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Pakistan Current
Affairs MCQs PDF

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251.An SCR can be used-----------?

A. as static conductor

B. for power control

C. for speed control of dc shunt motor

D. All of these (Answer)

252.With gate open, the maximum anode current at which SCR is turned off from ON condition is called------------?

A. breakdown voltage

B. peak reverse voltage

C. holding current (Answer)

D. latching current

253.A crowbar is a circuit which is used to protect a-------------?

A. voltage sensitive load from excessive dc power supply output voltages (Answer)

B. current sensitive load from excessive dc power supply output voltages

C. voltage sensitive load from excessive ac power supply output voltages

D. current sensitive load from excessive ac power supply output voltages

254.Bidirectional semiconductor device is-----------?

A. Diode



D. TRIAC (Answer)

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255.A full wave rectifier with resistive load produces-----------?

A. Second harmonic

B. Third harmonic

C. Fifth harmonic

D. Do not produce harmonics (Answer)

256.An ideal diode is-----------?

A. Unidirectional

B. Bidirectional

C. Fixed voltage polarity

D. Only (a) and (c) (Answer)

257.The input current waveform of a bridge controlled rectifier when the load is perfectly filtered is-----------?

A. Sine wave

B. Square wave (Answer)

C. Saw – tooth wave

D. Trapezoidal wave

258.The IGBT resulted in higher switching speed and lower energy losses. It can be used for-----------?

A. Uninterruptible power supplies

B. Induction heating system

C. Constant voltage and frequency power supplies

D. All of these (Answer)

259.The advantage of using free – wheeling diode in half controlled bridge converter is that

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A. There is always a path for the dc current independent of the ac line (Answer)

B. There is always a path for the ac current independent of the ac line

C. There is always a path for the dc current dependent of the ac line

D. There is always a path for the ac current independent of the ac line

260.To detect an over – current fault condition, the most reliable method is to connect a-------------?

A. Current sensor across IGBT

B. Voltage sensor across IGBT

C. Current sensor in series with IGBT (Answer)

D. Voltage sensor in series with IGBT

261.Harmonics in 3 phase inverters can be reduced by using-----------?

A. Passive filter

B. Active filter

C. Both passive and active filters (Answer)

D. None of these

262.The on – state voltage drop of IGBT consists of----------?

A. Drop across the collector junction

B. Drop across the drift region

C. Drop across MOSFET portion

D. All of these (Answer)

263.The most suited gate pulses given to the AC regulator with R – L load can be in the form of------------?

A. Continuous signal

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B. Large isolating pulse transformer

C. A train of pulses (Answer)

D. None of these

264.The maximum firing angle in the half wave controlled regulator is-------------?

A. 180 degree

B. 190 degree

C. 200 degree

D. 210 degree (Answer)

265.With increase in firing angle,

A. Both harmonic distortion and quality of input current increases

B. Harmonic distortion increases and quality of input current decreases (Answer)

C. Harmonic distortion decreases and quality of input current increases

D. Both harmonic distortion and quality of input current decreases

266.n a phase controlled 3 phase ac voltage controller, the harmonic present is----------?

A. 2nd (Answer)

B. 3rd

C. 5th

D. 7th

267.The power MOSFET device is a-----------?

A. Current controlled unipolar device

B. Voltage controlled unipolar device (Answer)

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C. Current controlled bipolar device

D. Voltage controlled bipolar device

268.In dual converters----------------?

A. Both rectifiers provides positive current to the load (Answer)

B. Both rectifiers provide negative current to the load

C. One rectifiers provide positive current to the load and the other negative current

D. One rectifier provide positive current to the source and the other negative current to the load

269.The conduction losses in IGBT is------------?

A. More than that of MOSFET

B. Lower than that of MOSFET (Answer)

C. Equal to that of MOSFET

D. Equal to that of BJT

270.For a buck converter to reduce the conduction losses in diode

A. A high on – resistance switch can be added in parallel

B. A low on – resistance switch can be added in parallel

C. A high on – resistance switch can be added in series

D. A low on – resistance switch can be added in series (Answer)

271.Advantages of HVDC transmission over AC system is / are------------?

A. Reversal of power can be controlled by firing angle

b. Very good dynamic behavior

c. They can link two AC system operating unsynchronized

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d. All of these (Answer)

272.For bidirectional operation of converters------------?

A. A parallel combination of controllable switch and a diode is used (Answer)

B. A parallel combination of controllable switch and capacitor is used

C. A series combination of controllable switch and a diode is used

D. A series combination of controllable switch and a capacitor is used

273.In rectifiers, load current flow is---------?

A. Unidirectional (Answer)

B. Bidirectional

C. Either (a) or (b)

D. Non directional

274.Due to non sinusoidal waveform of the input current, the power factor of the rectifier is------------?

A. Negatively affected by firing angle

B. Negatively affected by distortion of the input current

C. Positively affected by both firing angle and distortion of the input current

D. Both (a) and (b) (Answer)

275.Single phase VSI are mainly used in-----------?

A. Power supplies

B. Ups

C. Multilevel configuration

D. All of these (Answer)

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276.The man made noise sources is / are-------------?

A. Motors

B. Switches, radio interferences

C. Computers, digital electronics

D. All of these (Answer)

277.Very large values of modulation index (greater than 3.24) lead to-----------?

A. Square AC output voltage (Answer)

B. Sine AC output voltage

C. Triangular AC output voltage

D. Trapezoidal AC output voltage

278.Any electrical signal present in a circuit other than the desired signal is known as--------------?

A. Noise (Answer)

B. Distortion

C. Interference

D. All of these

279.In single phase VSI, the harmonic which is not present is------------?

A. 2nd (Answer)

B. 3rd

C. 5th

D. 7th

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280.In commutation PAC stands for-------?

A. Permanent angle converter

B. Phase angle converter (Answer)

C. Phase angle commutation

D. Phase and commutation

281.Double fourier series analysis of PWM is-------------?

A. Two dimensional functions (Answer)

B. Three dimensional functions

C. One dimensional functions

D. All of these

282.In the operation and control of both naturally commutated and forced commutated SCR base converter,
commutation plays an important role. The converters is / are -----------?

A. AC – DC

B. DC – DC

C. DC – AC

D. All of these (Answer)

283.In bipolar modulation, the carrier is symmetric about zero with amplitude equal to Cm, the PWM output

A. Zero

B. Switches between – 1 / 2 and + 1 / 2 (Answer)

C. Switches between – 1 and + 1

D. Switches between 0 and + 1

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284.In a 3 phase VSI out of eight valid states, the number of valid states that produce zero ac line voltages is/are---------?

A. One

B. two (Answer)

C. Three

D. Four

285.The square wave operation of 3 phase VSI lines contains the harmonics. The amplitudes are------------?

A. Directly proportional to their harmonic order

B. Inversely proportional to their harmonic order (Answer)

C. Not related to their harmonic order

D. None of these

286.In a three phase voltage source inverters------------?

A. Only amplitude of voltage is controllable

B. Only phase is controllable

C. Both amplitude and phase is controllable

D. Amplitude, phase and frequency of voltages should always be controllable (Answer)

287.Under harmonic free load voltages, the 3 phase VSI-------------?

A. Does not contains second harmonic (Answer)

B. Does not contains third harmonic

C. Does not contains fifth harmonic

D. Does not contains seventh harmonic

288.Double edge modulation eliminates certain harmonics when the reference is a----------?

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A. Sine wave (Answer)

B. Square wave

C. Triangular wave

D. Trapezoidal wave

289.For similar carrier and modulating signals, the line current used in CSI is----------?

A. Identical to line voltage in a VSI (Answer)

B. Identical to line current in VSI

C. Identical to phase voltage in VSI

D. Identical to phase voltage in CSI

290.The carrier which are commonly used in constant – frequency PWM is--------------?

A. Sawtooth carrier

B. Inverted sawtooth carrier

C. Triangle carrier

D. All of these (Answer)

291.In a 3 phase CSI, if the required line output voltages are balanced and 120 degree out of phase, then the chopping
angles are used to eliminate only the harmonics at frequencies

A. 5

B. 7

C. 11

D. All of these (Answer)

292.A capacitive load in voltage source inverters generates ----------------?

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A. Small current spikes and can be reduced by using an inductive filter

B. Large current spikes and can be increased by using an inductive filter

C. Small current spikes and can be increased by using an inductive filter

D. Large current spikes and can be reduced by using an inductive filter (Answer)

293.In a three phase converter, the number of notches per cycle is------------?

A. One

B. Three

C. Six (Answer)

D. Nine

294.The main objective of static power converters is to------------?

A. Obtain an dc output waveform from a dc power supply

B. Obtain an ac output waveform from a dc power supply (Answer)

C. Obtain an dc output waveform from a dc power supply

D. Obtain an ac output waveform from a ac power suppl

295.During the commutation period in 3 phase converter, overlap time is-------------?

A. Dependent on the load current

B. Dependent on the voltage

C. Dependent on both the load current and load voltage behind the short circuit current (Answer)

D. Independent on both the load current and load voltage

296.The control method used for PWM dc – dc converter is--------------?

A. Voltage mode control

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B. Current mode control

C. Hysteric control

D. All of these (Answer)

297.Between the incoming and outgoing devices in voltage commutation

A. Large overlapping takes place

B. Small overlapping operation

C. No overlapping operation (Answer)

D. None of these

298.The average value of the output voltage in a step – down dc chopper is given by----------?

A. V 0 = V s

B. V 0 = D V s (Answer)

C. V 0 = V s / D

D. V 0 = V s / ( 1 – D )

299.The effects of EMI can be reduced by------------?

A. Suppressing emissions

B. Reducing the efficiency of the coupling path

C. Reducing the susceptibility of the receptor

D. All of these (Answer)

300.Choppers is a---------------?

A. AC – DC converters

B. AC – AC converters

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C. DC – AC converters

D. DC – DC converters (Answer)

301.In radiative coupling, the emitter radiation field-------------?

A. Decays as 1 / R, where R is the separation distance between the emitter and the receptor (Answer)

B. Decays as R, where R is the separation distance between the emitter and the receptor

C. Decays as 1 / 2 R, where R is the separation distance between the emitter and the receptor

D. Decays as 2R, where R is the separation distance between the emitter and the receptor

302.In BJT, switching losses occurs-----------?

A. Only at turn – on

B. Only at turn – off

C. Both at turn on and off (Answer)

D. None of these

303.In BJT, the forward biased base emitter junction inject holes from base to emitter, the holes-------?

A. Do not contribute to the collector current

B. Result in net current flow component into the base

C. Contribute to the collector current

D. Only (a) and (b) (Answer)

E. Only (b) and (c)

304.In EMC signal, the source delivers maximum power to the input of transmission line when the transmission line
input impedance

A. Is equal to the source resistance (Answer)

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B. Greater than the source resistance

C. Smaller than the source resistance

D. None of these

305.As the breakdown voltage reached, the DIAC exhibits?

A. Negative resistance characteristics

B. Goes into avalanche condition

C. Voltage drop snaps back

D. All of these (Answer)

306,For swept frequency measurements, the input impedance of the mismatched transmission line would vary with
frequency as the electrical length of the transmission line would

A. Decrease with frequency

B. Remains same with change in frequency

C. Increase with frequency (Answer)

D. Either A. or B.

307.DIAC are specifically designed to trigger--------------?




D. Only (a) and (b) (Answer)

308.Voltage commutation circuit can be converted into a current commutation by interchanging the positions of-----------

A. Diode and capacitor (Answer)

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B. Capacitor and SCR

C. Inductor and capacitor

D. Capacitor and load

309.In a 3 phase bridge rectifier the ripple frequency is -------------?

A. Equal to the input frequency

B. Twice the input frequency

C. Three times the input frequency

D. Six times the input frequency (Answer)

310.In a load commutated DC – DC chopper, the capacitor has a-------------?

A. Symmetric triangular voltage across itself

B. Symmetric rectangular voltage across itself

C. Symmetric trapezoidal voltage across itself (Answer)

D. Symmetric sinusoidal voltage across itself

311.The sum of all phase current in a star connected primary winding with no neutral connection is equal to-----------?

A. Phase current

B. Three times the phase current

C. Three times the line current

D. Zero at all times (Answer)

312.In current commutated DC-DC choppers, the voltage spike appears across the load when-------------?

A. Voltage across the commutating inductances collapses

B. The capacitance voltage adds to the supply voltage

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C. Both A. and B. (Answer)

D. None of these

313.For power output higher than 15 kW, the suitable rectifier is----------------?

A. Single phase

B. 3 phase

C. Poly phase

D. Only (b) and (c) (Answer)

314.In a full wave rectifier, the rectification ratio is approximately equal to------------?

A. 61%

B. 71%

C. 81% (Answer)

D. 91%

315.LISN is a device used to measure conducted emissions. LISN stands for-------------?

A. Line integrated stabilization network

B. Line impedance stabilization network (Answer)

C. Line integrated stored network

D. Laser integrated stabilization networking

316.In a single phase full wave rectifier, during blocking state the pea inverse voltage of diode is--------------?

A. V m

B. 2 V m (Answer)

C. V m / 2

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D. 4 V m

317.A single phase ac – dc converter is also known as------------?

A. rectifier (Answer)

B. inverter

C. chopper

D. regulator

318.The output power of the cascaded amplifier / attenuator system can be determined using-----------?

A. Actual gain of amplifier

B. Actual gain of amplifier and attenuator (Answer)

C. Gain in dB of amplifier and attenuator

D. Actual gain of attenuator

319.If the gate voltage of an SCR is removed, then the---------------?

A. anode current decreases

B. anode current does not decrease at all (Answer)

C. anode current increases

D. cathode current increases

320.Anode of an operational SCR is ---------------?

A. Always positive w.r.t cathode (Answer)

B. Always negative w.r.t anode

C. Always positive w.r.t anode

D. Always negative w.r.t cathode

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321.An SCR is made up of silicon because?

A. silicon has large leakage current than germanium

B. silicon has small leakage current than germanium (Answer)

C. silicon has small leakage voltage than germanium

D. silicon has large leakage voltage than germanium

322.In a silicon controlled rectifier, the load is connected-----------?

A. Across anode

B. In series with anode (Answer)

C. Across cathode

D. In series with cathode

323.AC power in a load can be controlled by using------------?

A. Two SCR’s in parallel opposition (Answer)

B. Two SCR’s in series

C. Three SCR’s in series

D. Four SCR’s in series

324.Number of PN junction in an SCR is------------?

A. Two

B. Three (Answer)

C. Four

D. Five

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325.The switching function of semiconductor devices can be characterized with-----------?

A. Duty ratio only

B. Frequency only

C. Duty ratio and frequency

D. Duty ratio, frequency and time delay (Answer)

326.IGBT stands for-----------?

A. Insulated gate bipolar transistor (Answer)

B. Insulated gate bidirectional transistor

C. Inductive gate bipolar transistor

D. Inductive gate bidirectional transistor

327.Electrical power output in a d.c. generator is equal to------------?

A. Electrical power developed in armature – copper losses

B. Mechanical power input – iron and friction losses

C. Electrical power developed in armature – iron and copper losses

D. Mechanical power input – iron and friction losses – copper losses (Answer)

328.An ideal switch is-----------?

A. Lossless

B. Carry current in any direction when it is on

C. Does not carry any current in any direction when it is off

D. All of these (Answer)

329.In ac – dc conversion, when the switch is closed then the sum of voltages around the loop is------------?

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A. Zero

B. Non zero (Answer)

C. Equal to the sum of voltage when switch is open

D. Twice of the voltage when switch is open

330.If a shunt motor is started with its field winding open then?

A. It will rotate at the same speed as that with its field winding closed

B. It will rotate at less speed as that with its field winding closed

C. It will rotate at dangerously high speed (Answer)

D. None of these

331.A rectifier with an external low pass filter is an example of--------------?

A. Indirect switch matrix circuits

B. Direct switch matrix circuits (Answer)

C. Embedded converters

D. All of these

332.Sofia is the capital of----------?

A. Canberra

B. Austria

C. Bulgaria (Answer)

D. Angola

333.The power demand can be estimated approximately by-----------?

A. Load survey method

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B. Mathematical method

C. Statistical method (Answer)

D. Economic parameters

334.4 thyristors rated 200 V in series. The operating voltage of the string is 0.600 V. Derating factor of the string is---------

A. 0.75

B. 0.7

C. 0.2

D. 0.25 (Answer)

335.Unipolar modulation is generally used in------------?

A. AC – AC converters

B. AC – DC converters

C. DC – AC converters

D. DC – DC converters (Answer)

336.Dynamic equalizing circuit is used for----------------?

A. equal division of voltage across each thyristor (Answer)

B. equal division of current through each thyristor in parallel

C. equal division of voltage across each thyristor in parallel

D. equal division of current through each thyristor in series

337.A string of n parallel SCRs is operated at 72 KA, the rating of each SCR is 1 KA. If derating factor of the string is 0.1.
value of n will be-----------?

A. 60

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B. 70

C. 80 (Answer)

D. 90

338.60 thyrsistors are connected in series and parallel to form a 10 KV and 5.5 KA switch. Each thyristor is rated for 1.2
KV, 1 KA. The no. of parallel path are 6. The efficiency of the switch is----------------------?

A. 76.3 % (Answer)

B. 91.6 %

C. 83.3 %

D. 90.9 %

339.Maximum di / dt in a SCR is--------?

A. Directly proportional to Vm of supply voltage (Answer)

B. Inversely proportional to Vm of supply voltage

C. Inversely proportional to L in the circuit

D. Both A and C

340.A thyristor string is made of a no. of SCR connected in series and parallel. The string have volume and current of 11
KV and 4 KA. The voltage and current rating of available SCRs are 1800 V and 1000 A. For a string efficiency of 90 % let
the number of SCRs in series and parallel are a and b respectively. Then the value of a and b will be-------------?

A. 5, 7

B. 4, 6

C. 7, 5 (Answer)

D. 6, 4

341.For series connected SCR’s dynamic equalising circuit consists of-----------?

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A. R and C in series but with diode across C

B. R and C in series but with diode across R (Answer)

C. Series R and diode with C across R

D. Series R and diode with C across R

342.By which one of the following we can measure the reliability of a string-------------?

A. String efficient

B. Reliability factor

C. Factor of safety

D. Derating factor (Answer)

343.Anode current in an SCR consists of------------?

A. holes only (Answer)

B. electrons only

C. either electron or holes

D. Both electron and holes

344.To meet high current demand we use SCRs in--------------?

A. series connection.

B. parallel connection. (Answer)

C. anti parallel connection.

D. both B and C.

345.Dynamic equalising circuit is useful------------?

A. To limit di / dt of SCR

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B. To limit dV / dt of SCR

C. For voltage equalisation

D. Both B and C (Answer)

346.SCRs are used in series to meet---------------?

A. high current demand

B. low voltage demand

C. low current demand

D. high voltage demand (Answer)

347.Which following is a two terminal three layer device?


B. Power dioed (Answer)


D. None of above

348.ON state voltage drop across SCR lie between the range-------------?

A. 0 – 0.5 V.

B. 0.5 – 1 V.

C. 1 – 1.5 V.

D. 1.5 – 2 V.

349.Which of following is not a power transistor?



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C. TRIAC (Answer)


350.Which statement is true ?

A. Reverse recovery time ( trr ) > gate recovery time (tgr)

B. Device turn OFF time ( tq ) > reverse recover time (trr)

C. Circuit turn OFF time > device turn OFF time ( tq )

D. All of these (Answer)

351.Which of following is normally ON device?

A. SIT (Answer)




352.Typical range of thyristor turn OFF time is--------------?

A. 3 – 10 µs

B. 3 – 50 µs

C. 3 – 100 µs (Answer)

D. 3 – 500 µs

353.Power transistor are type of-----------?

A. B.JTs



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D. All of above (Answer)

354.During gate recovery time-------------?

A. charge carriers of J2 junction recombined (Answer)

B. charge carriers of J2 junction is swept out

C. charge carrier of J1 junction removed

D. charge carriers of J3 junction is removed

355.During reverse recovery time------------------?

A. charge carrier of junction J2 recombined

B. charge carrier of junction J1 is swept out

C. charge carrier of junction J3 is swept out

D. both B and C (Answer)

356.Which of the following is true about SIT?

A. SIT is a high power, high frequency device (Answer)

B. SIT is a high power, low frequency device

C. SIT is a high power, high voltage device

D. SIT is a low power, high frequency device

357.During which time maximum conduction spreading take place in the thyristor during turn ON?

A. Delay time

B. Spread time (Answer)

C. Rise time

D. Same for every case

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358.A GTO can be turned on by applying-----------?

A. Positive gate signal (Answer)

B. Positive drain signal

C. Positive source signal

D. None of these

359.SITH is also known as-----------?

A. Filled controlled diode (Answer)

B. Filled controlled rectifier

C. Silicon controlled rectifier

D. None of these

360.The typical time of rising time lies between--------------?

A. 10 – 20 µs

B. 40 – 60 µs

C. 1 – 4 µs (Answer)

D. 90 – 100 µs

361.The reverse recovery time of diode is trr = 3 μs and the rate off all of the diode current is di/dt = 30 A/μs.
The storage charge current QRR is-----------?

A. 130 μs

B. 135 μs (Answer)

C. 140 μs

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D. 145 μs

362.Maximum power loss occurs during-----------------?

A. delay time

B. rise time (Answer)

C. spread time

D. all

363.Spread time is defined as the interval during which-------------?

A. anode voltage drops from 10 % of its initial value to zero

B. anode current rises from 90 % to its final value (Answer)

C. both (A) and (B)

D. anode current rises from 10 % to 90 % of its final value

364.The turn-on time of an SCR with inductive load is 20 µs. The puls train frequency is 2.5 KHz with a mark/space ratio
of 1/10, then SCR will-----------?

A. Turn on (Answer)

B. Not turn on

C. Turn on if inductance is removed

D. Turn on if pulse frequency us increased to two times

365.A power MOSFET has three terminals called-----------?

A. Collector, emitter and gate

B. Drain, source and gate (Answer)

C. Drain, source and base

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D. Collector, emitter and base

366.Rise time is defined by the interval when------------?

A. gate current rises from 90 % to 100 % of it final value

B. anode voltage drops from 90 % to 10 % of its initial value

C. anode current rises 10 % to 90 % of its final value

D. both B and C (Answer)

367.A modern power semiconductor device that combines the characteristic of BJT and MOSFET is-------------?

A. IGBT (Answer)




368.Delay time is defined by the interval when---------------?

A. gate current increases from 90 % to 100 % of its final value

B. anode current reaches 10 % from forward leakage current

C. anode voltage drops from 100 % to 90 % of its actual value

D. all of these (Answer)

369.Which one is most suitable power device for high frequency (>100 KHz) switching application?


B. Power MOSFET (Answer)

C. Schottky diode

D. Microwave transistor

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370.Snubber circuit is used with SCR-----------------?

A. in series

B. in parallel (Answer)

C. either series or parallel

D. anti parallel

371.Why resistor is used in Snubber circuit----------------- ?

A. To minimize the loss

B. To minimize the charging current

C. To minimize the discharging current (Answer)

D. All of these

372.What may happen high dV / dt------------?

A. Unwanted turn ON

B. Breakdown of J2 junction

C. Both A and B (Answer)

D. Anyone of these

373.Thermal voltage VT can be given by------------?

A. Kq/T (Answer)

B. KT/q

C. qT/K

D. (K2/q)(T + 1/T – 1)

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374.What happen due to high di / dt------------?

A. Breakdown of junction

B. Local hot spot (Answer)

C. Insulation failure

D. None of these

375.IGBT combines the advantages of-------------?

A. BJTs and SITs

B. BJTs and MOSFETs (Answer)


D. None of these

376.Which of the following is used in SCR to protect from high dV / dt------------------?

A. Snubber circuit (Answer)

B. Fuse

C. Equalizing circuit

D. Circuit breaker

377.COOLMOS device can be used in application up to power range of-----------?

A. 1 KVA

B. 2 KVA (Answer)

C. 500 VA

D. 100 KVA

378.What is used to protect a thyristor from high di / dt conditions----------?

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A. Fuse.

B. Snubber circuit

C. Inductor (Answer)

D. Voltage clamping device

379.Compared to transistor, --------- have lower on state conduction losses and higher power handling capability?


B. Semi conductor diodes


D. Thyristor (Answer)

380.Materials used in heat sink should have-------------?

A. high thermal conductivity

B. large surface area

C. high melting point

D. All of these (Answer)

381.A thyristor can termed as----------?

A. AC switch

B. DC switch (Answer)

C. Both a and B

D. Square wave switch

382.Which of the following is used in heat sink-------------?

A. Iron

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B. Aluminium (Answer)

C. Carbon

D Silver

383.How can we protect SCR from thermal conditions -------------?

A. Use of snubber circuit.

B. Using heat sink. (Answer)

C. Using CB and fuse.

D. Using equalizing circuit

384.Thyristor is nothing but a------------?

A. Controlled transistor

B. Controlled switch (Answer)

C. Amplifier with higher gain

D. Amplifier with large current gain

385.Gate circuit or triggering circuit of a thyristor is

A. lower power circuit. (Answer)

B. high power circuit.

C. magnetic circuit.

D. may be low power or high power circuit

386.After proper turn on of thyristor------------?

A. gate signal is always present

B. gate signal must be removed (Answer)

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C. gate signal should present but can be removed

D. none of the above.

387.SCR will be turned off when anode current is---------------?

A. < latching current but greater than holding current and gate signal is 0.

B. less than holding current.

C. < latching current but greater than holding current and gate signal is present.

D. both (A) and (B). (Answer)

388.he capacitance of reversed bised junction J2 in a thyristor is CJ2 = 20 pF and can be assumed to be independant of
the off state voltage. The limiting value of the charging current to turn on the thyristor is 16 mA. What is the critical
value of dv/dt?

A. 600 V/µs

B. 800 V/µs (Answer)

C. 1200 V/µs

D. 1000 V/µs

389.BCT is used for------------?

A. High power phase control (Answer)

B. High power current control

C. Low power current control

D. Low power phase control

390.Let of a thyristor Vc1, Vc2, Vc3 are forward break over voltage for gate current Ig1, Ig2, Ig3 respectively. Then---------

A. Vc1 > Vc2 > Vc3 when Ig1 > Ig2 > Ig3.

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B. Vc1 > Vc2 > Vc3 when Ig1 < Ig2 < Ig3. (Answer)

C. Vc1 = Vc2 = Vc3 any value of Ig.

D. Vc1 > Vc2 > Vc3 when Ig1 ≥ Ig2 &Atil

391.hich of following devices has highest di/dt and dv/dt capability?



C. GTO (Answer)


392.Which triggering is the most reliable------------?

A. Forward voltage triggering

B. Gate triggering (Answer)

C. dV / dt triggering

D. Thermal triggering

393.Leakage current flows through the thyristor in---------?

A. forward blocking mode

B. reverse blocking mode

C. both forward and reverse blocking mode (Answer)

D. forward conduction mode

394.Which of the following is disadvantage of fast recovery diodes?

A. Recovery is only 5 µs

B. Recovery is only 50 µs

Page 37
C. Doping is carried out (Answer)

D. None of these

395.When a large surge current of very short duration flows through a thyristor then which one of the following device
will operate to protect the thyristor -----------?


B. Snubber circuit

C. Voltage clamping device

D. Fast acting current limiting device (FACL fuse) (Answer)

396.A power semiconductor may undergo damage due to------------?

A. High di/dt (Answer)

B. High dv/dt

C. Low di/dt

D. Low dv/dt

397.CB used for over current protection of thyristor operates when the fault current is----------?

A. of long period (Answer)

B. of short duration

C. both (A) and (B)

D. neither (A) nor (B)

398.he anode current is 800 A, then the amount of current required to turn off the GTO is about------------?

A. 20 A

B. 200 A (Answer)

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C. 600 A

D. 400 A

399.What is used to protect the SCR from over current ----------------?

A. CB and fuse. (Answer)

B. Heat sink.

C. Snubber circuit.

D. Voltage clamping device.

400.Under normal operating condition voltage clamping device offers impedance of---------?

A. high value. (Answer)

B. low value.

C. zero value.

D. moderate value.

401.Which semiconductor device acts like a diode and two transistor?


B. Diac

C. Triac (Answer)


402.Under over voltage condition impedance offered by the voltage clamping device is----------?

A. low (Answer)

B. High

C. moderate

Page 39
D. infinity

403.The latching current of GTO should be of order

A. 100 mA

B. 500 mA (Answer)

C. 1 A

D. 2 A

404.The maximum di/dt in a SCR is------------?

A. Directly proportional to supply voltage

B. Directly proportional to inductance in the circuit

C. Inversely proportional to supply voltage

D. Both A and B (Answer)

405.Example of a voltage clamping device--------------?

A. fast acting fuse

B. snubber circuit

C. metal oxide varistor (Answer)

D. aluminium block

406.Switching frequency of SITH is------------?

A. 5 KHz

B. 10 KHz

C. 60 KHz

D. 100 KHz (Answer)

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407.Practical way of obtaining static voltage equalization in series connected SCRs is by the use of------------?

A. One resistor across the string

B. Resistors of the same value across each SCR (Answer)

C. Resistors of different values across each SCR

D. One resistor in series with each SCR

408.Thyristor can be protected from over voltages by using------------?

A. voltage clamping device. (Answer)

B. fuse.

C. heat sink.

D. snubber circuit.

409.Thyristor can be protected from over voltages by using

A. 23 mA.

B. 40 mA.

C. 10 mA. (Answer)

D. 60 mA.

410.A single phase full bridge inverter can operate in load commutation mode in case load consists of------------?

A. RL.

B. RLC underdamped. (Answer)

C. RLC overdamped.

D. RLC critically damped.

Page 41
411.The function of snubber circuit connected across the SCR is to-----------?

A. Suppress dV / dt. (Answer)

B. Increase dV / dt.

C. Decrease dV / dt.

D. Decrease di / dt.

412.For an SCR gate – cathode characteristic is a straight line of 130. For triggered source volume of 15 V and
allowable gate power dissipation of 0.5 W compute the gate source resistance-----?

A. 111.9 Ω. (Answer)

B. 11.19 Ω.

C. 108 Ω.

D. 115 Ω

413.In forward blocking mode of a thyristor--------?

A. junction J2 is in reverse bias and J1, J3 is in forward bias. (Answer)

B. junction J3 is in forward bias and J1, J2 is in reverse bias.

C. Junction J1, J3 is in reverse bias and J2 is in forward bias.

D. Junction J1 and J2 is in forward bias and J3 is in reverse bias.

414.In reverse blocking mode of a thyristor------?

A. junction J2 is in reverse bias and J1, J3 is in forward bias.

B. junction J3 is in forward bias and J1, J2 in reverse bias.

C. junction J1, J3 is in reverse bias and J2 is in forward bias. (Answer)

D. junction J1 and J2 is in forward bias and J3 is in reverse bias.

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415.If holding current of a thyristor is 2 mA then latching current should be-----?

A. 0.01 A.

B. 0.002 A.

C. 0.009 A.

D. 0.004 A. (Answer)

416.Which statement is true for latching current -----------?

A.It is related to turn off process of the device.

B. It is related to conduction process of device.

C. It is related to turn on process of the device. (Answer)

D. Both C and D.

417.A step up chopper has input voltage 110 V and output voltage 150 V. The value of duty cycle is-----?

A. 0.32.

B. 0.67. (Answer)

C. 0.45.

D. 0.27.

418.A single phase one pulse controlled circuit has a resistance R and counter emf E load 400 sin(314 t) as the source
voltage. For a load counter emf of 200 V, the range of firing angle control is -----?

A. 30° to 150°. (Answer)

B. 30° to 180°.

C. 60° to 120°.

D. 60° to 180°.

Page 43
419.A single phase full bridge inverter can operated in load commutation mode in case load consist of------?

A. RL.

B. RLC underdamped. (Answer)

C. RLC overdamped.

D. RLC critically damped

420.An SCR is considered to be a semi controlled device because-------?

A. it can be turned OFF but not ON with a gate pulse.

B. it conducts only during one half cycle of an alternating current wave.

C. it can be turned ON but not OFF with a gate pulse. (Answer)

D. it can be turned ON only during one half cycle of an AC.

421.The typical value of SCR for modern alternator is------------?

A. 1.5.

B. 0.5. (Answer)

C. 1.0.

D. 1.2.

422.An SCR has half cycle surge current rating of 3000 A for 50 Hz supply. One cycle surge current will be-----?

A. 1500 A.

B. 6000 A.

C. 2121.32 A. (Answer)

D. 4242.64 A.

423.A Triac has three terminals viz -----------?

Page 44
A. Drain, source, gate

B. Two main terminal and a gate terminal (Answer)

C. Cathode, anode, gate

D. None of the above

424.A thyristor is basically--------?

A. PNPN device (Answer)

B. A combination of diac and triac

C. A set of SCRs

D. A set if SCR,diac and triac

425.A PNPN device having two gates is -----------?

A. Diac

B. Triac


D. BCS (Answer)

426.A silicon controlled racitifier (SCR) is a ------------?

A. Unijunction device

B. Device with three junction (Answer)

C. Device with four junction

D. None of the above

427.A thyristor equivalent of a thyratron tube is a ---------?

A. Diac

Page 45
B. Triac

C. Silicon controlled-rectifier SCR (Answer)

D. None of above

428.A Triac is a --------------?

A. 2 terminal switch

B. 2 terminal bilateral switch

C. 3 terminal bilateral switch

D. 3 terminal bidirectional switch (Answer)

429.Einstein was born in which country ?



C. France

D. Germany (Answer)

430.Sana’a is Capital of---------?

A. Hungary

B. Austria

C. Malta

D. Yemen (Answer)

431.What is Currency of Mongolia ?

A. Euro

B. Pound Sterling

Page 46
C. Mongolian togrog (Answer)

D. Peso

432.What is the old name of Tomato?

A. Tomato

B. Red Ball

C. Union

D. Love Apple (Answer)

433.w many Players in Polo Team on each side?

A. 4 Players (Answer)

B. 6 Players

C. 8 Players

D. 10 Players

435.How many Players are in a Volleyball Team?

A. 5 Players

B. 6 Players (Answer)

C. 7 Players

D. 8 Players

436.How much players are in basketball on the court at one time?

A. 5 Players (Answer)

B. 7 Players

C. 9 Players

Page 47
D. 11 Players

437.How many Players on a field Hockey Team?

A. 12 Players

B. 10 Players

C. 11 Players (Answer)

D. 8 Players

438.How many Players are there on a Football Team?

A. 10 Players

B. 12 Players

C. 11 Players (Answer)

D. 13 Players

439.Most Populous City in the World is-------------?

A. Delhi

B. Tokyo

C. Karachi

D. Shanghai (Answer)

440.What is the full form of ECL?

A. Exit Cancellation List

B. Exit Control List (Answer)

C. Exit Common List

D. Excutive Crime List

Page 48
441.Mirza Ghalib was born on-----------?

A. 20 Dec 1790

B. 27 Dec 1797 (Answer)

C. 21 Dec 1799

D. 25 Oct 1802

442.Who built Badshahi Masjid ?

A. Zaheer Uddin Babar

B. Naseer Uddin Humayun

C. Aurangzeb Alamgir (Answer)

D. Shehnshah Akbar

443.Worlds biggest irrigation scheme ?

A. Lansdowne Pull

B. Lloyd Barrage

C. Sukkur barrage

D. All of these (Answer)

444.First ever Chinese Newspaper was launched in Pakistan is------------?

A. China Daily

B. Hushang (Answer)

C. Xinmin

D. Shinghai Daily

Page 49
445.Who was the 1st Woman Judge of International Court of justice?

A. Rosa E. Otumbiyeva

B. Rosalyn Higgins (Answer)

C. Gertrude Mongella

D. Sadako ogata

446.The First Urdu Newspaper was-------------?

A. Jam-e-Jahan Numa (Answer)

B. Nawai-e-waqt

C. Imroz

D. Indian Gazette

447.Fleet Street is famous for----------?

A. Newspapers & Press agencies offices (Answer)

B. Stock Exchange

C. Cinema Halls

D. Shipping Centers

448.Fleet Street is situated in ----------?

A. New York

B. London (Answer)

C. Karachi

D. Mumbai

449.Who was the acting President of Gilgit Baltistan before joining Pakistan?

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A. Hasan khan

B. Mirza Ali

C. Malik Muhammad Miskeen

D. Shah Raees khan (Answer)

450.A man who’s eighty years old?

A. Centenary

B. Septuagenarian

C. Octogenarian (Answer)

D. Immortal

451.What is the name of Longest Bridge in the world?

A. Beijing–Shanghai High-Speed Railway

B. The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge (Answer)

C. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

D. King Fahd Causeway Bridge

452.The highest sand dunes are found is---------?

A. The Sahara desert (Answer)

B. Thar desert

C. Thank desert

D. Gobi desert

453.UN Security Council has-------------Permanent Members?

A. 4

Page 51
B. 5 (Answer)

C. 6

D. 7

454.Headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization is in-------------?

A. New York (USA)

B. Doha (QATAR)

C. Jakarta (Indonesia)

D. Montreal (Canada) (Answer)

455.Real is the Currency of which Country?

A. Argentina

B. Brazil (Answer)

C. Denmark

D. Mangolia

456.National Fish of Pakistan is ------------?

A. Blue Marlin

B. Hogfish

C. Flounder

D. Mahseer (Answer)

457.The world’s narrowest street is------?

A. Fleet Street

B. Vicolo della Virilita (Answer)

Page 52
C. Wall Street

D. Yonge Street

458.The Top Five most Populous Cities of Pakistan are ------- ?

A. Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi

B. Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala (Answer)

C. Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi

D. Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Gujranwala, Dera Ghazi Khan

459.ow many years the 1st Constituent Assembly lasted?

A. 8

B. 9

C. 7 (Answer)

D. 10

460.In Japan, Tuesday is known as---------?

A. Black day

B. Fire day (Answer)

C. Day of jews

D. None of these

461.World’s shortest woman is ---------?

A. Jyoti Amge (Answer)

B. Zainab Bibi

C. Madge Bester

Page 53
D. Bridgettle Jordan

462.World tallest man is from which country?

A. Turkey (Answer)

B. India

C. Pakistan

D. Africa

463.World’s tallest man is ---------?

A. Alam Channa

B. Nawaz Sharif

C. Sultan Kosen (Answer)

D. Che Guera

464.What is the advantage of HRC fuses over Rewirable fuses?

A. High speed operation

B. High rupturing capacity

C. No ageing effect

D. All of the above (Answer)

465.The name of UNO was coined by?

A. George washington

B. Frank Rosevelt (Answer)

C. John kennedy

D. Wickshell

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466.Who has the honour to address thrice the Joint Sitting of the Parliament of Pakistan?

A. Yasser Arafat

B. Xi Jingping

C. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Answer)

D. Joko Widodo

467.Largest District of Pakistan by population is ------------?

A. Chaghi

B. Lahore (Answer)

C. Karachi Central

D. Peshawar

468.he biggest District of Pakistan by area is -----------?

A. Mastung

B. Chaghi (Answer)

C. Kalat

D. Noski

469.When was Nobel Prize in economics started?

A. 1951

B. 1969 (Answer)

C. 1967

D. 1901

Page 55
470.Which is the largest Mobile service in Pakistan ?

A. Mobilink (Answer)

B. Ufone

C. Warid

D. Telenor

471.The Tallest women born in Pakistan is---------?

A.Shaista Bibi

B.Zainab Bibi (Answer)

C.Uzma Bibi

D.Balqees Bano

472.Kirkuk famous for its oil fields is the city of----------?

A.Saudi Arabia



D.Iraq (Answer)

473.Eva airline is the name of airline of----------?



C.Taiwan (Answer)


474.Which Country led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games held in Moscow?

Page 56
A. Great Britain

B. China

C. United States (Answer)

D. South Korea

475.ow many feathers in shuttle in badminton?

A. 12 feathers

B. 15 feathers

C. 10 feathers

D. 16 feathers (Answer)

476.Which Country did oriented Basketball?

A. Canada

B. Brazil

C. USA (Answer)

D. England

477.Founder of Exam is ----------?

A. Pythagoras

B. Sergy brin

C. Henry A Fischel (Answer)

D. Wilhelm Wundt

478.World snake-less country is -------------?

A. Australia

Page 57
B. Germany

C. New Zealand (Answer)

D. Japan

479.Currency of New Zealand is -------------?

A. Pound

B. Euro

C. Dollar (Answer)

D. Yen

480.Which city of Pakistan once known as “City of Maple Trees”?

A. Lahore

B. Abbottabad (Answer)

C. Hyderabad

D. Multan

481.Honduras is a --------- Country?

A. North American

B. South American

C. South African

D. Central American (Answer)

482.Which waves are discovered in 2017 in the LIGO conference?

A. Chromium waves

B. Heat waves

Page 58
C. Gravitational waves (Answer)

D. sedenctary waves

483.Which Country became 25th country to recognize same sex/gay and lesbian couples to legally wed?

A. Australia (Answer)

B. South Africa

C. New Zealand

D. India

484.Angola Parliament name is------------?

A. National Assembly (Answer)

B. Parliament

C. Shrua

D. NonE of these

485.Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on -----------?

A. 30 October 1947

B. 30 September 1947 (Answer)

C. 30 August 1947

D. 30 March 1948

486.Angela Merkel is the chancellor of -----------?

A. Belgium

B. Germany (Answer)

C. France

Page 59
D. America

487.Who was the first Governor of state bank Pakistan?

A. Qasim parekh

B. V.A Jaffery

C. Abdul Qadir

D. Zahid Hussain (Answer)

488.Which City of Pakistan is famous for sports goods?

A. Peshawar

B. Lahore

C. Sialkot (Answer)

D. Islamabad

489.The river Indus flows from which city?

A. Gilgit

B. Tibat (Answer)

C. peshawer

D. kabul

490.Radio was invented by-------------in 1895?

A. Philo taylor

B. Motorola martia

C. Robert

D. Guglielmo marconi (Answer)

Page 60
491.Lebanon Currency is----------?

A. Lebanese Pound (Answer)

B. Lebanese Dollar

C. Lebanese Rupee

D. None of these

492.How many Countries are there Landlocked in the world?

A. 37 Countries

B. 41 Countries

C. 44 Countries (Answer)

D. 42 Countries

493.Nanga parbat the second highest peak of pakistan is located in which district of gilgit baltistan?

A. Astore

B. Diamer (Answer)

C. Gizar

D. Nagir

494.Which one of these is the longest cave in the world?

A. Jewel Cave

B. Wind Cave

C. Sistema Ox Bel Ha

D. Mammoth Cave (Answer)

Page 61
495.The Palk Strait separates which two countries?

A. India and Indonesia

B. India and Sri Lanka (Answer)

D. Sri Lanka and Maldives

D. Pakistan and Iran

496.The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by----------?

A. Aristotle

B. Plato

C. John Dewey

D. Rousseau (Answer)

497.First gulf nations to introduce VAT (Value added Tax) ?

A. Oman and Qatar

B. UAE and Saudi Arabia (Answer)

C. Kuwait and Iraq

D. None of These

498.Which country first introduced the world’s first photovoltaic road fitted with solar panels?

A. China

B. Japan


D. France (Answer)

499.Who Conquered The Constantinople In 1453?

Page 62
A. Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi

B. Sultan Salahudin Ayubi

C. Sultan Muhammad Fateh (Answer)

D. Sultan Sulaiman Khan

500.World Highest Polo Ground Shandur (3,734 meters) is in Pakistan, It is in ----------- District?

A. Lahore

B. Swat

C. Chitral (Answer)

D. Gilgit

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