Oxygen Systems

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11/3/2018 Oxygen Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

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Oxygen Systems
Article Information

Category: Flight Technical


Content source: SKYbrary


Content control: Air Pilots


1 The Importance of Oxygen to Sustain Life
2 Description
3 Regulations
4 Equipment

4.1 Flight Deck

4.2 Passenger Compartment

5 Discussion
6 Accident & Incidents
7 Related Articles
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The Importance of Oxygen to Sustain Life
11/3/2018 Oxygen Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

The Human body is dependent on oxygen. As the altitude increases, the

consequent decrease in pressure reduces the amount of oxygen the human body
can absorb when breathing. To enable flight at high altitudes either the aircraft
cabin has to be pressurised, to replicate the pressure at a lower altitude, or the
occupants of the aircraft have to be given supplemental oxygen. At the cruising
levels commonly flown by commercial air transport aircraft, loss of
pressurisation (/index.php/Loss_of_Cabin_Pressurisation) can quickly lead to
incapacitation (/index.php/Hypoxia). The higher the altitude, the lower the Time
of Useful Consciousness (/index.php/Time_of_Useful_Consciousness):

source: Cabin Decompression and Hypoxia by
Mark Wolff, PIA Air Safety Publication, 2006.
Editor's note: These figures compare with similar
tables claiming the USAF as a source - if any
member of the SKYbrary community can provide
a more authoritative reference, please contact
the editor


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This article describes the systemsOxygen
onboard commercial transport aircraft
Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

designed to supply supplemental oxygen to crew and passengers when required

to sustain life.

Oxygen systems are designed to store or to generate a supply of pure oxygen

and to regulate, dilute as required and then distribute that oxygen to crew or
passengers. Oxygen systems are installed in many military aircraft and in most
commercial and business aircraft types. Depending upon the type and the role of
the aircraft concerned, the oxygen system(s) may be used for normal operations,
to provide supplemental oxygen for specific situations or for provision of
emergency oxygen in the event of smoke, fire, fumes
(/index.php/Portal:Fire_Smoke_and_Fumes) or loss of pressurisation

National regulations for the provision and use of supplemental or emergency
oxygen systems are based on the guidance provided in Annex 6 of the ICAO
(/index.php/ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS)
(/index.php/Standards_and_Recommended_Practices_(SARPS)). In general terms,
this guidance first differentiates between pressurised
(/index.php/Aircraft_Pressurisation_Systems) and non-pressurised aircraft and
then provides specific requirements based on the altitude at which flight is to be
conducted. Some of the more salient items found in the ICAO guidance on
oxygen are as follows:

All Aircraft

An operator shall ensure that passengers are made familiar with the
location and use of: ... d) oxygen dispensing equipment, if the provision
of oxygen for the use of passengers is prescribed...

Non-pressurised Aircraft

An aeroplane intended to be operated at flight altitudes at which the

atmospheric pressure is less than 700 hPa (see Note 1) in personnel
compartments shall be equipped with oxygen storage and dispensing
A flight to be operated at flight altitudes at which the atmospheric
pressure in personnel compartments will be less than 700 hPa shall
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not be commenced unless sufficient
stored breathing oxygen is carried
Oxygen Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

to supply: a) all crew members and 10 per cent of the passengers for
any period in excess of 30 minutes that the pressure in compartments
occupied by them will be between 700 hPa and 620 hPa ; and b) the
crew and passengers for any period that the atmospheric pressure in
compartments occupied by them will be less than 620 hPa

Pressurised Aircraft

An aeroplane intended to be operated at flight altitudes at which the

atmospheric pressure is less than 376 hPa or which, if operated at
flight altitudes at which the atmospheric pressure is more than 376
hPa , cannot descend safely within four minutes to a flight altitude at
which the atmospheric pressure is equal to 620 hPa ... shall be
provided with automatically deployable oxygen equipment. The total
number of oxygen dispensing units shall exceed the number of
passenger and cabin crew seats by at least 10 per cent.
All flight crew members of pressurised aeroplanes operating above an
altitude where the atmospheric pressure is less than 376 hPa shall
have available at the flight duty station a quick-donning type of oxygen
mask which will readily supply oxygen upon demand.

Note 1: Approximate hPa-altitude equivalents: 700 hPa = 10,000', 620 hPa =

13,000', 376 hPa = 25,000'

Note 2: National or Regional Authorities (/index.php/NAA) use the ICAO guidance

as the basis for their regulations. However, these regulations may be more or less
restrictive than the SARPS. Consult the appropriate documentation provided by
the aircraft State of Registry (/index.php/State_of_Registry) for specific criteria.

Flight Deck
Oxygen for the use of the flight deck occupants is normally stored as
pressurised gas in one or more tanks or cylinders. In certain aircraft types,
oxygen is stored as a liquid (LOX).

The total oxygen capacity must be sufficient to supply all flight deck
occupants with adequate oxygen for a defined period of time at an
altitude profile specified in the applicable National Aviation Authority
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(/index.php/NAA) regulations.Oxygen
Commonly, the altitude profile will
Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

incorporate an emergency descent segment and followed by a period

in level flight at a defined altitude.
A quantity gauge or other means of determining the amount of
available oxygen will be incorporated.
If a LOX system is installed, a LOX converter, which facilitates the
transformation of the oxygen from a liquid to a gaseous state, will also
be installed.

A regulator is installed to reduce storage cylinder pressure to a usable

level. Depending upon the aircraft type, regulators can be constant flow or

Constant flow. The constant flow regulator provides the same output
pressure or flow regardless of altitude. The regulator is therefore
optimized for a specific altitude. At altitudes lower than the designed
optimum altitude, it will provide more oxygen than is actually required.
This type of regulator is most often found in non-pressurized aircraft
and on portable oxygen systems. A single constant flow regulator is
able to control the oxygen flow to all users.
Diluter-demand. When installed, diluter-demand regulators will be
located at each crew position. Depending upon user selection, the
diluter-demand regulator can provide 100% oxygen, 100% oxygen under
positive pressure or a mixture of oxygen "diluted" with cabin air on a
specific, altitude based schedule. As an example, at 8000', the
regulator might send 100% ambient air to the mask whereas at 41000',
it would provide 100% oxygen. The regulator also works on "demand".
That is, the oxygen or air-oxygen mixture only flows into the mask
during inhalation. Note that the regulator might be a stand alone unit
or it could be incorporated into the mask itself.

An oxygen mask is provided at each flight deck station.

The mask could be of the "full face" variety incorporating smoke

goggles or a "mouth and nose" type mask with smoke goggles
available separately.
The masks at the pilot stations will incorporate microphones to allow
internal and external communications.
Masks are fitted to the face utilizing various suspension harnesses. For
aircraft which routinely fly above 25,000', masks are generally of the
"quick-donning" variety. These are designed to allow them to be put on
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in 5 seconds or less using only
one hand and often utilize oxygen
Oxygen Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

system pressure to activate an inflatable harness for quick donning.

For diluter-demand systems, selectors for normal, 100% and positive
pressure maybe incorporated into the mask itself. If not, they will be
found on the associated regulator. Diluter-demand oxygen masks are
stowed with the selector in the 100% oxygen position and should be
reselected to the normal (or diluting) position when mask utilization is
required for other than a smoke or fume event.

Passenger Compartment
In non-pressurised aircraft which routinely fly above 10,000', passenger
oxygen is typically provided by either a fixed or a portable system.

Fixed systems draw their oxygen supply from a pressurised cylinder of

gaseous oxygen. This can be a dedicated cylinder or it might be the
same cylinder that is used to supply the flight deck occupants. An
oxygen manifold runs from the cylinder into the passenger
compartment via a single regulator. Attachment ports allow passenger
oxygen masks to be connected to the manifold. A shutoff valve
capable of isolating the passenger compartment is normally
Portable systems consist of a storage tank, a regulator and one or
more passenger masks. These will be distributed to the passengers
when required.

Pressurised aircraft which have a certified maximum altitude of 25,000' or

less do not require passenger oxygen systems subject to the aircraft being
able to descend to 13,000' or below within 4 minutes of loss of
pressurisation. If the aircraft is not capable of achieving the descent profile
or the route structure does not allow the descent due to terrain, an oxygen
system must be fitted in the aircraft as per the provisions which apply to
aircraft which are certified to fly at higher altitudes (above 25,000').
For pressurised aircraft which are certified to operate above 25,000',
emergency oxygen equipment must be available. Some aircraft utilize
cylinders of pressurised oxygen to meet this requirement but most types
are fitted with chemical oxygen generators

The emergency oxygen supply must last a minimum of 10 minutes.

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Provisions must be provided Oxygen
in the system to automatically deploy the
Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

emergency oxygen masks when the cabin altitude exceeds a pre-

determined level, normally 14,000'.
Sufficient masks must be provided for at least 10% more passengers
than there are seats in the passenger compartment. This excess
requirement provides masks for small children who may not be
assigned a seat and for anyone (such as Flight Attendants) who might
not be in their assigned seat at the moment emergency oxygen is

The most typical passenger oxygen masks consist of a soft, yellow silicone
cup fitted with elastic bands for securing the mask to the face. The bands
are adjustable to accomodate passengers of different sizes. The mask may
also have a clear concentrator or re-breather bag. Depending upon the
cabin altitude, the concentrator bag may or may not inflate. Airlines make a
point during their safety presentation of pointing out that the bag may not
inflate as, in the past, lack of bag inflation has lead some passengers to
believe that their mask was not working and to remove it resulting in
hypoxia (/index.php/Hypoxia). Due to a potentially limited time of useful
consciousness (/index.php/Time_of_Useful_Consciousness), it is critical that
masks be put on immediately and kept on until advised by the crew that it
is safe to remove them. Passengers should always don their own mask prior
to assisting others (such as children) with their mask.

As per the information presented above, in non-pressurised aircraft, the oxygen
system is primarily intended to provide supplemental oxygen when required by
altitude and time of exposure. It can also be used, when required, for protection
in the event of smoke or fumes. As decompression is not an issue in a non-
pressurised aircraft, time of useful consciousness
(/index.php/Time_of_Useful_Consciousness) concerns are much less significant
and quick donning masks are generally not installed.

Conversely, the primary purpose of oxygen systems installed in a pressurised

aircraft is for emergency use in the event of a decompression. Flight deck oxygen
equipment will also be used for fume, smoke and fire events and, dependant
upon specifics of the equipment and the state of registry
for supplemental oxygen during certain normal 7/9
profiles. As an example, if quick donning masks are not available, one pilot
Oxygen Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

will be required to wear a mask during flight at altitudes above 25,000'. Above
41,000', the regulations of most states require that one pilot wear an oxygen
mask at all times, even when quick donning masks are fitted. This is due to the
very limited time of useful consciousness
(/index.php/Time_of_Useful_Consciousness) and the associated risk of
incapacitation (/index.php/Crew_Incapacitation).

Other oxygen sources carried on pressurised commercial aircraft include

supplemental oxygen tank and masks units for medical use and oxygen generator
equipped smoke hoods for crew use in the event that it is necessary to fight an
on board fire. Depending upon individual passenger medical needs, supplemental
oxygen tanks for planned use during the flight may also be carried. Arrangements
for these tanks need to be made in advance with the carrier by the passenger

Accident & Incidents

Events held on the SKYbrary A&I database which include reference to the oxygen
system include:

A332, en-route, North Atlantic Ocean, 2001 (/index.php/A332,_en-

route,_North_Atlantic_Ocean,_2001) (On 24 August 2001, an Air Transat
Airbus A330-200 eastbound across the North Atlantic at night experienced
a double-engine flameout after which Lajes on Terceira Island in the Azores
was identified as the best diversion and a successful glide approach and
landing there was subsequently achieved. The Investigation found that the
flameouts had been the result of fuel exhaustion after a fuel leak from the
right engine caused by a pre flight maintenance error. Fuel exhaustion was
found to have occurred because the flight crew did not perform the QRH
procedure applicable to an in-flight fuel leak.)
B744, en-route, South China Sea, 2008 (/index.php/B744,_en-
route,_South_China_Sea,_2008) (On 25 July 2008, a Boeing 747 suffered a
rapid depressurisation of the cabin following the sudden failure of an
oxygen cylinder, which had ruptured the aircraft's pressure hull. The
incident occurred 475 km north-west of Manila, Philippines.)
B772, Cairo Egypt, 2011 (/index.php/B772,_Cairo_Egypt,_2011) (On 29 July
2011 an oxygen-fed fire started in the flight deck of an Egypt Air Boeing
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777-200 about to depart from Cairo
with most passengers boarded. The fire
Oxygen Systems - SKYbrary Aviation Safety

rapidly took hold despite attempts at extinguishing it but all passengers

were safely evacuated via the still-attached air bridge access to doors 1L
and 2L. The flight deck and adjacent structure was severely damaged. The
Investigation could not conclusively determine the cause of the fire but
suspected that wiring damage attributable to inadequately secured cabling
may have provided a source of ignition for an oxygen leak from the crew
emergency supply)
RJ1H, en-route, South West of Stockholm Sweden, 2007
(/index.php/RJ1H,_en-route,_South_West_of_Stockholm_Sweden,_2007) (On
22 March 2007, climbing out of Stockholm Sweden, the crew of a Malmö
Aviation Avro RJ100 failed to notice that the aircraft was not pressurised
until cabin crew advised them of automatic cabin oxygen mask

Related Articles
Aircraft Pressurisation Systems (/index.php/Aircraft_Pressurisation_Systems)
Chemical Oxygen Generators (/index.php/Chemical_Oxygen_Generators)
Explosive Depressurisation (/index.php/Explosive_Depressurisation)
Rapid Depressurisation (/index.php/Rapid_Depressurisation)
Gradual Depressurisation (/index.php/Gradual_Depressurisation)
Loss of Cabin Pressurisation (/index.php/Loss_of_Cabin_Pressurisation)
Hypoxia (/index.php/Hypoxia)
Time of Useful Consciousness (/index.php/Time_of_Useful_Consciousness)
Pressurisation Problems: Guidance for Flight Crews
Emergency Descent: Guidance for Controllers

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