, another voice rang out. "Of course
we'll kill you all to avenge for my race!"

It was Avatar, the Beastman king.

He'd used up almost all his power in the last attack. Now, panting heavily, he
dragged the obsidian broadsword as he slowly walked out of the grass.

"You pointy-eared elves from the Isle of Dawn will do anything for your goal.
We are thousands of miles away from the Isle of Dawn but still angered you
somehow. Now, you've lost. I'll make you taste the most horrible punishment in
this world!"

When he finished, he was already beside Elovan and placed the sword on the
elf's neck.

The skin on Elovan's neck twitched, but he still kept staring at Link. "Ferde
Lord, don't forget that your territory is less than 500 miles from the Isle of
Dawn. You won't be able to keep this a secret. You will be declaring war on the
Isle of Dawn!"

Avatar scoffed. "This has nothing to do with Ferde. I'm the one killing you."
With that, he looked at Link. "Master, will you stop me?" he asked coldly.
Link shrugged. "I want to because that High Elf is right. This may very possibly
spark a war between Ferde and the Isle of Dawn. But seeing our relationship, I
can't force you to listen to me."

Knowing that Link agreed, Avatar chuckled. He applied pressure, and his blade
turned, glinting. With two sounds, Elovan's hands dropped from his body.

Avatar's cutting style was very unique. Rather than using the blade's sharpness
to cut off the hands, he used the reverberations of the sword's body to forcefully
rip the hands off the wrists.

It was impossible to imagine how painful such a method could be!

"Ow! Ahh!"

Elovan had wanted to show his courage, but his eyes almost popped out of their
sockets immediately. A gurgled cry left his throat.

Beside him, Milose heard it and shivered. He yelled to Link in panic, "Ferde
Lord, stop this Beastman!"

Link shook his head and gazed at Milose. "When Ariel chose to use the lives of
the human merchants to force me out, there was no more room for

With that, Link turned around, not wanting to see the tragic scene anymore. He
focused on casting the antidote spell for the merchants from thousands of feet

From here, one could see beams of silver moonlight falling from the sky and
entering all of them, driving away the poison.

They were all regular folks with the most powerful only at Level-4. Link didn't
use more than ten points of Realm Essence for each person. There were around
300 people, so it only cost around 3000 points. With his current power recovery
rate, he recovered fully within half a minute.

The entire process only took a minute.

During this minute, he kept hearing Elovan's distorted cries. He just pretended
not to hear them. When he finished and turned around, he saw that Elovan's
body was practically shattered. Avatar had ripped off his limbs by each joint.
Now, his one arm lay scattered on the ground in 20-some pieces.

He wasn't dead though. Seeing Link turn around, he immediately cried, "Lord!
Lord! I'm begging you to forgive me. Please forgive me. This is all Ariel's idea.
I'm just a follower, really. Please, save me…"

At the end, he actually started crying.

Beside him, Milose's eyes widened at this. He couldn't say anything. During
this, Elovan suffered physically, while Milose suffered psychologically with
every second. He knew that once Elovan was tortured to death, he would be
next. He almost went crazy when he thought of how this cruel fate would befall

Often times, being tortured wasn't the scariest. The worst part was the waiting.

This was worse for High Elves. Since birth, they'd lived on the peaceful Isle of
Dawn. They mostly came to the mainland after having powerful abilities.
Though they'd experienced some things, they were very rarely at a
disadvantage. They'd never had emotional trauma. Even if they'd gone through
hardships, they'd just grow a thicker skin.

Faced with this bloody scene, that skin had cracked. Elovan had broken down,
and Milose was close.

By now, Avatar was tired from it all. He'd been exhausted originally and now
broke Elovan's arms and legs into dozens of pieces. Panting heavily, he paused.

Seeing Elovan's teary and snotty face, a large portion of his anger was gone. He
stabbed his sword into the ground and rested against it. At the same time, he
scoffed coldly.

"I thought you were powerful, but I guess you're just some kids."

He glanced at Link. "Alright, I've vented my anger. Master, how do you prepare
to punish them?"
Link had already thought of it. Seeing how Elovan had broken down, he got
another idea. Of course, he couldn't say it aloud now.

He pointed in Mara City's direction. "They released the poison and have
infected almost the entire city. Thankfully, the poisoned Beastmen haven't
spread out due to the surrounding magic seal. We must cure them promptly, but
it's too slow with the two of us. We need their help."

Curing the poison was the most important task at hand.

Avatar was instantly enlightened. He hit his head in annoyance.

"I cut off this guy's hands and feet. Now we have one less person. It'll slow us

"It's alright. Broken bones can be reconnected."

Avatar didn't believe this. "They can be reconnected?"

So Link started using the Magician's Hand. First, he collected all the pieces of
limbs and arranged them in the right order. Next, he used the Magician's Hand
to connect them in the right shape.

Then, Link took out the Song of Tomorrow magic sword. He drew runes in the
air around the arm. He was so fast that the sword tip just quivered and countless
runes lit up in the air before sinking into the body parts.

Something miraculous happened. When the runes entered the arm, the bloody
marks at the cut faded, faded, and finally disappeared. The skin just melded
together like that.

But that wasn't all.

Link didn't stop and kept drawing runes. When he stopped after more than ten
minutes, Elovan's hands and feet had recovered their original appearance. The
only difference was that one could see many faint magic veins on the skin.

After that, Link said, "Stand up and try walking."

Elovan cautiously stood up. He stretched his arms, shook his feet, and walked
around. Then he said to Link, "Lord, there are no more problems."

As a fellow Magician, he was familiar with this spell. Technically, it came from
the flesh magic puppet spell of the High Elves. However, Link's spell for
making magic puppets had been developed to another level. He'd added many of
his own innovations too. For example, his feet and hands felt just like the
original. This was something the High Elf spell couldn't do.

Of course, there were still side effects. The biggest one was that he couldn't add
Natural Power to his extremities anymore. After influence from great power, his
power might even stop working.

Avatar made noises of appreciation. He'd fully witnessed the power of

Magicians today.

As a king, today's experiences made him realize how important magic was. A
race that didn't know magic might be eliminated, but his race barely had any

My race must have our own Magicians, he thought. Shamans aren't enough.
Otherwise, if something like this happens again, would I have to ask for help
outside again?

On the other hand, Link obviously didn't know what Avatar was thinking.
Looking to Milose, he asked, "What about you? Do you need King Avatar to
pick apart your limbs and then come help or help now?"

Milose scrambled up from the ground. "I'll help now. I'll help now."

"Oh, you're very smart." Chuckling, Link said, "Then let's start."

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Chapter 566: Do You Think It’s Safe?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The four hurried over to Mara City.

Elovan and Milose were at the front. Link and Avatar followed behind them.
Link was empty-handed while Avatar had Ariel and Katyusha's statues in each
hand as he walked beside Link.

The four were extremely fast. Three minutes later, they stood before the sturdy
dirt wall of Mara City. Here, Link told the two High Elves, "Let's start."

The High Elves were scared of Link now, so they were very obedient. Since
Link wanted them to detoxify the poison, they started casting spells
immediately. They were responsible for the poison, so they were much more
efficient than Link.

The two Legendary High Elves released a fog spell together that covered the
entire city. The light of this spell swept over Mara City like a broom and cured
all Beastmen within. Even those who had been badly poisoned and had gone
insane recovered as well. The only side effects were that they were weak and
needed to rest for a while.

The recently-cured Beastmen touched their heads, standing in place dazedly.

They didn't know what had happened. After a while, shocked cries came from
all over. Clearly, people were scared by the corpses scattered on the ground.

Of course, these were all unimportant details.

Seeing that there were no major problems, Avatar urged, "Many people escaped
outside the city. We need to cure them too."

Elovan and Milose both nodded. Natural Power surged within them; they were
about to turn into light and fly out to cure the poisoned.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Avatar reminded, "Don't think about
escaping. Your Princess Ariel is still in our hands."

Hearing this, Link smiled. He pointed at the two and two tiny dots of light sank
into them. "Remember," he said, "this is a curse."
The two High Elves shuddered involuntarily. Then, without a sound, they
transformed into emerald light and split apart to find and help the individual

Avatar watched them leave from the city wall. "What do you plan to do with
them?" he asked Link.

"What do you mean?" Link asked in return.

"Of course I'll kill them one by one. They're disgusting, especially the three
High Elves. I wish I could chop them up to feed to the dogs!" Avatar huffed.
But after he said that, his tone changed and he looked to Link. "However, you
did more to catch them, so you can decide how to punish the captives. I'll agree
with whatever you decide. But to be fair, you should also give me the equivalent

This was indeed fair, and Link agreed completely. Smiling, he said, "In that
case, I want all four. They will be important bargaining chips in my battle with
the Isle of Dawn."

Killing them directly was satisfying, but other than venting his anger, there
weren't any practical benefits. As a lord, he couldn't choose this option.

If these four were still alive, Ferde would gain greatly either by holding them
hostage or using them to exchange with the Isle of Dawn.

With that, Link looked to Avatar and asked, "So, Your Majesty, what would you
like to receive from me?"

Avatar sank into deep thought.

Before, he knew that magic was powerful, but he'd always thought that the
Beastman Shamans were enough. He'd thought that they could fight against
Magicians. But after today, he discovered that when a spell reached a certain
point, a Shaman would be helpless.

Divine spells were powerful, but they were actually still the weakest ones. They
weren't a match for the truly strong at all. Thus, Avatar discovered that the
Beastmen needed true magic.
Thinking of this, Avatar said, "My race needs Magicians—Beastman Magicians
who truly belong to us. But you know that we have no magic foundation, so I
need Ferde to provide tutors for us."

"Oh?" Link looked at Avatar a bit strangely. "Magic is a very difficult study. If
you want it to be effective, it will take at least five years. During this, a
Magician's tuition is at least 5000 gold coins…"

Avatar shrugged. "I need to train at least 200 Beastman Magicians. Just follow
what you said and let them study for five years. As for tuition… We don't have
money. Just count it as the benefits I got from this time."

Link chuckled wryly. "That's one million gold coins suddenly. Your Majesty,
you're really asking for a lot… I can only train 100, no more."

"Master, you received four Legendary fighters this time," Avatar insisted. "You
can't buy this with money. Two hundred, no more, no less, no discussion."

Link thought and gave in a little. "Here, let's not talk about the specific number
of apprentices and only discuss the specific cost. In five years, I'll prove one
million gold coins for Beastman apprentices to study magic until you use it up.
As for how many students you wish to send, you can choose."

This suggestion was not bad. Avatar calculated in his mind and thought it was
cost-efficient. This way, he could send many Beastmen with magic talent to
Ferde. He could spend more money on those who were better talented and less
on the others. His race's coffers weren't completely empty. If the one million
was used up, he could still pay some ten thousand coins. By then, he would use
his own money to support the extraordinarily talented.

After a few years, his race would have their own Magicians. It wouldn't be
much in the beginning, but with the seed planted, it will grow naturally.

Thinking of this, Avatar had already agreed to Link's suggestion. But since they
were discussing conditions, he still had to ask for more. "One million isn't
enough. At least 1.5 million."

"One point one million, nothing more." That was 10,000 more gold coins and
could feed so many mouths. Link obviously wanted to give less if possible.
"One point four. I won't do it if it's less!" Avatar gave in a bit, but he wasn't




"1.25… ah, you're scamming me."

"Okay, then 1.25 million."

"1.3!" Avatar huffed.

"Alright, alright," Link acquiesced. "Let's take the average. How about 1.27?"

Avatar was still annoyed, but if they really kept arguing, it was just the
difference of a few ten thousand. Beastmen were naturally coarse, and he was
too lazy to argue anymore. "Master, then let's do 1.27 million. But I think you're
better as an evil merchant."

Link laughed loudly. "Okay, after I return to Ferde, I'll send Magicians to
choose some talented youths and take them to Ferde. All travel costs will be on
Ferde. What do you think?"

"That's better. But can't adults go learn?" Avatar didn't want to send children.
These guys didn't have set personalities yet. If they lived in somewhere like
Ferde for too long, they might not want to come back.

Link chuckled and shrugged. "Adults are fine, of course, but their bodies are set
already. The various magic training won't be very effective. Their minds are set
too and lack creativity. Even if they can learn spells, they won't become very
accomplished. Your Majesty, if you fear that the children will forget the plains,
you can send Warriors to teach them the traditions."

He made sense. Avatar thought hard and couldn't find any problems. He finally
nodded. "Good. Let's do that."

Coming to an agreement, the four Legendary captives now belonged to Link.

After that, the two started talking about the alliance and went through another
round of bargaining. Finally, Avatar agreed to take 100,000 elite Warriors
northward. The requirement was that the humans must provide all food needed
and 10,000 sets of equipment equal to what Norton's official soldiers had.

Undoubtedly, this was a huge cost for the humans, but they desperately needed
Beastman power. Link gritted his teeth and agreed.

Done with that, the two stayed at the city wall for another hour. Then Elovan
and Milose hurried back.

"How are things?" Link asked.

Elovan quickly replied, "Everyone is cured, and the rivers are cleaned. No one
should get poisoned again."

Avatar glared. "What if someone does?"

Elovan hurriedly took out a big bottle of dark red potion. There was around a
liter. "Your Majesty, this is the antidote. You just need to put a drop in a bowl
of clean water and have the poisoned drink it. They will recover fully."

Avatar accepted it, satisfied. He pointed at Link. "Okay, you don't have
anything to do with me anymore. You two are the Ferde lord's captives. He'll
punish you."

Hearing this, Elovan and Milose were relieved. This was great. That Beastman
was too barbaric and illogical. It was much easier to deal with Link. From what
they knew, Link didn't torture captives. If they went with him to Ferde, they
could definitely live well. Then, when the Isle of Dawn heard of what happened,
they would rescue them.

They would be able to escape this place.

The two immediately went to Link's side, staying away from Avatar.

Avatar looked at them with scorn and sneered. "Little lambs who aren't even
fully grown, you're lucky you're alive!"

With that, he said to Link, "Master, I'll go arrange the soldiers now."
"Go. I must return to Ferde too. Say hi to Holun for me." Link smiled. Holun
was a warlord, but he had a candid personality and was easier to communicate
with than Avatar.

Avatar could feel that Link was happier when he mentioned Holun. "I will. He
always talks about you."

Link nodded. White light flashed around him. Under this light, Link, the two
High Elves, and two statues disappeared together. An instant later, the five
appeared tens of thousands of miles away.

Here, Link's face darkened, and his lips curled up. Sneering, he looked at
Elovan and Milose. "Gentlemen, you think you can return to the Isle of Dawn
now, right?"

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Chapter 567: Conquer Some, Destroy Some

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Woo, woo. The wind on the plains at night was like a ghost's wail. The
moonlight was ghastly pale in the sky, illuminating the world with cold light
and turning it into a ghost region. All the animals were quiet because of the
seemingly repressive atmosphere. There was no noise.

After Link uttered that phrase, Elovan's heart skipped a beat. His eyes flew to
Link, and then he lowered his head, gripping his World Tree magic wand.
"Lord," he mumbled, "how do you prepare to punish us?"

Milose hadn't been tortured, so he was in a better state of mind than Elovan. It
had been many hours since the horrible torture; he'd recovered greatly. Hearing
Link's words, he inhaled sharply. "Link, you're the lord of Ferde. You can
punish us if you think we've committed something bad, but you should still
consider the interests of Ferde, right?"
Link nodded. "You're right. I indeed must consider the interests of Ferde. That
is why I can't let you return to the Isle of Dawn."

"You want to kill us?" Milose paled.

"That's not the best plan." Link shook his head. With that, he smiled at Elovan.
"If I remember correctly, you're from a commoner family in the Isle of Dawn.
Your father is a minor official while your mother died while giving birth to you.
That is why your father has hated you since your birth. He thinks you're the
physical incarnate of bad luck, is that right?"

Elovan nodded silently.

His background wasn't difficult to investigate. Once he entered the Legendary

level, it was like entering the spotlight. Anyone who wanted to know his past
only had to spend some money. Link was the lord of a wealthy territory. It was
extremely easy if he wanted to know these things.

Reminded by Link, Elovan couldn't help but think of his past. When he was
little, he would be beaten and punished by his father for no reason. At eight
years old, he was forced out of his home. No matter how he cried and screamed,
it was to no avail.

If the old Magician in the village didn't adopt him, if he didn't display high
magic talent, he would definitely be part of the Isle of Dawn's lowest class.

Seeing Elovan sink into deep thought, Link turned to Milose. "As for you, your
bloodline isn't that pure. You have a tinge of human of blood given by your
great-grandmother. Because of that, you've always been marginalized. It doesn't
matter how excellent you are…In reality, this is the same for your father and
grandfather, right?"

This hit Milose's weak spot. He also lowered his head in silence.



Get out of the Isle of Dawn!

These were the phrases he'd heard the most. Whenever he had a conflict with
someone else, High Elves would insult him, either to his face or behind his
back. Whenever he heard these words, it would feel like someone stabbing his
chest with a knife. It felt horrible.

Then Link gazed at Princess Ariel's spatial seal statue and smiled. "Look at this
one, the noble elven princess. She isn't as powerful as you two, she isn't as
skilled as you two, but just because of her status, she received the powerful
World Impaler. Look at the magic bracelet on her wrist and the beautiful magic
robe on her body. Tsk, so enviable."

With that, Link suddenly turned to the wand in Milose's hand. "Hmm, you
actually treasure a wand made from a twig. The Mana inside that wand is as
messy as a pile of trash."

That really hit Milose hard. Even though they were all from the World Tree, the
branches had different qualities too. His wand indeed had the lowest quality of
the four Legendary Magicians. His hand retracted subconsciously, hiding the
wand that Link had insulted.

Link chuckled. "You can hide the wand, but you can't hide your robe. Your
robe…tsk, it's only for an elite Magician, right? I thought Legendary Magicians
should wear the Wild Robe that Sonya and Elovan have. Why are you wearing a
Natural Robe? Did no one tell you or did they not make it for you yet?

Milose's face reddened. Link was right. Of the five new Legendary Magicians,
only he was still wearing a Natural Robe. It was difficult to make a Wild Robe,
so only one was made per month. He was last in line.

This wasn't that bad, but after Link pointed it out, he felt humiliated.

"No, it's just not my turn yet. It's not—"

"Oh, it's not your turn yet. So why are you last?"

"I…" Milose couldn't reply. He knew the reason—it was because of his

After that, Link turned to Elovan. Even though he had a pure bloodline, he
didn't have a powerful family. His treatment wasn't any better.
"You're wearing a Wild Robe, but it just feels weird for some reason. Oh, they
really slacked off when making it. Look, you also have the Natural Guidance
spell, but your guidance rate is only 70%. Ariel's is 98%. Compared to hers,
yours is just a rag."

"Ariel is a princess," Elovan refuted weakly.

"Oh, she's a princess. A princess is so high-class!"

Here, Link suddenly undid the spatial seal on Princess Ariel. Time started acting
on her body again. Link had stabbed her heart. A strong figure wouldn't die
from it, but it was still a heavy injury.

Once the seal was undone, Ariel collapsed onto the ground. Her body was limp
and powerless.

Link cast a dragon recovery spell for her, managing to heal her wound and keep
her alive. However, she still couldn't move. Any movement would cause
extreme pain.

She scanned Link, Elovan, and Milose. Link had a cold sneer, Elovan looked
downtrodden and weak, and Milose's face had a fury that even he didn't realize
he had.

Ariel was smart. She knew immediately that things would go bad now. These
two High Elves would probably turn towards Ferde.

She opened her mouth to speak, but she felt her tongue go numb. Something
restrained her. Other than "ah," she couldn't say anything else.

Link activated the Magician's Hand, and Ariel's World Impaler flew to him.
Then he gave it to Milose. "Take it and stab Ariel's chest in one move!"

Milose gaped. He reached out but didn't dare accept the World Impaler. "No, I
can't. I can't do that. I'll die!"

If he did it, he would never be able to turn back and return to the Isle of Dawn.

Link scoffed. "Oh, so you can live if you don't do it?"

Milose winced. He looked up at Link to see that his hand was already on his
sword. He knew Link. He knew Link had top-tier swordsmanship and magic.
With their close distance, Link could kill him and Elovan in an instant.

They wouldn't even be able to fight back.

Should he die now?

Or kill Ariel, join Ferde, and fight for a chance to live?

It wasn't even a choice.

Trembling, Milose took the World Impaler. Grasping it with both hands, he
moved towards the struggling Ariel.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Ariel screamed with her eyes wide open. Her movements were too big and
opened her wound many times. Link was forced to heal her a bit so she wouldn't
die halfway through.

Finally, Milose got to Ariel and pressed the sword tip to her chest… Then he
relaxed his hold. Due to gravity, the sharp sword pierced Ariel's chest, nailing
her to the ground.

Link recorded this entire process with a Memory Crystal.

After Milose was done, he said to Elovan, "You too. Stab her."

Elovan had already given up. He was willing to do anything to live and was
more resolute than Milose. He walked over, yanked out the World Impaler,
aimed at Ariel's heart, and stabbed down.

"Uh." Ariel twitched violently. Grasping the sword hilt, she gaped at Elovan.

Now, she realized that her tongue wasn't restrained anymore. She could speak.
Voice rough, she said, "Why?"

It could be said that Milose had been forced, but Elovan had done it without
hesitation. He'd decided on joining Ferde.
Elovan didn't reply. He pulled out the World Impaler and turned to Milose.
"Milose, I belong to Ferde now. What about you?"

The sword in Elovan's hand dripped with blood as he spoke. It was as if he

could kill Milose if needed too.

Milose had no way back. He stepped forward, grabbed the World Impaler, and
raised it. He stabbed through Ariel's forehead, nailing this talented High Elf
princess to the ground.

Then he said, "Me too."

He'd thought it through.

Technically, Milose was a half-elf. He knew that Ferde had a half-elf with a
high position too. That guy was called Eliard.

Since Eliard could accomplish that, why couldn't he? In Ferde, he had
opportunities that he would never have in the Isle of Dawn!

Link chuckled. He waved, and the World Impaler jumped out of Ariel's
forehead. Her corpse ignited too. It burned to ashes in the fire and blew away
with the wind.

Link could control Milose and Elovan, so he chose to take them in. Princess
Ariel was a top talent. She hadn't matured fully, but she would definitely
become a terrifying Magician in the future.

Link wasn't confident he could control someone like that, so he chose to destroy

He still had one more captive—the Naga, Katyusha.

He'd thought of a way to deal with her too. However, he didn't have the needed
method of control. For this, he had to return to Ferde and brainstorm with the
core Magicians.

"Alright, my companions, let us return to Ferde. Once there, you must change
your appearance and identity for safety."
"Yes, Lord."

Elovan and Milose saluted to Link.

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Chapter 568: Ferde Lord, Prepare to Pay

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

One day later, Link brought Elovan, Milose, and Katyusha's statue to Ferde's
border. By now, Elovan and Milose's appearances had changed greatly.

First of all, their pointy ears were gone. Link had used a flesh magic puppet
spell to round them and change their faces.

High Elves were all very attractive. Even Milose, who was plain amongst High
Elves, was above average amongst humans. Now, they looked completely like
common men.

If not for their Natural Magic auras, no one would be able to tell they were High
Elves from their appearances.

When they got to the border, Link cast a transmission spell to avoid alerting the
soldiers. Under white flashes, the group appeared within the main Mage Tower.

Just as the two High Elves steadied themselves, their hearts jumped. They
sensed the magic aura coming out of the Mage Tower. It was majestic, deep,
and heavy. They felt like they were facing an unshakeable mountain.

Before, they didn't think much of human Mage Towers by instinct. With their
magic knowledge, they thought that they would definitely be at the top level.
They obviously couldn't beat Link, but they could still be second or third.

Now, they weren't as confident.

Even more shocking, it wasn't just the Mage Tower that looked majestic. The
entire Scorched City was shocking. It was filled with a warm aura like sunlight.
It was strange.

This "sunlight" was omnipresent in the Mage Tower and outside in Scorched
City. Especially to the north of the city where the sunlight aura was abnormally
dense—they could even feel the heat.

Sunlight was warm, but when an immense amount of warmth was gathered
together, it would become a sun with unlimited power. There was a sun like that
burning in the northern part of the city!

Shock was written in Elovan's features. He asked without thinking, "Lord,

what's with the north?"

The Isle of Dawn had always paid attention to Ferde, and they thought that they
were knowledgeable in Ferde's basic situation. However, they couldn't sense
this aura. From the outside, nothing special seemed to have happened other than
the new buildings they'd built.

But now, he saw an entirely different Ferde in the Mage Tower.

"The military camp is in the North," Link said, chuckling. All of Ferde's power
was covered by the Mage Tower. The only place they could see the entire city
was in the Mage Tower.

"Military camp?" Elovan flinched. He seemed to understand something and was

instantly shaken. Not only did they need a lot of people to create such a
convergence of power, but they also needed many strong figures. They needed
at least 5000 soldiers over Level-6 to create a scene like this.

If they had 5000 Level-6 soldiers, it meant that Ferde now had an entirely new
type of power.

He'd interacted with Eliard before and felt the pure and warm aura inside the
other. At that time, he'd only thought that Eliard was the exception. He didn't
think that Ferde's power had reached this level.

At first, he thought he'd only won a chance to survive by joining Ferde. Now,
things seemed much better than he'd expected.
Judging from Ferde's current display of power, they still weren't a match for the
Isle of Dawn. It didn't mean they had no chance though. Plus, humans had a
great population. This was a huge potential. After a few years, Ferde's power
would reach an unthinkable level.

Originally, Elovan had been forced to join Ferde. Now, he saw huge hope. With
this hope, he was practically willing to be loyal.

Then he turned to his companion Milose. The other was clearly thinking the
same thing. When he turned, Milose had also turned towards him. He saw shock
and respect in Milose's eyes.

During this time, Link had still been walking forward. The two followed in his
footsteps until Link stopped before a magic portal door.

"It's Evelina's Mage Tower up ahead."

Evelina was the first High Elf to join Ferde. Elovan and Milose had been scared,
but after hearing Evelina's name, they became calmer. At the same time, they
also had complicated feelings.

Link never admitted that Evelina was in Ferde, but everyone knew, so Elovan
and Milose didn't find this surprising.

After opening the portal door, the three stepped in. The scenery changed and
they reappeared in a hallway of a totally different style.

The two walls were made of wood with flowing veins. There was the fragrance
of wood and grass in the air. A long-tailed green robin perched on one of the
lights on the wall. After seeing them, the robin said with a feminine voice,
"Welcome, welcome."

The decorations were completely elven.

Another part of Elovan and Milose were reassured. Link continued leading them
all the way to Evelina's room. Then he knocked on the door. "Master Evelina,
are you here?"

The reply came quickly. "I'm here, Lord. What's wrong?"

At the same time, the door creaked open. Evelina was sitting before a large
table, her hands were playing with an Ethereal Crystal. She was making
Ethereal equipment.

"I'm sorry. You worked hard these days, but I found two helpers for you." Link
moved to the side, revealing Elovan and Milose behind him.

Seeing them, Evelina felt for their auras and was horribly shocked. "Elovan,
Milose, why are you here?"

The two High Elves felt awkward. They didn't know what to say.

Link felt like he was extra here and left Evelina to take care of everything. "I
think," he said, "it's better for you three to talk amongst yourselves. I'll go rest

As soon as he finished, white light flashed around him, and he disappeared from
the room.

Evelina pushed down her shock and waved, closing the wooden door. Then she
used the Magician's Hand to place two chairs across the table.

"Sit and tell me what exactly happened."

Milose and Elovan walked up. Milose was still reserved as before while Elovan
was always the leader, so he was the one to speak this time as well.

"I…" He opened his mouth but then realized that he didn't know what to say. He
had some worries. He was afraid that if he said too much and Link heard, he
would bring trouble.

This often happened on the Isle of Dawn. There wasn't any torture or
punishment, but if you said the wrong thing, you would be banished to the
fringe of society. You wouldn't be respected your entire life because the Isle of
Dawn didn't lack talents.

It was useless even if they reached the Legendary level because there were
handfuls of youths that had the same potential. Within three months, there
would be at least five Magicians who would reach the Legendary level.
Evelina had lived in the Isle of Dawn for many years. She obviously knew
Elovan's worries. Waving her hand, she said, "Don't worry. No one will
eavesdrop. You can speak freely with me."

Milose was shocked. He couldn't help but say, "The Ferde lord trusts you that
much? What if we plot betrayal?"

Elovan had the same suspicions. In his opinion, Link had said he would leave,
but he must be hiding in the shadows. He would eavesdrop on them to see if
they were honest. This was common on the Isle of Dawn.

Evelina covered her mouth and chuckled. "Betray? Do you dare?" she asked in

"I was just saying. Don't take it seriously," Milose explained hurriedly. He was
afraid too.

Evelina shook her head. "Don't worry. This isn't the Isle of Dawn. Here, no one
has the time to eavesdrop. As for grouping together to plot betrayal, it's even
more impossible. The system within the Mage Tower makes it impossible."

"Oh, what do you mean?" Elovan was interested.

Smiling, Evelina raised her voice slightly and said, "Lily, explain to these
country bumpkins."

Lily was the Mage Tower's tower spirit. As soon as Evelina finished, a gentle
female voice said, "A strict surveillance system operates within the Mage
Tower. All magic items must be on record. All Magicians, including manager
Master Link, who use magic items, will be recorded. By checking the flow of
items, one can deduct the user's intentions. If someone uses too many dangerous
items, the Magician will be marked as a 'dangerous figure' and be placed under
more scrutiny. If…"

Lily's explanation was very detailed. The system was strict and had no
loopholes at all. It was clearly complicated, but because most steps were run by
the tower spirit, it was actually quite simple in reality.

When Lily finished, the two Magicians were mostly clear.

Smiling, Evelina said, "See? The system ensures that you can't do anything big.
Even if you discuss for your entire life, you won't have the weapons."

Without the help of magic equipment, a Legendary Magician might not even be
the match of a fully-equipped Level-9 Magician. They wouldn't be able to do

"But I can still stab the lord in the back when we work together. He can't
prevent a sudden accident, right?" Milose asked.

Evelina nodded. "Indeed, he can't prevent it. But let me ask again, do you dare?"

Elovan and Milose met eyes and shook their heads.

Elovan's reaction was even more obvious. When Evelina asked, he shuddered
slightly. He'd thought of the torture on the plains again. He never wanted to be
reminded of that painful experience ever again.

They really didn't dare.

The more one interacted with Link, the more terrifying he became. It seemed
that his magic would improve a lot whenever they met. They had no clue what
power or tricks he had.

Just the thought of fighting him appearing in Elovan's mind scared him, let
alone actually doing it.

Evelina casually pushed the Ethereal Crystal to the side of the table and brought
over a cup of elven honey tea for her old companions. "You two were most
likely forced to join Ferde," she said. "I'd love to know what Master Link did to
make you so obedient."

Elovan and Milose fell silent. After a long while, they started to speak at the
same time and then stopped again. Finally, Elovan murmured, "He made us kill
Princess Ariel."

"What? Ariel died?!" Evelina was shocked.

The two nodded and then remained silent.

After a long while, Evelina sighed. "Now, Firuman will have trouble again."

Almost at the same time, in the palace on the Isle of Dawn, a High Elf
messenger brought a confidential letter to the queen. She opened it and paled
drastically, unable to even grip the paper. She tottered unsteadily and leaned
against the wall.

"My daughter!" she murmured, tears rolling down her shining cheeks.

She had three children—two daughters and one son. Milda was the eldest
daughter, and Ariel was the second. Now, Milda was somewhere in Aragu while
Ariel was dead. All of this had to do with Link.

Ferde Lord, prepare to pay! She turned and sped to the High Elf Elder Council.

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Chapter 569: There’s Somewhere This Magical in the World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ferde Mage Tower

Evelina started planning the treatment of her two brethren after communicating
with Elovan and Milose.

She was now a core Magician in the Ferde Mage Tower. Her authority was
second only to Link, and also she had the powerful tower spirit Lily's help. She
could do all this by herself.

After a flurry of activity, she gave two identical plain metal rings to the two

"Put it on."

"What is it?" Elovan took the ring and studied it carefully. No matter how he
looked, the ring seemed ordinary. There weren't many runes on it either. It was
just like a normal metal ring.
But Ferde's magic equipment was quite famous. They were known for their fine
appearance and stable power. Why did they give such a plain magic ring?

Milose couldn't believe it. He flipped it around, trying to find something from
the ring.

Evelina smiled. "No need to look. This is just a regular ring. It's known as the
Ferde Black Ring, used to show your status in the Mage Tower. The only good
thing about it is that it has Level-10 ordinary authority. It lets you use a portion
of Level-10 magic power within the tower."

"Ordinary authority? Level-10 magic power? What's that?" Milose asked. While
speaking, his eyes went to Evelina's hand.

Evelina also had a ring, but it was made of precious Thorium and had a crystal
red gem. Fiery light flowed through the entire ring. It was beautiful.

Compared to hers, their black rings were like trash.

Touching her ring, Evelina said proudly, "Mine represents my status too.
However, mine is called, 'Master Magician's Burn Mark.' It has the complete
Level-10 authority. It can activate some Level-11 defensive spells, a portal spell
of at least five miles, and a Level-11 Destructive Beam. In Ferde, only the lord's
ring is more powerful than mine."

Milose was jealous. "What's the use of a complete Level-10 authority?"

"Use? Of course it's useful. For example, before you accumulate enough magic
points to upgrade your ring to the Master Magician level, I'll be in charge of
your power…"

Elovan heard one word. "Wait, wait, you said you could upgrade the ring?

Unexpectedly, Evelina stretched and drawled, "I'm tired now and don't want to
talk anymore. If you want to know, ask the tower spirit, Lily."

As soon as she finished, the door creaked open. She picked up the Ethereal
Crystal on the table and started making magic equipment again.
She was obviously telling them to leave.

Milose was annoyed. "Evelina, what are you doing? We're—"

Evelina's expression changed. "Watch your language, Magician," she said

coldly. "This room is my private territory. Even the lord has to knock and
receive my permission to enter. Now, turn around, leave, and go back to your

Milose was furious at her attitude. But before he could speak, he heard
footsteps. Turning, he saw Elovan. The other elf was hurrying towards the door
as if he had something urgent to do.

But what could he do? Milose was curious and hurried after him. He thought of
Evelina's words about upgrading the ring and magic points… Wait, Evelina was
so arrogant now because she had the Master Magician's Burn Mark. Could he
also achieve that level by following her method?

Could he become a core figure of Ferde—someone truly in the top class?

Thinking of this, Milose's heart started pounding. Elovan had left the room and
was about to disappear from his vision. Feeling urgent, Milose didn't feel like
arguing with Evelina anymore. He followed Elovan out of the room.

Watching the two disappear at the end of the hall, Evelina shook her head. Two
more Magicians will become obsessed now.

She closed the door and focused on making Ethereal equipment again.

Since Ariel was dead, the Isle of Dawn would definitely get the news. They
wouldn't let it go. Ferde must accumulate more power!

As for whether they would win or not, Evelina was absolutely confident. The
process would be difficult, but Ferde would definitely win in the end. Even
Ariel, who she'd thought would never fail since childhood, had died in Link's
hands. Who else in the Isle of Dawn was his match?

On the other hand, Elovan had returned to his room.

This room was on the fourth floor of the Mage Tower. It wasn't big or small. It
was around 120 square feet and was equipped with all the necessary furniture.

According to what Evelina had said, as long as he didn't disturb Ferde's safety,
everything in the room belonged to him. Even the lord had no right to forcefully
search him.

Evelina shouldn't lie to him. The Ferde Lord's actions when entering Evelina's
room earlier had proved her words.

Thinking of this, Elovan was slightly reassured. As a High Elf suddenly

becoming a member of the enemy and entering their Mage Tower, he was
understandably anxious. Now, he had a private place that belonged to himself. It
wasn't big, but it helped relax him greatly.

After closing the door, Elovan composed himself. Following what Evelina had
said, he found the portal to the signet in the room. It was on the wall, on the
pendant of a pretty woman's painting.

He pressed his ring against the gem and asked, "Lily, are you here?"

The profile floated out of the wall and expanded into a realistic three-
dimensional image. She had a gentle motherly smile. "I'm here, aster."

Elovan was intrigued and circled the image. He found that, if he didn't witness it
being made, he wouldn't be able to tell that this wasn't a real person.

Such a detailed illusion, he praised inwardly. The gentle woman made him
comfortable. "I want to know everything about magic points and upgrading the
ring," he said.

"Understood. Please listen carefully…"

Lily started reciting the specific rules for upgrading in the Mage Tower. She
was very detailed. Of course, because they were simple rules, it was also boring.

However, Elovan listened seriously, not letting a single word pass by.

He was a commoner and had no background in the Isle of Dawn. He went

through the levels purely by virtue of his talent. This entire way, he'd
experienced all the good and bad of humanity. He couldn't explain the feeling to

At first, he thought all of Firuman was like this. At first, he thought the Isle of
Dawn was a peaceful heaven. Even though there were bad parts, it was 100
times better than the messy mainland. But now, he suddenly realized that there
was a place as miraculous as Ferde.

The lord was actually willing to give his authority to a tower spirit. He was
actually willing to create rules to restrain himself. This was incomprehensible,
but it made Elovan feel a burning desire inside.

As Lily explained steadily, that desire burned hotter and hotter. After a full
hour, Lily finished, and Elovan worked to compose himself.

"So you mean I can upgrade my metal ring into the Master Magician mark,
enter the top level of Ferde, and become a core Magician?" he asked softly.

Lily nodded. "Of course. You only need sufficient magic points."

"Then please give me missions!" Elovan said immediately. He couldn't wait any

He knew Ferde was wealthy and had a great amount of precious magic material.
He knew that Ferde's enchantments were very advanced. The Golden Rune
Workshop's fame had surpassed the Isle of Dawn. He also heard that Ferde's
alchemy was unique in its attainments. Recently, they also created a useful
potion. They seemed to be catching up to the Isle of Dawn.

All in all, Ferde wasn't much weaker than the Isle of Dawn. If he could become
a core Magician in such a magic paradise, he could receive much more than
struggling in the Isle of Dawn!

In that case, why should he still think about the Isle of Dawn?

In that case, why shouldn't he work on moving forward?

"Thank you, Lily," Elovan said. "Show me the missions available for my level."
Now, he didn't have any unwillingness left. He was completely willing to stay in

In the other room, Milose was feeling similarly. Because of his bloodline, he'd
been discriminated against much more than Elovan. Now, that didn't exist
anymore. He immediately found the motivation to advance.

At this time, Link and Eliard were in the main tower. They faced the Katyusha's
spatial seal statue.

"No, this is too hard. Her soul is very powerful—more so than most of us. We
can't wipe her memory without damage, let alone add command orders using
hypnotization." Eleanor shook her head. She couldn't do it.

Link had wanted to wipe Katyusha's memory and add the command order used
for magic puppets. This way, she would become Ferde's battle puppet.

Katyusha was a Warrior genius and had the Spear of Victory. She was a fatal
weapon. If Ferde could use her, the territory would have another ace card.

"Then we'll think of a way," Link said. No matter how hard something was,
they'd just have to think of a solution.

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Chapter 570: We Need Power (1/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Isle of Dawn, royal courtyard of the High Elves, Andwar

There was a clear brook behind the palace under the World Tree. It was called
the Brook of Tranquility. The water was always clear, its flow gentle. At night,
the whole brook would shine with an ethereal glow under the moonlight.

Palm-sized flowers floated on the water's surface. A soft purple glow radiated
from every flower. Soft tinkling sounds rang out from them like wind chimes.
The sound was clear and pleasing to the ear, and anyone who heard it would
have all their worries and emotional turmoil melt away.

On that day, ten High Elf Elders were by the brook with the High Elf Queen.
She was holding a flower that shone with a golden glow. She slowly walked to
the brook, knelt down and placed the flower on the water.

The water flowed on, carrying the flower with it. Its golden glow began to form
the image of a young High Elf woman in the middle of the flower. It was Ariel.
She was holding a long, narrow sword in her hand. She danced and brandished
her sword in the middle of the flower, repeating the same form without any hint
of exhaustion.

The flower floated off into the distance along the brook.

The queen saw the flower off till it finally disappeared into the hazy moonlight.

A breeze was blowing, and she shrank back against the cold wind.

A middle-aged High Elf man with white sideburns came to her side and put a
green cape over her shoulders. He muttered, "My love, Ariel is now finally at
rest. Let's go back."

The man was the queen's husband, King Mordena. He was also one of the
masters in High Elf society who had chosen to live as a total recluse.

Most people believed that Bryant was the most powerful master among the High
Elves. This was not entirely wrong. In terms of sheer power, Bryant, who
possessed Level-12 power, undoubtedly was the most powerful High Elf in the
Isle of Dawn. However, in terms of magical knowledge and actual competence
on the battlefield, Bryant's number one status might not be as secure as one
would be led to think.

During his youth, Mordena had been the most prominent High Elf prodigy.
Back then, Bryant had looked up to him and had sworn that he would someday
be a pillar of High Elf society just like Mordena.

It was because of this that, despite his modest upbringing, Mordena had caught
the High Elf Queen's fancy, who at that time was still just a princess in the royal
palace. The two fell in love and soon were married to each other.
Ever since then, Mordena had stood in the queen's shadow, maintaining a low
profile till he faded away from the consciousness of the outside world. 30 years
had passed since. Even the High Elves nowadays would be hard-pressed to
remember Mordena's glory days.

Despite living as a recluse, Mordena never abandoned his magical training. No

one knew just how powerful he had gotten. This was because no one had seen
the fruits of his training with their own eyes for the last 30 years.

The only thing people could sense from Mordena was the power within his
body. Though he had already reached Level-11, Mordena usually kept his
power hidden deep within him. Upon meeting him in person, normal Magicians
would have the impression that they were facing a vast ocean stretching out into
the horizon.

The queen did not try to put up a brave face in front of her husband. After
putting on the cape, she turned around and leaned her forehead against his chest.
She began to weep silently.

Mordena did not speak a word as he patted the queen's back. He said
consolingly, "Everything will be alright, Your Highness."

He looked on at the golden flower that drifted further and further away from
them as he said this.

His vision was better than the High Elf Queen, who was still a Level-9
Magician. He could still see the image of her daughter brandishing her sword
about on the flower.

Looking on at such a familiar sight in the distance, Mordena drew in a long

breath. The composure that he had maintained all these years was finally broken
by a growing bloodlust in him.

He had kept a low profile for the queen for at least ten years, staying out of the
Isle of Dawn's affairs and simply focusing on his magical studies. But now, the
Isle of Dawn was under threat. Even their own daughter had been killed. He
could not stand on the sidelines any longer.

The queen never knew who her own husband really was, as a person. The love
they had shared in their youth had long since eroded under the slow grind of
time. Before Ariel's death, the queen had not seen him for almost half a year and
did not even know what he was up to during that time.

Suddenly, the queen sensed something in him as she was leaning against him.
She shivered and raised her head to look at Mordena. "You..."

She sensed her bloodlust.

"Your Highness, I am Ariel's father. I need to do what must be done," whispered


"But you're not his match."

"That remains to be seen." Mordena smiled faintly. He extended a hand. With

the force of his will, a noticeable curve appeared in the air above his palm. "I
can perform spatial magic as well. As for the martial arts, I wandered the island
as a wandering knight when I was young. When it comes to swordsmanship, no
one was my equal. Or have you already forgotten this?"

"You..." The queen felt as if she no longer knew the man standing before her.

Mordena said once more, "Your Highness, the Isle of Dawn is in need of my
power more than ever. When it no longer requires my help, I will once again
return to my place behind you."

According to the traditions of the Isle of Dawn, its king should never dabble in
politics. It had always been this way for more than 10,000 years.

The elders behind the queen had heard what Mordena had said. If it had been
under any other circumstances, they would have been the first to voice their
objections. Right now, the High Elves were facing a problem unlike any other in
the past. The elders were silent. A few tried to say something, but in the end,
they simply let out a collective sigh.

Mordena had come from humble beginnings. Right now, he possessed power
that the Isle of Dawn sorely needed. Once he had done what needed to be done,
everything would still be able to return to normal. Besides, there was no
immediate harm in breaking the old ways once or twice.
The queen was also of the same opinion. She sighed and touched Mordena's
face. "It's been so long, and you haven't changed one bit. I'll allow this, but be
careful. I can't bear to lose you again, my love."

With that said, everything was settled.

Mordena nodded. "I won't overestimate the enemy, nor will I underestimate
him. I won't even try to confront him head-on. I'll do whatever it takes to
facilitate the reunification of the elves."

The reunification of the elves was something the High Elf Elders had come up
with after Ariel's death.

The High Elves and Dark Elves had existed on the Firuman continent for a long
time. However, 3000 years ago, before the occurrence of the Mana Disaster, the
two races had belonged to one race. The fact that they both shared a common
ancestral line was grounds enough to work with each other now.

The way things were going, the Isle of Dawn would not be able to keep Ferde
under its thumb any longer on its own without risking retaliation. They needed
outside help.

That outside help came in the form of the Army of Destruction in the north.

This was the Isle of Dawn's approach to restoring the balance that they had
worked so hard to maintain for the last 3000 years. A few years back, the High
Elves had formed an alliance with the humans to resist the forces of darkness.
Now, they were forced to ally themselves with the Army of Darkness to keep
the humans down.

The High Elves would only switch sides if this alliance threatened to wipe out
the humans and disturb that balance once more.

However, this time, things were different. The enemy that the Isle of Dawn now
faced possessed immense power. As a result, the High Elves were forced to
come up with a response to deal with this threat.

The High Elf Queen said in a low voice, "No, it's too dangerous to proceed with
the reunification of the elves now. I'll leave this matter to Bryant. Also, this will
only be a temporary solution to our problems. The Isle of Dawn is still in need
of power to carry out its ends... I want you to execute the reunification of the

Realm reunification was another response the elders had come up with.

Once the two realms of Firuman and Aragu were reunited, with Milda as the
center point, the Isle of Dawn would be able to strengthen their forces with the
large number of elves living in the Aragu realm.

If they were able to reunite both realms, the humans would effectively lose the
advantage they had over the High Elves with their numbers. The High Elves
would be able to fight the humans to the bitter end on equal ground.

Hearing what the queen said, Mordena frowned.

"Link was the one who had provided the coordinates for the Aragu realm.
Knowing him, he must have set up a countermeasure against anyone trying to
use them. Building a realm portal is just too risky."

"I know. That's why I'm letting you do it. My love, our daughter Milda is still in
the Aragu realm."

Mordena jolted at the name. He nodded. "I'll do whatever it takes to build that
realm portal."

Due to him having stayed out of High Elf politics for quite some time, Mordena
did not fully grasp the whole idea of realm reunification. He had assumed it
meant building a realm portal.

But that was not the case.

"No, not a realm portal, you're going to reunite the two realms!"

Mordena was stunned. "That's just impossible. Combining both realms would
require an unlimited power source!"

"Don't forget, we have the World Tree on our side," said the High Elf Queen.

"I... I understand. I'll do as you asked!" Mordena nodded, letting out a long sigh.

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Chapter 571: The Foundation of Cooperation

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

North, Black Forest

In the dark forest, a beam of green light shot between the black pine trees. He
was impossibly fast, crossing thousands of feet within a second. Half an hour
later, he'd broken out of the Dark Forest and was in the icy wintry world of the

Here, he continued northward. Five minutes later, a giant fortress made purely
from bones appeared before him. This was the darkest and most terrifying
structure in the North—Skeletal Fort.

Once, this was the residency of the Dark Serpent's first owner. Now, it had
become the camp of the Army of Destruction.

When the green light was around six miles away from the Skeletal Fort, two
Level-9 four-winged fallen angels flew up to meet it on either side. Their spears
formed a cross in the sky. One cackled coldly. "High Elf, flying is forbidden
here. Descend if you want to live!"

The green light immediately turned in the air and landed obediently,
transforming back into human form. It was an elder with white hair—the
Prophet, Bryant.

Standing in the snow, he said, "I asked to see Holy Priest Molina. I believe she
knows that I am here."

The two four-winged fallen angels also landed. The one that had spoken before
continued, "Priest Molina has told us. Follow me."

With that, the two fallen angels turned to lead Bryant. They didn't go to Skeletal
Fort though. Instead, they turned left and walked towards a small wooden
building on a hill.
Bryant didn't say anything. He pulled his bearskin cloak tighter around him and

When they reached the building, the two fallen angels stood on either side of the
door. At the same time, the door creaked open by itself.

Bryant walked in. There was a large room with a fireplace warming up the
place. Naga priest Molina stood quietly inside the room. Her brows were
slightly furrowed as if there was a troubling matter.

Hearing the noise, she turned around. Seeing Bryant, the worry disappeared, and
she smiled. "My apologies for the simple conditions. Please bear with it."

"No problem." Bryant found a warm corner near the fireplace to stand. He
looked down at the dancing flames and said, "You seem to have something on
your mind."

Molina smiled bitterly. "You must know what happened. Katyusha is in Ferde's
hands now. I can sense that she isn't dead yet, but she is in danger. Ferde seems
to want to control her soul."

Bryant wasn't surprised. Since Link dared to kill Ariel, controlling Katyusha's
soul wasn't too much for him. Those Magicians of Ferde dared to do anything
behind the scenes.

He nodded. "The Isle of Dawn suffered great losses too. Princess Ariel was
murdered. Our queen views the Ferde lord as the biggest enemy now. We
prepare to support your army."

"I am sorry for your misfortune. However, I must say that our cooperation isn't
enough. You supplied various types of magic equipment, alchemy, and potions,
which is good, but we need Magicians the most. The more, the better. You have
so many Magicians but won't even send one over to help. This is insincere."

"Indeed." Bryant actually nodded in agreement, but then he changed his tone.
"This is in the past. Soon, we will send at least 1000 Magicians, all above

"One thousand? Ha, it seems that the Isle of Dawn is really sacrificing a lot."
Molina twisted her boneless body and walked to the fireplace. She stoked it with
a rod, saying lightly, "To be honest, 1000 isn't enough. It's like placating some
beggars. Everyone in Firuman knows what the Isle of Dawn thinks. If you want
me to help you fight Ferde, 1000 Magicians isn't enough. I need to add another


"Help us rescue Katyusha and get the Spear of Victory back. If you succeed, we
can continue cooperating. If you can't, it's over. If any High Elf dares to enter
the Black Forest after that, not only will we attack, we'll spread the news all
over the mainland. I'd like to see if the humans would still buy your magic

After that, Molina stoked the fire casually, patiently waiting for Bryant's

Crackle, pop. The fire crackled lightly. Under Molina's movements, sparks flew.
Gradually, a human face appeared from the red flames.

Not only that, the face's mouth opened and a low raspy voice said, "Molina, this
is the one you said you would cooperate with?"

The voice was very strange. Just hearing it shook one's mind, making one feel
uncontrollable. The voice seemed to represent boundless and endless darkness.

Standing in the corner, Bryant inhaled sharply when he heard the voice and
subconsciously uttered, "Nozama, Lord of the Deep."

Nozama, Lord of the Deep, was at the pinnacle of Level-19. One step away
from entering the godly level, he was the most powerful of all mortals.

He was always watching Firuman. Throughout history, he'd activated tides of

darkness into Firuman many times. It could be said that he was the one
responsible for the wild tide two years ago.

Three hundred years ago, Bryant had personally faced Tarviss, the Legendary
demon that Nozama had sent. During the battle, Bryant had met Nozama's
projection into Firuman. That meeting had shattered Bryant's hopes and was the
major reason that pushed him to join the Isle of Dawn.
The face in the fireplaces moved and cackled. "You still remember me. You
have a good memory, but you just won't improve your skills. After so many
years, you're still only at Level-12. Not fun, so not fun."

Bryant was angry too and couldn't help but say, "You're the same. Three
hundred years ago, you reached the Legendary Pinnacle, but you're still there.
Why didn't you improve? I guess you'll never see the mysteries of the divine
territory. Just die from an old death in the Abyss."

"You…Haha, you have a smart mouth, but you're right. We shouldn't laugh at
each other. We're both failures." Nozama laughed easily. Despite the flying
sparks that crackled and popped, he wasn't angry at all.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Molina interrupted, "Gentlemen, don't
forget what we must discuss. We must rescue Katyusha and take back the Spear
of Victory!"

"Oh, alright." The fiery face moved and two eyes made of black coal turned to
Bryant. "I'm not familiar with the current Firuman. What ideas do you have?"

Bryant shook his head. "I don't have ideas. I can't do it, and you can't do it.
Ferde's power is beyond our imagination. The lord is terrifying… I don't know
what level he is now, but I'm definitely not his match."

"Oh…" A sigh came from the fireplace. Then there was a huge explosion.
Flames flew in all directions, splattering across the room.

"That bastard took my daughter and my other daughter is missing too. If I get
my hands on him, I'll turn his soul into a candle and light it for a thousand

Bryant scoffed. He patted off the dust on him and mocked, "It's useless to lose
your temper in the Abyss. Think of a way to deal with him."

The fireplace calmed instantly. After a while, the remaining fire formed another
face. It could be seen that Nozama had composed himself. His coal eyes turned
to Naga Priest Molina.
"I don't have any solutions unless you can think of a way for me to enter
Firuman without any damage to my power. Otherwise, we can only watch that
proud little bastard."

Molina actually did have an idea. A runestone appeared in her hand. Chaotic
dark red aura wrapped around the runestone. As soon as it appeared, all light in
the room turned dark red. Under it, the yellow fire turned the room a bloody red

This time, even Nozama was shocked. "This is…the Sacred Rune of

Molina nodded. "Indeed. There is only one use for this sacred rune—restriction
of time. After activation, everything within two miles will be frozen in time.
The stronger the power that is frozen, the shorter the duration. Judging from the
conditions in Ferde, it can freeze time for one second.

"One second? That's too short!" Bryant frowned. The sacred rune was indeed
powerful. One second gave them the chance to rescue Katyusha, but after that
second, they could even lose their own lives if they messed up afterward.

But Nozama nodded. "One second? Not bad, not bad. A god is truly powerful.
Here, make a portal door, and I'll send my last daughter over. She will be
powerful enough to help you rescue the person. If there's a chance, kill that Link
boy too and give me his soul. I need a candle!"

"Thank you." Molina nodded.

As soon as she finished, the fiery face disappeared. Nozama's conscience left
too. Molina turned to Bryant. "The Isle of Dawn and Ferde haven't declared war
yet. You should be able to get close to Ferde's core, right?"

"What a f*cked up mission!" Bryant swore, but he still agreed. "Wrap up the
sacred rune. Don't make it so obvious. It's best if you use some sacred spell. I
don't want any accidents!"

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Chapter 572: Time Veil (1/2)
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Argh!!! No!!!"

In the quiet bedroom, Celine, who was fast asleep, suddenly let out a cry. This
startled Link, who had been studying a time magic book at his desk.

He placed a paperweight on the page he was reading and turned down the
brightness of the magic lamps in the room. He then walked over to the bed
where Celine slept. However, her sleep seemed troubled. From time to time, her
brows would furrow, beads of sweat glistened on her forehead, and her hands
were gripping tightly on her sheets.

Must be having another nightmare. Link sighed inwardly. He sat beside the bed
and held Celine's hand gently.

This was one of the major side-effects that came with Celine's clairvoyance. She
was just about to transcend Level-9, and her ability to foresee the future was
becoming even stronger. Nevertheless, she still could not master this ability. As
the situation on the continent was becoming even more complicated, her
prophetic nightmares became even more frequent.

These nightmares suggested that danger was imminent, but the core Magicians
of Ferde did not need a clairvoyant to tell them what they already knew. The
ship that was Ferde was now already sailing across stormy waters.

There was an air of tension among Ferde's high-ranking Magicians as they

braced themselves for war.

Usually, Link only needed to hold Celine's hand in order to calm her down. This
time was no different. After holding her hand quietly for ten minutes, Celine's
brows relaxed. Her breathing was steadier, and she slept soundly once more.

Link did not move away from the bed. He took off his robe, leaned back against
the headboard and beckoned at the desk. The magic book on it floated
obediently towards him.
He then turned on a magic lamp beside him and continued reading the
impossibly difficult time magic book.

The three main pillars of the realm were space, time and energy. Link already
had a profound understanding of space and energy. Only the mysteries of time
remained uncracked by him. He was still a beginner at this stage.

As he was absorbed in deciphering a magical formula, Celine, who had been

sleeping beside him, suddenly turned around. Her hand touched Link's waist,
and she spoke, "Still awake?"

Link closed the book and asked, "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I just had a dream. I was woken up by it," said Celine lazily. She took the
book from Link's hands and looked at its cover. "Is this book that hard?" You've
been studying it for more than two months, and you've only finished the first

Link's head was already on the verge of bursting. When Celine snatched the
book away from him, he decided not to read it any longer. He massaged his
throbbing forehead and laughed bitterly.

"It's not just hard; it's very, very hard. It's way past my power level. I may need
to reach Level-14 first if I hope to make any progress in my research."

Back in the game world, the first time spell available to a Magician was Time

All the spells a player had acquired before Level-14 were incompatible with
time spells. Spatial spells were incredibly difficult to master, but time spells
were a hundred times even more difficult. Time spells involved complicated
calculations of causality, logic arrays and time ripples, which were enough to
cause Link's brain to overheat.

Despite noticing the tired look on Link's face, Celine did not tell him to get
some rest. Instead, she steered the conversation towards another topic that
required less brainwork. "How's the Naga?'

"The Naga?" Link smiled. "Progress is going smoothly. Vance and the others
have found a reliable way to put her under our control. The only problem we've
encountered was her Spear of Victory, which was built to automatically defend
its mistress. But the weapon's power is limited. I estimate that it would use up
all its power in a week."

"That sounds great. But I just had a dream that was related to the Naga. Do you
want to hear it?"

"Tell me."

Celine placed the time magic book on the bedside table. She then sat up and
leaned against Link's shoulder, before saying, "The dream was a blur, and it was
mired in metaphors and symbolism, but it was also strange and frightening."

Link never dared to take Celine's dreams lightly. He listened attentively.

Celine closed her eyes as if trying to recall the dream she had. A moment later,
she said in a low voice, "In the dream, I saw my father. Ever since I had my
Demon Power suppressed within me, this was the first time I had seen him in
one of my dreams. In it, I saw a figure heading towards Ferde from the ocean.
The figure was strange. There was blood gleaming off of it. From afar, it looked
like a High Elf. But up close, it looked like a girl with a pair of goat horns on
her head. The girl's face was indistinct. As she reached Ferde's port, I think she
saw me. I then heard her saying something to me. It was clear and distinct, like
it was real. She said, 'Big sister, Father misses you.' When she was done, she
suddenly transformed into a man shrouded in shadows. Even though I couldn't
see his face clearly, I knew deep down that it was Nozama. He spread out his
wings and grabbed me with a huge claw..."

Celine's dream sounded outlandish, as if it was simply the stuff of her

overworked imagination. But what she had described was enough to send a
shiver down his spine.

"Nozama, a High Elf, the glint of blood, you being called sister, this is just a bit
too eerie to be a simple dream. Why don't we pay Elin a visit? She's not called
Lady Fortuna for nothing. She specializes in dream interpretation, so she'll
probably be able to tell us something we don't know about your dream."

At the mention of Celine's younger sister, Link immediately thought of

Saroviny. But she was supposed to still be in the Aragu realm.
Saroviny had probably spent a few hundred years in Aragu by now. Could it be
that she had attained enough power to break free from the realm? Or could it be
that Nozama had found her there and proposed an alliance with her?

All these scenarios in his head made Link a bit jumpy.

"Alright, I'll go with you. But it's already getting late. Get some sleep, try not to
worry too much about it." Celine tugged against Link's arm, trying to get him to
lie down.

Link allowed himself to be pulled down by her. He lay back on the bed, relaxed
himself and before long, fell into a deep sleep.

The night passed by without a word from either one of them.

The next day, Link went to check up on Katyusha's condition. Making sure that
everything was progressing smoothly, he brought Celine along with him to the
Yabba people's Blue Stone Isle.

The island was originally an uninhabited island, but after a year of development
by the Yabba people, the island was beginning to look more like a city.

When Link saw the island in the distance, he began to slow down and lower his
altitude. He then used Void Walk to complete the rest of the journey and finally
came to rest on an airship platform by the docks.

When the airship supervisor saw Link landing on the platform, he immediately
went out to greet him. A small airship was prepared for him immediately after
Link told the supervisor where they were going.

Link and Celine got on the airship. The vessel took off and flew low in the sky.
Five minutes later, they reached an elevated region on the cliffs near the sea,
where a small Mage Tower stood. This was where Elin resided—the Tower of

Link and Celine walked towards the tower. Before they could even knock on the
door, it opened. A 12-year-old Yabba girl stood at the threshold. She looked at
Link with a pair of emerald green eyes and said with a high-pitched voice, "My
lord, the prophet has said that she's prepared afternoon tea for the two of you on
the balcony. She's been expecting you."
Link and Celine looked at each other before entering the Mage Tower. The tiny
Yabba girl led the way, skipping and hopping all the way to a great hall on the
third floor. Outside the hall was a balcony. Elin was standing beside a round
table outside, smiling at them.

When Link and Celine stepped out onto the balcony, Elin said to them,
"Welcome, my lord and lady."

Though both of them still had no plans for marriage, everyone knew what sort
of relationship they were in. Link intended to officially marry Celine once they
had defeated the Army of Destruction. Everyone knew about this as well. As
such, Link and Celine were both fine with Elin calling Celine "lady."

All three were seated around the table, and before Link even had the chance to
speak, Elin said with a smile, "Not a word. First, let's draw two cards out, shall

Elin then took out a deck of tarot cards and lay them out across the table.

"My clairvoyant ability is now one with this deck of cards. My lord, just like
before, think of the question that you want answered, and the deck will give you
its answer."

Link nodded and focused on the dream that Celine had described to him the
other night. He then drew out two cards.

Seeing that there was no one else on the balcony other than the three of them,
Link flipped them open.

What they saw shocked the three of them.

There was nothing but a grey blur on the two cards that Link had drawn out,
absolutely nothing for Elin to make a prediction with. Upon a closer look, they
noticed that there was, in fact, an image on each of the two cards. There was an
indescribable power obscuring the images, making it impossible to decipher
their meanings.

Sensing the strange power around the two cards, Link jolted up and recalled
something he had read in the time magic book: a Time Veil!
A Time Veil was what would happen when a future chain of events sent out
time ripples so violent one's premonitions would be severely distorted by them.

Link's face grew solemn as he saw the fogged-up cards. He sensed that the
imminent danger they were about to face this time was unlike any other they
had faced in the past.

"What happened?" asked Celine.

Link looked at Elin as well, expecting an answer from her.

Elin was shocked as well. She took the cards and gently felt the patterns on the
backs of both cards. She had familiarized herself with every card in the deck. By
feeling for the patterns' subtle differences, she was able to tell the cards apart.

A strange look came over her face when she felt the backs of the two cards. Her
mind suddenly went blank as she tried to figure out what the images on the two
cards were.

Finally, she gave up. She then said, "Forgive me, my lord, but it seems to me
that whatever you want a prediction is completely beyond my clairvoyant
powers. I think you should tell me everything yourself."

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Chapter 573: The Prophecy’s Reminder

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Tower of Fate

Celine recounted her dream again. This time, she added more details. After she
finished, Elin sank into deep thought.

She didn't speak or even move; she just sat there like a statue for over three
minutes. Finally, she started organizing the tarot cards in her hands speedily.
When she finished, she started taking out cards.
Glancing at the cards she took out, she shook her head and put them back. Then
she shuffled, took cards, and repeated.

Repeating 18 times, Elin suddenly coughed. Blood appeared at the corners of

her lips. Celine was shocked at this; her mouth dropped open. "You—"

Link immediately covered her mouth. "Shush, don't disturb her!"

Elin was forcefully predicting the future right now. Any disturbances could
make all efforts go to waste.

Ignoring everything around her, Elin kept going without stopping. She pulled
cards three more times. At the third time, her pupils constricted as she shoved
two cards back into the deck.

Now, her face was ghastly pale and flushed; her body wavered. Her big emerald
eyes were dull and half-closed. She looked like an eggplant covered in frost.

Link immediately cast an Essence Vitality spell for her. After more than ten
minutes, Elin had recovered a bit.

She let out a long sigh and murmured, "The future is very lost. Many forces
interfere with my sight, but just then, the fog lifted slightly. I saw a god of death
approaching a poisonous snake."

"Oh?" Link was shocked. The god of death represented misfortune and the
poisonous snake… Was it Katyusha?

"Huh?" Celine had some thoughts too.

The two exchanged glances, and Link stood up. "Elin, thank you for your help.
Please take a break."

"It's alright. I'm happy to help." Elin smiled weakly.

The two stopped disturbing Elin. Link used a transmission spell, and under the
flashing light, he appeared on the sea thousands of feet away. Then he used the
Void Walk to fly towards Ferde.
"So it seems that the Army of Destruction is planning to rescue Katyusha?"
Celine asked.

Link nodded. "Indeed. I couldn't think of how they would save her, but a High
Elf appeared in your dream. I'm afraid they'll have a hand in this rescue

"Don't forget, there's also a demon," Celine reminded. "She called me sister.
Perhaps because of our shared blood, she was especially clear in my dream. I
could even see her horns. They were curled and short like a goat's. Her eyes
were faint green."

Link slowed down and thought. After a while, he said, "It isn't very possible for
this demon girl to enter Ferde directly. She will probably get help from the
outside. The High Elf is the one who will truly enter Ferde."

Judging from Celine's description, this demon girl probably wasn't Saroviny. It
was probably Nozama's other daughter. After all, that guy had so many
descendants. It was normal that there were daughters that didn't appear in the

However, Link wouldn't be afraid even if Saroviny came. Ferde's magic defense
wasn't weak. For example, the Divine Punishment protocol that attacked
proactively was only Level-15 at the beginning. After many upgrades, it was
now Level-19. Any mortal who came would die.

Thinking of this, Link asked, "Which High Elf do you think it'll be?"

Celine already had an answer. Looking to Link, she discovered he was looking
back at her. "I believe it will be Bryant. Didn't the Orida Fortress send a
message that there were traces similar to Bryant in the Black Forest?"

"I think that too." Link smiled.

The two continued analyzing Celine's prophetic nightmare.

"The High Elf was covered in a bloody light," Celine said. "But thinking more
closely, it doesn't seem like a bloody light. It might be the power of the God of
Destruction. Do you think Bryant would have some sacred gear?"
Link shook his head. "Sacred gear? If there's sacred gear, the Army of
Destruction can just come southward. Who can stop them? Why would they
care about the Spear of Victory?"

"Then maybe it's just a sacred rune?"

Sacred runes were one-time tools and could be made with the addition of sacred
power. It was far from sacred gear.

Link nodded. "That should be it, but I don't know what function it can have."

Here, the big picture was clear. If the Army of Destruction wanted to come
rescue Katyusha, regardless of whether they used Celine's prophecy or objective
observations, Link and Celine's proposed rescue plan was still possible. If Ferde
didn't prepare, the enemy could very possibly succeed.

But now, Link was prepared.

After returning to the Mage Tower in Scorched Ridge, Link didn't alert anyone
else. The rescue would definitely be a sneak attack without many people. If he
and Celine prepared well and had Lily's help, it would be enough.

Celine went to practice with her fire gun. Link went to the top level and started
adjusting tower spirit, Lily. He wanted to improve Lily's ability to discern the
power of the God of Destruction and demons. Then at critical moments, she
could see through the enemy's disguise and attack.

Link was very familiar with these two types of power. There were samples in
the Mage Tower too. He could use them to experiment now.

This adjustment took Link more than ten hours. After that, he went straight to
the enchantment room. He needed to make something else. It was called the
Order Compass!

Link thought that since the enemy dared to rescue Katyusha, they must possess
something that Ferde didn't have. Now, Ferde had most powers from the mortal
world. The only one missing was the power of time.
The power of time was highly mysterious. It could make someone's brain
explode to research its principles. But to a god, it was nothing. The sacred rune
from the God of Destruction should be related to time.

Link still only had a shallow knowledge of time power, but this didn't stop him
from using it. After all, he had the game system and close to 600 Omni Points.

The game system used the power of the God of Light. Link didn't have enough
knowledge about time, but the God of Light definitely did. The Omni Points
were equivalent to usage rights that the God of Light gave. Link had 600 points
now. It was enough to buy any Legendary spell.

Of all the magic cards, there was a very powerful time spell called the Order

Order Compass

Level-16 Legendary Spell

Cost: more than 20,000 Realm Essence points

Effect: Incomparable power consolidates into a unique material. This creates the
compass of time. Within a range of 3000 feet, the controller can speed up or
slow down the flow of time after paying sufficient power.

(Note: Chase the arrow of time.)

Link's current max was 8300 Realm Essence points. If he relied solely on his
own power, he wouldn't be able to use the Order Compass. This was okay
though. He was in the Mage Tower and had more than enough magic material.

He could save up his power and solidify this Level-16 spell into a rune. This
was a one-time-use rune, but with it, Link wouldn't have to worry about the
enemy defeating him with the power of time.

Going to work immediately, the motivation surged in Link, and he started

creating the Order Compass rune.

While Link was working hard on preparing against the rescue attempt, a High
Elf ship slowly entered the pier three days after Link returned to Ferde.
In the cabin, Bryant gazed at the lively Ferde port through the window. His eyes
were complex.

Ferde lord, will today be your last day?

While thinking of this, he gazed at his wrist. A small white snake with yellow
stripes wrapped around his wrist. After sensing his gaze, it suddenly said, "Old
man, stop looking at me. You'll expose me!"

This was Nozama's daughter. She was only Level-10—not as strong as the
others. However, she had no demonic aura about her. She could also shapeshift,
which was an ability that others couldn't prepare against.

This wasn't a spell. Her body could truly transform. For example, she was a tiny
snake less than one-foot long.

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Chapter 574: Rescuing the Naga (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The wheels of the carriage that the port administrator had arranged for Bryant
rattled on as it drove straight towards Scorched City.

The stretch of road that Bryant was on was at least 20 feet wide and had been
leveled flat through the use of a Petrification spell. The road ahead of the
carriage was practically a straight line. There were tall buildings neatly lining
both sides of the road, from the port all the way to the Scorched Ridge.

Looking out from the window in front of the carriage, he could see groups of
buildings crisscrossing with each other. A few miles down the road, skyscraping
Mage Towers rose up from the horizon.

From afar, one could clearly see networks of Mana intersecting with each other
around the Mage Towers. Under the faint golden light emanated by the Mana,
the whole city seemed even brighter and warmer as if the place was illuminated
by a sun that never set.
Bryant could not help but feel calmer and cheerful at the sight of this
magnificent city being bathed in everlasting sunlight.

He had just left Skeletal Fort in the North and was somewhat depressed by its
sight. The city's golden glow dispelled all the negative emotions in him in an

"What a beautiful city," he exclaimed.

From his sleeve came a hissing voice. "Like hell it is! I hate it here! It's too
bright and hot, and it stinks of humans everywhere. This is a disgusting place! If
my father rules this place one day, I'll make sure to have him tear down that
tower in the distance!"

Sensing the clammy wriggling in his sleeve, Bryant warned, "I think you'd best
keep it down. We're approaching the Mage Tower. Wouldn't want to risk getting
exposed now, would we?"

"I don't need you to tell me twice!" grumbled the voice in his sleeve, and then it
went silent for the rest of the journey.

The carriage pressed on until it finally arrived at the entrance of the Scorched
Ridge. Bryant was stunned by what he saw there. Looking out of his carriage,
he saw a black-haired young man standing at the entrance, smiling at him.

The young man was wearing a standard magic robe. He was holding an
ordinary-looking magic wand. He looked like an ordinary Magician's
Apprentice. But Bryant knew all too well that this was simply a magical
illusion. The aura that he sensed from the young man had already revealed to
him who he really was.

It was Link himself.

The "Magician's Apprentice" walked towards the carriage, opened the door for
Bryant and then gave him a Magician's salute.

"Master, please follow me."

Bryant felt his heart beating even more quickly. Link's appearance had caught
him off guard. This was unexpected.
Though Nozama had asked him to kill Link, Bryant never intended to do so in
the first place. The Time Stop spell would only last for one second, which was
just too short. If he wanted to end Link, he would need to be sure of where Link
was and be close enough to him in order to activate the divine time seal.

However, Link could easily turn on him if he tried to activate the divine seal.
Bryant might even be killed by him before he could even activate it. No matter
how powerful the seal was, it would all be for naught.

Seeing Link coming out to welcome him personally, Bryant could not help but
feel suspicious about this. He suddenly had an impulse to turn around and leave.

However, he managed to get a hold of himself. Bryant coughed and then said, "I
did not expect you to come out personally, Link."

Saying this, Bryant's arm tensed up, warning the little snake hidden inside his
sleeve to be careful. She wriggled back in response. Bryant could feel that the
little snake was also nervous. She had not moved a muscle when she saw Link
standing before them. It was as if she had already entered hibernation in his

What Bryant did not know was that Link had seen this little exchange between
him and the serpent. He had already suspected Bryant was up to something.
Seeing the High Elf personally at the entrance, Link was able to confirm his
suspicions about this meeting.

He let out an inward sigh. Seems like Celine's dream was true. I never knew that
the High Elves would be working with the Army of Destruction.

Still, the smile on Link's face did not fade.

"I've been quite free lately. When I heard that you were coming for a visit, I
thought I might greet you personally. You said that you were coming to discuss
the matter of reconnecting with the Aragu realm. Well, I'm all ears."

Reconnecting with the Aragu realm was what Bryant wanted to discuss with
Link, at least on the surface.

Bryant did not think that Link would be interested in the subject. Somewhat
startled, he smiled and said, "I see. After you."
The two began walking along the street of the Scorched Ridge.

Compared to the bustling outer city of Scorched City, the Scorched Ridge was a
different matter altogether.

Ordinary folk lived in the outer city. Though their houses were laid out neatly,
due to how fast construction had taken place, some of them looked shoddily
built. There were still places in the midst of construction.

Those living in the inner city belonged to the upper circles of society, including
high-ranking military officials and Magicians. The buildings here were all
splendidly built. However, it was extremely quiet in the midst of this splendor.
There were few people on the street, each one of them dressed in high-quality
attire. There were even a couple of young Magicians hurrying about.

One of the pedestrians had his head lowered as he walked, apparently deep in
thought. A few others were huddled together in a heated discussion about
something as they passed by. Everyone walked at a brisk pace, as if they had all
come out for a jog out on the street.

Bryant also saw a few Magician's Apprentices buried in their magic books as
they ate something.

One would not find such bustle in the Isle of Dawn.

The High Elves' lifespan was thrice that of humans. They were also more gifted
in the mystic arts than the human race. The High Elves had always preferred
peace and tranquility. It would be diligence of the highest order if a young High
Elf Magician was willing to spend eight hours a day in his or her magical

Bryant walked on, amazed by the sight before him.

He remembered his days as a young Magician. At that time, he had been so

obsessed with unlocking the secrets of magic. However, when there was not
much else he could learn from human magic, Bryant decided to set out into the

He had basically left his mark across all of Firuman. He had climbed mountains
and crossed oceans to learn magic from the dwarves, the Yabba people, the
High Elves and the dragons. However, his time studying magic in Andwar had
left a deep impression in him.

In order to study magic in the Isle of Dawn, he had paid 200,000 gold pieces up
front. During his time there, he had even helped the High Elves carry out many
questionable deeds on the Firuman continent. In the end, the magic books he
had gotten for his effort were no more than Level-8.

When he walked along the streets of Andwar, the High Elves would avoid him
like the plague and then whisper behind his back. They would look at him as if
he were a monkey in a zoo.

His magic might have seen a drastic improvement during those years, but it was
also one of the most humiliating times of his life.

Looking again at the scenery around him, Bryant said to Link, "My lord, you've
already built a Mage Tower. All these young Magicians are now thriving in
your city. You don't need to travel the world just for a bit of magical knowledge
here and there."

Link shook his head, still smiling. "Whether this place will thrive tomorrow, or
the day after, still remains to be seen. I may have built myself a Mage Tower,
but I've also angered many people. This city may seem prosperous now, but it
may also be reduced to ashes tomorrow. Take me for example. I may be the
object of adoration and envy today, but one of my enemies may get the chance
to destroy my body tomorrow and subject my soul to whatever horrendous
torture they could think of. Who's to say for sure what fate has planned for all of

Link's words seemed to be hinting at something. Hearing this, Bryant jolted and
laughed weakly. "Surely you're joking, my lord?"

Link gave a vague smile. The two of them reached a courtyard garden. Link
extended out a hand, inviting Bryant to enter the place first. "After you.
Whatever it is you wish to speak, we'll be discussing it here."

Bryant raised his brows in surprise. Glancing at the not so distant Mage Tower,
he asked, "Hasn't it always been tradition to discuss matters in the Mage
The Sacred Rune of Destruction he had with him was telling him that Katyusha
was currently being imprisoned in the Mage Tower. But now, there was no way
to enter the place, determine where she was being held prisoner or spring her
out of captivity.

Link smiled, "The Mage Tower is now no longer open to guests. It's one of the
new rules I've enacted."

"I see. Then we'll talk here." Bryant was somewhat disappointed. This was
unexpected, but also understandable, seeing that there had been many clashes in
the shadows between Ferde and the Isle of Dawn.

He had a backup plan.

Once they were inside the courtyard, a beautiful magic puppet maid came over
to lay out treats on a table. Casually seating himself beside the table, Link said,
"I've read the documents you've sent me. I take it that the Isle of Dawn is
prepared to reconnect with the Aragu realm?"

Bryant nodded. "In truth, we've already begun building a small-scale portal.
Princess Ariel has vanished without a trace, but the royal line must continue. So,
we've been working to reconnect with the Aragu Realm and bring back Princess
Milda. During the process, slight vibrations will be felt in the realm. But rest
assured, this is all normal. We hope that Ferde will not overreact to this."

"I understand," said Link, nodding. It sounded as if Bryant had feared that Link
would begin jumping to conclusions when this happened, and so decided to let
Link know what was going on beforehand.

After pausing for a while, Link asked, "Is there anything else?"

"There's one other thing. Opening a realm portal is a complicated and dangerous
business. We aren't really confident about all the details of this operation, and of
course, nothing must happen to the princess during the process. And so, I've
brought the magic circle we've designed for the portal. Our highness wants you
to take a look at it and see if there is anything that could still be improved on.
You will be sufficiently compensated for your work, of course."

"I see. Do you need it soon?" asked Link.

"The sooner, the better. I'll be waiting here for the next few days. When you're
done, I'll bring the plans back with me." Bryant even handed Link the blueprint
for the realm portal.

Link gave it a look. The design was incredibly complicated, but it did resemble
a realm portal's magic circle. He nodded and said, "I'll have it ready as soon as
possible. I'll need at most three days."

"Thank you. I'll wait for you in the outer city then," said Bryant.

"No need. You can stay here in this courtyard. It's much quieter here."

Bryant nodded, accepting Link's offer.

Without another word, Link turned around and left the place. After seeing Link
off at the courtyard's entrance, Bryant went back into the courtyard.

"Alright then, I guess it's all up to you now, Merna. Be careful, though. Link's
acting strangely. I think he may be on to us."

"Understood." Merna was the name of the snake. She slithered out of Bryant's
sleeve, made her way to the middle of the garden and finally squeezed into the
opening of a drain out in the street.

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Chapter 575: Rescuing the Naga (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Link, do you think he's really coming to discuss important matters?"

Celine walked up to Link as soon as he returned to the Mage Tower. She stayed
at the top level during Link's meeting with Bryant, aiming her big fire gun at the
Magician. No matter what Bryant did, she would fire as soon as she felt danger.

She wouldn't be able to kill Bryant, but she could at least affect his power.
However, she didn't observe or sense anything abnormal. Bryant seemed to have
really come to discuss the portal.

Link found it strange too. Prophecies were always a bit iffy. They made nice
reminders, but there would be problems if one completely relied on prophecies.

From the interaction, he believed that Bryant was up to something. However, he

wasn't sure how he would rescue Katyusha or if he was here for another reason.

After thinking, Link said, "There's no hurry. He gave me the drafts now and will
stay in Scorched Ridge for three days. If we wait patiently, he'll expose

Celine shrugged, a bit confused. "That's too troublesome. He's not your match.
Why don't we just capture him and interrogate him?"

Link shook his head immediately. "Celine, you're too confident in me. Bryant is
still quite powerful. If we fight, I'll have to kill him. I can't capture him."

For someone like him, capturing him alive was 100 times harder than killing

It was easy to kill Bryant. Link could activate Lily and attack, ending Bryant in
a few moves. However, if Bryant fought back before he died, the entire
Scorched City could be destroyed.

Scorched City was Link's camp. He couldn't do something so risky.

"Alright. I'll continue watching him." Grasping the big fire gun, Celine returned
to the Mage Tower's balcony. She could see the entire city and also had the
magic seal for protection. It was the best place for spying.

Link took out Bryant's draft for the portal matrix and started revising it. Of
course, he was only getting rid of some flaws.

Sewage system under Scorched Ridge

Merna swam through the sewage tunnel. In order to avoid having her aura
sensed, she used her physical power. All her movements looked like a regular

The sewage system was as complex as a maze, but Merna had shocking
memory. She also had a great sense of smell. She could smell her own scent
even in the dirty water.

These strong points paired with her acute sense of direction helped her reach the
outside of the Mage Tower's foundation after around two hours.

There, she ran into a new problem.

The Mage Tower's defense was abnormally dense. Even the foundations
underground were practically seamless. Merna circled it many times but
couldn't find any flaws.

Even the drainage hole had a very detailed detection matrix. If she swam over, it
would be activated immediately. She stared at it for half an hour without finding
any defects. It was so sophisticated that she felt helpless.

The material elsewhere was extremely sturdy too, at Level-9. The critical parts
reached Level-11. If she wanted to force her way in, it would cause a big

Who built this tower? Is he crazy? Would it kill him to leave a crack? Merna
was frustrated.

Not willing to give up, she swam aimlessly, circling around the tower three
times to no avail. Sneaking in from underground wasn't going to work.

Merna could only backtrack. After returning to the yard, she used the foliage for
cover and slithered back to Bryant's room.

Bryant was lying on a chaise and reading. Two magic puppets stood behind
him. One massaged him gently while the other held his drink.

"Stronger, lower, ah yes. Feels good."

"Let me drink again."

The servant walked over and gently spooned him the drink. All Bryant had to do
was slightly move his head. He was in paradise.

Seeing this, Merna almost exploded in anger. She'd swum in the disgusting
water of human feces for hours and had even accidentally swallowed some of it.
But this guy was here enjoying everything. Feeling the difference, anger rose up
in Merna. She rushed over and bit Bryant's calf, injecting poison.

Crash! Bryant almost fell from his chair in fright. Stinging pain came from his
calf. Looking down, he saw that it was bruising at a speed visible to the naked
eye. There were also two fang marks.

This was extreme poison.

Bryant hurriedly drank some Elf Nectar to push the poison down. Then he
looked to the two magic puppets. They stared at him, confused, but didn't do
anything abnormal.

He let out a sigh. Feeling Merna go inside his robe and wrap around his arm
again, he said to the magic puppets, "Okay, I want to rest. Go out."

They turned and left the room.

Finally, Bryant muttered, "What? What did I do?!"

Merna huffed. "I risked my life to investigate the Mage Tower, and I was
annoyed to see you like this, so I bit you!"

"Alright, alright… How's the situation?" Bryant did feel that he'd crossed the
line, but Ferde's magic puppets were really nice. They were beautiful, had soft
voices, gentle movements, and served extremely well. If he wasn't scared of
being laughed at, he would take two back to the Isle of Dawn.

"The defense is very dense. I can't break through by myself. I need your help."
Merna sighed. She'd underestimated Ferde.

"That bad?" Bryant was shocked too. He'd personally experienced Merna's
espionage skills. If even she was helpless, Ferde's defense was really something.
Thinking, Bryant said, "How about I go out? I can definitely find an apprentice
that will take you into the Mage Tower… Of course, you have to change your
appearance, like a parrot that can talk or a white rat. Or another animal that
people won't be scared of."

Merna sighed. "Fine. I'll do as you say."

The two immediately started acting.

Merna started changing her appearance in a hidden corner while Bryant walked
out and wandered down the street. He walked until six at night. When he
returned, there was a mouse the size of two fists in the room. The mouse was
extremely fluffy and white. It was adorable.

Bryant petted Merna, praising, "Perfect."

Then he sat down and sighed. "Merna, my plan won't work."

"What now?" Merna felt depressed. The two large eyes on the cute mouse face
glinted red. She'd spent the entire afternoon transforming, and now Bryant said
this. It made her want to go crazy.

Stomping, she yelled, "You're a Legendary Magician! You've lived for almost
400 years, and you can't fool some 20-year-old apprentice?"

"Of course I can, and he would take you in, but from what I've observed, Link
has a powerful Tower Spirit in the Mage Tower. She will detect all organisms
brought in. If it isn't verified, the spirit will activate the alarms. So…"

"So none of our plans will work?" Merna was about to explode.


So Merna exploded. She jumped around on the table, yelling, "Link is crazy. Is
he going to think a cockroach is an invader?! He should just die!"

"Actually, yes. I manipulated a cockroach into climbing in through the door.

One second later, it was killed by a Level-0 spell."

Merna was speechless.

After a long while, she said, "Katyusha can survive two more days at most.
After that, we will have failed our mission. You must think of something."

Bryant had a headache too. "Don't worry. We still have two days. Tomorrow,
I'll go out again. I'll find something. I must!"

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Chapter 576: Rescuing the Naga (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Main Mage Tower, a magic laboratory in the fourth basement

Purple magic runes crackled in the air like electricity. The runes were arranged
in circles. Like soldiers in the vanguard, they charged towards a dark red glow
in the center.

Three crystals as big as a human's brain were placed in a triangle around the
dark red glow. They were the source of the purple magic runes.

Beyond the crystals stood two Magicians—Eleanor and Vance. The two of them
were intently observing the crystals' power input. Should any anomaly arise,
they would immediately step in to rectify it.

"How's it going?" Link asked. He had come to check on Katyusha's


"Everything looks to be in order. But something strange happened a while ago,"

said Vance, a confused look on his face.

"Do tell."

Vance pointed at the white energy flow pouring out of the Mage Tower. "It
happened just last night. The energy flow here had always been stable. We
never had an issue with it. However, since one in the morning, there have been
three small consecutive Mana outbursts, as if something's disturbing the energy
flow. What's strange is that Eleanor and I have inspected the surrounding Mana
channels. But there seems to be no sign of anyone tampering with them."

Link was stunned. The first thing he thought of upon hearing this was that this
must be Bryant's handiwork!

The energy flow that was used to break through Katyusha's defenses came from
the Mage Tower's Mana core. Link had personally overseen its construction and
regulation. Every Monday, he would come by for an inspection to make sure
that the Mana core was functioning properly. His last inspection had been two
days ago. It was still working normally back then.

Also, Link would be able to sense the presence of any foreign power interfering
with the Mage Tower's energy flow from a hundred miles away. However,
nothing seemed to stand out in the vicinity at the moment.

"I'll go check on the main tower's Mana network."

He was now feeling a bit anxious. Bryant had been staying in the Scorched
Ridge for the past few days. Celine had reported that the man's behavior seemed
suspicious. He might have found a way to gain entry into the laboratory.

Link began checking the main tower's Mana system, starting from the
laboratory, then along the conduit pipe, all the way to the Mana core. Still, he
found nothing.

Everything seemed normal. There was no sign suggesting that an outside force
had invaded the place, which meant that the disturbance was not man-made.

Link was now puzzled. Strange indeed. Could it be that Bryant's using a
technique even I don't know about? If that's the case, what's he sticking around
here for?

Still trying to figure out how Bryant did it, Link decided that he needed more
data. He began observing the Mage Tower's energy flow. He had also set up a
Memory Crystal in order to record the next energy outburst when it happened.

He had only just started looking at the numbers when an hour later, another
Mana outburst occurred.
This time, Link saw with his own eyes the disturbance in the Mana current. An
abnormal tremor appeared in it, affecting the whole thing. The sensation Link
had at that moment was that of a giant rocking the entire Mage Tower about,
trying to tip it over.

When the tremor occurred, due to the continuous flow of Mana, tiny chaotic
eddies began to form in it. They might not have much effect on low-level magic,
but they presented a serious threat to the Legendary-level Hidden spell that was
keeping Katyusha subdued. These tiny disturbances were able to cause the spell
to lose its effect!

Link immediately tried to suppress the sudden disturbance in the Mana channel.
He noticed that Vance and Eleanor were also trying to do the same thing.

Four seconds later, the eddies disappeared. Everything was back to normal.

Link took a look at the high-quality Memory Crystal he had placed beside him.
It had recorded the whole thing down as it happened.

Link then watched the disturbance unfold again and again on the Memory
Crystal. Each time, he would look at the numbers he had jotted down and then
make all sorts of calculations with them.

He had completed the entire evaluation process after watching the Memory
Crystal at least 12 times. However, his anxiety only intensified as he scanned
the formulas and intensity curve of the tremor he had scribbled down in his

All signs indicated that in order to set off such a tremor in the Mage Tower's
Mana system, the disturbance needed to be global in scale.

In other words, this disturbance needed to encompass the entire realm.

Just what kind of power are we up against, to have such an effect? Could it be
the appearance of another divine gear? Link frowned.

When the Dark Serpent first descended on the mortal plane, Link's power was
only at Level-6. He was still so weak at the time that he did not sense any
disturbances in the realm and so never experienced anything like this in the past.
This did not mean that others were oblivious to the ripples sent out by the Dark
Serpent's appearance.

After thinking for a while, Link sent a telepathic message to Lily the tower
spirit. In an instant, Lily conveyed the message to Evelina, Elovan, and Milose.

When the Dark Serpent first appeared, the Isle of Dawn must have kept a record
of the changes brought about by it across the realm.

Five minutes later, the three Legendary High Elves arrived at the main hall of
the Mage Tower. As one of Ferde's chief Magicians, Evelina walked in front,
followed from behind by Elovan and Milose.

"My lord, is there something wrong?" asked Evelina. The two High Elves
behind her were also looking curiously at Link.

Link was about to explain what was going on when suddenly he stopped. He
then raised a finger and whispered, "Try to feel the Mana flow in the Mage

A new tremor had appeared, this time even more intense than before. There was
even a sudden fluctuation in the brightness of the overhead magic lights.

Of course, ordinary people might not be able to perceive these changes. But to a
Legendary master, these changes were as clear as day.

As soon as he sensed the Mana current growing even more turbulent, Link
immediately tried to bring it back under control until it returned to normal. He
then looked at everyone and asked, "Did you all feel that?"

The three High Elves nodded.

Evelina said, "This disturbance is most unusual. Even my Elemental Pool was
affected by it. I was just about to report this to you. It felt like someone was
barraging the city with Level-10 offensive Legendary spells from the ocean a
hundred miles away."

Link nodded. He looked at Elovan and Milose. "What do you two think?"
Elovan said, "I am of the same opinion as Evelina, but judging from the
direction of the disturbance, it seems to be coming from the Isle of Dawn."

Milose was about to say something but then closed his mouth.

"If you have something to say, say it now. This is a mission of sorts. If you're
able to provide valuable information, you will be rewarded with Magic Points,"
said Link.

Milose jerked up and then said, "When the Dark Serpent appeared, I was
stationed at one of the Isle of Dawn's watchtower. From the watchtower, we
would watch for any energy disturbances in the Firuman realm through a magic
net powered by Nature power. The commotion we felt just then was a lot more
intense than the one caused by the Dark Serpent itself."

"Oh?" Link was surprised to hear this. He then asked, "I also sensed that the
energy disturbance this time was coming from the north-east, which is where
the Isle of Dawn is. What do you think?"

"Yes, that's what I was thinking as well."

"What about you two? Anything you'd like to add?" Link looked at Elovan and

Elovan thought for a moment, then said, "If what Milose said is true, then it is
possible that the Isle of Dawn may be working to activate the World Tree's
power as we speak. Such a thing has only happened twice in the past. The first
time was 2300 years ago when the Calamity Dragon King Ira invaded the Isle of
Dawn. The High Elves had activated the World Tree to trap the Dragon King
within an impenetrable Eternal Time Ward. The second time was 800 years ago,
when the God of Slaughter, Dalas was attempting to descend on the realm of
Firuman. Though he had been thwarted, he had left a huge crack in the realm.
The High Elves had used the World Tree's roots to seal up the crack. The two
times the High Elves used the World Tree's power had left permanent changes
on the entire realm. Even now, the Tree's effects can still be felt. If the Isle of
Dawn is activating the World Tree right now, there is a high chance the High
Elves' target this time is Ferde. My lord, we need to prepare ourselves
Link was stunned. He had known for a long time that the World Tree possessed
incredible power. But now he learned that it was even capable of fending off
foes like the Dragon King, Ira and the God of Slaughter, Dalas, both of whom
were terrible presences closer to divinity than anything else in the realm.

Link now had a clearer picture of its power.

The World Tree was a force that stood on the pinnacle of the Firuman realm.
Outside the Isle of Dawn, Link might be untouchable, but if he dared come
within shooting distance of the island, his body and soul would probably be
disintegrated on the spot.

Link then asked, "Is there no way at all to deal with the World Tree?'

"There may be a way," replied Milose.

Raising a brow, Link asked, "Let's hear it."

"The World Tree's power may be the pinnacle of the realm, but it is also way
too powerful for any mortal being to handle. Not even the High Elf queen could
wield its power alone. For 1000 years, the World Tree has operated according to
an innate set of rules. One of those rules was that it should never be used to
attack those who possess Nature Power. Even if those with Nature Power were
to attack the World Tree, it would only seek to defend itself and drive its
aggressors out of the Isle of Dawn."

Elovan added, "The rules governing the World Tree are not that complicated.
Besides not attacking its own people, the World Tree's rules also include
protecting those with royal High Elf blood. Under its shade, royal High Elf
members will not be injured by attacks from the outside and are also prevented
from hurting each other."

Hearing this, Link looked at Evelina. She was a High Elf princess. Though her
blood was impure, royal blood still ran through her veins.

Evelina shrugged. "Basically what they said, but I would just like to correct
what Elovan said. In truth, the royal family members can attack each other. To
do so, the High Elf elders must first deliberate with each other before activating
a judgment magic seal. After being granted permission by the World Tree, the
elders would then remove all Nature Power from an offending member of the
Royal High Elf family in order to pass judgment on him or her."

Link fell silent, ruminating on something. Half a minute later, he said, "Evelina,
I would like to study your bloodline power."

High Elf customs had always been an enigma to him. He decided to go to the
Isle of Dawn one of these days to probe even further into this.

"It would be an honor..." Evelina gave Link a bow, but before she could finish
her sentence, she was interrupted by a sudden explosion.

The explosion had come from the North. The impact was so great that they
could feel a violent tremor running through the Mage Tower.

Startled, all four of them quickly rushed to the window. They saw a white ball
of light with a diameter of more than 20 feet rising up from behind a hill.

Evelina shouted in surprise, "My god, it's a Level-9 Blazing Sun spell!"

The Blazing Sun spell was one of the most potent fire spells in the mortal realm.
If the ball of light exploded in the middle of the city, everything in it would be
wiped off the map.

This should not have happened. Lily the tower spirit had been keeping watch for
any energy anomalies in the city all this time.

If the spell were to go off in the outskirts of the city, the explosion would engulf
everything in a sea of eternal fire, and there would be more than 1000 casualties
as a result!

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Chapter 577: Rescuing the Naga (4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
The might of Level-9 destructive fire spell Blazing Sun was practically at the
peak of mortal power. After it exploded, the huge blast spread in all directions,
sweeping through the entire Ferde within seconds.

Under the light of the giant surging fireball, the entire Scorched City sank into
terror and chaos. Looking down from the Mage Tower, one could see people
scurrying around on the street for somewhere to hide. Link had great hearing; he
could hear shocked cries from all over.

Even the Mage Tower fell into an uproar.

Many apprentices wandered like aimless flies. Faced with such a change, most
people were dazed; they had no clue what to do.

In Link's room, Evelina, Elovan, and Milose were all floored. They gaped at the
burning white ball in the distance. The three High Elves couldn't imagine that
someone dared to use such a spell in Ferde. Did that person not fear for their
life? Or did they not fear Ferde's power?

Their minds were in a mess. However, some were still calm.

Link recovered immediately and ordered, "Lily, upgrade battle mode!"

In the battle mode, Lily would be given the biggest authority. She would be in
charge of a range of ten miles around the Mage Tower. Within this, she would
kill anything that didn't follow the safety rules!

"Mode changed. Currently in battle mode!" Lily's voice used to be gentle, but as
the mode changed, it became cold and murderous.

Whizz, whizz, whizz. The defense matrixes in the Mage Tower cluster were all
activated. Under the various dazzling flashes, a 20-centimeter-thick golden
crystal shield appeared on the walls. This was a Level-11 defense spell—Crystal
Enchantment. It was very sturdy.

Not only that, a thick magic door appeared before each critical entrance in the
Mage Towers. The critical zones were locked and impassable.

While following these commands, Lily also sent commands to the Magicians of
different levels in the Mage Tower.
"All apprentices must stay in place and keep quiet." This was what the
apprentices received.

"All official Magicians, converge on the second-floor hall… All official

Magicians, converge in the second-floor hall and await further instruction."

This was the alert for all Magicians under Level-6. The passageways were
locked, but they could go through with their badges.

The message for Magicians above Level-6 was different. They were the elites of
Ferde and only numbered to around 30. They were told to converge on the third
floor. When they all reached the location, they saw that Magician Eliard was
already waiting for them.

Eliard quickly assigned tasks. He sent a Magician to watch over each node in
the Mage Tower to ensure that the tower would operate normally.

When each Magician who received their task hurried to their location, two
magic puppets would follow closely for protection. These magic puppets
weren't only servants. When needed, they could be powerful Warriors equal to
Nana, the first magic puppet.

On the other hand, Link gave orders to Evelina and the others. First, he looked
at Evelina and said quickly and powerfully, "Eve, protect the Mage Tower's

"Uh…yes!" Evelina finally recovered.

Link turned. "Elovan, Milose, your authorities have upgraded. Go immediately

to the secret room underground. Ensure that the 'weapon' transformation won't
be disturbed!"

The weapon was Katyusha. Link had a feeling that this crisis was for her.

"Understood!" The two High Elves turned and ran towards the underground

After these orders, white light flashed around him. He disappeared, and an
instant later, he reached the balcony. Celine was watching Bryant there.
Even with this great and sudden change, Celine still wasn't disturbed. After all
the wars, her mind was much stronger than those High Elves. No matter what
happened, she wouldn't even blink if Link was still alright.

Right now, she still had her eyes on Bryant.

"How are things?" Link asked.

Celine's eyes didn't leave from the lens. Knowing that Link was here, she said,
"Bryant is still in the yard. He looks normal."

"Oh?" Link activated a Spatial Lens and saw Bryant through the distorted light.
The elf was reading in his room, unaffected by the chaos outside. His
movements didn't even change. He was just reading page after page.

"I've been watching for a few days, and he's always like this," Celine says. "It
looks like he's patiently waiting for you to finish designing."

Link watched closely but didn't find anything strange. He couldn't keep
watching. As the lord, he had to hurry to the suburbs and take care of the

Thinking, he said, "Keep watching him and call Lily if anything is wrong, then
fire. Don't give him time to react! I'll teleport back immediately."

"Understood." Celine nodded. She rubbed her reddening eyes and continued
watching Bryant.

Seeing her like this, Link cast an Essence Vitality on her. Celine felt the power
surging through her and smiled at Link. Link smiled as well. Then he activated
the transmission spell again, hurrying to the suburbs.

When he got there, it was empty. Link could sense Jacker bringing many
soldiers here. They were fast, but they couldn't compare to Link's spell.

The explosion site was around five miles from the Mage Tower. It was at the
border of Scorched City, and the buildings were sparse. The Level-9 spell only
destroyed around 30 houses. Link circled in the air and got an estimate of the
casualties. Around 100 had died while close to 1000 were hurt. This was much
better than he'd expected.
At this time, Jacker arrived with 1000 Sunlight Warriors above Level-6. Link

"Lord!" Jacker ran over and saluted. The others followed suit.

Link nodded and ordered, "The attacker has escaped, and this place is safe. Go
help the affected citizens… Oh, leave a dozen to help me. I will investigate the
explosion site."

"Yes, Lord." Jacker immediately turned. "You, you, you, you guys go help the

The chosen Warriors were all excited. Puffing up their chests, they walked
forward in unison, yelling, "Understood, general!"

Link waved. "Come with me."

"Yes, Lord!" they replied together. They were so excited that they were as tense
as robots.

The group hurried to the heart of the explosion.

While everyone in the upper level of Ferde was in a flurry, Bryant was still
reading in his room. He looked calm. Fifteen minutes had passed since the
explosion. During this, he seemed to have flipped through 20 pages. He actually
hadn't comprehended any words.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Merna had successfully infiltrated the Mage
Tower. However, she seemed to have disappeared, having not said anything
after all this time.

She didn't even send their signal, let alone show up.

Bryant looked out the window. The Mage Tower loomed before him. At this
time, it glowed with dazzling magic light. Less than three seconds after the
explosion, the entire Mage Tower completely closed off. The magic seal was
very powerful—at least Level-11.
His reaction is too fast. Merna can't break through the magic seal with her
power. I hope she'll be okay.

Bryant was very anxious. Honestly, if Merna wasn't Nozama's daughter, he

would have left immediately after seeing the Mage Tower's transformation. This
place was too dangerous. Trying to rescue someone from the tower was no
different from suicide.

I'll wait for four more hours. If there still isn't any news, I'll find an excuse to
leave Ferde! Bryant decided inside.

As for the rescue plan, Bryant didn't think about it. The Isle of Dawn and Army
of Destruction were only temporary allies. There was no need to die for each

At that time, Merna was going crazy inside the tower.

With the detection earring from the God of Destruction, she had a vague sense
of where Katyusha was. Thus, she went straight to the underground room after
entering the Mage Tower.

She was very fast. Within two seconds, she was on the first underground level.
She ran into trouble when she tried entering the second level.

Just as she was about to get through the entrance, a magic door appeared in the
previously open passageway. Surprised, she retreated immediately but found
that it was blocked behind her.

Even more shocking was that the magic door was very powerful. It was
impossibly sturdy, and the runes on it were past her understanding. She couldn't
even break through forcefully, let alone undo it.

Thus, she was stuck in the first underground level. She couldn't walk as wished
either because there were detection runes all around. Many were hidden in
unnoticeable corners too. She would be exposed easily if she wasn't careful.

This damn Mage Tower is scarier than the Abyss!

The only thing she could do was hide in a corner and wait patiently until the
other lowered their alert. Then she would find a chance.
However, Merna didn't notice that there was a painting of King Charlie on the
wall behind her. The king's eyes were so detailed that they seemed to be real.

And now, they were staring at Merna's back.

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Chapter 578: Rescuing the Naga (5) (2/4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mage Tower, Mana core

"Where's Link?" Eliard had been looking for Link, but found Evelina instead.

"He went to check on the explosion and left me in charge of the Mana core. Is
something wrong?" Evelina did not turn around to face him. She had to
maintain control of the Mana core.

"Nothing really, just that I found something quite interesting on the first
basement," said Eliard. He then raised his voice and gave the tower spirit Lily a
command. "Lily, open up mirrors 13 and 17."

"Command received," replied Lily. There was a whir. Then, a two-sided magic
mirror materialized near the Mana core out of thin air.

The first basement was where the Mage Tower's storage rooms were. All kinds
of magic materials, food and wine were kept inside them. There was enough for
a thousand people to survive for at least ten years.

The magic mirror displayed a corner of one of the food storages. The left side
showed a pile of potatoes, while the mirror's right side showed a row of oaken
wine barrels.

Evelina looked at the two displays. Finally, she gave up, shaking her head. "I
don't see anything."
Eliard chuckled. "You can't see it here. It's hiding in a blind spot between the
two detection runes."

Evelina asked curiously, "Then how did you find it? The tower's Mana network
didn't pick up any unusual activity."

"If I'm going to tell you how I found it, I'll need to start from the time the Mage
Tower was still in construction. Back then, I had overseen its entire construction
process. I was even there when they began laying out its foundation. In the first
basement, there, in mirror 17, do you see a mural on the wall?"

Evelina looked at where Eliard was pointing and nodded. "Yes, though it looked
a bit crude. The scribbles of a High Elf child in the Isle of Dawn would have
looked much better there."

Eliard looked offended. "It was me. I painted it in my free time. When I was still
practicing the Stoneshaping spell, Master Grenci told me that painting murals
was the best way to master the spell. That's not the point. The point is, I spent a
lot of time on the eyes. Do you notice that the eyes of King Charles on the mural
here seem to be gleaming?"

"It certainly does. Does this have anything to do with what you're saying? There
doesn't seem to be any magic at work in those eyes," said Evelina, still

Eliard shrugged, then said disparagingly, "Evelina, I've been telling you that
your thinking has always been rigid. I've already given you a hint, and still, you
can't see the secret behind the mural. If Link was here, he would have
immediately known what it is."

Evelina kept her calm. She had heard such talk from Eliard far too many times
during their discussions. If she had let his words get to her, she would have been
driven mad by him a long time ago.

However, no matter how closely she looked at the magic mirror, she still could
not see what she was supposed to be seeing. "Where is this secret you're talking

Eliard said to Lily, "Magnify mirror 17, focus on the mural's eyes."

The image was slowly expanding. Throughout the magnification process, the
mirror's image maintained its definition. When the image was magnified
tenfold, Eliard shouted, "That's enough. Evie, look at the reflection in the
figure's eyes. There, do you see it? It's a white-furred mouse."

Evelina had already seen it when the image was only magnified fivefold. Deep
down, she admired Eliard's observational powers, but she would never be
caught dead admitting that to him out in the open. She glanced at him and said
with a huff, "Alright, I admit you have quite a keen pair of eyes."

"I… won't argue with you over that," said Eliard as he pointed at the reflection.
"The mouse is a Magical Beast. It's extremely intelligent, and it's not as weak as
it looks. This little fellow managed to sneak into the Mage Tower when the
place was in chaos for at least two seconds. It had slipped into the first basement
without even tripping the detection seals in its path. Despite its size, its speed
and observational powers are extraordinary. I estimate that its power may be
above Level-8."

Evelina had listened to Eliard's evaluation of the creature with a solemn face.
When he gave his estimation of the creature's power, she said incredulously,
"Isn't it a bit of a stretch to assume that such a tiny creature has Level-8 power?"

"Not at all. Have you read Magician Opello's magic book called Big and Small?
asked Eliard.

"No, what's it about?" Evelina felt a bit awkward. Half the time, she did not
understand a word of what Eliard said, and this was not the first time. Was she
getting old?

"You should give it a read. Opello's a Level-5 Magician in the Mage Tower.
He's quite imaginative. The book's filled with all of his wondrous ideas and
imaginings. In the book, Opello presented his theory that an object's size does
not have any substantial value. For instance, through spatial manipulation, a
person can be shrunk into the size of a peanut, without affecting his strength in
the slightest."

"Alright, I believe you. I'll read it when I'm free. Right now, what should we
Evelina was aware that new books were being added into the Mage Tower's
library collection every day. Before, she did not really think too much about it.
She had always assumed that these low-level Magicians had nothing to offer her
since she had surpassed them all in terms of knowledge and power. But now,
she saw them in a new light.

Eliard had already thought of a plan. "This little fellow hasn't realized that it's
been found out. It hasn't moved from its hiding spot all this time, probably
waiting for us to lower our defenses. It must be heading towards the laboratory
where the Naga Katyusha is being held prisoner. If that's the case, we could lay
a trap ahead of it through a portal. When the Mage Tower's defenses are
sufficiently lowered, and the magic door is opened, it will walk right into our

Before he could finish, a white light filled the great hall. Link's figure appeared
when it subsided.

Eliard clapped his hands and said, "Link, you're back just in time. I've
discovered an intruder in the Mage Tower."

Link had just finished inspecting the site of the explosion. The culprit was
cautious. He did not gain much information from the scene. At the moment, he
only knew that the culprit had used a delayed-action magical spell. It had been
triggered using a Level-9 runestone. He had spent half a day searching for other
clues, but even with the aid of a Focus spell, he did not find anything else.

All evidence clearly pointed to the fact that the culprit's method was extremely
advanced and was not at all an inferior to Link.

When he heard what Eliard said, his eyes lit up. "Intruder? What intruder?"

Eliard began explaining his discovery to Link in great detail. When he got to the
part about the eyes on the mural, Link immediately said, "You were able to spot
it from its reflection in the mural's eyes? Not bad, not bad at all."

Eliard seemed pleased with himself, then gestured at Evelina. "See, I told you
Link would understand immediately. You still have a long way to go."

Evelina's mouth contorted with irritation.

When Link listened to Eliard's plan, he pondered it for a while before saying, "I
see nothing wrong with your plan. It's just a bit too risky. You may even alert
the Magical Beast's owner. There's still a lot of room for improvement."

"Hmm, let me think it through again." Eliard frowned, deep in thought.

Link smiled. He already had a plan ready. "How about this? Let's not try to
catch the Magical Beast. Instead, we'll pull a trick on it."

"A trick?" Eliard was silent for a few seconds. He then immediately said, "Are
you suggesting that we let it find its target and then contact its owner in order to
bring him or her out of hiding?"

Link nodded. "It's still too risky to let the beast reach its intended target. We
may be in trouble if its owner has some powerful technique up their sleeve. As a
safety precaution, we'll set up an illusion and fool the Magical Beast into
thinking that it's found its mark. At that point, it will make contact with its
owner. We'll be able to trace the connection back to the real culprit hiding in the

Eliard's eyes were glowing as he listened. He nodded furiously. "It's definitely a

better plan than mine. What are we waiting for? Let's get started! This guy sure
has some nerve, causing so much trouble in Ferde! He's gonna pay for his
actions, big time!"

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Chapter 579: Rescuing the Naga (6) (3/4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Merna stayed in the basement of the Mage Tower for around two hours. Then
she heard a soft click. The magic door's aura disappeared.

They lowered the security! Merna was overjoyed. However, she didn't hurriedly
act. Instead, she remained in the corner. It was most likely a trap.
This didn't mean that they'd found her. Instead, they didn't find her yet but
wanted to use this to lower her guard and make her come out of her hiding
place. Thus, she kept waiting quietly. After another hour or so, she finally snuck
out of the spot.

There were detection runes hidden all over the storeroom, but Merna's body
shape was her advantage. She also had great vision. Even the most hidden runes
were visible to her.

Carefully, she walked in the blind spots of all the runes. Three minutes later, she
successfully got to the second basement floor.

Here, her detection earring vibrated faintly. This meant she was getting closer to
her target. It was less than 60 feet away!

Merna was overjoyed. Only a bit more. If I find the right location, I can save

Now, another thought appeared in her mind. It's been more than three hours. We
agreed that I'd contact that old guy once I got in. Should I send a signal?

This idea circled in her mind before she scrapped it. The Mage Tower is too
scary. There might be other detective methods. I shouldn't risk it at the most
critical part. Let's figure out the situation first.

Composing herself, Merna continued feeling her way forward. A while later,
she was at the entrance to the third floor. Her detection earring was vibrating
more strongly now. Katyusha was right before her!

Merna repressed her excitement and continued. After a while, she saw a magic

This magic door was different from the ones that had appeared because of the
security alert. This one was semi-transparent with many magic runes
overlapping on the surface. Looking through the tiny cracks between the runes,
Merna saw Katyusha.

The Naga was curled up inside a circular pool, bathed in red light. This red light
came from the Spear of Victory in her hand instead of from herself. There were
many faint purple runes outside the light. They constantly corroded at the red
light, trying to get inside Katyusha's body.

Even further away stood three Magicians. They guided the Secret runes
forward. Under their effort, the Spear of Victory's red glow was already very
dim and at the brink of defeat.

Merna was shocked. It's Secret magic. Ferde wants to control Katyusha!

She wasn't a Magician, but she was still familiar with each type of magic so she
wouldn't get fooled by others. For example, she didn't make a rushed decision
after this initial conclusion of the current situation. She started distinguishing
the runes carefully. After five or six minutes, she finally concluded that it was

Katyusha can't hold on for longer. I must alert that old guy!

Merna left the magic door and retreated to her safe corner in the second floor.
She took out a small silver ring and started adding power in.

Her father had given this to her. It wasn't that powerful, but it had a unique
technology for sending messages. It was very secretive.

Merna sent out everything she'd seen in detail. Because it had to be secretive,
she sent the messages slowly. What he didn't know was that five pairs of eyes in
the Mage Tower were watching her every move—Link, Eliard, and the three
Legendary High Elf Magicians.

"It's contacting its owner, but the method is very secretive. I can't trace it. Who
could it be?" Eliard whispered.

Link already had a candidate—Bryant. However, he couldn't be completely

sure, so he didn't speak.

"The method is quite powerful," Evelina said. "I can't detect the signal at all."

"Judging by its make, I think it's from the Abyss." Elovan stared at the ring in
the fuzzy mouse's front paw.
At that time, Celine's voice sounded in Link's mind. "Bryant moved. He's
coming towards the Mage Tower!"

Alerted, Link replied, "Don't hesitate. Shoot!"

By now, the entire Scorched Ridge was still in high alert, and Bryant was
walking towards the Mage Tower which was out of ordinary. Even if he wasn't
responsible, his actions now were going to get him killed!

Simultaneously, Link started directly controlling the Mage Tower's Divine

Punishment protocol. He set the target, adjusted the Mana, and gathered power
in one smooth action, activating the Level-19 Divine Punishment laser.

Boom! A soft sound came from the balcony. Celine had fired at Bryant. Link
saw fire streak past the corner of his eye.

Almost at the same time, the Divine Punishment laser appeared too. Whoosh!
An almost invisible beam of light shot out from the tower towards Bryant.

If Bryant wasn't prepared, he would definitely be dead. Even if he'd escaped

from this, he would die under Celine and the Mage Tower's later attacks. But in
that moment, Link suddenly felt something strange, along with an indescribable
feeling of danger.

His focus sharpened to an unprecedented level; his thoughts whirred. In his

eyes, time slowed down and almost stopped.

At the same time, Link felt the world change oddly. The light outside the
window and room dimmed and dimmed.

What's going on? Dark magic is swallowing light… No, it's not dark magic. It's
time magic. Even the speed of light is slowing, freezing. Less light is reaching
my eyes, so the world is darkening!

Spatial magic could restrain practically all existences in the world, but other
than singularities, it couldn't affect light. So even though Link used spatial
magic to seal Katyusha, she didn't turn into a shadow. One could still see her
clearly because light could still travel freely within the frozen space.
But not even light could escape from the effects of time on this realm. When
someone froze time, everything there would look dark.

Light was dimming quickly, but Link's thoughts were still burning brightly. So
that divine rune freezes time. What a great method!

As that thought flashed past, he focused on his neck. There, a pocket watch-like
thing hung from a Mithril chain. A runestone was hidden inside the watch. It
was the Order Compass that he had made to defend against time attacks.

Realm Essence followed his thoughts and entered the Order Compass. That
instant, Link's entire body, and soul shook. Then a gold thread appeared from
his chest.

The thread organized itself, instantly forming the apparition of a gold pocket
watch. There was a clock with one hand. The needle measured milliseconds.
Each circle was one millisecond.

Before, the hand had spun extremely quickly. Now, Link saw it tick by bit by
bit. It was so slow but was still getting slower.

Time is freezing! Link's heart shook. The world in his eyes was already very
dark. In this darkness, he saw Eliard, Evelina, Elovan, and Milose.

These four were all Legendary or close to it. Faced with this kind of change, all
of them had reacted. Shock was written in their faces, and their eyes were all
trained on Link.

Under their gazes, Link's thoughts focused on the millisecond hand on the Order
Compass. It was still slowing down. Link had to speed it up.

He forced Realm Essence onto it. Move!

Click. The hand quickened only a tiny bit, but Link had used all his might. One-
fifth of his Realm Essence had been burned.

It wasn't enough. The divine rune's power was too strong. His power wasn't
enough alone.
He gazed at the four Magicians. They were looking at him too. For people at
their level, they could completely figure out each other's thoughts by applying
their gazes to the current situation.

The four Magicians couldn't move, but power extended from their bodies. They
snaked to the needle on the Order Compass and applied force to move it.

Link did the same.

At this moment, the five strongest Magicians in Ferde put their powers together.

Click, click, click. The needle moved much faster. The ticks were like cracking
ice in everyone's ears.

The five continued to use their power. Click, click, click. Time had stopped
slowing and was regaining speed, recovering back to normal. The room
brightened again.

This didn't mean that the Order Compass was more powerful than the divine
rune. Instead, it was that the five Legendary Magicians working together
surpassed the level of the small divine rune.

If one's power wasn't enough, they would fail. This was the basic law.

No matter how many tricks one had, if they didn't have enough power, it would
be useless. They still wouldn't be able to change the world.

The divine power inside the rune still wasn't enough. Paired with the repulsion
that Firuman had against divine objects, Link's group won this battle.

What had been frozen went back to normal. What followed was the chilling
alarm ringing throughout the Mage Tower.

"Alert! Alert! Invader discovered! Invader discovered!"

Bryant was inside the Mage Tower!

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Chapter 580: A Wretched End to a Glorious Life
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the flow of time returned to normal, Bryant had reached the first

There was a tearing sound. It came from the divine time seal in his hand. In an
instant, it crumbled into a pile of ash which scattered into the air.

He was taken aback. "How is this possible? Only a tenth of a second has

His targets had resisted the seal's effect. This was to be expected. But he had
hoped that the seal's effect would last for at least eight-tenths of a second.
Though its duration was not as long as he would have liked, Merna had already
planned out his route for him. Eight-tenths of a second was enough time for
Bryant to enter the place, rescue Katyusha and immediately teleport out of there.

Only one-tenth of a second had passed. As soon as the thought flashed across
his mind, he felt an intense magic reverberation surrounding him. A magical
barrier was taking shape around him.

He turned around and saw that magical runes had appeared on the walls around
him. Level-11 magical barriers surfaced one after another, completely trapping
him within and preventing him from destroying the Mage Tower.

A chill ran down Bryant's spine as he saw the barriers forming one after another.

He had thought about destroying the Mage Tower as his last resort. But there
was no chance of that happening with this thing around him. The magical
barriers were all Level-11. Though he could still bring the whole place down, he
would need time, which was not what he had plenty of at the moment. As soon
as Link reached him, he would be done for.

He knew that right now, his only option was to flee. He could not afford to
waste another second, or else he would definitely be killed in this Mage Tower.
He was the one who had cast the Blazing Sun spell in the outskirts of Scorched
City. There was no way he would be able to hide his tracks from his enemy.
Knowing Link, if given the chance, he would certainly execute Bryant on the

He needed to escape from this place immediately!

Turning around, he saw a tiny shape running out of the entrance to the Mage
Tower's second basement. A shrill voice cried out, "Wait for me, take me with

It was Merna. She had realized something had gone wrong. If they did not flee
now, they would both be dead. She did not really know the Naga anyway, and
she had no intention of throwing away her life for a complete stranger. Now that
their plan had failed, Merna's first reaction was to flee as well.

She also knew that she would not be able to get out of there alive on her own.
She was up against four Legendary masters of Ferde and the Mage Tower itself.
She needed Bryant's help in this.

Bryant glanced at her, then at the enclosing magical barriers around him.
Without any hesitation, he turned around and began to run.

It was every High Elf for himself. It would be a miracle if he managed to escape
from the Mage Tower with his body still intact. He could not care any less about
a puny little demon like Merna.

His body dissolved into a faint green light. Like lightning, he was able to pass
through a crack under the magic door that was materializing in its door frame
and reach the great hall on the first floor.

Layers of magical barriers were taking shape in the great hall. They were all
Level-11. The scale of magic being used here was huge. At that moment, two
layers of barriers had already materialized in the hall.

There were even more magical barriers forming near the Mage Tower's great
door. His opponent apparently had no intention of letting him leave the place.
But thanks to his lightning reaction time, Bryant had chosen to retreat as soon as
things went awry. At that moment, there were only two layers of magical
barriers around the Mage Tower's great door. He could still break through them.
In his desperation, Nature Power boiled in his body as he raced through the air
with lightning speed. He had also channeled his magical energy within his
wand. A silver leaf shot out, clearing a path in front of him.

The silver leaf then broke through the barriers. It immediately lost all its
momentum and returned to Bryant's wand. Taking the opportunity, Bryant burst
through the great door.

Once outside the tower, Bryant's magical energy again rushed into his wand.
There were three leaves on it . At that moment, a blinding light shone out from
them in unison. One of the leaves expanded into an emerald shield. The other
two danced around him, ready to intercept any incoming attack from any

When he finished casting his spell, there was a sudden palpitation Bryant's
heart. The Mage Tower has locked onto me. It's even able to affect time. Damn
it, its attack is above Level-15. There's no way I can block it!

He turned around swiftly and began doing an erratic dance in the air, trying to
dodge the incoming attack.

However, just as he began moving, a streak of dazzling light shot down from the
sky. It hit squarely against the emerald shield that was spinning around him.

The emerald shield's magic was Level-12. Bryant was unharmed, but he could
feel the impact of the attack.

While he was still shaken by the impact, the Mage Tower launched a second
attack. It was the same unblockable laser as before. He was still slightly dazed.
There was no way he could dodge the attack in time.

Is this the end? No, I still have a chance! Substitution spell!

In an instant, one of the leaves flew forward with blinding speed. In mid-air, the
air dissolved into a faint green mist, out of which appeared Bryant. The green
mist he had left behind solidified into another leaf with the same shape as the
one before.

The newly formed leaf was shot down by the laser. The World Tree's leaf was
Level-17, but it was disintegrated immediately by the Mage Tower's attack.
Bryant did not have time to look at what happened behind him. He had just cast
a Substitution spell to propel himself 1000 feet forward. He was now outside
Scorched ridge, flying in the air above the outer city.

Just as he was about to let out a sigh, there was the same palpitation in his heart
again. The Mage Tower was still targeting him. It seemed as if there was no end
to its attacks.

Thank god I've put some distance behind me. I can still dodge its attack. Bryant
was about to dodge to the side. But before he could even move, another laser
shot down from the sky. This time, the attack blocked off his trajectory.

Bryant was stunned for a moment. Under such circumstances, his reaction speed
was slowed down. Before he could even react, there was a tearing sound in the
air. A transparent laser had pierced through his green light form.

Before the laser's energy exploded within Bryant's body, a searing pain bore
through his head. Bryant immediately reacted to this by activating his wand's
special effect.

Death Substitute!

Death Substitute

The World Tree's divine spell

Description: After activation, the World Tree wand will absorb all the damage
its user has sustained and die in his or her place.

(Note: Try not to get yourself killed, as you can only use this once.)

When Bryant activated the spell, the World Tree wand in his hand began to
splinter. Before long, it was completely shattered into pieces.

The wand had been by Bryant's side for 300 hundred years, and now, it was
shattered beyond repair. Still, there was no time for him to mourn as the danger
had not yet passed.

Without the World Tree wand's protection, he had lost his ability to disturb the
flow of time. On the other hand, Link's Mage Tower seemed capable of freezing
time itself, and Celine never missed her mark with that magic rifle of hers. At
that moment, Bryant had no chance of dodging either one of their attacks. He
would be dead for sure when the next wave of attacks reached him.

Bryant felt a growing dread in him as he realized that he was doomed. He

returned to his physical form and amplified his voice magically as he shouted at
the Mage Tower behind him, "I surrender! I surrender! Don't kill me!"

He was floating motionlessly in the air.

Surrendering himself was his only way out of this alive.

Celine was about to take her next shot at him but soon stopped as she saw
Bryant giving himself up. At the magic core area, Link was also stunned. The
Mage Tower's offensive magic formation was already charged up and poised to
fire another shot at Bryant.

Around Link, Eliard and the three High Elves looked at Bryant. None of them
said a word as they waited for Link to make a decision.

Fearing that Link had no intention of sparing his life, Bryant shouted again, "I
know all of the High Elves' secrets, including the World Tree. I knew the High
Elf Queen herself, as well as all of the core members of the Royal High Elf
family. If you promise to spare me, I'll tell you everything you need to know. I'll
even defect to Ferde and devote all my talents to you."

Bryant had said all this in earnest. His voice amplification spell was one-
directional. Only Link and the rest of the core Magicians heard what he said,
while everyone else in the city could not hear him. This way, he would not
spark outrage among the people of Ferde, and Link would not have Bryant
answer for the resulting chaos in the city.

One's crime usually tended to fade away from people's memory if hidden away
from scrutiny for a long enough time.

Hearing this, Evelina said, "My lord, we should subdue him immediately. He's
more useful to us alive."

Eliard knew that the Blazing Sun spell that exploded in the south of the city was
Bryant's doing. Seeing him surrendering himself in order to live a little bit
longer, Eliard's contempt for Bryant intensified even more. But from a logical
point of view, it was indeed better to keep Bryant alive. Eliard did not say a
word, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with Evelina.

Though the other two High Elves were Legendary masters, they were not
exactly core Magicians of the Mage Tower. As such, they were not in any
position to voice their opinions. Milose's mouth twitched as if he wanted to say
something, but Elovan pulled his arm back, stopping Milose immediately.

Link thought about this for half a minute. Then, he said to Celine, "Shoot him
down from the sky. Nullify his powers, but don't kill him."

Though Bryant's life was spared, his actions could not be pardoned so easily.
The High Elf's extensive knowledge of the Isle of Dawn was the only thing Link
needed from him. His powers, on the other hand, was of no use to Ferde. It
might even bring more harm than good, and so there was no need for him to
keep them. He might even decide to turn on Ferde again in the future.

Celine knew what Link had in mind. Without any hesitation, she fired her rifle.

Bang! A streak of light raced out across the sky and tore through Bryant's legs.

There was another bang. Another streak of light took out one of Bryant's arms.
Bryant could not keep himself afloat in the air any longer after taking those two
hits. Like a bird whose wings had been injured, he began to fall from the sky

A third streak of light arched across the sky and hit Bryant's other arm, slowing
his descent through the air.

A moment later, there was a dull thud. Bryant had landed on the road, breaking
god knew how many bones in his body. Due to the last bullet that slowed his
fall, he managed to survive the impact.

Bryant lay on the ground, pain paralyzing his arms and legs. Due to his
indomitable spirit, he was still conscious enough to feel the indescribable pain
gripping his body after his fall.

He sighed. Who would have thought this glorious life I have led until now
would all come crashing down?
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Chapter 581: The High Elves Are Crazy!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Oh, ah! My arm! My leg!

Bryant shuddered and was shocked awake from his nightmare. After regaining
consciousness, he felt that he was under the covers of a bed. It felt warm and
soft. His broken limbs weren't in pain either. They didn't seem to be hurt; he
could even move them.

He found this strange. What's going on? Were they all nightmares? And now
I'm awake, so none of that had happened?

Opening his eyes, Bryant looked around. He was lying in an open and bright
room. The furniture inside looked familiar. At closer inspection, he seemed to
be in the courtyard from before.

Sitting up, he looked at his hands. He realized that there were many subtle runes
on his skin. Immediately, he recognized that his hands and feet weren't actually
his. This was a flesh magic puppet spell.

Oh, seems that everything that had happened was real. Bryant sighed.

"You're awake?" a voice asked.

Bryant looked over. There was a table by the illuminated window. Link, clad in
casual clothing, sat there. He closed his book and looked over.

Ferde now was bright and sunny. Golden sunlight shone in from the window
like a gold beam inside the room that was dim in comparison. Link was half
bathed in sunlight and half covered in shadows. Because of the light, Bryant
couldn't see his expression clearly. He just felt like the other was very calm.

"How long did I sleep?" Bryant clutched his head. It felt heavy like there was
cotton stuffed inside. His thoughts couldn't flow smoothly.
"Not long, 75 hours." Link's voice was light and emotionless.

Bryant suddenly discovered something. All his power had disappeared, not a
shred left behind. His body was empty; he was no different from a regular

"You sealed my power?" he asked. He wasn't surprised.

"No, I didn't," Link said. But just as Bryant sighed in relief, Link continued, "I
just separated it completely from your body… What I truly sealed was your

Bryant was shocked. He subconsciously clutched his head, trying to think of a

spell to cast. But when he tried it, he discovered something even more shocking.
"Where are my spells? Why can't I remember them? What did you do?!"

Only spells under Level-2 were in his memory, and they weren't much either.
Thinking carefully, he only knew five or six harmless spells. Everything else
was gone. Like a book soaked in water. His memory was like the words in the
book. There were some imprints, but he couldn't think of anything if he tried.

"No, you can't do this to me! Magic is my everything. You must return it to
me!" Bryant used all his might to sit up in bed, but he discovered that some
power had restrained his limbs. All struggle was in vain.

Link didn't speak or even look at Bryant. He just sat in the chair and read his
book, completely focused.

After struggling, Bryant finally realized that right now, he was just an insect to
Link. All his struggling, growls, and roars were useless. Link could isolate him
from the outside world with a small spell. The world wouldn't even be able to
notice his situation.

Understanding this, Bryant gave up. He leaned against the bed, panting heavily.
When he caught his breath, he said, "Alright, what do you plan on doing to

Link closed his book again. "While you were sleeping, we read all your
memories, including your cooperation with the Army of Destruction, the Isle of
Dawn's plan, as well as the exact actors, their personalities and characteristics,
and even the names of some young talents. Basically, we know everything that
you know. Right now, you're useless to Ferde."

Bryant's heart went cold. "So you'll kill me?"

"No, you're wrong." Link shook his head. He waved at the door, and two
beautiful magic puppets walked in. One was slender and delicate; the other was
curvy and full. Both were attractive.

"Your explosion destroyed hundreds of homes. As the lord, I should give you
the death penalty. However, we also received a great amount of information
from you. As an exchange, you kept your life. Now, you can only live in this
courtyard, unable to step outside forever. You can't interact with anyone. If you
have any needs, these two magic puppets will do their best to satisfy you…
Don't try escaping with the magic puppets either. They're different from typical
war puppets. They're only slightly stronger than a regular human…"

"You're holding me captive!" Bryant was furious. No matter what, he was at the
Legendary level. Now, he was being imprisoned by a junior for life. He had to
be angry.

Link ignored his reaction and continued, "There is no room for you to fight
back. As a disabled man, no one will risk things to save you. Enjoy the rest of
your life, Bryant."

He didn't care about Bryant's reaction. After speaking, white light flashed
around him. When the light faded, he'd already left the courtyard.

Bryant felt the magic restraints on him disappear as well. He lay on the bed
without moving like a soulless puppet.

After a long while, his stomach grumbled. The feeling of hunger traveled to his
mind. He was hungry.

The curvy puppet immediately said, "Master, I will go prepare your meal." Her
voice was smooth and lovely.

After she left, the slender puppet walked over with some clothing from the
bedside. "Master, I will help you change," she said softly. Her voice was gentle
and unique, very lovely as well.
When the puppet got closer, Bryant smelled a clean fragrance. This reminded
him of his first woman. She was a human girl of 19 years old called Lilian. The
smell was similar to Lilian's. It was filled with youthfulness but was still so

For a moment, Bryant felt like he'd gone back hundreds of years. At that time,
he was still a human. He was still a hero worshipped by thousands of humans…
Ah, that was all in the past.

He'd always heard that Ferde's puppets were top-tier. Earlier, he was busy with
saving the Naga and didn't focus on the magic puppets. Now, he realized that
they were also made with flesh magic puppet techniques. This one looked
exactly like a real human. Her movements were gentle too. When she helped
him change, her pressure was just right. He didn't feel any discomfort.

After changing clothes, he waited a few minutes before the plump servant
walked over with food. The delicious smell floated over, tempting him.

"Master, I will help you," the puppet said. After that, Bryant didn't have to move
at all. He just had to sit on the chair.

He drank some of the soup made by the puppet. It was very fresh and brought
his appetite to life. After finishing all the food, he burped happily and stretched.
The plump puppet started clearing the dishes. The slender one began massaging
him. Her pressure was just right, and her technique was great. Bryant was close
to moaning in pleasure.

His anger slowly extinguished under this enjoyment. Fine, whatever. Without
my power, I won't be able to live much longer. I'll just retire here.

Sighing, Bryant gave up.


Mage Tower

Link's group was watching Bryant. When he started enjoying himself, Eliard
said, "He's no longer a threat to us."

"Who would have thought of this ending?" Evelina scoffed.

Celine only had one word. "Karma!"

Bryant's matter was over now. Next, they had to deal with the High Elves' crazy

"Judging from Bryant's memories," Link said, "the confluence between the two
realms is unavoidable. What we must do now is accumulate power for the new

The High Elves used the World Tree to fuse the realms. They were crazy and
should be stopped if it was possible. Unfortunately, the World Tree was too big.
Not only was it at Level-19, its scope was unimaginable. Even a Legendary
Magician was as insignificant as an ant before it.

Once this plan was activated, it would be like a mortal facing an avalanche.
They could only watch as it moved forward and then follow the current. If they
tried to stop it, they would be pulverized.

Anyway, judging from Bryant's memory of the World Tree, Link couldn't think
of any ways to stop the confluence. Even if there was, it would be extremely
risky. In that case, he could only prepare for self-defense.

As for how exactly to respond, they had to discuss it.

While Ferde was having a critical meeting, the other forces in Ferde also felt the
giant shake.

Dragon Valley, the Golden Plains, the northern Black Forest, the southern
Syndicate, and some hermits were all alerted. While they were shocked, they
also tried finding the source.

The second day after Ferde started acting, two unexpected guests came to Link.
They were familiar—Light Magician Halino and Dark Magician Eugene.

They'd fought and seemed to have gotten back together. Their relationship was
really confusing. When they saw Link, Magician Halino's first words were,
"The High Elves have gone crazy. We must stop them!"

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Chapter 582: The World Tree's Administrator (2/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link was adjusting his body's Realm Essence power when Halino and Eugene
came to him.

With Evelina's own blood as a model and Bryant's aid and knowledge, Link
now had a better understanding of Royal High Elf blood.

Of course, he still did not possess the actual thing, but his Realm Essence power
was able to mimic certain properties of Royal High Elf blood.

At this stage, Link's Realm Essence power was now able to pass for the real
thing. Even Evelina could not tell the difference, though it was in part due to the
fact that her blood was impure. However, as a Magician, Link was obsessed
with detail. He had personally experienced the power of pure Royal High Elf
blood through his clashes with Milda, Ariel, and the High Elf Queen. Whenever
he found a flaw in his replication of Royal High Elf blood, it was as if
something would gnaw on him until he smoothed it out completely. Link even
felt that he would not be able to sleep well for nights if the matter remained

Three seconds after Halino saw Link, his expression changed. He then said,
"What's wrong with you? When did you become a member of the Royal High
Elf family? Have you gone mad?"

Eugene was even more observant. "Lord of Ferde, your power's grown purer.
Why, you could even pass yourself off as an actual Royal High Elf! This is

Hearing this, Link frowned. "What tipped you off? Did you sense a flaw in it?"

Eugene shook his head. "No, there's no flaw. That's the thing. It's too perfect.
There's always a flaw or two in everything, even a Royal High Elf's power. You
simply tried too hard."
"I see. It would seem that my powers of imitation aren't quite up to your level
yet," said Link with a faint smile. Putting aside the matter of the Royal High Elf
blood, he then said, "I need to know how you intend to disrupt the High Elves'
machinations. Do you plan on destroying the World Tree?"

According to Bryant's memories, the World Tree was not a High Elf creation. It
had existed since time immemorial. The High Elves had simply settled under its

In order to occupy the area around the World Tree, the High Elves were forced
to pay a huge price. They had to adjust their own power and lifestyle in order to
adapt to the World Tree's power. For 3000 years, the High Elves had coexisted
with the World Tree, gradually forming the symbiotic relationship between the
two that existed today.

This relationship was akin to that of a lion and the fleas sucking blood off its
body. The World Tree was the lion, and the High Elves were the blood-sucking
fleas. But these fleas had been sucking blood off this gigantic lion for a long
time. They knew how to steer it in a more favorable direction.

On the other hand, it was simply impossible for other fleas outside the Isle of
Dawn to turn this lion around.

At least, Link did not know how to do such a thing.

Halino shook his head. "The World Tree is indestructible. Its power is limitless.
Its roots are planted directly into the core of Firuman. Destroying it would mean
destroying all of Firuman."

"Then what should we do?" Link was now even more curious.

Before, he had assumed that Halino had no idea just how terrible the World
Tree's power was. Judging from his explanation, the Light Magician seemed to
know a lot more about it than Link himself. Since he knew something that Link
did not, he must have some sort of inkling to stop the High Elves. This was all
the more reason for Link to listen to what Halino had to say next.

Link pricked his ears up, listening attentively to Halino now.

Eugene, the Dark Magician, added, "The World Tree is a magical relic passed
down from ancient times. In a way, it's like a huge tree-shaped magical puppet,
which isn't all that different from the tower spirit Lily that you had developed
recently. The World Tree implements a user authority system similar to your
Mage Tower's, which also offers supreme administrative authority over the tree
itself. As far as we knew, none of the High Elves were given such an honor.
According to legend, this authority was carved on a stone tablet."

"Supreme administrative authority? On a stone tablet?" Link grew even more

curious. There was no mention of this in the game. He had always assumed that
the World Tree was simply an ancient tree whose existence was similar to a
guardian deity. He never knew that the tree was a magical creation.

If such a stone tablet existed, wouldn't it automatically grant anyone wielding it

the power to destroy the whole world? thought Link.

This piece of information had come as a surprise to him. The fate of the world
could literally be in anyone's hands. Link would not have minded if the stone
tablet was in the hands of someone he could trust to keep the world in one piece.
However, it would be a different story if it fell in a demon's hands.

The Light Magician Halino was thinking the same thing. He shot a sideways
look at Eugene and said, "Also, according to legend, this tablet was called the
Book of Creation. It was torn to shreds by the Storm Lord during a great war in
the past. As a result, no one in this world has had complete administrative
authority over the World Tree for a long time."

"The Book of Creation was destroyed?" Link jolted. Halino had mentioned the
Storm Lord. Incidentally, Link's Ode of a Full Moon sword had once belonged
to the Storm Lord in its previous life. It should know something about this.

Ignorant of the origin of Link's sword, Halino continued, "The original Book of
Creation was lost forever, never to resurface in this world. However, its
fragments were found. At the moment, there are three known fragments of the
Book that still exist in this world. One is in the hands of the High Elves, another
one is in the dragon's possession, and the third one is somewhere in the far
north. Any one of these fragments would be enough to give you some power
over the World Tree. Maybe this will put an end to the High Elves' madness."
"Sounds hard." Link was now extremely fascinated by this. Still, he managed to
keep his face expressionless. His voice also remained impassive as he spoke.

Seeing Link's expressionless face, Halino assumed that Link was still not aware
of the gravity of their situation. He continued, "Lord of Ferde, you must
understand, the High Elves' plan to reunite the two realms will set off a magical
disruption across the entire continent. At that moment, ordinary folk may not
feel a thing, but without the World Tree's protection, more powerful Magicians
will be severely affected by the disruption. If nothing is done to stop this from
happening, our powers will go out of control, and we'll all perish!"

Realization came over Link's face. That was the reason why both Eugene and
Halino had come to him for his help together. It seemed that Link would not be
spared by the effects of this magical disruption as well.

However, he was no longer that young Magician who would be easily swayed
by the words of others. He had power and influence of his own. He could decide
what to do based on his own judgment.

Though the matter was indeed serious, Link and his companions had already
considered the possibility of a magical disruption and devised a proper
countermeasure against it.

Noticing that Link's face was still inert, Eugene said, "If you think you can
weather this storm safely, then I think you should know about the second effect
of the two realms' reunification."

"Tell me," said Link.

"The second most terrifying thing about it is that there is a world crack in the
Korora Mountain range. Once the two realms are reunited, the stabilizing
runestones around the crack will lose its effect, and the crack will then open up.
Not saying that the world will end immediately at that point, but the God of
Destruction will definitely take advantage of this opening to slip back into our
world and bring about its end!

"This is certainly worrying." Link nodded, but he and the others had also
already thought of this problem. According to Bryant's memories, the
reunification process would not be immediate. Its early stages would take at
least two years. Also, Link had already collected 224 Jogu pieces at the
moment. He was close to reaching 300 Jogu pieces, which was the amount he
had agreed to compensate Aisenis the Traveling Magician with for his services.

Two years was more than enough time to repair the crack. It was not as serious
as Eugene made it out to be.

Though he acknowledged the seriousness of what the two Legendary Magicians

had told him, Link decided still to remain impassive to all this. Halino and
Eugene looked at each other, visibly even more troubled than before.

How could the lord not be concerned over the dangers a magical disruption and
the world crack posed? Could it be that he already had some sort of
countermeasure to deal with both threats? Could it be that Link planned to take
refuge in the Isle of Dawn by replicating Royal High Elf blood in his veins?

Finally, the Light Magician said, "My lord, are these two things not enough for
you to step in and stop the High Elves' madness?"

Link shook his head, "No, you misunderstand me. I don't really think that the
situation is as bad as you claimed. Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but I think
the two of you may be exaggerating things a bit. I'll need to look into this
personally if I'm going to decide on anything."

"Alright then." Halino did not know what else to say. Link spoke the truth. Both
of them might have gotten carried away when they came to him with their
problems. This young man was different from them. He held power over a huge
territory. He had a terrifyingly powerful Mage Tower and countless fearsome
subordinates under him. Basically, Link was more powerful and wiser than the
two of them. It would not be an easy task to persuade him to see their way.

Deep down, Halino was disappointed. The lord of Ferde was someone he had
wanted as an ally. It was a shame that things did not go his way. He sighed and
said, "But I'm sure that you'll arrive at the same conclusion as us after seeing
things for yourself."

"You're wasting your breath, Halino," said Eugene the Dark Magician cynically.

Link was not offended by Eugene's words. He smiled and said, "The two of you
have come a long way just to see me. There's no need to get all upset, just
because we don't see things the same way. Come, it's already lunchtime. Why
don't we have lunch together?"

Halino shook his head. "No thanks, we need to find other potential allies. We'll
be paying Dragon Valley a visit, and then maybe the Mountain Sage later."

"Alright, enough talk, Halino. Let's go, we don't have much time!" said Eugene.
His body was already starting to dissipate. He then leaped out of a window and
soared a few thousand feet into the sky. Before long, he vanished into the

Halino shrugged his shoulders. "Lord of Ferde, don't pay him any mind.
Eugene's always had a nasty temper, though he's been in a fouler mood than
usual these days."

"Of course. Have a safe journey," said Link, smiling.

Halino nodded, then turned around and left the place.

When the two of them were gone, Link placed his hand on the handle of his
sword. He then asked it telepathically, "Did he Storm Lord really shatter the
Book of Creation?"

The Ode of a Full Moon sword replied, "I think he did break some stone tablet
before. Or maybe it was me. It's been too long. My memory's a bit fuzzy, let me
think about it for a moment."

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Chapter 583: Book of Creation’s Pieces

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the Storm Lord was still alive, the World Tree already existed. It had a
manager at that time, and we all called him Heim. That means 'highest
sovereign. At first, the lords and Heim lived in harmony. Then one day, a lord
made a mistake while testing a new spell, leading to a horrible spatial change.
Heim spent three years trying to revert this change. During these three years,
countless people died… Finally, Heim realized the danger of magic, and he
decided to ban everyone from using it… Then, the War of Domination erupted.

Link sat quietly in his Mage Tower's library, listening to the sword spirit
recount the War of Domination from millenniums ago.

It was too long ago, and the sword spirit often had to stop, but his memory was
still quite clear.

"What happened next?" Link asked.

What happened next? Let me think, let me think.

The sword spirit's voice was close to a murmur. He didn't continue until a long
while later.

Heim was too powerful. The lords weren't his match at all. Using the World
Tree's power, he easily defeated them all… Until one day, someone discovered
his secret.

Here, the sword spirit stopped again. Link couldn't help but urge in his mind,
"And then?"

Don't worry, don't worry. It's been too long… Oh, right. There was some
unknown thief who somehow climbed onto Heim's World Tree. He discovered
the secret of the Book of Creation. Heim destroyed the thief, but the secret still
spread. The Storm Lord, Fire King, Iron Dragon and more all went forth.
Finally, my old master, the Storm Lord, found the chance. He used turbid
lightning to shatter the Book of Creation into pieces… Ah, I was so powerful
back then. I shattered the tablet with one hit, scattering the pieces on the
ground… After that, I became famous…

"Alright, alright," Link quickly cut the sword spirit off so it wouldn't drown in
its past glory. "What about the pieces? Was it really broken into three big pieces
with one in the Dragon Valley, one in the Isle of Dawn, and one in the North?"

Let me think.
The sword spirit sank into deep thought again. Link had to wait patiently. This
time, it took a long while to think. Just as Link was about to give up, it spoke

It was too chaotic at that time. I don't remember how many pieces it broke into,
but one was really big. It was the main portion. When it broke, the Storm Lord
grabbed it… He'd checked it carefully and then said it was useless. He was
about to throw it away, but someone stopped him…

"And then?" Listening to the sword spirit's memories made Link feel
constipated. He had to push it out bit by bit. It even made his stomach hurt.

This time, the sword spirit didn't reply. More than ten minutes later, it said in
confusion, I can't remember, for some reason.

Link sighed deeply and composed himself. "Then tell me what you can
remember," he said.

Okay. I'm sorry. It's been too long, and I can't remember. Its voice was

Link couldn't do anything except comfort it. "It's okay. Anything you say now
will become my unique advantage. I don't need to know everything. I just have
to know more than other people."

The sword spirit seemed to feel better, and it continued.

I have some impression of where the large piece went. I think… the Storm Lord
still threw it to the north. He threw it really, really far away. He even used a
wind spell. Perhaps that's the one in the North.

"Oh… So you're saying that the one furthest up north may be the biggest one
and the main portion at that?" Link suddenly wanted to go north immediately
and search for the piece.

However, he quickly calmed down. It had been millenniums since the war.
Throughout these years, there must have been countless ambitious people who
went to find it. The High Elves must have had some information too. They
wouldn't let go of a chance to control the World Tree.
After all these years, either someone found it secretly, or it was very difficult to
find. Anyway, it couldn't be rushed. It depended on pure luck to find it.

Probably. I remember that the main portion had many more times the content
than the other pieces.

Link was intrigued. He continued asking, "Is there more information?"

Let me think.

The sword spirit fell silent. After that, it managed to say some more, but they
were mostly unreliable rumors. Link could only remember them and use them
for reference.

While he was communicating with the sword spirit, Celine came over. "Link,
that mouse surrendered."

Ever since that day, the mouse had been stuck in the basement. In order to not
damage the Mage Tower, the Magicians just used the most powerful seal to
keep the thing in a corner instead of capturing it.

It had been more than a week now. The thing hadn't had any food or water and
had less than 30 feet to move in. It probably couldn't keep going anymore.

Since the sword spirit couldn't think of other valuable things, Link stood up.
"Let's go take a look."

The two got to the basement. Eliard and Evelina were there too, observing the

Eliard looked as if he'd seen something new and special. "Link, you came at the
right time. Come look at this thing. We thought it was a magic pet, but it's
actually a demon. It has such great transformation skills!"

Transformation? Link was quite curious. The game had transformations. For
example, dragonification was the most typical one. However, a dragon couldn't
hide their power after transforming. They were still a dragon.

But this demon didn't have any demonic aura after transforming. It looked just
like a mouse. This was quite interesting.
He walked inside the seal but didn't see a mouse anywhere. There was just a
demon girl around 13 or 14 years old.

She couldn't be over four feet tall. She wore a pure white fur dress and was
barefoot. Her face looked just like a human's with pink cheeks. There were only
two inhuman characteristics. First, her black eyes had faint purple veins. There
were also two curled horns near her ears. The horns were also black with the
same purple veins. They were beautiful and looked harmless.

Perhaps due to being watched by everyone, the "little girl" looked shy. She
hugged her knees in the corner, peering outside cautiously. Her expression,
paired with her lovely features, made her look pitiful. There was none of the
chaotic murderous intent a demon should have.

Seeing Link come, she curled up even tighter, hiding her face behind her knees.
Only her eyes were revealed.

"Will you kill me?" She finally spoke. Her voice was bright and young like a
little girl's.

However, this was just the surface. To Link, he saw a Level-10 demon. She
looked pitiful now because the Magicians present were all more powerful than
her. If she faced regular people, she would be a horrific demon… The souls lost
due to the explosion outside the city hadn't been laid to rest yet.

Link didn't answer the demon's question. Instead, he asked, "So you must be
Nozama's daughter. Tell me your name."

"I'm Merna." The "little girl" still looked pitiful.

"Merna?" Link thought back. This name was foreign… No, he might have seen
this girl before. Oh, right. She might have been in the game's demon fortress.

With this clue, Link's memory sharpened. Yes, after Avatar used his life to
injure Nozama, he'd returned to the demon fortress. In the game, it was actually
a storyline game. Naturally, countless players swarmed over to watch. Link
went too, of course.

While they killed one boss after another, there would be a non-player character
who wouldn't attack voluntarily. Her name was Merna, and she wasn't eye-
catching. She wasn't brave either and would run away after a player came. They
wouldn't be able to find her afterward.

Thinking now, she'd faced many players in the mid-Legendary Level and must
have been terrified. She had escaped without caring about her poor dad at all. Of
course, that didn't mean that Merna wasn't dangerous. It just meant that she
didn't feel anything towards Nozama. They were merely using each other.

Thinking of this, Link said, "I want to know everything about Nozama. If you
tell me, I'll let you go."

Merna shook her head. "No, it doesn't matter if you forgive me. If I betray my
father, he can easily use a dark curse to kill me. I can't."

"Oh, then I'll just have to take you to the city's church to be baptized," Link said
with a smile. He studied Merna's reaction while talking.

When he mentioned baptism, he saw Merna shudder clearly. To a demon, a

baptism was like getting sliced by thousands of knives. It was the most horrible
torture. Their souls would disappear completely after it.

Merna gulped. Instead of begging him, she turned to Celine and wiped at her
tears. "Sister, you're my sister. Father told me about you many times. Save me,
Sister, I don't want to die."

Her tears rolled down like pearls, and her voice was so sad. She looked very
pitiful. Celine opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She
looked to Link. It was clear from her eyes that she had softened a bit.

It wasn't because of Merna's overly-dramatic performance. Instead, it was

because of their similar pasts. If not for Link, Celine would probably have a fate
like Merna and become a puppet too. Merna looked to only be a teenager. She
was curled up in the enemy's Mage Tower and tried so hard to save herself.

Celine couldn't do it.

Link understood Celine and knew her thoughts with that one look. He sighed
inwardly and said to her, "Merna is still useful. In the future, she can help us
defeat Nozama. You will be in charge of her, but know that if she does
anything, you're responsible."
Gentleness appeared in Celine's eyes. She knew that Link always respected his
own rules and was strict on himself. Today, he broke the rules for her. Clearly,
she was very important to him.

"I will watch her carefully, Lord," she said seriously.

"Yes." Link nodded and turned to Eliard and Evelina. "The single annual
forgiveness right of the Lord has been used up."

The lord's forgiveness was the only special right Link gave to himself.

Eliard and Evelina nodded to show that they'd recorded it. This was the
supervision system between the core Magicians. Even the lord wasn't exempted
from it. Of course, Link could break it if he really wanted. However, his image
that he'd built up would be destroyed instantly. He had to choose between these
two options.

Merna had Legendary power while Celine was only at the pinnacle of Level-8.
Thus, Link tapped the magic seal. Countless runes appeared in the air and easily
passed through the seal, burying into Merna's body.

At the same time, other runes flew into Celine's body.

Three seconds later, Link tapped the seal again to cancel it. Merna pouted, but
she stood up obediently and walked to Celine.

She had no choice. Not only did Link seal up most of her power, but she also
had a curse planted in her for Celine. Celine could torture her with one thought.
She had no way to fight back.

Celine patted her head and murmured, "Alright, Merna. It's much better than

Merna's matter would temporarily stop here. "I wish to go north. I need some
helpers," Link said to Eliard.

The north had the main piece of the Book of Creation. He had to at least try his
luck. If he really got the piece, the High Elf threat would vanish.

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Chapter 584: Winds of War from All Sides(1/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dragon Valley, outside the mist maze

"No, Halino, the Dragon Valley will no longer be a party to any wars in the
continent," said the Red Dragon Queen's illusion. In the illusion, her dragon
body lay coiled up on the ground. She was gazing at the Light Magician, her
golden gleaming eyes half-closed.

Still, Halino did not give up. "Your Highness, you don't look too good. Did
something happen in the Dragon Valley?"

"There's been no other incident since the opening of the crack. We already have
our hands full with it. It was our mistake to begin with, so naturally, it falls to us
dragons to keep the crack closed. I'm sorry, but it is beyond our power to
intervene in anything else right now."

The Red Dragon Queen's voice was deadpan as if she could not be bothered
with anything else in the world. When she finished, her eyes swiveled towards
Eugene and then said, "Halino, do you really intend to find the Book of
Creation's fragments with Eugene? Are you not worried that he has other plans
for them?"

"Of course I'm worried, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. It would be better if
you could join us in our search. It's a shame, really..." Halino shrugged, visibly
disappointed by the queen's refusal.

"I'm truly sorry," said the Red Dragon Queen again, sighing.

Seeing her in such a state, The Dark Magician Eugene cackled. "Just give up,
Halino. Your words won't move her. She was the one who got dumped after all,
and now look at her. You're better off seeking a dog's help instead of hers."

"Eugene!" Halino was aware of Eugene's sharp tongue, but he did not think that
he would go this far!
As soon as Eugene said those words, the Red Dragon Queen's illusion trembled
violently. It was probably due to a sudden surge of emotion on her side. After a
few seconds, the illusion vanished.

Eugene shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "See, I told you. I don't really
know the specifics, but the fact that the lord of Ferde abandoned Dragon Power
completely, and the dragon race in Ferde has withdrawn from the place meant
that things did not end well between the two. But you should know, Link was a
Dragon Duke before. So isn't it reasonable to assume that he was the one who
dumped the Red Dragon Queen?"

Despite their differences, Halino could not help but admit that Eugene's words
sounded reasonable. He let out a sigh. "Alright, I guess the only Emerald
Council member we could go to now is the Mountain Sage himself."

He turned around, ready to leave. But just then, there was a stir in the Mist
Maze. After a while, a gigantic form burst out of the maze. It was the Red
Dragon Queen Gretel.

With a loud thud, she landed on the ground, and the earth trembled. Eugene
immediately took on a defensive posture. If there was one thing he had learned
from his long life, it was that hell indeed hath no fury like a woman scorned.

But he thought wrong.

Gretel lowered her head and widened her eyes at Eugene. Her voice was still
flat when she said, "Though you could have worded it nicely, you are right,
Dark Magician. I've been dwelling in the past for far too long. Everyone
experiences failures and setbacks. Link has also been no more than the child of
a noble family once. If he can move forward, so can I!"

Hearing this, Eugene raised a brow. "Your Highness, you still haven't let go of
your little duke, have you? But no matter, we all have our little fixations. As
long as you don't hamper our plans, I'm fine with you tagging along."

Gretel let out a humph. "You're mistaken. I never said I would work with you.
I'm only proposing my alliance with Halino. I couldn't care any less about what
happens to you."

Eugene shrugged, but he muttered under his breath, "Such a vindictive dragon!"
Halino did not expect such a turn of events. He was happy. The Red Dragon
Queen's power level was not as high as theirs, but the extent of her power was
vast, and she was also able to travel through dangerous places like the Sea of
Void. She would make a valuable ally.

Feeling more optimistic, Halino said, "Great, then let's go find Mountain Sage
Heroto. I'm sure he'll agree to join us."

"Let's hope so." Eugene did not share his companion's optimism.


North of the Black Forest, Skeletal Fortress

In the deepest depths of Skeletal Fortress, there was a secret room. In the middle
of this room was an obsidian altar, and a blinding, red light was radiating from
it. Beneath it, Molina the priest was kneeling on the ground, motionless.

This went on for an hour. Suddenly, a voice rang out from the red light.

"Katyusha's soul is lost to us. We can no longer bring it back. However, our
greatest concern now is not Katyusha, but those pointy-eared elves. The actions
of those elves will bring destruction upon the Firuman realm. Go help them, and
make sure their plans do not fail. Hehehe..."

"But Master, Katyusha..." Molina still could not come to terms with what
happened to her sister.

"Katyusha was weak. She has failed me twice. There won't be a third time!
Molina, she's gone forever. Do you understand?" said the cold voice from the
red light.

Molina felt a sudden chill. "I understand, Master."

"Good. Now go. Let the pathetic creatures of this realm see for themselves how
these elves came to destroy their own world. Hahaha, idiots, the lot of them."

The voice gradually faded away. Finally, the room once again fell into silence.
Molina was still kneeling on the ground. Five minutes later, she wiped the tears
from her eyes and whispered, "Goodbye, Katyusha."

She stood up and walked out of the room. There were three Legendary Nagas
already waiting outside the room.

Molina had regained her authoritative demeanor as a Naga Priest. She said with
a low voice, "Alright, Master has given us his orders..."


The High Elves were not wasting any time on the Isle of Dawn as well. They
were already in the midst of the realm reunification's preparations.


The High Elf royal palace, Andwar

The High Elf Queen was listening to her subordinates' reports on their progress.

"Your Highness, we've already begun the reunification runestone's construction.

With our current rate of progress, we'll have it ready in approximately 14

"Very good. Has contact been made with Princess Milda on the other side?"
asked the queen.

The one who answered her was King Mordena. He stepped forward, frowning.
"We've made contact, but Milda did not agree with what we're doing. No matter
how I tried explaining it to her, she still strongly objected to it."

"Uhm?" The queen was confused. "Did you not explain to her the current state
of the Firuman continent?"

"I did, but she said that the risks of reuniting the two realms are huge and that
there is a better solution to our problem. She has even proposed an alternative."

"What alternative?" The queen was troubled. She would not have been as upset
if it had been the elders who objected to her wishes. But this was her own
daughter they were talking about. In the past, Milda had always been the
respectful and compliant daughter. Now, she seemed to think that she now stood
on equal footing with her own mother. Was this still the same obedient Milda
she had raised?

"She said that her power had reached Level-16. She's also now a priest of the
Blazing Fire sect. With your consent, she could send two Level-14 Inferno
Warriors to help us out."

In truth, King Mordena thought that her daughter's plan was excellent. Deep
down, he felt that the reunification of the two realms was just too risky. One
mistake was enough to set off a catastrophe of a magnitude that surpassed even
the Mana Disaster.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the queen immediately waved a dismissive

hand. "The realm reunification will proceed as planned. There's no turning back
now. What we should be discussing now is how best to reduce the risks we're
running instead of switching plans halfway through!"

Seeing that her husband still had second thoughts, she said even more
assertively, "King Mordena, two Level-14 Inferno Warriors are certainly
powerful, but can they take on Ferde's Mage Tower themselves? The power of
that Mage Tower is not to be taken lightly. Not even a hundred Inferno Warriors
would be enough to resist its attacks, let alone two. And so what if we manage
to kill Link? The humans remain numerous. Who's to say another Link won't
rise up against us in the future? After reuniting the two realms, our forces will
be in the millions. At that point, we'll have both the all-powerful World Tree
capable of fending off even gods and ten thousand years of magical knowledge
on our side. Even if the humans are able to find allies of their own from the
Aragu realm, they won't stand a chance against us!"

Finally, she said, "Have you forgotten Ariel? She's your daughter, and she's also
the first royal family member to be killed by a human. This affront will be paid
in human blood!"

At this point, King Mordena could not say anything else to change the queen's

Though Milda had objected to this, the fact remained that she was still in
another realm and did not fully understand Firuman's current state. Her plan
would only serve as a temporary solution to the High Elves' troubles. On the
other hand, the queen's plan would completely turn the situation to their
advantage. They would also finally be able to avenge Ariel's death. King
Mordena nodded and said, "I'll contact Milda and have her full support on this

"Go then. Tell her that her sister was slain by the humans!"

King Mordena nodded, "As you wish."

He turned to leave. Just then, a High Elf elder stepped forth and said, "Your
Highness, we received word from one of our sentries that the Emerald Council
will not support our plan and that they intend to stop us. They also seem to have
known about the existence of the Book of Creation."

He handed a letter over to the queen.

The queen gave it a glance, then fell silent for a few seconds. Finally, she said,
"Take this to King Mordena. Tell him to ask Princess Milda to send over her
two Inferno Warriors."

At the moment, the High Elves were running short on powerful Warriors. There
was no way they could oppose the Emerald Council's Magicians on their own.
They needed outside help right now.

"As you wish, Your Highness." The elder immediately left the palace to carry
out his order.

The rest of the High Elves then continued reporting their progress on different
aspects of the realm reunification plan to the queen. As an ancient race, they had
never done anything like this before, but there had been many scholars in the
past who had explored the possibility of reuniting two realms and had even
conducted large-scale experiments on the subject. Right now, aided by the
wisdom of these scholars, the High Elves carried out every step of their plan
steadily and without any trace of disorder.

As the winds of war began to blow across the continent, the Magicians of Ferde
had also begun making their own preparations.

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Chapter 585: A Strange Person

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Trot, trot, trot.

The sounds of organized hooves came from the training field in the north of
Ferde. The Sunlight Warriors were gathering.

There were many soldiers here—more than 150,000. Looking down from the
tall stand on the side of field, one would see a sea of people. It was practically
boundless. With all the people and horses, it was extremely noisy as well.
Looking closely, one would see that the soldiers all shone as if they were
covered in a layer of sunlight.

An indescribable vitality radiated from each of them. It spread in all directions

and, from the distance, it seemed that this land was loved by the sun. It was very
warm and abnormally bright.

To the outside world, these soldiers were gathering to help reinforce the Orida
Fortress in the north.

In the near distance, Link and his Magicians were watching this. General Jacker
was also in the stands. He was now a Sunlight Warrior at the pinnacle of Level-
9, one step away from the Legendary Level. He was still the most powerful
Warrior in the territory.

However, there were many new stars behind him. For example, Warrior
Thoreau had risen two levels in a row. He was now Level-8 already. There were
more than 700 soldiers in Level-8. There were also many in Level-9—more
than 90. They were all chasing close to Jacker.

Though these newbies wouldn't replace him as general even if their power
surpassed him, Jacker still felt pressured. He practiced like crazy whenever he
had time, not daring to relax for even a bit.
"Lord, with our speed, we should finish preparing tomorrow and can depart the
next day," Jacker reported the specific developments.

Link nodded. "This trip north is to deal with the Army of Destruction if they
come southward and also to build a sturdy foundation there. We will also
establish defensive sentries along the way to reinforce our actions whenever
needed. Go back and keep observing. Choose enough elites for this mission."

"Understood, Lord." Jacker nodded.

After that, Link gave some more detailed instructions that Jacker recorded. Then
he left to get to work.

After Jacker left, Eliard said, "Link, let me go with you this time. I feel that it
only takes a bit more for a breakthrough, but I still lack something. I think I
need the opportunity."

Link glanced at Evelina who said, "Lord, don't look at me. I don't care…as long
as this guy doesn't die in the north."

Eliard huffed. "How would I die there? You're cursing me!"

"Alright, alright, just come with me," Link agreed quickly.

Beside him, Celine had some thoughts, but Link sensed them and spoke before
she could.

"Celine, you're at Level-9, but you're still far from a breakthrough. All the
enemies we'll meet in the North will most likely be in the Legendary level. Stay
in Ferde and train patiently."

"Fine," Celine had to answer.

Beside her, Merna giggled at this. "Sister, the north isn't fun at all. It's filled
with Father's underlings, and it's too dangerous. Ferde is more fun."

This girl was a demon, but she wasn't very demonic. Her personality was only a
bit more mature than a regular little girl's. After staying in Ferde with Celine for
these days, she was mesmerized by the colorful world. It would be hard to kick
her away now.
Celine chuckled wryly. She knew that Merna couldn't understand her worries
now, so she didn't say anything. She just smiled and patted her sister's head.

On the other hand, Link was discussing with Evelina, Vance, Alloa, and Eleanor
about the arrangements after he left.

The Mage Tower was getting bigger and bigger with more sub-towers nearby.
There was also the Gold Rune Workshop, and alchemy shops were getting built.
There were many tasks, even with Lily's help. Link discussed with them for
more than an hour before settling everything.

Finally, it was decided that the three who would go to the Orida Fortress were
Link, Eliard, and Milose. Elovan had wanted to go, but he was, unfortunately, a
flesh magic puppet now. He couldn't travel quickly and would hold them back,
so he decided not to go.

Of the three, Eliard was almost at the Legendary Level, Link had successfully
reached Level-12, and Milose was in the middle of Level-10. Because they had
the support of a rich territory, the three were covered in the best magic
equipment, all types of potions, and runes.

This way, even if they ran into forces much stronger than them, they could still
put up a fight. The trio was now the top force in Firuman.

The Sunlight Army would depart the day after tomorrow. Link' group obviously
couldn't wait for that. After settling everything, Link took Eliard and Milose and
used a transmission spell.

After the flash of light, the three appeared in the sky miles away. The increase
in distance was a benefit to Link's leveling up. After that, Link used the Void
Walk and sped northward.

After a while, Eliard felt a change. He watched as clusters of runes flashed by

like flowers and exclaimed, "Link, I feel that you're using a new magic
technique. It's different from before, and it's 50% faster!"

Milose didn't say anything, but his eyes were filled with shock. Link's speed was
honestly too fast. He was at least twice as fast as before. With this extreme
speed, Milose couldn't even feel any wind. His surroundings were calm as if
they were in a nonexistent illusion and were flying through the air.
Even more shocking was that Link wasn't alone. He was flying with two others.
This spell was too incredible.

Link chuckled. He didn't keep it a secret. "Indeed, I changed it, but the general
theory didn't change. I'm still using the force from spatial distortions to move
forward. I just greatly increased the curvature of the spatial distortions and
added some auxiliary forces. For example, all the currents are behind us now.
Look behind. The air is distorted, right?"

Eliard and Milose turned to look and found it was so. The air before and beside
them was calm, but the air behind them was shaken. Everything they could see
was twisted.

Technically, such intense spatial ripples would create horrible noises. However,
they were going so fast that the speed of sound couldn't catch up. Thus, they
couldn't hear anything at all.

Eliard studied carefully for five or six minutes. Then he shook his head. "Oh,
your methods are getting better and better…This requires very strong magic
control. I'm too far from this."

Hearing this, Milose smiled wryly. It wasn't just far—it was impossible.

Eliard wasn't at the Legendary level yet, so he couldn't feel how terrifying
Link's tactics were. However, Milose could clearly feel the precision in Link's
control. It was inhuman.

Link's power seemed to be his soul. He could use his power according to his
whim without any delay. It was magic, but he made it seem like a martial arts
attack. This kind of Magician was too terrifying. Even if Milose stood behind
him, he didn't have the courage to attack.

Link didn't know what Milose was thinking, of course. After that, he helped the
two fly while discussing the Void Walk spell with Eliard. He was fast at
comprehending and could understand everything before Milose could. He could
even draw his own inferences later on.

Both Link and Eliard displayed inhuman thought operations during this trip. In
Milose's opinion, Link was a strange beast. Eliard was too.
It was understandable. In the game, Eliard was a total genius. He was the star of
the stars and all players called him the prince of the realm. The fact that Link
could be one step ahead of him this entire time was mostly due to his strong

Now, as Eliard grew stronger, his soul was awakening and strengthening too.
He could gradually catch up to Link. Many times, Link could feel the pressure
coming from Eliard, so he didn't allow himself to relax.

As for Milose, he was just a regular genius. He could reach the Legendary Level
thanks to his talent, but also because of the complete training he'd received in
the Isle of Dawn since childhood. If he lived in the human world where there
weren't many magic academies, he would at most be at Level-6 now.

This was an astronomic difference. No wonder he was so dazed.

Link was honestly too fast. Half an hour later, the Orida Fortress appeared
before them. Here, Link had planned on crossing over it and continuing

However, after glancing at the fortress, he changed his mind. Inside the Orida
Fortress… No, more specifically, it was in the forest outside the fortress that he
felt a strange aura. It was familiar, but he couldn't pinpoint who it was.

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Chapter 586: It Really Was Her (3/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Slowing down, Link cast an invisibility spell on all three of them. He then began
to slowly let his altitude drop as he flew straight for the aura that he just felt.

"What is it?" asked Eliard when he saw the grave expression on Link's face.

"There's someone in the woods. His aura is extraordinarily powerful. It may

even be at Level-13. What's strange is that I seem to have felt it somewhere
"A Level-13 master?" said Milose, aghast.

Milose was a High Elf. Before the Mana Disaster, numerous masters had existed
when there was still a high Mana concentration in all of Firuman. The High
Elves had a complete record of their own history and lineages; as such, they
knew more about Legendary masters than the humans did.

For most professions across the continent, Level-10 was a huge bottleneck. This
meant that subsequent promotions after Level-10 would become progressively

For instance, a hundred years ago, the former High Elf prophet Bryant had
reached Level-12. A hundred years later, though his power was still increasing,
he still had yet to reach Level-13.

Despite the difficulties of a promotion, its payoff was huge. After reaching a
new level, the extent of one's power would increase drastically. His or her body
would also be one step closer to perfection.

Of course, this was what normally would happen for most races. Legendary
races like the dragons who were blessed by their ancestors' wisdom were a
different story.

Though power did not necessarily equate to combat power, if someone had
actually attained such power, they would most certainly not be a pushover.

As far as Milose knew, among the natives of Firuman, only two Level-13
masters existed. One was the Light Magician; the other was the Dark Magician.
Next was the Level-12 High Elf prophet Bryant. After him was the Lord of
Ferde himself, the Red Dragon Queen and the Dwarf Mountain Sage, who were
all Level-11 masters.

Last but not least were the High Elf Legendary prodigies who had only recently
reached Level-10 at the bottom of this hierarchy.

Right now, Milose's heart was thumping in apprehension at this sudden

appearance of another Level-13 master.

"My lord, should we prepare for battle?" asked Milose. A master of such caliber
would not be hanging around near Orida Fortress without any reason. He must
have come all the way here to fulfill a mission. If all three of them blindly
rushed in, there might be trouble.

Link thought for a while, then nodded. "Alright, prepare yourselves then."

Saying this, he slightly made some adjustments to their formation, placing

Eliard in a position where he could do the most damage.

Half a minute later, the three of them landed on a clearing in the middle of the
woods. Link narrowed his eyes and felt for the enemy's aura. It was extremely
weak. He probably would not be able to sense it if he only had Dragon Power at
his disposal like before.

"He's approximately 300 feet in front of us. I think he's resting." Link was
troubled by this. He sensed that the person was weak as if wounded.

What on earth would be able to injure a master like him? Was he injured by
someone? If so, who was his assailant?

Things had become complicated.

Link raised a hand for the other two to stop. He then mouthed out silently to
them what he had sensed from the other person. When he was done, he then
said, "This does not look too good. If this Level-13 master was really injured by
someone, that means that there's an even more dangerous being lurking in the
vicinity. What's worse is that I can't even feel this other being's presence."

The fact that he could not sense the presence of this assailant could only mean
that either such a person did not exist, or that the person had used a technique to
camouflage his or her own presence that surpassed even Link's current level. If
it was the latter, this unseen enemy would be able to easily to flatten all three of
them like ants.

Eliard did not know much about the masters in the continent. He looked at

Milose looked even more apprehensive. "There was no way such a powerful
being existed on the Firuman continent. It's just impossible. The World Tree
would be able to pick up his or her presence right away. Unless..."
"Unless what?" asked Eliard.

Link already had the answer. "Unless this person was from another realm. The
Aragu Realm, perhaps?"

Milose nodded. "When Princess Ariel brought us to the plains, the High Elf
Queen had revealed her intention to seek help from Aragu. She had also
contacted Princess Milda in Aragu numerous times, asking her to send over
masters there to assist the Isle of Dawn, but the princess refused her mother's
requests each time. However, with Princess Ariel gone, I fear that..."

This seemed possible.

Link knew Aragu's state all too well.

There were countless masters in the Aragu realm. Masters above Level-13 were
no more than a lord there. For instance, the Bloody Butcher Balha back then
was a Tier-3 master, whose power was only Level-12 in Firuman terms.

Time worked differently in Aragu. A hundred years had probably passed there
ever since Link came back to Firuman. No one knew what had changed during
that time. If Milda was still alive and also knew that Link had killed her sister
Ariel, then her sending over a master to assist the High Elves was just a matter
of time.

Teleporting a Legendary master across the two realms would only cause a tiny
splash, which would not be enough to trigger Link's Eye of the Realm.

Link still could not grasp the situation they were in at the moment.

Finally, Link said, "Things have gotten out of control. Let's retreat for now.
We'll go back to Orida Fortress and convince Marshal Kanorse to dispatch a
squadron to investigate the woods... Wait, something's changed. The injured
master's spotted me. He's heading towards us!"

Milose was stunned. "He'll draw the attention of his attacker to us! My lord, let
us retreat, quick!"
Eliard had also sensed how serious things had become. Though he was already
panicking on the inside, he did not dare interrupt Link's thoughts. Eliard
immediately waved a hand at Milose, stopping him from saying another word.

Eliard might not understand the state of the world as much as Milose, but he
was a hundred times more familiar with Link's ways than the latter. He had
known Link for almost four years and had personally witnessed his strength and
powers of judgment. He deeply believed that Link would be able to lead the two
of them out of there safely.

However, Link did not move a muscle.

He silently stood there, feeling the other master's aura closely. The other master
seemed to be hesitating, his movements tentative. He was making his way
towards them inch by inch. As he got closer and closer, Link had an even
clearer sense of his aura.

Everything about this master was extremely familiar to Link. The person's aura,
the frequency of his footsteps, the heft of each step he took, and even the soft
sound the wind made as it grazed past the person's body were all coming
together to form a familiar image in Link's memory.

Though these characteristics gave Link an indescribable sense of familiarity,

there was still a stark difference between the approaching master and the person
he remembered. In the end, he could not come to a final conclusion as to who
the mysterious master was.

He decided not to make any further judgments and waited patiently for the other
party to arrive.

As Link waited, he placed a hand on the Ode of a Full Moon sword hanging
from his waist. This way, he would be able to lash out first at the first sign of

Milose and Eliard too readied themselves for a confrontation. Their eyes were
fixed on Link the whole time.

In front of them was a dense forest. The cold air in the North was unable to fly
down south due to the iron wall blocking off the region. The climate here
resembled the South's. As a result, the woods were thicker, and all kinds of plant
life grew uninhibited in every corner of the forest.

Five minutes later, footsteps sounded from the woods up front. All three had
heard them. Link was now able to gather more information on their mystery

A woman. She doesn't seem tall, perhaps 4 feet. She has a slim physique, but
she feels heavier than her body's supposed weight. Is it due to the armor that
she's wearing?

Her footsteps seem to be in disorder. Even if her body had been considerably
weakened, judging by her current power level, she should still be able to retain
some control over her movements... No, she's lost control of her own emotions.

Who is it? Link now had a clearer image of who he was dealing with. He slowly
let his hand slide off the pommel of his sword.

When the other party exited the woods and revealed her face and pair of huge
eyes to everyone, Link let out a sigh.

It really was her!

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Chapter 587: Time Passes, Magic Puppet Heart

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


The figure behind the trees was just as how Link had estimated. She was around
five feet tall and was slim. There were a clean ponytail and a pair of pure eyes
with complicated emotions in them. There was confusion but also the fatigue of
having seen too much.

She wore simple leather armor. Its style and color were very strange. It didn't
look like the Firuman style or the Araguan style that Link had once experienced.
There was a sword at her waist. The hilt was old, and the handguard had many
small nicks.

Link had great vision. He could see instantly that the sword had gone through
countless battles. The nicks had resulted from collisions with enemy weapons.
He could see from the runes that this was the main weapon he'd once made for
Nana—the Last Nightmare.

"Master," the girl said while walking forward and lowering onto one knee
before Link.

"Master?" Milose was very shocked. The change was a bit drastic, and he
couldn't process it.

Eliard recognized Nana and explained softly, "She's Nana, the first Legendary
Magician and had once killed a dark divine gear."

"Ah." Milose was even more shocked after hearing this name. Wasn't Nana in
the Aragu Realm? Why did she appear in Firuman?

Link ignored his surprise. Through his contract with Nana, he was sure that this
was still his Nana. He walked up and hunched to help Nana up. "Why did you
return?" he asked.

Nana rose and pouted in a human-like way. "Princess Milda knew about Ariel.
In the end, she agreed to fuse the two realms. At the same time, she had sent two
Tier-5…or Level-14 Inferno Warriors to the Isle of Dawn. She's now the
priestess of the Fire Sect and has many Inferno Warriors around her. She doesn't
need Nana's protection anymore, so Nana came back."

Her voice was still a bit mechanic, but it was very faint, and most people
wouldn't be able to tell. She didn't look like a magic puppet at all.

Link looked at Nana's arm and then the sword at her waist. His eyebrow
quirked. "You're hurt. Who injured your waist?"

Nana's armor wasn't damaged, but Link was extremely sensitive. He was also a
martial artist himself. Especially after practicing the battle technique from
Avatar, he became even more sensitive.
Link saw a flaw in the power circulation in Nana's waist when she had knelt and
later when he helped her up.

Nana lowered her head and didn't speak.

Link didn't need her to speak. Using his thoughts, pure Realm Essence surged
and formed a dot of light in the air. It circled Nana. Three seconds later, it
brought the information it gathered back to Link.

Now, he knew Nana's situation. She was at the pinnacle of Level-13. This
wasn't very powerful in Aragu, but her power was very pure. It was only a bit
weaker than Link's Realm Essence.

The pureness meant high control. Nana's battle techniques must be intimidating.
However, there was a bit of foreign power at her waist.

"It's a sword injury with a bit of Fire elemental power. It's very powerful, at
Level-19, but it's faint. Did an Inferno Warrior of the Fire Sect hurt you?"

"Yes." Nana nodded.

Link's thoughts whirred; he'd guessed most of it.

"You and Milda had an argument… No, you wouldn't do that. She didn't want
you to return, but she couldn't convince you, so she sent people to kill you. Is
that right?"

Nana's expression turned a bit sad. She sighed and nodded lightly. "I can't fool
Master. She…she's not like before. After 113 years, she's completely into the
Fire Sect now, becoming the ambassador of the god in the mortal world.
She…is drunk on the ultimate power. She's completely forgotten Master."

"Oh." Link nodded. This change was expected. If he left Celine for more than
100 years, he would probably forget her too, let alone Milda. This was how
people were.

Since Milda was now the ambassador of the Fire Sect and had ruled it for more
than a century, she must be a mature politician now. It would be laughable to
talk about romance with someone like that.
It wasn't hard to understand her actions towards Nana.

Thinking of this, Link asked, "You went between the realms. Did people pursue
you here?"

Nana shook her head. "No. Nana killed all pursuers… Nana's weakness now is
from passing through the realms. Fighting against the chaotic currents in the Sea
of Void used up much of Nana's power… After entering Firuman, Nana
appeared in the Hengduan Mountain Range and traveled quickly. Nana didn't
expect to meet Master here."

Link now completely understood Nana's situation.

After spending a century in Aragu, Milda had changed, and Nana had changed.
Both had changed a lot, but the one thing that remained unchanged was that
Nana belonged to Link. To her, Link was always her master. Thus, when Milda
sent Inferno Warriors against Link, she was willing to end the relationship with
Milda and hurry back to Firuman.

Judging from her actions, Milda was also important to her. Unfortunately, Milda
had betrayed the thing most important to Nana. Thinking of this, Link sighed
inwardly. Everything changed with time, and people's hearts couldn't be trusted.
The only thing he could trust was the magic puppet he'd created.

Patting Nana's shoulder, Link smiled. "It's great that you're back. Your
protection mission is over. Come with me now."

"Nana understands." Nana went behind Link. Her position was exactly the same
as 100 years ago.

Nana was a great helper, but her power hadn't recovered completely. Link
prepared to rest for a bit. Since the Orida Fortress happened to be nearby, he
said, "Let's go to the Orida Fortress now."

Eliard and Milose had no objections. Nana obviously didn't either. The group
turned and hurried toward the Orida Fortress.

Because Nana was weak, Link traveled slowly. Along the way, he learned about
the Aragu Empire from her. Nana obviously told him everything she knew,
telling him about what had happened over the century.
The Aragu Realm hadn't been quiet for the hundred years. It had changed
drastically too. The once-powerful Aragu Empire collapsed 15 years after Link
had left and split into two. In one, the Araguans, Laguans, dwarves, and other
races that believed in the Fire Sect formed a new empire—Yan. The other group
of Araguans inherited the empire and continued the Aragu Empire.

The two empires were in the state of civil war and constantly had battles. The
longest period of peace was less than two years. Both sides put their all into the
war, even going past their bottom line at times. Not only were the people
tormented by war, even the realm was hurt.

The injuries were caused by the curses of Magicians. The countless curses
might have angered the realm's conscience or changed the laws. For whatever
reason, the Mana density decreased greatly. It was less than one-fifth of what it
had been!

The direct change was that the strong figures lessened. Their rate of
strengthening decreased as well. Add to that the fact that many older ones had
died in war, the strongest person in Aragu now was the Fire Archmage who was
trying to become a god. After that was the Snow Mountain Archmage. These
two were protectors at Level-19. Below that, there was a break, jumping from
Level-19 to Level-16.

A hidden change was that time was flowing slower now. Of course, very few
knew about this. Now, Aragu was only around 1.5 times faster than Firuman.

Milda was now at Level-16. Other than the two Level-19 Archmages, she was
the strongest in the mortal world. The other was Saroviny. She was now
completely following the Fire Sect. She was the Black Flame Envoy and the
commander of the Inferno Army.

For this century, more than 50,000,000 lives had died because of her and her
army. In Aragu, she was also known as the Black Blood Rose.

Here, Eliard suddenly asked, "Nana, you didn't talk about yourself. What was
your status in the Yan Empire?"

"Nana's status?" Nana chuckled wryly. "My power rose too slowly. At first,
Nana was head of Milda's guard. As Milda had more trusted people, Nana was
pushed to the side. Before returning, Nana was only one of Milda's 12 Holy Yan

"Really?" Milose felt something wrong. "If you were pushed to the side, why
would she send people to kill you when you wanted to leave? That means that
you're still important to her."

"Maybe she didn't want Nana to notify Link?" Nana said.

This made sense; Milose and Eliard believed her. However, Link felt that Nana
was hiding something. No, she wasn't hiding it. Rather, she thought it wasn't
important, so she didn't mention it.

Link felt that Nana's position in the Fire Sect wasn't as low as she said. Of
course, this was just his gut feeling. He had no proof.

Thinking of this, Link didn't continue asking. Since Nana was back, she had
nothing to do with the Fire Sect anymore. She was his own Nana.

"The Orida Fortress is before us," he said. "We can go see General Kanorse…
Nana, your power is recovery a bit slow."

Nana nodded. "That is Nana's biggest flaw. I am not living flesh, and my body
isn't perfect. I need a long time to recover after using up my energy."

Link thought a bit and said, "That's okay. I'll check your body. Maybe I can find
a way to improve you."

Eliard laughed at this. "Be careful of Celine if she finds out…" Link glared at
him before he could finish and he quickly changed the topic. Chuckling, he said,
"Nana, you're lucky. Link's magic improved tremendously these years. He can
probably even use magic to create a person. He can definitely fix your

Nana smiled. "Nana's owner has always been the most powerful Magician!"

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Chapter 588: Creation of Life (2/2)
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Half an hour later, Link finally saw Kanorse.

It had been half a year since Link saw him. Kanorse was no longer the naive
young knight he once was. He now exuded an air of authority that befitted his
place as the army's marshal.

When Eliard and Milose saw Kanorse, they could feel a sudden pressure
weighing on them. The two of them stood behind Link nervously. Despite being
a master of the same level as Kanorse, Milorse still did not dare speak out of
turn for fear of offending him.

Of course, this did not affect Link and Nana.

This was due to the training both of them had undergone and also the fact that
Ferde was a main supporter of Orida Fortress. Ferde provided 70% of the
fortress' resources and had a monopoly on the provision of all kinds of magical
equipment for the soldiers there.

Given the fact that Link had also saved his life once, it seemed that this was a
debt Kanorse would not be able to fully repay in his lifetime.

In a study on the second floor of the fortress, Kanorse personally poured a cup
of hot tea for every one of them. He then sat down and smiled. "My lord, why
haven't you come with your army?"

Kanorse was already made aware of the news that the Sunlight Army of Ferde
was going to back up Orida Fortress.

Link smiled back. "I'm heading towards the North on a secret mission, so I
thought I would drop by here first. My army should reach Orida Fortress in half
a month's time. You know Nana here. She's injured, and I'll need to borrow the
fortress' enchantment workshop for a bit."

"Oh, I see." Kanose did not even bother asking what Link intended to do up
north. Since it was a secret mission, even if he asked, Link probably would not
be willing to give him the details. "I'll order the military Magicians to vacate the
workshop immediately."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem at all. Actually, my lord, there is something I was hoping you
could help me with. There's something off about my sword. I was wondering if
you could fix it a bit for me." Kanorse handed the Lion's Fury sword over to

Link smiled and asked, "What would you like me to change, then?"

It was Link who had given this sword its current form. Back then, Link's combat
skills were excellent, but his combat sensitivity was nowhere near his current
level. Despite his attempts to forge the perfect sword for Kanorse, it might not
have suited him. Hearing what Kanorse said, Link thought that he did not forge
the sword right in the first place.

Kanorse scratched his head, confused.

I don't really know. At first, it felt right in my hand. But recently, it's become a
bit unwieldy."

Link understood what was going on. Kanorse's skills had improved
tremendously, but the weapon just could not keep up with them.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Why don't you perform a basic sword
form here in the study? I may be able to see what is wrong with your sword."

"Alright." Kanorse knew that Link was now a combat master and should be able
to see what the problem was with it. He then began to brandish his sword about
in the tiny room.

The study was extremely tiny. There were bookshelves and paperwork around
him. He started slow, holding his movements back. After giving his sword two
swings, Link said, "Now you're just dancing. I can't see what your problem
is from a dance number. The sword that I've forged for you is meant for murder,
so use actual killing techniques with it!"
Kanorse immediately understood what Link meant. There was now a drastic
change in his form as he swung his sword a third time. Killing intent flowed out
from every stroke of his sword, rocking the whole room like a tidal wave.

With a gentle wave of his hand, Link set up a barrier around the room in order
to shield everything in it from Kanorse's sword. At the same time, an illusion of
himself surfaced from his body with a sword ready in its hand.

Link's illusion held nothing back as its sword stabbed straight at Kanorse's back.
The attack came slow, giving Kanorse ample time to react.

The illusion accelerated its attack as soon as Kanorse sensed it behind him. He
immediately turned around and managed to block the attack in time.

In the span of a few moments, Link's illusion and Kanorse exchanged flurries of
stabs and slices with each other in the cramped, 100-square-foot space of the
study. Each stroke of their swords was calculated to slay the other on the spot.

Though Eliard and Milose were Magicians, the two of them could feel just how
terrifying Kanorse's swordsmanship was. Eliard still had a grip on himself. On
the other hand, cold sweat dripped from Milose's forehead profusely. His eyes
were wide with awe and terror as he watched the two masters cross swords.

The only other person who was not affected by this was Nana.

Her eyes were locked tightly on the two duelists' movements. When the duel
reached a high point, her hands began swinging about in an attempt to imitate
their movements. She was completely captivated by the spectacle before her.

Such a reaction was understandable. Both Link and Kanorse were masters of the
combat arts. A duel between two masters of their caliber was guaranteed to be
worth watching. One would be hard-pressed to find such high-level displays of
swordsmanship from masters of the Aragu realm.

The duel went on for ten minutes. Then, Link's illusion took a step back and
faded into specks of light. Kanorse chased after it, still intent on continuing the
fight. He then turned to Link, somewhat disappointed. "That was fun. My lord,
we could still continue our duel for a few more minutes if you like."
It had been a while since Kanorse had fought someone to a standstill even with
his full strength. It was an exhilarating experience.

Link shook his head. "Another time, perhaps. I now know what your sword
needs. Give it to me."

"Alright." Still not completely satisfied, Kanorse handed Link the Lion's Fury
and then wrote a mandate for him.

As soon as Link received the document, a white light enveloped his body, and
he vanished from the study. An instant later, he reappeared in front of the
fortress' Mage Tower.

MIlose reappeared behind him. He let out a sigh, looking at Link with renewed

"My lord, I never knew you were this good with the sword."

He had only known about Link's swordsmanship through hearsay. Even back on
the Golden Plains, Link had only ambushed them with a few strikes from his
sword. Milose finally witnessed the true extent of Link's swordsmanship with
his own eyes today.

"I dabbled with it from time to time," said Link, smiling. "Come, I'll need all
your help on the next item of our agenda."

Eliard and Milose nodded. Both of them followed Link into the Mage Tower.

Inside the tower, without even looking at Kanorse's mandate, the Magicians
instantly knew who Link was and nearly went down on all fours before him.
They were more than willing to provide him with everything he needed. Link
probably would have the whole tower for himself if he asked for it.

A few minutes later, Link and the others were now in a fully furnished
enchantment workshop.

"Nana, lie down on that platform, please," said Link.

"Oh, alright." After lying down, Nana asked, "Should I take off my clothing?"
"No need. Wait there for a bit," said Link. He then placed Kanorse's Lion's Fury
sword on an enchantment workbench in a corner and proceeded to mend it into
a new shape for no more than five minutes. When he was done, he stroked the
blade with a finger, and it flashed with white light.

Seeing this, Eliard asked, "That's it?"

"Of course. Just wait and see, Kanorse will personally come and thank me..."

Before he could finish, a figure appeared in the in the workshop's doorway. It

was Kanorse. When he received the newly mended Lion's Fury sword from
Link, his face flushed with excitement.

"That's it, my lord. It's perfect. There's no reason for such a perfect sword to
exist in this world. Oh, it's basically a divine weapon made only for my hands!"

Eliard and Milose were speechless as well. Both of them had always felt that
there was something divine about Link's enchantments.

"Alright, alright, I still have work to do. I'm sure you have lots of work to do as
well." Link dismissed an excited Kanorse out of the room with a wave of his

Link was in no rush to repair Nana. He walked over to where Nana lay and laid
out all sorts of alchemical materials on a nearby workbench. As he began
preparing a medicinal concoction, he explained, "Nana's body was once infused
with Dragon essence. It's undergone all kinds of changes ever since. She's also
probably encountered much in the Aragu realm. I already gave her a look. She's
now evolved into something resembling actual life, but it still lacks a certain

"How so?" Eliard walked over to Link's side, watching him picking and
choosing his ingredients carefully. Link's words had piqued his curiosity.

Though Milose did not say a word, he was stunned by what Link had just said.
Link basically meant that he was able to turn a magic puppet like Nana into an
actual living being.

How was this possible?

No matter how powerful a Legendary master might be, Link was still a normal
human being. There was no way a normal human being could create sentient

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Chapter 589: Water of Miracles

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the World of Firuman, the High Elves were the best at creating life. Using the
World Tree, they could create seeds of magical plants. They'd also created
various types of tree spirits, flower spirits, and tree people.

But despite their efforts throughout the generations, they could only create
lifelike flesh bodies for animals. They had many attainments in creating lives
and even intelligent lives, but there was still a long way to go before truly

Thus, Milose also walked over after hearing what Link had said. He wanted to
see what Link could do.

Nana also turned around curiously to watch Link make the potion.

Link was extremely busy. Occasionally, there would be mysterious flashes of

light. At the same time, he explained, "You're all wrong. I can't create a true life.
I'm not even close to that. Nana's level is mostly due to her experiences which
can't be copied. All I can do is perfect her a bit more, but I still can't give her a
true life. I recently figured out the improvement method too. I added alchemy
and enchantments. I call this… Automatic Enchantment Magic Potion."

"That name is so simple. It doesn't match the miraculous potion." Eliard wanted
to stand up for the potion. After thinking for a bit, he said, "I think we should
call it Water of Miracles."

Link chuckled. "It's not a miracle, but that's a nice name. We can call it that."
As he spoke, his hands stopped. There was a new bottle in his hands. The potion
looked like white fog. At closer inspection, one would discover that it was a
type of sol. Countless glowing dots floated in the sticky substance.

Looking even more closely, one would discover that each glowing dot was
actually the glow of a detailed rune. There was a subtle force between each
rune's glow, keeping them equidistant.

"Is it ready?" Eliard asked.

"No, this is only the foundation potion. If the entire Water of Miracles is a ship
filled with cargo, this bottle is that ship. Next, we have to make the cargo to fill
it with."

With that, Link took out various enchantment materials and laid them out. There
were around 100 types. "Come help me process these," he said. "It's tiresome
work. It'll take a long while if I do it alone."


The two Magicians walked up while Link instructed them.

"That is replenishment gold. Grind it into powder with the Gritz grinding
method. Eliard, you're familiar with this, so you do it."

Eliard nodded. He took the precious metal covered in light purple haze. Walking
to the enchantment table nearby, he started working carefully.

"This is suppression silver wood. I need it turned into liquid. When the particles
are in their natural positions, it should have the effect of a Tier-3 mirror surface.
It's wood, so Milose, you do it with the Marshal Fractal method."

"Yes, Lord."

Milose took the dark silver material that looked like the withered root of a tree.
Faint green light surged from his hand, and the wood gradually started
Link himself took a piece of metal with a faint red light and started refining it.
He also ground it into powder with high requirements for the size of each

The enchantment room instantly fell silent, the three Magicians all busy with
their own work. Whenever Eliard and Milose finished their task, Link would
take out new material for them. He didn't let them rest at all. Of course, it was
the same for him. He wouldn't waste a single second.

A day and night passed in the business. To a Legendary Magician, this kind of
work only made them a bit tired. They could recover with some rest. Link and
Eliard especially had types of power with great endurance. They weren't
affected at all.

During this time, Link took out 125 types of material in total and used various
enchantment methods to turn them into 210 types of materials of different
physical properties.

It was far from the end though. This was only the preparatory stage.

After all this, Link finally started to use his actual enchantment technique. He
took each material and used enchantment spells or the tools to refine them.
Magical light never stopped flashing from his hands. The various materials
quickly changed in his hands, either mixing, dissolving, or transforming.

Occasionally, he would give Eliard and Milose some missions. Most of the
time, he did everything alone while the other two just watched on the side.

After a long while, Milose whispered to Eliard, "Lord's Mana output hasn't
decreased at all. It's been five hours and the Mana he uses every three seconds is
equivalent to a Level-7 spell. How can he have so much energy?"

"You wouldn't know, but Ferde's Sunlight Power's strongest characteristic is its
recovery rate," Eliard replied quietly. "It practically surpasses dragon power.
Link is the main creator, so his recovery rate means that he basically will never
run out of energy."

"Oh," Milose said. After a while, he asked again, "Do you understand the lord's
techniques? It seems to be like Isle of Dawn enchantments, but after looking
closer, it seems different. There are occasionally dragon techniques, and I even
saw the melting techniques of dwarves. It's so strange."

"I can understand some but not most." Eliard's eyes never left Link's hands; his
eyes were practically shining. "Link created many more intricate enchantment
techniques. After a while, he'll probably write a book with them. If you have the
authority and enough Magic Points, you can read it."

"Really? He'll share it?" Milose couldn't believe it. In his opinion, these were
probably Link's most secret tricks. He should treasure them. For example, in the
Isle of Dawn, many families treated their Magician's ultimate techniques as
treasures. Like the royalty wouldn't pass many powerful spells to non-royalty, or
even to those not directly in line to the throne."

Eliard guessed Milose's thoughts and smiled faintly. "Every new idea is like a
brick. After some time, the bricks will form a small magic house. The small
house will turn into a big house, and then a tower and a palace. After centuries,
perhaps Ferde will become the most brilliant magic temple in Firuman. The Isle
of Dawn…might be stronger now, but who knows in the future?"

"But if people learn the lord's abilities…" Milose mumbled. He understood the
logic, but he was still conflicted about sharing. If someone learned his tricks and
surpassed him, he would have nothing.

Eliard sighed and glanced at Milose with pity. "That depends on what kind of
person you want to become. If you want to stop improving, keep all your good
stuff. If you want to improve, you should share your accomplishments. If you do
that, you'll naturally receive the fruits of others. You can only improve by
mixing different thoughts… You should know that in Ferde, the Magic Point
reward for sharing any unique spell is 1000 times more than creating a potion of
the same level. Buying someone else's wisdom also costs 1000 times more than
magical items of the same level. This is the reward for wisdom."

Milose was affected by Eliard's eyes. He wanted to refute him but couldn't find
anything and gave up in the end. He still wasn't entirely convinced, but the idea
of sharing wisdom was carved into his soul.

At that time, Link stopped.

He'd used up all the refined magic equipment at that time too. A fist-sized ball
was now in his hands. It was brown and completely dull. No magic aura seeped
out of it. If he tossed it on the ground, it would be like any small rock.

"That's it?" Eliard glanced at the "rock." He knew that it was filled with
boundless wisdom, so his eyes were reverent.

"Getting close."

There was some fatigue in his eyes, and his hand twitched. The white foggy sol
flew out of the bottle and spread equally in the air. At the same time, the brown
"rock" in Link's hand broke into a mist with a soft sound. The mist and sol
mixed together under the invisible force of magic.

After around half an hour, the brown mist was gone. The originally white sol
was now dark red. It looked a bit like blood.

The liquid formed a circle. Though it contained the brown mist, its size hadn't
changed. It was only around two centimeters in diameter. Hovering in the air, it
floated towards Nana.

"Open your mouth and swallow it. It will fix your body's last flaw, Link said.

Nana did so without hesitation. The round liquid entered her mouth and
automatically "rolled" down her throat. Around three seconds later, Nana's body
shook. She gripped the enchantment table, and the sturdy table cracked, turning
to powder.

But the next moment, Nana stood up with a confused expression. She clenched
her fist and then touched her face. Her expression grew more confused. "Master,
Nana doesn't feel any change."

Link smiled. "That's right. Life is the most complicated structure in the world,
so all changes happen gradually. Wait patiently, and you'll feel the power of the
Water of Miracles."

"Oh." Nana was still confused, but she accepted Link's explanation.
Eliard found it strange too. He'd thought that a potion of this level should cause
some things like a giant flash or Nana's power multiplying. But the ending was
so anticlimactic. He just felt like something was missing.

"It seems too simple," Eliard said.

Link chuckled. "Don't just look at Nana now. You have to see what's growing
inside her now. Just wait and see."

"Alright, so what do we do now?" Eliard asked.

Link asked Nana, "Your injuries should be all good now, right?"

Nana moved her hands and feet and then felt her body. Immediately, she said
confusedly, "It's weird. Why don't I feel anything?"

Earlier, her injury seemed okay on the surface but would subtly affect her
movements. Now, it was as if she wasn't injured at all. She even forgot how it
had been.

Eliard laughed and clapped. "Amazing. This must be the first effect of the
miraculous potion. It reminds me of a seed sprouting in the spring. It's soundless
but keeps changing. One day, it will grow into a big tree."

Link also smiled. "Since it's okay now, we can continue northward… Oh, I
almost forgot. Let me see your sword. Perhaps I can strengthen it."

So Nana gave Link the sword and sheath.

Link slowly pulled the sword out. As soon as he did so, he felt a blazing aura
radiate from it. At the same time, his heart turned cold as if someone stabbed

"Ah!" A cry came from Milose. He was staring at the sword in Link's hand.
When it was pulled out, he stumbled back and activated a defensive barrier

Eliard flinched as well. Big droplets of sweat beaded on his forehead. Wiping
his sweat, he exclaimed, "Is that the Last Nightmare? What a great sword!"
Clang! Link sheathed the sword again and returned it to Nana. "This sword
changed a lot. What happened to it?"

"Nothing? Nana has always been using it. Unfortunately, Whispers of the Forest
broke in a battle." Nana found it strange. She took the sword and pulled it out
casually. Weirdly enough, the sword was very different when she did that.
There was no glow at all, and its surface was covered in marks. There were even
many nicks on the blade. It was extremely old and ragged.

At this time, the sword spirit of Ode of a Full Moon spoke in Link's mind.

This sword has killed at least 1000 Legendary figures. A bit of every victim's
soul wraps around the sword. Those souls are filled with hatred and anger. The
only one who can control them is Nana. Thus, only Nana can use this sword.

One thousand? No wonder, this is a weapon of mass destruction! Link sighed


He walked over with magic materials in his hands. "Nana, hold it, and I'll fix it

"Yes, Master."

It was just a quick fix up, and Link finished within an hour. He also added some
very resilient hardening seal to upgrade the sword. It was now at Level-11 and
counted as a Legendary weapon too.

"Okay, that's done. We can go north now."

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Chapter 590: Visitors from Another Realm (2/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Four people passed by here recently. One of them was a human, and the other
two were half-elves. What's even stranger is that they all seem to be heading
north," said a human male with a full mat of fiery red hair. He was standing in
front of a pile of ashes that had once been a campfire in the Black Forest. His
red glowing eyes were narrowed as he observed his surroundings.

Beside him stood someone else. The person was also human. The only
difference was that it was a woman.

Her eyes also shone with the same red light. Like the man beside her, the
woman was wearing an elegant set of magical armor. A pair of scimitars hung
from her waist. Her hair was also a brilliant red and even more luxuriant than
the man's hair. At a glance, it looked like the woman's head had been set ablaze.

She squatted down and wiped a hand that was wearing a dark red leather glove
across a tree stump. She then raised a finger to her eyes, closely observing
whatever she had wiped off from the stump. She even took a whiff from it. Five
seconds later, she whispered, "Hamilton, I sense a familiar hint of coldness in
the aura of one of them. There's also a slight warmth in it... Do you think it's

"It is possible. The saint told us that she was the Lord of Ferde's magic puppet.
She has crossed realms to return to Firuman. The first thing she'd probably do
would be to go back to the Lord of Ferde. Noa, we'll need to tread carefully
from now on."

Noa grinned. "She's the only one who poses a threat to us. Everyone else isn't
even worth our time. The saint was right. This realm's power level is just too

"Don't underestimate them," said Hamilton. He then began walking northward

as he continued, "Forget what the saint said about keeping them alive. Kill them
on sight with all your might. We'll just have to see if they're lucky enough to
survive our attacks."

Noa caught up to him, giggling. "Of course I won't show them mercy. But I
would rather we not come across them too soon. It's probably better to let them
find the Book of Creation first. Saves us a lot of time finding it ourselves."

Hamilton shrugged. "That certainly would be convenient."

After taking a few steps, Noa suddenly said, "But really, those High Elves are a
bunch of idiots, especially their queen. She thinks she can boss us around and
even belittle our bloodline just because she's the saint's mother. I just really
want to chop her head off with my sword!"

"Alright now, you've been saying that ever since we got here. Let her have her
way for now. She'll get what she deserves later."

"I just can't stand her!"

"But you can't deny that her World Tree holds considerable power."

The two of them were now heading north. They strolled through the Black
Forest without an air of concern as if they were simply taking a walk in their
own backyard.

After walking for two hours, another group of four arrived at the remnants of
the campfire. This time, it was the Red Dragon Queen's party. When they got
there, the Light Magician Halino pointed at the pile of ashes with his wand and
cast a high-level detection spell: Time Reverse. A gold shower of light fell from
his wand, forming a couple of vague silhouettes around the pile of ashes. The
silhouettes then began to move.

There were four silhouettes sitting around the campfire. A huge tent had been
set up in a corner. A freshly skinned wild boar was roasting above the campfire.
Through the silhouettes, they could see drops of oil dripping from the wild boar.

Halino's spell had vividly conjured three of the silhouettes. Two of them looked
like half-elves. Their features were handsome. They were sitting around the fire,
discussing something. From their get-up and mannerisms, they were probably

The third silhouette belonged to a girl who was wearing a full set of armor. She
seemed to be around sixteen to seventeen years old. She was sitting near the fire
as well, enthusiastically turning the skewer that was holding the wild boar above
the fire.

However, the fourth silhouette stood out from the rest. Its entire form was a
blur. The figure was basically a condensed ball of light sitting quietly near the
fire. It was easy to miss if one was not looking properly at it.
No one could see what the figure looked like or even what it was doing at the

Just then, the four of them saw that the human blur waved a hand. An instant
later, the figures conjured by Halino's Time Reverse spell shook violently. Tried
as he might, Halino could not maintain the integrity of the silhouettes any
longer. In the end, they all faded back into a shower of light.

Seeing this, the Dark Magician Eugene let out a humph. "That's definitely the
lord of Ferde. No one else could pull off such a trick."

The other party must have disrupted the flow of Time power. In Firuman, aside
from a couple of the High Elves who had spent a long time studying Time
Magic, only the lord of Ferde could do such a thing.

The Mountain Sage Heroto sighed, stroking his white beard. "I had seen the lord
of Ferde back in Dragon Valley. He was still such an innocent little thing back
then, like a sprout that had just poked its head out from the soil. Who would
have thought that he would become so powerful in less than a year? It's

Gretel did not say a word. She was still gazing absently at where Link's
silhouette had been.

Noticing Gretel's current state, Eugene said, "Your Highness, Link's most likely
heading north to search for the Book of Creation's fragment there. Try not to let
your heartstrings be pulled by a few words from Link when we catch up to him.
If you can't even do this, I suggest that you go back to Dragon Valley right

Gretel let out a long sigh and looked sideways at Eugene, smiling bitterly. "I'm
fine, thanks. Just worry about yourself. I'm not the one making life difficult for
everyone in Firuman, anyway."

"Alright, alright, point made." Eugene raised his hands in defeat. He then turned
to Halino. "Link's a handful by himself. Now that he's involved in this, what
should we do now?"

Halino thought for a moment, then said, "I don't think we need to worry about
him too much. The lord of Ferde is a reasonable man. We'll try to come to an
agreement with him if we see him. He'll probably accept our terms as long as
Ferde stands to profit from them."

Just then, Heroto burst out angrily, "Well sure, he's a bloody businessman who
only thinks about profiting off everyone he meets. Heck, he's probably hoarded
all the gold in Firuman for himself in Ferde by now."

"That's enough! Let's continue our journey, shall we?" said Gretel.

The four of them fell silent. They then activated their spells and continued their
journey towards the far North.

Ten minutes later, Halino suddenly said, "Stop, something's not right. There are
two people up ahead. I can sense that they're extremely powerful!"

Eugene had sensed them too. He emerged from a black ball of mist. "Strange,
I've never felt such powerful Warriors in Firuman before. They also seem to be
no more than 30 years old. Has something changed in the world?"

He was shaken by this. All this time, Halino was the only person who had stood
on equal footing with him in terms of power. Now came along these two
youngsters whose power surpassed even his. This was just not possible.

Gretel stopped. She pricked her ears and then closely felt the two youngsters'
power levels. Ten seconds later, she spoke, "These two are not from Firuman. I
heard them mentioning something about a saint, the Aragu Kingdom, and a
Black Blood Rose. They probably came from the Aragu realm. Link once told
me about that place. The Mana there is extremely saturated. It's probably five
times that of Firuman."

Eugene was stunned upon hearing this. He was now even more curious. "So
that's why those two possess such power. They've been living in a Mana haven.
From the looks of things, those two don't seem to be up to anything good. Why
don't we take them on now?"

"Why would you want to pick a fight with them right now?" The Mountain Sage
Heroto did not agree with Eugene's suggestion.

Eugene immediately replied, "I highly doubt those two come all the way here
from their native realm with good intentions. Heroto, would you have minded if
I barged into the dwarves' underground capital one day without even saying hi
to you?"

Heroto glared at him. "I would have you escorted out of the city in a coffin if
you so much as came near the place!"

"Hahaha, that's my point. Those two fellows didn't even bother introducing
themselves to us, the rightful inhabitants of this realm. Halino, you up to it or

After thinking for a bit, Halino said, "You do have a point. We'll need to at least
ask what they had come here for. It's just two Warriors anyway. Though they
may be more powerful than us individually, we could set up a trap for them.
Subduing them shouldn't be a problem."

"Hehe, it's not every day you would agree with one of my ideas. Then let's do

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Chapter 591: First Challenge in the Tundra

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link stood on the snowy peak and asked the sword spirit, "Is this direction

An icy wind blew around him while the boundless icy plain was before him.
The air was abnormally clean. Looking down from the peak with his excellent
vision, Link could see hundreds of miles.

All of this land was the same tundra. What was different was that in the
distance, it became darker; it was nighttime at the end. There was a clear
difference between night and day in different parts of the north and south. This
was a sight unique to the extreme north.

The general direction is right, but too much time has passed. I don't know if the
land has changed.
The sword spirit's voice was full of uncertainty. The Storm Lord was from the
ancient times and millenniums had passed. This was enough time for seas to
turn into land.

Link had no choice but to continue searching in the general direction. Whether
or not he could find the piece of the so-called Book of Creation depended on his

I'll search for three months at most. If there aren't any clues after three months,
I'll give up. Link set a deadline for himself. He still had many things to do and
couldn't waste too much time on this.

Pulling his clothes tighter, Link said to the other three, "Alright, let's continue."

The three nodded. Nana took the lead and jumped down from the mountaintop.
Then she ran down the slope. She looked as light as a floating leaf with perfect
control of her strength.

She couldn't do this before. In the past, Nana had perfect battle experience, but
her fighting style depended on extreme speed and strength. If anyone could deal
with those two, she would be in trouble.

Now, she was in a whole new state. Her techniques mixed with her perfect
experience, and she had indescribable agility. This was the subtle effect of the
Water of Miracles.

Eliard and Milose both cast flight spells to descend from the mountaintop.
Though they were flying, they had to use all their might to catch up with Nana.

Link followed slowly behind them to erase their marks. They could be a bit
careless in the Black Forest, but this was the extreme north. They were very
close to the piece. If they didn't hide themselves, it would be annoying if people
came to cause trouble.

The four traveled more than 150 miles like this. The sky darkened gradually.
After around 50 more miles, night fell completely.

Thankfully, the sky was still covered in stars. There was also ice and snow
everywhere, so their vision wasn't affected.
This place was not inhabitable and very few people stepped into this world of
ice during the millenniums. Even the courageous adventurers wouldn't come
here. In many legends, this was even known as the end of the world.

No one knew what they would run into. For safety reasons, Link and the others
slowed down. To avoid surprising some unknown existences, they didn't even
use spells and just walked on foot.

Though they were Magicians, all three had strong bodies. Nana went without
saying. It was a bit cold, but they could handle it.

After a while, the cold wind stopped.

Crunch, crunch. Other than the sound of stepping in snow, the world was silent.

"It's as quiet as a cemetery here." Eliard hugged himself, feeling a bit anxious.

Milose looked side to side, hands gripping his wand tightly in preparation. "I
just feel strange, like something's watching us."

Nana continued forward as before. She didn't feel anything abnormal.

Link felt something strange too. This place was too quiet. His Magician instincts
told him that if he continued walking, something would happen. However, this
feeling was fuzzy. Like a spider web in the breeze, it was hard to grasp. All
Link could do was compose himself and walk on in full alert.

As he walked, Link's heart suddenly jumped. The surroundings had suddenly

fallen silent. He couldn't even hear footsteps anymore. Turning around
hurriedly, he saw that Eliard, Milose, and Nana had all disappeared from the
boundless tundra. Other than the white snow, there was nothing else around

Strange. How did they disappear? Link furrowed his brows. He hadn't felt the
surroundings change during this process. There were no Mana ripples, spatial
ripples, or anything else. The three just vanished.

Link wouldn't believe it. He walked to where their footprints had disappeared to
check. He cast many detection spells but to no avail.
This was a bit strange.

Link stood in place to think. A few seconds later, he decided to retreat. What
had happened was outside his range. Going forward wasn't wise.

He turned to walk back, but then it felt even more wrong.

Deep in the extreme north, white snow was everything. Paired with the fact that
it was night and even the wind had stopped, it was difficult to find one's
direction. Link could still tell north from south though. The southern sky was
slightly brighter than the north. He also had a compass. Relying on the magnetic
field, he could precisely distinguish north and south.

But now, Link discovered that the sky before and behind him was still the same
sky. He looked down at the compass. It stayed frozen; it couldn't distinguish the

Link spun around and discovered something even more shocking.

The four sides are the same. They're all going northward. No matter how I
move, I'll get closer to the northernmost point…The space must have been
distorted, but I've never seen this technique before.

At this time, the sword spirit said, Link, for some reason, I suddenly thought of

Link really wanted to drag the sword spirit out of the sword and beat it up. Why
did it have to wait until something had happened to tell him? Was it playing
with Link?

He sighed and asked, "What is it? Tell me."

I think it's about that person. The one who'd stopped the Storm Lord from
carelessly throwing the piece away. I suddenly remembered what he'd said. No,
I didn't remember it. It just jumped out by itself.

Hearing this, Link's heart twitched. He felt that things weren't as simple as he'd
thought. There seemed to be something existing in the sword spirit's memory
that planned this.
"What did he say?"

He said that this is the first step. It's a solo challenge.

"Oh?" Link fell into deep thought and came up with two points. First, everyone
who came here probably had to face this test alone. Thus, Eliard, Milose, and
Nana were separated from him. Second, he wasn't the only who could pass this
test, so there must be a second and third step until there was a final winner.

Here, Link stopped thinking. He continued walking deep into the icy plain.

Soon after he entered the test, two fiery-red figures arrived. They were Hamilton
and Noa, Inferno Warriors from Aragu.

They didn't have the calmness as when they'd first arrived in Firuman. They
were in a panic as if a beast was chasing after them. Their glamorous leather
armor had become tattered, and they were wounded too. Hamilton especially
had a still-bleeding injury under his ribs. His pallor was white, and his steps
were unsteady.

Noa beside him wasn't any better. She'd had two curved fire swords but only
had one now. There was a menacing wound on her right arm. The blood had
frozen already, but more blood kept seeping from the ice. Her arm trembled.

"F*ck, they're still chasing!" Hamilton gritted out. Speaking had pulled at his
injury. He immediately clutched his chest and grunted.

"I didn't expect Magicians in this world to be so powerful." Noa's eyes were
filled with terror. These people were too frightening. They weren't as strong, but
no matter how the two fought, they couldn't hit the enemy. And the enemy
seemed able to predict their every move, always beating them to it.

If not for their power and the fear of the enemy, they wouldn't be able to escape

Hamilton still wouldn't admit defeat. "Hmph. They had four people and attacked
secretly. Of course, we weren't their match. If it was one on one, I'd halve them
with one strike!"
Noa didn't speak. She knew that this was just Hamilton's ego speaking. In
reality, they might not be a match even in a one on one battle. The Dark and
Light Magicians were especially terrifying!

The two continued running forward without caring about anything else. Without
realizing, the wind stopped, and then Hamilton felt his surroundings empty. He
turned around, but Noa was gone.

"Noa? Noa?" he called. There was no reply.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. The Red Dragon Queen's group also arrived. Eugene
sniffed the air and cackled. "Those two aren't far from us. Go, we'll catch them

The other three could feel this two and naturally started chasing. After a while,
the four were all in the strange territory, separated by the strange force.

Suddenly, the icy tundra had nine Legendary figures and the legendary Eliard
trapped. These ten were facing the test of a certain ancient figure.

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Chapter 592: A Fragment Has Been Found! (1/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Am I back again?" Link looked at the footprints on the ground again and
realized that it was the same place that he had passed by moments ago. It was
also the place where Eliard, Milose, and Nana had vanished.

This was the third time Link had walked by the same place. He realized that he
had been walking in an endless loop. Strictly speaking, it might even be a four-
dimensional closed loop he was dealing with.

In this icy wasteland in the Far North, no matter which way he went, he would
always return to the loop's point of origin. Time in the outside world would also
rewind back to the moment when Eliard and the others had disappeared without
a trace.

It was easy to spot a spatial loop. On the other hand, no ordinary human being
would be able to notice a loop in time, especially when he or she was trapped in
an icy region where there was nothing but ice as far as the eye could see. The
wind was silent, and nothing stood out as a point of reference for Link.

Link would not have been able to sense a time loop as well, had it not been for
the fact that he had spent most of his time studying his time magic book
recently. Though he still had a long way to go, his research had bore some fruit,
such as the fact that he was able to sense a stagnation in time.

Link decided not to walk in circles any longer. He sat down on the snowy
ground. With one hand on his forehead, he tried to remember what had
happened before, hoping to find some clue for him to break out of this loop.

Though he sat there, motionless, his mind was working at a feverish pace trying
to piece together an explanation for his situation. Not only was he going through
his own thoughts, but he was also flipping through the time magic book in his
mind in an attempt to corroborate his own theories.

After silently sitting there for a long time, Link suddenly jerked up from his
thoughts. He finally discovered the secret behind the loop he was trapped in.

It may seem like an endless loop, but it still has a point of origin. Otherwise, I
would not have ended up here in the first place. The loop's origin is its endpoint.
It is also my way out of here!

He stood up and drew out his Ode of a Full Moon sword. Under the starry sky,
he stabbed at six different points around him with his sword.

A runic wheel appeared from the sword's tip with each stab. There were
countless smaller rings of runes within each runic wheel. At a glance, it looked
like the interior of a clock, its gears rotating rapidly with each other inside it.

When Link was done, six exquisite hexagonal runic wheels now surrounded
As the wheels spun on for three seconds, Link heard the sound of ice breaking.
Soon, his surroundings began changing drastically around him.

The silent, dark, icy wasteland was now fading away quickly before Link. Snow
then whirled around him alongside the wind, which roared into Link's ears like a
wild beast. The surrounding temperature had dropped to a few hundred degrees
below zero in an instant.

The cold was now beyond bearable. Even Link's magic robe could not resist the
freezing cold. His eyes felt like they were about to freeze up and fall out of their
sockets. There was no way a human body would be able to withstand such
temperatures. He needed to warm himself up as quickly as possible.

One of the most convenient methods for any Magician to keep warm would be
magic itself. Before, Link would have cast a spell to do so without hesitation.
However, at the moment, he decided not to use magic.

In order to magically keep oneself warm, a Magician would need to focus on

maintaining the spell's effect on himself. This would not have been a problem to
Link under any other circumstances. But given the erratic nature of his
surroundings at the moment, he would not be able to react in time to any sudden
changes if he had to focus on two things at the same time. This was not a risk he
was willing to take.

Instead of magic, Link decided to use a new technique that he had acquired after
practicing the Beastman King Avatar's Soul Furnace technique.

The energy in Link's body began to circulate at an accelerated pace as he willed

it to. As a result, he began to feel his body warming up more and more. The heat
in him flowed through his every vein to every extremity of his body.

In a matter of seconds, the numbness in his body was gone. Link had regained
the feeling in his limbs.

In truth, the technique that Link had just used was similar to the way a Warrior
used his battle aura. This was an easy task for a Warrior, but to a Magician, it
would have been extremely difficult.

A Magician was usually accustomed to drawing out Mana from within, forming
magical constructs outside his body and then summoning the elements of his
surroundings to fight his battles. In truth, Magicians had little to no mastery
over their physical bodies. There had also never been a Magician bold enough to
cast a spell on himself. Even casting a supplementary spell on oneself was a
taboo in itself. This was due to the damage a Magician could cause to his own
body by doing such a thing.

But now, Link had transcended the difference in power between Magicians and
Warriors by using the Beastmen's Legendary battle technique, the Soul Furnace.
This was only made possible by his mastery over his own power.

His body was now warming up. Link glared at the freezing wind as he pressed
on towards the north.

The voice of his sword spirit echoed in his head, There's that voice again. It said
that this is the second test.

"Understood," said Link, as he continued walking forward.

Soon, Link realized that the air was getting colder by the minute. As a result, he
was losing body heat quickly. He needed to speed up the circulation of his
energy in his body before he froze to death.

After walking a few hundred feet forward, a message popped up in Link's line
of sight. Straining his eyes, he saw that it was a warning message from the game

Attention! Attention!

Player's current Realm Essence recovery rate is at 134 points per second, while
current rate of power usage is at 135 points per second. Player's power reserve is
beginning to drop!

Link's current maximum power was 10365 Realm Essence points, which was
more than what the Red Dragon Queen had by 30 percent if converted into
Dragon Power. Also, his current recovery rate was 134 points per second, which
meant that his power was virtually unlimited. However, in order to withstand
the cold, his power recovery rate had taken a huge hit.
The first test was to test how much I understand about space and time. What's
the second test about this time? Is it testing the level of mastery I have over my

As soon as the thought flashed across Link's mind, he heard the sound of ice
breaking again amid the howling of the freezing wind.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to see what was up ahead, but the flying snow
around him was so dense he could not see a thing. Just then, he felt a slight
protrusion beneath his feet. He lowered his eyes and saw that a huge number of
cracks had appeared on the ground that he was standing. The cracks were dark
inside. Link could not see how deep they went. A piece of ice fell off the edge
of a crack. Sounds of its collisions against the ice walls echoed from within the
abyss as it fell. Link had no idea just how deep the crack was.

A moment later, the ice beneath Link's feet began to give way.

In a flash, Link tiptoed his way across the gradually collapsing ice layer. His
body floated gracefully through the air and finally landed on a patch of ice in a

Link could have used one of his spells throughout the whole thing. He chose not
to, as he could sense that there was an unseen danger lurking beneath the ice
layer. If he had cast a spell to help himself across the collapsing ice, he would
be distracted by said danger and consequently fall to his doom.

This was why he chose to use a battle technique instead.

Before he could let out a sigh of relief, the layer of ice he had landed on
suddenly began to collapse as well. Link sprang up, sailed lightly through the air
and landed on a patch of ice that was still intact.

Without warning, the ice there began to break, and Link leaped into the air once
more. This whole process went on without any danger of Link stumbling in

An outside observer would probably notice that Link was stepping on falling
pieces of ice throughout the whole ordeal. The layer of ice he landed on would
collapse, and Link would leaped off fragments of it in the air as he moved
forward. It seemed as if he was literally walking on air.
This went on for around ten minutes. In that time, Link had taken 1329 steps
forward across ten miles of ice without missing a step or slowing down. It was
as if he had rehearsed for such an occasion.

When he took his 1330th step, his foot finally hit solid ice which did not give
way immediately.

This circular patch of ice was around a hundred square feet. In the middle of it
stood a man completely covered in frost. Before Link even had time to plant
both feet on the ground, the man came at him, appearing before Link in the
blink of an eye. An ice sword materialized in his hand and was already less than
a feet away from piercing through Link's chest.

No Magician or Warrior would have been able to react to such an attack in time,
especially after experiencing what Link had gone through. They would be
stabbed by the man's ice sword before they even knew what hit them!

Anyone on the wrong end of this sword would be killed in an instant!

However, Link was not just an ordinary Magician. As he was leaping off of
falling ice, he had already spotted the ice man in the distance. His power had
already flowed into his sword. When the ice man teleported before him, Link
immediately stabbed at him with his Ode of a Full Moon sword.

He then activated the time sword technique, which had the effect of 1000 years
squeezed into the span of a mere second.

As the Ode of a Full Moon sword lightly touched the tip of the ice sword, cracks
began appearing across its blade. An instant later, the entire ice sword burst into
a fine powder.

In this realm, nothing could withstand the destructive power of accelerated time.

After shattering the ice sword, Link swung his sword up and stabbed the ice
man's forehead with it in one fluid motion. Power then flowed into the tip of his
sword, activating an incredibly destructive fire spell that belonged to the dragon
race: Ball of Destruction.
Purple light flashed out from the ice man's head. Then, his body fell down
limply and melted into a puddle of water. The puddle of water froze up
immediately in the cold.

As the puddle of water turned into a new sheet of ice, Link's surroundings began
to change again.

The blizzard was gone, and so was the biting cold. A full moon had appeared in
the sky. Up ahead rose a towering mountain of ice. On the peak of the mountain
was a platform, from which shone a faint light. Looking closely, Link realized
that a broken stone fragment was the light's source.

The fragment of the Book of Creation! Excited by his discovery, Link began to
climb up the mountain to retrieve his prize.

Just then, the sword spirit said, The third test has begun.

Five flashes of light appeared in quick succession not far away from Link. There
were silhouettes standing in the light. One of them was no more than 300 feet
away from him.

Link narrowed his eyes. "Eugene."

Eugene looked disheveled. His black robe was torn in certain places. His hair
was in a mess, and there were even bloody wounds on his face. A look of
surprise flitted across his face when he saw Link, but he quickly got a grip of
himself and laughed out loud. "Hahaha, if it isn't the lord of Ferde himself.
Never thought I would find you here, of all places."

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Chapter 593: Moment of Testing One’s Heart

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The icy peaks loomed under the moonlight.

Under the mountain, six people appeared—Link, Dark Magician Eugene, Light
Magician Halino, Eliard, Nana, and a Warrior with tattered red armor and a
curved sword.

Wait, another beam of light appeared around 1500 feet to the left of Link. The
light subsided, revealing Red Dragon Queen Gretel.

So there were seven people.

Gretel didn't seem to be in good shape. She was covered in wounds, and her
fiery-red dress was torn at places. After she appeared, crystal red power surged,
and her injuries started healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even her
dress was mended.

Seeing Link, she flinched and then looked away. She didn't speak.

No one else appeared after that. Milose never came. Link guessed that he
couldn't pass the test.

Now, the piece of the Book of Creation was not far from the seven. Gretel was
1500 feet to the left of Link. The Dark Magician Eugene was to his right. After
that was the Light Magician and the Warrior before finally getting to Eliard and

Link's position was disadvantageous. He was right between three outsiders.

The treasure was before them, and the situation was unclear. Thus, everyone
was on alert. No one wanted to be the first to go.

They couldn't keep at this stalemate though. Light Magician Halino spoke up
first. "Ferde Lord, the piece isn't that useful. If you take it—"

Before he could finish, the voice rang out from the mountain again.
"Younglings, I am very happy that you all passed the test. The fact that you are
here means that you all have a talent that the others do not have. It may be
power, wisdom, lineage, or even pure luck. You are the top-tier geniuses of the
era. Now, you have come for the piece of the Book of Creation. Unfortunately,
there is only one piece. That means only one person can receive it."

"Who are you?" Eugene called.

"Me? I'm just the remnant of a soul left from the ancient times. I am the
protector of the ancient sovereign wisdom."

"What benefits does that piece have?" Eugene asked again.

"Benefits? Didn't you come because you knew? It is the key that can open the
authority of the World Tree. Because it is the biggest piece, it contains more
than 50% of the Creation Runes in the book. With it, you can control the World
Tree and become the most powerful of this realm. You can rule over the
countless lives in Firuman."

Control the World Tree? The most powerful who could rule over lives?

Other than Nana, everyone present stopped breathing for a moment. Even Link's
heart skipped a beat at this.

Link wasn't greedy for the ultimate power of ruling all lives. His heart sped up
because of what the piece represented. It could help someone become the
ultimate ruler and control countless fates. The fact that it existed was terrifying.

Imagine if someone got it. If they really became the most powerful as this
protector said, then Link, his loved ones, and his friends would all be ruled by
them. If they didn't like the new magic institution he'd established in Ferde, they
could destroy it easily.

These thoughts flowed through his mind. Instantly, Link discovered that he only
had one choice—fight for the piece.

Link didn't lower his guard while thinking. He kept watching the people beside
him from the corner of his vision, especially Eugene.

In his mind, he also asked the sword spirit, Is the piece truly that powerful?

It might not have been in the ancient times. When all Level-19 lords united, they
could still defeat the sovereign. But now, there are barely any strong figures.
Perhaps it's true?

The sword spirit made sense.

At this time, Link suddenly saw a message pop up in his vision. He checked and
saw it was actually from the game system.

Activate Mission: The Piece That Shouldn't Exist

Mission Content: The piece of the Book of Creation is too powerful. Its
existence will only push the Firuman Realm deeper into danger. Destroy it so no
sovereign can appear in this world.

Mission Reward 1: Brilliant Starry Crown (Level-19)

Mission Reward 2: 1000 Omni Points

Punishment for Failure: Light Curse

Light Curse

Divine Technique

Effect: The punishment of the God of Light. The cursed will have their power
forever sealed by the God of Light and die within three years.

(Note: God can instantly destroy a mortal's power and cause them to fall from
the clouds, making them experience despair!)

This mission was very cruel. Link glanced at it and then ignored it. He wasn't
that naive kid anymore. He knew what he wanted to do and didn't want anyone
to interfere. Even if it was a god tempting him with Level-19 magic equipment,
he would still be unmoved.

The Red Dragon Queen spoke now to everyone present, "This piece will cause a
great imbalance in the world's power. I don't wish anyone to receive it, so I will
do my best to destroy it! If I succeed, the world will be in luck. If not, I hope
Firuman can be eternal!"

As she spoke, thick red light appeared on her body. They formed the illusion of
a dragon. Half a second later, she transformed into dragon form.
Hearing this, Dark Magician Eugene yelled, "Gretel, what's wrong with you?
Didn't you say that we'd use this to stop the High Elves? How come you've
turned now?"

Light Magician Halino also said, "Your Majesty, I agree, but let's use it to stop
the High Elves first and then destroy it."

The Red Dragon Queen shook her head resolutely. "No, once this piece arrives
at the World Tree, no one will be able to resist its temptation, not even me.
Thus, I must destroy it now!"

"You crazy woman!" Eugene yelled. Dark flames faded in and out around him
as he berated, "Without it, we'll all die when the realms fuse and Mana

"So what? Life will pass. My race's mission to maintain the balance in the world
is truly eternal!" Gretel's voice was calm. Her eyes were also calm; she'd seen
everything in the world.

In the distance, Inferno Warrior Hamilton watched all this and burst into
laughter. "It's laughable. It's truly laughable. You haven't even gotten the piece,
and you have internal fights already. There'll be a great show next… Alright,
don't look at me. I'm not your match. You guys take it while I get out of here.
Seeing this was enough for me."

With that, he turned around and walked back. Soon, he was gone. Even his aura
had disappeared. He really wasn't going to continue this fight.

Six people were left.

Eliard looked to Link. "What do you plan on doing?"

He wasn't interested in ruling. To him, the best thing in life was to quietly study
magic and spend his time with his loved one. This had mostly come true in

Now, this piece was threatening his happy life. His intent was the same as the
Red Dragon Queen. He would do his best to destroy the piece. However, if Link
wanted it, he would also try his best to get it for Link. He knew that the world
wasn't as beautiful as he thought. He may not want it, but that didn't mean others
didn't want it. Link getting the piece was better than others getting it.

As for Nana, she would do whatever Link said.

Halino looked at Link and hurriedly said, "Lord Morani, don't forget the crazy
plan of the High Elves. I believe the wisest choice is to take the piece, stop the
High Elves, and then destroy it. If you agree to help us get it, I can take three
astral meteorites from my personal archive as compensation."

As soon as he finished, Eugene said, "Lord Morani, you have common sense.
Halino's plan doesn't' have any problems. If you agree, I'll add three more astral

On the other side, the Red Dragon Queen didn't say anything. She also looked at
Link. She was clear that whether or not she could destroy this terrible piece
depended on Link.

He already had a plan. Glancing at the piece on the mountain, he smiled.

"Actually, I—"

Before he could finish, there was another flash. When the light subsided, a
dwarf appeared. It was the Mountain Sage, Heroto.

This was another variable.

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Chapter 594: I Don't Know What You're Thinking

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Heroto was in a state of disorder when he appeared. His white beard had been
sheared unevenly by some sharp object and stained by blood. His clothes were
in tatters. He looked around. Feeling that something was not right, he asked,
"Halino, what happened here? Did I miss anything?"

Halino chuckled. "No, you've arrived just in time, Heroto."

Eugene said, "Heroto, I'm telling you, the Red Dragon Queen's lost it. She's
turned on us! She wants to destroy the Book of Creation's fragment!"

If Heroto had not appeared and Link had chosen to side with the Red Dragon
Queen, both Eugene and Halino would have lost all hope of retrieving the Book
of Creation's fragment.

But now, their overall strength had received a huge boost with the appearance of
Heroto. They now had an advantage over the Red Dragon Queen. Even if Link
allied himself with her, it would not have made a difference.

Also, Link was a reasonable person. He would definitely be able to see that he
had no chance of winning against them. Not wanting to risk annihilation
alongside the queen, Link would naturally choose to pull out from their dispute.

The Red Dragon Queen might even be thinking about taking all three of them
on her own. If she was still intent on stopping them, it would only mean her

Gretel had also noticed the sudden change in her situation. She turned to Heroto.

"No, Great Sage, the Book of Creation's fragment is just too powerful. Whoever
has it will... Eugene, you bastard! Are you looking to die so soon?"

Before she even finished, she realized that Eugene had already raced up the
mountain ahead of them.

As he streaked up the mountain, he shouted back, "There's nothing to be said

between us, Gretel. Our opinions differ greatly. Trying to persuade the other to
see one's point of view would simply be an exercise in futility. Halino, Heroto,
stop her!"

Gretel opened her mouth wide, and a huge fire pillar surged out from it towards
the Dark Magician Eugene like a sharp sword.

It did not matter whether Link decided to side with her. It did not matter if she
had to see this fight through on her own. Even if it meant risking death, she
would do whatever it took to destroy the Book of Creation's fragment.

And so, she did not hesitate to make the first move against Eugene.
Heroto was still unclear about the situation. The atmosphere was already tense
when he appeared in their midst. Seeing that Gretel had struck out at Eugene,
Heroto decided to join forces with Halino and Eugene.

He pointed his wand at the ground. "Mountain Surge!"

A rumbling sound came from the ground. In an instant, the ground rose up,
forming a 500-foot tall, 1000-foot wide, 100-foot thick stone wall. It was as if a
huge mountain had appeared out of thin air.

The five-foot thick dragon breath hit the stone wall. Streaks of fire and light
flew off in all directions upon impact, and molten rock flowed from the wall,
but the attack did not penetrate the thick stone wall.

"Gretel, what are you doing? !" Heroto could not grasp the Red Dragon Queen's

Halino said hurriedly, "Save your questions for later, Heroto. Our top priority
now is to retrieve the Book of Creation's fragment before anything happens to

This sounded reasonable. Still unclear about the whole situation, Heroto decided
not to think too much about it for now and pointed his wand at the Red Dragon
Queen's feet. "Earthquake!"

With another rumbling, the ground beneath the Red Dragon Queen began to roil
like an ocean's surface during a storm.

Gretel spread out her wings and rushed into the sky in a whoosh. She then
spewed dragon breath at Heroto as she flew up.

Another huge pillar of fire surged out from her mouth.

This was not all. A dark purple fireball was now taking shape in front of the Red
Dragon Queen's massive body. It gradually expanded into a three-foot wide
purple-black fireball.

"Ball of Destruction!"
Dragon breath surged towards Halino and Mountain Sage Heroto like an
avalanche. On the other hand, the Ball of Destruction hurtled towards the
Mountain Sage's huge stone barrier and collided into the huge hole that Gretel
had managed to carve into it with her first burst of dragon fire.

In the next second, an explosion shook the earth. The Ball of Destruction had
exploded, shattering the stone barrier into pieces. The stone that formed the
barrier melted into hot molten lava, which burst out in all directions at
incredible speed. In an instant, lava sprayed out as far as a few thousand feet
around the point of impact.

From afar, it looked as if someone had set off a lava-filled firework!

This was an indiscriminate attack, covering everyone and everything within its
area in an instant. It also had tremendous power. Each blob of lava that was sent
flying into the air could reach Level-11 or above in terms of power. Only the
Red Dragon Queen was able to unleash an attack of this magnitude with ease.

In the midst of this catastrophic display of fire and smoke, a flash of white light
appeared. It was Link's spatial portal. Just as everyone else was busy taking
cover, Link appeared beside Eliard and Nana and conjured a spatial barrier
around them.

As soon as the barrier appeared, hot molten lava began falling from the sky and
onto the spatial barrier. The barrage of lava was then suspended in midair by
this transparent barrier before it hit the ground.

Through the spatial barrier, all three of them saw that Halino, Heroto and even
Eugene stopped in their tracks in order to set up their magical defenses against
this attack.

Seeing the raging Red Dragon Queen floating in the air, Eliard could not help
but exclaim, "The dragons' queen really is powerful to be able to hold her own
against three Legendary masters!"

Nana thought otherwise. She was staring at Halino. She then whispered, "Two

"Two seconds until what?" asked Eliard.

Link replied, "Two seconds from now, the Light Magician Halino will retaliate.
Judging from the flow of energy within him, the attack he's preparing will be
lethal. She'll die from it!"

Halino was a Level-13 master who had seen much in the world for the last
hundred or so years. He was a peerless master whose power was second to none.
The Red Dragon Queen was simply not a match for him.

Link's hand was already holding up the Ode of a Full Moon sword as he said
this. Though his choice differed slightly from the others, Link was still of the
opinion that the Red Dragon Queen's continued existence would benefit Link
and Ferde more than her demise.

And so, if Gretel was really in trouble, he would have to step up and come to
her aid.

As the terrifying shower of lava came to an end, Halino's voice rang out. "Your
Highness, this is getting ridiculous. I've always held you in the highest esteem.
But now, you've gone too far. You seem to forget that I too have a temper!"

Halino was now holding a white crystal magic wand. He pointed at the sky, and
a faint golden light flashed out from the tip of the wand into the air.

"Light's Fury: Lightning Retribution!"

There was a rumble in the sky. Almost at the same time, a streak of lightning
descended from the clouds like a golden electric serpent, striking the Red
Dragon Queen squarely.

The golden lightning's power was incredible. When it flashed out, the whole sky
was lit up as bright as day. The ice plain was bathed in a golden light, holy and
pure like an angel's halo.

Though the Red Dragon Queen's body was massive, her size was trivial in
comparison to the sheer force of Halino's lightning attack.

Eliard's eyes widened, unable to believe what he had just seen. He was at a loss
for words, unable to comprehend the terrifying attack Halino had just unleashed.
If one had compared the Red Dragon Queen's Ball of Destruction attack to the
earth's terrible fury, then the Light Magician Halino's Lightning Retribution
attack was like a divine punishment meted out directly by a god. It had come
straight from the heavens with enough power to bring all mortals down to their
knees in reverential awe.

The earth might be powerful, but it was still inferior to the heavens. Anyone
could see that the Red Dragon Queen would not be able to survive the attack.

Link was still gripping on the Ode of a Full Moon sword. However, a moment
later, he loosened his grip. He knew that the Red Dragon Queen must have
something up her sleeve. She would not be killed so easily by this.

The bolt of lightning pierced through the Red Dragon Queen's body as it
descended from the heavens. It seemed to have hit her, but in the next second,
her body began to fade until it finally vanished.

"Was she hit by the lightning?" Eliard asked, stunned.

"No, she's entered the Sea of Void," whispered Nana.

The golden lightning bolt was indeed powerful, but the Red Dragon Queen did
not bother defending herself against it. Her dragon body was a vessel meant for
crossing the Void. She must have realized that she was completely outmatched
by Halino, and so chose to slip into the Void to avoid the attack.

"Uhm?" Halino was stunned by this as well. He had assumed that the queen had
lost her mind completely. The fact that she still retained her combat sense had
caught him by surprise.

"Eugene, stay alert! She could ambush you from anywhere!" Halino shouted at
the Dark Magician, who was already halfway up the mountain.

"I know, just mind your own business... Ah, going after the fragment yourself,
eh?" No longer caring where the queen might strike next, Eugene continued
making his way up towards the mountain's peak.

Halino had also turned into a ball of golden light, which sped off towards the
peak of the mountain. Though he and Eugene had formed a temporary alliance,
Halino was not about to let Eugene lay his hands on the fragment.
Once Eugene had gotten hold of such a treasure, there was no way he would
ever let it go again. Things would become even more troublesome at that point.

Both Light and Dark Magicians raced up the mountain towards its peak.

Mountain Sage Heroto remained confused, unsure of what was happening right
now. Had they not all agreed to retrieve the fragment together? The lord of
Ferde had been standing on the sidelines of this fight that had broken out among
them. Was it not him they had all come to stop from wreaking havoc? Why did
they all start fighting one another?

Seeing that the two Magicians were getting closer towards the peak, Eliard
asked, "Should we move in, Link?"

The fate of Ferde should not be up to these two outsiders to decide. Eliard
realized just then that wanting to live a peaceful life was an extremely tricky
business. The world was filled with ambitious schemers vying for a huge piece
of it. Their every action could easily upset the balance of the world if they were
not careful enough.

The only surefire way of taking control of one's own fate was to become even
stronger than these masters.

There were only two options available to Eliard and the others right now : either
let the Book of Creation's fragment be destroyed, or let Ferde have it!

Link did not move. Still looking at both Light and Dark Magicians, he said in a
low voice, "Things aren't as simple as they look. The Red Dragon Queen may
reappear at any moment, and the Book of Creation's fragment is still protected
by a defensive barrier and the will of a guardian. We'll see how things go."

A second after Link finished speaking, Halino and Eugene were basically near
the mountaintop. Just then, ripples began to form near where they were.

A moment later, a faint purple light burst out from the Sea of Void. It was the
Red Dragon Queen's Dragon Void Breath!

"I've been expecting, you red lizard!" said Eugene. He had completely
dispensed with formalities at this point. He pointed his wand at where the
dragon breath was coming from.
"Dark Canvas!" A glittering sheet of darkness before Eugene, blocking the
Dragon Void Breath attack from Gretel.

"Your Highness, you're outmatched!"

Halino had also joined in the counterattack against the Red Dragon Queen.
Pointing his wand, he shouted, "Judgement of Light!"

It was another Level-13 light spell. A golden light surged into the depths of the
Void, drilling into it like a cyclone.

The force of the attack was incredible. Eliard and Nana could not see what was
going on, but Link was now ready to leap into the fray and put an end to the

The Red Dragon Queen was up against two Legendary masters. As a Level-11
dragon queen, even with the advantage she had by hiding herself in the Sea of
Void, she could not possibly defeat two Level-13 veteran masters by herself.

Link figured that the Red Dragon Queen would sustain heavy injuries from this
fight at best.

Just when Link decided to step into the fight, something happened.

There was a hum. Light shot out from the mountain peak, hitting everyone
present. At that point, all six of them were completely immobilized. Even the
clashing spells were frozen in midair.

Then, the voice of the guardian sounded. "Alright, people, that's enough. I've
seen what you have chosen."

A white silhouette appeared on the platform at the mountaintop. His gaze swept
across everyone before finally coming to rest on Link. "Except you. I don't
really know what you're thinking."

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Chapter 595: The True Ruthlessness Begins

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the white light enveloped everyone, no one could move. They could only
stand dazedly in place.

It wasn't that they didn't struggle. In reality, everyone tried to escape from the
restraints. However, the power was formless and insubstantial. It looked like
faint white light, but no matter how the people tried, they couldn't budge—not
even Link.

This horrible power was way above their abilities!

When the protector looked at Link, the Red Dragon Queen, Light and Dark
Magicians, the Mountain Sage, and even Eliard also looked at Link. He had the
strongest combat ability but hadn't done anything yet. Faced with a treasure that
could help someone quickly take control of Firuman, his opinion was the most

Link had already confirmed he couldn't escape from the white light. It should be
at Level-19. In the game, he'd reached this step too. A Level-19 Magician
indeed could restrain a few Magicians who were at most Level-13. This wasn't

Faced with this absolute power, all struggles were in vain. Link stopped
moving. Faced with the protector's question, he replied calmly, "I think that
your idea is meaningless. An idea is just a strategy in my mind. It doesn't mean
it'll really happen."

"Oh, you aren't willing to say it?" The protector was a bit surprised. "Your
viewpoint is very realistic. However, to those who are blessed like you all, ideas
are basically reality. Thus, your first idea is still very important."

He turned to Gretel and smiled. "Like you, Red Dragon Queen. You've always
followed the tradition that the dragons had followed for thousands of years. It
may pain you, but still, you will not change. This piece will indeed destroy the
traditional balance for the dragons. You aren't wrong. As long as it exists, there
will be someone who will try anything to possess it. The countless lives in
Firuman will also be affected greatly. If someone who doesn't care for others
takes control of it, countless of lives will be lost."
The Red Dragon Queen had already floated out from the Sea of Void. Her eyes
focused on the Book of Creation piece at the mountaintop. "You're right," she
said coldly. "That is what I think. I can die for it."

"Very honorable, but it has nothing to do with me." The protector was unmoved.
He turned to Eugene. "And you, Dark Magician, are the one who wishes the
most to get it. A voice deep inside tells you to get it and control the undefeatable
force in Ferde. Turn Ferde into what you like. And what you like is a dark world
where only dark magic exists… Am I right?"

Eugene laughed sinisterly. "You're right, but you don't have to guess my plan.
Those who are familiar with me know that I'd definitely do that. If I get the
piece and take control of the World Tree, the just and moral will have no excuse
to banish me. I'd love to see the expressions of those hypocrites at that time."

"Hmph!" Halino looked down at him with extreme disdain.

But the protector's expression was still calm. There was no disgust at all. "No
matter what, you are honest. That is one of your few good points."

"Thank you for the compliment. I'm flattered." Eugene leered.

The protector ignored him and turned towards Halino. "As for you, Light
Magician, you say that you wish to take the piece and destroy it after stopping
the High Elves and ensuring the safety of Firuman. But I see your hesitation.
You aren't sure what you'll choose after getting it. Deep down, you know that
you may take it for yourself…Your actions are different from what you say.
Judging from this, it fits for the Dark Magician to call you a hypocrite."

"Haha, that's great! Well said!" Eugene clapped and laughed heartily.

Halino was annoyed. "Protector of the Book of Creation," he said coldly, "you
must be bored. Why exactly are you imprisoning us and rating us all?"

The protector froze and then patted his forehead. Smiling, he said, "Oh, young
man, you reminded me. I haven't talked to anyone in such a long time, and
suddenly, so many people came today. I almost forgot."

He turned towards Link again. "Young man, the reason why you confuse me is
simple. Your thoughts are always changing. Sometimes, you want to destroy the
piece. Sometimes, you want to take it. Do you not have a clear standpoint after
getting to your current status?"

Link didn't know how to reply. However, he felt like this annoying protector
wouldn't let them go if he didn't explain himself. After thinking, he said, "When
I first saw it and especially after I listened to you introduce its powers. My first
thought was to destroy that piece because of my fear… But then I discovered
that you'd exaggerated its uses. It may let someone control the World Tree, but
that person will definitely pay the price… Basically, I don't understand the
power of this piece. I think it's best not to hurry and make a decision about
something I don't understand."

Hearing this, the protector was silent for a few seconds before saying, "I think
I've already introduced all the functions very clearly."

Link shrugged. "Indeed, but it was just your introduction, and it's our first

The protector was a stranger. Why should Link trust him? So what if he had a
powerful background and was strong? This couldn't ensure that he wasn't lying.

The protector laughed. "You're brave, but in the end, you want the piece, right?"

Link nodded. "Judging from the current situation, yes."

"Very good." The protector looked to Heroto. "What about you, Mountain
Sage? Do you want it?"

"I'm not interested but—"

The protector cut Heroto off before he could finish. "Okay, I understand."

Then he looked to Eliard and Nana. "You two have very simple thoughts. You
either don't want it, or you aren't confident. People like you aren't qualified to
possess it. In that case, you, you, and you are eliminated."

As soon as he finished, there were three buzzes. Nana, Eliard, and Heroto
disappeared from the strange space.
"Now, there are only four people left. You four either want to get the Book of
Creation or destroy it. Whether it can continue to exist or not depends on who
wins in the end."

While he spoke, the light enveloping the four moved slightly. They teleported to
somewhere ten miles away from the mountaintop. Looking down from here, the
mountaintops that were thousands of feet tall were now little sticks of ice. The
Book of Creation piece at the top was a tiny dot of light, almost invisible.

Link turned around. There was no one beside him; he couldn't even sense any
auras. The other three seemed to have disappeared.

The protector's voice came from an unknown place and sounded in his ear, "All
of you are ten miles away from the Book of Creation piece. You cannot use
spatial transmissions or flight here. The restraint on your bodies will disappear
at the same time. The mirages on this land will melt away too. If you want to get
the piece, then use all your power. Remember, I will not interfere this time."

As the voice spoke, Link felt a thin layer of light fade from the boundless plain.
It was like someone lifting a huge curtain from the land. Without it, the land's
original appearance was revealed.

Link discovered that the ground before him had changed greatly. Various steep
mountains rose from the ground. Each one was miles high. Compared to them,
the one with the Book of Creation was like a little round podium. They'd
completely blocked the way to the Book of Creation.

After the mountains consolidated, the protector's voice sounded again, "Now,

As soon as he finished, Link felt the white light around him vanish. He was
standing before a ten-mile high wall.

He sighed inwardly. So the true ruthlessness is just starting.

The protector wouldn't interfere, and the four would chase in this maze-like
mountain cluster. No one knew who would succeed, who would die, and who
would receive the Book of Creation in the end.

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Chapter 596: An Unjust Treatment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was a 15,000-foot tall precipice. Its surface was as smooth as a mirror. There
were little to no footholds on it. As neither Teleportation nor Levitation spells
could be used at the moment, Link's only option now was to scale the ice wall.

The Guardian was clearly more powerful than any of them. Link had no choice
but to play by his rules.

After trying to cast a spatial teleportation spell and making sure that what the
Guardian said was true, Link began climbing up the ice wall.

The frozen wall was slippery. Each foothold was carved into it at intervals of 20
feet. With the aid of his magic and battle techniques, climbing the precipice
would have been a breeze.

Link cast a spell on himself which gave himself an agility boost, Cheetah's
Agility. The spell cost no more than one power point.

Normally, his body would have recovered this bit of power in an instant.
However, after a few seconds, Link realized that his power reserve showed no
sign of replenishing itself.

"Hmm? Has this so-called Guardian blocked off all the energy channels in my
body?" He felt fine, which meant that no foreign power had infiltrated his body.
The only other possible explanation to his current predicament was that the
other party had erected a barrier around his body.

"Are the other three in the same situation as I am? Forget it; I don't have any
proof to confirm my theory anyway. I'll need to expect the worst while dealing
with this just to be on the safe side."

The worst case scenario would be his power being sealed off while the other
three still retained their powers. This meant that Link would need to use his
power sparingly. If a confrontation were to happen, he would need to be in a
position where he could strike first and fast in order to be efficient with his
power reserve.

Link would also need to maintain a level of secrecy. In the case of climbing the
ice wall, it would be better for him not to use any spells right now so as to avoid
wasting his Mana and giving away his position.

After thinking for a while, Link placed a firm foot on one of the footholds on
the precipice. He then extracted a piece of magic steel from his spatial ring and
spent two points of power to activate a Higgs Force Field, which reshaped the
magic steel into a pair of ice-axes. Link then deactivated the Cheetah's Agility
spell that he had cast on himself just now.

When he dispelled the supplementary spell, the Realm Essence power keeping it
active would be released into the air. Link was prepared for this. With a nudge
of his will, he redirected it back into his own body.

He was also up against two Level-13 Legendary masters. They were one level
above him and possessed a great deal of combat experience. He could not afford
to waste even one point of power at this point if he were to stand a chance
against any one of them.

Gripping the ice axes tightly in his hands, Link stopped looking for footholds
and swung himself up across the ice wall by brute strength.

He had climbed no more than 15 feet when suddenly there was a sudden
rumbling sound within the ice wall. A few seconds later, a dark aura issued
violently out of it. This is Eugene's doing. Must be at least Level-9. The fact that
he is able to use such a high-level spell meant that his power was not sealed off
like mine was... Well, that's not fair!

Though he had no idea why the Guardian had targeted only him, there was no
use crying foul and getting angry about it. If he wanted to get his hands on the
fragment, he would need to process his current situation calmly and devise a
countermeasure against any attack.

Things aren't looking too good. I'd better get past this wall of ice, quick!

He then continued climbing up the ice wall, even faster than before. As he
climbed, he activated a battle technique: Soul Furnace. This technique not only
allowed its practitioner to have perfect mastery over one's own power, but it
could also speed up the body's healing rate.

Link was putting enormous strain on both his arms as he climbed. He would
have been able to withstand such a strain for a moment or two. But climbing
15,000 feet without rest would definitely present its problems soon. At that
moment, he sensed that the strain would severely affect his swordsmanship.

However, if he sped up his body's healing rate as he climbed, with the aid of his
Realm Essence power's naturally high recovery rate, he would probably be able
to minimize the damage to his arms.

Composing himself, Link continued to climb up the wall. After climbing for a
while, he began to feel his body heating up. His body temperature had increased
to more than 50 degrees. At the same time, he could also feel that his power
level had decreased by 50 points.

The 50-point loss was the result of his body mending the wear and tear in his
arm muscles as soon as they appeared. At that point, Link's arms looked
undamaged. Due to the continuous cycle of repair and damage that was taking
place in his internal systems, they looked even sturdier than before.

Link decided to rest for a while on the precipice. He then continued climbing
when his temperature returned to normal.

Throughout the whole process, Link could feel five distinct magical auras. One
of them belonged to the Light Magician, the other two were the Dark
Magician's, and the last two auras were the Red Dragon Queen's.

The three of them were using high-level spells as they pleased, not at all
concerned about how much Magical Power they were spending. This proved
Link's initial conjecture. All three of them were not hindered by the same power
limitation that Link was shackled with. This unjust treatment was enough to
make a man's blood boil.

If that's the case, I'll only have one chance for one single burst. If I fail, that
would mean death. Eugene would also take the chance to shatter my soul into
pieces, thought Link.
The risk was high, but there was no way Link would let the fragment fall in
anyone else's hands, especially those belonging to the Dark Magician Eugene.

After calming himself and dousing the flames of righteous anger over the
injustice of his treatment in his head, Link then continued his climb.

Half an hour later, Link finally reached the top of the ice wall.

At the top of the ice wall, there was a small platform no wider than 20 feet.
There was a steep hill behind it. Sharp icicles lined the hill's path. It looked like
a sea of swords from afar. Pristine white clouds floated at the end of the path,
blocking off Link's view. From where he stood, besides the white clouds in the
distance, Link could not see anything else.

Link made a mental note of the circular platform's coordinates. After looking
around, he began walking forward. The slope of the hill was at most 60 degrees.
There were places which were as slippery as a mirror. One could easily slip and
tumble towards one of the icicles in front.

Here, Link walked with extreme caution.

After walking 50 feet down the hill path, he finally entered the sea of clouds. He
could only see no more than 100 feet in front of him. Link had no idea what
awaited him up ahead. For now, he could only walk on through the thick mist
with his head bowed low and find out for himself.

After traveling 1000 feet, he suddenly heard a distant rumble up ahead. He

could also feel the clash of dragon and light auras. After a while, he heard the
Red Dragon Queen's shriek.

There was a hint of desperation in the high-pitched shriek as if it had been made
by someone on the verge of dying. This did not bode well for the Red Dragon

Aghast, Link picked up his pace. However, after taking ten steps, he slowed
down. "Halino must have found Gretel. It's clear she's not his match. She may
already be beyond saving at this point."

Link let out a sigh. "Goodbye, Queen of the Dragons."

The queen's death would be a lamentable outcome. After all, they were still
friends. If there was still a chance to save her, Link would take it by any means
necessary. However, they were now pitted against each other in an unusually
brutal testing ground. He could not afford to be lax in the face of such powerful

There was nothing he could do.

After a few steps, Link felt that his emotions were still in turmoil. He decided to
find someplace to rest for a bit. He then began practicing the Soul Furnace
technique on the spot.

His movements were slow as he carried out every step of the form. Five minutes
later, he let out a long breath. He finally managed to regain composure.

Then, he continued walking forward.

Another five minutes later, Link reached the bottom of the hill. Here, the mist
had thinned considerably. Visibility had increased to at least 500 feet. From
there, he could see mountains and towering precipices in the distance. There
was a wide, flat path between the mountains.

The path was at least 80 feet wide and spread out in all directions. From where
Link was standing, he could see at least three forks branching off the main path.

Link did not know which was the right path to take. The place was like a maze.

An ordinary person would resort to trial and error, blindly taking each path until
he found the right one. However, Link was Magician. Naturally, he had his own
way of finding the right path.

He stood at the intersection, his hand holding an exquisitely crafted compass.

This was the Compass of Ultimate Truth. A magical gear imbued with Secret
magic, it was also an imitation made by Link. The real thing was in Eleanor's
hands. Link instantly took a liking to it and made an imitation for himself. He
had also added precognitive powers to it, making it even better than the original.

There were three adjustable wheels in the face of the compass. 64 symbols had
been etched on each wheel. Calmly, Link set the outer wheel to the symbol of a
tree, the middle wheel to "hand" and the inner wheel to "book." He then cleared
his mind of all thoughts and slowly channeled his Magical Power into the

This was to ensure that his own thoughts would not interfere with the compass'
function. Unobstructed by his thoughts, his unconscious mind was able to ask
the compass the question that Link wanted answers.

There was a needle in the middle of the compass. A few seconds later, it began
to tremble violently until it pointed at the leftmost road.

The needle had been guided by the mysterious hand of fate. Link kept his
compass and headed for the left fork without hesitation.

After walking 1000 feet, another intersection appeared in front of him. Sharp
icicles had sprouted on both sides of the road. It was as if Link had entered a
crystalline forest.

Suddenly, Link sensed that he was being watched by someone.

"I've been spotted."

He stopped in his tracks. His hand now holding the Ode of a Full Moon sword,
Link felt for the presence of his unseen enemy with his five senses spread out in
all directions.

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Chapter 597: Instant Battle of Life or Death

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Pad, pad, pad. Link walked down the tunnel within the icy peaks. The constant
soft footsteps hit the walls on either side and bounced back, creating
overlapping echoes in his ears.

This was the only sound in the ice tunnel.

After around 50 steps, there was a cross-section. The place was quite wide. It
was an open area of a few hundred feet wide. There were many sword-like
stalagmites piercing into the sky. All of them overlapped and crisscrossed like a
huge ice flower.

Suddenly, Link felt in his heart a strange aura coming from a huge ice flower on
his left.

That moment, Link's senses sped up dramatically. He felt time slow down.
Instantly, the basic information of this abnormal aura flashed past Link's mind.

Two hundred forty feet to the left, Level-13, dark, power is consolidating, about
to erupt, danger!

Each fact was short, but they were indispensable in battle. As for other things,
such as the attacker's identity, method, and more would need deduction to figure
out. Link didn't have that in his mind. He didn't think either because that would
cost additional reaction time.

In a battle like this, the faster he reacted, the more advantages he had!

After another instant, around one-thousandth of a second, a solution flashed past

Link's mind. Give up defending and attack immediately!

The other was at Level-13, but Link had much magic equipment. Defending
against this attack would be hard but not impossible. However, if he used a
defense tactic, he would fall into an awkward disadvantage.

He would use up much Realm Essence to block a Level-13 spell, and he

wouldn't be able to recover. Even if he won, he would have lost a lot. This was
disadvantageous towards later battles.

And once he started defending, he would enter a stalemate even if he succeeded.

Then that would cost even more power. So if he wanted to win and get the Book
of Creation piece, in the end, he only had one option: fight to attack first!

During the instant decision, the Ode of a Full Moon was unsheathed at the same
time. As the sword flashed, the consolidated Realm Essence flowed like a river.
It seemed smooth, but there were undercurrents that rushed into the sword.
The entire sword glowed. The light didn't just come from its surface. It shone
from deep inside, turning the sword translucent like crystal.

The glow was like moonlight. It poured into all directions, instantly washing the
entire tunnel in frosty white.

At the same time, a rune halo appeared around the sword's tip. There were
smaller halos inside this halo. The countless rings vibrated and turned at the
same time. It was detailed and precise to the point of not being able to see it

The next moment, a black vortex appeared before the Ode of a Full Moon's
halo. The sword tip buried into it and reappeared 240 feet to Link's left. That
moment, countless runes flew at the tip. The silver moonlight was cold as frost.
This was Link's strongest attack spell: Time.

As time flew by, seas could turn to land.

The sword soared for around one-thousandth of a second and moved 30

centimeters before hitting something soft.

There was a stalemate for around three-hundredth of a second.

In the first one-hundredth of a second, Link could clearly feel the powerful
repulsion force from the soft object. It kept resisting the Ode of a Full Moon,
wanting to push the sword out. This strength was impossibly powerful and
completely surpassed Link's limit. He almost lost control of the sword.

But this only lasted for one-hundredth of a second. After that, the power of time
came into effect. Under the extreme passage of time, the soft object's power
decreased rapidly. It entered the stalemate period. This lasted another one-
hundredth of a second.

The opponent continued to weaken. The Ode of a Full Moon began to get the
upper hand. During the last one-hundredth of a second, the other's power
collapsed completely. The sword stabbed in.

Squelch. That familiar sound and feeling was of a sword piercing flesh.
In the Orida Fortress, Link had personally used his sword to kill more than 5000
people. He was very familiar with the feeling of a weapon entering flesh, so he
felt it at once. Realm Essence flowed through the sword and rushed into the
opponent's body.

It didn't simply rush in. When it flowed past the sword, it started forming Mana
structures. Because of Realm Essence's perfect controllability, the speed was at
the maximum speed.

Instantly, it formed a destruction spell: Ball of Destruction.

It entered the opponent's body next. Then, Link retracted his sword. During this
process, he'd already started retreating at full force. His body flashed and then
hid behind a thick stalagmite.

It wasn't enough to block the opponent's attack, but it could hide him, making
the opponent lose their target momentarily. This was to prevent their last attack
before death.

While Link did all this, less than one-tenth of a second had passed. Link
couldn't do this before. He would have needed at least two-tenth of a second to
perform it completely.

This was all thanks to the Beastman Legendary battle technique, Soul Furnace.

Just as Link hid behind the ice pillar, a tragic cry came from his near distance.
Following it was an explosive boom. Then, a power aura with fire and darkness
traveled over.

Link turned to take a glance. He saw a dark purple flame billow from behind a
stalagmite. Around the fire were pieces of blood and flesh. Amongst it, Link
saw a bloody skull. Judging from the hair color, it was Dark Magician Eugene.

Now, Link realized belatedly that his sneak attacker was this Dark Magician.
He'd taken care of it with one strike. Eugene was weaker than he'd imagined.

A semi-transparent shadow flew up from the ruins at an incredible speed,

rushing into the sky. It should be Eugene's soul. If he'd flown a bit slower, Link
wouldn't mind adding another strike to shatter the soul. He couldn't do that now
Eugene must be skilled in soul spells. After leaving this time, he will definitely
use some method to be reincarnated. At that time, I'll have a new nemesis. I
must be careful about this.

Of course, Link didn't have any regrets. In the previous situation, it was life or
death. Since Link could kill Eugene once, he could do it a second time! He
wouldn't underestimate Eugene's destructiveness because of this though. Eugene
was a true Legendary Magician. Fighting face to face wasn't his strong point,
but if Eugene chose to stay in the shadows and plotted, that would be truly

After composing himself behind the stalagmite, Link walked to Eugene's

corpse. After looking around, he found an extraordinary dark wand and some
magic items. This included a spatial ring. Opening the ring, Link couldn't help
but shake his head.

So many good things. As expected of an old Legendary Magician.

Collecting all of them, Link checked his own state. That attack had seemed fast,
but it had cost a lot too. In that instant, he'd used up more than 5000 Realm
Essence points. This was close to 30% of his total power.

I still have more than 70%, and I should only have the Light Magician left. I can
deal with him!

Link continued on with that in mind.

He walked for more than ten minutes along the tunnel. Then he suddenly saw
someone leaning against a huge stalagmite up ahead. Looking, his heart jumped.
It was none other than the Red Dragon Queen Gretel!

She'd transformed back into human form and was covered in blood. A crystal
spear that kept flashing with golden lightning was in her waist. Her head rested
weakly against the stalagmite. Her fiery hair fell messily around her. Behind
her, the pool of blood had flowed for more than three feet. The view was tragic.

Perhaps due to a dragon's strong vitality, Gretel hadn't died. Her chest was still
rising slightly. Hearing the footsteps, she opened her eyes and saw Link. That
moment, she smiled bitterly. She opened her mouth to say something but didn't
in the end. She'd just sighed and closed her eyes again.
She knew that this human wasn't the human she'd imagined. He was a lord.
Perhaps he looked warm on the outside, but inside, he was fierce, cold, and
cruel. They may have been friends, but they had different paths. He wouldn't
help her.

Though her logical mind told her this, Gretel still had some hope in her heart.

Tap, tap, tap. The footsteps got closer; they were about to reach her. Gretel
couldn't help but open her eyes. But what she saw dashed all hope.

Link didn't seem to see her. He acted as if she was a cold corpse and walked
past without even turning his head.

I was right, but that's alright. I have nothing to miss in life. Gretel's heart had
given up. The lightning spear had destroyed her body. All she could do now was
wait for death.

Tap, tap, tap. Link's footsteps faded into the distance… A teardrop rolled down
from Gretel's closed eyes. This was the second time she'd shed tears for Link. It
would be the last time too.

But then something happened.

Link's voice suddenly sounded. "Halino, I see you. Come out."

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Chapter 598: Only One will Walk Out of Here Alive

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was a slight breeze blowing through the path between the ice walls. The
breeze dispersed the white mist floating across the path as it blew towards Link.

A lone figure appeared from the mist. The man was wearing a flowing grey-
white robe. His hair and beard were also a pristine white. It was Halino. He was
holding a crystal magic wand in his right hand and a stone tablet which shone
with an erratic light in his left hand. It was the fragment of the Book of Creation
which had appeared on the platform at the ice cap of the mountain back then.

He had managed to retrieve it before anyone else.

"I didn't think you would be able to make quick work of Eugene," said Halino in
a low voice.

"So you two formed an alliance?" Link lightly placed a hand on the handle of
the Ode of the Full Moon sword, ready to strike out at the first opportunity.

Halino had the same idea as well. His power pulsated at the crystal tip of his
magic wand, ready to conjure magical constructs around him at the first sign of

At that moment, both Halino and Link remained wary of each other. Neither one
of them dared make the first move while the opportunity had yet to present itself
to them.

"It wasn't an alliance exactly, just an agreement that had benefited both sides
under the current circumstances. I handle Gretel, Eugene handles you. Once I
have the fragment, I'll fight it out with him. I've figured out what the Guardian
has in mind for all of us. Only one of us will walk out of this valley alive.
There's no point in reaching the fragment first while someone else is still alive."

Saying this, Halino threw the glowing fragment to the ground. "I'll just put this
here. Now let us battle. Whoever wins will have it."

Link chuckled coldly. "That sounds nice and all, but why would you pick this
place as our battleground? Why didn't you just kill Gretel immediately? Is
leaving her barely alive your way of trying to distract me?"

Halino smiled faintly. "Eugene was clearly outmatched by you. There's little to
no difference in power level between me and him. Our methods are also the
same. Our duels have always ended in a stalemate for years, so there's no way to
tell who's stronger. I knew I needed to resort to less conventional means to
defeat you. For the sake of all of Firuman, I will not let the High Elves destroy
this world. I need the tablet, and this is the only way to make sure that I have it
in the end."
His words sounded righteous and filled with a sense of justice. Link could not
find the words to rebuke him. He would have done the same thing if he was in
Halino's shoes.

To a true Magician, the ends always justified the means. For example, in order
to further his own nefarious goals, a notorious Dark Magician like Eugene did
not shy away from staining his hands with the blood of hundreds of thousands
of lives. Link too had the blood of thousands on his hands. In order to aid Orida
Fortress' resistance against the Dark Army, he had conceived the Sunlight Seed
through experiments using live subjects. Ordinary Magicians might not be able
to stomach his actions, but Legendary Magicians like Halino would have
understood why he had to do the things he did.

Link took a long breath. "Well, it worked. I was indeed worried about Gretel's
well-being. You were able to throw me off balance by torturing her."

Link's feelings for Gretel were complicated. They used to be close friends with
something of a history behind them. Though their paths had split, Link's heart
was still haunted by Gretel's shadow. He would never want her to die, not in
front of him anyway.

More importantly, as the queen of the dragon race, she was more useful to Link
and Ferde alive.

The Red Dragon Queen might have been stubborn and old-fashioned, but she
was also a reliable person. Her personality was a constant. You never needed to
guess when she would turn on you. Having her by your side was a boon in itself.

The dragon race was also incredibly powerful. Whenever something or someone
threatened to throw the world out of balance, the dragon race would rise up as
self-proclaimed peacekeepers to tip the world back into balance.

Right now, the High Elves planned on merging the two realms. This would have
far-reaching effects on the world. Though Halino and the others had been
working desperately to stop the High Elves, things might not work in their

As a lord, Link needed to devise a series of countermeasures for all possible

contingencies. If they were unable to stop the realm reunification, the world
would descend into chaos. The High Elves would be a common enemy shared
by all other races in Firuman, and the dragons would naturally become allies of
Ferde as a result.

Evidently, a dragon race with the stabilizing presence of the dragon queen was a
hundred times better than one without her.

Whatever the case might be, Link needed Gretel alive.

Halino was surprised to hear Link's words. "You actually told me what your
weakness is. You should know that I could send my Spear of Light flying
through Gretel with a mere thought!"

"So it would seem," said Link, nodding in acknowledgment. He then continued,

"However, this will leave you completely unguarded. You'll be risking your
own life just to end hers."

If Halino were to be distracted for even a hundredth of a second, Link would not
hesitate to kill him as he had killed Eugene.

Halino glared at Link.

This human stood quietly before him, his black battle robe billowing around
him. He looked more like a hardened Warrior than a Magician with that magic
sword he was holding in his hand. The human before Halino gave him the
impression of a volcano that was about to erupt at any moment.

Though Link looked serene on the outside, Halino could feel that he would not
be able to survive this volcano's eruption.

After standing in front of each other for half a minute, Halino began to sense his
sense of inferiority growing in him. Realizing this, he sighed. "I'll admit, you
may be the strongest Battle Mage in all of Firuman I've ever seen. In one-on-one
combat, your magic is the equivalent of an unstoppable tank. But it does not
mean that I have no chance of beating you, Lord of Ferde. Unencumbered, no
one is your equal. However, that is not the case right now. If I leave you now,
you'll be able to take the fragment from and save Gretel as well. However, you
will be at your weakest when you're burdened by both an injured person and an
invaluable stone tablet."
Saying this, Halino began to step back slowly until his body slipped into the
white mist behind him. A faint voice echoed out from it. "So choose wisely,
Lord of Ferde."

There was a sudden bang beside Link. The Spear of Light embedded in Gretel's
body exploded into specks of light.

The explosion managed to widen Gretel's wound even more, causing her
extreme pain. However, it was not powerful enough to kill her immediately.

"Arghhh!!!" Gretel shrieked out in pain. Her entire body then collapsed on the
ground. Blood flowed out of the gaping wound between her chest and abdomen
in rivulets.

If Link did not cast a healing spell to stop the bleeding soon, the Red Dragon
Queen would most certainly die before him.

Link turned around and was about to do something about the Red Dragon
Queen's wound when suddenly he stopped. In an instant, he drew his sword out
and stabbed it out to his side. A Despair Ball appeared before the sword tip,
swallowing half of the sword as it extended outward.

In one fluid motion, Link had lashed out just as quickly as when he had
delivered the final blow to Eugene.

A soft groan echoed from the white mist. It was the Light Magician Halino.
Link's Ode of the Full Moon sword had pierced his heart.

From the sword, Realm Essence power flowed into Halino's body like a moonlit
stream. Gradually, a Ball of Destruction began to form in his heart.

The Ball of Destruction did not explode immediately in him, which was the
reason why Halino was still alive.

Halino grasped at his chest in pain. From a few hundred feet away, he asked,
"How did you know I was about to attack?"

Link pointed a finger at Gretel and cast a spatial sealing spell on her, sealing her
body in a spatial bubble. He then slowly said, "On the Golden Plains, if a
Beastman wished to become a Warlord, he would be required to overcome a
series of challenges. Once a Beastman declared his candidacy for the title of
Warlord, one of the trials he would be required to take on was to survive a series
of assassination attempts. Powerful Assassins would try to kill him at every
opportunity for a whole month, day and night. He would only be deemed fit to
bear the title of Warlord after having survived this trial."

The candidate could employ whatever means necessary to overcome this trial. If
the new Warlord was not able to stay alert even in his sleep, this meant that he
sorely lacked training and would probably have to stay up all night for a whole
month on a lookout for Assassins. He would probably die from the exhaustion if
no Assassin had managed to kill him at that point.

The only way any potential Warlord candidate could get through this trial was
the Legendary battle technique, the Soul Furnace.

The perfect unification of soul, strength, and body would naturally sharpen one's
sensitivity to all forms of danger, allowing it to surpass even a wild beast's
instincts. A Beastman Warlord who had mastered the Soul Furnace technique
would be able to sense an enemy's presence even in his sleep. He would be

This was the true strength of the Beastmen's Soul Furnace technique.

Halino might not have lost to Link so easily if he had put up a fair fight. It was a
shame that he had chosen to fight so dishonorably. When Link turned around,
Halino thought that this was his chance to move in. However, it was then that he
took a hit from Link's sword.

In a fight between two equally powerful masters, whoever slipped up first

would be instantly killed by the other. This was the cruel reality of any life-and-
death battle.

Link then cast a soul barrier around Halino's body, preventing his soul from
escaping. Eugene's soul was more than enough for Link. He wondered if he
needed to keep another enemy's soul.

Halino instantly knew what Link was up to. Panicking, he shouted, "I'm not like
Eugene. He's a banished Dark Magician. His soul will wander around the mortal
plane if it's let loose. My soul, however, will ascend to the God of Light's
"You're right, but I won't make the same mistake twice. Even if you'll be
ascending to heaven, that's not your call to make. It's mine!"

At that moment, the Ball of Destruction exploded inside Halino's body, blowing
it up into pieces. The soul barrier that Link had set up immediately shrank
around the explosion until a single Soul Crystal was all that was left of Halino.

Link beckoned at the Soul Crystal, and it flew into Link's hand.

"Don't worry, your soul isn't of much use to me anyway. I'll be sure to
personally take it to a Church of Light and let an archbishop send you to

Keeping the crystal away, Link walked towards where the Book of Creation's
fragment lay. He had defeated everyone. The fragment was his to keep.

However, as he reached for the fragment, there was a glimmer of light from it.
The guardian's image appeared on the tablet. He looked at Link and pointed at
the Red Dragon Queen. "Young man, you still haven't dealt with everyone.
She's still alive," he said.

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Chapter 599: Young Man, Wish You a Beautiful Life

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The protector's words made Link stop. He glanced at Gretel. She was "frozen"
in the spatial seal. A bloody gaping hole practically went straight through her.
Her entire body was covered in blood. Flesh lay on the ground around her. Her
frozen eyes were opened listlessly. Her pupils had started expanding, but her
head was raised slightly. Her gaze was directed at Link's current position.

Her expression was complicated. There was some happiness but also bitterness.
No one could pinpoint her thoughts.

Something was clear though. If Link removed the spatial seal and didn't receive
any help, she would die within a few minutes.
"She doesn't have any power to fight back." Link didn't want to do it.

"She doesn't now, but you won't let her die. You have enough power to save her.
As long as she's alive, she will try to destroy the Book of Creation piece. She
will be your opponent… So, if you let her live, you won't be able to get the

The protector's words were heartless. He'd given Link a very cruel choice. He
could either choose the Book of Creation or choose to save Gretel. He could
only choose one.

Judging from the performance earlier, the protector was abnormally strong,
reaching Level-19. Link had no confidence to break through the obstacles set by
something like that.

"People can change. She might not be that insistent," Link tried to persuade the

The protector shook his head. "It seems that you don't know her well enough.
Can you easily persuade a dragon queen who has lived for more than 2000 years
and seen all the horrors of life? No, you can't. No one can change what she's
already decided. You can't either...young man!"

He emphasized the last two words, pointing out Link's age.

He wasn't wrong. Link may possess great power now and experienced more
than most humans, but he was still in his twenties. Even if he added his days
from both worlds, he wouldn't be older than 50. His experiences and knowledge
couldn't help him understand someone that had existed for 2000 years.

It was like how an innocent child couldn't understand an adult. They could live
under the same roof but weren't living at the same level at all.

This was a fact. Link couldn't refute it.

Seeing that Link admitted it, the protector continued, "The Book of Creation
contains unlimited power. Once you have it, you'll stand at the peak of Firuman
and become the ultimate sovereign. At the peak, there is freezing wind.
Countless people will have their eyes on your power, trying to steal your glory.
Your closest friends will stab a dagger into your heart. Your most trusted will
give you poisoned wine. Your lover will become the one who ends you. If a
sovereign wishes to remain for eternity, you must be lonely… So, end her life!"

The protector's words were magical. When he spoke, different images appeared
in Link's mind uncontrollably.

In the images, Eliard stared at him from a dark corner with hatred. When he was
sleeping, Celine's hands gripped around a poisoned dagger. The reports Lucy
gave him were all faked…They were images of all his friends betraying him.

Other images appeared too. They weren't about him anymore. Instead, they
were historical events from Firuman and Earth that he'd read before. In these
images, the kings and emperors were all alone. To get the throne, fathers killed
sons, brothers killed each other, and mothers killed sons. There were endless
tragedies and unspeakable darkness.

Whoosh, whoosh. Cold wind sounded in Link's ears. He thought back to the
protector's words.

If a sovereign wishes to remain for eternity, you must be lonely. At the peak,
there is freezing wind!

Yes, the wind was too bone-chilling. They were only hallucinations, but even
with his strong mind, Link still shuddered subconsciously.

The protector's shadow had a pair of glowing eyes. Those eyes seemed to see
through everything. Looking at Link, he could see his soul. "Young man, what
is your choice? Lonely glory or a mortal's happiness?"

Link looked at the bloodied and dying Gretel again. After a pause, he said, "I

To be honest, he didn't know what to choose. This was the first time he felt lost
after coming to this world.

Before he could finish, his vision flashed quickly. He glanced and saw the
mission from earlier—the Piece that Shouldn't Exist. The mission flashed with
blinding red light. It wasn't just to show its existence but also to remind Link
that the God of Light wanted him to destroy it.
At the same time, the sword spirit's voice rang in his mind again. Another voice
appeared in my mind. It said one sentence: all existences in the world have
hearts. If one's heart is blinded, the world will have no light.

The sentence was mysterious. After hearing it, Link's heart twitched. Something
flashed past his mind. It was fleeting, like a rabbit sprinting in the grass, but he
could see the blurry figure.

Experience told Link that if he couldn't decide, then he shouldn't get affected by
the outside world and decide brashly. He should think carefully to prevent
making an irrevocable mistake.

Thus, he shut his mouth and fell silent again.

"What is your choice, young man?" the protector urged.

Link shook his head. "I haven't decided. You've already waited for so long. You
can wait a bit longer, right?"

"Indeed…I will wait for your decision."

Link thought back to the sword spirit's words. He composed himself and
carefully sensed his surroundings. More than ten minutes later, a light flashed in
Link's mind. He had a hypothesis.

Nothing is restricting my power recovery, and the space isn't sealed. I can still
use spatial magic. Does that mean that the restrictions on transmissions and
flight aren't real?

Thinking of that, Link ignored the protector and took out the Ode of the Full
Moon. He started practicing the Soul Furnace battle technique.

He went through each move slowly. His thoughts were sinking too. After a long
while, Link's heart suddenly jumped. There was something abnormal. It was in
his soul rather than the environment.

With the help of the Soul Furnace, Link was able to focus completely. His soul
entered an indescribably calm state. It was as smooth and flat as the surface of a
Right now, Link's heart had no disturbances. He didn't have any emotions. He
was completely calm.

There were many reasons why he could reach this state. Firstly, there was the
Soul Furnace, a Legendary battle technique. Secondly, Link had the pure Realm
Essence. It was abnormally perfect and basically gave Link zero disturbances.
More importantly, Link had high control over his soul.

In this calm, Link could sense the tiniest shred of abnormalities. Now, he could
feel several strange thoughts in his soul. After sensing carefully, he found three.
Two were clear. The first was that he couldn't use transmission spells while
getting to the piece. The second was that he couldn't fly in the valley.

These were the requirements given by the protector.

Another thought was blurry. Link sensed it carefully and discovered it was very
fuzzy evil intent. It came from the protector. It was hard to explain, but it
activated Link's stress mechanism.

After this was activated, the changes in his soul influenced his entire body
which affected his power. After this avalanche-like chain effect, Link's body
thought that everything in the environment was harmful and subconsciously
rejected absorbing the power.

All existences in the world have hearts. If one's heart is blinded, the world will
have no light.

The sword spirit's voice rang in Link's mind again. This time, it dawned on him.
A ray of sunlight appeared in his clouded soul.

Once the light appeared, it sliced apart the clouds like a sharp sword. The world
in Link's eyes brightened too. At the same time, he discovered that the looming
ice walls had changed too. They looked cloudy, like a white mist.

It suddenly dawned on Link.

The protector's illusion wasn't actually that powerful. Most of his tricks were on
the aspect of one's soul. Most of his surroundings weren't real. Other than the
outermost walls of this icy valley, everything was fake.
Exhaling, Link looked back at the protector's figure. He realized it was an
illusion too. Looking closely, he saw that the air around it was wavering. Its
power was actually quite weak. It was practically just air.

"You're just the remnant of an ancient lord's consciousness. Now, you can no
longer stop me."

With that, Link walked towards the Book of Creation piece and picked it up.
During this, the protector retreated automatically. He smiled faintly. When Link
picked up the piece, he bowed slightly. "Young man, you passed the final test."

Link no longer had any doubts. Looking at the piece in his hands, he said, "It
won't turn me into the ruler or even give me any power, right?"

"Of course. It's just a broken piece. If it really could turn someone into the
sovereign, it wouldn't be abandoned here."

"Then why was it passed down through the millenniums?" Link asked.

"It is a key." Light appeared in the protector's hands. When it dissipated, all
illusions in the ice valley disappeared.

The freezing wind, icy snow, and extreme frigidity appeared one by one,
showing the true appearance of the extreme north.

Whoosh, whoosh. Freezing wind blew endlessly, scraping Link's face like
knives. He was forced to cast a Level-5 spell to fight against the cold.

The protector's illusion wavered in the wind and snow. He pointed at the tall
mountain behind him. "Do you see the mountain path covered by thick snow?"

Link looked. Through the heavy snow, he saw a mountain behind the protector.
A path snaked across it, but it was covered with snow. If not for the fact that the
snow piles were very smooth, he wouldn't be able to see the path at all.

"Follow the path up. At the peak, there is a cave with a Level-19 eternal seal.
The key is in your hands… Young man, I wish you a beautiful life."

After that sentence, wind blew and the protector transformed into snow, melting
into the tundra.
Link glanced at the corner again. The game system's mission was still there, but
it didn't flash anymore. The blood-red color had turned gray too. Behind it, it
said "discarded."

This surprised Link slightly. The God of Light…can be wrong too?

He'd always thought that the God of Light was very powerful and knew
practically everything about Firuman. Apparently, he was wrong.

Thinking back, this wasn't the God of Light's first mistake. Back at the Yabba
city, he'd been fooled by the God of Destruction.

It seems that the God of Light isn't as powerful as I thought. He can't control
Level-19 strength in the mortal world.

This detail helped Link see the God of Light's bottom line. He was powerful but
not impossibly so. He had many flaws in his control of Firuman.

Of course, Link was still too weak. It was too soon to think of this. Shaking his
head, he tossed the thoughts to the back of his head. Activating a levitation spell
and Void Walk, he followed the mountain path to the peak.

Seconds later, Link was before a ten-foot-tall ice crystal. At a glance, it was just
a normal block of ice. At closer inspection, Link saw that it was covered in
runes. They were innumerable and complicated. He felt like his head would
crack apart at just a glance, so he gave up.

When he walked up to it, the piece in his hand brightened and buzzed. It started
shaking, almost leaving his hands.

Link let go, and it immediately floated to the crystal door. Then, like water
fusing into a river, it disappeared. A few seconds later, the crystal door shone
too. Five seconds later, there was a soft poof, and the door disappeared. A tiny
hidden chamber appeared.

Pale blue light came from it, as well as a lovely and ethereal sound. Link walked
in, and his eyes widened.

He saw two people inside the room. No, more correctly, it was two dried
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Chapter 600: Book of Revelation: Rosso's Book of Spirits

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The interior of the ice cave looked like an ordinary living room.

It was approximately 100 square feet wide. There were two semicircular
bookshelves hanging on the walls. In a corner of the room, there was a smaller
room with an embroidered screen blocking its entrance. Through the screen, one
could see a large bed in it. This must be the bedroom.

In the main room, there was a large circular table. Beside the table sat the bodies
of a man and a woman. Their corpses were still intact, despite the fact that they
had been desiccated thoroughly and now looked like a pair of withered

The expressions on their faces remained the same as when they were still alive.
The man was reading a magic book, while the woman was busy carving a
golden bird figurine. Their faces were serene. The man even seemed to be

There was a magic book which emitted a faint blue glow in the middle of the
circular table.The empty sound that Link had heard just then was coming from

Lots of questions now popped up in Link's mind. Who are these people? Why
did they come to live here in the far north? And why did they leave this magic
book behind?

Prompted by a desire to resolve these questions, Link began walking into the
room of ice. No sooner had he taken his third step than a subtle current of
magical power suddenly filled the air.
Stunned, Link stopped. His hand instinctively flew to the Ode of a Full Moon
sword's handle.

Two seconds later, a silhouette appeared in front of him. The silhouette swirled
about in the room before coming to rest on the two corpses.

Strangely enough, when the silhouette wrapped itself around them, the two
withered bodies began to swell up. Link could see that their skins was gradually
regaining moisture, while their glassy eyes cleared considerably, as if the two
bodies had been brought back from the dead.

A drastic change swept across the entire room as well. Everything in the room,
which was initially covered by a layer of dust, now shone with almost surreal

However, Link knew that this was all just an illusion. In truth, the bodies still
remained lifeless. The magical power that Link felt just then had simply
refracted the light in such a way that the bodies only seemed to have come back

A moment later, the man started speaking.

"Lucia, my life's coming to an end soon." The man's eyes did not leave the
magic book he was holding as he said this. His face remained expressionless, as
if his death was about as unusual as a neighbor coming by to borrow a cup of

The woman beside him laughed, not at all perturbed by what the man said. She
did not stop carving the golden bird figurine. "I see. I guess we'll need to start
making arrangements for that now, won't we?"

The man nodded. He stood up, walked to one of the bookcases and then took
out a magic book. Link peeked at it and saw that the book the man was holding
was similar to the one on the table, at least on the outside. The only difference
was that it was not glowing, nor was it making any peculiar sound.

The man returned to his seat with the book and then placed it in the middle of
the table.
Link noticed that there was a simple-looking magical rune etched in the middle
of the table. When the magic book was placed on it, the runes on the rest of the
table began to glow. Light then began flowing from the rune formation into the
magic book.

Link also realized that the light did not actually come from the rune formation
itself. It was flowing out from the man's hand. The magic book grew brighter
and brighter as it absorbed more and more of the light. It then began to emit an
empty, trembling sound.

The man was shriveling up visibly. He now looked to be 100 years old when he
finally stopped pouring the light into the book.

"Dear, we can live for close to a thousand years with this power if we want to.
Will you be angry at me for doing this?" said the man ruefully to the woman
sitting beside him.

"No, Rosso, there's always a beginning and an end to all life. We've completed
our respective journeys in life. Another thousand years would only be torment
for our souls," said the woman, shaking her head.

Link noticed that for some reason, the woman's face had withered like the man
as well.

This couple must have used some kind of spell to bind their life forces together,
thought Link.

Just then, the man, who was still barely alive, took out a pencil and began
writing slowly on the magic book before him. The woman, not at all concerned
about death's approach, continued carving the golden bird figurine.

The man began reading what he was writing. "I am Rosso Schneider. I started
studying magic when I was 28 years old. However, the first three years of my
studies had been uneventful. When I was 31 years old, I stumbled across a Soul
Stone. For whatever reason, it chose me, granting me an incredible potential for
the mystic arts. Ten years later, I was given the honorable title of Soul
Dominator. Another ten years later, I began studying Prophecy Magic for five
years, but without any noticeable progress. One night, when I was looking at the
stars, I had a sudden epiphany. At that moment, I realized that one needs to
receive the realm's blessing in order to master Prophecy Magic. No amount of
rigorous training was going to help me accomplish that..."

The man was writing his life's story in the book. Link patiently listened in a
corner, curious as to how the man's story ended. Ten minutes later, the man
stopped writing. He gave a sideways look at the magic book that was emitting a
faint blue glow for three seconds. His eyes then returned to the book in front of
him. After looking at it for ten seconds, he resumed his writing.

"The gift of clairvoyance had allowed me to see what the future holds. It was
both a blessing and the most terrifying curse one could hope to receive in this
realm. I had lost all hope in life. In order to recover the hope I had lost, I had
struggled upstream against the river of time, peering into the future until at last,
I saw a turning point, 120,000 years into the future.

"120,000 years later, the realm's timeline had diverged into multiple branches. It
was like a tree that had begun to branch out, creating multitudes of possible
futures. Some of these futures I had seen were bleak, some even completely
annihilated. However, there were also some filled with light and hope. The
possibilities were endless. 120,000 years was too long a time. Even if I ascended
to godhood, I would not be able to live that long to see which future unfolded...
I have seen my end. I have received the realm's blessing, and then I will fade
from this world as quietly as I had entered it. And so, I have decided to leave the
Book of Spirits behind for posterity."

The man finally put down his pencil. He lifted his head up and looked at Link.
He then spoke, his eyes seemingly focused on nothing in particular, "To the
future possessors of this book, your identities are legion. Demons, Beastmen,
servants of the God of Destruction, elves, or even humans. Whoever you may
be, the fact that you have come this far means that you have passed the
Guardian's test. You now have the right to possess this book. Take it. Finally,
the wisdom I have accumulated for a lifetime has an heir."

When the man finished speaking, the silhouette vanished. Everything was back
to normal. Only the magic book remained humming on the table as if waiting
for Link to pick it up.
Link was not in a rush to pick up the prophet's book. He stood in the entrance
and bowed low before the bodies of the two ancient sages. Only then did he
walk forward and picked the Book of Spirits up from the table.

As soon as the Book of Spirits left the table, the room began to sway gently.
Cracks appeared on the table, the withered corpses, the bookshelves, and even
the small bedroom. They began to crumble, bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, the whole room of ice collapsed into a pile of ash. Only
the magic book that Link was holding in his hand remained unscathed.

The surrounding walls in the ice cave also began to crack, threatening to
collapse all around him. At that moment, Link cast a spell to keep the walls
intact as long as he could.

The sword spirit's voice sounded in Link's head.

He's the Soul Dominator. He was the most powerful entity to ever exist in
ancient times. He was the ancestor of Celine Flandre as well as a good friend of
the Storm Lord. He had even tried telling the Storm Lord to keep his temper in
check, or there would be consequences. However, his words fell on deaf ears.
Soon, the Soul Dominator stopped telling his friend off, which ultimately led to
Storm Lord's downfall.

Link was moved by the sword spirit's tale. He recalled Rosso's life story and
vividly felt the hopelessness that the prophet had felt due to being submerged in
visions of possible futures. Link could only imagine what it must have felt like
to bear such a curse throughout one's life.

He bowed again at the Soul Dominator's body before leaving the room. As he
stepped out, the room lost the support of Link's spell and instantly came
crashing down.

Outside the cave, the Book of Spirits in Link's hand stopped glowing. Link tried
to put the magic book inside his spatial ring but failed. The book seemed to be
resistant to spatial magic.

The book's cover was made of a leather specially forged through alchemy. Link
decided to simply bind the book securely to his waist.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his vision. The game system had brought
up some information regarding the magic book Link had just gotten.

Player has received the magic book titled Rosso's Book of Spirits.

Book of Revelation: Rosso's Book of Spirits

Level-19 Flawless Divine Gear.

Special effect 1: Contains all the magical wisdom Rosso has accumulated in his

Special effect 2: The caster will be able to activate the Level-19 prophecy spell,
Divination of the Fates, by channeling enough power into the book. This spell
allows the caster to divine the fates of everything that exists in the Firuman
realm. Higher-level targets will require more magical power. (This spell can be
cast on any target, regardless of its level.

Cooldown time: one year.

(Note: This world holds no secret from me.)

Reading the message, Link let out a sigh, before saying, "Such a terrifying spell.
I guess that's to be expected from a Level-19 master."

Composing himself, Link headed towards the bottom of the ice mountain.
Gretel was still frozen in stasis by his spatial spell. Her injuries were grave.
Patching her up under these circumstances would be a difficult task, even for

"What should I do?" said Link as he began thinking of ways to treat Gretel's

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Chapter 601: Can I Still Call You Duke?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Red Dragon Queen felt warmth flow into her icy chest, forcing away the
coldness and numbness. She instantly recovered her feeling. This wasn't a good
thing because what followed was an intense pain that made her go crazy.

It was terrifying, like someone plunging a blunt knife into her body and then
cutting her into pieces, bit by bit, before rolling her into a ball of ground meat.
She felt like her bones were getting shattered!

Under this extreme pain, all she could do was scream.

But the small movement brought new pain. The pain came in waves, each
stronger than the last. It felt like her intestines were breaking and her soul was

What's wrong? Who's torturing me?

Gretel couldn't think properly under the pain. Her vision was black, and she
couldn't see anything. Her mouth was numb and swollen too. There seemed to
be a block of wood inside so she could clench her teeth.

Those two questions remained in her mind for a long while. Suddenly, another
warm current surged. More numbness was driven away. Coming back to life,
her body grew more sensitive. Even more unbearable pain came, shattering her

She started floating in the sea of pain. Surrounded by darkness, she didn't know
when she would see land or why it was like this. She just waited for time to pass
in the torture, confused and lost.

After who knew how long, a shred of light appeared in the dark sea of pain. It
came from the sky.

The only thought in her mind was: what is that?

The light approached quickly. When it was close, Gretel vaguely saw that it was
a hand. This hand of light came from the sky and grasped her body, pulling her
from the endless torture.
It was like a hallucination but also a bit real. She couldn't distinguish real from

But she felt that the pain had reduced to something bearable. Gretel also felt a
bit of her vision recover. A blurry figure appeared—he was familiar. A familiar
voice sounded in her ears too.

Gretel couldn't hear the voice clearly, but it seemed to be warm like winter
sunlight. She calmed instantly.

The warm current from before kept surging into her. This time, the pain reduced
when it appeared again. What resulted was indescribable warmth and comfort.

Slowly, Gretel's vision sharpened more, and she saw the figure clearly. She saw
the young yet plain face and the black battle robe. The sleeves were rolled up,
and the hands were covered in blood. They reflected the moonlight. There was
something like a thread and needle in the hand. It was doing something in her
chest and abdomen. The warmth she felt came from these hands.

The memories of before returned to Gretel's mind. She'd run into the Light
Magician Halino. She hadn't been his match. A few moves later, she had been
nailed to the wall by the Spear of Light. Then Link had appeared, and Halino
had detonated the spear. She didn't know what happened afterwards.

But Link was healing her now. At the very least, this meant Halino hadn't
defeated him…This young man was incredibly powerful. He'd killed the Black
Magician Eugene who had been undefeatable for centuries. He'd also survived a
battle with the Light Magician. Unfortunately, he had his own path and didn't
belong to the dragons.

Looking at Link's focused expression and the sweat on his forehead, and feeling
her body recovering quickly, Gretel stopped caring. She threw away all worries.
Without speaking, she gazed at Link, looking at every curve and detail on his

She wanted to remember all of this.

On the other hand, Link was focused completely on healing Gretel's injury.
Instead of the flesh magic puppet spell, he used Vance's anatomy method. He
also used Realm Essence to urge Gretel's body to heal itself. The effect wouldn't
be as fast as the flesh magic puppet spell, but it would help Gretel recover to its
original state. There wouldn't be many side effects.

Gretel's injury was grave. That explosion had practically shattered her body.
Link had used two hours just to keep her from dying. Then he used three hours
to help her regain consciousness and get rid of the pain.

But she was still far from recovered. Link couldn't help much during this
process. It depended on Gretel's own recovery ability.

After another half an hour, Link finally treated all the surface wounds. From the
outside, Gretel's body had recovered. There were just stitches everywhere that
looked menacing and scary. To prevent scarring her mentally, Link washed the
blood off his hands and wrapped her with the magic gauze he'd prepared.

"Your Majesty, your wounds are treated but are still grave. You need at least ten
more hours before he can move."

As he spoke, Link placed a fur cape on Gretel's body and a clean shirt under her
head for a pillow. Now, Gretel had collected the weak emotions that had come
out. She was once again the Red Dragon Queen.

"How's Halino?" she asked softly.

"He's dead." Link wasn't surprised by the Red Dragon Queen's actions. They'd
chosen different paths and were both rulers. If the prior disagreement still
existed, they would have no room for negotiations.

Gretel was shocked. She didn't think that things were more dramatic than she'd
imagined. Link had killed both Light and Dark Magicians. After a moment, she
asked the most important question. "Did you get the piece?"

When asking the question, she wished that Link would tell her he didn't. Even if
it was a lie, she would accept it and move on.

So what if Link became the ruler? He had the ability. As the ruler of Ferde, the
territory had prospered instead of sinking into darkness. Anyway, she didn't
want to care anymore. She couldn't care. As long as Link lied, she wouldn't be
But Link nodded. "I did."

The Red Dragon Queen's heart turned bitter. She said with difficulty, "You
shouldn't have saved me. You should've killed me!"

Link smiled. He rolled down his sleeves and pulled a book from his waist.
"Actually, we were all fooled by the protector. The piece can't do anything. It's
just a key. What I received, in the end, was a book of Secret spells."

Link opened the leather buckle on the book and flipped through for Gretel. "Do
you see? It's all Secret spells and some Soul spells. This was left behind by
some powerful ancient Magician. It has nothing to do with the World Tree."

"Really?" Gretel's eyes sparkled with happiness. The pained expression in her
brows dissipated.

"When have I ever lied to you? In reality, you're the one who's always lying. Do
you still remember the Dragon Valley?" Link asked in return, smiling.

Gretel sighed in relief. Link was right. She'd indeed lied to Link many times,
tricking him into the Dragon Valley. Of course, these were nothing now. Even if
the Soul spells in Link's book were mostly forbidden, that didn't matter either.

The most terrifying disagreement between them had disappeared. They didn't
have to kill each other anymore. It was enough.

Gretel's brows curved and her voice became gentle. Her entire temperament
grew gentle. "Thank you for saving me, Duke."

"Duke?" Link arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"I think that your idea before was right. The dragon race can't remain in the
same spot. When I recover, I will return and persuade the elders to share the
secret of the Dragon Power."

Then, fearing Link wouldn't agree, she asked, "Will you come back?"

"Your Majesty, I'm very happy you can understand me." Link smiled and
nodded. He agreed.
"Duke" was only a title to represent that he saw himself as part of the dragon
race. But now, he and the Red Dragon Queen didn't have any difference in

In reality, this was like an alliance. Link lowered his title in consideration of the
ego of the ancient dragon race. (Take the Qing Dynasty tribute trade for
example. It was trade but was called "tribute" for the Qing Dynasty's ego.)

Gretel obviously knew they couldn't return to the past. But after experiencing
this event, she understood something. Decisions shouldn't be made in a hurry.
She should look forward—it may be a good thing.

"Where are we now?" Gretel looked around and only saw icy walls. There was a
magic light above her head.

"We're still in the extreme north. This is a hole I dug randomly to keep warm."
Link chuckled. As he spoke, he felt that Gretel's wound had used up all her
power again, so he started feeding her power.

"Your injury is very grave. The power cycle may even be damaged, so every
now and then, I must feed your power to boost recovery. A few hours later
when you're better, I'll take you to Ferde."

Right now, the Red Dragon Queen didn't have any power at all. It was all
supplied by Link. She couldn't recover it anymore, and Link didn't know why.
But seeing as her body kept using up power to heal itself, it was highly possible
she would recover.

Gretel nodded in agreement.

After a pause, she suddenly thought of something. "What about those who'd
come with you?"

"They're okay. The test we experienced was actually an illusion. My people

have returned to Ferde. The Mountain Sage also returned to Dwarf Mountain.
The Warrior from the Isomerism Realm has also disappeared. I checked the
tracks in the snow. They seemed to have gone towards the Black Forest."

"Oh, that's good." Gretel sighed softly. "This way, we won't be able to stop the
fusion of the realms. Firuman will have trouble."
Link nodded. "Indeed, but we're still alive. There's hope that we can solve it."

Gretel looked at the young man. He was calm when he spoke. Even something
as shocking as the realms fusing couldn't shake him.

She smiled and thought, You're wrong. As long as you're here, then there is

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Chapter 602: The Dark Magician's Rebirth

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Black Forest, stretching out as far as the eye could see

A faint dark light zipped through the thick forest. It was moving so fast that it
appeared to be dragging a viscous band of light in its wake.

This band of light was filled with huge volumes of dark energy. In its wake,
trees withered, and insects and birds dropped dead on the spot. All manner of
wildlife in the vicinity fled the scene in an attempt to avoid this terrifying

For half an hour, the ball of dark light had traveled 500 miles through the forest.
A stone forest rose up in front of it as it approached the westernmost region of
the Black Forest. Without hesitation, it burrowed itself into a crack on a stone in
a secluded corner.

Beyond the crack lay a narrow passageway, which was no wider than ten inches
and no higher than a foot. It was the kind of tunnel that small creatures like
snakes and rodents could enter.

The tunnel was deep and winding. After taking a couple of sharp curves, a faint
purple light finally came up before the dark light. As it approached, one could
see that it was actually a purple, light membrane.
The dark light came to a halt In front of this layer of light. It then began to
gather itself into a ball of light. The vague impression of a human face gradually
surfaced on it until it resembled the Dark Magician Eugene's face.

This was Eugene's soul.

He had fled the far north all the way to the south. His soul was incredibly
powerful. It was able to maintain its integrity for a long time without a body.

He floated in front of the light membrane for a few seconds. He then extended a
tentacle-like band of light and touched a couple of flickering magical runes on
the light membrane with it. There was a flash of purple light, and the light
membrane was gone.

There was a five-square-foot wide secret room beyond the light membrane. The
room's walls were filled with magical runes. They made up a permanent magical
formation, which ensured that the place stayed dry.

In the middle of the room stood a crystal container which was as tall as a human
being. The container was filled with a green fluid. Inside it floated a sickly-
looking female Dark Elf.

The female Dark Elf looked to be at least 25 years old, an age where one should
be at the peak of their life. Her hair was golden. Her eyes stared out vacantly,
showing a pair of black pupils. Her entire face was as dark as any other Dark
Elf, but her limbs were exquisitely built, giving the impression of a painting that
had come to life.

The female Dark Elf's body was close to perfection, from her chest down to her
long, slender legs. She would have been the most beautiful specimen of the
female gender if she was dressed in some form-fitting clothes.

The ball of dark light swam around the woman's body floating in the container.
Finally, it came to rest on a dark rune on the lid of the crystal container.

The ball of dark light burst into specks of light, which slowly diffused into the
rune and then came out of its other end. Once inside the container, the specks of
light began integrating themselves into the Dark Elf's body.
With each speck of light entering her body, the Dark Elf's skin and vacant eyes
grew even more radiant. It took ten hours for the specks of light to diffuse
completely into the Dark Elf woman's body.

Her chest began to rise and fall slightly. She was now breathing in the green
fluid. This went on for another minute. Then, her limbs began to move. Finally,
her eyes widened. She then stretched out her hand and lightly touched the wall
of the container.

Cracks began spreading across the container's surface like a spider's web from
where the Dark Elf's hand was touching until they covered the whole thing.
Without warning, the crystal container shattered into pieces, spilling the green
fluid out. The ground immediately sucked up the fluid without leaving a single
trace of it behind.

She then cast a Levitation spell on herself and floated out of the broken remains
of the container towards one of the walls of the secret room.

There was a rune on the wall as well. She touched it with a hand and then
channeled a weak current of Magical Power into it. The wall vanished, revealing
a storage space behind it. Its contents included a magic wand, a Magician's robe
and a vial of magical potion.

The Dark Elf woman activated the Magician's Hand spell, and the vial
containing a light red potion drifted into her hand. She gulped the whole thing
down and waited patiently for it to take effect. She then stretched her arms out,
allowing the Magician's robe to put itself on her.

Finally, the magic wand flew out from the storage space and into her hand.

At first glance, there did not seem to be anything special about the wand and the
robe. Nobody would even bother picking them up if they were left on the street.
However, when the Dark Elf gently touched a few runes on the robe and the
wand, a dark golden light radiated from both items. Countless magical runes
swirled in the air as well, like stars in a night sky.

"Robe of Eternal Night, Wand of Darkness, my old friends, we meet again,"

said the Dark Elf. Her voice was soft and hoarse with disuse, but her tone was
the same as the Dark Magician Eugene's.
She was Eugene.

As a conniving Dark Magician, Eugene was always paranoid about people

conspiring against him. As a result, he had prepared a couple of contingency
plans for himself should the worst come to pass. One of those plans involved
amassing a large number of bodies that were compatible with his soul.

The body he was now using had once belonged to a princess from the Dark Elf
royal court two hundred years ago. She possessed an extraordinary talent for
magic and had a bright future ahead of her. She could have even grown up to be
a pillar of Dark Elf society.

She was only 24 years old when Eugene met her. She was already a Level-6
Magician, which was a rare thing at the time. What caught Eugene's attention
was the fact that his soul had a certain resonance with hers. He even felt as if he
was able to read her mind as he got close to her.

Eugene was an expert in Soul Magic. He immediately realized that the Dark Elf
princess was a perfect vessel for his soul. The only problem was that it was a
female body. However, it was nothing he could not handle. He simply needed to
adapt to a new life as a female Dark Elf.

That year, he was already a Level-11 Legendary master. There was no way he
would let such a perfect specimen escape him. It did not matter that the body
belonged to a princess.

And so, this talented Dark Elf princess had vanished from the face of the earth.

The princess' disappearance remained unsolved to this day among the Dark

Though the vessel was flawless, the power it possessed was only Level-6.
Eugene was only able to raise it to Level-8 even after drinking his specially-
brewed magical potion. To a former Level-13 Legendary Magician, this was no
more different than being a cripple.

He had Link to thank for his present state.

Taking a deep breath, Eugene said to himself, "I'll admit that you are a better
Magician than me. I was never a match for you, nor shall I be for a long time to
come. However, your enemies are everywhere, and they also happen to be my
allies. I would like to see just how long you'll be able to survive our plots and

When he was finished, he turned back and walked towards the crack in the
stone. He then pointed his wand at it and activated the Stonesplitter spell. The
stone began to crumble on both sides of the crack until it formed a long tunnel.

Eugene began walking down the tunnel until he reached the exit. He chuckled as
he saw the dark forest in front of him and felt a cold breeze blowing from the

"Dark Elves, the prodigal princess has returned."

Eugene's Body Possession spell was flawless. No one would be any wiser as to
who was inhabiting the Dark Elf princess' body. She had returned to the Black
Forest with Level-8 power. With her innate potential for growth, she would be
able to easily rise up the ranks in Dark Elf society, especially considering the
emaciated state of the Dark Elves at the moment.


Just as Eugene emerged from his lair in a new body, ready to enter Dark Elf
society, a Silver Storm Sparrow battleship had entered the Dark Water port on
the western side of the Black Forest.

An elegantly dressed High Elf with white sideburns stood silently on the deck. It
was the High Elf King, Mordena.

Two Warriors dressed in crimson leather armor, the leader of the Dark Elf
Magicians Lawndale, the priest Molina and a powerful Legendary Fallen Angel
had come out on the dock to receive the High Elf King.

When the Silver Storm Sparrow entered the port, Molina was first to greet
Mordena as he disembarked from the ship. She said in a low voice, "The lord of
Ferde has the Book of Creation fragment."

Mordena's body quivered. He had braced himself for such an outcome, but still,
he shuddered as he heard the news with his own two ears.
Composing himself, he said, "That's one of the reasons why I have come here
today. I think it's time we start discussing about an alliance between us!"

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Chapter 603: Dark Elves’ Starlight Rose (1)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Black Forest, Dark Water Port

"Hamilton, tell us in detail what happened at the tundra. Tell us all so we can be

There was a castle beside the port. A group was in a meeting inside the castle's
main hall. That sentence was from High Elf Prince Mordena to the Inferno

Hamilton wasn't happy about Mordena's commanding tone. However, he'd

experienced the power of Firuman's top figures and didn't dare act too proudly
now. He shrugged and started with meeting the Red Dragon Queen's group. He
continued with the extreme north, meeting the protector, and everything else.

At the end, he said, "I quit at the mountain. There were too many opponents,
and they were all Magicians. I wasn't their match alone. Afterwards, I stayed
outside to observe. In the end, I only saw one person walk out unharmed. It was
the Ferde lord."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Of the Magicians that Hamilton had mentioned, only the Ferde lord and the Red
Dragon Queen were well-known. The others, like the dwarf and Light and Dark
Magicians, were unheard of to most of the people present.

The only one who knew everyone was High Elf Prince Mordena. He was also
the most shaken. Every time Hamilton described one of them, he would
subconsciously tap the table, his brows furrowing.
"Your Highness, do you know them?" asked Lawndale, head of the Dark Elf

After that battle at the Orida Fortress two years ago, the Dark Elves had lost
their elites and suffered great losses. They'd become a second-class race now,
almost becoming servants to the Agatha Nagas. Lawndale was a Level-9
Magician, but he didn't have much confidence when he spoke. He was very
quiet and even bowed slightly to Mordena to show respect.

Molina and the others also looked to Mordena, waiting for him to explain.

Mordena nodded. "I've indeed heard of them. Perhaps you think that the Red
Dragon Queen and Ferde lord are figures from legends. But I think that the
other three Magicians all have comparable strength, especially the Light and
Dark Magicians. They are the most mysterious. They're behind many of the
large events throughout the centuries."

Hearing this, everyone exchanged glances. Then they thought of something else.
They were all absolute powerhouses, but only the Ferde lord was unharmed in
the end. Where did they all go?

Here, Mordena got an idea and asked, "Hamilton, you said you saw the Ferde
lord walk out alone in the end but don't know what happened exactly. This
doesn't mean he really got the key to the Book of Creation."

"Yes, but that's most likely what happened."

This also meant that it wasn't certain. Mordena relaxed slightly. To be honest, if
the Ferde lord really got the so-called Book of Creation fragment, he wouldn't
know what to do.

Since it wasn't certain, he had to figure out what had really happened and then
decide what the Isle of Dawn should do. Of course, he couldn't say what he was
thinking. He decided to delay them first.

"No matter what, the Ferde lord's threat is obvious," he said. "I think it's time for
us to ally against him. How about we discuss the specific conditions of our
Molina and the others obviously agreed. After that, they started discussing the
specifics of their cooperation. Both sides fought for their own interests and
haggled over every detail. Prince Mordena was the most difficult.

After arguing from morning to night, the agreement only had a few conditions.
Something so important obviously couldn't be completed in a day. They weren't
in a hurry either. After agreeing to continue tomorrow, they all went to rest.

Mordena and the two Inferno Warriors happened to go the same way.

On the road, Mordena cast a Soundproof Barrier and asked caringly, "I heard
that you two were hurt. How are your injuries now?"

The two Warriors weren't stupid. Exchanging glances, Hamilton asked, "Your
Highness, please speak straightforwardly. The saint had told us to do everything
to help you."

"I see." Mordena chuckled awkwardly. "I want you to go to Ferde and get some
information. I must know if he got the fragment or not. This pertains to my
race's strategy. I must know clearly."

Noa was unhappy at this. "We heard what had happened with rescuing
Katyusha. Ferde is very dangerous. Your Highness, are you sending us to die?"

Mordena shook his head quickly. "No, no, of course not. The mission is a bit
dangerous, but we've prepared well for you."

As he spoke, he took out a scroll. Unfurling it, he revealed a map.

"Look, this is our map of Ferde's defenses. It cost our spies a lot to draw it, but
it's highly accurate. If you follow the map, you won't set off Ferde's alarms…
That's not all. These are two transmission runestones. If you must escape, you
can use this. The Isle of Dawn will open a long-distance transmission spell to
take you back and save you. What do you think?"

These preparations weren't insincere. He was also the saint's father and was
quite noble. After considering for half a minute, Hamilton accepted the scroll. "I
can go, but I can't ensure success. I can only try my best."
"No problem. Just do your best." Mordena smiled, but he was worried inside.
The Inferno Warriors were so difficult. Could the Isle of Dawn truly control
them after the realms fused? He wasn't sure at all.

But the Elder Council had passed this, and it was already started. There was no
room for regret. Mordena had some worries, but he could only keep going and
try to make it succeed.

Canceling the Soundproof Barrier, Hamilton and Noa took the scroll and
runestones. Without wasting any time, they hurried southward.

Mordena returned to the place arranged by the Dark Elves to plan the next step.

On the other hand, Dark Elf Magician leader Lawndale also walked towards his
room. Dark Water Port was created by the Dark Elves, but it didn't belong to
them anymore. The Army of Destruction and demons were the new guards. The
Dark Elves were the lower class, mistreated wherever they went.

Lawndale had high status, but he still had to be careful. He also had to try to
help the Dark Elves so they wouldn't become the cannon fodder. Trying to find
the balance had used up much of his spirits. He wasn't 30 yet, but his hair had
already turned white.

He walked cautiously, being careful that his movements wouldn't catch the
attention of the guards. A full half hour later, he returned to his home.

As soon as he opened the door, he felt that the living room was off. The
furniture hadn't changed, but there was an unfamiliar aura. He immediately
grasped his wand and cast a defense spell. Then he followed the aura timidly
into the room.

There was nothing there, but the aura remained. It smelled faintly like flowers.
It led him to the balcony on the second floor. There, he saw the uninvited guest
in his home. Her back was to him as she gazed at a Starlight Rose.

It was a Dark Elf woman. Her side profile was already very, very, very
beautiful. She also had an indescribably strong aura. Even though Lawndale had
seen countless beauties before, his breathing still hitched and his heart sped up.
He didn't know such a beauty existed in his race.
What he didn't understand was why such an extraordinary woman was
unknown. She could be known throughout the entire Black Forest with just her

Because they were of the same race, she was beautiful and didn't show any
animosity, Lawndale got through the initial shock and relaxed a bit. "Excuse
me, who are you?" he asked.

The woman wasn't stronger than him, but her aura was too oppressive. He
reflexively spoke with respect.

The Dark Elf turned around. Her dark gold hair shimmered like pieces of
starlight. Her pure black eyes blinked, and Lawndale shuddered at the light. Her
side profile was already perfect. Seeing her face now, she was as mesmerizing
as a goddess. Lawndale was intoxicated.

"Ellie Danas." Eugene had already thought of a name.

Lawndale froze. He repeated the name and then exclaimed, "The lost princess?
How? You've been missing for 300 years!"

"Has it been 300 years already?" Confusion flashed past the Dark Elf's eyes. Her
brows furrowed slightly; Lawndale wished he could smooth them for her.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Lawndale subconsciously accepted her

identity. The reason was none other than the fact that her features and aura were
clearly from Dark Elf royalty. It was enough to prove her identity.

"I mistakenly entered a spatial whirlpool and recently broke free from it. I didn't
know so much time had passed. I thought it had only been 100 years," Eugene

"Oh, I see. It is fortunate that you are back. Oh, the girl blessed by the gods is
back. Oh, this is amazing!" Lawndale could feel that the other was at the
pinnacle of Level-8 and was only around 24 years old. What did this mean? It
meant that she had great potential and could become a Legendary figure.

To have such a talented royal return to a weakening race was so exciting!

On the other hand, Eugene knew everything about Lawndale's thoughts.
Waiting for him to calm down, she smiled. "Lawndale, I saw the Silver Storm
Sparrow. Have we recovered our relationship with the High Elves?"

"Oh, Your Highness, the world has changed greatly. Please sit down. I will tell
you what happened during these 300 years. You will need to know."

Eugene smiled again. His body was too amazing. Not only was it talented, but it
was also beautiful. No wonder this Dark Elf would freak out and call it the "girl
blessed by the gods." He'd easily shaken up the usually calm Lawndale.

Back when Lawndale went south, he could act cruelly to human beauties. This
was different though. The other was a princess of his race. She was a flawless
rose sparkling faintly under the starlight. He was drunk.

Thus, he tried his best and racked his brain to say everything that he knew about
the mainland. Eugene listened attentively.

When Lawndale finished, Eugene fell silent as if in deep thought. A few

minutes later, he chuckled lightly. "It's not hard to deal with the Ferde lord."

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Chapter 604: Dark Elves' Starlight Rose (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hearing what Ellie said, Lawndale shook his head furiously. "Princess, you
don't understand. The Lord of Ferde is more terrifying than you can imagine.
You have no idea just how many people want him dead, and how many of those
people have ended up dead."

He then let out a sigh, a little less optimistic about the princess' chances in the
world. She's still so young and has so much to learn about the ways of the
world. It would seem that she still requires training.
Eugene swept a glance at him silently. He had stood on the pinnacle of Firuman
for 400 years. Compared to him, Lawndale was a lot less wise about the world
itself. His mind was an open book to Eugene.

"You think I'm underestimating the Lord of Ferde?" asked Eugene softly,
fighting off the urge to let out a bitter laugh.

"No, Your Highness, I just thought that you would do well to maintain a certain
degree of reverence when talking about someone as accomplished as the Lord of
Ferde." Lawndale chose his words carefully in order not to hurt the princess'
pride. Of course, the Dark Elf's attempt at euphemism had little effect on

Eugene grew even more contemptuous of the young Dark Elf, whose sideburns
had already grown white. However, he knew that if he were to climb up the
ranks of Dark Elf society, he would need Lawndale's support.

Also, Lawndale's reaction allowed Eugene to recognize that Link had earned the
respect of every race on the continent. Despite being so much younger than the
veteran masters of the world and the fact that he had only made a name for
himself not too long ago, Link had cast a long shadow over the world. Even his
enemies could feel the heft of his influence all over Firuman.

Can Link really be the Avatar of the Realm? How else could he have grown so
much? But he still seems to be lacking something that makes him a true Avatar
of the Realm. Curious, curious indeed.

"You're right, Lawndale, but first, don't you want to hear what I have to say
first?" said Eugene, humbly admitting that he was in the wrong, despite thinking

"Of course, Your Highness, please say your piece." Lawndale nodded
immediately. There was no harm in hearing out the princess, anyway.

Eugene said, "You mentioned something about the crack in Dragon Valley.
Even though the crack's already been sealed up, it's still not completely fixed, is

Lawndale nodded.
Eugene continued, "Right now, things are going quite well between Ferde and
Dragon Valley. This crack threatens the safety of the Firuman realm. If we
break the seal holding the crack together, the Lord of Ferde will definitely rush
over there to fix it, will he not?

Lawndale nodded again, finding nothing to contradict.

"When the Lord of Ferde leaves Ferde, we'll have plenty of options to choose
from. We could ambush him as he makes his way there, attack Ferde itself, or
even incite chaos throughout the human cities beyond Orida Fortress. Ferde's
forces will be scattered all over the region in an attempt to maintain order, and
we'll be able to chip away at its defenses bit by bit."

"But he'll retaliate..." said Lawndale. It sounded like a solid plan, but his mind
had grown duller recently. He would instinctively try to refute anything without
forming an actual counterargument.

Eugene explained, "Of course he'll retaliate. But don't forget, we're in the Black
Forest. We can always retreat back into the darkness if he does. While the High
Elves may have the World Tree to protect them, we are already protected by the
geography of our natural habitat. We'll simply have to be on the defensive, as
we send in crack troops to harass the human cities. The humans live mainly on
flat terrain. Once they're scattered, they'll be more vulnerable to our attacks.
Trade among the humans will weaken considerably in the resulting chaos, and
Ferde's sources of income will be cut off as well. Follow my plan to the letter,
and the humans will become so weak that all we need to do is give them a little
push, and their entire civilization will fall."

"Your plan sounds reasonable," said Lawndale, mulling over Eugene's plan. He
was obviously moved by it.

Of course, it's reasonable! Eugene was now becoming increasingly disdainful

towards the Dark Elf, who seemed to have sunk so deep into the pit of abject
failure there was no hope of pulling him out of it. Of course, she managed to
hide her contempt as she continued, "This is only step one. There's a step two to
my plan."

"Oh, do continue, Your Highness," said Lawndale.

Eugene continued, "There's the Syndicate to the south of the humans' domain.
Wasn't Morpheus planning on ascending to godhood? Also, wasn't he an ally of
ours? Why have we stopped working together? Let the Syndicate harass Ferde
from the South. Even if this proves difficult for them, they could still block off
merchant ships bound for Ferde and disrupt business there. What do you think?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right." Lawndale's eyes lit up for a moment but then
shook his head, chuckling bitterly. "It's a good plan, but I fear that it may be
impossible to carry out."

Eugene frowned.

An oppressive aura began to bubble up from the depths of Eugene's soul. The
radiance that the Dark Elf princess' flawless features had afforded him on the
outside had faded all of a sudden and was replaced by a chilling sternness.

At that moment, Lawndale sensed that the air was becoming hard to breathe. A
shiver went down his spine as he looked at the princess. He quickly lowered his
head, not daring to look at her in the eye. All the meanderings in his head had
melted away like snow under a fiery sun.

As is to be expected by someone blessed by the gods themselves. I shouldn't

have opened my mouth so carelessly. She truly is the princess of the Dark
Elves! All of Lawndale's distrust towards Eugene was converted into admiration
in an instant.

"Why would it be impossible to carry out?" asked Eugene.

Lawndale smiled bitterly. "Your Highness, I had come up with a plan similar to
yours back then, but it had fallen on deaf ears. The Black Forest now belongs to
the Nagas. Don't let their feminine features fool you; in truth, they are as hard as
steel and have always preferred head-on confrontations with Ferde. They have
never been one for sophisticated plans like yours, Princess. What they do like,
though, are one-off solutions along the lines of taking the fight straight to the
humans at Orida Fortress. According to them, doing so will please the God of
Destruction. Once he's satisfied, they'll receive more of his blessings."

"But won't they lose in a head-on fight?" Eugene held his forehead in his hand.
He did not expect to hit such a problem here.
"Which is why they've decided to make their next move after the High Elves
succeed in merging the two realms..."

"Damn it!" cursed Eugene before Lawndale could even finish speaking. He then
took a deep breath, calming himself down. "The realm unification will destroy
Firuman. The High Elves have gone mad, this is exactly what the God of
Destruction wanted! Idiots... Lawndale, the Dark Elves will be taking the helm
of this alliance. There's no way I'm entrusting the fate of my race to a bunch of
madmen and servants of the God of Destruction!"

Eugene's words resonated with Lawndale. Deep down, he could not agree any
more with them, but there was nothing he, or anyone else, could do at this point.
He sighed. "Your Highness, our race has never been the same since the war
between light and darkness two years ago. We can only leave these things to the
realms of fancy."

Eugene fell silent for a long time. Then he spoke, "I once came across a certain
presence residing in a space-time distortion. It taught me a sacrificial technique
that would allow me to increase my power considerably. I've tried it once. It
was effective, but I'll need your help to do it."

Lawndale was stunned. "How much power will you be able to acquire?"

Eugene narrowed his eyes. "I'll be able to reach Level-14 in three days if we can
sacrifice more than 30,000 people."

Before, he had only reached Level-13 with the technique in question. After his
ordeal with Link, he was now able to easily solve some of the problems that had
tormented him in the past. He was now confident that he could reach Level-14
this time.

"30,000? You can reach Level-14 by sacrificing 30,000 lives? Lawndale's eyes
widened. He could feel his heart thumping wildly against his chest. If the
princess could acquire such power, the Dark Elves would be free from a fate of
exploitation in the hands of others.

Regaining his composure, he said in a low voice, "Your Highness, how sure are
you about this?"
"I'm 90 percent sure that I could pull it off, but I'll need your help, Lawndale."
Eugene reached out and touched Lawndale's face, looking fondly into his eyes.
He could see that Lawndale was immediately entranced by his gesture.

"Don't you worry, Your Highness, I'll have 30,000 people ready for you in a
day. They'll be dying for a righteous cause!" said Lawndale, gritting his teeth in

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Chapter 605: Dark Elves’ Starlight Rose (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Black Forest, Dark Water Port

"No, no, no, we can't agree to those conditions. Iridium is a precious material
from the Isle of Dawn. It's a strategic resource. Supplying 200 pounds per
month is too much. We can't give that much."

At the table, Prince Mordena shook his head. There seemed to be no room for

Molina was frustrated. She'd experienced the High Elf's toughness many times
these past days. He would repeatedly calculate each condition of cooperation;
nothing was smooth. She wouldn't waste time with these discussions that just
went back and forth if he hadn't shown some sincerity.

After discussing with her subordinates, Molina said, "Your Highness, it's
useless to keep trying each other. Just say what your bottom line is."

"This, uh…" Mordena suddenly started coughing. At first, they were quiet, but
after a while, they intensified. It sounded like his lungs were ripping. Suddenly,
he spat onto the ground. It was red, and a metallic smell floated in the air. It was
"Your Highness, what's wrong?" The surrounding High Elves surged forward,
protecting Mordena. They stared at the Nagas and demons with caution as if
they'd done something.

Molina was shocked too. After all, they were serious about working with the
High Elves after receiving the order from the God of Destruction. They wanted
to help them fuse the realms successfully. They'd never thought of pulling
tricks, let alone hurt the prince.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?" she also asked with concern. She forgot about
the negotiations immediately.

Mordena was still coughing but much softer. After half a minute, he finally took
a breath and said weakly, "These past days were too tiring. My old injuries
came back. I must rest for a while. I'm afraid I cannot continue coming."

His face was pale as paper while speaking. There was also a shocking pool of
blood on the ground. He was listless too.

Molina furrowed her brows. She wanted to say something, but Mordena
continued, "The alliance can't be delayed either. My subordinates will negotiate
for me."

"Okay, that's fine." Molina nodded and then asked in concern, "Your Highness,
I am skilled in divine healing spells. Would you like me to help you?"

Mordena smiled wryly and waved his hand. "No need. My injury isn't easy.
Even the World Tree is useless. It isn't too bad though. Just let me rest for a few

With that, he nodded apologetically to Molina and then said to his servant,
"Take me back."

His servants helped Mordena away from the room. When he returned to his
residence, he straightened and said to his adjutant that had followed, "Vader, it's
up to you all now. Argue with them if the conditions are too much. If the
conditions are okay, then pick them apart. If there's nothing to pick, then agree.
Whatever you do, just drag it out, understand?"
The two Inferno Warriors hadn't sent news back, but this information was too
important. It directly affected their strategy.

If they couldn't confirm it, the High Elves couldn't fully cooperate with the
Army of Destruction.

"I understand, Your Highness." Vader nodded. He knew what his prince meant.

Lawndale was at the meeting room. "Saint," he whispered to Molina. "The High
Elves may be trying to delay things."

Molina's heart jumped. But before she could reply, she saw that High Elf across
the table had good hearing. His eyes narrowed, and he said angrily, "Saint, is
this your attitude towards cooperation? We've decided on quite a few conditions
these days. Is it all nothing to you? We have no need to delay things!"

This was true. Things were going slowly, but the High Elves were still sincere.
Once they decided on something, they would follow through immediately
without any delay. This was one of the reasons why the negotiations hadn't
failed after this half month. The High Elves would occasionally toss out
something sweet to keep tempting them.

The High Elf's protest was effective. Molina's worry was erased instantly. She
knew she must soothe the other's feelings. Turning to Lawndale, she said
angrily, "Dark Elf, watch your words. Go apologize to the Isle of Dawn!"

Usually, Lawndale would stand up without hesitation to apologize. He would

even give compensation. But today, for some reason, he grew tough.

Sitting in his chair without moving, Lawndale said coldly, "Saint, am I wrong?
Do you not see anything wrong with their performance these days? The
promises they'd gone with are all unimportant details. These benefits are like
ants. It's just to sate us. They always avoid the core problems."

As he spoke, he huffed at the High Elf across from him. "Gore, I think that
you're waiting for news from the two Inferno Warriors, right? You want to
confirm if the Ferde lord truly got the Book of Creation fragment because it
pertains to the safety of the World Tree and the Isle of Dawn. Is that right?"

"You…nonsense!" Sweat beaded on Gore's forehead.

"Then tell me where the Inferno Warriors went," Lawndale pressed.

"That's our private matters. I don't need to tell you." Gore composed himself a
bit and turned to Molina. "Saint—"

Before he could finish, Lawndale started again. He stood up powerfully and

slammed a hand on the table. "Look at me, Gore," he roared. "Answer my

That utterance was powerful and loud. Everyone was frightened, especially
Molina. She froze and stared at Lawndale incredulously. The demon nearby
blanked too. Then he pointed at Lawndale, laughing.

"Poor thing, are you still drunk? Do you still think you're laying down next to a
girl right now?"

Lawndale looked over and sneered. "Idiot! Your brain is filled with sh*t. What
do you know? Shut up before you embarrass the Army of Destruction."

"Huh, did you eat sh*t today and embarrass yourself so now you want to die?"
The demon wasn't easy to deal with either. He waved his fists.

Lawndale wasn't afraid. He glared at the demon, pissing him off even more.
"Looks like you don't want to live anymore."

Lawndale grasped his wand and inserted Mana. Thick black fog surrounded the
dark gem at the wand's tip.

Seeing that a fight was about to break out, Molina finally said, "Enough!"

Demons feared Agatha Nagas, especially Molina who could communicate

directly with the God of Destruction. Hearing her yell, the demon stopped
immediately. Lawndale also retracted his Mana.

Seeing that things were calming down, Molina looked to Lawndale. "Dark Elf,
you're different today," she said, feeling strange. "What gave you the courage?"

The current Dark Elf race had no Legendary figures. The most powerful was
only Level-9. The entire race only had around one million people. There were
less than 5000 Warriors who could fight. With that power, they could only be

But today, they suddenly straightened their backs. It was very strange.

Lawndale smiled. Standing up, he walked to the door and lowered onto one
knee. "Welcome the princess," he said respectfully.

"Princess?" Molina was confused. The Dark Elves had a royal family, but they
only existed in name. All authority lay with the Silver Moon Council. The so-
called princess was only a puppet of this fallen race. She only had symbolic

The demons found it strange too. They stared at each other.

"When did the Dark Elves get a new princess?"

"A little girl can give Lawndale so much strength? Did he hit his head?"

"I think he's gone mad."

The High Elves didn't say anything. They just watched the show. When
Lawndale welcomed the princess, they looked to the door. They wanted to see
what the princess was like.

Under all their anticipation, a veiled figure appeared at the entrance.

Seeing this person, Molina was shocked. She felt a very obscure dark aura. Only
a Legendary figure would have this power. It had to be at least Level-12 too.

Really? Molina thought back to Lawndale's actions, and fear appeared.

At this time, the figure raised her hand and slowly took off her hood. Light
golden hair flowed down like a waterfall. The delicate features revealed now
stole everyone's breaths. The pure black eyes shone with indescribable

When she appeared, the surroundings lost color. Everything became the
background to show her off. It was as if all light in the world had gone to her.
She was flawlessly beautiful; she was high and mighty, like a goddess in the

The room was silent. No one could speak.

After a long while, the High Elf behind Gore fell to one knee like Lawndale.
Mesmerized, he murmured, "The rose illuminated by starlight, the moon's
daughter, unmatched. My only wish is to accompany you for eternity."

Her charm was truly shocking.

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Chapter 606: Time to Take On Ferde!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dark Water Port

Everyone in the great hall was stunned by the young High Elf's action.
However, a hush fell over the room as all of them realized that they could not
pull their gaze away from the Dark Elf princess.

Even Molina was not immune to the princess' beauty.

She immediately came to her senses and muttered to herself, "Forgive me, my
lord, for I have sinned!"

On the other end of the room, Eugene laughed inwardly at the full attention she
was receiving from everyone thanks to her new body. What a bunch of fools!

However, on the outside, she smiled at them. She then gestured at Lawndale and
said sweetly, "Rise, my loyal servant."

Lawndale stood up and followed close behind her.

Eugene then entered the great hall and said even more sweetly, "Everyone, I
think you've forgotten something."
"And what would that be?" asked a demon.

Eugene somehow managed to smile in an even more tantalizing manner. "The

fact that the Black Forest and the Dark Water port are all part of the Dark Elves'
territory. They belong to neither long-horned beasts nor boneless servants of the
God of Destruction. But now, the guests have become masters of the place,
while the true masters have been reduced to mere servants. Everything's gone
upside down. Don't you find that strange?"

Molina frowned, sensing that something big was about to happen. She did not
like the way the Dark Elf princess was speaking. The fact that she could not
accurately measure the princess' power level gave Moli more cause for concern.
After mulling over it for a while, she turned to a Level-10 Fallen Angel sitting
beside her and whispered, "Go test her power."

The demon seemed reluctant to do so. But Molina was the commander of the
Army of Destruction. In the end, he yielded to her authority and walked up to

"Little one, quite a big mouth you have there, eh?" said the demon gruffly.

Eugene observed the demon from tip to toe. He was around six feet tall with a
pair of delicate wings composed of strands of light standing out from his back.
Level-10 Dark Power billowed out from him. The corners of Eugene's mouth
curved upwards as if she was about to say something to the demon.

She suddenly pointed the Wand of Darkness at the Fallen Angel and channeled
all her power into it. A beam of green light shot out from the wand's tip in the
next second.

The beam of light struck the Fallen Angel. For a moment, he stood there
motionless. Half a second later, the point of impact on the demon's body began
to turn greyish-white. The discoloration quickly spread across his entire body
until the Fallen Angel was transformed completely into a stone statue.

With a gentle flick of her wand, Eugene sent the statue flying off in the opposite
direction until it hit the ground and shattered into pieces.

Everyone in the great hall was speechless. Only shallow breathing echoed off
the walls.
The Dark Elf princess had killed off a Legendary demon with a single spell. Her
charm and grace belied a tendency for cruelty and her incredible power.

Eugene looked around at everyone in the great hall, her smile showing no sign
of fading from her face. These were all higher-ranking individuals in the Army
of Destruction. Most of them were at least Level-8 in terms of power level, and
they were all completely taken aback by her actions.

Finally, Eugene's gaze fell on Molina. She asked smilingly, "Naga, you and
your kind have outstayed your welcome. Tell me, should I kick all of you out of
the Black Forest right now?"

The Dark Elf princess' voice was calm and gentle as if she was simply having an
ordinary conversation with Molina. However, Molina could feel an
indescribable pressure weighing on her. Her legs had gone wobbly, and her back
was sticky with sweat.

"Oh, Master..." She began to pray to the God of Destruction for solace.

Eugene waved her wand, and the black crystal on its tip began glowing with a
black light. Before Molina could finish her prayer, Eugene said, "Your master
won't be able to enter the Firuman realm, and your so-called Divine Destruction
spells won't have much effect on me because I won't be giving you any chance
to use them on me. If you even think about casting any of your spells on me
right now, I won't hesitate to kill you where you stand."

As an expert in Soul magic, Eugene would be able to easily read Molina's mind.

Molina's legs were now trembling. Forcing herself to regain composure, she
asked, "What do you mean?"

Eugene chuckled and appeared beside Molina. She then walked around to face
the Naga Priest. The Nagas and demons nearby took a few steps back, fearful
for their lives. On the other hand, the Dark Elves were now watching their
princess' every move with admiration.

Eugene stopped smiling as she gazed around at everyone else from where she
now stood. She then spoke with a raised voice, "The Black Forest belongs to the
Dark Elves. Not the Nagas and certainly not the demons. From now on, no
alliances with the Dark Elves will be forged without my consent. This isn't a
request. It's an order."

Eugene looked at the High Elf Lieutenant Gore and gave him a cold smile. She
then shot a beam of black light at him. Gore's body shook violently the instant
he was struck by Eugene's attack. His body began melting like candle wax until
all that remained of him was a puddle of pungent black sludge.

The scene was horrifying.

The High Elves in the great hall were all surprised and angered by this, but for
some reason, no one dared say a word. They were completely spooked by the
Dark Elf princess' true power.

However, Eugene remained calm throughout all this. "You High Elves must
have all gone blind that you don't even know who's running the show here. This
is the price you'll pay for your disrespect!"

Saying this, she saw a High Elf sneaking out of the great hall from the corner of
her eye, probably to inform his superiors on the events that had transpired here.
She did not bother to stop him and simply waited until he was out of the hall.

An instant later, a white light appeared in the middle of the hall. It was a
Teleportation spell. Someone was coming.

The figure of a certain someone appeared immediately in Eugene's mind when

she saw the white light. Anger began to rise up in her, and she pointed her wand
at the ball of light. "This is my Black Forest. Get out!"

Hum... A translucent beam of light shot out from the tip of the wand and
gathered itself into a translucent ball of light in the air. The ball of light then
hurtled into the white light.

The clash of the two lights persisted for a few seconds. Then, the teleportation
spell's white light vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. No one was there in
the hall when the white light faded.

The Teleportation spell had failed.

Eugene was not an expert in spatial magic, but she was a Level-14 master and
had a few tricks up her sleeve capable of countering spatial spells. Even without
them, her power had reached a point where she was now able to disrupt any
spatial spell with her very presence.

A few thousand feet away, in a cottage, the High Elf King Mordena returned to
his physical form just as Eugene disrupted his teleportation spell. He wobbled
for a moment as soon as he reappeared. Once he regained his balance, he
suddenly felt nauseous. Without warning, blood spewed out from his mouth.

Mordena's face was filled with horror. "Who was that? How did they come by
such power?"

He could feel that his opponent's power level was above his by a huge margin.
If he had not retreated sooner, there was no telling what might have happened to

Back in the hall, after killing Gore, Eugene turned towards Molina. whirling her
wand casually in her hand. "Naga Priest, tell me, am I not the commander of
this army?"

Molina went pale. She then nodded. "Your magic is powerful, far more
powerful than any one of us. You are the army's true commander."

"Such a wise priest you are. Since that's the case, you get to live." Eugene
sighed and then looked at the demons.

Before she even said anything, the demons all kneeled down before and said in
unison, "Commander, we abide by your every command! Give us your order!"

Eugene clapped her hands gleefully at this. She then turned towards the High
Elf and said, "Go tell that king of yours that the Isle of Dawn only has one
option from here on out, regardless of whether the lord of Ferde has the
fragment of the Book of Creation, and that is to form an alliance with us. If he
delays his decision any longer, the Isle of Dawn will have to deal with Ferde by

The High Elves looked at each other.

"Now get lost!" barked Eugene.

The High Elves immediately ran out of the hall.

Eugene then sat on Molina's seat and said to the demons, "Go spy on the High
Elves. If they're having second thoughts about an alliance with us or even
thinking about running away, kill them all!"

Hearing this, Molina said hurriedly, "Your Highness..."

Eugene waved her wand, sealing Molina's mouth in an instant. Eugene smiled
coldly. "Bear this in mind, Naga. I know what the God of Destruction's
planning. He's thinking about destroying Firuman, and I don't like that. So, just
giving you a heads-up: I won't hesitate to cast a Level-13 Area-of-Effect spell
on an Agatha Naga base camp if you don't cooperate fully with me.

The muffling from Molina's mouth stopped.

Eugene laughed. "Such an obedient little Naga. I like you. As long as I'm alive,
you can stop thinking about that mad god of yours. Once I'm dead, you have my
permission to do whatever you want. Right now, I want you to focus on the lord
of Ferde. What do you say?"

If it was not for the fact that she still needed the Nagas' power, Eugene would
have slain them all without hesitation. She would probably dispose of all of
them once she was done with Ferde. These servants of the God of Destruction
had certainly outstayed their welcome here in Firuman.

Molina remained silent. She seemed vexed by what Eugene said. Knowing what
the God of Destruction meant to the Naga, Eugene did not rush Molina. She
waited patiently for her answer.

Five minutes later, Molina nodded. "Your Highness, you will have our full
cooperation in defeating the lord of Ferde."

The Dark Elf princess possessed extraordinary power, which the Army of
Destruction lacked at the moment. Also, she probably would not try to abuse the
Nagas in the God of Destruction's presence. Molina saw no problem in letting
the princess taking command of the army for now, especially when she was the
one who had so eagerly volunteered to lead the charge against Ferde.

Gods all had one thing in common: Patience.

"Good," said Eugene.

Just then, there was a commotion beyond the doors of the great hall. A fight had
broken out between the High Elves and demons. A demon had entered with a
report. "Your Highness, the High Elves refused to form an alliance with us.
We've made our move on them."

"Excellent. Molina, time to demonstrate your loyalty," said Eugene, looking at

the priest.

Molina beckoned at her sisters beside her, and the Nagas all slithered out of the
great hall.

The fight out on the port lasted for ten minutes. Then, a heavily-scarred demon
came before Eugene to deliver his report. "Your Highness, out of the 109 High
Elves, we've killed 108 of them. The elves' Silver Storm Sparrow ship was also
destroyed. Only the High Elf king managed to flee."

"Well done. Those High Elves are out of their minds apparently. Next time, kill
them all on sight. Don't even let their corpses go to waste. Gobble them up.
Grind their bones to dust. Do you understand?

If the High Elves had not decided to proceed with their plan to merge the two
realms, Eugene would not have gone all the way to the far north to retrieve the
Book of Creation's fragment, only to have his body be destroyed by Link and
finally end up in the body of a Dark Elf princess. The High Elves were mostly at
fault for his current condition.

Since the High Elves had no intention of forming an alliance, Eugene would not
show them any mercy. Besides, the High Elves would not surrender to Ferde no
matter what Eugene chose to do at that point.

"Yes, Commander!" Everyone said in unison.

This made Eugene extremely happy. She let out a laugh as light and sharp as a
silver bell. Her face then grew solemn. "It's time to take on Ferde!"

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Chapter 607: Dragon Allies
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Roar! A dragon's cry came from the clouds. After that, the people of Ferde saw
dozens of fiery-red dragons of varying sizes. They circled in the air and then
slowly landed on the roof of Scorched Ridge's main Mage Tower.

The dragons were very slow and didn't do anything aggressive. The residents
had all experienced many things, so they didn't fall into unrest now. The
dragons descending only let the people on the streets have more to talk about.

Let us return to the Mage Tower roof.

There were around 20 dragons. The leaders were Elder Pettalong and young
Felina—both familiar with Link. The others included three elders and a dozen
rising stars above Level-8.

After landing on the roof, they transformed back into human form.

Many people were there to welcome them, including Link, Celine, Eliard,
Evelina, Nana, and more. The core Magicians were all present. There were six
Legendary figures, and the newest one was Eliard.

He hadn't faced a Legendary Magician directly at the extreme north this time,
but he'd passed the protector's test. This helped him break through the
bottleneck and enter a new world.

Elder Pettalong arrived first. After transforming, he looked to Red Dragon

Queen Gretel. Seeing her pale face and unsteady steps, he immediately said,
"Your Majesty, I heard that you were gravely wounded. How are you now?"

Pettalong didn't avoid the Ferde Magicians while speaking. He took out a fist-
sized red crystal. "Your Majesty, I brought a Flawless Dragon Power crystal. It
is filled with Dragon Power and should be of help."

Gretel seriously needed this; it could greatly speed up her recovery. She took the
crystal and smiled gently at Pettalong.
"Just in time. My injury is quite serious, but I've already recovered much. It is
okay now."

The dragons were all relieved by this. The Red Dragon Queen had a unique
lineage and had a true hereditary Legendary bloodline. If something happened
to her, the lineage would lose a protector. If something big happened, the dragon
race would weaken quickly. They couldn't endure that loss.

Seeing that everyone was relieved, Link smiled. "Everyone traveled great
distances and must be tired. Come, come. We've prepared a banquet so you all
can shake away the fatigue."

"Thank you, Duke." Pettalong bowed to Link. They knew that the queen had re-
accepted Link as a Red Dragon duke. Some dragons protested, but this was still
an exciting thing.

Pettalong especially had witnessed Ferde's fast development and Link's power.
He supported this wholeheartedly.

The other dragons all thanked him and found their seats.

At Felina's turn, Link gave her a second glance. Surprised, he asked softly, "Are
you at the pinnacle of Level-9?"

She was about to enter the Legendary level.

Felina smiled proudly but also with some regret. "Sadly, I just can't get past it."

"Don't worry. You'll succeed," Link encouraged her. He could tell that Felina
would get there sooner or later.

Felina nodded with force. She was motivated. Encouragements from others
were just encouragements. But Link had amazing achievements. His words were
practically like prophecies. If he said she could do it, then she definitely could.

After that, everyone took their seats. Then beautiful magic puppets walked up to
take away the silver covers over the dishes. Instantly, a delicious smell spread
about. Not only did the dishes smell so tempting, but they also looked great.
Many of the dishes were so beautiful that they didn't want to destroy it.
Link sat at the head of the table. "These delicacies were all procured by Ferde's
chefs from all over," he explained. "Every dish has a unique story. If you're
interested, you can ask your magic puppet."

The dragons were all intrigued by that. They started pointing at the dishes and
asking questions. They couldn't help it; the dishes looked too interesting.

There was a pot of broth before Felina. The broth was thick and semi-
transparent. It kept bubbling and gurgling too. But what was interesting was that
there were many thumb-sized, silver fish swimming inside. They seemed to be
alive, but the milky broth radiated with such a delicious fragrance. There
weren't any Mana waves either. This meant that it wasn't made with magic,
which was even more confusing.

After asking, the magic puppet explained quietly, "This is called 'Fishing for
Silver.' The fish are from a volcanic spring. They can survive extreme heat.
After being caught, they're fed with a special method, and their meat becomes
crisp and sweet. They only need to be placed in the prepared broth before being
brought to the table to create this delicacy."

"Oh, why is it called fishing?" Felina was interested.

"Miss, look at this second dish. It is thin strips of a vegetable called green
cassava. It is tasty in itself and also the favorite of the silver volcanic fish. Try
putting the cassava into the broth."

Felina picked up a strip of green cassava and lowered it into the broth. As
expected, a fish nearby swam over and bit the cassava. It refused to let go.

After fishing it out, Felina saw that the fish was biting the cassava, but it wasn't
moving. It seemed to be asleep. "What happened?" she continued asking.

"The cassava is filled with a special ingredient. It makes the silver fish more
delicious and also acts as a sedative. This prevents the fish from struggling in
your mouth, which affects the taste."

"Oh, great idea." Felina took a bite. An interesting taste entered her mouth. It
was crisp, light, fresh, and soft. It was like a pair of small hands gently
massaging her tongue. The taste was incredible.
This put her in a great mood. "Interesting, interesting," she praised repeatedly.

After eating that fish, she immediately took another piece of green cassava and
continued fishing at the table. She ate one after another happily.

The other dragons were all like this, mesmerized by the dishes before them.
Each happily ate their fill at the meal. The atmosphere was harmonious too.

Some elders who didn't know the truth disliked Link because of had happened
before. But after this great treatment, the hard feelings all softened.

Afterwards, the magic puppets speedily cleaned everything up and served the
dessert. The Magicians and Red Dragon Elders started chatting about the
specifics of cooperation.

Pettalong's group came to see Gretel's state and also negotiate the alliance. The
core was the popularization of Dragon Power.

To Link, getting the secret of Dragon Power wasn't as important after having the
Seed of Sunlight. Of course, it would be better if he got it. It could improve
Ferde's Sunlight Power, but it was okay if he couldn't get it.

Since it was just icing on the cake, he didn't care as much. He gave Eliard,
Vance, and the others full control over the specifics.

While they were discussing, Link waited at the side for the final result. Since he
was free, he asked the Red Dragon Queen, "Your Majesty, I feel that your
power is starting to grow again. Is it true?"

Gretel was on Link's left. She glanced at Celine who was looking over and

"Indeed. Now that I have the crystal, I will recover completely within a month.
You don't need to give me power anymore."

"That's great news." Link was relieved, and he sighed inwardly.

The past ten days, he would give Gretel power every hour and was tired too. It
was okay for a small amount, but after the visits increased, Celine started
suspecting him too. She got jealous many times. If this continued, they might
get into a cold war. Link didn't want that.

Gretel knew about Link's situation too. She felt sad inside, but she forced a
smile. Taking out a dark red bracelet, she gave it to Celine sitting on Link's

"Madam, I've really disturbed you by resting here all these days. This is called
the Heart of Flames. It is my gift to you."

Surprised, Celine glanced at Link. He nodded slightly, so she accepted the


"Thank you."

Her opinion of Gretel improved but was still unfriendly. This woman was too
beautiful and too powerful. In all of Ferde, only Link could act normally before
her. When she stood beside Link, Celine felt that the two were a perfect pair.
This upset her greatly.

On the other hand, the Magicians and Red Dragons acted quickly. They'd come
to a mutual agreement during this short period and had drafted the terms of

Eliard passed it to Link. He was satisfied after scanning it and stamped it. Then
he passed it to the Red Dragon Queen. She also nodded and added the dragon
royalty's stamp.

Thus, Ferde and the Dragon Valley were allies once again.

Afterwards, Link arranged places to stay for the dragons. The Magicians
returned to the Mage Tower to continue working. When everything was done,
Link returned to his own tower to study the Book of Revelation that the Soul
Dominator had left behind. He wasn't alone though. Celine was also there.

Perhaps due to the connection of blood, Celine was shaken when reading it. The
knowledge inside was very obscure, and she had difficulty reading it. But she
could always figure it out in the end. There wasn't anything incomprehensible. It
was as if someone was guiding her.
Eleanor, Vance, and the others couldn't understand it at all. In that case, Link
naturally studied with Celine.

While reading in the library, the magic bell there started reading. Celine looked
up at Link. "It's an urgent message."

Link pressed down on the bell. Scout leader Gildern's voice sounded. "Lord, the
Orida Fortress sent two very important messages. I think you should look over
them personally."

His voice was serious, and his words were rapid. Something must have

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Chapter 608: Is There a New Person in Charge?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Gildern seemed to have something important to report. However, Link was

already used to dealing with matters of great import. He said calmly, "Come to
the conference hall. I'll listen to your report there."

"Yes, my lord," replied Gildern, who then hurried straight towards the Mage

Link then said to Celine, "My love, I have something to attend to. Please
continue without me."

Celine's eyes were still glued to the magic book in front of her, puzzling over an
extremely difficult problem concerning Soul Magic. She waved a hand at him.

"Go do whatever you need to do, as long as it doesn't involve flirting with that
beautiful Dragon Queen."

Laughing at this, Link touched Celine's hand. He then let his hand run through
her long, silky hair before lowering his head to give her a kiss on her forehead.
Finally, he walked out of the study silently and headed towards the conference

On his way, he saw Gildern hurrying towards him from the other side of the
corridor. The two of them then walked side by side towards their destination.

Gildern said, "My lord, the problem we're now dealing with..."

He stopped when he saw a Magician walking towards them.

Seeing how cautious Gildern was, once they were inside the conference hall,
Link closed the doors and cast a Soundproof Barrier over the whole room. He
then said, "Alright, now you can speak."

Gildern handed two scrolls to Link. Both were black, which meant that their
contents were extremely important.

Link opened the first scroll. It came from MI3 in Norton Kingdom. In it
contained information on the Army of Destruction's movements in the North.
There was also a message scribbled in it by the writer.

The message was this: A veteran scout leader of Orida Fortress recently sighted
a set of intriguing tracks in the Black Forest. He determined that it had been left
by a 300-man shock troop of demon soldiers. Each member of this unit had a
power level of at least Level-8.

A shock troop of this scale would be able to cause a lot of chaos anywhere in

As soon as he made the discovery, the scout leader decided to take a couple of
his subordinates to follow these tracks through the forest all the way to the
depths of Hengduan Mountain Range. The enemy's tracks stopped there

As the enemy's schemes had always been a great cause for concern, any
information regarding them would be brought to Ferde in a black scroll to
indicate its urgency.

When he was done reading the scroll, Link contemplated on it for a moment. He
then asked Gildern, "Any word on the Beastmen of the Golden Plains?"
Ferde had set up scout outposts throughout all of the Firuman continent. These
outposts formed a far-reaching information network, which was complemented
with that belonging to Norton Kingdom's MI3. This allowed Ferde to keep tabs
on almost everything on the continent.

Gildern took out another scroll and gave it to Link. "My lord, the Golden Plains
had sent us information regarding the demons' appearances. They were sighted
in five different spots. I've already marked them out on a map. Please have a
look at it."

Link took the scroll and unfurled it. A detailed map of the Golden Plains was
depicted on the scroll, with five red markers on it which pointed out the
locations where demons had last been sighted. These markers began from the
northeastern corner of the Golden Plains, where the plains were connected to the
Hengduan Mountain Range, all the way to the Korora Mountain Range in the
southwest. It was clear where the demons were heading.

Link was stunned for a moment when he realized what the demons' destination
was. Are they heading towards the realm crack? But how did the Army of
Destruction know where it was?

If the Army of Destruction had long known the precise location of the crack,
they would have made a huge fuss over it a long time ago. They certainly would
not have waited until now to do something about it. The God of Destruction
would also be making a lot of noise trying to come through the crack from the
other side.

Only now did they decide to move in to open the crack after it had been sealed
up and the space around it had been stabilized. This could only mean one thing:
They had just recently discovered the coordinates of the crack.

Regardless of how they came upon this piece of information, the demons
needed to be stopped before they could break open the crack.

"When were the demons spotted?" asked Link.

"Any news from Orida Fortress would need at least three days to reach us. As
all our scouts are given communication runestones, news from the Golden
Plains would at most be delayed by two hours before reaching Ferde. Also,
according to one of the scouts, an hour had passed since he received word on the
demons' latest movement and brought it to the nearest outpost in the Golden
Plains, so there is a three-hour delay in total to the news that we've received,"
answered Gildern.

This meant that information on the demons' latest movements that Link now had
was three hours old. He looked at the map again. The last marker was no more
than a thousand miles away from the crack. The demons might already have
started working to break its seal if they moved fast enough.

"I fear this unit of demons means to destroy the seal that had been placed over
the realm crack." Link tapped on the scroll, somewhat concerned. However, he
showed no sign of panic.

The shock troop consisted of 300 Level-8 masters. There might even be a
couple of Legendary demons in their midst. Together, they were a force to be
reckoned with, but the dragon guards posted near the realm crack were no
pushovers either. They had been guarding the crack for almost two years to
prevent any Void creature from trespassing the Firuman realm. The Level-18
magical barrier erected around it had also been designed mostly by Link
himself. It was an extremely intelligent piece of work and would not be easily
overcome by anyone.

In other words, the barrier would be able to hold up against any enemy attacks
for a long period of time.

Gildern's face remained grave. He said, "My lord, this all seemed a bit too easy.
In truth, if the enemy had intended to make their way across the plains
undetected, they would have chosen a less frequented path and not leave such an
obvious trail behind them. I fear that this is also part of some elaborate scheme
the demons have cooked up for us."

This had crossed Link's mind as well. It was obvious that the enemy wanted
Link to notice them. The demons would continue with their mission, regardless
of whether or not Link decided to provide backup for Dragon Valley. If he
decided not to interfere, the crack would be opened, and whatever horrors
lurking behind it would be released into Firuman. If Link decided to help, there
was a high chance he would be ambushed by the enemy as he made his way
He nodded. "You may be right. Such a scheme suggests an intelligent mind
behind it. I think that there may be someone new calling the shots for the Army
of Destruction now."

Link then opened up the second black scroll.

The black scroll was from one of Ferde's own scouts. In it, the scout had
reported an attack launched by the Army of Destruction in Dark Water Port, to
the west of the Black Forest.

The ones who had been attacked were the High Elves. Their attackers were the
Nagas, demons and the Dark Elves. They had wiped out almost all of the High
Elves who were there that day. The High Elves' Silver Storm Sparrow warship
had also been destroyed by the Army of Destruction. As an insult to injury,
members of the army had cooked and feasted on all the High Elf corpses they
could find. It was most likely a terrible scene to behold.

Looking at the report, Link said with a frown, "Weren't the High Elves reported
to be in talks with the Army of Destruction about forming an alliance? Why
have negotiations broken down between them?"

As far as he knew, the current leader of the Army of Destruction was a Naga
Priest, who had always preferred to deal with things through diplomacy.
Someone like her would never have attempted something so brazen.

Gildern shrugged, evidently troubled by this as well. "My lord, during their
negotiations, the Army of Destruction had sealed off a 5000-feet area around the
Dark Water Port. This was all the information we could find about the incident."

Link tapped a finger on the table. "Strange indeed... Tell me, do you think that
there's been a change in management in the Army of Destruction?"

Gildern could not give Link an answer. As an intelligence officer, he would

never make baseless assumptions without solid information, as he knew from
experience that the truth was always far stranger than one could imagine. Also,
as he did not possess the near-clairvoyant instincts of a Magician like Link,
Gildern's predictions would probably not be as accurate as those made by the
lord of Ferde.
On the other hand, Link's instincts were extraordinarily accurate. This had been
proven on multiple occasions in the past.

Before Gildern gave him a reply, Link muttered to himself, "I think that there's a
new commander at the helm of the Army of Destruction. He or she is extremely
intelligent but does not seem to have any experience in leading an army. Their
extreme actions and the fact that they were able to immediately inspire loyalty
from the army meant that they possess incredible power. Also, the usurper had
thrown Molina's plans for an alliance out of the window. This meant that they
might not be a Naga..."

Link rambled on, making one deduction after another in an attempt to determine
the new commander's identity. Finally, two potential candidates surfaced in
Link's mind.

"Assuming the Army of Destruction had changed leadership, there are only two
people capable of doing such a thing. The first is Eugene. Knowing him, he
must have prepared a contingency plan for the destruction of his physical body
and regained his full strength by now. The other potential candidate is
Saroviny... No, it couldn't be her. She's still in another realm and has already
reached Level-16. The Eye of the Realm would have picked up any attempts
made by such a powerful presence to breach the walls between realms. She also
would have left some shred of dignity for the Nagas. This means that Eugene
might be the one behind everything."

Once he reached his conclusion, Link looked at the two black scrolls in his
hands and began closely reading the description of the attack in Dark Water
Port. Gradually, based on his memories of the Dark Magician, Link realized that
the new leader of the Army of Destruction and Eugene had behaved exactly the
same way.

However, Link had no way of proving his fears at the moment. What held
precedence right now was the enemy's plan to open up the crack. Under no
circumstances should anything be allowed to happen to the crack.

The crack was not just Ferde's problem. The dragons would also be greatly
impacted by it as well. As they were now allies, this meant that it was a problem
both sides had to confront together.
Link then said to Gildern, "Listen closely."

Gildern stood up immediately.

"Assign a couple of scouts to the Black Forest. I need to know as soon as

possible what is going on inside the Army of Destruction. Make this your top

"I understand, my lord."

"Now go."

Gildern turned around and exited the room to carry out his orders.

Link sat in the great hall, meditating on something for a few minutes. Then, he
took the two scrolls on the table and set off to find the Red Dragon Elder

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Chapter 609: Dragon Race Divides

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"What? They want to break the seals for the crack?!"

Elder Pettalong couldn't keep sitting after hearing this news. He shot up, brows
furrowed and gray whiskers trembling. Shock was written all over his face.

"Relax, relax." Link pressed his hands. "It isn't irrevocable yet. It isn't easy to
break the seals around the crack. Of course, we must respond to this quickly. Do
you have any ideas?"

Pettalong leaned against the table. Half a minute later, he was still shocked.
Worries and concerns flooded into him without stop. He forced himself to stay
composed, but those thoughts were still affecting his mind.
If it was five years ago, he wouldn't be so easily affected. But recently, so many
things have happened in the Dragon Valley. Each event had been shocking. He
had felt powerless each time.

The entire world was getting stronger while the Dragon Valley kept weakening.
This was the worst period for the dragons.

Now, he was on edge. There were problems with the crack again. He feared that
things would get to the point of no return.

A few minutes later, he sighed. "Duke," he said to Link. "My mind is a mess.
I'm afraid I won't be able to make suggestions, but I only have one request. Do
not let Her Majesty know. She's heavily wounded and must rest well… Ah…"

Right now, the elder was depressed and feeling down. Link could clearly sense
the hopeless aura coming from him. People who had racked their brains and still
couldn't change the current situation or see any hope were usually like this.

Link frowned, confused about Pettalong's state. He was still a spirited man
before. Why had he changed so much?

However, things were urgent, and he didn't have time to wonder. He couldn't
expect help from a dragon elder like this either. Thinking a bit, he said, "In that
case, please recommend someone to help."

Pettalong paused and then said, "Then Felina. She's young and vigorous, filled
with bravery and courage. She's the star of the younger generation, and you two
are familiar. Duke, she can help you."

Link was even more confused. "As I recall, there are ten elders here. Why don't
you recommend an elder?"

Pettalong shook his head. "No, Duke. We're all old and don't have energy.
Things like war should be handled by the young."

"Oh, that works." Link knew Felina. Since Pettalong insisted, he didn't have any
complaints. "Then I'll go now."

"Wait," Pettalong called out.


"Duke, many things have happened, and many high-level dragons have died.
There aren't many left. Now, there are less than 1000 true great dragons… We
cannot have more losses."

Here, Pettalong lowered his head and avoided Link's eyes. He wished Link
could take care of the dragons to reduce losses, but since the demons wanted to
target the crack, there would be an intense fight. If they wanted to lower dragon
casualties, they would be replaced by humans.

Before, this would be no problem. But now, Ferde was huge and surpassed the
Dragon Valley in every aspect. With Ferde, the humans were now a powerful
race. Pettalong didn't have confidence in saying this.

Link knew what he meant. Chuckling, he said, "I'll try my best, Elder."

With that, white light flashed. When he reappeared, he was at Felina's door. He
knocked. A while later, Felina opened the door.

"Duke, what's wrong?" Felina was dressed in armor. Dark red dragon scales
flashed all over her. Her hands had become dragon claws. She was panting
heavily, her cheeks were red, and her forehead was covered in sweat. It looked
like she'd been practicing in her room.

Her state was the polar opposite of the elder.

Link repeated what had happened in the Dragon Valley. After listening, Felina
also asked strangely, "Duke, why are you asking for my opinion? You should
ask the elders."

"Elder Pettalong had suggested I find you." Link found it strange too. He
couldn't understand Pettalong.

Felina couldn't figure it out and shrugged. "You don't need to ask me. You're the
duke. Whatever you want to do, just send the order."

To Felina, Link was the dragon duke. Since the queen was hurt, Link was
technically the leader now. His word was the law.
Link smiled wryly. He was only the duke in name, but now it seemed to make
sense too. He couldn't explain to Felina clearly right now.

Unexpectedly, Felina continued, "Duke, I actually know what's happening.

Some elders think you're an outsider or that you're only our ally and not a
dragon. But I think they're wrong. You passed the Mist Maze alone and was
recognized by the ancestors. You received the dragon body too. You became a
dragon long ago. There are no doubts! Those elders don't admit it because of
their bias and selfishness!"

Her eyes were determined as she spoke. There wasn't any doubt. She'd already
thought through this long ago.

Link flinched. Thinking closely, Felina wasn't wrong. But he still hadn't become
the dragon duke legitimately. Some dragons could understand, but the others
couldn't. If he really acted like a duke with his current status, it would cause a
storm within the dragon race.

Thinking of this, Link said seriously, "Felina, you must know that if I
acknowledge what you said, it will cause a divide within Dragon Valley!"

"So what?" Felina moved aside so Link could enter. At the same time, she said,
"Both Her Majesty and the elders care too much about the tradition. That isn't
wrong, but it isn't right either. The dragon race is failing. If we never change, we
may become extinct!"

In the past, the dragons had had horrible strength, but times had changed. The
dragons hadn't gotten weaker and had even improved. However, the other races
had improved more. For example, the Beastmen Warlords could kill a dragon
with one strike. Ferde, the demons, and the High Elves were all more powerful
than the dragons. There was also Aragu. If the realms fused, the dragons would
lower even more in status.

Basically, the predicted future for the dragons was dark. They must change!

Felina's eyes had always glimmered, but now, they shone. They looked like two
orbs of fire. Staring with a burning gaze, she said excitedly, "Duke, many young
dragons actually worship you. As long as Ferde is willing to accept us, we can
immediately leave—"
"Okay, stop! Stop talking. I understand," Link interrupted. He didn't think the
Dragon Valley would secretly have such divisions. It was unexpected.

After a pause, Link asked, "Do the elders know?"

Now, he thought of Pettalong's attitude, and his heart jumped. The elder must
know, but he didn't object or support it. He just chose to stay silent.

Felina shook his head. "They don't know, but it doesn't matter. The young
dragons are stronger than the elders. They can't stop us."

"Have you thought about the queen?" Link asked.

"Of course." Felina calmed down slightly and sighed. "In reality, it's because of
Her Majesty that we haven't done anything, especially when you two had
argued… But now, there aren't any problems. We've thought it through. You are
our duke, and we're all free. We can choose to be loyal to any strong dragons.
We can follow you and become your followers. No one can stop us, not even
Her Majesty."

Become his followers? That wasn't too bad. Even though it was still getting
close to the bottom line, they wouldn't completely break apart. There was still
room to amend things.

Now, there was one problem left. Should he accept the loyalty of the young
dragons? Thinking, he asked, "Felina, how many people think like you?"

"Many. Most young dragons think this way. There are at least 300, all above
Level-8. The strongest is Aonis. He's already close to Level-10. Unless
something happens, he should become a new Legendary dragon half a year

There were more than 300 Level-8 Dragon Warriors. Unlike humans, these
dragon Warriors had great potential to improve. They were likely to enter the
Legendary level and could continue to strengthen to at least Level-16.

The dragons were a Legendary race, after all. After the Mana density rose, every
race's average power was rising. It was the same for the dragons.
But the problem was that dragons had long lives. Their improvements were
relatively slower than the other races. Thus, they would be relatively weaker in
the beginning. For tens of thousands of years, the dragons had been at the peak
of the mainland. Now that they had fallen, it was logical that the young dragons
couldn't stand it.

But this was only temporary. After a decade, these young dragons would
probably all become Legendary. The Red Dragon Queen would reach Level-19
too. This Legendary race would once again stand at the top of the food chain.

The game had proved this.

In other words, the dragons' current state created the opportunity for Link to
have a huge group of future strong figures. This opportunity would disappear
quickly too… Three hundred Legendary figures were enough to tempt Link.

But despite being tempted, his expression didn't change. After a pause, he put
on a pained expression. "Felina, you've seen how Ferde has many strong people
too. There are at least 1000 above Level-8 and six at the Legendary level. There
will be more in the future. If I accept you all, the queen will be furious. The new
alliance will probably fail too."

Link was speaking the truth too. Felina had flown around earlier and had a
general idea about Ferde's strength. She was sad. Had the dragons gotten to the
point where they would be looked down upon even while wanting to follow

But Ferde's power from these short few years was all due to Link's leadership as
the lord. Link was also recognized as one of the most powerful battle mages in
the mainland. Countless people have been defeated in his hands. Ferde was also
known as the cemetery for the strong. Even the renowned Bryant had been
defeated here.

This was a place one yearned to be in.

To follow such an undefeatable man had long been the greatest glory for the
young dragons. Felina was one of them. She was stubborn and wouldn't give up
so easily.
After thinking, she said, "Duke, we won't make it hard for you. Just wait and

Link worried over the alliance and the queen's feelings. Felina didn't think it
was a problem. If anything, she could talk to the queen.

Link didn't say anything. At this point, it was already decided. Now, he didn't
have to state his stance. He only had to wait for things to develop. If the Red
Dragon Queen gave tacit consent, he would naturally accept these young
dragons into Ferde. If she objected strongly, he would use even gentler tactics.

Of course, this would be in the future. Now, the Korora Mountain Range crack
was the most important.

He passed the report to Felina. "Your matter isn't urgent now. Look at the
details and gather the Warriors to the Korora Mountain Range."

Felina accepted the scroll and scanned quickly. A few minutes later, she said,
"No problem. There are eight young Warriors here. The weakest is at the
pinnacle of Level-8. I will call them over now."

Link nodded. "Remember not to alert Her Majesty. Her health won't allow it."

"I understand." Felina turned and walked away briskly. Different from the
downtrodden Pettalong, she was energetic and did things quickly. She would do
what she said without any delay.

Watching her leave, Link started preparing as well.

First, he found Evelina and informed her. Then, he sent her to chat with the Red
Dragon Queen and distract her. Next, he found the Yabba airship commander in
Scorched Ridge and called up the airship usage authority. Finally, he gathered
the people above Level-8 in the territory. There were 300 in total. Two hundred
and thirty-six were Sunlight Warriors. Sixty-four were newly leveled-up
Magicians in the Mage Tower.

He could've found more, but many of the elites had been sent to the Orida
Fortress earlier. Only less than half had remained in the territory.
These people didn't make a scene. After receiving Link's orders, they quietly
hurried to the western suburbs of Scorched Ridge.

Around 20 minutes later, Nana, the Magicians, Sunlight Warriors, and eight
Dragon Warriors had all arrived. This time, Celine had requested to join the
temporary army and Link had agreed.

A short while later, there were buzzes in the air. Everyone turned to look and
saw the Yabba airship fly over slowly.

This airship was called "City in the Sky." It was a new super-ship created this
year. Hundreds of feet long, it had a capacity of more than 500. It could travel
more than 3000 miles per hour and was even faster than the dragons. With this
speed, they could reach the Korora Mountain Range in around two hours.

The pilot was Merlin, someone Link was familiar with. After seeing Link, he
immediately saluted. "Lord, everything is ready. We can depart at any time!"

Link nodded. "Depart immediately after everyone boards. First, fly south
slowly. Sixty miles later, adjust the direction to the realm crack in the Korora
Mountain Range."

As he spoke, he suddenly felt something. Turning towards Scorched Ridge, his

crazy vision allowed him to see Pettalong stand next to a window, gazing at
them. Perhaps feeling Link's eyes, Pettalong turned and pulled the curtains.

Link had an idea. Perhaps following Ferde is a common voice within the
dragons. The objections to accepting these young dragons might not be as big as
I thought.

This was good news, but Link had to stay calm. He continued to watch and wait

All participants were strong this time and were fast. Within five minutes,
everyone was in place.

Ding dong, ding dong. Under crisp bells, the City in the Sky rose up slowly.
Then it sped up and, following Link's orders, it went southward first. Five
minutes later, it had flown 60 miles. Then, Link added in his power and the
airship sped up. It cut a smooth arc in the air and turned towards the Korora
Mountain Range.

When it departed, a man and woman dressed as wandering vigilantes watched it

in the suburbs. They were Hamilton and Noa. They'd traveled southward and
had arrived five days ago. Mordena had told them to investigate the Book of
Creation, but they wouldn't really risk their lives for the High Elves. They'd just
wandered outside the city these past five days.

Unexpectedly, something had changed.

"Did you see him?" Hamilton asked.

Noa nodded. "Yes. He's the Ferde lord, and they'd gone south with so many
people. They'll need a few days, right?"

Hamilton laughed. "This is a great chance for us to investigate Ferde. Yes, I

think the Saint must be interested in the inner power structure. If we're lucky,
we might even get the fragment. That'll be even better, heh."

They hadn't come to Firuman to help the High Elves. Instead, they were
missionaries. Since they couldn't stop the fusion of the realms, the Saint wanted
Firuman to become a new region of the Fire Sect. If they were to do that, they'd
have to become familiar with Ferde, the power hub of Firuman.

"Don't underestimate them," Noa reminded. "There are still many strong people
guarding the city."

"I know. Don't worry, the lesson learned in the Black Forest is enough."
Hamilton shook his head in annoyance. He wasn't stupid.

As they spoke, they walked towards Scorched Ridge.


At the same time, in a grassy valley, thousands of miles away from the Korora
Mountain Range
"When do you think they'll arrive?" The speaker was a Magician. Heavy black
light wrapped around him. His wand kept flashing with dark purple lightning.
His eyes burned with dark red fire.

He was Glyn, a Black Blood Demon. He was the demon commander in this
mission. In the Abyss, he was an important subordinate of Nozama. As a rare
demon Magician, he was very strong. Even with the restrictions in Ferde, he
was still at Level-13.

His hands didn't stop as he spoke. They were speedily creating a magic seal. A
Naga stood beside him—Priest Molina.

Molina was silent for a bit. Then she said, "It won't be too long. Master has
already seen them." She raised her voice. "Hurry up. We don't have much time!"

Her voice boosted the morale of the Magicians beside her. They sped up quite a
lot. On the ground, a huge magic seal that crossed the mountains was quickly
being built.

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Chapter 610: The Army of Destruction's Scheme

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"My lord, a Beastman village is in flames up ahead! The fire's really strong!"
shouted the captain of the airship Merlin. A couple of his crew members began
working the magic seals in the airship in order to pull up a visual of the
Beastman village.

"The village is approximately 80 miles away from us. Look, 30 degrees to our
left, demons!" said Merlin, pointing at the image.

The airship was new, and so were all the magic seals installed on board. All of
them were the result of innovative work done by the Magicians of Ferde's Mage
Tower. Although they were 80 miles away from the village, its visual was
displayed on board in exquisite detail.
Everything on the ground could be seen clearly, from the raging fire to one of
the Demon Warriors chasing after a screaming Beastman villager.

"My lord, there are 37 demons in total on the ground, including one Fodor
Flaming Demon, three Succubi, and two Demon Illusory Assassin. The rest are
horned Demon Warriors. The Fodor Flaming Demon is at least Level-10. It
must be the leader here," reported one of the co-pilots beside Merlin in a
feverish voice.

Celine intently observed the image and frowned. "These demons are acting
strange. They don't seem to be killing anyone. I think they're just reveling in the
Beastmen's misery. Look at that demon over there."

It was a Level-7 Demon Warrior. Before it stood an ordinary Beastman Warrior.

The Demon Warrior had one foot on the body of a Beastwoman and one claw
clutching the leg of a six-year-old Beastgirl.

The demon let out a terrible laugh as he brandished the little girl as a weapon at
the Beastman Warrior. The Beastman's movements were becoming sluggish due
to the injuries he had sustained. He also had to take a step back every time the
little girl screamed out, in case the demon managed to land a hit on him with her

"The girl must be the Warrior's daughter, and the woman being stepped on must
be his wife! These demons should be sent back into whatever hole they crawled
out of!" said a Yabba man through gritted teeth.

In the visual, the Beastman Warrior looked on helplessly as the demon

continued toying with his wife and daughter. Tears streamed down his face until
his eyes were all red and puffed up. He roared at the demon until his voice went
hoarse. The Beastman seemed to be on the verge of collapsing in exhaustion and

Link noticed that the other demons exhibited similar behaviors in other parts of
the village.

In the middle of the village, a couple of the demons had set up a bonfire and
hung a huge cauldron above it. The cauldron was filled with water, inside which
a couple of children who had not even learned how to walk were left to soak.
The water slowly began to boil until the children inside the cauldron started to
feel uncomfortable. They then cried out, their little hands flailing about in the
water in an attempt to climb out of the cauldron.

But the cauldron's rim was too high for them to reach. It had also turned
scalding hot. The children pulled their hands back immediately when they
touched the cauldron's walls. Hot steam was now rising from the cauldron. It
would not be long before they were all cooked alive in it.

The demons had even tied their parents to wooden stakes that had been planted
no more than three feet away from the cauldron. Just like that, they were forced
to watch their own children being boiled alive.

The parents cried out as they frantically struggled to free themselves from their
bonds and rescue their own flesh and blood, but the demons had done a
wonderful job of tying all of them to the wooden stakes. The parents' efforts
were all in vain.

Such atrocities could be seen everywhere throughout the village. There was a
demon who was munching on the flesh of a Beastwoman in front of her
husband. A demon had forced a Beastman to cut off one of his legs and then
cook it for the demon himself. There was even one who had twisted a
Beastman's arms into a ribbon. It was a terrible sight to see.

"This is literally hell on earth!" Celine could not stand this any longer. She took
out her rifle and looked at Link. Her intent was obvious. She wanted to kill
every demon on the ground.

"Duke, are we moving in?" asked Felina.

Nana remained silent, but she was already gripping the handle of her sword.

Any normal person would be filled with a sense of righteousness and hatred
towards these demons after seeing such a horrific scene unfold before them.
These demons were truly foul beyond belief.

Link nodded and then turned to Merlin. "Let's move in, but pay attention to the
village's surroundings. This could be a trap."
"Yes, my lord!" said Merlin, and he gave a military salute to Link. He turned
around and gave his crew members a series of complicated orders.

Link then retracted the boost of power he had given the airship as he readied
himself for battle. He gazed at the magical visual in the middle of the airship
and then sank into a deep meditation.

What these demons had done was unspeakably evil, but Link had been hardened
by his experience in the war between light and darkness back in Orida Fortress.
The scene in the Beastmen's village barely affected his judgment.

There was something strange about this. What are the demons trying to achieve
by tormenting a village full of Beastmen? he thought.

This would not have struck Link as odd if it had happened near the Black
Forest, which happened to be part of the Army of Destruction's domain.
However, they were now in the Golden Plains, and the Beastmen were no

The demons were no fools. Why would they risk incurring the wrath of more
powerful Beastmen by engaging in such meaningless acts of violence?

These demons may not be part of the crack troop that the scouts had spotted,
which means that there may be more than 300 demons who had come out of the
Black Forest. The Army of Destruction may have even sent two or three squads
out to spread chaos throughout the Beastmen's domain. There must be an even
bigger scheme behind all this.

It was obvious to Link that the demons were up to something. The only problem
was, what were they planning to do?

Link could not figure out what their plan was. He feared that they might already
be playing into the demons' hands.

At that moment, Link noticed that something had changed in the magic visual.

"Uhm, are the demons retreating?"

In the visual, the Fodor Flaming Demon seemed to have received some sort of
message, as he took out a horn and blew into it. All the demons who had been
tormenting the villagers suddenly stopped what they were doing. They then
turned around and retreated towards the west.

When they were all grouped up, the Fodor Flaming Demon took out a scroll and
triggered whatever spell it contained. Once activated, the group of demons ran
off at an incredible speed of up to 700 feet per second.

Did they notice us? thought Link, surprised by this. This suggested that the
demons had set up a powerful detection spell.

I did not sense anyone spying on us. Whoever was able to do such a thing
without revealing themselves must possess a power superior even to mine. We
may be dealing with some form of divine spell that was cast by a powerful
servant of the God of Destruction. This was the only conclusion Link could
come up with.

"My lord, the fire's still raging in the village. If we don't do anything about it,
the villagers will be burned alive. But if we go down and save everyone now,
those demons will..." Merlin did not finish his sentence, but everyone in the
airship understood all too well that they would lose the demons if they decided
to go down and help the villagers.

They could make any one of the demons spill the beans on their big plan by
punishing them for their crimes at the same time. There was no way they were
letting the demons flee!

However, Link had already made up his mind. He said firmly, "We'll help the
villagers. Once we're done, we'll go straight towards the realm crack!"

Whatever the Army of Destruction's game was, Link would not take the bait. As
long as they kept the crack safe, there would not be a problem.

"But my lord, those demons..." said Merlin with a low voice.

"The crack is our top priority. The safety of the entire realm hinges on it!" said
Link coldly.

Merlin jolted. He then said apologetically, "Understood, my lord!"

The airship accelerated towards the village until they were floating a hundred
feet above it. Three Water Magicians climbed to the deck and began to cast a
Rainmaking spell in unison.

This was a non-offensive Level-3 spell. The only thing unique about it was that
its area-of-effect could be expanded. The spell could even summon a torrential
rain stretching across hundreds of miles with the use of magic seals and the
involvement of other Magicians.

The three Water Magicians were at least Level-8. They began channeling their
power into the spell together. Three seconds later, thick clouds began to churn
in the sky above the village. Before long, heavy rain poured down,
extinguishing the village's fire in one fell swoop.

At that moment, a Magician appeared a few hundred feet in the air and used the
Magician's Hand to undo the rope tied around the limbs of every villager.

Once everything was done, the airship sped off towards the realm crack.

However, after flying for a hundred miles, Merlin caught sight of something in
front of the airship.

"My lord, look. There's a lake up ahead. Dark Elf Magicians seem to be trying
to activate a dark magic seal in it."

Link had already sensed the swirl of Dark Power. He was particularly sensitive
to it. Not only was he able to sense the dark magic seal's presence, but he could
also tell what technique the Dark Elf Magicians were using.

He narrowed his eyes and began meditating. Five seconds later, he said, "It's a
realm teleportation seal. They're going to summon backup through it. Increase
altitude and bring us closer. Strengthen our detection seals and look out for any
sign of ambush!"

The enemy would be able to musterl an even greater force if the Dark Elf
Magicians were not stopped. They might even summon powerful Legendary
demons through the magic seal. Keeping the realm crack safe would be
impossible by then.

Merlin began giving out his orders.

Link then said to Celine, "Celine, get into position. Take your shot as soon as
the Dark Elves enter your range of fire. Use your crystallized silver bullets just
in case!"

Crystallized silver bullets were Link's latest creation. Each one was tailored to
deliver a Level-13 impact!

They were now in the midst of an operation. Link's orders were curt. His face
remained impassive even as he gave his orders to Celine.

"Understood, my lord!" Celine was a veteran soldier. She did not mind Link's
curtness. She carried her rifle and assumed her firing position on the airship.

At that moment, a message popped up before Link. He had triggered a new

mission in the game's system.

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Chapter 611: Will We Succeed?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Player has activated mission series: Protect the Realm Crack!

Activate Step One: Army of Destruction in the Shadows

Mission Content: Investigate the Army of Destruction near the crack. Determine
their motive.

Mission Reward: 40 Jogu

Seeing this reward, Link's heart jumped. He'd made a promise with the Travel
Magician to exchange 300 Jogu for the way to fully fix the realm crack.
Skinorse had sent someone to bring him some Jogu recently. Now, he had 273.
If he had these additional 40, he would be able to solve the problem completely.

In this case, Link accepted without hesitation.

During this time, the airship had risen to two miles in the air. The range of
Celine's large fire gun was 2.5 miles. This height was perfect, with some space
for sudden changes.

She took out five Thorium bullets and pressed them one by one into the gun.
Aiming at the Dark Elf Magicians in the distance, Celine said, "Shooter in

"Fighters prepare," Link ordered again.

All passengers on the airship had been trained. They weren't very familiar, but
all were above Level-8. Their brains worked quickly, and voices sounded within
half a minute.

"Magicians are in place! Airship vector defense force field activated! Magic
cannon charging, complete in 20 seconds."

"Warriors in place!"

"Cannons in place. Ready to fire!"

Link felt the Mana within the entire airship. It seemed to be bubbling, but it was
stable overall. This was the result of using many new spells. After ensuring that
the ship was in perfect state, he said to Merlin, "Approach target. Prepare to


Merlin turned to give his crew a series of orders. The airship had entered
combat state.

Link didn't stay in his position during this. He didn't check the magic projection
in the command cabin. Instead, he walked to the window and used his naked eye
to observe the ground.

The lake below was very wide, more than six miles in diameter. There were
many small islands in the center. Those Dark Elf Magicians were there. From
his position, Link could see six Magicians in a circle. Thick Mana waves rippled
from them. He could sense that each was above Level-7.
There was a stone tablet before each Dark Elf Magician. The tablets were
covered in dark purple light that connected the tablets like a belt. Looking from
the sky, he could see a dark purple six-point star.

Obvious Mana waves came from the star. He could see a 600-feet-wide pure
black matter hovering in the center of the star.

What was pure black matter? It was something that light could enter but never
come out of. The most direct characteristic was that it was darker than anything
around it. It was an abnormally pure blackness.

Inside it, Link sensed a horribly distorted space. He looked down at the Eye of
the Realm bracelet on his wrist. The crystal had a weak red glow. This meant
that there was a passage to another realm here. The pure black matter
must…was probably the exit to that passage.

Since it could activate the Eye of the Realm, this meant that the Dark Elves
were probably summoning some powerful existence. It would be bad news if
they succeeded.

So he had to stop them.

But for some reason, Link felt that something was wrong. It was like he'd
missed something when calculating earlier.

What's the problem? Link stared at the magic seal on the island, brows slightly

At this time, Merlin reported loudly, "Lord, we've arrived at the attack

His voice shook Link awake. He thought for half a second and then ordered,
"Shooters attack at will. Magic cannons, prepare!"

The magic cannon was the most powerful and most large-scale weapon on the
airship. Its core was a meteorite Gildern had found from the Free Trade
Confederation black market in the South. The original idea came from one of
the Mage Tower's apprentices called Akeers. After Link, Eliard, and the others
perfected it through deep research, it resulted in this magic cannon.
Its range reached three miles, and its attacks reached Level-16. One attack could
cover 1000 feet in diameter. After recharging, it could fire three times
consecutively. On this moving platform, it was Ferde's most powerful weapon.

Celine started shooting as soon as Link gave the order.

Bang! With the gunshot, a white-gold beam shot down from the airship. It
crossed almost two miles instantly and shot into a Dark Elf Magician's head.

The crystalized Thorium bullet was at Level-13 and had impressive anti-magic
elements. It should be able to break through any defense barrier in Firuman.

But then something happened.

When the white-gold arc was 150 feet from the magic seal, a huge lattice shield
made of many runes suddenly appeared. It shone faintly with a blue glow. After
appearing, it easily blocked Celine's attack. This shockingly penetrative bullet
hit it and disappeared without a ripple like a leaf falling into water.

Seeing this, everyone on the ship widened their eyes. Someone even gasped,
muttering reflexively, "How is this possible?"

Everyone in Ferde knew how powerful Celine's fire gun and especially the
Thorium bullets were. Link had created the Thorium bullet, but many Magicians
had participated in the design process. To Magicians, these bullets were the
kryptonite for magic barriers.

But now, it was easily blocked by a shield. This was incomprehensible.

Link squinted at the shield. His vision was shocking. The collision had
happened quickly, but he'd seen every detail. With his bottomless magic
knowledge now, he figured out the shield's general operation mode after
thinking for a little bit.

"This shield is interesting. It isn't strong in itself, but there are many latent
magic seals 150 feet around the shield. They can quickly absorb the energy of
attacks and use it to strengthen the shield. The stronger the attack, the stronger
the shield."

"Lord, will our cannons be unable to get through too?" a Magician asked.
"Not sure, but the situation is very strange. Use the cannons for unexpected
events. Don't use them too casually." Link trained his eyes on the magic seal. A
few seconds of silence later, he smiled. "This shield is powerful, but there is a
fatal flaw. Watch me."

He continued, "Felina, you all follow me to the deck."

"Yes, Lord."

The weakest of the eight Red Dragon Warriors was at the pinnacle of Level-8.
Felina herself was at the pinnacle of Level-9. In addition, dragons had extreme
recovery rates. This was a powerful force.

Arriving at the deck, Link said, "Transform into dragon form. I need your
dragon breath flames!"

The eight Warriors jumped up. When they were 300 feet above the deck, a red
light flashed past. Eight young dragons over 150 feet long appeared. They
formed a circle and looked down at Link, waiting for his order.

Link stood on the deck and raised the Ode of a Full Moon sword. Mana surged
into it. Half a second later, a six-foot-wide Spatial Distortion sphere appeared at
the tip. It started rising.

"Blow fire at this with all your might for at least 20 seconds!" he ordered.

Roar! The eight dragons started at the same time. Eight thick beams of fire
spewed from their mouths, burying into the sphere. They all wanted to show off
their power before Link, so they used all their strength. Everyone lasted for 25
seconds. Felina even maintained it for 35 seconds.

When Felina finished, Link's Spatial Distortion sphere had turned into a blue
"lava" sphere. It kept vibrating and spinning. It seemed unstable as if it could
explode any time.

The eight dragons were all shocked. They could clearly see the power contained
within the thing. If it exploded within the airship, it could blow it to
smithereens. If they were hit, they would be cremated directly.

They all subconsciously moved away from the dark blue lava sphere.
Link took a deep break, focusing his thoughts. "Singularity transformation!" he

Around 500 points of his Realm Essence followed the Ode of a Full Moon to
the sphere. Under the restraint of this force, the huge "lava" sphere instantly
shrunk to the size of a sesame seed. It didn't glow either. If one didn't pay
attention, one wouldn't notice its existence.

Then Link reached out and grasped the tiny thing with horrible power.

"Okay, you can come down." Link walked to the edge of the deck with the thing
and ordered Celine, "Listen to my orders. Be prepared to shoot at any time!"


Link threw the tiny sphere down towards the island. When it was around 300
feet from the shield, Link suddenly said, "Shoot!"

Bang! A white-gold arc flew down. An instant later, the blue shield appeared
again with a soft buzz. Here, Link used his thoughts to activate the Spatial
Distortion sphere.

That moment, everyone on the airship saw a blinding flash on the lake. They
were all forced to squint.

After the blue light faded, the Dark Elves, magic stone tablets, and even the
island had disappeared. All that could prove that the island had once existed was
a bubbling patch of lava on the lake's surface.

The entire island had melted!

That moment, Dark Magician Glyn felt something from hundreds of miles
away. Furrowing his brows, he said to Molina, "The trap in the lake has failed.
He already undid my shield."

"That fast? Is his power damaged?" Molina frowned slightly. She didn't think to
use the shield to defeat Link. She'd only wanted to weaken him and raise the
chance of success. Now, it seemed that it hadn't been effective. The opponent's
feelings hadn't been affected by the demons at all. They were still terrifyingly
How can there be such a frightening Magician in the world? Dammit! A shred
of doubt appeared in Molina's heart. Would their carefully prepared plan… No,
she couldn't think that. Her master's wisdom was boundless. If he attacked
personally, that mortal would definitely die!

Glyn shook his head. "It only took three seconds. He didn't use brute force to
undo it. Instead, he used a tiny flaw in the shield's Mana cycle. This trap
probably didn't weaken him."

Molina let out a long sigh, pushing down her worries. "The Ferde lord is
definitely troublesome, but our magic seal is the true tactic. Glyn, go get ready."

"As you wish, Saint." Glyn bowed to Molina. His body blurred and then

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Chapter 612: Legendary Magic and Divine Retribution

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Flying City airship continued flying forward.

"My lord, the realm crack is 200 miles up ahead. We'll reach our destination in
five minutes," reported Merlin.

Link nodded. His eyes were glued to the windshield, intently watching the
ground getting closer in front of the airship.

Half a minute later, he heard footsteps coming up behind him. It was Celine.

"There's something strange about all this," she whispered.

Link's eyes did not budge one bit. In truth, he had already sensed that something
seemed wrong as well. The demons setting a village on fire and the summoning
ritual that the Dark Elf Magicians were conducting earlier all seemed to point to
the fact that the enemy had a good idea where Link and his lot would be.
The Army of Destruction had made preparations to deal with them. The first
two incidents had been harmless distractions, but it was possible that they
heralded something grander and more likely to kill them all.

The main problem was, what did the enemy have in store for them?

As the airship flew forward, Link began to feel even more anxious. They were
now flying over the Korora Mountain Range where the sun was shining and the
trees grew abundant. From above, the forest on the mountain range was a
magnificent sight to behold.

However, to Link, the sunlight was of a cold pallor. The leaves were a sickly,
rotting green. The whole mountain range was a bleak grey, and the whole world
seemed deprived of all life. In Link's eyes, it was a scene not unlike hell.

Something big will happen a few minutes from now, thought Link. Whatever it
is, it will pose a huge threat to my life. It's even managed to mess with all my

Link's time magic book stated that time was multidirectional and that in reality,
the concepts of past, present, and future were mere constructs conceived by
intelligent life on Firuman to make sense of time itself.

As no natural law dictated that time should move only in one direction, it was
possible that both the past and future would be able to affect the present. The
time magic book also dealt with the subject of cause-and-effect cycles.
Discussions on the subject were carried out on the assumption that the past and
future assumed causal roles, while their effects were expressed in the present.

These concepts of time introduced by the book were extremely esoteric. The
effects brought upon the present by the past and future differed from each other
in some respects, and the magical concepts underlying these effects were
especially complicated. Link had been studying the time magic book for a long
time, and he barely scratched the surface of the subject. At the moment, he only
had a general idea about time magic.

My life's in danger, and I have no idea what form this threat will take. There's
not much else I can do about it, other than heighten my vigilance for now.
Link had a general understanding of how time worked. He knew that time itself
was replete with variables, and that however right his actions might seem at the
moment, there was a real chance they might set off a chain of events in the
future that would ultimately end in his death.

Right now, he would be better off thinking up a couple of countermeasures to

deal with the imminent danger rather than trying to change the current course of
his actions.

The more countermeasures he had in hand, the more likely he would be able to
survive the impending threat.

Link checked the number of Omni Points he had in hand. He still had 750 Omni
Points and 23,000 Realm Essence Power points remaining at the moment. This
was enough for Link to cast a Level-13 Legendary offensive spell or a Level-15
supplementary spell.

Link continued observing the scenery in front of the airship in order to divine
where the danger might come from. In the span of half a minute, the anxiety
intensified in him as the sky had darkened considerably from his perspective.

The world darkened even more with each passing second around Link as if all
hope had fled off in the face of this danger.

Link took the encroaching darkness to mean that the danger was drawing closer
than ever towards him and that the time he had to react to it grew even shorter.
It seemed to Link that the approaching danger was something he would not be
able to handle alone.

This was the first time Link had encountered such an ominous sign.

"Link, I've got a really bad feeling about this. It's as if my whole world's
completely engulfed in darkness!" said Celine. Her voice sounded distant.

Link turned around and saw her standing stock-still behind him. Her pupils
quivered uncontrollably. She was endowed with the gift of clairvoyance.
Though it had its benefits, the effect it had on an actual clairvoyant was ten
times worse than that received by a non-clairvoyant as an imminent danger
Most clairvoyants had been driven mad by their own visions of the future. This
was the price that came with such a double-edged gift!

Link looked at the other Magicians. They were all above Level-8. Still, they
appeared ill at ease as well.

The only person who was still able to remain calm was Nana.

Though she might look like a living being on the outside, she did not have an
actual soul inside her physical body. As such, she was not as capable of any
form of precognition as a Magician would be.

All of a sudden, a thought flashed across Link's mind.

Is waiting the only thing I can do in the face of this danger? No, there should be
something I can do about it!

The game system was his only hope of salvation at this point.

Link then gave his order. "Power, I need power. Magicians, prepare your nodal
magic seals this instant!"

"Yes, my lord," said the Magicians of Ferde in unison, and they all began
carrying out his order.

Nodal magic seals were a technique developed by Ferde to concentrate power

into a single point. Through these seals, weaker Magicians would be able to
pool all their power in one place and then purify it to produce a steady flow of
Realm Essence Power for the use of high-level Magicians.

The seal was structurally simple, and all Magicians in Ferde were required to be
equipped with it at all times so that it could be used anywhere in the world. At
Link's order, the Magicians onboard the airship began channeling their power
into the signets they were wearing around their fingers.

The power inside their signets was then purified and redirected into Link's own
A moment later, Link's signet turned transparent. The space around it was
visibly distorted by the high concentration of power in it. Golden ripples of light
began radiating from his ring as well.

As power flowed into his ring, Link quickly read through all the available
Legendary spell cards in his mind, some of which were as high as Level-15.

With his power alone, he would be able to cast a Level-15 Legendary

supplementary spell. However, with the added power of six other Magicians,
Level-17 Legendary supplementary spells would definitely not be beyond his

In his vision, these high-level cards shimmered with an assortment of colors.

There were purple Secret spells, iridescent Elemental spells and Spatial spells
which were enveloped in rippling light. Finally, Link's gaze settled on the
darkest spell card in the collection.

The card was so dark that its edges had merged completely with the darkened
background in front of Link. An eye was traced out with silver lines on the card.

Looking at the eye, Link took a deep breath. It was the highest-level time spell
in the game: the Eye of Agramma.

The Eye of Agramma (Oblivion-type spell)

Level-18 Legendary Supplementary Spell

Initial casting cost: 30,000 points

Subsequent cost: 500 points per second

Description: Invented by the Time Magician Agramma. With this spell, the
caster will be able to peer into the most profound secrets of time magic.

Side-effect: Due to the immense power this spell holds, when it is cast, the
disturbed flow of time will return to normal. The caster will completely forget
the existence of this spell and will be punished by the realm itself.

(Note: The world may not hold any secret from me, but curiosity still kills the
In the game, Link had always thought that this spell served no purpose
whatsoever and that its cost was also way too high. Its effect, which supposedly
would allow the caster to look into the future, was simply impossible to activate
in the game world. In reality, almost all time spells in the game could not be
activated due to the fact that influencing the flow of time was just impossible
back on earth.

However, in Firuman, time magic was powerful enough to turn the whole world
on its head, which was why the realm would only allow such a spell to be
activated once. Once a time spell was cast, the laws of the realm would undergo
a drastic change. If one wished to continue using it, he or she would need to
rewrite the laws governing the realm in order to allow the spell's continued use.

The Soul Dominator had once said that mastery of Prophecy Magic could only
be obtained through the realm's blessings rather than one's efforts. The same
could be said for time magic.

It certainly held incredible power, but the use of time magic always came at a
high price.

Once he selected the spell, Link whispered, "Acquire."

There was a bang, and suddenly, the Eye of Agramma card dissolved into
countless points of light. A second later, a new spell settled in Link's mind.

At that moment, the nodal magic seals were almost done channeling the
Magicians' power into Link's signet. The total amount of Realm Essence Power
points he could use right now had reached more than 40,000 points, which
would be enough for him to cast the high-cost time spell he had just acquired.

Link's sense of foreboding was now screaming at him. He felt as if he was at the
bottom of a mountain, and an avalanche was thundering down the slope in his
direction, moments away from swallowing him whole.

"There's no time to lose." Link activated the Eye of Agramma spell


In an instant, the whole world went black. Countless shapes of light floated in
front of him. Some of them seemed immaterial, while others showed clear
images which played out before Link in the blink of an eye.
"These are strands of timelines!" said Link, understanding what was going on.
He then composed himself and closely observed the shapes of light playing out
in front of him.

At that moment, the airship was now 30 miles away from the seal surrounding
the realm crack. They were about to reach their destination soon.

On the ground, Molina had seen the airship which was hurtling through the air
at top speed. She breathed in deeply and then stabbed her Staff of Destruction
into the ground.

"Divine Retribution: Dawn of Darkness!"

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Chapter 613: Judgement from a True God!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Lord, look over there!" Merlin started yelling. "Oh, oh my god, what is that?!"

Right now, Link's eyes were listless. He seemed to see it, or he did not. His two
black eyes reflected the strange sight before the airship. There, a beam of dark
red light fell from the sky, landing somewhere on the ground.

The place it landed in was very tall. One couldn't see the top. The beam was
also thick—more than 1000 feet wide. Around the solid beam of red light, there
were countless dark red storm clouds spinning counterclockwise. They swept up
the rocks and clouds of the forest and the water vapor and clouds in the air.

From afar, a world-ending red storm was being born.

Less than two seconds after Merlin yelled, the destructive force of the dark red
storm already affected the airship.

"Merlin, the wind speed is rising and affecting the ship's balance. What do we
Clack, clack, clack. The ship shook clearly as it was blown towards one side.

"Add more Mana to the turbine power. Keep it steady, steady!" Merlin cried.

The wind strengthened. After the airship added more power, the two forces
turned the airship into a tug of war. The ship shook even more.

Clang, clack, creak… The ship shook violently as if it would fall apart.

After three seconds, Merlin knew this couldn't continue. He immediately

changed his order. "Retreat, retreat. Follow the wind back—"

"No! Go against it!" Link suddenly said. His eyes were still blank, but his voice
was abnormally determined. There was no room for negotiation.

"Lord, the ship can't survive it…Ah, go against the wind. Hurry, left turn!"
Merlin followed Link's orders in the end. He knew the ship would definitely fall
apart, but this was the army. They were fighting an unknown force. He must
follow the lord's orders.

The crew immediately turned and started going against the wind.

During this short period, the windstorm's range had expanded again. The wind
had doubled in intensity too. The airship had adjusted its direction and was
going against the wind, but its speed was pitifully slow. They could only go 300
feet per second. Usually, it could go at almost 2000 feet per second!

The wind continued strengthening. The airship continued slowing. After three
seconds, its speed had been halved. It could only go 150 feet per second and
was shaking violently.

Crash! Clang! Creak… All types of sounds formed a cacophony. It was about to
scatter into pieces.

"Lord, we can't keep going!" Merlin saw many magic seals had already lost
control. If they continued, the airship's core would explode.

"Keep going…keep going…turn 90 degrees to the right. Right now, hurry!"

Link made another crazy order!
They'd been going against the wind. If they made a right angle turn, they'd be
going straight into the storm. Any logical person could see that this was the
same as suicide.

But this time, Link's voice contained a spiritual spell. As soon as his voice
sounded, his intent carved directly into Merlin's brain. He couldn't refute at all.

"Right turn, right turn, extreme output of power. Charge!" Merlin yelled. The
bright voice unique to the Yabbas rang throughout the command cabin.

Every crew member was terrified, but they instinctively followed the orders.
The cabin charged towards the storm at full force.

Creak, creak, creak. The noises made one's insides curl. Runes on the floor and
walls kept breaking apart. Many places already had cracks. The only fortunate
thing was that the critical parts had all been specially fortified. They were still
as strong as before, undamaged by the windstorm.

Just as the ship charged towards the storm, a ten-foot-wide black beam of light
flashed past the end of the ship. It was so close that it practically brushed past
the airship. There were less than 100 feet between them.

It had already reached the outer edge of the airship's defense barrier. The magic
seal inside immediately displayed its stats.

"Level-13, power scale of 13000, a powerful Dark Magician is secretly

attacking us!" an operating yelled in terror. Everyone in the airship paled. They
couldn't imagine the consequences if they were hit.

It was Level-13 and at 13000. If the airship was hit, it would be decimated
immediately. Less than ten people would survive. Now, the airship had used a
series of strange and illogical actions to avoid this fatal attack.

The instant the beam brushed past the airship, Link ordered, "Retreat with the
wind. Now!"

He didn't have to worry about disagreements. Merlin immediately yelled, "Right

turbine! Open lower right wing…"
The airship shook and made a turn. The huge ship nearly flipped over as it
retreated to the outside of the windstorm.

Almost simultaneously, Link used the Spiritual Transmission spell to order the
Magicians from Ferde, "Magic cannon, shoot at coordinates 78, 751, 281, 232!"

These were spatial coordinates that corresponded to numbers on the Magic

Locking Wheel. Though the airship had been damaged in the windstorm, the
cannon was the core. It had been fortified and was still unaffected.

Half a second after Link sent the order, the cannon fired.

Whoosh! The entire airship shook. Below, a white-gold arc around 300 feet
wide appeared. Like a sword of divine punishment, it cut to the source of the
black beam.

The cannon attack reached Level-16 and was unbeatable. When the white-gold
arc streaked past, the space in its path distorted. Rings of spatial ripples spread
in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the attack reached the ground.

Kaboom! There was a ground-shaking explosion. A huge white-gold fireball

burst from the earth. It glowed blindingly, turning the entire battleground snowy

This was the cannon's first true attack. Its power captivated everyone on the

"Slow down and stop!" Link suddenly made another strange order.

This time, Merlin didn't hesitate at all. The airship was already outside the
storm. The wind wasn't strengthening anymore. He easily stopped the airship in
the sky.

At the same time, Link ordered the Magicians again. "Second attack,
coordinates 89, 232, 231, 2323. Fire!"

Boom! The airship shook again. Another "white-gold sword" pierced down.
Almost at the same time, the white flash of a transmission came from the target
destination. One could make out a Magician with a black robe and curled horns
under the light.

It was Black Blood Demon Glyn.

He hadn't completely materialized from the transmission when the airship's

attack arrived. The Level-16 attack was unstoppable.

The demon Magician was powerful too. Faced with this situation, he screamed,
and the transmission light flashed again. He'd forcefully started another

One must know that before the first transmission ended, the surrounding space
wouldn't fully consolidate. If one started another transmission, the Magician
would use up immense energy. Accidents were also highly possible. It was quite
common for one to lose limbs from the second time. In more extreme cases, one
could lose a head too.

But the Magician should be praised for his decisiveness. If he'd hesitated at all,
he would have been destroyed by the cannon.

Boom, kaboom!

Almost the exact moment that he left, the attack arrived. An instant later, Glyn
reappeared miles away. This time, the Magicians on the airship saw him. As
soon as he appeared, he collapsed onto the ground, spitting out blood. He was
clearly hurt.

Seeing him, a Magician asked, "The cannon only has one attack left. Should we

If they continued, the demon Magician would definitely die. But strangely
enough, Link didn't order a third attack. He kept silent.

It stretched for two seconds. On the battlefield where changes happened

instantly, two seconds was like a year. Then Link said, "Cannon prepare.
Coordinates 2342, 2325, 52, 987, standby!"
As soon as he finished, everyone realized that the dark red pillar of light was
fading. The windstorm around it reduced too. Around three seconds later, the
storm that was about to destroy the world disappeared completely.

"What happened?"


"Look, there's someone under the light. They're so tall!"

"Looks like a Naga Warrior!"

On the ground in the center of the pillar, a female Warrior with dark red skin
and bloody wings appeared. She was more than 30 feet tall and grasped a blood-
red spear with dark gold flashes of lightning.

Perhaps because of her power, the air around her distorted clearly. From afar, it
looked like a translucent dome.

As soon as she appeared, a voice rang out through space. "Mortal, accept a true
god's judgment!"

Here, a Magician who reacted quickly understood what was happening. "Oh,
God of Light, please!" he yelled. "This is the God of Destruction's divine

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Chapter 614: In the Name of the Realm, I Sentence You to

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Divine retribution was what would happen when a god decided to directly
punish an offender in the mortal realm.

There were two ways a god could go about this. Firstly, he could descend to the
mortal plane via an altar. He would usually be summoned to an altar in order to
punish an offending follower of his religion. Secondly, a god could mete out his
punishment via a messenger. He would simply need to channel his divine power
into the body of a willing representative, allowing him or her to carry out their
god's vengeance against any of their enemies in the mortal realm.

It was evident that the airship from Ferde had found itself on the receiving end
of the second form of divine retribution.

Throughout Ferde's history, there had been more than 15 instances of divine
retribution, eight of which had been carried out by a god's messenger.

Each time a god's vengeance was delivered, the result had always been the
same: the complete disintegration of an entire people.

There had never been records of mortals surviving a confrontation with a god.

The Magicians, Red Dragon Warriors and Sunlight Warriors on board the
Flying City airship knew all too well about their chances against a god's power.
The appearance of the 33-foot-tall winged messenger before them had literally
put the fear of God in everyone.

"Save us, God of Light!" One of the Magicians had fallen to his knees and
began praying in despair.

"No, I don't want to die!"

"Oh god, what should I do? Is there any way out of this!"

The airship was now in chaos. Through the uproar, the airship captain Merlin
shouted, "My lord, what should we do now?"

Link did not immediately reply him. He waited for a few seconds before giving
his command. "Ready the cannons and fire!"

As soon as he gave the order, there was a low hum. Then, a streak of white light
shot out towards the god's messenger on the ground.

Just when the light was about to hit it, the messenger suddenly let out a roar and
thrust the crimson lightning spear in its hand forward.
As the spear began picking up speed, the red electricity around its tip gradually
thickened until it formed a net-like electrical barrier which shielded the
messenger's entire body.

In the next second, the cannon fire struck the electrical barrier.

Crackle! Boom!

Spatial ripples spread out from the point of impact. The sky thundered, and the
earth rumbled as the Level-16 magical cannon attack collided against the
messenger's shield.

At that moment, Link gave his second command. "Abandon ship, everyone out
of the airship now!"

"My lord?!"

Merlin was stunned by what he had just heard. The Flying City airship
contained all the magical innovations made by Ferde and the Yabba race. It was
one of the most advanced airship in history. To Merlin, the airship held an even
more important place in his heart than his own family. He only had it for less
than a month and had barely gotten to know every corner of it. Even in the face
of death, Merlin could not bring himself to abandon the ship.

"Out, now!" said Link, accentuating his every word.

Saying this, he activated the Dimensional Jump spell. A white light engulfed the
whole cabin. An instant later, only Link remained inside the cabin. Everyone
else had been teleported out of it by him.

The other passengers outside the cabin were all scared witless by the god's
messenger as well. Upon hearing Link's order, none of them hesitated for a
moment before fleeing the airship.

Confident in their own physical prowess, the Sunlight Warriors on deck had
jumped straight out of the airship. The Magicians exited the airship by casting
the Levitating spell on themselves, while the Yabba crew members released
their parachutes as soon as they jumped out of the airship.
Three seconds after everyone disembarked the airship, the shockwave from the
cannon fire's impact against the shield hit the vessel. In the wake of the
shockwave, everyone who had jumped out of the airship was simply blown
about in the air and was able to come out relatively unscathed.

The same could not be said about the Flying City airship.

The vessel hung huge and heavy in the air. The shockwave hit it like a giant
hammer traveling at the speed of sound.


With a screeching sound, cracks spread out across the walls of the cabin. The
entire airship trembled violently in the air as it was pushed back upon impact.

The airship's structure had already been weakened by the storm earlier. It now
seemed to be on the verge of splitting in two after having received the brunt of
the shockwave.

It was as if an invisible hand had struck the airship, crippling it instantly.

At that moment, there was a flash of white light on the ground a few thousand
feet below the airship. The light faded away to reveal Celine, Felina, Merlin and
the others who had previously been inside the airship's cabin.

They were able to catch a glimpse of what had happened to the airship in the air
just in time.

Celine looked around and suddenly shouted, "Where's the lord? Where's Link?
Why isn't he here?"

Felina looked around as well. Suddenly, she remembered the last thing she saw
before they were all teleported out of the cabin. The white light had enveloped
everyone in it, all except Link.

She shouted in reply, "The lord did not teleport himself out of the airship. He's
still inside!"

Hearing what she said, Celine suddenly sensed from the airship an aura which
she knew belonged only to Link. Startled, she raised her head and stared at the
airship which had spun out of control in the air. She shouted, "What's he still
doing in the airship?!"

A realization suddenly dawned on her. Is he trying to buy us some time for all
of us to escape by distracting the god's messenger? But that would be suicide!
Has he lost his mind? If he dies, who will be left to defend Ferde from the Isle
of Dawn? What will happen to me if he dies? thought Celine, dread now
creeping into her heart. Before she could even react, a red glowing figure
launched itself into the air. At the same time, a thunderous voice boomed out.

"Mortal, you dare to defy a god?"

It was the god's messenger!

The sky and earth were painted in a shade of blood red in an instant. The only
object that remained untouched was Link's airship.

A white light was pulsating around the airship. Even though the light was barely
holding its own against the sanguine light, anyone could see the difference in
power between the two sides. It would not be long before the blood-red light
swallowed the airship.

"No! No!" shouted Celine desperately. She took out her rifle, rapidly stuffed her
silver bullets into it and fired a few times at the blood-red figure.

None of her shots hit her target.

The messenger headed straight towards the airship without even making an
attempt to dodge Celine's bullets.

Even her precognitive prowess was of not much use against a god's power.

Felina and the others had taken on their dragon forms and rushed into the sky to
Link's aid. Still, no matter how fast they flew, they could not catch up to the
blood-red figure.

The god's messenger had outclassed all of them in terms of power and speed.

The airship's cabin

Even though the airship had been split in two and the cabin's walls had cracked,
the cabin remained an integral part of the airship and was at the moment the
only thing keeping the entire vessel from breaking apart completely.

Link still had his feet anchored firmly to the floor. He was holding the Ode of a
Full Moon in his right hand and the Soul Dominator's Book of Revelation in his
other hand.

As the god's messenger drew closer towards him, Link began flipping through
the book with the Magician's Hand spell and channeling all his power into it at
the same time.

Link had spent more than 33,000 Realm Essence Power points in order to cast
the Eye of Agramma spell and keep it activated all this time. His power had
depleted so much that he now had no more than 10,000 points of power to
channel into the Book of Revelation.

The Book of Revelation's Divination of the Fates spell may not be able to kill
the messenger, but it should be able to buy me some time, thought Link.

Just then, there was a flash of light in the corner of his eye. It was a message
notifying him that he had completed his mission, and that he had been rewarded
with 40 Jogu pieces. He now had more than 300 Jogu pieces in total.

At the same time, a new mission popped up.

Player has activated the second phase of the mission series: Avoiding Divine

Description: Flee from the God of Destruction's messenger and cross over the
realm crack's seal.

Mission Reward: Astral Whetstone

Due to the urgency of his current situation, Link only managed to glance
through the message before accepting his new mission immediately without
giving much thought to the mission's reward.
He then channeled his power into the Book of Revelation, which began to glow.

The light around the book rippled like water in the air. Looking closely, one
would be able to see that it was in fact composed of countless transparent
magical seals.

Just then, Link felt an indescribable power flowing into his body. No, it was not
power that he felt, but rather an authority over the fates of all existence in the

Link's body began to float in the air, not because he had cast a Levitating spell
on himself. Rather, it was the world which had prostrated before Link in
recognition of his authority.

In other words, it was the entire world which had lifted him up in the air in

Mastery of Prophecy Magic could only be granted via the realm's blessing. Link
now fully understood what this meant.

He then walked out of the collapsing airship, calmly taking each step in the air
as if he was walking on a level surface.

The God of Destruction's messenger was still making a beeline towards him
with all the fury of a storm.

With the Eye of Agramma spell, Link was able to predict the most probable
development in the near future. Two-point-three seconds from now, the
messenger would unleash its attack at him, and there would be nothing he could
do to stop it. The only possible outcome of the messenger's attack would be his
complete annihilation.

If he hoped to survive the attack, he would have to strike the messenger down

And so, Link did just that.

With one hand holding the Book of Revelation and the other pointing the Ode of
a Full Moon sword at the messenger, he announced, "In the name of the realm, I
sentence you to death!"
His voice was soft at first, but it gradually grew louder until it rocked both
heaven and earth like thunder. It continued to echo for what seemed like an age
with no sign of losing momentum.

"I sentence you... sentence you... to death!"

Just then, something inexplicable happened.

The shade of blood-red that had filled the sky moments ago suddenly vanished.
A moment later, the God of Destruction's messenger let out a blood-curdling
scream as she began falling from the sky like an angel whose wings had been

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Chapter 615: Don’t Worry, I Still Have Strength!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

What happened in the sky was incomprehensible.

"What happened?"

Felina was the closest to the Saint and saw most clearly. She saw the Saint get
tied up by some force. The Saint struggled, but the force stuck to her like a
spider web. Her hand couldn't break free.

"Is this the lord's true power?" Another Red Dragon Warrior gulped. His wide
eyes were filled with incredulousness.

After all, it had been a divine punishment!

A true god's power had descended into the mortal world, but the lord had said to
take care of her on the spot. Judging from the current situation, the lord hadn't
been bluffing. If this true god's Saint was really taken care of, then Ferde's lord
would undeniably be the strongest Magician in the history of Firuman!
On the ground, Celine's group was shocked too. Faced with the Saint, everyone
had felt some despair. But what happened afterwards was incomprehensible to
the Yabbas, Magicians, and Sunlight Warriors.

Is the lord's power really to this level? everyone thought.

Magic puppet Nana was the calmest. She couldn't fly or help Link, so she just
stood beside Celine to protect her.

Further away, demon Magician Glyn looked up despite the intense pain from all
over his body. A few seconds ago, he'd been about to watch the Ferde airship
get destroyed by the Saint. Now, he saw the Saint get tied up by the Ferde lord!

As a Legendary Magician and a subordinate of Nozama, the Lord of the Deep,

he was more knowledgeable and had seen more.

When the Saint was trapped, Glyn immediately noticed the magic book in
Link's hands. Oh, even if that book isn't divine gear, it'll definitely be magic
equipment of the Legendary Pinnacle. Amazing!

Ferde's lord had such powerful magic equipment. Glyn felt that he wasn't safe
here anymore. I'm injured, and the Saint doesn't seem to be the Ferde lord's
match. If I stay here, I'll die!

The demons were only temporary allies with the God of Destruction's servants.
He was already being nice by not turning on the servants in their trouble. They'd
be dreaming if they wanted him to help!

He was decisive and immediately prepared to leave. But a few steps later, he
saw a somewhat familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. Looking closer, he
saw that it was a young girl with dark purple hair. She had a finely made fire

Oh? I think it's the princess! As Nozama's subordinate, he was familiar with
each daughter. Their features were carved in his soul. He could recognize them
even if they were turned to ashes.

Celine's power had been purified and barely had any demonic aura, but Glyn
was sensitive. He recognized her after a few glances.
Right now, he was less than two miles from Celine. The other was completely
focused on the Ferde lord in the sky. If Glyn ambushed her, he could probably
capture her successfully.

Lord Nozama misses Princess Celine. If I can take her back to the Abyss, I will
definitely be rewarded heavily!

Looking back up at where the Ferde lord was, Glyn clenched his teeth and
snuck towards Celine. Capturing the princess could distract Link, help the God
of Destruction's Saint, and also help himself get on Nozama's good side. It was
three birds with one stone and wasn't that risky. Only an idiot wouldn't do it!

On the other hand, Link had used up almost all his power to restrain the God of
Destruction's Saint. He had less than 1000 points and couldn't maintain the Eye
of Agramma anymore.

After stopping the spell, he felt his head spin like something had disappeared
from his body. Thinking back, he had no information about the Agramma spell.
He'd forgotten it all.

He knew this was one of the side effects. According to the instructions, he
would get punished by the Firuman Realm too. But time was tight now. The
Saint could break free at any time. Even one-tenth of a second's delay would
make a difference between life and death.

He had no time to figure out what punishment he got. Using his remaining
strength, he cast a Dimensional Jump spell towards the realm crack.

He was the Saint's target. The further he ran, the safer the others would be.
Thus, he began running without hesitation.

Buzz! With the soft sound, the white transmission light flashed. The next
moment, Link was miles away. He only had around 800 points left. With his
recovery rate, he could generate 120 Realm Essence points per second. If he
waited two minutes, he would be back to normal, so he didn't care.

After this jump, Link jumped again, moving forward around ten miles. If he
jumped again, he would be close to the realm crack.
But then he discovered a change in his body. No, my recovery rate slowed

How slow exactly? As soon as he thought that, the game system answered.

Current Recovery Rate: 13 points per second

Player currently in a negative state: Time Abomination

Time Abomination: Usage of time magic disrupted the flow of time. The user
will suffer from time's backlash. Under the disruption, the user's body will be
greatly affected, their power lowering to 10% of the original rate. Unless time
returns to normal, this effect will last forever.

This was a horrible negative state, but Link didn't regret using the Eye of
Agramma at all. If he didn't use the spell to see the future at that time, they
would've died without a doubt.

The entire airship might be reduced to ashes.

Mortals always had to pay when faced with divine punishment. Only his
recovery rate had slowed down. He could accept this.

Thinking of this, Link felt calmer. He was less than six miles from the barrier
now. He prepared for a third transmission.

As long as he escaped into the realm barrier, he could use the powerful magic
seal created by the thin piece of time. That seal was at Level-23. It was
definitely enough to kill a Saint.

White light flashed around him again. The transmission was about to start. Just
then, Link's heart jumped. An avalanche of anxiety surged in him.

The Saint escaped! he thought.

The next instant, the sky turned blood-red again. At the same time, he heard a
resounding voice behind him. "Mortal, you've angered me!"

She'd underestimated Link earlier and had been fooled by the little trick. It was
truly insulting. Now, she wouldn't give him another chance!
Link looked back. He saw semi-transparent spatial ripples appear around the
Saint dozens of miles away. The ripples spread with incredible speed.

Link was shocked. No, I can't use the transmission anymore!

The spatial ripples traveled at an inhuman speed. In Firuman, it could travel tens
of thousands of miles in a second. Even if he didn't die, he would be gravely

Link immediately canceled the transmission and used the Void Walk, rushing
towards the barrier. He was less than six miles away. The Void Walk gave him
a speed of around one mile per second. He would need seven seconds!

Seven seconds…isn't enough! Link saw that the Saint had already started
charging. Her speed was even faster. With a flap of her wings, her entire body
turned into a beam of red light.

Even if Link was the fastest in the mortal world, she was still closing in on him
around five miles per second.

Six miles in a second. That's so much faster than me. So is this divine power?
Link was shocked. He forced himself to focus and planned while sprinting.

No, a true divine-level figure wouldn't exist in this realm. Otherwise, the God of
Destruction would have come long ago. This Saint is at most at the pinnacle of
Level-19. She's powerful and Legendary, but she isn't different in nature from
me. She's just more focused and of a larger scale.

Thinking of this, he asked the sword spirit in the Ode of a Full Moon, "How
powerful do you think she is?"

The sword spirit's past owner was the Storm Lord, who was at the pinnacle of
Level-19. It must have seen many people at that level. Even though Link had
seen those in the game too, that was only the game. It was still quite different
from real life. Thus, he had nothing to refer to.

The sword spirit knew this was urgent too. As soon as Link asked, it replied,
Judging from her performance, she isn't higher than Level-17.
"Level-17?" This was lower than what Link had expected, but it was still

The higher one was in the Legendary realm, the harder it was to cross that
chasm. The gap would be wider too. In lower levels, Link could perhaps use his
superb battle techniques to overlook the difference in levels. For example, when
fighting against Bryant, Halino, and Eugene, he'd defeated them despite them
being stronger. But this wouldn't happen when the other's level was much

Even in the game, it was impossible for a lower level to win after reaching
Level-14. The difference was hopeless!

Yes, she should be Level-17. If she is truly at Level-19, we wouldn't have the
chance to fight back. The Book of Revelation wouldn't be able to stop her…but
I still can't fight against this.

Indeed. Link's eyes brightened and then darkened again.

He now had 820 Omni Points and around 600 Realm Essence points. This was
too little. He hadn't been a match at his full status. Now, it was basically
hopeless. How could he fight against the Saint's attack?

There wasn't much time. Link's mind whirred as he worked to find an idea.
During this time, the Saint traveled close to six miles again. She would catch up
the next moment.

What do I do? What do I do?

Don't worry. I still have strength, the sword spirit suddenly said.

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Chapter 616: Mortal, You Will Be Judged Soon!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Ode of a Full Moon sword indeed still had some power left in it!
During his downtime, Link would channel his power into it in order to raise the
sword's quality.

Link was already able to recover more than 100 Realm Essence Power points
every second. With such a high recovery rate, he could afford to store most of
his power inside his sword whenever he could. Upon careful calculation, he
realized that the power he had stored within the Ode of a Full Moon sword had
reached an astronomical figure.

As soon as he heard the sword spirit's voice inside his head, he began to feel a
huge surge of power inside him. He could see in his field of vision his own
power level beginning to rise. 1000... 2000... 3000... His power was restored
completely before a hundredth of a second had even passed.

Do you still need power? There's more where that came from! said the sword

"How much do you still have left?" asked Link. He had opened up the game
system's spell card shopping interface.

He still had 820 Omni Points, which was enough to buy a Level-19 spell and
enable him to defeat the God of Destruction's messenger.

I've used most of the power you've given me to improve on the quality of my
blade. I can probably replenish your power twice over if I have to.

"Twice, you say?" Link quickly did the math. This meant that the sword could
provide an additional 45,000 Power points to him. Adding to the 22,000 Power
points already restored in him, he would have approximately 68,000 Realm
Essence Power points in total.

Sixty-eight thousand Realm Essence points would be the equivalent of 300,000

Mana points, which would be enough for Link to cast a Level-17 Pinnacle
offensive spell.

Link quickly flipped through the pages of spell cards on display and was able to
find four Level-17 offensive spells that he had used before in the game world.

Time Hex: Calamity. Costs 5000 Power points to activate. An extremely

powerful spell, with an extremely long casting time... Not what I'm looking for.
Infernal Secret Art: Twilight of the Gods. Costs 58,000 Power points. Explosive
and impactful, but it's an area-of-effect spell, which means that its power is not
particularly concentrated in one point. Don't think it would be of any use against
a god's messenger. Wait, this is...

His eyes fell on the third spell card, on which was written, "Glorious God:

A Level-17 single-target offensive spell. It can be cast instantly with a 60,000

Power point cost. Once the spell is cast, its target will be immobilized and
rendered incapable of retaliating!

Recalling how the spell had worked in the game world, Link could not help but
sigh. In order to attract more players, the game had added a lot of gaudy effects
to the spell. As a result, its power was reduced considerably. Still, this is the
only offensive spell I can use right now.

In the game world, Link had acquired the spell in order to show it off to others.
Back then, he had thought that the spell was extremely powerful. Now, after
actually acquiring the spell, he felt that it was a spell simply meant for

Nonetheless, he had no other choice. Without any delay, he purchased the spell

One-hundred and seventh Omni Points were instantly deducted from him. In his
field of sight, the spell card dissolved into countless points of light, which was
then absorbed by his body.

The God of Destruction's messenger was already 1000 feet away from Link
when Link concluded the transaction. Electricity crackled around the blood-red
spear she was holding in her hand. Its tip was pointed straight at Link. "Mortal,
time to receive your final judgment!"

Just as her voice boomed in the air, the electricity around the spear began
expanding until it formed a huge net which covered a 500 square-foot-wide
area. The net then descended rapidly toward Link.
Link noticed that there were ripples spreading from the blood-red electricity.
Upon closer inspection, he also saw that there were countless spatial cracks left
by the ripples in the air.

It was clear that the electrical net had completely sealed off the space around
Link. There was no place he could run. His only option now was to confront the
attack head-on!

The Red Dragon Warriors who were hovering ten miles away in the air saw
what was going on.

Unable to do anything else, the Red Dragon Warriors could only look on at the
scene as they kept themselves afloat by flapping their wings against the wind.

Felina's face contorted in horror. She began muttering to herself, "No, how can
this be? There's no way it would end like this for the duke."

Floating alongside the Red Dragon Warriors in the air, the Sunlight Magicians
were also watching what was happening in helpless horror.

The power they had witnessed had simply surpassed the imagination of all the
Magicians on the scene!

The Magicians were so shaken by this that most of them were unable to
maintain their concentration and fell straight out of the sky. Had it not been for
the fact that they were able to strengthen their bodies in time with Sunlight
Power, most of them would have died on impact.

Perched atop the trees in the forest, the Sunlight Warriors of Ferde were also
able to see what was going on in the sky.

Most of them began trembling so violently that they could not keep a firm
footing on the treetops. Unable to react as quickly as their fellow Magicians,
some of them even tumbled to the ground.

Celine was standing on top of a tree as well. She gaped at the horrific scene
before her, a tear rolling down her cheek from the corner of her eye.

"Is this it?" she murmured.

At that moment, the times she had spent with Link flashed before her eyes.

She remembered the moment she first met Link in Flemming Magic Academy.
Back then, Link was just a clumsy initiate in the mystic arts, whose furtive
glances he would shoot at her from time to time did not escape her notice. She
remembered the time he had come to save her in Opal City on his own. She also
remembered the tender moments she had shared with him, as well as the look of
concentration on his face every time he forged magical equipment for her.

All these scenes raced through her mind until finally, all she could see now was
the horrifying display of blood-red electricity that had filled the sky in front of

It was over.

Grief overcame Celine like a raging river. Her mind was now filled with
thoughts about Link and nothing else.

At that moment, there was only one person who was still able to calmly observe
the scene before them.

It was Nana, who had not spoken a word all this time.

She had seen the blood-red web of electricity, and still, she did not feel a hint of
despair. The reason was simple. Through her contract with her master, she did
not feel a single hint of despair from her master as well. This meant that he still
had something up his sleeve to deal with such an attack.

The web of electricity that had filled the sky did not faze her in the least. During
the last hundred years, she had spent in the Aragu realm, she had experienced
countless Legendary battles. She even had the chance to witness the duel of two
Archmages once with her own eyes!

A duel between two such individuals could reshape even the geography of an
entire continent.

The battle between her master and the god's messenger was certainly one of
grand proportions, but it was not enough to disconcert Nana.
Nana stood beside Celine, surveying her surroundings. Just then, she sensed that
something was watching them.

She needed to be careful now.

In the sky, Link took a deep breath as the electrical web began descending
toward him. He then raised the Ode of a Full Moon sword and infused his
Realm Essence Power into it. In an instant, the sword began shining with a
blinding light.

From afar, it looked as if a sun had emerged from the ground!

"Glorious God: Judgement!" muttered Link as he activated the Level-17

Legendary spell.

Hum. The Ode of a Full Moon sword began vibrating violently until Link could
barely hold it in his hand.

Suddenly, the concentrated light from the sword shot upward into the sky. When
it reached a few hundred feet in the sky, the light began spreading outward,
slowly forming a golden throne.

One could see a vague silhouette sitting on the golden throne in the sky. When
the silhouette appeared, the entire light construct shone fiercely like an actual
sun, pushing back the electrical web that was pressing down from the sky
toward Link.

The radiant throne continued expanding until it reached more than 5000 feet
tall. From afar, it looked as if a golden mountain had risen abruptly from the

Overlooking the god's messenger, the figure sitting on the throne boomed,
"Messenger of the God of Destruction, I now find you guilty!"

Both heaven and earth quaked when the voice sounded, and it echoed on for a
long while.

"I find you guilty!"


Any mortal, be they an ordinary being or a Legendary master, would have been
scared witless as soon as they heard those words.

The condemnation of the whole world now weighed heavily on the God of
Destruction's messenger. Everyone throughout the world was now judging her,
reviling her. One could only imagine the stress she was feeling right now.

"Who are you?" roared the messenger. She tried to bring down the electrical
web on it but soon realized that the figure was a lot stronger than her and was
able to resist her attack.

The figure on the golden throne ignored her. It gazed on at the world below it
indifferently, as if the god's messenger was nothing more than a grain of dust.

Then the voice rumbled once more, "I now banish you from this realm!'

Something happened as soon as its words fell.

The messenger sensed that her power was depleting rapidly. Strands of blood-
aura aura were now seeping out of her pores and into the Sea of Void.

Her 33-foot-tall body was also rapidly shrinking and losing the luster that had
enveloped it moments ago.

"What are you doing to me?" roared the messenger. She tried to rush toward
Link, intent on killing him. However, she sensed that an incredible power had
bound her up. Even the simple act of walking proved difficult.

The inexplicable conditions that the messenger now found herself in had driven
her mad. "Argh!!! Get away from me!"

She struggled on desperately, swinging her blood-red spear around in a frenzy.

There was a cracking sound from the golden throne. Link was now having a
hard time keeping her restrained after having spent much of his power siphoning
the messenger's power into the Sea of Void.
Sensing that her restraints had weakened slightly, the messenger struggled even
more desperately against her unseen fetters, convinced that freedom was now
within her grasp.

Her power was still receding rapidly from her body, which was shrinking as a
result, but the golden throne was also breaking apart in the air. Fragments of it
glowed for a moment as they fell from the sky, before evaporating completely in
the air.

Both parties had sustained heavy injuries at this point.

The ground trembled furiously during the course of the battle, as if the entire
world itself was gripped by terror in the face of these two extraordinary beings.

Everyone on the scene had stopped what they were doing and simply gaped at
the spectacle.

This included everyone from Ferde, the elite soldiers of the Army of
Destruction who had been watching the fight unfold from afar, and the dragon
guards inside the barrier protecting the realm crack. Even the Demon Magician
Glyn, who was intent on taking Celine prisoner, had stopped in his tracks as he
saw what was happening in the air.

Glyn had wanted to make his move, but he noticed that there was a female
Warrior standing beside Celine. She appeared ordinary, but every time he tried
to move closer toward Celine, the female Warrior would turn her gaze in his
direction unconsciously.

Glyn had never seen Nana before. He also did not have a handle on her power
and so remained unsure whether he should move in on Celine now. Then, he
saw the fight between Link and the God of Destruction's messenger.

Glyn was stunned by what he saw. "That's a Level-17 Pinnacle spell. Is the lord
of Ferde really that strong?"

Even back in the Abyss, his power was only Level-16. Upon entering Firuman,
the restrictions imposed by the realm had reduced him to Level-13. The fact that
the other party was evidently stronger than Glyn even when he was in his full
power certainly came as a shock to him.
He now had doubts about capturing Celine.

The clash between the golden throne and the god's messenger lasted for 15
seconds. The messenger was now seven feet tall, while the golden throne had
used up all of its power in an attempt to keep her down.

Then everything was silent.

Link still had 8000 Power points left in him. He stood on the ground, looking on
at the messenger who was a few thousand feet away from him.

The messenger's power had been depleted completely as well. Link could
clearly sense that she was now only as strong as a Level-12 Legendary master.
Although she still had plenty of power in her, there was nothing overwhelming
about it.

This was now a fight to the death between Link and the messenger.

Ding! Link was now filled with killing intent. The Ode of a Full Moon sword
quivered in his hand, and a sound as clear as a bell rang out in the air. It was
incredibly resonant and could be heard a few thousand feet away.

The god's messenger floated a few hundred feet in the air, looking at Link with
an inscrutable expression on her face. She remained silent for around three
seconds and then said, "Mortal, you will be judged again soon!"

Saying this, she spread out her wings and flew off into the distance.

Seeing this, Glyn bit his lip. He looked at Celine who was still perched on the
treetop, then at the unknown female Warrior standing beside her, and sighed.
Forget it, I did not come fully prepared for this. It's just too risky. I had better
report this to my master.

Finally making his decision, Glyn immediately turned around and left the place.

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Chapter 617: Each with Their Own Plans

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Master, are you okay?" That was Nana. Her voice was the calmest as if
everything that had happened was normal.

"Lord!" That was the Magicians and Warriors of Ferde. They stared at Link
with reverence. Worship was written all over their faces.

"Duke, how are you?" That was the Red Dragon Warriors. The dragons were
known as the Legendary Race, but they'd been shocked by Link's performance.

This was the first time in Firuman's recorded history that someone could remain
unharmed after facing a divine punishment!

Link also let out a sigh of relief. The earlier clash had been thrilling to the max.
Even though he used the Level-17 Legendary spell, he'd had to use extreme
effort to stabilize the spell and restrain the Saint.

During this process, any flaw would allow the Saint to break free and ruin
everything. He would still be killed.

Thankfully, he'd succeeded.

At this time, the crowd suddenly fell silent and parted to the side. Celine walked
over. Her eyes were slightly red, and there were faint trails of tears on her face.
She'd been crying.

Link could obviously guess why. Without speaking, he walked up and hugged
her. They embraced silently. The surrounding people kept silent too.

After a long while, Celine whispered, "After going back, I'm going to study
Soul magic! I want to get stronger! Even if we fail in the end, it'll be a failure
after we worked together. I don't want to watch from the side anymore."

Celine's voice was calm, but Link could hear a determination that hadn't been
present before.

Link was too familiar with Celine's personality. She would either not do
something or use her whole heart and keep going even at a dead end. She
wouldn't stop even if she was defeated.
In the game, she didn't want to become her father's slave, so she went from
hiding to doing everything to attack. During this process, she'd experienced
unimaginable pain and torture. Her personality had even become twisted, but
she still kept going.

Since she'd decided, Link wouldn't disagree. He would do his best to help
Celine get stronger so she could take less wrong turns in this process.

Patting her back, Link murmured, "Okay, that's my girl."

There were many people watching. After the initial outburst, Celine calmed
down. Seeing all the people, her cheeks turned hot. She tried not to act
abnormally and pretended to be composed as she broke free from Link.

Link looked up at everyone and smiled. "Alright, the danger is over. Our airship
is destroyed, but the magic material inside is still good. Let's recycle them and
then go to the crack."

"Yes, Lord!" No one objected.

Everyone turned to the ruined airship. Link walked in the crowd, but his mind
was on the Jogu in his spatial ring.

He now had 309 while he needed 300 to completely fix the crack. He could
summon Travel Magician Aisenis now.

I'll summon him after we get inside the crack barrier, Link decided.

Just as they were cleaning up the battlefield, Glyn and Molina regrouped at the
border between the Golden Plains and Hengduan Mountain Range.

Molina was in bad shape. Her face was horribly pale, and her breaths had a
bloody smell. At closer inspection, one would see that her bare skin had
cracked, covered with web-like fissures. They were extremely deep and
revealed red flesh.

This was the side effect of divine power forcefully entering her body. Earlier,
the Saint had used her body.
Glyn was in bad shape too. He'd forcefully used transmissions under the
interference of the outside world. Even though he'd succeeded in the end, his
internal organs had moved. He wasn't hurt on the surface, but his internal
injuries weren't any better than Molina. He was a demon, but he was also a
Magician. His body was weaker than demon Warriors.

When the two regrouped, they stared at each other speechlessly. Even
something as extreme as the divine punishment couldn't kill the Ferde lord.
What more was there to say?

After half a minute, a sudden eagle's caw broke the silence. Glyn coughed softly
and asked, "Priestess, how are your injuries?"

"I'm alright. I can recover after some rest. How about you?" Molina was
embarrassed. She'd embarrassed her master today. In order to hide the
awkwardness, she had to say this nonsense.

"I'm alright too."

After that, they were silent again.

The wind blew past. After another pregnant pause, Glyn spoke again. "What
happened today was actually an accident. The Ferde lord must have been
prepared. That's why he could fight against the divine punishment. His
background probably isn't that simple either."

"What do you mean?" Molina asked.

"The humans say that he's the God of Light's chosen one…"

Molina froze and then shook her head. "I don't think so. My master hasn't seen
the glory of the chosen one on him. He never prays to the God of Light or
contacts the church either."

"Uh…" Glyn didn't know what to say. He obviously wasn't as familiar about
religion as the priestess. But he had his own reasons. "How do you explain his
last move?"

The huge with a huge figure, the tone of the figure… Everything looked as if a
god had come to the mortal world.
Glyn had been far away. To him, the fight between the Ferde lord and Molina
had seemed more like the representatives of two gods fighting rather than divine

"No, no, no. That was only a spell," Molina explained. "He just made it fancier.
It was around the pinnacle of Level-17 and didn't contain any divine power. I
could feel it."

This shocked Glyn even more. "Pinnacle of Level-17? He's already at the
pinnacle of Level-17? This…"

Reaching Level-17 using divine power and reaching it on your own were two
totally different concepts.

The former was like a regular person getting a magic fire gun. They could easily
kill a regular person. Even a strong figure might not be their match. But their
weakness was obvious too. They couldn't use the spell to the max.

The latter was like a person with strict training who had a magic fire gun. Their
combat ability could make someone feel hopeless! A Level-17 Magician was
someone who could make others feel despair. Glyn had Level-16 power in the
Abyss, but he could only look up to someone at the pinnacle of Level-17. He
could only worship those in Level-19, just like how he worshipped Nozama.

If there really was this powerful of a human, there was no point in the war
anymore. The Army of Destruction should just disband, the demons returning to
the Abyss, Nagas retreating, Dark Elves back to the Dark Hell, and High Elves
back to the Isle of Dawn. Everyone should hide and try not to get destroyed,
waiting painfully until this Legendary figure died.

Glyn suddenly felt the urge to go back to the Abyss and never come back to

Molina shook her head. "No, he isn't that strong. I could feel that he used some
divine gear to temporarily reach that strength. It can't be maintained, and he
must pay for it somehow. I could feel some unknown chaos enter his body. Of
course, he is still a force to be reckoned with."

Glyn was slightly relieved, but he still wasn't sure. "Really?"

Molina nodded lightly. "Yes! God gave me power and also blessed me with
superhuman perception. Right now, the Ferde lord should be at the pinnacle of
Level-12. That is power, but not undefeatable. There will be a way to deal with
him. Even if we can't, Princess Ellie will be able to. She's very strong."

Glyn finally relaxed. He was really mentally scarred from seeing Link's
performance against the Saint. After thinking, he said, "But that guy is truly
strong. In the windstorm, he could even dodge my sneak attack and attack
immediately. He almost killed me. No, my wound is too serious. I must rest for
a while."

He had to report the princess' situation to his master. Nozama had been missing
Princess Celine; he would love this news. He had to report today's battle too so
his master could be prepared.

With that, his body vaporized into black fog and disappeared into the
mountains. Even Molina didn't know where he went.

Seeing Glyn leave, Molina cursed, "Tricky bastard. You run fast, huh."

She couldn't stay here any longer either. After a short rest to recover a bit, she
ran towards the Black Forest. Princess Ellie should learn about the situation.

There was still a lot of divine power within her. After a while, her wounds were
mostly healed, and she'd sped up too. Traveling like this, she reached the
Skeletal Fort in the north of the Black Forest by noon of the next day.

After finding Princess Ellie, Molina reported the battle in detail.

At this time, Eugene had been reading in the Skeletal Fort. After listening to
Molina, his body shook in disbelief. "Even the divine punishment was useless?"

Molina didn't answer. After all, this humiliated the God of Destruction.

Eugene tapped against the bone table and fell silent. A few minutes later, he
asked, "You said that Link was hurt?"


"Can he recover soon?"

"Probably not. These injuries pertain to the power of the principles. The Ferde
lord isn't that strong."

"Oh." Eugene fell silent. A few minutes later, he asked again, "So can we do a
divine punishment again?"

Molina froze, her expression darkening. "Your Highness, please watch your
language! We mortals should be humble before the gods!"

This divine punishment had used up so much divine power, but this person
wanted to do it again. Did she think that a god could be used like a tool? This
was blasphemy.

If they really did it, Molina would punish her first!

"Okay, okay, we won't talk about that. I'll think of something else," Eugene
quickly said. She knew that fervent believers had no logic. They would throw
away all logic for their religion.

Squinting her dark eyes, Eugene's thoughts whirred. Finally, her gaze landed on
Morpheus, the Shadow Walker in the South.

That guy is an upstart, but he's still powerful. Maybe I can borrow some power
from him.

At this time, Eugene didn't know that Link had finished cleaning up the ruins
and reached the crack barrier. Link was also thinking something similar.


Very good, Army of Destruction. I can't be fooled by you every time. This time,
you can taste my power!

With that in mind, Link started contacting Aisenis.

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Chapter 618: Take Care, Kid

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I take it you have some good news for me?"

Aisenis' appearance was abrupt. No energy fluctuations preceded it. He had

appeared as a shadow, which then solidified into a physical body, from which
sounded the Yabba man's clear, melodious voice.

As Yabba people were generally short, Aisenis would always appear on an

elevated platform so that he would not have to keep his head raised to speak
with someone.

At that moment, he had decided to make his entrance on a long table.

Link smiled. Without saying anything, he took out the Jogu pieces and began
lining them up one by one on the table.

"Oh, are these Jogus? That's quite a collection. How did you manage to amass
this much so quickly?"

Aisenis stared at the rows of Jogus. He stooped down and began inspecting each
white stone on the table. After inspecting ten or so pieces, he turned around and
looked at Link, "So you've collected 300 pieces of Jogu in total?"

Link nodded, "As per our agreement, 300 pieces of Jogu in exchange for a way
to completely seal up the realm crack."

Hearing this, a troubled look crept up Aisenis' face. He rubbed his hands
together unconsciously as he stared at the sky outside the window for a long

Finally, he spoke, "To tell you the truth, I didn't think you would be able to
collect this much Jogus. If I were to give you the means to repair the realm
crack, I'd automatically be an enemy of the God of Destruction. I wouldn't be
able to stay in this realm for long, as he'd be sending his servants after me

Link frowned. "We had a deal. Don't tell me you're going back on your word
Link's words seemed to have touched a nerve, as Aisenis leaped up and said
loudly, "No, of course not! I would never do anything to jeopardize my
reputation as a respectable Travel Magician!"

Link shrugged. "Then what are you making such a fuss about? Every transaction
always comes with its own risk. Just tell me what I need to hear and consider
our business concluded."

Aisenis looked at the pieces of Jogus lined up neatly on the table. He picked one
up and began gently stroking it. After a while, he sighed, "Mortal, if you ever
have the chance to leave this realm and take a trip to the Sea of Void, you'd
understand my misgivings about this. Also, this is a lot of Jogus, even for me...
Alright, alright, I'll keep my end of the bargain!"

He handed a brown goatskin scroll over to Link. "It's all in this scroll. The
procedure's a bit complicated, but it doesn't require much. You're a lord now.
You probably have a lot of subordinates under you. I figure you'll be able to pull
it off with your resources."

Aisenis waved a hand, and all the white Jogu stones on the table vanished in an
instant. In the next moment, the Travel Magician began to fade away, ready to
leave the place.

"Wait, I still have something I would like to talk to you about," said Link in a

Aisenis reverted to his corporeal form. "I'm listening."

"I still have a couple of Jogus left. I would like to buy a piece of information
with them." Link initially had 307 Jogu pieces in total. After giving Aisenis 300
pieces, he still had 7 pieces to spare, which probably would be enough to
purchase a small piece of information from the Yabba man.

Looking at the stones in Link's hand, Aisensi hesitated for a moment, then said,
"Keep your Jogus. Whatever it is you want to know, just ask. Consider it a
parting gift from me, as I don't think we will ever have the chance to see each
other again."

Aisenis' face broke into a bitter smile. Curiously enough, Link could sense a
hint of sympathy in his eyes as the Travel Magician looked at him.
Is he feeling sorry for me? Or is he just feeling sorry for himself? thought Link,
puzzled. What was even stranger was the fact that Aisenis had always expressed
a fervent passion for these Jogu stones. What would have made him turn down
Link's last remaining Jogu stones?

Link figured the Travel Magician would not tell him his reasons even if he had
asked. Putting these questions aside, he decided to take up Aisenis' offer and
asked, "There seems to be a new commander in charge of the Army of
Destruction. I would like to know more about this mysterious figure. For
instance, his habits, his past, important figures under his command. I would like
to know them all."

Aisenis shook his head. "That's way too many questions for a freebie from me. I
can only tell you this. Yes, the Army of Destruction has a new leader, but you
already know him. He's called Eugene."

"The Dark Magician Eugene?!" Link was taken aback. However, after carefully
thinking it through, this made a lot of sense. He had interfered with Eugene's
affairs not too long ago, and so it would be natural for him to stir trouble up for
Link in return.

"Is there another Eugene I don't know about?" Aisenis shrugged. He then began
to fade away once more. Just when he was about to disappear completely, his
voice rang out, "Argh, I'm such a softie. Young man, I'll give you my last piece
of information. It's already written in the last paragraph of the scroll's content. It
concerns Firuman's future, or at least, the most likely future I was able to see.
What will you do in the face of such a future, I wonder?"

Saying this, a beam of light shot out from Aisenis' fading form and hit the scroll
in Link's hand. Finally, he was gone. Link did not have the faintest idea where
he could have gone off to, or whether he was still in Firuman.

Recollecting himself, Link unfurled the scroll in his hand and began reading its

A magic seal was depicted at the beginning of the scroll. It was extremely
sophisticated. More than half of the runes inscribed on it had surpassed Link's
comprehension. However, he was still able to make sense of a couple of
structures in it. They all seemed to involve gluing the torn edges of space

This all seemed legitimate, though Link would need to spend some time
studying the magic seal in order to use it properly.

Aisenis' final words had piqued his curiosity. After giving a cursory glance at
the magic seal, he moved on to the second paragraph of the scroll.

The paragraph was titled ominously "The Age of Darkness." Below it was an
introduction of a few hundred words, which gave a brief account of Firuman's

Link continued reading the rest of the paragraph.

A year from now, after the realm reunification, the Aragu realm will be able to
subdue all of Firuman with its overwhelming military might.

In the first year after the reunification, the Inferno Archmage will burn the
World Tree down. As a result, the Isle of Dawn will sink into the depths of the
ocean. Most of its inhabitants will perish, and any survivors will be forced to
seek shelter on the continent.

In the third year after the reunification, Shadow Stalker Morpheus will fail at his
ascension to godhood. The Southern Free Trade Confederation will be annexed
by the Yan empire as a result. As the representative of the entire Norton
Kingdom, Ferde will form the Alliance of Light with the Beastmen.

In the fourth year after the reunification, the War of the Green Valley will erupt.
The Beastmen will be brought to the brink of extinction as a result of the war,
and the alliance will be disbanded. With the God of Light's influence weakened
considerably, the lord of Ferde will later be exiled from his domain. Three
months later, he will join forces with the Aragu Empire.

In the seventh year after the reunification, the Inferno Archmage will
successfully ascend to godhood and later defeat the Aragu empire's protector,
the Snow Mountain Archmage. The Yan empire will seize this chance to unite
the realm and slaughter all the important personages of the Aragu empire. The
former lord of Ferde will perish in battle, while an imprisonment seal will
destroy the Black Forest in the North, pushing the Dark Elves to the brink of

In the eighth year after the reunification, the Yan empire will achieve
dominance over all other races.

In the eleventh year after the reunification, the Yan empire will collapse and
split into ten smaller countries, in which all races will be able to achieve

Anything beyond the eleventh year of the reunification is a blur. Nothing of

substance could be gleaned from it.

There was a sentence scribbled at the end of the paragraph, which read, "Eleven
years of strife. Casualties will amount to five million, which makes up at least
90% of the realm's current population. In the coming eleven years, the world
will be plunged into an endless pit of darkness and despair. Take care, kid."

Link's brows furrowed as he read this.

As far as he could tell, Aisenis possessed incredible power rivaling that of a

god. Naturally, this meant that he was able to accurately predict the most likely
course time would take. Events would unfold as he had described in the scroll
for the next eleven years after the realm reunification, ushering the whole world
into an age of darkness.

However, Link had seen the future from Aisenis' perspective. Whatever choices
Link decided to make from now on with this knowledge in hand could affect the
future drastically.

If Link was an ordinary being, his actions would only be able to affect the future
to a trivial extent. A few details would be shifted out of alignment here and
there, but otherwise, everything would remain largely the same. However, Link
was a Level-12 Legendary Magician at the helm of Ferde's army. He was an
influential figure in the politics of Norton Kingdom who also had close ties with
the dragon race. Simply put, the power he wielded was enormous.

The future had entered a state of flux the moment Aisenis revealed what he
knew about it to Link. Someone with Link's influence would definitely be able
to change the world's current course in order to prevent such a bleak future from

In other words, he still had a chance to make things right!

Slowly rolling up the scroll, Link walked to the window and admired the
scenery outside. He was now inside the barrier around the realm crack, and the
scenery outside the window belonged to the Korora Mountain Range.

Mountains stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see. Dragon guards
circled the sky above him, while Red Dragon Magicians remained in their
positions, closely monitoring the barrier's condition. Not too far away were the
Warriors and Magicians of Ferde.

The Magicians of Ferde were either analyzing magical techniques or monitoring

the operation of the magic seals with their Red Dragon counterparts, while the
Warriors of Ferde dueled with their Red Dragon counterparts, sharpening each
other's skills.

Not everyone seemed outwardly happy about this, but the general atmosphere
was one of peace and optimism for the future.

These are all elites of Firuman. Once both realms are reunited, most of them
will die in battle, thought Link. The few who manage to survive will be forced
to submit to the Aragu realm's indomitable might and endure a life of
discrimination and scorn from their oppressors for the remainder of their lives
with no hope of reliving the glory days. Though Ferde may be enjoying a
prosperous existence right now, it will all soon come to an end once the age of
darkness descends on all of us. I won't even be able to survive the first seven
years after the realm reunification event. When I'm gone, Celine probably won't
fare any better than me in the new world as well.

This all hinged on the matter of the realm reunification.

Not too long ago, Link did not think that the realm reunification would pose a
huge threat to him and had simply wondered how he would have to adapt to a
reunited realm. However, with the threat of an all-out war looming over him
right now, Link had begun giving serious thought about stopping the realm
reunification process entirely.
This was without a doubt a difficult hurdle to overcome, but in Link's
experience, there was no such thing as the impossible in this world.

There's no time to lose; I must act quick!

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Chapter 619: Celine’s Bloodline Talent

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was Link's 18th day at the crack.

Nothing else happened these days, perhaps because the powerful barrier kept the
enemies away or perhaps because Link's fight against the divine punishment had
been too great. Link could focus on studying a magic seal to heal the Realm

To increase efficiency, he didn't keep it a secret. He publicized the magic seal to

all the Magicians there so they could all participate in the study.

There were hundreds of Magicians within the barrier. The weakest was at
Level-7. Through their mutual effort, they successfully created a small
experimental magic seal after 18 days.

Now, Link and the Magicians were testing it.

The healing seal was printed on a runestone of more than 20 centimeters long.
Five Magicians were feeding their power into it. Link stood to the side, making
precise adjustments.

Maybe because the realm took care of them, the experiment was very
successful. Half an hour later, cheers erupted from the crowd.


"The Realm Crack will finally disappear!"

"Duke, you saved us!"

All sorts of voices rang out, filled with irrepressible joy. Some dragons were
even crying from the excitement. Only the heavens knew how much pressure
the crack gave them. A single mishap could cause the crack to expand and
swallow the Korora Mountain Range, Dragon Valley, and even the entire realm.

Even without this problem, the crack led directly to the boundless Sea of Void.
If another Void Tyrant or even more terrifying creature burst free from it, even a
divine-level defense barrier wouldn't be able to protect them for long.

But now, this crisis was over!

Link also sighed in relief. Since the experimental spell had succeeded, the next
step was just enlarging the scale of the spell. It wasn't hard.

In other words, this crack that had been threatening Firuman all this time was
finally resolved.

He looked around at each Magician and smiled genuinely. "This runestone is the
result of everyone's efforts. It also represents the friendship between Ferde and
the Dragon Valley. Everyone, let's keep working hard and create a magic seal
that can truly mend the crack to prevent any accidents."

This was the truth.

A Red Dragon Elder walked up and declared, "The duke is right. As long as the
crack still exists, we can't relax, understand?"

"Understood!" the dragon Magicians replied in unison.

The elder was pleased but kept his emotions checked. The younger dragons
didn't care about that. Many waved their fists energetically, ready to do
something big. Many more gazed at Link with burning and reverent eyes.

Suddenly, a young dragon Magician asked loudly, "Duke, will you stay here
during this time?"

Everyone knew about Link's power and wisdom.

In the past, he'd also created many miracles. He had uncovered the dukes' evil
plot, defeated the traitor Isendilan, quickly broke through the Mist Maze,
defeated the impossibly terrifying Void Tyrant, and even defeated the God of
Destruction's Saint. His Ferde was now one of the most flourishing places on
the mainland!

To most young dragons, their duke was the only one who could lead them to
victory. As long as they could keep going with him, they would have no fear.
Even the queen couldn't give them this sense of security.

Thus, when that dragon asked, the other Magicians also looked to Link. Both
young and old all had similar expressions. They hoped Link could remain.

However, the Ferde Magicians were the opposite. Their lord was only the
dragon duke in name. It was only an alliance. Their lord was already generous
to provide the method to mend the crack. Why did these dragons want the lord
to do everything?

Did they want to steal their lord?

If the Magicians didn't know how important the crack was, they would
definitely protest now. But even though no one spoke, they all glared at the

Link scanned the crowd and saw all of their inner thoughts. Thinking, he said, "I
will stay for one more month. During this time, I will fortify the barrier and lead
the creation of the magic seal's core."

He couldn't stay for longer. After that, he must return to Ferde and plan to attack
the Army of Destruction and lower their confidence. He also had to find a way
to prevent the fusion of realms.

All these things were important. He couldn't stay at the crack.

Hearing this, the dragons were a bit disappointed, but they couldn't say
anything. After all, Link wasn't a true dragon duke. They'd all accept that, but
Link also had the powerful Ferde. He might not be impressed by the weakening
Dragon Valley.

The dragons weren't as strong anymore and had lost confidence.

The Ferde Magicians couldn't argue either. The crack was too important, and
nothing could go wrong. Everyone knew this. There was nothing disputable
about Link's actions.

Seeing everyone quiet down, Link clapped and said, "Alright, let's start now."

Since the test succeeded, everything else was basically just physical labor.
Neither the Red Dragon Magicians nor Ferde's Sunlight Magicians lacked
physical strength. With Link's supervision, their speed was unexpectedly fast.

One day, two days, three days… Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. The
magic seal was at least 60% complete. The core was completed, and all that
remained was the outside.

This was much faster than Link had predicted. However, he said he would stay
for a month, so he didn't go back on his words. He just had more free time when
his workload lessened.

Of course, Link didn't relax completely. When he was free, he spent most of his
time inside his room. There, Celine was studying the Book of Revelations. Link
would also struggle with this Legendary Pinnacle book. Both studied Soul
magic together.

Celine was serious this time. Her improvements in Soul magic were shocking.

At first, Link was responsible for tutoring while she learned. However, Link
was very average in the aspect of Soul magic. A few days later, Celine could
start to truly discuss with Link. The two helped each other and learned even

Perhaps the Book of Revelations had activated Celine's blood talent. Her power
increased almost twice as fast as before. She would soon enter the Legendary

Sensing her improvements, Celine worked even harder. She wasn't far off from
how Link had been at Creekwood Village. She was truly invested in it, and Link
naturally supported this.

The Mana density around the crack was higher than other places, but it still
wasn't high enough. Link specially set up a magic seal around the house to raise
the density by 50%. When Celine was tired, Link would sometimes cast a
dragon recovery spell for her and give her some delicious food. Occasionally,
when Celine was tired of the book, Link would accompany her on walks and
talk about light topics.

These actions were all effective. Celine had no worries and improved quickly. If
others knew, they would be dumbfounded.

Twenty days after creating the magic seal to mend the crack, it was basically
complete. They were in the last steps. Every Magician involved felt like they'd
accomplished something historic.

The same day, Celine felt that something had changed when she woke up in the
morning. She was filled with endless strength.

After being purified of her Demon Power, Celine's eyes had been dark purple.
After leveling up into Legendary, her eyes returned to pure black. They looked
like Link's, but there were two balls of dark purple light inside. They pulsed like

Link discovered this change before Celine herself. Pleased, he smiled and asked,
"Do you feel anything different?"

Celine had just woken up and was still bleary. After a blank moment, she
cocked her head at Link. A few seconds later, she laughed. "I realized that I can
see your thoughts."

Link froze and then shook his head in disbelief. "No way. I didn't sense any

Celine was confused too. She hit her forehead. "Weird. I saw it earlier, but now
you're guarded, and I can't see it anymore."

"Okay, I'll relax. Guess what I'm thinking."

With that, Link stared at Celine's juicy red lips without talking.

Celine looked seriously at Link. A few seconds later, her milky cheeks
reddened, and she hit Link. "So annoying! Why are you thinking that?"
"You really can see it?" Link was shocked. He'd just thought of their past
experiences in bed. Looking at Celine's expression, she must have seen it.

Celine wasn't really angry. She just wanted to hide her embarrassment and
quickly recovered. She didn't know why it was like this. After a while, she said,
"I think that maybe this is my bloodline talent."

"It probably is." Link looked at Celine and quickly thought of the talent's use.
"If you pair this talent with spells like Soul Comfort or Serene Spirit, the target
will have no secrets… Ah, no. There might be another use."

"What do you mean?" Celine was interested too.

Link climbed out of bed and hurried to the window. He saw a strong Red
Dragon Warrior practicing in the distance. Link distorted space so the other's
image was projected before Celine. "Look, he doesn't know you're here, so he
won't have any guards. What is he thinking?"

Celine looked and said, "I really can see his thoughts, but they're very messy
and broken. Most are battle techniques and such. He also has a goal, which is to
keep strengthening and become a Legendary figure."

"Oh, that's normal. Another one." Link changed the target to a female Magician
from Ferde.

After seeing her, Celine said, "She's thinking of her children in Ferde. Her son is
five, and her daughter is only three. She's worried that the servants can't take
good care of them. Yes, they're very cute."

"Oh, and this one?" Link changed the target to another Ferde Magician.

"He's thinking of his pretty girlfriend. He's worried she'll like someone else and
cheat on him."

"Seems like I should bring them back to Ferde… What about this one?" Link
changed the target to a young dragon. He knew this guy. He was Piceno and had
just become of age. He was talented and was already at the pinnacle of Level-8.

"This…oh? I can't see anything… No, I see darkness. No, it's coming at me. It's
a soul trap!"
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Chapter 620: A Blue-Skinned Intruder

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Celine instinctively closed her eyes when the darkness surged towards her. At
that moment, Link did exactly three things.

He ended the light distortion spell and erected a spiritual defensive barrier that
he had recently acquired around Celine. He then cast a magical brand on the
Red Dragon Magician known as Piceno.

The magical brand was almost undetectable and difficult to dispel. It ensured
that its caster would be able to track down his or her target anywhere in the

When he was done, Link rushed to Celine's side immediately. "How are you

Celine shook her head, with one hand held against her forehead. "I'm alright.
The darkness disappeared as soon as I closed my eyes. I probably didn't close
them fast enough, as my head's throbbing now."

Link looked at Celine's face. Once he was sure that everything was alright and
that she was not trying to put on a brave face, he turned around and strode
towards the door. "I'll go see who this person is!"

"Be careful. I think there's much more to him than meets the eye!" Celine
shouted after Link.

Link nodded. With one hand gripping on the handle of the Ode of a Full Moon
sword, he exited the room. Sensing where the magical brand was, he made a
dash towards it.

Back in the room, after putting on her clothes, Celine took out her rifle and
came out on the veranda. She then propped up her rifle, ready to back Link up in
his confrontation.
Seconds later, Link caught sight of the Red Dragon Magician Piceno outside the
room. Strangely enough, he seemed to be heading towards the heart of the crack
rather than trying to escape into the outside world.

Piceno was fast. He had also chosen to walk on an isolated path. However, it
was daytime. Despite his efforts to avoid attention, he still managed to draw it to
himself. Everyone was perplexed by the sight of Link and Piceno, the latter
seemingly in a hurry to be somewhere.

"Stop him! Stop him this instant!" shouted Link while pointing at Piceno. He
still did not have a clue as to who the man was or when he had infiltrated the
realm crack, but his presence here troubled Link greatly.

The discovery of his presence had been made by accident. This had caught
Piceno by surprise.

Link always hated situations like this, where neither side had come prepared,
and there was no telling what would happen at any moment.

It was due to this uncertainty that Link kept some distance between himself and
his quarry. He then psychically gave an order to a couple of Magicians nearby.
"Keep back, don't try to stop him. Let him pass through, but don't let him get too
close to the heart of the crack."

Piceno was running straight towards the center of the crack. Maybe he already
had a plan in mind, or maybe there was nowhere else he could run off to. In any
case, Link decided to open an escape route for him so that he would not be
driven into a corner and be forced to do something he would later regret.

The people up ahead stepped aside for Piceno to pass as soon as they heard
Link's voice, while Magicians and Warriors moved in on him from all
directions. A Sunlight Warrior stood 60 feet away from the Red Dragon
Magician, with his back facing the realm crack. If Piceno wanted to reach the
center of the crack, he would have to deal with the Warrior in front of him first.

The Sunlight Warrior rushed at Piceno and roared, "Stop, in the name of the
lord of Ferde!"

Piceno did not stop. Instead, he quickened his pace.

"Take him down!" shouted Link. One would only be put at a disadvantage by
showing mercy to someone as dangerous as Piceno.

At that moment, everyone realized that Piceno was trouble. Hearing Link's
order, the Sunlight Warrior roared again, "Die!"

Boom! He slammed one foot into the ground and launched himself forward by
activating Charge. His entire body emanated a dazzling golden light as he flew
through the air like a golden arrow towards Piceno.

The ones Link had brought with him into the crack were all Elites. The Sunlight
Warrior was in the early stages of Level-9. He would probably be able to charge
into the wall of a small city in Norton Kingdom and leave a huge hole on it if he
felt like it.

What happened next stunned everyone. The Warrior staggered all of a sudden in
his trajectory, missing Piceno by inches.

What was even stranger was the fact that the Warrior showed no sign of
stopping. He shouted, "You're mine!"

He was now roaring and swinging his fists at empty air.

"He's under an illusion spell!" shouted one of the Magicians.

Other Warriors came at Piceno. However, all of them grazed past him as well
and was now thrashing against the air, completely ignoring Piceno.

"Magicians, take aim! All Warriors back away now!" Link pulled out his Ode of
a Full Moon sword. He then began channeling Mana into it, ready to launch his

The other Magicians followed his suit.

Piceno was now 500 feet away from the crack. As the heart of the crack was
also the core of the magic seal keeping the realm crack closed, there would most
certainly be trouble if he were to come any closer to it.

At that moment, Piceno cocked his head back and let out a roar.
The roar was deafening. It spread out in all directions like a tidal wave. The
Magicians closest to him took a few steps when the sound hit them. Though
they were able to activate their defensive amulets in time, all of them clutched at
their chests, panting slightly, as if they had been hit by something heavy in the
chest and were now sustaining severe internal injuries as a result.

A moment later, Link realized that there was something off about the sonic

This was no mere roar. It seemed to bring with it a powerful spiritual impact.
When the roar hit him, Link could feel a violent pain surge through him from
his chest, as if he had been struck by a sledgehammer.

At first, Link also took an instinctive step back. However, he realized what the
roar really was. It's a soul spell!

Fortunately, he had first-hand experience with the soul spell of the guardian
who had protected the Book of Creation's fragment in the far north. Thanks to
this, he was able to easily come to this conclusion.

Though Piceno's soul spell was impressive, it was still a few levels below the
guardian's. Link was able to sense where the spell's flaw was without even
feeling the need to compose himself.

Once the flaw was discovered, the soul spell was immediately rendered
ineffective, and Link was able to use his magic once more.

Realizing what had happened, Piceno turned around and glanced at Link.

With just a glance, Link realized that the person in front of him was not a Red
Dragon Magician by the name of Piceno. Even the illusion spell he had cast on
himself had been dispelled along with his soul spell.

Link was able to see that the man's skin was blue. His pupil-less eyes glowed
white. His nose was sharp, and he had a wide forehead, on which mysterious
runes swirled.

Though his eyes were devoid of pupils, making it almost impossible to tell what
he was feeling through his eyes, Link was able to tell from his face that surprise
was what Piceno was feeling at the moment.
Nana had reached the scene just then.

Piceno glared at her as if trying to cast the same spell on her, but Nana's
spiritual constitution was different from that of any other human being. As a
result, the spell did not have any effect on her.

Link's spell had already taken form in his sword. However, he did not release it
at the intruder. For some reason, he felt that the situation was not as bad as he
had initially thought.

This might all have been one big misunderstanding.

Letting his spell fizzle out, Link shouted to Nana, "Subdue him!"

When she heard Link's order, Nana, who was about to draw her sword out of her
scabbard, strode towards the blue-skinned man and swung her scabbard at him,
with her sword still in it.

Thud! The intruder apparently had no experience in the martial arts, as he could
not even react to Nana's attack in time and took the full brunt of her scabbard.

Nana's power was originally at the pinnacle of Level-13. After receiving Link's
miracle concoction, her power has risen up to Level-14. She now had near
perfect mastery of the martial arts and flawless control of her own power. At
that moment, her attack was strong enough to send the blue-skinned man flying
until he landed a good ten feet in front of Link.

With a dull thud, the blue-skinned man crashed to the ground. Nana caught up
to him. She placed a foot on his chest and pressed him down to the ground in
order to prevent him from escaping.

Suddenly the unexpected happened. The man struggled for a while, but could
not free himself from under Nana's foot. In the end, he raised both his hands up
and shouted, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I mean you no harm, no harm at all!
This is all a misunderstanding!"

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Chapter 621: Visitor from the Void
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I really don't mean harm! Really!" The blue-skinned person lay on the ground
without. He stared up at Link and batted his lashes. The white light flashed on
and off in his eyes, and his lips quivered. He looked really pitiful.

He knew that his life was in the hands of this young black-haired man. He could
die with a single world.

By now, the nearby Magicians and Warriors had come over. Everyone stared at
the captive with caution, pointing their swords or wands at him. If he had made
a single move, countless spells and battle techniques would fall upon him,
pulverizing him.

Link raised his hand, gesturing for everyone to relax. He walked up and studied
the person. Getting closer, Link saw that there were many magic veins on his
blue skin that melded perfectly with the color. They didn't look man-made;
rather, he seemed to be have been born with them.

Link hadn't ever seen this race in the game. "Your race doesn't exist in
Firuman," he said. "Where are you from?"

The blue-skinned man moved his mouth towards the crack. "I'm from the Sea of

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Their fear towards the man thickened too.
Past experience told them that Void creatures were all dangerous creatures that
had ominous desires about Firuman.

For example, the God of Destruction, the Void Tyrant, and the Abyss demons
were all frightening things that didn't care about people's lives. This guy was
from the Void too. He probably wasn't anything good either.

Link didn't think like this though. The Sea of Void was huge and filled with all
sorts of things. Each organism had their own wishes. There were cruel things
like the God of Destruction, but there were also trustworthy people like Aisenis.
There were no unfriendly expressions on Link's face. "What's your name?" he
continued asking. "When did you arrive? How did you break through the
defense barrier?"

The blue-skinned man quickly replied, "I am Piasce Ariado. I came to Firuman
a year ago. The defense barrier hadn't been completed yet, so I just snuck in…I
don't mean any harm. I just came here for survival!"

"Survival?" Link studied the other. He had two arms and two legs and breathed
to live. Other than some details, he wasn't that different from the races of
Firuman. He indeed couldn't survive in the Sea of Void with this body.

It was believable.

Now, a Red Dragon Elder walked up. "Where is Piceno? Killed by you? If
you're here for survival, why do you stay somewhere so dangerous? Why don't
you go somewhere safer?"

Link also stared at the blue-skinned man, waiting for him to explain these

Piasce chuckled bitterly. "You're all wrong. I'm Piceno. There is no Red Dragon
Magician called Piceno in the world. None of you found it strange when Piceno
arrived because I used some Soul spells."

"You're lying! I remember clearly that Piceno grew up with me. I remember the
pranks we pulled together!" a young dragon cried.

"Yeah, you're speaking nonsense!" A middle-aged dragon walked out from the
crowd. "Three years ago, I accepted Piceno as my student. I taught him for three
years. I remember everything that happened in those three years. You said that
you came one year ago. That doesn't make any sense!"

The other Magicians who'd had interacted with Piceno all spoke up to prove that
Piasce was lying!

Link looked at Piasce, wondering how he would explain.

Piasce sighed and looked at Link. "Ferde lord, I heard that your eyes could see
through all lies. Do you believe my words?"
Link was expressionless, and no one could figure out his thoughts. After Piasce
asked, he said, "Any magic theory needs evidence to support it. If there isn't
enough proof, I won't make any judgment. Since you said you're not lying,
prove it."

Piasce glanced at the foot on his chest and then at Nana. "Miss, can you step
more lightly?" he begged. "I can't breathe."

Nana glanced at him in disdain and decided to remove her foot. However, her
hand was still on her sword's hilt. She hadn't unsheathed her sword, but if Piasce
did anything abnormal, she would halve him immediately.

Piasce coughed lightly and patted the dust off his clothes. He sat up and first
looked to the young Magician from before. "The prank you did with Piasce, was
it putting a snake into the washbasin of your prettiest aunt, resulting in her
running out without clothes on?"

"You…how do you know?" The Magician's face reddened.

Piasce shrugged. "Because I put it in your mind secretly when you were
sleeping. Oh, your memory… Piceno caught the snake. It was a black snake,
poisonous, but you two got rid of the fangs, right?"

The young dragon was instantly in a mess because everything Piasce had said
was right. But the memory was so fresh as if it had happened yesterday. How
could it be fake?

Then Piasce looked to Piceno's tutor. "I'm sorry, Elder. I used a similar tactic on
you. In order to not be suspected, a tutor's recognition is very important. Thus, I
added very detailed memories into your mind. This took me a lot of effort. The
result didn't disappoint me. You still think I'm your student."

Seeing the suspicion on the dragon's face, Piasce continued, "You think I'm
lying now, but let me ask you. One day last year, you slept for two days straight,
right? After you woke up, even you found it strange. You saw Piceno as soon as
you opened your eyes, right?"

The middle-aged Magician was shocked. Clearly, Piasce was right again.
Piasce looked to all the dragons that had spoken and filled in the details. He was
always correct.

Finally, the dragons couldn't say anything else. Now, they weren't suspecting
that Piasce was lying. Instead, they feared his Soul magic.

Without realizing, he made everyone think that there was an extra Magician in
the world. No one had suspected it. This was terrifying. If the Ferde lord hadn't
revealed him, he might hide within the dragons for his entire life. If he had any
evil intentions, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Seeing the dragons' expressions, Piasce smiled wryly and looked to Link. "See,
Piceno is an imaginary figure. I haven't done anything against the barrier this
entire year."

"If you're here for survival, why do you stay near the dangerous crack?" Link

"I'm very curious about the magic here. More accurately, I'm curious about any
foreign magic. Clearly, this barrier represents the best magic in this realm, so I
stayed. I wanted to wait until the crack was mended and then quietly sneak
away, but…"

Here, Piasce shrugged. He looked helplessly at Link. He hadn't thought he

would be exposed; this was a pure accident.

Link still didn't rush to a decision. He looked at Piasce sitting on the ground and
thought back to what he did after being exposed. Suddenly, he asked, "Why did
you run towards the crack after being exposed?"

"I was responsible for creating the core," Piasce explained. "I left a one-time
spatial door in a certain location. It leads directly to my Void Ferry. I was going
to hide into it for a while. I think that's my only chance for escape, right?"

Indeed, with the power he'd displayed, escaping into the crack was his only
chance at escape. But now, it was easy. If they could find the Void Ferry in
question, it would prove if he was telling the truth.

Link nodded. "Take me to your Void Ferry."

Piasce shook his head quickly. "I'm afraid I can't. I hung it on the outer surface
of Firuman. A bit further and it's the Sea of Void. It's very dangerous."

"Give me the spatial coordinates," Link said. There would be no problems with
the coordinates.

"Alright, it's yours…" Piasce took out a portal runestone for Link. It contained
the specific coordinates.

Link studied it. This thing recorded things a bit differently from Firuman's
method. However, it wasn't that complex. Link figured out the specific location
of the Void Ferry.

This wasn't all. A Magician who randomly received spatial coordinates and
went to check without any preparation would die very easily.

Link put away the runestone and glanced at Piasce. "You said that you put a
secret door in the center of the crack. Take me there and point it out. If the
door's location is different from the spatial coordinates, I'll have to apologize."

Piasce gulped. He was very clear what "apologize" meant. Composing himself,
he said, "Lord, I'm really not lying. The spatial coordinates are real."

Link waved his hand and urged, "Lead the way. I'll see for myself." At the same
time, he said to Nana, "Watch him. If he tries to escape, kill him!"

Piasce had no choice other than to lead the way with a pained expression. As he
walked, he said, "Lord, I must say something beforehand."


"Please don't activate the Void Ferry after you see it. It might attract my
enemies, which are dangerous."

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Chapter 622: A Completely New Magical System!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was indeed a secret portal in the healing magic seal of the crack, tucked
away from prying eyes in a corner.
After looking at the spatial portal for ten minutes, Link finally figured out
Piasce's trick behind it.
The principles underlying the magic portal seemed to differ from those of
Firuman. It was operating under a magical system Link had never seen before.
However, upon closer inspection, Link was able to appreciate its ingenuity.
It was then that Link was struck by inspiration. By bringing this new magical
system into Firuman, Piasce had opened up new pathways for Link to arrive at
solutions for previously unsolvable magical problems.
"Incredible!" exclaimed Link.
He looked at it again and realized that the portal's coordinates were the same as
those given to him by Piasce.
"Looks like you were telling the truth," said Link, glancing at Piasce.
The blue-skinned man rubbed his hands, an awkward smile on his face. "I
would never dare lie to you, not when my life's at stake here."
Link nodded. He then turned to all the Magicians on the scene and said,
"Alright, we're done here for today. It would seem that Piasce really doesn't
mean us any harm. This was all just a huge misunderstanding. Please continue
working on the magic seal when you return to your posts. We still have three
days to complete it!"
Everyone nodded. They all turned around and resumed their work on the
healing magic seal.
"Nana, please stay. I want you to keep an eye on Piasce," Link shouted after
Nana when he saw that she was about to leave with the rest of the crowd. He
still could not completely trust Piasce. Also, Nana was the only one in the
barrier other than himself who was completely immune to the blue-skinned
man's soul magic.
Nana nodded and did as she was told.
At that point, Link had fully understood how the spatial portal functioned.
Before teleporting himself over to the other side of the portal, he psychically
said to Celine, "Celine, hold the fort, would you?"
"Alright. What will you be doing?" replied Celine almost immediately.
"I'll take a look at our guest's Void Ferry, but I don't really trust him enough to
bring him along. You and Nana keep an eye on him. If he tries anything funny
with the Void Ferry or does anything out of the ordinary here, you have my
permission to shoot him down."
"No worries, I've got him in my sights," said Celine with a chuckle.
With all the necessary precautions in place, Link was finally at ease and ready
to leave the place. He then turned to Piasce and said, "I can tell that you harbor
no ill will towards us. Your magic is indeed potent, and truth be told, I've never
seen anything like it. I would not want to hurt you over some misunderstanding.
Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Piasce immediately replied, "I won't try anything when you're on the other side.
You have my word. I only ask that you do not under any circumstances activate
the Void Ferry. I'm a hunted man. My pursuers are powerful as they are
"I understand," said Link nodding. There was a white light around him. Seconds
later, he was gone from the Firuman realm.
According to the coordinates, Piasce's Void Ferry was anchored at the
outermost and incidentally deepest layer of the Firuman realm.
At first, all Link could see around him in his descent were warped images from
the surface of the Firuman realm. Everything looked surreal. However, as he
sank deeper, his surroundings darkened until the rest of his body vanished
beneath him. Not a sound could be heard.
The only sound he could hear was the thumping of his heart. As the place was
devoid of air, Link had to draw on his Realm Essence Power to keep himself
The entire experience gave him the impression of journeying through a dark
tunnel with no end in sight. The distorted images of the Firuman surface had
also vanished behind him. As there was nothing around him that he could use as
a reference point, Link could not even tell if he was moving at all in the sea of
Any ordinary human being would have been driven mad by the overwhelming
silence and darkness. Link could also feel the suffocating pressure around him.
However, as this was not his first plunge into the depths of space, he was still
able to endure it.
An hour later, Link saw a gentle blue glow in front of him. It was different from
the Sea of Void's deathly white sheen. Also, the blue glow seemed to be
concentrated at one point. From afar, it looked like a lone blue star in a dark
night sky.
Must be Piasce's Void Ferry. Link drew closer towards the blue point of light.
This took about ten minutes.
As he got closer, the scene before him became clearer. The point of blue light
was gradually shaping into a streamlined object. It was around 15 feet long,
tapering to a pointed tip on one end and a rounded tip on the other. It was
shaped almost like a teardrop. Its surface was filled with countless magical
runes which resembled the runic circuits that were etched on Piasce's skin.
These runes were also the source of the blue light that Link saw.
The object matched the description that Piasce had given Link. When he was a
few feet away from the teardrop, a voice suddenly sounded in his head. Intruder,
this is as far as you can go. Please don't come any closer. Otherwise, immediate
action will be taken against you!
This was the Void Ferry's defense system that Piasce was talking about. Any
living being entering its vicinity would receive a psychic warning from it. If the
intruder continued moving towards the vessel, it would unleash a Level-10
energy beam on him or her in retaliation.
After casting a Level-13 magical shield on himself, he continued drifting
towards the Ferry.
A blue energy beam streaked out from the Void Ferry and struck Link's shield.
Tiny ripples spread out across its surface upon impact before subsiding
Link continued moving forward. Though the Ferry's attacks did not let up, its
level was just too low, and it posed no real threat to Link.
When he reached the Void Ferry, Link began observing its external structure
while withstanding its barrage. After ten minutes, Link finally had an inkling of
how it worked.
Like the secret portal from before, the Ferry's structure seemed to have been
conceived in accordance with the new magical system that Piasce had brought
with him. The Ferry was also much more advanced in its application of the
magical system in question.
As soon as he figured this out, Link began his observation of the vessel in order
to gain an even more profound understanding of it.
After studying it for half an hour, Link realized that though the runic circuits on
the Ferry looked foreign, they seemed to adhere to the same basic principles that
governed Firuman. So far, there was nothing in them that surpassed his
Link was already a grandmaster in the world of magic. With his current mastery
of the mystic arts, he was able to understand most of the runes inscribed on the
Void Ferry with ease.
Link was soon lost in his observations. After god knew how long, he finally had
a complete grasp of the Void Ferry's design.
He then took out his Ode of a Full Moon sword and gently ran it along one of
the runic circuits on the Ferry. All of a sudden, the Ferry's attacks stopped.
Then, a voice sounded in Link's head again. Warning! Warning! External breach
detected. Commence self-destruct protocol. Beginning countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7...
The whole vessel had turned red. It was now flashing dangerously.
Without a hint of panic, Link continued tracing the magical circuits with the tip
of his sword. Finally, he plunged into a triangular rune on the rounded end of
the Ferry and began infusing his Realm Essence Power into it.
Two seconds later, the red light stopped flashing. Then, Link heard a soft click.
He then saw a hole opening up on the surface of the vessel's rounded end.
Link entered the vessel through the hole. Once inside, he discovered that its
interior was also filled with countless magical runes. However, due to his
meddling, some of the runes had been damaged.
The inside of the Ferry was cramped. There were no seats. However, there was
a bed-like platform strung to the ceiling with a couple of wires. On it were runes
that seemed to control the vessel's various functions.
Link was able to understand most of these runes. However, there were a few he
could not make any sense of. Since the vessel had broken down, he now had no
way of experimenting on them.
Piasce said not to activate the Ferry. I guess he won't mind me breaking it. On
the other hand, some of its parts could still be of some use!
Link began looking around the place and soon was able to scrounge up at least
ten types of rare magical materials, as well as a few other he had never seen
before. There were also a few Astral Meteorites lying around.
Link estimated that the value of these materials could easily surpass Ferde's
I've definitely hit the motherlode. Leaving all these here would be such a waste.
Exiting the vessel, Link began making his way towards the inner region of the
Firuman realm while dragging his loot behind him with the Magician's Hand.
Floating back up from the deepest recesses of space was much faster than going
down. Half an hour later, there was a hum, and Link reappeared in the realm
crack barrier. The Void Ferry he had dragged behind him fell on the ground
with a clatter.
Piasce was frozen in horror when he saw the state of his Void Ferry. "My lord,
why did you break it? It took me 13 years to build it!"
"Well, you can fix it back up, can't you?" said Link, not at all sorry for what he
had done.
He was now looking at Piasce greedily the same way one would look at a
recently unearthed treasure.
Despite the man's sketchy background, his current power would benefit Link
greatly, especially his soul magic mastery. Though he was not as strong as the
Soul Dominator, Piasce was undoubtedly far more powerful than Link or Celine
in this respect.
With his help, Link and Celine would be able to proceed with their training in
soul magic without a hitch.
This person is the real prize! Link's eyes lit up at the blue-skinned man.
Piasce felt a shiver down his spine under Link's gaze. He then said, "My lord,
why are you looking at me like that?"
Link laughed out loud and beckoned at Nana. "Bring him back to my house."
He then said to Piasce, "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just curious about
you. Extremely curious."

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Chapter 623: Deceiver

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bringing Piasce back to his residence, Celine walked up as soon as he opened

the door. Along the way, Link had already used Telepathy to explain
everything, so she'd put away her big fire gun and changed into an indoors
dress. She even placed some fruits and drinks for guests on the round table in
the living room.

"Welcome, Mr. Piasce," she said, inviting him in with a smile.

Piasce knew Celine's identity and knew she wasn't as simple as she looked. The
strong sense of danger earlier was probably because of him.

Smiling tightly, Piasce followed Link into the living room.

Link's home was a vast house. Red Dragon Magicians had designed this duke
residency just for him. The living room was open and bright with a vintage
circular table in the center.

Link sat down and gestured. "Sit."

After Piasce sat down, Nana casually sat beside him. She looked relaxed, but
her hand rested lightly on her sword's hilt. Celine sat to Link's sad, gazing at the
blue-skinned creature curiously.

Link didn't waste time. He reached out, and a glass of steaming mango juice slid
soundlessly towards Piasce. "Let's talk about your background."

Piasce accepted the drink and took a sip. Then, he composed himself and started
thinking back.

Half a minute later, he said, "I come from the Omir Realm. It actually isn't that
far from Firuman. There are only some barren realms in between. Because of
certain reasons, my race saw me as a traitor and wanted to execute me. At the
last moment, one of my students infiltrated the prison and freed me. I got into
my secretly created Void Ferry and escaped from Omir. Right before I escaped,
I saw my student get captured with my own eyes. I can still hear his cries of

Sighing, Piasce gulped down the juice like it was alcohol. He emptied the cup
and Link gave him another one.

Piasce continued. "Fleeing from Omir, I was like a homeless stray dog. I hid and
ran through the boundless Void. My people never gave up and still pursued me.
I was forced to wander about. Time doesn't flow in the boundless Void, so I
don't know how long has passed until I accidentally came to Firuman one year

Here, he looked at Link and chuckled bitterly. "I just wanted to stay a bit to
recharge my Void Ferry before continuing, but I was attracted by this world. It's
too similar to Omir. The first time I saw this place, I thought I'd returned home.
The mountains, trees, grass, and water are all so strangely familiar, so I stayed.
I'd planned to stay a few years before leaving."

He drank some more mango juice. This time, he tasted it carefully. After
another sip, he smiled at Link. "There's a drink similar to this from my home.
It's called O' Flower Wine. I used to hate wine like this. I would only sip it at
formal social events, but now… Hehe, I find it delicious."
After another sip, he said to Link, "Lord, my story isn't that interesting. I just
hid and ran like a mouse. Ask whatever questions you have. I'll do my best to

Piasce's story was simple. He was just an escaped criminal running from his
pursuers. But things weren't that simple.

Link knocked on the table. "How many realms did you experience?"

"Not that many, only three. They were all barren realms. One was marginally
habitable, so I stayed there for about half a year before leaving."

"You said that your people keep pursuing you, so you're forced to wander,"
Link continued. "But you've been running for quite some time and distance. Isn't
the cost too high to keep chasing you in the Sea of Void?"

The cost of chasing someone would never be more than the rewards after killing
him. If the people of Omir kept chasing, it meant that Piasce's identity was
complex. In the Omir Realm, he must be in the upper tier.

Hearing this question, Piasce fell silent. His hands clutched the crystal glass
anxiously. After a long while, he said, "Omir has very advanced inter-realm
transportation technology. When I left, it was only a bit behind my Void Ferry.
These years, I've been improving my Void Ferry, but Omir is developing
quickly too. Their accomplishments shouldn't be any less than mine… Of
course, the cost of traveling is still great, and they must pay a lot. They're
chasing so relentlessly is because…because… Lord, I think I must explain
Omir's situation to answer this question."

"Go on." Link was listening attentively.

Piasce's eyes filled with reminiscence. "My home used to be peaceful. Everyone
lived happily; the land was fertile, and everything was plentiful. The world was
filled with clean Mana, like Firuman. But unlike Firuman, we didn't develop
large-scale destruction spells. We mostly cared about the cultivation of the soul.
Those with attainments in Soul magic are known as Soul Roamers."

"Soul Roamers? That sounds interesting."

Piasce nodded. "Amongst the Soul Roamers, there are also those with extremely
great achievements who are respected and revered. They can become Soul
Tutors. When I was in Omir, there were three Soul Tutors. I was one of them."

"Oh." It dawned on Link. "In other words, you were one of Omir's three

"Not leader…or you can just say that. If I did anything, many people would
follow me." Piasce nodded.

On the side, Celine couldn't contain her curiosity. "I want to know what exactly
you did that made people think you're a traitor and keep chasing you."

"I…" Piasce had a pained expression. He clenched his fists, relaxed, and then
tightened again. Clearly, Celine's words had hit his sore spot.

"If you find it hard to say, you can write it down," Link said. "I know this
question is too probing, but we must understand everything because you have
people after you. You said before that they're very dangerous. If you're exposed,
you won't be the only one affected. Firuman won't be well off either."

Piasce sighed. "You're right, Lord. I indeed may bring catastrophe to Firuman.
My race is no longer peaceful like before. They've become puppets of darkness,
and this is all my fault!"

By now, Piasce had finished his second drink. As if he was drinking his troubles
away, he seemed to have thought things through now. "During soul cultivation,
the most important thing is meditation. As a Soul Tutor, I meditated instead of
sleeping at night. In meditation, our souls become free. Our Eye of the Soul
opens too, allowing us to travel freely within the Sea of Void. Oh, we're free,
but it's still very dangerous. The Sea of Void is boundless. If you go too far,
your soul may become lost. The law prohibits probing too deeply into the Sea of
Void, while that is what I did. During my travel, I found a very powerful
existence called Nozama…"

"Nozama?" Link froze. Celine was also surprised. She hadn't expected to hear
her father's name from this realm traveler.

Piasce smiled bitterly. "Yes, Nozama, Lord of the Deep. I didn't know his
identity back then. The things seen by the Eye of the Soul are very limited. In
my meditation, I saw that Nozama was an elegant gentleman. His voice was
mellow and full. His words were logical and organized. Many of his opinions
matched mine. Thus, we became friends."

Here, the magic veins on his blue face scrunched together. He clenched his jaw,
and the crystal glass trembled in his hands.

"I…" He opened his mouth to speak again, but his voice caught. He coughed
lightly and composed himself before continuing. "I didn't think that my actions
would bring catastrophe to my race. He lied to me, and I personally brought him
into my world, starting the disaster… When I escaped, more than half of Omir
was under Nozama's control."

Hearing this, Link and Celine exchanged glances. "My fa…" Celine murmured.
"That demon is that good at disguises?"

Link thought back to the first time he saw Nozama in the game. It had been at
the plains outside the Demon Fort. The alliance had been forced into the final
battle with the Dark Army when Nozama appeared.

No one had expected him to look like that. He had black hair, a black robe, and
a handsome face that even looked a bit warm. His voice was gentle and mellow.
If he hadn't been standing with the Dark Army and commanding the demons, no
one would have thought that he was such a terrifying figure.

Later, Link realized that it was Nozama's disguise. He didn't reveal his true
image until they'd started fighting.

All in all, if Nozama tried to fool someone, it was extremely easy. There was
nothing strange about Piasce being tricked by him.

Here, Link looked to Piasce. "What are your future plans?"

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Chapter 624: The Mysterious Gear in the Void (2/3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
"I don't know. I'll probably leave Firuman once I've repaired the Void Ferry."
Piasce shrugged and then sighed.
In truth, he did not know what he was supposed to do at this point. He was no
longer the Soul Tutor he once was. He was simply a stray cast out by his own
kin. The only thing on his mind now was survival.
Link gently tapped on the table as he sank into deep thought. Suddenly,
something occurred to him. "Do your people know you were the reason behind
the demons' invasion of Omir?"
"Everyone knew. That's why they all hated me. That's why they are all so intent
on killing me." Piasce closed his eyes, visibly tormented by the events in Omir.
The way everyone looked at him with such visceral hatred still haunted his
every waking moment. His students numbered in the tens of thousands, but after
the incident, everyone avoided him like the plague.
Even the student who had freed him from his prison had looked at him with
disgust. The only reason he had come to set Piasce free was that he did not wish
to see his former teacher die in a prison. However, like everyone else, his
liberator did not think he should remain in Omir any longer.
"Blind old fool!"
These were but a few of the names that his people had called him.
"So do you think that the Omir realm has any chance of resisting the Abyssal
Demons?" asked Link.
Piasce shook his head. "Though I had hope, reality has always been a cruel
thing. My people are not well-versed in the art of combat. As a result, they may
have succumbed to the demons easily. A few probably survived, but the Omir
realm is probably done for at this point."
"I don't understand. If they can't even protect themselves, and there is a high
chance they have already been overrun by the demons, why are they still
coming after you?"
Link sensed that there was still something missing in Piasce's account.
Piasce chuckled bitterly. "This isn't too difficult to understand. When the Omir
realm was occupied, my people were probably either killed or corrupted by the
darkness into mere vessels for the demons. In any event, they still harbor a
burning hatred towards me. There were three Soul Tutors back in Omir. When I
left, one of them was already corrupted by the darkness. He had slaughtered his
own people, and still, he hated me. He would probably torture me until the day I
die if he ever found me.
"No, no, no." Link shook his head. "You were hated by everyone, I get that. But
you've left the Omir realm far behind. Your people would not have gained
anything by coming after you all the way here. Mere hatred could not have
driven such a pursuit for so long. There must be another reason why they are
still chasing you!"
Link's eyes were now fixed intently on Piasce. He extended a hand towards him.
"You must be carrying something that they wanted or feared. What is it? Show
me what you're trying to hide from them, and from me."
Celine was also curiously looking at Piasce, wondering how he would react to
Nana remained motionless. Before, she simply had a hand placed over the
pommel of her sword. Now, she was gripping on its handle, ready to pull it out
should Piasce try anything funny.
Piasce was stunned for a moment. He did not move a muscle as he sat there on
his chair. After a while, he sighed. "My lord, I have no intention of keeping this
from you. It's just... it's just that I don't think your current power level would be
able to withstand the heft of my secret. It may bring you more harm than good if
I reveal it to you."
"Oh? Don't you think you're a bit too quick to judge my abilities?"
Link sat up straight and listened intently to what Piasce had to say now. He
sensed that there was something more to his situation and that whatever secret
Piasce was withholding from Link would be able to fill the holes in his story.
Piasce still seemed unsure about revealing his secret.
Celine then said, "Mr. Piasce, you may be our guest, but one could also argue
that you're now a prisoner within these walls. I don't think you have a choice in
Nana sharply drew out an inch of her sword. A clear clang sounded from within
its scabbard, making its owner's intent clear to Piasce.
A tired smile surfaced on Piasce's face. He looked at Link. "My lord, is this how
you treat all your guests?"
Link nodded. "Speak then."
"Alright then." Piasce took out a notebook with a blue cover. Magical runes
were etched on its cover. There were also dazzling gemstones embedded on it.
Judging by its resplendent appearance, it seemed to be a magic book of some
"This is my training notebook." Piasce handed the notebook over to Link. "As I
mentioned just now, Soul Roamers are able to forgo sleep by meditating.
Through meditation, a person's soul will be allowed to roam free in the infinite
expanse of the Void. Before meeting Nozama, I stumbled across something of
considerable value in the Void. I've taken a note of it on page 189."
Link took the notebook and turned to page 189. On it was inscribed the diagram
of a type of gear. The gear had eight teeth in total around it. Light of various
colors radiated from it. Magical runes were etched across the middle of the gear,
forming a pattern which resembled an eye. Though it looked alien, for some
reason, it seemed familiar to Link.
This was strange.
Link could not figure out what was familiar about the object in question. He
then saw that there was something written below the diagram.
"It was enveloped in blinding light when I first came upon it. It was huge. At
that moment, I was like a speck of dust in front of a huge ball of fire. It floated
there in the emptiness of the Void, continuously spinning at a constant speed. I
then approached it. As I drew closer, there was a sudden rhythmic rumbling
sound in my ears. It was then that a weird sensation came upon me. For some
reason, I sensed that the gear was the core of the Void keeping everything in it
in balance. When I got closer towards it, it seemed to have spotted me, as the
magical eye in the center of the gear swiveled towards me. The eye gazed at me
apathetically, as if I was nothing more than an ant before it. Then, darkness
swallowed me up, and I was forced back into my body."
The whole account was bizarre. Beyond the appearance of the floating gear,
Link was unable to glean anything concrete from it.
Link then found a set of coordinates as he continued reading down the page.
"Where do these coordinates point to?" asked Link while pointing them out to
"Ah, that," said Piasce. "After my first encounter, I went back to where the gear
was a few more times. It would always float there each time. I would always
keep my distance from it in order to avoid being cast out by it like before. It
would simply rotate in place at a regular speed. I even managed to calculate
how fast it was going. It would make one complete rotation in every 2.06721
seconds, never going too fast or too slow."
The object's precision that Piasce had described was uncanny. It seemed to be a
part of a really huge machine, where such precision would be vital to its
Thinking about this for a while, Link asked, "Did you tell Nozama about this?"
Piasce smiled bitterly. "I did tell him a bit about this. At the time, I thought he
was a friend, so I shared with him the diagram I had drawn of the gear. He was
fascinated by it. He then asked for the coordinates of this mysterious gear from
me. For some reason, I didn't tell him where it was. He tried asking me a few
times later on, and that's when I grew suspicious of him. I think that this may be
the reason why Nozama's hunting me down."
Hearing this, Link grew even more curious about the gear. He looked at it
closely, and the inexplicable sense of deja vu in him intensified.
He felt as if he had seen it somewhere before.
Celine was staring at it as well. She then said, "Odd, why do I get the feeling
that I've seen it somewhere before?"
"You too?" Surprised by this, Link then turned to Nana. "Nana, what about you?
Have you seen something like this before?"
Nana had existed in the realm of Firuman for 800 years and another 100 years in
the realm of Aragu. Naturally, she saw and heard more than any one of them in
her travels.
When Nana looked at the gear's diagram, she paused, as if trying to recall
something. A few seconds later, she nodded. "Yes, I've seen it before. It was on
the emblem of the Aragu Empire."
"Aragu? And on the empire's emblem?" Link could not understand what this all
Like himself, Celine seemed to be familiar with the gear, which meant that it
had probably existed in Firuman once. However, Nana had seen something like
it too in the Aragu realm. And now, through Piasce's notes, they discovered that
it had appeared in the middle of the Sea of Void. What exactly was it?

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Chapter 625: A Powerful Magician from Ancient Times

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Nana, draw the Aragu Empire's sign for me." Link passed paper and pen to

"Yes, Master."
Nana took the paper and pen and started drawing. On the side, Piasce also
looked curiously. He didn't understand why everyone had seen what he'd seen in
the Sea of Void.

The sign wasn't complicated. With a few strokes, Nana accurately recreated the
sign on the paper. It was completely realistic and identical to the real thing.

"Here, it's like this. Don't you think it's similar?"

The paper was on the table. Everyone could see it. Link, Celine, and Piasce all
looked over.

There was a badge on the paper. It contained one eye with an eight-sided gear
around it. Nana had drawn in detail. Looking closely, one could see that the eye
was made up by many detailed runes. What was shocking was that the runes
were practically the same as what Piasce had drawn.

"This doesn't make sense."

Piasce carefully compared the two images and found it increasingly hard to
understand. When he'd seen the gear in the Void, he'd thought that it was an
intelligent creature from some realm. He'd circled it but didn't find anything.

Now, an image of the same source appeared in another realm. It had even
attracted the interest of Nozama. What exactly was it?

His curiosity was piqued.

In reality, everyone present was the same. Link looked up. "Nana, Aragu should
have more than one sign. Is there anything special about this?"

"Yes. This is the sign of God-given Wisdom, the core magic workshop of
Aragu. The eye is called Wright's Eye."

"God-given Wisdom? Magic workshop?" Piasce asked hurriedly. "Do you know
which god the so-called god-blessed is referring to?"

Nana thought a bit and shook her head. "I'm unsure. Apparently, this magic
workshop has been around for many years. It's a name passed down from
ancient times. Maybe it had a special meaning in the beginning but was lost. It's
probably just called this by habit now."

Link had wanted to ask another question. Hearing Nana's answer, he didn't have
much hope, but he still asked. "Who's Wright?"

This was another critical question. All three turned to look at Nana with hopeful
eyes. If they knew who Wright was, they could follow it to get another clue.

This time, Nana didn't disappoint. She supplied another piece of information.
"Apparently, Wright is the name of an ancient enchanter. Princess Milda had
researched this question, so I read some material. According to legends, Wright
was one of the creators of God-given Wisdom. He was the most skilled in
creating magic puppets. Not only were his puppets extremely realistic, but they
were also very smart. In some ways, they were even more intelligent than
humans. Later, Wright disappeared. No historical records said where he went."

The three all felt that Nana should've said more. The information was too little
and crude. It was basically useless.

Link couldn't help but ask, "Nana, is that all? Think more closely."

Nana "cruelly" shook her head. "Nothing more. These are all ancient legends.
Princess Milda could find it because the Aragu Empire split and no one
supervised the library. There are more than 100,000 books there. It took Milda a
month to find this much. I could see it only because I was her personal
bodyguard at the time."

Everyone sighed at this. Too much time had passed. The truth of history was
hidden in the passage of time. It was depressing.

Link walked up. He used a print spell to print the Wright's Eye that Nana drew
and the eye on Piasce's mysterious gear. He turned them into magic projections
and compared them carefully in the air.

This way, he found something new.

"Don't you think that the runes forming the gear's eye are more detailed than
Wright's Eye? It seems like the revised version."
Piasce nodded. "Now that you say that, it does seem that way."

Celine looked carefully and nodded too. Pointing at some of the runes, she said,
"I also think that. Look at these runes, here, here, and here. The former is clearly
a variation of the latter… Wait, I remember. I've seen this eye in a book!"
Celine suddenly exclaimed.

"Which book?" Link's spirits were lifted. Right now, he really wanted to
understand the source of the eye. A voice inside told him that the key for
Aisenis' dark prediction was perhaps in this eye!

Celine didn't reply. She ran to her bedroom and ran back after a while with a
magic book in her hands. It was the Book of Revelations. Before opening it, she
glanced at Piasce. The man was curious too and was staring at the book. Sensing
Celine's eyes, he chuckled awkwardly and looked away.

Finally, Celine opened it and flipped to the last few pages. One page had a

"I flipped through while I was bored and saw this picture. Don't you think it's

Link looked over. The picture described a Soul spell called Eye of Insight.
Despite the name, its appearance was extremely similar to the design of the
mysterious gear. The runes weren't even that different. It was quite similar to
Wright's Eye too.

"That's strange." Link read the spell's description.

The inspiration for this spell is from the remains of an ancient book I found by
accident. The author is named Wright Skynar. There isn't much recorded in the
book, but using the information, I can conclude that Wright was an excellent
Magician. Unfortunately, he has passed. It is such a pity that I could not be in
the same era as a Magician like him.

Wright Skynar. Another clue had appeared; new questions also appeared. This
was a complicated matter.
Link carefully studied the Eye of Insight on the Book of Revelations. Suddenly,
his heart jumped. He finally understood why the mysterious gear had felt
familiar at first glance.

"I remember! I remember!" he cried excitedly. He took out a dark gray square
rock. Its surface had some strange magic veins.

This was the game system's reward to him for defeating the God of
Destruction's Saint—the Astral Whetstone. Link didn't know what its use was.
When he first got it, he'd looked at it and tried sharpening the Ode of a Full
Moon. It hadn't been too effective, but he was busy these days and put it away
without studying it.

But now, he realized the magic veins on the stone were extremely similar to
Wright's Eye, the Eye of Insight, and the mysterious gear.

Celine realized it too. "Hey, Link, where did you get that rock? The veins are so

Link didn't keep it from Piasce.

"The style is completely the same. I think it's made by the same person," he
quickly concluded.

Here, Link had formed a vague hypothesis, but there wasn't enough information.
He couldn't confirm it. Looking at the coordinates in Piasce's book, he said, "I
guess we'll have to go see the gear personally in the Sea of Void."

Piasce immediately said, "How will you go? My Void Ferry? It'll definitely
attract Nozama and his Dark Army!"

"No, no, no, not your Void Ferry. It's too shabby. I have a better idea," Link
said, smiling.

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Chapter 626: Savior of the Realm

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Korora Mountain Range, realm crack barrier

"Commence preparations for the magic seal's activation!" ordered Link. He was
standing near the crack, observing the magical current within the large-scale
healing seal.
The Firuman crack was a hundred feet away from where Link stood.
Strategically-positioned runestones had cast a 200-foot-wide film of light across
the crack.
One could vaguely make out the thick purple clouds swirling beneath the film of
light. The clouds were in fact clumps of saturated Mana. Mana usually existed
as a colorless element in nature. The fact that it had reached such a state spoke
to just how saturated it was beneath the film of light.
Link estimated that if this concentration of Mana were to be released into the
realm of Firuman, the realm's Mana concentration would sharply increase by at
least ten percent.
Though Mana was usually harmless by itself, an explosion of such a high
concentration of Mana would instantly kill everyone in the vicinity.
Also, there was a real risk of breaking the seal while trying to seal up the realm
crack. If anything went wrong during the procedure, the resulting explosion
would blow them all up to kingdom come.
In the face of such a risk, Link could not afford to be careless.
After giving out his order, Link soon heard sounds of activity coming from
every magical node around him.
"Everything normal in magical cyclic node Alpha!"
"Same goes for the Ptolemic Mana Surge node!"
"Nothing unusual going on in the realm's turbulent currents..."
The activation of the large-scale healing magic seal was proceeding smoothly.
Link looked at the Crack Seal in front of him. He then psychically gave out his
next command.
"Good. Now, activate the seal!"
There were more than 300 Magicians present. Each one of them was higher than
Level-8, and they were all working on one of the largest magic seals to ever be
conceived in the history of Firuman.
As soon as Link gave his command, these Magicians began channeling their
power according to the restrictions that had been imposed upon them
Hum... Hum... The large influx of Mana hummed softly. It sounded almost
peaceful. However, it belied a raging torrent of Mana now flowing within the
magic seal. There was now a visible distortion in the air around the barrier.
At that moment, there seemed to be some sort of heat wave emanating from the
ground and rising into the air. Huge waves of Mana began radiating from the
seal, causing the wildlife in the surrounding forest to flee in terror.
Link served as the pivot of the healing magic seal. As the most powerful
Magician present, he was responsible for controlling at least 40 percent of the
power circulating in the magic seal.
This was an extremely demanding task. In all of Firuman, there were no more
than five Magicians capable of withstanding such a strain. Even if they were
physically sturdy enough to endure it, there was no guarantee that they would be
able to seal up the realm crack completely.
The Magician at the pivot of the magic seal would also need to endure the
pressure for a long time. In short, the success of the entire process hinged on
both the Magician's power level and their mental fortitude.
At that moment, Link's mental processes were working at top speed. He was
distributing the influx of power evenly throughout the magic seal while making
sure that power was flowing in uniformly from every Magician.
There were more than 300 Magicians present possessing either Dragon Power
or Sunlight Power. Their power and spellcasting levels also varied greatly from
each other. With their combined powers, they had produced a smorgasbord of
different flavors of power circulating within the magic seal.
Link currently played the role of a chef, meticulously adjusting the proportion
of each flavor of power so that they either merged with each other or canceled
each other out. This delicate step was necessary in order to produce a flavorful
mix of powers.
Link's Realm Essence Power was depleting rapidly. Large amounts of energy
had to be spent to sustain the rapid thought processes currently running through
his mind. His soul was literally burning up inside him as he pushed himself to
his limits in order to control the power flow within the magic seal.
His eyes were now glowing with a silver light which grew brighter by the
minute. This was the fire within Link's spirit.
Before long, Link's entire body was enveloped in the silver glow.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
A series of rumbling sounds rang out from the Void. Beams of translucent light
appeared in the air within the barrier. At first, there was one beam of light, then
two, then three... They intersected with each other, forming a luminescent web
in the air.
The brilliant web of light then descended from the sky, covering the crack
completely. During the process, the translucent beams of light grew in number
until every gap in the web-like structure was filled in.
At this point, Link was burning through his own power at a terrifying speed
while handling every aspect of the procedure. He was now spending more than
100 Realm Essence Power points every second. His body was also slowly
deteriorating due to the strain.
"Arrgh!!!" Link roared out in pain. He feared that his thought processes would
be affected if he kept his pain bottled up in him.
He absolutely could not afford to make a mistake at this crucial juncture.
Outside the web of light, Celine saw what was happening in the magic seal and
panicked. She closed her fist, then opened it. She then felt her palm. It was wet
with cold sweat.
"Something's not right," said Celine to Piasce, who was standing beside her
when Link roared out.
Piasce was also closely looking at the situation around the realm crack. To him,
the sealing of the realm crack was a good thing. It would mean that Nozama
would not be able to track him down. The Lord of the Deep would also have a
hard time entering Firuman. Piasce would be able to rest easier with the realm
crack sealed.
Like Celine, he was also looking at the whole process with a concerned look on
his face. He then said, "As the pivot of the magic seal, the lord needs to endure
most of the magic seal's strain. This is a risk he has to take. Should he make
even the slightest mistake, it would set back the entire process and may even
cause the Crack Seal to collapse in itself. It would be a catastrophe of the
highest order."
Piasce had goosebumps just thinking about what Link had to endure. If he was
in Link's shoes right now, he would probably have collapsed from exhaustion
within minutes.
During their brief confrontation, Piasce was able to place Link's power between
Level-12 and Level-13. Although Link was much stronger than him, there
seemed to be no discernible distinction in the essence of his power. He had no
idea how Link was able to hold out for so long.
Celine grew even more worried when she heard what Piasce said. As the magic
seal's circulation process was extremely delicate and could not be interrupted at
any point, Celine could only watch on helplessly from the sidelines.
Nana was standing beside Celine at that moment. When she heard what Piasce
had said, she said flatly, "Piasce, you're thinking too much. My master will not
There was a vague look of condescension on her indifferent face. Piasce
shrugged. "Of course, I don't want him to fail. I'm just stating the facts as they
are right now."
Nana turned to look at the magic seal. "I'm also stating them as they are."
Though Piasce possessed Level-11 Pinnacle Magical Power, he was merely a
scholar. Someone like him would not fully understand her master's power and
As he was still a bit wary of Nana, Piasce decided to not argue with her any
Just then, the translucent web of light had fully merged with the Crack Seal. It
began to shrink, expelling all the Mana within the Crack Seal out of the Firuman
As the pivot of the magic seal, Link was now shining so brightly that no one
could look at him directly. From afar, he now resembled a silver sun that had
descended to the ground.
No one knew how long he would be able to endure the strain of the process.
As everyone looked at Link, anxiously worried that he might collapse at any
moment, the purple clumps of Mana within the Crack Seal began to shrink.
Three minutes later, the Mana clouds vanished completely. Soon, the dark earth
on both sides of the seal began pressing towards each other, and the crack grew
smaller and smaller.
All of a sudden, there was a clear ting from the crack. The sound was so
resonant that it seemed to vibrate through every person on the scene.
It was then that the crack vanished completely.
The healing magic seal emitted a few flashes of light which then died out
gradually. At the center of the magic seal, the blinding silver light also began to
fade away, slowly revealing Link's form in the center of it all.
Link was half-kneeling on the ground, with one hand gripped tight around the
handle of the Ode of a Full Moon sword. He was taking in huge gulps of air. His
body was drenched in sweat. Despite looking as pale as a corpse, he was
wearing a huge, relieved smile on his face.
Celine rushed over to his side, immediately helping him up. She asked, "Are
you alright?"
"I'm alright, but I may need a few days' rest after all this." Link was still staring
at where the crack had been moments ago. Though he was physically exhausted,
he now felt at ease, as if he had just downed a glass of cold beer during a hot
summer's day.
Felina and the young Red Dragon Warriors quickly came over. They were all
looking at him with awe and reverence.
Suddenly, Link could hear a series of disordered footsteps coming towards him.
It was the Red Dragon Elders.
They hurried over to where the crack had been. After observing its current state,
they turned towards Link and asked incredulously in unison, "Duke, is the crack
sealed up for good?"
Despite what they had seen, the elders still required confirmation from their
duke in order to quell their fears once and for all.
Link nodded. "Yes, it's sealed up. The space here isn't just repaired; it's also
been fortified by the magic seal. Now, not even teleportation spells can be cast
The Red Dragon Elders were overjoyed!
The dragon race had finally rectified the crime committed by the traitor known
as Isendilan. With the threat towards the entire dragon race now gone, every
dragon present was now able to heave a sigh of relief.
No one would ever forget what Link had done for all of them.
Though the Red Dragon Elders were not as quick as the younger Red Dragons
to express their gratitude, there was a noticeable change in their behavior
towards him.
They were now humbler and more respectful towards him. Such a change could
only be felt personally. Link had a feeling that if he were to declare himself as
dragon king at that moment, none of these rigid-minded dragons would have
been too averse to the idea.
His reputation among the dragon race was not the only thing to have benefited
from the sealing of the realm crack.
After successfully closing up the realm crack, a message from the game system
popped up in his field of sight.
Achievement: Savior of the Realm
Description: Through the activation of a healing magic seal, Player Link has
successfully sealed up the crack in the Firuman realm.
Reward: Crystal Essence.
Link had no idea what a Crystal Essence was. Thankfully, it came with a
Crystal Essence
Quality: Tier-18
Description: A mysterious type of Astral Meteorite. It is soft like rubber and
almost impossible to cut through. Through the application of Legendary
Magical Power, it will crystallize to form a 0.2-ton material with near flawless
magical resistance without changing any of its innate properties. This allows it
to resist all kinds of magic.
Not only will it have near perfect magical resistance, but it will also be able to
retain all of its original properties. This is indeed a gift sent down from the
heavens! thought Link.
As a grandmaster of enchantment magic, Link was immediately able to come up
with a few ways to put this piece of Astral Meteorite to good use. He would be
able to forge perhaps the most powerful magical equipment in all of Firuman
with it.
Suppressing his joy, he turned to Felina and the other dragons and said, "The
realm crack has been repaired. I'll need to rest now. Tomorrow, I'll be leaving
for Ferde."
With the matter of the realm crack resolved, he was now able to move on to
more pressing matters at hand.
He still had a lot of business to attend to, such as searching for the mysterious
gear in the Sea of Void, preventing the realm reunification, fighting off the
Army of Destruction in the North, and so on and so forth.
Felina said, "Duke, I'll accompany you back to Ferde."
"Me too."
"Me too!"
"And me."
"The queen is still in Ferde. I wish to be by her side while she recuperates."
A crowd of young Red Dragons had formed around Link, pestering him to allow
them to accompany him back to Ferde. The Red Dragon Elders looked on at this
with a tired smile but did not bother stopping any of them.
Link nodded. "Alright, go get ready then. We'll be leaving tomorrow."
The moment the realm crack was sealed up, slight changes rippled across
Firuman. Masters inside and outside of the realm were all able to sense a change
in the air.
In the Skeletal Fort, to the north of the Black Forest, Eugene suddenly jolted.
The Mana disturbance has disappeared. What's going on?
She stood up and was about to head out and seek an explanation, when suddenly
Molina came up to her and said, "Your Highness, my master has informed me
that the realm crack near Dragon Valley had been sealed up."
"Sealed up? Of course!" Eugene was stunned. She fell silent for a moment.
Then she sighed. "Must be the lord of Ferde's doing. He's certainly stronger than
me when it comes to matters like this."

There was the sound of breaking glass. Lord of the Deep, Nozama had smashed
his wine glass into pieces on the ground. His Succubus servants were all
trembling in a corner, fearing that they might end up as the next target of their
master's ire.
However, Nozama completely ignored them. He growled through gritted teeth,
"Link, time and time again, you've obstructed my every move!"
With the realm crack mended, entering the Firuman realm just became a lot
harder. Not only had this accursed human Magician robbed him of two of his
daughters, but he had also repeatedly foiled his plans without fail.
Barely restraining his own anger, Nozama now turned his attention towards the
realm that he had recently conquered. "Puny one, by all means, let this little
victory go to your head. Once I find my prize, I'll let you have a taste of my

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Chapter 627: Your Majesty, What are You Doing?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whoosh, whoosh. A strong wind blew around the territory. This time, even the
war-hardened Firuman residents couldn't keep calm. At least 50 dragons
appeared in the sky.

Dragons weren't gentle birds. Each one could create a bloody storm in a regular
city. Their breaths could bake the earth into a fiery hell. If so many dragons flew
over from the Grinth Forest and were Ferde's enemies, this would be war.

While the residents were terrified, the dragons circled above the city and then
started landing in the suburbs.
Whoosh, whoosh. Under the violent wind, dirt was lifted, and grass shook. After
the 50-some Red Dragon Warriors landed, they transformed into their human
forms amidst crystal-red flashes.

Every dragon Magician had carried some Warriors and Magicians from Ferde.
They jumped down now.

Before, regular humans could never ride a dragon. Those who dared to try
would be turned to ashes. Now, the dragons were won over by Link's power.
They all wanted to join Ferde while the Ferde Warriors had their airship
destroyed. Things were urgent, so they dealt with it.

Dozens of small airships were already waiting. The dragons and Warriors
boarded the airships and were taken to their own residences.

The Red Dragon Warriors were taken to the Scorched Ridge, so they flew into
the city with Link.

These smaller airships were mostly for civilian use. They weren't fast, but they
were enough for use within Ferde. Around ten minutes later, Link, Celine,
Nana, Felina, and the Red Dragon Warriors arrived inside Scorched Ridge.

Here, the dragons were shown to their rooms. After everyone was settled, Link
prepared to visit the Red Dragon Queen.

He needed to go find the mysterious gear in the Sea of Void. This required a
very powerful Void Ferry, and the best Void Ferry in the world had to be the
dragon body. He had to find Gretel to undo the seal inside him.

But unfortunately, Evelina and Eliard found him before he could do that.

"Lord, there are two guests," Evelina said softly. She emphasized the last word.
Clearly, these two had no good intentions in Ferde.

Link twitched and asked, "What, you couldn't handle it?"

They were just two outsiders with bad intentions. With Ferde's current power,
there was nothing to fear.
Eliard shrugged. "We were going to, but you happened to be back, and they're a
bit troublesome. We're afraid we can't control the significance of the matter."

Link was curious about their identities. He nodded. "Oh, tell me in detail inside
the tower."

They entered the Mage Tower and walked straight to the core hall on the top
level. Evelina clapped softly. "Lily, show us the target under heavy

"Yes, Magician," Lily's voice rang out. After that, powdery light suddenly fell
from the center of the room. They quickly changed, forming two extremely
realistic magic projections.

They were two young people—one man and one woman—around 30 years old.
They wore plain flaxen clothing. The man was a carriage driver and was
traveling into the city. The women looked like an average woman. She was
spinning linen in a workshop.

At a glance, they looked like the representation of the busy people in Ferde. But
Link realized that they were familiar. After looking closely, he asked Eliard,
"Isn't the man the Inferno Warrior we saw in the North?"

"It's him." Eliard nodded and provided more detailed information. "More than a
month ago, they infiltrated the city and seemed to be looking for some
information. We used the most secretive full perception magic seal to follow
their tracks. They don't know that we're watching. The man is called Hamilton,
and the woman is Noa. They're at Level-14 and are very troublesome."

They were two Level-14 Warriors. If they attacked secretly, Ferde's Divine
Punishment protocol most likely could kill them. But if it failed, it would anger
them. If people as strong as they were started killing in the city, it would be a
bloodbath. Tens of thousands could die.

Clearly, this couldn't happen to Ferde. Thus, Eliard and the others didn't dare do

Studying the two, Link thought for a while and then chuckled. "It's troublesome
for me too, but this time, I brought back a powerful Soul Magician."
"Powerful?" Eliard was instantly interested. There weren't many Magicians in
Firuman that Link would say was powerful—and a Soul Magician at that. He'd
like to meet them. Evelina thought the same.

Link used Telepathy and said to Piasce who was in his room, "Mr. Piasce, I
might need your help."

"Whatever you say, Lord," Piasce replied immediately. Ever since Link mended
the crack, Piasce had become even more reverent. He'd revealed his wishes to
stay in Ferde. Link obviously wouldn't bar someone so talented.

After receiving the reply, Link located Piasce and used the Transmission spell.
An instant later, white light flashed in the hall. After the light faded, the blue-
skinned Piasce appeared.

"Lord." Piasce bowed at Link and then looked at Eliard and Evelina. He was
very shocked. The two before him were very powerful. They were at the
Legendary level and were unexpectedly young. Thinking back, most of the
powerful figures he'd seen in Ferde were young.

Seems that I've made the right choice. This place is filled with vigor and
potential to grow, he thought.

On the other hand, Link introduced, "This is Magician Evelina. She specializes
in plants and dragon magic. This is Magician Eliard, who specializes in
elemental magic."

Then he said to Eliard and Evelina, "This is Piasce. He specializes in soul


Everyone present was at the Legendary level. They had strong perceptions and
could instantly sense what level everyone was at. They greeted each other
politely, calling each other "Master."

After the introductions, Link explained the situation. When he was done, Piasce
studied the two Inferno Warriors for around three minutes. Then he smiled.

"These two Warriors are powerful but don't have determined souls. I can easily
control them."
Link wasn't surprised. These Warriors were from the Aragu Realm. They'd
reached Legendary only thanks to their realm. With their own talent, they could
only reach Level-6 in Firuman.

He chuckled. "Then it's up to you."

"Soul magic takes a while to become effective," Piasce said. "The most widely
used tactics are hints and metaphors to not raise any alarms. Lord, please give
me three days."

Link didn't mind. He chatted with the others for a while and prepared to find
Gretel. Just as he turned, he received a message. Lord, Her Majesty is coming

Link was surprised. What's wrong? She can just send someone. Why would she
come personally?

Just then, the rune of the door already lit up. Gretel's voice came from outside.
"Duke, are you there?"

Was she in that much of a hurry?

Link found it strange, but he still said to Lily, "Open the door."

The magic door disappeared, revealing Red Dragon Queen Gretel. She wasn't
alone. There were two elders behind her—Pettalong and Wardaas.

Link didn't follow the Dragon Valley's situation, but he knew that these two
were the most powerful elders. Then he looked at Gretel. She wore a very
formal gown, her hair was done up, and she'd put on makeup. It was a rare
formal look.

The situation was strange.

Gretel looked the side and saw Evelina and Eliard. "Since you two are here, you
can witness it."

"Witness? Witness what?" Eliard and Evelina stared at each other. They didn't
understand Gretel's motive.
Gretel then looked at Piasce and smiled. "You must be Master Piasce from

Piasce was still shocked by Gretel's natural elegance and nobility. He quickly
bowed deeply and said, "Yes, Your Majesty. I entered from the crack and was
quite rude. I'd been looking for a time to visit you and beg for your forgiveness."

Gretel shook her head. "There is no need to ask for my forgiveness. No need."

With that, she walked to Link and suddenly lowered onto one knee. She raised
her slender and pale hands. There was a crystal-red bracelet in her palms. Link
recognized it. It was the bracelet of the dragon king—the symbol of the dragon
king's identity.

Her actions scared Link. It was too sudden and unexpected. The noble queen of
the dragon race was kneeling before him. If the other dragons knew, they
wouldn't know what to think.

Link quickly moved to the side. "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Evelina, Eliard, and Piasce were shocked too. The scene before them was
absurd. They were dumbfounded even as spectators.

Gretel looked up at Link and murmured, "Link, the ancestors' souls at the
Dragon Altar already gave the prediction. They've already chosen you as the
next dragon king, but because of our arrogance and bias, we stubbornly refused
this fact. But now, we must accept it."

The bracelet floated from her hands. It glowed crystal-red and floated towards
Link. The light grew brighter as it got closer to Link. At the same time, the color
turned to a silvery black, just like the black dragon form Link once had.

"Link, accept it. Become the next dragon king."




























































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Chapter 628: The Past Shapes Us All

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Become the Dragon King?

Link had never thought of that.
In truth, he had thought about bringing the young Red Dragons into the fold, but
only as part of Ferde, and only some of them.
He had never actually thought about ruling the entire dragon race.
Also, if he became Dragon King, where would that put the Red Dragon Queen?
As a dragon, she was still young. With royal dragon blood flowing through her
veins, she could still live for 2000 years. There had never been any record of a
king or queen as young as her retiring at such a young age.
Link was stunned for a moment but quickly composed himself. Even though the
Dragon King's Bracelet was drifting in the air towards him, he did not take it.
Instead, he stepped forward and bent over Gretel, trying to pull her up.
"Your Highness, what are you doing? Please get up." He was worried that
Gretel might have been coerced by someone into doing this, which seemed
possible, considering she still had not regained her full strength.
More than a month had passed. Link noticed that Gretel still had the Red
Dragon Crystal on her, which meant that she still required external assistance to
replenish her power.
To his surprise, Gretel did not budge from her half-kneel when Link tried to pull
her up. In order to resist his efforts to get her up, she grounded both her knees to
the ground. She then looked up at Link, her eyes slightly red. "Duke, I'm more
than aware of my current physical condition. I fear... I won't be able to return to
my full strength. Right now, I'm both physically and mentally unfit to lead the
dragon race. I'm also aware of what the young Red Dragons are thinking now. I
do not wish to see the dragon race fall apart because of me..."
Link frowned. He channeled his power into Gretel's body through his arm in
order to gauge how much she had recovered from her injuries.
Link was a bit surprised by what he discovered. It had been close to two
months, and Gretel's wounds had indeed healed for the most part. Though her
external scarring had vanished completely, the deeper parts of her body showed
no signs of recovery, especially her Heart of the Dragon, which remained just as
lacerated as it had been two months ago.
The damaged Heart of the Dragon was still pumping out Dragon Power.
However, this new Dragon Power flowing in her seemed weak and turbulent. It
was definitely a far cry from the near flawless Dragon Power she had before.
Her current state was a lot worse than Link had anticipated.
With his limited understanding of the "Dragon" magic book, Link was unable to
help Gretel with her predicament. Even the Red Dragon Queen herself and the
Red Dragon Elders, who had a much more profound understanding of Dragon
Power, could not think of any way to restore Gretel back to her former glory, so
it seemed unlikely that Link would fare any better than any one of them.
"See?" Gretel let out a slow breath. "I'm no longer the queen the dragon race
With her Heart of the Dragon in tatters, she was now a mere shadow of her
former self. If word of this got out, ambitious Red Dragons would begin circling
around her like sharks, scheming to usurp her. In the worst case scenario, Gretel
might even be assassinated to make room for a more competent ruler.
Gretel was intelligent enough to see the danger she would be putting her life in
if she remained on the throne. On account of his many contributions to the
dragon race, Link was the only candidate for the position of Dragon King that
she recognized at the moment.
Finally understanding why she was doing this, Link looked at Red Dragon Elder
Pettalong who was standing behind her. The aged Red Dragon wordlessly gave
him a nod.
He had already accepted the cold hard reality of his queen's condition.
Link then looked at Wardaas, another Red Dragon Elder. He was much younger
than Pettalong. He also had Level-9 Pinnacle power and was probably close to
hitting Legendary. He seemed displeased about this, but when Link's gaze fell
on him, he immediately suppressed his dissatisfaction and said with a low voice,
"Duke, you are the only person fit to rule us right now."
From the looks of things, even though there were differing voices on the subject
among the dragons, they seemed to have reached a temporary consensus. If Link
was willing, he would be able to transition smoothly to the role of Dragon
With his current power level and intelligence, he might even be able to rapidly
rise up the dragon's ranks and become an actual Dragon King!
Should he accept their offer then?
Link began weighing the pros and cons of becoming Dragon King.
The benefits were clear as day. He would have the loyalty of the entire dragon
race. Dragons possessed near unlimited potential. Legendary masters would
emerge among them under his guidance, and these masters would in turn
provide a huge boost to Ferde's military strength.
In the long run, however, this could spell disaster for him!
The dragon race had always been fixated on maintaining the balance of the
world. Due to their currently weakened state, they had temporarily set aside
tradition in order to focus on more important matters. However, maintaining the
balance of the world had always been an integral tradition of the dragon race.
Since time immemorial, it had been ingrained so deeply within the
consciousness of every dragon.
Once the dragon race regained their former glory under Link's leadership, their
obsession with tradition might flare up once more.
If any of Link's actions ever ran contrary to the dragons' tradition, their desire to
maintain the balance world might drive them to resist Link's rule. It would be
the end for him if he failed to appease them.
Link was more than aware of his own character. He had never cared for the
balance of the world. He was only ever content with admiring the dragons'
guiding principle from a distance.
It could be said that a race's current state was but a shadow cast by its own past.
The dragons had a long history behind them. They were made by their
millennia-long tradition of safeguarding the world's balance.
In other words, there might be a clash of interests between Link and the dragon
race in the future!
The outcome of this conflict could also be foreseen. One faction of dragons
would remain loyal to him, while another faction would rise up in revolt against
Link's rule.
At that point, the dragons had already become an integral part of Ferde's
strength. Ferde would be caught in the crossfire of this conflict as a result.
An age of darkness loomed menacingly in his future still. Such chaos and
internal strife would only push Ferde closer to the edge of destruction.
All these thoughts flashed through his mind in the blink of an eye. Finally, he
made his choice.
He could bring a couple of young progressive-minded Red Dragons into Ferde,
which seemed a lot safer than the alternative. However, this would mean that he
would not be able to become an actual Dragon King!
Link then forcibly pulled the frail Red Dragon Queen up to her feet. With a
wave of his hand, he activated a magical Distortion Field, forcibly pulling the
two Red Dragon Elders up to their feet as well.
Link then took the Dragon King's Bracelet, which was pulsating with a silver-
black light. However, he did not put it on. Instead, he put it back around the Red
Dragon Queen's snow-white wrist.
"Duke?" Gretel was stunned. She did not expect him to refuse her offer. She
also could not understand why he had refused it.
Link took a step back and bowed deeply before her. He then said seriously,
"Your Highness, I am a Duke of the dragon race, and I will forever pledge my
loyalty only to you, queen of the dragons. If any of your young dragons wish to
further hone their skills, they are more than welcome to come work in Ferde.
Should they grow weary of Ferde, they could always return to Dragon Valley.
As for your injuries, that won't be a problem. I imagine that the dragon ancestral
spirit, who had given me the Heart of the Dragon, will also be able to heal your
Pettalong was now looking at Link in confusion. Back then, he could see the
fiery fire of ambition burning in the young man's eyes, which was the reason
why he did not object to the Red Dragon Queen suggestion to retire from the
Link was the one who had sealed up the realm crack. Such a feat had helped
improve his reputation among the dragons. If the queen had held onto the
throne, Pettalong feared that Link would resort to more radical means to reach
his goal.
However, he did not anticipate Link's outright refusal of the throne. He stared at
Link incredulously. Have I misjudged him?
Evelina and Piasce, who was standing in a corner, also looked at Link in
surprise as well. They could not understand why Link would do such a thing.
Only Eliard was able to grasp Link's intentions.
He looked at his friend and sighed inwardly. I see my old friend could still
remain clear-minded even with potential fame and glory dangling before him.
He truly is something.
At that moment, Eliard felt nothing but pride and respect towards Link.
The Red Dragon Queen looked at the Dragon King's Bracelet around her wrist.
She then turned to look at Link in the eye. His eyes were still the same shade of
black. Both his pupils glistened with a light as clear and penetrating as before. It
was as if they were staring straight into her very core.
She and Link had researched spatial magic together, had fought the Void Tyrant
side by side, and had even traversed the Sea of Void with each other. They had
also worked together to formulate a magic seal capable of killing a god. Though
they were not related by blood, they had known each other for a long time.
Gretel finally understood Link's intentions as she stared into his eyes.
Taking a deep breath, Gretel shook her head and smiled bitterly at him. "Duke,
the dragon race never had a depowered ruler sitting on its throne. This bracelet
may well be the end of me."
Link laughed heartily. "Who would dare come at you with me around?"
Gretel's eyes glistened moistly when she heard Link's reply. Her red lips moved,
as if she wanted to say something. However, the shadow of someone surfaced in
her mind, and she decided against it. Gretel sighed. "Many thanks, Duke, for
your support."
"Your Highness, try to focus on your recovery. I'll also help you look for ways
to hasten your recovery process."
Gretel nodded and then turned around to leave.
When the three Red Dragons left the place, Evelina walked up before Link and
asked, "My lord, why did you reject her offer?"
Link shook his head. "The past never stays completely dead. It defines who we
all are. The dragons are an ancient race whose roots are deeply embedded in
their past and tradition. I don't think I would be able to handle such a monolithic
race on my own."
Piasce was also pondering on this question. He was stunned when he heard what
Link said. He realized that he had hugely underestimated this human lord's
Suddenly, Link slapped his forehead. "I forgot to have Gretel unseal my Void
Ferry. I'm going to go look for her."
Piasce's superiority complex over Link had crumbled altogether. He could not
help but chuckle. I guess he's still a youngster at heart. Must be good to be
young, though.

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Chapter 629: Dragon King of Light

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Before Gretel could sit down after returning to her residence, Link arrived with
a Transmission.

"Duke, what's wrong?" Gretel didn't understand. She suspected that Link
regretted his decision.

Pettalong and Wardaas were there too. They also looked at Link.

Link chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, I think it's about time to undo the seal
on my dragon form."

Gretel laughed awkwardly. She'd been both disappointed and furious at Link at
the Island of Secrets. In anger, she'd sealed Link's dragon form. Thinking back,
she didn't have to do that. It had just been a clash of opinions. She didn't have to
be so extreme.

Since Link agreed to continue being the dragon duke, the seal should be undone.

Holding the bracelet gently, Gretel fed her power into it to activate it and undo
Link's seal… Wait, there was a problem. Something was wrong with the

Gretel looked down at her own bracelet. According to past experience, it should
glow with crystal-red light after adding her power. Then, she could seal or
unseal any dragon's form at will.

This was the authority that belonged only to the dragon ruler.

But it was different now. She fed her power into the bracelet, but it was
completely unresponsive. It didn't turn from silvery black to crystal-red. It was
still silvery black, like a plain metal ring.

Seeing this, Pettalong opened his mouth to speak but stopped. He knew the

Gretel understood quickly as well. She shook her head and smiled wryly.
"Duke, I'm afraid I won't be able to unseal it for you."

With that, she took the bracelet off and gave it to Link. "It already recognizes
your identity as the dragon king. It doesn't belong to me anymore."
It was strange. When the bracelet approached Link, it flashed with silvery black
light again. It was identical to the color of Link's dragon form. When it was
three feet from Link's body, it didn't need Gretel to hold onto it anymore. It
hovered automatically and floated towards Link.

Link furrowed his brows. He didn't expect this would happen. He didn't wish it
either. The bracelet floated over, but he didn't reach out to accept it.

Gretel continued, "Duke, you are the dragon king chosen by the ancestors. No
one except you is qualified to wear this bracelet—not even me. I am no longer
the ruler."

"But…" This was beyond Link's expectations.

Pettalong walked up. "Duke, don't hesitate," he urged. "The dragons need a
strong leader. The bracelet will only choose its next owner."

"But Your Majesty, you're the one with pure royal dragon blood." Link didn't
want this position. It didn't match his future plan.

Wardaas had unhappy because Link had only joined the dragon race halfway
through. Link was strong, but he wasn't that legitimate. But seeing the bracelet's
situation, he had nothing else to say.

The bracelet wasn't that powerful, but to the dragons, it represented ultimate
authority. If it chose a ruler and another dragon wanted to become king or
queen, they had to challenge the chosen and win.

But who was Link? He was a Level-13 Legendary Magician and was known
throughout the Firuman Realm. It was like suicide challenging him.

In that case, Wardaas didn't have any objections. Seeing that Link was still
hesitant, he thought that Link was worried about Gretel. So he said, "Duke, I
actually have a good solution."

"Enlighten me."

"Her Majesty has always been looking for a qualified duke," Wardaas said
discreetly. "Since she has stepped down from the throne, why don't you two
marry? This way, the royal bloodline will not die—"
Before he finished, Gretel's porcelain skin turned red. Link's brows furrowed.
Why was this elder talking about this again?

Before Link replied, a voice said, "Shut up!"

Link was familiar with this voice. It was Celine. He turned around and saw a
dark shadow rush over with extreme speed. A few jumps later, she was inside
the hall of the queen's residence.

She strode to Link's side and slapped the bracelet floating towards Link. It fell
to the ground with a crisp clang. She glared angrily at Wardaas. "Old man, mind
your business. You want to get into our personal matters?"

Wardaas was so angry his whiskers shook, but he didn't speak. He naturally
knew about Celine. He could only shrug and keep silent.

The blush on Gretel's face subsided, and her eyes darkened. Right, there's still

She waved at Wardass. "Wardaas, you can go now."

He was feeling awkward. Now, he bowed to Link and Gretel and scurried away.

Celine looked angrily at Gretel and pointed at Pettalong. "Make him leave too! I
have something to say. Just the three of us!"

Gretel didn't know what Celine was planning, but she still nodded at Pettalong.
The elder also retreated.

Only three remained in the hall.

Celine cast a Soundless Barrier around them and looked at Link. "Eliard told me
about what happened, and I heard of some things too. Link, I just have one
question. Do you still have feelings for her? Tell me the truth. Don't lie!"

At this question, Gretel also looked at Link, waiting for his answer.

Link kept quiet. He was asking himself this question too. What exactly was the
relationship between him and Gretel? Pure friends? Or something else?
All their interactions flashed past his eyes—the Dragon Valley, Sea of Void,
Island of Secrets, and finally, the extreme north. Especially there, he'd asked
himself when faced with Halino's threat. At that time, he knew he didn't see
Gretel as only friends.

In the past, he'd repressed himself because of Celine so he wouldn't cross the
boundary. But now that Celine asked, he couldn't lie.


"Okay, I know the answer." Celine's eyes were misty. Unshed tears rolled
inside. Her face was pale, and she bit her lip.

Link couldn't stand it. He grabbed her hands and said, "Okay, let's go back. I
won't care about the dragon king or dragon race. Let's go back."

Unexpectedly, Celine sighed. "Now, I finally understand the pain that my

ancestor, Soul Dominator Rosso, had felt."

"What?" Link looked at Celine. He discovered that the purple flames in her eyes
were even more obvious. They kept flickering, and she seemed to be able to see
into his soul and the entire world.

"Link," Celine murmured. "I knew this day would come long ago. I'd dreamed
of it before. I had also dreamed of the terrifying future…and the scroll you hid."

As she spoke, she picked up the glowing dragon king bracelet and put it onto
Link's wrist. "I didn't tell you, but I know that you know what the future will be
like. But I know more than you. I also know that to change the future, you must
become the leader of the dragons. That is only the first step."

She walked to Gretel and took her hand. "You will be his good wife, but I can't.
The talent given by the ancestors isn't a blessing. It's a curse. A lonely curse."

Holding Gretel's hand, she placed it into Link's hand. Celine's tears had flowed
out, dripping down. "Link, I know you want to keep me here now, but it's no
use. I must travel far! I want to find a quiet place and practice the magic left by
my ancestors… Dummy, this isn't a farewell. Someday in the future, when you
need me, I will come back."
Link was heartbroken. "You can't study in Ferde?" he asked, not understanding.

"No. I have the talent of prophecy, but the realm helps me. My talent is too
weak, and I must strengthen it. I will walk down the cultivation path of my
ancestors. I wanted to do it later, but now is a good time."

Celine looked to Gretel. "Your Majesty, take care of him for me."

Link didn't think this would happen. He'd just wanted to unseal his dragon form
and go to the Sea of Void to look at the mysterious gear. When he came to see
Gretel, he'd been happy. How did things turn out like this?

He knew that Celine was about to leave, but he didn't know what to say. He
understood Celine too well. Since she already said it, it meant that she'd thought
it over countless times. It was also the result of a prophecy. No matter what he
could say, it would be useless. But he didn't want her to leave.

The longing and anxiety reddened Link's eyes. In a panic, he lost his mind and
blurted, "I'll go with you. I won't care about anything. Firuman is so
troublesome. We can find a peaceful realm. There are so many realms in the Sea
of Void. There's got to be somewhere quiet, right?"

"Dummy!" Crying and laughing at the same time, white light glowed around
Celine. She was using the powerful transmission magic equipment that Link
made for her.

Her last words came from the white light. "Link, you have to keep living well.
Ferde has to keep doing well. Wait for me!"

With that, the white light faded.

Something went missing from Link's heart. Footsteps sounded beside him—
Gretel. "Duke," she said. "She'll come back."

"I know, I know. Your Majesty, I'll go back now. My mind needs a few days to
rest." Link hurried away. He didn't use the Transmission spell. His heart was in
a mess; he didn't dare.

Stumbling, he returned to his Mage Tower. After he entered his room, he didn't
come back out. He didn't care about anything or see anyone.
This went on for seven days.

Seven days later, his bedroom door opened.

Link walked out. In the hall, the first person he saw was Red Dragon Queen
Gretel. Then he saw Eliard, Evelina, Vance, many of Ferde's core Magicians,
and then the Red Dragon Elders.

He had recovered his calmness. He would strengthen Ferde and use all his might
to face the incoming dark era!

Someday, Celine would come back. He wanted to give her a bright future!

Everywhere he went, people bowed.

"Your Majesty." Gretel had already changed the way she addressed him. She
could sense that Link had undone the seal, admitting his status as the Black
Dragon King.

"Lord." That was Eliard's group.

"Our king!" That was the elders.

Roar. The young dragons in the sky roared brightly.

In the Year 1061 of the Light Ages, the third month of harvest, Ferde Lord,
Legendary Magician, the Chosen One of the God of Light, Link Morani was
recognized by the dragon king bracelet, becoming the 57th dragon king of the
dragon race. He would be known as the Dragon King of Light.

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Chapter 630: Is It Real? Or Is It an Illusion? (1/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hundreds of dragons were circling in the air, whipping up a roaring wind that
could be heard miles away.
Celine stood on the edge of Girvent Forest to the west of Ferde silently looking
out from high ground at the dazzling magical city in the distance.

Knowing that Link had finally calmed down, she let out a sigh of relief.

After wiping away a tear from the corner of an eye, Celine turned around and
began walking towards the forest behind her. Suddenly, a huge green silhouette
emerged from the trees, its aura tumultuous and menacing. However, Celine did
not move a muscle.

It slowed down as it drew closer. Finally, it materialized into a green-furred

tiger before Celine. It then spoke, "Mistress, you finally came."

It was Dorias. Ferde was no longer a place he could reside in, especially as the
city became even more prosperous and its population grew every day. Ordinary
folk feared him, so Dorias thought it best to live in Girvent Forest, away from

"Are you waiting for me?" said Celine curiously.

Dorias shook its head furiously. "Of course. The lord has ordered me to. He said
that you may need a ride, though I must say this is the most degrading request
I've ever received from him. I'm supposed to be a Warrior, not some mule to be
ridden on... Then again, orders are orders. Can't really say no to the man
himself, can I?"

Celine decided to go along with Link's arrangement. "I don't need a ride right
now. I do, however, require a guide. I need to find a quiet place to continue my
magical training. You've lived here for a long time now. Surely you must know
a couple of places like that?

Dorias pondered on this for a moment. "I do know a few secluded places in the
area, but I'm not sure if they're quiet. Should I take you there then?"

"Of course."

"Then get on, and hold on tight."

Celine climbed up onto the tiger's back. In a single bound, it was able to cover
100 feet. Before long, both Celine and the tiger vanished into the forest.

Ferde, outside Scorched City, in an ordinary courtyard

While the dragons were circling in the sky, a well-built man was driving a
battered-looking horse carriage towards the entrance of an ordinary courtyard.
Once there, he undid the horse's reins and led it into the courtyard.

Inside, a woman in a linen dress was busy working a loom, which rattled on

"I have no idea what's going on, but somebody needs to do something about
these dragons that's been flying in the sky these past few days," the man
muttered irritably, looking up at the sky.

"Didn't the lord announce what's going on? The dragons have crowned the lord
as their king. They're celebrating his coronation right now," said the woman.
Her eyes were still glued to her work. Though they were not exactly living in
poverty, most of their furniture was old and shabby. She thought her work might
be able to earn them enough money to afford repairs around the house.

"Oh, you sure know a lot, don't you?" said the man with a huff. He led the horse
into the stable, gave it a bit of hay in its feeding trough, and then poured a
ladleful of water into its water trough. Fearing that it might swallow more than
it could handle and end up sick, the man added a bit of straw wine into the

As he did all this, the man felt as if he had been doing the same thing for the last
ten years... What was he thinking? He had always been a coachman. What else
was he supposed to do for the rest of his life, anyway?

The man shook his head. For some reason, he sensed that something was wrong.
He should be living like the soldiers out on the street, clad in their brilliant
armor and armed with their elegant swords. No, he should have been someone
important, maybe even an esteemed master like those Magicians in Ferde's
Mage Tower.

He looked down at his own hands. They were covered in dirt and grime. He
then sniffed at his sleeve. It smelled of horse urine. Finally, he turned to his
wife, who was still busy working her loom... Wait, when did he marry her? Why
could he not remember a thing?

"Hamilton, what are you doing there? Still having one of your daydreams? Why
don't you come here and make yourself useful? I can't carry all these spindles by
myself, you know!" His wife was standing beside the loom. She was staring at
him furiously, her hands clasped on her waist.

Hamilton jolted from his reverie and hurried over. "Coming, dear. I'll handle
this. Why don't you go cook something? I'm starving."

Hamilton felt a sharp stab of hunger in his stomach. The piece of bread he had
this morning was not as filling as he thought it would be.

Suddenly, a dragon's roar reverberated in the sky. Hamilton looked up at the


A dragon was flying especially low in the sky. Hamilton could clearly see the
dragon's dark red scales which gleamed with a metallic light. The dragon
seemed to be glowing as well. As it flew over, countless specks of light fell like
raindrops to the ground.

One of these specks of light landed on Hamilton. In an instant, he felt a sudden

warmth flow through his body. All the exhaustion he had accumulated after a
whole day's work vanished without a trace, along with the hunger he had
worked up.

Noa came running out of the house. She looked up at the sky and happily said,
"That's the Dragon's Blessing. How wonderful."

"What's a Dragon's Blessing?" asked Hamilton, perplexed.

Noa hit his arm indignantly. "How ignorant can you really be? The royal
messenger has been going around from door to door telling us all about it. There
should also be announcements posted at every corner on the street. You could
have at least stopped to take a look at some of the posters outside."

Hamilton tried to recall what he had seen and heard as he made his rounds
around the city, and realized that he had indeed heard something about the
Dragon's Blessing. However, as he had been a bit absent-minded of late, feeling
that there was something wrong about his life, he did not pay it much mind.

"Alright, a blessing's nice and all, but I still have dinner to make for tonight."
Noa pulled up her sleeves and returned to the kitchen.

Hamilton began piling up the spindles under his arms. Suddenly, there was a
knock on the door. A voice sounded behind it. "Is anyone home?"

Her wife shouted from the kitchen, "Hamilton, there's a customer outside our
door. I'm busy right now, so go answer the door!"

"Oh, okay."

Hamilton walked towards the entrance and pulled open the shabby door, which
whined noisily in its hinges. He was taken aback by what he saw there.

There were two men standing outside the courtyard. One of them was wearing a
silver-black battle robe with a sword dangling from his waist. What immediately
stood out about the other man was his blue skin. He was clad in a dark blue robe
with golden edges, which was usually reserved for high-ranking Magicians in
Ferde. What came as a greater shock to the senses were their eyes which glowed
with a piercing light. He was now feeling a bit light-headed as his heart
thumped incessantly against his chest.

"Who's at our door?" shouted Noa again from the kitchen.

Hamilton swallowed. "No... no idea."

"Useless old fool!" shouted Hamilton's wife. Hurried footsteps sounded behind
him. Upon reaching the courtyard's entrance, she gasped in surprise when she
saw who their guests were and immediately knelt down before them. "Peace be
upon you, my lord."

She then pulled at her husband, trying to get him to kneel down with her on the
ground. At first, Hamilton seemed reluctant to do so. After much resisting, he
finally gave in and knelt on the ground beside Noa.
Hamilton was just an ordinary commoner, and it was customary for commoners
like him to kneel before someone as important as a lord. Still, it did not sit right
with him.

Link observed the man and woman who was kneeling before him, somewhat
surprised. He then turned to Piasce. "Good job."

Soul magic was simply incredible. Two Level-14 masters had been subdued so
easily without shedding a drop of blood. Fooled into believing that they were
mere commoners, both of them even behaved like actual commoners before the
lord of Ferde.

Both Link and Piasce entered the courtyard and closed the door behind them.
Link then gave two quick taps on Hamilton and Noa with a hand and cast a spell
on them, sealing both their powers in them.

Hamilton and Noa looked at him quizzically, not sure what he had done to them.

"My lord, have we done something wrong?" stammered Noa.

Link smiled. He looked around the courtyard and found a chair to sit on. He
then said to the couple still kneeling before him, "Get up, both of you."

The two obediently did as they were told, looking uneasily at each other.

When the two of them got up to their feet, Link said to Piasce, "That's enough,
Piasce. It's time to ask them a few questions."

Piasce nodded. He looked at Hamilton and Noa, muttered an incantation and

then snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the couple shuddered, and their glazed eyes cleared up. Then,
there was a look of surprise on both their faces.

Surprise quickly turned into anger. Hamilton did not take this too well in
particular. He was a Level-14 Infernal Warrior and was also a high-ranking
member of the Fire Sect. He had every right to be furious at Link for playing
such a dirty trick on him!
He growled through gritted teeth, "Well played, Link, well played! I'm gonna
kill you!"

Link quickly cast a Distortion spell. A vague ripple appeared in the air with a
hum. With their powers sealed inside them, both Hamilton and Noa were forced
back down on their knees, unable to resist Link's spell.

"End me if you can! Do it now!" roared Hamilton. He was still struggling to

break free from Link's invisible restraints.

However, his efforts were all in vain.

Link raised a hand, lifting Noa's face by her lower jaw. "I can feel the seeds of
life sown in you. It's Hamilton's child, isn't it? But aren't all Infernal Warriors
supposed to abstain from matters of the flesh? Or have the two of you chosen to
forsake your god?"

Piasce was able to uncover this piece of information from the two Infernal
Warriors' consciousness before confronting them.

"What?!" Hamilton was stunned. Noa had actually conceived his child. But this
was in direct violation with the tenets of his religion. What was he supposed to
do now?

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Chapter 631: No Choice

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was not only Hamilton. Noa was also dazed.

As a Level-14 Inferno Warrior, she was very familiar with her body. Even if
Link didn't say it, she could feel it too. Now that Link exposed her, she
instinctively clutched her stomach and looked at Hamilton, the child's father.

In the Fire Sect, all Inferno Warriors had to swear before entering the sect that
their life would belong to god. Their entire lives would be dedicated to the god.
If a man and woman conceived a child, their pure belief would be tainted. This
was the greatest blasphemy!

If it happened and they were discovered, not only would their bodies suffer the
divine punishment, their souls would also fall into hell and suffer the Tatanrose
torture. Afterwards, the tortured would feel a burning thirst inside them. Cool
water would be right beside their lips, but once they lowered their heads, the
water would retreat, rising when they raised their heads again. This torture
would continue until their souls were burned to ashes.

As an Inferno Warrior, Hamilton had been taken by a priest to visit hell. He'd
seen the punishment with his own eyes. At that time, he'd felt terrified. He didn't
expect this day would come to him too.

Fear seized his heart as he looked to Noa. "No, this child…"

He wanted to say that this child shouldn't exist. But halfway through, Noa
stepped back. Tears flowed down as she shook her head furiously. The days of
being a regular couple were right before her eyes. Thinking back, it had been a
deception, but their experiences had all been real. The baby in her was real too.
She couldn't give it up.

Hamilton was just panicking too. After the panic subsided, he couldn't do it
either. Seeing Noa like that, he sighed and looked to Link. "Ferde lord, you are
so cruel… What do you want us to do?"

Since things were at this point, there was no way back. He could only surrender.

Link wasn't proud about his dirty trick. Thinking, he said calmly, "I already
know why you're here. Go back to the Isle of Dawn and bring some news to
those High Elves."

With that, Link handed a scroll to Hamilton, who accepted it and started

"I wrote the information on there, as well as my goal. Afterwards, remain on the
island and keep working for the High Elves. Record their actions for me. For
these two things, you only have to follow the current for the former. But for the
latter, you must work hard."
The High Elves on the Isle of Dawn were too xenophobic. The island's situation
was not transparent. Link had to stop the fusion of realms while the World Tree
was the most important of all. He might have to personally step onto the Isle of
Dawn to deal with it one day.

In that case, news from the Isle of Dawn was extremely important.

Hamilton looked at the scroll and was silent for five full minutes. Then he
asked, "What about Noa?"

"Her? She will stay in Ferde. Her power will continue to be sealed, but she will
have a manor in Scorched Ridge with servants. She will give birth to your child
and raise it. As long as you do well, your woman and child will be fine."

This was a dirty trick, but desperate times called for desperate actions. Link had
done even dirtier things before. He wasn't innocent anymore.

Beside him, Piasce couldn't really take it. However, he'd once been a Soul Tutor
in another realm and had seen these political tactics before. He didn't like it, but
he still kept his expression calm.

Hamilton fell silent. Half a minute later, he said, "Aren't you afraid of me
abandoning her?"

One only had to harden their hearts a bit to abandon a wife.

"Yes," Link said honestly. "So I have another protection. Piasce, show him."

Piasce walked up. He put a hand-sized silver mirror before Hamilton's eyes and
asked, "Do you see who's inside it?"

Hamilton nodded. He saw his own reflection. The mirror was very smooth, and
the image was clear.

Piasce took the mirror away. He took out a needle and stabbed it into the mirror.
"Ah!" Hamilton cried. He looked down and saw a hole appear on his leg. Blood
poured out.

"What spell is this?" Hamilton was shocked.

"A Soul curse," Piasce explained. "A person doesn't only have one soul. It has
many divisions. Some are the core while others are auxiliary. One of your
unimportant souls was captured by this silver mirror. No matter how far you go,
even if you go to another realm, I can prick this little guy's heart in the mirror,
and you'll be dead too. Of course, the lord doesn't wish to kill you so quickly.
Instead, he wants you to experience 3000 tortures before dying. That means that
I'll carefully prick 3000 holes in you while being careful to not let you die
halfway through…"

Hamilton was terrified. Before Piasce finished, he was already covered in cold
sweat. He quickly said to Link, "Don't worry. I will complete your mission.
Please take care of my child and Noa."

Link nodded. He flicked a finger at Hamilton and a ball of light buried into his
body. Hamilton shuddered. His power was unsealed. Feeling the power surging
inside him, he stood up slowly. He looked at Link not far from him and sensed
the man's power. His expression darkened.

This Ferde lord was only Level-13, and the Magician beside him was only
Level-11. They were less than six feet away. If he burst forward, he could kill
those two and snatch the terrible mirror.

He might even be able to save Noa and his child and live out the rest of their
lives, hidden in a quiet place.

This thought kept growing in his mind. He could barely control it. His only
worry was that he had no weapons and wasn't confident.

But right then, Link had another trick. The floorboards of the old cabin suddenly
cracked open. A cloth bag flew out. It was the magic equipment Hamilton had
carefully hidden earlier.

Whoosh. Link tossed the bag before Hamilton. "Take your things too. A
Warrior needs a sword."

This was a lifesaver! Hamilton bent over to pick up the bag. A familiar sword
hilt peeked out of the opening. It was his Blade of Fire sword.

His weapon was right before his eyes. If he reached out, he would get his sword.
Then he could pull it out and strike at the Ferde lord.
This thought flashed past his eyes. Then he did it!

Ignoring the extreme pain in his legs, he grasped the sword hilt. Power surged
into it. Boom! Flames wrapped around the sword, fire splashing in all directions
and illuminating the small cabin.

He used all his power with this move. He felt that this move was his most
perfect attack.

At that moment, his sword was like the moon; the blade was like a tide. The
power of fire poured out wildly, enveloping his two enemies instantly. In 0.1
seconds, he could destroy these two lowly bastards.

He really wanted to do that.

The next moment, something changed.

The Ferde lord had been sitting casually on the chair. Hamilton saw him
suddenly raise a hand. When the hand moved, it had been covered in human
skin. In the blink of an eye, it darkened and was covered in silvery black scales.

Clang! A sword radiating with moonlight suddenly appeared in his hands. The
sword stabbed forward with impossible speed, instantly hitting his Blade of

Cling! There was a clash of metal, neither light nor heavy. Then Hamilton felt
strange power surge into his sword. He could feel that the power was condensed
and sharp like a needle. His own power was like a bubble full of water. It
popped as soon as the needle came.

Whoosh! The surging flames around the Blade of Fire let out a gurgle and then
collapsed. The strange power didn't stop. It sped along the sword into his arm.
He felt his arm go numb; he couldn't hold the sword anymore.

Clang! The Blade of Fire flew out of his hand, spinning, and crashed onto the
ground a few feet away. The sword with moonlight continued forward, going
straight to the point between Hamilton's brows. He retreated. While doing so, he
discovered that the Ferde lord was still in his seat.

He's that powerful? He just sits there. How can he hit me if I keep retreating?
As soon as this thought appeared, he saw a ring of extremely detailed runes light
up around the sword tip. The tip buried into it. Then this ring appeared before
him. The next moment, Hamilton felt coldness between his brows.

The feeling was fleeting and disappeared, along with the intricate halo of runes.
The Ferde lord was still in his seat. His sword had already returned to its sheath.

Hamilton gulped. Feeling liquid flow from his forehead, he reached up to touch
it. It was one drop of blood—no more, no less. The horrible attack was like a

How could such swordsmanship exist in the world? How could such magic exist
in the world?

He suddenly thought of the Black Forest. Back then, he'd faced some Magicians
from Firuman. He couldn't hit them no matter what. They seemed to all be
prepared for his actions. Even though they weren't as powerful as him, they
could toy him as if he was a child.

These are all the top figures of Firuman, and the Ferde lord is one of them. No,
he's the most terrifying one. Oh, what stupidity did I just commit?

Thinking now, Link had already predicted this and voluntarily gave him his
weapon. It was like giving a child a toy. No matter how the child played, he was
still a child.

"Why don't you kill me?" Hamilton asked dejectedly.

Link wagged a finger, and the Blade of Fire flew back into Hamilton's hands.
"Everyone makes mistakes. I usually give them a chance to change. Go back to
the Isle of Dawn, Hamilton. I always keep your word. I will take care of your
child and woman."

Hamilton had nothing to say. He nodded at the soulless Noa, picked up the
clothes on the ground, put his sword away, and turned.

After Hamilton left, Link said to Noa, "Madam, let's go."

Noa's soul was clearly weaker than Hamilton. She'd already surrendered.
Hearing Link, she nodded. White light flashed around her, and the three

Link didn't rest after settling Noa. He talked to Gretel, assigned tasks to Eliard
and the others, and then went to the roof of the Mage Tower alone.

Everything was ready. It was time to enter the Sea of Void and find that
mysterious piece of gear.

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Chapter 632: Entering the Sea of Void (1/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Argh!!! A blood-curdling shriek sounded.

It came from an odd-looking blue-white tower. The two demons standing at the
tower's entrance sniggered at each other. One of them even licked their lips.

"Master Eilot's having his fun again. Sounds like his toy is enjoying themselves

This had been going on for more than three months. Every day, the Dark Tutor,
Eilot would bring in an Omirian to torture for ten hours.

The Omirian prisoners had entered the tower physically whole. They had no
scars on them. Some were even plump and white. However, after those ten
hours of torture, the Omirians were all reduced to piles of minced meat.

The tower was now filled with said piles of Omirian minced meat. The demons
seemed to love it for some reason.
Argh!!! Another shriek echoed from behind the tower walls. Following the
shriek was a feeble voice, which pleaded, "I'll talk, I'll talk, Eilot, just stop. I'll
tell you everything!"

The tower's first floor was a circular hall where the screams had been coming
from. An Omirian with dark blue skin gave a brisk wave of his hand, and the
demon executioners who had been abusing their victims in front of him
immediately left the hall.

The Omirian was Eilot. Three months ago, he was a Soul Tutor respected by all
Omirians. Now, he was Nozama's Dark Tutor.

He was now sitting on a black throne. In a corner of the circular hall was a
torture rack where a young female Omirian was left to bleed. Blood flowed
profusely from her wounds before hitting the floor. The dripping sound it made
was enough to make anyone's hair stand on end.

There was a cage on the other side of the room. Ten Omirians in commoner
attire were imprisoned in it. There was a young man kneeling in it, staring at the
young Omirian girl on the rack. He pleaded, his eyes bloodshot with tears, "Let
her go, Eilot, and I'll tell you anything you want to know!"

Eilot's face remained expressionless. "You're in no position to negotiate."

Saying this, he gripped at the void. A dark blue whip appeared in his hand in an
instant. With a violent motion, he whipped at the girl who was hanging from the
rack ten feet away from Eilot. Upon being struck, the barely conscious girl let
out another blood-curdling shriek.

Whoop! The whip returned to Eilot. Fine steel teeth lined the whip's length.
With every stroke, its teeth would fasten themselves to its victim's skin. It would
then pull out chunks of flesh and skin from him or her every time it returned to
its handler's hand.

The girl on the rack screamed again, but this time, her voice was frail and
lifeless. The prisoners in the cage shuddered. Tears streamed down the young
man's face even more as he looked on helplessly at the horrific scene.

Seeing how severe her wounds were and how much blood she had lost, the
young man knew that she was beyond saving.
"No! No! Eilot, no!" shouted the young man in the cage, his eyes widened with
growing hatred.

Eilot looked at him and then said, "Delin, I'm about to kill your sister. The next
one to be hung on the rack will be your father. I'll save your mother for last.
Piasce was your tutor, but he is now a wanted man. Now he's escaped, and still,
you would give your life up to protect him?"

Delin had undergone rigorous training in Soul Magic. Forcibly extracting any
information from his soul would have decimated his mind, and Eilot would not
be able to gain anything from him. He would not have gone through this much
trouble if there had been an easier way to make Delin speak.

Delin was now kneeling on the ground, emotionally exhausted. He said in a low
voice, "I'll tell you everything. I only ask that you give us a painless death.
Please don't torture us any more."

"I can live with that," said Eilot, nodding. He had always found the routine of
torture tedious anyway.

An hour later, ten Omirian corpses were lifted out of the blue-white tower and
thrown out onto the pathway leading to the tower's entrance. A couple of
demons rushed over and tore into the corpses, ripping their flesh clean off their

In the tower, Eilot remained seated on his throne without moving a muscle. His
eyes were closed. However, he was not asleep. Rather, he had slipped into a
meditative state commonly practiced by the Omirians.

Physically, he was still within the realm. However, his soul had entered the Sea
of Void.

The Sea of Void was filled with eddies of energy. A naked soul entering the Sea
of Void was a risky affair. One would need to possess extraordinary skill in
order to traverse the Sea of Void safely. There were only three... no, two people
in the Omir realm capable of such a feat.

Eilot's path was thick with white Mana mist, energy vortexes, and negative
energy pitfalls. Wily Void creatures lurked in the shadows as well, but Eilot
managed to avoid them all. Half an hour later, a red globe appeared before him.
From afar, the object looked like a tiny bubble in the depths of an ocean.
However, as he got closer, the red globe grew bigger. After swimming towards
it for half an hour, the tiny bubble had expanded into a huge globe, occupying
Eilot's line of sight completely.

Eilot made his way expertly through the bubble for half an hour. Soon, a
whirlpool appeared up ahead. Without hesitation, he plunged into the eye of the

Beyond the eye of the vortex was a long tunnel. Dim, red light emanated from
its walls, swimming around Eilot as he pressed on. The light wove all kinds of
imagery across the walls. At times, it was a laughing skull; at others, it was a
roaring beast. There was even one which depicted a giant pulling apart a dwarf
limb by limb. All of it seemed surreal to Eilot.

Twenty minutes passed, and Eilot finally reached the end of the tunnel. There
was a ball of dark red light up ahead. Eilot began to accelerate and soon burst
through the light.

The scene before him shifted. In the next few seconds, the surreal imagery
vanished, giving way to an empty hall.

The hall was built on a seemingly endless plain. There were no walls in it. Only
four circular pillars were holding it together. Bits of sand were swept up by a
bitter wind. The sky was a shade of red, and a lone sun hung from it, casting a
weak, red glow over the plain. One could see silhouettes of towering demons
lumbering aimlessly in the horizon. The bitter wind also carried with it inhuman
screams across the wasteland.

In this dark, empty word, a soft, mellow voice spoke out, "Eilot, I take it that
you've come here to bring me some good news?"

Eilot's eyes searched for the source of the voice. They were drawn to a pile of
bones shaped like a throne at the end of the empty hall. The bones were pitch-
black, and they were mostly skulls. Each of their sockets was glowing with an
eerie red light.

Sitting atop the throne was a middle-aged man. His hair was greying, and there
were white strands of hair hanging over his forehead. Even from an Omirian
standpoint, the man's appearance was flawless. His eyes were black like the
night. However, they gleamed with a raging bloodlust that would have given
anyone the impression that they were looking at the streams of boiling lava in
the Abyss.

The man was wearing an elegant robe with golden embroidery. He was looking
at Eilot, his hand propping up one side of his face, a faint smile playing around
his lips.

It was the Lord of the Deep, Nozama!

He looked completely out of place here in the middle of the barren wasteland.
On the surface, he looked like a human master who had been cast out into the
depths of the Abyss but had yet to reach rock bottom.

At first sight, no one would have taken him for the notorious Lord of the Deep.

However, Eilot knew who he was dealing with. He immediately bowed deeply
before the middle-aged man and then said, "Master, I've interrogated all of
Piasce's disciples. Through the bits of information I had gathered from them, I
was able to determine the location of that presence you seek. These are their
statements. Please take a look."

He then handed over a black orb of light to Nozama.

Nozama took it. After feeling it for a few minutes, his perfect face broke into a
smile. "Well done, Eilot."

He then opened his hand, from which emerged a thick haze of light. The haze
solidified into strands of darkness and then flew out of the hall and towards the
far corners of the wasteland.

A few minutes later, dust rose up in the horizon. Demons of all shapes and sizes
were converging towards the hall from every direction at top speed.

The demons' number grew by the minute. Half an hour later, approximately
3000 demons had reached the hall. Eilot could clearly feel just how powerful
these demons were. Every one of them had at least Legendary-level power, the
strongest among them being Level-15.
Seeing 3000 Legendary demon masters in one place would have made anyone
feel despair. Eilot could even feel his spirit form quaking at the sight of them.

After making sure that everyone had answered his call, Nozama spoke with that
soft, mellow voice of his.

"Eilot, return to Omir and have Mysin prepare a Void Ferry. My army of
demons will seek out this presence."

"Yes, Master," Eilot humbly replied. Mysin was one of the three Soul Magic
masters in Omir. His skill in making Void Ferries was second only to Piasce.

Nozama's mind was set on obtaining his prize. His demons moved quickly.
Soon, all 3000 demons were all aboard a vast disc-shaped Void Ferry.

Mana surged through the Void Ferry's circuits, and the entire vessel roared into

"Let's go!" ordered Nozama.

The Void Ferry plunged into the Sea of Void like a huge whale diving back into
the depths of the ocean.

At that moment in the Firuman realm, Link had taken on his black dragon form.
His dragon's body was vast, its wingspan close to a hundred feet. Silver-black
dragon scales glittered under the sun across the length of his body.

He almost blocked out the sun in the sky when he spread out his wings.

All the Red Dragons in Ferde were looking at their Black Dragon King in awe.
In dragon society, size equaled power. It had been 30,000 years since a dragon
as powerful as Link had appeared in their midst.

After making the necessary adjustments to his dragon body, he was able to
propel himself 5000 feet into the sky with one powerful stroke of his wings. His
body began to fade in the air until he finally vanished from sight.

He had also entered the Sea of Void.

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Chapter 633: He’s Looking for Death

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

North, Black Forest

Crunch, crunch, crunch. It was the sound of walking in the snow. A Dark Elf
was rushing over the snow in the forest.

He ran northward. The further he ran, the sparser the trees and thicker the snow.
When he passed a hill, a boundless icy plain appeared. In the distance, there was
a fortress made of bones. It was the Skeletal Fort of the Army of Destruction.

The Dark Elf kept sprinting and quickly arrived at the door.

"Report your identity!" Two Nagas crossed their weapons and blocked the Dark

"I am Pheron, commander of the Death Hand. I have important information for
Her Highness!" The Dark Elf showed his emblem and was allowed to pass.

Pheron kept running and soon arrived at the main hall. Here, he slowed down
and fixed his clothes. Taking a deep breath, he entered the hall.

There weren't many people here. A finely made skeletal throne was at the head
of the room. Dressed in a gauze dress, Princess Ellie sat in the throne and
listened to the generals' reports.

Pheron glanced at the princess' flawless features and his heart sped up. He
quickly lowered his head, not daring to look further. In reality, he didn't have to
come personally. However, he would always come to report important news to
see the princess. It was the same for this time.

Dark Elf Princess Ellie Danas was extremely talented and had a strong aura. She
was also beautiful and flawless. Many Dark Elves called her the "starlight rose
under a moonlit sky." So many youths were in love with her. Many High Elves
were infatuated too and even betrayed the Isle of Dawn to join the Army of
Destruction to be around her.

Her voice was mellow and smooth but also had a bit of roughness to it. It was
very unique. Pheron felt that his fatigue would disappear by just listening to this
heavenly voice. If he could kiss… No, this was blasphemy.

The princess would definitely become queen in the future. Her husband would
be a noble. She would have nothing to do with a commoner like him. He
couldn't think too much.

Just as he was thinking nonsense, a voice came from the throne.

"Pheron, I heard that you have important news from the South?"

The voice shocked Pheron out of his thoughts. He immediately went up and
lowered onto one knee. He took out a sheepskin scroll.

"Your Highness, this is news from a spy in the South. It's about Ferde."

"Oh, Ferde?" Eugene (Princess Ellie) was instantly interested. She reached out,
and the scroll flew to her hands. After scanning it, her face darkened.

The scroll said that the Ferde lord had completely mended the Realm Crack in
the Korora Mountain Range. This gave him much prestige. He married the Red
Dragon Queen, and soon after, the queen stepped down. Link became king of
the dragons, and the dragons joined Ferde. A huge and terrifying black dragon
appeared in Ferde, but its identity was still unknown.

Eugene obviously knew who the black dragon was!

In such a short time, his strength and authority increased so much. How can we
fight if this keeps going on? Eugene couldn't help but worry.

Before becoming commander of the Army of Destruction, Eugene had been

confident. She'd thought that Link and Ferde weren't anything special. But after
being in the position and getting familiar with politics, she felt helpless.

Admittedly, the Army of Destruction was powerful. However, its power was
already at the peak. They couldn't improve in the near future, especially after the
Realm Crack was fixed. The realm would become smooth and flawless. It
would be difficult for the Nagas and demons to enter the realm. Under these
circumstances, it was already a feat to maintain the army's current scale. It was
near impossible to expand.

On the other hand, the humans had a large population of more than 200 million.
If the dragons were added, there were millions more dragons and strong
fighters. More terrifying was that the human Warriors were quickly
strengthening. Ferde's Sunlight Army was already able to fend off the demons.

The longer it drags on for, the worse it'll become. Soon, even the Black Forest
might not be able to stop the humans. What should I do? Eugene furrowed her

Now, she was regretting the actions earlier. If she knew this would happen, she
wouldn't have ended their relationship with the High Elves.

Unfortunately, regret was useless. Eugene kept thinking but couldn't think of a
good way to restrain the humans. Just as she was frustrated, Molina walked
over. Judging from her expression, she had something to say.

Eugene understood and said, "Pheron, I see. You've worked hard. Go rest now."

"Yes, Your Highness." Pheron looked up at the princess again. He didn't want to

"You all go now," Eugene said. "I'm tired and need to rest."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Everyone in the room left, leaving Eugene and Molina.

"Saint, what's wrong?" Eugene looked at Molina.

Molina nodded. "There's something important about the Ferde lord."

Eugene shrugged, feeling upset. "What now? Don't tell me he's going to marry
some High Elf princess and the Isle of Dawn will join Ferde."

"What? Marry? The Isle of Dawn?" Molina didn't know about the South yet.
Eugene passed the scroll to her. "Look for yourself."

After scanning the content, Molina's brows furrowed too. Things were getting
more and more difficult, but she quickly composed herself. Pointing at the
scroll, she said, "The black dragon king is Link."

"I know that. I've seen him in the Dragon Valley." Eugene threw her hands up.

"But I also know that he isn't in Ferde now. More accurately, he's not in
Firuman!" Molina continued.

"What?" Eugene straightened. This news was too timely. "How do you know?
Did your god tell you?"

"Yes." Molina nodded. "My master felt a slight ripple in the realm barrier and
came to this conclusion after adding his observations. He is chasing the Ferde
lord in the Sea of Void. He will definitely die this time!"

"Great!" Eugene exclaimed. "Link won't stay in the realm and dared to go into
the Sea of Void. He's really looking for death!"

"My master also said that the Ferde lord isn't a worry anymore. He sent an
oracle. He wants us to use this chance to break into the Orida Fortress and
continue southward!"

"No problem!" Eugene cackled. The only one she feared in Firuman was Link.
She could still remember that sword. In his entire life, only one person's attack
could make her defenseless.

After that, she knew that she wasn't Link's match in a face-to-face fight. But
now, Link went on a suicidal mission. Heh, what more was there to worry

Seeing Eugene's expression, Molina felt unease. She couldn't help but remind
her, "The army at the Orida Fortress isn't easy to deal with. Norton Kingdom's
army, Ferde's Sunlight Army, Beastmen, and now the dragons…There are
countless strong fighters. Don't underestimate them."

"Hmph, I don't need you to remind me," Eugene huffed.

She'd traveled throughout Firuman for centuries and only met two true
opponents—Light Magician Halino and Link. As for the juniors at Orida, no
one could fend off his dark magic.

Eugene was decisive. Since there was a chance, she wouldn't waste even a
second. She immediately called the troops.

Three days later, a huge army of 150,000 Dark Elves, demons, and Nagas
started advancing southward.

The army made a big commotion. The news was instantly discovered by scouts
stationed in the Black Forest. The huge amount of information moved south like
snow. The war machine that was the Orida Fortress started turning at full speed,
preparing for the final fight.

At this time, Link was deep inside the Sea of Void. He had a clear target, so he
went straight going astray at all.

As he got closer, the gut feeling grew stronger. He believed that he would find
the way to change the dark era using that gear!

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Chapter 634: A Brush with Death

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link let out a breath and then turned around. Behind him was a huge, black disc
with a diameter of more than 10,000 miles, bigger than the entire Firuman realm

It was a large-scale energy vortex, and it was spewing out powerful energy
flares from within. He estimated that the vortex's energy was more than Level-
20. Otherwise, his sense of danger would not be making every hair on his body
stand on end.

Though he had reached Level-13 with his dragon body and managed to
strengthen his scales with the Crystal Essence the game system had rewarded
him with a while back, he would still be slowly ground away into dust by the
minute if he allowed himself to be sucked in by a vortex of this magnitude.

He had left the Firuman realm far behind. Behind him, Firuman was now no
more than an insignificant dot of light. Though the white mist of Mana
surrounding it had thinned considerably, it still managed to obscure most of

He looked left and right in front of him. He was surrounded by an empty white

Without any reference point anywhere around him, no matter how fast he flew,
Link did not feel as if he was making any progress through the Void.

By Firuman's standards, I should be flying at around 10,000 miles per second

right now. I'm still able to go even faster, so at most I'll be able to hit 12,000
miles per second. But nothing's changed around me. Flying in the Sea of Void is
almost like traveling through the endless void of space back on earth.

Suddenly, his body shook for a moment. Then, he felt himself being pulled to
the left by a powerful force.

At the same time, he could also feel a coldness creeping into his body, sharp
like a blade. It felt like an unseen claw trying to pull his very soul out of his
dragon body.

Not good, it's a negative energy pitfall! thought Link, panicking.

Negative energy was high-level dark energy that could only be found in the Sea
of Void. When large amounts of negative energy came together, they would
form a singularity, sucking in everything around it, including energy, matter,
and even one's soul. Everything would then be compressed into a single
compact point.

The frightening thing about a negative energy pitfall was that it would ambush
you when you least expected it to.

The pitfall was incredibly dark. It would not give off any kind of aura, making it
almost impossible to detect its presence. Anyone or anything caught by it was as
good as dead. Even one's soul would be decimated by the singularity.
In the Sea of Void, a dragon's body continually absorbs residual Void energy
around itself as fuel. Link swept his wings back, and cold white light began
rushing out from them like a pair of afterburners, propelling Link into the dark,
empty void in front of him.

Link immediately received an enormous thrust forward. His body was locked in
place as he struggled to break free from the pitfall's clutches. Still, his body
inched inexorably towards the left.

The pitfall's pull was just too powerful. No matter how desperately Link
struggled against it, he still could not break free from it.

Not good. The pitfall's just too powerful. I won't be able to resist it much longer.
I'll need to use something else!

Link was still an amateur when it came to navigating the Void. However, before
entering the Sea of Void, Link had read through the notebook that Piasce had
maintained during his trips in the Void. Incidentally, Piasce had written in it a
way to deal with negative energy pitfalls.

Negative energy pitfalls come in all shapes and sizes, but structurally, they all
look the same. A pitfall's outer layer is known as the normal region, while its
inner layer is called the irreversible layer. Sandwiched between both layers is a
thin membrane known as an event horizon. Once you're pulled past the event
horizon, the only thing awaiting you there is death. In the history of Omir, there
have been accounts of Omirians bold and foolish enough to defy a negative
energy pitfall, but no one has ever gone past the event horizon and lived to tell
the tale. The moment you sense its pull, break free from it as fast as you can. If
you're unable to pull yourself away, execute the spiral burst maneuver
immediately. Remember, act immediately. A moment's hesitation may very well
be your end.'

These thoughts raced through Link's mind in an instant. His body had already
begun picking up speed instinctively.

This time, he stopped pulling away from it in a straight line. Instead, he began
accelerating perpendicularly to the direction of the pitfall's pull. With the pitfall
still pulling him back, he was now swinging an arc to his left as he pushed
You need to push against it with everything you have. A negative energy field is
like a rubber band. Once it's ensnared you, no matter you fast you're going, this
rubber band will simply be stretched taut. However, its gravitational pull won't
falter one bit. In fact, it may even intensify. You will need to pull back at this
rubber band until it snaps, or else it will drag you down into the depths of

Link recalled what Piasce had written in his notebook. This thing resembled a
black hole in some respects. However, there were still a few major differences
between them.

Link continued to accelerate. Soon, he realized that he was now moving in a

circular orbit with a diameter of approximately 5,000 miles in the dark expanse.

At first, his orbit was circular. As he sped up, it grew longer and longer until it
transformed into an oval.

The Void energy in his body was depleting rapidly. Though his dragon body
was still absorbing the energy in the Sea of Void, it became clear that he was
not replenishing his body's Void energy as fast as he was spending it.

By the looks of things, he could still hold out for another ten minutes. If he still
could not break free within that time, he would have to accept his fate and be
pulled into the negative energy pitfall!

With a deep breath, Link cleared his mind and simply focused on accelerating.

Time slowly passed by. One minute, two minutes, three minutes... five, six
minutes... Soon, Link was flying at more than 15,000 miles per second.
However, the dragon body could barely handle the strain of maintaining such a
breakneck speed. The trajectory he had carved out in the Void was now a long
ellipse around the vortex.

Still, it was not enough!

The rubber band of negative energy still remained unbroken as it stubbornly

held on to Link. He was now at his limit. Despite his resolve, Link began to fear
for his life.
Will I really die here? thought Link. The energy in his body was all but spent,
and he was now beginning to feel out of breath.

No, just a little bit more. I can do this!

Link let out a roar as he gathered every last bit of power in him. When he was
farthest from the pitfall in his elliptical trajectory, he swept his wings back once
more. Boom! A powerful burst of Void energy gushed out behind him. Link
could feel his body being thrust forward. Then, he began to slow down. His
wings were now completely spent.

Sensing that he was about to be pulled back by the negative energy pitfall, Link
turned around, opened his mouth wide and spewed out dragon breath back at it.

His wings might not be able to push him forward any longer, but he still had
some energy left in him in the form of dragon breath, which was usually
reserved for offensive measures.

Boom! Link let out a streak of white Dragon Void Breath behind him, giving
himself another forward burst of momentum and allowing himself to continue
his struggle with the pitfall.

Link had stretched the pitfall's gravitational rubber band until it was now more
than 300,000 miles long. Its pull seemed to have weakened as well.

Just a bit more, just a bit more.... screamed Link inwardly as he sensed that he
was slowing down.

There was a click in his mind. The unseen force pulling at his body suddenly
vanished. Its icy claw had slackened its grip on his consciousness as well. Link
now felt his body floating gently forward at a speed of ten miles per second.

He had finally freed himself from the negative energy pitfall.

Link let out a breath of relief. His ordeal had finally ended.

After bobbing in the Void for a few seconds, Link began to feel his power
slowly coming back to him. He then flapped his wings bit by bit.
That was way too close. Link figured that even a divine master would not be
able to survive being dragged past the pitfall's event horizon.

This was not an exaggeration.

Link had read something of the sort in other magic books. For example, the
Dragon magic book had made mention of the dangers of traveling in the Void a
couple of times. The Soul Dominator had also given detailed accounts of his
trips into the Sea of Void in the Book of Revelation. In them, he had mentioned
how dangerous negative energy pitfalls could be, though not in as much detail
as Link would have liked.

A Level-13 Legendary master like Link would be akin to a toddler who had
only just learned how to walk in the perilous wasteland that was the Sea of
Void. One wrong move would have sent him hurtling to his doom. On the other
hand, a divine master could be likened to a grown-up, being much wiser and
more powerful than a Level-13 master. However, they would still be no more
impervious to the wasteland's dangers than the latter.

Once he was free from the negative energy pitfall's pull, Link was able to regain
his composure. After resting for a bit, he continued flying forward. He made his
way through the Void slowly and cautiously, giving himself time to restore his
full power.

After flying for a length of time, Link's surroundings began to change

somewhat. The faint Void mist around him thinned considerably, increasing his
visibility. Suddenly, a cloud-like object appeared in front of him.

The thick, seemingly endless layers of cloud seemed to be emanating a dark

green light. It resembled the nebulas back in his home world.

As Link drew closer, they began to expand until they basically filled up his field
of vision.

These must be the Seaweed Clouds that Piasce mentioned, thought Link

After allying himself with Ferde, Piasce had kept nothing back from Link. Not
only did he give Link the mysterious gear's coordinates, but he had also shared
with him his experience in the Void, as well as a detailed account of the scenery
around the mysterious object.

The cloud before him was one of the landmarks leading up to the mysterious
gear. Once he made his way through the labyrinthine layers of cloud, he would
be able to reach the mysterious gear at the end of it.

Link began accelerating towards the clouds.

Soon, he was near the Seaweed Clouds. From afar, the dark green clouds looked
compact, almost solid. However, up close, Link realized that the clouds were
gaseous and impalpable like smoke. Visibility in them was a mere hundred

The massive cloud wall was perforated with passageways, each with excellent
visibility. From afar, the passageways seemed narrow, but in reality, each one
was 100,000 miles wide.

Link did not enter the maze just yet. He recalled what Piasce had written in his
notebook. Piasce mentioned that he found a square-shaped cloud formation
somewhere among the clouds. He then passed through the center of it in order to
reach his destination. Where could it be?

Piasce had already given Link the coordinates of his destination. He could fly
straight towards it if he wanted to. However, this would mean leaving a trail
behind him in the Seaweed Clouds. Also, there might be Void creatures lurking
in the clouds, and Link thought it best not to draw any attention from them to

His safest option right now would be to retrace Piasce's route.

After circling around the clouds for a while, Link still could not find the square-
shaped cloud formation that Piasce mentioned. As he was about to resume his
search, Link saw something flash by behind him from the corner of his eye.

Compared to someone like Piasce, he was still relatively inexperienced in

navigating the Sea of Void. He did not see anything resembling life on his way
here. The sight of something moving behind him was enough to unnerve him.
With the 360-degree vision afforded to him by his dragon body, he was able to
see whatever was behind him without turning around.

Link was soon able to locate the moving object.

It was a black spot. Straining his eyes, Link could see that it was shaped like a
disc. It was also giving off a weak light from its surface. As Link stared at it for
a moment, a message from the game system popped up in his field of vision,
giving him a rundown of the object's details.

Speed: 8000 miles per second.

Diameter: 400 feet

Estimated power level: Level-17

Current distance: 1,000,000 miles

Judging by its appearance, speed, and energy circulation, the object is man-
made and appears to be a Void Ferry of unknown origin.

"Void Ferry?" Link was stunned for a moment. Not knowing whether the object
was friend or foe, he turned around and plunged into a nearby Seaweed Cloud.

Each Seaweed Cloud was extremely thick. For instance, the one Link was
hiding himself in was 20,000,000 miles thick.

At first, Link was afraid that there might be something lurking in the depths of
the cloud and so remained floating near its surface, not daring to venture any
deeper into it. However, he sensed that something was wrong.

The object seemed to have noticed him, as it swerved around and headed
straight for his hiding spot.

Speed: 13,325 miles per second!

His mind was now screaming at him to get out of there.

The object was tearing straight towards Link. It was as if it had recognized him.
The way it hurtled menacingly towards him was more than enough to suggest
that the object bore him no goodwill.
Moreover, it was moving at breakneck speed, even faster than the highest speed
Link was able to maintain. In no more than two seconds, the object would soon
reach Link's hiding place. The Void Ferry was Level-17, making it a lot stronger
than Link, who was only Level-13. Even with his magically immune dragon
scales, Link would not be able to survive a head-on collision with it.

Setting aside whatever dangers might be lurking within the depths of the
Seaweed Clouds, Link immediately released a burst of Void energy from his
wings and dove into the deeper regions of the clouds at 12,000 miles per second.


Behind Link, inside the Void Ferry

Nozama said to the Dark Tutor Mysin, who was piloting the Void Ferry, "Did
you see that? What was that?"

Mysin shook his head. "I couldn't see what it was. It dove into the depths of the
cloud before I had a good look at it. It's dangerous to travel into the clouds.
Master, should we pursue?

This was not Nozama's first trip in the Sea of Void. He had a good grasp of the
dangers in it. After weighing his options, he said commandingly, "Go after it. It
looks really familiar. I'm sure I must have seen it somewhere before!"

Nozama was sure that what he saw was not one of his minions since all of them
were no more than his soul puppets. He was also certain that it was an enemy,
given how familiar it had seemed to him.

What made Nozama even more suspicious was the fact that the other party had
appeared in the vicinity of the mysterious presence. This could only mean that
they might be after the same thing as him. It would be remiss of Nozama to let
the other party flee without clarifying their intentions.

Upon hearing his master's command, the Dark Tutor Mysin nodded at his co-
pilot Eilot, and the two drove the Void Ferry into the Seaweed Clouds in pursuit
of the black dot in front of them.

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Chapter 635: This Time, I’ll Fight Personally!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Boundless Void

The Void Ferry behind Link was faster than him. At first, they were around one
million miles away from each other. Now, the other was 25,000 miles away.

It was hard to see in the Seaweed Cloud. Link looked back but could only see
endless murky green. He couldn't see the other's location, but both were flying
at extreme speeds. The power waves were very strong, and he could clearly
sense the disc-shaped Void Ferry following relentlessly.

This couldn't continue. He had to find somewhere to hide and avoid the attack!

Link looked forward. He was more than one million miles into the Seaweed
Cloud. The clouds seemed to get heavier before him. Visibility decreased, and
the changes in the clouds became more complicated. Some places were thin,
almost like a tunnel; other places had thick blocks of dark green clouds. From
afar, they looked a fog-covered Firuman.

There might really be a realm hidden in the thick clouds. Who knew?

Link had read a paragraph in the Book of Revelations.

When a realm is first created, it is only an average ball of energy in the Sea of
Void, usually a vortex of energy. As time passes, the energy vortex
continuously condenses. The realm grows, evolves, and finally exchanges
energy and material with the Sea of Void like a living organism. Gradually,
heavy fog forms outside the realm. That is how the fog of the Firuman Realm
was formed.

However, the dark blocks of clouds before him were too small. They were less
than 30,000 miles wide while the white fog around Firuman was more than
300,000 miles. Even if a realm was hidden inside, it would still be in the early
stages. They were too small, and Link couldn't hide in them.
He continued flying.

Time passed, and Link flew 30,000 more miles. The energy waves from the
Void Ferry behind him thickened. He still couldn't see the other, but Link was
sure that they weren't more than 20,000 miles apart. If the other sped up, he
would catch up.

A dark cloud appeared before him. The vapor around it looked thinner. In order
to not leave traces in the thick fog, Link moved around it. Just as he was about
to speed up, his vision brightened a bit. He looked up and saw a huge patch of

The vapor obstructed his vision, but the light was still strong. The light source
was huge as well. It looked to be more than 60,000 miles wide—practically
twice the size of Firuman's cloud!

Light is moving energy. If a huge light appears in the Sea of Void, it's possible
that it's a realm. These are usually advanced realms that have already evolved
into life. These lights come from the core of the realm (the sun).

Something from Piasce's travel log flashed past Link's mind.

A realm? It also has such heavy fog. It's enough for me to hide in.

Link turned to look. The vapor was still thick, and he couldn't see the other at
all. However, the power waves were stronger than before. If not for the vapor
obstructing their vision, Link would probably be caught long ago.

He took a deep breath and pumped his wings with full force, rushing towards
the majestic light.

It was around 150,000 miles away. After a while, it took up Link's vision. He
could only see the dark green light. It was boundless.

The vapor here was abnormally heavy. His range of sight was only around 25
miles. The vapor only got worse as he got close, and his sight decreased rapidly
This phenomenon is identical to Firuman. There really might be a realm inside,
Link thought. He stopped flapping his wings and pulled them back. Wrapping
his wings around his body, he used the inertia to slide towards the realm.

The dragon wings were very strange. Not only were they great at pushing while
flying in the Void, but they could also become the best disguise when wrapped
around one's body. They could perfectly cover a dragon's energy waves, so the
dragon looked just like a regular meteorite in the Sea of Void.

Link did this to stop the pursuer from tracing him and also because the
surroundings were complicated. He had to be careful.

The free energy around a realm was very thick. Some souls would run out the
realm at times too. These things were delicacies for Void creatures, so it was
more likely for them to appear around here too. It wasn't good to alert these
Void creatures.

Link floated for a while. Suddenly, a black shadow shot out from the corner of
his eye. His heart jumped, and he stopped moving. His eyes followed the black

He saw that the shadow was shaped like a shuttle. It was more than 200 feet
long and had something like fins in the middle. Its tail was really long too. It
looked like a fish swimming in the sea.

It didn't notice Link who had weakened his energy. When it passed by Link, it
twisted powerfully to the side and sped up abruptly. It was probably more than
5000 miles per second and instantly disappeared from Link's side.

Around ten seconds later, Link felt an abnormal commotion not too far behind

Buzz, buzz. The two sounds were like the whistle of a ship in the sea. They
were very deep. At the same time, Link felt explosive energy ripple over.

Link's heart jumped. It's the power wave from that Void Ferry. It's very
powerful—at least Level-15. That "fish" attacked the Void Ferry and was
probably killed… The other isn't far from me now, but I don't know if they've
noticed me.
As soon as this thought flashed through Link's mind, he realized that his
surroundings brightened. He refocused his eyes and saw that a huge wall of light
appeared before him.

This light wasn't the dark green he'd seen before. Instead, it was a burning
white. It was similar to Firuman's, but it was brighter. At the same time, it
looked very smooth. Link couldn't see any flaws. It looked like a glowing
crystal similar to the surface of the Firuman realm.

It really is a realm. This is so big. Its light is vibrant too. It must be a powerful

While thinking, Link had already floated to the wall of the realm. He reached
out a claw and hooked lightly on the wall, stopping firmly. He was like a ship
resting against the pier.

Stopping here, he looked back at the Sea of Void. All he could see was heavy
dark-green vapor. His line of sight was less than 20 miles.

Link could sense the other Void Ferry was close. It was probably less than 6000
miles away. He didn't dare move now. Link just quietly hung on the realm's wall
like a lizard, waiting patiently.

Time passed bit by bit. Passage of time in the Sea of Void was different from in
realms. Time in realms usually flowed steadily without any disturbances.
However, time in the Sea of Void was warped. It flowed faster in places with
more energy and slower in places with less.

If Link had a mortal body without Legendary protection instead of using his
dragon form as a Void Ferry, half of his body might become old while the other
remained youthful. He wouldn't be able to live in that situation.

The Sea of Void was uninhabitable for mortals. If a non-Legendary person

entered, their souls would scatter immediately. This wasn't an exaggeration.

Link didn't know how fast time flowed here, so he obviously didn't know how
much time had passed. But after waiting for a long while, he could still sense
the Void Ferry's energy waves.
The other is still circling this place. It probably knows my general location but
can't pinpoint it… If this continues, they'll find me sooner or later. Then I'll be

Thoughts flew past Link's mind as he tried to think of a way to escape. Soon, his
eyes fell on the huge realm below him.

If I enter the realm and go to the other end, I should be able to escape safely.
But how do I enter?

Flattened against the wall, he could clearly sense the principles and laws of this

According to the feeling under his claws, the realm's wall was very soft, like a
layer of old leather. But if he applied force, the feedback from his claws
strengthened. There was also a strange power that kept pushing out. It was about
to push him off the wall.

It was repelling him.

This realm wasn't Firuman. To Firuman, Link was part of it, so it wouldn't repel
him. Going to Firuman was like going back home, while the realm beneath him
was someone else's home. It had nothing to do with him. His relationship with
this realm was like Nozama against Firuman. He was an invader.

Carefully sensing the force, Link had a general idea of the strength of this realm.

I should be able to forcefully break through this wall, but it will use up a lot of
my energy and lead to the realm's violent defense. Even if I enter the realm, my
power will be greatly repressed. It'll probably fall to around Level-7. There'll be
other restrictions too. Even the natives find out, they'll try to kill me. The
dangers aren't any lower than the Void Ferry. This isn't wise… Let me look for
a realm crack.

The realm's surface was smooth, and there couldn't be any cracks, but
everything had an exception. Because of some random reasons, there might be
some temporary fissures. For example, perhaps something inside the realm was
summoning a Void creature, or a Magician was stupidly studying the laws of the
realm and created a temporary crack. These were all possible.
A realm had countless organisms. It was quite possible for there to be people
who did idiotic things. Just take Firuman as an example. There was never a
shortage of stupid people.

Of course, if he couldn't find one, he would have to enter forcefully. The Void
Ferry was too powerful. Facing a Level-17 while in Level-13, Link had no
confidence at all. But inside the realm, everyone's power would be restricted.
The difference between them would close too. It would be much easier to

Time is limited. I need to hurry.

Thinking of this, Link composed himself and carefully sensed for the realm

Time kept flowing, and the Void Ferry's energy waves were even more obvious.
It was getting closer to him. There were less than 3000 miles between them. The
other would soon be able to pinpoint his exact location.

Once they're 1000 miles away, I'll have to break in forcefully and figure out the
rest when I get into the realm!

Link was ready to break in at any time, but he still didn't give up on finding a
crack. The latter could save him a lot of energy. He would face weaker
repulsion inside the realm too.

Suddenly, there was a flash in the corner of his vision. This was the result of the
realm's energy spewing out. It meant that the laws in that area were weakened
by some force, causing the realm's energy to flow out.

In other words, there was a crack!

Such good luck!

A realm crack usually lasted for a short time. There were many complicated
reasons—the distortion of time, the realm's self-healing abilities, and more. He
must hurry.

Thus, Link immediately used all his limbs and wings to scurry across the wall.
This caused a much bigger commotion.
In the Sea of Void, Dark Tutor Mysin, who had been searching for Link in the
Void Ferry, immediately noticed the abnormality.

A few seconds later, he pointed at the wall of light. "Master, look there!
Something's happening!"

Nozama squinted and looked. The light pulsing in his eyes abruptly
strengthened. The bloody light that seeped out of his eye sockets were more
than three feet long. His gaze passed through the vapor and saw the realm wall

There was a dragon with silvery black scales rushing towards a speck of light on
the wall. Nozama was a master at passing through realms. He instantly realized
that it was a realm crack. He also recognized the dragon.

He laughed in anger. "I was wondering who it was. It's the Ferde lord! He thinks
he's powerful and dares to enter the Void alone… Kill him!"

The Void Ferry had already been rushing towards Link. A few seconds later,
Mysin reported, "Master, we're too far away. He's already near the crack. We
can't stop him from entering."

"It's alright. He can't escape even if he enters. Deploy the Void Ferry cluster and
lock the realm. Glyn, my sub-commander!"

"Yes, Master!" Glyn flinched and walked out.

"Take 100 people and forcefully enter the realm. Chase—"

Before he could finish, Mysin yelled, "Master, Master! Another crack appeared
in the realm! Someone's using a large-scale summoning spell! I've responded to
the summoner!"

"Oh? Great!" Nozama praised. Half a second of thinking later, he turned to his
sub-commander. "Glyn, take people into the realm, kill the summoner and
quickly build a super-summoning seal. This time, I'm going to act personally!"

He was going to capture that guy and personally tell him the consequences of
snatching his daughter and ruining his plans.

Glyn immediately waved at his trusted men. More than 100 Legendary demons
walked out. They jumped out of the Void Ferry and started falling towards the
crack in the wall.

Whoosh! Glyn was the first to enter. It was like diving into water.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. Three Level-13 demons followed. After that, the
crack's light rippled and flickered like a candle in the wind.

"Master," Mysin yelled. "Too many demons passed the crack. They're too
strong, and the crack can't take it. It's going to collapse!"

Before he could finish, the crack started mending and soon disappeared.

"Everyone else, come back." Nozama waved his hand. Glyn and three demons
had entered. They should be enough. Now, he would wait for Glyn to reopen the
crack. He trusted Glyn not to disappoint him.

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Chapter 636: Mortal, Are You the One Who Summoned

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was a howling sound. It was the first sound that Link had heard since
entering the realm crack. It sounded like a gust of wind blowing through a

In the next second, Link felt a sudden weightlessness. His body was now no
longer under his control; he could not even move a single muscle. He seemed to
be falling down a tunnel of sorts. Distorted images swam dizzily across the
tunnel's four walls, giving him the impression that he was now falling through a
This was the first time he was summoned into a realm. It was an entirely new
experience for Link. He was also apprehensive about it, as he had no idea what
awaited him at the bottom.

He tumbled on for a few seconds down the tunnel. Suddenly, a blood-red streak
of light shot out of nowhere. Link could not make out what it was at first. As it
got closer, he strained his eyes to see what it was.

It was a cluster of souls wailing in agony!

The ball of light was more than 50 cubic feet. There were at least 3000 souls in
it, and each of them was disfigured beyond recognition. It was as if someone
had kneaded them into a misshapen mass of putty. What was even more
terrifying was the fact that as soon as the cluster of souls drew closer towards
Link, it quickly began to melt away like wax.

Argh... Help me... Oh god... I don't deserve this...

Link could hear a cacophony of agonized wailing coming from it, which grew
louder as the clump of souls came closer towards Link.

When the ball of light finally came before Link, the souls inside it had melted
completely inside it. Its contents were now a goopy blood-red mess. Link could
not help but shudder at the sight of it.

The blood-red ball of light hurtled towards Link and finally collided against his
dragon scales. Upon impact, Link could feel an icy sensation seeping into his
body, all the way to the deeper parts of his body.

Throughout the whole process, Link's body remained motionless. His power
was still sealed within his body by an unknown force. He could only watch
helplessly as the ball of light invaded his body.

As he panicked, a line of words popped up in his field of sight. Entry of

unknown energy detected, now setting up quarantine area for unknown energy...
Quarantine process successful.

This was the first line of words from the game system. The icy sensation
remained still within Link's body. However, it had stopped spreading inside his
After a while, a second line of words appeared before him.

Now examining composition of unknown energy... Examination complete.

Unknown energy is determined to be soul energy, which is commonly used in
Realm Summoning Contracts. Summoning technique currently in progress is a
sacrificial summoning technique. Upon reaching the realm they are currently
being summoned to, the player will be placed under the binding power of a
summoning contract and will be prohibited from violating terms of said

Link was now mentally prepared for this. May I know the terms of this
contract? thought Link.

Examination in progress... examination complete. Player's current contract is a

mutually binding agreement. The Summoned will assist the Summoner in
completing certain tasks as required from them. Upon completion, the
Summoned will be allowed to keep the soul energy of the Sacrificed that was
used to carry out the summoning ritual. However, the Summoned will be subject
to the Dimensional Rejection's influence once more after fulfilling the terms of
its contracts. During the contract's duration, both parties will be prohibited from
hurting each other.

Hearing this, Link asked, "Is there any way to break the contract?"

Attempting to dispel contract's binding power... Dispelling unsuccessful. Player

has two options. First option is to reject the quarantined soul energy in player's
body in exchange for his freedom. However, the player will receive the full
brunt of the Dimensional Rejection. The player will have his power severely
suppressed and will only be able to use Level-7 power as a result. Second option
is to maintain current course. Player will remain under the contract's constraints.
The Summoner will be forced to bear a portion of Dimensional Rejection the
Summoned is subject to. The more powerful the Summoner is, the more
Dimensional Rejection the Summoner will be required to take on. In
consequence of this trade-off, the Player's power will not be suppressed as

After pondering it for a moment, Link decided to choose the second option. He
was repulsed by the source of the contract's binding power. However, due to his
current situation, he would be a fool to limit his powers any more than he had

Let's go with the second option, then.

As soon as he said this, his body trembled slightly. There was that cold
sensation in his body again. He then realized that the sacrificed soul power had
taken up one percent of his total power, while the remaining 99 percent was still
his own.

Only one percent of my power seems to be affected by this magical contract. I'll
probably survive whatever punishment it has reserved for me should I decide to
violate any of its terms. This was even better than Link had imagined.

Soon, Link realized that he had stopped falling. He could feel his feet hit solid
ground. The distorted imagery around him began transforming into a wall of
fog, which then dissipated to reveal the scenery of the realm he had been
summoned into.

Throughout the whole process, Link felt an irresistible power pressing against
him. It was as if he was being compressed beneath the depths of an ocean.

He moved a finger slightly. He could feel an invisible resistance when he tried

to cast the Magician's Hand spell. This resistance seemed to be inhibiting his
physical strength and the power inside his body by about ten percent.

In other words, his power level was currently within the neighborhood of Level-
10, which was a lot more than what the game system had predicted.

This resistance must be the effect of the Dimensional Rejection. It's a lot weaker
than I had anticipated. My summoner must be taking on some of it right now.
Judging by my current state, they must be quite the Magician.

At that moment, the distorted light show around him had faded away
completely. Link now found himself in the middle of a canyon thick with grass
and trees. The canyon was approximately 400 feet wide. Its two walls were
around 200 feet high.

With his 360-degree vision, Link was able to take in his surroundings without
turning his head.
He realized that he was standing in the middle of a 150-foot-wide magic seal
which had been etched on the ground with fresh blood. The stench of blood
wafted to his nostrils from every line of the magic seal. It was so pungent that
Link's face contorted in disgust.

As a Magician, Link's trained eyes were immediately drawn to the structure of

this bloody magic seal. He was stunned by what he saw. The seal seemed almost
familiar to him. It greatly resembled the magical circuits that were found on the
mysterious gear, the Astral Whetstone and the Book of Revelation.

This realm is within the mysterious gear's vicinity. Is there some sort of
connection between them? thought Link.

At that moment, a hoarse voice called out to him, interrupting his thoughts.

"Ah, almighty dragon, we are most pleased that you have answered our calls!"

The voice was speaking in a foreign tongue. However, due to the contract in
place, whatever it was saying was automatically translated in Link's mind.

Link followed the source of the voice and saw a wizened Magician with hair as
white as snow in a black robe standing on one of the nodes of the bloody magic
seal. Link was able to determine that the old man was a Level-6 Magician from
the energy he was giving off.

He looks human. He also seems to know what I am. How fascinating. Link
narrowed his eyes. The old man before him looked like any other human being
from the Firuman realm. The only difference was that he had a wide forehead.
His eyes were also especially small, and his features were primitive-looking.

The old man was not alone. There were six nodes on the magic seal. On each of
them stood a Magician native to the realm. Every one of them looked human as
well, barring a few differences such as their primitive facial features and wide

The Magicians standing on the magic seal were marveling at Link, visibly
excited about what they had summoned into their realm. The old Magician was
practically on the verge of tears.
He bellowed, "Oh almighty dragon, we require your assistance. The army of
Troym is at the gates of our kingdom as we speak. They are the sworn enemy of
our great kingdom. We need your help to defeat them."

Troym? Army? Link blinked at him. He somewhat understood what this was all
about. He raised his head high up in the air to inspect the magic seal beneath
him and saw that the ground was strewn with corpses. There were 4000 bodies
lying on the ground, whose lives had been sacrificed to conduct the summoning
ritual that had brought him here.

The corpses' attire were different from the robes worn by the Magicians around
him. Link figured that the ones who had been sacrificed were all prisoners of
war from the Troym army.

In other words, these Magicians had sacrificed their captives in order to

summon a powerful extra-dimensional presence like Link and hopefully turn the
tide of war against Troym with the aid of said summoned presence.

Once he had made sense of the circumstances of his summoning, Link looked at
the old summoner. He could clearly sense what the man was feeling at the
moment, which was mostly excitement. He could also tell that his appearance
had surpassed the old man's expectations.

They were probably hoping to summon something else when they were carrying
out their summoning ritual. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time. It would also seem that I'm supposed to help them fight back the
Troym army as part of the terms of my contract.

Everyone was staring at him with a mix of expectation and caution. Link
remained silent. He then saw at least 5000 people outside the bloody magic seal.
Most of them seemed to be military. There were also a few in their midst,
dressed in resplendent garb. They looked royally important.

These Warriors must be the elites of this realm. However, most of them were
only at Level-3, which was no more different than the time Link first entered the
Firuman realm. Link would not be able to take on all of them at once if his
power had been reduced to Level-7, as the game system had initially predicted
before his entry into this new realm. However, with his Level-10 Pinnacle
power, he figured he would be able to come out alright from a confrontation
with them.

The Warriors looked at him warily, their nerves stretched taut as they waited for
a reaction from him. Link could also see some of them trembling

This was understandable. If Link had encountered a Level-10 Legendary master

the first time he entered the Firuman realm, he would also be scared witless.

No mortal here would have any chance of surviving an encounter with a

Legendary master.

He slammed his massive tail into the ground a few times. Boom! Boom! Boom!
The earth quaked. Everyone in the canyon went pale. The important-looking
people surrounded by their guards were completely petrified. Link could also
see a few women fainting in their midst.

"Almighty dragon, do you agree to help us?" shouted the old Magician again.
His voice was shaky. The circumstances of their summoning ritual were odd, to
put it mildly. It had taken a peculiarly long time for them to complete the
summoning process, and the thing they had summoned into their realm seemed
to be more potent than anything they had ever encountered.

The old Magician had originally intended to summon a Level-8 or 9 presence.

However, this creature before him looked exactly like the dragons as described
in their legends. More than 100 feet long, it was as big as a small mountain. Its
silver-black flawless dragon scales, its glittering eyes and that oppressive aura it
was giving off were all telling him that he had summoned something with
power beyond his imagination.

He was not sure if their summoning contract would even be able to restrain such
a behemoth.

At that moment, Link was weighing his options. Should I accept the conditions
of the summoning contract and help them take on an entire army? No, the
contract's terms seem lax. I could easily find a loophole and wriggle my way out
of this. Also, only a fool would take on an army he had never seen before on his
Right now, Link was only a bit stronger than the Red Dragon Duke Isendilan,
whom he had defeated with the help of the Beastmen back when he was still a
threat. Even if he was confident that he would be able to take on the entire
Troym army with his current power level, there was just no guarantee
everything would go his way. Also, as soon as Link completed his contract, he
would still have to deal with the Dimensional Rejection. At that point, things
would become extremely awkward.

What should I do? thought Link. A few seconds later, he finally arrived at a

He lowered his head, slowly swinging it towards the old Magician. When his
dragon horn was only 20 feet away from him, the old man could not take it any
longer. His legs were trembling so much that he collapsed to the ground on his
knees. He then cried out tearily, "Great dragon, please forgive me. I did not
mean to offend you. Please forgive all of us!"

When there was a huge difference in power between a summoner and the
summoned entity, the binding power exerted on the latter by its summoning
contract would be extremely limited, and the contract could backfire on the
summoner himself if he was not careful enough.

Seeing the pathetic pile of sobbing mess the old Magician was reduced into, the
entire army in the canyon immediately descended into chaos.

Despite not knowing how summoning magic worked, when the Warriors saw
the old Magician in such a state, everyone knew that the spell had failed. No one
could work up the courage to stand up to the winged monstrosity the Magicians
had summoned.

At that moment, Link opened his mouth. Due to his expansive body, his voice
came out loud and sonorous. "Mortal, are you the one who summoned me?"

The question was directed at the old Magician.

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Chapter 637: Starting Today, You Must Serve Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Dadara was full of regret now. The summoning was his idea, and he'd done it
himself. As the most powerful summoner in Blacklan Kingdom, he'd summoned
countless creatures before. Though he'd failed sometimes, it had never been

But today, things were completely beyond his expectations. Blacklan Kingdom
was in a crisis, and Troym was already at the city walls. As an important
member of Blacklan, he volunteered bravely to use a ritual summoning spell
that had been banned.

But it only succeeded halfway!

The summoned creature was very powerful—so powerful it stole their breaths.
But they didn't seem to be able to restrict the other… It was strange.

There was a head the size of a mountain before him. The mouth was wide open,
revealing each tooth that was as sharp as a sword. Smoke came out of the thing's
nostrils. Dadara could vaguely see dark red flames flickering inside. This
reminded him of an active volcano he'd visited with his tutor when he was

The other's eyes shone with silver flames. Dadara couldn't see the other's eyes,
but they were definitely waiting for his reply. He was forced to brace himself
and reply, "Majestic dragon, it is I who summoned you."

Snort. The dragon pushed air out of its nose. The air before its nose distorted
visibly and the gust of air rushed out. Dadara, kneeling on the ground, rolled

Even a slight exhale is this powerful. Oh my god, did I summon the king of
dragons? Dadara thought as he fell back.

It wasn't that he'd never summoned a great dragon before. Actually, he'd
summoned a demon dragon to fight for Blacklan Kingdom ten years ago. That
dragon had been very powerful. It had been Level-7 and had been the ruler of
the skies in the Fedaro Continent (what the natives called the realm).
But compared to this black dragon, the demon dragon was like a little chicken.

As the most prestigious master in Blacklan Kingdom, Dadara usually dressed in

elegant clothing and used fancy carriages. He never had to do anything and was
always high and mighty. It was the first time he was sprawled so pathetically on
the ground. But he couldn't care about that. He only wished that the dragon
wouldn't put its claw on his back… Seeing the claw that was many times
stronger than his body, he knew that he would be flattened even if the dragon
just placed it down gently.

Just as everyone was in terrified silence, Dadara heard a voice from above him.
"You wish for me to defeat Troym's army?"

"Yes…" Dadara was overjoyed. The Warriors nearby who were close to
breaking down were slightly relieved. It seemed that things could still be

"Oh?" Link snorted in dissatisfaction. Air came out of his nose again, making
Dadara too fearful to move. Of course, the Magician couldn't protest either.

Link's actions weren't breaking the contract. He was just breathing normally and
didn't hurt his summoner at all. The other was only affected because he was too
weak. Thus, Link didn't feel any reaction from the contract inside him.

However, his actions had still expressed his intent. He wasn't happy about
Dadara's request. Dadara wasn't stupid either. Otherwise, he wouldn't have
become a Master Summoner. Now that he had to protect his life, his mind
whirred quickly.

Once the current pressing down disappeared, he said, "Majestic dragon king,
you misunderstood me. I do hope that you can defeat Troym's army, but I know
that's unrealistic. I can't help it though… sniff, sniff. I just wish for you to save
the kingdom I'm loyal to."

As he spoke, Dadara became emotional. He really didn't want the Blacklan

Kingdom to be defeated. His heart felt a twinge, and his tears and snot came out.
Sprawled on the ground, he started sobbing.
Behind him, King Morahan of Blacklan Kingdom was also in the army. Seeing
Dadara, he couldn't help but think, Ah, I didn't think he was so my
kingdom really going to end?

Thinking of this, he forgot his fear too. On impulse, he walked out from the
rings of guards. When he was around 150 feet before Link, he started regretting
this. He didn't think the dragon's aura would be so scary.

But it was too late. Gritting his teeth, he knelt on the ground and copied
Magician Dadara and cried, "Your Dragon Majesty, I beg you to save my
kingdom! The people of Troym are cruel. I cannot let my people live under their

When he knelt, everyone in the valley also knelt down. It was such a sight.

But were the Troyms cruel? His words were nice. Link scanned the
mountainous piles of corpses in the valley and found it ironic. However… had
the contract been changed to saving the kingdom?

The contract's content was very broad. Loosely, as long as the royal family
didn't disappear, it was alright if the so-called Troyms took over the capital
temporarily. They could still get it back later.

Even more strangely, this request had no time limit. He could save them in a
month, a year, or a decade. The contract could keep going until Link could find
a safe way to leave the realm… No, there was something else. If possible, he
also had to research the origin of magic here. This would help him with
understanding the mysterious gear.

These thoughts flashed past Link's mind. He didn't hurry to speak. Instead, he
just looked at the mortals kneeling before him.

This went on for more than ten minutes. When the king was covered in sweat,
Link finally said, "You mortals are as idiotic and weak as ants. I can help you,
but you must listen to my orders!"

Dadara winced. How did things turn into this? They'd summoned creatures to
help fight. How come it was like they'd found a conqueror?
However, he understood the situation. King Morahan was clueless about
summoning magic and had completely surrendered to Link's power. He was
grasping this last bit of hope right now. He couldn't care about the future.

Hearing Link say this, he immediately said, "Your Dragon Majesty, from now
on, you are the protector of the Blacklan Kingdom. As the king, I will do my
best to satisfy your every need!"

This king was very good, and Link was satisfied. However, he didn't show it.
His face was still expressionless. He scanned past everyone in the valley and
finally stopped on the unconscious woman from earlier.

Judging from her skin, she was very young. Her features were similar to the
king. Compared with the king's age, she was probably his daughter. Judging
from how the king brought her with even in crisis, she was probably well-liked.
She must be very important to her.

Thinking of this, Link straightened a 15-foot-long dragon finger and pointed at

the unconscious woman. "Then from today on, I am Blacklan Kingdom's
protector, and she will be my only royal servant."

The king obviously would be generous during these times. Serving such a
strong figure was a great thing too. He immediately said, "Protector, I have 13
daughters. If you wish, I can have them all serve you. I also have 16 sons. If you

Hmph! Link huffed, and the king was silenced. He pointed at the six summoners
beside him. "You six will be my magic servants. Without my permission, none
of you are allowed to be one mile away from me. Otherwise…"

These six were helping him with the realm's resistance and maintained the
contract. If they ran into trouble, he wouldn't have the upper hand.

As he spoke, he waved his claw at the cliff before him and cast the spatial spell
Vacuum Blade.

Crack. A 30-foot-wide tunnel opened up in the 600-foot-high cliff. The cut was
smooth as a mirror.

Every mouth in the valley dropped open. Their faces reddened as if someone
was strangling them. This power was beyond imagination.

Seeing their reactions, Link knew everything was set.

Just as Link became the protector Blacklan Kingdom, 12 Magicians completed a

summoning seal near Troym's camp.

Three demons appeared from the center. The leader was demon Magician Glyn.

Glyn was different from Link. As a demon who just wanted to take over other
realms, he was experienced with being summoned. Ten seconds after he entered
the realm, he figured out his strength compared to his summoner.

Damn, I shouldn't have had three people enter. This realm is too powerful. With
us three, the resistance is too powerful. My strength is repressed too much!

Now, he was only at the beginning of Level-9. The other two demons were
Level-7. On the other hand, the summoners were taking too much of the
resistance. They all spat out blood and were greatly injured. If only one person
came, Glyn estimated that he would be at Level-11. His summoner wouldn't be
so hurt either. It would be much better than now.

Even worse, this realm was much stronger than Glyn had predicted. If the
natives weren't sharing the resistance, he would probably be even more
repressed. It would be a feat if he was just Level-7.

I've miscalculated. I wonder how the Ferde lord is now.

Glyn scanned the 12 exhausted Magicians around him. The most powerful
seemed to be at Level-6. Judging from things, they were probably the strongest
in this realm. It was easy to deal with these 12. However, the army nearby had
more than 150,000 well-fed and equipped soldiers… Things were troublesome.

I won't be able to use brute force to complete Master's mission. F*ck. Glyn's
expression darkened. He was pissed.

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Chapter 638: Realm Protector
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Master, what should we do? Should we kill them all?"

Beside Glyn stood a Tyros Bladed Demon called Gaulle. The demon's original
power was at Level-11, but it was now reduced to Level-7.

However, he was at his full strength, whereas the summoners around him were
only Level-6 and had spent most of their energy in summoning them into their
realm. To Gaulle, these Magicians were simply lambs to the slaughter right

Gaulle's eyes swiveled around ravenously as he spoke. He was swinging a pair

of serrated swords in both his hands. As soon as Glyn gave his order, he would
have these people slaughtered.

Glyn waved his hand. "There's no rush. We may still need their help."

"From these insects?" said the third demon, a Fine-Scaled Succubus by the
name of Ganya. She originally had Level-10 power, but now she was reduced to
Level-7, which was still more than enough to steamroll through this lot.

Glyn nodded. He then said coldly, "Restrain yourselves. I'm in charge now,
which means I'm the one giving orders here. If any of you so much as sneeze in
a way I don't like, I'll cut off your nose!"

Demons had no concept of decorum. Brute strength was usually a more efficient
means of getting one's point across among them.

"Understood, Master Glyn," muttered the two demons, crestfallen after being
shut down by Glyn.

"Good. From now on, you are not to say another a word unless I say so. I'll talk
to these people."

Glyn then strode towards one of the aboriginals who seemed to be in charge and
psychically asked him, "Mortal, tell me what it is you desire!"
As a Demon Magician, Glyn was extremely tall, standing at approximately ten
feet tall. Magic runes were carved into his hands. A Shadow Gemstone as big as
a fist was mounted on the tip of his wand. Concentrated Mana pulsated from it,
sending off ripples in the air.

These were all signs of the terrible power he possessed.

Due to the massive Dimensional Rejection he had to take on, the Magician
before Glyn began vomiting blood. Despite his efforts to speak, the man could
only muster a gurgling sound from his mouth as blood gradually pooled in it. He
seemed to be on the brink of death.

Seeing the state the aboriginal Magician was in, Glyn frowned. These
summoners could not die on him right now. Otherwise, the full force of the
Dimensional Rejection would come down on all three of them like a hammer.
Even if they were not expelled from this realm as a result, their power levels
would be severely suppressed. It would be a miracle if they were able to leave
this realm alive at that point, let alone accomplish the mission that was given to
them by their master.

Glyn raised his wand and muttered something under his breath. A moment later,
rays of purple light shone out from the wand, hitting every injured Magician on
the scene.

This was a Level-8 spell: Shadow Healing.

Upon being struck by a ray of purple light from Glyn's wand, each Magician's
body began to emit a faint purple glow. They then shuddered and groaned for
around 30 seconds. Gradually, magic runes similar to those on Glyn surfaced on
their skins, which had now taken on a shade of violet. Their eyes had also
turned blood-red, with purple light flashing out from their pupils.

A few minutes later, the Magician in front of Glyn was first to react. He
prostrated himself before the demon and shouted, "Save us, almighty Magicians
from the Void!"

"State your business then." Glyn was not all too surprised to receive such a
response. The summoning magic seal beneath him seemed primitive and
shoddily put together, as if they had been in a hurry to complete it in order to
attain power that they sorely lacked at the moment.
The Magician immediately responded, "Our scouts have informed us that the
Blacklan Kingdom has gone mad. They've sacrificed all their war prisoners in
order to summon a powerful Void creature into the Fedaro realm through a
forbidden summoning ritual!"

"Blacklan Kingdom? Sacrifice?"

Glyn looked around him. He saw that broken stone fragments littered the magic
seal he was standing in. These fragments looked like crystals. There were still
traces of Magical Power left in them. Glyn figured that they must have been
magical crystals. There were plenty of these rocks lying beneath him. They must
have contained huge amounts of Magical Power before. Looking at the magic
seal beneath him, Glyn estimated that it could probably summon a Level-8
Pinnacle creature from the Void.

No wonder my power has been inhibited so much. The three of us were all at
once squeezed through a measly Level-8 summoning seal into this realm... Wait
a minute, did he say that the Blacklan Kingdom used a sacrificial ritual to
summon a Void creature?

Taken aback by what he heard, Glyn stared at the Magician before him and
asked, "How many souls did they offer as tribute?"

"At least 4000."

Glyn's blood froze. The Blacklan Kingdom must have been able to summon the
lord of Ferde through with the combined energy of 4000 souls. Not only would
Link's power not be as inhibited as his, but he might also still have Legendary
power in him!

Despite possessing Level-9 power, Glyn still could not hold a candle to even a
Legendary master like Link who had just been promoted to Level-10. To make
matters worse, the lord of Ferde still had his dragon body, making him a
monstrosity with a wingspan of 100 feet!

Glyn really wanted to leave this accursed realm behind him as soon as possible.
However, his master had given him his orders. Also, the fact that they were
summoned into this realm meant that they had basically signed a contract with
the Magicians who had summoned them. Without completing the terms of their
contract, Glyn and the others would have an extremely hard time leaving this

Damn it, this could be a problem.

The lord of Ferde was already a difficult person to handle. He was even able to
survive the God of Destruction's divine punishment back then. How should he
deal with this on his own?

The two demons behind him did not understand much about summoning magic.
However, they were quite familiar with sacrificial magic and what it entailed.
Hearing that the other party had offered 4000 souls as tribute in their
summoning ritual, the two demons' faces underwent a multitude of changes.

The three demons fell silent for a long while. Sensing that something was not
right, the Magician who was still on the floor said in a timorous voice,
"Almighty Magicians of the Void, is there nothing you can do for us?"

A sudden thought flashed through his mind. Glyn responded, "There is a way,
but it comes with a huge cost."

"Say it," said the Magician hopefully.

Glyn's idea was simple. He could not think of a way to deal with Link, but his
master could. The latter had also mentioned that he would deal with Link
personally. By bringing him into this realm, everything would be much simpler.

"Since the Blacklan Kingdom was able to sacrifice all 4000 souls for their
summoning ritual, why can't you? If you're willing to offer even more souls as
tribute, you'll be able to bring in even more powerful creatures from the Void to
help you defeat your enemy. If you don't know where to start..."

Before he could finish, the Magician on the ground quickly shook his head.
"No, it's forbidden magic, something we of the Troym Kingdom would not sully
our hands with. Otherwise, a Protector will make an appearance before us."

Glyn was furious at first when he heard what the man said and was of a mind to
show him how an actual sacrifice was made. However, upon hearing the last
part of his sentence, he frowned. "What's a Protector?"
The Magician replied, "A member of a clandestine council of Magicians. Each
member is extremely powerful. It is also said that the strongest of their number
possesses extraordinary power. The Blacklan Kingdom's actions have probably
drawn the attention of these Protectors. Those people will most likely be
punished for what they have done. However, it may take some time. Until then,
we should first think of a way to deal with the Void creature that they have

Glyn's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the words "extraordinary power."
This meant that these Protectors must be Legendary masters, and as luck would
have had it, he was in no position to take on anyone with Legendary power.

There did not seem to be a way out for Glyn.

Wait a minute, there is still a way. Glyn looked at the magical crystals scattered
across the ground.

"I happen to know the name of a powerful Void creature. If you could scrounge
up another batch of magical crystals for me..."

The Magician interrupted him tearily, "These are the last of the magical crystals
our kingdom had stocked up for the last 100 years. We've even bought up all the
crystals from our neighbors."

Glyn was out of options. It would seem that he had finally hit a dead end.

Gaulle and Ganya looked at each other. Hearing what the Magician had said,
they could see that things did not look good on their end. Summoning their
master into this realm in such a short span of time seemed impossible at this
point. To make matters worse, they still had to deal with a lord of Ferde who
still possessed Legendary power.

How was any of them supposed to come out of this alive?

As everyone present frantically considered their options, a roar rumbled from

the mountains in their vicinity.

The roar split the ground like thunder, causing every living being in the
mountain to flee in fear.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Heavy footsteps then echoed from the mountains, causing the ground to quake
beneath them. At that moment, all their hearts were beating hard against their
chests, threatening to leap out of their throats at any moment.

The lord of Ferde had arrived.

"Master, the lord of Ferde is here. What should we do?" said Gaulle in a
quavering voice. His swords were noisily rattling against each other.

"Master, please think of something, he's already here!" pleaded Ganya. Her
body was now shaking violently. If it were not for the fact that Glyn was still
standing there, she would have left the place without any hesitation.

"Almighty Magicians of the Void, that Void creature is here. What should we
do?" said the aboriginal Magician who was still lying prostrate before Glyn,
trembling from head to toe.

Glyn was also at a loss. What was the use of knowing a wide array of powerful
spells if he did not even have enough power to use any of them?

Is flight our only option? thought Glyn, reluctant to admit defeat just yet. Back
in the void, he had Level-15 power. But now he was being hunted down by this
Level-13 runt. He would not be able to face his master if he were to fail in his
mission right now.

But what other options did he have left?

At that moment, they heard a voice from the sky. "I see that you've summoned
three demons here with incredible power. They will have to do. Franklan, you
did well."

The Magician raised his head up and saw a snow-white unicorn glowing with a
soft silver light as it hovered 30 feet above him in the air. On the beast's back sat
a young boy.
The boy appeared to be around fifteen years old. His features were handsome,
complemented by a set of elegant, silver hair. He was wearing a pristine white
robe with silver embroidery and a flawless emerald gemstone on his forehead.
He was also holding a wand which was glowing with a white light. He did not
look at all like a mortal.

"And you are?" asked Franklan, shocked to be addressed so familiarly by

someone he had never seen before. He could feel the oppressive aura radiating
from the boy on the unicorn.

The boy swept his gaze past Glyn and the others. He then said casually, "Me?
My name is Romeon. I'm a Protector."

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Chapter 639: Magician, I Can Smell the Fear in Your Heart

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Boom! Boom!

The sound of pounding footsteps kept getting closer. At the same time, there
was a powerful surge of energy waves. Looking towards the mountains from
here, one could see that even the air had distorted slightly.

"You know him?" The one who called himself Romeon, the Protector, looked at
Glyn. His eyes were serious. When Glyn didn't reply after a few seconds, he
added, "I heard your conversation. You called him the 'Ferde lord.'"

Glyn felt troubled now. At first, he thought that with Level-9 power, he would
have no opponents in this world other than the Ferde lord. Now, a Legendary
Protector suddenly appeared. He could feel from the guy's tone that he only saw
Glyn as a slightly powerful summoned. He also knew about demons and didn't
trust Glyn.

With someone like him here, it would be impossible to summon Nozama. Glyn
really wanted to just leave now.
When he still didn't reply, Protector Romeon frowned slightly. His hands
tightened around his wand. "Demon, don't test my patience!"

Glyn was forced to nod. "Indeed. His name is Link. He's a very cruel black
dragon. He once personally killed more than 100,000 people in another realm…
I think that, with your experience, you must know how terrifying a Legendary
dragon is, right?"

As soon as he finished, there was another booming footstep. After that, part of a
huge black shadow appeared behind a mountain. It was only a part, but they
could already see the dragon body clearly.

Romeon naturally saw it too. His brows knitted more tightly.

Right then, commotion arose from a mountain near the magic seal. Listening
closely, one could hear screams, clattering hooves, yells, and chaos.

Summoner Franklan's face paled. "The army revolted. Protector, what should
we do?"

Troym's army was camped at that side of the mountain. With at least 150,000
people, it was a huge force. But with such a horrible beast before them that
could destroy the world, it didn't matter how many people they had. They were
only mortals and were definitely terrified now.

If they didn't act quickly, Troym's army would fall apart.

If they could assure the soldiers, take advantage of some catapult, group spell,
piercing arrows or other machinery, they could at least distract the dragon. This
would greatly lighten their burden.

Everyone present understood this.

Seeing that their opportunity was about to end, Demon Magician Glyn threw all
caution to the wind. Turning, he called at Romeon, "Protector, please act before
it's too late!"

Only the Protector could fight Link. Everyone else was too weak.
Romeon was hesitant too. Seeing the black dragon's might, he wasn't confident
in defeating it. But he was the Protector of the Fedaro Continent. Protecting this
world was his lifelong vow when he'd joined this Magician's organization. Now
that there was a black dragon invader, he had to take responsibility.

Thinking of this, he inhaled deeply and turned. "Franklan, take your summoned
with. It's up to us."

With that, the unicorn started galloping in the air, instantly reaching an extreme
speed. It cut a silver-white arc as it flew towards the battlefield ahead.

"Yes, Protector!" At this time, the Legendary Protector was their last hope.
After that, Franklan turned to Glyn. "Master…"

Glyn waved his hand. "No need. We will follow the summoning contract and
help you defeat the black dragon king. Let's go!"

Franklan was overjoyed. He turned and hurried to the frontline.

The two demons behind Glyn hurried over. "Commander, are we really going?"
Demon Gamiwa murmured. "That Protector looks young and inexperienced.
How can he be the Ferde lord's match?"

The Ferde lord was the god of death. He'd killed so many demons. The demons
in the Abyss hated him to bits, but power was power. To them, the Ferde lord
was an impassable mountain.

Gaulle also nodded lightly. "How about we escape now?"

Glyn liked that idea, but he quickly shook his head. "Don't forget Master's
mission! At least we have a Legendary figure helping now and Troym's army.
It's still possible to win. Let's go."

It was risky, but if they could defeat the Ferde lord and control his soul, then
Glyn would have accomplished something great. His master would definitely
reward him.

The two demons had no objections and could only follow Glyn to the frontline.
Roar! The dragon roared again. Because they were much closer, disturbances
visible to the naked eye rippled through the air.

Under the sound waves, big trees shook violently and could snap at any time.
The Troym soldiers who were close plugged their ears and rolled on the ground.
The weaker ones even started bleeding from their mouths and noses. They were
actually injured.

How could they fight against this?

The Troym soldiers were losing their resolve; they were close to breaking down.

"Keep steady! Steady!" the general yelled hysterically.

A few generals had already slain some deserters to keep the situation under
control. But this was only temporary. When the dragon got closer, even the
generals would probably turn to flee.

In the mountains, King Morahan of the Blacklan Kingdom and the group of
summoners looked at Troym's camp from afar. Seeing this, the king gulped.
"Master," he murmured to Magician Dadara. "You've really done something
great. Not only have you protected Blacklan Kingdom, but you might also even
destroy Troym!"

Dadara was more clear-headed. "Your Majesty, it's not definite yet. We've used
the sacrifice spell to summon the black dragon king and must have alerted the
Protector. The dragon might not be the Protector's match."

"The Protector? He can't be that fast." The king was shocked.

At this time, a soldier beside him yelled, "Look, there's a flying unicorn in the

Everyone turned to look. There really was a snowy white unicorn flying towards
the battlefield at an unimaginable speed. Looking closely, there was a youth
dressed as a Magician on the unicorn.

"It's Protector Romeon!" Dadara was shocked. He'd seen the Protector before.
The silver hair, snowy-white robe, unicorn, and handsome, youthful features
were all of Romeon's characteristics.
He looked young, but he was actually more than 100 years old. He was one of
the most powerful Protectors in Fedaro.

Dadara knew that his actions would alert the Protectors, but he didn't think that
he would attract the attention of someone so powerful. The black dragon king
looked powerful, but Dadara wasn't sure if he could win against the Protector.

The king had only heard of the Protector before. Seeing the unicorn streaking
like lightning, he asked anxiously, "Master, that Protector looks so young. He
can't be that powerful, right?"

"I don't know. One's body isn't the critical factor in a Legendary battle. Usually,
just one spell can decide the victor." Dadara was quite knowledgeable.

The king felt sweat seep from his forehead. From what he knew, the kings
who'd gone against the Protectors never had good endings. These things had
happened many times before.

Would he and his kingdom have a tragic ending too?

Roar! The black dragon, as big as a hill, walked out from the mountains. He was
covered in a layer of air ripples. The specific details of his body were hard to
see. After walking out, he stopped around 1500 feet from the camp. With a
whoosh, he unfurled his huge dragon wings. The wings were at least 300 feet
wide and they seemed to cover the entire sky.

Afterwards, the dragon wings flapped towards the army. A gust of wild wind
appeared instantly, and the sky twisted violently. From afar, it looked like a tidal
wave crashing towards the army.

One would expect that many soldiers would be dead or gravely injured once the
wind rushed past the army. Their morale would be destroyed too.

Right then, Protector Romeon's wand flashed in the air. His body was instantly
as bright as the sun. An instant later, a pillar of light at least 30 feet thick fell
from the sky. It spread into a wall of light, blocking the wild wind.

Whoosh, whoosh.

The wind pounded but couldn't budge the wall of light.

Immediately after, the "sun" in the sky intoned with a voice that resonated
through the world, "Black dragon, leave here. Leave this realm, or die!"

There was a Legendary Protector here?

Link squinted at the figure in the sky in some shock. The sacrifice spell isn't
accepted by the world and immediately alerted the top force in this realm. This
is probably only the first wave of power. If I wreak havoc in this realm without
caring, there will probably be many more resistors. I will become a public

If he really became a public enemy, the entire realm's power would join against
him. It was just like how Nozama had invaded Firuman and conducted many
massacres. The different races immediately allied with each other. Many
mysterious forces were helping too.

For example, Link felt that he was always weirdly lucky when fighting against
Nozama. This was probably due to the aid of some unknown forces.

If he went too overboard, he would probably be resisted similarly by this realm.

Of course, he was far from that level. He could still control himself.

These thoughts flashed past his mind, and he figured out what to do.

Looking up at the blazing "sun," Link laughed. "Magician, I can smell the fear
in your heart."

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Chapter 640: Have I Summoned a God?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link simply stared at Romeon the Protector, not in any rush to make the first

Romeon's throat felt dry. He too simply stood there facing Link.
The Magician Franklan and the other summoners had returned to their base
camp, with Glyn and the other two demons trailing behind him. Once they were
back in their camp, Franklan quickly sought out the army's marshal.

"Marshal, we need to do something!" said Franklan immediately as soon as he

found him.

The marshal was a middle-aged Level-6 Pinnacle Warrior. He was surprised to

see Franklin in such a state. He then saw the demons behind him and could not
help but shudder at the sight of them.

He did not recognize any of them, but these three demons were giving off
incredibly dark auras mingled with a thick bloodlust. As someone who had seen
countless bloodshed during his tenure as marshal, he was extremely sensitive to
auras like theirs. He had a bad feeling about this.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he asked Franklan, "Master, are these three
the ones you summoned from the Void?"

Slightly caught off guard by the question, Franklan nodded. "Yes. They are
under my control. Protector Romeon knows of their presence here. He needs
their power as well."

This sounded reassuring. The marshal pondered this for a few seconds. Finally,
he nodded and then, turning to his messenger, he said, "Mobilize every ballista
and catapult in camp to launch an attack against the black dragon."

"Yes, Marshal!" said the messenger, who then turned around and left.

"Franklan, I will require your magical assistance!"

"Understood, Marshal. We will head off to the Mage Tower presently," said
Franklan. There was indeed a Mage Tower in this realm, which architecturally
resembled the one in Firuman.

He then said to Glyn, "Master, follow me."

Glynn did not object to this. Suddenly, as if a thought had just occurred to him,
he turned to the marshal and said, "These two are my subordinates. I think you
will need these two in your upcoming battle."
The marshal looked at the Bladed Demon, then at the Succubus. He nodded.
"You two should be on the frontline then!"

The two demons seemed unsure about this. Being on the frontline essentially
meant being first in line to face Link.

At that moment, Glyn's voice rang out in their minds. "Go! Make yourselves
useful. We need all the support we can get from these people!"

Left with no other choice, the two demons went off to take their positions on the
forefront of the upcoming battle.

With everything settled, all that was left for everyone to do now was fight to the
bitter end against the black dragon.

At that moment, Romeon the Protector was still looking warily at Link. He then
said in a low voice, "Dragon, you possess extraordinary power. These people
are no more than ants before you. What do you hope to gain from their deaths? "

Obviously, he was trying to buy himself time.

Link could see the artillery weapons being lined out one by one in the base
camp behind Romeon. Considering my current position and the fact that my
scales have been enhanced to resist any magical attacks, these weapons
probably won't come close to hurting me, thought Link.

Since that was the case, Link might as well take advantage of Romeon's
attempts to stall in order to understand this new world and establish dominance
at the same time.

Link remained motionless for a while. He then let out a terrible laugh and gazed
coldly at Romeon. "Magician, the opinions of ants do not concern me in the

Romeon was speechless. He shot a few panicked glances behind him. He then
continued, "Dragon, you must also possess an extraordinary intellect to go with
that extraordinary power of yours. Can't you see that I'm just the first person the
realm has sent out to stop you? If you continue on this path, you'll soon have to
face enemies more powerful than me. The mortals of this realm will also resort
to underhanded tactics like poison and assassination in order to rid their world
of you. Even if they can't destroy you completely, you will lose all that you
cherish along the way. You will lose."

"I suppose you're right," said Link, nodding.

Romeon was pleased by this. The beast did not seem like the unreasonable sort.
If it could be reasoned with, there might be a peaceful way to settle things with
it without shedding a drop of blood after all.

In one of the mountains behind him, the king of the Blacklan Kingdom began to
panic as he listened to their conversation. "What's with the Protector? Is he
thinking about backing out now? Dadara, why isn't he doing anything? Troym's
army is about to attack at any moment!"

Dadara did not know what was going on as well. He simply shrugged and shook
his head. "Your Highness, the Protector's wisdom greatly surpasses my
understanding. Even I don't know what he's thinking."

The people of Blacklan Kingdom could only stare helplessly at what was
happening at this point.

At that moment, Romeon sensed an opportunity. "Dragon, please step down..."

he said.

"No," interrupted Link, shaking his dragon head. "I can't violate my summoning
contract. If I fulfill the terms of my contract, I will be rewarded with a huge
amount of power. In return, I will simply need to perform a task for the
Blacklan Kingdom. I am a dragon of my word, after all."

Romeon was at a loss for words again. He could not seem to persuade the
dragon out of this.

However, he did not need to exchange words with Link any longer. The army of
Troym was now ready to launch an attack against him.

Before opening fire on him, Romeon said, "Dragon, if that's how you want to do
this, then expect no mercy from us!"

At that moment, Link was still sitting on his haunches. He then rose up and
spread his wings out majestically. "Mortals, are you ready to take me on?"
There was a hint of glee in Link's voice. Romeon's blood froze. He's already
seen through everything. Still, he didn't even make a move. Is he really that
arrogant as to think that he can take on all of us by himself?

Romeon had a bad feeling about this. However, all the artillery weapons had
been primed and was ready to mount an attack on the dragon. There was no
backing out of this now.

"Fire!" shouted the marshal of the Troym army.

Whoo! A battle horn was sounded.

Boom! Boom! Boom! went the catapults.

Arrows whizzed out from the rows of ballistas behind Romeon.

All kinds of spells soared out from the Mage Tower, the most potent of them all
being Level-9. From balls of electricity to beams of darkness, all of them
hurtled relentlessly towards Link.

Romeon had also joined in the attack. The light radiating from his body was
now blinding. He then pointed his wand at the sky. "Heavenly Sword!"

A 100-foot-wide golden cloud began to form and spin rapidly in the sky. A 30-
foot-wide crack then opened up in the center of it, unleashing countless blades
of light upon Link.

It was an elegant and potent Level-10 spell that Romeon prided himself in.

All these attacks were now coming at Link like an avalanche, threatening to
swallow him up.

"We're dead! Dead, I say!" cried the king of the Blacklan Kingdom, Morahan.
Even a dragon like Link would be reduced to a pile of ash by such a fierce
combination of attacks.

Glyn had his eyes glued on Link from the Mage Tower. He ignored everyone
else's spells and simply focused on Romeon's, as he was sure that it would
deliver the final killing blow to Link.
In the face of such an attack, Link simply spread out his wings and whipped up
a gust of wind.

The catapults' rocks, the ballistas' arrows and any spell below Level-7 were
blown off course by the sudden wind. All that remained within the volley of
spells were those above Level-7, especially the golden blades that were still
streaking down from the heavens towards him, unhindered by the wind

Strangely enough, Link stood his ground. He did not even bother setting up any
defensive measures against the rest of the incoming spells.

"What's going on?" Romeon, Glyn and everyone else was all perplexed by this.

"Is he trying to kill himself?"

"Has he gone mad?"

At that moment, all kinds of thoughts were running through everyone's mind.
Finally, the golden blades reached Link's body. Then, the inexplicable

Composed of highly-concentrated magical energy, these golden blades looked

just like any other blade forged by human hands and might even be sturdier than
the latter to an extent. However, as soon as they hit the black dragon's scales,
they simply went limp.

These 500-foot-long blades went soft like jelly before melting into pools of
golden liquid.

The golden liquid then slid off Link's scales and evaporated into a golden mist.

Not one blade was able to pierce through the black dragon's scales.

Romeon's spell was completely ineffective. So were the other spells that had
accompanied it.

Looking at the golden mist wafting off of him, the black dragon shook his head.
"That all you've got?"
A resounding silence was all that answered him.

"Arghhh!!!" Someone screamed. Then, the whole army of Troym descended

into chaos. They were completely outclassed by the black dragon.

Glyn's eyes widened at what he saw. The lord of Ferde was able to shrug off a
Level-10 Legendary spell like it was nothing. There was nothing he could do
against an opponent like that.

All the Magicians around him were running for their lives. Taking advantage of
the ensuing chaos, Glyn managed to knock out Franklan. Hoisting him up on his
shoulder, he then turned around to leave.

In the air, Romeon was now panicking as well. He turned around to look at the
Troym army, which had scattered like ants beneath him. He then pulled on the
reins of his unicorn and bolted like an arrow from the battlefield.

His opponent was just too powerful. Lingering on any longer would just result
in his demise. He needed to become even more powerful in order to deal with a
threat like Link. Yes, that's right. He was not running away out of fear. He was
simply making a tactical retreat. He could not afford to die here now!

"I need to run! I can't die here!" Romeon began picking up speed as he fled for
his life.

Back in the base camp, the two demons looked at each other for a moment.
Then, they too turned around and fled the place with the others.

However, as they were about to leave, the air began to distort around them and
became viscous. Soon, their feet were all trapped in the thick, ropy air.

The two demons looked at each other, then turned around and saw that the black
dragon was glaring at them.

The Bladed Demon immediately fell to his knees. "Master, you are my one and
only master. Your will is my command!"

The succubus Gamiwa stared at him, her eyes as wide as saucers. "Have you
lost your mind? The master will kill us!"
"If we don't surrender now, we'll die too! I still have a lot to live for, you know,"
said Gaulle from the corner of his mouth. He was now lying prostrate on the
ground before Link.

The succubus' knees gave way, and she too knelt down. "Almighty dragon, let
me be your humble servant as well!"

Gaulle was right. Survival was the only thing that mattered now.

Glyn had already put a bit of distance between him and the battlefield. From
afar, he could see that his two subordinates had surrendered themselves to their
enemy. He felt nauseous just watching the two of them grovel before the
dragon. However, he could not do a thing about it. He could still feel the
dragon's eyes searching for him. If he revealed himself now, he would also be as
good as dead!

Link was now looking at the state of the Troym army with an air of satisfaction.
He began walking briskly towards the Warriors of Troym, who were now crying
and cursing their parents for bringing them into this world with only a pair of

The entire army of Troym had collapsed entirely. After squishing a few
Warriors beneath his feet, he then turned around and headed back into the

The people of the Blacklan Kingdom prostrated themselves before Link when
they saw him striding back towards them. King Morahan shouted, "Almighty
Protector, you truly are a god!"

The Magician Dadara was left speechless. At that moment, he too thought that
he had actually summoned a god into their realm. How else could anyone
explain what had just happened?

Link continued walking into the deeper regions of the mountains. Then he
thundered, "Only my attendants can stay. The rest of you can go now. From
now on, these mountains will be my domain. Trespassers will be killed!"

Silence fell upon the mountains once more when he said those words.
Link then returned to the valley back in the mountains. After a while, the two
demons that he had intimidated into submission finally caught up to him.
Looking down on the two trembling figures, Link asked, "I want to know
everything about Nozama. I'll be asking you two a few questions, one by one."

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Chapter 641: Sovereign of Light?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This is problematic.

Link sprawled on the ground of the valley, thinking of the information he'd
gotten from the two demons. The Void Ferry actually had more than 3000
Legendary demons. Nozama wanted to come personally to deal with him. Even
more shocking, these guys were still looking for the mysterious gear and had
come here.

This place was extremely close to the mysterious gear. If they searched
carefully here, they would definitely find it. What would happen if they found
the gear?

Link didn't know if they would receive undefeatable power or shocking

wisdom. All he knew was that he couldn't let Nozama find it.

But what should I do now? Link had no clue. While wracking his brain, his
magic servant Dadara walked over with a thick magic book in his hands.
"Master, I've prepared what you've requested."

"Get closer and read for me." Link's eyes rolled and looked down at Dadara. He
remained sprawled on the ground.

It wasn't their first meeting, but whenever Dadara had to approach this huge
beast, he would still get nervous. He forced himself to around 50 feet from Link
and started reading.
"The realm we live in is called Fedara. In ancient times, it was a barren land.
There was no water, no air, and no life. One day, a great god arrived. He saw
that the world was so quiet and decided to add life to it. He spent seven days in
total to create the creatures… Master, this is the myth spread all over the
continent. I cannot ensure the validity. I personally do not believe it."

Link didn't agree or disagree. He huffed out some air, creating a breeze in the
valley. "Keep reading. Don't add your useless nonsense. Your knowledge isn't
enough to determine the truth of history."

Dadara felt insulted, but he didn't dare object. Licking his chapped lips, he
continued, "After God created life, he stayed in Fedara for countless years. He
arranged the order for the world to operate, and spread the written and spoken
language. When he left, he pointed at the ancestors of humanity and said, 'From
now on, you will rule the world in my place. Magic is the scepter I give you…'"

The myth was very rough. There was a handful of myths similar to this in
Firuman. Most of the details couldn't be believed, but there were still some
traces left behind by history. Here, Link asked, "What was the god called?"

"He never said his true name. However, the ancient people called him the
Sovereign of Light. Whenever he appeared, he was covered in endless light.
People couldn't see his features clearly either," Dadara said.

"Sovereign of Light?" Link was slightly surprised. The Sovereign of Light was
similar to Firuman's God of Light. Piasce had also said that the mysterious gear
in the Sea of Void was enveloped by light. Could there be a special relationship
between these three?

However, there still wasn't enough information. Link couldn't conclude anything
yet. "Continue," he ordered.

"After the god left, the ancestors used the God-given magic and quickly reached
the top of the world. In the beginning, many believed that God would return and
the ancestors were only temporarily protecting the world order for him. Thus,
the world was very peaceful, and everyone lived happily. However, God never
returned. Time passed, and the order broke apart. About 9000 years ago, the
first magic war erupted in Fedara. Countless powerful Magicians crowned
themselves as magic king. They fought each other to snatch the scepter given by
the god. The dark ages lasted for 30 years. It was known as the War of the

"Oh? Is this a legend or history?" Link was interested.

"This is true history," Dadara said.

"Where's the evidence?" Link asked.

Not only was Dadara a Magician, but he was also a learned scholar. He knew
everything about Fedara's history.

As soon as Link asked, he replied, "There are many ancient relics on the
continent. The most well-known is the Stargazer's Platform in the South.
Ancient scholars observed the paths of stars there. There's a famous wall
painting called Dawn of the Gods. Beneath it is an epic poem of 5389 ancient
words. It recorded the ancient war in detail.

"There are also three eternal magic seals on the Stargazer's Platform and five
fossilized bodies. This all proves that the War of the Kings had truly happened
around 9000 years ago. According to my research, the specific time should be
around 9155 years."

It was a detailed reply. After hearing it, Link felt like he should visit the
Stargazer's Platform. Of course, he had to learn as much as he could about this
world's magic before that.

Thinking of this, Link said, "Continue the story. After that, I need to know
about your magic."

"As you wish, Master." Dadara continued reading.

While Link was focused on learning the specifics of Fedara, Glyn was escaping
with Franklan. He ran more than 1000 miles without stopping and finally took a
breather after reaching the heart of the Troym Kingdom.

Just as he was about to rest, a voice came from the sky. "Stop, demon."

Glyn looked up. It was Protector Romeon who had been running toward the
same direction. He looked a bit pathetic now. His clothes were torn, and his
previously flawless hair had become messy. His pretty eyebrows drooped rather
than arching up. It was obvious what had happened was a blow to his

"Protector, I am only someone summoned from another realm. Why can't you
let me go?" Glyn was scared. The other was Legendary, after all. If they started
fighting, he wouldn't do well.

Romeon shook his head. "No, no, no. I know you have other plans, but I'm not
looking for trouble now. I want to know details about the black dragon. His
power is too shocking. He surpasses all creatures that have appeared in the
history of Fedara. Even the ancient magic kings can't reach his level. He can't be
a nameless figure. Demon, tell me his background."

With that, Glyn was relieved. If this guy really wanted to find trouble, it would
actually be hard for Glyn. This was much better. He couldn't say much about the
Ferde lord though. Otherwise, judging from their conversation earlier on the
battlefield, who knew what would happen?

Thinking of this, Glyn said, "Protector, I've only heard of his name before. He is
truly powerful, but that was my first time fighting him, just like you."

"Oh?" Romeon squinted at Glyn, face full of suspicion.

Glyn had seen this kind of suspicion many times before. He cried out inwardly.
That damn Ferde lord had perfectly destroyed the Protector's confidence. The
clash hadn't been as intense as he had thought. The Protector had already started
doubting Glyn and would try to prove his doubts. Adding the two demon traitors
to the fact, they would probably be exposed soon.

At this point, Nozama's mission would be impossible to accomplish. The wisest

thing would be to give up on the summoning and return to the Void to restart. It
was highly possible that he would be badly punished, but it was still better than
failing and dying here.

Glyn was a decisive man. Once he made a decision, he would do it immediately

without any delay.

Of course, he had to find the right time to leave this realm. But since he had a
decision, he didn't feel torn inside. "Protector," he murmured. "Of all the rumors
I've heard of the black dragon, he's a cruel and tricky guy. Perhaps you think
he's okay and you can communicate with him. But when he kills more than
100,000 lives in this world, you'll regret it."

"But less than 20 people died because of him in that battle," Romeon said, half
trusting and half disbelieving. "Less than 100 were injured. This doesn't match
the name of a cruel tyrant."

"Hah, I'm only telling you what I've heard. Whether you believe me or not has
nothing to do with me. If you have the guts, you can go to the valley to ask him
personally… Oh, I don't think I can stay in this realm any longer. After all, I'm
just a summoned guest from another realm."

"Oh, then you can go. Thank you for the information. Also, this realm doesn't
welcome you. Don't come back. If I meet you again, I will destroy you!"

Glyn shrugged. "I hope we'll never meet."

Romeon didn't think much. The summoning spell had ended, so returning to the
Void was normal. Thinking that he wouldn't get more information from the
demon, he turned to leave.

Perhaps it's time to go look for that black dragon, Romeon thought. The other
hadn't caused great damage and instead went back to the mountains. The
fighting could be put aside for now. He should at least figure out the other's

On the other hand, a short while after he left, Glyn grabbed Magician Franklan's
neck. "Mortal, I'm sorry, but I don't need you anymore."

"You—" Franklan was shocked.

Crack! Bone cracked, and Franklan's neck was turned into mush. He was dead

He was Glyn's main summoner. Once he died, Glyn felt the realm's resistance
against him multiply greatly. His Level-9 strength was now only Level-6.

It didn't matter though. He wasn't going to stay in this realm for any longer.
Using the resistance, Glyn cast a realm portal spell.
Buzz. White light flashed. Using this power, Glyn felt himself shoot out of this
damn realm. Everything blurred in his vision. A few minutes later, dark green
vapor appeared before him. He was back in the Sea of Void.

Nothing was restricting him anymore, and his power returned to Level-15. The
Void's power rushed towards him, but he easily stopped it.

After a while, a huge disc appeared around him. There was a flashing spatial
coordinate below it. Glyn immediately sent his location. The white light flashed,
and he was back inside the Void Ferry.

Nozama's voice came. "Glyn, you've disappointed me greatly."

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Chapter 642: God of Destruction (2/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Glyn turned around and saw that Nozama was looking at him from his black
skeletal throne. On both sides of his throne stood ten or so demons. These were
all Nozama's most trusted subordinates. Some of them even posed a threat to
Glyn's position as Nozama's second in command.

The crowd of demons was smiling at him nastily.

Glyn's heart was now racing in him. His knees gave way, and he fell to his
knees unceremoniously. "Master, I beg you. Please allow me to explain what I
had to go through in that realm before you punish me."

"Speak then," said Nozama, nodding. He had always been a reasonable man,
and Glyn was also one of his most competent subordinates.

Glyn let out a sigh of relief. He then began recounting the moment he and his
two underlings were summoned by the Magicians of Troym into their realm; the
Protector's appearance, which was subsequently followed by the Black Dragon
Link's appearance; and finally, how the Black Dragon easily brought the Troym
army to its knees. He did not leave out anything as he described in detail the
power levels of all parties involved and what happened during the battle with
the Black Dragon.

When he was finished, Nozama frowned. "You said that he just stood there,
completely ignoring the Level-10 spell that was aimed at him. Are you sure he
didn't cast a defensive spell on himself beforehand?"

"No, I was closely observing him at the time. I did not sense any magical aura
from him. I am sure of what I saw. The spell simply slid off him like rainwater."

Glyn was a Level-15 Magician. Though his power had been heavily suppressed
back then, his observational skills were not at all affected. He definitely could
not have imagined what he saw with his own eyes.

Things did not look good. The fact that a Level-10 spell had no effect
whatsoever on Link suggested that he was now more powerful than anyone had
anticipated. Even Nozama could not achieve such a feat.

From Glyn's account, Nozama estimated that his power would be reduced to at
most Level-10 if he were to enter that realm without any summoner splitting the
burden of the Dimensional Rejection with him. Even he would be decimated by
a Level-10 magical attack at that point.

Nozama tapped a restless finger on one of the armrests of his throne. All the
other demons were now holding their breaths, fearing that their breathing might
distract their master. Glyn remained kneeling on the ground, not even daring to
take a breath himself. His heart was now pounding in anticipation of whatever
punishment Nozama had in store for him.

Seconds passed agonizingly. Ten minutes later, Nozama spoke once more, "The
lord of Ferde never ceases to surprise me. I imagine he still has a few tricks up
his sleeve if he thinks he can venture into the Sea of Void on his own. And now
he's holed up in this backwater realm. Knowing him, he may even stay there for
a hundred more years if he has to. Picking a fight with him there may not be a
wise move. If that's the case, we'll just have to return to our previous objective:
finding the Seal of Light!"

"Yes, Master." All the demons nodded around him.

Nozama then looked at Glyn again. "As for you, Glyn, you've been a loyal
servant of mine, perhaps ten times more loyal than those traitorous imbeciles
Gaulle and Gamiwa. You're also a lot more intelligent than those two. You've
proven yourself to be an invaluable asset. Stand up; you are not at fault for the
failure of this mission."

Glyn was overjoyed. "Many thanks, Master! Many thanks!"

In the past, Nozama would usually conjure some cruel punishment to deal with
those who failed him. This was the first time he had forgiven someone for his
failure. It would seem that Glyn had made the right choice.

Nozama then turned to look out of one of the portholes on the side of the Void
Ferry. A vast realm flickered in the distance outside the Ferry. He smirked.
"Another world waiting to be conquered. I'm coming, love."

The Void Ferry let out a soft hum as it turned towards this new realm.

Just then, something happened.

The Dark Tutor Mysin shouted, "Master, something's holding back the Void
Ferry! We're completely paralyzed!"

"What? What did you say?" Nozama was stunned. What the Void Ferry lacked
in power, it made up for in size. Even he would not be able to restrain such a
huge vessel by himself. Who could be powerful enough to bring the entire Void
Ferry to a halt?

He immediately gave out his order. "Activate the Dark Inferno. We'll burn
whoever it is to a crisp..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a silky voice echoed in the vessel.
"Nozama, is this how you treat a friend?"

As Nozama puzzled over who it could be for a while, a dark red image flickered
into being inside the cabin. The image was blurry at first. Then, it began to
solidify into the form of an Agatha Naga. The Naga somewhat resembled the
Naga Priestess Molina. Swathed in layers of destructive aura, she had an air of
austerity about her that Molina never had.
Looking at her, Nozama drew a sharp breath. He stood up, took a few paces
forward and then bowed deeply before the Naga. "Exalted one, I did not expect
to find you here."

The Naga in question was the God of Destruction. She had appeared before
Nozama in her true form. The faint aura she was giving off was enough to
suffocate every demon onboard the Void Ferry. Even Nozama was under the
impression that he would be disintegrated at any moment by her.

A mortal in the face of a Legendary was akin to an ant about to be stomped on

by an elephant. In the Sea of Void, Nozama was now feeling just as
insignificant as said ant in the face of a divine master like the God of

"I did not expect to find you floating out here as well," said the Naga, chuckling.
She then turned to look at the realm outside the Ferry's porthole. "I assume he's
somewhere in there?"

"Yes, yes he is."

Nozama did not even have to guess who she was referring to.

The Naga smiled coldly. "This realm does feel potent. However, it is still young,
and most of its rules are far from complete. It's also not under the protection of
any god as far as I know. I'll open a portal for you, and all you have to do is go
in there and get him out of it."

Nozama was taken aback by her suggestion. "Won't there still be a Dimensional

"There will be, but I'll take on most of it for you. You will have Level-14 power
inside that realm as a result. Don't tell me you can't even handle such a simple

If the Naga had come to him sooner with such an arrangement, Nozama would
not have hesitated to pluck the lord of Ferde out of the realm he was now hiding
in. However, after hearing Glyn's account, he was not sure if he could handle
Link even with Level-14 power, especially when he had no idea how powerful
the latter had become at this point.
The God of Destruction gazed at him coldly. "Cowardice is a quality most
unbecoming of someone with 3000 Legendary demons at his disposal,

The demons on board the vessel looked at their master upon hearing this,
waiting for an answer from him.

Damn it! Nozama grounded his teeth. However, he was not in any position to
resist the will of a divine master. Finally, he nodded. "No, of course there won't
be a problem. I'm just thinking what kind of torture I should subject the lord of
Ferde to when I get my hands on him."

"No." The God of Destruction strolled towards Nozama's throne and seated
herself on it. She then stared down at the Lord of Deep and said, "Your job is to
capture the lord of Ferde alive. As for how he should be dealt with, that will be
up to me to decide, not you."

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Chapter 643: Turn and Run

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fedaro Realm

Today was Link's second day in this realm; he was still familiarizing himself
with it. There wasn't much in terms of history, and so, he'd learned most of it.
Now, he was learning about Fedaro's magic.

The magic here was unique, but Link was on the way towards the essence of
power. Magician Dadara's level was quite low. He was only around Level-8.
Link had the advantage of his high level and was naturally fast at grasping low-
level spells.

In one afternoon, Link already learned most of the commonly used runes in this
realm. Now, he was learning a Level-6 flame spell.
Whoosh. A red fireball the size of a basketball appeared before Link's eyes.
Using his thoughts, it disappeared and reappeared a few times. He could now
control the spell on his whim.

Beside him, Dadara praised, "Master, you learn so quickly."

"A mere mortal's trick." Link's voice was full of disdain, but it was an act.
Inside, he thought this spell was very special.

In Firuman, a fire spell under the Legendary level would create an unstable and
high-pressure ball of fire. To make a fireball, one had to use a spiral structure
inside. Any relaxation would cause the spell to be cast incorrectly and have
horrible consequences.

The structure of this fireball was completely different. It didn't have any spirals
inside. The outside was a transparent red sphere, like a crystal. At a glance, it
looked like Dragon Power. While casting, it was easier to control than
Firuman's fireballs too. It made Link feel that it was a Legendary fireball that
involved fire principles.

These magic runes are closer to the principles than Firuman's elemental runes.
They aren't simple single-realm principles either and are instead the common
principles in the Sea of Void… Interesting.

Disregarding the relationship between these spells and the mysterious gear, the
characteristics were already enough for him to research deeply.

These were his inner thoughts. Dadara obviously didn't know. Hearing his
words, he lowered his head and said humbly, "Master, these are only a mortal's
spells. They can't be compared to your supernatural power."

Link didn't deny it. "Continue," he said. "Next spell."

"Yes, Master." Dadara lifted the magic book and flipped to a new page to show
Link another spell.

Just then, Link suddenly said, "Wait, something happened."

Dadara was confused. He looked up and saw that the sky was clear blue.
Looking around, there were only thick forests. The wind blew past the trees, and
occasionally, there would be some bright chirps from birds. Everything seemed

"Master, it looks normal?" Dadara didn't understand.

"Patience, mortal." Link had been lying on the ground, but now he'd half-risen.
Cocking his head, he listened. His eyes kept looking around, waiting for
changes in the environment.

Dadara still didn't understand, but he knew his power wasn't enough. He could
only hold his breath and wait.

The valley was silent and the seconds ticked by. After around ten minutes, the
sky changed drastically.

It had been blue like a pure sapphire. Now, it suddenly had dark red clouds. At
first, the clouds were sparse but thickened within a few minutes, covering the
sun completely.

The clouds kept spinning like a huge vortex. After more than ten minutes, a
giant dark red pillar of light suddenly shot out from it. The pillar connected the
sky and ground. It was extremely similar to when the God of Destruction's Saint
had appeared. Link's heart clenched, and the feeling of danger gripped him.

Just then, two figures sprinted over while yelling, "Master, something

Link looked over. They were the two demons who had signed the soul contract
with him. Their original summoning contracts had been nullified, and the one
bearing the realm's resistance had gone. They were only at the beginning of
Level-6 now.

Sprinting over, succubus Gamiwa, who was at the front, panted heavily and
said, "Master, things are bad. I can feel Nozama's aura. He said before that he'd
come to deal with you personally. He's here now."

Bladed Demon Gaulle's eyes were terrified, and his body shook. "Master, what
should we do? We're going to die. We're really gonna die!"
Every demon from the Abyss knew very well how horrifying Nozama was. This
lord's power was undefeatable, and he knew countless ways of torturing
someone. Demons were a mortal's nightmare, but to the demons, Nozama was
an eternal nightmare.

Now, they'd betrayed Nozama, but Nozama had come to them. The two demons
were close to breaking down.

Nozama has actually come? Link looked at the dark red pillar in the near
distance. It's probably not just him. The God of Destruction is also looking from
outside the realm. This is bad.

Nozama was at the pinnacle of Level-19, only one step away from the divine
level. Now, he dared to come into this realm to find Link. Even if his power was
somewhat restricted, but he would still be more powerful than Link. If they
fought directly, Link barely had any chance.

However, he also had some advantages. As the mastermind behind Firuman's

catastrophe, people had researched Nozama's power. He'd displayed many tricks
in the game, such as Misfortune Curse, Finger of Death, Eternal Nightmare, and
other Legendary techniques. People knew all about them; Link obviously did

Nozama was extremely powerful, but he still had flaws. As the Lord of the Deep
for so many years, he had many followers and never had to fear anyone. Thus,
his skills at escaping, especially spells at running, didn't match his power level.

Seems like I should run now, Link thought. He couldn't escape from the realm
because the God of Destruction and Void Ferry were most likely waiting for
him outside. He would die if he left. He could only run circles around Nozama
in this giant realm.

Thinking of this, Link activated the Transmission spell. A few flashes of white
light appeared. The six Magician's who'd summoned Link were brought over.

The two demons immediately realized that Link was preparing to run. Terrified,
Gamiwa collapsed and crawled on her knees. Clutching one of Link's dragon
toes, she cried, "Master, take me with. Wah…take me with. I'll serve you with
my all. I'll do anything you want. Wah…"
She transformed while crying. She put away her scales, revealing crystal-white
human skin. Her body had all the right curves and was extremely hot. Demons
never had bad bodies, especially demons that mesmerized people with their
looks. When they used all their power to attract people, they were enough to
cause nosebleeds.

When the Bladed Demon saw how shameless the succubus was, he was furious.
But as a Bladed Demon who focused on combat ability, he had nothing to show.
He could only lament that his parents didn't give him good looks. But he still
tried his best. He rushed towards Link's other dragon toe.

"Master, I'm willing to become your sharpest blade. I'll kill anyone you want. If
you want me to torture someone, I'll make it so that even his mother can't
recognize him. Just take me with you please!"

Link glanced at the two demons. His eyes finally landed on the succubus
Gamiwa who was purposely showing off her power. He didn't care about her
figure—it had no effect on him. He was thinking back to the Mana waves from
her transformation.

The waves were obscure, hidden, and strange. It felt oddly familiar to Link.
Thinking closely, it was similar to when he transformed into dragon form.

The dragon form is a type of magic form. Could a demon's body be the same?
Link was intrigued. He moved his claws and grasped the two demons.

With his current dragon form, these two weighed nothing. They wouldn't affect
his speed at all. After escaping and getting temporary peace, he wanted to study
the structure of the demon body. Of course, right now, he had to run.

Ignoring the demons' praises, Link spread his wings and flapped. At the same
time, he activated the Void Walk. It had been created just for escaping. He shot
into the air like an arrow. His speed was extreme.

After reaching Level-13, his maximum speed had lifted. He was also in dragon
form now. His streamlined body was born for flight. Pairing these two, he
reached about one mile per second.

Under this extreme speed, even Link felt his vision blur. Looking back, he saw
the light pillar shrink quickly. It was about to disappear from his line of sight.
Fifteen seconds later, the light was gone. Then an indescribable sense of danger
surged in Link's heart. He knew that Nozama was watching him now.

Eyes turning, Link saw a flying black dot around 25 miles from him. Looking
closely, he saw a middle-aged man with black hair and red eyes. He was also
flying in the air at a speed just a bit slower than Link.

"It's Nozama, it's the Lord of the Deep! He's coming!" Gamiwa yelled.

Link obviously knew it was Nozama. He'd dealt with this guy many times in the
game. In the storyline mission, he'd even died thousands of times. Nozama's
appearance was carved into his mind.

The two chased each other like this for around three seconds. Then Link
realized that if this continued, Nozama would definitely catch up.

The side effects from forcefully activating the time spell were still present; his
power recovered too slowly. Flying at this extreme speed used up a lot of
energy. Nozama's power recovery rate was very high, and he wouldn't feel any
fatigue like this.

Estimating with his current speed, Link could fly at top speed for around ten
hours. If he couldn't lose Nozama within that time, it would be bad.

Nozama clearly knew this. He followed behind Link calmly. After three more
seconds, the distance between them only widened around 300 feet. Link's vision
suddenly flashed. It was a mission.

Activate mission series: Danger: Lord of the Deep

Mission One: Escape

Mission Content: Temporarily escape from Nozama's pursuit and find a safe

Mission Reward: 1 Energy Crystal

Energy Crystal

Level-18 Energy Core

Effect: It contains indescribably pure power and can help the user break through
their current power limit.

Link sorely needed this. Unfortunately, he could only get it after completing the
mission. It couldn't help him now. He could only focus on flying.

He was waiting for the distance between them to increase before finding a place
to hide.

While flying, the corner of his vision flashed with white light. Shocked, he
looked over and saw someone running toward him at high speed. Looking
closely, he saw that it was Romeon, the Protector he'd scared away earlier.

Why was he here?

While Link was confused, Romeon had gotten closer. He wasn't as fast as Link,
so he used a sound transmitting spell. "Dragon, if you trust me, take me with. I
know a place where you can hide from that demon!"

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Chapter 644: Have a Taste of My Abyssal Dish! (1/4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link eyed the Protector. There was a look of urgency on his face. He did not
sense any hostility from him. After hesitating for a second, Link decided to
believe him.

He then flew towards Romeon. When he was close enough, he extended out a
claw and caught hold of both the Protector and his unicorn.

"Lead the way!" Beating his wings back powerfully, Link returned to full speed
once more in the air.

"We need to go back. The hiding place I was talking about is behind us," said
Link tightened his grip on the Protector and said suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

He looked behind him. All that he could see was the hazy red sky. Nozama was
nowhere to be found. Judging by the energy fluctuations the Lord of the Deep
was giving off, Link estimated that he was now 60 miles away from his pursuer.
Even if he was somehow able to avoid Nozama as he turned back, he would still
need to expend a large amount of energy. This was no different from hurling
oneself directly into the jaws of death.

Romeon could feel Link's claw closing in on him. Fearing that he might be
squeezed to death by the dragon, he quickly erected a force field around
himself. He then said, "Dragon, I'm the Protector of the Fedaro realm. I have no
reason to deceive you and less reason still to help those demons."

Link was reassured somewhat by his words. Still, the question remained: How
should they avoid Nozama in order to reach this hiding place that the Protector

Not only did they need to circumvent Nozama, but they also needed to do so
without spending too much energy or taking a hit along the way.

What should I do? thought Link as he considered his options.

He sensed that Nozama's current power was probably around Level-13. There
was no way he was Level-19 right now. If that had been the case, Link would
already be dead by now. With Level-13 power, Nozama might not be able to
break through his magically-resistant dragon scales with magical attacks.
However, he might be able to do so if he came at Link with physical attacks.

One of the more intriguing qualities of Dimensional Rejection was that it only
affected the energy output of extra-dimensional beings. It had absolutely no
effect on one's physical characteristics.

For instance, Link could only use Level-10 battle techniques and spells at the
moment. However, his dragon scales still retained their Level-13 hardness and
Level-18 magical resistance. Only an attack with a power which exceeded the
level of his scales or underwent an elemental change would be able to pierce
through his dragon body's defenses.

The same could be said about Nozama.

However, Nozama's demon body and the weapon he was equipped with was
now at an overwhelming Level-19. Link's dragon scales offered no more
protection for him than a layer of paper mache would against either one of them.

Since that was the case, Link no longer saw the point in remaining in his dragon
form. His dragon body was more of a hindrance to him at this point, as his
pursuer would be able to hit such a massive target with ease from a distance.

Link then began to descend towards a more precipitous spot in the mountains,
where the trees were also thicker.

When he was 50 feet in the air, Link retracted his dragon form.

Retracting a dragon form with a wingspan of more than 100 feet was a tricky
affair which involved a meticulous use of spatial magic. Romeon saw the
dragon's scales begin to glow and then fold upon themselves rhythmically as the
dragon's body shrank. The entire process was so intricate that none of the
Magicians present were able to keep up with its every step without feeling a
throbbing headache in his or her head.

Romeon also tried to observe the folding of Link's dragon scales. He was able to
last a bit longer than Dadara. According to the ancient legends, dragonification
is supposed to be a form of magic. A high-level one at that, apparently. I can't
even begin to wrap my head around it, thought Romeon when he finally turned
his gaze away.

Five seconds later, Link had retracted most of his dragon form. He was now in
his half-dragon form, which was approximately 7 feet tall. Dragon scales still
covered his body, giving the impression that he was wearing an exquisite set of
armor. Link's transformation had also extended to his Ode of a Full Moon
sword. It was now covered in a layer of silver-black dragon scales. Only its
sharp edge remained.

When his transformation was complete, the group of people he had been
carrying with him landed in the forest beneath him

As soon as he landed, Link raised his sword and was about to cast an invisibility
spell over all of them when suddenly Romeon said, "Allow me. My power has
been recognized by the Fedaro realm. I can easily camouflage us here."
Link stopped. Romeon stabbed his wand out and muttered, "Earth, sky, tree,
open up your loving embrace and grant us protection."

A red, golden and green light issued out from the tip of his wand. Like smoke, it
rapidly spread out in the air before settling on everyone around Romeon.

When the radiant mist settled upon them, Link felt as if everyone had
evaporated around him. He looked around him and saw that everyone was still
visible. He could still see Romeon, the six summoners and his two demon
attendants around him, but he could not feel any of their auras. Link soon
realized that they were still giving off their auras. Romeon's spell had simply
camouflaged them such that they felt no different than the trees, animals, and
rocks around them.

Seeing the look of confusion on Link's face, Romeon explained, "This is the
power of the elements. In order to receive their aid, one must first obtain their

"Do they also recognize extra-dimensional beings?" asked Link.

Romeon shook his head. "Maybe. I don't know. It all depends on what the
elements are thinking at the moment."

Sensing Romeon's reluctance to say anything more on the subject, Link decided
not to press him any further. He then felt for Nozama's aura and was able to
determine that he was now 30 miles away from them. He needed to move fast.

Romeon said, "Let's turn back. We shouldn't move too fast, or we'll give our
locations away."

Link did not object to this. Romeon was a native of this realm after all. Under
his guidance, all of them began retracing their steps. After walking for half a
minute, a sound like thunder rang out in the air above them.

It was a sonic boom, a phenomenon which usually happened in the wake of an

object flying at top speed through the air. Nozama had arrived.

Link looked up in the air and saw a black dot flying over them 2000 feet in the
air. Romeon's elemental invisibility spell was extremely effective. Nozama did
not seem to notice their presences on the ground as he sped past them. He then
let out a sigh of relief.

However, Link noticed that Nozama had stopped moving forward and was now
circling in the sky, just above the spot where Link and the others had landed
moments ago.

The two demons had also noticed this. They were now trembling so fiercely that
they could not even hold their weapons properly. Had it not been for the fact
that Link had forced them to sign an inviolable soul contract with him, the two
demons would have already run back to their former master at the drop of a hat
in order to beg for his forgiveness.

Dadara and the others darted anxious looks at Link and Romeon from time to
time. These two possessed power far greater than any of them. Whether they
would be able to escape Nozama's terrible pursuit would be entirely up to them.

"Ignore him. He won't be able to sense us here. Let us move on," said Romeon.

Link nodded. The group trudged on forward. During that time, Link observed
Nozama's every move from the corner of his eye as the demon circled in the

He did not dare look at him directly, for fear of making eye contact with
Nozama. Still, Link was able to see Nozama clearly from 2000 feet away
without needing to strain his eyes, thanks to his dragon vision. Even the
slightest shift in Nozama's facial expression did not escape his notice.

Back in the previous game world, Link had confronted Nozama more times than
he cared to count. Through his confrontations, he now knew exactly what the
demon was thinking and what his next move would be. The game's developers
had even made painstaking efforts to give this final boss a more life-like quality.
From his observations, Link could tell that this Nozama who was now flying in
the sky before him was an exact copy of the Nozama back in the game world.
Even their flight patterns were indistinguishable from one another.

Link was able to predict what was going through Nozama's mind and what spell
he was going to cast from his every move and every change in his expression.
As they walked on for another half-minute, Link noticed that Nozama had
suddenly stopped moving in the air. In the next second, a sonorous voice called
out from the sky.

"Link, I know you're hiding in these woods. Since you still insist on playing this
game of hide-and-seek with me, I guess I have no choice but to let you have a
taste of this dish I've prepared especially for you, straight from the Abyss!"

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