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Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

1.0 TRANSMITTER OVERVIEW a somewhat lighter specific gravity

CONTENTS than the liquid whose level is to be
PAGE measured, so that it is partially sub-
1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION merged at the interface of interest.
The Series 1210-LTM200D is an elec- As the tank level changes, the float
tronic field instrument, suitable for tracks the change and continuously
1.2 LEVEL TRANSMITTER 1 activates the sensor in the tube. The
1.3 GAUGE MOUNTED TRANSMITTER 1 installation in hazardous and non-haz-
ardous industrial areas. Testing and electronics in the housing process
certification has been obtained from the changing signal and update an
2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION different agencies for installation in analog 4-20 mA output. This analog
2.1 TRANSMITTER DETAILED DESCRIPTION 2 specific areas. output is precisely proportional to the
2.2 THEORY OF OPERATION 2 liquid level in the tank.
This is a two wire, loop powered
3.0 INSTALLATION AND WIRING instrument, designed to measure and
transmit an analog 4-20 mA signal
INSTALLATION 3 The 1210-LTM200D may be strapped
proportional to liquid level in a tank.
3.2 STANDALONE TRANSMITTER to the side of a Norriseal 1200 series
INSTALLATION 3 The complete assembly includes a
dual compartment explosion-proof magnetic level indicator. In such an
3.3 RECOMMENDED WIRING, installation, it is used as an accessory
SINGLE LOOP 4 enclosure and attached sensor tube.
transmitter for the visual level gauge.
4.0 SPECIFICATIONS Optional features of the Series 1210- The same float used to activate the
4.1 TRANSMITTER ELECTRICAL LTM200D include: magnetic gauge is also used to trans-
SPECIFICATIONS 4 • A variety of lengths and wetted mit a signal to the magnetostrictive
4.2 TRANSMITTER SENSOR TUBE 4 materials to accommodate many dif- sensor of the 1210-LTM200D.
5.0 CALIBRATION ferent applications The transmitter may be calibrated for
5.0 SINGLE LOOP CALIBRATION 4 the same range as the visual indica-
• Mass or volume information tor on the gauge, or for part of the
range (See below).
6.0 TROUBLESHOOTING AND Product Serial Number
MAINTENANCE Norriseal assigns a unique serial num-
6.1 CALIBRATION PROBLEMS 5 ber for each unit. The first two digits
6.2 MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE 5 indicate the month of production fol- 6.0’’ Deadband
6.3 TROUBLESHOOTING POWER SUPPLY lowed by two digits, indicating the
PROBLEMS 5 year of production. For example, serial
6.4 START UP 6 number 0609/1234 describes a unit
7.0 FIELD INSULATION OF GAUGES manufactured in June of 2009 with a
WITH TRANSMITTERS serial number 1234. Active Sensor
8.0 WARRANTY AND HART In its simplest configuration, a single-
PROTOCOL OPTION purpose float rides up and down
8.0 STANDARD ISE/NORRISEAL WARRANTY 7 the sensor tube, totally surrounding
3.0’’ Deadband
it. A multi-purpose float may also
be used to activate the sensor, such a
float being placed inside a liquid
isolation pipe (i.e. gauge), and strate-
gically located within a certain Series 1210-LTM200D Mounting Configuration
Style B & C Series 1200 Gauge
longitudinal distance form the sensor
tube. In either case, the float has

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
12102-0110O—©2010, January 2010 Page 1 of 8
Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

1.4 STANDALONE TRANSMITTER 2.0 INSTRUMENT measurement application, however, a

When a companion magnetic gauge DESCRIPTION resolution of 0.01 inch is more than
is not present, the 1210-LTM200D is adequate.
inserted into the tank with its own In a brief description, the magne-
float around the sensor tube. A stilling 2.1 TRANSMITTER DETAILED
DESCRIPTION tostrictive principle consists of a wire
well may be optionally used inside extruded and heat treated under care-
the tank or, in case of high tempera- The 1210-LTM200D is an assembly fully chosen conditions to retain
tures, an external chamber may of two major components: desired magnetic properties, which
house the probe and float assembly. • Sensor Tube Assembly. This is is pulsed by a circuit with a relatively
a 5/8" diameter stainless steel high current puIse. The high current
probe, sealed on one end, with the pulse produces a circular magnetic
When a stilling well is used, care magnetostrictive waveguide in its field as it travels down the wire at the
should be exercised when installing center. In addition to the magne- speed of light. Another magnetic field
the tube to center it in the chamber so tostrictive waveguide, the tube also generated by a permanent magnet
that the float can freely travel the the houses the optional temperature (placed near or around the wire at
entire length of the probe. Stilling sensor and the detector electronics. some distance from the point of entry
wells are required for transmitters of this pulse) interferes with the mag-
over 10 feet. • Electronics Housing. The extruded
aluminum housing has two sepa- netic field of the pulse and torsional
rate compartments. One side con- force results at the collision point.
tains the microprocessor board The effect of this torsion force is to
6.0’’ Deadband
assembly and calibration push but- twist the wire at this point producing
tons. The other side contains the WaveGuide Torsion Force
wiring termination board. The elec- Wire Pulsed
Active Sensor tronics module is connected to the Current
detector board of the sensor tube Pulse
assembly via a plug-in cable. Magnetic
3.0’’ Deadband
The main board is surface mounted
Single Float Transmitter component construction utilizing the a torsion wave traveling towards both
latest in integrated circuit technology. ends of the wire. The propagation
The calibration range of the trans- It contains a high-speed micro con- time of this wave is measured pre-
mitter may be field stored in non- troller, D/A Converters and all other cisely and, if the wire properties
volatile memory by using the float accessory components. remain stable, it is very repeatable at
and push buttons. The push buttons about 5-10 microseconds per inch
are located on the front panel inside (which is approximately the speed of
the condulet. See section on sound in that medium). By measur-
Calibration for more details. The 1210-LTM200D level transmitter ing the exact number of microsec-
is based on the principle of magne- onds it took the torsion wave to reach
tostriction first used for digital delay a designated termination point of the
lines and later for precision distance wire, the distance to the magnet from
or displacement in the machine tool this termination point can be easily
industry. The principle, if designed calculated.
and applied properly, has potentially
very high measurement resolution, A high-speed micro controller is
typically better than 0.001 inch. In the utilized in the design to process and
machine tool industry, such a high calculate the elapsed time measure-
resolution is desireable. In the liquid ment. Accurate crystals are used for

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
Page 2 of 8 12102-0210O — ©2010, February 2010
Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

the time base to resolve sub- area. lf this happens, readings may is inside the centerline of the
microsecond timing increments. The be erratic or the output may go process connections the transmitter
binary number, equivalent to the to FAIL. will not output an accurate measure-
microseconds of the echo travel time, ment because the active region of
Facilities are provided to field cali-
is written to an output D/A Converter the probe is too short. When placing
brate the range of the 4-20 mA output
and subsequently converted to a an order for a transmitter to
using actual position of the float and
4-20 mA signal proportional to the accompany an existing gauge
pressing a push-button on the front
item measured. The larger the num- it is important to indicate the
panel to set the 40-20 mA point.
ber of microseconds there are, the style of the gauge,
greater the distance of the float from Preamp PS the temperature
the head of the transmitter. Modem and the center-to-
center dimensions.
Calibration routines are included in uC
Calibration of the
the software to scale the 4 and 20mA D/A probe will be factory
points for any distance desired. Even WG Driver set along the active
reverse calibration is a simple task 4-20 mA
region of the probe;
using the software routines. Reverse
however, a field
calibration is desirable if ullage Basic Level Transmitter Simplified Block Diagram
calibration may have
instead of full level is required, or
to be performed to match the
when the probe is installed with bot- Provision, accessed via the front
probe to the desired control room
tom mount head. See Section 5.0 on panel, is made for a FAIL mode to
Calibration for further details. High (20.8 mA), Low (3.75 mA) or
“Hold Last Value!' If a transmitter is being purchased for
Primary Level Transmitter – The
an interface gauge, the calibration for
transmitter computes the distance
the probe should be done in the field
between the float and the detector 3.0 INSTALLATION AND to ensure a proper control room read-
from the elapsed time measurement. WIRING ing. For long transmitters it may be
A specific time window becomes
desirable for the operator to have the
active only for a short time after the 3.1 STRAP-ON TRANSMITTER electronics housing mounted at the
interrogation pulse is applied to the INSTALLATION bottom of the gauge for easy access.
waveguide. Any feedback signal,
received before and after this win- CAUTION:
dow, is rejected as noise. Even sig- During installation, do not attempt to twist
nals received during the active or turn the head of the transmitter.
window are evaluated and filtered so Damage to the detector assembly may 3.2 STANDALONE TRANSMITTER
that only high integrity data is occur if the head is rotated . lf the head is INSTALLATION
accepted. loose, please notify the factory.
The 1210-LTM200D stand-alone
The conditioned signal is converted transmitter comes equipped with a
The 1210-LTM200D can be mounted
to a percent of full-scale number and 3/4" compression fitting, mounted
to the side of a Norriseal 1200 Series
written to the D/A Converter. The approximately 6.00" below the elec-
level gauge using a special mounting
scale is defined by the calibration pro- tronics housing. The fitting is placed
bracket and stainless steel hose
cedure and it corresponds to the out- in this area to ensure the transmitter
clamps. When mounting the trans-
put span (4-20mA) of 16.00 mA. is calibrated in the sensor tubes active
mitter to a 1200 Series gauge the
region. Refer to the stand-alone draw-
A deadband, corresponding to active sensor region of the probe
ings for a visual description of the
approximately six inches next to the should fall within the centerline of the
transmitter features. Optional configu-
detector, is fixed in the software and process connections on the gauge.
rations are available upon request.
the float is not permitted to enter this lf the transmitter deadband region

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
12102-0210O — ©2010, February 2010 Page 3 of 8
Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

The magnetic float used in the stand- 4.0 SPECIFICATIONS 4.2 TRANSMITTER SENSOR TUBE
alone unit is designed to travel up the
sensor tube with the change in fluid 4.1 TRANSMITTER ELECTRICAL 316 ss standard,
Material optional Hastelloy,
level. lf buiId-up of process or con- SPECIFICATIONS Monel, Kynar coated
taminates should restrict the move-
Supply Voltage 15 to 36 VDC Operating -50 to 302°F
ment of the float, the transmitter Temperature (-50 to 150°C)
sensor tube will have to be cleaned or 005% of full scale or
Repeatability .010”, whichever is Maximum
the float may have to be replaced Pressure
2000 psig @ 300°F
with one that has a wider inside diam-
01% of full scale or Range 12” to 30 ft.
eter. The floats are designed to match Non-Linearity .030”, whichever is
the pressure and specific gravity for greater
the process being measured and .01% of full scale or
come in various materials ranging Level Sensor
.020”, whichever is Pushbutton Calibration
from stainless steel to Kynar. greater
Step 1- Move jumper to the write
The magnetic float can be changed 025% of full scale, enable position (see below)
Analog Output
(1) 4/20 mA primary
out at any time to accomodate the Resolution Step 2- Move your float or magnet
precesses being measured. The float to the 4mA (0%) point on the
Output One 4-20 mA output
stop, located at the bottom of the probe
Zero and span field Step 3- Press the ENTER button on
transmitter, can be removed to allow Calibration adjustable with push
the float to slide off the sensor tube. buttons the display until “Trm Snsr”
is displayed. Press the UP
Hazardous Area On board diagnostics for
Magnetostrictive Diagnostics arrow to display “Yes” and
Non-Hazardous Area troubleshooting
Control Room Transmitter Location press ENTER.
1 to 25 seconds (field
Magnetostrictive Dampening Step 4- The display will read “Trim
Level Transmitters
Safety 1210-LTM200D Zero”. Press ENTER.
Barrier Vmax=30V
Oper. Temp. -58 to 185°F
Less than 1 DHN
See Detail A
Ll=50uH (electronics) (-50 to 85°C) Step 5- Move the float or magnet to
Safety Ground
Exp Nipple the 20mA (100%) point on
Approved Barrier 4/20 mA Loop Explosion proof, dual
MTL: 5042 Single Channel
Housing compartment, H” NPT, the probe.
Safety Ground
Shield epoxy coated aluminum Step 6- The display will read “Trim
If the instrument is used as EXP device
then the EXP conduit must be sealed Detail A
Diode in series with Span" with a value above.
within 18” of the termination point Polarity Protection Using the arrow buttons,
(at the instrument) the loop
FM - Exp CI I, Div. I, input the correct distance
Interconnect Wiring (CSA and FM)
Grps. B, C, D CL IL, Div. from the zero point and press
1 Grps. E F G, CI ILL Enter. Calibration is now
N4X, IP66 CSA - EX IA completed.
(intrinsically safe): CL I, Note: “Sel Lngth” value is
DIV. I, GRPS. C, D EXP factory set and should not be
Series 1210 Approvals
(Expl. Proof): CL I, Div. I,
Grp. B, C, D, CI II, Div. 1 changed. Doing so will cause
Load Resistor Grps. E F G, CL III, a level error indication.
N4X, IP66
Ambient Temp. -20°C to +40°C Note: Jumper
in write potect
+ P/S – Range (-4°F to 104°F) postion disables
Humidity Limits SAMA PMC 31.1-5.2 the push buttons
Use twisted, shielded pair of wires Vibration Limits SAMA PMC 31.1-5.3
SAMA PMC 31.1-20 to
RFI Limits Scroll-Up Select/Enter
1000 MHz up to 30V/m
Scroll-Down Jumper
Write Enable Write Protect
Position Position

Front Panel

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
Page 4 of 8 12102-0210O — ©2010, February 2010
Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

5.1 LCD MENUS FOR THE LTM200 Span Trim

Move the float to the 20mA TrimSpan It is possible for the Series 1210-
Displays mark (100%) on the probe. LTM200D to be magnetically biased
Using the arrow buttons input the correct or have residual magnetic energy
Level Measurement 123.45 in distance from the zero point and then Select.
Display - in inches Level stored along the length of the wave-
Level Offset guide. These magnetic anomalies can
Level Measurement 4567.8 cm .00 in
Enter the desired value of the Set Off interfere with the signal-to-noise ratio
Display - in centimeters Level offset from the current zero
and the stability of the output signal
Level Measurement 90123. mm and Press Enter. This will show a level offset at
Level 4mA., i.e,. 4mA will be reported @ 5.0” if 5.0”
Display - in millimeters
Level Measurement was selected. If this appears to be the case, a gauge
56.789 ft
Display - in feet Level Dac Trim No float magnet (or any magnet avail-
Level Measurement Choose Yes to perform Dac Trim TrimDac? able) may be run along the length of
23.456 m
Display - in meters Level - Display starts with No the sensor tube, past the head of the
Output Current 12.34 mA
Dac Trim - 4mA Point transmitter, in an even motion and
Press raise or lower depending Trim 4mA
Output without stopping. This will usually
on value of loop current. clear all such magnetic anomalies.
Percent of Range 56.78%
% Range Dac Trim - 20mA Point
Press raise or lower depending Trim 20mA CAUTION
Configuration Screens on value of loop current.
(Up/Down arrows choose Never move a magnet in a perpendicular
options) Press Select to Enter. Loop Test - Input Value 8.00 mA motion from along the sensor tube. This
This will continuously vary the LoopTest will always leave a residual field in the
Model Number Series 1210-
LTM200D loop current as the user presses waveguide which will cause the trans-
the Raise or Lower buttons. Exits mitter to give an erratic output
Select sensor length
xxx.x In when user depresses Select button.
Input overall sensor length SelLngth
(Length = end to weld) Exit to Displays 6.3 TROUBLESHOOTING POWER
rotates starting at present units Sel Unit
( > ft<>m<>in<>cm<>mm>)
6.0 TROUBLESHOOTING AND The Series 1210-LTM200D is
Alarm Hold Out
MAINTENANCE designed to operate with a supply
Sel Alrm voltage of 15-36 vdc (at 20 mA)
rotates starting at present alarm
6.1 CALIBRATION PROBLEMS across its terminals without affecting
( >High<>Low<>Hold Out>)
the mA signal. The most common
Range Change No If the transmitter does not appear to loop supply used is 24vdc.
Choose Yes to Select Range - ChgRnge? calibrate properly, or has an erratic
Display starts with NO output, check the deadband of the It is found sometimes that additional
Lower Range Value 12.34 in sensor tube and ensure that the float resistance in the loop is necessary,
Sel LRV is within the active region of the either in the form of a second load
Upper Range Value 45.67 in probe. The active region of the sensor resistor or higher resistance safety
Sel URV tube is typically marked with 20mA barrier. This will appear to limit the
Damping and 4mA stickers when the unit is cal- maximum output of the transmitter
3. s
From 1 to 25 - Will not allow SelDamp ibrated before shipment. to below 20 mA. The transmitter will
0 or negative numbers. generally perform correctly up to this
If the output is still erratic, try dis- point. To resolve this problem, the
Sensor Calibration No connecting the power momentarily
Choose Yes to perform Sensor TrnSnsr? voltage of the loop supply must be
by unplugging and plugging-in the increased somewhat. Even a slight
Trim (Display starts with No)
terminals. If a glitch was stored increase by one volt may be sufficient
Zero Trim in RAM memory, this will generally
TrimZero and many supplies have such an
Set float to the 4 mA mark (0%)
clear it. adjustment.
and then Select. Data not required.
All connections must be checked for
improper wiring or polarity before

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
12102-0210O — ©2010, February 2010 Page 5 of 8
Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

power is applied. The Series 1210- ess connection to face of the bot- tor located inside the bulkhead of the sensor
LTM200D has series diodes prevent- tom drain flange. Length of spring tube. During operation of the transmitter, this
ing the reverse polarity from entering should be inductor emits a magnetic filed as current
and damaging the circuitry. If power (“A” DIMENSION) (-) Minus (Float Length + passes through the sensor wire. If an external
is applied and the signal is 0.0 mA, 2 inches) magnet or the float comes in contact with the
chances are good that the polarity is bulkhead, this can cause temporary magneti-
reversed. EXAMPLE: “A” Dimension is 14”, Float zation of the coil, which means the coil is
length is 12”, + 2” = 4” Spring Length biased. In other words, the phase is reversed.
14 – 12 + 2 = 4” spring If this occurs, the inductor should quickly
4. Float is properly installed if the bot- recover. It may be manually reversed or de-
tom 2-3 flippers on gauge indicator magnetized very simply by “swiping” a mag-
have flipped. net parallel to the bulkhead in an arching
There is a top spring in the gauge to pro- 7.0 FIELD INSULATION
tect the float and prevent it from passing OF GAUGES WITH
the top process connection. DO NOT
Terminal Board
Transmitter Check-out and
6.4 START-UP FOR GAUGE- Calibration We strongly recommend that expe-
MOUNTED LTM TRANSMITTERS NOTE: Series 1210-LTM200D transmitters are rienced Norriseal personnel perform
24VDC Loop powered (2- wire) and require a any insulation of the magnetic level
Gauge and Transmitter Installation gauges with externally mounted
minimum of 15 Volts at 20 mA.
1. Visually inspect gauge and trans- transmitters.
1. With the float in the gauge, the
mitter installation to insure trans-
output of the LTM should be 4mA. If cryogenic “Hard Skin” cold service
mitter is positioned with the 4 mA
type insulation is required, it MUST
and 20 mA labels directly adjacent 2. With float in the gauge at 20mA,
be done at the factory due to the cus-
to the process connections. Make the output of the LTM should be
tom “TUBE in TUBE” design neces-
sure transmitter is securely 20mA.
sary for removal of the transmitter if
clamped and parallel to gauge 3. If no float is present, or magnetic
chamber. field is lost, the transmitter will dis-
play “LEVEL SIGNAL LOST”. If insulation is going to be installed in
2. Remove bottom flange and install
float. Each float is clearly tagged the field, then the following guide-
NOTE: lines MUST be followed:
with serial number of the gauge
and process parameters. Top of In service over 400° F (204°C) gauges and 1. Flexible type insulation jackets
float is clearly marked “TOP” to transmitters should be properly insulated (NOT HARD SKIN) are required and
with transmitter OUTSIDE the blanket.
insure float is in right-side-up. must be installed around the gauge
3. Inspect bottom flange for proper chamber only. DO NOT cover the
Note: During the installation or calibration of Series 1210-LTM200D transmitter
gasket and spring. This spring pro- the Series 1210-LTM200D level transmitter, tube, as this may burn up the sen-
tects float and keeps it from drop- the technician should be very careful not to sor and possibly the electronics.
ping below the bottom process move the magnet perpendicular to the sen-
connection. To determine proper 2. After the insulation jacket is
sor tube as this could leave magnetic inden-
spring length measure “A” dimen- installed, the Series 1210-LTM200D
tation in the sensor wire. The Series
sion of gauge. This is the length sensor tube must be re-mounted
1210-LTM200D level transmitter has an induc-
from the center of the bottom proc- at its factory-preset distance from

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
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Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

the gauge chamber and must be This warranty is in lieu of any other specified, with the following excep-
parallel to the chamber as well. warranty expressed or implied by any tions:
(Small cut-outs in the jacket are party other than Norriseal. Repairs
1. Products repaired or modified by
required to re-attach the transmit- and/or replacements shall be at the
persons that are not authorized by
ter properly). sole discretion of Norriseal based on
3. Make sure the 4mA markings the terms and conditions of this war-
on the sensor tube are re-aligned ranty. Defective products shall be 2. Products subjected to misuse,
at the centers of the process returned to the factory prepaid by the negligence or accidents.
connections. buyer after obtaining a Return
3. Products that are connected,
Authorization Number from Norriseal.
installed, or otherwise used in such
All warranty repairs or replacements
7.2 INSULATION WARNING a way not in strict accordance with
will be preformed at the factory in
LABEL SUPPLIED manufacturer’s instructions.
Houston. Surface return freight will
be paid by Norriseal. Factory war- This warranty is in lieu of any other
W A R N I N G (WHEN INSULATING GAUGES) ranties do not include field service. warranty expressed or implied by any
Norriseal level transmitters have a max- Field service warranty repairs will be party other than Norriseal. Repairs
imum operating temperature of 300°F. at the buyer’s expense. Consult and/or replacements shall be at the
When insulating a gauge and transmit- Norriseal for field service rates. Any sole discretion of Norriseal based on
ter assembly in HOT service, keep modifications to terms and conditions the terms and conditions of this war-
the transmitter OUTSIDE the insulating of this warranty will not be binding ranty. Defective products shall be
material. Special blankets for this type of
unless made in writing and signed by returned to the factory prepaid by the
insulation are available from Norriseal.
For further information consult Norriseal:
an authorized agent or official of buyer after obtaining a Return
713.466.3552 Norriseal. Authorization Number from Norriseal.
All warranty repairs or replacements
NOTE: will be preformed at the factory and
8.0 WARRANTY AND HART All Norriseal gauges should be unpacked wilI be paid by Norriseal. Factory war-
PROTOCOL and thoroughly inspected upon receipt. ranties do not include field service.
Gauges are shipped FOB factory and are Field service warranty repairs will be
fully protected against damage or loss at the buyers expense. Consult
8.0 WARRANTY during shipment. Any claims for parts Norriseal for field service rates.
All Norriseal products are warranted damaged during shipment should be sub-
against defects in materials and work- mitted within 15 days of receipt of goods Any modifications to terms and con-
manship of one year from date of by customer. ditions of this warranty will not be
shipment. Floats are guaranteed for binding unless made in writing and
two years. Norriseal will repair or signed by an authorized agent or
replace at its discretion those 8.0 WARRANTY AND HART official of Norriseal.
products that fail to perform PROTOCOL NOTE:
as specified, with the following
exceptions: 8.1 WARRANTY All Norriseal gauges should be unpacked
and thoroughly inspected upon receipt.
1. Products repaired or modified by All Norriseal products are warranted Gauges are shipped FOB factory and are
persons that are not authorized by against defects in material and work- fully protected against damage or loss
Norriseal. manship of one year from date of during shipment. Any claims for parts
2. Products subjected to misuse, neg- shipment. The level gauge chamber damaged during shipment should be
ligence or accidents. and process connections are guar- submitted within 15 days of reciept of
anteed for the life of the tank or ves- goods by customer.
3. Products that are connected,
sel to which It is attached. Floats are
installed, or otherwise used in such
guaranteed for two years. Norriseal
a way not in strict accordance with
will repair or replace at its discretion
manufacturer’s instructions.
those products that fail to perform as

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
12102-0210O — ©2010, February 2010 Page 7 of 8
Series 1210-LTM200D Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter


11122 West Little York • Houston, Texas USA 77441

Tel: 713·466·3552 • Fax: 713·896·7386

Due to the continuous improvement at Norriseal,

specifications and/or prices are subject to change
without notice or obligation.

©2010 Norriseal. All rights reserved.

™Norriseal is a mark of Dover Corporation.

11122 West Little York · Houston, Texas USA 77041

Tel: 713·466·3552 · Fax: 713·896·7386
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