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Boyles Law

II. Key Concept

Sometimes referred to as the BoyleMariotte law is one of the gas laws and basis of
derivation for the ideal gas law, which describes the relationship between the product
pressure and volume within a closed system as constant when temperature and moles
remain at a fixed measure both entities remain inversely proportional. The law was
named after chemist and physicist, Robert Boyle who published the original law in . The
law itself can be defined succinctly as followsFor a fixed amount of gas kept at a fixed
temperature, P and V are inversely proportional while one increases, the other decreases.

III. Illustration
IV. Connections: related ideas/Concepts

Now assume we add air into the coke bottle from our scuba tanks at the depth of 33ft
(10m) topping off the half full bottle, cap the bottle tightly, then begin to ascend.
(remember the air in our scuba tank is also being subjected to Boyle’s law ) As we rise,
the pressure decreases, causing the already compressed air to expand. At the surface the
volume of the air in the 1 liter bottle would have doubled to 2 liters probably causing the
bottle to burst on the way up.

This is the reason why we bleed out air from our BCD’s as we ascend to prevent us from
rising too fast as the air present inside the BCD expands with decrease in pressure.

Boyle’s Law helps us understand the importance of compensating and balancing air in
our BCD’s, masks, lungs, ears, and wherever air is contained. Mask squeeze as we
descend, or the need to blip a little air into our BCD’s as we descend deeper to maintain
neutral buoyancy is also attributed to this law.

The need to equalize is also attributed to the small air spaces inside our ears, which
causes our ear drums to bend as the air behind the ear drums decreases in volume.

The law also explains the reason why we are instructed to exhale deeply and continuously
while ascending, and also why we are told never to hold your breath while ascending, as
the air inside your lungs can over expand, causing severe internal injury.

V. Updates/the use of Boyles law’s principle

Application of Boyle’s Law Principles to Human Breathing:

• Respiration in human beings means exchange of oxygen from external

environment to the tissues and exchange of carbon dioxide from tissue to the
external environment. Though it cannot be directly applied because of differences
in molar concentrations of gases during the process of breathing, Boyle’s law can
be extrapolated to human respiration.
• The mechanics of breathing involve change in the volume and pressure of gases
in the thoracic cavity. By applying the principles of Boyle’s law, we can
understand that the pressure of the gas in the thoracic cavity is inversely
proportional to its volume. Ribs are expanded or elevated when the cells in the
lungs are contracted. At the same time, diaphragm, a muscular structure
separating thoracic and abdominal cavity, contracts resulting in the expansion of
thoracic cavity. This results in the decrease of internal pressure in thoracic cavity.
At this time, lungs expand to fill the expanded thoracic cavity. All these
contraction and expansion movements result in a lower pressure in the lungs when
compared to the external environment of the body. As a result, air enters into the
lungs until a point where equilibrium pressure is attained. Consequently, when the
diaphragm and lung cells comes back to its normal state, the volume of thoracic
cavity decreases and the pressure of the air in the lungs will be higher than that in
the external environment. As a result, the air in the lungs will be expelled out.

VI. 3 Questions:

1. Can boyles law be applied in everyday’s life?

2. When pressure decreases the volume will be?
3. Does the temperature constant if the pressure increases?

VII. Insights:

I learned that Boyle's law states that if the temperature of a gas is kept constant, the
pressure if the gas is inversely proportional to the volume. Which suggests that in an ideal
situation where the temperature does not change if either the pressure or volume is
increased the other one will decrease by the same proportion. I also learned that boyles
law can be useful in

VIII. References:
D.A.Davenport, J. Chem. Educ., 39, 252 (1962). From chem

Chandler B. Beach (1978) from chest of

Frank Morton McMurry (1967) from chest of

Schueller,Otto DEC 1968 from STINET defense technical information

IX. Curriculum Vitae:

Im Lincoln Piaoan 21 yrs old studying Bachelor of Science in Criminology at University

of Mindanao. Im already in 2nd. I’m residing in Nova Tierra Village Lanang Davao city.
My hobbies are playing computer games, reading interesting books particularly world
war histories. I don’t want to be judged and I don’t judge a person by his appearance
because looks can be deceiving. I don’t like discrimination and racial people. I don’t
usually go to church every Sunday but I do believe in God. I just can’t accept that going
to church every Sunday will save you from damnation. The important is the faith you
have in your heart. A simple but sincere prayer is much powerful than hours of praying
without sincerity. I never trust people completely. My inspiration is none other than
myself. I want to be a successful policeman someday serving people and protect them
and I really hope that it is also the God’s will. My affirmation in my life is “Before you
will become a champion you must become a loser first”!

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