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ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 👷🏻⚙️ | Definition, Subjects, Duties, Career Opportunities and


i. What is Electronic Engineering?

Electronic Engineering integrates available and emerging technologies with knowledge of

mathematics and applied sciences to conceptualize, design, and implement innovative
electronic, computer and communication systems, devices, goods, services and processes.

○ It offers a broad range of exciting career challenges including producing new innovations and
developments in telecommunications, robotics, computing hardware and power and electrical

○ It focuses on how to design, construct, integrate, operate, and maintain electronic equipment,
electronic devices and circuits used in the transmission and processing of information.

○ It utilizes nonlinear and active electrical components (such as semiconductor devices,

especially transistors, diodes and integrated circuits) to design electronic
circuits, devices, VLSI devices and their systems. The discipline typically also
designs passive electrical components, usually based on printed circuit boards.

ii. Fundamental Subjects:

The fundamental subjects of electronics engineering usually include:

‣ Algebra (College and Advanced), Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Calculus (Differential and
Integral), General Chemistry and Physics Subject
‣ General Engineering Subjects (e.g., Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, Thermodynamics,
Engineering Management, Materials Science, Computer Fundamentals and Programming and
Matlab Programming)

‣ Electronic Devices and Circuits

‣ Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design

‣ Signal Processing

‣ Electrical Circuits

‣ Logic Circuits and Switching Theory

‣ Numerical Methods

‣ Industrial Electronics

‣ Principles of Communications
‣ Feedback and Control Systems

‣ Energy Conversion

‣ Microprocessor Systems

‣ Digital Communications

‣ Transmission Media and Antenna Systems

‣ Data Communications

‣ Wireless Communications

iii. What Does An Electronics Engineer Do?

○ Electronic engineers continually improve the quality of our lives through the development of new
equipment in the fields of medicine, communications, computing, security, business and entertainment

○ It is a challenging and creative profession which, by using the latest state-of-the-art technology, has
brought us digital cameras, security systems, improved weather forecasting, electronic medical devices
and so many other things that we now take for granted

○ The electronic appliances that people enjoy today like televisions, DVD
players and portable music players to the scientific advances made in the field
of telecommunications and navigation like semiconductors and global
positioning systems (GPS) have all been made possible because of the work
of electronics engineers.

○ As an electronics engineer, you'll need to:

‣ discuss proposals with clients

‣ work with colleagues to design new systems, circuits and devices or develop existing

‣ test theoretical design

‣ write specifications and technical reports

‣ follow defined development processes

‣ systematically improve the detailed design of a piece of electronic equipment

‣ ensure that a product will work with devices developed by others, can be made again
reliably, and will perform consistently in specified operating environments

‣ create user-friendly interfaces

‣ ensure safety regulations are met

‣ carry out project planning and prepare budgets

‣ supervise technicians, craftspeople and other colleagues.

As an electronic engineer you can work for:

‣ Telecommunications companies and corporations

‣ Civil Service and Government

‣ Network infrastructure companies

‣ Radio and television broadcasters and developers

‣ Electronic component manufacturers

‣ Electrical power utilities

‣ Research and educational centers

iv. Subfields
○ Signal processing - deals with the analysis and manipulation of signals. Signals can be
either analog, in which case the signal varies continuously according to the information, or digital, in
which case the signal varies according to a series of discrete values representing the information.

○ Telecommunications engineering - deals with the transmission of information across

a channel such as a co-axial cable, optical fiber or free space. designing and developing technologies
for broadcast, mobile and optical communications
○ Control engineering - has a wide range of applications from the flight and propulsion systems
of commercial airplanes to the cruise control present in many modern cars. It also deals with
developing equipment to aid transport and the control of automated systems in industry including
robots, navigational control systems and radar.
○ Electromagnetics - is an in-depth study about the signals that are transmitted in a channel
(Wired or Wireless). This includes Basics of Electromagnetic waves, Transmission Lines
and Waveguides, Antennas, its types and applications with Radio-Frequency (RF) and Microwaves.

○ Instrumentation engineering - deals with the design of devices to measure physical quantities
such as pressure, flow and temperature.

○ Microelectronics - focuses with developing the miniaturisation of electronic systems including

microchips and applying electronic engineering to medical applications to develop equipment including
hearing aids and pacemakers.

○ Audio, visual and light electronic equipment - deals with creating and advancing developments in the
audiovisual entertainment and information systems and the light electronic equipment sector including
Playstations, digital cameras and microwaves



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