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Debt Financing

1. In the last 12 months, did the business request any new or additional debt finance?

[ ] Yes → GOTO 3

[ ] No → GOTO 2

2. Why has the business not requested debt finance?

Mark all that apply:
the owner(s) felt the request would be turned down
applying for debt finance is too difficult and time consuming
the cost of debt financing is too high
the business or its owners don’t like to be in debt
new or additional debt financing was not needed
other, please specify:

3. For your most recent debt request, what type of finance was requested?
Mark all that apply:
new bank overdraft
new loan with a term of less than one year
new loan with a term of more than one year
not specified at the time of the request
other, please specify:

4. For your most recent debt request, which of the following did you approach?
Mark all that apply:
finance companies
trade creditors or suppliers
existing owner(s) of the business
friends or family of the existing owner(s)
other, please specify:

5. For your most recent debt request, how much finance did you request?

[ ] amount requested Php___________

[ ] amount not known at the time of the request

6. For your most recent debt request, how did you intend to use the finance?
Mark all that apply:
purchase of land or building(s)
purchase of vehicle(s)
purchase of machinery or equipment
purchase of business(es)
product or service development (including research and development)
debt consolidation
other, please specify:

7. For your most recent debt request, did you receive any finance?

[ ] Yes → GOTO 9

[ ] No → GOTO 8

8. What reasons were given for not receiving the finance?

Mark all that apply:
insufficient income or cashflow to service financing
insufficient collateral or security
poor credit experience or history
no one was willing to personally guarantee the financing
the business chose to withdraw the request
the request is still under review
no reasons were given
other, please specify:

9. For your most recent debt request, how much debt finance did you receive?

amount received Php______________

10. For your most recent debt request, who provided the debt finance?
Mark all that apply:
finance companies
trade creditors or suppliers
existing owner(s) of the business
friends or family of the existing owner(s)
other, please specify:

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