Psydropie 007

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Project group name: __________________Akatsuki________________________
Plagiarism Statement

You are guilty of plagiarism if you copy something from a book, article or website without
acknowledging the source and pass it off as your own. In effect you are stealing something that
belongs to someone else. This is not only the case when you copy work word-by-word (verbatim), but
also when you submit someone else’s work in a slightly altered form (paraphrase) or use a line of
argument without acknowledging it. You are not allowed to use another student’s past written work.
You are also not allowed to let anybody copy your work with the intention of passing it off as his/her

Students who commit plagiarism will get 0 (zero) for the plagiarised work, without the opportunity to
resubmit AND the matter may also be referred to the Dean for disciplinary action. Plagiarism is regarded
as a serious contravention of the rules and can lead to expulsion from this and other universities.

This declaration must be completed and appended to the all written assignments.
1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the D.U.T’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own work.
3. Where other people’s work has been used (either from a printed source, internet or any other
source) this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with
departmental requirements.
4. I have not used another student’s past work to hand in as my own.
5. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off
as his/her own work.

Student Surname First Name Signature Date

1 21508432 Hlongwa Sibongiseni 12/04/2019
2 21752044 Chibaya Onil 12/04/2019
3 21750737 Mcineka Siphesihle 12/04/2019
4 21601343 Mkhwanazi Andile 12/04/2019
5 21603603 Sithole Siphokazi 12/04/2019
6 21720174 Mtambo Bongumusa 12/04/2019
7 12/04/2019
Contents Page
The project overview ........................................................................................................................ 2
Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 2
Booking ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Task Breakdown............................................................................................................................ 2
User Models...................................................................................................................................... 3
Patients ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Persona ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Scenario..................................................................................................................................... 3
Clerks ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Persona ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Scenario..................................................................................................................................... 3
Design guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 4
Examples: ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Paper Prototype................................................................................................................................ 6

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The project overview

The clinic management system is an online system developed to upgrade the record and
clinical(daily activities) processes between doctors, nurses , receptionists and patients. The
system is simple and easy to use to help the clinic to manage the activities and improve the
clinical service at the same time. The system is created to reduce problems which occurs
during the use of traditional system(the paper cards).
The system still enables clinic staff to manage patient records, the difference is that it is
reliable and consistent. It also allow the pharmacist to keep records of medicine stock( pills,
vaccines, etc) and have feature of helping the patient for appointments( making
appointments, reminding the user and provision of reference number). The doctor provide
information about the session with the patient and prescription.


A patient must book for doctors check-up, palpation, casualty and consultation. Every
patient is required to register(create a profile by providing their personal information) in a
system, this also applies to walk in patients. A patient selects their preferred time given that
the time slot is free, the patient is given a list to choose the type of booking so that the clerk
knows which doctor to be assigned to. A reference number will be then automatically
generated so that the patient produces the number upon their arrival. That make it easy for
any of the staff to assist the patient. As stated above walk in patients are to follow the same
procedure for registering. With regards to allocating the walk-in patients, they will be
allocated to the free time slots which is monitored by the clerk.

Task Breakdown
 A user will be required to log in first(use of Email or username and password). If not
registered they must register in a system first.
 He/she must go to the booking section.
 A booking form must be filled(select time, date and type of a booking).
 After filling the form they must submit the form.
 A confirmation Email/message with reference number will be sent to a patient.

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User Models
 Age - Will range 14 to 80+.
 Gender - Both male and female.
 Physical Limitation - both disabled(but not mental disabled or cannot use a hand)
and fully able-bodied.
 Educational Background - requires minimal or foundation in computer literacy.
 Motivation - if they want to avoid waiting in long cues and want to do booking or get
medical history very quick.

The patients will log in to the system with their unique credentials which is their username
and a password in order to start interacting with the system and if the patient is new will
have to go through the registration process first before they can be granted access to use
the system. After the patients have logged in they will have to go to the booking section to
book an appointment where he/she can pick a type of booking, date and free slots(time) of
his decision. After the patient has submitted everything the confirmation message will be
displayed to show whether the booking was done successfully or not, confirmation Email or
message will be sent to the patient together with a reference number.
The above process will require to use of PC or any type of mobile device(iPad, Laptop,
smartphone, tablet) that has access to the internet. This will require a patient to use
hand(s), eyes and thinking to interact with the system through any of the mentioned

 Age - will range from 25 to 70.
 Sex - both male and females.
 Physical Limitation - both disabled(cannot walk) and fully able-bodied.
 Educational Background - requires computer literacy and foundation IT/Computer.
 Motivation - Must be motivated to use the system in all procedures.

The clerk is helping patient to create an account and the use of the system to patients. He or she
create a patient account base on walk-in patients information. The clerk also can use a patient
account to book for a patient. The clerk will go through a same process has a online patient the only
difference will be where you can pick a time slot(the rage between slots will be half compared to
online booking patient) and they can see booking information for all patients.

The above process will require to use of PC or any type of mobile device(iPad, Laptop,
smartphone, tablet) that has access to the internet. This will require a patient to use

3| P a g e
hand(s), eyes and thinking to interact with the system through any of the mentioned

Design guidelines

These are sets of recommendations towards a good practice design, which intends to provide
clear instructions to the designers.
Striving for consistency should be our main goal, it is important to have a consistent design.
The decision of using a specific fonts, graphics and colours must be relevant and maintained
that throughout the entire system. Being consistent with details will not only contribute to a
great-looking design, but it’ll also provide a usable system to all our different types of users.

Simplicity is key, inserting too much info and requirements into one page can be confusing.
But a simpler structure of a view can make things easier to be seen or navigated in a the web-
app. Avoid cluttering and scattering everything in one page makes it easier for the user to
remember all the information required by the system. Adding components that are necessary
can maintain consistency and the layout should assist the content to be clear. Insert necessary
design elements that will assist all users to accomplish tasks effectively. Simple design will
make it easier for the users to utilise the web based application.

 Do not use too many colours.
 Use graphics that will assist the user to complete a task.
 Typefaces that you choose should be legible use a maximum of three different
typeface in not more than three sizes.
It frustrate the user to not be able to navigate the structure(placement of elements and tools)
of a system therefore pages(or form) should be well designed and organized with a clear
structure, virtual help(or clues) and easily recognizable links that can help users to find their
path to their aim. Tabs with relevant tools should be located in relevant page line-up and be
clearly marked in order for the system to be consistent and reliable. Also, be aware that
research shows that breadcrumb navigation is not often used. Easy reversal of actions should
be shown, for example the back button. Try not to confuse your user. Make sure the labels
on your tabs are easy to understand, so the reader knows where they are, what they must to
do and where they are going.

When it comes to virtual guidelines and helpers involving graphics, images, massages or any
media formats must be consistent. Having these features on the system is helpful, but you
don’t want to overwhelm users with too much. Appropriate graphics can really enhance your
usability and a frequent use of a clinic logo on different pages to mark system since it is a new
tool for a clinic.

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Helping users to recognize, diagnose and recover from the mistakes(or errors) by
the use of the appropriate portrait(icons and demographic images). Provide
universal informative feedback to the users e.g. errors should be expressed in
human communication language (no code), the problem should be indicated
clearly to the user.

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