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Complication of pleuritis tuberculosis

Pseudochylothorax is a rare complication of patients with chronic tuberculous pleuritis,
especially those treated with artificial pneumothorax [59]. These patients have a thickened pleura
that delays fluid reabsorption and causes persistence of effusion, cell breakdown and
accumulation of cholesterol. The pleural fluid in tuberculous pseudochylothorax is turbid or
milky, and the cloudiness persists after centrifugation. Analysis of pleural fluid usually
demonstrates triglyceride levels below 110 mg·dL-1; but the cholesterol level is usually elevated
above 200 mg·dL-1 and, frequently, there are cholesterol crystals. Tuberculous
pseudochylothorax should be treated with the antituberculosis regimen outlined above, even if
there is no evidence of active tuberculosis.
Tuberculous empyema
Tuberculous empyema is a rare complication of tuberculosis. It is characterized by the presence
of thick pus and the visceral pleura is usually calcified. It occurs most commonly in patients who
have undergone artificial pneumothorax or thoracoscopy [60]. Patients usually have concomitant
evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, and the pleural pus contains a large number of mycobacteria
on staining for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). In addition to a standard antituberculosis regimen, these
patients may require serial thoracocentesis, extrapleural pneumonectomy or thoracoscopy.

Pleural tuberculosis. There are two mechanisms by which the pleural space becomes involved in
tuberculosis. The difference in pathogenesis results in different clinical presentations, approaches
to diagnosis, treatment, and sequelae. Early in the course of a tuberculous infection a few
organisms may gain access to the pleural space and, in the presence of cell-mediated immunity,
cause a hypersensitivity response (55, 56). Commonly, this form of tuberculous pleuritis goes
unnoticed, and the process resolves spontaneously. In some patients, however, tuberculous
involvement of the pleura is manifested as an acute illness with fever and pleuritic pain. If the
effusion is large enough, dyspnea may occur, although the effusions generally are small and
rarely are bilateral. In approximately 30% of patients there is no radiographic evidence of
involvement of the lung parenchyma; however, parenchymal disease is nearly always present, as
evidenced by findings of lung dissections (57).
The second variety of tuberculous involvement of the pleura is empyema. This is much less
common than tuberculous pleurisy with effusion and results from a large number of organisms
spilling into the pleural space, usually from rupture of a cavity or an adjacent parenchymal focus
via a bronchopleural fistula (58). A tuberculous empyema is usually associated with evident
pulmonary parenchymal disease on chest films and air may be seen in the pleural space. In the
absence of concurrent pulmonary tuberculosis, diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis requires
thoracentesis and, usually, pleural biopsy.

55. Berger, H. W., and E. Mejia. 1973. Tuberculous pleurisy. Chest 63:88–92.
56. Ellner, J. J. 1978. Pleural fluid and peripheral blood lymphocyte function in tuberculosis.
Ann. Intern. Med. 89:932–933.
57. Stead, W. W., A. Eichenholtz, and H. K. Strauss. 1955. Operative and pathologic findings in
24 patients with the syndrome of idiopathic pleurisy with effusion presumably tuberculous. Am.
Rev. Respir. Dis. 71:473–502.
58. Johnson, T. M., W. McCann, and W. Davey. 1973. Tuberculous bronchopleural fistula. Am.
Rev. Respir. Dis. 107:30–41.
59. Hillerdal G. Chyliform (cholesterol) pleural effusion. Chest 1985; 86: 426–428.
60. Jenssen AD. Chronic calcified pleural empyema. Scand J Respir Dis 1969; 50: 19–27.

Pseudochylothorax merupakan komplikasi yang jarang pasien dengan pleuritis TB kronis,
terutama mereka yang diobati dengan pneumotoraks buatan [59]. Pasien-pasien ini memiliki
pleura menebal yang menunda reabsorpsi cairan dan menyebabkan kegigihan efusi, kerusakan
sel dan akumulasi kolesterol. Cairan pleura di pseudochylothorax TB adalah keruh atau susu, dan
kekeruhan terus berlanjut setelah sentrifugasi. Analisis cairan pleura biasanya menunjukkan
kadar trigliserida di bawah 110 mg •-dL 1; namun tingkat kolesterol biasanya meningkat di atas
200 mg • dL-1 dan, sering, ada kristal kolesterol. Pseudochylothorax TB harus diobati dengan
rejimen antituberkulosis yang diuraikan di atas, bahkan jika tidak ada bukti dari TB aktif.
Empiema tuberkulosis
Empiema tuberkulosis merupakan komplikasi yang jarang dari TBC. Hal ini ditandai dengan
adanya nanah tebal dan pleura visceral biasanya kalsifikasi. Hal ini terjadi paling sering pada
pasien yang telah menjalani pneumotoraks buatan atau thoracoscopy [60]. Pasien biasanya
memiliki bukti bersamaan tuberkulosis paru, dan nanah pleura mengandung sejumlah besar
mycobacteria pada pewarnaan untuk basil tahan asam (BTA). Selain rejimen antituberkulosis
standar, pasien-pasien ini mungkin memerlukan thoracocentesis serial, pneumonectomy
extrapleural ataut horacoscopy.

TB pleura. Ada dua mekanisme yang rongga pleura menjadi terlibat dalam TB. Perbedaan dalam
hasil patogenesis dalam presentasi klinis yang berbeda, pendekatan untuk diagnosis, pengobatan,
dan gejala sisa. Di awal perjalanan infeksi tuberkulosis beberapa organisme dapat memperoleh
akses ke ruang pleura dan, dengan adanya imunitas seluler, menyebabkan respon
hipersensitivitas (55, 56). Umumnya, bentuk pleuritis tuberkulosis terjadi tanpa disadari, dan
proses menyelesaikan secara spontan. Pada beberapa pasien, bagaimanapun, keterlibatan TB
pleura diwujudkan sebagai penyakit akut dengan demam dan nyeri pleuritik. Jika efusi cukup
besar, dyspnea mungkin terjadi, meskipun efusi umumnya kecil dan jarang bilateral. Pada sekitar
30% pasien tidak ada bukti radiografi dari keterlibatan parenkim paru; Namun, penyakit
parenkim hampir selalu hadir, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh temuan pembedahan paru (57).
Berbagai kedua keterlibatan TB pleura adalah empiema. Ini jauh lebih umum daripada pleuritis
TB dengan efusi dan hasil dari sejumlah besar organisme tumpah ke rongga pleura, biasanya dari
pecahnya rongga atau fokus parenkim yang berdekatan melalui fistula bronkopleural (58).
Sebuah empiema tuberkulosis biasanya dikaitkan dengan penyakit parenkim paru jelas pada film
dada dan udara dapat dilihat di rongga pleura. Dengan tidak adanya TB paru bersamaan,
diagnosis TB pleura memerlukan thoracentesis dan, biasanya, biopsi pleura.

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