Essay Education

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Indonesia, the largest economy in South East Asia - diverse archipelago nation with more
than 260 million population. It has been charted tremendous economic growth since Asian
financial crisis up to now. This growth is also supported by entrepreneurs across the
country, especially the small and medium enterprise (SME) which contribute opening a
large number of employments for the people. An entrepreneur is someone who
recognizes and search for business opportunities, and then they invest their resources to
fulfill those business demands as well as to generate business values for them self. The
motivations are mainly for financial profit and return of investment for themselves or their
Despites of the stable economic growth that the country have, Indonesia still faces many
social problems. For example in health sector - the maternal and newborn death rate are
the highest among any other Asia country. Therefore it is very important to address those
social problems by the government supported by all citizen. The number of entrepreneurs
and start up companies who concern on those social issues are increasing every years.
They are known as the social entrepreneurs. A social entrepreneur is a person who
pursues novel applications that have the potential to solve community-based problems.
These individuals are willing to take on the risk and effort to create positive changes in
society through their initiatives. Social entrepreneurs identify problems in the society and
geared up toward creating or enhancing social change as their business value. Social
entrepreneurs focus on the social capital or social impact that is resulted in the society.
They believe that social capital is the strength with in the society that enhances productive
benefit for the majority. It is very important because it creates social capital which is the
backbone of each and every development or benefit to the larger society as opposed the
individual or group benefits. Social entrepreneurship is about doing the good of humanity,
its not necessary a non profit making but it could be also a business entity with a social
objectives. It is very important to build awareness for the young generation on how
important the social capital for the development of our nation and prepare them since the
early age.

A pioneer is a person who go further and beyond anyone else, as into the wilderness and
uncharted territory, preparing the way for others to follow. A person or other entity who is
first or among the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or progress. There are
numbers of pioneers in the education that has been recorded and contribute greatly in
the modern history. For example, Freidrich Froebel, Horace Mann, Maria Montessori.
Freidrich Froebel was a German educator whose philosophy of education influenced such
people as Horace Mann and Maria Montessori. he belief that a young children possessed
innate qualities that would unfold gradually within a natural setting, he established
kindergartens where free expression, creativity, social interaction, motor activity and
learning by doing were the focus. Therefore, the education methods in some public
schools in Indonesia need to be revitalized. Education is not only the teacher standing in
front of the class and preaching about a subject, but its more than that. Education is
about emotional connection between teacher and their student, a live time bounding. It is
where the teacher share their values, trust, respect and build social responsibilities to the
society. I believe that the student deserved the very best learning environment to
construct their own knowledge and understanding gradually.

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