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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

-Honorable Mr. H. A. Rif’an M.Ag as the head master of islamic senior high school 2 Kudus
-Respectable to all teachers of Man 2 Kudus
-And my beloved friends
First of all, lets pray and thanks to Allah SWT who has given us mercies and blessing, so we
can gather here in a good time and good condition, without any trouble and obstacles
Secondly, peace and salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from
the darkness to the lightness and from the stupidity to the smartisity
I’m standing here, i want to give you all, a little speech about
Allah says in the Qur'an:
Laqod kaana lakum fii rosulillahi uswatun hasanatu liman kaana yarjulloha walyaumil akhiri
wa dzakarolloha katsiro (al-ahzab: 21)
There has been a good example for you / role model in the Messenger of God for those who
hope in God and the Last Day, and the people who remember Allah much. (Al-Ahzab: 21)

I believe that the birth of Muhammad in this world is a clue for us to further increase our
devotion to God Almighty. For it is fitting if at night, we examine further the Prophet
Muhammad as the last day, which also became a role model in every practice the instructions
in this life up in the afterlife
Rasulullah juga memiliki 4 sifat yang sangat mulia yaitu : sidiq, amanah ( mandate), tabligh
and fathonah
1. Siddiq What is it?
Siddiq is the correct words in accordance actual circumstances.
2. What’s Mandate?
Mandate means trustworthy actions. As believers we are commanded by God to carry out the
the mandate well
3. What is the meaning of Fathonah?
Fathonah means intelligent. Each person has been given by Allah SWT intelligence different
from each other.
4. Tabligh What is it?
Tabligh is convey the revelation from Allah SWT.
That’s four personality traits that the Messenger of Allah we have an example for us to be a
good, reliable, intelligent and useful to society.

All Muslim rohimakumulloh,

Look at our paragon, Rasulullah who had been an independent and success person since he
was still very young.
At age 0 – 4, he had become a fatherless child who lived in the dessert area with Bani Sa’ad
and during that time he was breast-fed by Halimah .
At age 6 – 8, he lived with his grandfather, Abdul Muthalib, who was an authoritative
At age 8, he began to herd the goats when living with his uncle, Abu Thalib.
At age 12, he began an international business trip to Syria together with his uncle.
At age 15, he obtained warfare experience through Fijar War event between Quraisy people
and other people for 4 – 5 years long.
At age 20, he acquired his first diplomatic experience as a pacifying agent between Quraisy
people and other and strengthened his social credibility in society. After that, he worked to
Siti Khadijah and got back to take a business trip of exporting and importing to Yamane and
At age 25, he married with Siti Khadijah and started out his experience as patriarch.
At age 25 – 35, he had the experiences of being a patriarch, trader, rich man, people’s leader,
and in many social activities. Thus, what can we see from the young figure of Prophet
Muhammad Saw?
Rosululloh said:
Innama bu'istu li utammima makaarimal akhlaq (alhadist)
Meaning: I actually sent to my people to perfect noble morality.

From the hadith we know that Rosululloh sent by God in order to enhance human morality. If
we claim to be followers of the prophet Muhammad then let us set an example for the people
around us. Do not expect others follow our example if we do not do what we talked about.

Very little that i can say today,only a couple of words over that i can convey to you us of
now. Thank a considerable measure for your consideration and i like wise approach
absolution for my errors and the last i say

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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