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Store Poultry and Game Bird

Techniques in Storing Poultry

- Poultry may be frozen whole, in
halves, cut into pieces or ports
after they are dressed. Parts can
be packed separately, reads to
cook, or for easy meal preparation
and thawing.

Freezing and Thawing Poultry

- To prepare poultry properly for freezing it should be wrapped tightly
in a moisture-vapor proof film, foil or paper and then frozen at -170
degree Celsius although there are no abrupt charges in quality during
the first few months of poultry storage it has always been a good
practice to use these chicken first which have been a good practice to
use these chickens first which have been in storage longest and
those with town wrapper.

Storage time for poultry and game

Freezing and Thawing Poultry
- To prepare poultry properly for freezing it should be wrapped tightly
in a moisture-vapor proof film, foil or paper and then frozen at -170
degree Celsius although there are no abrupt charges in quality during
the first few months of poultry storage it has always been a good
practice to use these chicken first which have been a good practice to
use these chickens first which have been in storage longest and
those with town wrapper.

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