4.chart 2013

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GEL 122: Living in the IT Era

MS Excel
Activity #4

1. Open a new MS Excel worksheet. To do this, click on the Start button and locate the MS Excel 2013 or
any available Excel program from the All Programs Menu. Click on MS Excel 2013 to open a blank

2. An MS Excel window will then appear in the screen.

3. Save first the file as Chart_YourLastName.xls inside your GEL 122_YourLastName/MS Excel folder. Do
not forget to save your file every 5 minutes to avoid loss of data. Then you’re ready to start with the
Creating the Worksheet:
4. Enter the information in the worksheet below. Adjust column width as necessary.
5. Apply Text Wrapping to D4 to make all contents visible within the cell. To do this, select the cell then
click on Wrap Text command under Home tab.

Preview after applying Wrap Text.

6. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

7. Enter the data below into the appropriate cells as indicated and copy into the cell range that is
B7: = B5 + B6 copy into cell C7
Paste screenshot here
C5: = B5/$B$7 copy into ell C6
E10: = sum (E5: E9) copy into cell F10
F5: = E5/$E$10 copy into cells F6:F9
H15: = sum(H5:H14) copy to cell I15
I5: = H5/$H$15 copy into cells I5:I14
Preview after formula application.

8. Format values in percent columns using the percentage format 0.00%. To apply percentage
format, highlight the values to format, right click on the highlighted text and select Format
Cells. Under Category of the Format Cell window, select on Percentage, set Decimal
Places to 2 then click OK.
Do the same for Column F and I.
Change the column widths as you like. Your worksheet should look similar to the one below.

9. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

Paste screenshot here

10. To provide space between column C and D, another column must be added. To do this, right click on
Column D and select Insert from the menu.
Do the same for Columns G and H. Insert a new column in between coulumns G and H.

Adjust Column width based on the figure shown below.

Your worksheet should look similar to the one below.

11. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

Paste screenshot here

Using ChartWizard to Create a Chart for the Gender Question:

12. Highlight cells A5 to B6 as shown below.

Click on Insert Tab and select Column command. From the drop down menu, click on Clustered Column.
A Column chart is now inserted on your worksheet.

13. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

Paste screenshot here

14. Add axis title to your chart by exploring the Design tab. First click on the chart to activate the Design
Tab. In the Design Tab, click on Add Chart Element command, point to Axis Title then select Primary

An Axis title textbox is added to your chart. Key in “Gender” in the textbox as its axis title.
Do the same for the other Axis Title but this time select Primary Vertical.
Replace Axis Title with Frequency for the vertical axis.
Key in “General Social Survey: Gender” in the Chart Title.

Your worksheet should be similar to the one shown below.

15. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

16. At this point, you will plot the data of Marital Status in a chart. This is done by highlghting first cells E5 to
F9. Go to Insert tab, select Pie command and click on Exploded Pie.

Paste screenshot here

A pie chart is then inserted in your worksheet.

17. Apply pre defined styles in Excel for your Pie chart. Click on thePie chart to activate the Design tab. From
the Design tab, select the highlighted style as shown below. Notice that the chart changes as you select
the style.

Key in “General Social Survey: Marital Status” to the Chart Title.

Your chart should be similar to this:
18. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

Paste screenshot here

For the third chart, you will use a Bar chart. Highlight first the data to charted by selecting cells I5 to J14.

Then from the Insert tab, click on Bar command and select Clustered Bar.
A bar graph is then added to your worksheet. Move the chart below the data as shown.

Apply Quick Layout under the Design tab in Excel for your Bar chart as shown below.
Notice that the chart changes layout as new layout was applied.

Add Axis title both horizontal and vertical axis.

Add Chart Title to your chart by selecting Add Chart Element command in the Design tab. Select Chart
Title and then click Above Chart option.

A Chart Title box is added to your chart. Key in “ General Social Survey: Church Attendance” to the box.
Disable the Legend in the chart by selecting Legend from Add Chart Element command and click on

At this point, the legend is no longer visible in the chart. Your worksheet should be similar to the figure
shown below.
19. Press CTRL + S to save your work. Take a screenshot of your work and paste it below.

20. Your worksheet is already done. Save the file for the las time by pressing CTRL + S then close the

21. Lastly, to save changes to 4.Chart.xlsx, save this file to your GEL 122_YourLastName\MS Excel
Paste screenshot here
through Save As. Press on ALT + F + A to access Save As option. Locate your folder and save the file.
22. Close MS Excel window then submit your work to your instructor.

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