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Objective- To clean up topological errors and mesh the turbo charge model according to following

parameters. Also carry out a volume mesh for same model.

Parameters- Mesh Length

 Blade stage 1= 1 mm
 Blade stage 2= 1 mm
 Compressor Casing= 5mm,
 Impeller= 2mm
 Inlet casing cover =5 mm
 Shaft rotor = 1mm
 Turbo casing = 5mm

Procedure- -First open the geometry in the ANSA software.

-Click on quality criteria on the top tool bar and select presentation parameters. In visualization box
(in front of Draw cons in PID, MID mode) should be ticked. This is done to check if cons are single

-As we Open the model in ANSA, Please change to PID mode and enable the shadows option. We see
Cons in Red, Yellow, Blue Colours which indicate single cons Double cons and triple cons
respectively. These are single cons which needs to be eliminated.

-We see a glitch (pink) in colour while moving around the geometry. After hiding the compresser
casing geometry with help of not(-) option, we see another geometry hiding under the main
geometry. This is not required so we delete the geometry with the help of Delete option in faces.

- Select the geometry with (PID reg) and press scroll to execute.

-Now to delete the single cons at the top of compressor casing, we use New option under Faces, to
create a new geometry. We use fitted option for surface generation.

-Similarly at the outlet of compressor casing we see a extruded surface which is not required. To
delete the surface, we use Project option underneath cons. To project, select the con and then
select the surface on which it need to be projected to. We see one single con and one double con
overlap at the joint.

-Now Use TOPO option in Faces and select the two cons and execute. We get a Triple con. Now
Delete the excess surface with Delete option.

-To eliminate the single cons at the inside of casing, we use intersect option under faces. Use Inot (!-
) option to select the intersecting cone and cylinder of casing and use inverse option. We see only
the parts which we have selected.

Now select the two surfaces using intersect option and delete the unwanted surfaces.

-To eliminate the single cons on the impeller casing, we need to create hot points at the mid points
of the edges of single cons. To do that we select Perimeter option. We get a window for inputs, so as
we want hot point at middle of the con, we give input as 0.5 and hot points.

Now Use coons option in surfaces and select the cons. And Press scroll to execute use alternate and
we get the required surface. After creating geometry it looks like this.

-After cleaning TOPO errors the Geometry looks like this.

-If we examine the Shaft of blades it has different volumes which is not what we want. In order to
convert it to a single volume we carry out following steps,

 As we see where the shaft and the impeller joins we have a double cons.
 We join the two faces using TOPO option in Faces and create Triple cons, but we see the
complete circle is not forming of triple cons.
 So we use cut Option in faces to join all the edges of blades to each other. Create a triple con
which project the faces on to each other and delete the faces so we get a single volume.
Similarly, we do same procedure for compressor blades.
 We also see a overlapping of surface where the blade stage to starts.
 In order to remove the unwanted surface Project the con on the surface.
 we see circles of shaft and blade stage two do not match.
 Go to Mesh Module measure the length of Blade stage two and give the shaft the same
length. Now we see the two faces matching.

-Now name all the parts using set PID.

-Now we mesh the parts of turbo charger according to the given size.

 Blade stage 1= 1 mm
 Blade stage 2= 1 mm
 Compressor Casing= 5mm,
 Impeller= 2mm
 Inlet casing cover =5 mm
 Shaft rotor = 1mm
 Turbo casing = 5mm
 Element Type= Tria

-We see at the boundary of impeller and shaft the element size on the shaft gradually increases from
1 mm to 2 mm, this is because the element size on the impeller is 2mm and on shaft is 1 mm.

-Similarly at the compressor casing we see mismatch of element size and some overlapping if we
hide the outer surface. This is because the shaft is much more well defined then compressor casing
which has element size 5mm.

- we go back to TOPO mode, hide the shaft and outer part of casing we see the surface which we
want to delete.

-To clear the single cons use Project in Cons and enable the (split single curves/ paste/ connect with
faces). Select the cons and Project it to shaft surface. Triple cons are created.

-Similarly for the turbo Casing if we hide the shaft and the outer part of casing we see a grey circular
pipe like surface. This also needs to be deleted.

-We use same project option in Cons to create the triple con.

- when we go back to Mesh Mode We see the part of compressor casing and shaft rotor is
unmeshed. This is because we have connected the shaft to the casing.

-Now re-mesh the unmeshed surface according to its element size. But the shaft has element size of
1 MM and impeller has a element size of 2 mm, compressor casing has a element size of 5 MM.
There will not be a uniform flow of mesh around these surfaces.
-Mesh the shaft and the Impeller again we see the gradual increase in element size on the impeller.

-Mesh the compressor casing, we see at the boundary of the shaft the mesh in non uniform.

-To create a uniform mesh create a area around the shaft and give element size a 3 mm which is in
between 5 and 1 mm.

-To create a area select cut option in micros in mesh module and select four points to create a area.
If we go to TOPO mode we see cons are created.

-Go to mesh module select length and in the perimeter option select the sides. Give the length size
of 3mm. Now we see a more uniform mesh around the shaft.

-Similarly we create a area for the inside of the compressor casing and give element size of 3 mm.

- Now we have meshed the complete turbo charger.

Volume mesh.
- To generate a volume mesh we need to enclose all the openings on the turbo charger. So we create
the surface around the openings using Coons option in surfaces.

-Define a PID for each of the enclosing surface which was created. In this case I Have defined as
compressor casing inlet and outlet, turbo casing inlet and outlet.

-After giving the PID’s we can see the on the sides it shows unmeshed=9 faces. So right click on it
and click on show only. We see only the unmeshed surfaces.

-Mesh using Free mesh and select on visible. We have created the meshes on the enclosures.

-At the top Tool Bar select the V-mesh option which is volume mesh.

-Click on Define in Volumes option and select ok. We get a total of 8 volumes.

-check each of the volumes by right clicking on names in list and select show only. For The first
volume detected it’s the inside of compressor casing which is needed and through which the flow
takes place.

-For the second volume detected it’s the thickness of compressor casing and through this there is no
flow taking place. So we can delete it.

- Similarly for the thickness of turbo casing there is no flow taking place through it. And also
Thickness of shaft and blades there is no flow inside it.

-We delete the thickness volumes. Now in Unstructured mesh Select Tetra CFD option. Select the
entire geometry using window selection this will create a volumetric mesh.

-If we hide using a not (-) option we see the blades cavities.

-So this is how we can do a volumetric mesh by deleting all the Topological errors.

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