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EDITORIAL Editorials represent the opinions

of the authors and JAMA and

not those of the American Medical Association.

Evaluation of the Trial

to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)
The Scientific Process, Peer Review, and Editorial Scrutiny
Howard Bauchner, MD sample size and alteration of the prespecified statistical sig-
nificance levels because of multiple interim analyses.
Phil B. Fontanarosa, MD, MBA In light of these and other concerns, the editorial assess-
Robert M. Golub, MD ment of TACT, like other studies with complex interre-
lated issues, was extensive and comprehensive because the

N THIS ISSUE OF JAMA, L AMAS AND COLLEAGUES 1 evaluation extends beyond assessment of scientific validity
report the results of the Trial to Assess Chelation and clinical relevance. Accordingly, the editorial review and
Therapy (TACT). In this multicenter clinical trial, scientific assessment involved not only JAMA’s usual level
1708 patients with previous myocardial infarction of scrutiny and diligence in evaluating the research report,
(MI) were randomized to receive 40 infusions of chela- including careful review of the study protocols, statistical
tion solution vs placebo. After a median follow-up of 55 analysis plans, and methods papers—it also involved as-
months, the primary end point (a composite of total mor- sessment of OHRP reports, other documents related to the
tality, recurrent MI, stroke, coronary revascularization, or ethical and regulatory aspects of trial conduct, and reports
hospitalization for angina) occurred in 222 patients of professional and public reaction about the study.
(26%) in the chelation group and in 261 patients (30%) In addition, the manuscript was extensively reviewed by
in the placebo group, with the major between-group dif- independent peer reviewers with expertise in vascular medi-
ference involving fewer coronary revascularization proce- cine, study design, and statistical analysis; by several mem-
dures in the chelation group (15%) than in the placebo bers of the JAMA editorial board; and by the JAMA cardiol-
group (18%). The authors conclude that although chela- ogy contributing editors and senior editorial staff. The
tion therapy modestly reduced the risk of a composite of authors’ revisions to the manuscript and their responses to
adverse cardiovascular outcomes, the results “are not suf- the extensive critiques and concerns raised by this assess-
ficient to support the routine use of chelation therapy for ment were scholarly and thorough and directly addressed
treatment of patients who have had an MI.” the issues and concerns, as evident in their extensive ex-
This 10-year, $31 million, National Institutes of Health planations about the statistical analysis (included in the on-
(NIH)–funded study conducted under the auspices of the line supplement with the article) and their forthright ex-
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National planations and responses related to the editors’ concerns
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine was about study ethics and trial conduct (included in the eAp-
intended to provide a rigorous evaluation of the use of che- pendix to this Editorial at As with
lation therapy, thereby providing evidence to inform pa- all manuscripts, the final decision to publish the TACT re-
tients who may be seeking an as yet unproven therapy for port was made by the Editor in Chief and Executive Editor
prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease. How- in consultation with the senior editorial staff.
ever, the study has generated controversy since its incep- Because articles published in journals like JAMA can
tion, with concerns that have included ethical issues in- influence the practice of medicine, this level of scrutiny of
volving an investigation by the Office for Human Research TACT reflects our commitment to fulfilling the responsibil-
Protections (OHRP) regarding allegations of noncompli- ity to try to ensure that every article published in JAMA is
ance with federal regulations for the protection of research valid and is reported accurately. This includes conducting a
participants2; study conduct issues involving allegations about detailed methodological evaluation, presenting scientific
the research capabilities and professional credentials of some information objectively and clearly, and making certain
study sites and site investigators,2 as well as temporary sus- that study inferences and interpretations are communicated
pension of trial enrollment; and fundamental scientific is- appropriately. Although peer review and editorial evalua-
sues, involving concerns ranging from the safety of the che- tion are not perfect for guaranteeing validity, these
lating agent being studied to modification of the prespecified approaches provide for expert review, scientific assessment,

See also pp 1241 and 1293. Author Affiliations: Dr Bauchner ( is Editor
in Chief, Dr Fontanarosa is Executive Editor, and Dr Golub is Deputy Editor, JAMA.

©2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, March 27, 2013—Vol 309, No. 12 1291

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and substantive revision to enhance the quality and presen- from providing or recommending chelation therapy for pa-
tation of scientific information. tients with coronary disease and should discourage pa-
Moreover, we recognize that publication of research re- tients with previous MI from seeking this therapy with the
ports in influential journals can do harm. For instance, the hope of preventing subsequent cardiovascular events.
debacle involving the study reporting an association be- Fifth, although many physicians may have biases about
tween the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism3 and the possible benefits of chelation therapy and other comple-
the adverse effects that article had on immunization rates mentary and alternative therapies, the scientific process
is an important reminder for all medical journal editors about should prevail in providing evidence about these thera-
the influence of their work on the attitudes, behaviors, and pies. Reports of rigorous investigations should not be cen-
decisions of physicians and the nonphysician public. sored because of preexisting ideological positions.
Despite the limitations of the trial by Lamas et al and the Sixth, and perhaps most important, publication of the data
continuing controversy surrounding TACT,4 once the sci- from TACT will acknowledge the contributions of the 1708
entific issues had been addressed satisfactorily, the deci- patients who participated in this trial and who underwent
sion to publish this report in JAMA involved consideration multiple intravenous chelation infusions.
of several important factors. First, this NIH-sponsored study Clinical decision making is complex, reflecting a synthe-
had been approved by institutional review boards at 2 aca- sis of evidence, physician experience, and patient prefer-
demic medical centers, was conducted in compliance with ence, bound together by societal norms. As such, very few
federal regulations, and the OHRP investigation had deter- studies should immediately change clinical practice but,
mined that the corrective actions that had been taken were rather, most add incremental knowledge to the complex
such that patient protection was not at risk. puzzle of a clinical decision. However, based on full con-
Second, despite numerous setbacks, criticisms, and con- sideration of the strengths and limitations of TACT, the con-
cerns, the funding agencies and the investigators (who in- clusion is clear and should influence practice—these find-
clude one of the preeminent cardiovascular researchers and ings do not support the routine use of chelation therapy as
one of the most respected statisticians) demonstrated cour- secondary prevention for patients with previous myocar-
age and persistence in continuing this trial to its comple- dial infarction and established coronary disease. Whether
tion. chelation therapy may have any role in the prevention and
Third, the study findings may provide novel hypotheses treatment of cardiovascular disease remains to be deter-
that merit further evaluation to help understand the patho- mined.
physiology of secondary prevention of vascular disease.
Online-Only Material: The eAppendix is available at
Whether chelation of heavy metal ions or administration of
high levels of antioxidants in chelation solutions have ben-
eficial effects on vascular biology in established coronary REFERENCES

disease remains to be determined. 1. Lamas GA, Goertz C, Boineau R, et al. Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regi-
men on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with previous myocardial infarction:
Fourth, presentation of the study findings will enable car- the TACT randomized trial. JAMA. 2013;309(12):1241-1250.
diologists, other physicians, patients, and practitioners who 2. Office for Human Research Protections, Department of Health and Human
provide chelation therapy to recognize that the possible ben- Services. Correspondence regarding the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy. http:
// and
efit of chelation therapy, if there is any, is small, and to un- /ohrp/detrm_letrs/YR09/oct09a.pdf. Accessed March 8, 2013.
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mation should serve to dissuade responsible practitioners (TACT). JAMA. 2013;309(12):1293-1294.

1292 JAMA, March 27, 2013—Vol 309, No. 12 ©2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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