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Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100

Masters Program in Business Administration (MBA)

Note :- Solve any 4 case study

All case carries equal marks

The managing director of Naveen Fisheries Ltd. (NFL) received a message from one of
the members of the crew that their mechanized boats had sunk at sea off Paradeep Port Trust
due to unfavorable weather. The other directors of NFL ascertained the detailed information
regarding the incident. All the promoters were fresh graduates.

Naveem, Praveen, Nagain, Ravi and Chandra were the promoters of the organization
(NFL at Vishakhapattanam) with a capital contribution of Rs. 25 lakh each. Three of them had
an engineering background. The other two were commerce graduates. They had thought of
designing the vessels themselves so that the cost each mechanized boat would be reduced
from Rs. 30 lakhs (if they bought them) to Rs. 22 Lakh. They designed three boats and these
were sent out with a newly – appointed crew. Two vessels were sent to Paradeep and the third
to Kakinada. Unfortunately, the weather was unfavourable. All the vessels sank. The crew also
did not have experience. Two workers were injured and the rest arrived sagely. There was
significant damage to the vessels and the residue was considered scrap. The cost of scrap of
the vessels was nominal. As their working capital was scarce, and they were unable to invest
more capital, they were in a dilemma whether to continue the business or not.

Case I Questions:
1. What were the reasons for the sinking of the vessels?
2. How could they reorganize the businesses?


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100


At MNC Corporation, a foreman of inspection noticed a mistake in the assembly of transmitter
cases. The foreman, a shy man when speaking to his immediate superiors, mentioned this
matter to the senior supervisor in a weak, ineffectual manner. The senior supervisor nodded
his head and continued to work on a report that he was writing. Later, a production slowdown
occurred, and it was discovered that this flaw in the transmitter was the cause. The chief of
production engineering, upset because this error had passed inspection unnoticed, reproved
the senior supervisor in a brusque manner.
The senior supervisor called in the foreman of inspection and asked why this error had not
been brought to his attention. The foreman said, “I told you the other day they were missing
same of the punch-outs in those transmitter cases.” The senior supervisor said, “Yes, but you
did not pound the desk when you told me!”

Case II Questions:
1. Why did the communication problem arise?
2. What do you suggest to prevent the communication problem?


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100



Venkataraman was an officer in a leading nationalized bank with years of service to his
credit. During his long period of service, he worked in different capacities and sections. His
attitude and behavior made him a trusted in the organization. Having been posted in a big
branch based in a large city, he was not keen on getting further promotions.

On one occasion, when he was working as an incharge of the draft issue section, he issued
bundles of drawing books from the main stock of the security forms of the branch and kept
the same in his custody in an almirah provided to him. One fine morning, he removed three
drawing books out of the stock of books valued below Rs. 10,000 which he had in his own
custody and kept them in his house. He then started issuing drafts in various names form
his house out of the aforesaid stolen drawing books by allotting correct branch serial
numbers obtained from the branch register under his control. The drafts were deposited in
different banks/branches of the same bank in different accouns opened in the names of the
payees of the drafts. These accounts were introduced by the bank employees, and some of
them were in different representations only, like Mr. Venkataraman Aiyar, Mr
Venkataraman Iyengar, etc. The drafts thus deposited were presented in clearing and were
passed in the normal course without any doubt or suspicion. In the evening, he would visit
the concerned drawee offices and collect such paid drafts.

Having found this technique successful, he tried his hand at yet another. This time he
started issuing drafts in fictitious names or in the names of his close relatives drawn on
outstations without any vouchers or deposits. After a few days, he would cancel the same
drafts by allowing the credits to the respective accounts in his own branch by debiting the
head office accounts. He continued to do this for about three months, causing a loss of over
Rs. 700,000 to the bank.

The fraud came to light thanks to the presence of mind exercised by on e of the officers at
another local office. He found that on the previous day also, he had paid a similar draft with
the leaf number previous to the draft presented now. In his view, it was not possible for
such a big office to avoid consumption of draft leaved in this fashion. Consequently, the
matter was taken up with the issuing branch. Unfortunately for Venkataraman, someone
else was working as the incharge of the draft issue section on that day. On checking up the
records, it transpired that no such draft was issued. This led to promt investigations and
detection of the whole fraud committed by Venkataraman.

Case III Questions:

1. How do you view the present fraud case: a human failure or a system failure?
2. What are the main issues in the case, and how can our present system of control
prevent such fraud?


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100

3. How would you manage the situation on detection?


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100


Mr. Lateef, Chairman of Shahid Fabrics, a Hyderabad-based garments and piece goods firm
which exported all its products to the USA, faced a decision in August 1985. The US
government had imposed quota restrictions which reduced the exports of his firm by 40
percent. He had to find a new market for his products.

Shahid Fabrics was one of Pakistan’s major exporters of garments and piece goods. Its
share was 25 percent of the exports of these goods of the whole country. It was
established in 1954 as a producer of cotton cloth and later, in 1966, it extended production
to include garments and piece goods. It had eight local production units and the total
number of employees was 8,000. All its garments and piece goods were exported, and
branded according to customer specification. All the goods were exported to the USA and
the sales of the firm amounted to US$ 100 million. In 1984, the US government imposed
quota restrictions. By August 1985, Shahid Fabrics exports had been reduced by 40

Mr. Lateef believed that finding new markets was the only way to survive. The possible
alternatives according to him were the EEC countries, the USSR, the Middle Eastern Arab
countries and the other Asian countries. The EEC was a very good potential market, but
Europeans were very tough buyers. It would be necessary to segregate the EEC from other
buyers because of their existing specifications with regard to style, colour and packing. The
USSR too was a potential market as far as demand was concerned, but the country did not
have enough money in foreign exchange.

The Middle Eastern Arab countries had money, but their requirements were small due to
their smaller population. Second, these countries preferred not to buy Pakistani goods
directly from Pakistan$. They would rather like to buy the same Pakistani goods, branded
differently from other Western countries, say France.

Asia was a big market, but the Asian countries, including turkey, were Shahid Fabrics’
competition in the international market. Mr. Lateef was deeply concerned with the loss of
40 percent of his export goods. He was eager to determine which new market offered the
highest potential. He wondered what specific information he could use to help his decision.

Case IV Questions:
1. What information should Mr. Lateef develop to evaluate foreign markets?
2. Where should he look for this information?
3. Develop a framework to help Mr. Lateef identify his best potential foreign markets.


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100


Mr. Abdul Ahmed, Production Manger, Westward Exports Ltd, Karachi, faced a decision
in 1984. the rejection rate of their exports of readymade garments was 20 percent of total
production. He also felt that their productivity was not as high as it might have been.

Westward Exports Ltd. was a large Pakistani company exporting ladies fashion
garments made of pure cotton. Their main product items were blouses, skirts, dresses, shirts,
pants, etc. their main overseas markets were the USA, Europe and Japan, and production was
Rs. 100 million. They had about 2,000 workers engaged in production through their various

Production was carried out by 138 subcontractors. They did not utilize assembly line
production: each individual worker carried out all the jobs required on each garment. The
machinery and equipment used by the machines had a low output, and were not suited to high
technology application. Mr. Abdul knew that male workers performed 60 percent of the total
production and the rest was done by females. He also knew that while male workers were
always willing to work overtime, their absentee rate was greater than that of women. Abdul
felt that productivity could be higher, and he wondered how he should approach this issue.

The company purchased raw material (grey cloth) from several sources and had it dyed
by different concerns, which sometimes caused variation in the colors. Both dyeing and inferior
stitching caused the rejection rate, to rise to 20 percent of their total production. Mr. Abdul was
worried about this high rate of rejection, and wondered what sequence of steps he should take
to help reduce this high rejection rate.

Case V Questions:
1. What alternatives are available to Mr Abdul?
2. Other than purchasing higher technology machinery, in what ways might Mr Abdul
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the dyeing and stitching operations?


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100


The quality circle Sigma was started in the heat treatment section of Baba Bearings Company
with seven members.
The members prepared the following list of various factors affecting the productivity of the
heat treatment section.
1. Distortion of bearing races in sealed quench furnaces.
2. Loss of productivity and energy in sealed quench furnaces.
3. Excess consumption of LPG.
4. Rejection of cages due to scaling during annealing.
5. Shrinkage in tapered roller bearing outer rings.
6. Broadly, bearing are manufactured in the following three stages: (a) Turning, (b) Heat
Treatment, and (c) Grinding.

The circle members, in their brainstorming session, gave priorities to the study aspects with
the help of Pareto analysis. Distortion of bearing races in sealed quench furnaces was a major
factor affecting the productivity. Hence, the circle decided to take this up for study. Turned
rings in the soft condition are hardened and tempered. After heat treatment, it was noted that
about 30 percent of the rings were beyond the specified limits of distortion (ovality). These
rings were subject to straining for rectification.

Straining is a laborious process involving extra manpower and time. It affected schedules and
deliveries to customers. The cause and effect diagram was employed for analysis, and the
following causes identified:

 Design of heating elements

 Mesh baskets distortion

The members collected data regarding the heating element. Rings are loaded into the furnace
keeping in a mesh basket in layers. The rings are heated by corrtherm heating elements; the
heat is made to circulate uniformly throughout the furnace by a circulating fan. After the
hardening process, it was observed that in general, the rings arranged at the sides of the
basket adjacent to the heating elements showed greater ovality (50 per cent) than those at the
centre (17 percent).

The members felt that rings at the sides were directly exposed to the radiant heat of the
elements, and this resulted in a temperature gradient within the cross-section of the rings,
causing more distortion. The temperature adjacent to the heating elements was higher by 26
degree Celsius than at the centre of the furnace.

Case VI Questions:
1. What are the measures to be taken to avoid direct effect of heat?


Sub: Principal & Practice of Management Max Marks: 100

2. Design a quality improvement process for the bearings company.

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