SA-4 Press Kit

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W vsk' ;- 5'38 ? 400 MIAitYLAND AVENUE. SW, WASHINGTON 25, D.C:. ,


r '' f ,ASE: SUNDAY
IaMarch 24 1963 1

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>, ~ The fourth Saturn I space vehicle (SA-4) will be launched

- from, Cape Canaveral., Fla., by the National Aeronautics and
^I Space Acninistratio, in the next several days - no earlier
than Ilaich 28.
WFhile the SA-4 flight plan is similar in many respects
to that of earlier Saturns, there are several signigicant
.; departures. The principal addition is an experiment to con-
firn the "angine-out" capabiity which is designed into the
. Saturn I booster system. At '100 seconds following liftoff,
| one inboard engine (Nurber five) is to be shut down.

.'- -o re-

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I}. 1

C This is the first such experiment knownr in rocketry.

1 The burning time of the other seven engines will be ex-
tended somewhat to compensate for the loss of thrust, and the
* overall performance is expected to be about Whe same as that

of an ideal eight-engine flight.

I 3 Several other changes inl the vehicle w~ill contribute to

I. the development of the Block II (SA-5 and beyond) version of
Saturn: Some components of future Saturns will be attached
in "kits" to the inert second stage, accelerometers will be
'I used for the first time, a stabilization platform which will
be used acivel, b' nng the seventh Saturn sill be
.'1loan, a KISTRPM System transponder will fly on a passenger
basis, a "Q-Ball" angle of attack device will be mounted on
{ .'the nose cone, and new heat shield insulation at the tail sea-
I ;ion will be tested.

This will be the fourth in a series of ten research and

development flights planned for Saturn I, the largest rocket
presently being tested in the United States. By late 1964,
the vehicle is expected to be ready for its role in flight
testing the three-man Apollo spacecraft.
This is scheduled as the final booster-only test of the
rocket. The next Saturn (SA-5), to be launched later this year,
will have a live second stage and will have the capability of
- placing 20,000 pounds in Earth orbit.


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The three Saturn vehicles launched to date have made

perfect flights, a rather unusual record, considering the
.ize and coniplex!±iy of the vehicle and the state-of-the-art
advancements made in its development. 'Bee separate piece,
"Previous Saturn I Flighto.")
Saturn I and other Saturn vehicles are being developed
under the direction of the NASA IMarshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville,, Ala., headed by Wernher von Braun. The launch-
ing will be conducted by an integrated team of the NASA
Launch Operations Center, Cape Canaveral, and the MSFC Launch
- Vehicle Operations Division. Kurt H. Debus, LOC Director,

k. '
0 will be in charge.
The booster will be oowered by eight H-1 engines dev'%z-
oping 165,000 pounds thrust e-ach,, for a total of 1.3 million
pounds. (After the SA-4 test, the booster's engines will be
rated at 188,000 pounds thrust or 1.5 million for the stage,)

Again., second and third stages (S-IV and S-V) will be inert
in this test, ballasted with water to simulate propellant
weight. An inert Jupiter nose cone is the payload.
Unlike SA-2 and SA-3., the vwater-laden upper stages will
A . lNOT be exploded in the ionosphere. That scienitific experi-
mient, dubbed "Project Hgh Water," has been succes.sully com-
pleted as an extra benef'it of Saturn I testing.

NNZ ---
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K SA-4 is 165 feet tall, 21-4 feet at mdximm diameter,

with a liftof. weight of about 940,000 pounds. The booster
will carry a propellant load of about 625,000 pounds,, matohing
closely that of SA-1 and SA-2 but some 125,000 pounds
or propellant less than SA-3.

The vehicle will be launched on a path 100 degrees east

or north. A smooth tilt program will begin at about the 10%h
second of flleht ana continue until about the 105th second whem
the rocket will be inclined at 43 desrees from the 2launch v eal. .
Xt will pass through the region of imazi dynamic pressw ot .

65 seconds after liftoff. Impact Wil1 oocur about seven zinu-t:

after liftoff some 229 miles downwange. aximu vetocity wilt
XJbe-3, 600 mph.

The trajeCtorzy ror this flight is somewhat shallower thani

on previous launches because of different assumedcwind and pro-
Pulaion condition., At apex., the vehice wrill be 77 miles high
az compared to about 85 miles on earlier launches.

The tilt program for this launch isbased on ei~ht-ongine

opzratioa in order to more closely simlate Blocc II operatinG
conditions. Thc vehicle will A'ollow a trajectory somewthat :moro
shnallow thzui on previous i1lGhto because thetilt program Is
"bi.ased" to roellove wind efects;which are prominent durinG the
mointh of NIarch.


- . -.
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~ jThe overall objectives of the flight are to provide,

further c9nfirmation. of the in-flight performance of the
booster engines, the controlling movements of the four
joutboard gimballed enginesa, and propellant utilizati on; to
further verity struactural integrity of the vehicle' s air-
svI frame evaluating stress at critical muoments of flight and
j determining vibration and, banding modes; to demonstrate

systms;and- to test, nunei'ous launch and flight technqUe.

*and hardware Item *Uhot are to be Incozrpo'at~ed in the, the tuture,

Engie~Ot ge iment

The Saturn l booster was designed to. permit the loss

of an engine during flight. When one engin-e is ou~t off.. the
fu,~I and oxygen mnanifoldsat the base of the booster allow
the re-routing of propellants that would have been consumed
by the dead * The, other seven engines burn longer
than in an elght-engiVe case, with relatIvely little losa
in vehicle performance. Although the reliable performance
of the boooster system to date ind~icates th~is feature may
~jnot be a necessity, the purpose of this experiment is to
Confirm that an engine-out capability does exist and can
be relied upon in some emergency situations.


I ~
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Engine-out tests have been made successfully by Marshall

Center enrgineers, using both small, cold-flo* ,model
engines and
actual Saturn, I hardware on the static test stand.
I ~laboratory tests and anal.ytical means., it %)Pears that the booster'

j -
can lose one and sometimes two engines Without'necessarily
meaning a loss of the Mission$ depending upon what
engine os
out at what time, and the degree of demand the mission
is Plagin
on the launh vehicle,
The SA4ensine-out experiment was placed in the
J ~~following the second su~ccessful flight test
of the Qt'

A secondamy purpose is to help designers gain an

1 10 into crYogenic fluid flow prob:lems with a view tow=r
in later' vehicle development pr'ograms.~

In this flight, one of the fixed inboard engines

(5 i.
be cut Off 100 seconds arter liftoff by a pre-set
timer. Whdy
I not earlier In flight? As in all such first experiments, there

is lemnt
sme o 'rsk.Mostof the parx'am&-ers desired can be
observed following the 100-second muark in flight,
when the powered
f'ight le nearly completed, whereas cutting off the
engine earlier
might Jeopardize an otherwise successful test mission.
-So this is
a conservative, first-time-out approach,

(~) -miorc -

I -7-

I5 all eight engines operated throughout on.the mission,

the four inboard engines would cutoff at 112 seconds. The' los
o. one engine at 100 seconds will extend the burning time of the
other engines about two seconds. So the othsr three inboard
engines will cut off at about 114 secondsp, and the outboard
engines at about 121 seconds.

Here are major areas of performance which will be watbxed

, closely:

.-uncooled for the remainder of the flight, Initially th

some concern that heat from the other -enines would. disin
9 taerate this engine, alow1in itp or parts of t# to :buCuokc3 and
swing over, puncturing the xuel-cooled nozzle a
'of nearby eng±ne.
This, of oirse, would disable another engine ad cause a irxe
which would likely brn about mission failure. Engine #5 tam-
perature will be measured at the edke oC the nozzle, where heating
will be greatest.

The loss of an engine also somewhat upsets the flow of hot

zases on the heat shield which protects the engine compartment.
This imbalance-the concentration oC heat in certain areas-wa3
of potential concern, but allowances have been made for this In
desiSn, and this should not ofPCr a problem in this flight.

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J, I

2. Propellant transexr and utilization. Fuel tank #1

feeds engines 'land 11en #5 goes out, this means that one-

half of the flow from that tank will cease; the fuel that would
have been consumed by §45 then flows into an interchange connected'
with the other engines. It will take zeveral seoonds-possibly

10-for the fuel systems to stabilize and maintain an apProximately

equal level in all tanks. The same is true for the liquid oxygen
system. B3ecause of a natural resistance in the interchage System,

the fuel level in tank -,A will be ollahtly higher than in tie
other tanks, but the difAerence is no-l1Gible.

The propellant ut~liza~tion in the seven-engino case should

be virtually as efficient as if all enGinea were operating.
A relatively few potuids of propollant will be added to the normal
propellant reciduals, Which 4n a typical eight-engine case would

average about 8,000 pounds.

OtherF Mision Aspects

Other aspects of the SA-4 mission are sutmarized as follows:

1. Several "Icits" are attacbed to the inert S-IV staGe

and inter-stai,, - ullae rockets, chilldown hyjdrogen ducts Z'or thc

0-XV o#Lne (I'.^.Chw ,ll '- flovin be.nnlnS ,lith SA-5), andc cable

trut1c tunnlel, Theze adlditiLonz, wfhile thcy resve no u1.cttional pur-

- r)e _' tChiz m-szion, hC2p to zinulate the Block II conj±1uration

Iw~~-; 2" - - - t -i,

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-- 9

2. The rour solid propellant retrorockets at the

top of the boosteq willl be fired about 12 seconds folowlni
CutotQ of the inboard enines, as on SA-3. There wil.beo no

separation of staaes.
, ,t
3. In the control system, two control aocel5e--
I aee being used Lor the firat time. Thea aceleomeo>
used to measure tha lteral acceleration In the ph
planes. The purpose it to bi-a the vehioleio h -4r!
tion and thereby reduce enine swivel angle, and 'thu
) structural loading. These accelerometersJ, mounted Oh trhe "idr
beam" assembly at the top of the booster, are being lOwn SO-
tive in the v~hicle attitude control system for the tirst time,
replacing angle-of-attack meters used previously.

i4. Although the vehicle is controlled by the ST-90

(Jupiter) stabilized platform, a prototype of the ST-124 plat-
form is being flown as a passenger. As on SA-3, the ST-124P
will be instrumented and Its performance monitored throughOUt
the flight. It is located in an instrument cannister between
the S-I and S-IV stages. This platform will enter the guidance
ana control system on an active basis beginning with the seventh
Saturn fflight.

-~- f- --


5.A radar altimeter is being fl1own for the ftirZ, r

tine on an experimental basis. When fully developed,, 'thlz{

altimeter will allow a precise determnination of a vehicle's
trajectory with1 reupeet to altitude up to about 250 miles.
It will be flown on Saturn I's while under development and is
A ~expected to be used operationally-on Saturn V.V

1 6.In
cooperation with. the Atlantic Missile R~ange, this

I -Jectory

and subsequent Satur'n I's8will cuVy
Measurement) System transponder.
for the Range, is an ele toi
MISA1MK (Missile Tra-'
under devel;p9
determines the position and velocity of a vehicle b'j we of
KYInterferomnater radar mea-surements and trianulation tecbmiqucso'

The purpose is to develop a tracking system more accurate than

those now used. Saturn and certain other vehicles launched at
Canaveral are carrying the transponders as passengers to aid

in the development of~the systemn.

7. A small tape recorder is associated with one of the

10 telemetry link6s on the Saturn vehicle. Telemetry will be
recorded aboard the vehicle as It is transmitted simultaneously
to Ground stations. Nearly a minute following cutoff of the,
booster, a one-minute playback in thre tapo will begin. The
purpose of this experiment is to find a means of protecting data
~inch is lost or partially lost duriar, the vital period' of booster
\~- t1of~re and upper ztaize i-nl tion. Ion-izad conbusrtion -azeft' In
-S X a- 4r- g- --

f- 10~i 1- EN-

vehicle antenna areas disturb or kaock. out the signal nor-

amally transmitted. By this means, the signal will be 'saved"
and transmitted when the ionization problem is passed..

S. As a part of the control system development, a

Ipassener"',-Bail" trans1ucer which senses the fangle of attao)C
will be. lown in the tip Qo the nqdfied nose cone. This is Y
similar to a device used for stimilar-puge on the X-15 ar-±
craft, The cone-shapedr 4Q-ti; 's a abotXt i.e inh 1
A new 18-inch adapter conneabsa it to the, stndArd Jxpiter'
nose cone. Thus nosV is t teet loner nnW
the height of the vehicla to 145 feet, three feet tallor than
the 'firstthree Saturns.

9. At the tail section, a new type heat ashe14 insulation

has been applied to some of the panels, to cheek it out in 'light.

10. The booster QutoX'^ sequence is the samne as SA-3 used.

Propellant level sw±tches will cut off the inboard engines when
the propellant reaches a Given level. The outboard engines will
contiiue until the liquid o:ygen is depleted, about 7 to 8 sec-
oad. later. (On SA-1 and SA-2, the outboard enginies were cu-< off
automatically by a timer six secorids a;Zter inboavd engine shut-
down. This new syztem allows more complete prop-llant utilization.) '


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Saturn, Lauch ComRlex 4 . ri
SA-4 will be the fourth vehicle to be ;ir-d from

Launch Coraple; 34. This $45 million dollar facility is [

located on the north end of Cape Canaveral. It was con-
structed under the supervision of the Army Corps off 13n-
gineers, using criteria established by the NASA Launch
Operations Center.

Here Is a thui >- sketch of Complex 34:

* A 45-acre installation, dominated by a movable

structure 310 feet.high and weighing 2,800 tons.
* A Launch Control Center -with walls 12 feet thick

() , having a steel door two feet thick which weighs 23 tons.

wh *ficient fuel and liquid oxygen storage facilities

which are capable of pumping.750,000 pounds of liquid propellant
into the big booster in approximately an hour.
* A launching pedestal foundation reinforced by 4,400

cubic yards of concrete and 580 tons of steel.

* A total off 100 million pounds of concrete used in con-
* A unique Automratic Growud Control Station, a room 38
:4cat wide by 215 feet long, located beneath the concrete and
a zteel launching pad.

- S -more-
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' I

. -13-
f IeasurinG Program

Vehi:cle: A total o' 719 measurements will be received

ror the rocket, three more than on SA-3.
f' Of these, 102 will
be blockhouse measurements and 617 wtill be in-flight measure-

The telemetry system transmits measurements such as en-

Sine turbine temperature and propellant pump revolutions per
1 minute; positions of valves; temperature of en-gine bearigs,,

heat eXchanger outlets, tail skirt, turbine exhaust, high pres-

sure spheres used for pressurizing fuel tanks; pressures I
.1 I combustion chambers, propellant tanks, inert upper stages;
i C strain and vibration measurements at critical locatiohs on the
rocket; stabilized platform position, velocity measurements;
Motion of control actuators, propellant level, battery voltage
and current, inverter frequency, etc.

These data will be recorded at telemetry recording stations

at Complex 34 and elsewhere at Canaveral. In addition, 102
"blockhouse" measurements will be taken during the countdown.
Thesse measurements generally duplicate the most critical launch
meacluremeents listed above; however, the data flow directly to
the Launch Cor.trol Center for irmaediate observation and use by
test conductors.

' --more-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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re 14

Hi) Environmental: As on previous Saturn Plights, NASA

and the Air Force will cooperate in measuring the acoustic,

total of
vibration and blast effects of the launching. A
34, else-
about 70 measurements will be made at Launch Complex
mainland up
where on Cape Canaveral, on Merritt Island and the
to a distance of about 15 miles from the launch site.

Engineers want to gain more experience in such a measuring

program, which will become vital in larger rocket projects,
to develop confidence in methods of predicting these
and trans-
These studies are made so that the nature, intensity
order to
rission of low-frequency rocket sound will be niown in
assist in the location of facilities, and, in marginal
the selection of firing times with respect to atmosphezic
These measurements will be made by the NASA Launch
Centdr, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and the Air
Missile Test Center.

f \3
\~* a



The National Aeronautics and Space Admirnistration and

associated industries are developing three large rockets un-
der the project name Saturn.

The first version, Saturn 1, which is now in the test

fl.ight phase, will be followed by the Saturn IB and Saturn V.
The primary use of Saturn I will be for Slights leading to
the manned exploration of the moon--Projict Apollo, under the

overall direction of the NASA Office of Manned Space Flight,

headed by D. Brainerd Holmes.

The Saturn development program is under the technical [

(~\ direction of NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, Alabama, headed by Dr. Wernher von Braun, with
launching conducted by the NASA Launch Operations Center,,
directed by Dr. Kurt H. Debus. Hundreds of industrial contrac-
tors and suppliers are participating. The booster or first stage
research and development program is centered at the Marshall
Center; upper stages are being developed by industry under Mar-
shallts direction.


In the spring off 1957, detailea studies were started by

Dr. von Braun's roolcot development group at Huntsville on largC,
cluster-engine rockets.

- -

- 6

then working for

In the late summer of 1958, the group,
the Department of
the U.S. Army, received authorization from
to proceed with
Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency
thrust booster
design and development of a 1.5 million-pound
rocket based on the clustered engine concept.
was transfer-
In 1959, technical direcsion of the program
red from the Department of Defense to the
the Huntsville
and Spaue Administration and on July 1, 1960,
developmeni group was transferred to NASA's newly-established
Marshall Space Flight Center.
larger Sa-
In early 1962, NASA decided to develop a much
since the Saturn
turn, the Saturn V, as the Apollo moon rocket,
The Saturn
I will not be capable of placing men on the moon.
thrust of the Sa-
V first stage has five times the first stage
in early stages of
turn 1--7.5 million pounds thrust. It Is
stage contrac-
development by the'Marzhall Center and associated
Inc., and Douglas
tors, Boeing Co., North American Aviation,
Aircraft Co.
In mid-19 6 2, it was decided to pi.n a rocket with
-;urn V, using com-
a capability between that of Saturn I and.
Saturn IB, oor-
ponents from both programs. This will be the
the third stage of
posed of the first stage of the Saturn I and
16 tons--five tons
the Saturn V. It will be able to orbit some
testing of the
more than the Saturn I--and will permit orbital
the Saturn V is
* >N entire three-module Apollo spacecraft.before
to place 240,000 pounds
*s- f .y qualified. Saturn V will be able
In low Earth or' T send 90,000 pounds to the moon.
* 7
_ *


Saturn i BEackgrocund

The complete Saturnt I configuration will consist of two

stages, S-I and S-IV. The Saturn I vehicles are broken down

into two groups, Block I and Block U1. There are four vehicles

in Block Is the fourth of which will be fired in the next test.

The first 'our rockets in the 10-vehicle research and

development flight program simulate three-stage rockets,
stage is powered. Beginning with SA-5, the first
only the first

vehicle in Block II, the Saturn I will consist of two live stages.
the original system, it will
By malting certain design changes in

be possible to accomplish all assigned missions with two stages

instead of three.

10 flights is to
While the primary purpose of the first

prove the vehicle, flights SA-6 and beyond will have secondary

missions of testing early versions of the Apollo spacecraft.

By 1965, the Saturn I should be ready to place the manned

Apollo into earth orbit for extended flights of up to two

On the first five flights, the vehicle is some 1'. .

high (SA- 4 is 165). Beginning with the sixth flight, the vehicle,

with Apollo spacecraft mock-up, will be about 190 feet in height.

Beffinning with the fifth flight, aerodynamic fins will be
at the booster's tail section to Give the Saturn increased
''- biliwy desired for varied missions.


- if *s
=fWZ>W> - r r aar r
SA-4 at liftoff
vary with missions.
VolhiciC woigt will

Of the Saturn I stages:

Owing are descriptions
a clus-
I first stage (S-I) is powered by
SKI: The Saturn ulti-
ji-I engineS, each of which Will
ter of eight aoccldtdyne total of
pounds of thrust to give a
mately produce 188,000 at 165,000
in the SA-4 launch are rated
l,500>0Q0j. The H-I's
pounds thrust
of the
an advanced and compact offspring
The 1 engine,
was selected because of its relative
Jupiter and Thor engine, Itit
and proven relias
simplicity, early changes
fuel and liquid oxygen. Iajor
r > burns RP-1 (kerosene)
a simplified start sequence using
X'-1 include
incorporated in the
generator and location of the turbOPumP
a solid propellant
the gimbal block so that the flexible
on the thrust chamber pressure
to the engine need only carry low
propellant feed lines
are attached to an eight-legged
The eight H-1 engines
arranged in two square pat-
of the vehicle,
fraCe on the aft end and canted
inboard engines are rigidly attached
terr.. The four The
to the center line of the booster.
at a three-degree mounted
at an angle of 6 degrees and
are canted
outboard engines up to
to be turned through angles of
permit them
on Gimbals which first stage
control of the vehicle during
j .~' 7-- degrees to provide
nowered flight.

-o are

Nine tanks feed the eirht 11-1 enoinec. Clustered in a

circle about a large center tank of 105 inches in diameter are
eight smaller tanks, each 70 inches in diameter. The center
tank and four outer ones contain liquid oxywJ.-n, while the re-
malinne (alternating) four outer tankcs carry the kerosene fuel.
The fuel tanks are pressurized by gaseous nitrogen carried in
48 fiberglass spheres atop the tanks and the liquid oxygen tanks
are pressurized by gaseous oxygen obtained by jssing liquid
oxygen through heat exchangers.that are part of each engine

The fuel tanks as well as those Containing liquid oxygen

are interconnected at the base to allow the maintenance of equal
( levels in all tanks during buning,. In case one Angina mal-
functions and is cut off during flight, this arrargement permits
the remaining seven engines to consume the fuel and oxygen in-
tended for the deaa engina. Thus, the burninS time of the seven
remaining enginez; is increased and there is Little loss in over-
all booster performance.

The nine propellant tanks are attached at the top by an

ei-ht-legged spider beam. This structure supports the upper
flight stases.

The first several Saturn flight boosters are being pro-

duce4 at MSFC. Later ones will be produced by the Chrysler Corp.
at' NASA's Michoud Operations plant, New Orleans, Louisiana.


K ~~ ~j%
S-IV: Tile S-IV second stage of the Saturn I vehicle

will be powered by six 15,000 pound thrust Pratt and W.1hitney

RL-10A3 liqxvid hydroger.liquid oxygen engines.

S-IV is 18 feet in diameter and about ILO feet in length.

its development was begun in 1960 by the Douglas Aircraft

Missiles and Space Systems Division in Santa IMonica, California.

The S-IV stage uses an interstage structure which provides

space for the six engines and transmits the load from the upper

part of the rocket to the support points on the stage beneath.

This structure will remain with the lower stage upon separation

in flight.

The mid-portion of the S-IV is primarily an aluminum

cylindrical container composed of the liquid-oxygen tank located

below the larger liquid hydrogen tank.

Attached to the cylindrical section are four small vlllage

rockets tro be used to position the propellants during separation

and start-up. At the forward end of the cyLlndrical container

is the structural assembly or forward adapter which will provide

support for the instrument unit and spacecraft. The S-IV is in

advanced development by Douglas. One test model has been fired

mar*, times, including a full duration run of seven minutes. The

first "live" S-IV will be flown in the last half of 1963.

Guidance and Control

The initial Saturn guidance and control system (for Block

I) is pr-...arily an adaption of Jupiter system components to meet

Saturn reauires ents. -more-

Saturn will use an all-inertial guidance system.

Od Advanced hardware (the ST-124 platform plus digital guidance

system) will be introduced into the system as the program
progresses. Object of the guidance scheme is to provide a
universal system. that is capable of performing a variety of

mission requirements placed on the vehicle to meet payload

objectives. This adaptive guidance concept will a1low a

variety of requirements with a minimum of change..I

Heart of the adaptive guidance scheme is a high-speed

digital computer capable of meeting Saturnis high reliability
standards and mission flexibility.


The size of the Saturn stages posed a unique transporta-

tion problem. They are too large for conventional rail, high-
way or air shipment. Thus water transportation is a necessity

and has been a Wajor factor in the selection of manufacture,

testing and launch sites.

The first stage of the Saturn I in moved by barge from the

Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama to Canaveral,. via the

Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and coastal waters. The

route is more than 2,000 miles long.

The Saturn I second stage (S-iV) will be moved from the

West Coast by s}p, through the Panama Canal.


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he threp p; evu.o Satur4 C3 made per~reqt ±44ta

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s jXreXst, 1gnh of tis* tnaton's moal owgrx;CUL

e~ i-

M. 4v- 1-W1j0lI3hed OcM, 21j% 196@ A~41.09

F=1 on thsPt 4ay, Vhe l62 foot tall rocket, ifw1th 1,40 ;-I
J stage d naratin _ 1.3 mil pounds of thrst Oftd
r p,, g ,, t e pad. ''

rX -t , 5 - - or§
it ignox-ed the so-called "first Iflight' Jiiv..' ziftS
Tt flaw
ight; r~natez Avi rpghed a pealc velocity or' 3,607 niles Per
ha htly morne thane 84 mileo, it .
A in. the Atlantic nearly 215 m1ler away.-

Not one "hoLd" interrupted the 60Q-minuto CW."q.

qwn prior~ to ta'1unoh.

NAhSA Adminttrator Jarea E Webb hailed the, fi.ZSt

F ±l49ht PAA
.* z splenld d.emonstrat.tor oL the 'o1f &.lio
otxr nP,

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Active research, development and production contracts in

the Saturn I and IB program include 27 contracts that are half

million dollars or more in size. The contracts are held by 16

firms. Addit.lonally, 11 contracts of this amount are supporting

both the Saturn I and Saturn V programs.
These contracts were awarded directly to the firms by the
NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, technical rampager of the Saturn
development. In addition, hundreds of companies are participating

to a lesser degree. And most of the holders of prime contracts

from the government have numerous subcontractors.

Saturn I Contracts
The largest Saturn I contract is held by the Chrysler Corp.

Space Division, Detroit. Chrysler will build S-I stages at the

NASA Michoud Operations plant in New Orleans, at an estimated cost

of $219,451,499.
The next largest contract in the program is held by Douglas

Missile and Space Division, Santa Monica, Calif., which has the
$125,710,992 prime contract to develop and produce the S-IV stage
of the vehicle.
Pratt and Whitney Aircraft of West Palm Beach, Fla., has two
contracts totaling $45,464,511 for the production of RL-10A3 en-
gines for the S-IV stage.
H-1 engines for the booster are being furnished by Rocketdyne
O Division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Parkc, Calif.,

and Neosho, tro., under two contracts totaling $40,683,178.


0 Bendix Corp. of Teterboro, N. J,, holds three contracts

totaling $'3,515,121, for the fabrication of s Abilzed pa ;-
form systems for the guidance and control system.

Booster fuel and oxygen tanks, both 70-inch and 105-inch

sizes, are being produced by the Ling-Temco-Vought Corp. in
Dallas, Texas, under two contracts totaling $9,428,736.

Packard-Bell Electl'ronics Corp., tLos Angeles, is providing

automatic checkout systems for $6,548,008.

Republic Aviation Corp. of Farmingdale, N. Y., has two

contracts totaling $6,190,400, providing for the fabrication
of S-I components, ground support and test equipment.

Flexonics Division of Calumet and Hecla, Inc., Bartlett,

Ill., has two contracts involving $4,978,648 for the manufacture
of propellant feed lines and connectors.

International Business Machines Corp. of Rockville, Md.,

is providing flight computers and other equipment under two
contracts totaling $5,610,471.

Radio Corp. of America, Van Nuys, Calif., is fabricating

ground computer stations and display and console systems under
two contracts valued at $3,267,904.

Solar Aircraft Co. of San Diego has a $1,155,987 contract for

0 development of propellant feed lines.


0 --
Redstone Machine and Tool Co., Huntsville, Ala., has a

$1,049,235 contract for engineering and fabrication cervices.

Arrowhead Products Division of Federal Mogul Bower Bearings,

Inc., Long Beach, Calif., is providing vent and pressurizatiCc

lines under a contract for $824,095.

Design and fabrication of radar altimeters are being done

by Ryan Electronic Co., San Diego, for $6721 Q00.

A. 0. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis., 2as a contract for

$519,707 to build pressurization spheres.

.0 Saturn I and Saturn V Contracts

The following active contracts are of half million dollars

or greater are supporting both the Saturn I and t4he Saturn V


Mason-Rust, New Orleans, $16,052,910, two contracts for

support services for prime production contractors and the NASA

staff at the Michoud Operations plant, New Orleans.

Brown Engineering Co., Huntsville, Ala., $16,005,869, engi-

neerIng services for Marshall Center.

Hayes International Corp., Birmingham, Ala.,, $14,186,703

a for engineering, design and fabrication services.


Spaco, Inc., Huntsville, Ala., $3,332,222, engineering

and fabrication services relatng to special tooling.

Progressive Welder and Machine Co., Pontiac, Mich.,

$2,408,430, two contracts for tooling and fabrication of major
production fixtures.

Cornell Aeronautical LaboratoW. Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.

$1J006,437, base heating studies on Saturn stages.

Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co., Freeport, Texas,

Y734;,257, electrical checkout facilities.

9 Vitro Services, Ft. Walton Beach, Fla., $660v000J instru-

mentation and control support services, MSFC Test Division.

Lockheed-Georgia Co., Marietta, Ga., $619,'742., fabrication

of heat shields, fire walls and other components.


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