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1 Fx = Fraktur
2 [D] = Dextra
3 [S] = Sinistra
4 AADL = Advanced Activity Of Daily Living
5 AB gap = Air-Bone Gap
6 ABC = Abacavir
7 ABD = Alat Bantu Dengar
8 ABGap = Air-Bone Gap
9 ABI = Ankle Branchial Index
10 ABP = Angle Blade Plate
11 AC = Air Conduction
12 AC-joint = Acromio-Clavicular Joint
13 ACC = American College Of Cardiology
14 ACD = Anemia Of Chronic Disoder
15 ACDF = Anterior Corpectomi Dispektomi Fussion
16 ACHD = Adult Congenital Heart Disease
17 ACI = Ace Inhibitors
18 ACL = Anterior Cruciate Ligament
19 ACLS = Advance Cardiac Live Support
20 ACR = Americam Collegew Of Rheumatology
21 ACS = Acute Coronary Syndrome
22 AD = Auris Dekstra
23 ADB = Anemia Defisiensi Besi
24 ADD = Addition
25 ADHF = Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
26 ADL = Activity Daily Living
27 ADO = Amplatzer Ductal Occluder
28 AE-Cast = Above Elbow Cast
29 AED = Automated External Defribilator
30 AF = Atrial Fibrilation
31 AFASS = Acceptable Feasible Affordable Sustainable Safe
32 AFB = Acid Fast Bacili
33 AFL = Atrial Flutter
34 AFO = Ankle Foot Orthosis
35 AGA = Anggota Gerak Atas
36 AGB = Anggota Gerak Bawah
37 AGD = Analisa Gas Darah
38 AHA = American Heart Association
39 AHF = Acute Heart Failure
40 AI = Avian Influenza
41 AI/AR = Aortic Insufisiensi/Airtic Regurgitation
42 AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
43 AIJ = Arthritis Reumatoid Juvenil
44 AION = Artheritik
45 AK = Alur Kegiatan
46 AK-Cast = Above Knee Cast
47 AKI = Akut Kidney Injury
48 AKS = Aktivitas Kehidupan Sehari-hari
49 AKSIS = Sumbu Listrik Jantung
50 AL = Arteri Line
51 ALHA = Autoimun Himoliti Anemia
52 ALI = Acute Lung Injury
53 ALL = Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut
54 ALO = Acute Lung Oedema
55 ALS = Amiotropik Lateral
56 AMD/ARMD = Age Relative Macular Degeneration
57 AMI = Acute Miocard Infark
58 AML = Acute Myoblastic Leukemia
59 AMP = Austin Moore Prostesis
60 AMT = Adbreviated Mental Test
61 ANA = Antibodi Antinuklear
62 Ao = Aorta/Aortic
63 APCD = Acquired Prothrombine Complex Deficiency
64 APS = Angine Pectoris Stable
65 APTT = Activaced Partial Thromboplastin Time
66 ARB = Angietension Receptor Blockers
67 ARDS = Acute Respiratory Distres Syndrom
68 ARMD = Age Related Macular Degeneration
69 ARV = Anti Retro Viral
70 ARVD = Arythmogenic Right Ventricle Dysplasia
71 AS = Auris Sinistra
72 ASA = American Society Of Anesthesiologist
73 ASB = Assisted Spontaneous Breathing
74 ASD = Atrial Septal Defact
75 ASI = Addiction Severity Index
76 Askes = Asuransi Kesehatan
77 ASO = Amplatzer Septal Occluder
78 ASSIST = Alcohol Smoking And Substance Involvement
Screening Test
79 Astek = Asuransi Tenaga Kerja
80 ATO = Absen Tuba Ovarial
81 ATS = Anti Tetanus Serum
82 AV = Aortic Valve
83 AV BLOCK = Atrioventricular Block
84 A-V shunt = Arterio – Venous Shunt
85 AVM = Arteriovenous Malformation
86 AVN = Arteri – Vena Nervus
87 AVNRT = Av – Node Reentrant Tachycardia
88 AVRT = Av Reentrant Tachycardia
89 AX = Axis
90 AZT = Zidovudine (Yang Sering Disingkat Pula Dengan
91 BAB = Bunga Air Besar
92 BADL = Basic Activity DailyLiving
93 BAK = Buang Air Kecil

94 BAL = Broncho Alveolar Lavage

95 BAPWV = Brachial Ankle Wave Velocity
96 BB = Berat Badan
97 BBB = Batu Buli-Buli
98 BBRG = Bubur Rendah Garam
99 BC = Bone Conduction
100 BCC = Basal Cell Carsinoma
101 BCG = Bacile Calmete Guerin
102 BCVA = Best Coreccted Visual Acuity
103 BDZ = Benzodiazephine
104 BE = Base Excess
105 BE-CAST = Below Elbow Cast
106 BERA = Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometri
107 BIPAP = Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure
108 BIS = Bispectral Index
109 BK-CAST = Below Knee Cast
110 BM = Bedah Mulut
111 BMA = Bone Marrow Aspiration
112 BMI = Body Mass Index
113 BMK = Bayi Besar Masa Kehamilan
114 BMP = Bone Mero Punction
115 BMS = Bone Metal Stent
116 BNO = Biuck Nier Oversich
117 BOA = Behavioural Observational Audiometry
118 BOF = Buick Oversich Foto (Poto Polos Abdomen)
119 BOR = Bed Ocupancy Rate
120 BP = Blood Pressure
121 BPD = Boleh Pindah
122 BPH = Benigna Prostat Hypertropi
123 BPL = Boleh Pulang
124 BR = Bridge
125 BRAO = Brach Retinal Anteri Occlusin
126 BRVO = Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
127 BS = Bubur Saring
128 BS = Blood Sugar (Gula Dara)
139 BS 2 JPP = Blood Sugar 2 jam Post Prandial
130 BSA = Block Subarachnoid
131 BSN = Blood Sugar Napture (Gula Darah Puasa)
132 BT = Bleeding Time
133 BTA = Basil Tahan Asam
134 BTKV = Bedah Thorax Kardio Vaskuler
135 BU = Bising Usus
136 BUN = Blood Urea Nitrogen
137 BUT = Break Up Time
138 BV = Bacterial Vaginosis
139 BVUC = Bipolar Voiding Urethra Cystoscopy
140 C = Cylinder Lens
141 CA = Carsinoma / Cancer
142 Ca = Calcium
143 CAD = Coronary Artery Disease
144 CAIS = Complete Androgen Insensitivity Sindrome
145 CAM = Confusion Assesment Method
146 CAP = Community Acquired Pneumonia
147 CAPD = Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
148 CBD STONE = Common Bile Duck Stone
149 CC = Cum coreksi
150 CCB = Calcium Channel Blockers
151 CCF = Carotid Covernous Fistila
152 CCR = Continuous Complete Remission
153 CCS = Canadian Cardiovascular Society
154 CCT = Creatinine Clearance Test
155 CD4 = Limfosit – T CD4+
156 CDGP = Constitutional Delay Of Grouth And Puberty
157 CDH = Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip
158 CDR = Cup And Disk Ratio
159 CE = Chlor Ethyl
160 CF = Close Fracture
161 CGA = Comprehensif Geriatric Assesment
162 CH = Cirhosis Hepatis
163 CHD = Congenital Heart Disease
164 CHF = Chronic Heart Failure
165 CHL = Conductive Hearing Loss
166 CKB = Cedera Kepala Berat
167 CKD = Cronic Kidney Disease
168 CKMB = Creatine Kinase Myocardial Band
169 CKR = Cedera Kepala Ringan
170 CKS = Cedera Kepala Sedang
171 CI = Chloride
172 CLD = Chronic Liver Disease
173 CLL = Leukemia Limfositik Kronik
174 CM = Compos Mentis
175 CM = Cardiomyopathy
176 CM = Compos Mentis
177 CMCK = Cairan Masuk Cairan Keluar
178 CML = Cronic Mieloblastik Leukemia
179 CMPA = Cow’s Milik Protein Allergy
180 CNV = Choroidal New Vessel
181 Co = Kobalt
182 CO2 = Karbondiosida
183 COD = Cause Of Death
184 COPD = Cronic Obstruktive Pulmonary Desiase
185 COX = Cyclooxigenae
186 CPAP = Continous Positive Airway Pressure

187 CPCC = Cor Pulmonole Cronic Compensated

188 CPCD = Cor Pulmonole Cronic Decompensated
189 CPR = Cadio Pulmonary Resuscitation
190 CR = Crown
191 CRAO = Central Retina Arteri Occlusion
192 CRP = C-Reactive Protein
193 CRT = Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
194 CRVO = Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
195 CS4 = Cluster Of Differention 4
196 CSCR = Central Serious Chorio Retinopathy
197 CSE = Combine Spinal Epidural
198 CSME = Clinically Significant Macular Edema
199 CST = Care Support Treatment
200 CT = Clotting Time
201 CT/TL = Cervical Tractie/Traksi Leher
202 CTEV = Conginital Talipes Equino Varus
203 CTLSO = Vervico Thoraco Lumbo Sacral Orthosis
204 CTR = Cardio Thoracix Ratio
205 CTS = Cardio Tunned Syndrome
206 CT-SCAN = Computed Tomography Scan
207 CTZ = Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone
208 CVC = Central Venous Cateter
209 CVD = Cardiovascular Disease
210 CVI = Conjungtival Vascular Injection
211 CVP = Central Venous Pressure
212 CW = Crossed – Wire
213 CXR = Chest X Ray
214 D = Dekstra
215 D10% = Dextrose 10 %
216 D4t = Stavudine
217 D5% = Dextrose 5 %
218 DA = Dermatitis Atopik
219 DBD = Demam Berdarah Dengue
220 Dbn = Dalam Batas Normal
221 DBP = Diastolic Blood Pressure
222 DBP = Dosis Bawa Pulang
223 DBPCFC = Double Blind Control Food Challenge
224 DC = Dower Cateter
225 DC = Direct Current Shock
226 DCI = Decompression lllness
227 DCP = Deficit Cairan Puasa
228 DCR = Dacryo Cysto Rhinostomy
229 DD = Diastolic Dysfunction
230 Ddl = Didianosine
231 DES = Drug Eluting Stent
232 DF = Dengue Fever
233 DFG = Dermis Fat Grafl
234 DH = Diet Hati
235 DHF = Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
236 DHS = Dynamic Hip Screw
237 DILATED CM = Dilated Cardiomyopathy
238 DIP = Distal Inter Phalank
239 Dislokasi TMJ = Dislokasi Temporo Mandibular Joint
240 DJ = Diet jantung
241 DKA = Dermatitis Kontak Alergi
242 DKD = Diabetic Kidney Disease
243 DKI = Dermatitis Kontak Iritan
244 DL = Darah Lengkap
245 DM = Diabetes Mellitus
246 DMP = Dextrometorphan
247 DO = Drop Out
248 DOTS = Directly Observed Treatment
249 DP = Deposit
250 DPJP = Dokter Penanggung Jawab Pasien
251 DPMB = Dialysis Peritoneal Mandiri Bersinambungan
252 DPO = Dalam Pengaruh Obat
253 DRS = Delirium Rating Scale
254 DRUJ = Distal Radius Ulna Joint
255 DSA = Defek Septum Atrium
256 DSD = Disorder Of Sex Development
257 DSS = Dengue Syock Syndrome
258 Dst = Dan Seterusnya
259 DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis
260 DX = Diagnose
261 DZP = Diazepam
262 E = Emergency
263 EBV = Estimated Blood Volume
264 ECG = Electrocardiography
265 ECHO = Echocardiography
266 ED = Eye Drop
267 EDH = Epidural Hematoma
268 EDV = End Diastolic Volume
269 EEG = Electro Encephalo Grafi
270 EEM = Eritema Multiforme Eksudativum
271 EF = Ejection Fraction
272 EFV = Efavirenz
273 EH = Encephalopathy Hepatic
274 EKG = Electro Kardiografi
275 EKN = Enterokolitis Nekrotikans
276 ELISA CAP = Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Tests Polystyrene
Cellulosefoam Enzyme/Absorbance/Pharmacia
277 EMG = Elektromyelografi
278 ELMA = Euthetic Mixture Local Anesthethic
279 Endo = Endodonsi

280 EO = Eye Ointment

281 EPO = Eritropiotin
282 ER = Edentulous Ridge
283 ES = Electrical Stimulation
285 ESR = Erythrocyte Sedimen Rate
286 ESV = End Sistolic Volume
287 ESWL = Extra Corporal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
288 ETCO2 = End Tidal Co2
289 ETV = Endoscopy Third Ventriculostomy
290 EVM = Eye Verbal Motorik
291 Exo = Exodonsi
292 EXO = Extraksi
293 F = Feel
294 F.10 = Gg Mental Dan Prilaku Akibat Penggunaan Alkohol
295 F. 19 = Gg Mental Dan Prilaku Akibat Penggunaan Alkohol
296 F.20 = Skizofrenia
297 F.20.0 = Skizofrenia Paranoid
298 F.20.1 = Skizofrenia Fibefrenik
299 F.20.2 = Skizofrenia Katatonik
300 F.23 = Gg. Psikotik Akut Dan Sementara
301 F.25 = Gg Skizoafektif
302 F.30 = Episode Manik
303 F.31 = Gg Afektif Bipolar
304 F.32 = Episode Depresi
305 F.40 = Gg Anxietas Fobix
306 F.41 = Gg Anxietas Lainnya
307 F.42 = Gg Obsertif Kompulsif
308 F.43 = Gg Penyesuaian
309 F.44 = Gg Disosiatif [ Koversi ]
310 f/d = Fleksi Defleksi
311 FAM = Fibro Adenoma Mamae
312 FC = Functional Class
313 FD = Full Denture
314 FDC = Fixed-Dose Combination (Kombinasi Beberapa Obat
Dalam Satu Pil)
315 FDP = Flexor Digitorum Profundus
316 FDS = Flexor Digitorum Superfical
317 FEV 1 = Force Exspiratory Volume Detik 1
318 FFA = Fundus Flourense Angiography
319 FFP = Fresh Frozen Plasma
320 FFT = Free Field Test
321 FL = Feses Lengkap
322 FNAB = Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsi
323 FP = Feeding Plate
324 FR = Factor Reumatoid
325 Fr = Fraktur [#]
326 FT = Fisio Terapi
327 FT3 = Free Triidoteroxin
328 FT = Free Tyroxin
329 FT4 = Emtricitabine
330 FTV = Force Vital Capacity
331 FWB = Full Weight Bearing
332 G = Gauge
333 GA = General Anesthesia
334 GAD = Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase
335 GAS = Group A Streptococcus
336 GBS = Guillain Barre Syndrome
337 GC = Gastric Cooling
338 GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale
339 GDP = Gula Darah Puasa
340 GDPP = Gonadotropin Dependen Precocious Puberty
341 GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale
342 GF = Gastro Enteritis
343 GEA = Gastro Enteritis Acute
344 GERD = Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
345 GGA = Gagal Ginjal Akut
346 GGK = Gagal Ginjak Kronik
347 Ggn = Gangguan
348 GHP = Gastropathy Hipertensi Portal
349 GIC = Glassionomer Cement
350 GIST = Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
351 GMT-PGK = Gangguan Mineral Dan Tulang Pada Penyakit Ginjal
352 GNA = Glomerulonefritis Akut
353 GNAPS = Glomerulonefritis Akut Pasca
354 GNK = Glomerulonefritis Kronik
355 GP = Gangraen Pulpa
356 GPB = Garis Pertengahan Belakang
357 GPD = Garis Pertengah Depan
358 GPPH = Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian Dan Hiperaktivitas
359 GR = Gangrene Radix
360 H1 N1 = Flu Babi
361 G2O2 3% = Hydrogen Peroksida 3%
362 H5 N1 = Flu Burung
363 HAART = Highly Active Anti Retroviral Treatment
364 HACEK = Haemophylus Actinobasillus Cardiobacterium Eikenella
365 HAK = Hyperplasia Adrenal Kongenital
366 HAP = Hospitalized Acquired Pneumonia
367 Hb = Haemoglobin
368 HBAic = Glycocylated Hemoglobin
369 HBO = Hyperbaric Oxygen
370 HBV = Hepatitis B Virus

371 HCAP = Health Care Associated Pneumonia

372 HCC = Hepatocelluler Carcinoma
373 HCM = Hyperthropic Cardiomyoparthy
374 HCT = Haematokrit
375 HCV = Hepatitis C Virus
376 HD = Hemodialisis
377 HDN = Perdarahan Pada bayi Baru Lahir
378 HF = Heart Failure
379 HHD = Hypertention Heart Disease
380 HHF = Hypertensive Heart Failure
381 HHS = Hiperosmoler Hiperglikemik State
382 HIL = Hernia Inguinalis Lateralis
383 HIM = Hernia Inguinalis Medialis
384 HIPER K = Hyperkalemia
385 Hiper Na = Hipernatremia
386 HIPO K = Hypokalemia
387 HIPO NA = Hyponatremia
388 HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus
389 HK = Hipotiroid Kongenital
390 HKAFO = Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
391 HLA = Human Leukocyte Antigen
392 HNP = Hernia Nucleus Pulpus
393 HNP = Hernia Nukleus Pulposus
394 HOCM = Hypertropic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
395 HP = Hiperaemia Pulpa
396 HPpEF = Heart Failure Preserved Ejection Fraction
397 HR = Heart Rate
398 HRS = Hepato Renal Synsrome
399 HSV = Herpes Simplex Virus
400 HT = Hypertensi
401 HT STG = Hypertension Stage
402 I = Impaksi
403 i.m = Intra Muskular
404 I.v = Intra Vena
405 IA = Interaural Attenuation
406 IAAS = International Agranulocytosisand Aplastic Anemia Study
407 IABP = Intra Aortic Ballon Pump
408 IADL = Instrumental Daily Living
409 IBD = Inflamatory Bowel Disease
410 IBS = Irritable Bowel Syndrome
411 ICB = Intra Cranial Bleeding
412 ACCU = Intensive Cardiac Care Unit
413 ICD = Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
414 ICP = Intra Cranial Pressure
415 ICS = Inter Costal Space
416 ICU = Intensive Care Unit
417 IDU = Intravenous Drug Use
418 IDW = Interdental Wiring
419 IE = Infective Endocarditis
420 IGTT = Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test
421 IK = Instruksi Kerja
422 IKS = Ikatan Kerja Sama
423 ILA = Intratecal Labor Analgesia
424 IM = Intramuscular
425 IMF = Inter Maxillary Fixatie
426 IMS = Infeksi Menular Seksual
427 INOS = Infeksi Nosokomjal
428 INR = International Normalized Ratio
429 IO = Intra Oral
430 IOL = Intra Ocular Lens
431 IP = Iritasi Pulpa
432 IP Joint = Inter Phalank Joint
433 IPPV = Intermitten Positive Pressure Ventilation
434 IPSS = International Prostate Symptom Score
435 IQ = Infeksi Oportunistik
436 IR = Intra Red
437 IRD = Instalasi Rawat Darurat
438 IRIS = Immune Reconstitution Inflamatory Syndrome
439 ISDN SL = Isosorbide Dinitrate Sublingual
440 ISH = Isolated Systolic Hypertension
441 ISK = Infeksi Saluran Kemih
442 ITP = Idiophatic Thrombocytopenia Purpurae
443 IU = International Unit
444 IUGR = Intra Uterin Growth Retardation
445 IV = Intravenous
446 IVH = Intra Ventruculer Haemorrhagic
447 IVIG = Imunoglobulin Intravena
448 IVP = Intravenous Pielography
449 IVTA = Intra Vitreal Triamcinolone Acctonide
450 IWL = Insensible Water Loss
451 JKJ = Jaminan Kesehatan Jembrana
452 JNC = Joint National Committee
453 JVP = Jugular Venous Pessure
454 K = Kalium
455 KAD = Ketoasidosis Diabetik
456 KAE = Kanalis Akustikus Eksternus
457 KAFO = Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
458 KAP = Konsultan Anestesi Pediatrik
459 KAR = Konsultan Anestesi Regional
460 KCB = Kebutuhan Cairan Basal
461 KE = Kehamilan Ektopik
462 KET = Kehamilan Ektopik Terganggu
463 KIC Konsultan Intenive Care

464 KID = Kaogulasi Intravaskuler Diseminata

465 KMK = Kecil Masa Kehamilan
466 KMN = Konsultan Manajemen Nyeri
467 KN = Kavum Nasi
468 KNF = Karsinoma Nasofaring
469 Korpal = Korpus Alienum
470 KPD = Ketuban Pecah Dini
471 KRS = Keluar Rumah Sakit
472 KSH = Katarak Senil Hipermature
473 KSI = Katarak Senil Imature
474 KSM = Katarak Senil Mature
475 KU = Keadaan Umum
476 KV = Kardiovaskuler
477 LA = Lokal Anesthesi
478 LABC = Large Area Breast Cancer
479 LAC = Long Arm Cast
480 LAD = Left Anterior Descending
481 LAFB = Left Anterior Fascicular Block
482 LBBB = Left Bundle Branch Block
483 LBP = Low Back Pain
484 LC = Liver Cirrhosis
485 LCL = Lateral Collateral Ligament
486 LCS = Liquor Cerebro Spinalis
487 LCX = Left Circumflex
488 LD = Laringoskopi Direk
489 LDH = Lactate Dehydrogenase
490 LE = Lower Extremity
491 LED = Laju Endap Darah
492 LES = Lupus Eritematosus Sistemik
493 LFG = Laju Filtrasi Glomerulus
494 LFT = Liver Function Test
495 LGE = Lineal Gingival Erythema
496 LGL = Lown Ganong Levine
497 LGS = Luas Gerak Sendi
498 LH = Limpoma Hodgkin
499 LI = Laringoskopi Indirek
500 LIP = Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonitis
501 LLA = Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut
502 LLC = Long Leg Cast
503 LLD = Leg Length Discrepency
504 LMA = Langyngeal Mask Airway
505 LMWH = Low Molecular Weight Heparin
506 LNH = Lymphoma Non Hodgkin
507 LNLA = Leukemia Non-Limfoblastik Akut
508 LOS = Length Of Stay
509 LP = Lumbal Punctie
510 LPFB = Left Posterior Fascicular Block

511 LPM = Liter Per Minute

512 LPR = Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux
513 LPV/r = Lopinavir Boosted Ritonavir
514 LQTS = Long Qt Syndrome
515 LT/PT = Lumbal Tractie/Traksi Pinggang
516 Luxasi D1 = Kegoyahan Gigi Derajat 1
517 Luxasi D2 = Kegoyahan Gigi Derajat 2
518 Luxasi D3 = Kegoyahan Gigi Derajat 3
519 LV = Left Ventricle
520 LVH = Left Ventricle Hyperthropy
521 Ma/Mi = Makan Minum
522 MABP = Mean Arterial Blood Pressure
523 MAC = Myopia Astigmat Composites
524 MAM = Myopia Astigmat Mixtus
525 MAP = Mean Arterial Pressure
526 MAS = Myopia Astigmat Simpleks
527 MAS-MAC = Myopia Astigmatism Simpleks-M.A. Compositium
528 MAT = Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
529 MBC = Minimum Bacterial Concentration
530 MBO = Mati Batang Otak
531 MC = Medical Certivicate
532 MCI = Mail Cognitive Impairment
533 MCI = Myocard Infark
534 MCL = Medical Collateral Ligament
535 MCL = Midclavicular Line
536 MCP-Joint = Metacarpal Phalank Joint
537 MDR = Multi Drug Resistance
538 MDS = Meilodisplastik Sindroma
539 MEP = Malnutrisi Energi Protein
540 METS = Metabolic Equivalent
541 MF = Mummifikasi
542 MG = Myasthenia Gravis
543 Mg = Magnesium
544 MH = Morbus Hansen
545 MHC = Major Histocompatibility Complex
546 MHL = Mixed Hearing Loss
547 MI/MR = Mitral Insufisiensi/Mitral Regurgitation
548 MIC = Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
549 MM = Multipel Mieloma
550 MMPI = The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
551 MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination
552 MMT = Methadone Maintenance Therapy
553 MNA = Mini Nutritional Assesment
554 MNT = Multiple Nodule Thyroid
555 MOI = Mechanism Of Injury
556 MPD = Mieloprohferative Desiase
557 MRA = Magnetic Resonance Arteriography

558 MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging

559 MRS = Masuk Rumah Sakit
560 MS = Mitral Stenosis
561 MTP = Metatarso-Phalangeal
562 MTX IT = Methotrexat Intratechal
563 MV = Mitral Valve
564 MVD = Mikro Vascular Decompressive
565 MVP = Mitral Valve Prolapse
566 MVR = Mital Valve Replacement
567 MWD = Microwave Diathermi
568 N20 = Nitrous Oxide
569 Na = Natrium
570 NAION = Non Arthritis
571 NAPZA = Narkotika Psikotropika Dan Zat Aditif Lainnya
572 NARKOBA = Narkotika Dan Obat-Obat Berbahaya
573 NBTE = Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
574 NC = Nasal Canule
575 NCH = Nafas Cuping Hidung
576 NGT = Nasogastric Tube
577 NHL = Non Hodgkin Lympoma
578 NIBP/NBP = Non Invasive Blood Pressure
579 NIDDN = Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
580 NARTI = Nucleoside Analongue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor
581 NO = Nomer
582 NO = Nefropati Obstruktif
583 NPDR = Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
584 NS/NaCL = Normal Saline/Natrium Clorida
585 NSAID = Non Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drug
586 NSH = Nefrosklerosis Hipertensi
587 NSP = Needle Sharring Program
588 NSR = Normal Sinus Rthym
589 NSTEMI = Non St Elevasi Myocard Infarction
590 NtRTI = Nucleotide Reverse Transcripte Inhibitor
591 NTT = Nasotracheal Tube
592 NVD-NVE = New Vessel On Disc-New Vessel Elsewhere
593 NVE = Native Valve Endocarditis
594 NVG = Neo Vascular Glaucoma
595 NVP = Nevirepine
596 NWB = Non Weight Bearing
597 O2 = Oxygen
598 OA = Osteo Arthritis
599 OAB = Over Active Bladder
600 OAE = Oto Acoustic Emision
601 OAT = Obat Anti Tuberkulosis
602 OBH = Obat Batuk Hitam
603 Obs = Observasi
604 OC = Oral Candidiasis

605 OCT = Optical Coherence Tomography

606 OD = Oculi Dextra
607 ODC = One Day Care
608 ODHA = Orang Dengan Hiv/Aids
609 Odont = Odontektomi
610 ODS = Oculi Dextra Et Sinistra
611 OE = Otitis Eksterna
612 OF = Open Fracture
613 OGTT = Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
614 OI = Osteogenesis Imperpecta
615 OK = Kamar Operasi
616 OMA = Otitis Media Akut
617 OMC = Osteo Myelitis Chronic
618 OME = Otitis Media Efusi
619 OMI = Old Myocard Infark
620 OMSK = Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis
621 OMZ = Omeprazole
622 OPLL = Ossification Of The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
623 OREF = Open Reduction External Fixation
624 ORIF = Open Reduction Internal Fixation
625 Ortho = Orthodonsi
626 Os = Orang Sakit
627 OS = Oculi Sinistra
628 OSB = Orang Sakit Baru
629 OSSN = Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasis
630 OT = Okupasi Terapi
631 OTT = Orotracheal Tube
632 P/ = Planing
633 P/S = Plate Screw
634 PA = Patologi Anatomi
635 PAC = Premature Atrial Contraction
636 PAD = Peripheral Arterial Disease
637 PAH = Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
638 PAI = Peri Appendicular Infiltrat
639 PAP = Penyakit Arteri Perifer
640 PC = Pressure Control
641 PCAG = Primary Close Angle Glaucoma
642 PCEA = Patient Controlled Nalgesia
643 PCI = Primary Coronary Intervention
644 PCL = Posterior Cruciate Ligament
645 PCO2 = Tekanan Parsial CO2
646 PCP = Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
647 PCR = Polymerase Chain Reaction
648 PCT = Paracetamol
649 PCVI = Peri Corneal Vascular Injection
650 PD = Pupil Distance
651 PDR = Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

65 PE = Pulmonary Emboli
653 PEA = Pulseless Electrical Activity
654 Pedo = Pedodonsi
655 PEEP = Pseudo Exfoliation Syndrome
656 PENASUN = Pengguna Jarum Suntik
657 PEP = Post Exposure Prophylaxis
658 Perio = Periodonsi
659 PEX = Pseudo Exfoliation Syndrome
660 PGD = Penyakit Ginjal Diabetik
661 PGK = Penyakit Ginjal Kronik
662 PGL = Persistent Generalized Lympadenopathy
663 PHPV = Persistent Hyperplastik Primary Vitreus
664 PHT = Pulmonal Hipertension
665 PIP = Proximal Inter Phalank
666 PITC = Provider Initiated Test And Counseling
667 PJK = Penyakit Jantung Koroner
668 PJR = Penyakit Jantung Reumatik
669 PLJ = Penyakit Luar Jenazah
670 PLT = Trombosit
671 PM = Periodontitis Marginalis
672 PMH = Penyakit Membran Hialin
673 PMO = Pengawas Minum Obat
674 PMTCT = Prevention Of Mother to Child Transmition
675 PNA = Pyelonefritis Acute
676 PNB = Peripheral Nerve Block
677 PND = Post Nasal Drip
678 PNK = Pyelonefritis Kronis
679 PNL = Pyelonefrolithotomy
680 PO2 = Tekanan Parsial Oksigen
681 POAG = Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
682 PONV = Post Operative Nausea Vomoting
683 PP = Pulang Paksa
684 PPCM = Post Partum Cardiomyopathy
685 PPOK = Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis
686 PR = Punctum Remotum
687 PRC = Packed Red Cell
688 PRF = Pulsed Radio Frequency
689 Prosto = Prostodonsi
690 PRP = Plafiket Rich Plasma
691 PS = Pulmonal Stenosis
692 P-S = Plate-Screw
693 PSA = Prostat Spesifik Antigen
694 PSL = Parasternal Line
695 PSM = Petugas Sosial Medik
696 PT = Prothrombin Time
697 PTCA = Percutaneus Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

698 PTI = Purpura Trombositopenik Imun

699 PTRM = Program Therapy Rumatan Methadone
700 PTU = Propiltiourasil
701 PV = Pulmonary Valve
702 PVD = Posterior Vitreous Detachment
703 PVE = Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis
704 PVR = Proliferatife Vitreo Retinopathy
705 PVRV = Purified Vero Rabies Vaccine
706 PWB = Partial Weight Bearing
707 PX = Pasien
708 Px = Penderita
709 RA = Rahang Atas
710 RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis
711 RAD = Right Axis Deviation/Deviasi Aksis Ke Kanan
712 RAE TUBE = Ring Adair & Elwyn Tube
713 RB = Rahang Bawah
714 RBBB = Right Bundle Branch Block
715 RBC = Red Blood Cell
716 RCA = Right Coronary Artery
717 RD = Retinal Detachment
718 Resp = Respirasi
719 RESTRICTIVE = Restrictiive Cardiomyopathy
720 RF = Rheumatic Fever
721 RG = Rendah Garam
722 RGE = Refluks Gastroesofagus
723 Rh = Rhesus
724 RHD = Rheumatic Heart Disease
725 RIND = Reversible Ischemic Neurological Deficit
726 RL = Ringer Laktat
727 RM = Rekam Medis
728 RNA = Rematik Non Artikuler
729 ROM = Range Of Motion
730 ROM = Range Of Motion
731 ROP = Retinopati Of Prematurity
732 RP = Rinoskopi Posterior
733 RPG = Retrograde Pyelografi
734 RPLND = Retro Peritonial Lymp Node Desectie
735 RR = Respiratory Rate
736 RS = Rendah Serat
737 RSI = Rapid Sequence Induction
738 RT = Rectal Toucher
739 RTI = Ruang Terapi Intensif
740 RUBT = Ruang Udara Bertekanan Tinggi
741 RV = Right Ventricle
742 S = Sinistra
743 SL = Spheris Lens

744 S.N.R.T = Suhu.Nadi.Respirasi.Tensi

745 s.c = Subcutan
746 S1 = Suara Jantung 1
747 S2 = Suara Jantung 2
748 SA = Sulfas Atropin
749 SA BLOCK = Sinus Atrial Block
750 SAH = Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhagic
751 SAM = Sindrom Aspirasi Mekonium
752 SAP = Stable Angina Pectoris
753 SAR = Serum Anti Rabies
754 SB = Scleral Buckling
755 SBP = Systolic Blood Pressure
756 SC = Serum Creatinin
757 Sc = Subcutan
758 SC = Sectio Cesarea
759 SCC = Squamous Cell Carsinoma
760 SCD = Sudden Cardiac Death
761 SDH = Subdural Hematoma
762 SGOT = Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase
763 SGPT = Serum Glutamic Piruvic Transaminase
764 SH = Stroke Haemoragik
765 SICE = Small Incisi Cataract Extraction
766 SICS = Small Incision Cataract Surgery
767 SIMV = Synchronzed Intermitten Mechanical Ventilation
768 Sistem RAA = Sistem Renin Angiotensin Aldosteron
769 SKD = Surat Keterangan Dokter
770 SKM = Surat Keterangan Medis
771 SLE = Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
772 SLED = Sustained Low Efficiency Dialysis
773 SM = Sungkup Muka
774 SMNR = Sungkup Muka Non Rebreathing
775 SMR = Sungkup Muka Rebreathing
776 SMRS = Sebelum Masuk Rumah Sakit
777 SMX = Sulfamethoxazole
778 SN = Syndrome Nefrotik
779 SNH = Stroke Non Haemoragik
780 SNHL = Sensorneural Hearing Loss
781 SNRT = Sinus Node Reentry Tachycardia
782 SNT = Struma Non Toksik
783 SOAP = Subyektif, Obyektif, Assessment, Planning
784 AOL = Space Occupying Lesion
785 Som = Somnolen
786 SOMI = Stesno Occepito Mandibula Immobilization
78 SOPT = Sindroma Obstruksi Pasca Tb
788 SpAn = Spesialis Anestesi
789 SPB = Sakit Perut Berulang
790 SPF = Sun Protector Factor

791 SPO = Standar Prosedur Operasional

792 SPT = Skin Prick Tes
793 Spt = Spontan
794 SPV = Surat Permintaan Visum Et Repertum
795 SQV = Saquinavir
796 SSI = Segmental Spiral
797 SSJ = Steven Johnson’s Syndrome
798 STATICS = Scope Tube Airway Tape Indtroducer Connector Suction
799 Std = Stadium
800 STEMI = St Elevasi Myocard Infraction
801 STIR = Serum Transferin Receptor
802 Susp = Suspect
803 SV = Stroke Volume
804 SVT = Supraventicular Tachycardia
805 SWD = Short Wave Diathermi
806 T.ax = Temperature Axilla
807 TA = Tonsiloadenoidektomi
808 Taa = Tak Ada Apa-Apa
809 TAP = Tak Ada Persediaan
810 TB = Tinggi Badan
811 TBC = Tuberculosis
812 TC = Trombocite Concertrate
813 TCC = Transisional Cell Carcinoma
814 TD = Tekanan Darah
815 TDF = Tenovofir
816 TE = Tonsilektomi
817 TEE = Traneshophageal Enchocardiography
818 TEN = Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
819 TENS = Trancutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation
820 TF/TOF = Tetralogy Of Fallot
821 TGL = Tanggal
822 Th/ = Terapi
823 THD = Take Home Dose
824 THR = Total Hip Replacement
825 TI/TR = Trricuspid Insufisiensi/Tricuspis Regurgitation
826 TIA = Transient Ischemic Attack
827 TIK = Tekanan Intra Kranial
828 TIMI = Trombolysis In Myocardial Infarction
829 TIO = Tekanan Intra Oculi
830 TIVA = Total Intravenous Anesthesia
831 TKR = Total Knee Replacement
832 TKTP = Tinggi Kalori Tinggi Protein
833 TLO = Thoraco Lumbal Orthosis
834 TLSO = Thoraco Lumbo Sacral Orthosis
835 Tm = Tumur
836 TMP = Trimetoprim
837 TOF = Train Od Four

838 TOI = Turn Over Internal

839 TON = Traumatic Optik Neuropati
840 TP = Tidak Panas
841 TPM = Temporary Pace Maker
842 TPN = Total Parenteral Nutrition
843 TROP T/I = Troponin T/I
844 TRUS = Transcretal Ultra Sonographi
845 TS = Tricuspid Stenosis
846 TSHS = Thyroid Stimulating Hormon
84 TTB = Trans Thoracal Biopsi
848 TTN = Transient Tachypnea Of The Newborn
849 TTV = Tanda Tanda Vital
850 TUIP = Trans Urethral Incisition Of the Prostate
851 TUR = Trans Urethra Resection
852 TUR.B = Trans Urethral Resection Of The Bladder I
853 TUR.P = Trans Urethral Resection Of The Prostate
854 TUSP = Trans Urethral Stenting Of The Prostate
855 TV = Tricuspid Valve
856 TV = Tidal Volume
857 TW/ST = Terapi Wicara/Speech Therapi
858 UAP = Unstable Angina Pectoris
859 UCVA = Un Coreccted Visual Acuity
860 UE = Upper Extremity
861 UL = Urine Lengkap
862 UO = Urine Opiat
863 UPJ = Uretero-Pelvic Junction
864 URM = Unit Rehabilitasi Medik
865 URO = Upaya Rehidrasi Oral
866 URS = Uretro Cysto Grafi
867 RSD = Ultra Sonic Diathermi
868 USG = Ultra Sonografi
869 USG MATA = Ultra Sono Grafi Mata
870 UV = Ultra Violet
871 UVJ = Uretero-Vesical Junction
872 VA = Visual Aquity
873 VAR = Vaksin Anti Rabies
874 VAS = Visual Analog Scale
875 VC = Volume Control
876 VCT = Voluntary Conseling Test
877 VE = Varises Esophagus
878 VER = Visum Et Repertum
879 VER Jenazah = Visum Et Repertum Jenazah
880 VER Kekerasan = Visum Et Repertum Kekerasan Seksual
881 VER Perlakuan = Visum Et Repertum Perlakuan

882 VER Psikiatri = Visum Et Repertum Psikiatri

883 VES = Ventricle Extra Systole
884 VF = Ventricular Fibrilation
88 VF = Vocal Fremitus
886 VF = Ventrikel Febrilasi
887 VKDB = Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding
888 VL = Viral Load
889 VOD/VOS = Visus Od/Visus Os
890 VP-Shunt = Ventricle Peritonium Shunting
891 VSD = Ventricular Septal Defect
892 VT = Ventricular Tachycardia
893 VZV = Varicella Zoster Virus
894 WB = Whole Blood
895 WBC = White Blood Cell
896 WFDT = Worth Four Dot Test
897 Wh = Wheezing
898 WNA = Warga Negara Asing
899 WPW = Wolff Parkinson White
900 WRC = Wasked Red Cell
901 WS = Washting Sindroma
902 WSD = Water Sealed Drainage
903 ZDR = Extremely Drug Resisitance
904 ZDV = Zidovudine (Juga Dikenal Dengan AZT)
905 ZDV = Zidovudine
906 ZEP = Zinc Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin
907 Zn = Seng
908 ZPP = Zink Protoporphyrin

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