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DOI: 10.1111/tog.

12197 2015;17:183–7
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Prevention of stillbirth
Gordon CS Smith MD, PhD, DSc, FRCOG, FMedSci*

Professor and Head of Department, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cambridge, Box 223, The Rosie Hospital, Robinson
Way, Cambridge CB2 2SW, UK
*Correspondence: Gordon Smith. Email:

Accepted on 30 March 2015

Key content Learning objectives

 Most of the variability in stillbirth risk is not due to maternal risk  To understand the relationship between maternal risk factors,
factors, therefore modifying maternal risk factors or screening obstetric complications and fetal size in relation to stillbirth risk.
women using maternal risk factors to assess risk has limited  To understand the approach to fetal assessment and elective
potential impact. delivery as methods to prevent stillbirth.
 The primary intervention that prevents stillbirth is delivery.
Ethical issues
 The overall risk of perinatal death is lowest at 39 weeks of
 Screening for stillbirth risk has the potential to do good by
gestation, and induction of labour at term does not increase a
preventing deaths. However, if programmes of screening and
woman’s risk of emergency caesarean section.
 The most promising approach to screening low risk women for
intervention are developed, many more women may be harmed
due to high false positive rates.
stillbirth risk may be to improve identification of small-for-
gestational-age infants; however, there is an absence of high Keywords: fetal growth restriction / prevention / risk factors /
quality evidence around the optimal approach for achieving screening / stillbirth
this goal. Linked resource This article has an infographic available
electronically at

Please cite this paper as: Smith GCS. Prevention of stillbirth. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2015;17:183–7.

Introduction death is known with complete certainty. In the remainder,

there is a full spectrum of possible causes, from highly probable
Stillbirth is the delivery of a baby showing no signs of life at or
causes with strong associations through to losses where no cause
beyond a given gestational age threshold, or threshold of
or risk factor can be identified. This spectrum is illustrated for
birthweight.1 The thresholds employed vary internationally but
stillbirths attributed to maternal disease in Figure 1. The
in the UK, stillbirth requires delivery at or after 24 weeks of
difficulty in distinguishing between causes and associations
gestation. Using this threshold, the absolute risk of stillbirth in
leads to problems in classification, which are manifested by the
the UK is approximately 1 in 200. About 99% of stillbirths in the
presence of more than 40 current classification systems.
world occur in low and middle income countries. Globally, the
Preventing stillbirth can be considered in terms of
most effective way to prevent stillbirth would be to implement
modifying risk factors, use of antenatal interventions,
the same universal provision of antenatal and intrapartum care
management of complications during pregnancy, and the
that is routinely available in high income countries. There are,
potential for population-based screening for stillbirth. This
obviously, multiple barriers to achieving this, and identifying the
review focuses on antepartum stillbirths in late pregnancy in
most cost-effective elements of care to prevent stillbirths in low
high income countries.
and middle income settings is an important focus in global
health. However, there is a failure to recognise preventing
Strategies for preventing stillbirth
stillbirth as important, for example stillbirths did not feature in
the Millennium Development Goals. Maternal risk factors
Stillbirth can be classified by the timing of fetal death in Multiple maternal risk factors have been identified that are
relation to the onset of labour. Antepartum stillbirth is where associated with the risk of stillbirth including nulliparity,
death occurred prior to the onset of labour, and intrapartum advanced maternal age, and obesity (Table 1). However, a
stillbirth is where death occurred during labour. In high income carefully conducted US case–control study, performed by
countries, less than 10% of stillbirths are intrapartum.1 the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
Stillbirths can also be classified due to the presumed cause. Health and Human Development, demonstrated that all
However, it is only in a minority of cases where the cause of maternal risk factors that could be assessed at the time of

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Prevention of stillbirth

Figure 1. Illustration of the spectrum of certainty regarding maternal disease as a “cause” of fetal death. For five of the events, the actual
mechanism resulting in death of the baby is unknown, although there are increasingly strongly associated predisposing factors. In case six, the
mechanism leading to disease is completely understood. ALT = alanine transaminase; GA = gestational age. Reproduced from Reddy et al., Obstet
Gynecol 2009;114:901–14, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health.

Table 1. Maternal characteristics associated with the risk of stillbirth Clearly, individual women should be encouraged to
from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and address risk factors associated with stillbirth, such as
Human Development case–control study. smoking and obesity. However, significant impacts on
Adjusted overall rates of stillbirth in the general population are
Characteristic odds ratio 95% CI unlikely to be achieved with programmes aimed solely at
modifying maternal risk factors.
Non-Hispanic black race/ethnicity 2.12 1.41–3.20 One recent observation of interest is the association
Previous stillbirth 5.91 3.18–11.00
between stillbirth and maternal sleep position. It has long
Nulliparity + previous losses at 3.13 2.06–4.75
<20 weeks been known that supine position results in compression of
Nulliparity, no previous losses 1.98 1.51–2.60 the maternal inferior vena cava, which leads to reduced
Diabetes mellitus 2.50 1.39–4.48 uterine blood flow and fetal hypoxia. Hence, in clinical
Maternal age 40 years or older 2.41 1.24–4.70
situations where a woman is in a supine position for more
Maternal AB blood type 1.96 1.16–3.30
History of drug addiction 2.08 1.12–3.88 than a few minutes, for example during a late pregnancy
Smoking 1.55 1.02–2.35 ultrasound, left lateral tilt is usually employed to prevent
Obesity/overweight 1.72 1.22–2.43 caval compression. A case–control study of stillbirth from
Not living with a partner 1.62 1.15–2.27
Multiple pregnancy 4.59 2.63–8.00
New Zealand demonstrated an association between non left-
sided sleep position and stillbirth risk.2 A case–control study
Data from the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network Writing is currently in progress in the UK (MiNESS study) and if the
Group, 2011.2 See publication for adjustment and referent
categories. The definition of stillbirth in this analysis uses the previous finding is confirmed, it is possible that women may
gestational age threshold of 20 weeks. be actively recommended to sleep on their left side, which
could be a future population-based approach to reducing the
number of stillbirths.
the first antenatal visit (including non-demographic
characteristics such as obstetric history, diabetes and
Antenatal interventions
multiple pregnancy) only accounted for 19% of the
The use of low dose aspirin in women deemed to be at high risk
variability in the risk of stillbirth at the population level.2
of pre-eclampsia has been shown to be associated with a
This key observation has two important implications:
modest reduction in the risk of stillbirth.3 The meta-analysis of
 there is limited scope for reducing the number of stillbirths randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of aspirin does show
by modifying maternal characteristics that the intervention is not significantly associated with
 screening women based on assessment of maternal risk complications.3 Hence, it is reasonable to consider use of
factors will only identify a minority of babies at aspirin in women deemed to be at high risk. Otherwise, there are
increased risk. no antenatal interventions that have been shown to be effective.

184 ª 2015 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


The 2014 Thrombophilia in Pregnancy Phophylaxis Study

(TIPPS), failed to show any benefit of low-molecular-weight
heparin on the risk of pregnancy loss or placental-related
complications among women with thrombophilia.4 This
result was in contrast to a meta-analysis of smaller trials
which demonstrated a protective effect of antithrombotic
therapy on the risk of perinatal death (60% reduction).5 The
TIPPS study also included a meta-analysis of trials of low-
molecular-weight heparin and concluded that the positive
results previously observed were driven by single centre
studies and were not observed in the multicentre studies.
There is therefore no strong basis for the use of low-
molecular-weight heparin as a means to prevent placental-
related complications such as stillbirth, although further
research is required to rule out smaller treatment effect sizes. Figure 2. The perinatal risk index associated with delivery at a given
week of gestational age at term. This is a calculation of the combined risk
Delivery of antepartum stillbirth, intrapartum stillbirth and neonatal death
associated with a given week of delivery at term. This is calculated using
In many cases of stillbirth, death of the baby would be a conditional probability tree. The perinatal mortality rate cannot be
prevented by delivery, although this would obviously not be used to summarise the risk, as the three different types of event have
the case for lethal anomalies associated with stillbirth, such as different denominators – see Smith 200523 for review.
Edwards syndrome. It is also obvious that the reduced risk of Figure reproduced from Smith6 ©2001, with permission from Elsevier.
stillbirth would have to be balanced with the risks of neonatal
and infant mortality (and severe morbidity) associated with focused on how to target this intervention in a way that
early delivery, that is all stillbirths could be prevented by prevents the maximum number of stillbirths and causes the
delivering all babies at 24 weeks +0 days of gestation but the least harm. The issues can be illustrated with the ultrasonic
harm would outweigh the benefit. Clearly the balance tends assessment of high risk pregnancies. A Cochrane review9
towards favouring delivery as gestational age progresses and indicated that the use of umbilical artery Doppler is
modelling studies indicate that the overall risk of perinatal associated with a reduced risk of perinatal death in high
death may be lowest with delivery at 39 weeks of gestation.6 risk women. As an ultrasound scan is, self-evidently, not a
The model reflects common sense: the risk of neonatal death therapeutic intervention, this observation indicates that
does not fall further beyond 39 weeks of gestation, but knowledge of the umbilical artery Doppler reduces the risk
ongoing pregnancy beyond this point exposes the baby to the of death by some combination of encouraging delivery of a
risk of stillbirth at or after 40 weeks of gestation (Figure 2). compromised fetus that would otherwise have been managed
Consistent with the modelling, meta-analyses of RCTs conservatively, or encouraging expectant management of a
demonstrate that routine induction of labour at term healthy fetus where delivery would have exposed the baby to
reduces the risk of perinatal death by 50%.7 These a greater risk of death through prematurity. Multiple other
observations make a case for offering induction of labour methods of fetal assessment have been described, including
to all women. Any benefits arising from this would have to be other Doppler measurements (middle cerebral artery, ductus
balanced against the increased demands on maternity venosus, umbilical vein), ratios of Doppler indices (e.g.
systems. However, the observations do suggest that a more middle cerebral artery to umbilical artery Doppler), other
liberal approach to induction of labour at term may be one ultrasound measurements (biophysical profile, placental
approach to reduce stillbirths. Moreover, studies of screening assessment), and cardiotocography (CTG), which can be
and intervention should focus on predicting risk of stillbirth interpreted either visually or using a computerised analysis.
at term because there is a safe and effective intervention to There is less trial evidence regarding many of the above but
mitigate the risk in women who screen positive. the multicentre Trial of Umbilical and Foetal Flow in Europe
(TRUFFLE), which compared ductus venosus Doppler and
Managing complications of pregnancy computerised assessment of the CTG found no difference in
Stillbirth is associated with many common complications of the primary outcome between the two methods of
pregnancy, including fetal growth restriction, pre-eclampsia, assessment.8 However, this study focused on preventing
antepartum haemorrhage, and reduced fetal movements. As adverse outcomes in the context of severe, early onset growth
discussed above, the primary intervention to prevent restriction, rather than late pregnancy stillbirths. The current
stillbirth is delivery of the baby. Hence, management of state of evidence regarding the management of small-for-
these and other complications of stillbirth is primarily gestational-age (SGA) fetuses, including those with suspected

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Prevention of stillbirth

fetal growth restriction, is presented in the Royal College of babies correctly. Assuming that 50% of stillbirths are SGA,
Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Green-top Guideline, The taking the 1 in 4 figure at face value, and assuming that
investigation and management of the small-for-gestational- prenatal identification of SGA reduces the risk of stillbirth
age fetus.9 by 50%, the predicted proportion of stillbirths prevented is
Existing trial evidence suggests that use of non-computerised 0.5 x 0.25 x 0.5 = 6%. However, this figure also assumes that
CTG in antenatal assessment of the fetus shows a strong trend no units are using this method of screening at present, which is
towards increasing the risk of perinatal death (relative risk not the case. Just over half of UK units are already using
for potentially preventable death associated with use of customised assessment of symphyseal fundal height. Hence,
CTG = 2.46, 95% CI 0.96–6.30).10 This is presumably by implementation of this across the UK would be expected to
false reassurance. For example, a woman presents with reduced prevent less than 5% of the roughly 4000 stillbirths occurring
fetal movements, the CTG is normal and she is reassured, sent in the UK each year. Reducing the numbers of stillbirths due
home and the baby subsequently dies in utero. In this case, the to SGA will require better methods of population-based
clinical presentation gave more information about the true risk screening for true fetal growth restriction, and better
status of the fetus than the CTG. Trials comparing management of cases of SGA that are identified.
computerised with conventional antenatal CTG show a Uterine artery Doppler flow velocimetry in midgestation is
strong trend towards better outcomes with the computerised associated with stillbirth due to fetal growth restriction;
assessment (relative risk for any perinatal death = 0.2, 95% CI however, this test tends to be associated with stillbirths
0.04–0.88 and relative risk for potentially preventable death = occurring at extreme preterm gestational ages, and is only
0.23, 95% CI 0.04–1.29). Given the trial evidence, it is difficult weakly associated with the risk of stillbirth near term.17
to understand why many units still use non-computerised Another approach to screening for SGA infants is universal
antenatal CTG when making these decisions. ultrasound in the third trimester. This is not currently
recommended as meta-analyses of RCTs have failed to
Screening pregnant women for stillbirth risk demonstrate any beneficial effect on pregnancy outcome.18
For the reasons outlined above, programmes that aim to The trials of universal ultrasound in late pregnancy have a
reduce the population burden of stillbirth substantially will number of methodological issues, in particular that they
need to be able to prevent losses among women who lack were designed in the absence of high quality information on
obvious risk factors. One approach to this is to identify SGA the diagnostic effectiveness of ultrasound as a screening test
fetuses because they appear to account for approximately half in low risk women, and none of the trials of screened
of all stillbirths.11 Audits of perinatal deaths have indicated coupled ultrasound with a clearly effective package of
that undiagnosed SGA is a common association with intervention. These issues have been reviewed in detail
stillbirth.12,13 If the fetus is known to be SGA, the risk of elsewhere.19 A prospective cohort study of approximately
stillbirth is reduced by 50% compared with cases where the 4500 unselected nulliparous women with singleton
SGA is not recognised.11 These characteristics are the basis for pregnancies has been completed,20 and this study will
considering improved screening for SGA fetuses as one of the report high quality data on the diagnostic effectiveness of
most promising approaches. An RCT has demonstrated that universal ultrasound to screen for both SGA and neonatal
routine planned delivery of SGA infants at approximately morbidity in 2015.
37 weeks of gestation was not associated with an increased risk While there are clearly problems in preventing stillbirths
of adverse maternal or fetal outcome,14 and therefore a safe which are SGA, there is at least the potential for antenatal
intervention is available to prevent stillbirths at term. screening. However, preventing stillbirth of fetuses showing
It is possible, however, to exaggerate the potential effect of normal growth is a greater problem. One approach may be to
improved screening for SGA on population rates of stillbirth. develop better blood tests (biomarkers) for placental
Currently, routine care identifies about 1 in 4 small babies. function. Even apparently normally grown stillbirths exhibit
Any new method of screening will reduce stillbirth rates by histopathological abnormalities in the placenta.1
detecting the other 75% of SGA babies that are not currently Development of tests to identify underlying placental
being identified. Taking the example of customised assessment dysfunctions which are associated with stillbirth in the
of symphyseal fundal height, one trial and one observational absence of SGA/fetal growth restriction may be one approach
study demonstrated that using this approach identifies about 1 to preventing these losses.
in 4 of the cases of SGA that are currently missed.15,16 This
figure is slightly exaggerated as both studies appeared to define
How do we know what works, and what
being small according to symphyseal fundal height
does not?
measurement as prenatal diagnosis of SGA when, in reality,
prenatal diagnosis would only be regarded as true if confirmed Clinical guidelines generally change when there is strong
by ultrasound. However, ultrasound will not identify all small evidence to support change. Although stillbirth is one of the

186 ª 2015 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


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GS receives/has received research support from GE (supply of for gestational age fetuses in nulliparous women. Aust N Z J Obstet
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paid to attend advisory boards by GSK and Roche. GS has Gynecol 2007;109:144–51.
acted as a paid consultant to GSK. GS has received support to 18 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Antenatal care. NICE
attend a scientific meeting from Chiesi. GS is named inventor clinical guideline 62. London: NICE 2008.
19 Smith GC. Researching new methods of screening for adverse pregnancy
in a patent submitted by GSK (UK), for novel application of outcome: lessons from pre-eclampsia. PLoS Med 2012;9:e1001274.
an existing GSK compound for the prevention of preterm 20 Pasupathy D, Dacey A, Cook E, Charnock-Jones DS, White IR, Smith GC.
birth (PCT/EP2014/062602). Study protocol. A prospective cohort study of unselected primiparous
women: the pregnancy outcome prediction study. BMC Pregnancy
Childbirth 2008;8:51.
Contribution of authorship 21 Bricker L, Neilson JP, Dowswell T. Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after
This paper was the sole work of Professor Smith. 24 weeks’ gestation). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008;(4):CD001451.
22 Hussey MA, Hughes JP. Design and analysis of stepped wedge cluster
randomized trials. Contemp Clin Trials 2007;28:182–191.
Acknowledgements 23 Smith GC. Estimating risks of perinatal death. Am J Obstet Gynecol
Professor Smith is funded by the NIHR, the MRC, Sands (the 2005;192:17–22.
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society), and Action
Medical Research.

ª 2015 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 187

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