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JGC Philippines, Inc.

(August 2017 – December 2017)

A Technical Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Civil and Sanitary Engineering Department

College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts

Batangas State University

Batangas City

In Partial Fulfilment of

Requirements for On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Espiritu, Jun Allen P.

December 2017
I. Introduction

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines On-the-Job Training (OJT) as an

experience which an individual can learn, gain something which is related to his

field of specialization while working at a job

On-the-job training focuses on the acquisition of skills within the work

environment generally under normal working conditions. Through on-the-job

training, workers acquire both general skills that they can transfer from one job to

another and specific skills that are unique to a particular job. On-the-job training,

typically includes verbal and written instruction, demonstration and observation,

and hands-on practice and imitation. In addition, the on-the-job training process

involves one employee—usually a supervisor or an experienced employee—

passing knowledge and skills on to a novice employee. (Kacey, 2015)

This training uses the regular or existing workplace tools, machines,

documents, equipment, knowledge, and skills necessary for an employee to

learn to effectively perform his or her job. It occurs within the normal working

environment that an employee experiences on the job. It may occur as the

employee performs actual work, or it may occur elsewhere within the workplace

using training rooms, training workstations, or training equipment.

This kind of training yields learnings, experiences, opportunities, and

challenges which shall help develop competent professionals. Pursuing a certain

career entails sufficient knowledge and proper application of academic, personal,

and interpersonal skills, thus, this training shall serve as the foundation in
preparation for the exposure to the environment of that career. It gives an

overview of what the actual profession is and how a real professional works.

Moreover, it will help the trainee to adjust from a state of being a student to a

career-oriented individual.

In line with this, this technical narrative report is consisting of learning and

experiences acquired by a student trainee who took up this program in JGC

Philippines, Inc. He was assigned in Civil Department in Hassi Messaoud - South

Satellite Revamping Project in Algeria.

In the civil department, the area of work is divided into two. Those are

structural designing and foundation designing. In structural designing, structures

were designed using the program STAAD.Pro to ensure the safety of the

structure based on its structural strength. On the other hand, foundation

designing, foundations were designed using programs provided by the company

to assure the stability of the structure’s foundation in terms of its safety. In these

areas of works, calculation, drawing and modeling of both structures and

foundations were the skills that the student trainee acquired and enhance. Also,

checking of plans was necessary because of the revisions and comments given

by the client or the head engineer.

II. Company Background

JGC Philippines, Inc. is the biggest Engineering, Procurement and

Construction (EPC) services company in the Philippines for Industrial Facilities.

It was granted the first ”AAAA” PCAB License on August 9, 2016. JGC

Philippines takes pride in having more than a thousand technically competent

Filipino engineers and non-engineering professionals with experience both in

international and domestic projects.

Over the years, JGC Philippines has completed projects in the Philippines

and has been involved in projects in Bahrain, Qatar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,

Algeria, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. It is a member of the JGC

Group with over 47 subsidiaries and 32 affiliated companies. JGC Corporation,

based in Yokohama, Japan, is one of the largest engineering companies in the

world and maintains a global network of satellite engineering centers.

JGC Philippines, Inc. has the capability to undertake any project phase,

from initial planning, design, estimates, documentation, project management,

construction for any infrastructure project mainly power plants and oil refineries.

Hence, the company does not only engage with construction but as well as

supply of permanent construction materials and all matters regarding

construction and project designing.

JGC Philippines, Inc. (JPHIL), always provides quality and efficient

service to their clients to complete its commitments on time which they achieve

based on ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System). Also, JPHIL ensure to

fulfill all compliance pertinent to environmental protection through the strict

implementation on the company of Environmental Management System (EMS on

ISO 14001; 2015). Lastly, JPHIL recognize the value of all information assets

including those of customers, vendors and subcontractors and establish an

Information Security Management System (ISMS) that conforms to the

requirements of ISO 27001:2013.

Some of the on-going projects of the company in the Philippines and overseas
Some of the finished projects of the company

Polyethylene Plant Project, Bataan, Philippines

Fabric Softener Plant Project, Batangas, Philippines

Nickel Processing Plant Project, Palawan, Philippines

III. Training Details

a. Personal

This program helps the student trainee to develop and improve his

skills, character, and attitude towards real life workplace and discover

things about the profession. This OJT gives him a chance to learn things

that can only be taught and acquired in an actual workplace.

JGC Philippines, Inc. has given him the opportunity of practicing

his future career as effective and efficient professional practicing proper

ethics of a Civil Engineer

i. Time Management

Proper time management is important to the trainee since he’s

also taking up his design project course. The program has helped

him organize and manage his activities and responsibilities in the

workplace and in school effectively. Also, he learned to value time

more during his spare time in office.

ii. Do Work Under Pressure

During his office works, the trainee is exposed to challenges,

pressure, complex task and problems, work competencies and

difficulties. These include items/tasks which need to be submitted on

time. But despite these circumstances, he manages to handle them


iii. Develop Professionalism

Being a student working with professionals is both a privilege

and a challenge which needs to be overcome with. The program has

helped the trainee to adjust and cope up with the environment of his

career, and at the same time develop his professionalism towards his

work and colleagues. He has learned to act and work as a

professional and at the same time considerate enough with his

colleagues’ decisions and works.

iv. Enhance Critical Thinking Ability and Discipline

As a civil engineering student, the trainee shall be trained to

be a problem solver and designer especially when the item/task was

given to him. Thus, in times of problems at work, in designing

foundations and structures, the trainee was taught to handle such

situations and help in decision making.

Engr. Bobby Leoncio, the project engineer, has shared his

knowledge, experiences, and techniques in solving problems on

designing structures and foundation on the project. He often asks

questions to test how the trainee would respond to such problems

and then gives a more suitable solution, which adds to the learning of

the trainee.

b. Interpersonal

The student trainee is fortunate to be part of the company because the

employees and even the owners of the company have treated him as a

professional and a part of their family. The staff members are very

approachable, helpful, and kind to the student trainee and to other trainees as

well. The workers on the project sites are courteous, approachable, and they

willingly share their ideas. Also, the engineers are eager in imparting their
knowledge on their fields which strengthen the bond and communication of

between them and the trainee.

Since the purpose of the training is to expose the trainee in the

engineering office work phase of the projects by designing and calculating,

his interpersonal skills have considerably developed. He has improved his

social communication with the engineers and workers not only in technical

aspect but also personally.

On the other hand, his working experience with the office staff has

improved his way of approaching professional individuals without hesitating

and in a professional way.

c. Technical

As a Student Engineer in charge, he is assigned to to design structures

and foundations on different items/tasks on the said projects specifically on

structures are stanchions, shelter and pipe supports and the foundations of

the latter. During his office works, he is provided with the structural and

foundation information needed to start the design. He also checks revised

plans, drawings and calculations prior to the instruction of colleagues giving

him the task. The project engineer/supervisor always check what the trainee

was doing, and teaches him the proper steps, techniques, and engineering

wise decisions on designing items. The trainee has witnessed the actual work

of his colleagues and how each of them respond to certain problems at work.

Whenever he raises questions to them, they immediately respond to him

courteously and informatively.

d. Program Specific

Design and construction steel stanchions, shelters, and pipe supports

are some of the important disciplines that a civil engineer must be well

acquainted to in the field of power plants and oil refineries construction.

These concepts are discussed in his academic courses namely Building

Design, Reinforced Concrete Design (RCD), Geotechnical Engineering, Steel

Design, and Construction Methods and Project Management (CMPM).

In his design works, steel and foundation designing is a significant

learning since he gets to experience designing steel pipes and foundations on

the said project. This concept involves initiating, planning, executing,

calculating, and modeling to achieve the desired design in most competitive

cost and meet specific success criteria at the specified time. Also included in

this discipline is the consideration of the safety of the workers since designing

of the stability of the structure is observed during designing and the safety of

the end-users of the projects built.

During his training period, he has learned the complicacy of the

item/tasks and how to handle each of them professionally. He has observed

engineering design phases and project analyzation of steel structures and its

foundation. He sees how different school works about his specialization on

actual work in the company. Through discussing with the co-employees and

the engineers, observing the designing process, and jotting down notes of a
new learning, he acquires more knowledge of how to manage such kind of

items/tasks on the project given.

IV. Training Assessment in Relation to:

a. Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes are skills, knowledge, and behavior that are

expected to achieve through the completion of this program.

 Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

This program has given a chance to the trainee to experience working

with different people with different attitudes and different characters. Working

with different people, of different professions and of different specialization is

challenging but enjoyable. The trainee has experienced working not only on

the project he was assigned to, but all the projects present in the company.

Because of this, his ability to interact with multiple groups of people has been


 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

The purpose of taking up this program is to give the students an

experience to work in actual settings and help develop professionalism and

work ethics which will be very useful in the future career outside the

academe. The student trainee has learned to work professionally and handle

every task responsibly.

 An ability to communicate effectively

Communicating with the office staff, project engineers, and co-workers

has been a significant learning in this program. The trainee interacts with

these individuals in a proper manner – professionally and courteously. He

could ask questions without hesitation and fear of being criticized. He also

seeks help whenever he needs some advice or materials to use in his tasks.

 Ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary

for engineering practice

The supervisor has given the trainee some tasks in planning and designing

such as inputting loads needed in designing skid structures, checking revised

plans and design calculations, and modeling designed foundations. These tasks

have helped him practice his knowledge, skills, decision-making, and strategies

to handle the item/tasks well. Thus, this training has significantly improved him

and prepared him for his future career.

 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve

engineering problems.

Being a civil engineering student-trainee, application of mathematics

and science in problem solving is one of the most significant disciplines. This

application is present in the estimation of materials to be used in the

construction of each project and design considerations in constructing the

proposed structures and also in drawing of foundation and structural plans.

 Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and

interpret data.
Experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data are applied in other

areas of the civil engineering program, but in the training program acquired

by the trainee, experiments are not necessary. However, analysis and

interpretation of data are applied in the design phase of foundations and steel

structures. Embodying the required amenities in the design shows an

interpretation of data, while conforming their designs to the standards and

codes are part of data analysis.

b. Civil Engineering Program

The Civil Engineering Program aims to produce successful civil

engineers who shall participate as partners in nation building in

engineering projects involving structural, geotechnical, transportation, and

construction management. It also aspires to mold competent individuals

who shall abide to professional, moral, and ethical standards in the

practice of civil engineering.

The On-the-Job Training conducted by the student-trainee serves

as the foundation in pursuit of accomplishing the program objectives. It

provides tasks and activities which focuses specifically on the application

of structural design and construction management. It aims to show the

difference between the technical aspect and the actual operation and

execution of the plans of the structures.

During the extent of the 500-hour training, the trainee has

acquainted himself with the organization of the employees of the company

and the real environment of his chosen career, and has acquired the

learning experience that he needs to improve his knowledge and skills.

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