Cape 2015 Dwsim Workshop 10oct15 151011145109 Lva1 App6892

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Process Simulation using DWSIM

P. R. Naren
School of Chemical & Biotechnology
SASTRA University

National Conference on Advances in Process Engineering


SASTRA University
Thanjavur, Tamilnadu 613 401 INDIA

10th October 2015

Progress Through Quality Education


• Process Simulation and Simulation Tools


• Spoken Tutorials – IITB

• Tutorials on process simulation using DWSIM

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Process Simulation

• Perform material and energy balance

• Performance of equipment for given design

• Sensitivity analysis

• What-If analysis

• Process synthesis and comparison

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

• Process Simulator
• Steady State
• Thermodynamic Models
• Unit Operations
• Free & Open Source Daniel Medeiros
Process Engineer, Petrobras
• CAPE Open Complaint

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

FOSSEE Project

• Free and Open Source Software for Education

• Spoken Tutorials
 10 min short videos on DWSIM
 Forum to post queries on videos

– Textbook Companion Project

 Code all solved examples of standard textbook
 Get paid ! Honorarium from IITB
– Lab Migration Project Dr. Kannan Moudgalya
 Convert process simulation lab to DWSIM Chemical Engg., IITB

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM


• Creation of material streams

• Creation of simple process flow sheet
• Thermodynamics
– Thermo physical properties of components
– VLE data of binary component system
• Process Units
– Mixer
– Simple heater
– Simple distillation column
– Flash column
– Equilibirum reactor
10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM
Tutorial 1

Specification of Material Stream and Composition

• Objective
– Create material stream
– Specify composition
– Operating condition (Pressure, Temperature, State –
• Spoken Tutorial
• Data
– Components: Benzene and Toluene
– Composition: Equimolar
– Thermodynamics: Raoults Law
– Pressure: 1 atm
– Temperature: 30oC

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Tutorial 2

Generation of Vapour Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) data

• Objective
– Generate binary component VLE (Pxy at T or Txy
at P, y vs. x)
• Data
– Components: Benzene and Toluene
– Pressure: 1 atm
Generate Txy, y vs. x
– Temperature: 50oC
Generate Pxy, y vs x

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Tutorial 3
Mixing of Two Liquid Streams
• Objective
– Mix two liquid streams and estimate the flow rate and composition of outlet
• Data
– Inlet stream 1: 10 mol % Methanol solution at 20 kmol/hr
– Inlet stream 2: 80 mol % Methanol solution at 10 kmol/hr
– Both the streams are at 30oC and at 1 atm pressure
– The liquid streams can be considered as ideal
• Block
– Mixer
• Output
– Outlet molar flow rate
– Composition

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Tutorial 4
Heat duty through Simulation of Heater Block
• Objective
– Determine the heat duty required to heat a fluid to a desired temperature
• Data
– Fluid: Water
– Inlet mass flow rate: 50 kg/hr
– Inlet temperature: 25oC
– Outlet temperature: 90oC
– Pressure: 1 bar
• Block
– Heater
• Output
– Heat Duty

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Tutorial 5
Simulation of a Simple Distillation Column
• Objective
– Develop a simple process sheet to simulate distillation column
– Underwood Fenske Method
• Spoken Tutorial Quantity Value

• Output Components Benzene, Toluene

– Minimum reflux Thermodynamics Ideal – Raoult’s Law

– Min. no. of stages Feed

Molar flow rate 100 kmol/hr
– Condenser duty Mol fraction xF = 0.4
– Re-boiler duty State Saturated Liquid at P = 1 bar
Reflux 2
Product Bottoms: xB = 0.05
Distillate: xD = 0.95

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Tutorial 6

Simulation of a Simple Process Flow Sheet – Mixer and Flash

• Objective
– Develop process sheet with Mixer and Flash Column
 Mix two streams
 Outlet from mixer is sent to flash column
 Estimate the vapour and liquid outlet

• Spoken Tutorial
• Output
– Vapour composition
– Liquid composition

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

Tutorial 7
Simulation of Equilibirum Reactor
• Objective
– Simulate equilibrium reactor to estimate conversion for reversible reaction
(known stoichiometry)
CO g   H 2 O g  CO 2 g   H 2 g 
• Data
– Reversible reaction – Water Gas Shift
– Operating temperature: 900 K, Operating pressure: 1 atm
– Inlet flow rate: 100 kmol/hr
– Composition: stoichiometric ratio of CO and H2O
• Block
– Equilibrium Reactor
• Output
– Equilibrium conversion in terms of base component
– Enthalpy of reaction

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM

To Sum Up

• DWSIM – Effective and promising open source

process simulation tool

• Complement learning process through simulation of

difference process scenarios

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM


• Prof Kannan Moudgalya, IITB

– M. Neelesh Chandran, Chemical Engg., SASTRA

– C. S. Vighnesh, Chemical Engg., SASTRA

• CAPE-2015 and IIChE Student Chapter

– For this wonderful opportunity

– PR Team for their registration drive !!

– Technical and Infra support team

• Audience
10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM
A person who never made a mistake never tried
anything new
- Albert Einstein
- 1879 -1955

Entities must not be

multiplied beyond necessity
- William of Ockham
- 12th A.D.

10-Oct-15 Process Simulation using DWSIM


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