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Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building


Any structure is made up of structural Elements (load carrying, such as beams and columns
and nonstructural elements (such as partitions, false ceilings, doors). The structural elements
put together, constitute the structural systems. Its function is to resist effectively the action of
gravitational and environmental loads, and to transmit the resulting forces to the supporting
ground without significantly disturbing the geometry, integrity and serviceability of the

2.1 Structural Arrangement Plan

The planning of the building has been done as per available land area, shape, space
according to building bylaws and requirement of apartment public building. The positioning
of columns, staircases, toilets, bathrooms, elevators etc. are appropriately done and
accordingly beam arrangements is carried out so that the whole building will be
aesthetically, functionally and economically feasible.
The aim of design is the achievements of an acceptable probability that structures being
design will perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an appropriate degree of
safety, they should sustain all the loads and deformations of normal construction and use and
have adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effect of misuse and fire.

2.2 Preliminary Design

Preliminary design is carried out to estimate approximate size of the structural members
before analysis of structure.

2.2.1 SLAB
From serviceability criteria,
L/d ≤ αβƳƃƛ (from IS 456, Cl.23.2.1)
3581/d =26*1*1.05*1*1
d= 131.17 mm
D= 131.17+10+10/2 =146.17 mm
Take D=150mm and d= 135 mm
Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

α= 26 for continuous beam
β= 1 for span less than 10m
Ƴ= 1.05 considering tensile reinforcement of 0.5%
Ƃ= 1 being no compression steel
ƛ= 1 being no flanged beam
From strength criteria,
Lx =3.581 m c/c
Ly =4.013 m c/c
Ly/ Lx = 1.12 < 2. Hence, two way slab.
Load calculation,
Dead load due to self-load = 0.16*25 = 4 KN/m2.
Floor finish and partition = 1+.5 = 1.5 KN/m2.
Live load= 2 KN/m2.
Design load (w) = 1.5*(4+1.5+2) = 1.5*7.5 = 11.25 KN/m2.
Along shorter span,
At support, Mux = αxwlx2 = -0.0456* 11.25*3.5812 = -6.576 KNm
At mid-span, Mux = αxwlx2 = 0.0342*11.25*3.5812 = 4.933 KNm
Along longer span,
At support, Muy = αywlx2 = -0.037* 11.25*3.5812 = -5.334 KNm
At mid-span, Muy = αywlx2 = 0.028* 11.25*3.5812 812= 4.039 KNm
Take maximum moment as design moment i.e. M =- 6.576 KNm
Now, moment of resistance is given by,
Mr= 0.36*ϭck*b*x*(d-0.42*x)
The maximum depth of NA for Fe 500 is Xu = 0.46*d
Thus, for M25 grade of concrete
.: Mr = 3.33*bd2.
 d=√ 3 33 , where Mr=6.576 KNm, b= 1000 mm
 d = 44.43 mm
Here, the depth of slab from strength criteria is less than the depth required for serviceability,
thus depth of slab is taken to be 150 mm, with effective depth 135 mm.

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

2.2.2 BEAM
Length of longest beam= 4.013m
From serviceability criteria,
L/d = αβƳƃƛ (from IS 456, Cl.23.2.1)
4013/d= 23*1*0.8*1*1 (23 is taken average of simply supported and continuous)
d = 218.1mm
α= 26 for continuous beam, 20 for simply supported beam
β= 1 for span less than 10m
Ƴ= 0.8 considering tensile reinforcement of 1.2%
Ƃ= 1 being no compression steel
ƛ= 1 being no flanged beam
Take clear cover of 30mm with extra for beam diameter, 8mm
. : D = 260 mm
Flexure criteria
Take b = 250 m
Self-wt. of beam= 25*0.25*0.35*4.013 = 8.778 KN
Load on slab
Effective Area of slab= ½*(4.013 + .432)*1.79 + 1/2*(4.013 + 1.067)*1.473
= 7.71 m2
Live load on slab= 2*7.71 = 15.43 KN
Self-wt. of slab= 25*7.71*0.15= 28.91 KN
Floor finish= .5 KN/m2 = 1.5*7.71*0.15= 1.73 KN
Total dead load on slab= 28.91+.57 = 29.48 KN
Total load on slab= 15.43 + 29.48= 44.91 KN
Load due to wall=4.013*0.23*2.845*20*0.7=36.76KN
(Factor 0.7 is used for the reduction of opening by door)
.: Total load on beam= 44.91 + 8.778 +36.76= 91.67 KN
Uniformly distributed load on beam= 91.67/4.013
= 22.84 KN/m
Factored UDL= 1.5*22.84 = 34.26 KN/m

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

Thus, ultimate moment = wl2/12 = 34.26*4.0132/12 = 45.984 KNm

Now moment of resistance is, Mr= 0.36*ϭck*b*x*(d-0.42*x)
The maximum depth of NA for Fe 500 is Xu = 0.46*d
Thus, for M25 grade of concrete
.: Mr = 3.33*bd2.

 d= √ 3 33 , where Mr =45.984 KNm , b = 250 mm

 d= 236 mm
 Keep depth d=400 mm.
Assume effective cover of 50 mm.
:. D= 450 mm
.: B=D/1.5=300 mm.
This is the size of beam including the thickness of slab. If we reduce the thickness of slab,
then the depth of slab becomes 450-150= 300mm.
Thus, provide 300 mm*450 mm sized beam.

2.2.3 Column

The building chosen is unsymmetrical and the grid spacing provided is not equal throughout.
Obviously, the loading in the column will not be uniform. The columns within higher grid
spacing will have greater loadings. Similarly, the size of columns in corners and edges will
be lesser.

Considering the worst case (maxm grid spacing and loading), preliminary design of a column
is done. Here, we have chosen column a column near lift as the critical column. This column
has to bear much heavier load than other column in the building.

Take column 4-C as design column

Let us consider, 500mm*500mm size column as given in the architectural drawing.
1. Dead load

Load due to slab (without staircase) = (((3.683/2 + 4.013/2)*(2.946/2)

+((4.013/2)*3.810/2))) * 0.15*25 = 35.589KN (150 mm thick slab)

Load due to beam = 6.226*0.25*0.15*25 = 5.837KN

(length of beam= 2.946/2+3.810/2+3.683/2+4.013/2-2*.5 = 6.226 m)

Load due to partition wall and floor finish = 1.5 KN/m2 = 1.5*12.998 = 19.49 KN

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

Total load due to 1 floor = 60.91KN

Total load due to all floors=60.91 * 9 = 548.24 KN.
Load due to column = 0.5*0.5*( 2.845 + 2.311 + 2.692*7 - 0.15*8)*25 =345.97 KN
(self-wt. with 500*500 size column )
Load due to stair case = (3.683/2 * 3.810/2) * (9.932 + 10.337 + 7*10.173) = 320.92 KN
Load due to wall = (3.683/2 +3.81/2 + 2.946/4 ) * 0.25 * ( 2.845 + 2.311 + 2.692*7 -0.15*8) *20
= 538.07 KN
Load due to water tank and machine room=405.61/4+745.8488/4= 287.86KN
Total load at the basement column= 2041.06 KN
2. Live load
Taking live load=2KN/M2 = 2*(((3.683/2 + 4.013/2)*(2.946/2) +((4.013/2)*3.810/2)))
=18.98KN (IS875 part 2)
Total live load on all floors=9*18.98KN=170.82KN
1. Total axial load on basement column= 2211.88 KN
2. Factored load on basement column=1.5*2211.88 KN = 3317.82 KN.
Now, Using limit state of collapse,
Where, pu=Ultimate load=3317820 N.
Fck=25 MPa
Fy=500 MPa
Asc=Area of compression steel = 1.2% of gross area.
Ac=Area of concrete=Ag-Asc
Ag=Gross area of column.
.: pu=0.4*fck*Ac+0.67*fy*Asc
Or, 3317820=0.4*25*(Ag-0.012Ag)+0.67*500*0.012Ag
On solving, we get,
Considering a square column,
.: d=488.56mm.
Take size of 500mm *500mm.
Take column of size 550mm *550mm at basement for extra stiffness at the basement.
2.3 Load Calculation

2.3.1 Dead load

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

The dead load of each member has been separately calculated as per IS 875 (part 1): 1987
for obtaining seismic weight and compute design base shear and compare it with the actual
base shear obtained from SAP2000V16 .The dead load of slab have been calculated and
distributed in beam according to yield line theory. The calculation has been shown in the
tables attached. Floor finish has been applied as 1 KN/m2 for all floors.

2.3.2Live Load
The live load has been calculated as IS 875(part 2): 1987. This live load acting on slab has
been distributed in respective beams as per yield line theory. They have been taken as,
- 2 kN/m2 for all room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet

- 3 kN/m2 for staircase, passage and corridor

- 1.5 kN/m2 for terrace (accessible)

- 0.75 kN/m2 for terrace (non-accessible)

2.3.3Seismic Load

Seismic weight is the total dead load plus appropriate amount of specified imposed load.
While computing the seismic load weight of each floor, the weight of columns and walls in
any story shall be equally distributed to the floors above and below the storey. The seismic
weight of the whole building is the sum of the seismic weights of all the floors. It has been
calculated according to IS: 1893(Part I) – 2002. IS: 1893(Part I) – 2002 states that for the
calculation of the design seismic forces of the structure the imposed load on roof need not be

2.3.4 Vertical Load Calculation

Loads on beams due to slab are calculated according to clause 24.5 of IS 456:2000. Loads on
columns are calculated by adding reactions in the beam in both directions (transverse and
longitudinal), and self-weights of column. Factored loads are obtained by multiplying the
loads by load factor 1.5. The thickness of wall is taken about 9” and the deduction is done
according to its location, i.e. interior 30% deduction and exterior 60% deduction.
a) Slab
Dead Load
Self-Weight of the slab= 150 mm x 25 KN/m3 = 3.75 KN/m2
Finishes = 10 mm screed+12.5 mm plaster = 0.46 KN/m2
Total = 4.21 KN/m2
Imposed Load
For All Floor = 2KN/ m^2
Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

For corridor, passages, verandahs and staircases = 3 KN/m2

b) Wall
Masonry Wall
Thickness = 230 mm
Solid wall weight = 230 mm x 20 KN/m2 = 4.6 KN/m2
Solid wall weight after deducting opening 60 % of 4.6 = 2.76KN/m2
Parapet Wall = 1.143 x 0.23x 20 = 5.25 KN/m

Basement Wall
Thickness = 200 mm
Solid wall weight = 200 mm x2161mm x 25 KN/m2 = 10.805 KN/m
c) Column
Square for basement = 0.55 x 0.55x 25 = 7.56 KN/m
Square for building = 0.5 x 0.5 x 25 = 6.25 KN/m

d) Beam
Straight Beam = 0.3 x 0.45 x 25 = 3.375KN/M

e) Staircase
For basement floor:
Floor height=2311m
One flight height=1155.5mm
No.of riser=7.96 nearly equal to 8 (8*145=1160mm)
Tread no. =7
Length of flight=3343mm
Total thread distance=2433mm
Tread= 348( nearly equal to 350mm)
Dead load calculation:
Step section=0.5*0.145*0.35=0.025 sq.m
Assume depth as 150mm=0.057 sq.m
Finish as 30mm=0.015 sq.m
Total area=0.097 sq.m
Dead load of step section as 1m width and 350mm in plan=2.246KN/m
Dead load per meter sq. =6.932KM/m2
Iive load =3 KN/m2
For Ground floor and typical floor :-
( given in annex 5)

2.3.5 Lateral Load Calculation

Lateral loads or horizontal forces applied on the respective floors of the building have been
computed using "Response Spectrum Analysis". The horizontal forces due to earthquake
shock are determined and the next step is to find the design forces in the members due to

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

these lateral forces. The exact analysis of such forces requires very lengthy computation.
"Portal frame method" is used for preliminary analysis of lateral load.

Base Shear Calculation

According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Cl. No. 6.4.2 the design horizontal seismic
coefficient Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expression:

Base shear,Vb =(Z/2)*(I/R)*(Sa/g)*W*D

where, Z=zone factor, given by IS 1893 (Part I):2002 Table 2, consider our
building is located in very severe zone ie zone V= 0.36
I=importance factor=1
R=Response reduction factor, for OMRF=3
D=multiplying factor for other damping ,assuming 5% viscous damping =1
Sa/g=Average response acceleration coefficient which depends on Fundamental
natural period of vibration (Ta).

According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Cl. No. 7.6.1

Fundamental time period
The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta) in second of moment
resisting frame building without brick infill panel may be estimated by empirical
:.Ta= 0.9045

h= height of building in metre. This excludes the basement storeys, where
basement walls are connected with the ground floor deck or fitted between the
building columns. But, it includes the basement storeys, when they are not so

Sa/g=1.36/T ,for 0.55<=T<=4. =1.504 in both direction.

:. Base shear= 2604.463 KN in both direction.

Total lateral forces and storey shears

The total base shear is firstly distributed horizontally in basement in proportion to the
stiffness. Then according to IS 1893 (part I):2002 C.L. No. 7.7.1 the design base shear (VB)
computed above shall be distributed along the height of the building as per the following

Qi=vb*(Wi*hi2)/∑i=0 to n(wi*hi2)
Where, Qi=Design lateral force at floor i
Wi=Seismic weight of floor i
Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

Total lateral forces and storey shears

height Fi floor name weight (Wi) Wihi^2 Vi (KN) Remarks
(hi) (KN)
1 ground floor 2800.349505 2.311 14955.88541 5.6036 2604.463
2 1st floor 3179.890566 5.156 84535.27926 31.673 2598.86
3 2nd floor 3154.789017 7.848 194306.9384 72.802 2567.187
4 3rd floor 3154.789017 10.54 350470.5595 131.31 2494.385
5 4th floor 3154.789017 13.232 552358.8345 206.96 2363.072
6 5th floor 3154.789017 15.924 799971.7634 299.73 2156.117
7 6th floor 3154.789017 18.616 1093309.346 409.64 1856.387
8 7th floor 3154.789017 21.308 1432371.583 536.67 1446.752
9 Roof 3183.033384 24 1833427.229 686.94 910.0778
10 m&S. Roof 778.5344246 27.658 595551.5581 223.14 223.1383
28870.54198 6951258.977

hi=Height of floor I measured from base

n=no. of stories in the building

storey shear and ht. of building.


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

ht. of building storey shear

Fig: storey shear vs height of building

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

ht.of building vs storey shear



ht. of building in m



0 200 400 600 800
storey shear

Fig: storey shear in each floor

Center of Rigidity (CR) - A point through which a horizontal force is applied resulting in
translation of the floor without any rotation.
Center of Mass (CM) - Center of gravity of all the floor masses.
Structural eccentricity (e)

e = CR  CM

Calculation by Simplified Analysis

The location of the center of rigidity is determined by

xr 
k xy
And y r 
k y x

k y k x

k x  12 And k y  12
L3 L3

Where kx and ky are lateral stiffness of a particular element along the x and y axes.
E= Young‟s Modulus of rigidity
I= Moment of Inertia
L= Length of the Members

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building


1. for building without considering lift wall.

name of length mass center stiffness center eccentricity eccentricity percent remarks
lx ly x y x y ex ey ex ey
1 ground 15.179 16.864 7.211 8.4348 7.688 8.432 0.4769 0.003 3.142 0.016
2 first 15.179 16.864 6.534 8.4465 6.536 8.432 0.0022 0.015 0.014 0.086
3 typical 15.179 16.864 6.566 8.4464 6.536 8.432 0.0301 0.014 0.198 0.085
4 roof 15.179 16.864 6.777 8.4341 6.536 8.432 0.2416 0.002 1.592 0.013
here ,the eccentricity of the building at every floor is less than five percent . So, we design the structure for minimum accidental eccentricity of

2. for lift wall

name of
length mass center stiffness center eccentricity eccentricity percent remarks floor
lx ly x y x y ex ey ex ey
1 ground 1.7 3.96 4.586 8.432 4.678 8.432 0.0927 0 5.455 0
2 first 1.7 3.96 4.586 8.432 4.678 8.432 0.0927 0 5.455 0
3 typical 1.7 3.96 4.586 8.432 4.678 8.432 0.0927 0 5.455 0
4 roof 1.7 3.96 4.586 8.432 4.678 8.432 0.0927 0 5.455 0

Also here, the eccentricity of the shear wall is nearly equal to 5% . So, we design the structure for minimum accidental eccentricity of 5%.

Design and Analysis of Seismic Resistant Multi-Storeyed Apartment Building

2.4 Load Combination

Different load cases and load combinations are considered to obtain the most critical element
stress in the structure in the course of analysis. There are all together four load cases
considered for the structural analysis and are mentioned as below:
i) Dead Load (DL)
ii) Live Load (LL)
iii) Earthquake load in X- direction (EQx)
iv) Earthquake load in Y- direction (EQy)
Following Load Combinations are adopted as per IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Cl.

i) 1.5 (DL + LL)

ii) 1.5 (DL + EQx)
iii) 1.5 (DL - EQx)
iv) 1.5 (DL + EQy)
v) 1.5 (DL - EQy)
vi) 1.2 (DL + LL + EQx)
vii) 1.2 (DL + LL - EQx)
viii) 1.2 (DL + LL + EQy)
ix) 1.2 (DL + LL – EQy)
x) 0.9DL + 1.5EQx
xi) 0.9DL - 1.5EQx
xii) 0.9DL + 1.5EQy
xiii) 0.9DL - 1.5EQy
The characteristics load considered in the design of foundation is Dead Load plus Live Load.
To find out the stress at the various points of the foundation, depth of footing and
reinforcement at most critical factored loads are taken into account.


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