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Gauri Patre
28 Feb'19
Bangalore, Mapusa

Digital Marketing

Q1. Why should you be hired for this internship?
Every beginner from any field needs a start. And I would like to start my career with something that i am
passionate doing about. I find that in Digital Marketing stream. Given a chance I would give my 100% in
this field.

Thank You

Q2. Are you available for 3 months, starting immediately, for a full time internship at Bangalore? If
not, what is the time period you are available for and the earliest date you can start this internship
on? Please also mention your preferred location.
Yes available in Bangalore


Post Graduate Program in Management (P.G.P.M.), Marketing And Data Analytics (2016 - 2018)
IBS Bangalore
Percentage : 7.53%


Market Research
KLCP Healthy Foods Pvt Ltd (Hyderabad)
Mar 2017 - May 2017
Through my project the potential customers for the firm was identified through a market research
study conducted in different cities.
The research was done through primary research by conducting a survey with minimum sample size of

Advanced Digital Marketing

DSIM Bangalore (Bangalore)
Sep 2018 - Present
Training in Google AdWords, SEO,SEM, Email marketing, website development and optimisation,lead
generation, social media marketing, Google analytics


Phone: +91 9113230189

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