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Running head: TECHNOLOGY PLAN 1

Social Media Implementation

Carmen Tucker

Educational Technology 680

June 12, 2018

Loyola University

Social Media Implementation

Current Situation

Perceived Attributes

The vision at Waldon Woods Elementary School is to “prepare and motivate our students

for a rapidly changing world by preparing them to be proficient in social media communications

and become a responsible digital citizen” (Waldon Woods Elementary, n.d., -a, Vision &

Philosophy section). Currently at Waldon Woods we do not communicate as a school using

social media. I can regulate how well this implementation will roll out at my school by

considering the five perceived attributes: trialability, observability, relative advantage,

complexity, and compatible (Rogers, 1995). Considering the trialability phase social media can

be tried out as a school and in the classroom. As a school, social media can be used as a source

of communication to parents, staff and students. Through Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, and

text messages sent in multiple languages, school staff members could give parents instant

updates, news, and information about their children or what is going on at school. Even though

some teachers and staff may have certain drawbacks to the idea of social media implementation

in the school and classroom due to lack of support or knowledge. I plan to hold several

professional development trainings modeling what this looks like in the classroom as well as

working one on one with classroom teachers to insure implementation is done correctly.

In the observability phase, teachers can observe when using social media in the classroom

how students are more engaged with the lesson. After taking ET 630 and integrating some social

media activities in my classroom my students loved it. Using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, as

well as other social media platforms intended purposely to take surveys, submit classwork,

collaborate with peers, take a virtual field trip, or supply extra resources.

Social Media offers a relative advantage because I know some teachers are currently

using Class Dojo and the Remind app to communicate daily with parents. Keeping the lines of

communication open using other platforms of social media would increase the knowledge and

information for both parents, students, and staff to remain informed about what is going on at

Waldon Woods elementary. Using other platforms also has an advantage because all cell phone

carriers have the major social media apps such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram whereas the

Remind app is only available from the App store for IOS devices or Android. Another

advantage is all the major social media platforms are free to download. Teachers, parents, and

students alike will benefit from this effective tool. Social media will give students the capability

to log on to resources from anyplace in the world. This tool will keep everybody encircle with

communication with the hopes of excluding lost or neglected assignments.

In the complexity phase using social media in the school and classroom will take some

getting used to. Especially for those staff and parents that are non-tech-savvy and for those who

only use social media for their personal use. Using these learning programs will take advantage

of the unique communicative methods offered by social media and provided spaces such as

blogs, groups and discussion forums. Students can develop their own identity when working

online, make online friends, leave comments for peers and upload content which includes

publishing, peer reviewing and self-assessment. Those teachers who need support with the

transition from personal use to professional use will get that support during a professional

development training. Teachers will convey materials on the highs and lows of social media and

how to keep their personal and professional presence separate.

The final attribute is determining if social media is compatible in the school/ classroom.

Teachers will appreciate the compatibility that social media provides them with. According to

Prince Georges County Public School District Administrative Procedures #5180 (2016), “social

media has become a powerful tool for the transmission of information. When used appropriately,

social media is a valuable educational tool enabling students to begin to build a positive digital

footprint”. The policy also states “under the supervision of a teacher as a part of the instructional

program, students may be required to access and use social media in school. Such activity must

be aligned to the curriculum standards, educational goals and objectives of the lesson or unit of

study” (Prince Georges County Public School District Administrative Procedures. #5180, 2016).

Social media sites can increase student collaboration, encourage more participation, can be

useful homework help, and communication tool for students, parents, and teachers. Being able

to recognize a multifaceted depth behind such communication.

Ely’s Eight Conditions

After assessing Ely’s Eight Conditions (Turek, 2010) for the implementation of social

media at my school the findings tell that we have some work to do. In terms of Ely’s first

condition: Dissatisfaction with the status quo, could be met. Implementation of my innovation

would provide staff and students reliable technology support. I will have an in-house technology

committee on hand daily to support with any issues. Now we currently have one tech person that

we share with other schools. We have to put in a help ticket in order for her to come to our

school and it could take up to several days before she’s available to come. Ely’s second

condition: Sufficient knowledge and skill was not met. Majority of the teachers at my school do

not use social media in the classroom. Therefore, I would have to provide a lot of professional

development trainings in order to be successful with this implementation. During those

trainings, I would model how to integrate social media into their instruction as well as show

teachers and staff how to use it as a communication tool. The third condition: Availability of

resources was met. We do have a range of technology devices to use at Waldon Woods to help

implement this innovation. Majority of parents also have a cell phone or other mobile devices to

help with implementation. Ely’s fourth condition: Availability of time would be an issue for

some teachers. At my school, we have a schedule and sign out sheet for all mobile carts. Each

classroom is assigned a day and time. Therefore, the same teacher cannot use this innovation on

a daily basis with instruction. During one on one time with the teachers I will be sure to reiterate

using the implementation time wisely. Reward or incentives, which is Ely’s fifth condition can

be met with my plan. For example, teachers that post on the school’s chosen platforms at least

three times a week could receive a snack in their mailbox the following week. Classroom

teachers can reward students that comment using Nearpod or another platform by giving the

students our school bucks. Students will also be excited to get immediate feedback or grades

from assignments. Ely’s sixth and seventh condition: Participation and Commitment can be met

at my school. I don’t think participation or commitment will be hard for this innovation as long

as the Administration team is on board with the implementation plan. Therefore, they will

mandate teachers and staff to utilize this innovation both inside and outside of the classroom.

Implementing this innovation correctly will have more parents involved in school activities. We

also have built-in collaborative planning during the day every Wednesday so this will give me

time to show each teacher the implementation and not worry about staying after school. It’s hard

to get staff to stay after school without being paid to do so. Last but not least Ely’s final

condition is Leadership. With me being the leader of this innovation, I will sign up for as many

professional development trainings pertaining to this implementation as possible. Even PD’s

offered outside of Prince Georges County Public Schools to increase my skill set of this

implementation process. I wouldn’t want to be the only person attending these trainings. I would

like my technology team to attend as well in order to make the implementation process flow

smoothly and all on one accord. I know my administrators will be very supportive in this

implementation. They are always on board to improve the school and make it 21st century ready.

I feel my school needs the most work with Ely’s conditions two and four. Sufficient

Knowledge of skill and Availability of Time. Knowing that the teachers must have the

knowledge to implement change I must provide as much professional development and outside

trainings as possible to make this a successful implementation. As well as giving them enough

time needed to learn, adapt and implement the skill. I have the pleasure of being under a great

administrative team that allowed me to dedicate technology PD time while working on my PLN

for ED 630. My administrative team also seems to understand that coming across additional time

to hold professional developments after school or during the day is limited. Therefore, they

allow us to meet every Wednesday for two hours to join forces and help build an effective

atmosphere in order to reinforce technology implementation along with students’ learning. It is

also very important that I give the staff time to reflect on this implementation and listen to their

feedback. I plan to do this weekly during our collaborative planning as well as have an open-

door policy for questions, comments, or concerns.

ACOT Model

The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) are five different stages of technology

integration (Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Sandholtz, n.d.). At Waldon Woods elementary school I

believe most teachers are between the Entry and Adoption stage of the ACOT model. “In this

particular entry stage teachers are not comfortable with technology” (“ACOT Stages of

Technology Integration”, n.d.). They avoid using it. They are afraid that something “bad” will

happen if they or their students use it. They rely on others for technical support. They don’t make

explicit connections between computer work and the rest of the curriculum. A typical entry level

teacher uses whole group activities and direct instruction. Teaches in a traditional manner.

(“ACOT Stages of Technology Integration”, n.d.). Once the social media implementation is

introduced, teachers will start at this stage. I think the biggest impact to move teachers would be

for me to hold several professional development meetings throughout the school year to show

how technology implementation will improve instructional practices and assessment scores. If

above average quality content can be successfully produced through technology, teachers can

dedicate more time to constructing new practices or teaching students one-on-one in more

leveled and purposeful interventions. I also think it’s difficult for some teachers to adapt to

change without the proper training.

The second stage is Adoption. I also see some of my teachers at this stage of the ACOT model.

At this stage, teachers begin to develop more fluency with technology. Teachers' concerns begin

to shift from connecting the computers to using them. Their interactions have increased but

revolved around providing technical assistance (“The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT)

Model- Stages of Concern”, 2018). Ms. B, a first year, second grade teacher in my building feels

she is currently at this stage in the ACOT model. She likes to create worksheets for her students

to use for instructional reinforcement and she types and print parent communication letters

weekly. Her students have very little limited time on the computers. Adaptation is the third

stage of the ACOT model. I found very few teachers at this level in my building. At this stage,

teachers begin to notice changes in student learning and engagement. Their teaching methods are

supported with technology. Teachers increasingly incorporated technology in their instruction

(“The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) Model- Stages of Concern”, 2018). Mrs. H is a

third-grade teacher in my building who currently uses technology on a daily basis. Her room has

a computer center where she uses technology for her small group rotations to support her

instruction. The fourth stage of the ACOT model is Appropriation. At this stage, teachers'

confidence begins to grow. Their pedagogical approaches are innovative and they are more

creative creating real tasks. They focus more on cooperative, project-based learning. “They come

to understand technology and use it effortlessly to accomplish real work- their roles begin to shift

noticeably and new instructional patterns emerge... teachers begin to reflect on teaching, to

question old patterns, to speculate about causes behind the changes they are seeing in their

students” (“The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) Model- Stages of Concern”, 2018).

After surveying my building, I found one teacher at the appropriation stage. Mr. J. is a fifth year

fourth grade teacher that utilizes technology every chance he gets. He even uses his grade level

mobile cart on days that it’s not assigned to him. His classroom is set up where the students work

in collaborative groups for learning while continuing to employ instruction with student work

however, he lets his students independently select their learning approach. He allows his

students to take advantage of the internet for additional materials. The final stage of the ACOT

model is the invention stage. At this stage, teachers have more freedom and creativity with

technology. They invent and re-invent the uses of technology in their teaching. Technology has

become part of teacher knowledge and pedagogy (“The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow

(ACOT) Model- Stages of Concern”, 2018). I didn’t have any teachers in my building at this

stage in the ACOT model.

Overall, I think my building is on track to moving in the right direction with the ACOT

model. My goal is to use my technology team, which will consist of the three teachers I

mentioned in this section along with a few others to gather ideas to move to the next level as a

school. My goal is to have all teachers in my building move to the adoption or appropriation by

the end of the upcoming school year. With successful professional development trainings

scheduled throughout the year and helping one another I believe we can move the staff to the

next phase.


In the development stages I would want a representative for each grade level pre-K

through 5th, administrators, Data coach, Instructional lead teachers, head of specialist teachers,

parents, PTA leaders, students and members of the community. To move our school forward I

would enlist the following members on my technology team; Myself (5th grade team lead), Data

Coach (Jada Samuels), Assistant Principal Mauldin, Instructional Lead Teacher (ILT) Mrs.

Spears, Reading Resource Teacher- Ms. Frazier (works with small groups of students for

reading pull-out), Computer Lab Teacher- Mrs. Fennell (Computer Tech teacher K-5), School

Region Technology Representative Ieasha Smith (provide tech services to 5 PGCPS), and the

three teachers I mentioned in my ACOT model Mr. J, Mrs. H, and Ms. B.. I would be the

technology lead. The computer lab teacher is the technology liaison for my building. She is

responsible for the technology inventory of the school. She doesn’t do “tech help”, so that’s

where I would come in to help. The technology lead will be the overall leader of the technology

committee and responsible for getting things started. The administrator, assistant Principal

Mauldin will be there to enforce the ideas and implementation. The data coach will be there to

show how technology will affect our school data and show teachers how to read and understand

their assessment results. The ILT will be there to implement technology in her small groups as

well as make sure the teachers of the students she pulls are using the technology to drive their

instruction. The reading resource teacher will do the same as the ILT teacher. The computer lab

teacher will be there not only for tech inventory but to also integrate new software applications

that the students and teachers can use to drive instruction. The region technology representative

will be there to assist myself or any other committee members with any technical difficulties.

She can also give her ideas on software implementation.

In order to get and keep the stakeholders involved I will hold a meeting to find out

everyone’s technology concentration. I can give a survey to see how each stakeholder would like

to be involved on the committee. I can make sure we have effective open communication tools.

Communication is essential because successful results and benefits rely upon good

communication. To keep them involved I will concentrate on sustaining the applicable

techniques of exchanging ideas in order to make sure we accomplish the desirable points in

addition to utilizing the precise information instead of acting on assumptions. Have frequent

meetings and methods of evaluating effectiveness. Keep updating plans. Strive to obtain their

constructive criticism regarding the importance of collaboration as well as adjusting ideas to

mirror stakeholder modifications. I will also prove how this social media implementation in the

school and classroom will increase parent involvement.

After taking a look at the “ideal” stakeholders listed in the (Guidebook, 1996) my list had

all of the same stakeholders listed plus a few more. In the (Guidebook, 1996) it was mentioned

to include all who would gain or carry out the strategy. I think this is crucial when developing

the planning process. The real purpose of technology in education is education. (Guidebook,


With my technology team and the group of stakeholders enlisted the concerns from Ely’s

eight conditions will be undoubtedly manageable. My school concerns were conditions two and

four sufficient knowledge of skill and availability of time. I think with the help of the

technology team and collaborating on the professional development trainings addressing these

two conditions will be easily reachable. For example, one training could show how each teacher

can use Nearpod to help drive instruction. I would then ask for the teachers to bring feedback

after implementation to discuss the pros and cons and clear up any misconceptions. Again,

focusing on keeping the lines of communication open at all times. I would also have each person

on the technology team responsible for a specific section of the building. Making sure that we

allow and give the allotted timeframe to make this implementation successful.

Plan of Action

Vision and Mission

“A vision statement expresses your thoughts about what you want to happen in the future

and should be written in broad terms” (Guidebook, 1996). My vision for this innovation

implementation at Waldon Woods Elementary School is to train and motivate our scholars for a

quickly transforming world by coaching them to be proficient in social media communications

and responsibilities. These technology advancements will support Waldon Woods Elementary to

be at the forefront as leaders in the 21st century teaching. These tools will essentially guide our

scholars to be successfully prepared in the world they enter. If this innovation is successfully

adopted in 3-5 years, my school will look like a 21st century school. I know we are making

strides at implementing technology but I believe that 21st century learning is more than bringing

in technology. We have to teach 21st century skills in order for 21st century learning to occur.

This social media implementation will allow students to explore how social media has changed

communication, how it affects their future, and how they can use it as an advantage. Social

media isn’t disappearing anytime soon. Ways of communicating are being altered right before

our eyes.

Students, parents, and staff need to understand this communication and be able to communicate

effectively using it.

“A mission statement describes your purpose and plans for fulfilling your vision for

technology education” (Guidebook, 1996). Our districts mission and vision says we will prepare

students for the 21st century with college and career readiness skills (Prince Georges County

Public School District, n.d., -a, County Mission). At this point we cannot assume that learning

how to connect by means of the internet is not essential when a bulk of schools use social media.

Teaching and learning will be adjusting to most because we are so used to using paper. Each

platform entertains for a particular reason and has specific viewers. Our students will have the

opportunity to classify and create their own spectators.

Parent communication and involvement are two of the important issues that the plan

might help solve. We currently use a call out system to inform parents of different events and to

convey any information needed from school. This call out system is an automated message

delivered to their cell phone or whatever phone number they have on file at the school. This

method of communication is not consistent due to unreliable phone numbers. Therefore, some

parents never get the information needed or they get the information too late. Another important

issue that I’m sure the plan will help solve is classroom engagement. Implementing social media

in the classroom will make the students more involved and interested in their learning

experience. While taking the ET630 class, my students did a virtual Skype with another class in

our building. The students loved it! Next school year I plan to do a virtual field trip using Skype

and even try to connect with a classroom outside of our building using virtual Skype. After

taking ET 630 as an educator we learned why teachers would want to use social media in their

classroom. Learners can utilize digital communication technology to resourcefully collaborate


with peers to develop their classrooms for cooperative as well as universal learning. Students

will also be able to heighten their approach and assess different material.

The goal for my ideal plan would be to accomplish using social media platforms as a way

to enhance the education and communication of our school and all its stakeholders. I plan to

achieve this goal by saying the school will be able to communicate more effectively through

social media with our staff, students, and parents by posting on a platform at least three times a

week in order to boost parent involvement and participation. Students will also be able to show

how social media can be a useful tool in the classroom to help keep students involved in learning

in order to increase test scores. The necessary action steps involved for completing each goal

would be to first meet with the technology team to map out a plan. Next I would hold a

professional development on using social media in the classroom. Then I would model how

social media can be a communication tool for parents, students, staff, and all other stakeholders

involved. My timeline for completion of this implementation will begin before school is out in

June. I plan to let administration take a look at my proposed plan before June 25th. I will form

and finalize a new tech committee before the end of the current school year. Be prepared for the

final approval of the technology plan in August 2018 during our staff return week. Finally, I will

start the implementation by posting and communicating on a social media platform before

students return in September. In order to successfully implement this plan, I will need all

stakeholders on board. The tech committee and I will meet with the administrators in June with

a proposed plan of action. I will ask for additional volunteers to join the tech committee. We

will then hold the professional developments and show examples in the classroom on how to

integrate social media for instructional purposes. Although my plan is to develop a technology

integration plan that the entire school will utilize and promote. Even with the best professional

development and resources available, some teachers will still struggle. That’s when the

technology team will persistently give them reassurance and assistance in addition to applauding

their cooperation for initiating the implementation of the innovation.

I will know if the implementation of my plan is working when we start to see the

responses to school announcements. When we see the parent participation numbers increase to

school events we will know that the chosen platform is working for communication. For

example, our first school event is Back to School Night. Posting this announcement on our

social media platforms will allow more parents to be aware and participate. Communicating via

social media also saves time and money. Teachers and staff don’t have to waste planning time at

the copy machine making announcement copies to send home. Communicating this way also

saves money by cutting back the cost of purchasing paper. That money could go towards more

technology software. I will need all teachers and staff to be on board with this implementation

with an open mind. I need the support of all stakeholders to make this social media

implementation work. I already spoke to my region technology rep Ms. I. Smith to help me

through this process.

One example of a good technology plan I chose to reference was from St. Philip Neri

School in Baltimore, Maryland (Bowser, 2015). I took a look at this plan because this school

isn’t too far away and I wanted to take a look at how technology is being implemented in the

surrounding areas. I like how this plan has separate technology goals. Their technology plan for

the school is a living document that continues to evolve as the needs of the educational

environment require (Bowser, 2015). I like that the plan is a living document that continues to

evolve (Bowser, 2015) and I plan to emulate that in my tech plan. I like how they have goals for

primary and intermediate teachers. Their plan includes that lessons developed during the

structured professional development time will focus on project-based learning, developing

communication skills using media technology such as blogs and Twitter, and creativity using

apps like Book Creator and Story Jumper (Bowser, 2015). We have similar plans when it comes

to professional development and implementation. I like how teachers set a technology goal

annually for their professional growth at this school (Bowser, 2015). I will emulate this in my

plan. I think having the teachers set a technology goal will also keep them involved in the

implementation process as well as hold them accountable for their growth in technology. I also

like how the students will create ePortfolios of their “best work” from various assignments and

enter at least one piece for an evaluation (Bowser, 2015). Overall, this plan is very detailed and

specific to the technology needs of the school. I thought their timeline for future goals could

have been more specific each year. I also thought the technology inventory could have been in a

separate document. To me it takes away from planning document. I plan to emulate several

ideas this plan has to offer.

The second good plan I chose to reference is the plan from Canutillo Elementary School

in Canutillo, Texas (“Canutillo Elementary School Technology Plan”, 2014).

I like how this plan includes visual graphics. I plan to emulate this in my plan to give a

better visual for the administrators. This plan also specifies if funding is available or not for the

specific technology devices or implementation. An internet safety policy is included in this plan.

I plan to emulate this policy in my plan. Internet safety is essential when implementing social

media in the school and classroom. This portion of digital citizenship will be addressed at one of

the early professional development trainings. According to (Cox, n.d.), “a fun way to teach your

students the importance of internet safety is to have them become cyber detectives”. I also found

that the “internet is almost like a living organism, as it gains its “life” vicariously through the

people who use the Internet”. “Social media via the Internet also allows interaction with nearly

anyone, but the relative anonymity also poses problems for safe interaction” (Schoolyard

Educational Technology, April 12, 2016, para. 3). This plan includes a technology protective

measure that Prince Georges County already has in place. This protective measure will block or

filter any inappropriate website for anyone connected to the schools Wi-Fi system. I like how

this plan gives projected meeting times once a quarter. I also plan to emulate the connection

with the school’s curriculum to get more teachers on board with the implementation. I was

difficult for me to find something negative to critique with this technology plan. The one thing

that sticks out is how the “Current Situation” is listed in bullets and not in paragraph form

(“Canutillo Elementary School Technology Plan”, 2014). The timeline is another item I would

critique. I think it should be more specific with dates. This plan just says ongoing (“Canutillo

Elementary School Technology Plan”, 2014). Overall, I like this plan and I plan to emulate

some of its positive features.



ACOT Stages of Technology Integration. (n.d.). ACOT Stages of Technology Integration

[PDF file]. Retrieved


Bowser, J. (2015). St. Philip Neri School Technology Plan. Retrieved from:

Canutillo Elementary School Technology Plan. (May 30, 2014). Retrieved from:


Cox, J. (n.d.). Technology in the Classroom: Creating a Cyber-Safe Space.

Retrieved from:

Dwyer, D., Ringstaff, C., Sandholtz, J. (n.d.). Integrating Technology into Classroom Instruction

An Assessment of the Impact of the ACOT Teacher Development Center Project.

Retrieved from:

Mississippi State University Graduate Students (1996). Guidebook for Developing an Effective

Instructional Technology Plan (Version 2.0). Retrieved


Prince Georges County Administrative Procedures, August, 2016.

procedure #5180. Retrieved from:


file:///Users/carmen.tucker/Downloads/FINAL Administrative Procedure 5180 – Student

Use of Social Media in Schools - 8.17.16.pdf

Prince Georges County Public School District, n.d., -a, County Mission.

Retrieved from:

Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: The Free Press.

Schoolyard Educational Technology, School Specialty (2016, April, 12). Retrieved from:

The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) Model- Stages of Concern. (2018).

Retrieved from:

Turek, W. (2010, February 12). Ely's Condition of Change. Retrieved


Waldon Woods Elementary School. n.d., -a, Vision and Philosphy.

Waldon Woods Elementary website. Retrieved


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