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Opportunities for Ceramic Raw

Materials Resource Development

in Ethiopia

Geoscience Data Center,

Geological Survey of Ethiopia,
November 2011.
Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

Kaolin Requirements to raw Kaolin and its in-

dustrial applications
Kaolin is white, soft, non-plastic clay mainly
composed of fine-grained platy minerals and
kaolinite, that is generally derived from altera- For the fabrication of ceramic wares Kaolin is
tion of alkali feldspars and micas. It is widely used as a skeleton former, light - colored plastic
used in making ceramics, refractory and paper
fire clays (ball clays) are used as bonding
manufacturing industries, Pigment, filler, coater,
agents while feldspar and quartz are added to
extender, catalyst-base, electrical insulator and
pharmaceutical. the batch as fluxes. Quality requirements to
kaolins and clays used to produce fine ceramics
(chinaware, porcelain) are the highest, and in
the majority of cases raw materials cannot be
used without dressing. The quality of kaolins
and clays of the deposits under exploration is
generally evaluated by specially developed re-
quirements based on pilot test data.

The most important properties of kaolin as a

Figure1. Kaolinite
raw material for the ceramic production are
plasticity, strength, fired color, drying and firing
Kaolin is mined and processed in many nations.
It is one of the few industrial minerals of suffi- shrinkage. Dry or wet dressing of raw kaolin
cient value, in its highly refined state, to be composed of Si02 (up to 70%), A1203(up to
widely exported into international trade through 22%), Fe203 (up to 1.5%), CaO ÷ MgO + alkalis
out the industrialized world. The United States, (up to 3%) and characterized by refractoriness
England, Brazil and Australia are the major ex-
of about 1530°C would yield white kaolin con-
porting nations. Most export kaolin is of paper
coating grade. The latest US Bureau of mines centrate containing 46.07 to 46.85% of S102,
production report 1988 total world kaolin pro- 31.78 to 39.83% A1203, 0.30 to 0.73% Fe203,
duction to be 25.7 Mt. 0.25 to 0.35% Ti 02, 0.15 to 0.56% Ca 0, the
L.0.I. being 13.34 to 13.97%. The refractoriness
Apart from Sidamo, Kaolin is known to occur
of the concentrate would be about 1690°C, its
in Shoa, and Harerge.
white color index ranging 65 to 88 % (Sabov et
al, 1985).

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

Kaolin has many industrial applications and new

Kaolin in Ethiopia
uses are still being discovered. It is a unique
Economic Kaolin resources of Ethiopia are
industrial mineral because it is chemically inert.
mostly associated with acidic intrusive rocks
Over a relatively wide PH range, it is white, has
(granites and pegmatites) and gneissic rocks.
good covering or hiding Power when used as a
Kaolins hosted by sedimentary rocks are re-
Pigment or extender in coated films and filling
ported in Blue Nile river basin, Ogaden basin
applications, is soft and nonabrasive, has low
and Mekele Outlier (Hailemichael F. et al, 1998).
Conductivity of heat and electricity and Costs
less than most materials with which it com-
Kombolcha Kaolin deposit

Kombolcha town lies about 18 km north of Ha-

Some uses of kaolin require very rigid Specifica-
rar on an all weather road from Harar to Ejersa
tions including particle - size distribution color
Goro. The Kaolinized granite occurrences are
and brightness and viscosity, whereas other
located within 4-10kms radius of Kombolcha
uses require practically no specifications.
town. There are four kaolin deposits: Gende Er-
The better grades & tonnage of kaolin have the
rer, Gende Moli, and two other localities. Three
highest value. Many grades of kaolin specially
of these occurrences have been previously stud-
designed for specific uses, in particular for pa-
ied in detail by the Geological Survey of Ethio-
per, paint, rubber, plastics and ceramics.
pia. Most of them can be reached by car. The
Although the following list is not complete it
deposits are bounded by longitudes 42o06’33”-
gives an idea of the extremely wide range of
42o11’08”E and latitudes 9o26’5”-9o29’52”N. In-
products containing kaolin as a suspending
dividual deposits are located at point coordi-
agent, filler, extending agent, or a main con-
nates of 42o07’12”E, 9o27’48”N, 42o08’39”E
stituent (skeleton former) because of its chemi-
9 o 28’04”N, 42 o 09’35”E, 9 o 27’27”N, and
cal or minera1 composition, Whiteness, particle
42o8’47”E,9o26’22” N. All of them are found
size and other properties. Other applications in-
within Harar map sheet (NC, 38-9), 1972.
clude ink, adhesives insecticides, medicines,
bleaching absorbents, fertilizers cosmetics, Evaluating the physical parameter and the
chemicals, deterges enamels & pencils (Sabov chemical composition of the Kaolin it is highly
et al, 1985). recommended to upgrade the quality of the raw
material by the following methods. Purification

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

of Kaolin clay, in order to make it applicable in cha Kaolin consists of well preserved, expanded
the paper and ceramic industries, is done possi- books of Kaolinite. The length of books may be
ble by high gradient magnetic separation and up to 15µm and individual flakes are less than
Microbial removal of iron. 5µ(usually less than 1-3µ). The Kombolcha Kao-
lin consists of some partly altered feldspar with
pitted surfaces (ibid.).


According to (Hailemichael et al,1998), the

Kombolcha Kaolin bears lower alumina, and
higher total alkali and iron, averaging 33.24%,
2.54% and 2.63%, respectively. A gradual in-
crease in total alkali and iron content with
depth is evident in the Kombolcha Kaolin. This
Figure-2. Outcrops of Kaolin occurrences south of
Kombelcha. is in agreement with the grain size distribution
which shows a tendency to decrease in the per-
The kombolcha Kaolin is evaluated considering cent of the finer size fractions with depth. The
Mineralogy, Chemistry & Firing properties. K2O content in Kaolin sometimes considered as
a good measure of the degree of alteration of
Mineralogy the primary alumina-silicate minerals, with rela-
Kaolinite is the dominant mineral in all kaolinitic tively higher K2O values corresponding to the
clays. Traces of illiite/muscovite, feldspar and partly altered material.
quartz are common characteristics. The Kombol-

Table 1..Chemical analysis of Kombolcha Kaolin, (Hailemichael F et al, 1998).

Sample Interval Sio2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O H2O LOI Mn TiO2
no O2

S-49 0.2-2.0 48.10 34.2 1.94 0.4 0.3 0.4 1.10 1.20 12.4 0.1 0.61

S-48 2.0-4.0 47.40 33.2 2.79 0.7 0.3 0.2 1.30 1.20 12.1 0.1 0.62

S-47 4.5-6.0 47.5 34.3 2.48 0.5 0.4 0.4 1.30 0.70 12.5 0.1 0.57

S-46 6.0-8.0 47.3 32.6 3.20 0.9 0.4 0.5 1.90 1.20 11.2 0.1 0.74

S-45 8.0-10.2 48.4 31.9 2.64 0.6 0.2 1.6 1.80 1.00 11.4 0.1 0.60

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

Firing Properties The Kombolcha Kaolin deposit is characterized

The Kombolcha Kaolins show relatively higher by relatively higher alkali and iron and low clay
shrinkage and low porosity values at lower tem- contents. This restricts its application for fine
peratures. Kaolins which are relatively high in ceramics without beneficiation. However, it is a
alkali and iron develop high shrinkage and low suitable raw material for the production of wall
porosity at lower temperatures. and floor tiles (Hailemichael F et al, 1998).

Evaluation of the refractory properties of the Belesa Kaolin Occurrence

kaolin is required in order to determine its final
Location and Access
application in the refractory industries (Tibebu
M. and Hailemichael F., 1993). Belesa kaolin occurrence is situated 10 km
North-East of Hossaina town, on the main road
Additionally it is also recommended to upgrade
to Addis Ababa, and the kaolin occurrences are
the quality of the Kaolin by washing the clayey
5 km east of Belesa, connected by dry weather
of material, so that the alumina content would
roads. Hossaina is 160km northwest of Awassa,
be higher.
and 230km south west of Addis Ababa, in the
The Kombolcha Kaolin is considered as an insitu Hadiya zone of the region.
weathering product of granites. The gradual in-
According to (Hailemichael Fentaw, 2003), the
crease in total alkali and decrease in the percent
quality of Belesa kaolin occurrence for various
of clay size fractions with depth suggests that
industrial applications, mineralogical examina-
the Kombolcha kaolin is a residual deposit with
tion chemical composition and physical proper-
relatively unaltered materials occupying the
ties (grain size analysis, density, color and vis-
lower horizons.
cosity) were determined for the collected repre-
sentative samples.

Mineralogical examination is generally used to

predict use-related properties such as hardness,
refractive index, and rheology and particle
shape. The mineral composition of Belesa kaolin
is determined by X-ray diffractometer in the
range of 2θ from 40 to 64 0. A portion of the dif-
fractogram has been enlarged for detail investi-
gation of the crystallinity of the kaolinite.

Figure 3. Exploration pits of southern Kombelcha

Kaolinite is the predominant clay mineral con-
tained in the Belesa kaolin. Quartz is the only

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

non-clay mineral contained in minor amount in and absence of quartz in the clay did not influ-
the kaolinitic clays of Belesa area. The presence ence the crystal structure of the kaolinite.

Figure 4. Location map of the study area

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

The Kaolin occurrence don’t have any impurities

such as iron coating, Fe and Ti minerals and
other non-clay minerals such as mica and feld-
spar (Hailemichael Fentaw, 2003).

In connection with this, the following recom-

mendations were forwarded by Hailemichael
Fentaw to utilize the Belesa Kaolin occurrence
for various industrial applications: systematic
geological mapping, sampling and laboratory
should be carried out to determine the quality
and reserve of Kaolin occurrences evaluation, Figure 5. Exposures of Ansho Kaolin occurrence
technological tests, firing properties (ceramic
properties) and trace element concentrations Mode of Occurrence
tests have to be conducted. After detailed inves-
tigations are made selective mining and devel- According to (Said Mohammed et al, 2004), the
opment is recommended, considering the envi- dominant rock units in the area are peralkaline
ronmental damage for human life. rocks of the Nazreth series comprising of ignim-
brites, rhyolite, tuff and trachyte. Quaternary
Ansho Kaolin Occurrence lacustrine sediments filled calderas with a di-
ameter of four to five kilometers at Ansho. The
Location and Access
sediments are interlayer of clay, silt and sand
with indications of about 40 cm thick dark
Ansho kaolin occurrence is located in Hadiya brown fissile oil shale and two meters layer of
zone and is geographically located at a point sedimentary kaohn which becomes sandy to the
coordinates of 35°09’20” E, and 8°16’OO’ N. bottom.

Ansho areas is located 50 km southwest of Hos-

Thick rhyolite flow exists at the suburbs of the
saina, in Gimbicho sub sheet 0737D1. Gim-
caldera. The insitu alteration by meteoric water
bicho is located 32 km far away from Hossaina probably coupled with hydrothermal action upon
and can be accessed via a gravel surfaced all the rhyolite might be responsible to facilitate
weather road. The kaolin occurrences are found kaolinization with exposure thickness up to 30
approximately 18km south of Gimbicho, and can
he accessed through a dry weather road.

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

ferent commodities for diverse uses. Among the

commercial characters required, the following
are the most important for kaolin marketability
and utilization in ceramic industries.

Production of refined kaolin to meet the com-

plex specification of modern market, especially
by water wash technology, is a very capital in-
tensive business. The major economic factors
of the kaolin industry are exploration and mine
Figure 6. Exploration pits of Ansho Kaolin development costs. Stripping, mining and crude
occurrence clay transport, kaolin processing and drying, fi-
nal product transport, and energy and water (M.
Preliminary Quality and Resource
pickering, Jr. and H.Murray, 1994).
Ceramic industries are the largest consumers of
Ansho kaolin occurrence is generally fine kaolin. They are especially concerned with the
grained, yellowish grey to white on the surface physical parameters and chemical components
and at depth respectively. Both quartz bearing (compositions) of kaolin. These are modules of
and non-quartz varieties. rupture, fired color, shrinkage and potash, silica
and iron content.
To determine the applicability of Ansho kaolin
Mineral fillers are by definition inert materials
occurrence for various industrial applications
included in the composition of some materials to
several samples were collected for chemical
accomplish a variety of results. Inclusions of
analysis, mineralogical and physical tests, at
filler modifies the physical characteristics such
which the results are not available at present.
as hardness, brittleness, impact strength, com-
According to (Said Mohammed, 2004), enor- pressive strength, surface texture, fire resis-
mous quantity of kaolin resource covering large tance, softening and electrical conductivity. De-
surface area, with a thickness of 30m have pending upon the performance characteristics of
been identified. Detailed geological investiga- the particular fillers and quantity used, these
tions were recommended to determine the materials can enhance the physical and optical
quality and reserve. properties, price performance and appearance
of the finished products.
Outcome and Benefits
The main economic factors which determine the
Kaolin is one of the most valuable and de-
utilization of fillers for various industrial applica-
manded industrial mineral for production of dif-
Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

tions are; geographic location, transportation

Kombolcha, Belesa and Ansho Kaolin occur-
costs, purity of the physical test, processing
rences are considered to be important potential
costs and physical characteristics, and handling
resources for ceramic industries. Considering
costs (N.C Trivedi et al, 1994).
the aforementioned factors, Belesa and Ansho
Kaolin is applied as filler material in paper, kaolin occurrences /deposits/ should be evalu-
paint, plastics, rubber, ink, and pesticide indus- ated in detail to determine the suitability for ce-
tries. The commercial characteristics required ramic industries.
for kaolin manufacturing as filler are:

• For paper filler and coater; brightness,

particle size and distribution, viscosity and
screen residue.
• For paint and plastics industries; In addi-
tion to the properties required by paper
filler, it must meet certain electrical resis-
tivity specification.

Table 1 Imports of Kaolin, 2000-2005

Kaolin and other Kaolintic clays, whether or not calcined

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Tons 137 893 52 344 420 529

Us$ 26663 142766 9105 75494 80801 103040
Us$perton 194 160 175 220 192 195

Indonesia India Kenya
India India S.Africa
Origin France France China
Kenya Kenya Kenya
Kenya Kenya UAE

Source: BGS Demand/Supply Survey of Ethiopian industrial minerals sub-sector,


Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

In glass making feldspar is used as a source

of Al2O3, Na2O, and/or K2O and SiO2. In ce-
ramics, feldspar acts as a flux to form a
glassy phase in bodies. In both glass and ce-
600 ramics, feldspar contributes SiO2. Feldspar is
500 Series2 also used as filler in paint, plastics, and other
400 industries.
200 Feldspars being abundant and therefore rela-
100 tively inexpensive nonmetallic minerals, are
0 strongly affected by quality requirements,
1 2 3 4 5 6
mining conditions, processing schemes, and
freight rates. The latter results in the fact that
Figure 7. Imports of Kaolin from2000-2005
most grades of feldspar material move within
fairly short distances. Although the major ton-
nage of feldspar is moved by rail, truck trans-
portation is becoming increasingly popular
where short distances are involved, because of

Feldspar has a wide range of industrial applica-

tion, and many grades are designed for definite
and specific uses. The alumina or silica content
may be very important. In many cases the con-
tent of iron - bearing impurities is a rigid limiting
factor. In some applications the ratio between
Figure 8. fieldspar
potassium and sodium oxides may be very es-

The content of dyeing oxides ( Fe2P3, Ti02 Cr203
MnO .) is very crucial in the manufacture of pot-
Feldspars are aluminosilicates with varying
tery and porcelain because they affect white-
amounts of K, Na, and Ca in a solid solution se-
ness and translucence of the final products.
ries: the main commercial feldspars lie between
Feldspars that are used in the production of
the sodium (albite) and potash (microcline rich
welding electrodes should have a high potas-
and members) and the sodium end of the so-
sium oxide content.
dium-calcium series (oligoclase).

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

From the result of analysis the feldspar is potas-

SHEBLE AND BOMBAS FELDSPAR/ sium feldspar (orthoclase). The average Fe2O3
QUARTZ DEPOSITS content is calculated to be 0.08%. Generally
the Sheble pegmatites are good quality quartz
Major feldspar deposits occur at Sheble ad near orthoclase type suitable for high quality glass
Bombas town. The Sheble feldspar deposit is and bottle manufacturing.
centered at 42038’43”E, and 9015’30”N, and
Bombas feldspar deposit at 42027’42”E and The Bombas pegmatite lenses form strata fill-
9012’42”N, both contained within Harar map ings of 2-10mts. Individual lenses can be fol-
sheet (NC 38-9), 1972. The sheble area can be lowed for several hundred meters, with reserves
reached by driving 25 km along the Jijiga-Harar estimated in the range of 1,000,000 tons,
highway and following to the east, a 5 km dry (Jelence 1966). (Hailu Ebba, 1976), studied a
weather road, where numerous excavations are pegmatite area covering 3000 m2 in Bombas and
encountered. The Bombas feldspar deposit is estimated 4500t or rock at grade of 55% feld-
accessible using the main high way and is half a spar.
km south-west of Bombas on the road to Babile.
Recent investigations including sampling to as-
Numerous pegmatite bodies intrude the Biotite
sess the quality of the feldspar which occurs
amphibole schists and biotite gneisses underly-
jointly with aggregates of quartz and accessory
ing the area. The pegmatite bodies show differ-
ent space orientation and can be classified gen- muscovite were carried out. Chemical analysis
erally as non-differentiated types. Some of revealed the following compositions 70-75%
these intrusive bodies indicate a concentration Sio2, 13-16% Al203, 1.6.-2.2% Na20, and 7-11%
of certain mineral components such as ortho-
K20 and the Fe203 content ranges from 0.09-
clase or stacks of muscovite. The pegmatites
generally trend east-west, and their dimension
vary considerably from several tens to several
hundreds of meters in length and up to 100 mts Petrographic study performed on sample 033,
in width. indicates that the pegmatite contains k feldspar
(orthoclase) 60%, quartz 33%, biotite 5%, mus-
According to (Hailu Ebba, 1976), hand cobbling covite 2% and apatite in trace, amount. The
and sorting of feldspar from the pegmatites of rock is granular.
Sheble area yielded up to 5000 tons with grade
ranging form 35-55%. Samples taken from
Sheble pegmatite lenses showed the following
composition: SiO2 69.2-77.1%, Al2O3 13.4 –
18%, Na2O 1.08 -2.54% and K20 6.0 -11.62%.

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011


DEPOSIT BGS. 2007. Demand/Supply Survey of the Ethiopia
Industrial minerals sub-sector, Key worth, Notting-
At Kenticha, 540kms south of Addis Abeba in ham.

the southern Adola belt, pegmatite veins of

Hailemical Fentaw. Aug 1995. Kombelcha and Bom-
good quality with a resource of some buha deposits of Ethiopia.
500,000tons of pure feldspar (Tibebu M. and
Halemichael, F.and and Tibebu, M. March 1998.
H.Michael F., 2003) and an equal amount of
Comporison of Kombelcha and Bombuha Kaolin of
quartz/feldspar occur. Ethiopia.

Roger A. Kauffman and Dean Van Dyk. 1994. Feld-


Tibebu Mengistu and Hailemichael Fentaw. March

2003. Industrial Minerals and Rocks Resource Poten-
tial of Ethiopia.

Youli-Valentine Sabov, Said Mohammed, Tesfaye

Esuyawkal, Haileyesus Wale. 1983-1985. Bom-
bowoha Kaolin & Kenticha Feldspar-Quartz Deposits.
Sam M. Pickering, JR, and Haydn H..Murry.1994.
clays, Kaolin.

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

als locally or abroad giving marketing freedom;

About the Ministry of Mines
• Provides for exemptions from custom duties and
taxes on equipment, machinery, vehicles and spare
In compliance with the market oriented economic pol-
icy of Ethiopia, the parliament declared that it is the
continuing policy of the Federal Government in the • Gives securities of tenure;
national interest to foster and encourage private en- • Gives clear provisions on fiscal and other issues;
terprises in developing economically sound and stable • Considering taxation on repatriation of profits and
mineral mining. capitals, a licensee shall pay a 2-5% royalty on ad
Val Orem at production site, and a 35% income
Accordingly, the Federal Government’s Ministry of tax on taxable income. Taxable income is computed
Mines and Energy is responsible to administer and by subtracting from gross income for any account-
supervise all large scale mining operations including ing year all allowable revenue expenditure, a four
issuing prospecting, exploration and mining licenses years straight line depreciation, reinvestment de-
for foreign investors and to these in joint venture with duction and permitted loses; and
Ethiopians as per the reform issued in 1998 on the • The mining proclamation guarantees the opening
Mining proclamation following the realization of pre- and operation of a foreign currency account in
vious shortcomings of earlier laws and policies. banks in Ethiopia, retention of portion of foreign
currency earning and remittances of profits, divi-
The reform clearly stipulated the responsibility of Na- dends, principal and interest on a foreign loan etc.
tional Regional Governments to issue licenses and out of Ethiopia.
administer all small scale mining operations owned by
Ethiopians and collecting all fees in addition to issue Of course this fiscal package is still subject to frequent
prospecting and exploration licenses for national in- reviews for maintaining a balance between the objec-
vestors. tive of the government and investors as is evident by a
series of amendments of the 1993.
Mining Legislation
In June 1993 new Mining and Mining Income Tax INVESTMENT CLIMATE OF ETHIOPIA
Proclamations were issued having considered knowl-
edge-based experiences in some competitive countries The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has cre-
and given the following provisions; ated a conducive investment environment to ensure
and promote private investment to play a leading role
• Invite private investment in all kinds of mineral
in the development of the national economy.
• Provides a prospecting license for one year; This favorable climate for foreign investment has
• Provides an exploration license for an initial period been created as consequence of the solid foundation of
of three years and renewed twice for one year political and economic reform, particularly the stably
each; secured macroeconomic reforms which are achieved
by carefully managed sequential reforms coupled with
• Provides a mining license for 20 years and renewed
faire fiscal and monetary policies. By the virtues of
for 10 years unlimitedly;
Ethiopia’s unique and untapped natural resources, its
• Guarantee the licensee’s right to sell all the miner-

Ceramic raw materials resource potential of Ethiopia November 2011

proximity to middle eastern and European markets, Kenticha Tantalum Mine which is already in the pipe-
its 60 million population, and huge labor force both line for privatization. This includes the reform of the
disciplined and easily trainable are some of the com- mining law which is taking place since 1993 and many
parative advantages worthy of consideration while changes that have happened to justify the sincerity of
investing in Ethiopia. This is further enhanced by spe- the government..
cific incentives and efficient administrative proce-
dures. Furthermore the commitment is much affirmed fol-
lowing the establishment of a fair and clear cut min-
Mineral Investment ing legislation giving investors assurances of the fruits
of their success. It constitutes a fair setup of efficient
Between 1974 and 1991 private investments were not and effective licensing and mineral right administra-
allowed in the mineral sector. The government was tion system, a fair set of environmental laws, rules to
fully responsible for the exploration and development monitor and mitigate and reclamation effects by min-
of the sector, before the advent of the new economic ing operation, fair laws to regulate the safety and
policy of Ethiopia. In compliance with the new market health of the work fore and securing of tenure. It also
economic policy of Ethiopia the parliament declares gives freedom to license holders with a number of in-
that it is continuing to update the policy of the Federal centives including low royalty, exemption from cus-
Government in the national interest to foster and en- tom duties and taxes on the equipment, machineries
courage private enterprises in developing economi- vehicles, and spare parts necessary for mineral opera-
cally sound and stable mineral mining. tions with a 10 years provision to allow investors to
carry forward losses.
For a successful implementation of the policy, a num-
ber of steps have been taken aiming to boost the confi-
dence of the private sector following the government’s
strong believe that rapid mineral development can Prepared by Wondafrash Mammo;
only be realized when the private sector is given full
right of operating managing and owning mineral en-  
terprises. This is the underlined reason for the gov- Editing & layout by Geremew Negassa;
ernment’s active response to the concern of the Inter-
national mining Companies. Accordingly it has re-
stricted its role to basic mineral resources exploration,
Geoscience Data Center,
regulation and promotion only;
Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE)
To avoid the fear of controlling a large tract of pro- P.O.Box 2302, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
spective land by state owned companies, and to avoid Tel: (251-1) 46 33 25
the fear of seeable high risk due to unexpected unfair
Fax: (251-1) 46 33 26, 71 20 33
competition with state owned enterprises.
In this connection a measure stick for such track re- E-mail:
cord of the government’s commitment is manifested
by the privatized Lege Dembi Gold Mine, the only one
government owned large scale gold mining, and the


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